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the INTERACADEMY PANEL on international issues iap the INTERACADEMY PANEL Co-chairs: on international issues Chen Zhu Minister of Health, China Former Vice President, Chinese Academy iap of Sciences Howard Alper Foreign Secretary, Academy of the Arts, iap is a global network of Humanities and Sciences, Canada the world's science academies launched in 1993. Its primary goal is to Executive Committee help member academies Australian Academy of Science work together to advise citizens and public officials Bangladesh Academy of Sciences on the scientific aspects of Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Brazil critical global issues. iap is particularly interested in Cuban Academy of Sciences assisting young and small Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, academies achieve these Egypt goals. Union of German Academies of Sciences and the Humanities INTERACADEMY PANEL on international issues Science Council of Japan a global network of science academies Akademi Sains Malaysia iap Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences IAP Secretariat: Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal c/o TWAS Strada Costiera 11 The Royal Society, UK 34014 Trieste Italy Ex-officio: Contact persons: Mohamed H.A. Hassan TWAS, the academy of sciences for the Joanna C.R. Lacey developing world Daniel Schaffer (media) tel: + 39 040 2240 680/681 fax: + 39 040 2240 688 [email protected] www.interacademies.net/iap February 2008 African Academy of Sciences National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Albanian Academy of Sciences Latin American Academy of Sciences National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina Latvian Academy of Sciences The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Objectives Networks Lithuanian Academy of Sciences iap Australian Academy of Science Science and technology have never been more critical to our cooperates with networks of regional academies, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Austrian Academy of Sciences lives. Yet most science academies, despite serving as respected including Federation of Asian Scientific Academies (FASAS), Madagascar's National Academy of Arts, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences repositories of scientific knowledge, have rarely engaged in Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), Network Letters and Sciences National Academy of Sciences of Belarus public discourse. of Academies of Science in OIC Countries (NASIC), Akademi Sains Malaysia The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA), the Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology of Belgium iap was created to bring together member academies to Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) discuss the scientific aspects of problems of global concern Academy of Sciences of Moldova Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and and the Caribbean Scientific Union (CSU). Herzegovina and to help academies develop the tools they need to Mongolian Academy of Sciences Brazilian Academy of Sciences participate in science policy discussions taking place beyond iap helped to launch NASAC, NASIC and IANAS through its Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts Bulgarian Academy of Sciences university classrooms and research laboratories. capacity building programme. Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, Morocco Cameroon Academy of Sciences Members of iap believe that they have much to learn from The listed partners and networks are all observers of iap Royal Nepal Academy of Science and The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Technology Sciences of Canada each other. Members also believe that through the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Caribbean Academy of Sciences communication links and networks created by iap, academies Sciences Academia Chilena de Ciencias Academy Council of the Royal Society of New will be able to raise both their public profile among citizens Zealand Chinese Academy of Sciences and their influence among policy makers. Programmes Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China iap programmes involve interdisciplinary activities and Nigerian Academy of Sciences Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical & studies on critical issues related to science and technology. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters Natural Sciences Since its inception, iap has issued statements on: Pakistan Academy of Sciences Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences iap's flagship programme focuses on capacity building for Palestine Academy for Science and Technology Cuban Academy of Sciences science academies, paying particular attention to building Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic access to scientific information the capacity of science academies in developing countries. National Academy of Science and Technology, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters biosecurity Philippines A key objective is to strengthen the role of academies in Academia de Ciencias de la República evolution Polska Akademia Nauk, Poland Dominicana providing advice to governments on issues of national and health of mothers and children Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal Academy of Scientific Research and global concern. Technology, Egypt human reproductive cloning Romanian Academy Estonian Academy of Sciences population growth iap's efforts include working with governments to develop Russian Academy of Sciences The Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Science and Letters science and the media national science, technology and innovation strategies. This Sénégal Académie des Sciences, France science education programme, which is coordinated by TWAS, has led to the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Georgian Academy of Sciences scientific capacity building creation of regional networks of science academies in Africa, Singapore National Academy of Sciences Union of German Academies of Sciences and sustainability the Americas and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Slovak Academy of Sciences Humanities urban development Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher member states. Leopoldina Academy of Science of South Africa Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences In addition to its flagship programme, iap supports projects Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural iap also organizes international conferences, sponsors Sciences of Spain The Academy of Athens, Greece that are coordinated by groups of member academies and National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y workshops and serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas regional networks. These projects include: digital knowledge Naturales de Guatemala and experiences among academies. and infrastructure, science education, water research and Sudanese National Academy of Science Pontificia Academia Scientiarvm, Holy See management, and biosecurity. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences iap serves as a hub of activities for science academies Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences Indian National Science Academy interested in gaining a greater public presence within their Academy of Sciences, Tajikistan Indonesian Academy of Sciences nations and regions. Tanzania Academy of Sciences Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Thai Academy of Science and Technology Iran Sponsors Royal Irish Academy iap's secretariat, which is located in Trieste, Italy, operates Turkish Academy of Sciences Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities The Academy of Sciences for the Developing Partners under the administrative umbrella of TWAS. The Italian World Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy iap government provides core funding. Member academies make The Uganda National Academy of Sciences Science Council of Japan has forged partnerships among its member institutions financial and in-kind contributions to iap programmatic National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Royal Scientific Society of Jordan and worked closely with other scientific organizations, activities. They also sponsor iap events and host executive The Royal Society, UK Islamic World Academy of Sciences including the InterAcademy Council (IAC), InterAcademy committee and general assembly meetings. US National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Sciences of the Republic Medical Panel (IAMP), International Council for Science of Kazakhstan (ICSU), European Academies' Science Advisory Council Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Kenya National Academy of Sciences Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y (EASAC), and All European Academies (ALLEA). Naturales de Venezuela The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences.