, ,_;;\ &~cf '// . EMERALD {~ECKLACE MASTER PLAN - Prepared For Department of Environmental Management - OLMSTE~ HISTORIC " LANDSCAPE - PRESERVATION PROGRAM ·

- Prepated By -. WALMSLEY I PRESSLEY JOINT VENTURE • , ..• /1 • • / • ~ I • I .. ( c -

- . F.XF.ctn1VF. SUMMARY

This report presents :I Master Plan (or the restoration and long Environmental Manacement, with the 1011 of crntinl lonl­ ran.:c management of lhe four parks that constitute the Muddy lerm rehabilitation frameworks 10 laMle III rutare planninl. River chain of parks of the Emcnld Necklilce - , management, maintenance and presefYItion x'toft on these . the . and the Back Day Fens, designed imporlant pieces of our herilale. by Frederick law Olmsted. Sr .• and his associates Charles Eliot, John Charles Olmsted and Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. • in Ihe The Emenld Necklace Muter I'tan is a balanced. period from 1171 to 119S. comprehensive and technically detailed puk advocac:y document thlt sets forth specific and realistic: loils that are to As the premier example of a 19th century system be realized in phases Ofti' the Relr 10 Ionl-term. The Emerald desi!" baed Oft • watereotfne and set,," by parkways, the Necklace M3!ler PlI_ weiChs conletllponry uses, existine Emerakl Necklace. now enteriftl its second century. has . physical condition, .1Id lhe armnt maintenance and enormottS historical silnirtaftee. It was lhe mosllmbilious mlftaeement capabilities of its ownen, Ipinst lhe hislorical combination of landscape architect_reo metropolitan Irea inlenl of the park system in order to (ormulate I realislic plannina Ind enaineeri"1 thl' Olmsted ever completed in any of strategy for restoration. the cities in which he worked. It was one of Ihe larlnt public . works ever .neler.ake.. by .he City of Boslon and the Town of This report is orpnized in foal' parts. The ••c ••,.. •• '01' the . Brookline. Now, over a hulldred yet" tater, the Emerald PI •• summlrizes infonnltiott. compiled darinethe Inyentory N~klace parks system, lionS with other Olmsted parks in and Analysis staSes of the work. His •.,., coven ...aterial on Massachnetts altd else_here Ire showina silns of their ace. In Olmsled Ind the E.nenJd Necklace which puts lhe and 1914, M3SSXhusens became the fint state in Ihe nation to Brookline project in the contexl of his life work Ind initiate a Pf'OIram to preser.e the historic: urban parks desilned Ichievements. ..,.k.t C ....tlon doc.ments the principal by Olmsted and his contemponries, Ind 10 restore the teglcy findines or the site ift~ntory Ind exislins conditions. for the future. That initiative, the OI.stf4 Hlst.rlc L•• 4snpe C.. le.' .... " Usn records the results Ind conchnions or a PI'~,~ ..... tl •• h!l.I'••. is administel'ed by the Depal'fmenl or User Survey and Community Needs Analysis. E.lsti_1

III Mana.:e ...e.t ••4 M.i.'e••• ce describ~s Ih~ iS5ur5 r"i5rd h~ Itu! Facilities; and Manalement Ind Maintenance. flrr"c~1 m"nal~menl !itruclure and mainfenance praclice5. • \V.tuco."~ recommendations include stabilizing The Muler 'I•• sets forth a vision for the Ememld N~ckla ce abuuinl slopes lhal dnin info water bodies; iacreasinl for recoverin. OImsted's ori,inal concept or a uniried syslem or water depths and no..,; reducins pollu.to. Ind linked parks by: reinstatinl water-edp plantinp. This pi.... does not provide detailed scopes (or lhe proposed watercourse • Reconnectin. the watercourse; improvements. However. it recosnizes tM' such • Mililltinl the adverse impact or physical barriers or. improvements are essentill to the successrul completion beller. eventuall, elimiNtinll them; or the historic landscape resfOf'ltion inif"'i.e. • Removinl-break" in the parks· circulation and (.nction; . • I ••~ ....I Oml•• Io. proposals emphasize res.orinl the • Jmprovinl and diwenifyinl park landscapes; historic links between parks; improvinl .ccess; • Reloicatin, or reorienti". inconlruous recr~ational dirrerentiltins between rotIles for (aster ..avinl Klivilies; bicycles lAd joslen Ind ones ror pedestri.ns; and • Coordinalini consistent manalement practices; and creal inS and maintaininsa rulty r.netio,," system or • 'IICreasinllnd enhanc;nl reaular mainlenance. walks. cyclinllnd joginl Pllhs, Ind drives.

The rationate luidinl both system-wide and individual park • SUllestions (or 'a .. k.. a" . which were OI'itinally park proposah is derived from four perspectives: history. physical drives. rocus on overcomins the blrrien Ie ped~strian conditions. conlemponry uses. and manalemenl Dnd access to and between the parks created b, heavy maintenance. By balancin.these (our points of view. th~ values commuter trafric; eapiorinl ways of miticllinlthe of Irutesl importance 10 -=-:h seame •• or the system are efrect or vehicular trarfic; and recrulinS the parkways' clariried and laken inlo IICCOWnt in decision makinl. Genera'. as scenic qualilies. well as specific system-wide recommendations fo'tow. Irouped under siJl headinp: Waterco.ne; Internal Circulation; • LI ••K.~ C"IIM"'" proposals are limed It restorinl Parkways; Landscape Composition; Uses. Struclure5 and the richness Ind diversit, of the orilinal plant communities; controlfinl :lInd eradic:uinR inv3~iv(' d~velopinl consistent park re,ulations and polk in: sfltcies; and strenltheninl the p3rk "'3yS' rnrm31 3\'('nu(' rrmnvinR evidence of vandalism and Mc'eel; and fI'3ntin~ on the urban stele of the rn3dw3~·. "'hilr conlinuinsand eJ.pandinc cooperative prOlrams within enhancinl informal plantinp on th~ park side, lhe P3rks.

• Recommendations ror Usn, Strwd.rn ••4 Fullilit's are M3ny of these system-wide recomntefldations apply in rocused on encouraliftl multiple uses (which W3S .. p:ilrticular ways to the individ_l Pirkl: feature of the orilial par"); upandinl recreational prosrams (thro_lh restorinl hisloric buildinls and strutlares, and IUlmentinl manalement); and providinl durable and historican, sensitive par" furnishines The plan for Jamaica Pond empflnizes lhe envifOllmentaland (benches. 'rash receptlCles. drin"in, fountains, sign31e, scenic qulilies of the par" with its "rle water body and rormer call boxes. and lilhlS). Toaether these will re-establish eslate landscape. II proposes to telulale the pond-. waler level; the parks' historic ImbieRce. luractin, P3rk users and stabilize ils ba ....S; crate a separale eire.it for cyciists/joSlers increasiftl overall searrit, while address in, the prohlem and pedestrians; mI"e tnfr.c modirlaltions to repi .. lost or noR-ori,inal S1rKCures and/or fealures hy parkland; enhance access 10 the Parkman Memorial area, return mimila,i", them i"to the parks. reJocatinl them, or .... r .. man Drive to par" lISe. alld to improve linhaes belwun evenlually. over the Ionler term. ph3Sinll: them out parks: reinstate historic plantinls throulhcMlt the .-r"; II'OIether. rehabilitate the Bolthouse; restore Pinebank; and Mlstitule other chOlnces that beller pro.ide for contemponry uses in more • M••• IftH ..... M.I.'nllln proposals stress the sympathetic ways to the park's intended chancte~ . developMent of. anirted approach to the mana,ement of the Emerald Nectlxe, coordinalinlthe enerei~ of On the other hand, the masler plans for the two Muddy River the City of BostOft, lhe Town or Brookline. the p3rks recosnize that these parks have very hiCh historic value, Metropolitan District COIIImission (MOC), neighbor in, and that they received extended desiln attenlion Illy the OImsled iMlitutions, and priYlle par" Idyocacy orlaniutioftl; and firm, evidenced by lhe substantial documentatio~. volunteers; clarifyinl boundaries and jurisdiction:

• Olln!'!l", Park draws allrntion to the Riverway's extreme vulnerability to changes within and nearby due 10 its narrow di ..ensions. ilnd 10 ., The plan for Olmsted Park is directed to r("wvNing:ls much :IS th(" ulraordinary skins of its desilners in creali_la piclur~5qu~ ., possible of Olmsted's vision of a chain of pictureS(IUe pools :lnd riverside 1:lRdscape in the hart or I densely Jellied area o( ponds alonl I preny brook rIowinlamidst v:nied !K:ene5 of noslon and Brookline. More parlinlarfy, the. plan proposes 10 woodland and meadow. SpKirllClllly. it proposes 10 resolve the remove invasive WlIer-edae yqetatioft .... stlbilize banks; , . J . . 10-"--- nd ,.,~ . (.~ seepage throulh Wards Pond's southern bank; repair pond edees; recreate the hlstonc '''''-'- I •. eveRt_lIy-. 1M _'eFNtI'5e reeonsl,wcl elements or lhe WIIlercourse syslem - ponds. falls. .. the area or the presenl Sean Plrltinllol; IUlacsl slrenuous bubblinl brook, Ind lhe Levere« Pond inlet; control pollution; inler-Ilency erforts to satisfactorily resoa.e floodinl. drainale, ItPgnde .ad eXP8nd lhe .,.Ih sys.e.... Ihroulhout the park; pollution and Wller-qualit, problenls; modir, the uistinl control ~hic.llr access; retu,.. RiYerdaIe ParkW3Y. North and Brookline-side pedestrian .,.,h to Kconu.odate separate Soulh. to .,.,It lISe by eliminl'in, commuter trarfic. providing circulation (or cyclists and Mien and pedes.r ....s; improve the limi.ed parkinllnd sepantinl cyclin. and Meing roules from cross-path circulltion (rom the Lontwood MBTA stltion Kross 'hose ror pedestriam; rebtstate historic plantings throughoul the the Chapel Street Bridle to lhe aos .. side; construct a much .,ark utilizirtl Olmsted .,...'ina plans as much as possible; needed easlside slairway II Lon,wood Bridle ",inllhe historic rebuild historic "'MIse, stairs and shellers; re-orienl the Daisy desi~n as a luide; restore the iron pedeslr;'n bridge ov~r the Field ttI,l diall'lOlMls wil" OCher modirications of the lichlinl. MnT" tracks II earlton Street; modify or close the Route 9 plantinland Indingto achieve a more meadow- like quality; ramps.t River Road; close the Netherlands Ro.ct bridle 10 :lnd 10 eftnluafly remove the MOC skllinc rink when another vehicular traffic 10 silnifianlly improve lhe "rk·s connection racility can be opened in ckJse proximity 10 Ihe upstream and the contin.ily or its Middle seelio_; rec:onfilure neighborhood to recover lhe second tarlesl me:tdow in the Ihe intersection to re-establish the li_k between the park. Riverway and the Back Bay Fem; pIIalthe recllimed p:lrk areas at Route 9 anet lhe Sears 101; recreate the historic waler-edge and park plantinas, utilizinllhe orilinal plans ••d plant lists as much IS possible; restore the existinl historic ~,idces. steps and The plln ror the RiverWIIY is predicated on the park's historic shelter (one or Oilly lwo sa"ivinl in lhe entire park system); import:lftCe as :I fink in Ihe Emerald Neeklace system. The plan renovate the Bact Bay Y.reI maintenance facility. includinelhe

.1 inslal1:uinn of hi5loric plantjncto help it hlcnd intn the cunnrc. Ihf' two sides o( lhe northern basin; conYerl the ori~inal n~lur:"istic Rivcrway landscape. hridlr. palh along Ihe F~nway side of the park 10 a cycling :1ntJ jugging route and consider compietinl it on the wesl side; R:ul "_, Fus provide improved access to the park (rom lhe historic entrances, parlicularly from the at Charlesgale (which was The plan for the accepts the fact that much of the most important entnnce to the El'Hnld Neckt.ce); consider Olmsted's orisinallandscape hu been changed. and that hi!l.tnric trafric changes at Brookline AvenH (to .llow the open water uses have been superseded by intense local recreational channel) and, over the Ionl-Ienn. It Charlespte aha. would demands. The IPProach recommended is 10 accommodate these recapture some sense of the historic connection to the Charles new funclions within I recreated rivenide park landscape based River and the Esplanade; recreate I. appropriate ,iver-edge on the same sceflic: ideas IS lhe Riverway and Olmsted parks. landscape, informal part barren on lhe park side of lhe The plan acknowledtn the serious under'yin, problems of parkways, formal avenue p ....linp on the city side; assimilate water qwlily which" because this PIrk is at .the downstream end the Fens' 1:lIIer additions. sKIt as athletics. lhe ROIl! Gar~n, the of the system. are naalnireed, Ind collecti ... ely present the Vietory Gardens. and lhe World Wlr II Memori.l into the park ,reatest chanenae for rehlbilihltion Ind manalemenl. The plan landscape and resist (.rlher intrusions; restore hislOric bridges proposes 10 improve noW'S. depths. circulation, and waler (Agassiz, Fen, Boyhton). the historic aatehouses i. conjunction qu:lllity ,hroulh fe-erellliftiin open watercourse in front or with appropriate enaineerin. improvements to the Stony Brook. Emmanael Colle&e. directinl,he Muddy Ri ... er flow through the and lhe Agassiz Road Shelter (Duck House) 3IS a Park Ranger Back Bay FeM. and .raina concerted aaeney action to conlrol Station; rehabilitate Clemente Field House; remo". the riyerside .nd eliminate Combined Sewer Ow:rfIows; remoye and conlrol bleachers at aemente Field Ind relocate and uPlrade the basketball courlS; lind comMler the eyen ....1 relocation of the invasive water-edae veletalion IItd replant the b:lnlts with Fire Department Comm.nications Center and its Msocialed appropriate materials; make new connections and re-establish parking out of the park. missinllinks in the path ')'Stem; create. complete ri ... erside circui.; improwe cross-park circulltion by modifying two The Master Plan Implementation catqorizes the inappropriatel, desianed pedestrian bridaes, reconstructing a recommendations into those f.llina wilhin the Olmsted Program third al Ev.nswa, and possibfy addinl a fourth bridge 10 !uidelines, those outside the luidelines th.t could be funded by

.11 other aaencies. and the remainder which address hroadl'f issu("s ncr.nl Olmsl("d rrogram and/or respective municipal funding . Iha' will rtquire further inler-aaency inv("sligalion. r("solulion only began. and rin3ncinl. The question of phasing 3nd prinrities is discussed and an objective approach for assigning specific high. A New Phllosoplt, medium. and Iong·rlnge priority to specific proj("cls (or Ooslon, Brookline and the MDC is expl!lined. In order (or the Master PIal. (or lhe restontion and (uture management and mainteralnee of the Emerald N«klace 10 be These projects•• 1 this point conceptUlI, Ire then described park successful, I new phikKoph, concerninl ottr historic parks hIS by park, with I summary scope of work accompanied by rough to be embraced. In the co.rse of this endeavor we must: cosl estimates. Altosether. the nU.ale4i COIIS'nlet," eests (in 1981 doIlan) r .. , ...... rI" ,..Jo"sn".. ,.,.1 S4IS ..11110.: •

• Jamaica Pond SI 2,1 50,000 Venerable awel venented public t.ndsc:Ipet demand • Olmsted Park 1,050,000 hiBher leveb or unclentaltdinl, public awareness and • The Riwerwa, 9,635,000 sympathetic Imtment than other recreadonal srounds. • Back Bay FeM 11,665,000 The ot..le4i Hlsiwic Lallllscipe 'rHe"_C_ 'reaq • recoanized Chis in Ippointins TOTAL 141,500,000 landscape historians and se1ectins I IInchc1pe consultant team eJtperienc:ed in historic parks and parkway These are estimated Bross comtrllC1ion costs, eulusive or planninB. This study confirms the very .i,h resard conlineencies. Idminislntioll or professional fees. They do nol Olmsted held for the -B41SI .. worA:- and its very special include enaineerinl costs (or rnalvins Combined Sewer place in the historic parks movements in this country. Overflows or ..Ier qualit" traffic costs associated with work not included in Ihis stady, or land acquisition costs o( crilical • sites (such IS Riover Ru.d Ind, perhaps the area adjacent to . Prince Street at Jamaica Pond). They reinforce the magnitude Olmsted and his colleaCues were instrumental in or the undertakins to re.italize the Emerald Necklace, which coordinating encineerini. architecture. plannin.: and horticulture in creatine the Em<"rald Necklacf'. :lOd in (,valuate original planlinK plans and plant lists in the doinC so ddined the role of the new rrof("~!iicm tlf light of authenticity. public safety. maintenance and I:mdsc:lpe architecture. II is appropriate that hi!i emt. successors should lead the professional team in developinl a plan for its restoration and rt'huilding. •

• R"peel I..... IH, ....nl e ••lro •• rnt ••d .sr of thr In Ihe case of the Emerakl Necklace parks, the , ....."Ie.: . coordination 01 IostOft, Brookline, the MDC, abuttinl , institutions and volunteer IroUPI poses a special OImsted'sskillf.lly desilned Emerald Necklace park chaUen&e. The SDCCeSS or this MISter PIa. depends on .ystem was 10 read .. I -natura.- environment within and ongoin& coordiution for capital projects .ReI as • refule f .. om the city. Every dfort should be made maintenance. 10 enhance lhe enyironmental aspeclS of the park system. Speci.1 .nention should be paid 10 the Audubon • Society'S recommendations duritiS 1M preservation process. Municipal &overnmeal must conlinue to be responsible ror certain part services and improvements. However. • Fesl" • lleW 'e.et'...... r ...... cers: in the economic climate or the 1990s. the private sector mus' play an elPinded role. Historic parks will reqttire new manalement structures .nd maiatenallCe starrs with lreater horticultural skills • a. ....ft.' .... We '_.acll .. ,ub: in the h.ndline or na.uralistic ....dscapes. The appointment of Park Administrators and -Hou- crews in Parks are subject to uternal e.,ents and are inseparable New York Cily's Cenlral, Prospect and Riverside parks rrom the city or districts or which they .re a part. The is evidence of emeflin. trends. More demands Ire Emerald Nectlace parks are no eaception, havinl been imposed on park adMinistntors to address contemporary continuously arrected by events outside their needs in historically sensitive WIIys. for elample. 10 boundaries. The Charles Rive .. Dam chanRed the

Ix ecolOlY o( Ihe Rack Bay Fens. Upstrt'am wal('nhed" • . created Oond conditions and ponution. ReKtnnal trarfic has invaded the Plrkw;rys and hiKh hu ildings ha"e The parks were meln' for IU. Traditionally in Ihis broken the tree canopy line. These chances which counlry parkland h.s been I.ken over (ot • single use hy Ihre;alen the fut.re o( the Emerald Neckl:tee parks must :II few users at the expense of.he majority. Such M recftlniled and slren1lOUS dforts made to conlrol privatiution o( public IrCNnds is con.rary to the parks' .hem. original purposes. It shoukl be resisted Ind, where possible. rec.ified.

• "c:cas (or "'I: The parks were desilned for a broad nnle of primarily passive uses. The User Survey. a part of this study, Special erforts mal provide for .he YOU"I. disabled and emphasized that passive mes.re still the predominanl elMrl,. II is crucial ..... the parks be lCCftSible to all publiC activities in these parks. Passive uses must Ihose individuals who wish to visit Ind enlace in con.inlle to be 'he fint priority. appropriate park ac.ivi.,..

• • .... 4 the II ... tn(fIe':

HistMie parks must serwe present and future ceneralions In lhe pasl. PIrk edles haw bee. taken for Iranie or or Men. New uses ...st be considered in lilhl of the! parkins - Ro.te 9. Sean tot. Bowker Inlerchanle, the Plrks' historic JMlrpo5eS and shoukt be accommodaled in widen ins of Fe... y. Kelly Circle. This pfan ways that do not violate orilinal parposes. The silinl of emphasizes taki"l bKk parlt"nd where pessible - Sears new fKilities •• heir spKe-takinalnd visu.1 impacts, lot and Kelly Circle - Ind recommends hoIdine the line lheir fo,," Ind lIftateriah 111 need '0 be considered with. on further incunioM. Parkways. desiCned as pleasure sensitivity to .he Ofilinal scenie in.ent Ind landscape routes intectal to the parks. have become t"rfic arleries. character. Not III new aes or facilities will be accepted.

• • proc~d in ph:ll~s. First pha5e projects should r«OCnize and curr('ct nl:ljor i~sucs of ph!'Sical deterioration and haards. and A key to the (uture use, interest and !liupporl flf Ih(' con~id('r critical fluhlic needs. T1te liter ph~ should include Emerakl Necklace is the expansion of park progum5 - thost landscape "rojre" reqairinl inter-Iceney rundtnC and inform.tion. exhibits. events, toun, public relations ,lnd parlicipation. education. Protramminl is also the key 10 rehabi';','inl currently UBaed buiklings. such as Desiln development Ind consu.. ction has occarTed dwinc lhe Pinebank, Clemente Field House and the Aglssil Road initial slales or the Emerald Necklace preserYition errort Shelter, hrk prosnmmi_. reinforces capilal OUI'I)'$, throulh the use of both Olmsted Proaralft and munic"_ runcls. sec.rit" park use, acf¥OC8Cy and stewardship. Conlinuinl prolrest is dependent apon:

JII$' IS lhe btlildi", of the park system was one of the la'gest • Institutionalizinl Emerald NeckbM:e coordinalion ror public works ever .nder1lktn by both Boston Ind Brookline. its manalement. rmli"teaaace. rundinaand operations; rebuildine c.R be considered IMJ less or In e~:lYor . Serious • Establishinlln Emerald NecktM:e Foandillion or livinC problems, s.ch as Wlter qalil,. which can undermine the entily and conductinlln outreach PfOIram rOf corporate entire park system, will reqwire lite cooperatiye dedication of :.11 support :lind private donltions ror the reslontion and mlllnicipal and state IletICia, ,.".." IItd individuah: inyolved 10 maintenuce of the eatire park system; resolve over time. This Master Plan _lISt be r.lly endorsed and • Holdinl public feyiew meetines prior to implelMntation enthusiastically accepted. Its IftOfItlMttdations for (urther of capital improYenteni projects; in¥eSti,ltio., resoIvtion and (.neti"c of major issues beyond the • Developinl uniror .. part policies. rq.lations, .nd scope: of the Olmsted Proannl mllSl be diliCenlly pursued. st:llndards to luide 111 ....inten.nce and manacement decisions based Oft this report's recommendations. Develop'nl improvement projects ~ prototypes for A PLAN OF ACTION desiln solutions; • Developinl new park PfOInms ror historic fxilities and Implementllion of' the Emenld Necklace Master Plan must ehabilitatinl these racilities to .ccommodlte such acliviti~;

,I •

• Developinll vocabulary or historically s("nsillye I1:Ut.; improvements (or bener li"ItICes between and access fa furnishinls and siBnase; the parks: • InitiatinR. as I mltter of the highest utRency. :I • Conducting the necessary feasibility studtes 10 achieve comprehemi.,e water quality investigation and" re:1li!l.lic the major mid to Ionl nnp Coals of reclaimi"1 the waler qullit' improvement plln; Sears parkinclot, relocali", the BoslOn Fire • Reconsiderinlill past recommendations in light of Communications Center, and developiftl an allernalive newl, developed parte: priorities emph::lsized in this sk:alinl facility to replace the Kelly Rink in Olmsted report, inteentinc historic IIndscape concerns inlo the Park; .nd proposed final sol•• ioe ••1Id reachinl conclusions abou. • Developinl .ppropriate rqulatory COtItroh ror limit ina the best technical sol.Iions consistent wilh pUk values, lhe heiahlS or Mildinp within the .iewshed or the schedules, costs and ..,...mionment; Emerald Neckflce park system. and ror ph_III out • Undertakin. traffic studies in support of the .rarne inappropriate I.nd wses 8djaeent to the Plrks. such as chlnles recommended. Compteti"1 interim :1I~lrade the RiYer R08d I,i.nale and lhe Sean parkiqlot.

.Ii .....f.I .L~'''ORITY rROJF~

$ .... nn ,,,,.bet' Itw rxilil, if rehabili'I'iotI is ftOI feasible.

Tt.n _as .. Ear'Y Ac'toft Project to 11Mb an im"x, un the­ wOfSl cottdi..... 'rea. .'• . 4tW • S lZS.OOO

~... _ U.IL." ""I!!I r.,., ''''''n 511ft' te_ Thd :;IIrr" rnns_n appro.itnatdylOO linear 'ft' alone ~-.~-~ S .1~n.fKIfI ' ...... K • •

This iltd.., I'ftP8ralOl"ysite wort stICh as ,o.~h 1:,:tdinK ...... , ••., dlt ..... "".'11: 'he ~ .., II J2 (SIS.OOO anowMlCe,. t'an.tinR birch tIft'S (n... 4/100 LFt. and 2 flercn.e "~9 . C"'",ffN (S,.,r F.wId . 'I.'.~ .~" slalio,,~ .

$ 15.0IIII ..,..... I...... " arr. • dniace S,.,Ie. incll.din, II i.Io" ,."..... lin LF) II1II drai..... " ... (12'". ~ Since the ac...... ace. type ... crall.i.y. has MIl 11('('" sr,. dete',miMd. 'his is ....1Iowa-=e. IU9/IOfIJ - ,,"'W, __pl"nt (,..l... "" FIMfd' I1.n." F.d~U.1 d.« , ...... , rnten4l.w. 1SO tinear red pr !'IOM MKe banks (ass... 1ft tepai.. A rcpoinl and w.,., lAftIl. MK...... fie. C... re! S 'f._ 20'1. new'; ,es.,race eaist'lil wallt, Ind ;olli., pIths wilh ~"hal,·,"kd CfllShed stone (10'·6- _Mlth); and ("lend w:"h.1 ovnlooks ill three Iocattons.

U5 • \1:llinn5; shr.b reMOval ., bcHIldr,"ba,,' (assume .o'-cr' ",,'Hfth. :1(1'1. cowerace. '.100 SF total) . . -rIM' a,~a cn¥ett"CI .lMIer this hfo:ulinr. mr:1\lur\ a....,..o.i"'at~ly 1."00 linn' rnot :dnnr. Ih .. .,,,nd Ntr. .... Pr..-w4 I."...-ts err. • drai""" Iystem includinR 1" inlfots fassttIM 1/100 LF) aftd cln'naKe pipe (Ir. 1.1(.0 'r~ht_, ...... "'I.'~'\! ft'mny:al fir S6 "II"-I'nr. Ut. J~ ... lOftS; _ sh... b pbRli... 15,600 SF); 1\ birch trees (ass.me 4/100 LFt. and 2 C"u',ciw 5I:1tiu"\; new historic .eprodKI" bnc:hH; ,eSM bwn areas sh,.b fetnOYaI .t bwldn bank (:K~umc' to· -0'" wHlth. (4.000 SF). ~ CO_Ke, 9,100 SF "'.11. f.!IIkl' ...... lI ...... lie nsieft4 Me: 1.600 linnr ...... n ' ....9ftN •• 1 8ft: draina,.t' piltt' 112·, ,00 I ,n; r..... 01 ...... (",,-r wid.h, 35'110 .....i ••nd 65" 19 new "m; M!_ sII ... pb,,'inr.s (t 1.200 SF); In nt-w new'; .w ...... tt edle (ass.1M 10'·0" historic rep"",_t_ bewchn: new lawn :1f(':IS '".100 widlh. alotll ~ til ..,." S,IOO SF loi,I,; boulder SfI. . 'I3in,' 210catMMls (l'-V wid... , '--0" _ilth.); 6 ..nd/... _ b.. ches ( ...._ 2O'-r .idth • 1,100 LF); Exh'I"I ...... h tn...... : 700 liM:I' rC'rl rnurbce e.iseinl Wilks .... jog... .,.Ihs with asphalt· 01 _ ...... (""or. width, ...... ~ 20"lIo 01 ...Ib : ~ .AOO w:llecl crwshed ,10M: (10'"-'- width,. SF Iotall; rnwf'xe eaittiaa walks and jugi." ..... 'h5 ZOO. _ _ it. asphalt .. soled nwshecl "OM fMr -ft"wN'Ih). • s

• S .ttI..... The arH cevered ..., 'his hnd'''1 MaSures a ....n ••Mltely 1.400 Ii ..., reet aionl lhe pond N,e. TIle Ira coftfed ..... 'his lInd'IIK meas.rrs appro.i_.el, 2,900 Ii.... fret alon~ lhe- r~flnd "dr.~ . P•• ,.,.I... , slie ... I_I.'tt: re..,.,1 of" II uisl'nlt hirch alld witlow 'fft'S (asS_1M 3/100 I.F); shruh remov,,1 'njt8,.tw, de...... rl: relftOy;1I nr 116 t'lIi'lin~ 11.100 SF), hirch ..... wiltow .rees (au... e 4/100 I.n: .. rllc-relse

n. rrnfH"" ...... n' •• rr. :I d,ain:.r.f' ,".\If'm indullin" ....,..,f'ti ...... , aw. I J new Iren; new sh.ub '01 intt., (::as," .~ "toO Lf) and d.:.ilur,f' pip.' lI:,a. 1.1"0 1,1:"'Iinr:' (1.000 Sf,; rncMJ/rneed lawn arra' {169.000 1.1 t' nrw tr("M~ newltMunet cn.r, 1,1 ; '"tm~ .. 1,' .:1"1 q ); sn. new a,phatl·waled crushed slone _alk (9'.0- width. ~""cI t:lW" area," (2,100 SF,. IJ,OOO SF Intal,.

F..h.... sll~ ~"' ....Is I. h rnl.rf'ti .r~: .no lift(";" rl'('1 [CIli,Uq sll~ ...... , .. ~ ns...... n: sand/pebble or hmllder Mite I"oI«liotI f4'·0- w""h,; new houltl'"' heach (ass... 2'r-r wid'•• 6SO LF); ".,... race uislinK hanks fassume 10'.0- width, l,SOU Sr: lotal,; huuld(", walks and joaint paths with ISphalt·saIed crushed siairs.' 2 locations U'-O" width, 6'·0- heir,ht); slone UO' ·6- _id.h,. AclditioMU, • • I.... sum or ..nd/pebble bnch(.... _ 20"-0" wid'h. no I.F!; SSD,OOO is illCloded ror lradiool, rn.race eanli", ....s IIId joQinK P:IIth~ with a~"h :"1- ~Ied Cfmhed SIOM f1O"-6- width'. A lum" ~um nr 1)0.000 las Ilso beH _'1Idred ror finish ~radin~ and Ina", fin ..... 12.000 SF _II be "PR';Mif'd hy ,rmnv:.1 "r dead, poor,lrtd/O'I"¥aM ft~talinn. ",uninK nr .....i ....nd ...... 10001 r...... I~• . TOTAL HleH ,.IORITY nOJt:CTS . FOil JAMAICA POND: SI._.... • lI.n, 0",10 A_ $ .1~O,,,,",

'"11 __ ''''' II ...... "'.'1'1: sel«five Ihinnin~ nr hireh sapli.SS and shr.bs fJft or 27.000 S...,; 2 eu',ciW' . " ..iooos; .hrob _ ..I (5' 01' 160,000 Sn.


Allnw~nca or SIIO.OOO and ~S.OOO haYe be.11 _--= removal or lhe eais.inK K,:tdinK· concrete paftlM.. , aMI COM,net_ or _ 1Ite_ d«ora.i,,:e paYf'Me'" (160 SF) _ltd ..we ...... , (660 SF). A I_mp sum F..kllac sit" rltlM.tI .... 1ft...... M'r. .... ltairways (U4 or 1).000 has beeII iMhIded for reIoc:atioft nf .he r.i~tin~ I.F tOlal) with a. addit...... , s .. or 110.000 ror repair or drink inc rOll ...i .. and related pipi" •. lhe re, .. ilts !;Ired stairway; elts.iIIl asphalt-SHied crashed stnnr walks shall be relMlill (10"·6- _idth) _""'Ihe uislinp: drive A... ', .... Ilk ...... , ...... : 10 histofic ,t'f',oollClion 116'-0" "",,hl.hall be ..,.."oced_ . benches (.'·r ncht;lllishts;' __ tfftS; 1Ite_ sh,.h ,,13nlin,,\ (ass....e ... or IandK.. »ed 8fta, lObi 4.000 !;n~ a M'W sl"irw;ty ~ I.".~... ts" .. _... M'UI .....r : 1e.... 1 or dnci ~ · poor and a '.6SO Sf ealnSion .. tlte eli,t'na wood tine". A" , and/.,.. invasive ....erial • .,....iIIl or apliap" pbntiJll1llonC altnwance or SI5.000 is illd.... ror. __ dr:llin:llKf' sy~.rm (In rmMI edRn i" H am 1Ota1li"l'12.000 SF; a I.",p s_'" or br dnianed,. A ...... , s.. 01 SM._ to covet' terrace 110,000 ror pt...... IIId repb."1tI trea; 200.010 SF or ~.islinl b:lllKlrade iMprowe ....s is .. _hided. ThK is tn I:.wn areM shan be resoded/rneeded. Addilioally. 2.000 SF or KCm'UIMNbte «t .iMar rm 01._ nil;'a and 40 liMa, rrel nr MW "hr.b "Ialt.mcs. 20.000 SF or MW 1"",1141 cover planli .. p:! e.Klinl railinK '0 be relocated. fat lhe."~) and 65.000 SF or ._ meado_ seediltl shall be cn"'l'lrted. ".II! "",. - ....__ ._11_ ~,Anhili''''i... (Ci,.pF_.} 4I.\.1J(H' A.... U.... , sife 1.... t'HtftIls 1.'.'1: l.SOO .iftellr reel or MW sinrtf' c.rb ~ .. ne_ parli"lIaM (lO"· r width. ).100 SF Inilit ncow :tSl'h:dl-sealed CflIShed SlOne walls (10'·6- widlh); II , .. ilK hi,\tn.ic "",,,oeIKltn" ~tria .. lilh's (1S" -0· n.c .). An minor Ittt (20) planlinp .ftd S4.000 SF or lrass/tneadow mi. :dlnwancC" of SI20.000 (or two new histmtc u·I'tlMlu.:"nn ~""IINS ~· tlin r.; and '~flbe~fMnl or uislinl hisloric parkway liKhu (9, :Inti :II lum" ,_'" or SS .OOO for all ~ntr, K:tle :Uf" :l1, u inelud... I. anti in ~ lallat,"n or addi.iDal historic reprodMCI .... parkway li~hls (7). A I.",p , ... or S20.OOO IIINt SIO.ooo are also inclwdtd ('" I.adinr, and .epair or lhe "n MeMOrial respectivel,.

for .esloration or ,he Me..".. 1 .nd ,."oundinK histo.ic SJ..... OOI bndsc:ape ••ft altow.nce of SJOG,OOO is inclMdfd. An invnli~a.ion or .he ...iWi ...... 1et.8Ce 'Of" evnl•• 1 re1tSe $1._._ _:IS comp~led i" 1919. A ver, "reU...... ' I'lowance (or ,"'orin, lhe ellterior and edIpt..... lhe i.ter;' f .. w ••• .... 0...... , ..... MDC .....,. : removal of ennlemflOfa., J)rOInftlS woe yet .filled is included here. uislinC sIfft' pa.-., (appro.italely 6'·0- width II t.ftSO ' .f); , ..~/ '9~9 - 'i",'-' S,tlbiliztJIi... (Cit)' FWHI,} $8.000 r~mnval or thi! ._rdrai. (1,000 LFt relocal'" or lhe SMM cu.h (1.6SO LFt. recoIISt,.I" 01. port_ or Pa,"man Drive (1(,'- 0"' widlh. 26.400 SF IObt. bit.. ..,., CDItC,elet. conslnlCltnn of .h.ee eross .....' .... I,'" I.., rm.oI new eyelillK and , .. addition to I au ..... , .. 01 PO.OOO ror COMtnlCtion of iI slone iDlKi"l pat. (r-r width. bit .....,., concrete); pb,"inC or MMI (1edn1.ia. briclce. wort i. this ara .,1Ides: botttder bank _ .....IId ...... (10'-0" widlh.I6.500 SF to•• It,.1Id ptoleel"- ( ....0- wMlt", '.100 SF 1Oa't. new uphilll·saied. .rp3ir/repoiwt'.' of e.is..... ItOM..,. (.tOO IF). Additionally. e.tKhed stone ,,'ks (10'-6- _idt"t are- , ..,.., pta.linlS (7.000 I lump , ... 01 S20.OOO is .Itd.... for • drain:tce s)'S~,". SF); ••_ trees; awd 1.000 SF of M_ tod. For novation. '~Kilrd i nl .. nd i",porti...... S5O.OOO I• ..., , .... is included. ",.. t Ie ...... , I" ___ P... .,...,1 __1 .... hiclHn: seltet;Ye clariwa 01 ¥eIfta''''' II lhe Par ..... 3n Memorial (4.200 SF): we"'" 01 dnd. poor and/or ilt.,..sive TOTAL MEDIUM P.IOIIITY '.OJECTS ve«et:ttion, ""'_1 or sapli.., end pblltinl o( edKe5 in the ro. JAMAICA roND: U ..... _ elli!'ilinK (omlllftS (140.000 SF): IleW m3jor I;ee (40) and ••

Il. . " $ Inn.nnn n~w crm~w:llb ((,). AddifioMn,. h.. n" S1ftM or S1O.000 :lnd '"'.000 are included for ••w draiuae system and l.pn~_"I' I••• h ana .....1 . repair A r('puinlin~ o( conslrttclion n( pa,ki.c lane...... strip. island and '.,n laM. elrs,inA SIOM wan (120 LFt; rcwrraciftC street (22.000 SF); rnrec1i.el,. iltStalialion or • MW stone nrb (110 LFt; hituminnU5 concrete eyelin.: and iouiftC palh (9'-0- width,.ReI hi5tnric «,prodtIClion .1 ...... lilhl n ...... (n Work 10 reconfic.re lhe trarric circle. Mdi... land to tile par' is ..... pl ••11otp ..... 1.. _ IrftS (7, 1/100 LF, and snddi"~ A en.ered by In allowallC'e. seedinK of K'ISS .-erae (6'· 0" width, 4.400 SF tOlal). Additional I.m" su"" or SIO.OOO, S5.000 ... 110,000 are included for K,adinR opentloM, stred ftQI,kiwp a•• flrW ctrain:l~e s~lem. 1-,- rnpecti~I, . w...... d" ~., .....Iea •• , _'.'n: eaisti"R tree S_,_ rl!mn ••h (0. includi_, _.....,. repa;" 10' ..... replete 20-.); reselli". or Slone c.rbilla (l.toO LF tau.); reserfacin, ,Ifftts ('0' width, 12'.000 SF taul); COM.ret" 0( aew crosswalks (6); ,.... wntn., ...lIk al'Hl IM'dl...... ition altd sal~ or and pedestrian siINlir:at" ill ewo IocalioM. A ....." sum o( elistinClranite cwlt U,OOO LF); repair a repointi"l of e.istin~ S20,OOO is iIIc:.tNInt for s .....iDliotl. Repbce nisli_, hislOrfe' 'IMe wan (260 LFl: remo"" fII eaisti.. slfftl ..",inl (2:_ ....t .., lilh" (25). LFt. reb.,ldi.., .r e.is..... _ cwlt (1.000 Lf); innallatiott o( M'W stone e.rb (2.400 LF): bit_ilion COtICrele eye.inc anet ...... dop •••n _1_ (n,.nd _inl A joginl ...lh (9'-0' widlh' .... his ....ic ..",odoclion lilhl res«dinK..r ...JIeS (12'-0' widlh, )7,200 SF lOIal). fi.tures (15,. S 1,500,000

..... ,1 ••lloop ....1 ...... e: lrees (<

1.1. ~.i1tinr. ,..adway pavement (.10'-0" _idlh .. 21 .000 I."". c Ufh~ NI''' ,I•• Ii., ,1I.n u.skl .r: t,en (201) aftd new bwn al (".000 tn. r.,anile hkld, pa"~menl. li~hl ri,' hlll'\ 171) :1n,III" I'" \' I· 'r.('~. i~ l:Inth. and mrdians (lAO.GOO SF). Addilienall~ . lump (AoS , inchrdint: sl.mps'. .. um~ ..r SKO.OOO rnr :II draince system. 120.000 r.r K.adinK. and 'lO.OOO ru, ~Ir«t ma,kinp are illdtlded. ~I~ ' ...... " ...11 l.dtMlr. repair (9.000 I#F) anti M'W (13.500 Lr) ~tnne e.rb; res.rr:.ce (lSO .~ SF) and IM"W f12.000 sn rn:tdway rNlvetMftt. iRehtd._. new c,osswalb fl1); con~ "uc'inn or ftt!W eycli_.8nd joni.. pat" (9'-0- width) and a~""al. ­ seated cn.shed ,towe .walks (Mr-'- width); anti in,;laliatinn ur TOTAL ~ RANCE OR INTER-ACENCY hi"tortc re."od•• ioII liRhts (60). rROJECTS FOR JAMAICA POND: $3._._


1.11 T," r ....!1!!.&. $ 1001t.noo

This was a .. [a", AdioR Project 10 addrross Irn'S in PM" r,.,... I.".,","" _'•• 1: ••w dra..... ystem (UO,OOO oolMli ...... I..... nee) ; a M. pa,li.. arel at lhe Rnte 9 end to '.~7 -C..... " ...., (S",,. FIIM.I "',011 accommodate 10-'" can; 2.100 'illft.. feel or ,", .... iltOUS conerete cycliftlllMljoa_1 PI,h (,.-r wiellh); construction or ~5!I. • c ... J!UI.& r•••. "'..... , S'"'~'-!tLlt,t!!I~_', 1. ronlp.ths a' Cwmberland AvetI_. 99 Pond ".-eII_ and II Pond "I!' .'~ $ 2~O , ltnn Avenw; new law" '1 .....Ii ... (lI,GOO SF); IIeW tree plantin.:s f ~s Inl;lI. ft- caliew'r); .Itd • SIO,OOO allowance r_Cnd'nB.S_._ rr •••~ "II' I.,...... " .....1: 11,000 SF nI HW KUlu,"1 cOYer pb,,'i-as: 60,000 SF 0( •• Ia ... al unarKim (1'-0'" wKlth.; 'r••• ' ..... , d ...... 11IC't.4rc cleari•• oIlhe ,Ira.. bank and -4,100 lillftr red or bit•• itIcNs COIICrde c~linPl ;met fapprolilimately 20,000 SF); )0,00 SF or ctnrillC and cr.bhin, jo~linl path (9"·r width, I·.,r baH OOtIne ovrr (,- Aravel and flhis asSWIMS )O'!I. or nisliw, \IIi!Ietaled .reas: nlllOva' or r'opCH .... '. Pluardr:llil adjxetd 10 Willow PoINt. reWMIval 01 cronG¥er at bmaica Rnad;.1Id a. allowalllCe 01 SIO,OOO ror demolition A III ...... ' ...... f .. ,emoval or I"IIIcm paftme ••. Aw allowance is abo included ror r. _ .. $ '!111.- Itr:lldin~ . P,...... , Ilk ..... "In nMhI ., -41,000 Sf nf ctearin" and .:ruhbins (this ass.1M! lOt. of exis.i.1 Yf'Plel:llIH are:n); r ...ptK.4II_"...... I. unI••• ,: resu,raci.... iSlin, remova' or CfOHO\tft1a, C ...berbnd Avenue, l'J9 rnnd Avenue, flayeflH!nt (t)' -0" width) ror I eyeli"llnd ioIli"l path; a new and )l PoftcI A ¥enue; I• ...., s .... or S7,ooo. r0' drmolition A: parkin" aft'.. at ChHtn., !itre;et end to KCOn.. nod.te 10-1 S c.n;

1.11 .. ~ n('W Ir~ (6- c:II'"er'. and 64.000 SF or tl('W bwn :II """Ii:." $ ~OO . IIOCI ;entl Illanlink !lrirK; SSO,OOO ror kr:adinK and a "('w tlr:.i":tr.r ~~ :O; lrm; ~ ...OOO SF or '""_ aspe.alt-seak-d Cfll .. hc-cl ~Inrt(' \\";,1 .. . Pr_pew' i." ... "' ...... IIHf.. r. .11 .llowan« of S20,OOO fnr cnn!llruclto. of a new rnolpath .f J:"":lK:a itua,l; and und('r-dr:linac~; aPPl•• j .....el' 12.000 linar rm of nrw cnnslruction or new crosswall, ., Willow "lind R":ld. slnnedU!1 wallt (9'-0- width); COIIS'ruction of two new JIf'(Int,ian hrielkes MId I .,dwalk: ItId new b.n ",arlins S 200._ atonk wallt ..., (S'·V II,ip, '¥ft'IIe). Additio... I,. a lump sum or 150.000 is i""l_ ror andina. Pre...... ' ...... t 1_Wn: lite sel«'iw r~mnql or wnndr s _._ ",Ianl material; •• allowance or SSS.OOO is provMlhl rOf kr:adi"K.

P~ sl... I...... w. .. "Wr. re,.,airinl A. r~poin'inK or Prt'.... tew' ...... C'HIhIS .r: .e...... i •••nd removal ~Jlis'illl briclte «SSO.OOO I....., , ....t. murbdnK or eJli!linK W:llk of Udli"l (OftCrete lain. A I• ..., , .... 01 SIO,OOO is included (:10 Ii .... r... ~ ror Itradinl.

N~w ...... I.all HMhI at: ',~ SF 0( lMad"w; ",000 SF nr ',..,..4 I.,...~ .. l"•• r. , HW SIOM st'-way (120 linear 'awn banks; ,tid 10 ._ .rea «6- caliper). r~1 or r~rst. ",000 SF or lleW asphalt sealed cntshed stone walk; 28,000 SF or lie_ sllnb planlillp; ,tid 10 _w trees (6- S 2~._ cali~,) .

Thi! is .11 :anoWlIICe ror i"lapre'iw, illrorfn:ll.inna' and n~~ .. b.orr silM. Qqn.i'r net des"n '0. be de.ermined. , ..../ "M - "".H ,C_p/ ..

1.1.1 ,


1. "no ,lton S .16~,OOO

"r~ ••flllt.rr !dte ..... I.".n: tree proteclion; ,("mov,,1 "r r,eJMKrtI '_"e9t'_r.'s _I.-It: repairinll. repo,"'inB or eats.i"" ~tone wall and salYale (S20.OOO lump s .. m'~ cI(":trin~ ,mt! eJl~lin.: hrid.:c- and ,eslontion or his.oric inlet. Krubbin.: of 21.000 Sf (lISsume Sft or IOlal veKel:lled :.,"3); 3nd eacayalinn 0( strn,.. mouth U.GOO SF,. S 615,000

Prwpew4 1_... " ....., 1_Wr. eoMlntC1ion or a MW 300 SF ....p0w4 '."eYHlftl" &.ct.*: reloca._ .... .,.i•• inl of nvedook; new stowe wall ",iIIIl sa,.. aect maier ..,' (1)0.000 lump eJl~.inlli~hl fiJlI.res (.2).ad conl,oh ($10.000 .tIow.nce): I.SOO sum); re!lloral"" 01 eais'iu. rock casacIr (SSO,OOO lump sum'; linea, rnol or MW sloned.SI ..Its (,....0- width). ,epair'nK A repoilttinl 01 elislillllnftile stairs (J6l1linrar (eel of ,isers lot;1I asi.fIIe'" newt. new Slone 5':li,s (2<40 line;n (<<'. Pre,... pI •••I.ls u.kt .f: 10 aew .rees (6- caliper) aAd or·rtsers); .w aspItalt·sealed crtlShed stone walk (aPPfoaim:lfrly 110,000 SF of new la.o (KId'..... '. 100 'inear reet).

...... Itod•• .., ]S _ ••ees (6 cali.,..,; 29,000 SF 101.1 or new shn.bs ...... ,.,. .. CO¥er; lie_ lawn afen (lS,OOO !'Wtr ,",.,..... 1.. -...: re.... 1 of 16.000 SF Ph ....ftllli.es SF'. The •• is.; .. _ ...... be .PC...... by ...... 1 of (ass.me 20'1t of areat. selective dnriftl or shnlbs .... in.,asi.,e 1100' ilnd/or dead Material ud IIeW pb.linp or In. shrub and I,res (S4.ooo SF. auume 1ft of .rat. lad elanlintl of walrr &f01lnd cover (12,000 SF total-lrea). Addition:.. 'y •• $20,000 area! in two Incations (S20.OOO "mp s .... ). lump su"' is 'KltIded tor Iradi... I.«M) linnr r~1 m rabrK ronil protection shan be pro.ided.

1.14 dih:h :tncl f'At~mion or ...Ihn pipe (S20,OOO lum ... ~tlm); S IlI.OOO cun\llItCliuft.,r ISO liM;" tnt Itr ~'K~/nltf'flou" 1r(";llnl("O'. ' I ' hi~ SI~n . noo .. lIowance is pro.ided ror construeltoft or Iwo

"t'n,,,,~ ,la.ll.. ~_sll" ••: coMOltelllion or (".i~tinK ~hr,IIK !'itllne !'hf'hf"~ . (2~.oon SF); 72,000 SF or HW rawn at east side (a5~ume 40'1t or 'Ol;ll)~:.nd new 'rees Ind sht'.bs.t isilMS (S611,nno ;dtnwaM(,,).

$~DO.OCIO Sif~ pr.. ,.r.''- nests... f: telectiwe RIftO... of ..00, planl material (~.SOO SF). s.. ~ IK~"".'''' ~tI .r: delri.... 1Id Ct'abhiftK and Sf'k-ctilte removal or It'ftS (la,OOO SF. lSS.me ~ or afr.l). 'r.pew4lI_pq9C..n1l _We: ...-ir a repotnli"l or eaislinl bridle slnKlures (~ total @SSO,GOO .lIowa.e each); . "t'~ 1.'"~ts · ltlCt.4r. 600 'illHt' rft'l or new efU5hf'd con~trKtion or .w pedesl,. bridae (S40.ooo lu... s.m) and slnnr walks (5' .. 6- wtelth); COIIStrKlioII or two new f'l('tiM.lri .. " ,10M bridRe fOnds (sao,GOO 1-. , ...); res.rrac:iftl 0( UislinS bridllt" (~ .ooo nch); )0 new trees (6- caliprr); .. nd new walks (10 liMar reel); illSlallat.... of. __ dnifti.. e.lvert (70 me:wfnw plantinp (611.000 SF). Additionally,:W StoO,OOO lump linear r",I); ~.SOO SF or .w .... pIa.. li •• aloft, sf,"", banks; sam is indlKled ror cradinR. and S IH'W Urn ('- caliper). A I... p s ... or $20.000 is 1150 includrd ror Irad;nl.

Si.~ 1K~."'.f"'ltlCWn: . selecti¥e durinR or shrutK, inv:l~iVf' Ir~ and Phralmiln. TOTAL "'EDIU'" ,.IORITV 'ROJECTS P'OptKH 1.,...9ftHllh ItlClMr. e.caqltnn and Kradin.: fOR OLMSTED '''RII, S3.5~O._ ~r:Wlinns '0 reshape pooh; SllbiliDtion nr banks with It:wbiu" edr.f' I,n'meat .1Id "'anl;nl1.

I .l~ •

S ~DD , OOO meadow pl:.ft1inlS i. opea areas (120,000 SF). Additionally. a $10,000 lump sum is inc:I.cIed for lradinl. SU~ "'~".f"''- cenhl•• f: .lI'IOlilion and rrmnyal .... eacessi-.e pawetnenl. S 151._

Pr.p_"'" I.... ~ .. 1.-"": ~'adinl draimllc systems Pr...... 1.,.... __ .. __ .....i .. and dredaln, includi"e deaw'''' ..;.s ...... repair Dr eaisrinc system and operations (S40.ooo I.... 5•• ); restoralicMI 01 nis""1 botIldet' new basilllS ....1toIes. laterals ... a.wecltom as MaSsar),: Midte (SSO.OOO I.,.., s ••); lie_ crllShed slOM walks tW.OOO 1.100 linnr feel or IIW:W stolle C1Ifb; res.rrace nislinl roadway SF); new stone Slain ($9,000 I..... ,_to ... lie_ pedestrian (21,000 SYJ; COMtt1lClioll or row lie_ crosswalts. imlalblinn or brid,e 1S40,OOO I...... , . historic reprod.ctiotl liahl n.twa ... silllllle: lie_ tree planlincs (6- caliper).weI ...._ "'Ii", (10'-0" sirip r ... pew4 ....d.as nMht.r: S lie_ trees t'- caliper); l.SOO SF :1Iycra.:e). Aw lilowance 0( $20,000 is atso incltlded (Of cradinR. or new law ...t bants; .nd ).500 SF or ne_ IMIdo. seedinC.

s '",_ ·NOTF.: P,iM In 1M aMt~ ./M, wor4. i,. ,It;~ ortll, Ilrt C;" ,""~I fISCr",,;,. l/w ,,"Ult« or flb~ntCt 01 ,Iw SfftI;1 DII",.r. SUr "",'ICa.. nlKkl. eI: deMoIi ... and rcmo.. :" of Ihto o"J "nw '.. ."MaI;",....".l: ('II" ",«rftI if ,It;~ ,.,r ,1S1t;J ",rJr,.,. elislinK rinl Mildi"l. part...... Its (S2.SO,OOO lOtal b;a~d II. SHJO/SFt, _ ..I 0( ill... ; ... _cioR (60,000 Sn. S 615,000

..~ 1..... , • .r... I_I•• r. 200 tinnr feel of new stOM' Sil~ ,,~,.r.li •• (" ..sisti ef': reMOval or 10 poor ._/or· c.rb; reconstrKtioli of pay•• (4" SV); HW c,~Md slone d3nl:1g~d Irt'es alonl partway and pr•• inl or elisti_, trees 10 walks (1,200 SF); ._ bi..... i ... concrete eyerinl and jof:t:inC remain tS7,000 lump sum), path lJ,600 SF); 20 new trees (6- caliper); lleW bwn :lind

1.16 "'It,""", 1.".9"Mt'." I.d.~: cnn!lihuetiun nf n,'w w~I"'~ (tl- c:lli~.) ; and 4.SOO SF or MW fa .. al ¥erln. An .'tnwance 1\IIIl,nOO I.mp sum); e,",s'ruelinn of new crow.. :,''' !> fflt; uf '~n . ooo is abo incl..ted for Indin, aRd I M'W drain;allte im.,:I1Ia"un nf his'orte: «'Production liKhl fi.lu,,,~ ' .Ilt lOA nrw

S 110,_ TOTAL LONG RANC£ORI..-nR-AC£NCY rROJF.CTS FOIl OLMSTED PAR.: Sl,"~,_ P ...... pnftlM'tlb ..,-= rep3ir" ft1)Oinlinllt of e.i ~ linllt SlnM' will (7SO finnr feel); IIeW asphalt-sealed cr~hed .Inne w;alilt (61.000 SF); 750 li""I' feel or new stnne curh; to new .rres



1.17 '-".(;-'-' 'RIORITT 'ROJF~

$ InG,tHln

Thi~ is .ft Elrly Ktto. project Ie '"Ike :In imf'XI nn the- _nr!'1 Itf"" ••, s..... - .ft' SWt S 250,_ condit.. lIftS. /9~7 - C_",.,~ (S,•• F_s) Sft" ,n•• , ..... CMSisfl eI: ,e.... " 01 "'rll_ltes and knotWft'd (101.000 SF tOlI.t Inclthi...... Itd ..,... inl or $ I~n , non eaiilin& ft~r'I'ioII ill pt..tinl ",ip (1.000 SF,.

Pre•• " 1.".'4!~." ~, .r: 'nu,bcin~ 270 Ii,"";,, rret ,,( r ..,.HtI ,.••• _ ... 1twe.4r.: ._ tree .,..atinas; new shrab and e.i~ti"l wallt, (tcr-O'" wid... t. and rrpair/'f'rnin'i"K rtf ,..i"ink K.nand cover pb"tiftlS .....w .... Iml. slrvc'em. S US,OOO R'~" ••' $!e,... [as, SWs s )~.,OOO !'iiik' PftItlr.'IM .nttthfl ., c1eari ... ba ••s of .,en. shrwbs. Pr..... _ ...... "''''r. i...,.'i". mm snil ($20.000 I'hrallt",iIH and ktlOtWftd (1,000 SF 1Ota1). fum,. ,.",t, rqndinl (120,000 ..... , ..... ,; new draiRaKI' ~~If'm (inch.di", ._.11 ._ illlels ($)0,000 Iwmp sem); and 6,000 ~F r .....114 I.".~.II _'''r: J.400 SF or ._ 15phall-sealed MW bit...... C'OIICrete cydinl .... ~Iinllt p;tth. crushed stone walkS; 10 MW lrees (6- Cllipa); 7.200 SF of new ~hruh plln'inKS; 1_ 36,000 SF or IleW lawn IfHS. A 110,000 lump !II'" is aha inc111ded few lradial operat~.

I.1W $ 14 •••l1li u'r=-i, /,,'plinf;"« of' uistill, bridle headwall ($U,OOO lump \ 11111). ;lrttl ;n5 •.,II;1Iliu. of historic reprodlllClion "~t n.turn fl.). Silt' ,.t',.,., .... I.dtttlfl;: ~mo¥al or rh':.r.mil ~ :mcf knulwfOrd (U.OOO SF). S 475 ....

I'r...-w4 , ...."." ••• 1_1•• 1': i",por.ill~ Io:lm !;fli' and P•• ptKHI i_,..\'ftMtIts .....1': restoration or eliseinl .rouKh. ,':Mlinlt operatiofts (S20.000 .....p sem); ,",W d,ainat:e sysl('m i.nn bridllte and bridae ded CfOSSina; recGftSl'KC" or e.istinc (SIO,OOO I• ...., s.... ); recomlrwct'" of asph;II' S('aled c'.~hf"cf sfr«1 PI¥t'I'Mnl alMl.idewllts; __ historical silUCe: and new slrme (9.000 SF); repair/replace u",in« Shu.e curh (2Sa linear t.t~. ~hrub and InNlIMI cower ,..•••• p . feet repair/D linea, fm 1Ie_); construct pew c,Mswalks (2).

P..... w4 ,_.Iaep .....-: 20 .w 'fen (6- calif'lf:'); 111,000 SF or new shr.b and Ifoenet cevet' planti",s; and ~O.OOO Sf or M_ This ~ an :lIlow:llftCe (or ...(~ ...... rei_lalor, siEn!. lawn 1.01. . Quantit, and des" •• re '0 be detenlined. ,.1I9/ I9M ""(ur I C""'''d~ (,.,., ..... FwttJ J Il.nR9

',.p.w4 _,...c... " .....r. ._ asrthall-sc:ak-d cnnhtd stone walts (12.000 SF); •• CfOSSwa'b (S); ItCW bi'e",innus concrete cycti...... jog•• PI'. (6.000 SF); lltew slfHtC ctl,b TOTAL HJGH rtJJOIUTY rtJOJECTS (1,100 linear feel); ,rs.rtace rlisti ... wa.k (I.OSO SV); FOR RJYUWAY: Sl.115._


,. l~n . nnO $ 5~O.OOO

Thi., is an allowance for mtOfllton of the- cJli"linr. ~hlfK' !'i ht-Iler. rrnpesH l_"."..e." 1HWr. new lib..,. slope protection 1990· Rf'·'ttt1I;"~ C"".plnH (ei.. , F,,,,,,,, .1 .'.1100 (.1,;'00 SF); M'w dninace SYSIa. (S1O.ooo t... p sum); "adinC .,.~r:lltons i.eI .... i ... iMporti...... soil (SII.OOO lump sum); $ 1110.- ft("W asphalt·snled efllShed sloee walls (lS.OOO SF); inslallation or historic reprocillClioft fi,h' rial.res (10). Pr•••••• ,.,...ftIMtIIs I_We-: ftpair aftd relM'inli"!!: of utsliftl strK!tII1;!; res.rfx:i.. eaistin.: _alb (~90 SY); Pr.... n ,I•• " •• '.'.'rl: aew lree plli"dap (II. 6- caliper); f!lIca.,.'_ awet import;", loa... soil '1.0,000 I.. m" sum); :Inti rM'W shr.b pla.tines (14.000 SF); replanted ,",ubs (1'.000 SF); '"'. lawn plan'i", (2.000 SF,. rM'_ IItro.nd cow, planlia.. (9.'soo SF); and tlew lawns (JI,OOO sn. ....".- 5000'. - Wn' SI .. S 1.001.000 Sit. 1tftIt8,..... 1.,-," retnon. of 21 fM'I(Ir nr damall:('d 'r("("S. Silt' ,.,r,''''''" nMkts ., reMOYlI o( poor M damaced trees Pt ...... I.,..." ..... _We: rn.rfxine rllls.i"c .alk (1,750 (SSI. SY); __ wan with felICe (ISO linn' fed); new pbion slope protect"'" (l.200 SF); new ..i_ce s,stem· (81.000 lum" sum); PrnpMH __... ",-.c." _'''r. aew ,lbiH slope proteclion and Indinl openIlioIIs, iwchHfiw. imporlinl klaN soil. (~ .Z OO sn; new dniMKe syste_ ($60.000 lu..p sum'; cradinc OItC",atiofts i-=.... iR, importi", .... soil (SII.OOO lump sumt , .....,...... : • ne_ .rees (6- caliprrt. MW shrUb u,",,,rau/rebwild elist'a, walls (1.100 SY); MW asphalt-waled pl""linp (12,000 Sf): repll"ted shrub (.5 .700 sr,; new ~,ound c,u~hed stone walts (6.600 SF);.w pI,l drive sidewa'k (Iftl cover pta.tift! (16,100 SF); .. HW lawn :lIrra!'i OR ,OOfJ Sf). SY); historic reprochlcliollfi,h. ria'.'es (to); fte_ stoM-hc('d r('fainin.: waU ((.0 LFt. Ind .w wall wilh r.ace (lOO LF) ...... r,.."",", ...... c" h.d.. r. so new Ifr,", (f,- c:wlipt'.t; m' . r,",""" ,... ,...... s _ht4r. _w d;.inaae inlets ( .. ); ftf'W ~Iu"h fll:tlltinr:5 (21.500 SFt. repl:anlrd sh,uh.. 111 ,000 Sit; fMOW l'OIk',rlr , ..trwa,k (t61 SY); rep;II', 0( 12S lilln' rrel or t'.i s lin~ .:,nnnd covn pbnlinc (1'.000 SF,: :tnd hrW bwn (110,OfMl sn r,1:lnilr cu,":tntl )2S liMar retl 01 ..StOM cu,b; new \"flt~ .. walk~"t, repair/,epoi.. ti"l or eaisti". bridce headwall (S"S.OOO lump swm); .... ,ia.. liratioll (S20.000 'wm" s .... ).

Si." ~..... I~ reMOn' or .ntknln,y ;II' It:!nks • ,npew4 .....'IIIP 1ee'.'I: IleW trees (S. ,. nlipert, lleW f12.000 SF); detltOlitioft/le ....., of "aistina .alk (t61 CY), .h,,,bs (2.500 SFt, ...... (1).000 SF).

• re ...... " hlel.", new cabioR sln.,e ",nlKlWin S J15._ (12.600 SF); lradill. openiioM iKtodinl i"'lMH'li ... loam soil (SSO.OOO ...... , , .... ):. recoMI'" eaislina pa,k w:dk, (56:1 CY); .r ...... I...... 1: ~i,/repoIati .. 1 uistinc new e,ossw:llk (I):. aew dninqe SysteM ($(,0.000 lump ~um' ; and b,"I~e; in~I.lIalioR 01 bcNlde,/,ip-np slope lKO.ectio .. (".000 historic reprodK1ioft lith' fia'.m (ll" SI ); rnu,race Uislinl part walt, (22' SYt. lie- stone eu,b (JOO 1.1 ) and reptace eais.". 110M cart. (lOOLF);, reconslnlcl .,.,...... IIKIMr. ~S .w I,m (6- nlif"t("r); MW r~i " linK sidewall (6.000 SF); ltew nosswa.k, (2); inslall historic ,h,. h/lrow. wore, ",,1"'1' (65.000 SF) aM fM'. r" ... f., .. cldllClioft lilhl ri •••res (2); ..... M:_ historic (247.000 SF). sir.""Ke/markers, lI.. k' "... S 2"._ sa .. "",...... nth 1M.... : I .....p SUIII m SI5,OOO (or deMOti, .... retnOnl; a .... I S,.OOO lump sum ror c~:t .. inr. TOTAL MEDIUM PIlIOIlITY PIIOJECTS udtiltK "inate ,'r.clwra. FOIIIIIVERWAY: Sl.795._

141 S .1.000.000 ·/l,wl Rm' Yattl. ,.,. ,lwlltOdi/icllliOltJ ItNdrd 1ft rrdirt'CI ,,,,. M,,,ld,' Niwot II"" ift'" ,Aco ."de II., Fnu. ", ,Itt- tt'('",..urwliQfl sal" pH,...."..... d"" deMolilion :u.d rtmnv:d or p:Irkin" kll ttl n /ndli,-t' .,;",il", I,,'1w ",i,i_ .,_IiM AN''''''' GnlrItouJ~. and xcessot'tes. A I.mp s .... or $140.000 is included ro r 1"'I:t""('t. I,",.',. _tlititMltl ;,~, CfIfIltI dIIIOIinf , • .,.",,," /i'Pt' 10 un.OI,ton and ,radi", operattoM. includinr. importinr. Jn3m ,,.,,.'" ",iU;"" floI'.J. TAt hlle I'.,.1I ",.., If«tt'olitlff soil as necessary. f!Y!!!."mt"II' cMtlw:tr,4 '''''''" "l1li. 9!f tilt I,.,s parer' t/w;", IfJlf.!. p~ ...,...... 11 1..:1•• r. rebtlikiinK uistinK c.-Iv"r' and waterway (200 LFt. recoMI... tioft or Iranile bridKl' ends . r.a!" •• r. r ...... ' Is...... eb tfte S 7:i5 .... (ISOO.OOO ""'P sant); new bil_IninotlS c()ft('rrte walks (~.OOO sn; lie. COIICrele sidewaltt " .000 SF); ;lind inMall:"ion Itr Sift' ""'.n.... 1_1.... 1: "...... or esisti,. trees (7). and histmic ftpt'odKtioll I'Chl n.,.ftS (10). clf';1rinr:/refllOWI' or pad,", trees (h2).

~ .....1...... 10 .....en (6- cali ...,) >I ,"'...... I..... " ..... IM.d.: ._ nosswelks (1); installation parkway; lie_ shr.bs _ith ocnsiortal trt"'n UO."oo sn ;tnd n("w nr MW hKloric lillI. sta.a" US); new stowe curbs (",SOC) I.... (41.600 SF,. linr:" (rei); 141._.rees ('- caliper); MW dI,.b pl:anfings 0.<.00 SFt, .IId .... 10_ (44.100 SF, . • NorE: Tlris ,ui"""" II., "'" itttrlwlr ,''' (',nl ,,/ ";.'","01 ,., ------""",.",;all.r ,.x;c wirwrtt ,,,., ...." Iw "r.'"" ;" IItt- IttI", 1 r (""".its ,,,,. c,,".r ,,,~ MfllltI, «ittn tJ/Ifd,.,. ,Itt> pnrli"K I,.. I, TOTAL LONC RANCE OR INTt:R-AGENCY ,,1.'. tlnrJ "." ;lkllltl, ,Iw """ OSUICilllnt '",,, Iltt' PROJECTS FOR RIVERWAY: Sl . 72~.1100 r",",';~w"'imr _, IIw ",,,mt JcrNft;"K I«ilit." mljtl('t'"' In ,Itt·


14' $ Rn.nnt

This is •• Ea,I, Act"'" Project to make an impXl on Ih(' Irl"t' ~ in wont CCMKfitiott: O.l.,\U sa,,, 1'"""'''' _'.'n: ....i ..... IIINI re .....t of' part ~Iks (1 ....10 IF); .... 'e.... 1 or nne_iles. "lIOfweed alMl invasive $ 1""._ unlh-rsIOt', (l".OOO SF); cJar_IIM ,nlbbina ill memorial sile (J.~ SFt. I,.. pr_l;"" (121; ...... 1""'1;"" r__ (700 LF). Thn: is .I" .1Io ..1tCe for repIIir/repoill.i,,« of' 1M C".i~linlt brid«e. ..,...... I...... ,...es ..... __ .....h · snIed crltShed SlUM walks; llid ".,ina oflrea,. shr..... ".n areas.

$ !~ • •- S 558._ mt" '",...... IKe...: ....ition alNt remnval or ui~lin" Sitr ,",.I,.'''' ...... : ..... Ii'..,. IIMI ftlllOYll or plrk walk pa,k ...'k, (100 LF): re..... or play ~ipMtnl (SIO.OOO '."'1' P,f.oo LF) ~ reMOval or felICe (110,000 I•• p s ••to relftOV01I of sumt. ;-Sla..... of' 700 , ... reef 0( C'Omlrtte';m. frn«': Int' ",far.Niles . ....weed .....ftI'we ...tentory (14.000 SF); Ir" """eel;"" (14 lOftS). A ...... _ of SJS.OOO ;, incl •• 1ed d ..: uinllftd afabbi".I' ...... ial site (l.SOO SF); i,,'lalialion of fM «r.tdi .. openticNIs ad 1..,.,.'i"llnam soil. com.rue:tion (eRee (I.JOG LF); and tree 'protection (24" r,...... _1.'1: lleW asphall ~ se:llIM crushed ~..-w4I.,,...... 1."'1'1: IractiftC operations (S}O,OOO slone wallk (19.000 SF): lie_ s.one sllirway al Rnyblon ArHIKe ' __ m,.. sam); recnnfiltlrat.. or infemal palh syitem and • ( ~40 IF or ,bent. M_ bil ....inns concrete cY'clin~ :.nd int:!,:in~ rHu.rxinK wilh SIOtted_ iMtalb,ion or:ll .... renee:lll

10 r,:."IC"nlO (~."no LF);:.nd plantinl of new trft'\ ami \hnll~ at $ 2~ ••00 ""'I:U1Cr~. I'C'rim~lC"r anti in conjuncttnn with ,r.. lwaliun" uf I:,wn :ur:K. "' hi'" i\ an :alk.wancf' r.,. inronaalioNland rrRul;.... " ~iRn~ . (Jllanlil, and dC'Si.n Me 10 be dretrnnined. C:llrrf'ft' - ... ,et,..., Ctm/~ .f Fft«ift6 / • ••• / /."" - rho. ... ' c_" .. ~ ,,.,d_ Fwtd, 11.039 ("~/nff'/"nrl",,,,, FtMtIJ} $ "'.000 $ .100._ This is an allowlRC!' rOf rornt __p-.e •• includh,C clearinc 1 hiJ is an allowaKe '0 rtMOft and d~ o( rh,at:milf"S in fhr and 'rplanli"K open'ioa .... slope protection. area (,0lIl Sean to Apssi£ Road.

$ 200._

This is an allowllI« rOC" ... Reft$U'y 10 'f'in~l:ale mis~in" TOTAL HIGH ..IOBITY ..OJECTS bridttr. FOB BACK .AY FENS: $l.OO~._

144 $ 2 2~ . nlto ~'~"tc:r_,!a~r ..'U.~ A9UM .e A~ ...... ~ ~!* ~ ,--~a~.~.r s ll~.noo This is :UI allowance ror reno¥3ltnn wo.k fin Ihe" 1\r.:I~ .. i7. knad 5helter. Sill' pr.. par .... 1.1Wn: reMOval lAd diSlJOSlI or Phracmi'". knulwtc'd and ia.. sift' .lIdentOfJ (11,000 SFt and Irre prolrelion (14 .rees). Aa llloWlIIC'e or S35,OOO is included ror ~.II... A," S 6110 .... KradinK and iMpOrt ...... soil. A. allowance or SIS,OOO is included ror a dniup sysae.. s ..~ ~n'... I.Wn: deMOlition and r~mo¥al or pa •• walks (120 11Ft reMOnl of 'hralmitn, knotw("t'il and in¥~i"r .r.,.... I.".,...... : ._ ...laal' .. tnled cnnhed and...... ' (74.000 !iF'. ShtM watk (13,000 SF); ._ bit•• ;" concrete wal. (9,000 Sr): r...,air or elisl''', SIOfte cwb (I, SOO LF) .Itd new SIOM curb PropesM ..,..~. I..... s: IradinK Bf'Cr:atinns includinK (n t.r); new crosswalks (1); .1Id llteW sicMae (SII,OOO lump impor.i".loam soil (S4S,OOO I..., SUM); new slone curb:1I sum). p:"k.". am (t60 LF); new pavetnenl 311 par"in~ area (900 SF): new ~abiow slope protector (2.000 SF); new 35phall-Jealfll r,.p.wtt pl •••lqIHle4n: 5 ne_ trees ('·caliper); new shnlbs crushed stone walk (2S.000 SF) wi'" bftdinp .ill ri"~r (nO SF); (4."Ml SFI; .nd ... 10_ ..... (27.000 SFI. new bi,... inottS COIICrete cye.inc llId joainK p:lth (900 Sr:); and hisloric r~odtICtio. parlt.. , I'ChlS (6).

P,...... ,...... , 1.11MIt: ne_ lrees (16, 6-·.· c:alipcr); new SU~ prep.r.'1e. hKletIn:: .moIifion and refllOval or park .."h.1I (7.SOO SF); ...... ado ...... (24.000 SF,: ••d ""w w.lks «(.00 Ln. I••• , (62.00II SFI, r,..... w4 I.,,.~ ...,,.t, IH"1r. IUC:lv:;lItnn :IIncl fC"r..:ulinr. uf 'r_INKHI "I•• Ii_Is IHI•• r. 12 MW trefi (6- nliper'; nrw ,h,t'. :Intl sk.,n iftCludi"~ impot'tinK loam ~utl CSloOJ"Ml !'hl uh!' (lI,nOO SF); lleW kroufHI covr, (',.00 SO; :lod n~w ';1wn :.lIuw;,ftCC".; ~p;lii, and ,eltuildinK of north side of ni~lin" arr:l~ f U,~OO SF). hridr,C" (SIOO.OOO IltnwalllCet. rebuild'n. w:llt,way (120,000 lump sum); fteW asphalt-SHied e.-.shed stone walks ('),700 sr:); orw S2.000._ hituminovs COItCrete eye'inlilld ioIcin. f1alh 0,200 Sf); tltW erossW'Jlks (S); MW historic s."a.e (SI,ooo lump sem'; ,",w Si.~ pr.,u...... -....: -.of.. ion .... re...... 1 or conc,ete

Italtinn slope proteclioft (1,000 SF); Ind .. M'W d,aitl:llke sY1t~m .,It (100 lFt, riwenide bIeac:.... (6.000 SF);· hsh,boU courlS (S2O.ooo I.",p , ....,. and .dated Inttdstands (23,000 SF); Ind retnctnl or Phnlmites, knotWftd and ,.... iwe .lMIentory (40,000 SF); tree protection r,...... _,I ••• I.",r. 16 new t,ees (6- c:l1il"f'r'; n~w (201; ,nd

Silt' pl't'pnt.... 1I,,1.'n: ....i •• and r~lftOval of p:lrk walks S 3",000 "S,OOO LF); alld mtMJYaI of ...... ites. kltDlWftd 3M inv;niv~ anders'my (29.000 SFt. tree protectors (t6); elc:uin.: ...d This is :an allow:a-=e 10 relllCt'*e aad dispose of .....· acmites in the Krubhins al • .."ial sile U.SOO SFt. and cnnsfractin" (f'nc:r. nmlhern basi ... (I.SOC! LF).

147 $ 2I1n.0'MI u·.,,,"IU\:lin" f1::Irkway li,hts (14t. and new siR"aRt' (SI.OOO lum., \uml. " . ~itt' .. it".'..... I_ct.dn: ,emonl and di~fMl'i31 ur l"hr3r.mi'r~. knnlw~rd Ind in.asIye unclenlory (l1.OOO sn; and clt'afinr. :lnd Pro,""", ,1•• ,1_., I.Wr. wew trees (Jl 10lai wilh rhase I); "ruhbinc al IMmorill site (l.SOO SF). M'W o;hfUtts (60,000 SF tolal wi•• Phase It. and new lawn areas C.16.000 Sf; Inial wit .. Pllne .,. P,opttWill."... nw." IIIC' ••I: IleW cah",n s~ PffJ'«I~nft (2,000 SF); 6 IleW 'rH'l (6- calipe,); new .r"und cnyt'r Jllanlinfl:s (2S,OOO SF}; .041 new lawa ..... (60,000 sn

l "OTAL MEDIUM PR'ORrrv PROJECTS P .. _pew4 _...... " 1HWr. new lahin .. dnr-e pmlrelinn FOR BACII BAY FENS: $6,735,_ (l.SOO SF): new hislnfic reprodtlCfto. li"hls (12); hi!Ohtfic

1.1 $, 71~ . nO" ~Ii" rn;,tI 000 tF). un.inK c.rb (600 LF,. and ~.istinK luardrail (ISO LF). Sit~ .n· .....' ... ,.,-.: delllOlilion and .,.moval of par. _alh CWO I.n~ drmolition and re""~1 or e.~'inK nrc hnU5e ProINK". 1.,..."tHIIts I.",,: eaca¥1llllioll .... recradiftc 311 (S2SO.000 I."", s.m): e.is'ill, pa~menl (10,000 SF); and rivc,!'idc .Itd cmbankMents (IIS,OOO .lIowance'; lleW bridce a. existing renee (5SG LF); reMOn' 01 PhnKmitM, knntwtt't' and nrookline A~nue (SI.6OO,OOO allo.. wceJ; lie_ ..terway invasive .ndentory (11.000 SF); darinc and K,.hhinK 311 (SIS.OOO lump ,.m); MW COIICrele .idewalk (4SO SF); new mcmmial site U,500 SF); lree protectors (6); and in~t;"I:tti(Jn of ermswalks (2); alMf new aspbll-sealied crllWd steM walk enMlnlClioil fence (SSG LF). 11.200 SF).

.....~ ,.,...,... " hid*: lradinl nrrration!' indutlinl Pr~ ...... J.d•• ,: 9 MW trees (6- calipn); new shruM imporliltllna.. soil (SlO.ooot MW aspha"·~k-d cr~hed !'Ione «J.m SF); .od ..w Ia ... (IJ,SOQ SF). walks (10,000 SF); .w SIORe pedestrian bridlc (S'40.ooo lump ~um): new bil.... inns eoncrete eyelinc and inK~inl path ' •.000 • ~tn:~: Tlli.' rrttj«' 11HwII~ lw pI....n. tI~li.rtH IJrtd . SF); new silnaae at Hlr, ($1.000 t.mp s.m); h~tnrie i",,,It.'ntt',,,NI w,,11 ,,., St!lJrs ..".lIWOpnSN jlt ,lifo ai..-rwdt'. rt"proouclioll pedes.ria.. lilhll (10): and hntoric nproduclinn p;uk..,.y lilltll" (I). S ....000

r,.p4tW1I ,1•• "-cI.11I4n: l6.w Irees cr, ca.il'C"r); ft("w I\lfnw:tlftCC (or hislortc reprodllClio. parkway liShl'. 'h,.I .. 14.000 SF); .od ..w Ia_ ..... (10.000 sn



149 ------"------

TOTAL PROJECt'S, ..:M.:HAU) N.. :CKIACF .. (IN<:UlmNG PARKWAYS): $41,soe,1OO

I~' •



.UCO!Inc;uu , ... U:IUJI"UIIC& TO "LLOW ro- UIIJlIOC PAn

• UCOII"C;UII ' NnUtcTlO!'I TO .... I.UIIII'O TIll ...... ". IM'ao¥l "lJIIC1IUI CIIlCUUTIOII • 11K"'''' "Inoue c ...... 'TU Of l$t.»IDS

• II",-on; 'lDUT.. ...,. (.0$5 ...... COfOI)lICTK)fOI · ITUIICf.&N roUl.U. ,UII • ., .1.IJt1'11'ICl'

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OfFICE OF ENVIIlON MENTAL AFfAIU '_ DErT. OF ENYIIlONMENTAL(_. 1<11 -., MANAOEMEI'fT W"." ,,"'UI.', Joilil. VUIII" L.d,upe ",cllillelll't,-/ Hillo,;, 'rcluuliu C • • ,.,,,.,, c_._'-~"._ ..... _

11.11~"_"'. ___ ...~ 1-. I ... CioiIITrolli< _""""""''' IAoiNor '_ ...... _0 _01...... "...... _.... _ ...... l. ._. oo;.n. c..... _ ~- ..'" ...... ~...:...... ::. • • ... • Jamaica Pond Emerald Necklace Parks, Boston· Brookline Master Olmsted Historic Landscape Preservation Program Plan • ROUTE 9~~~~~~ ______~~~LR o SYJH;aI OSIl[ TUHIC iI(;II"~IUtlO/i TO TACILlfnt SUt ClOUI'" If PlOUlIl"", AXO C~ ~IST S

0UI ..nnt alnOl1C 'LANTl HCO I 0/1 ISI..

"ILLUlO KIIOO 10 .. 0

.. n" .... LUAf' ,..... ' U·U ... IT 4ceUI 10 1I1Us.. IO(;(';UI ..'0 nDUlIlA..'S· U....,., n"iCIIU. aleUS

.. n.tMCIIiIS , ... \CaL , ...... "', . 'L"S""", IUlla!> (OCt , .... 0 i,rO.!oI"L ...... IEOCtl .. IlilIOOU::t: NUlOIl(" U(;'" unt.,

,,, ...... -~~ ! , .~.~ ,.',: ~0' ---' .~~ . COMMONWEALTH Of" MASSACHUSETTS OffiCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AffA11IS .. . ro.IDt DAISY "'LO I..ILL DoI ..WOSOS DEPT Of ENVllIONMENTAl MANAGEMENT .... 0 Pall" Ue .. l I'OLU TO UIlUCI e ...... o :41·11 - IM,ACT 0!0I ...... o IlLUTIULY CLU..·.tnOu KllilC , 0ItWS ,.. OUCII o ..n 'IlLO 10 Wll.IL~~ I "," .. lc, loil' VUIMIf U.UtTT I'00I0 llldlCl" A"~"C( ' .IC I H i "o,ic ",ucr•• ,iol .. UMn V11I IC\lUI ..ceUs.. ..OTUK U ... LUL UUIM; 0." "ILLOW POlIO " M .0.. 0 JDI .... LL ,unu c •••• ,..... ol[("lu.n KllflC SlIlLlU c-I_C_LMN_ "'-_ & __ J.o>No ....___ ..... iOnon.... l_.. II .W. _.--.....I.. C.. ... "'".~ ,_. 11_._.C;"_ _ ...... _n , ...... _ C-.. l. .",."• • ~e __ ,• •- - ;:----.::: ______;-l. ".. -• . Olmsted Park • Emerald Necklace Parks, Boston· Brookline Master Olmsted Historic Landscape Preservation Program 1'lan •

• • aUTO.. c.t.lLTO!O "un '[DOT ....." I&IDoCI 0\111 t., .'TA fUCU .uillt U'UTU~I" rtDUTIU.UI AttUS a

• &U1OQ: UJKl 1111. KJ:!'IIC "IUII • .a:aun '''Kt U.IIOSCAtI'CSU'C 'UlflllfG , ...... 1 "~D urn nOM OUUTID ,.HI • IlUCTlTlLT (lU. 1!",·nIY. YECITIoTIOfII TO ' K RUlI '1'IW, 'lOtI talDGl A1ID 111'10'" 11te':_'TT • 'lI'lO\' , PlDUT.U.II COlflfU"TIO!I nOM r..GIIC'_ ... TU nOf

• Ia:aun: ... tI(ll I.A.IID~" UIIIfG 'u.... TlIOCO 'LAlli ....". L1ITJ n_ '.'UIISTI' 'lUI • 1.,10\1, "Dun.LA'" CIKUu.no~ O'f toJTOfl SLK 0' t.OlOC'OO!:I "'KI-AN nIPS • IlLICf'''IU (LU.I '''''UIT' YIGIT.l.T1Oft TO c.un "Il" nOM HlDeI


• I UII.-D III I/Joe; , ..,. ALOI'I(; rUT IKI 0' rAK I»i l o.JU Of fOUln .... KI'UIi

• Cl,.OllllnlUILlolIDI ' 0 .'" UD .1IDr.1 TO \"UloCtU.. U .,u,1(

• nllltC'f •• " roulIA", r...... : .... 'LAliTl!OG1 UIIUII [DCII ...... , '"'0til4&. I 'AU IKlI • 'II'T&OIIUCI .lfJ'OUC U G.T JlilTUU

· :::m~."Lr::I:·.. M1TjMDfh:&¥g\,~()fI • I tcllATI UJoIDSCAn Oil IILA~D Villi" a~:~;'i O."AlII"IITAI. IIIIU. IUIII!'IC "'". 'L ... II'llCG PL ... " ....~D LISTS nOM OLMSTID · IIIUDO.' SCI)<[lT AT "uti IDca L"TIU:rJNCi ...... 1,...1 'InOI'C TII.S ... "" 'l.... ~TIIOC: 'L• .• I • 'UI'I' ,..,_ OCCUI()f;U tllU fUT 0'11 .....,... '011 ICtliK IrrECT

COWWONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OFFI CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS OUT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEWENT - C_'l.... ' • IUUlrACI "'''0 UCOII'DlCtlU UIJllllC I"TlIIIU ,n, CllctrLATIO" WI I.II.yIPu"I., Joil' Veolwr. • UU(TIVIU UMOVI unUIVI VICIUTIO/I· L'"~lcl't ArcllilC(l.r./ H;llor;c 'u.. ",t iol IUTOU KIIIIC IrrlCT ,. C•••• I"." c-I_.___C_~ IM.--..l_ ____ .. _. ••. _ ._...-.1M.c",""".rn.1_G."...... _ ,_o-.,...... __ --_...... c __.... - ~;-...... "' ...~ ...... ; ...~ ! t i" - The Riverway • Emerald Necklace Parks, Boston· Brookline Master Olmsted Historic Landscape Preservation Program Plan , - i

• nOVIN: "l:lIJoc; rnll ru. un loll. I0Il'. liDO 0' u ..:

• PlO\lIOl[ PlDU1ILUl'UNI:Il t'Ol"'lC'TIO~ to CII".~U "'VII ,,1.0 flOUT •• 1UI .IIDeI • UClUTt II\lll (DCI Din PUH' ~~IIIN(; IW. KilliK 11IT11tT III OUtttID hU IoIoD I'WI.II"YI • , ..auriol , ClIC1lUTIOIf " .001111'0(; I. U"ICI Ioeaon nil "VlI • 'L/JIIT TOULU. TIIU 1oU)1ICi COM_DUll!! IoV1IIUl . ~UlrJ.'sCf:~Z~~~ ' ,,.TO ".n_ o nlUiC;ll1ll1 ro... u~ ' ....H HANIINC, 'UIUM IDeIJ MiD IIO'O.,UI,. UILAIIO.' ,

• 'ULL l ACK n CTOI' C ..ID(II' HOW 1111 PAII:wn 10110 THI 11,,11.', [I:ICI[ • lUTon U ..<.;IISCAn lun ou".! • IoLLOII '011 CU4l11 nUll MIMOIU!,. .or,vlle..... (;UO«:II • II:U10U IIUCl MOC'- n Tilt ACUIIl "'KIll'" un: .OJ" U JOIC; U ST>Tlnll ·u_..u:nulON INUII'" lac:.. '1CDUll ..., ..IKI nu • .\1111 ...ru. ln IUH'U • Hell.• " .HUIII . -10'. III "'NST nUI-IULla 1,\1,,1141' ...... nlo "'.1: (Iu&.t,efl. • aUTDIl ACUIIZ ..IDCI: IoSD uweu". • .«11411 Oftii' '"n ('GUUl .11 UMDK.t.P' UItM; CM...U1'_ ,aD", Of OI ...."l ' IL ('Ol.LUOIL flaM 'U.l' UO LIS"

• 1l..... UhT~ CLUI",,., fll:LD _n ""D HTIUW ••oe ..... · u""' I~ n.lOJI .... U.ClII:U­ "11"-' • Gt'"IlLOc.&T' ", tALL CO".,., ... '" filL' *"i1l1J O"IUKl.. < .. L

• 'UTOat TO OI'II:~ .tAct -unou KI/Of( "1'..-' TO ~.n~,ul~ • UCiLlutl ClIQlLi.TIO'I n .. _.<0<; .. IIIK' "(Ion t., II"" ..... , H.lIIi TO JO\'LrtOOI STUIT

COWIdONW£ALTH OF WASSACHUStTTs OFFICE Of ENYlkONWENTAL AFFAlkS DEI'T OF ENYlkO"'WENTAL Io(ANACEWENT C_on ,IINI WII.llctl'fCUlc, J.;II YUII" Ladle.pc Arcllilccl",IHill'OC '"",,nll;O. • It.. • C•••• k .. " c _'_C_~M_ 'M_ ~ .. __ ... "... _1_ II. '_1,,• . M-..-0 ___...... _ ,...... C...... _ T' ,,__I_ • llLOCAfI rllII: ''''''''Mt'', COIOUllllCATIOIIJ c...,L ...... O...... C_ _ CII"" , ... , ...., .lnUI T'" CITY "". lIllI.UTI ' ...a LUo'DICA" ~~~------~------.:-: " • ' - Back Bay Fens Emerald Necklace Parks, Boston· Brookline Master Olmsted Historic Landscape Preservation Program Plan