RapidIO® The Embedded System Interconnect Sam Fuller RapidIO Trade Association, USA with contributions from Alan Gatherer CTO, Wireless Infrastructure, Texas, USA Charles Hill Motorola, Inc., Arizona, USA Victor Menasce Applied Micro Circuits Corporation, Ontario, Canada Brett Niver EMC Corporation, Hopkinton, USA Richard O’Connor Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, Ontario, Canada Peter Olanders Ericsson AB, Stockholm, Sweden Nupur Shah Xilinx Inc., California, USA David Wickliff Lucent Technologies, Illinois, USA RapidIO® The Embedded System Interconnect RapidIO® The Embedded System Interconnect Sam Fuller RapidIO Trade Association, USA with contributions from Alan Gatherer CTO, Wireless Infrastructure, Texas, USA Charles Hill Motorola, Inc., Arizona, USA Victor Menasce Applied Micro Circuits Corporation, Ontario, Canada Brett Niver EMC Corporation, Hopkinton, USA Richard O’Connor Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, Ontario, Canada Peter Olanders Ericsson AB, Stockholm, Sweden Nupur Shah Xilinx Inc., California, USA David Wickliff Lucent Technologies, Illinois, USA Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries):
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