The Best of Hangz 2019
hou AUGUST 呈涡 The Best of Hangz 2019 TOP ALTERNATIVE BEAUTY SPOTS THE BEST CONVENIENCE STORE ICE-CREAMS TRAVEL DESTINATIONS FOR AUGUST TAKE ME Double Issue WITH YOU Inside Do you want a behind the scenes look at a print publication? Want to strengthen your social media marketing skills? Trying to improve your abilities as a writer? Come and intern at REDSTAR, where you can learn all these skills and more! Also by REDSTAR Works CONTENTS 茩嫚 08/19 REDSTAR Qingdao The Best of Qingdao o AUGUST 呈涡 oice of Qingda 2019 City The V SURFS UP! AN INSIGHT INTO THE WORLD OF SURFING COOL & FRESH, Top (Alternative) WHICH ICE LOLLY IS THE BEST? 12 TOP BEACHES BEACH UP FOR Beauty Spots SUMMER The West Lake is undoubtedly beautiful, but where else is there? Linus takes us through the best of the rest. TAKE ME WITH YOU Double Issue 郹曐暚魍妭鶯EN!0!䉣噿郹曐暚魍旝誼™摙 桹䅡駡誒!0!91:4.:311! 䉣噿壈攢鲷㣵211誑4.514!0!舽㚶㛇誑䯤 䉣墡縟妭躉棧舽叄3123.1125誑 Inside Life’s a Beach Creative Services 14 Annie Clover takes us to the beach, right here in Hangzhou. Culture 28 Full Moon What exactly is the Lunar Calendar and why do we use it? Jerry answers all. Follow REDSTAR’s Ofcial WeChat to keep up-to-date with Hangzhou’s daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/Hangzhou-related news. Use your WeChat QR scanner to scan this code. 饅燍郹曐呭昷孎惡㠬誑䯖鑫㓦椈墕桭 昦牆誤。釣䀏倀謾骼椈墕0郹曐荁饅㡊 㚵、寚棾羮孎惡怶酽怶壚䯋 Creative Team 詇陝筧䄯 Ian Burns, Teodora Lazarova, Toby Clarke, Alyssa Domingo, Jasper Zhai, David Chen, Zoe Zheng, Viola Madau, Linus Jia, Brine Taz, Alison Godwin, Features Vicent Jiang, Mika Wang, May Hao, Business Angel Dong, Wanny Leung, Penny Liu, Lim Jung Eun, Luke Yu, Athena Guo, Cool Off Jordan Coates and Fancy Fang.
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