HOW to USE THIS INDEX Author Index This Author Index Is in Alphabetical Order, and Includes Exact Titles of the Works As
:) 3 O 30/18:147-49 cites Vol. 30, No. 18 (June 15, 1917) pp. 247-49. HOW TO USE THIS INDEX Circ 1:1 cites Official Circular No. 1 (Nov Author Index 1886), page 1. This Author Index is in alphabetical order, and Circ Apr 95:1 cites Official Circular, April includes exact titles of the works as printed in the 1895, page 1. journal. Note that the particular author identifica tion in the Geographic and Subject Indexes can thereby 10/YB:45-48, 53 cites Vol. 10, American be readily converted to precise bibliographic cita Philatelist•and Year Book of the American tions. Where the article has been reprinted from Philatelic tAssociation (Nov. 1896), pp. 45- another source, the original source is identified. 48, 53. In a few instances, the author's work has been 26/3:Supp. 10-11 cites Vol. 26, No. 3 (Dec. 1, cited in the Author Index but the article itself has 1912),: Supplement (Convention Proceedings), not been considered worth citation in- any'6ther pp. 10-11. section {e.g. general address, personal opinion, non- philatelic content etc.)"; Where the compiler has felt Advertising pages were not numbered in the first it to be appropriate, letters to the editor have been seven volumes? where indexed, they have been cited by indexed in the Author, Index as well as in other lowerc-case Roman numerals in parentheses, e.g., "(iii- applicable indexes. " . ,;' iv)." There were numerous instances of mispagination throughout the history of the AP. When these mistakes Citations, were not subsequently corrected, the page numbers have been cited as printed, in parentheses.
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