Never forget the three powerful resources you always have 6 available to you: love, prayer and forgiveness. —H. Jackson Brown Jr EDITORIAL z Friday z December 18, 2020 WHO IS MISLEADING Careers opportunity in FARMERS? Dogras didn't introduce Begar system in Journalism ountywide farmers' agitation is going on against „ VIJAY GARG Cthree agriculture bills passed by the Union Kashmir, they abolished it hese days a lot of youngsters want to Government. Mostly, the farmers of Punjab and „PROF HARI OM 'Begar system was in vogue during the time engaged for doing the state work, including Tmake a career in the challenging field Haryana are showing their resentment against these ogras of Jammu are of Maharaja Hari Singh' (1925-1947). construction of roads. In other words, he of journalism. Of course, a journalism bills. However, Government has given lot of assurances very unfortunate. They When was Dogra rule established in changed the system of Begar into that of degree offers lucrative job and career to the farmers, but farmers are continuously putting Dfounded the erstwhile Kashmir? It was established in March 1846. forced paid labour. His son, Ranbir Singh, opportunities. When you talk of Careers in pressure on Government through their mass protest. A State of Jammu & Kashmir in Did not Begar system exist in Kashmir went a step further. He changed the system Journalism, terms such as job-prospects large number of protesting farmers are on roads and March 1846 and suffered immense cultural, before 1846? It did exist. It existed during of payment in kind to cash. recruitment opportunities, journalism highways with their family members. They have brought socio-economic and political losses after the Sultnate period, including the period of It was Maharaja Pratap Singh who abol- degree, definition of journalism, freelance sufficient stock of eatables and other necessary items 1947 at the hands of Kashmiri ruling elite Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin (1420-1470). In fact, ished the system in 1920. Left to him, writing, purpose of journalism, online jour- along with them at protesting site. It seems that this with New Delhi always at its back and call. it was during his period that Kashmir wit- Pratap Singh would have abolished it in nalism, photojournalism etc. are likely to time they have prepared for a long term protest. No They were excluded from the corridors of nessed a revolt against Begar system and it 1891 itself, but British Residents posted in come up for discussion. doubt in this cold climate it is very difficult to sit on power for all practical purposes or were ren- was engineered by Chaks of Dardistan (all the state by the British Indian Government Role of journalism in a country, particu- protest in an open area. Government is also serious over dered ineffective and unreal. They were Shiites). In this regard, Baharistan-i-Shahi didn't allow him. Settlement Officer, Walter larly in a democracy, is another pertinent the issue and concerns of farmers. Even the Agriculture denied due representation in the assembly, said, The Chaks, apprehensive of the dread- Lawrence, even went to the extent of saying topic of discussion nowadays. Before we minister and other cabinet ministers repeatedly appealed council of ministers, secretariat, service sec- ful prospect of being subjected to forced that it was the 'right of the sovereign to take look at careers in journalism, let us give a to the farmers to call off their agitation and chose the tor and financial and professional institu- labour, such as the carriage of luggage and forced labour on payment' as he thought was brief look to some of the key aspects that medium of table discussion. Several meetings have been tions. Their region, Jammu province, was the like in the event of the Sultan taking up 'done in British '. However, that year, a are closely linked to the topic. organised on the issue to resolve the dispute and dilem- converted virtually into a Kashmir colony. his residence there, displayed a spirit of department to regulate the beggar system The term journalism can be defined and ma of farmers. Even the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Jammu's natural resources were exploited to revolt. When Zain-ul-Abidin went to the new known as 'Civil Transport Department' was understood in many different ways. has personally intervened on this issue of farmers. But enrich Kashmir's economy. So much so, city of Zainagiri and requisitioned the serv- established. The objective was to mitigate Broadly speaking, the act of collecting and the agitating farmers are firm on their demands. They attempts were made to erode Jammu's age- ices of people for forced labour, Chaks were the problems, including the problem of suit- presenting news and information for news- are continuously demanding to dismiss these black laws. old distinct identity by creating the other- conspicuous by their absence. The Sultan, able residential accommodation, being faced papers, journals, magazines, news websites No doubt few demands and claims of farmers are gen- wise non-existent Chenab Valley and Pir however, forced them to work. But when he by those engaged by the Government to do and apps, radio, television or any other uine but we can't say that all is wrong in these bills. Panjal Valley out of the mighty Pir Panjal left, Pandu Chak, leader of Chaks, and his the state work. segment of media is referred to as 'journal- Even the Government is willing to listen to the griev- mountain. The objective was to facilitate followers set fire to the palace and other In 1917, the Government of Maharaja ism'. The end product of all or some of ances and proposals of farmers but it is very difficult to creation of Greater Kashmir. Government buildings in Kamraj". Pratap Singh took one more important step these activities is also referred to as jour- cancel all the bills, because Government has passed these The Dogras all through accommodated all Begar system was prevalent during towards the abolition of the forced paid nalism. The news or reports that are col- bills in Parliament with the consent of majority of votes. victims of two-nation doctrine (nearly 20 Mughal period (1586-1753) also. The labour. Rules were framed with regard to the lected by journalists may pertain to people, Even the President of India has passed these bills as per lakh), but the Kashmiri leaders and powers- inscription on the Kathi Darwaza of Akbar's registration of coolies in seasonal employ of events, concepts or facts which are of the protocol of democratic structure. Now these bills that-be in New Delhi invariably called them Fort around Hari Parbat proves that. Not the visitors and officials for manual work interest to the masses. It is commonly have taken shape of law. At this time, if the Government communal, reactionaries, backward-looking just this, when in 1665, Mughal ruler under the new name of 'Kashmiri Servants'. believed that the more democratic a socie- issue an ordinance to cancel these bills then it will be a and what not. The Pakistani invaders and Aurangzeb (1656-1707) visited Kashmir, he They were registered under the two heads, ty or country is, the more news it tends to mockery of the democratic set up. It will become a cus- their cohorts in what we term -occu- employed '30,000 porters to carry his impe- viz. Permanent Coolies and daily or monthly have. Such news is also likely to have a def- tom in the country to adopt this way of protest to change pied-Jammu & Kashmir (PoJK) murdered rial camp luggage from Bimber in Jammu labourers. The registered persons were inite impact on the society, in general. any design of Government as per desire and comfort. It almost 80,000 Hindus and Sikhs in 1947- (now in PoJK) to Kashmir'. Some of the issued badges at the Government cost. It Many journalists also go for freelance writ- will give birth to a wrong culture in our democracy which 1948, abducted, converted and auctioned porters were provided by the Governor of was a 'sort of employment exchange service ing. is not beneficial for anyone. People will start protests for 1000s of Hindu-Sikh women and girls and Kashmir. The Mughal rule in Kashmir came provided to persons registered under this Accuracy, proper balance and impeccable other vital issues like NRC and CAA in the same pattern. converted the whole of PoJK. But the anti- to an end in 1753. It was replaced by the scheme by the Government'. credibility are essential pre-requisites of We have already seen the Shaheen Bagh incident in past. Dogra forces accuse day and night the Afghan rule, which continued till 1819. No The anti-Dogra elements claim that 'the an ethical journalistic practice. Journalists No doubt in a democracy everyone has the privilege and Dogras of killing '84,000 to 10 lakh Muslims Afghan ruler tried to abolish system. As a Begar system in Jammu and Kashmir dur- act as people's watchdog against the gov- right to put his / her opinion. Nobody can challenge the in Jammu City alone in 1947'. They deliber- matter of fact, the system under them ing the Dogra rule was imposed exclusively ernment and policy makers and media has way of peaceful agitation but we can't ignore the meth- ately suppress the fact that total population assumed the brutal form. In 1819, Kashmir on the Muslim subjects of Kashmir and all an important role to play in this regard. ods and modus operandi of democratic structure. of Jammu City in 1941 was just 58,000, came under Sikh rule. The Sikh rule lasted Hindus were exempted'. This is a distortion Journalists have a very important role to Farmers are uncertain about the MSP, contract farming including 13,212 Muslims. Census reports till March 1846. The Sikh rulers also did 'lit- of sorts and murder of history. The J&K play in any society. They serve as a link structure, legal obligations for their grievances and are there but they would not think it prudent tle or nothing' to abolish the system. General and Political Department's files, between public at large and the policy mak- exclusion of Mandi structure. No doubt Jobber (Aadti) to look at them to give a true story of facts. It was the situation in Kashmir before including File No. Q-27/172 of 1916, (avail- ers or the Government. As a part of media, will get a great setback in this new structure. It seems Not contented with all these wild and com- March 1846. Credit goes to Dogra rulers, able in the Jammu Archives Repository), they can blow things out of proportion or that the main playback actors are the Jobber behind this munally motivated allegations against including founder of Jammu & Kashmir clearly say that 'Hindus of Jammu were also sweep them under the carpet, on many whole agitation who are continuously using the innocent Dogras of Jammu, they have unleashed a State, Gulab Singh (1846-1857), Ranbir engaged to perform Begar and were not occasions. They need to maintain a bal- farmers for grinding their own axe. Few political parties no-holds-barred vilification campaign Singh (1857-1885) and Pratap Singh exempted, not even the family members of anced approach at all times and be impar- are also adding fuel to this fire by their dubious attitude. against them to tarnish their image and tell (1885-1925). Maharaja Gulab Singh was the sepoys of the Dogra army'. tial, while keeping a strict check on their Even those parties, who supported the resolution of the international community that the the first ruler who took some concrete steps All this should call the bluff of anti-Dogra morals, values and ethics. Everyday deci- these bills in assembly, are now creating panic among Dogras of Jammu introduced Begar system to reform the system. He couldn't abolish it elements and establish that Dogras didn't sions in many segments by a large part of farmers. It is need of the hour to call a special session of (forced-labour) in Kashmir to 'persecute due to pressure of circumstances but he did introduce the Begar system, but they abol- society are based mainly on what is report- the parliament to clear the uncertainties of farmers and Muslims'. Not just this, they claim that make a rule of paying in kind to those ished it. ed by the journalists and the media. to expose the agenda of different political parties over Towards this end, even the journalists who the issue. Government has given the assurances of opt for freelance writing and contribute amendment in these bills. Even the Prime Minister has the content to media also have a responsi- announced on several platforms the benefits of these Remembering War Heroes of 1971 bility upon themselves. bills for farmers. It is a dream vision of the Government „ PURAN SHARMA 10,000 injured, many with lifelong disabilities and contribution. A journalism degree or an online journal- to double the income of farmers in 2022, but with old ur wily neighbour Pakistan came into in this war. Let us move down the memory lane 3. Ian Cardozo:- He was holding the rank ism degree offers lucrative job and career policies and sluggish design we can't achieve that dream. existence on August 14, 1947 when the to register our remembrance with brief account of in 1971 war and posted with 4/5 opportunities, particularly to youngsters One positive aspect of this agitation is that it is totally a OPolitical Leadership of united India, at of their action, in honour of our Heroes, the Gorkha Rifles when the war got triggered. He who have a knack or liking for this kind of peaceful protest and movement of farmers. There is no that point of time, was constrained to accept cynosure of 1971 war in following paras:- was famous as Cartoos sahib amongst Gorkha challenging work. Of late, online journal- law and order problem for our security forces. But now, partition of the country in lieu of granting free- 1.Flying officer Nirmal Jit Singh Shekhon soldiers. After the Battallion's 2nd in com- ism degrees are catching the fancy of many the strategy of total barricading of capital city will cre- dom. But despite getting separate Homeland was posted at Srinagar Airbase in 1971. The mand was martyred in action, Cordozo was young enthusiasts. ate chaos and confusion in coming days for general pub- they were never contented and instead persist- Airfeild was attacked by 6 Pakistani Sabre ordered to replace him. He participated in first This helps them in freelance writing as lic. Some out of box formula is needed to eradicate this ed with hostile and inimical approach towards fighter aircrafts on December 14,1971. successful Heli-borne operation in the war. well. Also, large scale recruitment are done problem of farmers. We hope that farmer leaders must our country. Soon after their birth they did not Sekhon was on duty at that crucial moment. It Subsequently he stepped on a mine and got by big media houses every year and it understand the technicalities behind this issue and give concentrate on stabilisation and development was a lightning moment, a time of grave crisis gravely injured and developed Gangerene. opens up huge career opportunities for their proposals of amendment rather then to stick on but launched unprovoked armed assault on and emergency. The young flying officer Morphene and Medics were not available. young boys and girls who have such online only one solution. We are living in a democratic country Jammu & Kashmir, which was yet to take final became air-born in his GNAT aircraft at the Amputation of leg was the only option. journalism degrees. Photojournalism too and no Government intentionally works against the pub- call on accession with India and usurped major spur of moment and took on Pakistani fighter Cardozo then used his own Khukri to ampu- offers many career options to those who lic. No doubt every policy has some flaws and loopholes chunk of our territory. They did not stop here planes , shot one of them, meanwhile few more tate his leg and was later operated by a possess a regular journalism degree or an in its framework but by and large these policies are but relentlessly continued with their nasty mis- enemy aircrafts joined the combat. Shekhon Pakistani Doctor caught in action. He earned online journalism degree. Some of the designed, keeping in mind the comfort and benefits of chief and ugly tricks. They resorted to pushing fearlessly engaged the enemy in unequal com- the distinction of becoming first war-disabled other career options after a journalism general masses. Before the formation of such policies trained Guerrillas inside Kashmir to jeopardise bat holding his nerves but eventually he was officer of to command a degree or an online journalism degree are and bills, Government has invited the opinion of various our internal security and subsequently trig- overcome by the sheer weight of numbers. His Battallion and a Brigade. He retired as Major briefly discussed below: agriculture experts, field advisors and other eminent pol- gered armed invasion on borders in 1965 which plane crashed and dare devil Paramjit Singh General. 1. Reporter icy makers. After the brainstorming and detailed discus- concluded with their crushing defeat. However, Shekhon was martyred in action while saving 4. Rameshwar Nath Kao was chief of RAW, This is a basic requirement every news- sion of these people, the final blue print of such bills even then they were not deterred and again Srinagar Airfield. He was awarded Param Vir India's External Intelligence Agency. He is paper, magazine, news agency, radio or tel- came into existence. Few farmer leaders are showing attacked India in 1971 which ultimately Chakar, the highest gallantry award in India. known as architect of Bangladesh. His team evision channel. As a reporter, your job will their consent to resolve this issue but others who have proved to be a rock solid deterrent and com- He is the only Air force officer to be honoured was given the name 'Kao Boys'. He was work- be to report with speed, clarity and accura- misleaded behind the curtain are expressing their resent- pelled them to change their war strategy from with PVC. ing behind the scene. Raw helped cy. ment. Some trouble creating elements who generally open war to a low intensity proxy war, after 2. Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri:- Battle of and Bangladesh forces to get the better of West 2. Correspondent / Special Reporter visit such sites of agitation in their luxury vehicles are humilating defeat succumbing to part with Longowalla is the most significant chapter of by training 1 Lakh East Here the person is required to be a pushing these innocent farmers against the Government. East Pakistan which was subsequently recog- 1971 war-History. Major Kuldip was in com- Pakistanis who led the country to freedom reporter for a particular area or purpose. Even the Canadian Prime Minister has remarked his nised as independent country Bangladesh on mand at this strategic post with only 100 sol- with the assistance of Indian Army under his For example, there could be a political opinion in favour of protesting farmers. It exposes the global horizon. diers. Pakistan Army contingent comprising leadership. Though 1971 war was a military reporter or a sports correspondent. design and agenda of such elements. There are large This 1971 war was decisive in the sense that 2,000 soldiers with 40 Tanks were spotted victory lock, stock and Barrel yet the RAW Therefore, you must have thorough knowl- number of farmers in other states also but the severity of a sovereign country was ripped apart to create advancing towards the post under the cover of played a pivotal role in this war. Rao had a bril- edge in that particular field like politics this resentment is more in Punjab and Haryana. a new country by virtue of a well-planned and darkness. Commander asked for Air support liant intelligence and analytical acumen. He is and sports etc. You must also have the abil- Majority of farmers are in favour of these bills. Even daring military action despite teething opposi- but he was told to wait till the dawn as in those said to have told two years ity to analyse and explain news. some section the farmers of Punjab and Haryana are in tion of most powerful Nation, USA. The task days, the Indian fighter planes were not before to be ready for partition of Pakistan. 3. Broadcast Journalism favour of these bills and needs some amendment before was really herculean and extremely challenging equipped and programmed for night opera- 5. , Army Chief:- PM Indire Often, when you think of broadcast jour- the implementation, but few hidden elements are giving which could have never been accomplished sans tions. Major Kuldip Singh exhibited exemplary Gandhi called him and told him to move the nalism, the picture that comes to your push to these farmers. There is an urgent need to expose dare devil Heroes who deserve our heartiest courage, presence of mind, motivational skills, forces into East Pakistan but Army Chief said, mind is that of some well- known news the agenda of such elements who are misleading the salutations, full measure of gratitude and emo- meticulous planning in the battlefield and we need time and it was granted. 3 Brigaders of anchor on the television. But there is much innocent farmers. Such fake farmers believe in the strat- tional remembrance from the core of the heart. thwarted all their attempts during the night on Bangladeshi Army together with thousands of more to broadcast journalism than just egy of making hay while the sun shay. They are trying to It was not a long drawn war which broke out on 4th December, 1971 to cross over Longowalla Guerrillas were trained to take on Pakistani that. Equipped with a journalism degree or harvest the yield of this agitation. December 3, 1971 as a sequel to pre-emptive post. He was bestowed Mahavir Chakra, the Military. He was conferred the Rank of Field an online journalism degree, you have a By Shyam Sudan Air strikes on 11 Air bases of India and last- second highest Gallantry Award. He superan- Marshal in 1973 and became the first Army offi- larger role to play behind television cam- ed for only 13 days with unprecedented meek nuated as . Recently this year PM cer to be honoured with this prestigious rank. era, in addition to multiple other opportu- surrender by 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. This MODI visited Longowalla post and in his There are numerous other unsung Heroes nities that are available in the field of OFF ‘D’ was the largest surrender since world war- II. address to the Army, he profusely acclaimed who deserve our salutations and tributes for broadcasting. Programme 3,900 Indian soldiers were martyred and and extolled Major Kuldip Chandpuri's valour their sacrifices. CUFF yourself to feel jams. and other public vehicles. he pursuit of happiness happy always The vehicles can be seen parked in a haphazard manner any- In our city, playing loud music and honking unnecessar- Thas a different dimension YOUR COLUMN where on the roads. People themselves are responsible for this act ily are the major reasons behind increase in noise pollu- and involves conscious choices. It is not a rat race for money, as they should understand their responsibility and park their vehi- tion. For some, honking is simply fun and nothing else. achievement or power. Swami Rama Tirtha had said, "Your cles in the parking area, so that it should not create chaos on roads. You are feeling happy, so you honk, play loud music, only duty in life is to be happy". We often end up doing every- Illegal parking on roadside Matadors drivers too are responsible for mess on roads as they almost as if you are a kid playing with a noise-making thing else except be happy. halt anywhere without thinking of other vehicles. They keep wait- toy. Happiness is contagious. A person bursting with good spirits creates chaos ing for passengers at same places for hours creating problems for Despite ban on usage of pressure horn, music systems touches people with his joyful glow. It could be a street sweep- Dear Editor, other commuters. Their needs a strict action against such drivers in public transport, the directives are being violated right er cheerfully greeting morning walkers or a waiter making peo- Illegal parking in various market areas is eating away road who ignore rules and create problems for commuters. under the nose of traffic authorities. The bus drivers use ple laugh with his witty exchanges, as he serves them. On the space, leading to frequent traffic jams in the city. The city has Moreover, it is also pertinent to mention here that it is not the sound systems at high base, which causes noise pollution other hand, a stressed-out executive spreads gloom around him. become so congested that people have to look for parking space for duty of traffic police to keep a check on every person and ask him and is a threat to lives of passengers as accidents can People quietly walk away from despondent vibes, he exudes. vehicles and at several places, drivers have created their own unau- to park his vehicle properly. The people must show some responsi- occur. Happiness draws us to a higher purpose. Our brains are wired thorised parkings. The traffic congestion is emerging as the bility and keep the roads free from any type of encroachment. A few days back I came to know that the Traffic Police to seek people, situations and events that bring joy, cheer and biggest problem in the city and in absence of proper management, They should understand that due to their illegal parking of vehi- has launched a drive and has seized music systems from happiness. Joyful people are fun to be with. They work better even traffic police personnel are finding it hard to deal with the sit- cles, other will face the problems. So it is the responsibility of every mini buses and matadors. I hope itwill bring some respite and are more generous - with their money, time and their uation. commuter and car owner to park vehicle properly so that others do from loud music in matadors. Moreover, there is a need enthusiasm. The increasing number of vehicles and paucity of parking space not face any problem. to start a drive against pressure horns too. The depart- We tend to get engulfed in feelings of deprivation, want and have been playing havoc with the traffic management in the city. Suhail Sharma, ment needs to be act strict in implementing the laws deficiency. Instead, why not wake up to abundance you have In the areas like Kacchi Chawani, Parade, BC Road, Panjthirthi, Purani Mandi. made and should work hard to make people learn that been blessed with? You have plenty of resources, energy, time Gandhi Nagar, New Plot, Janipur pedestrians and commuters are use of pressure horns and unnecessary honking is against and everything you need. Be aware of all that has been continuously annoyed with the honking and screeching of vehicles. Loud music in mini-buses irking law, as it adds to noise pollution and nothing else. bestowed on you and there will be no place for depression, sad- It becomes difficult for vehicles to pass through roads as at a The need of the hour is to make people aware regarding ness or number of places people park their vehicles on roadsides, leaving people the same and strict implementation of laws made for a misery. little space for the movement of big vehicles, afterleading to jams. Dear Editor, safe drive on roads. By Jaya Row Mumbai Many times there are no traffic police personnel deployed on bus- Through your esteemed daily, I would like to highlight D.P Singh (Raju), roads and chowks to manage the flow of traffic, which lead to long the issue of loud music and pressure horns in mini buses Jammu.