Index to Volume Xxxix
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INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. [New generic.specific and subspecificnames are printedin heavyface type.] ACANTttIShorncmarmi horncmanni, Alaska, birds of, 73, 75, 582. 363. Alauda arvensis, 187. linaria, 422. a. cinerascens, 291. 1. linaria, 371. a. d•lcivox, 291, 1. rostrata, 569. Albatross, Laysan, 484. Acanthiza ewingi, 579. Black-footed, 485. lineata, 579. Alca torda, 426, 509. pusilla, 579. Alexander Gordon, Horned Grebe (Colymbus aurilus) in central Acanthopneustegoodsoni, 561. Missouri, 562. klossi, 560 Algeria, birds of, 129. trochiloidcs, 561. Alle alle, 249, 353. t. davisoni, 561. Allen, Amelia S., notice of her t. hartcri, 561. 'Birds of the Berkeley Campus, t. ogilvie-granti, 561. 295. Accipitcr, 33. Allen, J. A., in memoriam, 1-14. cooperi, 80, 235, 258. Alseonax nmrinus kumboensis, 589 c. mexicanus, 247. Aluco pratincola, 257, 536 velox, 180, 227, 235, 543. American Ornithologists' Union, •renezuelensis,122. thirty-ninth stated meeting of Accipitres, 435. the, 85-94; report of secretary of Acridotherescristatcllus, 450. the, 95-99; fellows of the, 149; Actiris macularia, 80, 227, 235. fortieth stated meeting of the, Additional publications received, 456, 593; group photographs of, 297, 450. 589. Aegialitis, 588. Ammodramus savannarum aus- Acgithina tiphia aequanimis, 440. tralis, 238, 548. Aestrelata vociferans,585 Anas arcuata, 438. Africa, birds of, 125, 129, 130, 279, collaris, 245. 294, 304, 437. diazi novimexicana, 412. Agelaius phoeniceus,230. f ulvigula, 526. p. floridanus, 547 f. maculosa,541. p. phoeniceus,81,182,238,370 platyrhynchos,226, 234, 333, Ahrens, T. G., notice of his report 526. on conservation in the United rubripes, 333, 526, 541. States, 131. tadorna, 245. Aithyia ferina, 246. Anatinae, 523. Aix sponsa,234, 530. Anhinga anhinga, 536. Alabama, birds of, 124, 125, 263, Annam, birds of, 560 411, 417. Anous stolidus pileatus, 484. (595) Auk 596 Index. Oct. Anserinae, 523. Asio tingitanus andrewsmithi, 291. Anthony, A. W., the Old Squaw wilsonJanus,74, 236, 257, 417. (Harelda hyemalis)at San Diego, Astragalinustristis tristis, 81, 182, Calif., 104; the Sharp-tailedSand- 230, 238, 548. piper in Southern California, 106. Astur •tricapillus atricapillus, 70, Anthreptcsogilvic-granti, 135. 235, 258. Asturina plagiata micrus, 140,287. Anthus, review of, 137. 'Auk, The,' complete sets of, 302. rubescens,242,551. Auk, Razor-billed, 426,427, 509. spraguei, 175, 551. 'AustrM Avian Record,' reviewed, Antrostomuscarolinensis, 236. 448. vociferus, 181. Australia,birds of, 123,436. 579. v. vociferus, 237. Automoluscclicae, 123. Apalis bamendae,589. Aviceda, 436. 'Avicultural Magazine,' reviewed, Aphriza, 589. Aquila albipes,280. 136, 446. Avocet, 285. chrysa•tos, 236. rapax, 280. Aythya, 141. Aramides albiventris, 287. B•roLoruvs bicolor, 83, 242, 274, cajanea, 140. 372, 553. plumbeicollis,287. Bagg, Aaron C., the Greater p. pacificus,140, 287. Snow Goosein Massachusetts,251; Aramusvociferus, 287. Tree Sparrow (Spizellamont{cola v. holostictus,287. monticola)in Georgia, 263. Archibuteo, 436. Bailey, Florence Merriam, an Ari- lagopussancti-johannis, 258. zona feedingtable, 474-481. Archilochus colubris, 81, 181, 229, Baker, E. C. Stuart, review of his 237, 270. 'The Game Birds of India,' 578. 'Ardea,' reviewed, 292. Baldwin, S. Prentiss, adventures in Ardea herodias,269, 541 bird banding in 1921, 210-224; h. herodias, 226, 234. personalmention, 593. h. wardi, 541. Baldpate, 516,527. Arenaria, 589. Bangs,Outram, notice of his 'Birds of the American Museum's Asi- interpresinterpres, 246, 361. i. morinella, 542. atic Expedition of 1916-1917/ i. oahuensis,246, 488. 286; notice of his 'Notes on Philippine Birds Collected by Argentina,birds of, 288,440. Gov. W. C. Forbes,' 440. Arizona, birds of, 474-481. Bangs,Outram, and Penard, T. E., Arquatellamaritima maritima, 106, notice of their 'Descriptions of 360. Six New Subspeciesof American Asio accipitrimus, 257. Birds,' 141; notice of recent flaremenssandwichensis, 488. papersby, 585. otus, 74. Bannerm•n, David, A., review of o. wilsonJanus,74. his 'First Impressionsof Tunisia Vol. XXXlX] 1922 J Index. 597 and Algeria,' 129; notice of his 'Bird-Lore,' reviewed, 131,289,443, 'Rare Birds from the Belgian 586. Congo,' 130; review of his 'The Birds, importation of, 301. Canary Islands, 279; review of his 'The Birds of southern Bittern, 43, 47, 179, 196-202, 226, Nigeria,' 437. 252, 511,541,577. Bartram, Edwin B., Evening Gros- Least, 71,541. beaks in Pike Co., Pa., 263; an Blackbird, Brewer's, 42. unusual Mockingbird record, 267. Red-winged 42, 47, 81, 230, Bartramia longicauda, 70, 273. 238, 370, 576. Bartsch, Paul, sometern notes, 101; Rusty, 42, 47, 121, 238, 548. two recordsof the Stilt Sandpiper, Yellow-headed,43, 46. 106; an inland record for the Blincoe, Ben. J., an unusualflight Man-o war-bird, 249; a visit to of Black Vultures in Nelson Midway Island, 481-488. County, Kentucky, 416 Basileuterus fraseri ochraceieris- Bluebird, 43, 47, 84, 122, 187, 220, ta, 123. 243, 554. Bavarian Ornithological Society, Mountain, 43, 47. 'Proceedings'reviewed, 139. Bobolink,44, 46, 69, 81,175,187,237. Baxter, Evelyn V., and Rintoul, Bobwhite, 235,441, 543. Leonora J., notice of their 'Some Bombycilla cedrorum, 82, 183,231, Scottish Breeding Duck, 439. 240, 515, 550. Beard, Theodore R., the White- garrula, 372, 422, 574. necked Raven (Corvus crypto- Bonasa umbellustogata, 227. leucus)in Boulder County, Color- u. umbel]us,178, 180. ado, 261. Bond, Frank, comment on his Beck, Herbert H., aeolian and per- drawing of a Passenger Pigeon cussionbird music, 429. flight, 300, 416. Bedell, Edgar, Golden-wingedWar- Booby, 119. bler nesting at Waterford, N.Y., Blue-faced, 487. 266; Florida caereleain Saratoga Red-footed, 487. County, N.Y., 413; King Eider Bourne, Thomas L., two interesting at Waterford, N.Y., 563. occurrences of the Alder Fly- Beebe, William, appearanceof his catcher in Erie Co., N. ¾., 260; ß 'Monograph of the Pheasants,' the Greater Redpoll in Erie Vol. III, 304; review of same,433. County, N.Y., 569. Bent, A. C., review of his 'Life Botaurus lentiginosus, 179, 226, Histories of North American 249, 252, 511,541. Gulls and Terns,' 122; progress stellarislentiginosus, 249. of the same, 590. Brachyspiza capensis choraules, Bergtold, W. H., the Lapland 440. Longspur in Colorado, 419. c. mellea, 440. Bermuda, birds of, 584. Brannon, Peter A., Pelicans in the Bird-banding, 210-224, 322-334, interior of Alabama, 411 334-350. Brant, 360, 507. 598 Index. toot.['Auk Branta bernicla glaucogastra,360, Butco, 1.]/neatus, 180, 236, 566. 511. montanus, 107. canadensis canadensis, 226, platypterus•70, 227, 236, 544, 234. 574. c. hutchinsi, 412 rufescentior,107 leucopsis,166-171. swainson/,119. Brazil, birds of, 123,288, 295. Butoides virescens virescens, 80, 'British Birds,' reviewed, 135, 291, 179, 234. 446. Buzzard, Turkey, 227. British Columbia, birds of, 77, 78, Bycanistessharpii duboisi,445. 556-559, 582. British Or•fithologists'Club, 'Bul-•, Alvin R., additions to the letin're•'iewed, 135, 291,445, 589. summer avifauna of Lake County, British Ornithologists' Union, an- Minn., 120. nual meeting of, 303. Cahow, 585. Brooks, Allan, the Kittiwake in Cairina X ChenMopex, 296. Florida, 99; notes on crossh•gthe Calcar/uslapponicus alascensis, 419. Mexican Gulf from Key West to I. lapponicus,419, 428, 569. Galveston, 119; notes on the ornatus, 175. Bald Eagle, 556-559; personal Calidris alba, 246. mention, 303. Brotogerisjugularis apurinus, 589. rubida, 246. California, birds of, 14-23, 76, 77, Bubo virghfianus,228, 236. v. virginianus,180, 545. 104, 106, 287, 295, 373, 411. Buffiehead,426. Callene ba•esi, 589. Btmting, Indigo, 82, 122, 183, 239, Calonectris kuhlii kuhlii, 58. 577. k. borealis, 60. Lark, 45. Calopezuselegans albidus, 142, 440. Lazuli, 480. Calophasis, 434. Painted, 269. Campylorhamphus trochili- rostrislntermedius, 295. Snow, 48, 363, 371. Canachitescanadensis atratus, 584. Buphagoides, 125. Buphaguslangi, 125. Canada, birds of, 439, 441, 582. Burma, birds of, 286. Canary, 301. Burtch, Verdi, sprh•g 1917 migra~ Canary Islands, 279. tion of shorebirds at Branchport, Canutus canutus, 360. Canvasback, 234, 250. N.Y., 275; rare and uncommon birds at Branchport, N.Y., 276. Capells gallinagodelicata, 246. Bustard, African, 201. Cardinal, 82, 215, 216, 239, 274, Buteo, 34 339, 344, 346, 424, 550. Mascensis,107. Arizona, 475. borealis, 107, 544. Cardinaliscardinalis cardinalis, 82, b. borealis, 180, 235, 258, 512. 215, 216,239, 550. b. krideri, 273. c. mag•firostris,550. calurus, 107. Carpodacus purpureus purpureus, lineatus, 544. 182, 230, 238 Vol.1922 XXXIX1 J Index. 599 Casmerodiusegretta, 105, 251, 271, Chance, Edgar, review of his 'The 425. Cuckoo's Secret,' 432. Casmorhynchus,279. Charadrius, 588. Cass!na•tus,445. alexandrinus,73. Catbird, 45, 46, 83, 185, 220, 232, a. nivosus,73. 242, 552. a. tenuirostris, 73. Catharacta chilcnsis,244. hiaticula, 361. matsudairae, 449. melodus, 227, 368, 414. Catreus, 434. nivosus, 73. Cathartes aura aura, 247. semipalmatus, 542. a. septentrionalls,70, 80, 227, varius allenbyi, 135. 235, 247, 258, 275, 543. Chat, Long-tailed,479. Centurus carolinus, SO, 215, 236, Yellow-breasted, 83, 117, 241, 546. 274. Ccpphus gry]le, 118, 352, 509. Chaulelasmusstrcperus, 273, 527. g. mandtii, 244. Chcn caerulcscens,412. Cerchneistinnunculus dSrriesi, 589. hyperboreushyperborcus, 412 Ccrthia familiaris americana, 179, h. nivalis, 251, 359. 242, 552. Chcrrie, George I•., and Reichen- himalayana limes, 589. berger, Mrs. Elsie M. B., review Ceryle a]cyon