Nova Ves 18 | 10000 Zagreb, hr
[email protected] [email protected] | meet & greet tags & notes What’s Cooking at Clermont-Ferrand? Debut Film Croatian Audiovisual Centre at Marché du film court Stand number: 24 Film focused on women or directed by a woman Croatian Audiovisual Centre Department of Promotion
[email protected] Film with lgbtiq characters or motifs — International Competition 2 Film suitable for children up to 12 years old Nighthawk | Noćna ptica Directed by Špela Čadež Films dealing with social issues si, hr | animated short sat 4 February | 16:00 | Cocteau sun 5 February | 22:15 | Petit Vélo Film produced within a film school or a film academy mon 6 February | 10:00 | Genova tue 7 February | 21:00 | Agnès Varda wed 8 February | 10:00 | Agnès Varda One of the co-producers is a Croatian company thu 9 February | 13:00 | Capitole 1 fri 10 February | 12:00 | Cocteau sat 11 February | 11:00 | Capitole 2 Film funded by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre through its public calls, — film incentives programme (cash rebate) or matching funds Take a look at the Croatian Shorts at the Video Library croatian shorts — happy hour mon 6 February at 17:30h What’s Cooking at Berlinale? editors' notes Croatian Audiovisual Centre at European Film Market Martin-Gropius-Bau 1st floor, stand number: 119 The films in this catalogue are mostly the editors´ choice. Department of Promotion We tried to include all professional productions with a
[email protected] release date in 2017 and some films released in the last half of 2016.