China Doll

Antonella Marrone and Ray Uzwyshyn

Based on David Milch’s Deadwood Series

2017 Contact: Ray Uzwyshyn 1900 Aquarena Springs 22202 San Marcos, Texas 78666 [email protected] 850-725-0266 INT. PIONEER NEWSPAPER OFFICE - DAY Merrick and Blazanov examine proofs of a newspaper article in the office window’s harsh sunlight.

CLOSE-UP HEADLINE "CALIFORNIA TO BADLANDS, PAGE LAW ENFORCED". MERRICK Hopefully, this law cleans-up a big mess. BLAZANOV I predict trouble. BLAZANOV opens the door and walks out.



The street is full with the bustle of Deadwood residents, immigrants, Chinese. Visible among them are couple miners with two more lavishly dressed Chinese courtesans, one noticeably carrying child.

Merrick follows Blazanov to the office patio. MERRICK The law now punishes those bringing Chinese girls for prostitution.

Blazanov turns from the crowd. BLAZANOV You mean white business men in search of the exotic.

MERRICK I was actually thinking of a few people in the Chinese community. CUT TO: 2.

INT.DEE’S ROOM - DAY Cy and DEE are in the bed of an exotically decorated room - opium haze, soft-lit. Discarded clothes and delicate Chinese accessories are scattered about.

There is a desk and objects: bamboo reed pipe, China doll, rice paper painting of a cat and sparrows with ideogram inscription. By her objects and dress, we know Dee is not one of the many Chinese migrants but of a higher class. Cy is completely captured by the beautiful girl. DEE (laughs smartly) I cannot stay, unless you marry me.

CY (smoking opium) Deadwood has never respected laws and I can’t marry you Dee. . .not yet at least.

Cy leans over and hugs the young woman. She pulls away. CY(CONT’D) You know Wu is linked to all of this. There has been many hidden deaths. Dee stands, distraught. DEE This crazy new law will be a problem. CY I have connections with the Sheriff, Swearengen and Wu. No one is going to send you back to China.

Among the ornaments of the room stands some handkerchiefs embroidered in gold and blue next to a candle. A few have been folded into animal figures: cat, mouse, sparrow.

DEE (unfolds handkerchief) A gift. Dee places the handkerchief in Cy’s lapel.

CUT TO: 3.

EXT. MAIN ROAD FRONT GRAND CENTRAL - DAY Two figures are escorted from the departing train. ALICE, and LEE. Alice is an older well-dressed woman and Lee is a young boy, Tom Sawyerish and cheerful.

They watch the train depart. ALICE Ok Lee, here we are. Official in Deadwood. Let’s go!

LEE Is this the place where you used to live, grandma? ALICE In my younger days, yes. Step to! CUT TO:

INT. GRAND CENTRAL GEM HOTEL LOBBY - DAY The pair walk down the street and enter the Hotel lobby. FARNUM Welcome to Deadwood, madame. ALICE Thanks you, sir. We will be needing a room.

FARNUM How many days may I ask? ALICE Please leave it open, nothing too fancy.

FARNUM We definitely have plenty of those. What may I ask brings you to our town on this fine Spring day?

ALICE We’re here to see Mr. Albert Swearengen. Alice places a copy of Robert Browning’s Dramatic Lyrics: Bells and Pomegranates (1842) with a bookmark on the hotel desk. 4.

ALICE (CONT’D) Do you know him? CUT TO:

INT.SWEARENGEN’S OFFICE- DAY Al and Wu discuss the Page Law. A newspaper is open between them.

WU (furious) Cock Heads! Wu tears the newspaper in half.

SWEARENGEN Calm down, Wu. I’m trying to run a hotel here and I wasn’t finished reading that.

Wu is angry and walks towards the balcony gesturing and banging at the newspaper. SWEARENGEN(CONT’D) Look, Mr. Wu. I said I will talk to our sherriff.



Miners play cards and drink. The Bella Union girls ply their trade. A mouse scurries across the hallway hiding under a poker table.

A half-drunk miner FIRES his GUN at the place where the mouse hides, almost shooting off another man’s foot. MINER #1 What the Fuck? You almost shot off my foot. MINER #1 angrily puts down his drink and gets ready to draw out his gun.

Confusion. 5.

Cy descends the stairs and takes the gun out of Miner #2’s hands. One of his helpers slams the shooters out of the Bella Union. CY There’s no shooting in this establishment. One of the girls runs up to CY. GIRL#1 He was shooting at a mouse, Cy. CY I don’t care what he was shooting at. A mouse?

GIRL #1 Yes, a mouse. How can we can we work with all of these goddamn mice around? There is a hole which Cy sees behind the girl’s couch at the side of the saloon. GIRL #1 (cont’d) Jasmine’s sick. GIRL #2 (getting up from the couch) Bitten. CUT TO:

EXT. MAIN ROAD- DAY Farnum runs down the road from the Grand Central to the Gem.

Calamity Jane is drunk next to the side of a building with a couple soldiers. The first plays Yankee Doodle on a whistle while the second drums along. There is a half full bag of grain with what looks like a nibbled hole near the bottom.

CUT TO: 6.

INT.GEM SALOON - DAY Farnum enters the Saloon. Girls lounge about. Dan and Charlie sing a song around the piano. Silas smokes. Dan picks up an Irish pipe that he tries to play.

FARNUM Has anyone seen Mr. Swearengen! I need to find Swearengen. Dan puts down the pipe and looks at him.

DAN Wu came to see him about the Page law, ET! He’s upstairs. He beat you to that punch. He’s up there now.

FARNUM Ahh, it’s not that! GEM KITCHEN POV Richardson cleans off a block of cheese which he examines before he passes this to Jewel. FARNUM (CONT’D) You can’t imagine. A woman... a lady, his...

SWEARENGEN (yelling down from stairs) Speak up Farnum or forever hold your peace. . . Farnum looks up. Al is sticking his head out of the banister overhead. FARNUM ... yes, sir. There is an older distinguished looking lady and a young boy... they said they were looking for you, Mr. Swearengen!! SWEARENGEN An older lady and a young boy?

FARNUM Yes! Al begins to walks downstairs in slow measured steps. Alice and Lee enter the Gem. 7.

SWEARENGEN (astonished) Alice?? ALICE Hello, Al. Alice gestures to Lee who stands hesitantly behind her. ALICE(CONT’D) Lee, this is your grandfather, Albert Swearengen. Lee looks up from the book he holds, Grimm’s Fairy Tales. ALICE (CONT’D) This young man wants to get to know you, Al. Alice gives Lee a little push. Lee steps forward and extends his hand.



Dee opens her door to Mr Brown, a young man dressed in Black, Pinkerton style. BROWN How do you do, Miss Dee?

DEE Mr. Brown? BROWN Someone told me you’re getting married! DEE Not quite yet. Brown barges in making himself comfortable on an armchair.

BROWN I see. DEE (smiling) In time. 8.

BROWN Of course! Fortunate that you are in Deadwood, Miss Dee ... He stands up and approaches Dee’ getting into her personal space. DEE (Deliberately) Why are you here, Mr. Brown?

She takes a step back. BROWN Business. DEE (Suspiciously) Mr. Brown, a cat wishes fish, he gets his paws wet. Wet your paws. . Brown takes a letter out of his vest pocket and hands it to Dee.

BROWN From an old friend. Dee takes the letter and leads Brown to the door unfolding a handkerchief and handing it to Brown.

DEE A souvenir. CUT TO:

EXT. DEE’S ROOM - NIGHT Brown makes his way down the stairs.

CON POV Con is hidden and watches as Brown leaves. CUT TO 9.

INT. BELLA UNION SALOON - EVENING Cy talks with PHATTY THOMPSON in front of a bottle of whiskey. Phatty Thompson is a rough good-looking man with a smart smile, twinkle in his eyes and a Gypsy or Circus master’s dusty long-coat. THOMPSON Mr. Tolliver, I’m ready to solve your problems. CY Who said I had problems? THOMPSON Every man has with the ladies but sadly I can’t repair that. I have an idea that will liberate Deadwood from your mouse problems. CY (sarcastic and annoyed) I’m waiting. THOMPSON I have broad experience in these matters.

CY Go On. THOMPSON I will go to and come back with cart full of cats. CY Right! We don’t have any f** cats of our own in this town?

THOMPSON Not enough to solve this kind of problem. A house cat here, a stray there.

Thompson stands up and plops himself down comfortably on one of the couches. THOMPSON (CONT’D) Providence. Larger forces. A surefire solution. 10.

CY That’s the stupidest idea I’ve heard in a long time.

Thompson is not flustered but becomes calmer with a slight smile coming to his lips. THOMPSON Do you have others Mr. Tolliver or have you ever been involved in such an enterprise? CY Only in fool conversations such as this one.

One of Thompson’s young whores, GIRL#1 who had been complaining earlier comes in and sits comfortably down on Phatty’s knee. THOMPSON (unflustered) The project will have its price of course...Rest assured, worthwhile. I am an expert in matters like these.

Tolliver walks away but as he does something scurries under his feet. THOMPSON (CONT’D) Don’t take too long. I shan’t be here past the end of day. We’ll confirm it with a toast! Thompson makes a signal to the young whore. THOMPSON Now let me take a moment to avail myself of your establishment’s more subtle amenities. CUT TO:

INT.SWEARENGEN’S OFFICE - DAY Al sits at the chair behind his desk. Alice has her back to the office door. There is something elegantly curvy about the Edwardian bouffant of her dress and mannerisms. Al pulls out a bottle and pours a drink. He looks displeased. 11.

Lee plays on the balcony. His book has been left aside. AL Alice, you should have written me first,... this has always been your fucking habit to decide everything. Still with that headstrong devil-may-care attitude of yours. Swearengen offers a glass to Alice. She refuses and sits down in the chair facing Al.

ALICE I’m here only because your grandson wanted to meet you, Al. God knows his reasons.

AL You could have told him that I was dead. That is what you wanted, previously if I recollect correctly?

ALICE Of course, I still have hope. But it is clear that the heart has no eyes, and the lowest and vilest things seem full of love and nobility.

AL (angry) Honestly, Alice how do you think I felt when you ran away ten years ago? Our daughter only 12 years old? ALICE (amused surprise) Are you serious, Al? I was terribly afraid of you, you were violent. Forgetting now? You were always drunk. Al smashes down his glass.

AL (skeptical) You were my wife, Alice you took a vow, for better or for worse. 12.

ALICE (suddenly serious) I lived in hell, Al. A moment of silence between them.

Al has his back turned looking to Lee on the balcony. AL Couldn’t Ruth wait for a child? What was the rush?

ALICE She fell in love, Al. Lee was born 8 years ago. Alice takes out a picture from her purse and brings it over to Al. ALICE (CONT’D) A picture of Ruth. AL (looking at picture) She’s beautiful. ALICE Ruth still has great opinions and memories of you - she loves you. Lee wanted to meet his grandfather. Lee returns from the balcony and goes towards Al’s desk. LEE (hesitantly) Grandpa, can we take a walk? Lee takes Al by the arm. ALICE Get used to it, Al. AL Of course, little man. CUT TO: 13.

EST. ROAD CHINATOWN - EVENING Wu and Bullock speak on the street. BULLOCK I’ll tolerate no more, Mr. Wu. This doesn’t change your possibilities here. WU Chinese girls stay.

BULLOCK There is a lot of room for business on the correct side of the law, Wu. WU (in Chinese very angry) Wo shi wo de shenyi, Naxie nuhai xuyao, wo! BULLOCK Gambling, betting, laundries...

WU (in Chinese, ANGRIER) Wo shi wo de shenyi, Naxie nuhai xuyao, wo!

BULLOCK Sorry, I don’t comprehend Chinese Wu. WU (English, almost) Law not business, Bullock! BULLOCK (wry) That’s evident, Wu... I do not want war but must enforce the law. WU (yelling) All against you, white, Chinese, all.

BULLOCK Make those girls disappear, Wu. You have two months in which to do so. WU points his finger at Bullock’s face and leaves. 14.

BULLOCK (cont’d) (Yelling to Wu) No choice Mr. Wu. It’s the law. Doc Cochran exits a miner’s tent. He sees Bullock and stops.

DOC You can’t treat human beings like shipments of cargo, Bullock. . BULLOCK This is the law doc. I have a sworn duty to enforce it. DOC Goddamm it, Bullock. You cannot just put a US stamp on a dress and send these young women back to China. A Chinese woman walks along the street with a miner. BULLOCK But Doc, it’s the Law. DOC Don’t be so ridiculous about written words on paper, Bullock. This isn’t parcel post.

BULLOCK But it’s been decreed. DOC Without humanity or measures of dignity, the law has little credence. The law is more than business. Bullock stops in front of one of the many arising New Deadwood business ventures. DOC (CONT’D) Protecting profit, loss, economy and trade but also keeping us from the bestial not increasing it.

BULLOCK Howso? DOC (flustered)

(MORE) 15.

DOC (cont’d) Why do you think there are now so many thousands of Chinese coming here?

BULLOCK That’s not hard to see. Hope for a better life, Doc. Doc walks off from Bullock who is left standing in silence.

DOC You may even find a few more similarities with yourself, Sheriff, Good night! CUT TO:

INT.DEE’S ROOM -EVENING A black Siamese jumps from a windowsill and curls up next to Dee who lies on the bed smoking opium and reading the letter that Brown gave her. CLOSE UP LETTER HEARST (V.O) ... Since leaving, Mr. Tolliver has refused to follow orders and unnecessarily holds on with the Chinese.

Dee tries to stands up with the letter and walk the room but her opium intake has been heavy and she spills a glass. HEARST (V.O. CONT’D) Hearst must be brought to order so we can be more effective. Do your task assigned. I do not want a war between gangs. Because of DEE’s opium intake, visuals blur and take on a rosy romantic dream-like tone for these last lines.

HEARST (V.O. CONT’D) Start with the happiness and love between your legs. Bring Tolliver to submit by whatever means. The letter drops from Dee’s hand onto the puddle from the spilled glass. 16.

The Siamese walks and places it’s paws over the "Sincerely, George Hearst". CUT TO:

INT.BULLOCK’STORE - DAY Bullock and Brown walk towards the front of the closed store’s glass door.

BROWN It must be difficult in such a place. Brown turns his gaze outside.

BULLOCK What are you looking for here, Mr. Brown? BROWN A night stick. BULLOCK What do you mean by that? BROWN I was wondering if that might be of help with this Page Law. . . BULLOCK We do not need that type of help, Mr. Brown. Neither yours nor your bosses. Brown takes a step forward. BROWN Sheriff Manning’s death was a misfortune for everyone. BULLOCK (coldly ) Especially Hearst.

BROWN Hearst placed Manning in the sheriff’s position. 17.

BULLOCK (menacing) I’m sheriff now. A couple Chinese cross the street carrying clean laundry.

BROWN We must rid the town.. . Bullock throws open the store door for Mr.Brown to exit.

BULLOCK I believe I’ve heard enough. Brown walks out. BROWN The law Mr. Bullock. You are the Sheriff now. BULLOCK (angry) Good day!

BROWN (under his breath) To clean up this city. Bullock closes the store door on him.

BULLOCK Good day, Mr. Brown. CUT TO:

INT.BELLA UNION JASMINE’S BEDROOM - DAY Jasmine is sick with fever in bed, vomiting. Girls around try to help. Doc enters. DOC Girls, please...this could be contagious ...

The girls are scared. Among the perfumes and effects on Jasmine’s armoire is a beautiful and delicate porcelain Chinese doll. GIRL #1 It’s the mice, Doc. 18.

DOC Unfortunately, the shops and warehouses are full of them.

GIRL #2 Isn’t there a poison or something..? DOC Hygienic conditions here are insufficient. Jasmine reaches out her hand, attempting to get up. JASMINE (somewhat delirious) You need to walk with me doc. DOC Lie down, Jasmine.

JASMINE Hold my hand, Doc. Doc gives Jasmine a heavy dose of medication. DOC (to Jasmine) That should take care of it for a while. CUT TO:

EXT. MAIN ROAD - DAY A stagecoach. The horse rears spooked by something. The driver takes out a letter. DRIVER (yelling) Con! For Mr. Tolliver!

CON (with a facial tick) Ahhhh! yes, hold up, My fu*** hernia.. DRIVER (kidding Con) Wild west life not for you, Con! CUT TO: 19.

EXT. BELLA UNION - DAY Con takes the letter and approaches Cy who walks away from the Bella Union. CON (hurriedly staggering) Mr. Tolliver! Mr. Tolliver. For you. Cy stops and grabs the letter beginning to read.

CY I am returning to Deadwood, a cargo of cats in tow. Cordially, Phatty Thompson.

CY(CONT’D) A cargo of cats. Break the news to the girls, Con - cordially. And then get the F*** back to work. CUT TO:

EXT. DEADWOOD CAMP - DAY Cy continues through the city to an exotic looking oriental style house. He knocks on the doorknocker, a strange design of an Asiatic man’s bald head with a single ponytail, mongol like with a bird pecking out the eye.

The door has been unlatched. A Siamese cat walks out as Cy opens it wider. CUT TO:

INT.DEE’S ROOM - DAY CY walks in.

DEE Come in, Cy. I’ve been waiting. Dee is sprawled in a solicitous position on a plush velvet day couch. 20.

Cy sits taking off his jacket and then drawing from an opium pipe. He turns and begins to caress the girl. CY (whispers into her ear) Do not fool with me.

Dee looks at him sideways, a little scared. He grips her neck.

DEE Cy, stop. I need you. I don’t wish to hide any longer. . There is something I must tell you. Cy twists Dee’s arm behind her back.

CY (clouded and furious) You’re a WHORE like any other ... And I’ve heard you have more important customers visiting now?

DEE (moans) You’re hurting me, Cy. I don’t know what you are talking about. We need to talk.

CY About the black cat that just crossed my path and told me I’m not your first distinguished visitor this afternoon?

DEE (struggling) What do you mean CY?

CY One of Hearst’s men. Isn’t that right China doll? Cy squeezes her harder.

DEE (struggling free) You’re hurting me, Cy. No! ... He was a man I knew a long time ago from Chicago. He helped me at the time. We need to. . 21.

Dee looks towards the little China doll placed on her dresser.

CY (Ironically) Just passing through to pay a visit to see how you were f*** doing? Cy throws Dee down onto the bed and heads for the door.

CY Poor deluded slut. First Hearst’s men then you. CY slams the door behind him.

Dee stares out the window, petrified. Tears trickle down her cheek. Reflected in a tear Dee’s black Siamese jumps out from a fence avoiding the shadow of Tolliver passing.



Al, Alice and Lee walk along the busy streets of the camp towards the front of the school where Joannie, Jane and Martha work. Through the windows Martha can be seen helping a little boy in the middle of a lesson. There are mostly white but also a few black, Mexican and Chinese children. Two younger children are noticeably a mix of Chinese and white.



Martha now helps the little mixed girl with a reading from a book. MARTHA (reading) Try it again, "Please your honors, said he, I’m able by a secret charm to draw all creatures beneath the sun. . ." 22.

LITTLE GIRL (continues reading) "That creep or swim or fly or run, And I chiefly use my charm on creatures that do people harm, the mole and toad and newt and viper. . ." Al, Alice and Lee enter the back of the school. SWEARENGEN (continues) "And people call me the Pied Piper!" MARTHA (surprised) Good morning, Mr. Swearengen! Joannie and Jane are also surprised. JANE (bending to Lee) And who might you be, fine sir! JOANNIE A new enrollment? AL Just visiting my. . grandson, Lee. And this is my ex wife, Alice... ALICE (ironically) Second ex wife, I’m thrilled to say. AL And don’t say too much, all right, Alice?

The girls wink to Alice and hold up their fingers - lips sealed. Martha claps her hands.

MARTHA Children, early recess. Martha closes the book she’s holding. 23.

MARTHA (cont’d) Class dismissed.

The children run out, letting out a collective whoop. Joannie and Jane follow them, Joannie taking Lee’s shoulders as she walks past. JOANNIE Come on little man, lets have a look at our school playground. Lee instinctively takes Joannie’s hand and follows her. Almost on the playground, he looks back at his grandmother and Swearengen. LEE (yelling) Is it alright, grandma?

Alice smiles and nods. SWEARENGEN Of course. CUT TO:

EXT. SCHOOL PLAYGROUND - DAY Al and Alice walk out of the school’s doors taking a moment to sit down on a bench at the playground’s edge to watch the children play. AL All these years, Alice.

ALICE So much has happened. AL Just a few more houses and more people .... We do have a new sheriff though, Bullock. Lee plays among a group of boys.

AL (CONT’D) the one before - Manning. . . he died. . . a mayor, now too. Farnum, you met him, the hotel manager... 24.

ALICE He seems a character, I see it already.

Al looks at her as if he’s seeing her for the first time. AL Why did you run away, Alice. Why disappear from my life for twelve years? For fuck’s sake! Everything that I ever loved, my daughter You took it all away. You’re a great bitch, going to the lawyers and surprising me like that!

Alice looks at him astonished. A couple small girls, one Chinese and the other half Chinese from the previous scene play next to boys in the distance. ALICE I have my own hurts, Al. And my own version. You know very well what happened. You did not love me, you had your gambling, your money, your business and your WHORES ... The Chinese girl gets inadvertently pushed.

AL (interrupts her) You were one of ....

The half Chinese girl has brought a small Chinese doll with her to school which she picks up next to her fallen friend. ALICE (CONT’D) (coldly) Shut your fucking mouth, Al. Don’t you ever say that to me again and you did not care about our child at that time. Lee runs happily up to his grandparents.



Dee sits in front of a mirror at her desk. She is dressed in a sultry Asian Kimono fixing a jeweled pendant in her hair. KNOCKING at the door. 25.

Dee closes a drawer. We see a row of handkerchiefs blue and gold folded again into little animals. She goes to open the door. Bullock stands outside unfolding the Page proclamation.

DEE Sheriff Bullock? Bullock begins to read.

BULLOCK (awkward) As sheriff of Deadwood.. . . Bullock notices the Kimono and Dee’s elegant pendant.

BULLOCK (CONT’D) (Flustered) Your continuance here. . . DEE Come in, Sheriff.

Bullock reluctantly enters. BULLOCK I’m sorry Dee. .

DEE May I offer you some Green tea. BULLOCK (awkwardly) No. . .mmm thank you.

DEE Well, at least stay for a moment and sit down.

Bullock takes his hat off and sits on the velvet couch. BULLOCK This is official, Dee. DEE Sheriff, you know I’ve been here from the beginning. Dee turns to her window noticing a new tent coming up. 26.

DEE (CONT’D) Does my presence now bother our Deadwood citizens? Dee’s Siamese cat stalks something outside.

BULLOCK This isn’t personal Dee, simply recently enacted US law. Order and justice. . .

Dee’s sash that holds the Kimono-type silk dress she wears slip loose. BULLOCK (CONT’D) . . .must prevail. It is now my unpleasant business. . .

The front of Dee’s dress falls open. DEE (stretching) To have to enforce ludicrous laws, order without. . . Bullock reaches for his hat but Dee places her leg next to his. DEE (CONT’D) Justice. Dee’s delicate palm releases a precious ring necklace near Bullock’s. CLOSEUP NECKLACE

The necklace has a Jade yin/yang symbol on it. Bullock places the necklace on the desk. The rest of Dee’s kimono opens

Bullock forces himself to stand but cannot. BULLOCK (Fading) Ma’am, You have 24 hours. Dee pulls closer. From her back, her Kimono falls downwards. CUT TO: 27.

EXT. MAIN STREET GEM SALOON - DAY Phatty Thompson’s cart pulls into town loaded with cats. Lee is walking into the hotel with Alice.

Swearengen is a little farther down the street. LEE (yelling out) What are you going to do with all of those cats, Mr.? Phatty stops the cart in front of the Gem and then gets out. Swearengen turns back.

PHATTY The name’s Phatty Thompson young sir and I’m getting rid of all of the mice and rats in this town, I’ve been retained.

SWEARENGEN (yelling) Retained? Well, you’re in the right place. There’s a lot of rats on retainers to get rid of here.

ALICE (laughing) Young and old, big and small Mr. Thompson. Are you sure, you’ve brought enough?

Phatty opens up the back of the cart shewing some cats down onto the ground and watching them scamper off. PHATTY Quite enough to the purpose, madame. Rest assured. Phatty jumps into the back of the cart. SWEARENGEN And if it isn’t enough, I’m sure this bunch will be breeding like rabbits. PHATTY These are cats not rabbits, sir but as you mention a hospitable environment for the task at hand. 28.

Phatty slams shut the cart (still three quarters full) and gets back in his cart. PHATTY (CONT’D) And I will not prevent my allies from taking their leisure time as they see fit. Domesticated animals after all, good day. Alice and Lee watch Phatty continue down the street.

Swearengen makes his way in the other direction. CUT TO:

EXT. BELLA UNION - DAY Cy and Merrick stand outside on the street. Cy smokes a large cigar. Merrick busies himself with his camera. A cat walks among crowds shopping, among them a couple stylishly dressed Chinese women. CY Assimilation begins. American style.

MERRICK Who exactly are you referring to, Cy? CY Who do you think I’m referring to, Merrick, E.T. FARNUM or those Goddamn cats. No, damn it, the Chinese whores who just passed! MERRICK You needn’t get so touchy, Mr. Tolliver. We all dislike to see work taken by foreigners be it British tea makers or Chinese opium proprietresses.

Cy fumes as Al passes in front of them. CY (calling out) Do you like grandpappy better now or can I still call you Al? 29.

AL Unlike yourself, an old cigar butt in my mouth is not my only legacy...

CY Word is that you have a nice little family that has made your acquaintance. AL Yes, and I am thinking of extending my empire into more Eastern directions. I’ve heard you’ve been prospecting this way. Cy stamps out the cigar butt.

CY (stop smoking) What’s that supposed to mean? SWEARENGEN Only that your taste extends towards the Oriental. CY Frankly, I don’t see your drift.

SWEARENGEN Enough BS, Cy. Wu and his men have already started organizing to stop Bullock. We need to talk serious if we want to avoid a bloodbath.



Alice and Lee eat dinner. A cat runs past. Farnum approaches. FARNUM (smiling) Officially, the second Madame Swearengen! You must have a boatload of stories to tell about Al. A pleasure to reconnoiter again. 30.

ALICE Mr. Far. . .fetched ... Alice has forgotten Farnum’s name. FARNUM It’s Far-num, ma’am, ET Far-num, also mayor. She waves Farnum closer keeping her voice down.

ALICE I need to politely tell you, Mr. Mayor in your official capacity that I don’t have any interesting news for you to reconnoiter.

FARNUM Ma’am. . . ALICE And so that I don’t use indiscriminate language in front of my charge, I wish you good day, Mr. Far-num. Alice gives Farnum the empty cake plate and places her fork on it face down.

Lee also gives him the nod-over to scram and without missing a beat places the unfinished crumbs under the table for the cat to finish.

ALICE (cont’d) Good day. Farnum leaves to the kitchen with plates in hand. The cat follows.



Phatty Thompson’s cats are shown in various locations around town. Begin with the same cat that was following Farnum. CUT TO: 31.

INT. SCHOOL - WINDOWSILL - DAY A cat jumps from the windowsill to Martha’s teacher’s desk keeping an eye out for any activity and focusing on a mouse hole at the classroom’s side.

Children have their attention fixed on the cat rather than Martha. CUT TO:

INT. GEM GIRL’S BEDROOM - GEM SALOON - DAY One of the Gem’s girls pets a cat in her bedroom. A miner lies behind her wheezing. This is the same miner that almost had his foot shot off,now noticeably wrapped. MINER #1 (sneezing) Ahhchoo!

The cat jumps on the bed near the miner. GIRL#1 Bless you! MINER #1 (wiping his tearing eyes) It’s those damn cats. I don’t ever remember there being so many cat’s around here. GIRL#1 They are getting rid of vermin. MINER #1 Can’t they get rid of them some place else. This is become an occupational hazard. GIRL #1 Technically, this is a cat friendly house. If you don’t like it you can take your business elsewhere.

The woman hugs the cat and the miner sneezes again. CUT TO: 32.

EXT. CHINESE LAUNDRY - DAY Wu chases a cat from behind a pile of Laundry. Another little Chinese girl is playing with a new litter of kittens which were hidden there.


EXT. ROAD CHINATOWN - EVENING In the Chinese settlement, Wu’s men and miners bet on odds. Will Wu’s girls leave Deadwood? A Chinese and a miner argue over a betting placard with a rough chalk caricature of Wu on one side versus Bullock as Sheriff on the other.

The mother cat with her litter walks by in the background. MINER #1 Let’s get the betting going, people. Cat’s cradle. Who’s in?

CHINESE#1 (yelling in Chinese) Wu, xei hai len len!! MINER #2 Page Law prevails. I’ll wager the Sheriff. MINER #1 Ten on the wrong side of the law.

One of the men betting corrects the caricature of Wu so his Fu Manchu mustache is better represented. CUT TO:

EXT. EDGE OF TOWN - DAY Dee carries a suitcase away from downtown approaching a big tree. Brown moves out from behind it. She is surprised to see him.

BROWN Planning a trip, Miss Dee. 33.

DEE (nervously) Tolliver knows everything. I’m afraid of what he will do.

Brown watches over the horizon. BROWN It’s a pity you have had to suffer here and this new law isn’t helping any.

Brown grabs Dee roughly by the elbow. BROWN (CONT’D) Really, a bit of unsavory business. I’m afraid I’ll need to tell Mr. Hearst. Dee drops her suitcase as Brown presses Dee back towards Deadwood. The Siamese unexpectedly scampers out of the suitcase surprising Brown. There is a struggle. A gun is dropped.

Sounds of gunshot. The cat runs past the fallen gun. CUT TO:


Al is outside viewing main street. Dan approaches bringing the newspaper and coffee. DAN Old news.

Al shews one of the new cats off the table. He grunts, take the newspaper and shakes his head. AL Are you trying to be ignorant or solicitous? 34.

AL looks down from the newspaper. HEADLINE READS

"THE CHINESE QUESTION" AL (CONT’D) Get Wu. It’s time to solve this mess.



Phatty Thompson lies in bed with one of Cy’s girls. It is the girl who first complained to CY regarding the mice. She is in a position over him suggestive of a cat back stretching.

GIRL #1 You’re really a genius, Mr. Thompson. PHATTY Phatty to my friends, and you’re also quite limber yourself, milady. The girl happily continues to smother him. PHATTY (cont’d) All in a day’s work.



Sol Star empties the daily count from the cash register. Trixie is farther down behind the counter arranging some musical instruments for sale which have been placed in a corner. Among them a flute and a couple ones which look oddly Chinese or Asiatic. A man enters breathless. MAN We need to find the sheriff, they found someone dead in that house at the end of the street! Trixie and Star look at each other. 35.

SOL Who? TRIXIE A Chinese?

MAN They didn’t say. Sol gets his coat and begins to exit.

SOL (to Trixie) You lock up and stay here. TRIXIE I’m coming with you.



The three hightail it to Chinatown. Dee’s black Siamese looks onwards on the group. MAN (pointing the opposite way) No, no..on this side Trixie senses something looking at the cat. CUT TO:

INT.DEE’S ROOM - DAY Bullock looks over the scene while Doc Cochran sits by Dee at the foot of her divan, holding her pulse. She is dressed beautifully. On the floor, Brown lies splayed out. A single slender line of blood trickles from his cheek onto the floor, apparently shot straight through the forehead.

Star opens the door and both Trixie and Sol rush in followed by the man. 36.

SOL What’s happened here? Trixie holds up the netting on the opium net covering Dee. TRIXIE Are they dead? An opium hookah pipe works next to Dee. BULLOCK Well, he’s deader than a door nail. DOC I think Miss Dee will recover. TRIXIE What happened? Among the feet of the nightstand table, there are the crushed animal designs of Dee’s blue and gold handkerchiefs. DOC Well the young lady’s overdosed, it looks by her own hand. STAR I never understood how anyone could live in these types of Dens.

TRIXIE Dee was not that type of purveyor. She was a whore for those with means.

There are a few tracks of blood and boot markings on the ground among the smoke. BULLOCK This was not a drug deal gone wrong either. There are several missing pieces. Bullock scans the empty desk and jewelry box. A few of the previous rich ornaments from the room have disappeared.

BULLOCK (cont’d) Doesn’t look like a murder or a robbery, but we have a dead man and apparently effects of value taken. A Jade flute lies close to Dee’s hanging hand next to. . . 37.

TRIXIE What’s that?

BULLOCK A letter. Bullock picks up the letter. SOL Who’s it addressed to? CLOSE UP LETTER In delicately written script, the name reads ’Cy Tolliver, Bella Union’

BULLOCK Tolliver. Dee’s Siamese cat walks into the room to Dee’s fallen hand.

Dee begins to blink. CUT TO:

INT.BELLA UNION - DAY Cy drinks. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks disheveled. Bullock places the letter still in the envelope in front of him next to a deck of cards which Cy shuffles.

CY Life dealt her different opportunities. The wrong cards. She played them accordingly. .

BULLOCK People say you knew her well. CY (vague) Between us there was a certain commerce. If you serve too many masters, you suffer . . Cy pours a round and raises his glass.

BULLOCK When Doc revived her, she said she was leaving and it was self-defense. 38.

CY Leaving town? BULLOCK Apparently. Does the name Brown or Chicago ring any bells?

Cy picks up the letter, turns it around without opening it and gets up to look out the window. CY (raises his glass) Apparently, for Dee. He starts to put the letter into his lapel. BULLOCK Aren’t you going to open that? CY No, I wasn’t planning to at the present moment.

Martha Bullock walks by outside with a couple of her students, the half Chinese girl. MARTHA (calling in) Good afternoon, Sheriff Bullock.

BULLOCK (CONT’D) (Startled) Good afternoon, Mrs. Bullock. CY Does this conclude your business here? BULLOCK I am the Sheriff in this town.

MARTHA BULLOCK Am I interrupting, gentlemen? CUT TO:

INT. GEM -AFTERNOON Al, Trixie, Dan and Johnny sit around a table. 39.

AL (worried) Murder always brings trouble with it. Wu thinks this is a showdown between Bullock and Hearst’s men.

TRIXIE (puzzled ) They didn’t leave much in the room except that letter.

AL (CONT.D) And why would she overdose, unless it was purposeful? As one of the cats jumps from table to floor, Dan spills a drink.

DAN No one knows about that woman except Tolliver. TRIXIE The letter was addressed to him. Bullock wouldn’t open it in front of us. SWEARENGEN (ironically) An honorable man. Charlie leans against the table and thinks aloud. CHARLIE Say what you want, but after a murder you hide the body. DON I heard she was dressed up as if she was leaving.

Trixie looks at Dan. TRIXIE (quizzical) Back to China? Who told you she was leaving? CHARLIE Bullock. 40.

AL (fed up) Dan, go get Wu. We need to fix this f***g thing now. Dan leaves to get Wu. Farnum enters.

FARNUM Mr. Swearengen.. . AL Not now, Farnum. FARNUM Mr. Swearengen. AL I said not now. FARNUM But, your wife, I mean former wife. AL (annoyed) What about my former life. . .wife? FARNUM The second one...and your nephew. They’re leaving.

Al gets up and moves to the exit. AL It’s F**** night time. CUT TO:


The stagecoach driver loads luggage. Alice and Lee get in. AL Alice, Do you really think it’s a good time to travel?

ALICE We’re catching the midnight train, AL and this stage only goes as far as the rail station. 41.

AL Alice, be reasonable. We’ve just had a murder. Lee gets off the stage and embraces his grandfather.

LEE I don’t want to go, grandpa. I liked shooting off guns with you and learning how to gamble.

AL (smiling affectionately) Shut up you little rascal! Don’t tell your grandmother I taught you to gamble or shoot off a gun.

Alice takes Lee and gets on the stage. ALICE Goodbye Al. I’m happy for our boy but can’t say it was any pleasure.

Al turns his back and whispers under his breath. AL Don’t leave me again you **** cunt. CUT TO:

INT. BELLA UNION BEDROOM - NIGHT Phatty Thompson buttons his shirt while the whore behind him massages his back. She has taken a liking to him and the feeling seems mutual. PHATTY I’m not in the practice of picking up dead men’s bodies. Time to conclude affairs here. GIRL #1 Did she really ask you to do that?

PHATTY There is a price for all transactions. GIRL #1 What was the price? 42.

PHATTY My dear, you should really know it’s impolite to ask about prices. GIRL #1 Oh, Phatty! CUT TO:

EXT.NEWSPAPER ENTRANCE - DAY Merrick hands Bullock a notebook. Bullock examines it paging through the various drawings and writings. Blazanov looks out from the door.

BLAZANOV Various information and I asked from Cheyenne to Chicago. No one really knows why Brown was in Deadwood, probably Hearst.

Merrick closes the notebook. MERRICK We still have no evidence for his motives but Dee’s alibi of self defense seems plausible.

BULLOCK Cy’s man saw him leaving Dee’s apartment, two days before the murder. But how did Dee even know Hearst? And what did they want from her? MERRICK There’s also word that you were at Dee’s apartment as well as Tolliver. Merrick raises an eyebrow towards Bullock. Blazanov turns aside. BULLOCK I was there on business in my capacity as sherriff to enforce the Page law. BLAZANOV The same type of business as Tolliver. 43.

Martha Bullock walks past the window with Janie Stubbs carrying a stack of school books.

MERRICK Or Brown. . . Yesterday’s copies of the newspaper with Page Law headlines lay near the door.



On the main road two miners walk together. MAN#1 He paid 25 cents per cat. MAN#2 I’ve heard he has a whore in every town. MAN #1 I’ve heard two and that he’s purchased claims that contains half the gold in the . More than Hearst. MAN#2 (laughing) And he splits the mountain right down the middle with a whistling pipe? MAN#1 Well, he was involved with that Chinese whore in some kind of infernal exchange. MAN#1 (cont’d) Myths and legends.

MAN#2 We’ll see what Tolliver has to say about those myths and legends! MAN#1 Speak of the Devil.

Phatty Thompson walks past. CUT TO: 44.

EXT. BELLA UNION - DAY While the miners gawk, Mr. Thompson walks up the stairs of the Bella Union carrying a pair of cats, whistling. A couple girls go around him.

GIRL#1 Our hero. GIRL #2 On behalf of Deadwood, Mr. Thompson. . . THOMPSON The mayor’s job ladies, but I accept your gratitude.

THOMPSON (CONT’D) (winking at #1) And as token of my appreciation I would like to present you with these fine specimens, Robert and Mary, named after a poet and his wife that I used to know. Thompson drops the pair of black cats in front of the ladies. Cy looks down from the balcony.

CY Enough with the encomiums. Thompson looks up.

THOMPSON Time to collect my fees, Mr. Tolliver. CY What did we agree on again? THOMPSON One thousand which you owe me now. CY I thought it $100.00. Those damn cats did most of the work, didn’t they? We’ll need to talk on that. Phatty’s polite expression and demeanor slightly changes.

CUT TO: 45.

INT.GEM AL’S OFFICE BALCONY- EVENING Al argues with Wu. WU My girls. My business. Ok? Swearengen? Al shews a cat off the table. AL Wu, you are worse for business than these cats. Quit playing these games and get the fuck out of here. WU Swearengen?

AL I said I’d talk to Bullock. Go back to your G***damn job, okay? The girls can stay here, for now. There is already a mess with your yellow hooker’s accidental murder which isn’t helping your case with the law, my friend. Wu exits.



Phatty Thompson rides out of the city his cart mostly empty of cats and in their place three Bell Union Girls with extensive piled belongings. GIRL #2 And what shall we do in Cheyenne, Mr Thompson? THOMPSON Start a business, of course, my dears. What one does in America.

GIRL#3 But what type of business, Mr. Thompson. 46.

THOMPSON Ladies, I call it a Cathouse. They all laugh together GIRL #1 AND GIRL #2 (giggling) A Cathouse! THOMPSON And you’re all invited to participate. Let me say professionally qualified. BACK OF CART SHOT The cart moves down the road.

On one side of the back of the cart is a ruck sack that contains four Asiatic flutes bound together by rough string. THOMPSON (CONT’D) The perfect type of business to take one’s mind off the world’s more unpleasant dealings. On the other side of the cart is a bamboo cage. In it three mice nibble happily at a big block of cheese.



Al reads the newspaper near the bar. Miners and girls drink. The place and people look uncharacteristically clean. Charlie plays an Irish jig on a reed pipe. Dan cleans. Jewel looks noticeably impressed with her kitchen. She and Richardson congratulate themselves with a larder well in order dancing to the Irish jig. DAN Sometimes a man asks himself, is there something else waiting, payment for all he has done... AL There is a providence to the fall of every sparrow. 47.

DAN (tries to wax eloquent) A balance recomposed with the exit of each mouse. Trixie runs down the stairs of the Gem. AL He that dies pays all debts.

A large man, with a black cap, duffel bag and uniform can be seen exiting and getting into the stage coach. TRIXIE (speaking quickly) Al, see that man getting into the stagecoach? Al looks up from his paper, over his glasses. AL Yes. Trixie struggles whether to say something before Al. TRIXIE He had to stay overnight.

AL (not impressed) A lot of people stay overnight. Was he some kind of John of yours.

TRIXIE No, Al. AL Well then.

TRIXIE You won’t be mad? AL Spit it out, Trixie.

Dan stops cleaning and walks towards the departing stage. DAN Looking for the Chinese girl?

TRIXIE No. The stage rides away. 48.

AL I’m not a fucking mind reader, Trixie and have a business to attend to here. Spit it out or forever hold your f*** peace TRIXIE That’s the train conductor, Al. . .Alice’s train conductor. Al slowly takes off his apron.

TRIXIE (CONT’D) Her train was delayed and it hasn’t left yet. Al moves to the other side of the bar.

AL (to Dan) What are you looking at dumb ass, saddle the horses.



Al drives his horse down the road to the train station. After a mile, Al passes the coach, Phatty’s travelling cart and then approaches the distant station. Dan and Charlie follow shortly after nodding their hats to the girls on Phatty’s cart as they pass. CUT TO:

EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY Al gallops into the train station. Passengers finish final boarding.

The station master closes the gateway. Passengers can be seen taking their seats looking out the window. Al jumps off his horse. He starts to walk down the train station along the passenger cars. 49.

AL Alice, are you in there? STATIONMASTER Excuse me sir, you’re not allowed.

AL Get out of my way. STATIONMASTER Sir?

AL (menacingly) I swear it. The station master steps back.

AL (CONT’D) Alice, can you hear me? Passengers start to get up from their seats and look at this man.

AL(CONT’D) (yelling) I need to talk to you, Alice. The train conductor now arrives consulting with the station master and throwing his duffel bag into the engine car. STATIONMASTER Final call. All aboard. The Train whistle blows steam.

Al jumps past the baggage handler onto the train. BAGGAGE HANDLER Sir, you can’t go in there. The train’s leaving. You don’t have a ticket. CUT TO:

INT. TRAIN CAR - DAY Al runs through the interior of the train car bumping passengers and looking for Alice. 50.

AL Alice, Alice!

Al runs through first class and the dining car knocking trays. Noticeable on the dining car’s decorations are reproductions of Jane Cook’s 1875 illustrations for Browning’s Pied Piper. AL (cont’d) Alice, you can’t leave, yet. Al reaches the back of the train car which is now moving. The astounded passengers look on.

ALICE’S VOICE (yelling) We’re not staying here Al, we can’t. AL (yelling over tain’s din) Alice, I knew you were here. Where are you? CUT TO:

EXT. TRAIN CAR - DAY AL tries forcing opening the locked door between final cars but as he heaves his weight, he loses his balance. AL ALICE, ALICE! Al falls from the moving train hitting the ground inches from the train’s wheels. He rolls backwards rising up to his knees. AL (cont’d) Alice, YOU CAN’T LEAVE. I need you.

Al bows his head. The final car departs. Alice stands on the other side of the track, suitcases and Lee neatly next to her. Al raises his head and then struggles to walk towards the tracks. 51.

Alice starts to walk towards him. ALICE Al. Lee drops his book ext to the baggage joining his grandparents reunion. CUT TO:

EXT. DEADWOOD GRAVEYARD - DAY Cy Tolliver walks among Deadwood graves. Beside him Dee carries a delicate yellow flower bouquet.

Cy passes all of the white cross graves and tombstones and goes to the Chinese graves where newly dug up earth for Mr. Brown is piled high. Dee walks past this and places the bouquet on a child’s grave a little farther down from Brown’s.

TOLLIVER Possibilities. Children. You must promise never to do that again, Dee.

Dee takes out a small China Doll similar to the ones the Chinese girls at the Deadwood school were playing with at recess. She places the doll in front of the Chinese style child’s grave.

Cy walks over taking from his lapel the handkerchief and unfolding it to reveal the jade ring ying/yang necklace that Dee had previously offered Bullock.

He affixes the necklace around Dee’s delicate neck. Dee places her head against Cy’s heart, holding him close. CLOSE-UP