PHONES ARE RINGING FOR UNITED FUND APPEAL Town Council Meets Tuetday '•Zi** THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. THt UAMNO AND MOfT WMiV CaONATO WUK1Y MWSTAm IN UMON COUNTY EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 7 FublllhM WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1971 to Glass Recycling Kickoff Sunday for United Fund's Studying Program Saturday A cailectiM sf bsUies will he Town to Ban held (ram * a.m. to 4:3* p.m. Traffic SataHay at the WeatfieM Arm- ary, Rakway Ave. A rais4ate Telephone Campaign; Goat $305,883 haa bee* scheduled far Surfajr Leaf Burning Problems hetweea Ike kwi «f »:M u4 A lot of bells will ring in West- i p.m. Metal rises thwiM be : The autumn leaf bonfire, pleasing (leM'i United Fund campaign kick- remove* from battlei which ' Traffic problems (will he the major to some but a health and safety haz- oft Sunday night-telephone bells, area of study as the Task Farce on mmt he sorted by caters. that is. ard none-the-less, will be a thing of Parking and Traffic resumes its fell ' The glass recycling program Octl the past when the Westfield Board In » departure from its usual 'meeting schedule, according to is tpsatored by TORCH (Tec* of Health adopts a new air pollu- doorbell-ringing, house-to-house so- former Mayor Robert H. Mulreany, OutReach lkrwih CammaiUy For JCC Slate tion control code next month. Tbe licitation, the United Fund's residen- chairman of the committet. Recom- Hel»)., a (rotia orgaRtaesl by the code, -which has the recommends- tial phase of ttie fall campaicn will mendations on long-range parking First UBiled Mefcastot Church. be conducted this year by phone. "The vital effect school board tion and approval of the State De- Object of the drive is the raising of elans also will be finalised. members play In achieving a high partaient of Environmental Protec- «JK,*33, funds "vital to the future Immediate consideration is being qualily of public education in West- tion, is scheduled for public hearing of 15 agencies needed to insure a given traffic problem areas at Moun- Local Jaycees field," was cited by John Hogan, on Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. in the Municipal bright future for Westfield," accord- chairman of the Joint Civic Com- Building. tain Ave. and East Broad St., the mittee, last week. He emphasized Although a new state code will ing to John A. Reid, campaign chair- Plaza circle and South and Central Sets Plans man. ' that citizens must recognize the permit leaf-burning until next Jan. Twenty phones will be set up in Aves, Preliminary drafts of im- qualifications necessary for board 1. and other plant life until Jan. 1, . • the Civil Defense Boom of the Mu- provements to these intersections ForECCOI membership as listed in the guide 1973, the local code will prohibit all nicipal BuikJing. Another ae will be have been drawn up by Walter Gard- published by the New Jersey State burning of refuse or plant life as of placed in the Suburban Trust Co., Tha Westficld Jaycees have final- Federation of District Boards of Oct. 23. Open burning of refuse is aer and Alfred Linden, members of ized plans for ECCO I, a total uni- Education. already prohibited by state statute. eight in the National State Bank *Jfce task force who also work with and six in the Central Jersey Bank. fied ecology week for the town of Effective board members must The effective date of the state code Volunteers will man the phone* eve- f|ke County Planning Board. Westfield. meet both legal and personal qual- is to allow time for municipalities to nings from Sunday through Oct. 91. |; Since iti inception last January; Hie Ecology Week will begin on ificatlons, he said. Legal qualifies- finalize plans for leaf collection and Other divisions of the United Fund r (fce task force has made 19 recom- Oct. 16 by creating Westfield's first tions set by the state are: "(a) a for disposal of vegetation. The earlier : member must be a citizen and date of the local code is not expected —major and advanced gifts, and a •jendations to the Town Council on "pedestrian mall." This will be formed by closing Elm St. (between resident of his school district for at to cause any material hardship here, special business section—have al- •specific parking trouble spots; many ready begun to make personal calls North Ave. and East Broad St.) and least two years immediately pre- inasmuch as Westfield already pro- in these areas. —Westfleld Studloi' •it these have been implemented by all of Quimby St., between 9 a.m. ceding his becoming a member; vides a fall leaf collection program 'iBut the bulk of our funds neces- PAUL BMLAND, preside* •» the WestfleM CammnBlty enter, ban* Jabii A. ReW, Untied Fund cam- the council, Mulreany said. and 6 p.m. to all commercial traffic. (b) that he be able to read and and the Conservation Center on sarily must come from individual solfB efcainnaa. check resteseaUag dswtlsM of the Community Carter's pacesetters. The CtmmiaUf Meetings of the committee re- During this time, there will be a write; (c) that he pot be interested Lamberts Will Rd. is equipped to directly or indirectly in any con- handle grass, brush and other plant residents, those iwho selected West- Ceater Is •» of U ageaeks which derive uppart from the annual fall giving campaign. sumed last week. combined art fair and ecology exhi- fiatd as ther hometown quite pos- bition in the mall area. Art works tract with or claim against the life. Local refuse collectors also pro- sibly because of the fine services presented by members of the West- board." ! ' vide a "free" pick-up of one 20- and opportunities offered by our field Art Association will be on dis- More difficut to satisfy are the gallon can of garden refuse each Ys, Scouts, Community Center, Red play at this time. Ecology exhibits "personal qualifications" listed by week and will arrange for larger Cross, Visiting Nurse* and the eight Staff Sessions to Aid from local and state organizations the N. J. Federation:' "High stan- amounts for a reasonable fee. ither organizations supported by and also from many concerned in- dards of personal integrity and ma- The code defines air pollution a* the United Fund," Mr. Reid said. dustries will be on display through- turlty and , successful accomplish- "the .presence in the outdoor atmo» Two hundred volunteers have of- Desegregation Program out the day. As a dramatic display ment as American citizens are es- sphere of one or more air contaral- fered their time to provide the phone of the mall's influence on the en- sential in the men and women who nants in SUch quantities and dura- vironment, air quality measurements serve on boards of education. coverage of about 7,000 homes in An inservtee training program for During September, the faculties of (Continued on page 4) Westfield. They will receive pledges are planned and will be compared Board members should be men teachers and staff members of the |ll elementary .schools will view a to the data obtained in' the past and women who believe that Amer- to the United Fund by phone and ask Westfield public school system -is entitled: "Something That's that these be mailed to the United week. Many local and state officials ica's future rests primarily on the part of the Board of Education'***- iL" The film deals with the prob- have been requested to review the superior development - physical, Fund office. "U we can't reach you segregation plan which, thls-^fetj 1 by black people living menial, moral, spiritual—of all our WHS Has 12 by phone; or you want us to stop by, year, includes the reassigflrncaOta •oclebr "^ • (Continued on page 4). , children and youth; and who will we'll call at your doer," Mr. Reid : ! tttflrtfa luiwgh-seventh gfcdaV work to provide/defend and sup- ' promised. "- •-'"' ' dents to. achieve better *«cW: ba|-',gram was held on Tuesday after port the highest degree of public Semi-Finalists Brochures describing the IS agency- ance in the schools. , '/.t' . school when the faculties of Wilson education.which their communities members of the United Fund have The imervice training pngnrn.is aadvLlnopln Schools joined at Lin- been distributed to homes in West- (Continued on page 4) InNMSProgr field. Gifts to the United Fund, Mr. being planned and carried tft at coBpWfool for a-viewing of this Jleid reminded donors, are tax- the individual building level.'; film.y Twelve Westfield High School stu- - Each month meetings will be' held In addition to monthly staff meet- dents arc among thc 15,000 of the exempt. after school hours for faculty discus- ings, principals will meet once a slons, panel discussions (each school month to share with each other de- School Boards will develop its am panel composed velopments at each school and staff named Semifinalists in the I971-7S Two Library of citizens, students and educators), meetings. National Merit Scholarship compe< analysis of required readings (such At tne conclusion of the inservice tition. They will compete for abouf 3,000 Merit Scholarships to be awar- Positions Filled as "Black Like Me") and review of train|ng program, eaCh school staff elementary textbook and audiovisual will develop a progress report ^^ Views on ded next spring. materials. ^fc wiu j^ reproduced and The Westfield Semi-Finalists are At its first meeting of the fall last The Union County School Boards Jonathan A. Bush, Sean C. Clark- Thursday, the board of directors of Although most meetings and pro- shared by all school personnel.
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