Hardships and the Survival of Jamestown 4th Grade VS.3 g, f

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Hardships and Survival of Jamestown

The English colonists found life in Jamestown harder than they expected. The site they had chosen was marshy and lacked safe drinking water. Most of the available water was salty and unsafe for drinking. In addition the marshy land was filled with mosquitoes that carried diseases like malaria. Another problem involved the skills of the settlers. Many of the men did not have the skills necessary to provide for themselves and survive in the wilderness. Only about 60 colonists survived out of 500. Many settlers died of starvation and disease.

Change was necessary for the survival of the colony. Eventually changes took place to ensure the survival of Jamestown. was one strong leader who organized a forced work program. He began a policy of rigid discipline: "He who does not work, will not eat." An emphasis on agriculture encouraged the colonists to grow their own food. The arrival of two supply ships also helped strengthen the settlement.

The native people also contributed to the survival of the Jamestown settlers in several ways. , chief of many tribes, provided leadership to his people and taught the settlers survival skills. The native peoples showed the settlers how to plant corn and tobacco. The daughter of Chief Powhatan, , served as a contact between the native peoples and the English. From the Jamestown colony Captain John Smith initiated trading relationships with the native peoples. The native peoples traded mainly food with the English in exchange for tools, pots, and copper for jewelry.

Over time, the native peoples realized the English settlement would continue to grow. They came to see the settlers as invaders who would take over their land.

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All of the following are hardships faced by settlers at Jamestown except:

A The settlers laced some skills necessary to provide for themselves B Many settlers died of starvation and disease C The site they chose was marshy and lacked safe drinking water D The settlers found gold and silver in the mountains

Who placed initiated a forced work program, which helped survival of the Jamestown colony?

A Captain Christopher Newport B C Governor Berkeley D Captain John Smith

Who served as a contact between the native peoples and the English?

A Sacagawea B Pocahontas C White Dove D Hiawatha

Which Jamestown settler initiated trading relationships with the native peoples

A Chief Powhatan B Captain Christopher Newport C Captain John Smith D Christopher Columbus

The native peoples traded with the colonists for all of the following except:

A tools B pots C copper D food

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What new crops did the introduce to the English colonists?

A beans and squash B corn and tobacco C turkey and chicken D squash and tomatoes

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