[New generic.specific and subspecificnames are printedin heavyface type.] ACANTttIShorncmarmi horncmanni, Alaska, of, 73, 75, 582. 363. Alauda arvensis, 187. linaria, 422. a. cinerascens, 291. 1. linaria, 371. a. d•lcivox, 291, 1. rostrata, 569. Albatross, Laysan, 484. Acanthiza ewingi, 579. Black-footed, 485. lineata, 579. Alca torda, 426, 509. pusilla, 579. Alexander Gordon, Horned Grebe (Colymbus aurilus) in central Acanthopneustegoodsoni, 561. Missouri, 562. klossi, 560 Algeria, birds of, 129. trochiloidcs, 561. Alle alle, 249, 353. t. davisoni, 561. Allen, Amelia S., notice of her t. hartcri, 561. 'Birds of the Berkeley Campus, t. ogilvie-granti, 561. 295. Accipitcr, 33. Allen, J. A., in memoriam, 1-14. cooperi, 80, 235, 258. Alseonax nmrinus kumboensis, 589 c. mexicanus, 247. Aluco pratincola, 257, 536 velox, 180, 227, 235, 543. American Ornithologists' Union, •renezuelensis,122. thirty-ninth stated meeting of Accipitres, 435. the, 85-94; report of secretary of Acridotherescristatcllus, 450. the, 95-99; fellows of the, 149; Actiris macularia, 80, 227, 235. fortieth stated meeting of the, Additional publications received, 456, 593; group photographs of, 297, 450. 589. Aegialitis, 588. Ammodramus savannarum aus- Acgithina tiphia aequanimis, 440. tralis, 238, 548. Aestrelata vociferans,585 Anas arcuata, 438. Africa, birds of, 125, 129, 130, 279, collaris, 245. 294, 304, 437. diazi novimexicana, 412. Agelaius phoeniceus,230. f ulvigula, 526. p. floridanus, 547 f. maculosa,541. p. phoeniceus,81,182,238,370 platyrhynchos,226, 234, 333, Ahrens, T. G., notice of his report 526. on conservation in the United rubripes, 333, 526, 541. States, 131. tadorna, 245. Aithyia ferina, 246. Anatinae, 523. Aix sponsa,234, 530. Anhinga anhinga, 536. Alabama, birds of, 124, 125, 263, Annam, birds of, 560 411, 417. Anous stolidus pileatus, 484. (595) Auk 596 Index. Oct.

Anserinae, 523. Asio tingitanus andrewsmithi, 291. Anthony, A. W., the Old Squaw wilsonJanus,74, 236, 257, 417. (Harelda hyemalis)at San Diego, Astragalinustristis tristis, 81, 182, Calif., 104; the Sharp-tailedSand- 230, 238, 548. piper in Southern California, 106. Astur •tricapillus atricapillus, 70, Anthreptcsogilvic-granti, 135. 235, 258. Asturina plagiata micrus, 140,287. Anthus, review of, 137. 'Auk, The,' complete sets of, 302. rubescens,242,551. Auk, Razor-billed, 426,427, 509. spraguei, 175, 551. 'AustrM Avian Record,' reviewed, Antrostomuscarolinensis, 236. 448. vociferus, 181. Australia,birds of, 123,436. 579. v. vociferus, 237. Automoluscclicae, 123. Apalis bamendae,589. Aviceda, 436. 'Avicultural Magazine,' reviewed, Aphriza, 589. Aquila albipes,280. 136, 446. Avocet, 285. chrysa•tos, 236. rapax, 280. Aythya, 141. Aramides albiventris, 287. B•roLoruvs bicolor, 83, 242, 274, cajanea, 140. 372, 553. plumbeicollis,287. Bagg, Aaron C., the Greater p. pacificus,140, 287. Snow Goosein Massachusetts,251; Aramusvociferus, 287. Tree Sparrow (Spizellamont{cola v. holostictus,287. monticola)in Georgia, 263. Archibuteo, 436. Bailey, Florence Merriam, an Ari- lagopussancti-johannis, 258. zona feedingtable, 474-481. Archilochus colubris, 81, 181, 229, Baker, E. C. Stuart, review of his 237, 270. 'The Game Birds of India,' 578. 'Ardea,' reviewed, 292. Baldwin, S. Prentiss, adventures in Ardea herodias,269, 541 banding in 1921, 210-224; h. herodias, 226, 234. personalmention, 593. h. wardi, 541. Baldpate, 516,527. Arenaria, 589. Bangs,Outram, notice of his 'Birds of the American Museum's Asi- interpresinterpres, 246, 361. i. morinella, 542. atic Expedition of 1916-1917/ i. oahuensis,246, 488. 286; notice of his 'Notes on Philippine Birds Collected by Argentina,birds of, 288,440. Gov. W. C. Forbes,' 440. Arizona, birds of, 474-481. Bangs,Outram, and Penard, T. E., Arquatellamaritima maritima, 106, notice of their 'Descriptions of 360. Six New Subspeciesof American Asio accipitrimus, 257. Birds,' 141; notice of recent flaremenssandwichensis, 488. papersby, 585. otus, 74. Bannerm•n, David, A., review of o. wilsonJanus,74. his 'First Impressionsof Tunisia Vol. XXXlX] 1922 J Index. 597

and Algeria,' 129; notice of his 'Bird-Lore,' reviewed, 131,289,443, 'Rare Birds from the Belgian 586. Congo,' 130; review of his 'The Birds, importation of, 301. Canary Islands, 279; review of his 'The Birds of southern Bittern, 43, 47, 179, 196-202, 226, Nigeria,' 437. 252, 511,541,577. Bartram, Edwin B., Evening Gros- Least, 71,541. beaks in Pike Co., Pa., 263; an Blackbird, Brewer's, 42. unusual Mockingbird record, 267. Red-winged 42, 47, 81, 230, Bartramia longicauda, 70, 273. 238, 370, 576. Bartsch, Paul, sometern notes, 101; Rusty, 42, 47, 121, 238, 548. two recordsof the Stilt Sandpiper, Yellow-headed,43, 46. 106; an inland record for the Blincoe, Ben. J., an unusualflight Man-o war-bird, 249; a visit to of Black Vultures in Nelson Midway Island, 481-488. County, Kentucky, 416 Basileuterus fraseri ochraceieris- Bluebird, 43, 47, 84, 122, 187, 220, ta, 123. 243, 554. Bavarian Ornithological Society, Mountain, 43, 47. 'Proceedings'reviewed, 139. Bobolink,44, 46, 69, 81,175,187,237. Baxter, Evelyn V., and Rintoul, Bobwhite, 235,441, 543. Leonora J., notice of their 'Some Bombycilla cedrorum, 82, 183,231, Scottish Breeding Duck, 439. 240, 515, 550. Beard, Theodore R., the White- garrula, 372, 422, 574. necked Raven (Corvus crypto- Bonasa umbellustogata, 227. leucus)in Boulder County, Color- u. umbel]us,178, 180. ado, 261. Bond, Frank, comment on his Beck, Herbert H., aeolian and per- drawing of a Passenger Pigeon cussionbird music, 429. flight, 300, 416. Bedell, Edgar, Golden-wingedWar- Booby, 119. bler nesting at Waterford, N.Y., Blue-faced, 487. 266; Florida caereleain Saratoga Red-footed, 487. County, N.Y., 413; King Eider Bourne, Thomas L., two interesting at Waterford, N.Y., 563. occurrences of the Alder Fly- Beebe, William, appearanceof his catcher in Erie Co., N. ¾., 260; ß 'Monograph of the Pheasants,' the Greater Redpoll in Erie Vol. III, 304; review of same,433. County, N.Y., 569. Bent, A. C., review of his 'Life Botaurus lentiginosus, 179, 226, Histories of North American 249, 252, 511,541. Gulls and Terns,' 122; progress stellarislentiginosus, 249. of the same, 590. Brachyspiza capensis choraules, Bergtold, W. H., the Lapland 440. Longspur in Colorado, 419. c. mellea, 440. Bermuda, birds of, 584. Brannon, Peter A., Pelicans in the Bird-banding, 210-224, 322-334, interior of Alabama, 411 334-350. Brant, 360, 507. 598 Index. toot.['Auk

Branta bernicla glaucogastra,360, Butco, 1.]/neatus, 180, 236, 566. 511. montanus, 107. canadensis canadensis, 226, platypterus•70, 227, 236, 544, 234. 574. c. hutchinsi, 412 rufescentior,107 leucopsis,166-171. swainson/,119. Brazil, birds of, 123,288, 295. Butoides virescens virescens, 80, 'British Birds,' reviewed, 135, 291, 179, 234. 446. Buzzard, Turkey, 227. British Columbia, birds of, 77, 78, Bycanistessharpii duboisi,445. 556-559, 582. British Or•fithologists'Club, 'Bul-•, Alvin R., additions to the letin're•'iewed, 135, 291,445, 589. summer avifauna of Lake County, British Ornithologists' Union, an- Minn., 120. nual meeting of, 303. Cahow, 585. Brooks, Allan, the Kittiwake in Cairina X ChenMopex, 296. Florida, 99; notes on crossh•gthe Calcar/uslapponicus alascensis, 419. Mexican Gulf from Key West to I. lapponicus,419, 428, 569. Galveston, 119; notes on the ornatus, 175. Bald Eagle, 556-559; personal Calidris alba, 246. mention, 303. Brotogerisjugularis apurinus, 589. rubida, 246. California, birds of, 14-23, 76, 77, Bubo virghfianus,228, 236. v. virginianus,180, 545. 104, 106, 287, 295, 373, 411. Buffiehead,426. Callene ba•esi, 589. Btmting, Indigo, 82, 122, 183, 239, Calonectris kuhlii kuhlii, 58. 577. k. borealis, 60. Lark, 45. Calopezuselegans albidus, 142, 440. Lazuli, 480. Calophasis, 434. Painted, 269. Campylorhamphus trochili- rostrislntermedius, 295. Snow, 48, 363, 371. Canachitescanadensis atratus, 584. Buphagoides, 125. Buphaguslangi, 125. Canada, birds of, 439, 441, 582. Burma, birds of, 286. Canary, 301. Burtch, Verdi, sprh•g 1917 migra~ Canary Islands, 279. tion of shorebirds at Branchport, Canutus canutus, 360. Canvasback, 234, 250. N.Y., 275; rare and uncommon birds at Branchport, N.Y., 276. Capells gallinagodelicata, 246. Bustard, African, 201. Cardinal, 82, 215, 216, 239, 274, Buteo, 34 339, 344, 346, 424, 550. Mascensis,107. Arizona, 475. borealis, 107, 544. Cardinaliscardinalis cardinalis, 82, b. borealis, 180, 235, 258, 512. 215, 216,239, 550. b. krideri, 273. c. mag•firostris,550. calurus, 107. Carpodacus purpureus purpureus, lineatus, 544. 182, 230, 238 Vol.1922 XXXIX1 J Index. 599

Casmerodiusegretta, 105, 251, 271, Chance, Edgar, review of his 'The 425. Cuckoo's Secret,' 432. Casmorhynchus,279. Charadrius, 588. Cass!na•tus,445. alexandrinus,73. Catbird, 45, 46, 83, 185, 220, 232, a. nivosus,73. 242, 552. a. tenuirostris, 73. Catharacta chilcnsis,244. hiaticula, 361. matsudairae, 449. melodus, 227, 368, 414. Catreus, 434. nivosus, 73. Cathartes aura aura, 247. semipalmatus, 542. a. septentrionalls,70, 80, 227, varius allenbyi, 135. 235, 247, 258, 275, 543. Chat, Long-tailed,479. Centurus carolinus, SO, 215, 236, Yellow-breasted, 83, 117, 241, 546. 274. Ccpphus gry]le, 118, 352, 509. Chaulelasmusstrcperus, 273, 527. g. mandtii, 244. Chcn caerulcscens,412. Cerchneistinnunculus dSrriesi, 589. hyperboreushyperborcus, 412 Ccrthia familiaris americana, 179, h. nivalis, 251, 359. 242, 552. Chcrrie, George I•., and Reichen- himalayana limes, 589. berger, Mrs. Elsie M. B., review Ceryle a]cyon alcyon• SO, 1S0, 228, of their 'Descriptions of New 236, 545. Birds from Brazil, Paraguay and Chsemepelia passerina terrcstris, Argentina,' 288. 536, 566. Chickadee, 186, 232,423, 572. Chaetura pe]agica, S1, 121, 1S1, Acadian, 66. 220, 229, 237. Black-capped, 179. Chalcoparia• 143. Carolina, 24, 83, 242, 553, 572. Chapin, James P., review of his Labrador, 67. 'Notes on a New Ox-pecker and China, birds of, 286. other little known Birds of the Chloronerpesflavigu]a magnus,288. Congo,'125; the function of the Chlorospingusgceringi, 438. oesophagusin the Bittern'sboom- Chondestesgrammacus grammacus, ing, 196-202; inner primaries of 238, 273, 549. woodpeckers,299. Choraleliesvirginianus virginianus, Chapman, Abe], review of his 80, 181,229, 237, 512, 568. 'Savage Sudan,' 280.' Christofferson,K., seeMagee, M. J. Chapman, F. M., in memoriam: Chroicocephalusfranklinii, 244. Joel Asaph Allen, 1-14; pepixcan,244. notice of his 'Descriptions of Chrostowski, T., notice of recent Proposed New Birds from Co- papersby, 283. lombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bra- Chubb, Charles,review of his 'The zii,'123; review of his recent Birds of British Guiana,' 279. paperson South AmericanBirds, Chuck-will's-widow,236. 440. Circus hudsonius,80, 180, 227, 235, Chapmania, 296. 258, 543. 600 [Auk

Cisticola cisticola annae, 290. Cooke, May Thatcher, the Cerulean exilis, 579. Warbler at Washington, D.C. ,570 Cistothorus, 115. Coot, 119, 121,226, 234, 427, 542. interscapularis, 115. Coragypsurubu, 235, 255,416, 543. stellaris,67, 112, 115, 232, 552. Corea, birds of, 364-366. Clangula hyemalis,250, 357. Cormorant, 34. Cleaves,Howard, personalmention, Common, 425. 593. Double-crested,271, 540, 574. Climacocercus,436. Corrington, Julian D., the winter CoMe, Henry K., on the nesting of birds of the Biloxi, Mississippi, Ectopistesmigratorius, 254; notes region, 530-556. on Ectopistes migratorius, 255; Parkman's Wren near Chicago, Cory, Charles Barney, in memor- 268. iam, 151-166. Coccyzus americanus americmnus, Corvus brachyrhynchos brachy- 70, 236, 417. rhynchos, 81, 181, 229, 237, erythrophthahnus,80, 180,228, 547. 236. coraxprincipalis, 362. Colapresauratus subsp.,80. cryptoleucus,261. a. auratus 239, 547. ossifragus,547. a. borealis,547. Corythornis leucogaster,588. a. luteus, 180, 229, 370. I. batesi, 588. pitius cachinnans,440. Cossar, E. J., notice of his 'The Collectingpermits, 301. Nestling Feathers of the Mallard,' Colinus virginianus virginianus, 294. 235, 543. Coturnicops noveboracensis, 225, Collinge, W. E., reviews of recent 425. papersby, 442. Coues, William Pearce, an albino Colombia, birds of, 84, 123, 440. Kingbird at Prouts Neck, Colorado, birds of, 261, 419, 423. Maine, 261. Columba livia butler/, 135. Cowbird, 44, 81,121,187, 229, 237, Colymbusauritus, 538, 562. 547. griseigenaholboellfi, 244. Bronzed, 480. holboelli,71. Crandall, Lee S., notice of his 'The Compsothlypis americana usneae, Blue Bird of Paradise,' 140. 67, 184, 240. Crane, Sandhill,42, 47, 536. Condor, 128. Whooping, 43, 412. 'Condor, The,' reviewed, 132, 289, Crateropus plebeiuselberti, 293. 443, 587. Crax panamensis,140, 287. Connecticut,birds of, 117, 252, 254, globieera,140, 287. 264, 267, 275, 270, 421. Creeper,Brown, 179,242, 552. Conover, H. B., •4nas diazi novi- Creciscus ruberrimus, 140, 287. mexicana and Grus americana in Criddle, Norman, a calendar of Nebraska, 412. bird migration, 41-49. Conservation, 130. Crocethiaalba, 360. Vol. XXXIX] 1922 J Index. 601

Crosby, Maunsell S., Mute Swans Deane, Ruthyen, American Egret on the Hudson, 100. (Casmerodiusegretta) in Maine, see also Griscom, Ludlow. 105. Cross, Albert A., nesting of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Louisiana Water-Thrush in Mas- Club, annualmeeting, 149. sachusetts,111.. Dendragapus obscurus sitkensis, Crossbill,238. 246. American, 187 o. fiemingi, 584. Newfoundland, 370. o. sitkensis,584. White-winged,69. Dendrocygnabicolor hclva, 440. Crotophaga sulcirostris pallidula, 247. Dendroicaaestiva acstiva, 67, 82• 122, 231, 240, 515. Crow, 42, 47, 81,181,229,237, 547. audubonimemorabilis, 248. Fish, 34, 547. caerulescenscaerulescens, 82, Cryptoglauxfunerea funerea, 73. 178, 184, 231, 240. f. magna, 73. castanca, 68, 83, 231, 241, 515. f. richardsoni, 516. cerulea,274, 570. Cryptolopha nesophila,562. coronata, 23-13, 83, 117, 184, sarasinorum, 562. 217,241,551. Crypturus, 585. c. hooveri,584. Crypturornis, 586• discolor,83, 119,241,267. Cuckoo, 292, 432. dominica albilora, 241. Black-billed,45, 80, 180, 228, fusca, 83, 178, 185, 232, 241. 236. kirtlandi, 243. Yellow-billed, 70, 236, 417. magnolia,68, 83, 178, 184,231, Cuncuma,436. 241. Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 487. palmarum, 270. Eskimo, 207. p. hypochrysea,551. Long-billed, 43. p. pahnarum, 232, 241. Cyanocitta cristata bromia, 248. pensylvanica,67, 83, 178, 184, c. cristata, 81, 181,214, 215, 229, 231, 241. 237, 248, 547. striata, 83, 241. c. flornicola, 248. tigrina, 240. Cygninae,523. vigorsi, 68, 232, 241,372, 551. Cymindis, 586. virens, 83, 178 185, 241, 515. Cyornisrubeculoides klossi, 135. Dendropicosguineensis streseman- Dafila acura, 226, 529, 541. ni, 449. Daley, Mary Wood, birds of Frost obsoletuscamerunensis, 291. Valley, Slide mountain region, Dexter, John Smith, notes on the southernCatskills, 176-188. birdsof the BeaverRiver Valley 'Danske-Fugle,' reviewed, 138. in Saskat.chewan, 269; the Eur- Daption capense,101. opean Gray Partridge in Sas- c. australis,245. katchewan,253. Davis, R. N., Evening Grosbeakat Dicaeum minullum subfiavum,135. Scranton, Pa., 110. Dickcissel,82, 239, 274. Auk 6O2 Index. Oct,.

Dickey, D. R., and van Rossen, A. Duck, LesserSeaup, 541. J., the Iceland Gull (Larus Mottled, 541. leucopterus)in California, 411. Pink-headed, 579. Dierufus, 143. Ring-necked, 34, 276. Dingle, E. yon S., peculiar note of Ruddy, 119, 234. Carolina Chickadee,572. Scaup, 42, 47, 226, 541. Diomedea immutabilis, 484. Wood, 187, 526. irrorata, 64. Dumetella carolinensis, 83, 185, n/gripes, 485. 220, 232, 242, 552. District of Columbia, birds of, 282, Dutcher, Basil Hicks, obituary, 454 570. Dysporus, 579. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 69, 81, 175, 237 EAGLE,Bald, 121,180, 544, 556-559. Doolittle, E. A., defensenote of the Golden, 236, 258. Chickadee,572. Ectopistes migrator/us, 254, 255. Dove, Ground, 536, 566. Ecuador, birds of, 123, 440, 584. Inca, 478. Edolius forficatuspotior, 585. Mourning, 43, 47, 80, 106, 180, Egret, 71, 105, 251, 271. 235, 254, 269, 340, 543, 566. American, 425. WesternMourning, 457-474. Snowy, 34. White-winged,479. Eider, 439. Dovekle, 249, 353. Americm•, 33, 511. Dowitcher, 272, 414. King, 33, 104, 359, 563. Dromaius novae-hollandiaegunni, Northern, 358. 448. 'El Hornero,' reviewed, 137, 449. Drymodes bn•nncopygia interme- Electron platyrhynchum, orienti- dius, 436. cola, 141. beccariiadjacens, 436. Empidonax fiaviventris, 69.81, 181. Dryobates borealis,546. 229. major brevirostris, 365. minimus, 81,178, 181,229,237 m. seoulensis, 364. trailli alnorum, 260, 512. medius lilianae, 445. t. trailli, 261. minor, 299. virescens,237, 273. pubescensmedianus, 80, 121, 'Emu, The,' reviewed,136, 447. 180, 228, 546. Eremialector, 445. p. pubescens,236. Eremomela pusilla tessmanni, 139. villosus auduboni, 546. Ereunetes pusillus,227, 235, 536. ¾. subsp. 80. Erickson, W. J., notable increaseof v. villosus, 180, 228, 546. Egrets in Chatham county, Dryocopusmartius, 299. Georgia, 251. Dryonastesgrahami, 438. Erismatura jamaicensis, 119, 234. Duck, Black, 187, 330,. 526, 540. Erythropygia quadrivirgata rovu- Eider, 411, 578. mac, 139. Florida, 126, 526. Essex County Ornithological Club Harlequin, 14-23, 118, 357. ' Bulletin' noticed,290; review of Labrador, 357. 'Check List' of, 438. Vol. XXXIX] 1922 J Index. 603

Eudromias, 589. Flycatcher,Least, 44, 46, 81, 178, Euphaguscarolinus, 121, 238, 513, 181, 229, 237. 548. Olive-sided,44, 70, 187, 229, Eupodotis afro/desetoschae, 449. 237, 512, 568. Europe, birds of, 417, 576. Scissor-tailed, 109. Traill's, 187, 261. FALCO candicans, 445. Vermihon, 110. columbariusbendirei, 445. Yellow-bellied,70, 81, 181,229' c. columbarius,258, 369, 512. Forbes, Stephen A., and Gross, coronatus, 445. A. O., notice of their 'The islandus,361. Orchard Birds of an Illinois obsoletus,445, 489. Summer,' 142. peregrinus anatum, 70, 273. Forbush, E. H., Sheldduck (Ta- rusticolus alascanus,445. dorna casarca)in Massachusetts, r. obsoletus,425. 104; notice of his 'The Utility sparveriussparverius, 80, 228, of Birds,' 130; notice of his 236, 258, 545. 'Annual report for 1920,' 131. Faxon,Walter aridHoffman, Ralph, Ford, Edw. R., notes from Lauder- supplementarynotes on the birds dale, Fla., 425. of Berkshire County, Massa- Foster, Francis A., ArkansasKing- chusetts, 65-72. bird in Massachusetts,417. Feathers, origin and structure of, France, birds of 129. 294. Francolins, 290. Ferguson,A. L. and H. L., the fall Francolinus bicalc•ratus ogilvie- migration of hawks as observed grantii, 589. at FishersIsland, N. Y, 488-496. Fraseria ocreatakelsalli, 445. Ferguson,H. L., seeFerguson, A. L. cinerascensguineae, 445. Field identification of birds, 31-41. Fratercula arcfica, 444. Field Museum of Natural History, a. arcfica, 352, 426, reorganiztionof the department Fregata aquila, 540. of zoology, 455. magnificensrothschildi, 250. Finch, Purple, 43, 46, 182, 230, 238, minor palmerstoni, 486. 537. Fulica americana, 119, 121, 226, Yellow, 488. 234, 542. Fisher, A. 1•., group photographs Fuligula fuligula, 246. of the A. O. U., 589. Fuligulinae, 523. Flicker, 80, 236• 429, 547, 567. Fulix afhnis, 245• Northern, 43, 47, 180, 229, 370. marils nearctica, 245. Florida, birds of, 99, 426, 572. Fuller, Arthur, B., notes from Florida caerulea, 234, 413, 542. Essex, Massachusetts,1921, 425. Flycatcher, Acadian, 33, 34, 237, Fullmar,357. 273. Fulmarusglacia]is glacialis, 357. Alder, 33, 34, 260, 424, 512. Ftirbringer, M., obituary, 592. Cassin's,479. Furnariusrufus paraguayae, 288. Crested, 45, 46, 70, 81,237. Green-crested, 237. 273, 439, 527. Auk 604 Index. Oct.

Galerida, 134. Goosander, 439. cristata halfae, 135. Goose,Barnacle, 166-171. c. whitakeri, 446. Blue, 43, 48, 412. Galhnago delicata, 226, 235, 246, Canada, 42, 47, 226, 234. 542. Greater Snow, 251,359. Galhmtla chloropuscentralis, 140, Hutchins', 43, 48, 412. 287. Lesser Snow, 43, 48. galeata, 235, 564. Snow, 412. Gallinule, Florida, 235, 564. White-fronted, 43, 48. /htrple, 2B5. Goshawk, 70, 235, 258, 489. Gampsonyxswainsoni leonae, 140, Grackle, Boat4ailed, 271. 287. Bronzed, 34, 43, 47, 81, 230, s. meridensis,140. 238, 513, 576. leonae, 287. Florida, 548. meridensis,287. Grailaria regulusroraimae, 279. Gannet, 511. Grammopsit•acalineola maculata, Garrulus glandarius namiyei, 290. 438. Gayla iraruer, 225, 426, 538. 1. tigrinus, 439. i. elasson,244. Grandidler, Alfred, obituary, 453. stellata, 352. Grange, Wallace B., nesting notes Gelochelidonnilotica, 245. from Ladysmith, Wisc., 575. n. aranea, 245. Great Britain, birds of, 437. Geophapsscripta peninsulae, 447. Grebe, Holboell's, 71. Georgia,birds of, 251. 263, 334. Horned, 273, 538, 562. Geothlypistrichas, 172, Pied-billed,71,80, 516,538,565. t. ignota, 551. Greenland, birds of 350-363. t. trichas,83,185,232,241,551. Grinnell, George B., Woodcock Geranospiza caerulescenslivens, carrying its yotmg, 563. 141. Grinnell, Joseph,review of his 'The Gibson, Langdon, bird notes from Principle of Rapid Peering in North Greenland, 350-363. Birds,' 127; the role of the Glaucionetta americana, 541. "accidental," 373-380. Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 117, 242, Grinnell, Josephand Storer, Tracy 274, 373, 554. I., review of their 'Life Zones of Godwit, HudsonJan,227. Yosemite National Park,' 287. Marbled, 425. Griscom, Ludlow, problems of Golden-eye,33, 42, 47, 426, 541. field identification, 31-41; what Goldfinch,24, 45, 47, 81, 182, 230, is Butco rufescentior, Salvin and 238. Godman, 107; notice of his Goldman,E. A., noticeof his 'Con- 'Winter Avffauna of the Ca- serving our Wild and margue,' 129; field studiesof the Birds,' 130; Anatidae of the Atlantic coast, Golson,L. S., White-throated Spar- 517-530. See also Miller, W. De row summering in Autauga W. County, Alabama, 263; a large Griscom, Ludlow, Crosby, Mann- gathering of Kingbirds, 417. sell, S., and Janvrin, E. R. P., Vol. 1922XXXIX] I Index. 605

winter notes from Montauk Black, 425. Point Long, Island, 117. White, 361. Griscom, Ludlow and Janvrin, E. R. P., Shovelletin BergenCo., HAB•A, 586. New Jersey, in Spring, 100; Hacmatopus, 588. Cory's Shearwateroff Newœ.ound- bachmani, 246. land witchremarks on its identi- niger, 246. cation in life, 103. n. bachmani, 246. Gristore, Ludlow and Johnson, J. palliatus, 564. M., BlkckTern on Long Island in Hagar, JosephA.; Arkansas King- Spring, 101. bird in Plymouth County, Mass., Grosbeak,Black-headed, 480. 418. Blue, 239. Halcyon torquatus pontyi, 292. Evening, 48, 69, 110, 230, 262, Haliae•tus leucocephalusalascanus, 263, 276, 421,422. 556 559. Pine, 48, 574. 1.leucocephalus, 121, 180, 544. Rose-breasted, 44, 46, 82, 175, Hallinan, Thomas; Nighthawk 183, 231, 239. (Choralelies virginianus) roosting Grote, Hermann, notice of his on flagpole,567; bird interference 'Birds of Ukerewe Island,' 129. on high tension electric trans~ Grouse Canadian Ruffed, 227. mission lines, 573; scarcity of Ruffed, 178, 180, 429, 441, 577. breeding birds in Duval county, Grus americana, 412. Florida, 573. mexicana, 536. Guacharo, 108. Harelda hyemMis, 104. Guiana, British, birds of, 255, 279. Harl0w, Richard C., the breeding habits of the Northern Raven in Guillemot, Black, 118, 509. Pennsylvania,399-410. Mandt's, 352. Guiraca caeruleacaerulea, 239. Harper, Francis, see Murphy, Robert C. Gull, Black-backed, 510. Bonapa.rte's, 275, 539. Harris, Harry, obituary of R. C. Franklin's, 43, 45. Woodworth, 592. Glaucous,356. Harterr, E., notice of his 'Die Herring, 42, 120, 225, 234, 510, VSgel der palaarktischenFauna• • 538. 442. Iceland, 249,411. Itawk, Broad-winged,43, 70, 227, Ivory, 355. 236,489, 544, 567, 574. Laughing, 120, 272, 539. Cooper's, 80, 235, 258, 489. Ring-billed 34, 275, 510, 539. Duck, 46, 70, 273, 489. Sabine's,277. Krider's, 273. Gulls, 122. Marsh, 42, 47, 80, 180, 187, Gygis alba candida, 485. 227, 235, 258, 489, 543, 567, Gymnopsittacus,296. 577. Gymnorhina tibicen eylandtensis, Pigeon, 258, 369, 489, 512. 447. Red-shouldered,180, 236, 274, Gyrfalcon, 489. 489, 544, 566. 6O6 . [Oc•.Auk

Itawk, Red-tailed, 42, 47; 180, 235, Hirundo erythrogastra, 82, 183, 258, 489, 512, 544. 231, 239. Rough-legged,42, 47, 258, 489. Histrionicus histrionicus, 118, 357. Sharp-shinned,43, 47, 180, 227, Hoffman, Ralph, seeFaxon, Walter, 235, 489, 543, 567. Holt, Ernest G., notice of his Sparrow, 42, 43, 46, 47, 80, 'Annotated List of the Avery 119, 120, 228, 236, 258, 489. Bird Collection, 125 567. Horsey, R. E., bird distribation in Hawkins, Chauncey J., sexual se- eastern Kentucky, 79-84. lection and bird song, 49-57. Howell, A. H., review o• his 'A Helicolcstes. 436. Biological Survey of Alabama,' Helinaia swainsoni,243. 124. Heliocoeysmodesta saturatior, 589. Huber, Wharton, personalmention, Heliothrix auritus major, 584. 149. Helmayr, C. E., notice of his, 'On Hummingbird, Ruby4hroated, 45, the Birds collected in Soath 81, 181, 229, 237, 270, 576. America by Alcldc d'Orbigny,' Hydranassa tricolor ruficollis, 541. 142; personalmention, 455. Hydrochelidonnigra• surinamensis, He]mitheros vcrmivorus, 240. 101, 225. Hclodromassolitarius solitarius, 179. Hylocichla aliciae aliciae, 179, 243. Hcmipsittacus, 296. a. bicknelli, 66 Hempel, Kathleen M., the whistled fuscescensfuscescens, 66, 83, call of the Hairy Woodpecker, 122, 186, 232, 243. 259. f. sMicicola,268. Hemphill, Ashton E., Passenger gutrata faxoni, 248. Pigeons not in company front, g. guttara, 248, 373. 416. g. pallasi, 116, 179, 186, 232, Herodias cgrctta, 71. 243, 248, 554. Heron, Black-crownedNight, 368. mustelina, 65, 83, 173, 186, 243. Great Blue, 226, 234, 269, 541. ustulata swainsoni,65, 84, 179, Green, 80, 179, 234. 186, 232, 243, 583. Little Blue, 34, 234, 413, 541. u. ustulata, 583. Louisiana,541. Night, 34. 'IBis, The,' reviewed, 133, 290, 444, Hesperiphona vespertina vesper- 588. tina, 69, 110, 230, 262, 263; Ibis, Wood, 565. 276, 422. Icteria virens virens, 83, 117, 241, Hctcractitis brcvipes,246. 274. Heteroglaucusphilippinae, 585. Icterus galbula, 175, 182, 230, 238. Hcteroscclusincanus brevipcs, 246. spurius, 238. Hcwitt, C. Gordon, review of his Ictinia plumbea vagans, 140, 287. 'The Conservation of the Wild Illinois, birds of, 101, 254, 367-373, Life of Canada, 441. 420. Heyde, A. Sidney, BohemianWax- India, birds of, 578. wings at Topeka, Kas., 422. Indiana, birds of, 111. Himantopus, 589. Indicator conirostris, 299. Vol. 1922XXXIX] J Index. 607

Indicator •ariegatus, 445. KALX•ACU,E. R., a comparisonof Inocotis, 586. the food habits of British and Ionornis martinicus, 235. AmericanStarlings, 189-195. Iowa, birds of, 106, 261, 249, 277, Kansas,birds of, 268, 422. 422, 566. Kelso, J. E. H., brids using their Iridophanespulcherrima gualeae,584 wings as a means of propulsion Iridoprocnebicolor, 183, 231, 240, under water, 426. 550. Kentucky,birds of, 79-84, 270,416. leopoldi,588. Killdeer, 42, 46, 70, 80, 121, 227, Ixobrychus exilis, 71, 234, 541. 235, 542. Kingbird, 44, 46, 81, 181,229, 237, Jxcx•x scapularis,440. 261, 417, 576. Jackson,Thomas Hoopes, obituary Arkansas,119, 270, 417, 418. of, 299 , 119. Jaeger,Long-tailed, 34, 355. Belted, 43, 46, 80, 180, 228, Parasitic, 34, 355. 236, 545. Pomarine, 119. Kinglet, Golden-crowned,24, 48, Janvrin, E. R. P., see Gristore, 186, 242, 270, 553. Ludlow. Ruby-crowned,24, 43, 48, 186, 188, 242, 476, 553. Jay, Blue, 81, 181,.229, 237, 214- Kittiwake, 99, 356. 215, 338, 347, 547. Kloss, C. Boden, notice of his 'A Canada, 229, 418. Further note on the Red Jungle Johnson, Charles E., a correction Fowl,' 294. for Lake County, Minnesota, Knot, 272, 275, 360, 414. birds, 278. Kopman, H. H., reviewof his 'Wild Johnson,J. M., see Griscom, Lud- LifeResources of,' 282. low. Krfiper, Theobald Johannes,obi- Jourdain, F. C. R., the breeding tuary of, 148. habits of the Barnacle Goose, Kuroda, Nagamichi and Mori, 166-171. ralnezo, on SOlnenew and rare Journalffir Ornithologie,'reviewed, birds from Corea, 364-366. 293, 449. Kutchin, Victor, review of his 'What Birds Have Done with Junco,114, 178, 183, 424. Me,' 437. Carolina, 420. Mountain, 421. LA•RXDOa,birds of, 507-516. Shufeldt's, 42, 372. Lagopusevermanni, 247. Slate-colored,42, 47, 230, 239, lagopus,269. 549, 569. taurus atkhensis,247. Junco hyemaliscarollnensis, 420. m. chamberlaini, 247. h. connectens,372, 584. m. dixoni, 247. h. hyemalis,178, 183, 230, 239, m. evennanni, 247. 549, 569. m. kelloggae,-247. oreganus montanus, 421. m. nelsoni, 247. Jynx torquilla, 299. m. reinhardti, 247. 608 Index. œOct.[Auk

Lagopusm. rupestris,246. 'Le Gerfaut,' reviewed, 137, 292. m. sanfordi, 247. 'L 'Oise•u,'reviewed, 137, 292. m. to.wnsendi,247. Lecythoplastespreussi, 125. m. welchi, 247. Leptasthenuraxenothorax, 123. rupestris, 246. s. cajabambae, 123. r. reinhardti, 361. Leptoptilos, 196. . welchi, 247. Leptotila fulviventris angelica,585, Lalage niger mitifica, 440. Leucopolius,588. Lanius borealis, 372. Lewis, Ilarrison F., the Mourning excubitor mollis, 248. Dove in Newfoundland,106; note ludo•icianus anthonyi, 76. on the Philadelphia Vireo (Vireo- 1.ludovicianus, 551. sylvaphiladelphica), 265; notes on. 1. mearnsi, 76. some Labrador birds, 507-516. 1. mexicanus,76. Lima, Joao L., notice of his 'Birds 1.migrans, 68, 183, 240, 551. Collected in the States of S. 1. nelsoni, 77. Paulo, Matto Grossoand Bahia,' mollis, 248. 295. Lanivireo fiavifrons, 82, 184, 240. Lincoln, Frederick C., trapping Lanivireo s. solitarius,240, 372. ducksfor banding purposes,322- Lano, Albert, White Pelican (Pel- 334; obituary of Hans C. C. ecanus erythrorhynchos) nest- Mortenscn, 5•2. ing in Minnesota, 105; Snowy LimnaStus africanus, 445. Owl (Nycteanyctea) in Minnesota Limnocinclus,246. in mid-summer, 107; Golden Limosa fedoa, 425. Eagle (Aquila chrysa•tos) and haemastica,227. porcupine,555. Lloyd, Hoyes, notice of his 'An Lark, Horned, 69. Aquatic Habit of the Pigeons,' Prairie Horned, 42, 47, 69, 237. 140; popularnames, 144. Saskatchewan Horned, 42. Lobipeslobatus. 512. Larus argentatus, 225, 234, 510, 539. Longspur,Chestnut-collared, 42, 46, a. vcgae, 244. 175. atticilia, 539. Lapland,42, 48, 419, 428, 569. delawarcnsis,510, 539. McCow•'s, 175. franklini, 290. Smith's, 44. glaucoides,245. LSnnberg, E. and Rendahl, H., hyperborcus,356. review of their 'A Contribution leucoptcrus,245, 249, 411. to the Ornithology of Ecuador,' marinus, 510. 584. pcpixcan, 244. Loon, 225, 275, 426, 538. hiladelphia, 539. Red-throated, 352. vegae, 244. Lophodytescucullatus, 524. Lawrence, Robt. B., Verrailion Louisiana,birds of, 282. Flycatcher (Pyrocephalusrubinus Lowe, Percy R., speciesand sub- mexicanus)in eastern Tcx•s, 110. ,145. Old-squaw (Clangula hyemalis) Lower California, 431. in Tex•s, 250. Loxia curvirostrabendirei, 584. Vol. XXXIX'[ 1922 J l•ndex. 609

Loxiac. minor, 371, 23•. Marila collaris, 276, 334. e. perena, 370. ferina, 246. e. sitkensis,584. fuligula, 246. leueoptera,69. marila, 541. Lucanus,F. yon, review',of his 'The m. nearctica, 245. Mystery of Bird Migration,' 580. valisineria, 234, 250. Lyon, Win. I., bird banding as an Marshall, Elizabeth J., see Mc- opportunity to study character Gregor, R. C. and disposition, 278. Martin, Purple, 44, 82, 550. Lyrurus X Lagopus, 295. Maryland, birds of, 568. Ma.ssachusetts,birds of, 65-72, 111, McA?EE, W. L., noteson the foodof 115, 251, 417, 418, 423, 425, 496. the Guaeharo (Steatornis cari- Mathews, Gregory M., notice of pensis),108; noteson food habits his 'The Birds of Australia,' 123, of the Shoveller or Spoonbill 436, 579. Duck (Spatula clypeata)380-386; notice of his 'Farm Help from May, Franklin H., Starlingsnest- ing at Syracuse,N. ¾., 261. the Birds,' 130; review of his Meadowlark, 81, 172, 173, 187,238, 'Ten Spring Bird Lists made 370, 429, 547. near Washington, D.C.,' 282; Western, 42, 47, 172, 173, 273. review of his 'Community Bird 'Refuges,'284. Mecocerculusleucophrys roraimae, McGregor, R. C. and Marshall, E. 141. J., review of their 'Philippine MegMopterus minimus melano- Birds for Boys and Girls,' 438. genys, 484. McNeil, George M., the Purple Megalurus palustris andrewsi, 286. Sandpiper (Arquatella maritima Megaquiscalusmajor major, 548. maritima) at Ithaca, N.Y., 106. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 80, Magee, M. J., hawk migration 121, 236• 546. routes at Whitefish Point, Upper Melanotis caerulescens effuticius, Peninsulaof Michigan, 257. 141. Magee, M. J. and Christofferson,I•. Meleagris gallopavosilvestris, 543. the Mourning Dove on Drum- Melicheutes robustus, 299. mond Island, Mich., 566. Melospiza georgiana,230, 239, 265, Magpie, 261. 549. Maine, 101, 105, 115, 249, 261. lincolni, 372. Mallard, 42, 47, 226, 234, 330. 1. lincolni, 239. MMlock, J. B., strange feeding melodia, 172, 514, 549. habit of a House Sparrow, 569. m. juddi, 230. Manitoba, birds of, 41-49, 224-232. m. melodia, 82, 183, 220, 221, Man-o'war-bird, 119, 486, 540. 239. Mareca americana, 516. 527. Merganser, 34, 43, 275, 427, 524. penelope,250, 527. Hooded, 524. Marila sp. 226. Red-breasted,34, 120,271,273, affinis, 121, 245, 541. 439, 524, 540. americana, 121. Merginae, 523. 610 z,,dex. [•kukLOc•.

Mergus americanus,524. Mimus polyglottospolyglottos, 67, serrator, 120, 524, 540. 83, 215, 242, 552. Merula albifrons, 141. Minnesota, birds of, 105, 107, 120, bicolor, 141. 278, 441. cinerascens,141. Mionectes, 283. fiavirostris, 141. Mirafra sabota waibeli, 449. grayi lurida, 141. Mississippi,birds of, 530. tristis, 141. Missouri, birds of, 250, 562. Michael, Charles W. and Michael Mniotilta varia, 82, 172, 178, 184, Enid, an adventure with a pair 231,515. of Harlequin Ducks in the Yose- Mockingbird, 67, 83, 115, 215, 242, mite valley, 14-23. 267, 270, 496, 552. Michael, Enid, see Michael, Charles Western, 477. W. Moffatt, E. E., Evening Grosbeak Michigan, birds of, 104, 250, 257, at Winstead, Conn., 421. Mollymawk, Yellow-nosed, 58. 417, 566. Micropalama himantopus, 106, 252, Molothrus ater ater, 81, 121, 229, 276, 278. 237, 547. Micropus caffer ansorgei,445. Momotus lessonigualeae, 584. Monticola solitaria latouchei, 290. pacificus,247. Midway Island, birds of, 481-488. Mori, Tamezo, see I(uroda Naga- michi. Migration, 41-49,277, 292, 488-496, 580. Morris, GeorgeSpencer, obituary, 451. Miller, Carrie Ella, Mockingbird in Maine, 115; Dovekie (Alle alle)at Mortensen, Hans Christian Cor- Newport, Me., 249. nelius, obituary, 592. Miller, Julia, Junco breeding at Motacilla tiara campestris, 291. Hornell, N.Y., 569. f. fiavifrons, 291. lugens,248. Miller, Richard F., nesting of the Murphy, Rol)ert Cushman, notes Bittern (Botauruslentiginosus) in on Tub•i•aares,including records Philadelphia Co., Pa., 252; nest- which affect the A. O. U. Check- ing of the Long-eared Owl in List, 58-65; notice of his 'The southern N.J., 257. Seacoast and Islands of Peru,' Miller, W. DeW? the Hermit 128, 449. Thrush (Hylocichla guttara pal- Murphy, Robert C., and Harper, lasi) as a summer resident of Francis, review of their 'A Re- New Jersey, 116; personalmen- vision of the Diving Petrels,' 288. tion, 303. Murre, 426, 509. Miller, W. DEW., and Griscom, Briinnich's, 352. Ludlow, notice of their 'De- Common, 425. scription of Proposed New Birds Muscivora forficata, 109. from Central America,' 140; re- Museum of Comparative O61ogy, view of their 'Descriptions of review of 'Journal,' 133. New Birds from Central America,' Mycteria americana,565. 287. Myiarchus crinitus, 70, 81, 237. Vol. 1922XXXlX] j Index. 611

Myiobius, 439. Nice, Margaret M., notes from ß villosusperuvianus, 439. Lynne, Connecticut,117; a study Myiochanesvirens, 81, 181, 229. of the nes.•ngof Mourning Doves, 457-474; see also Nice, NA•vs hiemalls, 269. L.B. h. hiemalls, 179, 186, 242. Nice, L. B. a•ndNiece, Margaret M., National Association of Audubon the Short-billed Marsh Wren in Societies,301. Amherst, Massachusetts,115. Nauman, E. D., a strange migra- Nighthawk, 45, 46, 80, 181, 229, tion, 277. 237, 429, 512, 568. Nebraska, birds of, 412, 428. Noddi, 438. Nectarinia congoensis,125. Nomenclature,144, 145. Nelson, E. W., bird counts, 298; Nonnula helhnayri, 283. notice of his 'Annual Report of ruficapella pallida, 288. the Chief of Bureau of Biological Nonpareil, 425. Survey,' 131;reviewof his 'Lower Norton, Arthur H., the Pintado California and its Natural Re- Petrel (Daption caperise) in sources,'431. Maine, 101. Neocalophasis,449. Nothocercusfuscipennis, 123. Neohierax, 436. plumbeiceps,584. Neolestes, 125. Nothura maculosa savannarum, Neopisobia,246. 142, 440. Neotis cafra denhami, 201. Numenius americanuscccidentalis, Netherlands,birds of the, 124, 435, 249 581. Nuthatch, Brown-headed,553. Netherlands Ornithological Club, Florida White-breasted,553. 'Yearbook' reviewed, 138, 293. Red-breasted,48, 117, 186,232, Nettion carolinense,516, 528. 242, 373, 531. crecca, 528. White-breasted,122, 186, 242, crecca X Dafila acura, 293. 553. New England, Bird Banding As- Nuttallornis borealis,70, 229, 237, sociation, organized,150, 302. 512. New Guinea, birds of, 130. b. majorinus, 141, 248. New Hampshire, birds of, 416. Nyctala acadica, 257. New Jersey,birds of, 100, 110, 116, Nyctea nyctea, 107, 257, 362, 574. 249, 255, 257, 266, 413, 564, 568. Nyctibius longicaudatus chocoen- New Mexico, birds of, 423. sis, 123. New York, birds of, 100, 101, 106, Nycticoraxn. naevius,368. 117, 176-188, 260, 261, 266, 267, Nystactes tamaria interior, 288. 276, 413, 414, 421,424, 441,488- Oberholser, Harry C., notes on 496, 563, 569. North Americanbirds, XI, 72-78; Newfoundland, birds of, 103. seventh annual list of proposed Nicaragua,birds of, 287. changesinthe A. O. U. Check-List Nicator, 125. of North American Birds, 243- Nichols,J. T., summershore birds, 249; Junco oreganusmontanus in 414. Oregon, 421; Wilsonia pusilla 612 [Oc•.Auk

chryseolain New Mexico, 423; 'Ornithologische Beobachter,' re- W. p. pusilla in Colorado, 423; viewed, 138, 293, 448. notice of his 'Mutanda Orni- 'OrnithologischeMonatsberichte,' thologicaXI,' 140; notice of his reviewed,139, 293. 'The Anatine GenusNyroca and OroaStus,436. its Nearest Allies,' 141;notice of Orospingus,438. his 'A Synopsis of the Sub- Ortaliscanicollis pantanalensis, 288. speciesof Electron platyrhynchum,' c. grisea, 288. 141; review of his 'Glimpses cinereicepssaturatus, 140, 287. Desert Bird Life in the Great vetula mccaill, 247. Basin,' 284; notice of recent v. vetula, 247. papersby, 585. Ortholophus,445. Oceaniresoceanicus, 65. Orthonyx novaeguineae,124. Occanodroma,588. Orthotomusruficeps nunflus, 440. castro, 486. Osgood,Wilfred H., in memoriam: hornbyi, 60. Charles Barney Cory, 151-166; markhami, 62. personalmention, 303. melaniamatsudairae, 444. Osprey,117, 228, 258, 489,536, 573. tristrami, 486. Otocorisalpestris alpestris, 69. Odontophorus parambae canes- a. praticola,69, 237,568. cens, 123. Otus asioasio, 80, 236. s6derstr6mii, 584. capensis,291. Odontriorchis,forbesi, 436. cholibaluctisonus, 141. palliatus guianensis,436. Oven-bird,44, 46, 172,175,178, 185, p. mexicanus,436. 232, 241, 515, 577. Oidemiadeglandi, 234. Owl, Barn, 236, 257, 536. perspicillata,226, 250. Barred, 121, 180, 236. - Oklahoma,birds of, 457-474. Florida Barred, 545. Old-squaw,104, 250, 257. Great Horned, 180, 228, 236, Ontario, birds of, 564. 545. 'O61ogist,The,' reviewed,133, 290, Hawk, 228. 444, 588. Long-eared,42, 236, 257. 417. Oporornisagilis, 68, 185, 241. Saw-whet,257. formosus,241. Screech,80, 187, 236, 537. philadelphia, 185, 232, 241. Short-eared,257, 488. tolmiei, 172. Snowy,48, 107, 255, 362, 574. Oregon, birds of, 421. Oxyechus,589. Oreotrochilus chimborazo s6der- vociferus,70, 80, 121,227, 235, str6mi, 584. 542. Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 480. Oystercatcher,272. Baltimore, 44, 182, 175, 187, 230, 238, 576. PxcuYsYLw• fuscicapillaalgigula, Orchard, 238. 123. Oriolusxanthonotus persuasus, 441. thoracicusabariensis, 279. Ornithological articles in other Pagolla, 588. journals, 139-143, 294, 449. Pagophilaalba, 355. Vol. 1922XXXIX] J Index. 613

Palmer, T. S., thirty-ninth stated Pearson, T. Gilbert, Whooping meeting of the American Orni- Cranes (Grus americana) in thologists' Union, 85-94; report Texas, 412. of the secretary,95-99; obituary Pedetaithya griseigenamajor, 244. of Theobald J. I(rfiper, 148; Pelagodytes, 288. fellows of the A. O. U., 149; the Pelecanoides,288. Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Europe, magellani, 288. 417; obituary of Alfred Grandi- Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 105, dler, 453; obituary of Frank E. 411,540. Woodruff, 453; obituary of Basil occidentalis,411,540. Hicks Dutcher, 454; obituary of Pehcan, Brown, 411,540. Max. Ffirbringer, 591; review of White, 43, 105, 411,540. his 'Game as a National Re- Pelidna alpina sakhalina, 275, 278. source,' 441. Penard, T. E.,notice of his 'A New Palmer, •Tilliam, in memoriam, Hummingbird from Surinam,' 305-321. 585; see also Bangs, Outram. l•andion halia•tus caro[inensis,117, Penelope barbara, 123. 228, 258, 536, 573. Pennsylvania, birds of, 110, 252, Pangburn, Clifford H., the Ground 262, 263, 267, 295, 399-410, 441. Dove in centralIowa, 566. Pcnthestesatricapfilus atricapfilus, Papuorthonyx, 124. 119, 186, 232, 423, 572. Paradisornisrudolfi, 140. carolinensis carolinensis,83, Paraguay, birds of, 288. 242, 553, 572. Parker, Arthur J., wintering of the gainbell abbreviatus, 584. Canada Jay in Massachusetts, hudsonicuslittoralis, 66. 418. h. nigricans,66, 67. Partridge, Gray, 253. Penthokca albffrons reichenowi, Parus caeruleuscyrenaicae, 589. 139. Passerdomesticus, 81, 182,231, 548, Pericrocotusmontpel[ieri, 446. 569. yvettae, 286. Passerculus sandwich'ensis subsp. Periparus ater teraokae, 290. 230. Perisoreusc. canadensis,229, 419. s. savanna, 81, 238, 548. Perissonetta, 141, 245. Passerellailiaca iliaca, 239. collaris,246. Passerherbuluscaudactttus, 265, 548. Perkins, Anne E., notes from Col- henslowi henslowi, 69, 238, [ins, N.Y., 424; Florida Galli- 264,548. mulenesting at Picton,Ont., 564; maritimus, 548. Red-shoulderedHawk using old m. fisheri, 549. nest, 564. m. howel[i, 248. Peru, birds of, 123, 128. m. juncicola,248. Peters, J. L., the determination m. macgil[ivrayi,549. of the type of the Cisto- m. maritimus, 548. thorus Cabanis, 115; personal nelsoninelsoni, 276, 548, 574. mention, 149; seealso, Wetmore, Passerina ciris, 269, 425. Alexander. cyanea, 82, 122, 183, 239. Petrel, Bonin Island, 486. Auk 614 oct.

Petrel, Diving, 288. Phylloscopusindica, 291. Hawarian, 486. griseolus, 291. Hornby's, 60. humei, 291. Pintado, 101.. h. inornatus, 291. Tristram's Fork-tailed, 486. trochiloidestokiensis, 561. Petrochelidon lm•ffrons lunifrons, Picoidesarcticus, 228, 369. 111, 183, 231, 239. Picunmus lepidotus corumbanus, Peuc•caaestivalis bachmani, 239, 295. 420. parvistriatus, 123. Pewee, Wood, 45, 81, 181, 229. Pigeon, Passenger,254, 255, 300, Western Wood, 45. 416. Phaeopustahitiensis, 487. Pinicola enucleatorleucura, 574. Phaethon rubricaudus, 486. Pintail, 226, 439, 529, 541. Phainopepla,477. Pipilo erythrophthalmuserythroph- Phalacrocoraxafricanus menegauxi, thalmus,82, 122, 183, 239, 550. 292. Pipit, 43, 48, 242, 551. auritus, 540. Sprague's,43, 46, 175, 551. a. auritus, 226, 563. Pipromorpha, 283. a. floridanus,540. ohagineapacifica, 283. carbo, 425. Piranga ery•hromelas,82, 183, 231, Phalarope,285. 239, 275. Northern, 512. ludovieiana, 269. Red, 207, 277. rubra rubra, 239. Phalaropusfulicarius, 277. f. jourdaini, 291. Pisobiaaeuminata, 246, 487. Phasianus, 434. aurita, 106. bankira, 294. maeulata, 80, 235. colchicus,433, 435. minutilla, 227, 235. gallus, 294. rufieollis, 246. torquatus, 70. Pitheeophaga,436. versicolor, 434. Pituipieus, 440. Pheasant, Ring-necked, 70. Planestieus, 141. Philetairus sociusgeminus, 449. bianehii, 283 Philippines,birds of, 438, 440. migratorius, '554. Phillips, J. C., review of his 'A m. aehrusterus, 554. Further Report on Species m. eaurinus, 584. Crossesin Birds,' 126; notice of m. migratorius, 84, 172, 187, his 'Conservation of our Mam- 221, 232, 243, 373. mals and Birds,' 130. Pleetrophenaxnivalis nivalis, 363, Philohilaminor, 235. 542, 563. 371. Phlceotomus pileatus abieticola, Plover, Blaek-bellied,272, 273, 368, 180, 228, 273. 414, 542. p. pileatus,236, 546. Golden, 43, 48. Phoebe, 42, 81, 181, 229, 237, 547, Pacific Golden, 487. 575. Piping, 227, 271, 368, 414. Phoenicothraupis,586. Ringed, 361. Vol. 1922XXXIX] ] Index. 615

Plover, Semipalmated, 272, 273, Ptarmigan, Reinhardt's, 361. 275, 414, 542. Willow, 269. Upland, 44, 46, 70, 272, 273. Pteroclesarena.rius, 445. Wilson's, 272. burchelli, 445. Pluvialis, 588. variegatus, 445. apricariusoreophilus, 135. Pteroclurus, 445. dominicusfulvus, 487. Pterodroma hypoleuca, 486. Pochard, 439. Pucrasia, 434. Podilsqnbuspodiceps, 71, 80, 516, Puffin, 352, 426, 50S. 538. Puffinuria, 28S. Podocespanderi ilensis,293. Puffinus cuneatus, 486. Podosocys,589. griseus,65. Polioa•tus, 436. mcgalli,585. Poliohierax insignis, 436. parvus, 585. Polioptila caerulea caerulea.,117, puffinusmauretanicus, 292. 242, 373, 554. p. puffinus, 426. Pocecetesgramineus gramineus, 182, p. yelkouan, 292. 230, 238, 548. Pureyea, N. DEW., the Evening Poole,E. L., noteson early summer Grosbeak at Mr. Holly, N.J., birds of the Virginia coast, 271. 110. Porter, Louis H., notes on Con- Pygochelidon,440. necticut birds, 275. cyanoleuca,440. Porthmornis, 288. patagonica paragonlea, 440. Porto Rico, birds of, 584. p. peruviana, 440. Porzanacarolina, 71, 226, 235, 542. Pyrangarubriceps rufistigmata, 584. Porzanula pahneri, 487. flavipes, 440. Potter, Juhan K., Oyster-catcher Pyrocephalusrubinus mexicanus, on the New Jersey coast, 564. 110. Praeger, W. E., King Eider (Som- Pyrrhospiza punicea punicea, 589. atevia spectabilis) in southern Pyrrholaemusbrunneus, 580. Michigan, 104. Preble, Edward A., Roderick Ross QuE,;c, birds of, 112, 265, 411. Macfarlane, 1833-1920, 203-210. Querqueduladiscors, 120, 226, 234, Priocell•, 65. 334, 528. Procellaria collaris, 01. Quiscalusniger, 513. Proconurus, 296. quisculaaeneus, 81, 230, 238, Prognesubis subis, 82, 550. 513. Propyrrhura,296. q. aglaeus,548. Protonotaria citrea, 240, -274, 570. Provenchef Society of Natural RA,zIRO, Alipio de M., notice of History of Canada, review of his 'Revision of the Brazilian its publication, 439. Parrots,' 296. Psephotusnarethae, 136. Rail, Clapper, 272. Pseudibis,580. King, 542. Pseudocolaptesjohnsoul, 584. Laysan Island, 487. 616 Index. [oct.Auk

Rail, Virginia, 226, 234, Robin, 42, 47, 84, 172, 187,221. 232, Yellow, 226, 425. 243, 373, 554, 576. Rallus elegans,542. Rose, GeorgeC., Evening Grosbeak virginianus,22•, 234. at Ellenville, N.Y., 421. Ratlift, Walter S., the Cliff Swal- Rosthramus, 586. low (Petrochelidonl. lunifro•s) in Rothschild, Lord, notice of his Indiana, 111. 'Some Birds from the Weyland Raven, Northern, 362, 399-410. Mrs., Dutch New Guinea,' 130. White-necked, 261. Rowan, William, some bird notes Redhead, 121. from Indian Bay, Man., 224-232. Red-poll, 48, 371, 422. Royal AustralasianOrnithologists' Greater, 569. Union, annual meeting of, 304. Greenland, 363. Rynchops nigra, 539. Redstart, 44, 46, 83, 179, 185, 232, 242, 516. SATE,.J.H., personalmention, 455. Red-wing, Florida, 547. Saltator aurantiirostrisnasica, 440. Reed, Bessie D., notes from Law- Salvatoria, 296. rence Kansas, 268; bird cata- Sanborn, Colin Campbell, recent strophe at Gordon, Nebraska, notes from an old collecting 428. ground in northeastern Illinois, Reguluscalefidula calendula, 186, 367-373; Bachman's Sparrow 242, 553. (Peucaea aestivalis bachmani) in satrapa satrapa, 186, 553. N. E. Illinois, 420. Reichenberger,Mrs. Elsie M. B., Sanderllng,207, 272, 360, 414. see Cherrie, GeorgeI(. Sandpiper, Baird's, 207. Rendahl, H., seeLSnnberg, E. Buff-breasted, 207, 368. 'Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie,' Least, 227, 235, 272, 275, 414. reviewed, 136, 292, 448. Pectoral, 80, 235, 272, 414. Rhinocrypta fusca, 440. Purple, 106, 360. Rhipidura fiabellifera placabilis, Red-backed,272, 275, 278, 414. 287. Scmipalmated, 34, 227, 235, Rhodonessacaryophyllacea, 579. 272, 275, 414, 536. Rhynchofalco,436. Sharp-tailed, 106, 487. Rhynchophanesmccowni, 175. Solitary, 179, 227, 235. Rhynchotus a•canus, 142, 440. Spotted, 44, 46, 80, 227, 235. Richmond, Charles W., in me- Stilt, 106, 252, 276, 278. moriam: William PMmer, 305- Western, 34. 321. White-rumped, 272, 414 Riddle, O., notice of his 'Simple Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 43, 46, Method of Obtaining Premature 70, 180, 229, 236, 546. Eggs,' 296. Sarotheura elegans,196. Riley, J. H., notice of recentpapers Saskatchewan,birds of, 253, 269. by, 438, 560-562. Saundcrs• Aretas A., flight songs Rintoul, Leonora J., see Baxter, and mating songs, 172-175; a Evelyn V. Connecticut record of the Stilt Rissa tridactyla tridactyla, 99, 356. Sandpiper, 252; early nesting of Vol. XXXIX J] 617

the Mourning Dove, 254; the Shoveller, 43, 100, 380-386, 439, nesting of Henslow's Sparrow in 516, 529 southern Connecticut, 264; a Shrike, Loggerhead,551. question concerning the distri- Migrant, 68, 183, 240. bution of the Long-billed Marsh Northern, 48, 372. Wren, 267; the songof the Field White-rumped, 43. Sparrow, 386-399. Shufeldt, R. W., occurrenceof the Sayornisphoebe, 81, 181, 229, 237, Prothonotary Warbler (Proton- 547. otaria citrea) at Dyke, Virginia, Scarfe, S. H., notice of his paper on 570; scarcity of Arctic birds in value of S. African birds, 443. Europe, 578; notice of his 'Sub- Scaup, 33. fossil l•emains of Birds from Lesser, 121, 275. Bermuda,' 585. Schorger,A. W., defensenotes of Sialia sialis sialis,84, 122, 187, 220, Chickadee (Penthestes atricapil- 243, 554. lus atricappillus), 423; notes Sigmodus,125. from Madison, Wis., 574. Siptorniswyatti aequatorialis,123. Sclat•r, W. L., noticeof his 'Aves' S/skin, Pine, 44, 47, 230, 371, 514, in the ZoSlogicalRecord for 1919, 537. 126. Sitta carolinensis,553. Scolecophagusniger, 513. c. atkinsi, 553. Scorer, Common, 439. c. carolinensis,122, 186, 242. Surf, 226, 250. canadensis,117, 186, 232, 373, White-winged,275. 516. Scotiaptexnebulosa barbara, 75. pusilia, 553. n. lapponica, 75. Sittiparus varius ijimac, 290. n. nebulosa,75. Skimmer, Black, 272, 273, 539. Scotland,birds of, 439. Skylark, 187. Scoville,Samuel, Jr., the Evening Smith, Lester W, ArkansasKing- Grosbeakat Hayerford, Pa., 110; bird and Egrets in Connecticut, notice of his 'Wild Folk,' 581. 270 Seiurusaurocapillus, 172, 178, 185, Snipe, Wilson's, 43, 47, 414, 226, 232, 241, 515. 235, 273, 429, 542. noveboracensisnoveboracensis, Somateria dresseri,411, 437, 511. 83, 185, 232, 241. mollissima, 437. motacilla, 68, 185, 241, 274. m. borealis,358. Setophagaruticilla, 83, 179, 185, speetabilis,104, 359, 563. 232, 242, 516. v. nigra, 437. Sewerzow,Nikolai, review of his Song, 172-175, 386-399, 428, 429. paper on the zoogeographyof the Sofa, 44, 46, 71,226, 235, 542. Palaearctic Region, 128. Soroplex, 440. Shearwater,Cory's, 103. South Carolina,birds of, 23-31,414, Manx, 426. 420, 267, 268. Mediterranean, 58. 'South Australian Ornithologist,' Wedge-tailed,486. reviewed, 293, 448. Sheldduck,104. Sparrow,Bachman's, 239, 420. 618 [AukLOot.

Sparrow,Chipping, 44, 46,•81, 182, Spizella monticola monticola, 238. 218, 219, 221,230, 239, 341, pallida, 230, 274. 345, 347, 371, 549. passerina passerina, 81, 182, Clay-colored,43, 46, 230, 274. 218, 221,230, 239, 371, 549. English, 81. pusilla 386-399. Field, 81, 173, 182, 239, 386- p. pusilla,81,173,182,239, 549. 399, 549. Sporophila insulata, 123. Fox, 43, 48, 239. sertanicola, 295. Gambel's, 474. Squatarola, 588. Grasshopper,120, 238, 548. squatarola, 368. Harris's, 44, 48, 273. Henslow's,69, 238, 264. Starling, 69, 189-195, 261, 513. House, 81, 182, 231, 548, 569. Steatornis caripensis,108. Lark, 44, 238, 273, 477, 549. Stelgidopteryx serripennis,GS, 82, Lincoln's,44, 47, 114, 239, 372. 231, 240. Louisiana Seaside,549. Stenostira scita, 444. Macgillivray's Seaside,549. Stephanoa•tus,445. Nelson's, 276, 548, 574. Stercorariusparasiticus, 355. Savannah, 43, 47, 81, 114, 230, longicaudus,355. 238, 548. Sterna anti]larum, 101. Seaside,548. caspia, 276, 425, 539. Sharp-tailed,34, 265. fuscata oahuensis,484. Song, 43, 47, 52, 82, 172, 175, hirundo, 225, 276, 511. 182, 220, 221,230, 239, 514, maxima, 539. 549. paradisaea,357. Swamp, 43, 46, 114, 230, 239, Sternula albifrons antillarum, 245. 265, 549. a. browni, 245. Tree, 42, 48, 238, 263. antillarum anti]larum, 245. Vesper, 230, 238, 548, 576. Stone, Witmer; a new Burrowing WesternVesper, 43, 47. Owl from Colombia,84; obituary White-crowned, 44, 48, 81,238, of Thomas H. Jackson, 299; 481. obituary of GeorgeSpencer Mor- White-throated, 43, 47, 69, 81, ris, 451;Wood Ibis at CapeMay, 114, 178, 182, 188, 216, 230, N.J., 565; hawk migrations at 238, 263, 346, 549, 576. Cape May, N.J., 567. Spatula clypeata, 380-386, 516,529. Storer, Tracy I., see Grinncll, Speciesand subspecies,134, 145. Joseph. Speotytscunicularia carrikeri, 84. Stork, Maribou, 196. Sphecotheres,123. Street, J. Fletcher, personal men- Sphyrapicusvarius varius, 70, 180, tion, 149. 228, 236, 546. Strix chacoensis,288. Spiker, Chas. J., rare winter birds varia alleni, 545. at New Hampton, Iowa, 422. v. varia, 121, 180. Spinus pinus, 230, 371, 514, 537. Struthiolithus chersonensis,141. Spitzbergen,birds of, 166-171. Sturnella magna, 172, 370, 547. Spiza americana,82, 239, 263, 274. magnasubsp., 81. Vol. XXXIX 1922 Index. 619

Sturnellam. argutula, 547. Tanager, Western, 269. m. magna, 238. Tangara viridissimatoddi, 141. neglecta, 172, 273. Tanysiptera danae intensa, 446. Sturnusvulgaris, 69, 261, 513. Taverner, P. A., notice of his 'The Subacanthiza,579. Evening Grosbeak in Canada,' Sula, 585. 139; notice of his 'Swarth on the bassana, 511. Fox Sparrow,' 140; review of his dactylactrapersonata, 487. 'Birds of Eastern Canada,' 582. leucogastra,487. Taylor, Warner, somerecords from piscator, 487. the Madison, Wisconsin,region Surniaulula caparoch,228. for the springof 1921, 273; two Swales,B. H., Scissor-tailedFly- nestingnotes for the Madison, catcher (Muscivoraforficata), in Wisconsin,region, 575. NorthamptonCounty, Virginia, Tchitrea fagani, 291. 109; Prairie Horned Lark (Oto- Teal, Blue-winged,43, 47, 120,226, corisalpestris pretticola) in Mary- 234, 332, 528. land in summer,568. European,528. Swallow,Bank, 44, 45. Green-w•nged,43, 47, 120,516, Barn, 44, 46, 82, 183,231,239. 528. Cliff, 44, 45, 183, 231, 239. Teledromas,440. Rough-winged,68, 82,231,240. Telespizacantans, 488. Tree, 43, 46, 183, 187,231,240, Telmatodytespalustris iliacus, 552. 550. p. palustris,67, 117, 122, 232, Swan, Mute, 100. 242, 267, 565. Swann, H. Kirke, on Accipiter Tennessee,birds of, 101. venezuelensis,122; review of his Tern, Arctic, 33, 34, 357. 'Synopsisof the Accipitres,'128, Black, 44, 45, 101, 225, 271, 435. 275, 565. Swarth,H. S., reviewof his'Birds Caspian,276, 425, 539. and Mammals of the Stikine Common,33, 34, 225,271,275, River Region,' 582. 276, 511. Swift, Chimney,81, 121, 181, 220, Forster's, 33, 34, 272. 229, 237. Gull-billed, 272. Syrmaticus,434. Ha•"iian, 484. Syrnium varia varia, 236. Hawaiian Sooty, 484. Hawaiian White, 484. TADORNAcasarca, 104. Least, 101,271. tadorna, 245. Pileated Noddy, 484. Talbot, L. R., bird banding at Royal, 119, 539. Thomasville,Georgia, in 1922, Terns, 122. 334-350. Terrill, L. McI., the Short-billed Tanager,Cooper's, 480. Marsh Wren in the Montreal Hepatic, 480. district, 112. Louisiana,269, 480. Tetrao orientalis,445. Scarlet,82, 83, 231, 239, 275. Tetrasresbonasia ½oreen-•i-% 365. Summer, 239. Texas,birds of, 110, 412, 250. Auk 62O Index. [Oct.

Th•l•ssarche chlororhynchos,58. Toxos•oma rufum, 83, 117, 185, 215, Thalassidromatethis, 64. 220, 242, 552, 573. ThalassoaStus,436. Trichol•ema hirsutum, 445. Thamnophilusz•rumae, 123. leucomelannamaqua, 445. Thrasher, Brown, 44, 46, 83, 117, Tringa solitaria solitaria, 227, 235. 185, 215, 220, 242, 343, 552, 573. Troglodytes aSdon aSdon,67, 83, Thrush, Alaska Hermit, 373. 186, 232, 532. Bicknell's, 66, 179. a. parkmani, 268. Gr•y-cheeked, 44, 46. stellaris, 115. Hermit, 43, 46, 116, 179, 186, troglodytesutanoi, 290. 232, 243, 554. Tropic-Bird,Red-tailed, 486. Olive-backed, 44, 65, 84, 179, Tropicranus, 445. 186• 232, 243. Tryngi•essubruficollis, 368. Willow, 44, 45, 268. Tschagra senegalachadensis, 437. Wood, 65, 83, 173, 186. Tunisia, 129. Turdus assimilislygrus, 141. Thryomanes bewicki bcwicki, 83, auritus conquisitus,286. 242, 268, 274, 552, 575. incompta, 141. Thryothorus ludovicianusludovi- proleucus, 141. cianus, 83, 242, 552. ruficeps, 141. polyglottus, 115. rufopalliatus, 141. Thryospizamari•ima juncicola,248. tephrinus, 141. m. howelli, 248. Turnstone, 272, 273, 275, 361, 414. Tinamus, 585. Pacific, 488. Titmouse, Tufted, 24, 83, 242, 274, Ruddy, 542. 372, 553. Turkey, Wild, 441. Tityra nigricepsgualeae, 584. Tyro alba erl•ngeri, 291 Todd, W. E. C., review of his pratincola, 236. 'Revision of the Genus Pipro- Tyrannus tyrannus, 81, 181, 229, morpha,'283; notice of hispaper 237, 261. on 'The Restricted Genus Myio- vbrticMis, 119, 271, 418. bius,' 439. URIA lornvia lornvia, 352. 'Tori,' reviewed, 137, 449. troille, 425. Totanus acuminatus, 246. t. troille, 426, 509. damacensis,246. UrneL CharlesA., IcelandGull at fiavipes, 227, 235. Elizabeth, N.J., 249; Snowy melanoleucus,235, 413. Owl at Elizabeth, N.J., 257; Towhee, 44, 46, 82, 122, 219, 239, Hooded Warbler near Elizabeth, 270, 550, 576. N.J., 266; Greater Yellow-legs Canyon, 475. records at Elizabeth, N.J., 413; Spurre , 476. Olive-sided Flycatcher summer- Green-tailed, 476. ing at Green Pond, N. J., 568. Townsend,Charles W., nestingsites of the Long-billed Marsh Wren, VAN OoR?, E. D., notice of his 423; flight songs and mating 'Birds of the Netherlands,' 124, songs,428. 435, 581. Vol. XXXIX 1922 Index. 621

Van Rossem, A. J., see Dickey, Warbler,Blackburnian, 83,178,185, D.R. 232, 241, 424. Vavasouria, 279. Blackpoll, 33, 44, 46, 83, 187, Veery, 66, 83, 122, 186, 232, 243. 241. Vermivora bachmani,243. Black-throatedBlue, 82, 178, celata eelata, 274, 551. 184, 231, 240, 424. c. orestera, 584. Black-throated Green, 44, 46, chrysoptera,67, 184. 83, 178, 185, 241, 424, 515. peregrina, 67, 184, 240. Blue-winged, 173, 240. pinus, 173, 240. Canada, 45, 178, 185, 242, 269, rubricapilla rubricapilla, 184, 424. 240. Cape May, 45, 240. ruficapi..laruficapilla, 515. Cerulean, 274, 570.. Vetola, 246. Chestnut-sided,45, 67, 83, 178, Vireo, Bell's, 575. 184, 231, 241, 577. Blue-headed, 44, 48, 240, 372, Connecticut, 45, 68, 185, 188, 424. 241• 282. Philadelphia, 45, 265. Golden-winged, 67, 184, 188, Red-eyed, 45, 46, 82, 178, 184, 266. 231, 240, 576. Hooded, 83, 242, 266, 424. Warbling, 45, 68, 82, 187, 231, Kentucky, 241. 240, 576. McGillivray's, 172, 479. White-eyed, 24, 240. Magnolia, 44, 46, 68, 83, 178, Yellow-throated, 82, 184, 240. 184, 231, 241, 424. Vireo belli belli, 575. Mourning,45, 185, 232, 241' 424. griseus griseus, 240. huttoni huttoni, 77. Myrtle, 23-31, 43, 48, 83, 117, h. insularis, 78. 184• 187, 217, 241,551. h. obscurus,77. Nashville, 184, 188, 240, 515. .roraimae, 279. Northern Parula, 67, 184, 240 Orange-crowned,44, 46, 274, Vireosylva gilva gilva, 68, 82, 231, 551. 240. Palm, 24, 44, 48, 232, 241, 270. olivacea, 82, 178, 184, 231, 240. Parula, 424. philadelphica,265. Pileolated, 479. Virginia, birds of, 106, 109, 271, Pine, 24, 44, 46, 68, 232, 241, 570. 372, 551. Vulture, Black, 235, 255, 416, 543. Prairie, 83, 241, 267. Turkey, 70, 80, 235, 258, 275, Prothonotary, 240, 274, 570. 543. Sycamore, 241. Tennessee,44, 46, 67, 184, 188, WA•BL•, Bay-breasted, 33, 45, 240. 68, 83,231, 241, 515. Wilson's,44, 46, 68, 114, 185, Black and White, 44, 46, 82, 188, 242. 172, 178, 184, 231,240, 428, Yellow, 44, 46, 67, 82, 122, 231, 515. 240, 266. Auk 622 Index. Oct.

Warbler, Yellow Palm, 24, 114, 551. Remains from the Caves of Warthin, A. S., Jr. and Van Tsme, Porto Rico,' 584. J., the food of Long-cared Owls, Wetmore, Alexander, and Peters, 417. Jas. L., notice of their 'A New Water-Thrush, 83, 232, 241. Genus and Four New Sub- Grinnell's, 44, 46. speciesof American Birds,' 440. Louisiana, 68, 111, 185, 241, Whip-poor-will, 44, 181, 237, 537. 274, 424. White, George R., Eider Duck--A Northern, 185. Correction, 411. Water-Turkey, 536. Whittle, Charles L., a Myrtle Waxwing, Bohemian, 48, 372, 422, Warbler invasion, 23-31; addi- 574. tional data regardingthe famous Cedar, 45, 82, 183, 231, 240, Arnold ArboretumMockingbird, 478, 515, 550. 496-506, personalmention, 593. Wayne, Arthur T., albinism in the Widgeon, 33, 439. Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Passer- Em'opean,250, 527. herbulus caudacutus), 265; an Widmann, O., Surf Scoters(Oidemia albino Swamp Sparrow (Melo- perspicillata)near St. Louis, Mo., spiza georgiana); 265; Prairie 250; European Widgeon (Mareca Warbler (Dendroica discolor) in penelope) at Corpus Christi, January in South Carolina, 267; Texas, 250. the Willow Thrush (Hylocichla WildernessClub, annual dinner of, fuscescenssalicicola) on the coast 304. of South Carolina, 268; a re- Willet, 272. markable specimenof the Piping Williams, C. B., notice of his paper Plover (Charadrius melod•s), 414; on bird enemies of the Trinidad the Carolina Junco (Junco hye- FrSghopper, 443. malis carolinensis) on the coast of Williams, Laidlow, someinteresting South Carolina, 420. dates of occurrence near New Weeks, LeRoy Titus, Magpies at York City, 117. Emmetsburg, Io•va, 261; a de- 'Wilson Bulletin, The,' reviewed, ceived Yellow Warbler, 266. 132, 289, 444, 587. West ChesterBird Club, notice of Wilson Ornithological Club, annual report, 131. meeting, 150. Westwood, Herbert W., Evening Wilson, Etta G., an enormousflock Grosbeak at Stroudsburg, Pa., of Canvas-backs (Marila valisi- 262. neria) visit the Detroit river, 250. Wetmore, Alexander, notice of his Wilson, Gordon, birds of Bowling 'Three new Birds of the Family Green, Kentucky, 233-243; bird Tinamidae from South America,' changes caused by the winter of 142; review of his 'A Study of 1917-1918, 270. the Body Temperature of Birds', Wilsoniacanordensis, 178, 18•, 242, 285;•otice of his 'Descriptionof 269. a new Brachyspiza' and 'Three citrina, 83, 242. New Birds of the Family Tina- mirrata, 266. midae,' 440; notice of his 'Bird pusilla, 68. Vol. 1922XXXIX ] Index. 623

Wilsonia, p. chryseola,423. Wren, Short-billed Marsh, 67, 112, p. pusilla, 185, 242, 423. 115, 232, 242, 552. Wisconsin, birds of, 273, 574. Western House, 44, 46. Witherby, H. F., review of his Winter, 179, 186, 242, 269. 'Handbook of British Birds,' 437. Wood, Casey A., economicstatus XgMA sabini, 277. of Coragyps urubu in British Xiphocolaptes albicollis belmon- Guiana, 255. tensis, 295. Woodcock, 235, 441, 542, 563, 567. a villadenovae, 295. Woodpecker, Arctic Three-toed, 228, 369. Yg•.•.OW-•.EGS,34, 227, 235. Downy, 80, 121,180, 228, 347, Lesser, 275. 576. Greater, 43, 48, 235, 275, 413. Hairy, 80, 121, 180, 259, 347, Yellow-throat, 114. 575. Maryland, 83, 172, 173, 175, Ivory-billed, 545. 185, 232, 241,551. Northern Pileated, 180, 228, Northern, 45, 46. 273. Yungipicuskizuki amamii, 290. Pileareal,236, 546. k. kotataki, 290. Red-bellied, 80, 215, 236, 274, obsoletusbatesi, 291. 340, 546, Red-cockaded,546. ZxMg•.ox)ix ludoviciana, 82, 175, Red-headed,80, 121, 187, 236, 183, 231, 239. 546. Zenaidura macroura carolinensis, Southern Downy, 236, 546. 80, 106, 180, 235, 254, 269, Southern Hairy, 545. 543, 566. Woodruff, Frank E., obituary, 453. m. marginella, 457-474. Woodworth, Roy C., obituary, 592. Zimmer, J. T., personal mention, Wren, Bewick's,83, 242, 268, 270, 455. 274, 552, 575. Zonotrichia albicollis, 69, 81, 178, Carolina, 83, 242, 270, 552. 182, 216, 230, 238, 263, 549. House, 67, 83, 186, 219, 222, leucophrysleucophrys, 81, 182, 232, 552, 576. 238. Long-billed Marsh, 67, 115, querula, 273. 117, 232, 242, 267, 423, 565, Zosteropsforbesi, 441. 576. palpebrosaelwesi, 291. Parkman's,268. p. cacharensis,291. Prairie Marsh, 552. p. peguensis,291.