"Assessment of Impacts of Proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir
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AaO ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED MERRILL CREEK RESERVOIR PUMPHOUSE INTAKE ON THE SHORTNOSE STURGEON, ACIPENSER BREVIROSTRUM For Merrill Creek Owners Group Atlantic City Electric Company * Delmarva Power & Light Company e Jersey Central Power & Light Company Metropolitan Edison Company * Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Philadelphia Electric Company * Public Service Electric and Gas Company . O ,_ ... By HAROLD M. BRUNDAGE 111 CONSULTING BIOLOGIST ICHTHYOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES.INC. 100 SOUTH CASS STREET MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709 AUGUST 1982 O 8308250268 830817 DR ADOCK 05000 . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ , ._. n | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ' ' Victor J. Schuler of Ichthyological Associates, Inc. and Bruce A. Jones and John S. Dobi of Public Service Electric , and Gas Co. are thanked for their review of this assessment. I also thank Arthur Lupine of the New Jersey Bureau of Fisheries and Robert W. Hastings of Rutgers University for providing unpublished data, Robert G. Howells for drafting the figures, and Holly J. Jones for assistance with manuscript preparation. | . : ( - 1 . A V I.A. Research/ Consulting i . m CONTENTS O k_/ Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................... i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................... 3 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION................................ 3 2.1 Location................................... 3 2.2 Hydrology.................................. 4 2.3 Temperature................................ 4 2.4 Water Quality.............................. 4 2.5 Bathymetry and Substrate Composition....... 5 2.6 Macrobenthic Community..................... 5 2.7 Fish Community............................. 6 ~ 3.0 PUMPHOUSE INTAKE DESCRIPTION.................... 14 3.1 Project Overview........................... 14 3.2 Operating Schedule......................... 14 3.3 Pumphouse Description...................... 14 3.4 Construction Methods....................... 15 ,rs 4.0 LIFE HISTORY OF THE SHORTNOSE STURGEON.......... 22 (_) 4.1 Distribution............................... 22 4.2 Seasonal Distribution and Movements........ 22 - 4.3 Forag ing and Food Habits . 24 4 .~4 Age and Growth............................. 24 4.5 Reproduction............................... 25 4.6 Spawning and Early Life History............ 26 4.6.1 Spawning Period and Location........ 26 4.6.2 Eggs................................ 27 4.6.3 Larvae and Juveniles................ 29 4.6.4 Larval and Juvenile Swim Speed. 29 4.7 Hardiness.................................. 29 5.0 DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE IN THE DELAWARE RIVER DRAINAGE............................... 33 5.1 Data Sources............................... 33 5.2 Incidental Capture Records During 1817-1954............................... 33 5.3 Incidental Capture Records During 1954-June 1982.......................... 34 5.4 Rutgers University / Army Corps of Engineers Shortnose Sturgeon Study...... 35 5.5 Neshaminy Water Resources Authority Sampling for Shortnose Sturgeon near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania............ 36 m I (ml I.A. Research/ Consulting ii n Page 5.6 Merrill Creek Owners Group /Ichthyological () Associates, Inc. Sampling for Chortnose Sturgeon at Merrill Creek Project - Pumphouse Site.......................... 36 5.7 Miscellaneous Studies in the Non-tidal Delaware River Reviewed for Shortnose Sturgeon Capture Data................... 37 6.0 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL IMPACT.................. 55 6.1 Potential Utilization of the Project Site by Shortnose Sturgeon and Basis for Impact Assessment........................ 55 6.2 Cr i t ical H a bi ta t . 55 6.3 Construction Impacts....................... 56 6.4 Operation Impacts.......................... 56 6.4.1 Entrainment......................... 56 6.4.2 Impingement......................... 60 6.5 Cumulative Impacts......................... 61 6.5.1 Effects of Impingement and Entrainment at Other Water Intakes.......................... 61 6.5.2 Beneficial Effect of the Merrill Creek Project on Downstream Water Quality.................... 61 6.5.3 Additional Impacts.................. 62 O LITERATURE CITED..................................... 67 - >v I.A. Research /Consulting iii , 6 l I LIST OF TABLES I I" , n~s) , Page Table 2-1. Monthly mean discharge of the Delaware River at Belvidere, New Jersey during 1955-1980................................ 7 Table 2-2. Fish species reported in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site.................... 10 Table 3-1. Simulation of number of days per month pumping from the Delaware River into the Merrill Creek Reservoir would have been required based on actual river flows during 1955-1980.......... 16 Table 4-1. Critical swim speed of four 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae....................... 31 Table 4-2. Burst swim speed of three 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae....................... 32 Table 5-1. Summary of fishery and ecological studies in Delaware Bay and tidal Delaware River reviewed for shortnose sturgeon capture .t/{S records......................................... 39 - Table 5-2. Summary of fishery and ecological studies in the non-tidal Delaware River reviewed for shortnose sturgeon capture records.......... 41 Table 5-3. Incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River drainage, 1958-June 1982.................................. 42 j Table 5-4. Shortnose sturgeon collected in the ! . upper-tidal Delaware River during July-December | 1981............................................ 43 Table 5-5. Stations in the non-tidal Delaware River between West Trenton and Bulls Island, NJ, sampled for shortncse sturgeon on 24 and 25 August 1981..................................... 44 Table 5-6. Summary of gill netting effort in the | Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, during October through December 1981 and March 1982.................... 45 | I.A. Research/ Consulting iv n _ Page n (,) Table 5-7. Summary of gill netting effort in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during - 4 May through 9 June 1982....................... 47 Table 5-8. Fishes collected by experimental gill net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during 4 May through 9 June 1982........... 49 Table 5-9. Monthly number of hauls of large seines made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project during 1970 and 1973.................... 50 Table 5-10. Month number of hauls of a 91 x 3.7-m seine made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the New Jersey Bureau of Fisheries during 1979-1981................................ 51 Table 5-11. Summary of gill netting effort in the non-tidal Delaware River by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project, 1970, 1971, and 1973............................................ 52 I) Table 6-1. Impingement and entrainment studies at industrial and municipal water intakes on the - Delaware River and Bay.......................... 63 i | , t I | I.A. Research/ Consulting v . LIST OF FIGURES v 1 Page Figure 2-1. The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake.. 13 Figure 3-1. Plan view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse................................ 19 Figure 3-2. Cross-sectional view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse.......................... 20 Figure 3-3. Schematic diagram of a cylindrical wedge-wire screen.................................. 21 Figure.5-1. Locations of recorded incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River * drainage, 1954-June 1982........................... 53 Figure 5-2. The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake showing stations sampled for shortnose sturgeon May-June 1982............................. 54 Figure 6-1. Theoretical minimum excludable and ' () maximum entrainable size of larval shortnose _ sturgeon at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen shown by regression of head width on total length........... 64 Figure 6-2. Head dimensions and critical angle of approach of a larval shortnose sturgeon to a 2-mm wedge-wire slot which result in the maximum entrainable size................................... 65 Figure 6-3. Age, in days af ter hatching, of larval shortnose sturgeon at the minimum excludable and ~ maximum entrainable sizes at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen............................................. 66 . Ox- I.A. Research/ Consulting vi n 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY n - A biological assessment of the impacts of the Merrill Creek Reservior pumphouse intake on the endangered shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, has been prepared pursuant , to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. This assessment is submitted to the Delaware River Basin Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District on behalf of the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project. It is the conclusion of this assessment that the construction and operation of the Merrill Creek pumphouse intake will not jeopardize the continued existence of the shortnose sturgeon. This determination'is based upon the following. No critical habitat for the shortnose sturgeon has been formally designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service. Furthermore, the Delaware River near the proposed intake does not represent habitat unique or essential to shortnose sturgeon. No shortnose sturgeon have been taken in the