Proposed Works at Colwick Vale Sewage Pumping Station, off Vale Road,

Ecological Walk-over Survey

A report to:

Severn Trent Water


EMEC Ecology The Old Ragged School Brook Street NG1 1EA

Tel: 0115 964 4828 Fax: 0115 964 4829 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

September 2012 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


Chapter Page No.

Executive Summary 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Site Description 4

3. Methodology 5 3.1 Desk Study 5 3.2 Ecological Survey 5 3.3 Ecological Evaluation Criteria 6 3.4 Mitigation Measures 7

4. Results 8 4.1 Desk Study 8 4.2 Ecological Walk-over Survey 11

5. Evaluation 15 5.1 Designated Nature Conservation Sites 15 5.2 Habitats 15 5.3 Protected/notable Species 15 5.4 Summary of Main Potential Ecological Issues 17

6. Mitigation & Further Survey Recommendations 18 6.1 Mitigation Recommendations 18 6.2 Further Survey Recommendations 18

References 19

Appendix 1: Figures 20 Figure 1: Site Location Plan 20 Figure 2: Survey Area and Survey Features 21

Appendix 2: Protected Species Legislation 22 Appendix 3: Botanical Species List 24 Appendix 4: Desk Study Data 25

2 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


Proposed Works The proposed works involve the demoliton of the Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) building replacement of the pumps at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road in Colwick on the outskirts of Nottingham (centred on grid reference SK 612 405).

Method of Study EMEC Ecology’s brief was to identify potential ecological issues associated with the proposed work and make recommendations for general mitigation, compensation and further surveys, as appropriate. To meet the requirements of the brief, a desk study and an ecological walk-over survey of the site were carried out. The desk study involved consulting various organisations to provide previous species records and information on designated sites of nature conservation importance from the site and vicinity.

Results No statutory designated nature conservation sites (i.e. SSSI) or non-statutory designated nature conservation sites (i.e. LWS) occur within the survey area and the closest site (namely Colwick Wood LWS) occurs approximately 350m away. The only noteworthy habitat recorded on the site was potentially the building (for roosting bats), although the surrounding scrub and trees, as well as the building, did provide potential for nesting bird. No protected or notable species were recorded on the site; although the site does provide potential habitat for bats and nesting birds.

Conclusions The main potential impacts of the proposed works are considered to be potential disturbance to bats and nesting birds.

Mitigation Recommendations  Please refer to Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the report for more detailed recommendations.  The hedgerow (along the access road), mature scrub and trees should remain unaffected by the proposed works, as is planned. If for any reason the mature scrub, hedgerow or trees have to be removed, appropriate compensation will be required. The low growing scrub on the banks leading down to the SPS building can be removed if required.  Although considered unlikely, if any common amphibian species are encountered during the course of the works, they should be moved to an area of suitable habitat at a safe distance from the works.  Hedgerow, scrub and/or tree removal (although not recommended) and any works to the building should be timed to avoid the bird breeding season, which runs from March to September (inclusive). Works to these habitats during the breeding season should be undertaken following a nesting bird survey.

Further Survey Recommendations  Prior to works to the building, bat activity surveys would be required.

3 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


1.1 This report has been prepared by EMEC Ecology for Severn Trent Water. It provides the details of a desk study and an ecological walk-over survey of Colwick Vale Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) off Vale Road in Colwick, where the existing building is proposed to be demolished and the pumps replaced. The works are proposed for August 2013.

1.2 The area of land where the works are proposed is centered on grid reference SK 612 405 in Colwick on the edge of Nottingham. The location of the site is shown on Figure 1 in Appendix 1.

1.3 EMEC Ecology’s brief was to identify potential ecological issues associated with the works and make recommendations for general mitigation, compensation and further surveys, as appropriate.

1.4 To meet the requirements of the brief, a desk study and an ecological walk-over survey of the site was carried out by a suitably qualified ecologist.


2.1 The SPS compound occupies an area approximately 25m by 25m, and comprises areas of hardstanding and gravel with the SPS building at the centre. Shrubs and trees occur along the sides of the compound (within the compound boundary). The site is fenced along the north west and north east sides, with walls occurring along the south east and south west sides. The SPS is located at the end of a 90m access road which runs past a primary school.

2.2 The site is situated in the suburb of Colwick on the outskirts of Nottingham. A railway occurs to the north with residential areas beyond. Further residential areas occur to the east, south and west.

4 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


3.1 Desk Study

This involved consultation to obtain any existing records of protected and/or notable species and designated nature conservation sites e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) from the site to a distance of approximately 2km (this will be referred to as the ‘study area’). The following organisations were contacted:

 Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre.  Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (County Mammal Recorder).  Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (Magic web site for statutory nature conservation sites).  National Biodiversity Network (nbn web site for protected species distribution).

3.2 Ecological Survey

3.2.1 Survey Area The survey area is shown on Figure 2 in Appendix 1 and comprised the compound and the access road leading to the site.

3.2.2 Ecological Walk-over Survey Methodology An ecological walk-over survey of the site was conducted and notes were made on the Phase-1 habitat types present (JNCC 2010) and their suitability for protected species. Target notes were used to record any habitats or features of particular interest and any sightings, signs or evidence of protected or notable faunal species or any potential habitat for such species, as detailed below:

For Data Protection

 Trees with features suitable for roosting bats were noted, such as hollows, cracks and cavities within trunks and branches (e.g. old woodpecker holes), crevices behind loose bark and ivy growth.

 The suitability of habitats was assessed for amphibians (including great crested newt Triturus cristatus) and reptiles.

 The suitability of habitats was assessed for nesting birds.

Surveying in August is suitable as it is during the plant growing season (i.e. April to September) when many plant species are flowering and are easily identifiable. Also, faunal species are active at this time of year.

3.2.3 Survey Details EMEC Ecology carried out the above surveys on the 13th August 2012.

5 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

3.2.4 Survey Limitations Only a brief assessment of the site was made and no systematic surveys to establish the presence/absence of protected species were undertaken. As such, a lack of evidence of a protected species does not necessarily indicate an absence of the species. It should be noted that a single visit to a site at any time of year is likely to miss a proportion of the plant species present.

3.3 Ecological Evaluation Criteria

Ecological evaluation was undertaken using a combination of evaluation criteria for both habitats and species although the general framework follows that provided by the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM 2006). Key categories are as follows:

 International value (internationally designated sites or sites supporting populations of internationally important species);

 National value (nationally designated sites (e.g. SSSI) or sites supporting viable populations of nationally important species);

 Regional value (sites exceeding county-level designations but not meeting SSSI criteria or supporting viable populations of species on the regional Biodiversity Action Plan, BAP);

 County value (county sites (e.g. Local Wildlife Site) and other sites which meet the published ecological selection criteria for county designation, a viable area of habitat identified on the county BAP);

 District value (sites/features that are scarce within the District and appreciably enrich the District’s habitat resource);

 Parish value (areas of habitat considered to appreciably enrich the habitat resource within the context of a parish or neighbourhood);

 Sub-parish value (common, low grade habitats).

Additional criteria employed were from the following:

 Schedules and Annexes of UK and European wildlife legislation (e.g. Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended) and The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2010 (as amended);

 International conventions on wildlife (e.g. Bern Convention, Bonn convention);

 Habitats and Species of Principal Biological Importance listed on Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006);

 UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP 2007);

 County Biodiversity Action Plan (Nottinghamshire BAG 1998);

 Taxa-specific conservation lists (e.g. RSPB Lists of species of conservation concern, RSPB 2009).

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3.4 Mitigation Measures

Wherever possible, mitigation measures have been proposed for adverse ecological effects.

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4.1 Desk Study1

4.1.1 Designated Nature Conservation Sites a) Statutory Sites There is one statutory nature conservation sites (i.e. SSSI) within the study area; Colwick Cutting, which lies 1km to the south west. Further details are provided in Table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1: Summary of Closest Statutory Nature Conservation Site to the Survey Area

Site Location and Approx. Distance Reason for Selection from Survey Area Colwick SK 602 397 A small area (2.3ha) of the Triassic Colwick Cutting SSSI 1km to the south west. Formation, a major rock unit consisting of mudstones, siltstones and thin sandstones. b) Non-statutory Sites Three non-statutory nature conservation sites, e.g. Local Wildlife Sites (i.e. LWS) occur within 1km of the survey area, the closest of which is Colwick Wood Ex (reference no. 2/963). Further details are provided in Table 4.2 below.

Table 4.2: Summary of Non-statutory Nature Conservation Sites within 1km of the Survey Area

Site Location and Approx. Reason for Selection Distance from Survey Area Colwick Wood SK 599 399 A large area (41ha) of green space within the Ex (2/963) 350m to the south west. City boundary, dominated by mixed deciduous woodland of botanical interest. Colwick Country SK 610 395 87 ha of good mixed habitat valued for its Park (2/901) 500m to the south west. invertebrate and plant communities. Holme SK 620 394 A large (120ha) valuable mosaic of botanical Pierrepont 950m to the south east. interest consisting of carr, scrub, marginal (1/53) and open-water habitats around a series of old gravel workings.

4.1.2 Protected/notable Floral Species There are no previous records of protected or notable floral species for the survey area; however, there are several records of Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) from within the study area, the closest of which is 250m to the south west.

4.1.3 Protected/notable Faunal Species There are no previous records of protected or notable species for the survey area; however, there are records of reptiles, mammals (including badger, bat and otter), great crested newt and common amphibian species from within the study area. Those records

1 A copy of the full desk study data is provided in Appendix 4.

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closest to the survey area are detailed in Table 4.3 below. Protected species legislation details are provided in Appendix 3.

Table 4.3: Protected / Notable Faunal Species within the Study Area

Species Record and Location and Approximate Legislation / Year Distance from Survey Area Conservation Status Great Crested Newt Great crested newt Two records SK 623 419 at 93 Burton Road in Fully protected (Triturus cristatus) from 1993 Carlton, 1.4km to the north east under UK and and 2009. (2009). European legislation. SK 59 38 in Pinder’s Pond, Simpkins UK and County BAP Farm in Adbolton (), Priority Species. 1.9km to the south west (1993). Common Amphibians Common frog Several Closest record from SK 61 40 on Partially protected (Rana temporaria) records from Douglas Crescent, Carlton, 150m to under UK legislation. 1988 to the north west (1996). 2012. Common toad (Bufo Several Closest record from SK 610 405, Partially protected bufo) records from Greenwood Crescent, 200m to the under UK legislation. 1992 to north west (1994). UK BAP Priority 2010. Species. Smooth newt Several Closest record from SK 610 404, Partially protected (Lissotriton vulgaris) records from Greenwood Road, 130m to the north under UK legislation. 1987 to west (1995). 2010. Reptiles Grass snake (Natrix Record SK 616 385, Holme Pierrepont, 1.8km Partially protected natrix) from 2009. to the south. under UK legislation. UK and County BAP Priority Species. Mammals Badger (Meles meles)For Data Protection Protection of Badgers Act 1992.


Harvest Mouse Record from SK 623 388, field at Holme Pierrepont UK and County BAP (Micromys minutus) 1987. (“breeding site known”), 1.8km to the Priority Species. south east. Otter (Lutra lutra) Two records SK 611 391, Holme Pierrepont River Fully protected from 2001 Trent, 1.25km to the south (2001). under European and and 1998. SK 627 399, Holme Pierrepont finger UK legislation. UK pits, 1.5km to the south east (1998). and County BAP Priority Species. Brown hare Record of an SK 61 39, Skylarks Nature Reserve, UK and County BAP (Lepus europaeus) adult from 1.49km to the south east. species. 2004. Bats Unidentified bat Several The closest record is of a roost in Fully protected casual and Colwick, 550m to the south west from under UK and

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Species Record and Location and Approximate Legislation / Year Distance from Survey Area Conservation Status roost records 1991 (SK 609 400). European legislation. between 1989 and 2000. Pipistrelle bat Several The closest record is of a roost in Fully protected (Pipistrellus casual and Colwick, 300m to the south east from under UK and pipistrellus) roost records 2004 (SK 612 402). European legislation. between 1985 and 2000. Noctule bat Three casual SK 611 399, Colwick Park, 440m to Fully protected (Nyctalus noctula) records from the south east (2000). under UK and 2000 to SK 601 389, Colwick Country Park, European legislation. 2007. 1.8km to the south west (2001). UK BAP Priority SK 60 40, Colwick Woods, 1.2km to Species. the south west (2009). Brown Long-eared Record of a SK 609 392, Colwick Park, 1.2km to Fully protected Bat (Plecotus auritus) casual the south west. under UK and sighting from European legislation. 1998. UK BAP Priority Species. Whiskered Bat Record of a SK 628 392, Holme Lane at Holme Fully protected (Myotis mystacinus) bat found in Pierrepont, 1.9km to the southeast. under UK and house European legislation. (casual) from 1995. Whiskered/Brandt’s Casual SK 620 392, Home Lane at Holme Fully protected Bat record from Pierrepont, 1.3km to the southeast. under UK and 2000. European legislation.

10 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

4.2 Ecological Walk-over Survey

4.2.1 Habitat Types The following Phase-1 habitat types were recorded within the survey area:

 Building  Fence  Hardstanding  Scattered broad-leaved trees  Scattered scrub  Species-poor intact hedgerow  Species-poor semi-improved grassland  Tall ruderal

Habitat descriptions and photographs are provided below. Nomenclature follows that of Stace (1997). In the text species are referred to using their English names, Appendix 3 provides a list of species including their scientific names.

4.2.2 Habitat Descriptions a) Building The pumping station building was a small single-storey brick-built structure, measuring approximately 4m by 3m. There was pitched tiled roof which was in good condition. The brickwork was generally in a good condition, although gaps were present in places. Arched windows appeared to have been ‘bricked-up’, and a steel door occurred on the south east side.

b) SPS Compound This building was located at the base of a depression with sloped banks. At the top of the bank occurred a gravel path which led from the SPS compound entrance, along to brick steps in the southern corner, which led to the building. The base of the depression was of gravel (over old tarmac), which surrounded the building on all sides.

The majority of the banks supported low growing scrub, predominately Chinese bramble with occasional cotoneaster and buddleia. A silver birch sapling and goat willow shrub were present next to the steps. Common ivy and field horsetail were also present on some parts of the banks. Common ivy covered the ground in the northern corner of the SPS compound.

11 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

A lime tree and a holly tree were present on the south western side of the compound, with bare ground and common ivy present below. The south eastern side of the compound comprised of holly, ash, laurel, Japanese rose and non-native thorn scrub growing up the bank.

A 2m high brick wall occurred along the south east and south west SPS boundaries. A wire fence occurred to the north east of the SPS compound, beyond which occurred an area of woodland. To the north west ran a wire fence with semi-mature sycamore and ash trees and scrub behind. In places the trees overhung the SPS site. c) Access Road The tarmac access road to the SPS led off Vale Road. The access road ran alongside a primary school, with the playing field located to the north east beyond a pavement and wire fence. To the south west occurred residential properties and gardens. Fences and a section of hawthorn hedgerow formed the boundary between the residential properties and the access road. Scattered trees and scrub occurred along the fences in places.

Trees present were immature to semi-mature and included sycamore, ash, horse chestnut, lime and cherry. The scrub comprised of elder, saplings of Norway maple and bramble. The flora below the tress and scrub included common ivy, cleavers, wood avens and common nettle.

At the far end of the access road (close to the SPS) occurred a turning / parking area. This was comprised of tarmac and gravel and was bordered by unmanaged grassland, tall ruderal and scrub to the south west, with the residential properties beyond a fence. The area included cock’s foot and false oat-grass, with broadleaved dock, creeping thistle, hedge woundwort, common nettle, hedge bindweed and occasional bramble scrub.

12 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

To the north west of the turning area occurred a fence with occasional scattered sycamore trees and elder scrub growing alongside. Beyond the fence was an area of amenity grassland and a tarmac path. The railway line occurred beyond this area.

To the north east of turning area (with the SPS compound beyond) was an area of dense scrub back by the SPS boundary wall. The scrub included bramble and elder with common nettle, mugwort and hoary willowherb growing in amongst. d) Adjacent Habitats Residential properties and gardens occurred to the south west, an strip of amenity grassland and occasional trees was present to the north west, woodland occurred to the north east and the primary school occurred to the south east of the SPS compound.

4.2.3 Faunal Species a) Amphibians There was no potential breeding habitat (i.e. standing open water) within the survey area. The scrub within the SPS compound provided potential foraging, shelter and hibernation habitat, as did the habitats along the southern side of the access road. The adjacent woodland provided potential habitat for foraging and shelter. b) Badger For Data Protection

c) Bats The pumping building provides opportunities for crevice-dwelling bats such as pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus spp.). Features potentially suitable for such bats include holes in the brickwork. Examples are indicated by arrows on the photographs overleaf. No evidence of bats was identified on the exterior of the building, although it should be noted that a complete inspection for bats has not been undertaken by a licensed bat-worker and the interior of the building was not included within the survey.

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The trees within and adjacent to the survey area were immature ot semi-mature and did not present opportunities (e.g. flaking bark, rot holes, woodpecker holes etc.) for roosting bats; however the hedgerow, scrub and trees provided foraging opportunities for bats. d) Nesting Birds The hedgerow, scattered trees, scrub and building (i.e. gaps in brickwork) provided potential habitat for nesting birds. e) Reptiles The site generally provided limited potential for reptiles, although the dense scrub areas would provide some potential for shelter. f) Other Species No other species were recorded during the walk-over survey.

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5.1 Designated Nature Conservation Sites

There are no statutory designated nature conservation sites (i.e. SSSI) or non-statutory designated nature conservation sites (i.e. LWS) within the survey area. The closest designated site is approximately 350m away from the survey area (i.e. Colwoick Wood LWS) and will not be affected by the proposed works. Therefore, no mitigation or further survey work is required.

5.2 Habitats

The evaluation of the habitats within the survey area are based on the guidelines from IEEM (IEEM 2006). The site comprises of low (‘Sub-parish’) value (IEEM 2006). No rare or notable habitats are present on the SPS site and no habitats are considered to be Habitats of Principal Biological Importance on Section 41 of the NERC Act 2006 or Priority Habitats on the national BAP (UK BAP 2007) or local BAP (Nottinghamshire BAG 1998).

The hedgerow alongside the access road is considered to offer low ecological value since it contains only hawthorn, is very short in length and lacks ground flora indicative of long-established hedgerows. It would not qualify as ‘important’ (using ecological criteria) under the Hedgerow Regulations (1997). However, all hedgerows are of ecological value and provide ‘ecological corridors’ along which plants and animals can disperse. It provides potential bird nesting habitat, bat foraging and commuting routes and amphibian and reptile cover and sheltering opportunities.

The rest of the habitats within the survey area are considered to be of low ecological value. Although the scattered trees and scrub provide good potential bird nesting habitat, they are comprised of common and non-native species and other similar habitats are present in the vicinity. The man-made hardstanding within the survey area is unlikely to provide opportunities for protected/notable faunal species.

The building is a man-made structure that is common within the surroundings. However, it is possible that the building supports roosting bats, although a detailed examination of the building has not been undertaken to date. The presence of roosting bats would raise the ecological value of the building from its current value.

5.3 Protected/notable Species2

5.3.1 Floral Species None of the species recorded during the survey are specifically protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) 1981 (as amended) or considered rare nationally or locally (e.g. Preston et al. 2002). Also, none are listed as Priority Species on the national BAP (UK BAP 2007).

2 Protected species legislation is provided in Appendix 3.

15 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

5.3.2 Faunal Species a) Amphibians The habitats present within the survey area and in the vicinity suggest that the area of works is unlikely to be of local importance for amphibians. There was only limited habitat available for sheltering (i.e. the hedgerow and scrub) and this habitat was limited in extent and not connected to a source habitat (such as a pond or ditch). No ponds occur in the close vicinity (based on aerial photographs and OS maps). In addition, due to the lack of previous records and suitable breeding habitat for great crested newts (a specially protected amphibian), the presence of this species on the site is considered extremely unlikely. Therefore, no further survey work or mitigation is considered necessary.

Although it is considered that the movement of common amphibians into the site is also unlikely, as there are records of common frog, common toad and smooth newts all within 200m away from the site, if any such species are encountered during the works, they should be moved to an area of suitable habitat away from the works (see Section 6.1.2). b) Badger For Data Protection

c) Bats Opportunities for crevice-dwelling bats were identified on the exterior of the SPS building, including holes and gaps in the brickwork. As the proposed works are to involve the demolition of the building, activity surveys (either dawn swarming or evening emergence surveys) using electronic bat detectors will be required during the bat active season (May to September inclusive) to confirm the presence/absence of bats from the building. Based on this further survey work, mitigation measures may be required (see Section 6.2.1).

The trees within and adjacent to the SPS compound were semi-mature to immature and did not present opportunities (e.g. flaking bark, rot holes, woodpecker holes etc.) for roosting bats. As such, no further survey work or mitigation for these trees is considered necessary.

The trees, scrub and habitats with the SPS compound and along the southern side of the access road will provide potential foraging areas and flightlines. Due to the nature of the proposed works, it is considered unlikely that the proposed works would have adverse effects on bat foraging. Therefore, no further survey work or mitigation is considered necessary. d) Nesting Birds Potential bird nesting habitat includes the hedgerow, scattered trees, scrub and building (i.e. in the holes in the brickwork), although it is unlikely that any nesting bird species are specially protected. However, as the site provides suitable habitat, any disturbance to

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these habitats would be constrained by the bird breeding season, which runs from March to September inclusive (see Section 6.1.2). e) Reptiles Although the scrub provided some limited potential for sheltering reptiles, there was no other suitable habitat within the survey area. Due to the nature and extent of the works, and as there are no previous records for reptile species within the close vicinity, their presence on site is considered unlikely. As such, no further survey work or mitigation is recommended.

5.4 Summary of Main Potential Ecological Issues

The main potential impacts of the proposed works are considered to be potential disturbance to bats and nesting birds.

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6.1 Mitigation Recommendations

6.1.1 Habitats The hedgerow (along the access road), surrounding scrub and trees should remain unaffected by the proposed works, as is planned. The low growing scrub on the banks leading down to the SPS building is of low ecological value (and of very limited potential for nesting birds) and can be removed if required. If for any reason the hedgerow, surrounding scrub (not the aforementioned low growing scrub n the banks) or trees have to be removed, compensation will be required.

6.1.2 Faunal Species a) Common Amphibians If any common amphibian species such as common toad, common frog or smooth newt are encountered during the course of the works, they should be moved to an area of suitable habitat at a safe distance from the works. In this instance, they could be placed in vegetation adjacent to the railway line to the north. Gloves should be worn when handling amphibians and movement of amphibians should be undertaken as swiftly as possible so as to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the animal(s). b) Nesting Birds Any vegetation clearance (scrub or trees) and the demolition of the building should be timed to avoid the bird breeding season, which runs from March to September (inclusive). This is to avoid adverse impacts to any nests present. If it is necessary to carry out the work during the breeding season, then a survey must be carried out by a qualified ecologist prior to works going ahead to ensure that no active nests will be affected. If active nests were found then work would have to be delayed until all chicks had fledged.

6.2 Further Survey Recommendations

6.2.1 Bats Prior to demolition works to the building, activity surveys (either dawn swarming and /or evening emergence surveys) using electronic bat detectors would be required to confirm the presence/absence of bats from the building. Based on this further survey work, mitigation measures may be required.

To meet current industry guidelines and planning requirements a minimum of two activity surveys may be necessary. These surveys can usually only be carried out during the bat activity season (May to September inclusive). Ideally the surveys would be spread throughout the bat activity season.

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Eaton MA, Brown AF, Noble DG, Musgrove AJ, Hearn R, Aebischer NJ, Gibbons DW, Evans and Gregory RD (2009): Birds of Conservation Concern 3: The Populations Status of Birds in the , Channel Islands and the Isle Man. British Birds 102, pp296-341

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management 2006 Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment. IEEM.

JNCC 2010 Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey: a technique for environmental audit. JNCC, Peterborough.

Nottinghamshire BAG 1998 Local Biodiversity Action Plan for Nottinghamshire. Nottinghamshire County Council.

Preston, C. D., Pearman, D. A. & Dines, T. D. 2002 New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. University Press, Oxford.

Stace, C. 1997 New Flora of the British Isles. University Press, Cambridge.


MAGIC Site Check Report Available:

National Biodiversity Network (nbn) Available:

UK BAP 2007 Available:

19 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


Figure 1: Site Location Plan


© Crown copyright and database rights Ordnance Survey 2012

20 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Figure 2: Survey Area and Survey Features

21 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Appendix 2: Protected Species Legislation N Plants All wild plants are protected against unauthorised removal or uprooting under Section 13 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) 1981 (as amended). Plants listed on Schedule 8 of the Act (e.g. triangular club rush and Deptford Pink) are afforded additional protection against picking, uprooting, destruction and sale.

Amphibians (common species) Common amphibian species (i.e. common frog, common toad, smooth newt and palmate newt) are afforded partial legal protection under UK legislation, i.e. Schedule 5, Section 9 (5) of the WCA 1981 (as amended) and the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. This legislation prohibits:

 Sale;  Transportation; and  Advertising for sale.

Badger Badger is a widespread and generally common species. However, they are legally protected under The Protection of Badgers Act 1992, which is based primarily on the need to protect badgers from baiting and deliberate harm or injury. Under this legislation it is illegal to:

 Wilfully kill, injure, take, or cruelly ill-treat a badger, or attempt to do so;  Possess any dead badger or any part of, or anything derived from, a dead badger; and  Intentionally or recklessly interfere with a sett by disturbing badgers whilst they are occupying a sett, damaging or destroying a sett, causing a dog to enter a sett, or obstructing access to it. A badger sett is defined in the legislation as “any structure or place, which displays signs indicating current use by a badger”.

Bats All bat species are afforded full protection under UK and European legislation, including the WCA 1981 (as amended), the CRoW Act 2000 and the Conservation (Natural habitats &c.) Regulations 2010 (as amended). Together, this legislation makes it illegal to:

 Intentionally or deliberately take, kill or injure a bat;  Damage, destroy or obstruct access to bat roosts; and  Deliberately disturb bats. A bat roost is defined in the legislation as “any structure or place which a bat uses for shelter or protection”. Roosts are protected whether or not bats are present at the time. If a development activity is likely to result in disturbance or killing of a bat, damage to its habitat or any of the other activities listed above, then a licence will usually be required from Natural .

Birds The bird breeding season generally lasts from early March to September for most species. All birds are protected under the WCA 1981 (as amended) and the CRoW Act 2000. This legislation makes it illegal, both intentionally and recklessly to:

22 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

 Kill, injure or take any wild bird;  Take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is being built or in use;  Take or destroy the eggs of any wild bird; and  Possess or control any wild bird or egg unless obtained legally. Birds listed under Schedule 1 of the WCA 1981 (as amended) are afforded additional protection, which makes it an offence to disturb a bird while it is nest building, or at a nest containing eggs or young, or disturb the dependent young of such a bird.

Great crested newt Great crested newts and their habitat are afforded full protection under UK and European legislation, including the WCA 1981 (as amended), the CRoW Act 2000 and the Conservation (Natural habitats &c.) Regulations 2010 (as amended). This makes it is an offence to kill, injure or disturb great crested newts and to destroy any place used for rest or shelter by a newt. The great crested newt is also listed on Annexes II and IV of the EC Habitats Directive and Appendix II of the Bern Convention. If a development activity is likely to result in disturbance or killing of a great crested newt, damage to its habitat etc, then a licence will usually be required from Natural England.

Reptiles There are six native species of reptiles in the UK, including slow-worm, common lizard, grass snake and adder, smooth snake and sand lizard, which are afforded varying degrees of protection under UK and European legislation.

Slow-worm, viviparous/common lizard, adder and grass snake are protected under Schedule 5, Section 9 (1 and 5) of the WCA 1981 (as amended) and the CRoW Act 2000 against deliberate or reckless killing and injuring and sale.

23 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


English Name Scientific Name Ash Fraxinus excelsior Bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius Butterfly-bush Buddleja davidii Cherry Laurel Prunus laurocerasus Chinese Bramble Rubus Tricolor Cleavers Galium aparine Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata Common Ivy Hedera helix ssp. helix Common Nettle Urtica dioica Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense Dandelion Taraxacum officinale agg. Elder Sambucus nigra False Oat-grass Arrhenatherum elatius Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense Goat Willow Salix caprea Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna Hedge Bindweed Calystegia sepium Hedge Woundwort Stachys sylvatica Holly Ilex aquifolium Horse-chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Ivy Hedera helix Japanese Rose Rosa rugosa Lime Tilia cordata x platyphyllos Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Norway Maple Acer platanoides Silver Birch Betula pendula Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus Wood avens Geum urbanum Ash Fraxinus excelsior

24 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


Chris Turner Assistant Ecologist EMEC Ecology The Old Ragged School Brook Street Nottingham NG1 1EA

7th August 2012

Your ref: Data request 03/08/2012 PO number: 289/4332-5/CT

Our ref: G:/nbrcenqu/EMEC291.doc

Dear Chris

Ref: Colwick Vale in Nottingham: Ecological Walkover Survey SK 612 405

Thank you for consulting Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre (NBGRC). Having carried out a search of our records I can provide you with the following information.

There are fourteen Local Wildlife Sites (were called Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation - SINCs) in or adjacent to your search area. Check the MAGIC website for SSSI boundaries which may vary from the equivalent Local Wildlife Site. The Nottinghamshire Natural History Site Alert Schedule describes this site as follows:-

1/53 Holme Pierrepont 120 ha Ru SK 620394 A valuable mosaic of carr, scrub, marginal and open-water habitats around a series of old gravel workings - of botanical interest

2/868 Adbolton Marsh 0.25 ha Ru SK 603385 A good mixed habitat association including the scarce Trentside inundation community type

2/901 Colwick Country Park 87 ha Ci Ge SK 610395 A good mixed habitat of value for its invertebrate and plant communities

2/961 Gamston Pits 124.25 ha Ru SK 618384 An extensive area of gravel workings with associated habitats of open water, marsh, scrub and woodland

2/963 Colwick Wood Ex 41 ha Ci SK 599399 A large area of green space within the City boundary, dominated by mixed deciduous woodland of botanical interest

2/991 Railway Lands 7.3 ha Ci SK 591393 Land adjacent to a series of disused railway embankments supporting a typical flora and several unusual species

5/7 Colwick Racecourse Wetland Ci SK 598393 Valuable marsh and open water communities of botanical and zoological interest

5/210 Netherfield Dismantled Railway Sidings Ge SK 634403 A large mosaic of semi-natural and successional habitats on a former industrial site of botanical interest

5/2183 Carlton Cemetery Ru SK 611417 A notable neutral grassland in a cemetery

5/2230 Shady Lane Pits, Holme Pierrepont Ru SK 624385 Former Gravel pits of botanical interest

5/2309 Holme Pierrepont

25 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Ru SK 628395 Former gravel workings supporting a notable flora

5/2310 Skylarks Ru SK 620391 Reedbed and woodland on a former gravel pit

5/2317 Holme Pierrepont Ru SK 617387 Former gravel pits supporting a notable flora

5/2502 Nottingham Racecourse Drain and Grassland Ru SK 604396 A relict Trent alluvial grassland with notable species and associated drain

Ci Stands for City, Ge for and Ru for Boroughs in the above.

Enclosed is survey data for these sites where available and a map showing the site boundaries.

We have the following protected and notable species records from this search area. Because we search whole kilometre squares some records may be from outside, but close to, a two kilometre radius of your site.


Species Square Grid Ref. Date Location No. Notes Type Brown Long- SK5938 SK595385 27/11/1999 For Data Protection Droppings Roost eared Bat indicate that roost used on occasions. No evidence of large scale bat activity Noctule SK5938 SK599385 05/11/2001 Adbolton Pond Casual Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK593383 09/05/2001 For Data Protection 1 Adult Casual Pipistrelle grounded, later released Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK592384 08/11/1992 For Data Protection 1 Found in Casual garden, later humanely destroyed Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK599385 05/11/2001 Adbolton Pond Casual Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK591383 20/06/2009 Fleeman Grove, Seen over Casual Lady Bay NG2 garden from 5BH 10pm, earlier if overcast Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK593381 20/06/1995 For Data Protection 1 Roost active Roost for several years, fresh droppings Pipistrelle Bat SK5938 SK592385 26/10/2005 Holme Road- Roost in Roost Trent Fields, single Ash tree at Holme Road, Trent Fields Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK594381 06/2009 For Data Protection Seen Casual regularly over garden Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK5966 3840 1993-2009 Adbolton Road, Seen over Casual Ladybay NG2 garden 5AR Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK595384 Summer 2009 Gertrude Road, Very active Casual West Bridgford when ants swarmed Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK595385 20/06/2009 Holme Road, Bat run on Casual Lady Bay 'the Hook' along garden hedge - many seen Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK595384 12/06/2009 Holme Road, Seen in Casual Lady Bay garden

26 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK595385 06/2009 Holme Road, Seen over Casual Ladybay NG2 garden 5AG Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK5931 3836 15/06/2009 Ladybay NG2 Regularly Casual 5BP seen in garden Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK592383 20/06/2009 Ladybay Road, Possibly Casual Lady Bay Pipistrelles. Seen for 10 - 15 years Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK592381 20/06/2009 Ladybay Road, Seen over Casual Lady Bay garden and street Unidentified Bat SK5938 SK592382 15/06/2009 Pierrepont Road Seen over Casual NG2 5BP garden Pipistrelle Bat SK5941 SK596411 14/08/1994 ? Marston Road 1 Grounded (no Casual details) Pipistrelle Bat SK5941 SK5941 14/08/1994 Marston Road, 1 Found in road Casual Carlton Pipistrelle Bat SK5941 SK593414 03/07/2004 For Data Protection 3 Roost is Roost above boiler in kitchen ceiling. Bats in kitchen on a regular basis. Nursery roost Unidentified Bat SK5941 SK592417 22/05/2001 For Data Protection 2 bats Roost observed by the owner in outhouse. No sign during visit Pipistrelle Bat SK5942 SK592424 08/08/2001 For Data Protection Roost in Roost South facing soffit. Dropping in roof space Noctule SK6038 SK601389 05/09/2001 Colwick Country Casual Park Brown Long- SK6039 SK609392 01/09/1998 Colwick Park Well veiwed Casual eared Bat bat flying in and out of trees on a sunny day in the afternoon Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK608398 04/08/2001 For Data Protection Found on the Casual ground below a roost at number 84. Taken into care. Permanent captive Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK609392 13/09/1998 Colwick Park Found by a Casual warden at the park. Passed on to Margaret Thurgood. Died a few weeks later Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK608399 27/08/1987 For Data Protection 7 Roost under Roost flashing. Previous count of 37 bats Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK609399 16/08/1988 For Data Protection 38 Roost behind Roost cladding. Access between window frame and cladding

27 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK608398 04/08/2001 For Data Protection Bats roosting Roost behind hanging tiles. Confirmed nursery roost Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK608399 27/06/1990 For Data Protection 2 Roost behind Roost cladding with droppings. 2 immature Pipistrelle found Pipistrelle Bat SK6039 SK609398 17/07/1985 For Data Protection Roost

Unidentified Bat SK6039 SK609397 02/2009 Colwick Described as Casual a larger species Noctule SK6040 SK6040 2009 Colwick Woods Recorded Casual with Detector by L Victor related by G Cragg of Nottingham Wildlife Trust Pipistrelle Bat SK6040 SK609400 06/07/1995 For Data Protection 35 Roost behind Roost tile cladding. Emergence count Pipistrelle Bat SK6040 SK608400 10/08/2004 For Data Protection Roost under Roost flat roof suggest Pipistrelle. Droppings and heard calling Unidentified Bat SK6040 SK609400 08/07/1991 For Data Protection Roost behind Roost wooden cladding. Fresh droppings under access point Unidentified Bat SK6040 SK602405 06/08/1990 For Data Protection Owner Roost reported bats in roof void Nottingham Pipistrelle Bat SK6041 SK609415 07/06/2000 For Data Protection Found in Casual house previous evening. No obvious injuries but died on day of collection Pipistrelle Bat SK6041 SK607413 13/06/1994 For Data Protection Roost Carlton Pipistrelle Bat SK6041 SK603416 27/05/1999 For Data Protection Found Casual Carlton grounded in garden. Weak. Relased 31/05/99 Unidentified Bat SK6041 SK607412 12/07/1990 For Data Protection Lots of Roost droppings under apex of roost Pipistrelle Bat SK6042 SK608429 10/08/2000 For Data Protection Roost

Pipistrelle Bat SK6042 SK6042 06/01/1994 Cavendish Road, Roost Carlton Noctule SK6139 SK611399 2000 Colwick Park Casual Pipistrelle Bat SK6139 SK618397 19/07/2008 For Data Protection Rescued from Casual cat and taken into care

28 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Pipistrelle Bat SK6139 SK611399 20/03/2000 Colwick Park Casual Pipistrelle Bat SK6140 SK615402 13/07/2004 For Data Protection 15 Roost in apex Roost and soffit. Young present. 100 + droppings in roof. Possibly a first year roost Brown Long- SK6142 SK618426 18/02/1999 Gedling Parish Few Roost eared Bat Church, Arnold droppings in Lane, Gedling boiler room under church. Old Pipistrelle dropping in church 03/01/2003 Pipistrelle Bat SK6142 SK619427 10/08/2004 For Data Protection Roost behind Roost barge board at gable apex. 40+ counted in late June. Dead baby found Unidentified Bat SK6142 SK617422 08/09/1993 For Data Protection Roost Gedling Brown Long- SK6239 SK629390 29/08/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Pass recorded Casual eared Bat No visual Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 23/08/2007 Holme Pierrepont 1 Emerged Casual from Barn and Headed East Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 23/08/2007 Holme Pierrepont 1 Emerged Casual from Barn and Headed East Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 10/09/2007 Holme Pierrepont 1 Emerged Casual from Barn and Headed East Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 23/08/2007 Holme Pierrepont 2 2 individuals Casual emerge and fly North Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 24/08/2007 Holme Pierrepont 5 Bats entering Casual cavity behind ceiling joist Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 10/09/2007 Holme Pierrepont 5 5 individuals Casual foraging inside barn Daubenton's Bat SK6239 SK629390 23/08/2007 Holme Pierrepont 8 8 individuals Casual foraging inside Barn Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 01/09/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Foraging over Casual field Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 01/09/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Foraging over Casual field Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 01/09/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Foraging over Casual field Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 29/08/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Foraging over Casual field Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 29/08/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Pass recorded Casual No visual Pipistrelle Bat SK6239 SK629390 10/09/2007 Holme Pierrepont 1 Foraging over Casual field Unidentified Bat SK6239 SK629390 29/08/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Myotis sp. Casual pass recorded No visual Unidentified Bat SK6239 SK629390 29/08/2005 Holme Pierrepont 1 Myotis sp. Casual pass recorded No visual Whiskered Bat SK6239 SK628392 15/09/1995 Meadow View, 1 Adult female Casual Holme Lane, found in Holme Pierrepont house. Later

29 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

died Whiskered/Brand SK6239 SK620392 04/04/2000 Home Lane, 1 Home Lane Casual t's Bat Holme Pierrepont Pipistrelle Bat SK6240 SK623408 09/07/2001 For Data Protection Casual

Pipistrelle Bat SK6241 SK622413 04/08/1990 For Data Protection Casual

Unidentified Bat SK6241 SK623419 15/06/2009 For Data Protection Seen every Casual Carlton night in summer. Homeowner will put up a bat box Unidentified Bat SK6241 SK621411 08/12/2001 Victoria Road, Casual Netherfield Pipistrelle Bat SK6242 SK629427 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging Casual around Beech tree nr Gedling House Pipistrelle Bat SK6242 SK628429 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging Casual along N edge of Gedling House Woods Pipistrelle Bat SK6242 SK623427 25/07/1987 For Data Protection 20 Roost in Roost , cavity wall. Gedling Droppings widely scattered Unidentified Bat SK6242 SK622422 05/11/2002 For Data Protection Bats reported Casual Gedling in roof but none found on this occasion Unidentified Bat SK6242 SK624421 18/08/1989 For Data Protection 1 Found in Casual larder. Released and flew into roof void Pipistrelle Bat SK6243 SK624437 2007 For Data Protection Roost Roost between larch lap boarding Daubenton's Bat SK6339 SK637398 11/08/2009 Netherfield Some feeding Casual Lagoons LNR low over the water near the railway bridge Natterer's Bat SK6339 SK637398 11/08/2009 Netherfield One feeding Casual Lagoons LNR over the river but not skimming like the Daubenton's when picked up in a torch beam (tentative identification) Soprano SK6339 SK637398 11/08/2009 Netherfield One or two Casual Pipistrelle Lagoons LNR picked up during a Bat Patrol by the river, near the railway bridge Common SK6340 SK637403 11/08/2009 Netherfield Several Casual Pipistrelle Lagoons LNR detected by the Ouse Dyke, along the lower path and by the riverside Common SK6340 SK636406 28/02/2009 Netherfield 1 Hawking Casual Pipistrelle Lagoons LNR insects over

30 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

the Ouse Dyke Noctule SK6340 SK637403 11/08/2009 Netherfield One or two Casual Lagoons LNR picked up during a Bat Patrol Unidentified Bat SK6340 SK637402 18/11/2011 Netherfield Casual Lagoons Pipistrelle Bat SK6341 SK635417 26/03/2000 Stoke Bardolph Found in Casual Sewage Works. works. Collected by B Collins. Released by M Walker 08/05/00 Pipistrelle Bat SK6342 SK631425 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging near Casual street lighting Pipistrelle Bat SK6342 SK630427 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging Casual along hedgerow Pipistrelle Bat SK6342 SK630427 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging in Casual walled garden and around trees Pipistrelle Bat SK6342 SK630427 17/07/2004 Gedling 1 Foraging in Casual walled garden and around trees Unidentified Bat SK6342 SK630427 19/07/2007 Gedling 3 Circling Casual mature Ash tree Pipistrelle Bat SK6343 SK638432 03/08/2001 For Data Protection Found in Casual kitchen. Too Joyce weak to fly. Relaesed 08/08/01 Pipistrelle Bat SK6343 SK638432 20/07/2004 For Data Protection 43 Emergence Roost count. Roost in roof void Common SK6340 SK636406 16/03/2009 Netherfield 5 Hawking Casual Pipistrelle Lagoons LNR insects over the Ouse Dyke


Background bird data from Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers for other than bird Local Wildlife Sites is available for £20.00 plus vat.


There are no butterfly Local Wildlife Sites in your search area.


We have no crayfish records from your search area.


Species Square Grid Ref. Dates Location No. Notes Common Frog SK5938 SK594381 20/06/2009 For Data Protection Seen in garden every Bay summer Common Toad SK5938 SK594381 20/06/2009 For Data Protection dy Seen in garden every Bay summer Common Frog SK5938 SK591383 20/06/2009 Fleeman Grove, Lady In garden Bay NG2 5BH Smooth Newt SK5938 SK591383 Summer 2008 Fleeman Grove, Lady Seen on patio Bay NG2 5BH Common Toad SK5938 SK591383 20/06/2009 Fleeman Grove, Lady Seen in garden Bay NG2 5BH Great Crested Newt SK5938 SK5938 1993 Holme Pierrepont 50 Pinder's Pond, Simpkins Farm, Adbolton Common Frog SK5938 SK595384 12/06/2009 Holme Road, Lady Seen in garden Bay

31 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Newt sp SK5938 SK596384 20/06/2009 Julian Road, Lady In garden pond Bay Common Frog SK5938 SK596384 20/06/2009 Julian Road, Lady In garden pond Bay Common Toad SK5938 SK596384 20/06/2009 Julian Road, Lady Seen in garden Bay Smooth Newt SK5938 SK595380 20/06/2009 Julian Road, Lady Seen in sink sunk in grass Bay with rocks in it Common Toad SK5938 SK593383 15/06/2009 Ladybay Seen in garden, Seymour Road Red-eared Terrapin SK5938 SK593385 01/04/2001 Ladybay Seen at Dyke across Trent Fields, Lady bay Common Frog SK5938 SK592381 20/06/2009 LadyBay Road, Lady In garden Bay Common Frog SK5938 SK592381 20/06/2009 LadyBay Road, Lady In garden Bay Common Toad SK5938 SK592381 20/06/2009 LadyBay Road, Lady In garden Bay Common Frog SK5938 SK592383 20/06/2009 Ladybay Road, Lady Bay NG2 5BJ Common Toad SK5938 SK592383 20/06/2009 Ladybay Road, Lady Bay NG2 5BJ Common Toad SK5938 SK597381 17/03/2010 Moore Close, Lady 1 Female Bay Common Frog SK5938 SK592384 1986 West Bridgford 1 Fleeman Grove, West Bridgford Common Toad SK5938 SK593382 07/1993 West Bridgford 1 Common Toad SK5938 SK595385 1993 West Bridgford 1 Resident in garden - usually the compost heap, 3, Holme Grove, West Bridgford Common Frog SK5938 SK59313836 20/06/2009 West Bridgford Seen in garden, Pierrepont Road Common Frog SK5938 SK591384 1993 West Bridgford 38, Fleeman Grove, West Bridgford Common Frog SK5938 SK593382 1993 West Bridgford Adults, West Bridgford Common Frog SK5938 SK595385 1993 West Bridgford Adults, 3, Holme Grove, West Bridgford Common Toad SK5938 SK593383 20/06/2009 West Bridgford Seen in garden, Pierrepont Road Common Toad SK5938 SK598385 2010 Adboulton Hall Two ponds, Tadpoles Smooth Newt SK5938 SK598385 2010 Adboulton Hall 1 Two ponds Great Crested Newt SK5938 SK591384 19/02/2012 For Data Protection 1 one adult seen in garden pond Alpine Newt SK5938 SK591384 19/02/2012 For Data Protection 1 one adult seen in garden West Bridgford pond Common Frog SK5939 SK597392 1996 Colwick Nottingham Racecourse Pond Common Toad SK5939 SK597392 1996 Colwick Nottingham Racecourse Pond Smooth Newt SK5939 SK597392 1996 Colwick Adult, Nottingham Racecourse Pond Smooth Newt SK5939 SK597391 2010 Colwick Racecourse 4 Pond Common Toad SK5939 SK597391 2010 Colwick Racecourse Many Pond Common Frog SK5940 SK596408 1995 Bakersfield 2 58, Watson Avenue, Bakersfield Common Toad SK5940 SK596408 1995 Bakersfield 3 58, Watson Avenue., Bakersfield Common Frog SK5940 SK596408 1993 Bakersfield 158 58, Watson Avenue, Bakersfield Common Toad SK5940 SK596407 1992 Bakersfield 41, Jarvis Avenue., Bakersfield Smooth Newt SK5940 SK596408 1995 Bakersfield Adult, 58, Watson Avenue, Bakersfield Common Frog SK5940 SK5940 1991 Carlton Adults, 304, Greenwood Road Common Frog SK5941 SK5941 1994 Bakersfield Lancaster Road, Bakersfield Common Toad SK5941 SK5941 1994 Bakersfield Lancaster Road, Bakersfield Smooth Newt SK5941 SK5941 03/1994 Bakersfield Lancaster Road, Bakersfield

32 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Common Frog SK5941 SK5941 1995 Carlton 10 365, Foxhill Road Common Frog SK5941 SK595418 1990 Carlton Adults, 19, Hillview Road Common Frog SK5941 SK5941 1999 Thorneywood 4 625, Carlton Road Slow-worm SK5941 SK596410 1993 Thorneywood Sighted at 10 Barnet Road off Oakdale Road. Site visited in 2000 regarding Great Crested Newts - slow- worm not been seen since 1993 Common Frog SK5941 SK593411 10/03/2012 For Data Protection 9 adults and 7 clumps of Nottingham spawn Common Frog SK5942 SK594424 1991 Carlton 33 7, Marshall Road, Mapperley Common Frog SK5942 SK592423 1989 Carlton ~50 Adults, 5, Emmanual Avenue, Mapperley Common Frog SK5942 SK594425 1993 Carlton 12+ Adults. 68 Kenrick Road, Mapperley Common Frog SK5942 SK5942 1989 Carlton Adults. 88 Kent Road, Mapperley Common Frog SK5942 SK5942 04/03/1996 Carlton 128 Prospect Road Common Frog SK5942 SK5942 1996 Carlton Gardenia Grove, Mapperley Smooth Newt SK5942 SK592423 1989 Carlton 5 Emmanuel Avenue., Mapperley Smooth Newt SK5942 SK594424 1991 Carlton Adult. 7 Marshall Road, Mapperley Smooth Newt SK5942 SK594425 1987 Carlton Adult. 68 Kenrick Road, Mapperley Smooth Newt SK5942 SK594425 05/1993 Carlton Adult. 68 Kenrick Road, Mapperley Common Lizard SK5942 SK592425 None Carlton Two Sighted on 2 Alfred Avenue, Mapperley. One was 90-100mm long with a red belly. No date given Common Toad SK5942 SK5942 2001 Mapperley 1 128, Kenrick Road Common Frog SK5942 SK5942 2001 Mapperley 12+ Adults. 128 Kenrick Road Smooth Newt SK5942 SK599425 1989 Porchester Adult. 1 Gardenia Drive, Porchester Common Toad SK6038 SK600383 01/04/2001 Holme Pierrepont 6 Squashed on road, outside Adbolton Hall Common Frog SK6038 SK603389 28/03/2011 Colwick Country Park much frog spawn seen in smaller pond S of shallows larger behind Hall Common Frog SK6039 SK601390 Spring 2010 Colwick County Park, much frogspawn and mating pond near the ruined adult frogs seen church Common Toad SK6040 SK602408 09/1996 Bakersfield 1 101, Parkdale Road, Bakersfield Common Toad SK6040 SK600408 03/04/1995 Bakersfield 14, Eastdale Road, Bakersfield Smooth Newt SK6040 SK600408 03/04/1995 Bakersfield Adult, 14, Eastdale Road, Bakersfield Smooth Newt SK6040 SK602408 1993 Bakersfield Adult, 101, Parkdale Road, Bakersfield Common Frog SK6040 SK608408 1995 Carlton ~50 8, Avondale Road Common Frog SK6040 SK6040 1988 Carlton Adults, 237, Oakdale Road Common Frog SK6040 SK6040 1995 Carlton Adults, 61, Mays Avenue Common Frog SK6040 SK603405 1994 Carlton 33, Greendale Road Common Frog SK6040 SK606409 30/06/1996 Carlton Frogs in abundance, 34, Cliff Road Common Frog SK6040 SK607409 1991 Carlton Adults, 26, Cliff Road Common Frog SK6041 SK600412 1995 Carlton Curzon Avenue Common Frog SK6041 SK606412 1989 Carlton Adults, 78, Southcliffe Road Common Frog SK6042 SK6042 1988 Arnold Adults, 37, Newstead Avenue, Mapperley Common Frog SK6042 SK605422 1990-1991 Carlton 43 Adults, 19, Conningsworth Road Common Frog SK6042 SK6042 09/03/1994 Carlton 150+ Adults, 189, Westdale Lane

33 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Common Frog SK6042 SK6042 1988-1989 Carlton Adults, 217, Cavendish Road, Common Frog SK6042 SK608428 1990 Carlton Adults, 20, Welbeck Avenue. Common Frog SK6042 SK608428 1992 Carlton Adults, 20, Welbeck Avenue. Smooth Newt SK6042 SK6042 09/03/1994 Carlton Adult, 189, Westdale Lane Common Frog SK6042 SK608429 1995 Gedling 100 28, Chesterfield Avenue Common Frog SK6042 SK608429 1995 Gedling 30, Chesterfield Avenue Common Toad SK6138 SK6138 06/08/2009 Holme Pierrepont Newly emerged toadlets Grass Snake SK6138 SK616385 30/07/2009 Holme Pierrepont On rubble pile Rat Snake sp. SK6139 SK616394 10/06/2006 Holme Pierrepont 1 Adult (4ft long) spotted at Holme Lock, Holme Pierrepont Smooth Newt SK6139 SK618391 25/09/1998 Holme Pierrepont Juvenile, Skylarks Nature Reserve Red-eared Terrapin SK6139 SK619391 23/03/2010 Holme Pierrepont, 1 The first time one has been Skylark seen in this pond by the Nottinghamshire recorder Wildlife Trust Reserve Common Toad SK6140 SK610405 1994 Carlton 3 14, Greenwood Crescent Common Frog SK6140 SK6140 1996 Carlton 37 Adults, Douglas Crescent Common Frog SK6140 SK610405 1994 Carlton 37 14, Greenwood Crescent Common Frog SK6140 SK610404 03/1995 Carlton 40 Adults, 344, Greenwood Road Common Frog SK6140 SK610406 1988 Carlton Adults, 8, Greenwood Crescent Smooth Newt SK6140 SK610404 03/1995 Carlton Adult, 344, Greenwood Road Smooth Newt SK6140 SK610405 1994 Carlton 14, Greenwood Crescent Smooth Newt SK6140 SK610406 1988 Carlton 8, Greenwood Crescent Common Frog SK6140 SK613401 07/03/2001 Colwick ~200 Adults. Numbers of diseased frogs and also kills by fox totalling about 100 over several weeks, Candle Meadow Common Frog SK6140 SK612401 1995 Colwick Adults, Orange frog, 10, First Avenue Common Frog SK6140 SK612403 21/03/1995 Colwick 17, Valeside Gardens Common Frog SK6141 SK613419 1989 Carlton 3 Adults, 12, Cambridge Street Common Frog SK6141 SK613419 1993 Carlton 3 Adults, 12, Cambridge Street Common Frog SK6141 SK617417 1995 Carlton 4 26, Gedling Road Common Frog SK6141 SK6141 2001 Carlton 6 3, Francis Road Common Frog SK6141 SK615411 1995 Carlton 20 Pond since 1993, 43, Russet Avenue Common Frog SK6141 SK6141 1999 Carlton Adults, 44, Redland Drive Smooth Newt SK6141 SK6141 1999 Carlton 44, Redland Grove Smooth Newt SK6141 SK617417 1995 Carlton 26, Gedling Road Common Toad SK6142 SK611421 1993 Carlton ~4 16, Bakewell Avenue Common Frog SK6142 SK611421 1993 Carlton ~60 Adults, 16, Bakewell Avenue Common Frog SK6142 SK6142 1991 Carlton Adults, 87, Westdale Lane Smooth Newt SK6142 SK611421 1993 Carlton Adults and efts, 16, Bakewell Avenue Common Frog SK6142 SK616427 1995 Gedling 36 25, Saltford Close Common Frog SK6142 SK6142 1994 Gedling 26, Street Marys Avenue (Adbolton Avenue end) Common Frog SK6142 SK6142 1994 Gedling 24, Besecar Avenue Common Frog SK6142 SK6142 1994 Gedling 12, Besecar Avenue Common Frog SK6142 SK618420 1989 Gedling Adults, 17, Ranmoor Road Grass Snake SK6238 SK623380 22/02/2010 Holme Pierrepont 1 Dead young Snake

34 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Red-eared Terrapin SK6239 SK620391 1999 Holme Pierrepont 1 Female found at East side A52 at Bassingfield Lane, Bassingfield Red-eared Terrapin SK6239 SK627397 12/03/2009 Holme Pierrepont 1 1 seen up to 3 seen in previous years, Gravel Pit Lagoon Finger Ponds Red-eared Terrapin SK6239 SK627397 29/05/2009 Holme Pierrepont 3 Three adults seen basking east section of finger ponds Red-eared Terrapin SK6239 SK627397 19/03/2010 Holme Pierrepont 2 Two adults seen basking on log east section of finger ponds Red-eared Terrapin SK6239 SK627397 23/03/2010 Holme Pierrepont 2 Two adults seen basking on usual log Common Frog SK6241 SK622416 1988 Carlton Adults, 40, Conway Road Common Frog SK6241 SK622416 1990 Carlton Adults, 40, Conway Road Smooth Newt SK6241 SK622416 1990 Carlton Adult, 40, Conway Road Common Frog SK6241 SK623419 15/06/2009 Carlton Breeding in garden pond. Fish present but some tadpoles survive every year, 93 Burton Road Common Toad SK6241 SK623419 15/06/2009 Carlton breeding in second garden pond (no fish), 93 Burton Road Great Crested Newt SK6241 SK623419 15/06/2009 Carlton breeding, introduced population (source Warwickshire), 93 Burton Road, Carlton Smooth Newt SK6242 SK620427 1989 Burton Joyce Whitworth Drive Common Frog SK6242 SK6242 03/2001 Gedling 61 Adults, The Cottage, Wood Lane Common Frog SK6242 SK621421 24/07/1995 Gedling 10, Brooklands Drive Smooth Newt SK6242 SK6242 01/04/2001 Gedling Adult, The Cottage, 51, Wood Lane Common Frog SK6339 SK6339 11/03/2007 Netherfield 30 Netherfield Lagoons, spawn seen in many places across the site. Common Frog SK6339 SK6339 19/07/2007 Netherfield 10 Froglets, Netherfield Lagoons Common Frog SK6339 SK6339 Mar-08 Netherfield Netherfield Lagoons Common Frog SK6339 SK6339 25/03/2009 Netherfield 30 Breeding in ditch along lower path, Netherfield Lagoons Common Frog SK6339 SK636399 2000-2011 Netherfield Lagoons Breeding frogs in ditch along lower path. Common Frog SK6340 SK6340 1999 Carlton Common, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 1999 Carlton Common, Netherfield Lagoons Smooth Newt SK6340 SK6340 1999 Carlton Juvenile, Netherfield Lagoons Common Frog SK6340 SK6340 1999 Netherfield Breeding, In deep water lagoon, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 1999 Netherfield Breeding, In deep water lagoon, Netherfield Lagoons Smooth Newt SK6340 SK6340 1999 Netherfield 1 Under a rock, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 17/07/2007 Netherfield 3 Adults, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 19/08/2007 Netherfield 20 Toadlets, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 04/04/2008 Netherfield 12 Adults, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 07/07/2008 Netherfield 10 Toadlets, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 01/04/2009 Netherfield 40 Adults, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6340 SK6340 21/03/2011 Netherfield 110+ Adults migrating to slurry lagoon to breed, Netherfield Lagoons Smooth Newt SK6340 SK6340 23/07/2007 Netherfield 8 Netherfield Lagoons Smooth Newt SK6340 SK6340 28/07/2009 Netherfield 1 Netherfield Lagoons Smooth Newt SK6340 SK6340 22/08/2009 Netherfield 1 Netherfield Lagoons

35 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Common Frog SK6341 SK6341 1999 Netherfield Breeding, In deep water lagoon, Netherfield Lagoons Common Toad SK6341 SK6341 1999 Netherfield Breeding, In deep water lagoon, Netherfield Lagoons Common Frog SK6342 SK630427 1989 Burton Joyce Adults, Whitworth Drive Common Toad SK6342 SK630427 1989 Burton Joyce Whitworth Drive Common Frog SK6342 SK631422 25/09/2001 Stoke Bardolph 1 North of railway line by sewage works Common Lizard SK6342 SK6342 11/09/2009 Stoke Bardolph 9 Juveniles and sub-adults Sewage Works present on site in grassland adjacent to plantations North ands South of works Slow-worm SK6343 SK635430 1980-1997 Burton Joyce Several sightings at Rabbit Bank, Nottingham Road

Invasive Plant Species:

Species Square Grid Ref. Date Location Details Fallopia SK5939 SK595396 09/01/2006 Colwick japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK596390 03/10/2001 Colwick Rough scrubby grassland on waste grd japonica between road and Trent Fallopia SK5939 SK591392 27/05/2009 Colwick Rear of industrial estate on highway verge on japonica Daleside Road East, between the Colwick Race Course island and cycle path junction to industrial estate Fallopia SK5939 SK598390 14/07/2005 Nottingham Race Course Road 1 japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK598390 14/07/2005 Nottingham Race Course Road 2 japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK590393 26/06/1996 Sneinton Dism railway embankments and verges japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK591394 09/01/2006 Sneinton Dism railway embankments and verges japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK590393 23/10/2009 Sneinton Trent Lane Junction, Sneinton japonica Fallopia SK5939 SK594396 23/10/2009 Sneinton Colwick Crossing, Sneinton japonica Fallopia SK5940 SK595401 17/07/1995 Colwick Roughill Wood coarse grassland + scrub japonica Fallopia SK5940 SK591403 15/08/1995 Sneinton scrubby rough grassland japonica Fallopia SK5940 SK596406 15/08/1995 Sneinton scrubby rough grassland japonica Fallopia SK5940 SK592409 16/07/2009 St Ann's Plants growing in planted shrubs by road japonica Fallopia SK5940 SK591408 01/11/2009 St Ann's In the landscaping behind Parry Court japonica (junction of Carlton Road/Porchester Road) Fallopia SK5941 SK590416 23/08/2006 Nottingham Mickleborough Avenue play are japonica Fallopia SK5941 SK590416 23/08/2006 Nottingham Mickleborough Avenue play are japonica Fallopia SK5941 SK592415 14/07/2005 Nottingham Porchester Road 1 japonica Fallopia SK5941 SK591413 02/02/1996 Sneinton dism. railway, dist. soil over infilled tunnel japonica entrance Fallopia SK5941 SK591416 17/06/2009 St Ann's In the grounds of St Ann's Hospital (corner of japonica Thorneywood Mount & Porchester Road) Fallopia SK5941 SK593411 28/07/2010 St Ann's Plant in garden by pavement in Carlton japonica Fallopia SK5941 SK598417 04/05/2007 Thorneywood Large thickets at base slope, landscaped japonica former quarry Fallopia SK5942 SK591421 20/08/2009 Nottingham Porchester Rd (Grassalnd Opposite japonica Punchbowl Pub) Fallopia SK5942 SK590424 01/11/2009 Nottingham Front of Flats, junction of Hickling japonica Rd/Porchester Rd, NG3 Fallopia SK6039 SK602396 19/05/2005 Colwick Abandoned section of road (B686) japonica Fallopia SK6039 SK603397 14/06/2001 Colwick Abandoned section of road (B686) japonica Fallopia SK6039 SK606399 11/02/2009 Nottingham South side of Daleside Road within Colwick japonica Country Park beside a wet ditch just west of

36 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

an access road Fallopia SK6040 SK604403 09/01/2006 Colwick Three Hills long aband allotments japonica Fallopia SK6040 SK609403 09/01/2006 Colwick Alongside rly large thickets japonica Fallopia SK6040 SK608401 15/06/2009 Colwick In the grounds of pub japonica Fallopia SK6040 SK609401 06/07/2009 Colwick In landscaping at front of Colwick Pub japonica Fallopia SK6041 SK609414 07/09/2010 Carlton Gladstone Street, Carlton, Nottingham japonica Fallopia SK6042 SK607428 01/11/2009 Carlton Wall of Workshop and tarmac japonica Fallopia SK6140 SK616408 22/07/1999 Colwick Hillside scrub by railway japonica Fallopia SK6140 SK617409 03/08/2004 Netherfield dism. railway sidings, rough scrubby japonica grassland Fallopia SK6140 SK619408 04/07/1993 Netherfield dism. railway sidings, rough scrubby japonica grassland Fallopia SK6140 SK618408 06/07/2009 Netherfield Chaworth Road, Netherfield (by the bridge japonica over railway line) Fallopia SK6141 SK617410 23/10/2009 Carlton Midland Rd, Carlton japonica Fallopia SK6141 SK619412 01/11/2009 Carlton Carlton Station, level crossing japonica Fallopia SK6141 SK614416 04/05/2007 Carlton On rough grassland close to cemetery japonica Fallopia SK6141 SK619410 06/07/2009 Netherfield Meadow Road, Netherfield japonica Fallopia SK6241 SK628411 12/06/1997 Netherfield dism. railway sidings, rough scrubby japonica grassland Fallopia SK6242 SK622426 01/11/2009 Gedling Waterhouse Lane, Gedling,, bank above wall japonica Fallopia SK6339 SK630398 26/09/1994 Netherfield backfilled gravel pit, grassy spoil japonica Fallopia SK6339 SK631398 11/06/1997 Netherfield backfilled gravel pit, grassy spoil japonica Fallopia SK6340 SK633406 08/04/2009 Netherfield Netherfield Lagoons japonica Fallopia SK6340 SK634407 24/04/1997 Netherfield dism. railway sidings, rough scrubby japonica grassland Fallopia SK6342 SK633426 28/04/2009 Burton Joyce Several plants by bus stop japonica

Fallopia japonica is Japanese Knotweed.


Species Square Grid Ref. Date Location Habitat No. Notes Weasel SK5938 SK59363857 20/04/2010 The Hook, Lady 1 Ran across from Bay one section of the drainage dyke that runs through the site (across a section where it is culverted) and down into the section of the dyke that continues north east to the Trent. The Sighting was at around 1.30pm Muntjac SK6039 SK607399 Summer 2010 Colwick County 1 adult seen Park woodland near the Starting Gate. Brown Hare SK6139 SK6139 01/08/2004 Skylarks Nature Nature Reserve 1 Adult seen at 8pm Reserve in large clearing Harvest SK6238 SK623388 1987 field at Holme Breeding site Mouse Pierrepont known to Derek Warren

37 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Brown Hare SK6243 SK6243 10/07/2004 Lambley Lane, Pasture 3 Adults Carlton Bank Vole SK6339 SK637397 02/01/2010 Netherfield A complex of 1 One beneath Lagoons slurry lagoons railway bridge. and disused Grid Ref NBGRC flooded gravel pits. Marginal vegetion primarily Bulrush, Common Reed and Reed Sweet Grass Brown Hare SK6340 SK639405 11/04/2005 Netherfield Fields 1 Adults adjacent to Netherfield Lagoons, running along by the Ouse Dyke Brown Hare SK6340 SK635403 25/02/2004 Netherfield Rough grassland 3 Adults Lagoons Brown Hare SK6340 SK635403 25/01/2004 Netherfield Rough grassland 1 Adult Lagoons Brown Hare SK6340 SK638402 03/08/2002 Netherfield Disused slurry Seen in all months Lagoons lagoons, March-August Agricultural inclusive but none land outside these dates. Harvest SK6340 SK638402 1999 Netherfield Present Mouse Lagoons Common SK6340 SK637403 18/06/2009- Netherfield 8 Eight dead and Shrew 20/12/2009 Lagoons LNR three live seen between the given dates Brown Hare SK6340 SK637403 28/04/2009 Netherfield 1 Adult seen in the Lagoons LNR triangular field Stoat SK6340 SK637403 11/04/2009 Netherfield Eight recorded Lagoons LNR with four together on the causeway on 19th April. Also recorde Summer Weasel SK6340 SK637403 19/04/2009- Netherfield Six seen between 11/2009 Lagoons LNR these dates, two together on 19th April 2009 Field Vole SK6340 SK637403 23/02/2009 Netherfield 1 Dead adult found Lagoons LNR Bank Vole SK6340 SK637403 18/06/2009 Netherfield 1 Adult seen Lagoons LNR

38 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Chris Turner EMEC Ecology, The Old Ragged School Brook Street Nottingham NG1 1EA 6 August 2012 Dear Chris

Re: Data search – Colwick Vale, Nottingham SK612405

Thank you for consulting Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. I have searched the county mammal database For Data Protection

39 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by Bat Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme, around (unidentified) 1990 25/08 SK602391 Colwick Park 3 derelict church

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 SK612422 Carlton 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 SK6142 Carlton 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 25/06 SK6142 Gedling 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 31/06 SK598406 Bakersfield 1 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 8/07 SK6041 Carlton 3 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 SK6041 Carlton 6 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 27/06 SK617417 Carlton 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 18/07 SK622412 Thorneywood 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 26/06 SK614413 Carlton 4 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 SK615412 Carlton 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 26/06 SK613411 Carlton 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 27/07 SK614401 Colwick 2 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Bat Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by (unidentified) 1990 25/07 SK612409 Carlton 1 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Skylarks nature Reserve, Holme Harvest mouse 2006 06/11 SK620391 Pierrepont Special trap used and 5 individuals caught

Skylarks Nature Reserve, Holme 9 trapped on 12-14 Dec and 3 on 24th Jan Harvest mouse 2006 12/12 SK620391 Pierrepont 2007

Colwick Country Noctule bat 2001 05/09 SK601389 Park

Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme, around Noctule bat 1990 SK602391 Colwick Park 4 derelict church

40 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey

Holme Pierrepont finger watched whilst fishing. Cold wet day at Otter 1998 12 SK627399 pits 1 8am. Considered reliable.

Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme, around Pipistrelle bat 1990 SK602391 Colwick Park 20 derelict church

Link: Nottingham City Bat Watch by Pipistrelle bat 1990 29/08 SK6040 Bakersfield 1 Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme

Link: NCWVS latrines, burrows, cropped Water vole 2000 29/01 SK598392 indeterminate grass around burrow entrance

Colwick Country Water vole 2003 02/01 Sk609398 Park 2 Wildlife Trusts - know your vole survey

Holme Whiskered bat 1995 SK620392 Pierrepont 1 Home Lane

As badger records are of a sensitive nature it is required that location details are not published. Yours sincerely

For Data Protection

Michael Walker Living Landscape Monitoring Officer [email protected]

41 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828 Proposed Works at Colwick Vale SPS off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire Ecological Walk-over Survey


TITLE: Proposed Works at Colwick Vale Sewage Pumping Station off Vale Road, Nottinghamshire: Ecological Walk-over Survey

SUBMITTED TO: Severn Trent Water


Contract Number: SL/12/3383/01

Revision Number: 1

Description: Final Report

Date: 7th September 2012

Author For Data Protection Name: Steve Ralph MSc MIEEM Signed:


For Data Protection Name: Sean Gallagher MSc MIEEM Signed:

42 Prepared by EMEC Ecology Tel: 0115 964 4828