TEACHING with DOCUMENTS the Twentieth Century: 1946-2001 TEACHING with DOCUMENTS the Twentieth Century: 1946-2001
TEACHING WITH DOCUMENTS The Twentieth Century: 1946-2001 TEACHING WITH DOCUMENTS The Twentieth Century: 1946-2001 A Selection of Units for Middle School and High School Made possible through a grant from the William E. Simon Foundation New York • 2018 Timeline Illustration Credits: Top row, left to right: Berlin Airlift airplane being loaded with supplies, August 18, 1948 (Harry S. Truman Library and Museum); Greyhound bus carrying Freedom Riders attacked by a white mob outside Anniston, Alabama, May 14, 1961 (Birmingham Civil Rights Institute); Lyndon B. Johnson taking the oath of office on Air Force One, photograph by Cecil W. Stoughton, November 22, 1963 (Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library); Near Woodstock, photograph by Ric Manning, August 18, 1969 (Creative Commons BY 3.0); Sandra Day O’Connor, painting by Jean Marcellino, 2006 (National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, gift of Jean Marcellino); Cleanup after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Prince William Sound, Alaska, May 11, 1989 (National Archives and Records Administration); Remains of the World Trade Center in New York City, photograph by Paul Morse, September 14, 2001 (George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum). Bottom row, left to right: Nurse with patient in J. H. Emerson iron lung, ca. 1950 (National Museum of Health and Medicine); Hawaii Statehood air mail stamp, 1959 (National Postal Museum, Smithsonian Institution); President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library); Chairman Mao and President Nixon in China, February 29, 1972 (Richard Nixon Library and Museum); “Home is where you dig” [sign over the fighting bunker of Private First Class Edward, Private First Class Falls, and Private First Class Morgan of the 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, during Operation Worth, Vietnam], 1968 (National Archives and Records Administration); Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Washington, DC, December 8, 1987 (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum); President George H.
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