EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 7 FublllhM WESTFIELD, , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1971 to Glass Recycling Kickoff Sunday for United Fund's Studying Program Saturday A cailectiM sf bsUies will he Town to Ban held (ram * a.m. to 4:3* p.m. Traffic SataHay at the WeatfieM Arm- ary, Rakway Ave. A rais4ate Telephone Campaign; Goat $305,883 haa bee* scheduled far Surfajr Leaf Burning Problems hetweea Ike kwi «f »:M u4 A lot of bells will ring in West- i p.m. Metal rises thwiM be : The autumn leaf bonfire, pleasing (leM'i United Fund campaign kick- remove* from battlei which ' Traffic problems (will he the major to some but a health and safety haz- oft Sunday night-telephone bells, area of study as the Task Farce on mmt he sorted by caters. that is. ard none-the-less, will be a thing of Parking and Traffic resumes its fell ' The glass recycling program Octl the past when the Westfield Board In » departure from its usual 'meeting schedule, according to is tpsatored by TORCH (Tec* of Health adopts a new air pollu- doorbell-ringing, house-to-house so- former Mayor Robert H. Mulreany, OutReach lkrwih CammaiUy For JCC Slate tion control code next month. Tbe licitation, the United Fund's residen- chairman of the committet. Recom- Hel»)., a (rotia orgaRtaesl by the code, -which has the recommends- tial phase of ttie fall campaicn will mendations on long-range parking First UBiled Mefcastot Church. be conducted this year by phone. "The vital effect school board tion and approval of the State De- Object of the drive is the raising of elans also will be finalised. members play In achieving a high partaient of Environmental Protec- «JK,*33, funds "vital to the future Immediate consideration is being qualily of public education in West- tion, is scheduled for public hearing of 15 agencies needed to insure a given traffic problem areas at Moun- Local Jaycees field," was cited by John Hogan, on Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. in the Municipal bright future for Westfield," accord- chairman of the Joint Civic Com- Building. tain Ave. and East Broad St., the mittee, last week. He emphasized Although a new state code will ing to John A. Reid, campaign chair- Plaza circle and South and Central Sets Plans man. ' that citizens must recognize the permit leaf-burning until next Jan. Twenty phones will be set up in Aves, Preliminary drafts of im- qualifications necessary for board 1. and other life until Jan. 1, . • the Civil Defense Boom of the Mu- provements to these intersections ForECCOI membership as listed in the guide 1973, the local code will prohibit all nicipal BuikJing. Another ae will be have been drawn up by Walter Gard- published by the New Jersey State burning of refuse or plant life as of placed in the Suburban Trust Co., Tha Westficld Jaycees have final- Federation of District Boards of Oct. 23. Open burning of refuse is aer and Alfred Linden, members of ized plans for ECCO I, a total uni- Education. already prohibited by state statute. eight in the National State Bank *Jfce task force who also work with and six in the Central Jersey Bank. fied ecology week for the town of Effective board members must The effective date of the state code Volunteers will man the phone* eve- f|ke County Planning Board. Westfield. meet both legal and personal qual- is to allow time for municipalities to nings from Sunday through Oct. 91. |; Since iti inception last January; Hie Ecology Week will begin on ificatlons, he said. Legal qualifies- finalize plans for leaf collection and Other divisions of the United Fund r (fce task force has made 19 recom- Oct. 16 by creating Westfield's first tions set by the state are: "(a) a for disposal of vegetation. The earlier : member must be a citizen and date of the local code is not expected —major and advanced gifts, and a •jendations to the Town Council on "pedestrian mall." This will be formed by closing Elm St. (between resident of his school district for at to cause any material hardship here, special business section—have al- •specific parking trouble spots; many ready begun to make personal calls North Ave. and East Broad St.) and least two years immediately pre- inasmuch as Westfield already pro- in these areas. —Westfleld Studloi' •it these have been implemented by all of Quimby St., between 9 a.m. ceding his becoming a member; vides a fall leaf collection program 'iBut the bulk of our funds neces- PAUL BMLAND, preside* •» the WestfleM CammnBlty enter, ban* Jabii A. ReW, Untied Fund cam- the council, Mulreany said. and 6 p.m. to all commercial traffic. (b) that he be able to read and and the Conservation Center on sarily must come from individual solfB efcainnaa. check resteseaUag dswtlsM of the Community Carter's pacesetters. The CtmmiaUf Meetings of the committee re- During this time, there will be a write; (c) that he pot be interested Lamberts Will Rd. is equipped to directly or indirectly in any con- handle grass, brush and other plant residents, those iwho selected West- Ceater Is •» of U ageaeks which derive uppart from the annual fall giving campaign. sumed last week. combined art fair and ecology exhi- fiatd as ther hometown quite pos- bition in the mall area. Art works tract with or claim against the life. Local refuse collectors also pro- sibly because of the fine services presented by members of the West- board." ! ' vide a "free" pick-up of one 20- and opportunities offered by our field Art Association will be on dis- More difficut to satisfy are the gallon can of garden refuse each Ys, Scouts, Community Center, Red play at this time. Ecology exhibits "personal qualifications" listed by week and will arrange for larger Cross, Visiting Nurse* and the eight Staff Sessions to Aid from local and state organizations the N. J. Federation:' "High stan- amounts for a reasonable fee. ither organizations supported by and also from many concerned in- dards of personal integrity and ma- The code defines air pollution a* the United Fund," Mr. Reid said. dustries will be on display through- turlty and , successful accomplish- "the .presence in the outdoor atmo» Two hundred volunteers have of- Desegregation Program out the day. As a dramatic display ment as American citizens are es- sphere of one or more air contaral- fered their time to provide the phone of the mall's influence on the en- sential in the men and women who nants in SUch quantities and dura- vironment, air quality measurements serve on boards of education. coverage of about 7,000 homes in An inservtee training program for During September, the faculties of (Continued on page 4) Westfield. They will receive pledges are planned and will be compared Board members should be men teachers and staff members of the |ll elementary .schools will view a to the data obtained in' the past and women who believe that Amer- to the United Fund by phone and ask Westfield public school system -is entitled: "Something That's that these be mailed to the United week. Many local and state officials ica's future rests primarily on the part of the Board of Education'***- iL" The film deals with the prob- have been requested to review the superior development - physical, Fund office. "U we can't reach you segregation plan which, thls-^fetj 1 by black people living menial, moral, spiritual—of all our WHS Has 12 by phone; or you want us to stop by, year, includes the reassigflrncaOta •oclebr "^ • (Continued on page 4). , children and youth; and who will we'll call at your doer," Mr. Reid : ! tttflrtfa luiwgh-seventh gfcdaV work to provide/defend and sup- ' promised. "- •-'"' ' dents to. achieve better *«cW: ba|-',gram was held on Tuesday after port the highest degree of public Semi-Finalists Brochures describing the IS agency- ance in the schools. , '/.t' . school when the faculties of Wilson education.which their communities members of the United Fund have The imervice training aadvLlnopln Schools joined at Lin- been distributed to homes in West- (Continued on page 4) InNMSProgr field. Gifts to the United Fund, Mr. being planned and carried tft at coBpWfool for a-viewing of this Jleid reminded donors, are tax- the individual building level.'; film.y Twelve Westfield High School stu- - Each month meetings will be' held In addition to monthly staff meet- dents arc among thc 15,000 of the exempt. after school hours for faculty discus- ings, principals will meet once a slons, panel discussions (each school month to share with each other de- School Boards will develop its am panel composed velopments at each school and staff named Semifinalists in the I971-7S Two Library of citizens, students and educators), meetings. National Merit Scholarship compe< analysis of required readings (such At tne conclusion of the inservice tition. They will compete for abouf 3,000 Merit Scholarships to be awar- Positions Filled as "Black Like Me") and review of train|ng program, eaCh school staff elementary textbook and audiovisual will develop a progress report ^^ Views on ded next spring. materials. ^fc wiu j^ reproduced and The Westfield Semi-Finalists are At its first meeting of the fall last The Union County School Boards Jonathan A. Bush, Sean C. Clark- Thursday, the board of directors of Although most meetings and pro- shared by all school personnel. —Westfleld Studios grams are being planned and held Parent-teacher organizations in Association and the Union County in, Barry P. Cohen, Donna R. Fug- jfostfield Memorial Library an- MAYOR DONN A. SNYDER, center, looks over framed copy of proc- Council of P-TA's will provide resi- it, Glenn C. Golden, Mary Lou Kup- nounced a promotion of one of the at the individual schools, some the schools involved in the desegra- dents of eight communities in Dis- fer, William H. Nelson, Laurie Bel- lamation denoting the month of October as United Fund month. Res- schools may work together and a gation reassignment have sent let- staff members and an addition to the idential phase of the campaign begins Sunday evening. trict 9C with the opportunity to find Igman, Steve J. Shafarman, William institution's professional staff. systemwide meeting may be held at ters of welcome to the parents of out how legislative candidates feel A. Sheehan, Hurbert H. Shen and Or. S. N. Bwan Jr., chairman of a later date for visiting professors new students. about education at a Legislative Amy E. Troxcll. and speakers, still to bo scheduled. the board, announced that. Mrs. Mar- A serics of coffccs arc now Candidates Night scheduled 8 p.m. The Semifinalists were the high- garet Barnes has been made as- Proclamation planned for parents of children from Oct. 4 in Terrill Junior High School est scorers in their states on tlie sistant librarian. She'fills the place Columbus School, which will be in.Scotch Plains. National Merit Scholarship Qualify- left vacant by Mrs. Sylvia Johansen WHEREAS, the United Fund of Westfield has been a vital instru- phased out in three years according JOHN A. LEITCH George A. 'Plenty, president of the ing Test (NMSQT), which was given Sept. 1, when Mrs. Johansen be- ment In providing financial assistance to local and area agencies Jeanne Bussiere to the desegregation plan, and the Westfield Board of Education, will last February too more than 655,000 came director of the library, suc- engaged in providing health, welfare and character building services three receiving schools: Jefferson, moderate the meeting which will students in about 16,600 schools na- ceeding Miss Shirley Louise Wright. and assistance to Weslfkld residents since 1957, and, Award Winner Grant and Lincoln. Leitch in New follow the format used by the League tionwide. They constitute less than Mrs. Barnes, who has served as WHEREAS, these agencies, assisted by monies entrusted to the Students involved in the reassign- of Women Voters at their candidates one percent of the graduating. sec- reference librarian for the last 18 United Fund through annual contributions, through their work have The second Karen Crane Memorial mcnt had tno opportunity in June night meetings. ondary school seniors in the United months, is a graduate of Chatham proven to be of benefit to all our residents regardless of race, creed Scholarship grant has been awarded to visit thc s0000' they were sched- Post at YMCA Sixteen candidates for State Sen- States. College in Pittsburgh with a B.A. or color, in keeping with the Uine-honored principles so inherent in to Jeanne Bussiere, daughter of Mr. «led '° a«end '" September. They ale and Assembly have been invited degree. She received her M.L.S. de- our great Democracy, and,' and Mrs. Norman Bussiere of 1012 walked to the new school with teach- In the first move in a reorganiza- to participate. They include the (Continued on page 4) gree from the University of Pitts- WHEREAS, the United Fund of Westfield is preparing to embark Harding St. ers and tne school principal and tion of the programs and staff of the following ten candidates for State burgh, where she served as assistant Weslfield YMCA, Physical Director on another campaign for contributions to lies shared by the 15 partici- T . , . . ... , were introduced to a "buddy" who Senate: John T. Connor. Jr. c open rector, formerly held by Bernard Board of Adjustment, and Marion Wednesday evening, Oct. (i! same period last year. sporting equipment, garden and until 5 p.m. and again from G Berg and those of tlio director of Sims and Fred Sclimltt, who arc al- This could be one of the most The s(|uad members gave 1,203 household fools and other items in Mountainside—The present' status community and extension services, ternates on the Wcslfield Planning important dates of your life, says p.m. lo 9 p.m. to register vot- hours as compared to 5,7111 in IU7I>. good condition are sought by mem- of the appeal to the New Jersey formerly held by James K. Newell. Board. Fire Chief Rucrup. EDITH comes ers. an increase of lo 2,1 percent. bers of Weslfield High School's Na- Tho 'committee will work closely Department of Transportation to i;e- Mr. Berg has joined the staff of lo tow oncc a ycar on lhc Wcd To register, persons must lie The ambulances were driven a tional Honor Society. The group will proposed do- " ' - the J. Proceeds iin:l New tlursay Stntu llighwuy tl culled Exit Drills In The Homo. ground nnd guidelines tor its study (•utility for 40 days liy Nov. t. tion. approximately 4:1 percent. will he used for the XIIS scholarship was discussed lnst week In o meet- "About H,.ijO persons die every Naturalized citizens must pre- Kirst priority for -Mr. Leileli will (•real, coneoi'i] wa.s expressed at fund, itiK of Citizens to Preserve Moun- ycar in the United States, and some sent their mitiiriiliziitloii papers be sweeping changes in the junior this largo increase in all phases of WeulhiT VUIM; Pulroiw' In inside. Sill) in Canada, from fires in their Donations will lie picked up if own homes," according to lhc Flro when registering. and senior high school programs in Hie operation, as increases such as residents cull Margaret Del .Mon- The discussion wiis focused upon Drive Slarls Salimlay Marslml. "Nalional Fire Protection Those who Imvc changed mi llu'so put a great strain on the aco of 172(1 iiotilevard. Ihi! results [i[ ;i joint nieetlni! of th'j (Continued on page 41 squad financially as well us physic- 1 Association sludies show that the address miiy notify the County A pnlron and Iraoslci drive will IHIMHIH'I'.S of Ijoroiigli Council's com- ally. 1 majority of Ihesc lives could have Hoard of Elections, Vi Hallway be inltiuU'cl Saturday by tho stuff inllli'i' fin n|ipo;il hoiiilcil by iinyor 1 1 been saved if people had prc-plnn- Ave Elizabeth. Change of ad- The M|Ui'i(l is appealing t» llu uf tho WenllHT Vnne, offlclnl yeiu - Thomiis MliTiiii'ill mid tho execu- Index ni'd uiiiurgcncy escape routes and dress cards may be obtained Schools lo Close men of We.slfield who are ahle lo liook of Wcslflelil il i H li School. tive lioiird of llu> Citizens lo Pre- had hi-'lil Ihoir o w n home, flro from the Town Clerk's office, or devolo a few hours a week to Business Directory .. Sec. 3—4 Members will visit Wi'sll'lulil resi- serve MoiiiiliiinsUle. For Yom Ripper dents to seek contribution;) to hiHp drills." n voter registration curd limy "helping us help you," Anyone in- Church News Sec, 3—3 At thai Hum. ii I'iinel representing defray the cost of publlcnllon. Tho On Oponilion KDITII Day, Oct. be lined. Westrlelil Pulille Schools will terested in learning how I hey can Kclitorlals Sec. 3—2 Imlh HHiups reported mi I lit- prog- (Ii'K'o will continue through Siiiuluy, (i. overy family In WeMfleld is wj!- II Is possible lo register at (lie elosc all «lit,V Wednesday, Sept. servt- their community, friends and Obituaries Sec. 1—4 ress uf (heir most recent mcelliw Oct. 3. c(l to lie I'l'iuly lo pnielicc Us pre- office uf nny municipal clerk In 211, for Yom Klppur, I'liisscs will fiiniily lire urged to contact Hay Social Sou. 1!—1-8 with mi'inliLTs of the Now Jer.sny Wheeler or Wayne. Alcltou at (he Conlrlliullon.s of $1 or more will planned fire escape procedure in Union County regardless of rcHiiiiio at tliu regular Uiuu Sports Sec. 4—0, 7 Stjuud Building by culling XKR'iHIl. Liu rocoKnizud In Uio publication. (Continued on pub'o 4) its own home. JEANNE UUSSIEHB whero a person realties. Tiiuruduy, &pf. 31). Toalur SeCi 1—8 ^xw-.f .'- •:•- - •*

'• fwoi*k for over W years, &e*\viBg as treasurer and as a member of the Fife to Direct Perry Campaign •policy committee. He has been chair- Hontmakm* man of the United Fund in the sec- tFcrm?r Town Councilman John brinu lo ihe council Ihe same forth- ond ward, active in Temple Emanu- D. Fife has accepted the post of rter.i ar\6 intelligent approach to; Training Planned El and a participant in ihe Grant campaign manager /or John K. town business tha has marked the School PTO. Perry. Democratic candidate for the scrvtcL1 of such Democratic coun- The Visiting Homemaker Semce, ccu,-.c:l from th& Fourth Ward. film;'» as Charles A. Harris and Inc. of Central Onion County, a Jiilni J. Tucker," Fift: said. Uarted Fun4 agemcy, has announced Fife will serve as tlie principal its fall training class forfutur e home- advisor lo Perry in th? latter's cam- P;'rry called Fife's acceptance of I hi* cumpj ign post "one of the most makers-home health aides will ^ Pyramid Topic paign beiag cdcilucted on a personal held Monttoy, Oct. II through Fri- basis throughout the fourth ward. significant aspects of our effort. During his service on the council, day, Oct. 3>. Oeaaes wiU be held "I am delight-ad to have been at Overlook HoapiUl in Summit on Of Old Guard asked to participate in this effort,'* John Fife set the highest standards of competence and service—his ad-; Oct. 18 and 1* aad at the Demetralic caMidate for Town Council Director Henry EatfcVrfetf greet- CLASS. m. FLYNN »„ * aractlclBtf flantamawera art caaaaa lar their Vtftf, rtvte** campaign ftlrategy uilh his newly- ed and welcomed seven guests and aUUr to work with many diatareat maftagcr, Lawreaee Frledland. Friedland served congratulaed those members who letfM gee* eral fcjrffeac wMfe a dots «l pWariattew at (fee Weat- typea of peopia in many diifireat eaiwcttr tfwiBf Fremmer'i campaign last year. celebrated their trirhdayi during fteW CmmmmaMf Ceater. aituatioaa. They^ nesd to be caearlul« the summer recess. An illusrated talk on the "Mur- v deuaei Am *\m hairkr. Friedland Heads Frommer's Drive als of Teoihuacan" was given by Pre School Needs Volunteers Homemakera hive a vital member Echvn R. Uttman of Wett- tauity to be^i the agei* the Itoiaiiil, ifeld, a retiree of SandanJ OU Co. Caruaaa, pre-Khool dinec- th* sick, aad famiHes with oWHrea frtodfaacl of the second few weeks will be devoted to hisof New Jersey. It covered vewt of FJyrra Jr.f a praictitinf dnUat from to itay in their ewa hfneae. They m$r4 hm again been named cam- election." a pyramid located a few miles » Westfield Community Cen- Oraalonl ***• with Or. Wdmri D*r- eipf—mi a great need for ricfc, a Weatfifld deaUat cMdiastad can make a reel contribution at rak- ftiff ffliMfir for Alan Frommer, •Mr. Frommer praised Larry Northeast of Mexico City. tockuMnj ing the level ef <*Oy We far tbeae Ppmwaiic council candidate. 'Friedland for the fine jab done last close upe of pieces of the aeveral vofciatoen. |6e U inter- a "Bnnfc |R" itf ta# Waatflald Caw- A teg tin* neighbor of Frotn- year in a well planned and executed materials and the art work ttaed NM MI Jwifef swato «Kfc a Ipcfc* flnuaMy CaHtr ava-acfiaal children Mri he aaid thai "working with election. He said: "The ideas and is Its construction. The pyramid it ui #dHea4iaw ar wits aMag the aartag . maaiam, Vititu Hamenuhara Iwerfc uadar the aa- Abu Hummer ii a welcome taak efforts of Larry Friedland (bore considered a optemW example for fram manners of tha cotmnunttf are perviaioa ef the agency reajanafjU a* that our ward elects a represent- in November of last year and in thethe study of TeotUnwcaR culture of aa iatagr«l part of the center ere- for their aaeigntnenta. nay ative who will communicate and results he inspired at Town Hall. the period «9» to «• A.O. Archeol- acaatl eJt^it**. HM children have a food chance \of a»»toyimial ftiaUn, Unfortunately, present and •With children in our school system, ogy, one of Mr. Uttraaatt't early aa aaportuaft/ to aak cmcetiens, Tbe their own homes, part oouncibnen from our ward have active in religious affairs and anhobbies, since retiremant haa de- dftton demenatratad '"Rw Art otf Thote totereated in working with •tver reported back to the people. expert in real estate, Larry will be veloped into muth time on research, at tba W«atfMd CanrnuaMr Center Tooth BnMning" and diacusaed the people must reyfcter for UiU traia* tAJan haa pledget* to be available an excellent advisor during this elec- field work, lecturing and preparing ia daticaad M oaltorallr «nrkh cfcil- ca» of feeteeth . ing CUM by Oct. I with Mrs. Jaaat ta iaeue written reports. He has tion." scientific papett for the American Cfttajolfa ftfrategr U the aafcject of this drem from ages fH to 5 yean. Iba for current problems Museum of Natural History, the Party lltft), Dtiieratic caadldale for tae f«*a Cmmm Ihoae who feel they may qualify Cabrera or Mr*. Hieama Meir at Mr. Friedland is executive vice- «* WarC aai Ma aawfraBntaM campaign inM|>f, lamer ooaoeatnUoa U on develofring lan- «*4 a*a preven himself to be an ex- president of Jersey-Metropolitan In- Peabody Museum of Harvard, the toaga aUUa, and loortaaing social at vekintear teachers er »aaiiUBU the Viiiting HoWnahar Service af- port planner. It is for these reasons 'UniversHjr of PafmfyivasU and MU Jau D. File. Fife will direct overall camaalga aaeratftoM In thfi proffram rroy call Phyllis dustrial 'Realty. He has been active Mutf «f Perry, akilk. fine, 53S North Ave.» Eatt, Weatfiaid taat mf entire efforts in the next in county Cerebral Palsy Foundation other organiaationf. Pictured above k Dr. Claire Caruaaa at the center. O70W. •

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Heritage Worsted, woven by Btirtti WO cordially Invite you to come In and see our premier collection of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothing dally for Hart SchafFner &. Marx, It foe the for the new season, i HS&M Suits .... from $135. man who appreciates fine craftsmanship, ally tn the clothes he wears. Ventura styling. HS&M Sport Jackets from $95. fully tailored by Hart Schafrbef & Mam vfcfa HS&M Topcoats from $150. wide lapels, shaped waist and a deep center Pure wool worsted tn a choice of Botkb ani terns. When a man's suit is this well-made, k just - '.< naturally makes him look great. Come in and see how great you can look. ---j.l - V

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iM'" I H , I- .-.. Childrm'g Play ftfe€owan Charge* will be presented. Troop 172 SSA will hold an Summer activities included * awards night at 7:30 p.m. Monday week on Norway Island in Middle On WHS Stage Ward 3 "Neglect at Franklin School, lie ceremony Saranae Lake, die climbing of Mt. will start at 8:15 p.m. Boys interest- Ampersand, and almost 300 hours "The legitimate concerns of the ed in scouting and their parents are people of the third ward are either invited to attend as well as parents of erosion control conservation. This Saturday ignored or rebuffed," Democratic of scouts receiving awards. A. W. Ebersole is beginning Iris council candidate Vincent E. Mc- 26th year as Scoutmaster of Troop Gowan charged today. In a state- (Higher ranks and merit badges "Mulligan's Magic," an operetta earned on 172's annual Adirondack 172. lor children, will be presented Sat- ment McGowan said: "While tbe urday in the Westfield High School Mayor and his 'instant' Third Ward auditorium, Two performances will Councilman sit in Republican head- be offered at 1 and 2:30 p.m. quarters and dispatch handbills to The play was presented last year our citizens designed to soften them at WHS to several classes from up for the effects of revaluation, McKinley and Columbus schools as our third ward problems go unre- a drama class project. Mrs. Harriet solved. Louden, director and drama teacher "Weeks ago I proposed widening at WHS said, "It was so successful of the intersection at Central and the kids didn't want to see it die." South Aves. and realignment of The story centers around the de- traffic controls at this heavily con ctieinf business of Mra. Whitcwi*) mom THENA, was *n piers WHS CUMrca's Theater gested intersection, but nothing faas been done. played fay Wendy Robinson '73. stx effcrieg eff "JUWfK't fttaffe," 4< MORE THAN 86 FIRST WARD RESIDENTS *Ue»4e4 the fIrtf «f a leaves the store in the hands of net •Ufetf la tte WeeMeM High Satartay U twe per- We have neither a park Mr a series of receptions f iven f«r Robert P. Bane*, first ward Republics* children Dorothy and Dick, junior* M. Tfctote be availeete ai library in our ward. We have DO council candidate. Baraet t» cwmwtty wrvJnt; oa couacU in the seat adequate traffic control for our 233-5542 Salty fiamuelfion and Jerry Rieti, formerly occupied by Mayer Dona A. Sayder. children forced to cross higb-speed for one day. They become acquaint' will ultimately win over evil/7 laid Leonard Northover '73 and Alan Pictured here at the receptiM gives at the home gf Mr. and Mrs. cd with Mulligan, a patent madicinc Central Ave. We have no effective Donald J. Sawtelle ai HlfhUcd Ave. are, standing, Clyde McBrUe; Mrs. Louden. Origgt a '71 graduate of WHS. Alan traffic control at t h e dangerous n your social event man, portrayed by Boh Ttena 72, The cart includes 10 other WHS Dropkin '72 is scenic designer. and seated, Mrs. W. I. Man*, Mrs. John Stakes, CwmcUnuii Bane* who s«eks refuse from Tip Toe Pete, Boulevard-Park St. intersection de- and Robert Evans dteccMlag tame «f the issues faclaf Westffeht students who portray friends of All children are invited to attend. spite the insistence of irate citiaens a detective played by Bob Hartmau today. demands catering perfection, Dorothy and Dick, and residents of After each ahow the actors will sit and a long list of serious accidents. 74. Mulligan disguises himself as a local summer colony. Among them on the edge of the st&fie and apeak Mother Hubbard and eventually Homes are flooded because of road is Canny Cook '72, who plays Mrs. with them. deficiencies, but no correction is brings a lucky change to business. White and who choreographed the Tickets are obtainable through the the number above "It shows the children that good made. as solid waste disposal while the ahow as well. drama department and drama stu- "We desperately need a clean-up Claims Inaction Town Council appointed committee Sdgar Wallace wiU be in charge of dents selling tickets in town. Pro- program and municipal control of fails to recommend solutions to this is your answer, the musical direction. Assisting Mrs. ceeds will go towards a new curtain garbage disposal, but all we get urgent problem?" Louden are former cast members for the stage. from the mayor and his third ward On Recycling Perry concluded by saying, "Now TRANSFERRED? Republican appointee is silence. that the election is a few weeks "This administration also has an John K. Perry, Democratic coun- away we hear Mr. Minogue speak- personal attention HOMERICA, INC will h«lp uncanny knack for taking action cil candidate in the fourth ward, ing of recycling. It is unfortunate you find your rioxt homo Free School Lunch Program af/ecting the vital interests of cit- today issued a statement scoring (hat action on a town wide recycl- to your individual needs r t izens without giving the people present fourth ward councilman ing plan had to wait until it became onywhoro in tho Unitod Hie Westfield Board of Education today announced a free lunch policy prior notice and an adequate op- Patrick D. Minogue for h\& inaction politically advantageous for the Staffs WITHOUT for school children unable to pay the full price, portunity to be heard. By the time as chairman of the solid waste- committee chairman to act. l/et us a 'rubber stamp* public hearing is disposal committee of the Westfield hope that whatever measures are will be unparalleled. School officials have adopted the following family size and income held, the time for effective action Town Council. taken will be advantageous to the CHARGE. scale to aisist them in determining eligibility: fa • by those -most affected is usually Mr. Perry, said, "Mr. Minogue citizens of Westfield.'/ OUECTtVESt to help you find in addition, children from families that receive Public Assistance from long since past. has accomplished nothing since he Perry also suggested apian your next horn* with a mint- Aid to Families with Dependent Children or the Food Stamp Program "Is there any legitimate reason became chairman of this committee whereby the town itself could serve Private Parties 10 to 200 mum of effort, Mm* and ox*are eligible for a free . why a mayor's committee does not in January, 1971. His only action as a collection agency, similar to penie. If you plan to move to i r i conduct public hearings during the in this area has been to lead en- the operation of the Conservation Contact our catering manager on unfamiliar city, or |u«t to Unusual circumstances such as illness w death in the family, temporary course of its investigation? Surely dorsement to the present system of Center. Under this procedure, Per* relocate near your pretent dsability, and seasonal unemployment are also taken into account when citizens are entitled to know what private scavengers." ry said, the collected bottles, cans home, HOMERICA, INC. will determining eligibility. " is happening in matters of serious Perry pointed out that Minogue'? and paper could then lie sold to for further information. help you find tho right houso. family sise concern to them, to enable them to committee was not involved in es- scavengers to help defray the cost In tho right neighborhood, in weekly Iacttne Monthly Income Yearly of cooperating with volunteer agen- 2 $83.00 $4,300.00 bring to a committee their point of tablishing the new Conservation tho now oreal (358.00 cies. 3 94.00 406.00 4,500.00 view and any factual and expert Center, which was established 4 106.00 5,500.00 testimony they may have on the through the efforts of the public SCOPE: Operation throughout 458.00 problem being considered by the S 117.00 506.00 6,100.00 works committee. Perry continued tho Unitod State* onablot committee." Local Artists Win 6 129.00 558.00 6,700.00 by stating, "This important com- . Homerka to furnish you with - * mittee has made no recommenda- Honors at Holmdel detailed Information on 6 , 152.00 658.00 7,900,00 8 152.00 658.00 7,900.00 tions regarding the recycling of HOUSE houses which fit your require LEGAL NOTICES bottles, cans and papers since its Members of the Westfield Art As- ments oven before your first 9 163.00 706.00 8,500.00 , sociation took a third place and an 175.00 758.00 9,100.00 formation in January. This ecologi- owe* visit to the new a real .10 PI ni.ic NOTICE honorable mention in oils at the 187.00 cally beneficial method of solid 1 Matter Family 4 1 • 608.00 ,9,700.00 Nottco la hereby Klven tliat the Center "Art in the Garden* show 12' 196.00 658.00 10,300.00 following action WQB taken on ap- waste disposal has been advocated REMEMBERi Homorka works peals heard hy tho Hoard of Ad- for over a year by the iP.E.P. or- Sept. 11 at the Garden State 'Arts only for YOU1 All of their justment on September 20, 1971: Center. Parents -who feel that their children are eligible should apply for free Appeal oC Frederick U ana Ettoeii ganization and the only action taken U.S. ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ. 07092 efforts—research, reports and meals for their children. They may do so by filling in the application forms P. Thum for permission to extend to date has been performed by this pavid Hatfield's Alene won the a one-family dwelling at 212 West LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER advico — are exclusively on sent home in a letter to parents. Additional copies are available at the Dudley Avenue — Granted. group with the cooperation of other third place and Joseph Schott's behalf of the prospective Appeal of Shirley <;. Clemens for principal's office in each school. Applications may be submitted any time permission to extend u one-Jfnmtly private organizations and several "Farmer's Manel" the honorable buyer. They have no connec- during the school year. The form itself is simple to complete and re- dwelling1 at 921 Kuiiwood Avenue — churches in town. These voluntary mention. Granted. tion with the seller It Is their quests information needed to determine economic need based on the in- Appeal ol Curl Vlllnne nml James efforts on the part of private citi- A Union resident, Nicholas Reale, responsibility to guard YOUR come and number of persons in the family and any unusual circumstances J. DavltlKon for permlHHlon (o erect zens have been performed without three trarden npurtment building's nt won the $100 Irving P. Donaldson Interests. '. or hardships which affect the family's ability .to pay for school meals. 6(19 North Avenue and (507 Fourth the assistance or cooperation of: the memorial prize. Mr. Doalaldson was The information provided on the application Will be confidential and will Avenue —•' Continued until October Town of Westfield." fi For further details, pleaio call 18, 1071. at the time of his death president be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility. Eleanor 15. San ford Mr. Perry asked, "How long must of both the Westfield Aft Associa- our Local representative, Secretary Peariall and Frankenbach, Under the provisions of the policy the Supervisor of Special Services Board oT Adjustment the citizens of Westfield provide tion and Federated Art Association, Inc., 115 Elm St., Weitfleld, will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent is dissatis- 9-23-11 Fees *5.7G leadership in such important areas sponsor of the Holmdel show. 201 • 232-4700 or call us fed with the ruling of the local official he may make a request either or- direct. ally or in. writing for a hearing to appeal the decision. The Secretary of the Board of Education, whose address is 305 Elm Street, Westfield, has been designated as the Hearing Official. Hearing procedures are outlined The Magic of in the policy. Stretch Nylon The policy also provides that there will be no identification of or dis- Tights crmination against any student unable to pay the full cost of a meal. B0WCRAFT A complete copy of the policy is on file in each school and in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education where it may be reviewed by SPORT SHOP any interested person. Pan-Am Bldg.—200 Park Ave. These schools participate in this program: Westfield Senior High School, ROUTE 22 SCOTCH PLAINS 212 -611-3111 Edison Junior High School, Roosevelt Junior High School. 233-0675

1ST, 1940 SALE ... conjured up by SKI-FASHIONS TENNIS-FASHIONS m foe

FflV Danskin transforms f w gawky girls into nimble nymphs with 100% ;:V •• > - ' - £& stretch nylon tights that (3 J 'it.

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HEAVENLY SLEEPING BAGS Sizes 0" 9 ro 21 mos. $21.99 # y t. I! 2 to 36, 4 to 6, 6X-7, 8-10, 12 to U These soft and supple fash- $2.00 to $3.25 Ions look great whether you •', are commuting lo town or crossing the continent. In washable acetate and ny- lon they adapt to an/ scene BOW HUNTING EQUIPMENT and update any wardrobe. Styles include sleeveless, (not if sale pricts) short and long sleeves In a variety of colors. The most complete Sized 10-20 I t line of Bear Hoyt .*#*• gnd Wing Hunting Bows and Arrows.

TRY OUT ON OUR RANGE BEFORE YOU BUY1 233 E. BROAD ST., WSETFIELD 233-1111 207 E. BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD OPEN THURS. 'TIL 9 OPEN THURSDAY NITE 'TIL 9 \ an d providing jn/orwatian . afcou*' \fie)4 j (heir achievements and interests. psychology, Mr. Leitch has -worked •progress Ropoit," & talk oc tiie prog- Hear EVE Plan* • About 9G percent of the Scmtfin- Two Library with the Westfield Y since Febru- ress Ksso Reseanch and To Organize Sunday •* * ^ * • v -—- j alists are expected to become Fin- (Continued from page 1) ary, M7O. ing :md others are making in con- trolling air and water pollution. Etm- fowtn's Series Tha Westfield Ski Club Jnc. wil] Mr*. Auhre\ S. Hood j al'sts. and each will bo considered As physical director, he has di- hold iU opening meeting art 2 p.m. * . ! for one of the 1,000 National Merit Westfield she worked part time for rected gymnasium and aquatic pro- jihasi/.cd in particular are the air Bell Speaker ! "I'd Hke t« get out and do aome- Sunday, at St. Paul's Episcopal Mrs. Harriet M. Hood. 8». of 515 $1000 Scholarships which are allo- Westfield Memorial Library and was grams for boys grades four through quality problems of the Ne-w York- Human factors in the design of Ww Jersey metropolitan area. , but I don't know what!" does Church. A non-profit organization, it Kimbefi Ave., died last Wednesday j cated by state. Many will also be appointed to a full time position nine. SOU&A and swim teams and I telephone equipment was the topic is open U> all Westfield students ai U» Westficld Convalescent Center! considered for the renewable four Jan. 1, 1970. She will continue as • lifesaving classes. •Sliapinj; the SevenLies," the story have to be the dilemma (or of a New Jersey Bell Telephone North Jtrsejr women this fail, New- from eighth to twelfth grade. For- after a long illness. She was the ; ycar Merit Scholarships provided by reference librarian as well as serv-1 However, he has been associated ' of t lit* men and women of the Esso talk pesented Tuesday evening to ti* merly associated with Westfield of Aubrey S. Hood. some 500 corporations, foundations, ing as assistant librarian. She is the |.with the V in one way or another Kngineering Center at Florham «rfc State CoUege't EVE program Exchange Club of westfield at the ba§ «DMHwc«d « variety of oppor- High School; the club is now com- 'Born in Lakeville, Nova Scotia. colleges, unions, trusts, professional •wife of G. E. Barnes. They live al j since 1848 when in sixth grade when Vi\vk. N.J., and how they are de- Mountainside Inn. UMkies iacktdHHE discusuons, class- pletely independent, aod will use Mrs. Hood lived here 34 years. associations, other organizations, | 530 Alden Ave., and are the parents j he helped organize the Vanguard i signing modern refineries and chemi- Toe program, entitled "For Hu- tlie Episcopal Church as its meet- Surviving are two sons, Alfred S. and indviduals. Each Finalist will of four daughters. Club, an organization named for the i cal plants capable o«f meetin-g in- ream count* and individual voca- mans Only," explored the rhiijrr tiaoal r«MWfliMg- EVE is a project ing place. There is no affiliation be- of 515 Kimball Ave. and Aubrey J. receive a certificate of merit in rec- Dr. Bwan also announced that •popular rocket of that year and de- rreasing needs far petroleum prod- made in telephones «od reiatsd tween the club and the Episcopal of Nothport, N.Y.; two daughters, ognition of his outstanding perfor- Mrs. rAnne Vondra has fceen named voted to physical activities. ucts, and develo4)ing better ways to •ajne far Edwatiea, Volunteer, Em- equipment which have- ma4 omrtotim f* Women Cburch. Mr«. Vtefet McKinley of-Woodstock, formance in the program. cataloguer for the adult department. Since then fte has served in many j niaki' and use these products so they more convenient asxl cffldeflt New and old members are en- She received her B.A. degree from W 4 emmomkf aervioe of the ck, Canada, and Mrs. capacities as a part time lifeguard no longer pose environmental user. etvicM piviifea. Un Betsy couraged to attend this first organi- Bqn» of Upkm; a brother, Albany State in Albany, N.Y., and during his days at Westfield High, threats. Mew Jersey Ml jpubttc of VMtfeM is executive zational meeting. Plans for a pos- J of Dorchester, Mass.. Oct. 1 Deadline an M.L.S. degree from Rutgers Uni- from which he was graduated in •'Petrochemicals: A Girl's Best supervisor, George Y«Mf ato* sible club lodge, fund-raising ideas, •11 fmtfchitfren, SB gret-gnndchil- versity. Before becoming associated 1964, later as a member 0/ the main- Friend," a talk designed for wom- the audience a gliwpM of mmm sf and the annual trip to Oft, Atcutney, with Westfield Memorial Library tenance crew, on the front and con- en's groups. It describes the bevy of fcr tfce prtgram vcre TuaaAays and Ttiursdays. berger'0, has announced the appoint- members or to. submit applications of the library is open Monday Ave., died Thursday at the of highest Christian j deals, of good - SS Manhattan: Epic Voyage years in the familiar dial OOJS group will consider (be prob- ment of John Burden, merchandiap for candidates are urged to con- through Friday from 9 a.m., to 9] scholarship, of personal teharm and " a tftlk that takes you aboard administrator in the budget •tore Hall Nursing Home; Cran- tact Mrs. Joseph Schembre, screen- p.m., with no closing over the (tin- a love of life." These persoMlrqual- Ifce program JOM ittusjnsM lems ol t*»; teacher wtw wi«he» to after. a long illness. She was Manhattan for her historic of the potential uses of her expertise in' settiogo other to vice president, . . ng committee chairman, 432 North ner hour. It is now opep n everey y SatS - iti«s test reflect the mflfiwrmiwryy held first voyage through ttte ice-clogged Mr. Burden joined Bamberger'i vtfe of Belford A. f. Franklin. Chestt St- ibl service such as Atf&kai by f tt* elatareonv A aecond group Qtro in Richmondltfwn, she lived Chestnut tSt.,-as soon as possible so uwiay from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tht of the late Karen Crane by tt» many •Arctic wikternees to Alaska's oil- In an exotic foreign stor*. Mr. Y«ufl( wifi wef* with womeo who would in June 1959, as a member of the f 17 years before moving that forms may be received before Children's Department has the same friends who contributed to thk fund. :-h North Slope and back, said the Belt System ak«a& has tfcs lQs» to prepare ttiemselves for paid executive training squad, and in •liWcatfiekl three years, ago. She the Oct. 1 deadline. An application hours on Saturday as the Adult De* A committee composed of Dr. '\\ Patent a Day," a visit in wonk tiasic compontrts to provide ts» ca- Jphs baied oh experience. gained November of that year ho became memM rf XftUmn Chapter, form appears ««. page 8 section S partment but Monday through Fri- Frederick E. Christian, Mr. and Mrs. 2nd pictures to the laboratories of pability for bills paying and bank- throucb then- volunteer work. Voca- assistant buyer of robes and negli- , and a former member of Cum- of today's Leader. day, it closes at 6 p.m. William P. Crane, Mr and Mrs. Esso Research and Engineering ing by phone. . ' tional Interest testing will be used gees. In January 1961, he was made Chapter, OES, *nd United The next meeting of the J#int (AH residents of Westfield are eligi- Cuddie E, Davidson Jr. and Dr. and Company. The talk describes de- ,He concluded s*yia*. ''huraaii fii> sales manager of gkW clothing Civic 'Committee will,be held Sept. tp : CHMu Whttettoue. bfc to have a card at the library at Mrs. E. Milton' Staub hive been velopments and inventions repre- tors engineers are making telspnooe "A career workihop will be held on and boys wear, and la September 1 27 at'8:i5'i>.m< in the WaUienk Iff rand Mrs. Franklin observed ^ c^t. Mrs. Johansen points out designated to manage the fund and sentative of the company'3 many equipement shoulder the comptexitiss Wedheadaya. from Oct. 6 through 1961 became assistant buyer for ajtn wedding anniversary on Room of.the.Municipal Building. that with the library card, a bor- make the selection of the recipients. projects in the areas of petroleum, of modrn communications whiis in- Nov. 17. AH phases of women in the young junior sportswear. Mr. Burden was promoted to sen- 17. They wer* married in a V, rower may take out books, records, chemicals, exploratory, new uses, corporating the customer's perfer* w«rM>of work WiD be fnveattgated parsonage in Elizabeth. pamphlets and magazines. Westfield engineering, government, and envir- ences as to handung and using the iheludfaf pjmBjrit:« jab campaign, ior executive' as area manager in also are a son, Richard School Boards is one of the few libraries that lends Local Jaycees onmental research. " • equipment." . .... vocation*) interest tests, the rewards Menlo Park, in October, IM aftd firfd, M grandchildren and magazines for a week's time. The "Crow's Eye View/* a photo- and problems of the working women was transferred to Fiautfield in ISM: He 'was made buyer of street •, Mm. Carrie Stgars of (continued from feage l) library subscribes to approximately (Continued from page 1) graphic journey around the world ai and miaajlnf A job and a home. 190 periodicals. Records include seen through the camera of Dennis Judy Pr*orof WsoHieldr president floor blouses in July, 1984, and in Jane, 19«7 became buyer fof de- tore held at tte i Mrs. Jerrjr P, English of West- There are two microfilm readers this field will discuss this topk and energy—mechanical, light, electrical, ings. Miss, Janice Cascella discussed man; Evelyn Rodstein of Cranford; fioki, Arthur A. Manner (R) of ferk- in the Adult Department. The li- special reference and speakers will heat, chemical and nuclear—and ex- :».#'' |pi>t fttr years after moving "The Black World" which will focus Bonlyn Vesbltt of Plainfield; and foam Nm Scotia. Hewui efey HaigUt, P«ter J. McOooough brary has the New York Times on concentrate on the Disko report, plains how they are interrelated. on. black literature, art, history, and Marion tongweU of Westfield all re- NCE Board with Esso Re* (ft) of Plaiofleld and A. Charles microfilm from Jan. 1, I960 to with- This topic has been chosen since Also included is a discussion of some music. Miss Ann Gilligan talked on presenting th« volunteer staff. Mae FlorhamPark. Walano of Cterk. in three months of the current date. | it is one of the most important of the startling sources "Drama," a course which will cover Hechf of Union, Barbara Maher of Joining the Newark CoHege of Seven .of the 16 candidates will be The last three months' papers are ecological problems of the times. that may someday be harnessed to stage design and acting technics. Engineering's board for the first fm Mute hia wife, Mrs. Berkeley; Heights, uid Shirleyan time is Charles R. Bergmann, a Rfcyi; « ion, Carter of elected at the polls ID November, kept until the microfilm is received, On Oct. 23, the last day of ECCO serve mankind. (Mrs, Judith Bucher introduced "Ma- Rhodes and Maureen Wenzler of District 9C residents in Berkeley Also on microfilm are issues of The I, the Westfield Jaycees will con- The Speakers Bureau operates jor French Authors," an English- vice president of Western Eectric Oftio; and a daughter, Mountainside were seated as board Co., who lives in WesUeld. Heighta, dark, Fanwood, New Prov- Westfield Leader, from the time it duct, in Westfield only, a curbside from September to June within a language course ranging from Vol- member* representing the interview- of Westoa, Conn. A mechanical engineer, Mr. Berg- •ervkNs «tre held Ttoe* idenoB, Wainfteld, Scotch. Plains, was first published in 1907. Recent pickup of all steel cans and of all 25-mile radius of the Esso (Research taire to Anouilh. Mrs. Patricia May ers,. •..'..,-. • - • • • Summit and Wesfieki will vote for issues also are kept on file. Plans aluminum pie plates, frozen food Center in Linden, N.J., and the reviewed "Mythology," which in- . Representatives of Newark State m«m earned his B.S. degree at thrCbureh of UM Bedeemcr Newark College of Engineering in In lieu of flowers, candidates for three full Senate are presently under way to secure trays and beverage containers. Resi- Engineering and Computer cludes classical legends and Ameri- College preoent at fee meeting were terms, one unexpired Senate term, some magazines on microfilm. dents are asked to place all bags rs in Florham Park, N.J. A Ctyarle*, Kmimt^r:aaais|ant^idirctdr of 1935, worked for Walter Kiddde & may be made to the at can folklore- • Co. brieflyancMoined^W'E'fl Kearny IfamoriAl build- and two full Assembly terms. Voters In addition to residents of West- curbside late Friday night. Resl ntenum audience of S3 Is required. The assembly concluded with an off-campus centers, ftiyirtpn of Field in Berkeley Heights, New Provi- field, persons wno* teach or'hold dents of surrounding communitie* • talks are about 30 minutes long. Services; Mary Siavitt, coordinator Works in 1937. Over the course of announcement of new class offiosn. the past 30 years he has held a var- dene*, Summit and Westfield will other full 'time 'jobs in town are are invited to participate by bringinf Wtten requests are required, giv- Robert Aubrecht, student council of certification programs, Division also vote to fill one unexpired As- eligible tor cards at no cost. Resi- these it eons to the parking lot locat-. a first and second choke for of: Field Services and Dr. Ruth iety of engineering management po- president, said that Kevin Hopkins sitions within the company, serving sembly term. . dents of Famwood, Scotch Plains, ed on North Ave. near Centra^ Ave.' and topic. Interested or- had been elected senior class presi- Ward, chairman of student person- Town toBa n nisations may write Esso Research nel service* as well as Mrs. Brown, in .quality control manufacturing The Legislative Candidates Night Garwood, Clark and Mountainside in Westfield. dent; Mary Ellen Rokosny, junior planning operations, the' comptrol- concerning education is open to the may purchase out-of-town cards for To aid in the effort, doflors are i ngineering Company, Public class president; and James Deery, executive director of EVE. (Continued from page 1) asked to rinse all food and remove Relations Staff, P.O. Box 639, Lin- ler's area, sales, distribution, and public. $10 annually. sophomore class president. as personnel director. are, or tend to be, injurious The Union County School Boards labels from all steel containers/ and dm. place all aluminum articles intoir In the early leeo's he was appoint- (9 human health or welfare, to ani- Association is made up of repre- ed comptroller of the manufacturing IRiai or plant life, or to property, sentatives of 21 school districts. Leitch in New separate bag (aluminum, beverage Etet Mrs; Sard cans have no side seam and a division and stiorly later was made unreasonably interfere with Mia* Emma C. AfcGall is the Troop 170 Begins general manager in charge of staff enjoyment of life or property Westfield representative on the Union (Continued from page 1) rounded bottom). McEnerney Named New Season . ZPCOfficer in the service division. He was •1 —•—* the Town of Westfield." County School Boards Association Proceed* obtained from this por« F conjunction with the youth commit* | tion of ECCO I will be added to the elected vice president of staff in .Also, included in the proposed code Executive Committee. She said: Boy Scout Troop 070 will hold Jti : A .Westfield resident has been 1964 and in 1965 became vice presi- tee. Jaycee's scholarship fund. Cretag Manager first meeting of the 1971-1972 season lected sec«Ury-t«a»urer of the k a ban on the operation of inciner- "The Candidates Night ;is. a splea- "Vast new changes in the problems dent of the company's service di- ators prior to 7 a.m. and after 5 did opportunity for candidates to ex- 'Further information concerning at Washington School gym at 7:15 © lormed Plalnfield region^ vision's eastern area. Activities and challenges facing youth demand any phase of this project can be Peter V. McEnerney of 87 Cot- £Jn. and controls on emissions dur- press themselves in terms of educa* tage PL has joined iiord Inc., an p.m. Monday. Troow 270 is a email, chapter of Zero PopuU«on Growth. within his responsibilities include ing the periods they are permitted tional commitments for the State." fresh new approaches to program- obtained by calling any of the fol- outdoor- oriented troop with mem- Mrs. Carol Sard of 721 (Belvidere installation, company equipment re- ming for them," said Mr. 'Leitch, lowing members: ECCO I co-chair- affiliate of CIBA-GEIOY and has Utperate. The Union County Council of been appointed eastern regional bers mainly frohft thaWashington Ave. was voted into the post at the pair, distribution and systems who will conduct studies with the men, Robert Borusiewicz and Bob sales manager for the company's School area. This part season some' group's most recent meeting in late equipment engineering functions. complete text of the code i£ P-TA's Includes representatives of youth committee to pinpoint needs Mason; street closing, Jim Morgan; prlated under public notices else- extensive line of Gretag instruments of the troop's activities have includ- August. Prior to accepting this re- His community interests include the more than 120 ParentTeacher | a^"interests before Emulating the collection, Frank Mulvaney; sponsibility, she iwas for two years «har* in this newspaper. Associations in the county. for the graphic arts industry. He ed hiking the Appalachian Tr. in United Fund work and service as new programs. collection site, Al Lehmkuhl; sym- reports to Emette F. Gumm, na- N.J. and N.Y., hiking overnltes In a member of the Plainfield chapter's a member of-the Better Business Mrs. Norman Bon&aU, the coun- The young bachelor also looks for-1 poslurn, Stan Lipson tional sales manager. The appoint- Wharton State Forest in the New parent organization, National Zero Bureau of Newank, the Greater cil's 'community advisor from West- ward to working with the Indian ment was effective Aug. 3. Jersey Pino Barrens, canoe trips in Population Growth. Newark Hospital Development Semi-Finalists field, called the meeting "a valuable Guide-Indian Princess program, now New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Often referred to as ZPG, Zero experience" and urged "all con- composed of nearly 60 tribes in West- Before Joining Itford, Mr. Mc- Fund, the New Jersey State Cham- Speakers Bureau Enerney was western sales mana- also in the Adirondack Mountains, Population Growth is « nationwide ber of Commerce, the New Jersey (Continued from page 1) scientious citizen* to attend the field, Mountainside, Cranford and fossil-hunting near Albany, and also non-pnofit, ooB-pftrtlsan organization ^ Candidates Night for a more knowl, Garwood. The club program is *or ger for Bonn Bex-Rotary, Division Manufacturers Associaion, the N.J. •Ite Semifitiftlists are represents- of VLN, Inc., for the past year. ovemites to Gettysburg and West whose goal is to achieve a stable Taxpayers Association. He is the : edgeable vote. boys and girls 6 through 8. Lists Subjects From 1965 until early 1970, Mr. Point. Scoutmaster Jack Schuvart U.8. and world population. third NCE alumnus to be appointed tive of toe country's most intellectu- "The object of the Indian programs ally aU6 younj( people, according to McEnerney held a number of in- assisted by Scout Leaders Dr. Zane Outlining the group's basic ap- to the board of trustees. Ddwtrd C. Smith, president of the is to strengthen families. At an age Ten talks about the complex and creasingly responsible marketing Gaut, Monroe MaoPherson, Roger proach, fotrs. Sard stated, "W« be- - Na(tO(»l Merit Scholarship Corpor- Seek Alterations when the boy or girl thinks his Dad often unusual research carried out at posts with Itefc Business Products, Preuss and Bill Sheen an plan a full lieve that solutions to such prob- aMok

shape the cannot support-their own Purpose o| the center, is to make 11 j i * Pork Roll 1 i - -weight iftipush-Upti-wHi pullups, as available information, concerning \\ } '-(v •y -i< •,• i in Union County •govsnimeril studied'have shown, the 'the rights and obligations of draft- ," f , Iri an a max ing tavingi plan that* amazingly simple! Just save 1 a Wamount every month for a sat number of years. Then stop sav- Try Our Tette Thrilling i.-. ings and start withdrawing — the same amount every month for the ' Blut Chwie Hot Identical number of years. At the end of your spending per.'od, you'll - * have more in your account than you had at the end of your savings Everyone sayt: period. And your account balance will continue to grow even if you live to be 901 That's the power of our high earnings compounded Cleanest Piece In Town" over the years. Open your Second Income Savings Account at Lincoln Federal Savings now. Enjoy extra money every month, every year of your retirement — take a trip abroad... make payments on a retirement home... and always have a healthy balance.


, h F • LUNCH • MNNIR PUPIL HOLIDAYS • TAM OUT snvtce* ' • Sept. 20 — Vom Kippur WITHDRAW Nov. 4 and 5 — Teachers' Professional Days r FJneet Charcoal Nov. 25 and 26 — Thanksgiving Recess Broiled feed (Schools close at end of our-hour session on Nov. 24) FOR 15 YEARS FOR 15 YEARS i Dec. 24 — Dec. 31 inclusive Christmas Vacation ~ Bring thr Kidi Jan. 14 — Martm Luther King Day Feb. 21-25 inclusve — Mid-Winter Vacation i *- Mar. 31 — Good Friday 110 CENTRAL AVE. Apr. 17-fil inclusive — Spring Vacation Save End Account End 4 fa WESTFIELD May 29 — Memorial Day Monthly 15 Years Earn Total 15 Years Earn Balance Friday, June 23 — Schools Close

$ 4,500 $2,198.45 $6,698.45 $25 $ 4,500 $ 5,190.28 $ 7,388.73

NATE FRIEDMAN $ 50 9,000 4,396.89 13,396.89 $50 9,000 10,380.54 14,777.43

• * 307 SOUTH AVENUE WESTFIELD 8,793.79 26,793.79 $100 18,000 19,761.07 29,554.86 (opposite Station $100 18,000 233-0246

!: ! *Based on our 5% current rate paid and compounded quarterly. Current rate may vary Dear (friend**; ... . . ' from time to time but will not substantially affect the Plan, After many years as Fleldclub, I am happy to announce

F ihe sldre's' reopening under my own name. In doing «o, our merchandise will be of the same fine quality and good taste that we corried In the past. ' • - * To cvlebralas our re-oponlng, we are making the following

4 gift offer good through Saturday, October 2, 1971s Continue to withdraw - your balance continues to grow!


.: 3 •-'• •-•:'•/ . - r1 . fa . 1

•^'•:•:•'F- ' • - •• ' i! Hope to soe you soon, . EDERAL 1 Sincerely, SAVING 5 - V "... t r , : ,• ,: .• v ' [v . -••- i

" J 1 ** ' • r 1. 1*1 ?*'

: WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS PLAINPIELD .. • v ••;• /:,•• 127 Park Avenue # .. . Op*n Monday & Thursday 'Hi 9 P.M. Broad at Prospect 361 Park Avenue i KAl ESTATf FOt SALE «EAL ESTATE MX SAIE if At f STATE ^Wr^^ r^&r^^r^ W^^^^ VF^PW

PEARSALL 1OY BROWN, INC LEE K. WAtING DANKEI A DANKEt, C. I. SMITH, Jl WM11AM A. CUMBC BARRETT & CRAIN KSALTOm — IVfllTBOB •JEAATOft Inc. AND REALTOR HALTOtS 15 B. BttOAfi •TJUJBBOT AO t-2500 233-5555 14* ELMEft STIEfT 111 Centra] *.ve. kcr ••IU*le LUtU«- FRANKENBACH aThr«« Colonial IOVELY TO LOOK AT Mmbtt. Vf Multiple •Ai m*Urrmk" KITABLlttHBD lt2S WKTFIELO MOUNTAINSIDE m-noo 212-1 §00 We h«ve just Mm* tk» 133-1800 beautiful Enf Kith tede*.M09 - HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL VALLEY RD.AT CHURCH ST.,UMtTY COftNfft- 647-5700 tiffeefit detail cenetrvctie* iOOK AT TNISI Multiple LUtlDf System in •*•*«, beiefc and timber. ONI HOOt UVINO M'citleU Scotch Very tvrfp living ream A veritable ap&rtment on a lot: If you are handy wiih paijit und IN WiSTHHO 2 nice bedroom**, modern tile tXCiiUNT VALUtt MouBtalaaMe tooly, hit re ia an uppurtunlty *v-ftJie4 Very arelry nety aaa* • KaV bath, yea, there is a living room you ou^lH not pass up. In resi- 1 1 _i with fireplace, full dining roomt NFRA "FOR COMPETENT DIVEISUFtED if* den, modern kitchen. Well Area R**Kscatatlvc« dential WeBttteld, here l& an shrubbed Jot (not too much older Colonial on property 200' fireplace la grau* to cut) beautiful tall For HOMERICA 1>« 1 REAL ESTATE SERVICE" Katies'* OUe»(-Ur*eit de«.*p, %V eun room, living room, w WwO^e^oB ea^eaajmi oaovoavaTf a> / a> ftivi treee. Top notch north Bide lo- dining room, kitchen with pan- cation, 137,000 |37,W)0—20' living' room, family U»me FUrtiMgr Kervlcc rwa ew room, dining room a-nd kit- >CAtmSI*V try on the first iloor. On the tovwy kMcMMi chen with breakfast room. second are three bedrooms and * * * •* Property 268' deep and gu.r- a full balh, Attic storugc* Thi* $4»,tOO home could he IL great Inveat- fire) CUKi TO ICNOOU "•$ A TWO HMOOM ftiou* CLASSIC COtONIAL ment for you! Fine potential ! $29,600, Fireplace in llvlnv room, din- jBeft — Cape Cod Cutie — on ing room, modern kitchen, turn- Salter Place — 2 bathi and CENTM HAU THREE NEW USTINGS ONf IM A MIUION fly room, grade level laundry* garage. three bedrooms. Pull batement, Quemlone like thlo ere not n rantatrk firef Haer attached garage, ThU 1V&B unusual, and they vary from INGUSH TUDOR WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL" home im located on a quiet cul this to u live or six bedroom I,nr*c livlnir roum with family reem, de gac In Scotch Plalm, Ideal ,»00 — Older Colonial hotme, from whether It Is a tirrplute , . , Biff 3 car frafi for children. baths and 2 car better Idea to buy an olOer or IF rmiiu i * » Library.** Attractive three bedroom, ream, VA kmfk$, ItarftJ Kim ball Ave. newer house. Mod*rtt kltckrn wKh 9%vel~ Liaih Tudor In a much »o WYCHWOOD WMM ^MMMi flllNAfl FttttMj eirtra lot In reply, we usually point out lemt dlnluiff m^Hvr • . • Five after area of West Held, that there Is a tremendous de- brilroom* • ed porch that overlooks a love- ' i » (lor which we thank our lucky room • • . Heerentlim room ly rear yard. Family-alaed din- I4n k; Clark Bt, - aural), and thai practically ,t #. .• ..WKf pori'M ovrnoo»i«f ing- room, sunny kitchen, pow- This Handsome reproduced Williamsburg Colonial Spldom do we have an offering every well arranged, well kept park-like rrar linii uad der room complete the first like this! Just spotless through- home finds an owner for whern tre#k . • . A <****tom uur-of- door. Threo good-sized bod- It located in Weitfield's choice Wyehwood section out; f)r«plac£ in 23' living room. It In THK houue. Many time* w-kUd In |»re*tl|i;l<»iitt Nhack. rooma and two tiled buths on •nd a dining room (15x12) screened $46,800 — Older Colonial — 2% " 0 like the«€ require ujuttfcuii Mien . . . Muck wurc the 2nd plus storage. 2 car facing Echo Loke Golf Course. The "early Ameri- SCUODIR 1OAD IN porch. Three twin bedrooms, ZVk bath* — breakfast nook, 6th analysta and detailed to I«JL l)u cull. Kariige. A well constructed can" interior Includes 4 pristine bedrooms (master it WYCHWOOO baths, double gttraffe. deep lot, - bedroom on top floor, 2 car »IIDWC(9. If you ure In a quan- home with many fine details. preftieet we have Men In tall oaks. Choice location. Varave. j>nox Ave. dary about HO me phase of this $0,900. has 3 closets) — Vh baths . . . center hall, 18' pine $49,900 problem, tell UH the atory and panelled den with bookshelves and adjoining MeuntalrffMe. Twe MKM, we will be happy to go over OAUISON COLONIAL weterfaH, aerden hevte, buiH in itSO your questions with you. powder room, large living room with slate fire- •eur beJreewt er 3 $««,S00 — Colonial on Shacka- $3t,fO0 place, gracious dining room with chair-rail, de- rwe car aaraae. mRxon Drive — den — 6th EXCITINO NIW USTINOH bedreamB mn4 elan CINTtt HAU COLONIM bedroom — garage. Xritr all *t*liool» 1» lightful screened porch. 8" over 8",windows, bottle 23 feet Mvlmj ream Alt CONMTIONIDI . . . FcHlurlHic ELEGANT MOUNT VUNON gloss (over front door), narrow width clapboards In the heart of Wychwood. Liv- with flrriilaui*, mry pretty diftlnf roan ing room, fireplace, separate $19,600 — Older Colonial — 8 lituiMK rouiii, br#fB«w«y, and beautiful grounds add to the charm. Since this sun detkf MI dining room, screened porch, roomH — 3ty baths — 2 car Truly a deluxe split level wKli powrter r««i» anA plrniiMnt COLONIAL it a ror9 and desirable new lilting, may we sug- LEE K. WAMNG recreation room. Three bed- garage, Tulfle Parkway, 4 b*droome( a rtreflulng roam off kit ih fit wlik fMllHK space •ecend Hoar rooms plus Bitting room (can tho Mftflter bedroom, HI id 2 . ,. tpntulm thrr* MMIMMIW* gest an early call? itelttei* LMtBg ••atftw be four bedrooma), 2tt baths, $51,600 — Old Colonial — % butht all on one floor. At grade nitri balk . . . Excellent »«•- Indian Porect charm combined ureened parch attached guraffe. Light traffic rooms, — 3% baths — 2 car level la the laixe family room, rllrrt r+crentloB roi*M to the with the elegance of thta Mt. d;thwa»her and dltaeuil In street. Tma home is in picture Dudley Ave, a den (or 6th bedroom), lav Mutmrit . . . la Mwelleai Vernon Colonial In a once-ln-u- book condition. $67,GOO and laundry. Screen porch, also ve« Call VM Immediately. 996,000. on 1st floor In addition to beautiful living room $65^000 — Colonial — brand new •U? very probably have a fine more. WASHINC3TON SCHOOL — Co- — ft roomn — 2% baths — 3 with fireplace and picture windows, gracious din- lonial, 8 large bedrooms, 2% epr garage* Near Franklin potential of Us own, If all thin baths, laundry on first floor. A. oehvictm ...ira-r School, •ovnda & bit pittzUng let ua ing room with twin corner cupboards and leaded Wall to wall carpeting:, extra Ton Decker MS-IMS •TO Into detail* when you see it large closets, modern kltclien, L« DMakcr I9>-114« C. B. SMITH, JR. with ua. You'll like the houxe MODiRN CO1ONIAI glass windows, 17' family room with bookshelves, rec. room tn basement; A-l con- Uielf — expanded Salt Box with powder room, jolousied porch . . . Two bedrooms dition, AflKlns $51,900 — wel-Albert G. Oaaker 1SS-U4* total o( 6 rooms and 2 baths. JOY BROWN, INC cono« offers. Cull 232-3927. $6«,900 — Newor Colonial — 3 KMOOMS - VA iATHS and bath on 2nd floor . . . Exciting grounds con- center hall — den, 2% baths, . 9-23-tC Ill Ceatral centrally air conditioned, 2 REALTOR tain 22' flag patio, thirty seven dogwood trees, WHtl«U car garage — on Tudor OvaU UKI TO MlllDt $54,500 garden waterfall and (sometimes) whltetail deer camaoi d» }a««le* to . . . Choice Mountainside location. We hope you'll 232.^00 Tfctn do check with us about a btrOfTh-) 171,900 — Lovely larger Colonial •lot convenient to Holy Trinity. ••ate locate OH a not del ay I ALAN JOHNSTON, INC Member Maitlale Llitlag with Gth bedroom on top i i FrlMd at $12,000. W«tft«U afreet, yet ao aear floor — upaclous throughout to a Aealraale rleiaeatarr teahon — d«n — 3% baths — «ar- \1 •cfeool. BMIH *• *ae prmtcat Clalr« Rarfccr 3SS-4S41 ftffti — deep 250' lot. Shacka* •»ccl«ratlo«« tkere Area reyrtaeiitiillve far max on area. I frat 113 AM ST. u ALL POINTS RELOCATION UCHVICb $w MO. a«t f«a* ia atamy other STUNNING MANSION C. B. 0MITH, JR. luati, owaer eaa •*«'•?" WSSTNELD, N. 4. wr4lMt« oecapnacy. War Kkcvptfonal Rental. Ready rtffht a»t call today t« laapect MOUNTAINSIDE . .• !;•. i now. rurnt»h«4. Excellent West- 2M-S9SS Any tfant . -•' . w JUM neighborhood. dlttoul lafaratattoa. >\ ' $225; 4 ICDtOOM RANCH •if- WILLIAM A. CLARK Mrs. Omrtm UmtthUwM t t * This stunning brick Georgian mansion was custom $64,000 INDUSTRIAL aUaltw f P-- •. • • - OO1I IDOI - CUSTOM IUILT MM.D«k **»*«» built for a leading member of the pharmaceutical You, can move rlwlit Into this BRAND NEW N. J. Stata Nra* Jay Irtwi Industry. Spacious, luxurious interior Includes two dream house. Special features include brick lire- Mr. Qimtt • 9 4 • TM-4*14 place in 19' family room, dressing room off Routo 27 i a beauty and well main- IN STON1HINOI 50' center halts . . . 6 master bedrooms (each with master bedroom, huKe beautiful eat-In k itch on, 232-2500 talned tpo. Fast occupancy It laundry room, double slnku In baths, loads of Jtetuchwi, N«w J«r««y private bath), sundeck ... study .'.;. long first-floor closet space. you are In a hurry, wo aske1 d 8- Acres Industrie the' owners for whom It was $57,900 center hall leads to impressive <28'x18') living With office building Ki built, what feature they especi- WESTFIELD LarKO scale Area tUpmeatatlve fa* ally like. The answer was quick Uvlas room with »re»(a room with mirrored fireplace wall . . . gracious Concrete and nteel treBtle Tma»-Aai*rlc«s Umtunl ana entliuntimtlc "The custom . . . Two «a« • aalf •««•• with tracks and 2 aiding* lled rcc room with ariioln- . . , Paaelled faailly tooia (26'xl7') dining room with fireplace . . . library 4 BEDROOMS Vh BATHS t tiled luv and wet bar. Al- . . . I*aa«rr rooai . .. Over JAMES J. DAVIDSON with raised, panelling and fireplace . . . separate off Penn. R, K. together there are 8 rooms, 2% acre . , . Lovely $47,900 Frontage on 3 atreeta bathft, 2 car garago, It's a Bl- * # powder and coat rooms for ladies and gentlemen. This charming1 Colonial i» walking dlfltance to Near U.S. Kouto 1, Route 2S7 Ckarlc* W. Rokoaar .. SSS*X«8l 1«V«1 on a big big lot with car INC. Hchool«, tihoppinR: and transportation. For fam- and Turnpike . Jack 8. Colllaa magnificent shrubbery. |6i,900. Picturesque wooded setting on high ground in ily relaxation, thore Js a flrnt floor family room, Bus und. Train service Westfield choice Wychwood section. Additional cut-in kitchen* and Bpuclouu, private y-artt Blalae D. Cela ../... See It today. S«« by eppointmtnt WlllUm A. Clark 8SS-T4§e IOVELY VIEW REALTOR details, pictorial brochure on request. SKOND $T aibcr of tk« OF THI WAICHUNOS ALAN JOHNSTON, INC Mal«l»l« Ltartft* *T*t*m John P. McMahon KA\W0OI> — 3 bedroom co- A • Jn lovely Panwood. Transferred h lonial, nowly painted oxterlor, owners will give fast occupancy. fIVC BIDKOOMS MANY FINB LISTING* WESTFIELD OFFICE SPACE 1585 Morris Avenue living room with flreplace, din- 1 Veil kept 3 level with fireplace lu- in llvtnff room; corner cup- Union, N. J. 07083 ing room, kitchen, den, IVi toardai In dlnlnoininffs r,;; screen MODIRN Realtors batliB, screened porch, full cd/MlftKHed porchnorch:; garueccarueo.. DDo PRIME LOCATIONS Telephone 668-3434 buHomcnt and attic. Prlnclpalfl calf today. $3G,500. OWNER SEZ IBM ROUTE 22. MOUNTAINSIDE only, low 30'a, Cull 322-2370. $69,900 #1 — 370 sq ft — 3 room* — alt utilities and services (wcat boMMd lame — «pyo«tt« Lawreaee Avea«e) — pivrklnff , •, . $200 per month. Ccatcr-kall p>laa . . . Wm tilt #2 — 830 aq ft — 3 room a — all utilities und services •*r family ro«ai wltli i«rv|ii "GET CRACKIN'I — parkins . . . $450 per month. WESTFIEJLO - SAVE - PWVATE SALE N. IUCUD AVI. bur ... Fireplace IK Ilvtaa; #a _ 4800 BO ft — Doluxe eiutce — Pro»Ugc Building — CHll I ronni . . . HoKe aeclvdrd choice WeBttteld liuainesa location — may bo Beautifully landscaped % aero cornnr/ 3 bedrooma, 1% tmthn, acreeaeii porch • • •• «"» partitioned — pnrklng-. Plonee call -233-1800 IVr^hc. 232-3868 Claire Butler, 854-B9M central a/c. larRre redwood deck, rec. room...attached era rape, .The beautiful lot rune back to tiled hatliB . . . Two kail JUST LISTED AND READY or 232-1600 for complete (Ictallu, Curyl lenln, 233-8336 iNttbelle Ber«c» 'J now 8ol£ cloflnlnR double oven rnnge, dlnhwaulier1 , wool w/w. Jkllndowaakirt Park so thut next batha . . . Two car a-arase Mid 40'n; FrLnciplcs only. Call <201) 232-B8O5, attcr ? p.m. and •mnmer you can sit in your . . . Wo call OH taU Scotch TO GO I LOCATED ON A ' JHuuvlna Youriff, weekondB. garden and enjoy the band charmer. concerts, The residence has n charm of Its own tor It lias TREE LINED CURVING AVE- been a happy homo thru the "BRAND NEW COLONIAL" yeara, SpKcloun Moo. l*et NUE, THIS COLONIAL IN THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. •how you. 152,000, STATELY COLUMNS LIBERTY CORNER 4 BEDROOMS - 2tt BATHS LEVELS IS COMPLETE IN • PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY REALTORS INSURORS UiOHTWOOD BUYS $78,900 EVERY WAY - FOUR BED- $64,900 REALTORS 1IAXCII Just rtfiht for two, find no cncfiantins1, Wol! proportioned The owners have moved. We d A year oiH colonial Itome ROOMS, 2fc BATHS, BEAUTI- Here's a classic center entrance colonial with state- PHOTOiSIOKAL BVILDIRQ ' for a dlfwrrtilsir **«'tt*lve living room, llreplac^c; liirpo cut-in Hitcficn; two bodroornn and like you to sec this line home . . , The *i»neioufi Interior ly pillars located on a quiet cul-de-sac. Construc- bath PIUH u Hide panelled tUtn* Attached suruKo; not too largo a oflemd at 148,500. ofTcru nil the aceootrenteBl* FUL RECREATION ROOM 350 Park Av*nu9, Scotch !ot yet In lovely nelft-liborhood not far from town. Priced to Ml for in Mlrctlnic « tion has progressed to the point that the builder movo quickly — $38,600, rraldriu-e « . . Hrnvtl- can use some final decisions from a new owner •Kuittrd In m FUM! AND A LOVELY YARD. 922-5800 CRAY TERRACE Plnln* urttlBVt «t on interior painting, floor covering, tile colors, the *nd off a ml dc nmc un OWNERS HAVE BEEN etc. The spacious interior plan In addition to a KN'fiMHH hrftilc, Btonc, timhor with fllato roof. A beautiful six fine nvrm of property . • . STUCCO AND TIMBER room »V£ btttli homo with two car ffantKo; full biiBomont; porch The price IH J42.000, The con- Nump or the Nprrlnl fenturp» large living room, family dining room and country on well shaded north H)(IC Htrcut convonicnt to Rruclo school nud DtrucUon l» framo and atone. n\rr\ T> t«n t-entrnl itlr ron- HAPPY HERE AND JUST Colonial In convenient Fun wood louaLlon. UrneJoua living room nouHevclt Junior Hlsh. Mont Inviting Uvlnp room with Intercut- The atmosphere Is Colonial and itltlonlnif, iiUm modern kit- size kitchen, includes a den with fireplace, 4 gen- with woo> vrrimilc tlte floor In For full details and appointment to inspect, we dition — Imnicdlato pObHuwalon. $3G,lJO0. the fiv*Tni**»il tenontr«ilit CHOICE AREA rnnm it ml illnhiK room; pniuiHcri cut-in kitchen; don, Ton roomn, 1IM>% vinyl ltKRiml-llnlHh YOUR FAMILY A CHARM- (647-5700). twi) litithH, iw» cui- ffiiragu; wlilo ducp lot lit cloyo nurthBldo NEW LISTING kltclirn floor. ftr*t ll«»r Cunlom l>ullt homo In erne of \VoKt11clHt potiuliir ri'Hl location. $44,900. liMimtry rmtm nml innny ING HOME WITH A NO- <1onltul itraiiH, The nplu uiul «pan Interior IIIOUKIOH JL ohKrniliifj other frniurepi too mimer- living room with ftrttplucc, cllutn^ ruom, lirlKht innl cUoory kll- In tlio lilltHldtt Avc nri'it <>r IMIM to menlJoti. It wnuld nc chen opening to comfortably JILIOLIHIWI porch, Two HHOHHlon. Cull ticwfli' hornetf. lSltflit rooms 2% batim. 2'2' (inidu levnl fnmll/ lonlul. Kxtorlor IH pnrtly titoiiu. thU beuuttfut home. now und lob tm ahuw you thl» cliolcu lintln^ $i:,800. room with bur, laundry, luvatory, buuomoiit too, NIco condition Excollont atoragu in floored tit- IN NICE CONDITION - A tbroughoul, ? 18,1100. tic. U car gurago. Distinction ftnd Privacy. *61 PERFECT MARRIAGE OF AIR CONDITIONED SPUT BARRETT & CRAIN On Jt bciuillfiilly htiKlHunpcd i> lot in SVoteh IMuInn — ffrado X ymuvnoit Trvcil homo, lovely H|Y»I:ICJIIH j LAND AND HOME. WHY 1 PEARSALL Juvrl — ultra ninilvni UKLUOJI with IUIKI CMillntf uro;i, dlnhiK Kiutllo llvhiK i*oom will) llrupluiMj; fllniiiK room; moilorn Icltuhcn; NANCY F. REYNOLDS room, Hpmiliitjfc fainlly roam nponhtK t'> Hrr««ntMi porch, TtulH^d thHMi licilrodinM; i Vi imthH, FnJ1 bur hi ftimlly room, hiiHomont, NOT CALL FOR MORE DE- 1JVIr)j-f roenn with wood IMITD 1 u^r flrn]>lar(% ;i KCKXI HIZL'CI hi'drncniH palli», MHHV rxLniK — tmul, rurpcthiK liiroiiKhotit; air uontll- # ^ REAITORS fc * * IHLLIIH. AND and 2% 2 car Kuninc Many oxiniH Included, $4B,D0Ut tlunoi'H, rcfrltcntlor; Hystcm, aluminum ulUlng. ASSOCIATES, INC. TAILS? YOU WON'T RE- "Three Colonial Offices" COUNTRY SETTING RenHom FRANKENBACH <{>l,OMAl, renter hull i»)im with nhui rnntiiHi Iti£ Jmtha. 13otU GRET IT. $48,900. living room und miiHlor hfidronm OVIT UT. Fonr bcdroojiiH !n- In nub urban Hrir rh*nnhiir uvim — MlnhwnMIIIT phm uutlnir tliul tcenuK'i'r, IH'n plnH J(I1OIIHIIM1 ponrh; liruuUftiHt r. sim*. ,ir y.a-niH with HI frnl I lron«, II nir MUVIIRI1 — centra I niv t lilgh Huhool iiui-k. fili.OOU, 232-6300 Mnltlple LU1U* JAMES J. DAVIDSON umiiy isxtrim luehuluil. Only $1!»,I»00, Hn»rl II. Ward U:i2-RfM!l lOtiitrt MJIHIJCU* IlU'ltrtrilB* . *. *3n2-r,rU

Georce G« Crane 33(1 i« INC. it I). Nancy f. Reynolds PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. Olga Graf JU:ALTOHX A INHIJHOHH 2 NEW PROVIDENCE ROAD .... 233-1 §00 201-232-4700 Vtealtori Marie E!s!o U,->4 U, ltroiut Htrrvt Realtor any D. Muirortl i!:w-7H:i» itourr D, I*«VK, ,ir W MM Joan Thomas Hertieri J, Irlun UIUUHMl Tllrluir*] M. Corlict . 4.. JWII-88M Call 322-5800 any tlm« 26 Proipect Street 332-0900 Alk» Fife 232-7000 A, O. notttrm, Jr 'ZM-OWM 11. It. nsrrett, Jr,f CPM Mm* A Inn Dmw OoBlIn Myrtle Jenkins OftO I'AIIK AVID, SCOTCH V1,MNHt W. A loufse B. Johnw>n-232-0302 Mm. AJfhtld W. MtchHMitn VAUEY RD.AT CHURCH ST.,LIBERTY CORNER-647-5700 Carol Mom of 2 llvrm L, Daan Johmon, Jr.-232-4789 mm. Jrmrt I>. ItHrhi* 2X^471\0 MEMBERS Murifl wnhiiirw rniMniM Ilinnni—Ifllll-HIUH Jlnrhiirn fJ. Ilyron—Hlia-D01» II. Dfltnnr Itltrltlr i IKiriitfu-ii Him T,\2-Hi\in Mm. Hit mint Iliirron WTESTFIEtLJJ — MOUNTATNHiniQ — HC. PLAINS — WAKWOOD Jlfiiry M, Crtitin of «— Fnnwoud •— nml Mm. Itn4h I), llrrnl 211'i-OIKH Until • t BDMICIIHK/I' fJOUNTY I'ttl H*>mil of II M«rvlc*s lirliHMtltitt W. ('iir|irn VM\—7 room Faiiv\(io<] FEMALE f'ok-nlHl. ii bedroomH, 1 *& )*±iths. MALE Oft FEMALE MOUNTAINSIOC ' 'on VMI if'ii t io He-hoot iDifi it-anspi»r~ APPLY £s«:sthd di-fp in the \V:it t.iUoiK $:;?;, cujj .AI,AN JOII.V- Drake ;tn*l C\ i ft. 1 CMAtUS 6. MHfgmtQC JL •ANDOIPH-WIEGMAN CO JUounta StiH t hid ran* h ht^me is KToX. IXC, J tealions , 23:i-5fii:j. Irving s rt.y I Man. | •ill — No for on a beautiful park like Hotting. 1 •Stiac lous living rnmii, rornutl - X* IK-II vt'vi i\% UMiJiiK ro'.ni. ultrsi inrxl4*rn Kil- wrltr **i 11 S APARTMENTS-RENT • S.i MM'?, Avon, ("on **hi-r\t ihrfi- kinK slzp hrdr^ f;innly room, r^v riium, a*n. full tiotieini-nt, 2 cjtr K;tr;iKV, 2 want} 4 HOO)I iDu > • EMPLOY. WANTED • latrnhiK I1rC'|ilnr«*H, nuiny extras ;i ViiiliiliU- i M -rtl inHud<-fl; loo imnii i OUN to monl imi. rail nil < <-iMiit iui motilli. SroK-ti tOt A YOUMO 'AMfti l#]:iihS-U'«-sf Cull ^:iJ-saMS, CI,I:\\(\<. wo.MW -- onr day . WINDOW washing, f utter* and OtNt fAMN iifu-r li p.iti. • leaders cleantfl, walls and wood- 4 MMOOM WYCMWOOO COiOMlAi . # # vvet-k; [>c«.sll»ly iwn, fnvn work cleaned, exterioi pain tint. tat ion: i* -sVii'iircs. Call "L' Fully Insured. AD 2-72B2. 4-»-t| 4.25 ACtfS • WANTED TO RENT • ftCHOOI/ft Ol'T — Summer's here — A n«at, three bedroom colonial One floor living, plus on eaxy A Ueuutjrul partt like Ktuintf T-'llHi; H\ for lo.- with a fireplace in LLie Jivln* NwU a babyvliier? Call MI-H. Gat wmth to tcrtvn. Btitrance hafj, hull, beautiful living room with i;ri>i:itLV < ol I'l.K (mother and 5C1-01RS. 6-10-tf room, a bright dining room und large living room .with fire- On pretty — and dead-end — Srudder Kofldt thin attractive. - per wt'tfk: nl.ility tt( do loiillilf tub an efficient klu-heii. Features tin'pluct*, family room, dluluK soni nrf d our bwlmoni wpurtniMit witrk find tiit;c K-r.iyti \u-)p(u\. place; modern kitchen with eat- ready for you to move Into, cunU*r halJ <:&lon}n\ ha» a large (1,|-,A\S A'ITK'X, c-'-Uarf. uff, include a larye panelled "rec- ing apace; panelled *ea; full living room with fireplace, 12.G 'nquar^ cltnine: room, modkern room, modern kitchen, den, vnvti on ilrst floor. rp to jiftu a tntimii in- ply (Sox lllc/oTlic Wistn reatlM'* room, an attached «ar. room, four tipflrnonm, ;i% luith£t cluOinR all mil hit**. "Wnlkin^ d in- fHki- awny old furnflurr~-nf.'ht haul- diiilKMr room; attractive btd- kftofc^D with eating npacet powder room, and u wo**t attractive nil Kirn St., Wi'.sKlelil, I ''aM T.",4-42.'i«. a*e, wall to wall carpeting, room and bath. Attached gar- lft.8sll.8 screened porch overlooking the back yard-, *• full baHftnvnt. Separate build- land- to shopping. At ]I*H«1 TS daya combination fitorm and Hereena ing: for entertainment. Ker\ not ire prior to . rail , fl-K-2t a(T«, immaculate condition and rooih with huj;* fireplace, rtres- POM) littwwn r>-S p.m. , HOIXKWOHH — 3 dayn •hi m fenced In yard. Taxei all set l hitvc ri-fct-fiK-cs iin<) , two full bftth*( one in the manter betjroom wkich King; rooms, shower Mud i* bath. r and h«»tlnf contu «re moderate. well landscaped property, own trnnHp )rtnt IOTI. ("nil 7rii;-d»o»;. * '— is ..very quick. 3. Another bedroom ift 14.4x12.5. Th« third bedroom (S Xeatfd ponl with un'Ifrg: round Ui-i-j) chiidrt-n iii my liomt:; also -23-2t p.m. 7r,n-s:{41. 64&U0; poaeeesion U November 1st, ta paper flber hollow tubes, 4* outiitfi llai ettr, 8* Jnelde diameter! ' — For r**rflr*i' S|»iu-luliy TO", B0m« BC Ion*, Could be HfieJ — f«H Itivr only* CHAtus o. Mttomoc m. TMto Is a bald factual recitation; the house look* and Is chaYm- < nil AUCTIONS i It would make for nice living. house — JefTeraon School: 4 ft« rollers* or as cores for ruff roi- bedroom uplit, 2'/2 batlin, modern ling:, or dream up your own vte. « kitchen with dining area, wal- You can have as many as jrou war-t women for Plnln- •*tuMar# Hrpteiiiber 2r$tkt starting nut panelled playroom wt\\\ bur for only 91.00 each at th« ftpW area's newest plj>oem*>nt 10 a.m., rain or shine under large lAIM, lAMf 4 WM06M (HUT 4nd jalou»lej d wall to l Iita4tr. 00 Elm St., while they l&tt. Match people urn] John Tor tnp tent, jif net i*c tuli annual i:ountry* central aii r and humidifier, Glad to have you come look at larn. H-5; mnnern office. «(yl** aucti'Hj Hp"?iMort-t\ MorrLstown). J review :r*< at % a.m. Many hundreds of Items Mlil GO'H. Principle* only. Call $11). school rltfik *5t trombone $18, ¥ OIHIK AHKIST T flit I MOAD IT. On KIWHWQDA Terrace, |ur»e In every reipect, till? vacant home for MillertfM-H, iltMtlerM, iiobhylnts, 233-5058, ufter 12 noon. U.K, Ttotnry Ironer J12 p:irt time — typlnp Is a food valu#. $ homeinak^rs, Imr^un hunters, Also $10, tliena form $(i, ina]>)«[ Write Box lilt, ening« oh morning and after ANT A|tTHl\ ronducU'il by How- only, teiephutie 232-8270, after 7 p.m. •Sunday, J(t a.m. to 5 p.m. noon HhlftH, no rotation, tompeti- ard Munn Art ('enter, Hatunlay, Oo- fl-23-tf tlv** flrtl&riPK. New and proKreK^lv loher I it, 1 2P71 HI 6/4U p,m. J'review A Ntwly decorated and painted on the ouUIde, 3 bedroom horn* OUT ftslc — Thursday Hept, home. An extended far** fa- 7::jo p.m. jefTcr^on Hriu*ol prym., 1200 with flnpUod in living room and full dlnlnff room plun a reo 23, 8 Kundrn Olrolr, WeRtileld. 1') cility. OA)I 233-0700 fi>r an appoint- Orlffliiiil OIIH. water room: lmmedl»t«Iy available Cor the right family. Excellent• lo- fl,m. to 5 p.m. galore house-| ment, WeslMelW d CnnvnleHocnCl t Oentvr, elrlihiKrt and lltho- cation. |37G per month. . . KAl ISTATI holh d Itt'iriu, liaby furniture, oarri- 1 r> 1 r> Lurtil>ertH Mill U<1., Rp by f A mulls artlnlH. Among" «gi*s, Hmall and large hr them will i»e works by iira^ue fiut- THE GALLERY OF HOMIS WANTtO furniture, home appliances, fet, OhasalL Copi*landf D:i\l. Daw- Items collocLed from over 200 Alllft — mter, y Worn- many old, Interest Ing Conter, 1515 I.ambrrts Mil] nH American OJt-T. ^32-551 l 32 \ , and uiiuHuril fiervlco for lli (Jlnner- RiK. 9-23-4t •PENCBIl'l ARTtltBMBIiT PLAN—^ ware, 2 wels. f)lcl bnke and coolt- •vrfvN If either owner Is 85 or older we ware, glasj* bottle**, bookH, rocordK, HOOKKK^PRH—-Full charge; Iinurn will charffe you only fi% commleeton tables, lamps, den furniture, chairs I 5Xm "-"a?" Vm'\ oar'neceH^aVy. ..^l. l iUSINESS SERVICES mi (throUHhotttthe entire lUtlnr) to rera 233-3113 or 233-3114, sell your home. This will tave you chair**, 2 bedroom notn: one full up to 33fcf j one? twin Kendo)! K**L FrL, fiat., Sun., 1NTF.HIOR DGSIOIf HELP WANTED rrmethmlitr wtd Tull "One of N.J'a faeteat trowlnar flrme" CALL iUSAW JACKSON B.A. INTERIOR DESIGN - t . s Kntlre contents of I MALE ON THi MtHAlMVIUi Ctmmlmw4 JIIMW Curley inuple bedroom Ht*t mlrrurH, ( ONLY CONSULTATION FEB MOUNTAIN • • * Oriental*, etc. 2;tfi& Senem Hd, ..;,.. KXPKHIF>XCEJ> MRCHANIC for CHARGED 3 VfAr old redwood eounttT: W Kept, 2'& throu&ii Kept, '.r !• sorvlne departmont of rdad main* DISCOUNTS ON KINO AlTMUt AND home In estate area, on 13 plus M-tf IIAUIIU4V lnfo-A^hnhv'srtiiTiiViniin tennnt'o nriulpmont dealer. RxceMent PURCHASES METURNED wooded acre*. Superb const ruo* «_i^5l MAHHMAN la Ke bftby S™II<1 pin o opportunity for tho riff lit man. Must HIS KNIOHTI tlon throughout and many dU- S.^r^A^S ffa* *'xuel- Imvo excellent references. Call 232 tfnctlve «eatur«g. 1st floor — lent condition. 757-8850. 2397 for Interview. 8-2G-tf NOVRR — yards, cellars, and room with natlv* •tone OFFICES FOR RENT garages cleaned and rubbish re- PARADI OF livig rom li BALK JnlouHics with Ktornis h»d tt so good! You will and scroy Juanna Falznne — Slmklee 'MH- J. GALBRA1TH and give us a calt, These are just a few — Fantastic! Recently toned and antique cherry mantel and lit trlbutor- Call a7ti-K7BO UiiyH. 7«i»- • HELP WANTED- • uftad an a private, BCIIOOL C*U clou for guest, mftatei* nedrpom 0185 night. 9-^:t-^t PL 6-1972 today.for your appointment and with planter alcove, sauna-, bath. GROUND floor. s*pftrat« •ntrsnos, full particulars nntlcjue vanity, 20 ft. x 8 "- Mr conditioned, private parkin*. MALE OR FEMALE g-24-tt we have many more. cloHet with Hewlnr area. 2nd secretarial snrlce. available. Ideal • AUTOS FOR SALE • floor — 3 bedrooms, 2 with for manufacturer's rep. 232-8S98, < ANKUOHKtfll ~ Kull-tlmo or pnrt- balconies, 2 baths (one un- 1-lS-tf tlmo for expfintllne .Tewlah Airenoy BOATS" finished).. B minutes — excel- PARTS/ACCESSORIES m ;i r I t u K pnrent-chlld Cute Pan wood horn© built In 1953, dining room, lent schools and commuting WB8TFIB1D. with •tcrfltarial »en $34, !qe and print* •eor^tarlal tele- UPrvlffcB ti) unfMl nn(li,7, KKRK CHArr IIOAT — $300 or 2 baths, panelled piny room. Great location- for children. for IMrOUS/SPORTS rofiiKPCH Kxi'H ent opportunity ror ny rojL9D1)tUjlo urC(!r. Call 322-8949, tt $176,000. Call 76C-3525, j. phone anawerlnr »v all able- Excel- iTontlvr liMidorshlp osporlonco. >ls\\ |nft«r fi - comfortable home on Ktmball Avenue. En- lent for tales rep, or ft mull bufllnes*. WE OIVR YOU PLAID ftTAMPH p.m. AD 3-3701, 2-«'tf riuiiilroil. ICnou-UMlm* of JewlHh tra-' $3e, tranco hull, modern ftnt-ln kitchen, convenient. dlllnn do«lrnhlp, (Choral frltiRO heno* KCK IUIL0ING FOt $ All New Jersey's largnat/olde«t/ntceat (*oimonlf\l nlmospiiprt1. doort lo- 2 OPFICB 9VITK available for Im- | supplier, cal Ion, Send Jew I Mi Family *Tu«t 11 years olfl, First floor lavatory, fenced Corner Lenox and Elmer Street** mediate posReaslon. $226/mo. Call JJ LEADER ClASSIFIRD $42,400 MoHt deeirablo location In IMPORTED AUTO Servli'p Aw CJrcen ljaiu% Tnion, yard, play room, Westfleld, field. Approximately 3,000 Ttavldflon. Realtor, 2B4 B. Broad N. J. 07083. fe«t total. Six officer* on Street, 232-7QOO. 7-26-tf ADS PRODUCE On a large shaded Pnnwood lot <137x2G0), Center VI UCHIR, Rtaltor floor, or connect!nK suites In MorrUtoW* • $44,900 hull, library with fireplace, 2 baths. comblnntlon/ Flrat flhn i> $46, Ml room. Clean and neftt.--~ • • ^Gr»etd, IIOHI- PltlVATK PIAXfl 1\^TIU'CTIOSJ'— ,AHT CLA^HKM for ' children and tory, w/w carpetins. Ten car - BOO to 4,000 sn. traotidn, ain-ftnt« iiJi.OO inllft.s, $^400. Tudor with brand new kltctieft den and (1 block north ofHwy, 22) UoKlnriPrH tn artist h*vt0, ICHMOIIH In ] tufnuffern. t*s\rtxn ni*iv out-door-ln- off-ntreet parking. Independent ' Air Conditioned,, Carpeted (3nll 232-3S42^i - !l-l«-^t yrtur hotn?, modern xippronoh. MINH door Htudlo. H(!Ulpturr in clay, $51,500 family room. Forest Avenue, '*' - 7SS-1300 Skcc±*Bory butlcling- dewiRndd $>& *- A Oh-«lto Inff conch houHe. timu OI*AII «/•'. — fully c (|tiij w nd \i*lro. Drau'inffs from Homeftttad Village Section of Scotch Plains — a Ca«. 233-<584—Brokers Protected nature otadoors and frnm menior>% Call owner or your Broker. 34,(H)O mMus, av^e ralnttnjrH from at Ml \\(o and fan* $53,900 real bargain. 2 car Kara arc, 2% bath* Nearly new, 759-2094 Phone 232-4200. Inspection by HfHt offer. <*nll lnsfnre (I tiiny. Also print making Hrio1ouni H 1-iiss ur niter ti jun, n| AIT CLASSES # Member of Somerset County Apuolntment. Wilt at«o jrent ran*l now tlrcrfT fa new brnkoN. orl^lnni owner, iras liud LBI D-6-tf Spacious homo on a quiet circle. Gth bedroom on bewL care anil mulntiMiniKM'. without Foiuulntinn nf ArtH and Sciences '.II u blemish, flisOO. Call 2:t2-tf715( nftc-r roil IXFOHHATIOX GUITAR $58, third floor, 4 + • 7 p-m.T fov iippolnlnn^nt to Prlvnte Lriioii — Modern Over nn ncro in Scotch Plains panelled den, laun- *v- v ri v* 20 yrnrft prufr»«l(m«] And Cull AD 3-2&80 tow $58, •M.I dry, porch, fireplace, 2 car garage. Town and Country! lll'iriv ftlVkTIl — Mil JJHWIT nlr. A.M/ KM. vinyl li.p, ^nn stum, i>.\\< iiptltade Interview* Center hall colonial off Lawrence Ave., large Ownor l!:JJ-!IOin. i'HlllcM Adult Hrlmol 9-20-tf Ml $62, lly room, with fireplace, 2% batho, 2 car Kn Mnn.ll N»t\v! H[)cerl, power HtPi-rln^, dine i>niltt-s, Merc'« your i-liutu't* ti> lonrn this MountFiiUHtde homo with skyline view. Family Patrick L Hodden nlr. Cull S32-4250 nftt-r ('. p.m. fhaUiMtpliiK Jttime or Improve on $63; Ml room, fi fireplaces. what yon already kimw, Courm-s for VW — HUH ronf, excellent i'«n- VOICIS l*UOni*€TIOK — fpw hourH hf^lniu-rs and InternipdUiteH are now nni>n; M.A-i N\A.T\H member; QX- hi-liw offoreil »>y tho WoKtfleUl Adult On South JSuclid Avenue, Family room with fire- call naa-sonu. n-2:t-si t 1 i M.I Realtor nrrlonccd; colieKt* and prlvnte, op- I Hi-lmol, t liiB»i s Hmltod ID 28. Fee, $65; place, don, center hall, 27' living room. A lovely em. oratorio, tetevlNlon. Call Vlr- jpj. IteRlKtrntlnn CIOHPH Sept, 27, Call 1IT1 VW — 7 ( clnltt ToenoH, 23.l-flMB (*-23-Zt I ^^j-40r»0 for dolall^ older homo. 100' lot. now condition iinrl "warrunty, 5,IH)0 On desirable Bennett Place, don and study, 3 full mllefl. Cull 233-1M4G. Krli. Ml 322-9102 $71, and 2 half bathe, Graclou?. 4 ANTIQUES GIVE YOUR CHILD A HEAD START 1 White brick front colonial In Wychwood, panelled Ml $75, den, 3V& baths, back stairs. Lovely. Peoplo On Th« Move HAYHK FOR SCHOOL THIS YEAR All brick with slate roof In Wychwood, Truly * Ml must vractouft and elegant home. Mantel taken out of Homestead, $89, Need An Agency On The Move! pine, 1729; mantel, Chinese deftlKii, Enroll him In o ibronix program In Reading, On alx ncres In Scotch Plfllnfl. Outbulldlnfff, ralHed flguroH; mantel from Wm. III Jackftorii N. V . I^lrcplace framo, Spelling or Math. $125, pool. 3 full and 2 half batha. 11 room colonial, novor uBed, compleie, Kii'LM»lnc(> ut 11- Itles In brUHH and iron, HorersiiH, etc. Individual, motivational, concentrated tutoring achieves Mountainside 6 Bedrooms, Pool Watch ung Dutch oven, tin, Tllntfpfl In results. Grades 1-12 ;in<] Iron, Inrcc and fimnll. .Tiipf, bol- tlGH, crocks, Inntorns, Furniture: FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING hodM, clrxUcn, tflwstfl, pullitliiKH, Kl"iHH» OPEN 11 A.M. MON.-FRI. Rambling Brick! $79,500! hxmpfl; various anHortcd Ht'tnfl, many H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. c-halrH. WlK atuwl. No fiOc ltoitiH. CALL 233-6121 $59,900 Dlrcrtlonn: Ashwuocl Ave.t to JefTor- High on a knoll with mora Hon School, turn rljcht alone wlf*m» dlnlnw mom, de- Bvw. onlyi landscaped property. Listed at wnter \H minerh anrt WP Invlto luxe kitchen, W fnnHly room. K*r HoD«ke $S9,900 and we cord In lly Invite your Inspection, Evo'»: 766-2807. tiro place, 4 hedroomH, 2*A imtlin, ••It? HiHptn 880-M86 your Inspection. Eve's: 889-4511. recreation room and nttachod • PETS FOR SALE • Raraffo, I?«foro lt*« RonnP mil K*l» WldlM TIW-M31 nnd BOO for yoursell how nlco. SERVICES U NEED •Uth Tuylor SA1-7SM Eve's: 122-9134. Juttt* Zane 9M-144A Mlnrr li>^7) nn- Mnrt«« MlUwnter (training 1 Want to Build? ni;\v ulicillaiu'i CMIISHCH UIMMI w to nil (IOKH, Kr:Kl-Htriil|nn and «r»t I»}IIMH Hturl** ut 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. MOVING & GENERAL BLDG., CONTRACTING Sviit* ^1. CIUHHOS will bo hi'hl at UIK Westfield Amor lean I^lon ITnll on l TRUCKING & MODERNIZING On 1 Acre AND PATCHES BPHJ- Crestwood Area tlun call Kpluu-hU*r ^3^ CIA1/TY.- ALT, TYPES MASONRT ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor Mm Gai -J>-:it P< T0WW8BWD AND RBFINIHHINO. SELF EM' $65-$75,000! PLOYED AND INSUHKD, AD 3-2P37, UWIM; Kiru-Ns ALLIED VAN LINES 2-9-t( r $43,500! truud litmus, pi/ T- \t'r:\*. Tn the rolling- wnoilerl area or 211 WORTH AVE. AD 2-4404 • DRIVEWAYS Hiiort HIIIH T^IIIG, Hroteti Plnlnn $38,500! IRRESISTIBLE - GRATIS Keep the Investment In your homa we will fflndiy nrranffQ to tmva 6-6-tf 1 IN APPLE TREE WYCHWOOD it cufltom homo built for you Two inn It* kit I iff. c )IM* spur nr lut-iinoss property on tho "Up ' On a tree Ilnofl atreet and In a whiti* with irri-y |i>p knot, utlwr RUIP with un ASPHAT./T PPAVED on ono of tlu* Kortfooufc woniU'H liiMirl «r^y Mlrlpi'd, All wlmls, wnrtn- A ccntai1 tmll Colonial right out of parklfko areur we aro especially aoro lou. You can bo nure of In tlilw pri-tty rolling arru nf D1UVKWAY Or rAUKXNO AREA, pi on ee.I to offer thlfl attractive 1 IMI, litt•••• (ntliM-d. hlfiM s^nlitr i-itlziMi MISCELLANEOUS C« 11— b "quality/ rljchl prlclnR anit n wlndlnu Ln»o lineil Ht niotH, w** rcMiumiilMn. * 'all 21111-1 fiOH. Dutch Colrtnial home with «pa- fiuporh renldontlftl aron. IJrlnjr aftur ttim wi*ll ninlntniniMl home WILLIAM A. PARKHURST Comjilotoly clinvmlnpTi woll donioned with ItH OIOUH llvlnff room, fireplace, your plan or WH can HUpply on ri K-m'tfrnnn -i; nwv wnmlcil itarcoiKid iioroli, im nulled den, protly kitchon* panelled dnnt rtlnlnff room, biff Hoveral from which to OIIOOHO, lot. Tlwri* IH n comfrjrtahl^ Mv- Need A Mason? & SONS, INC. flroiilnco living room, ffrftrlouft tllntnw room, briKht kitchen, powder room, 3 PrlceH rnnK- WANTED twin friftfld betltnomNf Jalousy up mul we invite you to In- owder room, UpHtalrn, four l>p(1rnninitt throo ron t Ion room, :i IHMJ i*fif MUM. 2 Mason Work of Al! Kind a-s-ti screened porch, 2 car garftffo Hvoct tho nuiHtiT unLft-HmaiiHlilp Entlifl. and picnic patio, Cortnlnly one hathw. He* roe nod porch and ni - DO YOU have furniture china or of our honii'H now utuler onn- tiichod (rnrAi;<*t IJJIH nf "t'luirnr* Steps and Sfdwalks P. A. ruiiiii of our bent and we Invlto your Htruction, For dotalln, JUHt tull, UHHvwirft To flPll. CftH Tho Turn- Ttoautlfullly enrpotod und tlot'orntHJ, InApootloru Kvo'n: 232-S518, and \v<- iin Hii^^rHt un <-nrly Btylc, 322-702fl fn»m 10:30 A.M. until Patios and Fireplaces, etc. ALUMINUM HIDING 5 P.M. 2-Il!-tf Un son It — rtooul $7fi fl00 OUTTRUS t nutttt ur Fully hh>B lo (1lH|iliiy In tljiiii-tt A Cinlti, J. GALBRAITH 7-23-ti Im:,, [([ <4'.l I'lin Hi.) off Ino u'indnwM. I'lcdnn <*nll nr write Mr, PL 6-1972 — Pntio — Plantorlnff ELC!E BETZ, Inc. Patrick L Hedden (liMiriiu KlohnrdH, 43 Wlm St., 6-24-tf py — Hiiolliiff of all Now or rcmnileUiiK. t'Too llnlil, linii-IROO. Call Aco UulliMnt; Service. Realtor •H \K (MUM M'AX'U'IIJ. i'\ n-12-ti Kme»l V. 1). Unit, a TREE SURGEONS Branch offlcct Branch office: 202 Mountain Avenue 303 SomtfMt SfrMl 322-9102 7 Mr. B«rh«l Rdad LEADER CLASSIFIED - Telephone ADamt 3-1422 • LOST AND FOUND 5CHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO, North rlalnfltld, N. J. 336 Park Avr, Scotch Plalm Warrtn, N. J, nml NKnd«ri« vletme anil I,OKT — tuICOTI by mlHfiller* til I ho SMALL TYPE, BIG RESULTS 1 IIOM Senior < MMx^n'n UWM^IMR t\\ thn r Siutv Corlinpil Tran Mrirton Kla**tan 1M*-MWt lining, rail ::;i;i-Ht:i \, LEADER CLASSIFIED - Elite Uii AD 3-O64» I,OHT — <"1uli| cluirni wllh- In Ilin IH.MI :i ww^Un, KHIUI> if A ADS PRODUCF, i' I "Tom Sawyer" Movie persons may register ux Elizabethan Biographies Frommer Cites Dinner to Honor Regional Offers person on Wednesday and Thursday the Gallery of Homes coootpt Al YM Saturday at aoy of the four reyioiiad fcigb and our national network of Gallery schools tettwem 7:W and 9 p.m. The Realtors,'* MM1 Mr. Friedrichs. Gal- Sen. McDeraott This week's "Saturday Afternoon Publicity Class leries are located across the UaMad Town Issues at the Movies" at the Westfield course will b«gui Wedasaday, Octo- Are Added By Library ber 6 at toe Jonathan Dayton Re- States aad Canada aad people mov- In addressing the Second Ward A college and law school cohort, YMCA will be the classic "Adven- A "how-to" mini-course for the non- gional High School, Sprintfield. ing from various cities around the Democratic committee men and a business partaer and hie parish tures of Tom Sawyer," starring Tom professional and the beginning pro- county are referred U> the Fried- Two biographies having to do with New in the drug field is Grin- Kelly and Waller Brennan. Additional information may be ob- (Elizabethan times are among new spoon's "Marihuana Reconsidered." women, Alan Frommer, candidate priest will join a. a tribute tomor- fessional in publicity is being offered richs offices (or homes in this row evening to State Senator Frank The film continues the series of by the Union County Regional Adult tained by calling the adult education books added by West/ield Memorial Concerning women and their place for Town Council, reviewed the office at 976-63*. area. Also, people leaving this area in the world are Davis' "The First positive results of last year's cam- X. McDermott- kit-Union) of West- G-rated films designed to appeal to School, it was announced by Harry can get housing information on their (Library. "TCiey are Plowden's '"Hie children and their parents. The show, Voung Elizabeth" and "-Robert. Earl Sex" and a reissue of John Stuart paign and subsequent election of field. The Senator will be guest of E. Linkin, director of adult and con- new city thru the Friedrichs offices. Mill's "The Subjection of Women." Charles Harris and John TXicker. honor at a testimonial dinner at which begins at 1:30 p.m., is open tinuing education. *nu's service also applies to other of Essex," Lacey. In the Rulers and to boih boys and girls. Statesmen of the World series, the Moquin writes of the Cliicanos in He said, "Issues were clearly pre- the Greenbriar, North Brunswick, The four-session course will fea- Realtor Reports New Jersey locations. new ones are Kinsbruner's biography "A Documentary History of the (Mexi- sented and ideas pushed in a posi- given by Friends of McDermott, a ture discussions and actual practice "The Gallery method works," of the Chilean hero, "Bernardo can Americans." tive manner. Unquestionably these statewide organization of supporters in the steps to good publicity, how says Realtor Friedrichs. "Hornet of his campaign for reelection. Record Sales ©*Hi«gins," and "Joseph II," 0>y Purchased with funds contributed efforts paid off at election time but Canvas Work to prepare a news release, working listed with us receive national ex- most importantly for Westfield we Eugene T. Roesides, Assistant with the news media, and a round- {Barnard. toward a memorial for the late Mrs. The real estate sales of H. Clay posure through our Gallery referral have seen major toenefical results Secretary of the United States table discussion with a newspaper system, aad home buyers eoWy the Teaching with the aid irthplace of tion to the drug program we now tions and the current wage and Westfield Memorial Library by Mrs. ident of the firm. "We haw just the Westfield and Plainfield multi- dren Come First." A book on a little Sir Winston Churchill. Frank Carter and Mrs. Jack R. is also a former newspaper reporter completed the greatest seven ple listing systems. have a full time town employee price freeze, but Senator IfcOer- and editor. known problem of children is Wag- Edward Albee's new play, "All who has made great strides in this mott, possibly because of his spon- Shore, both of whom teach the months in the history of our office ner's "Dyslexia and Your Child." Over," is now available as is Godoy field. Budgetary restrictions not- sorship of the New Jersey aports craft. Practically all of the pieces "We intend to present step by and are running 91 percent ahead Now available is Edmund Wilsons Alcayaga's "Selected Poems of withstanding Westfield's youth has eomplex, remembers Rotsidea as were done by their students, many step directions for developing good of 1968 which was the best year on extra-curricular sporU are much discussed book about New Gabriela Mistral." benefited by this long sought after a "football great." Rosaides, at one of whom also conduct classes. Each publicity techniques both an writing record," stated Friedrichs. offered in the intramural pwgratn York, "Upstate." Several books deal For the reader of whodunits there move. In addition, a program for time in the late 4ft's when McDer- of the pieces has been either adap- and channeling a club's newts most The 43 year old firm has offices at Union College, ltey mdude: touch with conservation and related fields. is Barzun's useful "A Catalogue of senior citizens housing is now tak- mott was selling programs in the ted from a picture or specially de- effectively: It has been my expe- at South aod Martin* Aves. in Fan- football, ping pong, tnfrntaton, baa- John McPhee, who wrote about the Crime," so that if someone wishes ing form. This has been a strong bleachers at Baker Stadium, threw signed. None was bought at a rience that members of the press are wood and North and Elmer Aves. in fcettwll, wrestling, wftiwOI, voJley- "Pine Barrens" of New Jersey, has to read a mystery in which an Eng- theme of second ward Democratic the pass to Cektmtya teammate store, nor could be. The needle- more cooperative when a club's Westfield. Both offices contain Gal- baH and bowling. In addition Union written "Encounters With the Arch- lish butler is featured, he can find candidates for several years. Also BUI Siwacki which coded Army's work will be on exhibit only until publicity chairman follow a few sim- leries displaying full color photos College fiehk intercollegiate vanity 'dniid," about the west. A book with one by referring to the catalogue. street paving and curbing is now 33-game winning skein. Oct. 1. ple rules of good publicity practice," Of homes for sate in a living-room teatns in baskettwU, tcmut and taking place in the second ward. In commemoration of the 1970 FaUcenheim said, " atmosphere. a delightful format and down to A delightful and well illustrated "Everybody know Gent and Lou ( -earth information is Alicia Bay bok is 5agendorph*s "America and Overall there is an awareness of St. Paul choir trip to England there - 4 participation at Town Hall and this Kusserow those 4ays at the Gold is a picture of a St. Paul choir boy .'Laurel's "Living on the Earth." A and her Almanacs." A humorous Dust twins," McDermott recalled, disappearing species is subject for has only been achieved by the vi- in front of the Union Jack with look at the Job of housekeeping is brant and positive effort of the but that touchdown topped any I 1970 in the design. When Tony Os- Small'! "The Blue Whale." His latest have seen." voyage m described by Heyerdahl in taken by ELS en in "Nobody said you minority party candidates and their lerman won his 1000 mile shirt for - '< ' . • .'The fta Expeditions." staffs." Vincent J. AjMuueae, McOer- his participation with the Westfield had to eat off the Floor." moit's Jaw partner, will be toe*- High track team, his mother, Mrs.. THE Turning specifically to the second master. The Rev..Also GugUebno, Harry Osterman, reproduced the "The young minister, hired by ward Frommer said: "Much re- a priest at St. Helen's Church in shirt design on a pillow. Mrs. Shore Wants Youth several of the churches to minister. mains to be done and I shall ex- Westfield, will five the invocation reproduced a picture of a flower to the teenagers in the Mindowaskln pand on my ideas regarding rec- at the dinner. "*•'•• done by her daughter, Kim, when SKIER'S SHOP Park this summer, found the rea- reation, assessments, parking and About SAO business and isJur load- she was in second grade and both son for their being there all day safety in the second ward in the picture and needlepoint are dis- On Council and in some cases most of the ers, friends and supporters, m well next few weeks." In essence From* as Governor Witittn Cafaill. U.S. played; • :';••• NOW OPEN night, was plain and all-consuming mer made a report to the people In response to the announcement boredom. Drug usage, he reported, Representative Florence P. thryer The usual needlepoint is only a of a Mayor's Advisory Council on an issue he lays heavy emphasis |.small part of the display. Several was at a minimum, contrary to upon. Last year he promised a and other, state and national disjni* Youth made by Mayor Snyder, Mrs. the community's fears. taries are expdcUd to attend the 7of the pieces are samplers,' show- FOR THE SEASON written, semi-annual report from . - • • • » » Sally Schmalenberger, Democratic p.m. cocktail hour and I pJW. din- ing many stitches and there-is also • • • candidate for Town Council, states: "It is time for the municipal gov- councilmen to their constituents bargello with its three dimensional ernment to show leadership in mat- pointing out that "the second ward ner. Equipment and Fashionit for M«n, • r i ' > "The newly formed Youth Council effect. A needlepoint belt backed m ' • • ters pertaining to youth. Why not Rotsides, a former rackets in- can at best be only partially effec as never received a report from vestigator in the New York City with leather shows use of the craft tve In recognizing ~mi meeting the a town Teen Center? Why not a their elected officials and with the in clothing. Womtn and Children youth corps to help in recycling district attorney's office and a many-faceted needs and problems apparent discontinuance of the 19 of Westfield's youth. There have collections, clearing out dumping town's annual report most every- member of a New York- City law In addition to her classes, Mrs. been no young people appointed to grounds such as Brightwood area one did not know" where' monies firm, was assistant attorney gen- Carter serves on the board of the WATCH FOR OUR OCTOUR ANN IV Ml AY IAU * and Gumpert Field. Could West- ral in New .York before he became New Jersey chapter of the Em- sit on this committee, and the town came from and where they were ffMated with the Treasury Depart- broiderers Guild. Others whose plans to use them only in advisory field provide more job opportunities spent, who is responsible for what - • > capacity in sub-committees. Cer- for its youth? Instead of dreaming and what has been accomplished.'* ment during the Nixon admtaistra- work is on display include Mrs. S*ptcmb«r Hours Only: tainly there should be as many inside its ivory tower of Belgian ion. He previously had bees * spe-Cobb Milner, Mrs. Philip Richard- block curbing, colonial store fronts Frommer said he had hoped the cial assistant to the undersecretary son, Mrs. Robert Siegel and Mrs. Closed'Monday and Tuesday. Op«fl Thursdays youth as adults on this council to $2,000 in the budget for an annual Until 9 P.M. serve as policy makers and admin- and green front lawns, let Westfield f the Treasury Department from Leon Gehorsam. include the youth in its future. But mayor's report would have been litratori if it Is to be challenging used to report to the residents of 1958-61. Wednesdays and Fridays, 12 noon to t P.M. w * ¥ above all, let's have some kids on n and relevant to the teenagers of Westtield last January. He ques- He also is a member of the Foot- Know where your children are go- ,W«ttfield. Westfield should respond the Mayor's Advisory Council on ball Hall o! Fame and is a mem- Youth." tioned whether or not the mayor Always check weather conditions creatively to the challenge of Us would be ready to report next Jan- ber of the Archdlocesan Council of 1012 SOUTH AVE. W. before setting off on a boat trip, • F alienated youth, and in turn chal- uary and he hoped that the $2,000 the Greek Orthodox Church of warns Liberty Mutual Insurance Near MeeWs Garden Center lenge them with the responsibility Letters of town money would not be used to North and South America. Company. Mother Nature doesn't of creating and sustaining their own issue a "State of the Town" message A few. reservations are available always cooperate but she does al- 233,8636 programs, and finding solutions to Deadline just prior to election time. from Richard Trabert, 1405 Grand- ways get her way. She can turn a their problems. Friday view A vs., a member of the dinner long, happy (rip into a short tragic committee. - one. Garage Sate to Aid • * . - I % All Letter* NOW THRU Dem Candidates , A weekend garage sale will be Must be Signed TUESDAY held Thursday and Friday, Sept. 30 8mm !i and Oct. l from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. •>,--* - at 527 South Chestnut St. in support WALTER MEADE of the Democratic candidates. THEATRES The advance scouts have culled IT ITS ALL SO FUNNY! caches, searched attics and base- MTMft I -.tow y«r* deny ments and assembled an abundance

M * J of goods to meet garage sale hun- F ' 1 At Mac Hugh's • i' * ter's desires. Also available on 7563500 COLOR Thursday will be a baked goods sale. MONDAY thru THURSDAY ALSO Early Bird PrUee $1.50 rtil 7:15 p.m. i'.j- NOW PLAYING mm • m orcouau a SCOTT JOANNE M'OODWAUD • rm MHVMN "IT MIGHT BE GIANTS" mil 2t4-220O ALSO III3NIIY FONDA tOO TAUO* "HIRED HAND" WOODBRIDOE 636-4474 Locutfit lii tlio K. .1. Korvctlc STARTS WEDNESDAY, S»T. 29 .ShoppliiR- Ontop New slant on the diagon- TONY ANTHONY. Houti?H 1 iiiul 35 al tunic. Greater than ev- Utlftrtlli WIMJAM J1OLDKN THE SUMMER OF '42 •HI KYAN O'N'BAI* PA 1-3400 er over pants that go with iii UWT KAUL JfAM)HN hi "WILD ROVERS" it so well. Both in double- ill Bowcraft knit wool, designed and SAT. made in Europe, imported Playland EVERY WED. for you by Hooper Associ- SCOTCH 1'I.AIVS HIGHTSTOWN ates. . CONTINUE YOUR COUNTRY CLUB MEAT SPECIALS VACATION FUN Ever/ Sat. Two Bands Con- h FOR ALL AGES Striptd Tunic in Brown, Black tinuous $2.00. Every Wed. for Fresh Chicken Breasts 59c Ib. and Whit*, Charcoal Or«y, NOW OPEN folks 25 and over, adm. $1.50. {WEEKDAYS 1 P.M. TO 11 P.M.I Always Fun hero whether Fresh Chicken Legs 49c Ib. Pants in Brown and Charcoal SAT., SUN. & HOL. 10 A.M. alone or couples. 3 acres free Groy. TO 11 P.M. parking — always fun. Boneless Pot Roast 99c Ib. Farm Fresh Jumbo Eggs 55c doz. Sizos B to 16 $72.00 FREE — 1 doz. Hamburger Rolls with Every Purchase of 3 lbs. Ground Chuck

UCE Open Monday Superb Chinese/ Polynesian cuisirt© and Thursday Luncheon and Dinner • Delight- •" Honeydew Melons 69c each Evenings 'til 9 fcil piar»o rr»e!o- dios • L/oticcrxk- Large Cucumbers 10c each lailr, in llto bnrn- boo and rnathr K;J ^m, hilsoflhoKo'/oo Cocktail Lounge*. hW"* OpenMonrJcy Jl-mi 'irnTraJrv « • • -H.30ioV: FTiicJ- m — • rii'iht; Pridoy A\. ;U to 2 AM., .\\£+sA'

--/ - -•*

Take-out orders QUALITY tyWk^fix Banquet Facilities SPRINGFIELD E. Broad St., Woirfitld Roido 22 Wost. CaiVJ ri Pel 264 m. Scotch I'loir^N.J. 'V//7 763 MOUNTAIN AVE. AD 2-2900 v\ *,9m\ Social And Clu# News of the eh in Westfield Area

technician at Savin Business Ma- Joseph Guglielmi, chines, Cranford. Patricia Ann King Juniors To Attend Barbara M. Hope To Wed The nowjyweds will live in North Bride, On Trip Plamfield. Weds Grandson of State Conference Is Bride Elect Wedding To Hawaii ron von Tropp Members of the Junior Woman's A May wedding is planned by Clu4> of Westfield will be among Miss Barbara M. Hope and David Cakes the 1000 young women from all over L. Patterson whose engagement has or* tonMfhlnf H Miss Linda Elisa Nielsen, daugh- Scotch Plains — Miss Patricia the state in attendance at the 1971 Ivt IH mvJtf ter of Capt. and Mrs. Erik Nielsen Ann King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'been announced by her parents, Mr. State Fall Conference of the Junior and Mrs. Robert A. Hope Jr. of Ot only will H b* bMUttfwl *• of West Long Branch, ibscame the Harry A. King of 1909 Inverness Membership Department U the New hold bw* M wW bride Saturday afternoon of Joseph ]>r., became the bride Sept. 4 of 610 Roosevelt St. He is the son of Jersey Stats Federation of Woman's 'Mr. and Mrs. George W. Patterson Anthony Gugiielmi, son of Mr. and George Edward von Trapp, who Clubs. It convenes Saturday, at the Mrs. Dcmninick exchanged wedding vows Saturday t <' dames David Metz, Edward Carter, afternoon 'at Holy Trinity Church. Allan Lambert, also other mem- The Rev. Thomas B. Meaney of bers of the PTA board. — Joe DeCaro St. Helen's Church celebrated the MRS. GEORGE E. von TOAPP nuptial mass which was followed by Marcus All Deluxe Christmas Tour To (Patricia Ann King) a reception at the Maplewood Club, h Map I ©wood. Immaculate Heart of Mary, was con- The bride wore a silk organza wed- NEW FURS British Honduras and Guatemala celebrated by the Rev. Richard ding dress appliqued with Chant illy ». Garcia and the Rev. Carl Arlco. It lace and encrusted •with seed pearls ON YOUR MIND? was followed by a reception at the and crystal. Her cathedral train was ,, Includes: Air Fare — Deluxe Hotels — Extensive Suburban Golf Club, Union. appliqued and edged with matching Attending the couple were Miss r'',• Sightseeing - Practically All Meals lace and her Chantilly headpiece hold Melinda Alien of Fan wood and Sid- a fingertip silk illusion veil. She come in ney Bowen. carried a fbouquet of carnations, IATH1 IN 1OTH THI ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC* OCCANS The bride, a graduate of Union — Classic Studio stephanotis and baby's breath. Catholic High School, attended Car- VALERIE GAIL RUSCH (Dee. 26 - Jan. 2) . 'Miss Kathy Sofield was her sister's dinal Cushing College. She will con- maid of honor. Bridesmaids were tinue her studies at Utah State Uni- her other sisters, Miss Judy Sofield versity where her husband will Valerie G. Rusch •FI^IFWW^WWI $549.00 work toward a master's degree in and Mrs. Richard Holtkamp, also economics. the Misses Madonna and Peggy Buy With Confidence Teacher's Fiancee O'Neill, sisters of the bridegroom. Mr. von Trapp is an alumnus of With their lime green long dresses at Our diamonds 55 ELM STREET WESTFIEID, N. J. Boston College. He is the son of Dr. fa represent the and Mrs. Rupert von Trapp of Ttte engagement of Miss Valerie of silk chiffon trknmed with Venise, finest values Adamsvilte, R.I. and a grandson of Gail Rusch to William Robert Kli- they wore green picture hats and available. From 232-0900 each carried a single yellow rosebud. carat to 5 full Baroness von Trapp of Stowe, Vt. mas Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. amoura carats«•. no • '. . i Terrence O'Neill served his broth* Klimas of Garwood, has been an- *v ttarwhstm .** •m, i- ,*—• f '• •• - nounced, fry her parents, Mr. and e.tias best' man. 'Ushers were another "WMtfteldVFurShopof isjeTtheaua# the qualitU y 'Mrs. Frank J. Rusch of 4§f Bryant brother, Hugh O'lNcill; Char lea la constant ana ; value Is top** Jerome Hines Stars Ave* . / CTIteiiiy of Neptune City, Frahft /• • ' Mwiphy of Jersey City and Lenny COAT TOO SHORT? In "Man Of La Mancha" iMiss 'Rusch went to Weslfield Samonte of New York. Buy or Order Your High School and was - graduated M'K'JJL LU.NGTHEIV IT Man of La Mancha" with Metro- Mrs. O'Neill, an alumna of West- cum laude Avith a B.A.'degree from field High School and Russell Sage politan Opera bass-baritone Jerome Glassboro State College where she LINING SHABBY? Hines opens this week at Paper •was a member of Kappa Delta College, received her B.S. in nurs- WK'I,I< REPLACE IT Milt Playhouse for a run of nine Phi, education honor society. She ing. She is now working at 'Muhleri- REMODELING - REPAIRING weeks. is a teacher at McGinn School, foerg Hospital.. Known as one of the greatest of Scotch Plains. Her husband, son of Mr. Hubert CUSTOM CLEANING opera stars and concert singers, O'Neill of lAvon^By-The-Sea and the OF FURS - CLOTH Mr. Hines' performance in "Man Her fiance teaches English at late Mr. O'Neill, was graduated from MAN-MADE "FURS" JEWELERS of La Mancha" is unique. Wednes- Maxon Junior 'High School in Plain- St. Peter's Prep and St. Peter's Col- k NOW AND SAVE day's opening marked a departure field where he also is track coach. lege, Jersey City, where he majored 249 E. BROAD STREET 206 E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-0529 He is an alumnus of JRoselle Cath- from his usual roles—and no cast in economics and history. He is an Opposite Rialto Theatre WESTFIELD • N. J. of *'l»a 'Mancha" has ever- had a olic iHigh School and Mount St. international developmental officer Mary's College in Maryland. WESTFIELD • 232-3423 TIME AND MONEY star of his musical stature. at the Bank of America International, ALSO RUTHERFORD, HACKENSACK, RIDGEWOOD • - New York City, and is working for [fli™!fli*uii'i;ii]ii!inii.«iiimaiiiiu Shop in leisure at your home a master's degree in economics at the Now School for Economics, Now CALL AD 2^1072 York City. After a wedding trip to Europe, the and we will gladly deliver Sample Personalized couple will reside in Planifield. Cards to your home. rou No Obligation Drehers Are Honored On Silver Anniversary &*Wi\ BATH RUGS, SHOWER CURTAINS, Believing they were attending a *"M M'| 8\ Come in and see our Wonderful Display of All SOAP DISHES, AND OTHER gala black-tic dinner to establish a gourmet group, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Brand New Christmas Cards, Wrappings, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 'i1 if* ard Drchcr of BD9 Winyah Ave. ar- % •r# • Ribbons, Tags, etc. - rived Friday evening ot the home i-1 \7. ft of Mr. and Mrs. George Drabin, hi - - 'i- 1G12 Boynton Ave. "Happy Anniver- m sary" greeted them from friends I «/i gathered to surprise them on their '& Jeannette's Gift Shop 25th wedding anniversary. m &/V] : The guests included: Mr. and •t < I. Headquarters for Hallmark Cards and Barrkinl Candy Mrs. James Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. II- /. r 227 E. Broad Street Robert Herman, Mr. and Mrs. John <*j-

SHOP IN WESTFIELD - QUALITY - SERVICE - VALUES Fine Accessories For The Bath Wright, Mr. a n d Airs. Richard 1'! ' 1' '*» Ramos and Mr. and -Mrs. Dominic 'M \.y \ 11 11 | 11 i 11 tj.i i t} 111\ H" Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking Lot AD 2-1072 * i 253 Niw Mitt Hn.t Opin Thuri, Mil 9:00 P,M, Fontana. During the evening, a set OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS C. Broad St. Municipal Parking Convenient to 232-5411 of sterling cordial glosses was pro- Wutlkld, soiled to the couple. N.J. Rear Entrance Married in Michigan, the Drohers Shown resided in -Bereft, Ohio, and Marsh- Sheila Goblet field, 'Mass. before moving here $10.50 each Save 50$ to 1.75 on every cloth coat! three years ago. Their children, Rick, Melissa, and Christopher share their G.O. KELLER'S enthusiasm in frequent camping START YOUR WATERFORD cash & carry trips. COLLECTION TODAY. $1.83 CALL & DELIVER Wait for Waterford no longer. Realize your dream of owning original works of art in crystal. Come in meticulously cleaned today and pick Irish beauties that will grow in value beautifully hand finished The with the passing years. coat TURN-STYLE (no coats with fur or elaborate trim or linings accepted)

F MAXI COATS $1.99 CASH & CARRY Antiques and MAXI COATS $2.29 CALL & DELIVER Second Hand 756-0100 • WX-2100(noto!l) Furniture cleaning Bought & Sold .O.KELLEITS jane s§nM> Estate Sales Managed Central Avenue Westfield 1723 E. Second St. WnSTPIHt.D( N. J. « 11 E, BROAD ST. OPEN EVERY THURSDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. PL.A1NK1I5U), N. J. Scotch Plains • COtt. SOUTH & INLAND • COIt. W. 7 th & GL1NTON 322-7026 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT 132 ELM STREET • HOfl HOMIQUB10T sale • t)31 VA1XK AVID, Open 9i30 A.M. to 5 P.M. >:• f

lorf mothers of those in the fifth and senior at Westminster Cfeoir College Lincoln Mothers sixih grades will be held Monday, in Princeton. Her fiance is a grad- uate cf the sam? high schocl and Invited To Join UncpJn School PTO has star- Rider .College in Trenton. ted the fall season with a series of The couple plans a January wed- Sub Jr. Oiib homeroom teas. The first was held Jacksonville Sophomore ding. j yesterday for the mothers of the morning- kindergarten, first and sec- Jennifer A. Kaediag, daughter of For Spikkr Higii $cbo^ girls fe- ond grades. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kaeding, 700 t ^rested in becoming a member, An opportunity for mothers of j Mountain Ave,, was named to too To Attend t«tr*o*i the WestfieW Sub-Junior Women's third and fourth graders to meet < Jacksonville University dean's list ub has scHc^ul^d three open rneet- "May -We Adi Be One" wiU be the ings, two of which must be at- their children's teachers and to be-1 for grades earned during the sum- -theme of the Retreats to be JieAd by come acquainted with other mcth- i mer session. She is a sophomore. the Lutheran Women's Missionary tended to be eligible for club mem- iLeague societies throil£bout tbe At- bership. lantic District of the organization, At tile first meeting yesterday, the club's projects «pd aims were dis- Oct. S-5. cuesed in the borne of Miss Jan librae separ./e iocation* have Crot^iU, l^Su|n«nU a. been selected in The seconfll iheeting will be a 4VWTIOXi WM THE OVERLOOK Musical Iteftto *+ Connecticut, and New Jersey. In breiUe ww%«hop Sunday, from 1 to "&11*r,n Ikto We^lfeM c«n(kgeR( lake* tinw iai If # $igned graphics this area, the retreat will be at the s p.m., at the iwme of Miw ||e(chH. Seated left *• rlgU: Mrl FMUU, Ua4a rib, 'Beacon Manor, Ft. Pleasant, wbere pi|i. »fiiW are CWy His a«4 the counselors will be t^e Key. SUE HAR31PBNOE wiU be at 7 p.m. Wedaet kf •« ||vt« Dec. X, 3 aa4 4 ai 8«aMll High Feferick Dodge of PUinfteW, and Mi^»« »r»Je<* «f tae Wswea'i Avstttafy « nT the Rev. Norman Brin4m»oa of — J. J. Alexander mm m* John A, Woodward Westwood. JOYCE MHJLER Aiaax WcstfteM resUeato will be HV#(VW la taw laftav « • • Mrs. Wilbur B. GaNua Jr. of toy WeMfield is president of toe Rari- • * > • • TktrmhwArttoGoodF „•••••••••••••••-_ To B« Married tan Valley Zone. M r s. Fnaccia Joyce Miller of Westfield is zone 322-M44 Mr. and Mrt HaUis K Hartpence growth chairman and lead- Program of Na tur# of Trenttm have announced the en-er. Plights gagement of their daughter, Linda Studitt O^ailad Sue, to Jote Ala& WwdaM), son of Ifr, and Mrs'. George, Miller of Mr. an/1 Mrs, John A. Woodard of 4 Houndliill Rd., Scotch'Plains, an- Mountaiwide. . DEAOUNB nounce the betrothal of their daugh- Club FRIDAY BarU»eiic«, an alumoa o/ ter, Joyce,

* * • * " . Presiding ht the business meet- r A son was born Aug. 29 to Mr. ing, Mrs. Stanley C. Anderson wel- and Mrs. Thomas J, Dunn of Haup* - .-1 pU. * . _ * _ > **. comed Mrs. Wlnthrop c. Smith, as pauge, Long Island, at Mercy Hos- • i. a new member, Mrs; Thomas B. pital, Rockvlle Center, N.Y. He hai Thorsen and Mrs. John Y. May,been named after his father. Mra chairmen, displayed examples of Dunn is the former Pricllla.Clark, handmade articles which will be of- daughter of the L.H. Clarks, 62C in ition FASHI fered at the."Galaxy" gift sale be- Dorian Rd. ..V' ing sponsored by the Club Friday, Oct. 22, a the First Congregational *• i Davidow introduces Fall with a collection of beautiful Church, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. At Gettysburg Mrs. Henry G. Dudley announced that a Myra.J. Brooks Joint Work- Carol D. Saunders of -746 looks and graceful expressions. Softly feminine suite and shop, to be held at 9:30 a.m. Tues- pect St. and John O. Wink HI of 4 side aQrden Club at the First Con- Hiawatha Dr. enrolled as coat ensembles with a message all their own. Created \ gregational Church. A demonstra- freshmen at Gettysbiirg College. 1* tion;! will be given.,flf i]f% g^jstruc- I . the inimitable Davidow manner of fme tailoring from the tio* n and mechanics of will be provided by,Mesdanies Wal- - f r •* v- ..- '"• This • month flower . arrangementts ter J. Roos, Charles E, Childs, Dud- richest colors, patterns end exclusive fabrics. for 'the Wesfield .Memorial Library ^ey and W. W. Bryant. Don

' f . r V - Rosen Present X 'd*

: v' - V •• • • •-.•<»&.:•:• Travel

T • .' ,v ,

\'. • r- > ' .1 i V -*1

"\ -'"-- » • 753-9200


Contemporary royalty, an elegant coachman^

coat. In an opi^ent antique velvet, custom-made ' 9 L: In France exclusively for Davidow. —even for thousands who perspire heavily Water-repellent, too. V. - A different lomuhihrn been found novcr could find before—even in to keep undernrma absolutely dry sp-Jiya promisintr extru dryneas, —even for thousmnds who per- MiLciiuni Anti-Porspirnnt hua Rpire houvily. So different thai: it wonlhoGoodHousekfioping^mr- contuina fur moro nnti-\vetnos» nntoosoal.iind la fully oflnctivo us I . w • ngonl- thnn can possibly be put. in a dciKlorunt, too, of tm uuroHol spray can. Ititantthadit, If you porspirnmorp e than itvt-r- $225 Aftiif d(fcndt'.H of common "ilu- anu—evon heuvllv—Ret tho ponl- odorantfl," It took a chomieiil In- live protccllon of Mil chum Anil- vention to mitku thin truly uihw.- PiT.spirant. tjUuild—KMOOIIIVH on llveprotection possibli!—willi \\w thru mini. Or Crviim—rtntfohiitit, Davldow's expression of ^Chanel. An elegant same safety tadothintt—tlu> snnit! w»t-stii'k}t, Kufh $:i.U(l. Now Econ- suit carved In a black delicate textured wool skin mildnesi* iv« popular "deddn- omy Sl/.c $U.0O (siivi- $1.0(1). nuits." Cnltod Mimluini Antl- iiOTIIMAVKMONKYBAClC and defined with black and white braiding. P(;r.HpIrant, It 1H ihv. pnifluct of a GUAUANTKM-rf you nr« nob trustworthy fiH-ynur-dld laliera- entirely nallufH-d with Milchum A classical suit beautifully executed In the tory, Anti-l'cr.spimnl, liiiuid or croum, By the thou«timln, womon with rolurn puclcnnu to iho More whoro richest plurn with royal Scottish rope tweed problem pcrnpiratlon »ro lintlhiK yuu hmiKnt it. Slnren urti mithor- wool. The well taiforecj jacket with mandarin tlio iipoli-ellon I hoy iieud, 'uiul m>i\ in refund full L-UHJI prlei>. Jane smith collar slims to a modified wrap skirt. WESTFIELD PHONE. 232-4800 Belted In cha n and suede. OPEN EVERY THURSDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Customer Porkinfl In pur lot( pt 132 £Un«r $tr»*t 54 Elm St wmt Clwb To Y«ar tonch, fmhfom T0 Afel Yswth, family Charlene Matbis, daughter « Mr.. Done* Groups and Mrs. H. Kenneth Mate, 614 Waliy's-on-the-HiU, Watchung, -will John Chambers. and interesting door prizes. Those Two meetings will begin the 1971-are Mrs. Norman C. Webb, record- Hanfopd PL is one of 78 freshmen 'be the setting fo-r a luncheon and Mrs. William m Trolio is chair- who cannot be present, may help Club Functions 72 year for fcbe College Woman's ing secretary; Mrs. Robert M. Kop-students starling studies at t h « , fashion show Oct. 6 at 1 p.m., given man of the benefit. Tickets may be by sending a donation to Mrs. Di •Club of Westfield. •panhoefer, treasure; Mrs. John L. Lankenau Hospital School of. Nurs-' by St. Paul's Auxiliary of the Youth purchased Irom her or from Mes- Trolio, 60 Michael Dr. Parti** ' Sv/ink, assistant treasurer: Mrs. and Family Counseling Service. On Tuesday, Sept. 28. the Travel ing, Philadelphia. She will be work- dames Joseph Brozek, Richard Baby sitter service will be avail- Oluib will meet at 8 'p.m. in th-e home James R. Crawford, directory Mrs. ing toward an R.N. degree. The Alice Kind Shoppe, 404 TreKoski- , John MacKenzie, and Pedro WESTFIELD ol Mrs. AnUiony 'Faone, 43 Fair Hill David X>. Swarts, comimuiuty con- mont Ave., will show fashions for Salom. able at St. Paul's Church in the kin- Tf NNIS CLUt Rd. Assisting her wiJi toe Mrs. cerns; Mrs. Robert Mo-rbeck, nomi- New Minister To Speak morning, lunch, tea, cocktail, and The boutique, unGer the supervision dergarten room from noon to 4 p.m. nating; Mrs. John J. Jaruzelski, evening engagements. Auxiliary 212-9*72 Thomas R. Jones and Mrs. William The Rev. Elizabeth Y. Anderson, of Mrs. Brozek, will have attractive for children ages 3-6. Yorg-ensen. The subject is to be pre-•program; Mrs. George A, Plenty, members who will model include scholarship; Mrs. Clarke, social ac- assistant minister of the Faowood Wesdames Ralph Karle, Frederick baby garments. M&mbers work sented by Roger W. Tuthill. Pictures Presbyterian Church who was or- of the Sahara Desert in Mauritania tivities. Koptf, Richard Koski, George Lewis, throughout the year to make them. dained and installed this summer, Roman, Roger Toussaint and Gifts that are will be shown. Any .woman living in the Westiield will be guest speaker Oct. 7 at the There also will be many decorative Mrs. Eugene D. Setter will pre- area who has received a bachelor's meeting of the church Women's As- READ TODAY'S side at the board meeting Tuesday, degree from a college or university sociation. Vassar in 19&7, holds master and Real Jewels Sept. 28, at Mrs. Steohen Clarke's, is eligible for membership in the The program will follow luncheon Drama Professor doctoral degrees in fine arts in IEAOE1 CLASSIFIED 232 Canterbury ftd. club. Mrs. Vincent MoLean, can at 12:15 p.m. which is being served drama From Yale University. He Taking new positions on "the board provide further information. by Circle 1. Will Address has received a national play writing award and is currently writing two Area Vassar Club full-length plays, a motion picture I'M script and making a short experi- OUR The Summit Area Vassar Club mental film. Ht leaches playwriting CAROL ANN HMIELEWSKi will'hold its fall meeting Friday, and is in charge of the film study Oct. 1 at the Fortnightly Club, Sum-program in the drama department 9 th mit. Dessert and coffee will be at Vassar. Carl S. Hauptli served preceding the -meeting. Speak- Mrs. Harry D. Nelson Jr. of Short er will i>e Professor James B. Steer- man, director of the fikn workshop, Hills is president of the Summit Becomes Engaged assistant professor of drama, and area club. Mrs. Stephen M. Clarke house fellow. and Mrs. James H. Witmoyer of From Martin Jeweler*, ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Mr. and Mrs. John F- Hmielew- Professor Steerman, who came to Westfield are members of the board. ski of Somerville have told of the To indulge her love for OM OVER -JOIN IN THE FUK betrothal of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Carl Stephen Hauptli, eon the beautiful. And your September 29 thru October 5 of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. HauptU of love for fine valuel 59 AJden Ave. Summit French School The future bride is a junior now "OTHEft UNOUAOf I" Jeweler at Cedar Crest College majoring in CONVERSATIONAL - INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION

^ ™ — — — framed oils and water colors, as Thtra't a tampta «f thfi unf- well as works of sculpture, will be qut, xtfty apitad witting for -you at Hickory Fwnu of Ohio available to, art lovers at reason* An old Gvnmftri raelpa makts able prices. ttilt muitard diff«r«nt from Exhibit time is 7:30 p.m. Refresh- any you'vt taitad btfort. ments will be served. L (. A . For further information, t .'-v contact Mrs:'" Johnson. *.:..

MM Department To View "Russia In Winter" m The travel department of the Westfield Woman's Club will hold its first meeting of the new season 1 \ in the clubhouse Friday, Oct. I, at I p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Child will show slides of their latest trip, "Russia in Winter," This visit was made, wilh a group of Westfield friends, early this year. OF Off 10 Preceding the program, a "Rus- sian Toa" will be served with mem- KINDS OF CHEESE-1001 IMPORTED F bers of the executive board serving 'ft -. FREE PARKING • FREE SAMPLES as hostesses. Board members for the year arc; Daily 9 to 6 — Thur*. 9 to 9 — Sun. 11 to 3 Mrs. James C. Wilson, chairman; Mrs. Ethan A. Hescock; program; 215 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD Mrs. Lawrence Hubbard, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Jones, secretary; Mrs. Atissell Elsencr, finance; Mrs. A, Pjret and Mrs. H. IS. Gerrcn, hospi- tality; Mrs, J.. Russell Freeman, publicity.


Vjjf« ,-:.-.,• "''•-:. tV SPECTACULAR SALE PRICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT The casual mood for f all is m% colorful, TO CELEBRATE OUR and fun! And it aU shows up witii crinkle 51 YEARS patent shoes* OF FASHION LEADERSHIP Seieclion and value have been the trademark of Remington Fur for more than half a century. And now, in celebration of our 51st birthday, the world's largest collection of Fashion and "Fun Furs" has been specially priced. Mink, Sable, Chinchilla, Persian Lamb and every other desirable.kir are yours lor the loving. At Our Very Special Anniversary Sale Prices from $110 to $6950. HONDA- BLACK NAVY BROWN AND OUR TOTAL FASHION CONCEPT Our Town and Country Fashion Center boasts a huge collection of coats, suits and ensembles — created from beautiful imported and domestic fabrics, leathers and suedes. Fashion elegance for the "Make Randal's A Family Affair" fashionable woman. From $89 1o $575.

FAIRFAX- BLACK •2 IIM ST. NAVY Randal's flemington fur company BROWN OPEN SUNDAY & EVERYDAY TO 6 P.M.,..WEDNESDAY & FHIDAY T010 P.M. Open Thursday Evening* NO. 8 SPRING ST. FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY One of the World's Largest Specialists In Pino Furs, *" iff?0J- Hunt far Mormon at inrifgnHyrr fibot. i uel H. Ackerman, 1 Rich Court, Ho- To Meet itady's Shop Kin Continues As Ho-Kus, is .eager to hear from any non-member who thinks he may be Two Westfield Newcomers Club Lafayette Freshman Statutes Sno-Flake. a lineal descendant of David Acker- cununittees lutve been scheduled. Reunion Nears man, ihe school master, who arrived The telephone group will meet at Beginning studies this fall at Laf- in New Amsterdam on the ship 8:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at Mrs. Joseph ayette College was (Larry Alter, son iW itamlwi bra that doesn't Reunion time is here again far "Vos." with his wife, Lys-beth, and Tessltgre's. A new chairman will be of Mr. ar.j Mrs. Albert Alter, 254 ****• wrinkl** \*i • tfie Dutch Ackenman (originally Ak- their six children just two years be- elected by the deccrziftng com- Avon Rd. 1 ker Man) family association known fore the 'D.utch colony surrendered l IBUUlBIPHHWrflnRirf LUJUUUHI tfttfBl wmml dU\L\ UBNIUHP11 tl It'"* HUMJWMUW UHHi |W LflWa W\l BUM I winU i as "David Ackenman Descendants— to the British. Complete data con- 1962," having its roots in northern cerning one's lineage is not always SS- ffi iN«iw Jersey. necessary, as D.AJD. family records On Saturday, Oct. 16, members may sometimes supply the needed Browsing or Buying #r«m more distant .}Jarts of the information. irited States and Canada will join their cousins from neighboring states Student T«och*r HODGEPODGE at tffce colonial village of Tappan, Barbara Johnston, >daugltfer of i (N.Y., to attend the 10th annual Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Johnston of 1QS7 IS THE PLACE meeting of D.A.D. at 11 a.m. in the Rahway Ave., has received bet Reformed Church of this quaint ham- student teaching assu^mneot from 4 let, rich in Revolutionary history. tfonmoutta Celiege, Uomnouth, 111. FINANCE DRIVE WORKERS far the Weattte^ |^e« Ufiji The church, organized in M§i has »V Voters iMclude from left, Mrs. Brooke. Gardiner, Mrs. Harry Naah, She will te »t tiaoofai School with Handcrafta Antiques complete records of births, deaths, the second grade Mrs. Von Savage and Mrs. Eg on Week. They are skawn m«U*f «• marriages, bajtaww aa4 fltfker* early report of successful calls to Mrs. Norris Barnard, chairniaa «f bating back to its /funding. The 325 SOUTH AVE. WESTFIELD, N. J. ft. s|H>»sors. Ackerman name aMW«rs fre^uefUy lott* in these pages. Freshmen attending Bates Col- 654.3515 A Membership ReUftdup is hett •> -at A musty odor indicates that mil- . Uaim, wchjito l#+ Wwf». 'til 9 CloMd W«d. Cranford AAUW dew forming molds have begun ta ejach year in

-• , - • SHORT HILLS ANTIQUES SHOW Spe Sgvings If Order Early OCTOBER 5, 6, 7 Tues. and Wed. 12-10 p.m. Thurs. 12-6 p.m. \ COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Parsonage Hilt and Hartshorn Drive

Luncheon Coffee Shop Dinner 232-2232 v Project of Women's Guild


O'CONNOR'S BEEF & ALE HOUSE, O'CONNOR'S 708 Mount*in Blvd. just beyond Twin O'Connor's is a name which up to Brooks C.C., Watchung, N.J. Somerset three years ago meant fine rhea^ in Co. <»1) 75««5; Revives former markets from Plainfleld to Parsippany Round OXoofcof'» id PlaWieW with 1920s plus a unique beef and ale house in a roidbwie aspect, including »ing-Mon warehouse storage refrigerator. Cocktail Parlor, butcher-bloc.. The restaurant was an early pioneer 'tafcte top*, waiters ID long coats. Beef, In the onrush of steak and lobster lalbfttr, beverage specialties with places, which used butcher block fafauibuii salad bar. ditkl's menu. In* tables, turn-of-the-century motif in jtormal and social dining. Moderate decor, and a convivial informality that carload lots on the premises, It comes smother with half a dozen pickled; priced. Lund ll:36>2*2D Moni-Sat!; greatly appeals to American dining to the table in char-broiled splendor in ; olives and onions in dinner 541; Sunday 1-9. Happy Hour tastes. every variety from a 40 oi. sirloin, several styles; four rich and gooey 4:40-5:40. Closed Tuesdays. The abrupt closing of the O'Connor $6.73, to a 16 oz. rib roast cut, |3,95. dressings; bacon bits; and an abun- enterprises left many admirers Each item if ^displayed in 1920 vintage dance of crisp, crunchy croutons. It's a lamenting the loss. Now one of the three cases. salad-lover's bonanza. O'Connor brothers is back in the My wife samoted the roast rib and To top It off, there's a bread bar with 5 which allows for Informal as well as Ma?chinfi Handbag restaurant business. remarked that »t meat was "tender kinds of fresh baked offerings Including dress-up dining. Table tops are still Jack has remodeled and recreated a enough to melt in the mouth". I found rye.pumperniclUe, French, sour dough butcher blocks, cutlery Is wrapped in a long-renowned restaurant site outside the Shannon broil, *4.&0, « succulent and Irish soda. red napkin and yoiing waiters still wear A lady's way of dressing casually for Watchung into a very smart beef and slicing similar to London broil. maxi butcher coats. But now there's a fall. Soft corkette leather In a patch- ale house which bears his name. The Of course, there Is a ground gteak . 'llien, of course, there's the mam- red plaid carpet on the floor, stained new O'Connor's opened June 16 and item, $3.65, and there are Kabobs, moth baked potato, 4$ cents, which is glass here and there and a few framed work design makes this shoe a real Jack Is managing the place for a group $4.55; as well as lobster tails, #6.2$;* big enough' to share. Appetizers a la period pictures. stand-out. On a-wisp of a heel that's di owners with his former flourish in- whole lobster, $6.%; stuffed prawn*, carte include a potpourri of clams, This rambling series of rooms begins tact. $4.2&; fried chicken, $3, oysters, mussels, shrimp, and prawns. at a stunning bar and cocktail parlor great with pants and sporty dresses. The original building, now con- Other unpriced fish and meat items The fine O'Connor cheesecake Is still 75 with honky-tonk piano and oanjo siderably disguised behind a half- are offered according to their cents and after dinner Irish coffee fs making music nightly and a host of Umber and stucco vintage aspect, was avuilabiltty in the market There are served In exquisite Lenox crystal with customers making merry in coun- in the curly 1900s a resort hotel known also inexpensive children's selections swirl-blown handle, $1.60. Regular terpoint. There's a quiet Fireplace ta Pedeflous, which in more recent and a choice of non-alcoholic drinks. coffee Is included with the entree In a Room nearby for sequestered parties years became the famed Pcdeflous Lunch features blackboard sandwich large "shaving mug". but generally the atmosphere & open gourmet restaurant. specials. Much attention Is given to beverages and congenial. Before that the site was a mushroom at O'Connor's, both alcoholic and In continental style, a service charge farm and in the 19C0s it served a scries Char-broiling to taste Is done behind otherwise. Beer Includes Wurtzburger of 15 per cent U added has invited all mem- timcr-2. held Wednesday. Nov. 3. Appliepp s bers who have joined in the past two It will include gu:-Je4 tours of TKe cost, based on two sharing a years to a "Federal ion Acquaintance both cities, and a visit to the mxui tion forms and further information r-com, twiu beds antf bath-, covers may be obtained from Mrs. Charles Tea" at l p.m. Sept. 29 at Federa- For A Delightful Luncheon & Gracious Dining formation at the U.S. Naval Acad- transportation, sight-seeing fees, Haider, 630 Farkvdew A vs. tion Headquarters, Douglass College, emy. T&ere will be a stop in Wilm- guided tours and baggage haodli-ng. Women residents of Westfield, New Brunswick. Thirty charter mem- ington at UJ& Delaware Art If use- Cert of meais is not included, oat-. CranfoiNi, Gar wood, Scotch Plains, oers have also been invited. urn,. On di?3#ay are works cJ Uow cqpt iunchem in Annajwiis. 1 Fanwood and Clark are eligible. Mrs. John O'Connell, membership Ifs an j Pyle, John Slcaiie, pre-Raj^at '- trip i* limited to S«. Further The Junior Club, open to young •chairman, is hostess for the tea. lite artists; »l*e the Fhelt celkction inJcroMiqn nuiy be obtained by men and women students, gr&ies Assisting her -will be Mrs. Gerald of Andre* WyeU mi tlie La ikUe: skiing the VWCA olfice. •44, from the same areas, will hold Slavin, 'Mrs. Donald Hancock and CHANTICLER auditions Monday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 Mrs. Edward Russell. p.m. jo the home «f Mrs. Jofan O'- The tea is being held to acquaint Mara, 218 Columbia Ave., CrairfoH. new members with the aims o/ the CHATEAU Applicant* may caH Mrs. O'Mara 'COinsn»V FAIR gi|£yf#ipOINA»E" ciiiwi, Nn. WmUw A. dub which are to help the commu- for more information. taffiw ir.r Wt, aai Ml*. **» Powers, «vlay a few M H« >»ifcna»p nity, to develop cultural interests, Soloists, accompanists, compo- craft MCIM wUcfc «rlH *r •• tale at Ike lair Oct. 2 at ifce WeOfieU •fellowship and service. Chairman sers, ensemble and chorus mem- of the various departments will ex- bers may audition. Soloists must plain their functions. Luncheon served Tue$. thru Fri, perform from memory. Transportation will be provided by Requirements for tfce two clubs High School To Be Transformed bus from Echo Plaza at 12:15 p.m. Dinners Daily from 5 P.M. Flowers are the same; * • A trip to Mount Pocono, Pa., has l. Instrumental soloists must play been planned for Oct. 14 for mem- Bright Your Horn© one number from the Classic period For PT-Cdjyncils' Country bers and their friends. There wil) Up to and including Beethoven, and be a stop at Memory Lane, a Penn- Special Sunday Dinner from 2 P.M. on one nuipber from the Romantic or sylvania Dutch Village, and for lunch An cld-lashioned Country • Fair, Rc)>ei't Blome and Mrs, E. A.. Col- AMP Modern period. at Scotrun Inn, iMt. Airy Lodge. prefer 2. Vocal soloists must sing one | sponsored by the WwtfieW-Parent- lins, and Grant, iMrs. J«hn Daly. Reservations can be made with from,each of (he same periods Teacher Council, will be held at the Also Jefferson, Mrs, Frank Cardil- Mrs. William Heller. Complete Banquet Facilities Closed Mondays and must provide their own accom- Westfield High School Saturday, Oct. lo; Lincoln, Mrs. Tibbale; McKinley, AtOUND - A cocktail party is scheduled Nov. Pfuyw panist unless otherwise arranged. 2, from 10 a.m; to 4 p.m,i rain or Mrs. John McCarthy; Tamaqu-?s, COtNM AROUND WOtlD t. Accompanists shall be prepared I shine. . Mrs. Gene Herthel and Mrs. James 14 at the Mountainside Inn from Sherrill; Washington, Mrs. Anthony 5 to 7 p.m. Chairman is Mrs. Robert to play at 24 hours' notice accompa- In- keeping with the theme, the Stabler. niments for, any soloist the presi- school-area inside and out will be •DeCheiUs, and Wilson, Mrs. WilUam dent may suggest. transformed into an old-style lair 4. Composers must submit and 'grounds with all the booths and The gifts will include "trim4he 754-1222 perform two compositions which the games set up. to. add atmosphere. tree" items, plaques, folk art, hand- To Entertain Patients Off-TMMftffT FAWONO Auditions Committee shall consider Mr. and Mrs.! DaVid/NotWine are bags, leaded necklaces, rock paper- The Volunteer Services committee 50 Sterling Road Grov« WttffeM VfeilftoM suitable for use on a club program. iii charge of decorations and weights, "one of a kind" skirts and of the Westfield Newcomers Club 5. Easemble applicants shall au- grounds for this "Country. Fair Ex- boxes, long aprons, candles, pillws. OMU will play Bingo tomorrow afternoon Warren Township, N. J dition as a unit: in accordance with traordinaire." scenes, .wastefoask-ets, key ring with elderly patients at Runnells the requirements for soloists. . A Country Store will provide treats holders, Halloween masks, eagle wall Hospital. Cars will leave from the such as cheese designs and burlap holders for scis- 6. Chorus applicants must read ;; ? 2l YWCA at 12:45. music at sight to the satisfaction of fr in stickt s and bagi, apples sors, rulers and yardsticks. the Choral Director and prove afail- and The store is the re- "This Is just a small list of the ity to carry an independent voice in sponsibility of Lincoln School, under vast selection of items that have part-singing. lne chairmanship of Mrs, Douglas been created with skill and taste to T&bals. please the most discriminating buy- In the center of the school field er," says Mrs. Powers. -will be the Boutique Gift Center Airs. Carl De Riseis and her com- TOGETHER! Constitution's Authors under Mrs. John Powers, co-chair- mittee from McKinley School will SHOWTIME: Topic For Talk man of the fair, who will be assisted have a flower booth laden with • LuncHoon'Mating 'by Mrs. Tibbals. They have directed chrysanthemums, bulbs, plants, In- dian corn, straw flowers and dried Bviiittwit Men's Lunch A discussion of the people who •workshops throughout the "summer wrote the Constitution of the Uni-1 in each school where handmade f lowers. Company Portitft /bftd Bonquel* ted Stales and the problems they items for the whole family1 and for A discount ticket pre-sale will bo COME SEE And ilx delightful rooms for . had, paricularly with New Jersey, every season of the year have been held in all elementary schools, under viftltlntf VIP'il will be .voiced Sunday by Mrs. made. the direction of Mrs, Aldo Cerone, Ralph A. Hall and her guests, Mrs. Chairmen from each school are: Tuesday, Sept. 28, from 8; 30 to 9 ENTMTAINMENT Wililard Richter and Erskine B. Senior High, Mi's. Robert Roff and a.m. and 12:30 to 1 p.m. Mayo, both of Westfield, on ''Your Mrs. Harold K. Saunders; Edison Fair chairman, Mrs. William A. SHAGMOOR New Jersey Journal*' at 4:15 p.m. Junior High School, Mrs. C. R. Bar- Burke Jr. hopes that everyone will over radio station WERA 1590. tels and Mrs. Sadie Schoss; ROOSSJ- be at the fair to support tlie Betty J14-UW, Mr. Mayo represents the West velt Junior High, Mrs. Samuel Kin- Marik Teaching Scholarship and to FieMs Chapter, Sons of the Ameri-1 ney; Franklin and Elm Street, Mrs. "have loads of fun." can Revolution and Mrs. Richter, a past regent of the Westfield Chap- Short Hills Antiques ter, DAB, researched the material New Banquet for this shojv. , ,;r Shpwtp Feature Talks This prbfrtMtHs timeljrSh view of Facilities at On Clocks, Hooked , •• ** * '\ the fact that Constitution Week was Sept. 17-23. The Short Hills Antiques Show Newark Airport will be held at Community Con- gregational Church, Short Hills, The Jled Oak Restaurant and the Oct. 7 from noon to C p.m. Holiday 'Inn ' at Newark Airport William B. Frost, noted collector jointly service a spacious and ele- of antique clocks and watches, will gant banquet room with a capacity present an illustreted lecture, "The of 600 guests. The room can also Romance of Time" at 11 a.m. bo divided into smaller rooms (up Oct. 6. { to four) for smaller gatherings. On Oct. 7 at U a.m., Mrs. Alice J % The banquet facilities arc avail- Bealty, teacher of nig hooking for j able for break-fast, luhdieon, and 21 years, will present a lecture on t dinner. Meals can also be served "PrimUive Rug Honking." | Meet Miss Isabella Bowers -buffet style, and there is an exten- Local participants among the 30 sive selection of hors d'oeuvrcs avail- dealers arc Westfiold Antiques, Fan- { tomorrow at Tepper's able for cocktail parties. wocd, and Herbert and Dorothy j Plainfield and let her shov/ Stevenson, Westfield. I All food is prepared by tlie same you ovr fall 72 .collection highly skilled group that staffs the The show is a project of the Wo- j kitchen of the Red Oak Keslnurant, men's Guild Cor its benevolence. of 5hagmoor coats. If you fund. Luncheon will be serve.1 daily . under the supervision of Scl Fleer, admire smart gentlewoman Suggested planned menus are from 12 to 2, dinner Tuesday and ; available, but the staff is flexible, Wednesday from (i to 7:30. A Coffee; styling, you'll like Shagmoor. Shop will be opun from 12 to 8. according to Mr. Fleer, and wel- From the collection: petal comes individual special requests as a challenge to its creative versatility. "Plaza Suite" to Play collared grosspoint wool coat iFor. business meetings and more At Meadowbrook in blue, grey, burgundy, intimate social gatherings, six con- 6-16, 120.00; Norwegian Blue Everything's easier In Flortheim softness. Because Florsheim makes a shoe ference rooms are available which Denise Lor will star opposite .,../.....? '"' to ger'you wherever you're heading in utmost comfort can accommodate up to 25 persons Barry Nelson in the Neil Simon Fox collared coat in pettinub ... .and in enviable style. Come see. each. For larger affairs, the banquet comedy, "Plaza Suite," at the wool in brown or ruby, 8-18, room, or a portion of it, is also dowbrook Theatre Restaurant, Ce-d- well suited to meet any require- ar Grove beginning Sept. 30. The 195.00. Informal modeling ments. Special audio-visual equip- glamorous Miss Lor, who is well and refreshments 11 to 5. ment such as lecturns, blackboards, known to Meadowbrook audience.? TAW screens, flip 'charts, as well as a from several engagements there, Coats, Fashion Tlhrd public address system, are also has starred in numerous musical Plainfield and Short Hills Mall suede only available. comedies and played in the major night clubs across Iht? country. The management of both Hie Red Oak .Restaurant and .the new Holi- day Inn are openly proud of these Walnut Hill Senior facilities, for, they feel, in making .them available, they are expressing Barbara McCnrty. daughter of FURT faith in the future growfh and de- Mr. and Mrs. John Shown of 730 Available in black velopment of the city of New;irk by Nonnan PI., hns returned to the or brov/n suede providing excellent local facilities Walnut Hill School, JValick, Mass, 21.95 for both business and social June* for her senior your. She is editor of • M * lions. the Summit, school yearbook.

* * WOMCN'ISHOtCOlUCnoH . Wolf Florsholm ntytos 919,95 to $26.00

<•»•! GJFT IDEAS FOR PflECIOUS GIFT FROM... I" Open Dally'til 5i30 Thurs. Nlto 'til 9

Use your Mastor-Chargo BAZiLAE STORE HOURS.- MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 'TIL 9/ or Handl-Chargo QUHHIY at CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 233-5678 204 E. From SuP 56 M 666 DAILY 9:30 to 5:30 PLAINFIELD 756-3100 . . . SHORT HILLS MALL 376-3100 m m # p Physical Education fouildang. r Lake Pollution Wade Duym, Claffc. Mrs. H. U alarreU, •mall streams and the overflow Phyllis Schade. Mrs. 4. j. Paretttiw, Mrs. 4. ftswmskl, Mrs. Clarla C*e*t, Mrs. W. W. HcasVrset, Mn. Jeha E. ret By M»ry E. Weaver tk, Mn, RaraMs4 4. McEslec. Mn. D. K. Alaawgh. Mn. F. J. Keltjr. Mn. Lartir K. Hartaslt Mrs. Gcr. Cs«a*f Htme ali Deaehee, Mn. Arthar HetiaaaVr, Mn. C. A. Wetael, Mrt, CUffeN U**> Mn. W. 4. O'Hrrree, Mn. Fresh pears lead the plentiful food t. Nerfefc, Mn. Daeal«1 E. Vlhctt Mn. 4. 4. Hwo, Mrs. A. G. lea aVseh> Mn. O- G. Ahkrt, Mn. list, with a variety of other foods to i. Kagfi, Mrs. 4ajr RecfcUa, Mn. R. E. Dtaaoare, Mn. L. F. Naa*r, Mn. Henert Krahera, Mn. Kea- CREAM FIE vttfc • mm mom ««*•» to «ae «f the arta H. Hateas aa4 Mn. DavU L. Been. follow, reports the United State* recipes (• be 4Uca«Mtf fa Creative Lsw-Calorie Casttag etaaaes be* Department of Agriculture. giwriag 9mm !• ihe tn* kr ia*rmkan Hrs. Liz WNsw. Mrs. IHM Among the other foods are fresh Potter ac4 Mn. MMM Aratow. IWprtfrtm wag «HglMto4 by Mr*. purple plums, potatoes, split peas, at Cnatm4, «si Mtamnisi tor Tmmltj C*rc4» Enrolltd At Ripon eggs, broiler-fryers, and pt«jiut and feuutal. Mvaace registralisa Is Classes began Sept. 1 at Ripon 16th ANNUAL peanut products. far claaaes at tiw HmmM, U**wm Rahway aatf (Wise.) College wtiere Allen Cohen The Barlett pear crop is expected Adalt fldiMb, tac Uatoa VM-VWHA awl Uw YWCA's la ftalnrar, Fa»- is enrolled. He is the son of Mr. ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE to be far greater this year than last and Dtm. year at the same time, and the and Mrs. Harold Cohen, 727 Tama- HUNTERDON AIT CENTER price* are expected to be in the con- r ques Way, ^ t Ston# Clinton sumer's favor. Pears are one of the many Double Knits Are A Fall Favorite Rtc*)iv«s Honors that will hold at room temperature Marc J. Stern of 745 Marcellus Fridoy Saturday until ripe, so plan to include pears Dr. was cited for a scholastic av- in many of your meals. They are By Carslya F. Y«ks*s ivtJght or 14 for heavy knit stitching. erage of B plus or better and nam- Sealer Cnmrtf Heme Fnwli* When stitching. a straight seam, »• You are cordially good in salads and eaten out of ed to the University of Colorado Urly hand. atntch the seam slightly ai you What U double knit and why is it a**.. Or if your machine is so Presidents Honor's List. -"' "** The purple plum supply will be so popular for fall fashions? greater than usual and ample sup- equipped, use a stretch or small L Double knit fabric is produced on v invited fo ilfiug stitch to get /elasticity into plies will be available throughout the a machine with two sets of needles month. tfaa teams. which interlock two fabrics Double knits require less inner Pre-Season FUR Whan shopping for plums, choose one. It is difficult to determine the . ' >•* • '. nes construction than woven fabrics. Hah carefully. Look for plums with fresh right from the iwronf aide unless a FsintMtk --4 Tbs drum method of lining will help and glo»y appearance. Plums are texture has been added to one tide; keep light weight double knits from en Ivary Coot, Jocfctf, one of our perishable fruits, delicate Double knit is heavier than single Stretching. Make the garment and ,'*' and easily bruised, 50 handle with knit and is available in medium to lining as separate units and then and St»k in care and as little as possible. heavy weights and in many different join them at the neckline and waist- *• Plums are excellent eaten out of widths. line. ^ Our large Inventory hand and also in making jams and REG. •••'• NOW .is V The fibers used for double knits Prevent seam allowances from jellies. can be wool, cotton, synthetics or rolling by zigzag stitching one quar- Full/ Let Out Mink Coat $2,900 The September supply of potatoes blends. Check the label carefully for ter inch from cut edge. $2,1 Designer is expected to be heavy with reason- information on fiber content. Natural Muskrat and able pricea. When buying potatoes, . Most good construction techniques -i In buying double knit by the yard, choose the best quality, those that Sfipty to. working with double knits. Leather Coat f595 $495 *^ • check for the lengthwise rib to w n + • • are firm, smooth and well shaped, Do avoid tightness and over fitting fairly straight. in double knits. Patterns made for Mink Walking Coats fie sure they are free from cuts, Tor making a garment from double $1,250 Uemishefi and decay. Look for pot- fabrics have less ease $1,650 •>. knit, choose a pattern style with than for woven fabrics. r*. tatoet that are reasonably clean. Mink Jackets $1,270 $1,025 ion Show simple lines, few details, and limited For further information on double Plan to use potatoes in a variety scams. Avoid patterns with bias cuts, knife, send for our free leaflet #457, OUR 2Sth YEAR OF SERVING THE TRI-COUNTY AREA of wayi this fall. circular skirts, and styles featuring FingerUp Facts for Double Knits," Split peas and eggs are in andraping qualities. to Extension Service, - 300 North abundant supply with favorable Shrink double knit fabrics unless Avenue East, WestfieM, N.J. 07090. .••»• prices. Eggs are an excellent source 1 I" ' the label states the material is ready ALL WORK NE ON PREMISES of protein, so try to include at least for taft needW tfdshtfte Friday, S«pt. ,24 3 to 5 per week in your diet. They be preshrunk in the ma* Freshman At Hood are also a good substitute for meat. a * w - r chine to remove the sizing and avoid Susan G. Bryant, daughter of Mr. For tt* second consecutive month any shrinkage later. Preabrink' zip* and Mrs. William W. Bryant of 7 611 pers and trimmings for all knits. -'?/ at 2: p. in a heavy supply of broiler-fryers will Stoneleigh Park, is in the freshman be in the market, with prices con- Determine lengthwise rib of knit class at Hood College, Frederick, tinuing at a reasonable level. - T •• -. and mark with a. row of basting. Md. Look for both the round USD,A. Use the lengthwise rib for the length- 213 PARK AVENUE, PLAINFIEIO 754-79*9 (Acrofcit from LoUril KnVt V 1 ' inspection mark and the shield- wise . Transfer pattern mark- NEED A USED CAR? .'• *** in mthe shaped grade mark on the poultry ings by using tailor's tacks or chalk. Open 'HI 0 p.m. on Thursday -r. you-buy. • Dressmaker's carbon paper will not SEE AUTOS FOR SALE •J - Peanuts and peanut products are work well on double knits. also tn abundance for September and For machine and hand sewing use Designer Room prices are therefore in the consum- a thread that has some elasticity. • _ er's favor. Silk threat may be used on wool and our speciality is fa So take advantage of the plentiful polyester thread on polyester knits. Westfield foods for September and stretch your A ballpoint needle will work well m food dollar in that way. or a sharp size 11 for medium m m P Quality

r FREE DELIVERY on orders of $5.00 or over. Delivery Need Plushal Therapy Treatments \ Days - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Please call before noon.

AMERICAN FRESH I ALL LEAN MEAT We offer early access to a modern service staf- Leg of Spring Lamb 95c Ib.j Boneless Pork Roast fed by one of the best Physical Therapists in FRANK'S FAMOUS Fresh Killed - VA • 4 Ib. Avg. FRANK'S FAMOUS New Jersey. This assures you of prompt, highly Ground Chuck Roasting Chickens Ham Loaf qualified service, which athletes will also find • $1.29 Ib. valuable. Phone for an appointment after con- 3 lbs. $2.79 All Spfctd, Seasoned, Ready to Cook

sultation with your Doctor. Dulany. Cut Corn 21c • FRESH PRODUCE • Dulany Green Peas 21c 5 Ib. Bag Idaho Potatoes

4 » Birdseye Orange Plus 51c Green Peppers 19c Ib, 10 Doctors Available • 15 LicenMd Nurses Aunt Jemima Waffles 34c Cucumbers 2 for 15c Rich's Eclairs 39c 2 Physical and Rtcreational Therapists FARM FRESH Rich's Cream Puffs 39c MEDICARE APPROVED. LICENSED BY THE STATE OP NEW JERSEY Stouffers Macaroni and Cheese* 12-oz. . . . 44c Milk 4 pack gallon 99c APPROVED FOR OUT-PATIENT PHYSICAL THERAPY Stouffers Spinach Souffle 44c AN EXTENDED CARE FACILITY Savarin Coffee 89c Ib. OPEN ADMISSION POLICY Stouffers Potatos au Gratin 44c Savarin Tea, box 48 59c

THE WESTFIELD CONVALESCENT CENTER SUPERMARKET Plenty Parking 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. 1515 Lambtrti Mill Rd. WESTFIELD 233-9700 No Meter* — Shop Mountainside Area Opp, National Bank, Mountains!do %..,•

. 7K i

• ft "1 - - * *1*' - m

ctmiw CJa^-fce's, 232 Can- ftrF^Wr |F BflHI^Wf terbury -Rd. Michael A. Falcone of 502 K. j Nuw students at Colby College, Entering Lasell Junior SEPTEMBER 28-^sicwcomers tek|)hone committee, Broad SL. has attained dean's list | Waierville. Me., include Lawrence Auburadak*, Mass. this mOBth was 25-Wekx»ne Wagon lobster - ctom- at Mrs. Joseph TessHore's, 8:30 standing at the University of Vir- j T. Potter, Debra J. Rice and John Cynthia Louise Armstrong. 1&& par- p.m. ginia. He is a junior and prt-law j A. Szabo, all of WestfieW, also Hob- ents are Mr. and Mrs. David M. MJi ******* MiMiltl »$p, 29-^toimtalQfiide W$pi$n's C1 u t», i student. ; in L. Urner of Mountainside. Armstrong, 1211 Woodside F)rst CongregationaC l Church, Federation Acquaintance Tea, Federation Headquarters, Doug- 2e-Travri Club, College Woman's lass College, 1 pjn. Pace's. 1—Travel Sneak Sunday f rom 1 p*m. to • p.m. The European Health Spa have a SNEAK PREVIEW of its newest facility in Short Mills and YOU'RE INVITED. 1 fc*iky, J. P»«l Weki» m .A. FmUmf, H. \.Bmmh Jr. W. K IViweiler, A » WeHy Jrv M G. E. H. rvtafc. C. E. CfeWi Jr., r. H- IMley Jr., *+* Hvttilttm. WOUM >. Cr«M, Sieve. E A: U|H, *. t. Hart?, Mwri M«t^r, •. W. KHto«; JUWrt Mwtedt, lUtefft LM «M Jerry • FREE ChMtpapi* and Hora O'Otuvrat • FUtt Tours of tha Spa WertfieW, clubhouse, 1 p.m. Mrs. Irvirtg Wei«, Mrt. Stanley Figura Analyst p.m. ; laa-nArt Auction of Junior Solnick, aiHt Mrs. Walter Schlesin- ^-Country fair EKtraordinaire, Club, Temple Emami-tl, 7;30 ger will be {ioste&ses.. Ccffeo and • FREE Mai Counaalifta r WisU^UI Parent-'feaci>rr Coun-| p.m. • ., . *\t\ cake wiU be served- ' . • cil, Westnekl r'lfi«h ScJ^l, 10 Come and see the final stages Hada$$ah before opening of our newest, fem ine 4—Newcomers decorating commit- Mi*«Feathere Wins moat luxurious Health and tee, at. Mrs. Michael Fleish- Physical Fitness Spa. The million oonaclous man's. - " , • . TpSee^jcrf Elmira College Key fashion show, St. 1 •• • 1 'i dollar results will be open soon C*m**Qfli Btctrolyslt TheWe*Uield€haptef, Miss Cynthia Feathers of 610 ptcmanfrntly Auxiliary of Che Youth but we want you to see what we flatly o cpitif (n and Family Counseling Service, hojd iU tint general Prospect &t. has been presented the ur txptrtt, the 1971-71 season at IS: Glmira CoHege Key-by the Elmira have planned for you now. •. the HM, Watchung. ! pirn* 07*1$OO for College, Alumni Association. rs -<::-.. - . . Woman's Club, trip This aw. a rd was presented to Miss appointment DwityShpp 4o Mt. Pocono. * ™•-*, » ««. «-, ^ ^ «. ^ An .originaa skjt by. M«/, Westfield. Senior High physical ninets aqulfMient 22- • Private diamond ing to learn of the vital; ^ork of All Key Award winners are invit- fflinktd caraU Hadassah in the United States .and ed to spend a weekend on the cam- dressing rfns and lockers Israel. " ;; * ; :'.*\/ • pus in the fall of their senior year.

l ecious Mike Motttt, lx«c For information dial toll frea sUr?a car»t center h bordered by two Wedriingi : 1 i diamonds in a " Luncheons Setting 184L white frit Promt Social Event! F t fionquett Semlnari Open for both men and woman Meeting* y^ Thur» i * f "H ki. v ~ V.. Morris Avenue, Short Hills, N. J. LINDEN: 328^W. ST, GEORGE AVENUE SomvrvlUe • ' -'•'"'•''fcj' ^ • ^ L - * 0p*n daily to 5:45 p:m. 4 Mon., Thur«. apd -Frlfo ? p.m.

•n iff I 1 ^> PA UL SIMON KNITS OF 485 PARK AVE., YORK CITY AND 7 NORTH DEAN S*,, Takes Pleasure tn Announcing

•s NEW STORE ftl 109 Quimby St. Westfield, NJ. itos your clothes line go* you Carrying a large Selection -Si all tfed up? Knits, Dresses, 3-Piqce Sets, Coat & Dress Ensemble, Cape Suits, etc • • • * Give yourself enough rope and you'll be exclusively Paid Simon's Designs and BUY A hung up lugging wet wash . .. braving wind, *'• own products, made and imported from .1 S,-- FAMOUS IVIAKE rain and snow... tying yourself up during busy days and tying yourself down to the Italy, as well as other European Imports »^S laundry. and Domestics, Buy a gas dryer, however, and you've given yourself freedom, And you give the whole family a steady flow of clean clothes and ' Prices run from about *25 to '275 1M •*' linens that's not tied down waiting for the . weather to clear. Remember, too, If you want •'. • tf:1: \he no-Iron convenience of permanent press # -:v-, r^ —•• clothes, a dryer is essential. Right now's a great time to choose your gas dryer at your FREEH! While they nearby Elfzabethtown Qas showroom. Select last, beautiful, im* from such famous names as Speed Qusen, a* ported silk • i^ I -, Maytag, Whirlpool! Prices Inolude delivery, normal Installation and 2-yoar warranty on parts and service. Liberal credit terms available. SCARVES ^•O; From Italy and other ftit VL. iV/:i !'# •Ul countries to every *u Uzabethtown Gas customer •w • \, Qas gives you a better deal, FREE ALTERATIONS tUTAtlTH WIITFIHD MENIO PARK •*. Or« ETown Plaza 184 Elm St. Opp. Monlo Park Shopping Cenfor 287*5000 In Executlvo Plcixa Dldg* / 28P-3001) . I. These showrooms open shopping nights and Saturdays* PAUL SIMON KNITS Offer good only In area serviced by Ellzabothtown Gas, 232-7888 109 Quimby St., Woalfield

<*• Preserve Summer BALM* NRVtCft Fruits for Winter PARTS Holidays

By Mary E. Weaver HANDV County Home Economist Haw do you make the fruits of summer last? There is nothing love- lier than the fragrance of homemade pickles simmering away to preserve some of the fruits and the of the summer. If you have your own orchard from mf^^^w IfirWVW •^^T^P* ^*Wn^^P»VwnBPWn^P^pjp^^^PW LUERS5EN MAPS DOOR TO-DOOK CAMPAIGN—Thir* Ward Cwu- which to select £resh peaches or your cHmtt DavU T. Luersse* (righi) of 504 Washington St. examines map own vine from which to select fresh 212-1721 sf third ward uiU State Senator Francis X. McDermoU in planning cucumbers, then you are most for- 4o«r-ta-«*or campaign of personal visits in bH for elect-on to two- tunate. If not, take advantage of the year term Nov. 2. McDermott, a Rrpublicu leader of the State Sen- ripe harvest at the roadside fruit ale* it alM running f«r re-election. He resides in the third ward. and stand when you're out for a Sunday drive. A few months from now, it will be LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS a real pleasure to open a jar of spiced peaches or a jar of bread and iwtter pickles to serve with a LOOKING OVER SOME OF THE MEMBERS of the buoiNeu divUfoi of the Unite* Fund (—mm we very FUGMANNOttCw»«w holiday ham or turkey. young supporters are, in bacfcfr«»«, Robert Fuller, executive iireclor, iohm A. Reid, <••«»»•»• chair- AiWATf ttAOY TO SttVf YOU I I * Everybody loves old-fashioned man, and Samuel A. McCwilley Jr* United Fun4 preiWent. KICW OFFICES • CABAGES * BULK OIL bread and cucumber pickles. They go with sandwiches, meat POOO skate W41 I DOG loaves, frankfurters, cheese dishes, Wash, peel and core apples and CORNED BEEF TOMATO CUPS It's Prime Time tomatoes. Peel the onions. Cut in- 4 BVIMIBT etc. Scoop out the seeds and pulp from Rtaiste NOW! fa gradients into quarters. Use a blend- Try either or both of the following TSU'CKft H er or coarse blade of a food chopper the inside of 4 large fresh tomatoes. WITH tOCliHERO recipies, or, if you wish, send for For Tomatoes Combine pulp with 2 cups corned COMPUTER MHHSTKfti to cut the ingredients finer. Put into the free bulletin: "Making Pickles a 4-quart saucepan. Combine with beef hash. Add salt and pepper to and Relishes" by writing to the By Mary E. Weaver other ingredients. Put spices in a taste. Stuff hash mixture into the FUEL Union County Extension Service, 300 tomatoes, bake in 400'F. oven for CMuty Home E faith I cheesecloth bag before adding to isso 3272 North Avenue East, Westfield, New about 15 minutes. Top each serving ersey, 07090. Late summer and early fall is the mixture. Cook the mixture ovex with Easy Cheese Sauce: Mek Vt it la* §»r»M#i moderate heat for 1 to Vk hours TOUt IOCA1 AUTNOWZID WDVMDINT ftcrr* prime time for tomatoes throughout pcund prccsssed American cheese in SPICED PEACHES the nation. So take advantage of this or'until it is thick. Stir frequently. ISSOWAT MAlif M SOUTH AV a double boiler. When melted, stir 2 cups sugar excellent source of Vitamin A andDiscard the spice bag. Pack the in Vz cup fresh or evaporated milk. #. 4 xk cup white vinegar Vitamin C. For weight-watchers, sauce in hot sterilized jars and seal. Pour over Corned Beef Tomato they are good for th# waistline also. M cup water Yield: 4 pints. Cups. Yield: 4 servings. 1 stick cinnamon You may be aware that tomatot* H teaspoon Tabasco differ in color, size, shape, flavor 8 to 10 whole cloves and the inside structure according to the verities, but when purchasing • Pf*-T««nt • TMMgirt • About 7 to 9 firm ripe peaches, Indivftfuit Attention • Wnkfy peeled tomatoes in supermarkets, you may find it somewhat difficult to select TID KNITSAPPAREL Combine a 11 ingredients except I by variety. However, it may be salt peaches to make eyrup. Boil 2 min- to say that tomatoes in the mcrfceU Foihion utcs; add peeled peaches. Boil for late in summer and early in the 10 minutes. Let stand in syrup 30 fall will have a very good flavor ALTIRATIONS

F minutes. Put peaches in hot clean and prices that are attractive to the RALPH CVANS jar. Heat up syrup again—pour over | consumer. peaches and seal. Yield: I quart. The temperature is very important WtotfM&Mt when storing tomatoes. Do not re- WtstfMd Mtrrit TurfMtte BREAD ft BUTTER PICKLES frigerate them but leave them at

'.*-• 6 cups cucumbers (4-5 young room temperature, away from direct cucumbers) sunlight. The reason for this is re- frigeration stops the ripening process u + Florence- Ann Scott of 1 large onion, diced North Plalnfleld lost 2 quarts water and if ripened .after chilling, the in- 12B lbs, In 16 months l ner structure will become watery. after Joining I-ean h cup salt Line, n hlKhly Huecen- 2 teaspoons Tabasco, divided Tomatoes add flavor, color, and Grand Opening! Opening! Grand Opening! ful weifflu reduction club, 2 cups white vinegar nutritive, value to many dishes. Try 1 cup water using fresh tomato juice instead of JOIN A IJAN UNI PORCOMMITI All CY1 OlM 1 cup granulated sugar canned in your favorite casseroles CLUft IN YOUR INFOftMATION 10 tl 1 cup brown sugar or sauces. There is a difference in VICINITY CAUCOLLKT 1 teaspoon mixed pickling spices flavor. 7S7-7677 \z teaspoon tumeric You may just wash, core, and put k & J ri for rarh ««(• thereafter). tomatoes into the blender for instant Wash cucumbers, slice thinly thick juice to serve as a beverage. inch thick) to make 6 cups. Put -s. If you are going to stuff or bake eaix onions and cucumbers into a briQe tomatoes, choose the thin-walled ones •Ol'SD ROOK 8V MM IT made of Z quarts of water, salt, 1 M they will not collapse easily. Watch urn? Fire Co. Temple 13eth-EI .Summit Elks teaspoon Tabasco. -Let stand 3 or 4 Amwel Here are two tomato recipes for r- * T«?u SI reel it) Jlajjle Street (Coin, of hours. Drain cucumbers; rinse two you to try: . •' Mondays 7:30 p.m. (Above, Roys or three times with cold water; let 1VOHTH |»I,AI\KIKM1 HiirnlKon IJIvd.) Hobliy Shop) Ilnltan-Amerlcan Club Wed. 7:30 p.m. Tue*. 7:30 p.m. stand in fresh water 5 minutes. TOMATO Thurs. 9:30 a.m. <03 Somerset Street, • NlimLKSRX- Combine remaining 1 teaspoon Fine (rear entrance)* V VHREXBHOOK 2 pounds tomatoes Thur-K. 9:30 a.m. YMCA Haritan Valley Tabasco, vinegar, 1 cup water, sug- and 7:30 p.m. HoBpltal Cafeteria 2 pounds apples PISCATAWAY Xorth Bridge St. ars, and spices in kettle; stir and 4 medium onions !i ' » Wed. 7:30 p.m. Wed. 7:30 p.m. bring to a boil. Drain cucumbers BaptiHt (fOt'TH PLAI7IPIBLU 2 cups cider vinegar < Friendship Hnli HIIXHBOHO and onions; add to boiling syrup; New MaHcet Road 1000 Pnrk Avenue Decanto'H £ teaspoons salt -"Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Tuea, 12:30 p.m. bring to a boil again and simmer •!»• 2% cups sugar •-

•W 'f -I and our Relish Tray and r. *•r" choice of parfdits and beverage, t •f '*

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to frustrate differing political area. Deer are quite abundant and •example, HEEicane Hcide should be .?• THE WESTFIELD LEADER At Smith opinion faithfully coincides with the •the i)ixd life is -typical of a northern ntollowed by HIMicane Jjouie." Yeah, classical descripton of tyranny. marsh. Great blue (heron, egrets see what you mean. This is not a new, leftist dea. It and green heron all take up summer AfftUATE comes to us from the very best of •residence find in the Jail ospries have If the Post Office is in the red CAHOY [why are they coming out every week NATIONAL NfWSf ASSOCIATION Greek philosophy. ibeen seen in the area. 'Hie Union County Park Commission has a gem or so with a new stamp? When I hope And pray ttat the mem- Grandma Snazy purchased an eight d*s« poAt&gre paid at *WfrRtf eld, M. X _ bers of this community will^never of a park but they do not seem to Published TfaUTH'iajB at Westfleld, Now Jersey, by the west- ygain face the insult of this past recognize it. They aeem to be more cent stamp, the clerk handed her Leader PrlGUas* dQd Publishing Company. An Independent week-end. This has been an at* interested in taking out the trees the new EmDy Dickinson issue, Paper for the Town of WertflcM and Borough of and building a dam to raise .the which is quite a portrait. After Jook- front to «very intelligent jnenAer ing it over, she said, sweetly, *'At Subscript Ion: |C.0» per year In advance. of this community of whatever poe- water level. Tbe degrees they are Established 1890 using are spreading oil all over the what window dp I pick up the Office: 66 film Street, WeBtfield, N. J. 07098 tical persuasion. T«L 282-<«07 — H To feel tfeat the Owes, aligns vater as weti ai ripping up ail the frame?" Member * * * Quality Weeklies of N*v herself with my political party who plant life. That reminded CLareace, our of- New Jersey Press uses her facilities is U fati back National Editorial This sort of thipf hanpena almost fice boy, of the story of the woman Publisher into the crust igearance af day* that yearly but this year tha bulldozers SAIL W. THIMBLE who suffered from extreme dryness Editor fopUmately lit buried m the ptet. faave created £ tiwnendo* eyesore. of tbe tongue. After a Jong series .of To. feel that the Csardt in this com- The beavy rains ti the last few days tests, (just like (Medical Center, munity of wealth, sophistication and bave washed a great deal of top Charlie) they came up with their intelligence can influence any pres- soil int# tbe water and created an sure on the free vote of the mem- dtegnosis and suggested treatment. THURSDAY, SEPTM1K* 23, If71 even t»«er *edtf«g problem. I Stripped of all medical terms and ber* of the community U to assign would sugfeat that tbe Park Com- to the Church an influence that is translated into every day language, mission leave Lenape alow and the treatment was, "lick amaUer Fifteen Good Dttds OUft. Vrewrve ft as a aaturai Rood plain etamps.V «ad aave if* ta^tyw «ome "money UV IMMTHeWi m i•*>•«" of trying to create another LAUNoaofttvr cturm In One Phone Coll vill Beta* Uk« t "You'd think my son would notice lar «fcj> «aai af bow I get his clotbes eo hippie look- It's not often that restteefe of Weatfttld, in lest than nrhat Cokxnan PI. ing, but he won't notice." miaute'i phone converwUott, CM five « tifeUae to 15 ^WOPWTW^^^ their eeettkai aenuaaiaa aCaV we different agencies serving thnwisjids of neighbors and, COMcioutly wort toward the end Mi«Ukin Identity k of the bigotry that has marred the x No Studded Tires quite proteWy, their own ho—who Ms as well. BBBBBBT flfAajejah B^M faata\W n^av editor, Within (he next few weeks, however, every resident figures through the assistance -of Wage thai eanMHiaity aJarayi time I lm«a aaaken out in the members of the staff of the Before Nov. 15 of our community will have this opportunity to share ttd LETTERS TO THE Ikja peat aeveral years, I Union County Planning Board who Editor/Leader; • have recefeod mm taereaft*r anony- gain through the efforts of the United Fund. EDITOR happened to be residents of West- ifr. Nixon's selective waft Am U» irwtli md wemm aatifcaHtfe kttara from some Director Ray J* Marini today an- While the United Fund coukl not be successful with- fieid «nd members of the com* ia notiung short • of aJafut UK couragMOi mmtm af our com- nounced studded tira will be permit- out the contribuUoni given doling the current major and enittee. I might also say that we the poorest segment of tae muaity. ted on (New Jersey rosds tmfy from «ere assisted in these surveys by the wage earner, ie efrviev timm whe cm tnh> be proud of Nov. 15 to Apr. 1. .. -.' I- Last weak, an attorney apoke at advanced fifU division, end the donations of our business- many members of the community leiialatlon. their democratic heritage. Previously, tnotorlflU could use men, the success of the United Pund campaign rests pri- ia doing the necessary detail Mark the Westfieid Board of Education Weatfiekd adminUtraton, who . RAYMOND D. nwftinf afaiaat the enactment of a studded tire* from Oct. 16 to Apr. marily with the people H servei the most — the "every- af collecting'the required data, make considetably mom theal lte> (15. The reduced use period recitfta Men wflbe code of iuiMa1ii|i, Several news- day people" whose kids have or are learning through Y, tbe major phases of the reports Otters,, get their raiaei, but INet- Our of Uupim Cburcft from studies indicating that these Letters MM* field teachers have papers to the area Jdaatifletf him as !-• ficevta or Community Center, those who look forward to of this committee, consisted of a "» uaideatiAed attoraey from the tires cause excessive road wear •; - review of the South Ave:. raiart frozen. In damage. the visit of the district nurse or the Homemaker, the way this is going to ate»iaflaile»? For IAOUJ." As a raw* of Ms I re- All Circle, the traffic situation at ceived another siwnjiitous anti- It is estimated that studded tires perenU of a retarded and specialty-loved child, the mother ft* to tain and Broad St.. refinement* In It tnuat take a kind of moral fetta* increase the annual cost of stats nets te cause such a atowttn;" flsmMe-lattar..'....-:;; "..; Of a aotdier in Vietnam, and others with problems and tie proposed municipal parfdsg the posriWHty highway repairs by ©,364,418- In eat? are «» think that inflation That letter ahould have been ad- area at jContral find.Lenox, ai Will Board V Education dressed to Joel Kobert, Esq., 220 fact, their use doubles the cost of a* a myriad of other recommeaiB- much by those who con*oraW» U yearly highway repairs. , Who kftowi when one of us might need the skills and high amlarfes as by those vie make Lena* Ave., Weetfleld; New Jersey. tioia for improving the efficiency I I believe thai if people wish to send "Over a ten-year period, ait addi- of one of the 15 social service agencies supported of nrioua parking' lets and traflc low OBM, to say noHitng of tfcoae tional 122 million would be needed flour in the central boafcteaa district who a»ve hfgh incomes wUaout viscous and ecurrttous material by the WeBtfieM United Fund? through the mail without identifying to properly maintain our state high- and iiftttWftdfng area*. even working for them. way system," Marlnl explained. Tbe need h great — the time for action short — and JOHN HUBLEY, Board of Education had no rig* io taomselveff, the very least they could of no better investment than a share in West- Special Ekctfcm Some af tie recomrntndatltts President ' plating sw* MttricUnw. af tonnps r do out of a sense of Christian de- Ifee estimate does' not include nave already been put iato effect. WOM to ttnd«rf» tho twuorsNp as cency would be torsen d it to the county or municipal streets which future — the United Fund way! Weitfield rodtrattoa of (MT booH now has it, then we might tomprise 90% of New Jersey road- Editor, Leader;. apedficaflpr the meter fees la the • Teacher* right person. * \ I note that the Democratic can* Spring Street lot have been re- as >«eU j«t pnMish another achool- [ HICHAftD I. SAMUEL ways. ' . cun\- paper such as the Hi's Eye. • * * * - * • —•* i date* Ior Otata Senate are cootfaafng duced at well as the implementa- 536 Lenox Ave. Investigation further shows that to pursue their detnaad lor a special tion of monthly parking at a re- Needs Equipment Hieboard has been able to get away studded tires can noticeably wear ' w EGCO I • - with' too much and what we need painted traffic markings on high* I •lection to fill uooajirtd tenra in duced te* In this lot. The purpose • 4 encourage an enrhuakitic ratpoaaa to ECCO I — Union County deapito the faet that of these, recommendations was to Editor, Leader; ,.- *. are. more people to support and take ways, causing hazardous driving con- the Superior Court and the State increase the use of this lot. We fipsulding for Children, an adep- actions such as this against the dition*. In addition, replacement of • inject whkh is being orpBiwxi by the WertfieW iaycece. Supreme Court have, ruled against are please*} to note that this effect tlon service dedicated to pdariag board. TAKE worn markings can add considerablj BCCOI Unot a coeaplete antwtr toi our eavtrooraental them. Surety, they have turned their is being accomplished. A recom- New Jersey's unwanted children lo NORMA ACtANPORA '72 to the cost of highway maintenance, backs oa tte taxpayers of the county mendation was made to increase pennane&t, loving adoptive hornet, 914 Candsdown* Ave. Fl VE "The shortened period eliminate! or even ear but Us a beginning : „ the undentandiog of what ecology (or enviroometrtal by pursuiatf their petition to (he the number of daily parking places recently began operation. , ___^_ 25 percent of the tme studded tirei US, Supreme Court. in the station parking lot and to re- Through the generosity of t h e ••'§mmvm |.nflnp Alnmo ntED m Xayaa of a spe- space is donated Foundatioas have f ^ writing in reference to Le- , college, cial election wouW be fB9,744. Even have been added and an ordinance given us seed money and private nape Park. For those of you who are thai studded tires offer definite safe- *sreet in scology in the hearts and rated* of Wettfielders is about to be introduced ordering There's a stillness in the air; ty advantages. They provide better if the same number of people who donors have contributed both time not familiar with.this park it is Ma, bring out our IWelk records* make a better tomorrow and they have set aside the voted in the Juae Primary would additional -meters tPsthat thov wc- to enable fifjutdlng to fe^cd at the end of Broad Street, rr It !• T >. V«t*:of Oct 16-23 to do it. vote in such- a; af eoail eiedjjy,' tftB chUdren and (amiiks. just diam the faUl from the CAevron 1 : > la a unique v«i*utfr, the St. -carper vote to the taape^ri Would 'ttrittee sssBBBsTiiccompuBhed; Chang We -nave'iieed for the, vanou*-p*».r .^detioa. - TWs Park has been ' ••••••'•• -•>'•• -*- i w in—imiiMii i rn-Timn TiiffnryiYr ces of office -equipment-waatep*. (^Ud/or many yaars and It now be $12.37. History teUi us that such es in meter times at other lots are the Jady next door wti$ goes a;H" '^We ar^ continuing our researc!'_h. • i aftd a portion of Efan St. from Nortt;Aw; to East Broad - ** i Especial election ilmpl^ (Would not also being put into effect. peribaske&1 'Wand °£^»J«J. «M« <* ewo Jakes, both quite out for'woman's lib, insists that men' to better evaluate the use of studded will be^closed to all but pedeotrlw traffic from 9 a.m. attract very much public attention desks/chairs, cabinets, tables, type- Ttmn^yi rh»e are many should share equal billing in the tires on New Jersey roadways, » i pirn, on Saturday, Oct. 16. A number of ecological dis- or voter interest and that the cost The Union County Planning writer, dictophones, etc. ... • • •' " Board is reviewing proposed chang- in aad through ths names of hurrcanes. She says, "For Marini said. wUi be available to viewer*, and on the tame day, of such an election would be inordi- Any assistance you will give IU nately high. es for the Mountain Avenue-Broad will be gratefully appreciated. meaaurenenU will be made of sir and water in Street traffic flow situation, and MRS. K. LILLIAN KAWVT- Additional projects are expected to be In defense of their position, Mr. although progress has been admit- , Executive Director Popper, campaign oordkiator for the tedly slow since the adoption of 321 Elm St. four Democrat candidates, suggested the Master, Plan, it would seem ISSftutt Wednesday, Oct. 20, an open forum will be held that the election could be held for somewhat unfair to blame this on at II pjn. In the Weetfleld High School audttorium on the about 75 cents per vote. In order tbe present administration. Appro- Priest's Viewpoint

h ^' "~ of tolid waste disposal. Exported to attend are for this to be true, however, nearly vals are required from both the F :?iNB*neenUtives of government, industry and community. 320,000 votes would have to be cast, county and the state in this area Editor, Leader; whiten represents over •O.ajO wore and to the credit of this adminis- I am trying to write this tetter will center on the Diako Report, a county gov- •votem than are registered in the tration through the use of the Park- from a very objective and non-poli- |wiine«t-sponiored study of solid waate disposal and a county. ing and Traffic Committee, it would tical point of view. I am also writ- f*g*ott*l solution to U. Let's face it. The Democrat Sen- appear that a motivating force has ing this 'letter from the point of been implemented to- accomplish view of one who baa little to say • Culminating the weeklong observance of ECCO I will ate candidates, all lawyers, have this mission. about the peHcy making decesJoms a curteWe pickup, beginning at > a.m., of all metal placed their desire to win a legal 4 of Our Lady of Lourdes- Parish, al- points ahead of any regard they have The South Avenue Traffic Circle though I ssn free to agree or to ^ejsg'aJumlnum containers. Judging from the number of for the taxpayers who must foot the iZt.ii is also involved in required approv- disagree wtl tfcem. '"'•' calls we have received on recycling, thto sheald bill. With two competent State Sen- als at the state and county level. I want ItvaoKre&s myself to the proire highly successful. (We only wish that the same effort ators and six Assemblymen repre- Without belaboring all of the de- senting us in the [Legislature at the happenings of this past weekend. pcould be made for glass and paper.) tails, i^ should be noted that tne The Independent Democrats of time their suit was filed,'!, for one, County Planning Board is refining f|p; Residents of Westfieid have shown a great interest in do not feel under-represented in a sew plan which we hope win meet Mountains**. ******* tor the us* • iocqlogy and recycling. We hope this interest will extend to •Trenton. the needs of the area and also be of the Parish Auditorium for the full cooperation with the Jaycees' ECCO I. PAUL KAISER accepted by the state. The latter benefit of their campaign because has been a most difficult situation. inclement weather threatened their 176 Leo Place * Union original plans. Tftere are severat otner Hems on This request was not unusual. *nie Could You Escape? which I coukl comment, and would facilities of Our Lady of boards* Forking, Traffic be delighted to do so in a meeting have ordinarily, been available Isr Without taking time to think H over, could you mine with *fr. (Perry. To my knowledge, the use of the community. A several ess no member of this committee has acre tract of lafld has been leased fcg,:•:-, tlo wiys out of each room in your house, especially bed- been approached by Mr. Perry as to the communitjr for the use of tbe ANNUAL RATE Editor, Leader; to its progress. We would be delight- (Recreation Commission, The prop* The recent press comments of ed to furnish him with information erty of Our L-aoV of Lourdss, taMei, MOM DEPOSIT | If not, follow the advice of Fire Chief Ruerup' and Mr. John K, Perry, Democrat can- =1' * * on request. Much of the above has chairs, various Hems that have been GUARANTEED atari pre-plainnlng for emergency escape in case of fire. didate for the 4th Ward of West- been in the public press, and I useful at dances, fashion star*1, Begin by working out an alternate exit from every room, field concerning the efforts of the might mention that in an editorial etc.. have ahvajs been available to MINIMUM such as a window leading onto a porch roof or located Town's Parking and Traffic Com- on July 15, 1971, the Westfieid Lea- the community simpiy for the ask- •directly above shrubbery which would break a fall. mittee deserve comment. der made considerable comment on ing. The Parish Auditorium has ';<. By way of Introduction, I served the progress of this committee. been used by tbe Recreation Com- ?. Figures from the National Fire Protection Association as chairman of (he Planning Board mission for sununer programs. The •how that most dwelling fires break out at night, the Chief that developed the WestfieJd Master Although I have been involved in Fire Department has used tbe park- points out. For this reason it's essential to hold back fire Plain of 1965, referred to by Mr. community work for many years ing lot for'drills and for various Perry. Presently, 'J am a member and have been long initiated in tho ceremonies on * regular boils. Part py sleeping with bedroom doors closed, to pre-arrange a realm of the political arena, it is ft: \ of the Parking and Traffic Com- of the 7fj(h Anniversary celebration . 11 signal which will arouse and alert the household, and to mittee. Therefore, '1 foel that I am no little distressing to once more was held on the property of Our •Save a well-rehearsed escape plan. in a position to bring Mr. Perry up find thai a candidate for office ILady of Loufdes, which property in- maibes unfounded comments with- "Teach everyone to test for heat outside his bedroom to date on the progress ot this com- cluded tho use of the buildings. In mittee. out taking the time to research tiio other words, we, at Our Lady of *y feeling the upper part of his closed door," says the The Parking and Traffic Commit- facts. I do not believe that I have Lourdes, have tried to look on the ANNUAL RATI ANNUAL RATE Chief. "If the door seems hot, keep it closed, sound the ever worked with a more dedicated facilities of this parish plant as part tee, under iho direction of former group of professional people on a •ROM DAY OP DffOfIT PROM DAY OF DEPOSIT "i Mayor Rpbieft C, Mulreony, nv;t of the community as king as the use alert, and immediately use a pre-planned alternate exit." committee. These people have mot OUAHANTMD 1 YR, GUARANTED 6 MOS. Arrange for help in escaping for young children and virtually weekty from Us inception of these facilities did not Interfere in late January until mid-June. It as frequently as any group in town with tho parish apostotate or with $9,000 MINIMUM $2,000 MINIMUM aged or infirm persons. Decide on an outside meeting place has also mel, this month. Two ma- —almost as frequently as ihe Mayor the schedule of i*ruth worship. where everyone will go for a "head count." Plan to call and Council ami the School Board. jor reports on t|w progress and rec- They have made the information •My personal /«eling Is one of deep the fire department from an alarm box or a neighbor's ommendations of this 'committee available in accordance with their resa upon every- AprH 17 ntid'iMa? W, lim. In addi- Tfi© conclusion^ are worthy of ser- '-; ious thought and should not ho which would support their cam one, especially the children, the need to strictly obey the tion, -we have been most fortunate subjected lo such comments as "if puif>'n. The classical descilptton of rule "Once Out, Stay Outt" No toy or treasure and not even in receiving publicity on these re- the members of the task force are democracy, tho very principle on FIRST FEDERAL ports through tlie' Westfieid Leader tho family pet is worth risking a human Jito in its rescue. unable to make decisions on a mut- which this country is foutkbd, al- as well as other newspapers, Thc;te ter so vital to our Town, the Mayor lows nml encourages the expression reports contained 19 specific rec- and Council must. esLabllsh some of differing opinion and differing SAVINGS CANOVA, S.D., HERALD: "The U.S. Department of ommendations to improve the park- oilier method of reaching a divi- point of view, which best represents WESTFIELD • MOUNTAINSIDE ing and traffic In 'the Town of the Kencrnl view* of various cotv State In Washington, D.C., has a telephone directory, and " sion." These comment* of Mr, per- :# ry are uncalled for and indicnU? n slitiiunoy. The Church, especially In tie BRIDGE • GRANT CITY - CLARK If you look through It you will discover that some lucky As pxirt of these reports, we also desire on his part to dcprcciulc (lie litfht of tiifl Decree of Vutlcon H, fellow has n ftof* job, and a terrific title ... he Is the furnished the Mayor and members community for persona! political Mi men (ientUim, «ees horaetf as try- MENLO PARK SHOPPING MALL •Associate Assistant Administrator In the Office of Assistant of Hie Council tho results of a most gain. ing to provide a forum from whteh 1 extensive parking survey that was the good of the community can be CURK OfMf - OFIN THURIDAY IVININOt - CLOSID FRIDAY EVES. Administration for Administration. N#w; how's that lor accomplished during this poridd JOHN A. »W determined by (:ho voting public. an Important sounding Job?" complete with extrapolation of tho 632 Highland Ave. 1 might also point out that tho of- fm 9 1 become Acute Who die eafcfe year, 0* stafc people. .(Higher iacm>e Canailles are 3. For upper floor escape, a win- 4. Pick an ouuade assembly paid} the total state and toca! tax revenue use their wrung powers to inheritance and estate t*u«s amount- able to save part of their money, or dow may be your only alternate where the family will meet for "roll ; Operation Edith' is collected by the state), New Jer- limit the number of (familiei s with ing to 5c of every tax dollar. One use il to buy intangibles like a col- route. Be sure exit windows work call,'7 and be sure everyone under- sey turns this situation upside down. children to be educated. Even such penny of the state's tax dollar comes lege education or a vacation trip, easily, and are low and large stands that the bouM roust not be The state's bias toward home ruk facilities as parks and hospitals,from nonresident—commuters from which are not taxed. Low incoms Fire Drill enough to get through. Use anyre-entered for any purpose. oames out clearly in (the fact that since they are tax-exempt, are un-other states who work in New Jersey, families spend virtually all their avxailable porch and garage roofs 5. Know how to call the fire de- of all state and local tax revenues welcome in many communities. The remaining 19c is paid by busi- income on living expenses.) Although Have you started to plan Cor as ways down, to safety. If needed, collected here, only about 40% is nesses. many of the "necessities of life" your family's participation, in Op-install an escape ladder. Locate partment, by street box or tele- (Most serious, perhaps, is the eration EDITH? collected by the state. Tbe rest comes It's clear from the breakdown are exempt from the sales tax with children in bedrooms wth easy roof- phone, and do this as quickly as of the cities. By their vary nature, This is the question Fire Chief £r«m local taxes—57 7o from the above that most of New Jersey's the aim of making it less regressive, top the house is clear of people. cities have to fund more services Ruerup urges each -householder to property tax. These are spent at the taxes are directed to particular seg- it is stili true that if the rates were Tax He form: than suburban and rural communi- consider right now in advance of municipal and county level. ments of the population, be they hiked again to raise the state's tax t ties. (Before the post-war mushroom- Operation EDITH which will be The total tax burden on 'New Jer- gamblers, commuters, of income to a truly adequate level, the Year of Deeigion Ing of the subuit>s, virtually all tbe Wednesday evening, Oct. 6. sey residents k relatively tow—a industrial tax ratafoles were located Even when tbe segment is large burden would be greatest on the By the Umgmt «f W«MM V«4e» recent study by the Advisory Com- in the cities, so that they were able Gear owners, lor example), the taxvery citizen's least able to a/ford it. Operation EDITH is the life-saving Is there a tax that shares the ad-project designed to encourage each fe tt» fir* «f a Mtict «f mission on intergovernmental Rela- to pay for these services without Is levied on a specialized commodity, tions ranked our state 44th out oftoo much trouble. But as both indus- and there is a limit to the amount vantages of the sales tax without tiie family to think about to carefully disadvantages? The outstanding can- plan, and to practice exactly what taW BM4 lW UK 50 in taxes and charges in relation tries and middle elass families began o£ revenue that it can be expected to personal income. Ifeis means that to move to the suburbs, the tax base to produce. didate is the income tax. Broad they would do if fire should occur malarial set forth hrfefat based like the sales tax, it can bein their home. rrmK «f League •*•** M the state government's share of of the cities declined, while demands revenues cannot stretch to cover For many years before the sales designed to be either Here are some pointers from Fire mm « llat ami firtax re - lor services actually increased. Tax tax was inaugurated, New Jersey's tfyoudoritwonr nrmay of the services that are pro-rates on the remaining ratable^ fr## pepov of ve* property tax rates substantially each to foe little doubt that if theat the state level, while the prop- —turn their attention to New Jersey's Taxes - evepyfcody's teliring ed doors hold back flame and of tyety ma\of working port* for 30 doys Of year. This cauaes great hardship, erty tax, virtually the sole income tax needs, the feeling is growing tfcem. WiU tin* be the year when deterioration of the cities ie ever to allowing extra time for 1000 •*•«, Whichever comet first. particularly to rtdarty people and of local governments, has risen stead- that an income tax is a necessary something finally get* done? N#w be Mapped, so they once again can othars on fixad income*, cince the become decent places to live, ily to become one of the highest part of a balanced and equitable KB% guarantee. Jcney homaowaera, .reeling under property tax bears little relation tofairer way of raking revenue in the nation. What are some ways state tax structure. the turden of ever-rising property the taxpayer's ability to pay. Alhav- e to be found: '' of closing the ever increasing "rev- taxes, may benefit from {mature* though citii»M of a vomtnunity have enue gap" and reducing the unfair- c*«*«d to be suuastad in the A meaningful proposal for tax re- no opportunity to vote on their mu- form is New Jersey will have to ness of the present fortfaooming report ef Governor Ca- nidpa] budget, ay many cases they Mountainside Library ItUTa «UU Tut Policy CoiwnitUe. take many factors into account. In Nobody likes to p*y taxes, but WE HAVE do vote on their athoo) budget, also addition to distributing the tax bur-when revenues are used to benefit Open Saturday* tbe Mue* ribbon eHistna' group, funded by the property tax. One which h«« epeot over A year lUidy- iMfteittoa of the growing "taxpay- den more fairly, it should encourage the state as a whole, It seems rea- MouiUluMe Mrs. Johanna Man/ Used VOLKSWAGENS ing the preaent tax picture in New ers' revolt" i» the tocrtMfac in-cooperation, not competition, among sonable that each person In the state Chen, director of the Mountainside Jersey and oonaklering alternative rjiaarjr with which New Jersey munidpatities; allow for proper de- should pay his share. A tax that ap- Free Public Library, has announced - IN STOCK- pwpoaaJ* f«r the tax reform, U school budfeU ere defeated, velopment, With good land use toplies to a very large proportion of that the library will resume Satur- IMIM to come up wttti Hi re> meet human needs; end provide an the population is called a broad day hours. ommeudatioM some time toil win- Worn * to* rawte point of view, adequate level of service* for all thebased tax, and economists believe it The library hours will be 9 a FROM 1964 TO 1971 ter. New Jersey's topsy-turvy tax struc- citisens of the afete. the most desirable kind. Broad 5 p.m., Monday through Saurday * • ^ - ture he* had a profound effect on the based taxes have other advantages and 7 pm.-9 p.m., Monday through N.J.'s TAX DOLLAR: ALL COLORS AND MODELS It* finding* on New Jeney'i tax dtvetopment «C tbe state. Local gov- teikfat fairness. Since they reach Thursday. ^ - equation, though they wont be tmm ernmeiiti, cemprttof for desirable HOW IS IT RAISED? many people, their ratei c*n be set Mountainside residents are invited to local residents, may com aa aindustrial *1rattfto»" that pay high Come) on in and so* our soioction. taxes while mjuiring a relatively towA ienr yean ago (here was a Newto bring In an ample supply of rev- to use the Library's Xerox machine eupriae to visitors trom other Jersey saying that went something enue without creating too haavy a at 10 cents a copy. Ifcey also ere aiatea. For, aKhough in mast states level of servkes, have encouraged burden on anyone. invited to use the library meeting more tax money U collected by tbethe Und-uas pattern known as like this; "You don't have to pay ''suburban sprawl.1' Housing short- state taxes unless you gamble, drink, Hie two major bated taxes are room which is available for public SELECTION of DOMESTIC atate government than toy localities smoke, or drive a car—until youthe sales sax and the personal in- gatherings of a cultural, educational die/' That was before the lales tax come tax. Every state but Newor general civic character by a min- at GREAT $AVING$ CARS was instituted in ISM. But today Hampshire now imposes one oumuf m of 15 person* and A maxi- things are not as different as youthem, and most have both. New mum of SO persons. Bequests for 4 COLLEGE BOARD REVIEW might think. Let's take a look at howJersey introduced a Z% sales tax reserving the room may be made See me for nAiNMlD'S ONLY AUTHOUZID VOIKSWAOEN CfNTM PRE»A*E FOR NOV.-DEC-JAN..1AX BOARD'S New Jersey raises money, and seein 1966 and raised it to 6% last year. at the library* your State Farm JUNIORS AND SENIORS how it compares with the experts' Tbe increase in the budget made ideas of what a tax system should possible by sales tax revenues has money tree... • HILD AT UNION COUNTY be. enabled the state to increase its •n up*toH$«te life Insurance policy UNION TKWUCAl INSTITUTE Of every tax dollar collected by aid to local governments, and hence from Stste Fang Life, Low cost •v 1011 U. S. Hwy. No. 22, behind Echo lan«i, the New Jersey state government to keep local property taxes from protection, fromtlie company with VOLKSWAGEN, Inc. soaring even higher. a long reputation for value. See MountoIntiaCi N* J# * OUtfft People for College Boarda gamble via the new state tottery ing that it takes the largest per- a5ute Farm Life Insuranct account for 2c. And from residents centage o* income from ffoOft: Blooming**, IWMs

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- ' i GOODFRIEND'S HARDWARE WESTFIELD LIQUORS * Closed Tues. evening at Sundown/ 121 Quimby St. open Wed. at Sundown 211 Easr Broad St. tip LEGAL NOTICES UOAL NOTlCiS 4 Caneer Crusade MOM'V KNOWN AH THE M\J- TAHV 4OI»J0 OK 'J'HK TOUX OK nivo in. hereby fiiven, Th:it iho Goal Surpassed uf inu*ri»iMli:it& jio^ouni of the sulsrfi Ut\\ Suburban Trust C.Vni- KD hy the noarri - ; <-r Ui-iiiiu i.r i Town uf Wt-stTu'lrl Many, Su]>stiiuif*il TruRl*»v under tho Tb« residents of Westfield have ; ii thi' f'cuni: of rninn, IM*% Will niul TYMiiment of MATH- | Xrw Jrrm-y. acini*; under tin- pmvpr AX H. VVKMv KKSNAM, JR., (lercnmul, this year's Cancer Ou- In ml iiutliority conlYnfi upon It by will 1M atttiite Snnitnry ('unniy Oourt—ProliiHe Division, on Cawtfy Crusade chairman for the i(Jt' uf (he Tnu'ii of "Wf'pllifrWl hf Krirtoy, Xnvernlu'r Tilh rn^xt at I*:ItO APM1ANCCS AUTO PtAUM # MOVWO g STOtAOt rtmr+caa C*p«er Society. Fried ncmlefl as fclUiws: A,JL, provailiJii; time, WHO*. MKi.vriox l. That Article J. Sec- Dated St]>icmber 27, is*71. - . * Mtmtnended Patrick D. Mixiogue of nmi'iuiod tu Suburban Trut*t Oompnny fallowss: Substitute TruMt-e AUSTHff First St., Crusade chairman for Heard ami Medal], Attorneys NORRIS CHEVROlfr MAtTtKl MK vnam nm co, HENRY P. TOWNSEND . This is the third consecu- of violatinAny poisog anny whstM-tioo shaln l bepruilty fit; Kim Stnnt of t liinlt i<^'th - **hall Intl- ^ubji'tl lto a Wrstf^kl, x. J, 070*1 tive year he has led the Crusade penally of nol UKS than $S.fl0 and H Fee* 14,80 STO«AOI not more than f00[».0« for wich vio- gone over the goal figure. lation thereof Ui>on i^"mylrtion Uiere- KOTICR ft>r in the Municipal Court of the Take notice thai Harry SturcKe. STYUST MOVINO dfbwgue thanked all residents far Town of WeutJield, uliiiK* aw Ki-lio banos, has applied OlfOti 24t Art. W. continued support in fighting _ TION 2. That Article 3. SPIV to tlu- Mayor and Council of the Coal HEATING OILS Coke tioii 2. l>e deleted in Us entirety. UormtK'h uf Mountainside for tranB* « iirtw U l«m Ml t. "I would also like to con- SECTION 3. All ordinance* or nurU fer of Hie j^li*nary UettiU Consurrtp* Authorised atulate district captains ami theof ordinances Im-Dnc«l^tent with this lion 1/icensie heretofore i«»ed to SALES fc SERVICE orrllnniu-H are liereUy ropi»ulf*d to fielio l«tiiie«, Inc-. for pr^mlsps eltu- Mock workers for their fine att-tl flt Koute 2i Mountalnfilde, N.J, the eslent of such inootisiHteury, t Major and Minor Repairs RMtfta«, OPTICIANS " he said. SKCTIOX 4,, This ordinnnce shall Objections, If any, should be made take thirty <80j days after immediately In writing, to Elmer A. Lur&e Selection of # Ifae money will be applied to the publication. Uotfiirth, Horough Clerk of the Vsod Cara and Trucki the tiorough of Mountainside. N, J- County public education and H-2S-H HAHRY STURCKE IOKRT F. DAY programs and to nation-wide S3 Tree Top Prive Dlel 10i MI HOARD OF HEALTH Springfield* N\ J. si** m#titF * Are. Opldm "Hie Union County Unit PIBUC KOTICK 2t ¥*** $10.0R WOMANN tot able to continue to offer loan Public Notice la hereby Riven that an ordinance of which the following \OTH K Tfl ARBRKT items, transportation to hoc- is ft couy, was iiitroduced, retirt and pnssed on first reading by the Board K\»AK'lil THK HTATS St, •ad Approved clinics and coun- of Health of the Town of Weslfield OF -%KW JKB8EV 143 r ftroad St. WwtffrM ftt n meeting; held September 7. 1971* for «aawr patients and their and that naltl Board of Health will To: MR. TAT13, liusband of Sadi* REIUY further consider the name for final Tate, AbFRKD STOIvEV, MRS. AL- STATION RADIO TV imcue stated. oassage nn the aevenlh day of Oc- PitKD STOKE Y. wife of Alfred Ite Kid, "White it is the objective tober. 1871, at 6:00 o'clock P.M. in tokey, MRS. HAliRV STOKEV. OLDSMOiltf CO. RAYMOND E. WHECLW the Conference Room of the Muni- Wife of Harry Btok^y, MR PER- 1 American Cancer Society to cipal Building;, 426 E. Broad Street, KINK, husband of Afmlra Perrlne ANDAPrtlANCeS CLARK cancer entirely ae ,a dis-WPstfleld, New Jersey, at wttlc-h time and his, her and llieir lie ire. devisees 1 b UNM OPTICIANS and place any person who may he and presonal representatives and »# the immediate goal is to save Interenteci therein will be plven his, l»ert their or any of their BUO SMALL Ami ANCt MPAItS nn oj>i#ortunlty to be hoard concern* ?Stiorp in riKht, title and interest. lives and to diminish suffering Ing such ordinnnce. You are hereby summoned and re- IRONS - TQASIttS- MJXW* quired to serve upon Saul A, WitteB, to the fullest extent pos- 1 JOSEPH X MOTTLEY plaintiff ** attorney, whose n A.M. to 8 P Cancer Society'* programs • * THK LOCATION AMD corporation of New Jersey, la plain* Daily: »;30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Writ* It 4k» American Cancer So- rKt OPKHATIOV or awmwlK fendants, Docket No, F-3JHI0-7O, Wtttf I*W,New Mnif Dlol 233-5512 dtp*?, Union County Unit, 512 West- POOIJ. THK I«HI:A»CK OF PRH pending: In the Superior Court of Ainns' MITtt TO rOCATK AND COW New Jersey* Chancery Division, Ave.. Elisabeth. NTMl'CT, AI.TKH OR OPfCHATK with 35 days after September 110 Ctntral Av«. W«ttfi«ld WiMNIX POOM. A\M I>B aot 1971, exclusive of *uch Uate, If you fail to do so, judgment IIOTCHFORD PONTIAC OfN CONTRA t : TAI\ ttWlMMlSCJ POOM At by default may be rendered (GUeago Seven Lawyer R* AKn FIXING PEN* against you for the relief demanded MINTS FOR VIOI.ATlONft, in the complaint. You shall file your AMD LF •:'' fe>t. mi . To Speak Tomorrow UIS IT ORDAINED HY THE answer and proof oE strvice in du- SKI i» 11 r i BOARD OF HEALTH OP WEST* plicate with the Clerk of the Su- L FIELD, COUNTY OP UNION, STATK perior Court, State Mouse Annex, Sales - •CURTAINS, DtAMMS JAMES RICCARDI Ihe Day Seuion Student Council OF JJRW JEUSKV. Trenton, New Jersey* In accordance • with the rules of civil practice and New and Used Car* Union College will sponsor a lec- . Bcctlon 1. A Code regulating anfl i • PAINT A WAUPAKI coutrfilllng the location and con- procedure. 39S-STBB)" • DMSMN ftfefay William M Kunstler, law- struction, alteration and operation The uction has been instituted for * • jirlerthe Chicago Seven, at B p.m. of swimming pools, the jRsuance of the pursue of foreclosing the rlerht • Service nnd Partt CUITAtNMNC AtTSUWtY . « •. - *• • permits to locate and construct, al- of the defendants therein to redeem Btat* Uo«ni*4 for ia the gymnasium of theter or operate HU'lmrning; pooln, and Qrumbacher -'ArtUU*- Materials declaring and defining certain Kwlm* certain lands told to the plaintiff at AtTKHATIONB A QebUr on the Oranford mintf poolK as nuisances and flxlnff tux sales held on the dates set forth Bru«hes f Oils penaltleH for violatloiiH in hereby below affecting lands In the Town Canvas •»AI?iT AND BODY of Weitfleld, In the County of Union, SHOP ]ff*tob«r Cliambsr ot Ooam«re* adopted, pursuant to Chapter 188, and State of New Jersey, described Power of Dissent" will be iflSO (N.J.8.A. 2fi:3-G8-l to, A 94 North ATIIM OAlf AQB KMTAOIS copy f)f imld Code ie annexed here- on the tax duplicate thereof £LH Kmtter's tonic. His visit is to and made a part hereof without Ulock 168, X*ot 19, 135-27 Sherman Ot Cmtrai Avc W*M««M WMtttM 1,322 Colors, All Finishes Avenue and Block 238, Lot 30, 11G8 T89-18W Financinf Arranved of the Day Session Student inclusion of the text thereof herein. Prospect Street • For Interior & Exterior y 1771-72 iedure eerie*. Section 2. Tlie Maid Oorlc entab- Said tax sales were held on: Oc- First Quality Paint ft Wallpaper Mfihed ftnd adopted by thin Ordinance tober 1, 1962, October 7, 1863, Octo- • AUTO BODY MPAMS At Budsst Price* Is described and commonly known ber 5, 1964, October 2, 1967, Septum- HtDAl MCMATOM ;IB the "Swimming Pool Code or ber 30, 1968 and October 4, 1966. 141 1 •ODYAIT 232-1600 • UOAl NOTICES • New Jenwy UMO)/ You and each ot your are made Section 3. Three copies of tlie said defendants In the above entitled COUISrOH MOP Curtains — Xlnens — "Swimmlnic Pool Code of New Jersey action because you have, or may 333 W. Brood St. Wistflttf _ JfffTICR TO CREDITORS (1970) have been placed on file In claim to have, some rlffht, title, Custom Made HIATINO »,.-Sfltat• e of WALTON R. DUNN, de- the office of the Health Officer of lien, or other Interest affecting th£ the Board of Health upon tho in- real estate, being: foreclosed by •. - Slip Covers A Draperlei umt to tho order or MARY troduction of thlfi Ordinance and will virtue of ownership, inheritance, 132-WS3 CONTRAaORS SERVICE STATIONS It Surrogate of the County remain on file In pftld office for the descent, Intestacy, nevlse, legacy, Jntoti, made on the 17th day ofuee and examination of the public. dower, etirtesy, mortgage, deed of Elm A a«lM»r *tm, W»stB*U it* A, J>.t M7S, upon the applica- Section. 4, No person shall locate conveyance, entry of Judgment or i of tne underpinned, as Executrix and construct, alter or operate a other legal or lawful right, the na- rmuviPH PORTLAND HEATING & EUCLID til* tfltftte of said deceased, notice swimming1 pool until permit* there- ture of which and the reason that JMTfiby given to the creditors of for Bhall have been iBaued by this you and each of you are joined a* DiUCATESSENS dqtoojied to exhibit to the sub- Board of Health. defendants 1ft set forth with par- severs AIR CONDITIONING Ittof under oath or affirmation Section 5. The following fee** and ticularity In the complaint, a copy ''!•-• >ir claims and demands against charges arc herewith established: of which will be ^furniehed you on Mt*t« of naid deceaned within (a) For the Issuance of a permit request addressed to the attorney Hom« t _,_ too n til ft from the date of said to locate and construct a awimmlnfr for the plaintiff at the above ad* AUTO BODY CO, • Conmtrfllal SERVICE •*.n«r • . wf they will fee forever barred pool Fifty dollars. dress. • Cutom m* pfrQMCUtlnir or recovering the (b) For the Issuance of a per- Dated: September 23, 1971. I INCOLN MERCURY SandwtchM For Arthur Wlttks, Prop. •«««'Aftalnat the nubHcriber. mit to alter a swimming pool Ten V • We *9 all •mr 1B , U1 - - Dorothy Finken Dunn MORTIMER G. NEWMAN, JR. OkA stsJUttoiis • Whfttl All»nm«nt •V dollars. Clerk of the Superior Court CA AM Oh Ord«r Executrix (c) For the Issuance or renewal $-23-2t Fees 137.14 IhHt Mats] • Whetl Balanolnv • > •^5- i••.» • Executri of a permit to operate a fuvlmmtng: I. 1^ WHTPtt-O » • Motor Tuns-ops l|#oUr. PemeUy, Butler & pool Fifteen dollars. piok 232-0925 •'• ikLJESlf' Attorneys. Section 6, Perpilts iHRUert for the SHERIFF'S BAKE — Superior Court r Arraff»d l-" • Inspection Work •.''••*•, L' I ; * * ^tfsSaiw N. operation x>£ » swimming- pool nhaH of N*w' Jeriey, Chancery Division, Brake Service ™.Road Servlos Fee J6.42 expire annually on April thirtieth of Union County, Docket No, F-188G-10, WESTFIELD each *yea*r * Juiil application for re- FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Robert ttttat Piok-up & Delivery newal thereof shall be submitted ASSOCIATION, a corporation or- CeH231-M«7 992-3325 TO OR EDITOR ft together with the required fee prior *aniled under an Act of Congress • * - - . AMERICAN Coll 232-4744 of LEO A, HALLIWELL, to May first of each year. and existing pursuant to the Federal • Deluatrtien 1971 tottentfAv* Scotch Pfolm Section 7, Permits required by this National Mortgage Association 320 lnd«or Av#, W«ttffl«l 459 North Ave. E. WestfieU TMuintto the order of MARY C. Ordinance or Code may he dented or Charter Act, Plaintiff, VB- BETTY MOTORS "Wh*ri Qualltr [ANE, Surrouate of the County suspended by thin Board of Health JEAN WALKER, et al.. Defendants. 1MI And BtrTlo* Pours lion, made on the 10th day offor failure to comply with this Or- Civil Action Writ of Execution — • armltm A+D,, l»71r upon the application dinance or Code. For Sale of Mortgaged Premises, INSURANCE • tmdtraigned, as Executrix of Thlfl Board of Hpnlth Rhall afford By virtue of the above-stated writ 113 Qulmby St. WoatfMd te of Ha Id deceased, notice Is of execution to me directed I shall WESTFIEI • Boraat MOUNTAINSIDE tven to the creditors of nald the perfion whose permit to locate • Matador - to exhibit to the bubecrlbor and construct, alter or operate h*« expose for Ml* by public vendue, In oath or affirmation their been denied or KUnnended an oppor- room B-8, In the Court House, In the SERVICE and demands againnt the os-tunity to be heard In public h#ar- City of Elliabeth, N. J,, on Wednes- NC DRUG STORES Xm- of aaid deceaaed within nix ing; and following this to be In- day, the 6th day of October, A.D:, CHARLES W.COSENZA thi from tho date of said order, formed of the Board's deciftlon as 971, at two o'clock in the afternoon 9L J. • Btmkm hereafter provided by Section 2 of of §aid day, 232-2456 • Xnsln^ Tuai-ups tiler will be forever barred from thla Code, AUU that tract or parcel of; land, utlriff or recovering the same 1 OOLLUION BPBJCIAIJITS • Hftdlator Rtpmlr* Wit the aubBcriber. Section 8, situate, lying and being: in the Nortri Avo. E. DARBY'S DRUG STORE • r • . • Ethel 2tf. Halllwell (a) Any person or perarms, flrm or Township of Cranford, In the County •XPXRT AUTO BODY « «hock« — MuffUrt Fees $12.84 nity of not lesfl than five dollars nor temectloTi of »altf side of Johnson 339 South Avo. W. Wettflotf more than five hundred dollars for Avenue with the Southwenterly side 1130 South Aye. W. W«»tfi«ld 232-9776 LD HOARD OF HKALT1I eaoh violatlon- of Elise Street; thence (1> North 40 ; o ^IJBMC NOTICE (b) Knch day a particular viola- degrcea 30 iplnutes West 160 feet to 1121 Rt. 22 Mountains!^ 4 -- inbitc Notice in hemuy given that tion continuen shall constitute a a point; thence (2) South 49 degrees "* rdlnance of which the following »c-narato offense. 25 minutes Went 50 feet to a point; • AUTO DEAURS copy, wan introducer!, road nnd Section 9, All ordinances, codeH or thence (3) South 40 degrees 35 min- " on first rending l>y the Board partn of flame InconHlutent with any utes EaHt lbO feet to a point in the t • TIFFANY DRUGS SPORTING GOODS alth of the Town of Westflelrt of the provlKlons of thla Ordinance said Northerly line of Johnson Ave- AUTHORIZED i AUGUSTINE ISALL & t WeeUnit held September 7, 1971, and the Code established hereunder nue; thence M) North 49 degrees 25 ajid BerWca Open 7 Days a Week that said Board of Health \\\\\ ure hereby repealed to the extent of minutes Bast alontf said northerly Htttfctr consider the sumc for final such lnco»iHl«tency- line of Johnson Avenue 50 feet to • DABT COLONIAL the point and place of BEGINNING. MOTORS Dally 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. f RANKENBACH, INC on the seventh day of Oc- Section 10. In the event that any TXVCKI fL 1»71 at 6:00 o'clock P.M. in Hectlon, sentence or clause of this BEING KNOWN and DESIGNA- Sundays 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. ••tllll Conference Room ot the Mutii- Ordinance or Code shall be declared TED a« Lot No. 114 on map en- SPORTS CENTER 1 BulldinKl 425 E. Broad Street, unconntltutlonal by a court of com- titled "Map of Property at Cran- AuthorlMt Dial 232-0075 "Everything for tho Sportsman" fllUtold, New Jersey, at which time petent jurisdiction such declarations ford, N. J. owned und deeded by LotVs and RUSMIK Stov«r Can place any person who may be nliall not In any manner prejudice Benjamin F* Ham and Afield E. •CHRTSI.BR 425 North Avo. E. Woitflold tu vomiu Complete Equipment For: tilted therein will be given an the enforcement or the remaining Johnson/' flled in the office of the rtUnlty to be heard concerning AH^IC Free Pavktss; OF provlHlonN* Iteg-lftter of Union County as Map • Oolf ordinance. Section 11- Thin Ordinance and the No. 10SD, • PliTlfOUTH Code herein established shall take BEING COMMONLY KNOJWN HB Free Plck-V» aaa Dsllvery • FIshta* JOSEPH J. MOTTLEY 'IIIVI • Arch err, Secretary effect thirty (30) day« after the first No, 40 Johnson Avenue, Cranford, • VALIANT WESTFIELD • Tennis ORDINANCE Ko. 3,1 AX publication of the Ordinance in ac- New Jersey* 232-2200 • Skllna* BY THR HOAni) OK cordance with the provisions of The above description Is In ac- Bilt* and Vtrrlc* • All Other Bporta OK TUB TOW.\ OF Chapter 188, P.L. l£>50 (N.J.S.A. 26:3- cordance with a Survey prepared 232-4700 1KLU Tfi AMKM) CK%*. G!M tn C9,C). by Calvin H, Gibson US., East Or* FORD 1115 South Ave., W. I# OWUINANCB So. 1 ton- !>-23-lt Fees $34.56 nnge, N. J. dated July 1, 1970, re Dial 233-1098 11B BlM St. Westleli SKI RENTALS VlHed July 3 3, 1970. f There Is duo approximately $17,- W6H OwB«r§ for Bedmlnton & Tennitj 191,71 with Interest from June 1,- 576 North Av«. E. W«»tfl«W Rostrum? 1971 and coats, Or*r 10 T««r« Guns, Ammunition and Hcenaea The Sheriff reserves the rl&ht ti FORMAL WEAR LAUNDRIES adjourn this uale. M'S TOYOTA AuthortMd Dial 233-8420 Ralph Orlsceilo, ^ Shcrifl FORD 520 South Ave. W. Bourne & Noli, AttyB. AUTO SALES DJ & WL, CX-405-04 SOIM Servlc* rVORY LAUNDRY (On the Circle) ' Westfleld 9-fl-4t Fees IG6.24 Serving th« Area 25 Tears THUMDURBXRD & DRY CLEANERS BTOTJT FAIBLAKM WAhCOH lu_for Fuitl) PI a It 0M OROWK 232-3673 la ••• Stdais TAILORS # cotton A. A. 319 North Av*. E. W«tfi«ld i Day CUSTOM TAILORING 6ERVJCE8 • CORONA | Bport S*dut AND A LTD RATIONS i •' . Alcoholics Anonymous A Hard Topi FORMAL WEAR RENTAL* — 15% UNION COUNTY WE HAVE OUR OWN STOCK. CMl * CftfT) Drinking Problem? L*rft 0»l«otlon of Up-to-D»U for VOLKSWAGEN, PERSONALIZED DRY CLMANINO Write UBBD CABS 233-1538 DIM TM-UM Inc. fa h 111 Quimby St. Call?32-dO2O Let this P.O. Box 121, Wtitfltid V.9.Hwr.No.23,Nur(h PlalnflHd F0II0W Authorized 16 Prospect St. Westfleld Or TtUphena (Between Someraet & Grovo) Opp. Ftr* HOUM 242-1513 VOLKSWAGEN CENTER GOODWIN MOTOR" Saleft — Service — Parts FOR Merchanls CORP. New and Used Cam — Trucks MERCEDES BENZ • SUNBEAM Station Wagon* — Karnian OhlttH SAMOSET LAUNDRY Page make Jorvit will Factory Trainod Meahanlos AUTHOHIZISD ALL YOUR SERVICE, INC. Gain additional customers ' PL 6-740Q Sales nnd Service COPY Hnnth Ave, LAUNDRY — BUT CLEANING 7M-II7O0 NEEDS "Drive-In Sorvlco" from newcomer's moving ANY ORIGINAL JJW W. 0

1 I . I I FOR 25c CADILLAC n /•<• • 1( '.!> J. S. IRVING COMPANY mm oi none m SPACE for You - -w IVUMBTUTt St MITJ/WOTUC ?• • - i Sale* & Servlct PHONE Of lflvory Dosorlptlon .• /, , PHONE OIL Dial 756-2241 ITUHIL OUv — FA1NTH

233-0003 54 Elm St. I 119 c. Fifth PlaJnfl.ld 232-4407 , W. IOUTH AVC, WE8T-WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090 ^^^^^^^^w^^ww^^^wl^Pi^'*^www^wwwswsi^iai^i^iSfi^s^iiiwswi|s^sssiiiii^s^sj^wsMi fP£ ffp^pppm^ *#,#.* |#4JH#, ffCT#Hy, «CfffflWW*?, pifi tap $ AaiVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VICINITY

OUR LADY CF LOURDES ST. PAULI aX 15. A recent graduate of Colgate- B. C. CHURCH 414 Trinity CJCD. 25 to Receive Rochester Divinity School in Roches- Family Camp (Air-C«a4itMne4) ter, N.Y., he is now responsible for CHURCH SERVICES Central Ave., Mwwflwlaf The SVT. Caa— KAdbfd i. •aramaa guiding and directing the Christian Rev. Gei«rd i. MoGarrf, Pastor Ifaelcv. fib* Resumes Classes Bibles Sunday education programs of the church. Outing Oet 1-3 The Bev. D. FIRST COMGBEGATIONAL fHE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iMr. Johnson joined the church staff Rev. Gerard B. TW sVv. Cfttrlte A. This week marks the opening of In observance of Christian Edu- Sept. 1 as unban minister, a position A family Camp Weekend designed cmmcu the four schools in the Holy Trinity US fter. toyuwae; D. cation Sunlay, Bibles will be pre- shared "with Trinity United Metho- to appeal io those who long to get Sunday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 19:96 Friday, 7 p.m., sev«nt* gr#4e con- religious eduction program for stu- sented to third grade children at dist Church in Newark. He is also away together y€* another time firmation class; 7:90 jp-ca-j Junior dents of the Wesfcfield public schools. both the 9:30 and 11 services at presently enrolled in Union Theo- before bad weather sets in is be- r. FtofeHcfc i.m. and 12 noon. During the past two years there First United Methodist Church next ing planned by the WestlieW YMCA L. ft. fliilir* •or. UeaaH Saturday Evening Mass, 7 p.m. Episcopal Young Oiurchmea. logical Seminary in New York City. Sunday, Seventeenth after Pente- lias .been a joint C.C.O. program Sunday. About 35 children are ex- Formerly, he served as minister of for the Oct. 1-3 weekend. • •** •RMH^I fter. M. Mhi DOTS? Waritffeys, Hastes «t 7 and S a.m. cost, 9:45 a.m., holy communion; with St. Helen's tout this fall the pected to receive Bibles. musk in the Abyssianian iBaptist Registration opens today for the Sunday, •:« a.m., church achoal fter. J»ck B Helyfey Masses, 6, 7, 8, 10 am, new parish is initiating its own three-day campout at Camp Way- I p.m. 8:45 a.m. and 10 a.m., holy Com- Confirmation classes also will Church bi Newark. in the Center; 19 a.m., morniag •aryO munion and sermon; 11:90 a.m., program. meet during both hours. The pro- ayanda, located at Frost Valley, worship, in the tneetbg hewe; 11 Cariete* I. By**-, DftvMsr ef Miraculous Medal Noveoa and The-Rev. Thomas Daly, moderator gram is designed for all eighth gra- N.Y., in the heart of the CatskiU a.m., activities hour, ceftat-lei- llaas: Ueoday at B p.m. morning prayer and sermoB. Monday, 10 a.m., ecclesiastical of the C.C.O. program, estimates ders wishing to prepare for church Forest Reserve. The camp is lo- lows hip hour in Coe Fellowship Sunday, 9 a.m., worship eervice- Benediction during the school that Ihere will be about 1300 stu- Lourdes HNS cated on the site of the old Scott 14 embroidery class; 8 p.m., trustees membership, although eighth gra- Room, hostesses wtt be Mr, «ad Unferstendutg the Sacrament, ea Fridays *t 3:39 p.m. dents Involved. On Sunday,, the pre- ForsUnarm (paper family} estate. fcaatkmi oa Suaday at I p.n meeting. ders who already are members or Mrs 4 VIMV InW^^^Bt iW MM?* l^liaai.' " U Iqt Twn Kurt*; U Tuesday, 8 p.m., vestry meeting. school, junior and senior high re- those not wishing to be confirmed Housing accommodations are one W UVV e>»p "# 1 ajei^^^Ba^BB ^^^BHB^ ^^P^^I^IWnp^W am, Or. Frederick J5. Ctwietit* sumed classes. The pre-school class are also welcome. Courses to be Opens Season family per cabin, but are ptanoed in Patt^'^yjtertow. Tf.m., Ev«ry Saturday Wednesday, St. Michael and All K*rh oa the tepk, "Cto Ihan Angels, 9:3 a.m., holy communion; is being expanded and again will hold stuciied are: "The Past is Always — A get acquainted to free Mom from cooking chores, ior:fttgh fMmvMfr I*.tie 1 c noe and aU raw mmm or omit iV fRMtYY Junior high (7th and 8th grade) Newly elected president, Edward ^ ] ? ' ^°* * p.m Swrfajr wishing to participate should con- r lak and WestfleU YNCA - are held from 11:30 to 12:30.' This R. Sauer, introduced the following f« « * , °ampA«? year the young people will be ar- tact the Rev. David Harwood, mini- new officers and committee chair-1 featur«d at the family outui* ily Grw* RXJ.. 138 rerrta PI. ster of education. The award -winning ieatisre mov- ranging parts of the liturgy for the men: vice-president, Victor Da* youth mass. The C.Y.O. folk music Other youth opportunities include Rev ie "Animal Farm" will, bev pre- seventh grade classes, "Explore: sented,this week. "All animals are group will provide the music as they Room; I (MM., friMttfitQ- '<,. have for the past four years. Action With Purpose," at 9:30 and fred Brandt, raffle chairman; Roc- tor Kidney Machine 8*9 Bradtoi * equal, but some animals «r» more 11 Sunday mornings and a fellow- •- sr- A new schedule of classes is co GentileGtil , nocturnall adorationdti ; War n s ftECTOftYi S4 Wk* *. equal than others" is the theme of ship group 6-7 Sunday evenings. ?* Auxiliary of Bur. rauiT BAPnn came* iasseiasfmon to be heard at Chris- this famous fable by GeorftOrwell. planned for the elementary school Victorr LeGendre, spiritual formaforma - T ? u tianficknee church services Sunday. CONVENT: SIS Trlatty PI The story deals with the revolt of COD grades. In recent years grades A muiti-media class is held Sun- tion; John Suskl, program; John bers Local 315 still need* approxt- I7§ Kim Ore* 4t4t us learn of the real and Higfc Schesl — SU.74S9 days at 11 for ninth grade students. Medeveille, assistant catering; Bob mately **>™ ?<** c™**.J** Rev. WlUm K. Cebtr, armer Jones' domesticated ani- 1 to 3 met on Mondays and grades on t0 eteraal, and prepare for the reign Grammar Schesi —2U4« 4 to 6 on Tuesday. This.year in order They may also join senior highs in Sheehan, marshal and catering; P i reach their goal of 600,000 Patter of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven— Sunday, Masees at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 mals , against their cruel master. classes beginning next month at Georgorge Ziarnick and Rocco GeGenn ^ D^3^-311 ttoo bbu y a kidekidneyy mach»ach»ee Eev. Ertert W. Ttetdwr, Everyone Intereited Is. invited to to make it easier for families with or the rtign and rule of universal har- a m. and 12 noon. children in different claswes and to 9:3. T.O.R.C.'H., Teen OutRcach tile, federation delegates and John * ' Muhlenberg Hospital in Ptain- Atmlaet Patter mony, which cannot be lost nor re- Saturday Evcnirtf see this film. Coffee and discussion through Community.Help, meets for Thursday, American Baptist will follow the fiim. Relitflous ed- case the traffic problem, classes (will Suski, publicity. The Rev. Gerard "*? and 14 mem- nuin forvere unseen," a citation be held on three daya: Monday, their first project 10 a.m. to »:39 Whelan is moderator. Churches of New Jersey convention to be read from "Science and Health ST. HELEN'S R. C. CHURCH ucation classes for scfeooi age p.m., Saturday. Programs and plans for spiritual bers of the North ^ainfield Worn- youngsters. Nursery facilities avail- Tuesday and Wednesday. Children 8 in Atlantic City. with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Rev. T1mn» B. Meaaey, Pastor from the same public schools will In October, seniof highs will be- and sociaUctivities for the coming \™' Auxiliary are appealing to Friday, American Baptust Church- Baker Eddy states. . Rev. Eawari 8. Malkiewlct, able for pre-sdioolera. gin class study at 9:80 on Sunday year were discussed. housewives all over the state to eses of New Jersey convention. attend classes on the same day send the The Golden Text is taken from the grades 4 to 6. ... mornings in addition to the open Ail the men of Our Lady of coupons, which appear on Firpt Baptist combining with Mt. SCOTCH PLAINS group discussions now conducted at Lourdes Parish are invited to join °«neral Mills foods, to Mrs. Rubin Apostle Paul's letter to the Gala- Rev. Alan F. Gogllelroe. la resla>ac« The schedule is as follows: Mon- Zion Baptist Church of Newark in Uam; The fruit ol UM Spirit is love, ReeUsr: 1S» Raaway Ave., , CHURCH OF CHRIST 11. ATYF meets Sunday evenbga, the Holy Name Society. DeGuilo, 268 North Drive, North leading the worship set-vice:, at • (Cfcristiaa) day, Franklin and Elm St. Schools; Plainfield, N.J. 07060. The address peace long suffering, genUe- Westfleti, NX - ZSMXU Tuesday, McKinlcy, Lincoln and 7:30-9:30. o'clock. s^oodneati faith, meekMss, tem* today afaases at BdUon Junior 1M8 Rarttaa Reai More information is available has been changed from &19 Somer* Saturday, American Baptist Washington Schools; Wednesday, set St. due to recent flood damage •eriBoe." • (Hat Sohool Auditorium at 8, »:11 Grant, Columbus and Wilaoti Schools. through the church education of- ARC Registering Churches of New Jersey convention. TV subject of the Bible Leuon- 19:81 and 11:« fice. at Mr. DeGuilo's Barber Shop on Sunday, fl:15 and 11 a.m., mort* All classes start at 3:30 in the Somerset St. The coupons may ilio Sermon is "Reality." All are wel- Saturday evening Uses at 5:3 Sunday, Sept. 98 0:45 a.m.. Bib- Holy Trinity Elementary School. be deposited at local barber shops. ing worship, communion service oft come at (First Church of Christ, ).m. at Edison Junior High Schoo le school, classes for children, young Pre-Schoolers the theme, "Touched By Christ. .-• Scientist, 422 Bast Broad St. The Weekday Mass at Holy Cross Temple Emuiiu-El General Mills has agreed to ore- Blindness Gone," 1:45 a.m., church people and adulti; 11 a.m., the The Union County unit of the iNevv j sent the Barber's Local Auxiliary service begins at 11 a.m. Chsjpel, Lamberts Hill Road an Lords Supper, observed each Sun- ing prayer; 10 a.m., church school— Site for County school for pre-schod children; 9:16 tatiway Avenue. 9 a.m. Jersey Association for Retarded Chil- with a $3,000 check to purchase Ihe a.m., church school classes for chil- day, Acts 0:7, sermon by the min- Nurfcery 1-9. Ulpan Center dren is currently accepting registra- artificial Sidney machine if the dren through grade 4; 10 a.m., TEMPLE EMANUEl* ister. "Why Pray?" 7 p.m., youth Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.; A.A. meeting, tion for its preschool-and early child- UrouP turns in 000,000 coupons by church school classes for fifth ! 7M E. BrMd Street HOLY hour for all ages, In Fellowship young people's group. In cooperation with ] T e m ip I e hood education .programs for the &&• 3*- Tnere i3 a deadline because through 42th grades and adults; < ; WeslfleU GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Hall; 7 p.m., evening worship hour, 'Wednesday, St. Michael and all Emanu-El of Westfield, Dr. Harold 1971-72 school year. These programs Genaril Mills is phasing out its cou- p.m., Junior High Fellowship; 6 Rabbi, Chwks A. Krolsft 850 Galtows HiB Rd sermon topic: "The Blessings of Angels, 9, the (Holy Eucharist. Wasswman, education chairman, an- serve young retarded or multiply Pon redemption plan, p.m., Senior High FeUomahtp; • p.m.. ' Caater, D«a 8. Decker Rev. Peter M, KalcUii Affliction." Thursday, Sept. 90, i p.m., Al- nounces that the Jewish Agency of handicapped Children who are be- Muhlenberg, which has four ma Sunday Night Group at the home of -; Tel. 23M77* Sunday: 10 a.m., Orthos; 10:15 •Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid-week Anon meeting. Now York City will once again run tween three a.nd six years of age. chines working seven days a week, Mr. and Mrs. Surrmer Wood Jr.; 1 If you are interested in affiliating , Sunday School; 10:3 prayer meeting and Bible study, a Union County Ulpan Center for the There are seven classes in six will lisa the machine to save the p.m., church membership class. . with Temple, Emanu-El or Wish to , Divine liturgy. • New Testament, verse by verse JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES intensive study of conversational He- locations throughout 'Union County. livos of more Patie"ts with kidney 'Monday, 1 a.m., Senior Citizens' know more about the Temple'and study, and topical discuwkma rel- Clark CongrtgaOon brew, at Temple Emanu-El, 756 East Adi programs have been approved failure- The machine will also be all the facilities it has to offer- COMMUNITY evant to the times. 1170 Old Rarttaa M., Clark Broad St. 'by the (New Jersey State Depart- used to teach Palients and their trip to Lavalette, please call ; Mr*. Evelyn Cohan, PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH Tuesday, l a.m., Senior Citizens Sunday, Oct. 3, annual Home- flu fleviarf, Pmitlag Minister Other sponsors of this program, ment of Education with certified trainees how to operate ther own Temple Administrator, MM770 or coming Sunday, Jeery Yorks, vrtiteh is being held here for the service and handicrafts groups; 1 v FA. t-MM teachers and aides in ail classes. I machines at home. (Mrs. (Rita Kesster, Membership .New Jersey • speaker. ' j^;2? pim. ministry school; second, year are Temple Beth El of p.m., Senior Citizen^ slide show; Director of Christtaii Edtcatttsu > r (Registration is also open for the 7:30 p.m., Choral Art Soqiety; 8 fi;3Q fun.i»aanvtoa roeetW.- —MV: Ejizsfbetti, Temple Beth El of ,Cran- association's infant and parent edu- Friday,ehJ*hat«er.vices,e:15 p.m., • Miss Linda Gaul 7 CHURCH NEW* p.m., church cabinet.' '' _ ''* FANWOOD PRESBVTEBJfAN ' Sunday, V'.p.mM public talk en- fqrboraV, temtole Beth Am of Spring- cation program which services handi- flhabbat Snuvah discussion with the The Rev. Elmer A. Talcett, Jr. DEADLINE Wednesday, e p.m., special stu CHURCH titled, "Preparing Your Children to feldPetd,, • Temple Sharcy Shalom of capped children .from birth through FRIDAY dies committee. . Ratti. - Mlalster 74 Martin* Aye., South Meet the Problems of -Life" given Springfield and the Jewish Commu- three years of age. The infant pro- 6atur4ay, 10:90 a.m., fi'not Mitt- liiunday, 10 a.m., workshop; 8 by D. DiCampli; 4;0S p.m., Watch- nity Center of Summit. gram aids parents in helping the p.m., session meeting. Geergc L. Has* JTetin P. MWar GRACE ORTHODOX vsh of AUison fitaffin, daughter of Minister* tower study—the title of the article Ulpan for Adults will be offered very young child with the develop- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr .and Mrs. Gerald Staff In, and Sunday, 9:15 a.m., church school: to be considered by means of ques- at Beginner, Intermediate and Ad- mental skills of socialization, motor Grades 5-8; 10:30 a.m., morning Sunday, 9:30 and 11 o'clock wor- What Shall We Ilene, Ssderman, daughter of Mr. ship services, (Dr. George L. Hunt tion and answer participation is, vanced levels. Morning classes witf development, language acquisition Robert L. AtwtH and Mrs. Norman Siderman. wioship, cradle roll through fourth "Happy Are You When "People Per- be given Monday and Wednesday, and sensory perceptual development. grade; 7 p.m.. Fellowships. wilt preach on "Forgiveness." The Mbriafer HIGH HOLY DAY SOWIOHS: new C.O.C.fU. (Room will be dedicat- secute You." 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Evening Tuition for all (programs is on a Change First Sunday, -worship service* at 11 Tuesday, 6ept. as, Yom Kippur ed, and the sacrament of, baptism Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., tlie felble classes will be given Tuesday and sliding scale 'based on parents ability a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school for TOOT UNITED METHODIST Thursday, 7:30 p.m, to 9:15 p.m. In The City? Eve., 8:18 p.m. CHURCH will be administered to infants. Nur- study aid to be used during a ques- to pay or might -be provided 'by local all ages at 9:30 am; a nursery is Wednesday, Sept. 89, Yom Kippur sery tcare is provided; 9:30 and 11 tion and answer discussion will be, The fall term will begin Oct. 13. fiioards of education. provided both morning and evening; At The Plasa Registration will be until Oct. 7. The city ts peaplel The quality Day, 10 a.m.; simultaneous morning Mblsten: a.m., church school for nursery (3 "Babylon the ,'Great iHas Fallen, The association provides a wide of each individual's thinking Intermediate and Junior Machen service for senior youth- group in years) through Wh grade; 10th grade God's Kingdom Rules!" •A separate Youth Ulpan is being range of supportive services in addi- Leagues meet at 6 p.m. at the Rev. Clark W. Haul offered to ninth to 12th graders on directly relates to problems youth lounge; interim service, 12:30- Rev. James C. Whttaker confirmation classes; '11 a.m., een- tion to tlie educational programs, of crime, threats of violence church. 1:19 p.m.; discussion groups, 1:30- nior high classes in Fan wood Com- CALVARY LUTHERAN Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m, Tile staff includes a full-time social Tuesday, ladies sewing meeting Rev. PfciUp R. Dtetterkh Further information may be ob- etc. An abiding sense of God 2:4S p.m.; Yizlww and concluding, Rev. DavW F. Harwood munity Center; 7 p.m., Senior High CHURCH worker, speech and language ther- as Love can melt away-visible meets at 10 a.m.-2 pint, at the 8 p.m.. * '.. Rev. James A. Johnson Fellowship; 7:90 p.m., the session 108 Etstman St., tained by calling the Temple office. apist, and a consulting school psy- I- hatred. This topical program church. • t meets to receive new members— chologist. REDEEMER hV Sunday, 9:30 and H a.m., church Cranford discusses these factors. ' (Wednesday, prayer meeting and Founders' Room. Pastors: Enrollment in all programs is lim- Bible study at 7:46 p.m.; the Rev. CHURCH school (classes; 9:30 and 11 a.m., Reception Sunday For worship services In the. sanctuary, Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., mothers' dis- The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlqubt ited and will be on a first come, first Broadcast this week over Atwell continues his course on "The at Cevperttwatte Place cussion group—lounge; 2 p.m., Pres- WeslfteM, New Jersey MM Dr. Clark W. Hunt, senior minister, The Rer. Gordon L. Huff Harwoodg, Johnsons serve basis. (For further Infoiunation many stations including: Carnal Christian." , bytery of (Elizabeth meets in Fan- Identical services of worship are contact the »Union County Unit, New The Rev. E«|ene A: Rehwiakel will preach; (Bibles will be presented A reception Immediately following SUNDAY MORNING THE MOUNTAINS©! to those entering 3rd grade at both wood Church; 7:30 p.m.. installation held at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Babysitting Jersey Association for Retarded Vicar David 2era«t of the Rev. Arthur IM. Stevenson Jr, the 11 -worship service Sunday twill 6:45 a.m. WNEW tUOkc UNION CHAPEL W-U17 services. tw children under three years of Children, 562 Boulevard, Kenilworth. as executive presbyter of Elizabeth age is provided during the later bo held at First United Methodist 8:15 a.m. WERA 1590 Ice Highway u Family Wares** services: 8 a.m. Following the tl o'clock service, Church to welcome the Rev. and 1 Presbytery in the sanctuary. The central offices of the State De- 9:45 am. WVNJ 620 kc MountaawMs, N. J. aadUt»a.m. a reception will be held in Fellow- service. 'Mrs. David F. 'Harwood, their 16- partment of Education are located Rev. Ronald S. Bttt* 1 SaasW Seksel aad BiWe Claasea: ship Room, honoring the Rev. David Wednesday, 10 a.m., mid-week Sunday Church School -will be service of worship and Intercessory held from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. and is month-old daughter, Karey Alison; in the State Education Building, 225 596 Sherweai Partway 8t88 SJI aa4 18:lt a.m. F. Hanwood and the Rev. James A and the Rev. and Mrs. James A. West State Street, Trenton, The the TRUTH Home Phase: iW-JSH Sunday, 9 a.m. Matin's service; Johnson, and their families. Rev. prayer in the chancel led by Rr. open for all departments from nur- Hunt. sery thru senior high. The adults Johnson and their infant -son, James building is part of the Now Jersey Study: nt-MH 9:30 ajn. Sunday school; 10 a.m., Harwood is the new minister of Andrew

4 Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., morning prayer group. To Renovate Tired Lawns Wednesday, 8 p.m., adult Bible study—Book of A*!ts.

4 ' ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 559 Park Avc. Scotch Flaitu • to Fertilize Healthy Lawns The Reverend Jolin R, Ncllsofl, Rector The Rev, Carl B. Graccly, Asst, • to Plant Trees and Shrubs Sunday, (FontocoBt XVII. 8 a.m., • . , tho Holy Euchnrlat; io a.m., morn- We have the material! and the experience to guide you in determining your needs. DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME Passport Photos 556 Westfield Ave. • AD 3-0255 *,STEUERNAGEL'S NURSERY SECOND DAY SERVICE A Funeral Homo of homeltbe atmosphere, completely modern air conditioned, LAWN and GARDEN. SUPPLIES o'f-street Parking Facilittai 24OSPRINGFIELDAVE.,WESTFIELD 233-6353 Licensed, Staff Also Westfield Studios Charles E, Dooley DOOLEY FUNERAt HOME Frank J. Dooley 218 North Ave. W., Cranford Portrait and Commercial Photographers Carolyn M. Doolay BR 6-0259 HOURSi Thuri.i frl, Sat. 8-fl P.M., Sun. 9t30-2i30, Mon. B-J, Closed Tuesdays 131 GINTRAL AVENU1 232-0239 Joseph r\ Dooley •V1 fm# MM ^a «b u*&* g New Crafts Among aociaUd with ts» laadkai Oaiar San Fraaciace. plans to move to the is September 1W1 as an instructor In adWitdott to teaching aad re- near future. -*r\ of biochemistry after completing Jus search activities Dr. Sanslon* sery- «'• tt\. •L. * graduate studies at Rutgers Univer- ed on various committees at. the Offered at Westfield Ad sity in New Brunswick the previous Medical Center; these included fac- To Sponsor Stamp -•••< June. While at the Medical Center ulty by-bws and the committee on And Coin Bourses The WestfieM Adult School's cre- by Fran Coll Maplewpod who Dr. Sanslone was involved primar- student admissions to the College ative arts faculty for the fall term has taught i tome and at vari- ily in teaching and in muscle cell of Medicine, 'The New Jersey Stamp and Coitt j beginning Oct. 4 includes a oeram- ou£ schools arc*. Antiquing research. For several years Dr. At the time hie association peaers Association Imc, wii spon- idst, an expert needleworker, a will also be in the course, Sanslone studied the various factors sor four bourses in the 1*71-72 sea- :••»« the Medicai Center ended sculptor, a painter and a profes- In addition new courses, a?®. that cause changes in tt* acidity in- month, he was an associate pnafes- sional entertainer. "People are dis- Mrs. Betty who studied side skeletal muscle cells. More re- sor of biochemistry. A member* of Sundays. Oct. 17, Jan. 3, and Apr. covering their own creative poten- Matz&l and cently, he studied the lipid struc- at CairolaBwtier VFW Post under the la ture of carcotubular meinbraae*. six ino-medical research Horktwt, tial with a favorite artistic medium/' who has e: at the ftfootclair his career sketch is. included in the Main St. Fort Lee, and also r These membranes mn part af an ia- on today, Dec. 12, at the Cranford staled Weyman 0. Steengrafe, long- and Newark eums, will repeat traceUular org«aoid ia skeletal aad Americas Mea tf Science aa4 w the time director of the school. "We have "Painting and ' cardiac amacs* that 197V73 «dition grants to support U» I stitches and variations used in ail creative tember 37, 7:90 to *:J0 p.m., at searchers in matfeal stthaok\ aoipt- "iDecoupage," the «th century Eduion Junior High School, Batwray tals, clinics and' other J*tvj*** t* craft of cutting, coloring and pasting Avenue, Wettfield. Further informa- aearch and teachiftg t—tttirUowa. A» paper prints to a variety of object! tion may toe obtained Cram the a grants admioiiUat^r; pr. »s* and then varnishing will be presented trar. Marj Clement*, at »H«0. alone is involved 'In thfTMviaw/aftd •valuation of grant aa4 ossUract pro- posals submittol to the KTH s«4 to ftoatsMt LEADER monitoring the pr»gras» M, pf»>cU Student Benefitr s M u i supported by Federal Prior to joining the Ifttoswt I» PHONE ; Are Explained atHuUfi of Heshht Dr. iMsHm was am' the faculty Student* 18 to » who collect »ocial 232-4407 Sity of New York security are reminded to report their earnings and any change* in ichool enrollment, attendance, or marital statua to their social security oaYcet. The reminder ootmes Irotn RaJph W. Jone«; Mkdal lecurity diatrict manager in Elisabeth. "If a student beneftdary leave* school or starts attending on a part- Photo by Ken time basi«, he needs to notify social IISCBnt AND BANJO an amaiig the altraciim stored security Immediately/' Jones said. WistfliH AM ScbrtMl fertag Its faU semester. r. "Either ot these changes in Ms status as a student win stop his monthly it. - benefits if he is 18 or over." >• '- s' A student's total yearly earnings from part-time or temporary Jobs as :-•••. well as setf-wnfAoyment can also af- fect his Vb*6ts, Jones said, "Any studt* la the Union County area who tak«« his earnings foe this year will exceed *1,6» should report his to social security,'* Jones FAST, FRIENDLY said. "Otherwise, he might receive

." I palyments wfc^ch would have to be made up later." •"••••r- {'•':' ' • ^;" • •- r. •> SERVICE Social security benefit* are reduced - x •• -1 by 91 for every £ earned if the r *-• t student beneficiary earns between |1,6M and feat* in a year. Benefits : ..* Surest way to save time are reduced by $1 for every $1 earned if you're in a hurry is to if he earns over tZ,W a year. U4- "A beneficiary can get fuU bene- eat where the1 service is fits for any month he earns leas titan 9140, regardless of hew much 1 prompt. That's here. Try he earns in a year/ Jones said. U a student beneficiary changes ^ . ^' us soon. schools, be should report his trans-

>•!'. fer, to social security, according to Jones, "And if a student gets married; he should get in touch with us right away/' Jones said. "Marriage stops •+ • -•. a student's cash payments under social security." Over 500,000 students, 18 to 22, get monthly social security payments DINER because a parent collects disability or retirement benefits or has died. ,,.,..1 Via >Ar> s .-')\ • Students can continue to get bene- I fits to age 22 U they continue as

F -. ' L "F fulltime students and remain single. Fuel Oil and Burner Service

FOt IMAU KITCWNt GE 5,2 cu. It, i 0£«,2eu.ft.THINUNE CHurnazm ATCHINOQE COMPACT MFRiOERATOR with FREUEIt REFRIGERATOR with EASY-CARE~ 4.2 «l. ft, rmEZERwtth FORMICA 203/ " wldfll FORM ICA WOODGRAIN TOP. WOODQRAIN TOP 4 254/ltt* ds«p, Uftoui basbst for Surprisingly generous VoragB, with 3'cibf* Storn an amaxlng 147 lb«. of froMn ls.9>lb. fr««car action with 2 cub* small packsgn* Adjutttbte tsmpsrs* not shelves; extra door shelves to hold foods, with 6.96 sq. ft of ihetf spscet traysi Rifrlg«rator iictton his B rs- tuns control. Gnat tftns*antf-mon*y* butter, cegs, oven tall bottfsi; vt|itibU 2 Blldt-out shelves with rear ahatf gusrts tnovtbl* »ti«lv«, fultwidth chlllir savar for amsli Mtehins, wetttM tot' bin; 7-Positlon Temperature Contrail and stops, sliding basket* 3 roomy door tny, vBjttablt bin; door his 2 «fg thtlvetl ihsvstr utility compirtmiflt 3 lirga shslws—on« big tnouih for $1AA95* fetVcetf $ r milk esrtonsl ONLY '€ 109 fe 134' OK Otfit 1OW P»/CW 159 KACTOHV SCBVlCKtVflllabls hrtt 1/fo«f«i«tMtraMf/f » Heating Equipment Installed Ft»dlo-DJ*pDicHett trucks, Fictow-Trtlnild d EKptrtiEt « EASY TERMS wftMpprovecf credit rrjd Genulno GEparta for on-tht-spol asrvtcs. color, |10 v1K,I1II>-. 1'rlecK nnil Ternm. ARD STFIELD'S ONLY G-E DEALER Clements Bm>s. mo. FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES 460 NORTH AVE. EAST • WESTFIELD, N. J. 07091 • 232.2209 FUEL OIL and BURNER SERVICE 143 E. road St., Westfield • AD, ... .3-2121 HEATING EQUIPMENT INSTALLED Open Thursday 'Til 9 P.M. — Dally to 6


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fa ' hi--.. Drrtiie for 15 Agencies Opens Sunday


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~ I , •'H n» F'Jll f.* ', *• f '.- Generous Support

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.-I- •?•••• r -• i t •v. - \ -- • '#'. I * . - *.. * ^ i". t. \ • ^

^ * ^ • -.- Your one contribution aids 15 agencies and efforts-community F - r • .• i t .-1"

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.j> A • - * ^ -. . . - M wide. Youth and youth groups benefit... and so do you, for f.!' J. * -' - V^ • •" - ! >,-1 • ••''' . • •• ,-;;>- + n .'-? +• .,

v. " *• !-•'"*•

1 ir what helps the young, helps toward a truly brighter future. The : -j -h , ,- , 'V,-.. -.1 >. •;«.-•. •' * x

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'.*;;*> f- ill, the aged, the needy benefit and so do you, for whatever •tfi tf l>

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*"" H L ' 'k- helps our neighbors; helps us. It's easier to give just once to help i -> ' . 4. ' f ^' . % ""I -_. • • ' •'•',<--, , - •- L r • - • . I'.' -

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••• . j*?. many. Be proud to give, the United Fund way. :i 'I ^ t

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^' h •4- Telephone Solicitation

Two hundred volunteers will call 7,000 homes during . t - v - - • t -

*• _ fa ' r . the next 30 days, asking for your support of this very •?* *>•

fa. - s h worthwhile campaign, instead of making all house-

A •» to-house personal calls as in the past. And they hope K: * *.

f 4 - • . ' you will respond as generously as you possibly can. * •>.<,

n r - 1- n • - >• T .• * J -. WILL BE GLAD TO CALL ON YOU - -i fa • — I : i-"


I • 4

Just make the request when you are called. r."

r.' "



% i Thif space contributed as a community service by GRAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 318 E. Broad St., Westfield • twrMrt rtmt, tH M» HERSHEY4 S " ' ' ' • tress hatfcewi deprive * fftftjffn -workers and discussion lead- • a. her fctadut Isr her ers. Practical Politics will be of- Gnek fered at the Etiiabeth campus on ICE CHAM and OiUCATiSSfN b. Monday evenings, Oct. 4 through ... ' Jlbv. 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. Sydollilng In our fomow c. -. Workshop* in applied psychology, 10. Please use back for remarks and additonal information. Five Seminars On College Agenda creative writing, drama, drawing tod painting ecology, and reading Sponsor. •.efficiency, along with a basic Eng- SUBMARINES Five seminars centering on cur- and their pouibte.; MtftioM. Dr. Jilh*peakin< course and a Subur- Address . rent social topics, including Asian Bernard Solon of WMUW., #clM» frui Symphony Scries will complete of oifi#f food. ifwn$ tool cultures and civilization, the ecolog- sor of biology at Union Odftlt. will ibis fall's offerings in College Un- _ • ^ • w Phone . ical crisis, financial planning, Afro- conduct the seminars, which, will limited. American literature, and hispanlc meet on Friday evvoJigi) Oct. 1 • Whtn you imA u» mott, NOTE: AH applications must be completed and submitted to Vice Chair* cultures, will be offered in this fall's through Nov. 19, from I to 9;9p.m. -Registration for College Unlimited man of Joint Civic Committee by Oct. 1. None will be accepted after thai College Unlimited program, a con- at the Cran/ord campus. P1«W trip can be handled by mail or in per- wt'ro open — Our hourst , tinuing program of non-profit cours- dates and hours wil be *rr*at»d. ion daily, between 8:30 a.m. and ECONOMICAL , F es and workshops for adults con- MaoDonald Hall on the Financial .Planning, li * Crasrford campus. Additional infor- Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. to Midnight ducted by Union College's Division sion series during which the of Community Services. mation and details about college of- cies of planning, nunaftng «ad in-ferings can be obtained by contact- Saturday, Sunday, 9 a.m. ffoMidnigh t LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS The seminars in addition to six vesting will be

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Cars shown with vinyl foofiv authorized retailer white sidcwaU tires and othcj optiooL Scotts, Qw1«f ;;;•!»» IvRvry. You get a f Uoya 8-13 rcglsler now SSI V-8. Automatic transmission. at your participating Ford Dcjilcr'i Power front disc brakes. Power slccring. All standard. 1971 Punt, Puss, and Kick Competition, Quiol...plui sn|iNtorIn«. RUKKCCI S-fmnic is compulcr-tuncd registration ends October k tn place body mounts precisely for comfort, quiet. Qulot... plus d«is»illty. Alumiin'/cd mufflers, -/inc-rich primer and FORD giiW«iii/.ea key undcrbody purls ull help light rust and corrosion. Setter Idea for safely •*. buckle op.

«i^^LO^ R_ A R D WA R E WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., Inc 125 ELM St, WESTFIELD AD 2-1500 319 North Ave. E., Westfield, N. J. 232-3673 nil DELIVERY THURS. UNTIL 9 P.M. I GENERAL ELECTRIC POWER- BuUt-in Undercounter DISHWASHER

4*f/ •AMI Gets dirtiest dish*, pots and pans cleanest —"West ft eld Studios *Wexford PUTTING THEIR HEADS TOGETHER to CMM •# via a Nnwria to Meet #r HHIMM the* «wia far the ever with unique UaUe* PHM g*al af »»5,85J art Member* af me advaaoai flfto tfriaka af the camaai«>* Taeac geatte- co SOLID WALL OF WATER Mwa are ahretfy at work atddaf Naa»; the rcaMeallal afcaae af the taatf-raUiaf effort fcetfM* feutfay mmmwm evert* «U will continue ikr«igfc October. washing action! And GE's Soft Food Disposer grinds up food New Firm Urges Revised Voter Registry Timing CoiiM flushes them away! Opens Here Declaring that "actual voter par- polls." Connor stated that one of the GGSO25Q ticipation in America, is far below accontplithineiHa of'which he'was Exciutlv* Powtr-Ho system *hoots power- The formation of Devon Chemi- that in other industrial democra- "most proud" during hi* tenure as ful clMntlng streams wtost «v**y gtsss, cals Inc., with headquarters in West- cies/' John T. Connor Jr., of Cran- Executive Director of the N.J. Demo- UHF Solid Stats TwEif dish, pot »nd psnt No pis -rinsing or .95 hand-scraping with GE's Soft Food DIs* ffeld, was announced this month by ford, Democratic State tSenate can- cratic State Committee in 1970 was Automatta potsrl Ei»y to load, unload with full* 174 by Timothy J. McGrath, president. didate from Union County, today the adoption of automatic voter reg- Stablta* •xtenilon racks; swing-down doort.Doubts) with The company will handle a broad called /or implementation of auto- istration as official Democratic pol- Automatic Dttergtnt Dl«p«nierl In Har- line of chemicals including solvents matic voter resWatkw in New icy. He noted iU inclusion in the vest, Avocado, Dark Ccpptr, Whit* an4 alcohols. Jersey. 1971 Democratic Platform. Mr. McGrath, who for the past ': 'The right to'vote is baric to a ' ^unfortunately, we seldom, if lft year* was manager of national democracy," avid Contoor. "Yet ever, apply our tochnoligical genius aalm for Putolicker Industries Inc, more than 1 jaOfcOM rwldenU in New to our political system. If the Board says that Devon Chemicals is oper- Jersey alone who were okt enough of Elections rwete a business whose ating nationwide serving the cos- to register and vote filled to do so success depended on the number of metics, pharmaceutical, flavor and in the 1MI PitshfcoUal election. In citiatnt who actually voted/' he de- , essential oils, paint, varn- clared, "they would have instituted and lacquer, coatings and gen- other years the record 1B worn itiM. For example, voter pftrtk^patks in reforms long ago." fit*nl Elect* eral chemical Industries. Devon wilt 1 alao serve the rectification and laat year * U.S,Senate Election WM Minding segment of the liquor in- the lowest for such an efoetion aince dtutry. ; Ken Lyng joins The address of Devon Chemicals, According to Connor, the U.S. Cen- Inc. is P.O. Box 799, We&tfield. sus Bureau esttmatei that where states and nations' impose the few- Insurance Firm est barriers to ; voter regiMratioo, Kenneth' H. Lyng of 645 Lenox ! Smith President more people turn out for ejections.. Of Underwriters Bank Connor stated: "We have all become Ave. has joined the insurance man- increasingly - concerted atottt the agement firm of Barrett ft Davtes Charles W. Smith of Westfield 'hopelessness* arid 'alienation' oi Associates, 1577 East Second ' St., wjs elected president and chief ex-, many of our people; Making it pos- Scotch Plains, as a marketing repre- ecutive officer, and director of the sible for them to participate in the sentative. Mr. Lyng'is responsibilities Dsfrosts Underwriters Bank and Trust Com- political process would be a start will be the surveying and servicing pany, at a meeting of the board of in doing something a^out it, New of all forms of insurance programs. directors, Friday, Sept. 3. Jersey's system is especially burden- His particular specialty is the com- Prior to joining the Underwriters some since the hopeful voter must mercial field, Automatlcall Bank and Trust Company, Mr. visit his courthouse or city hall, and A resident of Westfield for 23 Smith served in various official ca- can do so . only during working years, Mr. Lyng' has been active in pacities with the Bank of Com- hours." community affairs, He was chair- pany. • . man of the citizens pool committee Coiuior explained -how automatic which formulated plans for the de- voter registration would work: "In- velopment of the 'Memorial Pool, General Electric asmuch as everyone must attend served as a member of the board of 13.5 cu. ft 2-Door I • school until age M* people would be directors of the WestXield YMOA OBEDIENCE ptre-regi&tered in school. Upon reach- and Was coach of the Competitive Lill , ing voting ape, each citifeen would . r swim team (for many years. Pres- has receive by m«il a form telling htm ently, he is a member or the .West- •A, of his voting right and informing 2sro-Dstrss Frssier- . • field ^Recreation- Commission, presi- 4 U him of his poluhg^lacev'.When he dent of the (Highland Swim-Club and Twin VegaUblt blnsl first voted, be would sign a signature a member of the executive commit- card,, be photographed .and indicate tee of-the Westfield. School Boosters and H'% only his party preference, if any. There- Association. after, he would receive an electri- He is .president and owner of J. A. cally sensitized card, similar to a .95 19cttft.No Frost Refrigerator-Freezer fnroll new for Sot. A.M. or CT id dings Associates, manufacturers charge card which he would pre- representatives. Prior to establish- 249 Freezer holds up to 230 lbs. Thurs. P.M. SEPT Clots in sent each time for comparison of ing his own business he was associ- TB14BL signature and photograph." 13.5 CU. ft Two ke trays, with storage bin WESTFIELD. All ftr««ds. ated with the Wilson Pharmaceutical N«t Voiuma "In addition to stimulating partici- 7-Day Meet Keeper fa Corporation, Chicago, as a regional StofM • fantnttc quairtltyl 4 cabtfttt shstvss — OM pation in the political process, auto- sales manager, * • sHda-oot % buthtl vegetablp blm, removabla 18-tgg Vegetable bin N. J. 000 COLLEGE matic voter registration would bring bin. Extra storage In nfrigarator and fratxar doors. Juit 64!' high about economies in the long run by Easy-out k« triys. Bolls out , cantifevff thilvts 617-2393 reducing the army of workers who Got a Gripe? man the registration books and Wril* the Editor Umlited quantity REDUCED TO $499.95

2-Speed, 3-Cycle Washer has an GENERAL ELECTRIC '12 AUTOMATIC *£?* SOAK rra^.^ The Promise As a voter, you've got a right Why won't state highway build- UPRIGHT to know what we, the four ers give the communities a CONVENIENCE! All food in view CYCLE! Democrats who are running say where new highways are and easy reachl for the State Senate in Union going? We'll work to end in- County, can do for you. • activity. STORES LOADS IN THE BOX! Exclusive GE That's what this ad is all What about the drug prob- SEPARATE, SPECIAL CYCLE MINI-BASKET about. lem? We think there are some STORES MORE: Carefully launders up IN THE DOORI fills, activates, soaks, activates and spins to 2 lbs., lornuisancft To begin with, we won't good answers to the problem. AUTOMATICALLY with one sotting! loads and loftovors, promise more than we can do. We ought to search them out Built-in tumbler lock. PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE Seems a lot of people are fed and use them. PILFER.PROOFJ sprays cold water during spin to eliminate up with promises. Us too. hard creases, The war? We want to see Modtl CA-I2D Modal You told us what bothered troops out of Vietnam by 11.6 cu. ft net vol. MULTIPLE SELECTORS for wash/spin speeds and wash/rinse you. In a survey more than December 31. We'd like to put temperatures select correct wash "mix" 1,000 voters told us what was the entire state on record for ONLY$ .95' for any typo fabric load. on their minds. The environ* pullout. Even against a 3-to-1 179 Four water level selections suit every ment. Drugs.The Vietnam War. load from 2-lb. Mini-Wash to a big Republican majority in the family load. Filter-Flo rectrculntcs The economy, too. water to filter lint fuzz from clothes. legislature. Bleach dispenser mixes bleach with If you elect us, we'll take wash water for proper dilution. your problems seriously. We'll What we can do for you te try to do something about to take you seriously. corony toxTUA them. You want action oi> vital Take the environment. Why Issues. You want reason. You doesn't the Assembly act? want integrity. You have a Why hasn't the Governor ever right to expect that you havQ staffed the Solid Waste Man- a voice in Trenton. WESTFIELD'S ONLY G-E DEALER agement Advisory Council in We'll give you thatvoica. FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES the year since it was set up. Thatfs a promise we'll keep* 143 E. Broad St., Westfield...AD 3-2121 FOUR FOR PROGRESS Open Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Thurs. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. £i>rfaa#, faae Syaajs, , Jamie Ferguson. Mary •Wimmer, Thomas Maya Filer, Doug Fischer. Scott Fischer, Windholz. Helene M. IWittreich, Oth- i Jennifer tF.rawley, Peter Gadol. mar Wittreich, Sandy 'Wooslec, An- j Also Jill Gardiner, Valerie Gardi- drtw Yates, Cheryl Zapoisky, Mam 'ner, Audrey Garfield, Gary Class. Zapolsky, Dobra Zimmer, Kate Zutty Monica Golden, Laurie Grandell, Maximilian Zutty. Susan Grausam, Alice -Greek, Amy Greck, Annmarie Griffitb, Eileen GriKith, u\oxeen Griffith, Holly HaJJ. Ann Haiter, Marsha 'Hanchrcw, Gin- ger iHardwick> iBeth Hawnen, Xaren Jlarmsen, Alisa Marrigan, Edmund FIELD J-Iarrigan, Jeannifer Harris. Julie Harris, David Harmon, Paltie • Hear on. Also 'Wendy Ho, Janet Hockenjos. ^ •• Ktils Hocken-jos, Audr&y Hpogsfcesa, Denise Hopkins, Elisa Hose, Heather

1 Hvian, Heidi Hytaa, Kathy Jack***, * ' Tom Jaccbsoa, David Joaoson, Karyn iLee Jones, Deboraii Jordaa, Kathleen Kane, Mauraen 'Kane, f Cathy Kaplan, James Kay, 'Mary Jo Keenan, Karen Jtimbie, iMark King- ston, 'Kathleen Kinney, Jeey Kiah, Diana Koros, Kim Kuczka, Geof- •.-r. Y frey Kudlick. l Also Jonathan Kudlick, M a r k Kuelling, David Landau, Deaise ** WElsWaV pnilin* ef tttt WestlieK Area Chani- Laurent, Lisa Lavender. Jkn Leijp- estate eases* to •SMH i • «l HM Chamber'! maga- old, Susan Lindley, JuUa Liu, Cy»- WESTHEIiy UNfF»€D ECOL WEE eeattti. Mrm. Katafjia ieeer aM Mn. Paula Diamond. thia Lloyd, Diana Lloyd, Sen* Mc- <** 1 ssara* ONI arise Beasts ler tkeir al exeeasMre 9»e tt*t bete «f tae UHMMkhlf wagntee will appear i» November. Lean, Caren Magnotti, Stacy Maav AllaeAlc lervte » gino, Lisa Martin. Willis Afartyn, BreeUya, N.V. Beverly Mason, Sharon ACaasey, ttmpttmy Christine May, Di&m Hitter. Mat- MOtSTWAN MAU, - Boys and Cirk Each Read thew Minogue, Laisra U«Uer, Jeaaae AtricM as4 the ti Mr. McMaaas x . ' . — " Monaghan, Patrice Moaafiban. STtHTf to «N wMcvkr traffic ~ 9mm Also BU]y Moore, James Mttgaa, «* ef tae ftrtt aa4 far was tfrecter ef fieal MmtliM, - V Charlotte Moseley, lisa Myers, Patti 21 Books During Library Program Me aad his fam% Uve ai tt -•- ,w • Ntedzwiecki, Luisa Orto, Rochelte Sieaeteigh Park. 'i '• ; gatte the Vocation Heading Club many on American Indians. A large Osltck, Alexandra QswaU, Chris Parkinson, Sara^i Parkiaaca, Elka Mas ia progress in the Children's display from the department's Indian !•••, fllOll Start QIMI MMMilfiol collection was replenished almost Patnaude, Karen Patnaude, J«e P«- Oftjsjrtment «f WeetffeU Memorial • ' care, George Pierce, Jeff* Priest, 'i.. during the stunner is» boys daily. Both fiction and non-fiction Price to Join A :> Karen Priest, Jennifer Audra, Doug *• -\ ajjal gMl nail a minimum were Included. • t htMIt eacK according to Mrs. Char- . (Purpose of the Vacation Reading Puntovk, Nancy iledden, Gary Ricti- J. DoiweHy, ft&Urett's Nhrar- Club is to provide additional fun for artfaon, iBriaa Rodgers, Amy Ross, Standard Oil the child who explores reading ai Dean Roto* Joey Sahulka, Peggy laiu latent meaUr*. the .theme Sahulka. Hugh P. Price of Fanwood, senior toe |»n dub and "Come join recreation. In giving the results of section supervisor, coordination de- tribe,:' was the catch phrase, the 1V71 club (Mrs. Donnelly ex- Also Catherine Sanslone, Eugene I'Vi partment, at Humble Oil It Refin- village was built plain* that the program is in no Sautner, filsbeth Sawyer, Drew Community PUcutilon of a ing Company's Bayway Re/inery, : 4 /•aders on the buktia hoard respect considered a contest, that Schembre, Gwen Scher, Tami Scher, has accepted a position as .' , I each child reads the books he wishes Glean Schroeder, Judy Schwartz, tat* childnn'd i room. WWhah n say in the togietics • i- -•- - \ •ttfkW JaycMt wUI prmnt A SOUD WASTE (or a* readies elnb to reed and reads at his owa pace. Steven Seastream. Lori Seflng, Su Standard Compaay 30 hooks, a teas* Children who read ao books include san eeward, James Sibum, Kevin Mr. Priee wiU foe leealea te the , Ms name on it was eaaced Robert Afdrey, Rebecca Avis, Mat- Sknont, Tracey Simons, Edgar company's New York offices. ; MKJSHJM in thit beard; When the progran thew Bagger, Donna Lynoe Oarkley, Smith, Maura Smith, Christopher A native of Patersqn, Mr. Priee U * - »•>,/ * • to a tfaee last Taiireday <8spt Jaae Baumann, Diane Beeny, Steven SoHmlae, Patricia Sonnentag, Laura a graduate of Princeton University •»-Httage site BeKxer, Karen Bentley, Johanne SplHt. Piatrkia Steenhuifien, Jill where he received a bachelor's de- Mwh School Avcptonum from fTbe Serard, Herk Berard, Leslie Beat, Karen Taylor, Kate gree, in mechinical engneering. He "V A-' c - : Doug Boothe, Alary Beth fioyle, Mar yT far** colored tadfcaa Taylor. joined the Linden refinery in INI v:X:.r <.. •;••• thtir oithe gg Bradley, Danny Brady, Jacque* »?••• Also Kenneth Taylor, Kevin Tay- as an equipment engineer and ser- *•_-' 1- aefed tf

art HML pott ling thoso itotm c. V H»# Pofking TOU f torn [formoriy Fmost locotid on North Avtiuo, noor •_ •• -

I: •

' J r . - — -- . d Effort

* r - ' T-l^

./-. •- sv ' >» RINSE ' J "• .»

*K-r *,• -, ' '/ Su» -• ,>- •/ , . . . mt-M-yy-.? •: •:.:.•--• FROM| SIB* CONTAtfMtS.


•, F



• AlAIt SAft IALUMUHUM BEVEIAQI CONTAJNOS Monday, September 27 v.-

H • Begin October 4 HAVE NO SIDE SIAM ANO 1OUN«D BOHOM). • - t 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Edison Junior High jT_ - h • #


' Pick "tfae Cowers in the The annual mcetiog of the Union Xordono's Texaco of Westfield is ben .they're crisp, Dr. Durkin rec- College Alumni Association will be among six finalists named from ommends, and put them in a clean held at 8 p.m. in the faculty lounge among the 115 Union County serv- vase with luk&wanm water, which is on the Cranford Campus of Union ice station dealers competing for easier for them to drink- Use a CoUege, it was announced today by top honors in a statewide "Service flower preservation and keep the Richard P. Muscatello, president. Station of the Year Contest." bouquet k a cool apot where it isn't *reezy. And *vwy few day* change the water and tbe preservative and cut back the stem a ooupte of indies. STUDIO ART CLASS Votfidd Native for Children and Young People Heads Fim Starts October 6 Formation and opening af Equity Mrs. Harriet Moore, Teacher Advisors Inc., an inveiUwrt ad- visory affiliate of Gintei k Co., has Sculpture Print Making been announced by Robert If. Gin- tel, managing partner of tfev parent Painting Drawing organization. President of the new company is Paul Carton, a native of WeatfieW, Individual attention wiH b* giv«n to aach ef flfee Cettegc af Agrfevitav* aa4 EavtoetMMrtal 8c4- and son of Ernest CarlatB, former ttudtnt to dovolop %k\\t, imagination, knowl- wafer IWw thrash eteat mittmm vMa the ucfetaftcc •* •eerettry ftUts Barbara Ge«4- president of tfae WestfMd Baa** of wia. Us tMearcfc *•*•*— Ifa* ite w Aev • trlttealfar Ma life »• m cut Education. He is a graduate M Le- odao of tools and malaria I* and an undor- high University with a B.A. degree ttandiiig of svbjoct matttr. "We think the came general clase in accounting, studied at Caeumbia Study is "Gmring Up Roses' of substances blocks the flow of University where he received an water (with all cut flowers, though MBA degree in business Mrs. Moore also teaches at the Adult School we haven't tested this year/' Dr. and later devoted a year to In Rutgers University Laboratory Durkin says. graduate studies under support of and with the Recreation Commission. Ben- Different cut flowers of coune the Ford Foundation, Under Carbon's direction, Equity VERY MUCUCH m ymtt My wtm,, CmAyn CmAyn KeMKiy, nington College graduate. vary a great deal in their life apan. pp at tte UJJ, Ope* tents duwptMwlps ai Tt* autyect ii ram, «ad the object of the atem waa reepoatibte, Dr. Chrysanthemumi latt long, while Advisors, Inc., wiU provids indivi- Faretl HI Hi, N.Y., k ai aapeallif m camera study as it to toep tfcwn olive longer in theDurkin and his vaatotanta took roses tulips and moat bulb flowers are dual investors with expands* pro- waea the WUts Umue was a fastofraptor'! U j that were (reshly cut. Each day stem ihort lived. For Mine cut (lowers, fessional management of their capi- For Further Details Call Many a flower kwer hai tried •ectkmi *were removed to meaaure food may be almost as important as tal. Officer* of the company ere But in general, a rae tittf'f boo the water flow through them. The drink. maintained in conjunction with the 232-5842 picked luU oily a thW M toof feaearchen found that flow de- Carnation*, for instance, last about Gintel headquarters at 1W Putnam LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS M would have on the tan. creased «a the tower aged, and they the same length of time as rose*— Green in Greenwich, Now, however, a Rutfon kfeo «l*o found the blockage of water about II days, for some varieties, if Carlson's entire profewtonal back- is comtaf ctote to acme buftc movement ww Just about the tame they stay in the garden, and only ground has been related to research awera that may recapture th*t et in all jectioni of the stem. about «ix days in a vase. But cut and money management. Prior to Fried to March two4ttnls of • cut n»ef* Wt ap "We've concluded that the ma-carnations can stay fresh almost hii present post as head of Bqui- In Pulaski Parade KM a drinking problem that teriala that aeep out of the injured two weeks if a flower preservative ty Advisors, he was associated with mart rf thetrouble, according to Dr. item are then carried bKk up theis used to supply them with food, Keystone Custodian Funds in Bos- For the first time in its 35-year Domiafc Ourtin V. accepted the first night: of classJ*|j- •fcin urged everyone to register as

. •!" soon as possible to insure a place VALUABLE COUPON in the course of his choice, MFG 5 A BO Brochures describing the courses SAVE! toward the purchase of have been mailed to residents of the six communities in the Regional WITH THESE 50c! 8-OZ. JAR District, and the surrounding area. Copies of the brochure also may VALUABLE OFF MAXIM COFFEE • ^ bo picked up at any of the four WITH THIS <;»MHI nt nn>' Shnp-RHe innrkvt. •• • > , Regional High Schools or at the pub- I Jin K On? I-OUIHIH nt>r family, lic libraries in the District. ilium expire* Silt., Sept. -.*», ll»71. COUPONS COUPON K1KO The high schools are: Governor Livingston Regional High School, Save 50c (Berkeley Heights; Arthur h. Johnson Regional 'High School, Clark; David VALUABLE COUPON .iliiili Brearley Regional High School, Ken- MFG 1AB0 Hworlh; and Jonathan Dayton Re- . . , toward the purchase of gional High School, Springfield. The 2-LB., 8-OZ. BOX •Regional District also includes Gar- wood and Mountainside. CLOROX II Further information about the adult OFF school program, which is sponsored DRY BLEACH WITH THIS • mill fit tiny Hhii|i-Itlte market. by the Union County Regional Board Limit Out* cToiiimit jivr fitmtly* COUPON of Education, may bo obtained by IIIIIMMI t'xiilreM Sut,, Sept. *2%t 11*71, culling the adult education office at MFO 376-6300 during business hours or Save 10c (| 7564811 at all other times. IMPORTED CHOPPED HAM GOVT INSPECTED WHOLE

fa * FRYING Vi LB. Ready new car?GowithaUCTC CHICK QUARTERED loan. This is direct bank financing PARTS Attractive rates and terms. Repayment LEGS w BACKS BREASTS w WINGS plans that fit your budget. Your loan stays at UCTC. We're always close by if you need us. Big car. Small car. New SLICED TO ORDER RATH IMPORTED AUSTRIAN or used. Visit any office right now for SCKSCKHAUS HARD SWISS

• 1 fast action. When we say 'full-service' BOLOGNA SALAMI CHEESE banking, we mean full-service. LB. an. ° Vi J.B. ^ — — — SHOP-RITE OF

union county FIRST THINGS first, WATCHUNG apparently tlio motto of; TJmmy Henly, 2, of WU«i ROUTE #22 trust company whig ton, Del., In making a! purchase of » sucker from] WATCHUNG, NJ, Tony Angela's enmly conn-; where good things start to happen tor. Conveniently handy; / BLUE STAR SHOWNC\ Mamtxrof Federal Rcaorvo Syaiom • Foci oral Deposit Insurance Coiporatlom puoto£ru|>]icr inlchuH Tiiti-j I CEMTER / ri - ¥ jny parting with both tils puiuiy mid something else. i*tYvvt\\v (lira Srjrr. 1W( \ut nv I'm* I3 «rniMi W<* (lie to limit • • UOMWCmCH •'• LMAt NOTCH # •* 0m Of-' IfHAI/l'H by 11 r<^ ;uiy inali during tlje building- of a 'new fire, jt-ru inH inline tuu imt ilu- tibciclt- or appearance of which •t-V, Uliff* tihM fctf get kate big trouble tu \ and is not darker than No, 2 of the l In iM*. T»t a fat-ilit **•*!Itl **r liquid UinK'elmana ^qioke Chart, tor a fill period of no longer than tliree CCMI- Ilit i iim n i»r iuiintul r» i Jv serutlve minut^«; or to ^mlnKlonn of • ••• on fln*l ^. No i>*-]'son s opacity wliliin a *t;u*k or l-*i;ui|jnu-n i i ii u hii-h lu-at Inmi i lu- ur jjrrmii ey or oxrlusive or water va- til a meeti p 0 < -TuiMi^l inn "I fln-1 is ir.iii>l"f rrrd hv - ur, nf such opacity leuvintf a atack •- A. AN UIOfMM MN0VADON und (hut MIH! r.«mnl <>l 1 or chimney to a dogree which IK not m romlm-i Jon ihruunli i* hi*» i -«*^nilUf- ' op* f.'H ii'ti by upon liumi MI;, further conHMf-l' 1 tie iiint' \t\ jm-att-r than the rmisfllonB liu'A inu Irria 1 1«» it ^uh^UU1^•^• IMMUL; at« pmvidrd in Section a;2t ^HHti^e on 1 hi- Kivc In iitI'd. su that ilu- la! UT i.^ luvi tcd as Xu. '2 *if the iVluik K,M. hi :; \2 Tin* opi-n buruinK of iniVsU-d r i- Mil a. l til by, iunJ suldx NOiiLTi^ lu, JIISULI liiV r»t' liazar 4'»uft*i*eu<*e I of On- Al unit- *- "" ». I lit" JirndlU'tS Ol' rutnllUSLtlPlK not in*i>hlliiti«d wlu-iv no "Mirr known than three coi^of*utive minute*!. 425 R Iin^ul SinH, UV^i- j iiu. MMHi of t;;i 1 tan hv used ,.. A'-j' jcr***-y. u( uhuh linir ami IM'I->TI;O person Khali cau^e, syffer, f'LAvr uri;: plum \viihuut ha/.arurt1ol*>t= of unburned waste or ash i'ii iu*srtlr a plant pittliuK^u. a ^t-t^l, in t-n Mlotl with and approved hy i» to J><* lifurd conn rniny ur any ol her uj-gMUMH r;i|iablf t*( from uny incinerator wbich are in- UNKDN COUiOCS tl!< Jersey Department uV Bn-dividually larae ^nousrh to Ue vtsi- y • ti MI 1-nvjri'nnn mul vir-MiiTH-nlal Pr<»u-<.t inn in accor- bl hil dd i h JOSEPH J, MOTTUKV nui ura while suspended in the atmoa- • .. diiniM* willi rin\])tfr ^» St^tiony 5,1 phere, si nil oA reKjje<*( ivelyt of t lit- Now Jcr- 1 rr- I. OHiilVAVrM wo. ::T OI>OH: A pruiuMty of a suhstiiuri- A*ry Air l^uiluti^u Control ( smelL stall, UKO or oaufle to be uaed any incinerator whlob wiH result In ct AIK HOJ-M'TIOX CONTJIOL OfKK HiM\i\(;: Any lire whusr v; von THE TOWN* oi* WBRT- prnduots of cuinbuwi ion art- i'iniit*M] odors bein^r del^otlblfi by itntte of UK IT OltDAlKKfJ by tin- tiir**t-ily Into I IK- open uir aiwl arv in any area of hy«aa ut*e or 1 4: t Nn p^rsen Bliall nfluse suffer, of Health uf il»* Town of u*'i dirt* tteJ thereto thruutth Uu s t i allow, "i permit fcmolce to ho emit- in the County »f rm«n or chJmji^y uf an iiK'hu ratt»r. 5:S No p+r&on nhell operate and •4*. Blfttf of Now Jt-r*u\v :ts fullnivs: CHATOlt: Ally IUIHOII who IULK ted Into UK* unen ;*Ir from the owner or operator of a»v b«lhu I) TITM2 AKII I'Oljrv cart*, cuHtcjtly, or cuntm! of a buiUl- iMistlou of ru*'l in any stationary In* direct heat exchanger, tli^ Bhade or \ng in the Town of W*+tA*l4t Kl\t\U tit TfTI'Ki Tlilw orditmnre slinll in* fiifcT ur pifniiwt'^, i»i a pun inn ihi-n-* i nermit the operallon of a» IUjCln* kfown, *ind t»»ay lie eitert, aw ilu* Air oi", whtiihiT with nr withuut knuw- app( RruiH-e p]y tor •# P0MH; tt in hereby 1 of the flre and removal of aera lu any premints, wlih ur without till SmoK* emitted during: the 1 (frpt pollution of the aimrjs)0i4>re by 1 in a safe mturner from ft** flmbox iirronipanylni;' net u a 1 puH^ossion rh'nninjr of a flrcbax or the building flffloke, olndcrK, aout, fly nsh. Kttses, y k 1 to a non-combuetlble ooct4MIIMr4; ; »ro- futaeu, vnpore, udor**, fJu«l ami uv wlio hav< charav, of a x\ow firt , the shaclo or appear- how^vfr, that br O*#«lal rer- j 1 aiifi' fjf wiilrli is not darker than , br O*#«lal rer other roniiifnlnilnts 1« a nu-iuu*-* to riiri ," (Ji t-untrol of any preinisefj ur mlt the Director of Air Pollutiol n (AA hpRlihlh, welfarelf , midd com ffort t off van ihuj'etif, liu'luiliuj; Inil nut Nn. 2 nf the Hjiift'elmann Smoke F 1 Cliart. for a period or jieriode ag:- Control may, becavw of ei:ce#*tonal tlife rawldentH of th* Town of Wost- HmlU'd to a chvolllne or tlwellhiK ojroumHUtic^a, perm ii 4W«yent tlmd and JL unuae of sub^iantJal unil, iiK owner ur a^cnt of the inK no more than three min* uwner or KM H tirtuclary, including in any fifteen roii houra of ope ration UM^r *(M* con* dttnage to property. For thf pur* t cut Ions an fee ah^l ANHH nee* wary prtfre of eon troll! n^ ami n-durtnp- but not J)mlted t»*: cxec-utor, ad- /or the health, t&tetv ««4 w#ffara 91 *tf«odph«rlc pollution. It \s hvrc-hy ministrator, trustee, receiver, guar- of the public or of inraona In the declared to be the policy of the dian, or us a imirt^a^ee in No person shall operate and filon viciiiltyiilt , — JlcCuUheon T*Wn of "Wefitfleld to minimize nlr RH of Uow such p no owner or operator off any MIL IWWENT MATS TO UNITED f llutlol n at* hhereii n tafii umll pro- sion Anyy pperson flip in thp Town of Westfteld shell ,.: .'. > il of -th** is a lessee or aublea^fl e of all or pormit the uperatjon of an inciner- «:1 No j**rson or puntep r of property m . ^ nen t too BUmlurd* governgovern- any part of any premise**, including ator without a duly Issued permit peraon havi or SS hut not limited to a dwelling- or iasued hy the Director in accordance We^fttli t# mtku la Uw Utite* fimi |w th« operation of equipment amii of property aU U SUf" * Spurt* n* rue*» relating to combus- dwelling unit, Khali be det/m&d to with this Code. or permit U Hted tlin which lire fl* auuree or potential be co-owner with the lessor and 5:2 A|H>lloatione for permits to fer, irmm toft to right *Mvc are A: JUM;i«atnl iito *fcf open air iu •uch ,i * '•> of air pollution, and In fur-ahall have joint responsibility with operate Incinerator** shall be Faa4: I.Dem Mk* t, Wgtftrti the owiivr over th*- premises or por- quantities na shal reswlt In air S^utoiu At All Thr## Cornputet of purpose lo onoper- on forma 4)rovld#d by the pn J pt of tthis f ih tion thereof «o least?* or subleased. and shall'provide such information section shall not apply to the uae . f * . PKKNOXj liifludes corps, as*Koci^tion«( societies, the nature of tii-e Installation, f» MWCll mm and fire protection devices, «ind coordinate tbowo efforts \viih firms, partnerships, and Joint mock •\ Cranford • Elizabeth • Pfainfl.ld N«W Jersey Dopartmpnt of En* oompanltss as. well aa individuals. and devices 8ttfn«l«tit to. eottive director. • - ' - Pf#AWT MM8i-Veffelation includ- afralnut air pollution, necessary In- hftefty Ivfronmental ProtectionF ,CRKTAI1 ] Jure AH oVf the position of Director of Air AiWAr HPollutio n Controfollowinl g tt>rms ing but not limited to, trees, tree formation as to person or persons Peterson Named ; Wells wfc«r*vcr uaed herein or referred to branches, leaves, yard trimmlnffH respoiiHible for operation and for Pollution Control which 1* har*to]r Iff; thin Code ahali lmve the respec- hbb , ,weeds ad ropss maintenance and quallftcatlonti there- vested with the duty of enforcing shrubbery, ^raes weeds and rropss. for, and euch oth*?r pertinent in- 4 4Nltl thi C* m t#ries in research, testing and tive meHningB assigned to tliam un- formation as may he necessary for 4 rff thia p RAM STARTS OCT. 11971 I different meanlnsr clearly np- wa«tMRKl»Ke andi plan Oarbiiiret life., rubbish, trade protection of the public welfare, witprovideh ald l ti^reitother f dutUaDlfAeto an4 r Lab Director from the context, fHAHTi p idi d ti Th Dl f C«NTJ|«tNAWTi Solid parti- The itinffelmatin's Scale for safety, health, and interest, appoint or designate other employ- liquid particles, vapors or the Density of Smoke, as published 5:3 The Director shall issue a per-- eea or officers of the Town of Vfetis Laboratories has Which are discharged Into by the Bureau or Mines, or anymlt for the operation of an inciner- WeBtfield to perform dutlea nec*B- chart, recorder, indicator, or deato- r after examlntnff the application for the enforceiqent of thla a|)poitftment of Arthur F. Peter AUMI MAIL ' own atmosphere. vice for the measurement of «mok« Code- . . - - imMrtmn T nnd Inspecting the facility and be- AWII as director .of laboratories. JMimMrtmt The presence In density which in approved by th«ing satisfied- that It will be oper- si tw«nee«tmr« mttiwr or Dr. peteriM liw* hffawWi Mt Unllmlfed bmhvr* tab 4«tfl6or atmosphere of one orNow jeraey Department ot Environ- ated in accordance with thle Code. 8:1 All bttlUinffs s«4 premtMi wife Audrey and,-their thrw mental Protection a» the equivalent Said permit may be conditioned on ©r. Peterson Joins Weils Labora- nipt* air ^ contaminants In such of h' Slq f th subject to this Code are subject to tMiq«antjO#d » hei , fn|uHouatid duratios to n as are, or p Soale for tha being made within a infection from time t« tltne by th* after serving since 1967 as •t D«vW, Ksrttqr MM Otfd wiMf*r#he,t in ml t fWkftt otmul .or plant life, Ht'RHIHHHtRHIHHii W*«tW* e Builds not f op* ratine* re-rtrftctlont At his duly authorised r*pt*sentatlr**. Of to or would unreason- Ablly l»t*rf*re with the enjoymont Hhi<>r«fl t1o be highlhl y il^ilamn^ablb e or ifrcesaary to comply with thlK Code, Alt room* and areas in the bulUlns , at Huntiogton Laboratories. crabtelagy and physical lla/or o**rty throughout the explosive Inclidint, but, not llmitfed M\ p#fmitfl shall be Issued by theshall be available wnm accessible for lluntington, Ind. Prior to that he from the Iwtituto of U as shall be af* to, riiKBi old cloth*«, leather, riib- Director and Hhall explfe on Decem- such inspection which shall be f«ad« f JBVrvlfl 4 * • nVIfw 4U)d oxcludes all ae- bcr, carpete, wood, #ncel«iorp paper, ber thirty-first following the date during: usual business hours if theWai senior microbioiogUt at AHied at Rutgers. WL • «f «wTplover-employee r*la- aehes, furniture, tin cunt, £**•*< of Iftgiutnce, or at such time prior premUes are used for noitreiitonflil «• -to Bheii->th and safely crockeryk , m^Bonry d othethre ai imm thereto an any conditions or re-purpo^eir; provided, however, that Chemicals Agricultural Division y, utricttotis shall hot have been com- inApdcttonit may be made at other Itawarch Center, and was involved Those BALVACJK OPl«*OPl«*TION#T i Any opp pljled with. Each incinerator shall times if (1) the premises are not In University Senate ae '-jiteecticeR, ro- eration or aactivity y ffro m whic** ini require a permit for which the an-available during the forejrolnr hours i$Te«earch and quality control work herblcidea, ur reclaimelid d producdt inpal feft shall be |26 payabla to tho for Inspections; or <2) tn*re Is rea-* salvaged ur r y p l| of Health, except that the soji to believe that vlplattons are E33o Research and Engineer- Patrick J. X«UMdV of m KimbaU defoliants, lH It of the fee shall not be re- liquid or gaseous oJter 4materia to, l JnoliuHii, ohemicalK buBt o notr ; l| occuring on the premises which can ing and the Anaconda Company. He Ave., a vice pretMeat of Setoa rUH i l hi b quired from public or private schools only be apprehended and proved by to iara. t af»ii hospitals or from governmental Inspection during other than the extensive experience and University, South OrMge, and Louit # 1033 HMOHICi Small vost>orne an4 air- prescribed hour*; or (3) there Is or vesr- borne particles. **cJuBlve of water refttion to believe a violation exists g& in the- chemical special- DeCrenascoi of 1470 Force Dr. vapr, •rUInt f;4 p^ ^ No person shall cft»ae, suffer, , N. J 0701* f*OM houses vaporuatt, oUAI f» ro^M o* of a character which It an itnmedl* agricultural, petrochemical, in- Mountainside, ar« reprMMiUtiyes to Mm ' - 4 , produce markets co»buatton in aufHclent number to w, or permit smoke frort any ata threat to health or nafety re- . or food of anybe H ntr*tor *Jhe «hM* orr *w*e*p«ice quiring inspection and abatement organic and metaUurical fields and a new University Seturte at the coi- flue, con which ifl 4*rit*r than No. 1 of the without delay. w, or'OpeBjinK and ooii * * itrttrioKt Chart, to be erttt- ftiichrobiology. lege. The new form of governmeat tr*cttr*ictede ' for. the frj of ci*U- tihe open air; iOT eniiftlonK 8:2 Emergency inspections may be to hMlfh or l i tl of #«cti opacity within a st^ck or authorised without warrant If the : Dr. Peterson assumes responsibil- combines student, faculty* admin- tar any meant tln* air contunlnnntH into tfce open or e*tel«*ive of. water va- Director of Air Pollution Control istrative and alumni representation. LET THE LEADER PRINT IT TftAOR WA«T«| All wagU sotl« . » of wKvch opacity leaving * stack has reason to believe that a condU ity for directing the staff at Wells, <-• b i or chimney to a d««r«« greater than tlon eiletB which poses an and will act in consultation and ad- •odium i4 f !* emlMion 4e«1fnitt»4 as No, 1 ofate threat to life, health, or i d or the prpftfccution of 9l3ffelmann Smoke Chart Such-procedure Hhall take place onfy visory capacities along with Dr. 6:5 ffe ot Section 5.3 where the time required to apply »d^ .or ." . " for and- secure the Issuance of a fllaul Frances, who continues as ex- a to, plastic ft not ii i»n#\iir • LEGAL NOTICES , •

warrant would ; render ineffective the immediate action ncceaaary to (tbate the condition, Emerg-ency pectlona may also be authorised _. the Governor'ln times of air pol- • • lution emergenclefl in accorilanoe COLLEGIANS iH.8.. 2fi;2C|321 . Where tho 131 t^Of-Alr Wnution Control nir AND MHVATE ICHOOt SWO€NTS, TOO representative .' - i ^ . ^ -., entry or access, or \ In o*h*r»vl«e impeded or prevented by » x vthe owner, dcfsiipant, or operator :ft-om. conducting an Inspection of ino bremlaei, such persons Hhall be Ift violation of this Code and sub- ject to the penalties hereunder, YOU GO! » S:3 The Director of Air Pollution Control may, upon afflilnvlt, apply #M0DiL AiR That the.ttremlHfts require In- apectton-accordliit? to the cycle GM- Leader to com*to yo u every week labllBhed by tho Director oC Air m Pollution Contrpl for periodic In- spections or premlHos of the type Involved; during the sdiool year. Next best ten (2) That obaejrvatlon of external conditions (for example, smoke, RHht Hoot, odors) of the premincB and lt« miblic areas hart resulted In the be- lief that violation** of thin Code thing to* o lettw from home. exist; (<1) That circumstances

fine and deHlfpn of fue - • r 1- oqulpment andynr Hywtem, inclntrAtor, pmtlcular UHC b lsc«( or other factor render atlt! inHpectlonit of su<;h Place your order todoy so you don't forget it in nyceeflary In this intereAt of health and safety. * If the Judpq of the Municipal the last minute rush. We'll start matting your first QE Court, of the Town of WestftoKL.Jft satisfifed a& to the matters «et forth In the said affldavitr he Hhall au- BONUS! thorlte the Issuance oX a search week at school . warrant permitting ncceaN to and s -; . . inspectIpn of thfrt part of the prem* 1 • * lndiNN*4f Ihte * lsas on which tie nuTflanco or viola- tion may exist.: lit PBNAIiTIHM Special Rote f«r Privat© School or College Year fl:t Any perftdn who shall violate any of the nrovlflloha of this Code, or who shall fill to -comply there- with or with attiy of the reiqulre- monts thereof, phjedi he iuit11fthabl« by a fine ofnot more Limn $500 nor leu* than $5, 9:2 The violation of any flection or » .H Hubaectlon of tfhls Cade «hall con* Htltute a separate and dlfttlnut of- PRICES BELOW COVER COMPLETE INSTAUA1iaN Ml YOUR WARM AIR DUCT fenno independent of the violation of any other section or uuhHoctlon, or of any ordoi1 Issued purnuant to SYSTEM-ALL LESS GE'S EXTRA*40 BONOSI PriOM hchte lormsl this Code, EMh clay of violation $S*00 Hhull conBtitutcj4 un iiddltlonul, amte itnd dlcitliict nffouHO. * § furnact fan motor iff MMittfy-NO EXTRAS TO PAY! 10i CONNTKIFCTIOX AMI AIIABIMTV If you have steam or hot water heat you stHI CM frt fl^d Hectite Air Condition!n« at Urn, end-of-SHMn pricw 10:1 This Codd In to bo liberally Qonutrued to efllcctuatn the purpose^ Order NOW on this convonlorit order blank herein dBHcrlbetK Nothing herein ia SIZE OF UNIT 3 Ton 4 Ton to be construed RH rupaating or 31/2 Ton abrldfflnff tho flmorsoncy potverci of any agency of Kovornmont except to the extent cxpreuHly «ot forth COOLING CAPACITY 24,000 30,000 36.000 42,000 48,000 60/000 BTU'S 10:2 If any Hocllon, stttiBecUnnt BTU's BTU't BTU'S BTU'3 BTU'8 pnraKraitli, Ht'titcnui!, (*1UUHU, plirksl^. nr [tortlon of (tlila nrtiliuinco Hindi lie adjudged Inynlld tor any roason whutHoover, HIW\\ portion Him 11 he { WESTHELD LEADER SQUARE FOOTAOE 1000-1200 1300-1500 1600-1800 1850*2000 2050-2400 2500-3000 di'cmed a aepai*uto» ttl»tltu:t find ln- OF HOUSE sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft sq. It. dupendent nrovlnlon tt\ml HUCII hold* lni; Hhull not tLfToet the* validity o[ I SO ELM ST., WISTFIUD, N. J. the rcmutnln^ llortlniiH hereof which PRICE COMPLETELY Khali romalu in full fcireo unil ff INSTALLED lit HKPKAIitlll 11:1 All ordinjiuicfH or imrtw of hr Send TrH UAOIt fromHit* I'* +*)+t(H . .unti. l Juno •978 •1122 •1261 •1438 1548 dluunces Inuon0t»t«uit wltli MID pro- toU 175 to »1245 to«1375 to U627 to*167t lU of tilIH ordinance arc ll poaicd, • Stnd bill lo below VZ\ HPFBCTIVI3 flA^ Prices shown am average prices current!/ quoted In Northern New Jersey. liJ:l ThlH OnUnanc'D and the COCIQ rein oHtKbllHhod nluill Ifikf effect 4 E # Uilriy , (30) dpyH after the ilrrit Simplv Phone Today to take advantage of thb apeoM effer btl ! TO If you order on or btfor* Stpt 30th, General Electric wilt send you a jpwlii bonus check for $40.00 as soon as your Installation is completed, Your General Eltotrlc dialer will sch«dulo your Installation In sequence as orders are received. I Norn* , t H ll*ltll ******** I »*111*« lor FREE Survey and Estimate, call us, your General Electric Dealerl j SCHOOL

I Addr«s f i I xtNNd I ****** J


• * * i tim* f*e, m *w * to reii of Cranford, reading specialist as a Suburban Symphony Series di- on TV Wpro Mre. Jane Law of Weetfield, for the New Providence Board ol rected by Henry Blochf music di- professional artist afld art lecturer Education a*id lecturer in reading rector and conductor, and an intro- Fundraising Show at Vam College, will be &* )«- at Union Colbge, will conduct the ductory astronomy course held at etruetor. Cranicrd workshop on Thursday 1 Speny Observatory on Union gptdaact * a

•f lite


' •!

to I j- i drama, Uynm to «M«i*e, the geology, afcd reading Bociat OJirtit »»ci vw- ,a, fwnu of 4 t**-c*4t *rm$\Cr$*t*4 ampu oa Wittyeve- temiaara -tor •*** e*taM h*^ Cmftrl and Hiiafirt Cam- vartod jrikitoti orf d anaJyri to hMO ind wmea wt» i^k t«lw* r**rrtUn# H uftdw-the their hortrooi,1' PwT!>m#fd anWfrittWtd discusiioft .Sclcotv directory M>M tt^fftrttnir Hawftfcrf of ft*r York Union College Miens.-' a pwfrmmty, mirtt«*irtf manager of- continuing ediicatiM ls>* Wfvj^uotty colic** division, * en**: vttai part of tf* itriftlHilt PubH§W«| Company, wiU commitment of 0 cfmu duct thi Cranford course, which will with one of our 72s inunity/college," and in kefpftglmeet on Thursday evenings, Oct

with -that:conviction, College !;•-j7 through'Dec. tt, from 7:90 to \ lirnlled,wa* established. : r jpm. Oicar Ffahtein of PlainfieM Th* six wrkshops in addition tip, associate profetMr of English and ix it free. seven seminars' covering current] Actttf chairman of the English De- social t^lcs will be offered at VBvii»rt at Union College, will teach ion College's three campuaea rinifthe Plainfield course, which meets •\ * t'ranfotf, Elizabeh, and PlalnfleU.Iiwi Wednesday evwilnp, from 7:30 Applied Psychology,, taught: by I to 9 p.m., beginning Oct. 6 and con former Union College . professor T flnulng through Dec. 15. ANWHCAN MOTOAS1972 Every car: (not one of 50, one of 5tgyety oqp) \. - BUYER PROTECTION PLAN. is road-tested for starting, handling, braking For years, car buyers in this country have and overall performance* When the service- •A' Mountainside Public Schools been saying that instead of shiny new chrome man completes the test, he signs his report and .-. \ Proposed School Calendar every year» what they really want is a good car slides it over the sun visor, where you can see it. •" m - • , •-•. • - • • • •- - they can count on. And, when a man signs his name to some- W71-1972 That*swhyAmericanMotorsand its dealers thing, you can be Uonday Oct. 11 dolurpbus Day put together their I<372 Buyer Protection Plan. sure he's done his UondayOct. 25 Veteran*' Day Here's how it works: job. And done it ltiursday Nov..4 N.J.E.A.. Convention right. Friday Noy; 6 :?(.J.E.A. ConvenUon- Wednesday Nov. Zl Schools.close at 1:00 p.m.

h 1 4 V TWksglviiw Recess A STRONG GUARANTEE b < J: L. Monday Nov. 29 Schools reraen; ;• iSti-'tf V IN PLAIN ENGLISH. •* ': A LOANIR CAR WHEN YOU NEED IT. FREE. taursdav Dec. 23 Schools close nt 3:00 p.m. Christmas Recess s\ Not only do we offer you a strong guarantee, Monday Jan. 3 Schools reopen • Friday Feb. 18 Schools close at 3:00 p.m. we've set up a system to back it up without Midwinter, flwess inconveniencing you. Monday Feb. SohooLs reopen WKen you buy a new 1972 car horn an American Thursday March 30 Schools dose tat 3:00 p.m. Motors dealer American Motors Corporation fuarantees If you have to, leave your *72 overnight for Easter Recew to you tlwt, except for tires, it will pay for the repair or re- guarantee repairs,over 2,000 dealers Monday April ,10 Schools reopen placement of «ny part it supplies that a defective in material Monday May 2? ; Memorial Day or workmanship. will loan you one of their cars.

CIOM This guarantee is good lor 12 months from the date I _ , Thursday June 22 Schools Cor year at 3:00 p.m.. Anice,clean,well- -- > r" 1". Friday June 23 Last day of school, for teachers •I r • the car is first used or 12,000 mtiei, whichever comes first All we require is that the car be properly maintained equipped car Tuesday, June 20 DeerfieW MidtUe School Gr«dif«aon f .'• and cared for under normal use and service in the fifty . . ;.'; ; (Ten'Utive) ' - .'; United Suites or Canada and that guaranteed repairs or in good condition. Free. "I'- In the event that forced school closings make it impossible to meet the replacements be made by an American Motors dealer. SUte minimum of 130 d»ys(t4>e EasUr v*o»tioa, will be used bo ganeratc - t I • the needed additional days. ; ; < - This guarantee gives you 12-month or ADMKT UMETO DETROIT.TOIL-FREE . /• K^\:--i "**•*

12,000-mile coverage on a lot of things most We're making some big promises, and we *Y car warranties don't It covers air conditioning, fully intend to keep them. But* just in case you Your car can earn n- battery, radio, wiper blades, front end align- have a problem, we have a way of

longer ment, Kght bulbs-literaily everything we put y handling it. When YOU buy a 72, A ••- on the car except tires; ou get the name and toll-free num- ANY GAR BEAUTTfULLY In other words, if something we did goes r of a person in Detroit. •: . • J. wrong with one of our *72*s, you won't have If you call, we promise you you'll PAINTED FOR ONLY to pay for the parts or the labor. We will. get resuks. And fast

r L i ^ V These aren't just fancy words, crafHmanihlp Mi tx« Worth of •'.' i ^ ' terior body rvpalrt - WW Fi«t $10. io^y w#^ A MORE THOROUGHLY-CHECKED CAR. We mean it. FROM THE FACTORY AND THE DEALER. Nobody in the business does as F SAVE UP. TO 50% AND MOKE Naturally, we wouldn't be backing our cars much for you after you buy a car, like this if we weren't more sure of them than and it takes a lot of time, men and Wo hid our 19S6 Volv,o l>eniitl- money to do all these things. fully imlnteU fttosolutety FR13R at Colora«ia ~r- H«re'a Howt But we think it's worth it Saya Mr. Robert Ober of Rail- way: Since we're giving American car- Xt you can guetm COLOR- AMA'B eatlmato on the body buyers exactly what they say they want, work portion of your car, y -• '(•' with In $5.00 (our gitettft WUH M*u4or ^^ ^^ Spott«lK>ut 1107,00 — Ihmr OHtlrnnle wan we should sell more cars than we've $110.on> you receive n PRI3I3 pit I tit jobjl! WI3 WON!!! weVe ever been before. For 1972, we've put in ever sold before. • *

Wo SAV«I1 $49.00 (tho cost of C- the iiiilnt job)* and our car more quality control steps, more test9 and came out ltko now; looking: for an hunont (K-al, nt InjiiCHt more people to see that every car leaving our pricey COLORAMA Is the jilftce to so. They not only conflumorlflm — but lh*y back factory is as perfect as man and machine can It up. I would recommend tlietn make it At the dealer's, it's checked over again. American Motors FANTASTIC BUT TRUEIII Our creedi consumer I Huge dust free truck paint- protection Ing booth STARTING TODAY, THIS AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER WILL DO Oui^ workmanship Is guar- 4 coat* of paint * anteed 100% MORE K>R YOU AFTER YOU BUY A CAR THAN ANY OTHER DEALER IN TOWN. Ledve caf, we'll drlvr-you ^ Retains Its gloss and lustre home " without polishing Undercoat and prevent ru»* ^ 5,000 and one colors to One day paint service choose from INC. ?•* (lfOKIffl.1 AUTO & AUGUSTINE MOTORS1 TRUCK PAINTING 431 North Avenue, East ••v "\\V Ili'duUfy Thr Cont'plexluli nt Yimr Cnrl"

360 SOUTH AVE., OAHWOOO Call 719-2040 ] • V OlI*li< nn (lie WrMOtIA line) Westfield, New Jersey I.-1* Open 8 a.m. to, 7 p.m. ~* S«t< 'lit S p.m. IW#FWW# IMPKW/ ^WfWW**T / W&rrwWGw RJHS Warrors Ready to Defend Open Season In Football Opener Here Saturday By Brian Kane The Westfieid football team will will lead tackles Keith Rodrigues Record in Soccer Weslfisld Hieh's varsity soccer open its state title defense Saturday and Bob Huff. The center will be leain, boosted by the return of sev- senior Bob dark and D&n Alpaugh The EoosevcH Junior High Soc- at home against a strong dark en lettsrmen, .will attempt to im- team at 2 p.m. The home town grid- will be at the other guard spot. cer Warriors open their fifth sea- prove on lasl year's 8-7-1 record Coach Gary Kehler will begin his son tomorrow aiternoon at Clark ders hope to improve upon their this season. 21 game unbeaten skien. 31th season *& W«stfield's head Park confident thfcl they can con- Westfield Public Schools The returning lettermen arc Rick coach aiming for a fourth W> rec- tinue their reputation as one of The Blue Devils, who ia&t year Bristol, Weil Glenn, John Havas, tied Jefferson High School for the ord. The Devils wiU be starting sen- Union County's powerhouse fresh- Sean Kelly and Don Reiter. Reiter ior Alan Deombejeg at quarterback. man soccer teams. Fall Athletic Schedule 1971 Newark News' trophy as the state's was high scorer last season with vtop team, defeated Clark • in last Ends Geoff- Crosby and a returning Ninety boys are playing soccer len goals. starter Neil C&amberlin wiH be 6t Roosev«lt this year. Forty three EDISON year's opener 224. SENIOR The Devil's offensive line will be New Clark ftead coach Edward Deombeleg's chief passing targets. •of them comprise the ninth grade led by Reiter, Kelly, and Bristol. Deombeleg, who will be trying to ftguad which will play an 11 game HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR HIGH Farrington will present nine return- Bristol scored twice last year. Other ing lettermen f rom last year's fill the <*uartert>ackin£ shoes left schedule against some of the area's offensive po-werhouses include Jim behind by Atl-SUtec Joe Mooninger, tcp s-occar schools including Pingry Varsily Football 9ih Grade Football squad. Bob Pikna will again lead Annese, Steve Tcbbetts, Jim and the Crusaders from his quarterback will have Keith Davis and Kurt end Chatham, Scocth Plains and SEPTEMBER Jeff Buelher, and Lee Cuthbert. Stiefkea at halfbaicfcs while Ed j& Johnson K.e«pl'jnal Home OCTOBER position. Jerry Scaturo, D&ve Mai- tooth Union schools. Those ninth 1 Union (Kawameeh) Away The Devil defense, backed by the Morton will be at fulliack. Morton OCTOBER Away lick and Rich Sty ter round out the grade Warriors will be striving to 8 Union (Ilimiet) return of Glen into the net, includes is the only starting returnee in the to the team's excellent record 2 Cranford Away 15 Hah way Away Clark backiieki. 22 Cranford (Hillside) Home Havas, Joe Cacchkme, Duym and Devil bKkftekL Statistics bear out 27 victories against 6 losses and 9 Governor Uvlnpslon Home Home 16 Scotch Plains Away 29 CranXord (Orange) Harrington. Cast year Glenn bai Pikna'ft chief targets will be end* Morton's explosive nranng style as 7 ties. 23 Rah way Home NOVEMBER (our shutouts. Jack Ksssinger and Jim Mitchell. he gained &97 yards in m carries for 30 Nutley Away Away Up front veteran guard Mike Rofael The 47 eighth grade players will 3 Hillside Home Commenting on the season, tiie a 7.7 yards per carry average dur- MOD have their own coach and a NOVEMBER 12 Johnson Regional fi Montelalr Away new coach, James Geoghagen said, ing last year's campaign. Fete Par- four game schedule with two of the 13 Hillside Home "I think it will be a good year," ken will again handle the place gut** gUted for Clark Park. They 25 Flainfleld Home 8th Grade Football and cm the team itself, 'They're kicking chorea, after filling in f«r to*, have a reputation to uphold; nice kids and they're working Practice Sessions the injured Don Knoblock last year. Um Warrior JVs have not tasted Varsity Reserves OCTOBER hard.'' Mr. Geoghagen •treases 4ifeat in 6 fames. SEPTEMBER 7 Chatham Township Home Veteran middle guard FfeU Light 2? Johnson Regional Home 14 Somerville Home teamwork and passing.. will head the Devil line into bat- Up fl» the front line, a talented 21 Cranford (Htllilde) Away In preseason BtrimmafM, the Open For 350 OCTOBER 28 Cranford (Orange) Home tle. Tactie* Bob MaaseH and Pet* •Ctat of experienced forwards 4 Cranford Away Away LEE TRCVINO 2 Somepvllle Home footers ouUcored their ovpooenU Farfcen, center Mark JacfcsMi and niafce life miserable for op- 11 Governor Llving-ston Away 10 to 5, winning three of the four 18 Scotch Plains Away 11 Montelalr In Football League John Kerr who will be- at the othsr tfoalki this year. Phil Car- 26 Rahway Away practice games. In the moct recent guards' fpot, round out the offen- «»d Dave Robinson wiU cen- NOVEMBER Soccer battle the Devils took on Unioo Golfers Have Chance to Beat, Following the registration of * sive line. to^ Mt Boe for John HoweU and 1 Nutley • Home Catholic at home and won eatily, SEPTEMBER • • .... . • ; record 350 boys, the Last year on drfewe WHS held Um*W, while Jeff Boylan g Montclair Home Away 3-1. Leading 1-0 in the fourth quar- Boy's Football League opened prac- Tim; Jacobs will do the same 24 North Platnfteld ter, the Devils took out insurance the opposition to 1.0M total yar* 15 Hillside Home 28 Union (Burnet) Home Or Match Lcc Trevino's Score tice session* last weekend. Th© next as compared to 3,1» offensive yard* I*'Whitney Conover a n d Wally when Rick Bristol, who later scored two weeks wiH be devoted to teach- Sophomores OCTOBER himwif, dribbled toward the oppos- for the Devils, the defense back- Ifff. These forwards could- well «et SEPTEMBER Home score' of 70 will also receive a let- ing fundamentals and the fearnfa)* a coring rocords for RJHS. B PlalnHeW ' Away ing goalie's right. Expecting Bris- Fore! field wa» also directly responsible -27 Joh-nso-n Regional Away 7 Hillside Away Union County golfers here's your ter of congratulations from Trevino, of offensive and defensive forth* for 19 intercepted passes and tha the forwards and initiat- 4 Oranfortl Tome 12 (Jovfirtior Ijlvlnjpr»ton Away tol, to shoot, U.C. goalie, Marty tions. Many parent* were out wteh 14 Union Away 15 Scotch Plains (Park) Home Walsh protected the net against chance to match your putting and on his personal (fetterhead, and front four dumped the opposing ing the defense t*Ul be two hustling, n Scotch Plains Home 20 Johnjjun IteffionaJ Away driving skills against Lee Trevino— another gotf bag sticker attesting ing theiar young hopeful* or mdit- 27 BridgeWiUfT West Home 22 Union (Kawaineeh) Home Bristol, leaving the left side of the quarterbacks halfback lines led by NOVEMBER 26 lMngrry Home winner of. the 1971 U.S., .Canadian their skill. . the regular c Farreil, Jeff MdManigal and goal unprotected. Rick outwitted This year WeaUiekT* 1 Nutley Awny 2% John Adame the U.C'defense by booting the ball and British Open titles—in a tourna- Kotuby urged contestants to use Initial indications promi» that front four will conjtot of Light ant Ryan. The second line will 8 Montrlftlr.- . , Away NOVEMBER meat sponsored by the iS&ttpira- checks or money orders, payable the 1971 season will be one of the 'manned by Steve Greek, new- Away to his right at Cuthbert who scored Parken at the guardi, and Tom 15 Hillside . Away 2 Cranford ( Hlllaide) aa Walsh leaped toward the ball tory Disease Association of Central to TB-RO Central, when they sub- best in the IS year old league. Open- PfieJfer and Junior Grog Alien at Aian iUsmu*sen and Torn J New Jersey.' .. • mlt registration*. ing games are set for Sunday, Oct llMtiir* with Charles Jones and the and. fell. defensive eodr Kerr and Crosby Varsity Soccer ROOSEVELT George .Kotuby of Rahway, vice Trevino, Ihe "Super Mex," Is no 3 in. both the Junior and Senior will handle the ii*b*cttog /'injured Frank Boate SEPTEMBER The visitors came right back with president of TB^RO Oentral which stranger to the hardahipe that ill- leagues. Game time it 2 JUNIOR HIGH a go-al as Jack Kizer crossed the M while Bruce Cant and Stieflo*© art the goalie as they did 24 No. Plalnfleld Away conducts the local' Christmas Seal ness causes the disadvantage! He The Junior League coMiithif of the ewnerbaefce. Lou Case and the :uUbacic line of 28 Plalnfleld ' Away ball to Larry Sal vat o who kicked Campaign, said that the event will grew up in Texas neighborhoods eight teams will play all their 'OCTOBER the ball into the far side of the net ChsmberliB wiK be at safety's ipot. Chris Lupia, and Hank 1 Linden Away 9th Grade Football be held Oct. 15-24, and that it is with TB rates three times higher games at Tamaques Park. The Sen- lib Ch*fc Beti, John Me E Edison T«eh Home Other goals were scared by Rei-designed to put more power behind than the national average. ior League has five teams and will Davis, Jackson «nd are the IS Pinery Home SEPTEMBER er and Bristol, making the final only juniors to break into either and Bill Taylor ready to 15 Cranford Away 28 Summit the drive against emphysema, TB, Known for his wise-cracking, fun- play its games both at Tamaqtrits tflfcr ovar rtriuU any of the first 19 Union Home score Westfield 3, Union Catholic 1. chronic bronchitis and air pollution. loving personality, Trevino is ser- School and Gumbert Field. Each starting unit. ' Wafer. John list and Phil 21 Johnson Rcsrnolnal A-way OCTOBER Earlier, in the preseason schedule Trevino, 1971 Christmas Seal ious when it comes to his profes- league will play an eight game Clark Saturday the 8 Plainfleld. (Mftxson) Home the Devils beat St. Joseph 40 and hi there to back up the27 Governor Lfv ing's ton . Home 15 Union (Kawameeh) Away Campaign Sports Ambassador, , is sion. And, about helping those who schedule, Defending champions are Devils travel to Cranford for an 29 Hillside Home 22 Scotch Plains (Terr111) Away Colonia 2-1. Summit was the only are less fortunate. Since the rise to the Raiders 'in the Junior League Scotch Plains (Park) Home co-sponsoring the tournament: 10:30 a.m. start Last year's con- 2 Scotch Plains Home team to top the Westfielders, by the Union County golf buffs who enter golfing fame, he has established and the Steelers in the Senior test saw the Devils overpower the hard to protect, the spot 1 , NOVEMBER score of 3-1. w i M Warrior goalie is Greg 2 Scotch Plains Home NOVEMBER the event will be accepting a chal- scholarships trust. funds and other League. , Cougars 42-3. 4 Jefferson Home 3 Cranford (Orange) Home Referring to the hooter's schedule, with Chris Assmami, r lenge Trevino issued on'Sept. 3 to programs for needy people, and reg- The Opening Game Schedule: • * • 12 Union (Burnet) Home .- . . . . . Coh*ty, Andy KowalcayJt and the new coach said, "From what meet or beat the 70 he shot that ularly donates a portion of his win- JUNIOR ^cteir bucking for bts job. J. Y« Soccer I've heard, Piogry School is the day in the initial round of the ning£ to hospitals and other chari- Broncos vs. Jets SEPTEMBER 8th Grade Football toughest.opponent." The booters op- Greater Hartford Open. table organizations. Dolphins vs. Chargers More Sports MTior home opener to- 24 No. Plainfleld Away ened the regular season yesterday 4 L defememlnded l Unden Away "The tournament," Kotuby said, "I've been fortunate," Trevino Chiefs vs. Bills OCTOBER SEPTEMBER and play at North Plainfield to- Bengals vs. Raiders from Clark whose 6 tJnlon Away 30 Chatham Township Away morrow. The booter's next home "ig open to all Union County resi- said, "I now want to help bring a 15 RoaelU Catholic Home dents, both men. and. women,/end uttle luck to others. We've made SENIOR Next Page , knacky held the Blue and OCTOBER game is Oct. 5, against Edison 12 Johnson Regiona: l ' Home there is no age Mriut. Each con- inroads against TB, but we. still Giants vs. Colts U'*'.Korctess.tie teat year. 22 Pinery Home 7 Somerville Homo Tech. • p.m. H*n, 23 Governor Ltvlngiton Home Away testant has the option of using the can't beat par against emphysema Bears vs. Browns it Hillside Home 14 Cranford (Orange) Away Steelers Bye same starting time, next NOVEMBER 21 Sotnerville Home Calloway system or his established and other breath-stealing diseases." th© Warriors will host 1 Cr*nford Away 28 Cranford (Hillside) handicap." • • "You have to do more to win," 4 JefCerson - Home .There will be a $2 entry fee, he continued, "and that goes for rival, Pingry, an always v . NOVEMBER Away coaclpd by 2 Montclair-"* ^ Men's Tennis 'which will be. used by.TRKQ Cen- the fight for good health .K. Cross Country ..<) Official* Needed •' pa: Plalw, Pin- tral to, help finance its year-round as for the 18th hole. I hope Union ^'«iior oniy team to hold an , SEPTEMBER Soccer Tournament Oct 2program of work. Kotuby said that County golfers will turn out in large The Wcstfleld Boys' Football ::,«o ftooaffvcK with two wins 25 Twinent Hi«h School the fee is 'a tax deductible donation. numbers to beat my Hartford score, League needs Interested Indi- ' John»vUle, Pa. Away SEPTEMBER to the Wafrtor one vie- 4 Area golfers Interested in parti- to have some fun and help drive viduals to act at officials for 28 Morrlstown Away 24 Johnson Rtfftonal Horn* A WestfieM -Men's Singles Tennis PLAllfPnDLD and a Moreleaa tie in 1MB. Home cipating in the'event are invited to respiratory diseases and air pollu- the coming season. All Saturday 30 Hillside • Tamaquea Park 28 ptngry Tournament will begin Oct. 2 at 10 ro edqtesU thould provide : OCTOBER * • a.m. at the Tamaquea Park courts. submit their names and addresses, tion into the rough." games will start at 9:30 a.m. atari to the soccer sea- 6 Plalnfleld and Somerville OCTOBER Gordon B. Booth and members of together with their registration fees, [For additional information, call and should lie completed by Triangular meet at Plainfleld 5 Scotch Plains (Terrlll) Away to TBRO Central, 12 Baldwin Ave., Roosevelt IV Warriors go 12 Rahway* - < Tamaques Park 7 Cranford (Orange) Away the Westfield Recreation Commis- TB-RD Central si 333-3060. 11:30 a.m. Sunday garnet liart li North Bergen Away Home Jersey City. at 2 p.m. Brud Davis, director ie road the' next week, playing Colonla Away 12 HllUlde Home sion have announced that anyone 18 away games this year and six Scotch PlainK and IS Cranford (HUlaldo) The contestants will then, play 18 of officials, indicates that vol- Governor LtvinKUton Away years or older may enter. home for their fans. - Double dual meet Tamacjuea Park 19 Plain field Away Entries must be sent to the Di-holes on their favorite regulation unteers need not officiate every «j8 Cranford Tamaques Park 21 Governor Uvingiton Horne Sports Deadline week. Brud Is awaiting calls 26 Union (Burnet) rector of Recreation, Recreation Of- course (no par 3) and return their " NOVEMBER 28 Union (Kawameeh) score sheets to the association. from volunteers at S3M717. 1 Johnson Regional Tatnaques Park NOVEMBER fice, Municipal Building, and should Tuesday A.M. 2 Chatham Home Each participant will receive a CAR 3 Union County Championship include name, address, phone num- Warlnanco Park ber and entry fee of ,91. Entries special scoring sheet and golf bag 15 Watchung Conference Champ. SAlf TVarlnanco Park must be in by 5 p.m. Sept. SO. Each sticker [indicating that they chal- 13 Sectional Cfiamplonthlp contestant must furnish one can oflenged Trevino, which will be mail- State Champlonohlp new tennis balls. The entry form on ed to the contestants on or about these pages should be sent with the Oct. 7. Now Is the Time to Plant THE WORLD'S FASTEST GROWING SPORT entry fee. Those who meet or beat Trevino's #,-,•••• V "• - If there is enough interest ita dou- BsBBBSSBBBBSPSBBBBBBBBBB^BBSHaSBniSSS^niBBBS^BBBBSl !:,;. • bles notify the Recreation Office. !•* • I . F FOR FUN FOR EXERCISE Monies for doubles will be collected at the tennis court; do not send to GOLFERS! the Recreation Office. NAME BRANDS N 1 &, ,•••-, Top Quality Clubs

V' WESTFIELD (MEN'S TENNIS Bags & Balls ... F ?. •. TOURNAMENT AT A PRICE! *:•••;• * < •. I 'I • Golf Equipment Tulips Madonna Lilies

*:• NAME Professionally Repaired ADDRESS THE GOLF SHOP • Jumbo Crocus • Daffodils IMPROVE YOUR f CAPAMUT1ES PHONE 2544 Plainfleld Avanu* ENTRY FEE Scotch Plains rOR THE SPRING GARDEN YOU WANT 232-1748 $1.00 per person Tu«». to Sot. 8:30 A.M.— 5 P.M. PLANT BUTCH BULBS i.-1 Closed Bun. A Mon., EV6B. by appf Bulb Food Planters §

F*1 ' ' ' Dusts w

:< i > WHIN


HilUrest Road, Alt your favorites are here from Hol- PLANTING land. The bulbs are clean, healthy and Readington, New Jersey 7~/ti*f/z. a reasonably priced. And there's a com* INSTRUCTIONS piste selection to give you the spring (201) 5344000 TOWMSEHD garden of your dreams... plant now! Practice makes perfect. The Finest Our long experience in MEEKER'S INDOOR/OUTDOOR the moving field as- Facility in the East! HULCfelST «O sures you of a speedy Morning ... afternoon .. • or night, you can enjoy the .A job. We've the up-to- outstanding facilities of this date equipment to han- renowned riding center* dle any type of move. privately or in small groups, JtMIt lessons are . given to be- ginners as well as advanced *4 students of all ages. **?£ Don't settle for less. ,. ride 4>' with the best at FOUR SEASONS FARMS Tt AHD 'JEW V J \i 1100 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD 232-8717 FREE PARKING • FREE DELIVERY Daily 9 to 6 — Sunday 9 fo 2 WRITE CAIL OR VISIT FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Brfefctown l)p§€t« Leral BtwHftg Rwnlto Angles Champ iriE. Tenoent always manages tp field a Fabettes — The Carl R. Byers Memorial The WesUBeM High strong squad on their iiiJJy course W L in tie III ii Senior Men's Singies was concluded making the meet one oC the (better on Sunday aJterncco on the West- team,. Udaa$ few-o of its top four ' Fucha ... »••» runoeri, WAS W£t toyBric k Town- ones of fche year. Beinhardi 1 Ttoroughbrcd racing has a. mous but dramatically rearing ti?id Tenrjs Club courts with Frank ship aw* in it* seaatfi opener last On Tuesday, U*e Blue Deviis will 4 rftetetoa in the attic, bot it is skeleton simply Jabeled "Jiquus Sluibcr. iei!d«d niunber four, win- tangle with Union and arck-nval Salomon* 3 5 •odiiBf lor Spencer J. Diayton's CabaUus." A. J. Alexander, who ning ever John G^ry, naniber llire^ Friday, fhe JV Devils could do no TlJiOroughbrcd Racing PxoiecUve letter «s taw Met at-tt. Uonristown. Last year Jlorristown's DeVinoentis 2 had bought Lexington from Rich- SL-ed. Tha scores w:re 04. (J-4. hopes for a 50 meet 'Win streafc were Bureau to worry about. ard Ten Brocck. when his first ivlr. Stuitsr fcrced the match AMoigk Stev« Thatcher led the Moran Vfe The skeletoa of Lexington, the foals were siill sucklings, had way witfc a firat {dace time of 12:07 crushed at 46 toy Blue Devil ruanexs. greatest race horse of his time been a bit reluctant to disturb n-.cst cf the way to tak-; the title. 4he other Hue Devik just couldn't In 1S68 however, led by state two Pin Up Girk (185M655) and a sire without Ins burial place at Woodbiirn He gained thy finals by winning a ciUe champ Richie Gordon on. their equal before or since, has for Stud, and had he known he'd dose match over Charlie Schmit, rally at tfceir M meet win streak the past IS years been gathering Ita Wne cource, Morxi&tawn save West- wind up in the company of the tiie number two se^d. 6-4, 4-6, 8-4. was 's tin* was field its worst defeat ia 11 years by dust in the attic of thc.Wtbso- discarded skeleton of several por- Mr. Gary had won over Bill Mont- hi* fee* time Yegian' •*«••*• 1 niaa Institution. poises, a blacklish, and an okapi just l'» ^«*i .p *.< i 'I • • Seely 5 squada,. :"."Flight B—i,"Mrs."Robert Baitey CONVERTIBLE SEAT COVERS jwtastelt James Hely, son of Dr. and Mrs. Goldmann 2 6 and Mrs. J. BarkduU .of Wesi u - Hely of Stoneleigh Park, is a mem- Reinhardt 1 7 62-?l—41 * 2, Mrs. Alan Beerbower ber of Gettysburg College's 1971 Coney, Nfekon of Westfield and. :Mr^. Charles Mc- Dress up your car. Custom fit. fligh Game; P. Cunningham, 220; TOPS WafthcibLv4 Lowtst pric* onyWher^l BUWISE LIQUORS varsity football team. High Series: I*. Cheesman, ode. Tie ittELGC Play Niskln" of Scotch Plains, Mrs. Heiy, a 6-4, 190-pound senior so- William Linge-and Mrd. T, Lyons; VINYL CAN'T LEAK TOPS ruuu SET TOR MOST C^RS • Results of Echo Lake Country EUcUomcally weaiher ocaUd, custom lit Strvlc* & Quality ciology major, is the starting de- ,CJub nine-holers' stroke play Thurs- and Mrs. Jerome Goodrich and .ALL CLEAR PLASTIC iensive left tackle for the Bullets. Mrs. Arthur- Drucker,- all nefe 45; price a 100*/o Clear, htavy, No clolfl Cor. MMmfcrin Avt. & Itt tt day are: lull vi«w window A 1968 graduate of West field High Sports Deadline low gross, Mrs. Goodrich of West- Includes nevs Gu^rds^ roveals upholstary < 233-1133 A Flight-4, tie, Mrs. Roger C. CieW, m INSTALLATION FREE! Custom fit- Lowtst price ov«t! School, he played lineman under Coney and Mrs. Edgar W. Nielson, FULL SET ron MOST CAHSI coach Gary Kehler. Tuesday A.M. . > H h pufcts, Mrs. John Y. May, 16.

IB Flight—1, Mrs. John V. Stan\; j V INSTALLED 36: 2, Mrs. Martin,A. Ansbro, 37; FREXI- putts, Mrs. E^i^ene C. Hermann, 16. •' , Gas C Flight—1, Mrs. Robert Free- SALE! man, 40; 2, Mrs.. John M. Ackei'son 'l^fc^ Jr., 52; putts, Mrs, • Kenneth W. MUFFLERS Stringer, 17. SHOCK TAIL PIPES SILENT MUFFLERS ABSORBERS Outs Last Longer Because They'ie Belter! "DOUBLE ACTION'1" Extra strong, All St»*l Construction Smooth riding. Extra Valu« Noise For Quiet Operation &«r Litm. "instoJUd by «ip«rts whl)» you wait. GUARANTEED "30.000 rails/1 Onceyou HAVE YOURS IN 5 PEC TED FREC NO1 HEAVY OUTY shocks Us\ madtl As Low As 99 (tSCXpMKVB* 50 each onc« INSTALLED WHILE tun a& YOU WAIT expenslw. HAMMOND BRAKES MODEL 111 I TRACK TAPE RE-LINED PLAYERS ALL 4 WHEELS FOR MOST CARS lempotcify styling surrounds Lho solid Peterson's Finest Quality, Gond«d Brah« Sho*s stale amplifier to «nhance any v^hlcjo, LIQUORS STEREO MUSIC AT ITS FINEST Alt Drums 1110 SOUTH AVIWE W. Rebuild All WtSTTIELD, XEW JBRSIY H«ploco Front Wheel Gr«ast Insinuation LARSIN'S LIQUORS Adjust & Blend Alt Linoa Available* SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD Check MasUr Cylinder Delivery Delivery 233-2428

HUNDREDS TRACK .AUTO CLASS .FBONT-EHDWOW STEREO your scotch .TUNE-UPS TAPES AUL POPULAR ARTISTS LATEST RELEASES electric tractor costs more 1776 ROUTE-22 REG. $6.95 NOW A new concept in r#;S SCOTCH PLAINS should REG. $7,99 NOW home grounds care by Opposite Bfue Star Shopping Center '.i .Mill' I'lJlHl "C SfJtl'H REG. 59.09 HOW $7.SS taste OPEN DAILY 9 - 6 GENERAL ELECTRIC THURSDAY 'TIL 9 difference SATURDAY 'TIL 5i30 322-6787 NOW AT Closed Sunday CHARGE IT! QT, CAR C AMI (- K *\ II Tractor »•."-•'*•! : Storr UNNlMdllCMO 469 South Ave., E. 232-7800 W«ttft«ld -' , *» im , m -#- . •-- LEGAL NOTICES dons. SJJH^e it opened it: & senior a* ^ 1952, contributions from business to Besides Phi Beta Kappa, Griffin 25 Years higher education have risen from merman i.s a member of Alpha Delta ::m7-*fc: ail estimated $80 million a year to Sigma, national honorary advertis- '-.•• .-- .'

H-OTICK OF 8AJ.K OF KJEAL. RKTATK FOR NOX-I'AYMKXT approximately $340 million last year. ing fraternity, and Beta Gamma With Bell System I- . w w I , OK TAXKN AND ASSESSMENTS Public- notice In ln*r*-by Kiven Mint ill** utulerMjiiu-ti. Hit' f'olU'i'iur of Long active in state and local civic Si^nu. rational honorary business TftK'h or Uif Tt»vv>i of WcstfW'ld, I'nioii County, S. J. will mil nt jjublu- affairs. Mr. Kammerman took early fraternily. the WestJield Tennis Club Frederick J. Griffin Jr. of West- MUlinn on the ith diiy t»f Oc-lulji-r, K>71, in (he THX ("olhf inr's Office in Ihe Muni'-iiJiil liulMinn, -ili". IS.tnl I*ri>*ul St., at li o'clock in tli>- «rt<-i-iii»fin, retirement /from his position as vice and JOfho Lake Country Club. He is field, assistant vice president—public '-'<• lll« ft'llt>M ) nji tl<-Mi rilx-d lands; president and creative supervisor at i furnuT vestryman at St. Paul's relations for Now Jersey Bell, has , ."•%'- The Haid huidn will In- mild t" m:ikc tho iiniouiil cf munk-ipu] liens I - . r F - - , c-iiur*;<'jiMe auuinM the same mi Hie 4Ui day (if i.u tobir, 1D71, i«iK<'tl»«"i" Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Episcopal Church. completed 25 year* of service with with iiiifr'-Kt ii'ul ti»M of mile, exclusive Jiowevt-r u£ iJit.* lien for Luxes the company. for the )'<-ar 1 J»7J. a leading New York advertising Kuid land* will he sold in fee to such pfrtiuiis ax will junvlnisc tin.* agency where he had worked for 28 Crtflin began his Bell System ca- J''fX *tnme, auhjcc-l to redemption Jit the loivesl raiv of inu-rtis.. hut in no years. After a special assignment rer in 1948 as a student engineer in CHse Jn i-xtCKK of rinM - M , - BhaJJ be mude before llifc conclusion of th« Kule or thy property will be from the United States Information Chess Club Newark. He served as business of- Any jiiiici-1 of r».-ul prujjiTty for which (here shall bt no oilier pur- Agency which took him around the fice manager in MiUburn and New- -:>*.'->••"-

1 will In- struck «.<.)<. to tin* munk-inftHty iii fee for reili-niu- ark, public'information manager and -V- i . # h -_ world, he became active in the af- ->:•>> I r r F - •*m Llon at viuhl (8> ycr cent per HIIMUIII mid the muniuijiulity shall huvu the Elects Slate public relations manager befece rlg'Jit to bar or fojfclom.' the ritfht of redemption. fairs of 'Federated Purchasers Inc., - -. •., The BIIIC will he made and t;miUtu-LeU in iu'fordaiuT with ihr j>ro- Springfield, .which elected him to its transferring to AT&T in New York vialoilb of ArtiiJu A of Chapter 6 of Title u-l. Revised SUilutes uf New At the annual business meeting Jer»»vy, 1!>37, and atiit'iidniwils thcrclu. board last (May. He joined the council City as editor, features and photos At any time before thy ttute the uiulerKitrned will rtTdve paymont of of the local Plalnfield-Westfield in 1958. The following year he was the amount due on the property, with lntwcsi and coytb liaunvd up to in September. ^m, the time or pay menu Chess Club recently at the West- named assistant advertising man- Tho «al(l lands xo «ubjecl to sale, described in accordance with I lift Mr. Kammerman Ls on the board field YMCA, the following officers ager at the AT4T Company. tax tluplk-iite, including the name of the owner an ulnnvn on tlic last of Muhlenberg Hospital in PlaLn- were elected: Denis J. Barry of tax duplitmte and ihu total amount due tht-rt-on rt'spfetivuly on Hit Hh Griffin returned to New Jersey fie-ld, president of TrfaCounty Planned Edison, president; Crawford Bonow day of October, 1871, exclusive of tliu lien for taxes for the year iiiTl art ARTHUR C. HAMMERMAN Bell in 1961 as general advertising us list fed below: Parenthood League, and a vice of Westfield, vice president; Albert ST1SPHJ3N HOO'AKT, Collector of Taxes manager and became division com- president and director of Hendersen Boczar of South Plainfield, trea- Amouut due mercial manager—Essex in 19G8. He Construction Company, Somerville: surer and secretary. VE»V YOUNG l.ucMtiua It* HIM* ii luck Ji»7i Kammerman was named assistant vice president 1. -0-ifi S 54.87 He served two teams-as president of Barry made the following ap; 2. 7C2 Admit 1st., Unknown Owner ?l,s in 1965. 23S Avon Kd., Oemld & Marjorle Kaplug 5:0 JO 721.74 the United Campaign of Westfield pointments: Fred Kramer of North 3. <3orn in Newark, Griffin earned a K«tm FaWevt W 5. 881 Bradford Av.( Chats. 1>. & l'lniuu Fulis SM ]"s-A •734iS4 and a term as governor of West- Plainfield, team captain of the ail aad EMpi 7. 827 13rJtfhUvou<3 Ave., Frank P. Znrrello, Jr 13S U«5.«l In New Post minster Choir College. North Jersey Chess League; Sidney bachelor's degree in commerce and 426 Went liroad St., Jumes E. & Dorothy Uoimor . .704 50.12 finance from BuckneU University. 18. 1*02 Duniiam Ave., iteriren-13ualern Corp .c.15 DS1.23 Gister of Highland Park, team cap- . A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of 15. «22 Forest Ave., WilhelmJna & Carol Taylor I ai I 453.SI3 Arthur C. Kammerman of 1 Stan- tain for the Raritan Valley Chess He served with the U.S. Army during IB. 120 Hamilton Ave., iHaac lionntjau, Jr ilJU i 15 45 ley Oval, was elected vice president Rutgers University in 1W7, Kam- 20. lit League; Edward Haug of Westfield, World War II, and was discharged 21. 780 Hancock St., Unknown Owner 729 of public relations and information merman served as president of the with the rank of captain. ' 25. 728 Hmiford PI a «t', William A. & Marjury a. liurfce 134 Rutgers Alumni Association, and M team tournament director. 26. 1232-38 Irvine Ave., Jay aim Uulkllng Corp 543 34-41 of the Council .for Financial Aid to . Plans were formalized for the 27. 843 Morris Ave., t3eo. Barnes Land Corp 452 1,-15 40.05 Education at a meeting of the coun- president of the New York alumni pi 28. t)47-tii Morris Ave., Albert Lunu 452 It) 1.41K.73 0ub tournaments which will start 864 Morris Ave., JSllen Kerrigan 451 10 74.Gl cil's board in the Hotel St. Regis, Lambda Chi Alpha, Kit college fra- shortly. Membership is ppen to all 60 Noraahfeean Drive, Morris & Gale Kidman 481 1-A 33S.S7 New York, Friday morning. ternity. A former Republican oouaty. chess players, and anyone interested '*. 52 Normandy Drive, Jos. W. & Hone ttirinlnghum ..778 13 SB.ttO committee-man, he has been- active 30. 701-13 NOJ-lh Ave, }£., B. Daniel Cox 4 23 30 104.10 The council, which has its head- 1 Jn joining the club and playing in i r 31. 948-CO Priyspect St., Allen ML DOMH Smith 250 -S S66.S7 quarters at 6 East 45th Street, New in' the political campaigns of Ajn. these tournaments should enquire 33. 1168 Pronpect St., Alfred Stokty 238 19 74.U1 Clifford P. Case.' and Rap. Florence 3137., 1083 Hahwuy Ave., Hubert * Therewe Laurent t!55 7 15,45 York, was founded some 20 years at the club. ' t 3*38,. 638 Wpjey Place, James F. ft Francis O. Seller 507 14-lC 15.45 P. Dtwyer. •.: ' ' •'' L : ' .<> 89. 730 Hoofcevelt St., Unknown Owner 713 15 35.17 ago to encourage voluntary support -The Hainfield-Westfield Chess AT BAR 40, 204 Sene«a,Place (rear), Unknown Owner 140 19 25.22 of higher education by the business (His wife, the fomer pelea Hinder- Club meets every Friday evening 41. 113-17 Sherman Ave., RAG Investment Associates ltiS GS0.t!2 125-27 Ahermiui Ave., Sadie Tate , US (i 250.K7 community. Originally supported by son of Somervijle waf graduate 'throughout the year at the Westfield 43. 348 Soutb-Ave. East, Hteven Ray Stevcnrt 507 S 444.14 814 Boujb, Avt. eaxt, Ami Corporation o07F four major foundations, The Car- from Douglass: Coite*» in l« H* YMCA. V ..- 44. 34150 Tudo Soutrh Oval *Av«,. WilEaBtl Ja, mMar H.y ASema Nancn y i W. GUmore '.... .- 50C4,7 15 671.91 45. Albert Lant* .461 a 4 44.94 negie Corporation of New York, The has two dautfhtem,. Mrs. OasiaL 6. -The newly-elected i president is a 46. 645 UnienKt., Beit&le Ca»liin * * 451 18 10.57 Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller liogenauer of Battimor*, 47. 947 Union Ht., Bet^ie Cuslrln 451 17 10.57 director of the United State* Chess 41. • 813 WallbertfAve., Hojikld W, * Vula^daLaFrunce 322 S-A 574.10 Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Mrs. John F Grashof of Federation, as well as president of MICRIN Fees 1172.80 Foundation, it is noiw financed by Pa., both gradustei of the New Jersey State Chess Feder- t - approximately 200 leading corpora- High School: A sonv CMHM MOUTH WASH

- t

FREDERICK Jl GftlFFIN J«V •> * • He is a member and past presi- dent of the Advertising Club'of fj*w •*• # Jersey, a former director of! the Community Nursing Service, and a member of .the Bucknell Alumnj As- FRESH m^:V*^v--v: •••| sociation. .,'•'.'' F. ^ Griffin is choir, dircetorof Grace y!&' •'"V - ••-• • •> • • •! VOLT BAHERIES &^>-?,v:.-.-- •-,-•• Presbyterian Church in Westfield, a V? ^'f-'i 7.. -'*'•- - I W•*s*£v.K '•- n • .- . - I memfber of the Weetfield Glee Club, ratj^ • : . gt^*S..'--V-:••'•:•'.- •.-,.• and a member of the Westfield ten- S^v^;A- '.-••::"• „'• r :;y\ nis Club. He and his wife live at 6 North Wickom Dr. in Westfield. The couple have two children, a daughter, Nancy f and a son, Glenn. , feKv ; '4'- ''- R«g. $12.95

Arluns Elects Wellen HALLMARK Sr» Vice President, HOT COMB youcin see ri^tt twijf. Ifteffiexinr looks of our Arla-ns Department Stores Inc. ywat*. interiors ajrf options iFrte offering this yc«; has announced the election of Nor- ButiporelmporUnt Areiameof the tbiegsyou can't see» compact Duter, from the nrfd-tiw Satfititeio man Wellen of Westfield to senior the luxwiou* Chrysler-youcuvbe vice president of finance. ^ Mr. Wellen joined Arlans in Feb- ruary as vice president of finance and administration for Business in- ternational Corporation of New R«g. $7.95 York. A certified public accountant, Mr.'Wellen received his B.S. from Lehigh University and his M.B.A. TRAVEL from Rutgers University. Mr. Wellen served with the Army ALARM CLOCK Slf/:.1---" 'r' Audit Agency in the Near East from 1952 to 1954. His main recreational activity is golf. su^\.. ¥ i A native of New Jersey, he lives here with his wife. Jacqueline and sons Richard, 12 and Andrew, 10.

4 J ^ ^ ' a r /.^?-v: "• •

•;• i R«g. $3.00


*\' '' •

'l *

'' (


1 i 39c TUCK TAPE

i - Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. USI OUR MAR INTRANCB MOM TOWN PARKING LOT Prlew Effective Thura,, Frl., Sat. Only NO CHARGES OR DELIVERIES ON SALE ITEMS FLOWER CHILD, Thai Vim ciMrvt th« right t# limit qvanttHM. style, deals in flowery OVIR 1 MILUON PMSCRirnONI PtlUD necklaces. She Is one of the young street pcddlars clustering In Hangkok's traffic circles to sell hand- work. while prices are still frozen. 3972 Cricket prices will Increase slightly due to supplemental import duty DRUG STORE.

243 E. BROAD ST. * * See the '72 Chryslers and Plymouths at: OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE AUGUSTINE MOTORS, INC .: 576 North Ave. East PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Phone ADamt 2*6680 •• Wesrfield, N. J.