An Introduction
Index G(n; m) model, 107 behavior analysis methodology, G(n; p) model, 106 320 k-clan, 183 betweenness centrality, 78 k-clique, 182 BFS, see breadth-first search k-club, 183 big data, 13 k-means, 156 big data paradox, 13 k-plex, 180 bipartite graph, 44 botnet, 171 actor, see node breadth-first search, 47 bridge, 45 Adamic and Adar measure, 324 bridge detection, 60 adjacency list, 32 adjacency matrix, 31 cascade maximization, 225 adopter types, 229 causality testing, 321 adoption of hybrid seed corn, 229 centrality, 70 affiliation network, 44 betweenness centrality, 78 Anderson, Lisa R., 218 computing, 78 Asch conformity experiment, 216 closeness centrality, 80 Asch, Solomon, 216 degree centrality, 70 assortativity, 255 gregariousness, 70 measuring, 257 normalized, 71 nominal attributes, 258 prestige, 70 ordinal attributes, 261 eigenvector centrality, 71 significance, 258 group centrality, 81 attribute, see feature betweenness, 82 average path length, 102, 105 closeness, 82 373 degree, 81 evolution, 193 Katz centrality, 74 explicit, 173 divergence in computation, implicit, 174 75 community detection, 175 PageRank, 76 group-based, 175, 184 Christakis, Nicholas A., 245 member-based, 175, 177 citizen journalist, 11 node degree, 178 class, see class attribute node reachability, 181 class attribute, 133 node similarity, 183 clique identification, 178 community evaluation, 200 clique percolation method, 180 community membership behav- closeness centrality, 80 ior, 317 cluster centroid, 156 commute time, 327 clustering, 155, 156 confounding, 255 k-means,
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