RADICAL AMERICA Volume 5, Number 2 March -April, 1971
Q Vw W a J a 0 a 0m Ja Ja m RADICAL AMERICA Volume 5, Number 2 March -April, 1971 RADICAL AMERICA : Published bi - monthly at 1237 SpAight Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. Subscription rates $5 per year, $8.50 for two years, $12 .50 for three. Subscriptions with pamphlets $10 per year. EDITORIAL BOARD : Edith Aitbach, Shawn Bayer, Paul Buhle, Ann Gordon, Roger Keeran, James O'Brien, Paul Richards, Mike Schulman. Associate Editors : Martin Glaberman, John Heckman, Michael Hirsch, Richard Howard, Karl Klare, Mark Naison, Eric Perkins, Paul Piccone, Franklin Rosemont. Martha Sonnenberg. Representatives : Dean Beebe, Bill Burr, Regg Delwiche, Val Dusek, Dan Fine, Tom Good, Larry Lynn, Ruth Meyerowitz, Kelly Mickey, Jim Nelson, Fran Schor, Evan -Stark. This issue has been developed by Eric Perkins along with John Bracey and John Higginson. Harold M. Baron : THE DEMAND FOR BLACK LABOR I Yusuf (Joseph C . Pannell) : POETRY 47 THE LEAGUE OF REVOLUTIONARY BLACK WORKERS Eric Perkins : INTRODUCTION 51 Documents : AT THE POINT OF PRODUCTION 63 Ken Cockrel : FROM REPRESSION TO REVOLUTION 81 Robert S . Starobin : RACISM AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE III REVIE'li5 Dorothy Higginson : DRAWINGS Back Cover, 25, 50, 51 BULK RATES : 40% reduction from cover price for 10 or more copies . All bookstores may order from Radical America on a contingent basis. RA literature including many back issues is available . Catalogues 150. Application to mail at second-class postal rates'is pending at Madison, Wisconsin and Detroit, Michigan . The Demand for Black Labor: Historical Notes on the Political Economy of Racism Harold M. Baron The economic base of racism would have to be subjected to intensive analysis in order to get at the heart of the oppression of black people in modern America.
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