OFAl«T.II WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, MONDAYS-AUGUST 17, 1953 PAGE 2, SECTION deceuod. J»tr or tnt City of snr In Dane County. Wiscon- sin, must be presented to said Coun- ty Court nt Madison, in said Coim- ,v. on or before tlic 2i)d dsv of No- Today's Radio ituta/L firnibor. 1953, or be barred: and that all such claim* and demand, will tw examined and adjusted at » tcHU Kadiib \Jlmetaole of s«ld Court to be held »t tht Uetevkion, Uoday. Entertainment Courthouse In the City of MadUon, Highlights nsald County, on Tuesday, tne 3r« MONDAY MONDAY, AUG. H lay or November. 1953, at 9:30 o'clocfc Badftr Outdoor: "Man Behind the n the forenoon of Mid day. Special Program Gun" at 7:25 and 10:30; "Magnetic Dated July 3ist, 1953. Ch. 2—WBBM-TV— Ch. 7—WBKB—Chicaio WIBA WISC WKOW WIBU MonJter" at 9:15. By Order of the Court. 8:45 p.m.—Shrine Convention Midlion: "RoadhouBe" at 1:10, 4:45. GEORGE KRQNCKE JR- J Ch. 4—WTMJ-TV—Milwwikee Ch. 9—WGN-TV—Chicago 1210 .M, and 830: "Klw of Death" at 3, «:30,Harold H. Puctz. Attorney. (WBBM): Gov. Dan Thornton .of 1310 KO, USD K6. •1070 kc. Ch. 5-WNBQ-Chlcijo Ch. 27-WKOW-TV—Mtdlson ind 10:05, ,„ PDB.: WSJ AUE. 3. 10. 17. 1953. Colorado! • Farm Hour Onon Rural '•'•'•• Capitol: "Ride, Taouero" at l!25. 8:00 Frolic: - Roundup v Cb. 33—WMTV—Midlion *•*•.•»• 1:15 Forum, XUP* 11in1 ipor»fc/Mtl-u» ?ar»-•***m* Dl«* 7»» 3:30. 5:40, 7:45. and 9:55. State or Wisconsin. County Court 6:30 Musical Newa; TOM In Chapel of Air Muilc^^ : Newi Orpheum: "Return to Paradla»' »t for Uinc County Music 6:45 Clnck: New» Spnrti: Heatto' W«atl>«r M'lc't* Farm In the matter of the Estate of ACK GAVEE, of the Unit _i MARGARET ARMSTRONG, deceased. TODAY'S BEST BETS 4:30 p. m. — Curt Massey • Newi: Firm .noiO: "The »" Notice Is hereby given that at » 7:011 Alex Dr«lM • Top o' Mornlni .aoortr. Service . Q111U" at 2:50, 5:M>, »nd 8:SO. (WBBM): "Candy Lips," i'Purple 1:13 MUllcal Clock • Newi Newi' '. ed Press, sends along these Strand: "Th« Dewrt -Sonf" »t 1, term of snld Court to be held on 2:30 p. m. — Meeting of United Nations General Assembly— 1:30 Journal NBW» • Top o' Mornlni Weather! Tuesday, the 1st day of Scotcmber. Cow.jn," 4-39. and 8:16; "Let'« Do It Again WNBQ (5), WBBM-TDavd'J- Vv v*/(2)i, «iiand« \VTMJ-Tii **.*«•»V' i»w". ' . 1:49 ;iock: Soorti • 'John McVini Club: W notes about BroadwayV . at 3:04. 8:38. and 10:18, 1953. at 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon 7 p.m.—Show Train (WIBA) Madlwn: "Tti« 5,000 Fldrera or Dr. of said day, or as soon thereafter ai, 7 p. m. — "China Smith,": new adventure series starring Martha _ Wright tonight the matter, can be heard, . nt tho IGoi'don MacRae, Dorothy War- «:0i) Mu.Mcal • Brcakfait n Li: Coffe* •Prayer lufu* T" at 1, 4, 7:05, and 10:10; "Th« 49th Dan Duryca—WKOW-TV (27). Club; N«w» ' Mualc . will p.la5' the role of- Nellie m Eastwood: "Desert Rate" at 6:30and Jourthousc, in the City of Madison, fc8oB.nA - __ ilTirL.-me«-Sai i?il.d) That?"T : panel show with Walter Klcr- c hsk j ol Strike tt • Calendar: D. Art.nur rtecenscd Administratrix of said 9:15 - Mildred Miller; •nM.i Rich Havmes: Nows Tlmo •US. NM> merely be equalling the rcuord Community Center rstnte: for the confirmation of proof t~ TodaT 5— Tho Bennett* S— Search for Tomorrow '.'S'W o n d erful," 10:31) Phrase Pa?» • Oueeo for Music SDeAk> Mid Mornlni! ' MONDAY. AUG. 17 of helrship on file: and lor the ns- «:00 9:30 10:45 ' "It's a , Grand "i.jr, Second Chance , a Day Mnrnlnc Muilo Matlnet of her predecessor, Mary Martin, Closed at 5 p.m. iRiimont. of tlic residue of said cstaio I— Arthur Oodfrfy 2— StrlKii It Rich 2— Guldlr.K LIKht It's a rare show that fiivcs two O'Siich persons as »rc by law entitled. •t— strlko It Rich ' 1— Brldo and Oroom Night J'or Sing- 4— Ding Dons Softool 8— Carl Nlchtlngali 11:00 Betty Cnu • Double or Newi: Band News; Mornin* actresses the chance to play the «— Dlni Dong School 5— 3 Stops to Heaven ing," "F lower Nothing Aunt Jenny. Matlne* On the Campus " The' Estates of .lennio Armstrone. 7— Lift Excrciat 11:00 11:1.1 Column same role 900 times.each. 0— Your Hxurv. tadlef 2— Lunch with Billy i ,Girls' Chorus" 11:30 farm • Bill RIDE Helen Trent Newa MONDAY, AUC. 11 William John Armstrong, Sarah Holt i:3o 1 Jarmila Novotna has siRncd to and Henry Holt may bo Interested S— Follow Your Heart 4— woat'a Now / and "Prin temps 11:49 RounduD • Mag. Maraue* Our OH Sunday Farm New* At the Union: FlorliM snort course 4— Glamour Girl 5— Noontime \JomlcB make her legitimate stage debut moruliiB session, 8 a.m.. luncheon. 1 herein. 5— Glamour Olrl 10:00 'q'lli Commence" Julhu Music; Market* p.m., Afternoon session, 2:15 P.m..Dated Aueust S. in53. 2— B.-lfU and Oroom 7-> Happr Pirate* 1 Dncl« playing opposite Basil Rathbone 1— Cartooni RABIN from "Samson • Farm Servlci Newi Newi • News and banquet, 7 p.m.: Intcrvanlty Chris- By the Court. I— Vacation Sorlsl 4— Time Out tian Fellowship talk, 7:45 p.m.,-Dr. D. C. ROBERTS. Rcssltcr-ProbiU, 8:45 5— creative CooXery 9- HI ^dl^^ 12:30 • 'Newi ' Mlit«r Mkti.: Weather Market; In 'Bill Doll's production • of 2— Garry Moore an„..d„ „Delilah ., "Angels of Mercy,' 12:45 • Polka PirtT Muslo Farm Paradi Farm & Horn* "Sherlock Holmes," due on J W. Cook. Star Deck dar.ciiiK 8:30 H. H. Puetz. Attorney. »—Beulab Karney t— oannr O'Noll 5— Animal Playtime "Faust" ballet music, "In the Still Pub. WSJ Doaw 3 wks Mon. i . 0— First curtain 1 1 Broadway .the .week.of Oct. 26 4— Garry Moore 10:15 7— Tlm» for Fun of the Night." i Min • Traolnn Poit Mister Chov Tlmt F»rm Servlci The Metropolitan Opera star §— Hawklni ralli 1 —Lov« of Lit* 11:45 g p.m Great Artists (WIBA): I'-U • P. Frederic): Mutlc Jockev's Choice . SI Hays and NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING »— cookery A to Z 1-30 • D. Garroway ' No Garni Nora Drake Daughter ' who was nominated for an Acad- Municipal Affairs Notice is hereby Riven thai ther» 9— Baseball with Girl* with Michael Rabin; Brahms' 1:45 ' Melody Piradi Today Jnckcy'i Cholcl • Aft. Variety emy award for '.her motion pic- MONDAY, AUG. 17 has been filed In the Office of the "Hungarian-Dance No, 4," "Sea- City-county civil defense commit- City Clerk of Madison, Wisconsin, an 1 ture appearance in "The Search, Mister Newa . • Afternoon tee, 7:30 p.m., Eagles bulldlnR. application for a license in the Junlc Shell/' "The Old Refrain," Scri- 2:nii • Life Beautiful ' Variety will have an opportunity to sins County personnel committee. 7:3(1 Dealer's business for Waterman A; 2:15 • Road of Life 1 Muilc House Son Company on the premises at 1301 . abin-Szigoti's "Etude in Thirds," l!:;io • Pepper Ynuns News; Mr. Part? • Guest Star two numbers in the play. She p.m., courthouse. DON'T BUY "Scherzo" from "A Midsummer Music Wizard or Oddt •Chanel In Sky County zonlne committee, 7:30 Gllson Street, Madison. Wisconsin, !:45 ' Rlslif to Hap'i will play the role of Irene Adlcr m.. courthouse, and that a public hearing will be Night's Dream," last pact OC who on several occasions—no County falrp.rounds commluce. s held in tlic Council Chambers in,th« Vieuxtemps' "Violin Concerto 3:1111 '"BncltBiace Wlft • Mister News; Luclia ,1.111., courthouse. City Hull o» Thursday, AUGUSI 27, .1:15 • Stella Dallas Music; Betty Mortcnson i the Sky lably in "A Scandal in Bohemia, 1953, ill V:30 P.M. No, 5" , . . Northerners (WMAQ): 3:30 • Wldder Brown Khow; Easy Melody A. w. BARISIS. Ctiy Clerk. TV Lislcn'e: Newi Hour —proved lo be the nemesis of LEGAL NOTICES Not tilt you to* tht selections from "Oklahoma!," 3:J5 • Worn. In house ilie detective. Pub. WSJ AUB- ". IB. 1H- JM3 "South Pacific," "Song of Nor- The intornatiqnal temptress i* 4:lin ' .lust Plain Bill • Music: Betty Mnrj Cn*ey'i NOT i ™ <> way," "The Maids of Cadiz," 4:15 • I'r't P. Farrcll •' Mrmi.. Musiiviuoicu UUUTTW.-Wwca*^- Hour further identified in the fiction pitonATE OK WILL AND NOTIC?- NEW '54 EMERSON "Sweethearts," "Lend an Ear." • Jon A Sparkl* Harmony Hi. • News TO CREDITORS. <:30 • Lorenzo Jones • Band Parad* of ,1 Jersey City expatriate who UHF Sinfle Continuoui Tun«i 8:15 p. in. — II. VV. Music 4:43 • Doctor's WLf« • Birthday Club Toe Tunci pauses occasionally in her ca Slate of Wisconsin, Cflnnly Court (Lirgt Scrien) From $199.00 u« (WMFM): University Symphony .',;(il) • Mndlson • Mister Allan Jackson Firm Time reer of espionage and counter 111 the Matter of the Eitwte of Jcu Top Tunes • t>nltcrfilty . nlc Armstrong, Deceased. orchestra. 5:15 Hour Music espionage to conquer world cajr Notice Is Hereby given that »t ' Commercial Products Co. 8:30 p. m,—Bund of America 5:30 • News > Mister All Hits Special 5:J5 ' SDorts; Newt Music: Snorts Lowell Thomai • Unlv Special itals with her operatic talent. term of said Court to be Held 01 Liberal H/r TjAl»m? faMl; llnlH tint I I UCSUIIy. Hit~; i.-l. ' U.i > Uthl cuvut..-., in, day of Scniembei Oftf Mon.-W«d.-Frl. Ivtl. (WIBA): "Grandioso," "Southern Many Holmes fans noia tnati1953 ntT 9;30 O.c)ocl. ln thc - forcmuoon 14 Proud/It St. Thoni 5-4»7» Termi Cross," "Blue Tall Fly," "Rooling B:00 • News Parade New*; Muilo Family Skeleton • News was a .note of implied ro- oDfl eniBii-du dayulty.. anbt thL.IoU Courthous\rfwuit.twjo;cet 11*.1. Thunder," "United Press March." 6:15 * Music; News • Fulton Lewi* Weather; New* Old Time Band **: A ji_.. _—« thn^en Citfit\>y on?f MadleonMarildnn,. iIn saisnldd countCoui y fi:30 * News ol Worlc 1 Lone Dinner Music • Soorti Tlm» i mance between Miss Adlcr and thorc wil—l .be heard and considered: !) p.m.—-FM Concert (WHA- Eaw ft Murro» Bin* Slncn The appllicstlon of The First Na MONDAY AFTERNOON 6:45 • 1 Man's Family Ranter ! Holmes, who once referred to 3:30 33—News; Weather FM): "Mass in C Minor," Mozart. her as '''the daintiest thing underItiona^ ^ ^^ ^ __ 12:00 2— UN Aiwombly • 5:1)0 7:00 ' Show • Henry Taylor Billboard 'Hit Masule. Scottj a bonnet on this planet." strotJR, Deceased, for U-.e probate ol t— Double or Nolh'.nc 4— Sports Plctur* • Sammy Kaye Parade: TV Farm New* . 4— Double or Nothing 4—UN Assembly 7:15 Train +• •»• + LIiC Wilwijil Uofi ijirjjiiiiJennie: /»ij|j.-n,.u"riArmstrong., I**-dc- 3— UN Assomoiy 9— Cant. Video Drama 7:30 • Concert • Hall of Billboard • Old Timer* ceas*d. ajid for thc appointment o< 5— Bob and Kay 27—Comedy TIm» 7:45 Fantasy Hit Farad* Jam bore* Maurice Evvans has siflned an administrator with thc will an- 7— Movlo Quli! 3:00 Hour 1 2— Movie Time 33—Wiiy Out West, 7 p. in. — Summer Theater Mariko Niki to play Lotus Blos- nexed of tlic estate of said Jennie •— Second _Curtiila 5:15 Old rimer* Armstrone. deceased. lnt« of tlie City 4— Woman's World AVBBM): Walter Pidgcon in "Ed- 1:1111 • Great • Nowft: Reporter Billboard som, the leadins feminine role of Madison. In Bald County: and for 7— M«C!ncr~Movl« 5— Atom Smiad 4— News; Weather Ar tilts Roundup Hit Farad* Jamboree 7— Family Movie 5— Dorse.v Connors ward. My Son." • Alcoholism Mysterv; Top* Old Tlir.cr* in "The Teahouse of the Aufiusl thc determination of hclrshlp. 12:30 ' Dnnd of . tn We*torn« Jambnre* Notice Is further eivra thn-t »11 I— Art Llnkletter 33—Matinee Theater 27—Miss Audrey. 7:."0 p. m.— Hall of Fantasy America • G. Hcatter Moon," John Patrick's dramati- claim* aralnst the said Jennie Arm- 4— Wcatbcrnian 3:15 5:211 IWISO" story of cursed cabin. zation of the Vcrn Sncider nove. 5— Gabby Hayc* S— Town Crlor 1 • News Escape • News: At 12:35 27—Uncle Ccorco 10:35 p. ni, — The Falnon 9:00 Monday Your. Rcqueat Miss Niki, younR- Japanese ac- 4— Man Next Door 3:30 3:15 Serenade , • or; the Escape 1 AIR-CONDITIONED l;00 t— Howdy Doody 5:30 WISC): gangsters avenge "The 9:30 Music; Sporu Record News: C, Adams At Your tress and model, played leading :>_ B!K Payoff 6—Howdv Doody 2— CBS News 9:45 1 Hymni • Elmer Davle Yesteryear Kemicit 3:15 4— nine Room Loose Lip." roles for Toho motion picture >III»IU I 10\ 4— BIK P.u-off 5— Bob and Ray • ' 1 studios, and also in Tokyo's little s— BreiiK tlie Bank 9— Time for Beany • Newt Ncms At Your t— Paul Dlxon 4:00 • 7— Focul I'olnt ' News' Rcqueit theater group, the Atelier, in Dorii Day - Gordon MaclUe i— Garfleld Gooso 27—Crusader Rabbit Religion • your Pastor * Frank EcHvitrcU Sports At Your 1:30 33—Music; SDOrt* * , IO:3H • 1310 « E. C. Hill; Tlie SomcofBost Ecaiicst such roles as -A modern Japanese "BY THE LIGHT OF ,--~-— Actiortckkv.ni I.,n, Afternoo,>.»v...--.n. 4— Gono_Autry 10:15 p.m.— Your Pastor Speaks io:45 Club Milcon . Parade of Homes 4— Welcome Travelers 5— Klmcr tin; Eleprmnt 5:35 version of "Hamlet." Thornton THE SILVERY MOON" •,_ Welcome Travi'lers 7— Lauch Time ;7_Foy Wlllills WIBA): the Rev, W. R. Wold, St. Wilder's "Our Town." and other • John Payne 0—Trail Binders 5:4.'i • News; rhf • Falcon: Nuws News; Sllvera • Silent 7— Woman's Thcuter 2— -J-V's Top Tunes Mark's Lutheran church. Report: Sport* . Show • Silent modern dramas. ^ She came to "THE VANQUISHED" i:00 1310 Club • Silent 4— On Your Account 2— Ocno AUtry 4— Mows Caravan rhe 1310 Easy The Ed this country nine months apo lo 'I— Foreman Tom ;,— Nows Caravitn Club: Ntwi Street Sllvera Show 5— On Your Account 7— Police Reporter enroll in the American Lan- 7— shoppers Matlneo 5— Karmval K.W* Sports 7— Adventure Time e- Nowsrcsl . guage center at Columbia uni- 0— TV .Untlneo 33—News; Weather 12:25 p. m. — B a s e b 1 1 1 2:15 33—Roddy Mac 7:50 Lawn Palrol; Weatherman . versity. 3— Music Counter •IMS WMFM): Cubs vs. Phils. 9— Emlo Simon R:02 N*w«: Clockwatchers "Thc Teahouse of Ausust DEwlAIR-CONDITIONEm D 5;4S p. m.— Sports Parade WHA and WHA-FM 8:30 Weatherman WIBA): Cnl Vernon, boxer, MONDAY B:33 Clockwatclicrs: News Moon" stars David Wayne and ROSALIND RUSSELL D:OI) stars Sim; i.Jo-hn Forsythc, Rehearsals, un- PAUL DOUGLAS in cuest. A. M. D;30 Dance Band: News . der thc direction of Robert Lew- 7:15 Weather Roundup 10:00 Mornlnc Musical Variety NEVER WAVE AT A WAC 7:22 Motor Surety is, are scheduled to begin Aug. —and— 7:30 Band Wngon 10:30 Sonus of yesterday Variety 7:45 News: Weather 10:30 SonCB or Yesterday 27. Tht Bant From 20,000 Fjthomi Zenith Television 6:30 p. m. — Talent Scnuts 0:00 IxMirnlnK for Lifo 11 '30 Navy Bund * «• * (WBBM1: popular sinfiei'. tenor, C:30 Musical Varlctlct 11:45 Sacred Hcnrt Procram "Fanny" lias been set as ths rcndy for UHF 0:50 Market*: News P. M. litle'Of the S, N". Behrman-Joshua comedian. 10:00 Homemakers Proernm 12:00 News Lofian-Harold Rome musical 10:30 Historically Speaklnf 12:15 Prc Came Sports Proitrum pric«d from $199.95. Sco th«m if 10:45 Views of tlic News 12:25 Baseball; News • based on a trilogy of Marcel Discussion 11:00 Introduction to Piycholocy 3:00 Discs with Davis: News PaRnol plays which David Mer- 7 p. ni.—Henry J. Taylor 11:50 Noon Mualcale -TOO Juke I3o.x Jamboree rick and Joshua Logan will pre- P. M. . 4:IS Horuce Hcldt STARTING I (WISC): rcportinc from Berlin. 12:20 News ' 4:30 Easy ListeuliiB: News sent on Broadway. The play- Air Conditioned As-You-Likc-Jt Suburban Furniture Co, 8:05 p. m.—Reporters Round- 12:30 f'urm Proeram 5:00 Bible Fellowship. wrights and the composer are up (WISC): with Sharman 1:00 Chapter a Duy 5:15 Meet the Artist working on the book and music. WEDNESDAY | 3553 Wlihinfjron Av«. P»rh *f Do»i 1:30 Matlucc Muslcale • 5:30 Off the Record; News Acl/ims, aide to '.'resident Eisen- 2:00 Par Eastern Politics 6:00 Musical Menu; News The production date has not been Optn IVM. ««p» Sit.— Sundiyi 1-5 P. m hower. 2:50 Talk About People 7:00 Showcase set. 3:00 Afternoon Concert 7:30 Spin Twins; News NOW 3:30 Short Story Time 8:00 Tune Time from Hollywood Miscellaneous 4:00 Music of the Mailers 8:15 U. of Wisconsin Band S:00 London Column 8:30 New Rucorcls: Soorte • Robert Ava , 9:30 a. m.—Bob Hope (WIBA): 5:15 Music Album 3:00 Sharpen Your Wits M01NUAY NlfiiHT Zasu Pitts.. . . . Make up 5:30 Magazine Rack 0:30 John T. Flynn; News . TAYLOR-GARDNER I 4— Robt. Mo'ntiiomcry 5:45 News; Weather 10:00 Dance Band; News 6:00 2— KUD'S Column Vour Mind (WBBM): new panel 6:00 Dinner Muslcnle 41:00 One Oh Pour & One Club feature Howard KEEL I t— Burns mid Allrn 5— Robt. Monceomcry — Concert Hour li^^^frJ^iSSf 104.1 Mem, :^— Concert Hour 8M5 LEGAL NOTICE D— Sports Pai;o 33—Star Thcuter MONDAY Gary Cooper 0:00 10:311 A.M. 6M3 4— Boat tho Clock LKCAI. NOTICK 6:IW Early Risers: NCWB 33 — Nowa: Wenlher 2— News: M.IM Lee n— News Notice Is Hereby Given, That the 6:30 Enrly RUcru; Newi . SIRLOIN in "RETURN T.OO 4— Name's tho Same 7— Studs and Ohet 27—Club 27 ollowlni: applications have been filed 7:05 Yawn Hntrol; Weatherman TO PARADISE" I— Racket smiad U— Playhouse 11:00 n tho office of the City Clerk of 7:20 Yawn Patrol 4— Racket. Sciund 2— Midnight Theater Madison. Wisconsin for the sale or 7:110 Feature; Yawn Patrol IN TECHNICOLOR 5— ,1uvcnlln Jury 27—WrcstllnK 4— Tho Web ntoxleatlng liquors In said City for 7:45 Luyman'B Call to Prayer STEAK NOW!- 2 Greal Shows 1- Home Theatjr 5— Dorscy Connors '7— Nlisht O*l Mo»l» uch claus of license and such prcm- with. Birry lonci and 5.7— Burns and Allen 27—Feature Film sc-s aa Indlcatet! after thc name of SPECIAL Roberta Hiyncs 33 —Climat e 11:30 thc applicants: 33—Broadway 4— Tom Merccln 1. Norbort Q, Andres fc Wilbur P. i 13 —Industr y on Partulo 4—Newi: Wo'ather 13:00 Abel. Combination Class "B" Beer RI:AL Am- [ i :3(i 4— Hew* If Llciuor, 217 E. Main St. CONDITIONING, [ t— Maitiucrade p»rt» 7— Or Flxum 2 Joseph B. Scallssl, Combination $195 33—Valley Form :inss "B" Boor & Liquor, 1109 8. Deforest, Wls. AIK-CONDIT10NE- U •Romance IPARKWAYI:: 3. Leon Rubin. Combination Class Bring in • YOU'LL FALL "B" Boer A: Liquor. 301 W. Johnson GROWS ON TREES' processed by the trained. BETTER SIGHT BETTER SOUND BETTER BUY IN LOVE WITH S1 with Iron* Dunn experienced personnel in our " A. w. BARKIS. City Clerk. completely modern ohoto lab CONVENIENT —FRFE | PUb, WSJ AUK. 17. 18, ID, 1D53 • AND THIS BIG ONE • 8 Exposure Roll 49c PATRON PARKING! jj Anne Banter • Richird Conte y '.:..*- ..... ) Open 6:30 THE * J^jTjtoWCOUNll/ Show at Dusk TOMORROW Uan l^oom ? 2nd Grind MCM Hit! MONONA HOTEL j GARDENS 'Affairs of Dobie Cillit' AND WEDNESDAY Monon. Ave. 6-1928 = 0 Debbie Rcynoldt j pnon. 1 r 'Praligc Television BADGER 7 UJNATKlflT iWiuV/VEM CCOL i E i. Forth-Meaner to»»<>4H»()'^» at Popular Pricei" THRILLING ^/ S .. .L-. .. H, •DRAMA LAST TIMES TODAY 2 Exerting Dramas ! OT« 37 Year. «t.27 W. Main Si., OUTDOOR DRAMAS Gene Autry - -.'Saddle Pals" "Blondic In society" WITH « STARS: ; .. - No 30093: J. W. Kennedy, ot No. "KISS of "ROAD LEGAL NOTICES | 55M; Mrs. Victoria Knuison. lot No. DANCE 4326: Martha Layer, lot No, 3-7-H, STARTS TOMORROW DEATH" HOUSE" ' .NOTICK Mr. Ronald W. May. lot No. 58M. to tht STATE OF WISCONSIN RICHARD CORNEL cM«ir rr AIMS COUF.T, Dane County Fred Monliam. ot No. J™u c. o. Nicholson, lot No> 5759: Mr. H. O c- WORLD FAMOUS WIDMARK WILDE goODWINM JOHNSON. P!»lntlfr ,on. lot No. 3410: E. A. Olson, m No. 270Q1: Arthur Ray. lot No. 30.38, BRIAN IDA ALLEN CORDON FLETCHER. (Ictcnd- William Cuy RuEnlcs, lot No. 3171. DON LEVY LUPINO M G Ruskell, lot NO. 5569, R. -. COLEEN CELESTE THr.'aTATE OP WISCONSIN, TO . . shw, lot No. SOW; S. A. Sperlev, lot No. 5802: John Stalker, lot No, CRAY HOLM 5765- Burton E. Taylor, lot No. 32743; VICTOR RICHARD H. J.. Wintersviniuia,. loWKt No*'«•. 31290«- . . MATURE WIDivtARK you »re hereby notified that (i war- * aKrcod. .said uoods a« coveied rent of atuichinena t 1ms been uaucd snyv eaccuchn nniiviMi.uiIndlvkUla'. wnrchoiti"inv""""«c •.--«-•--recclot•. Iflt voVOuU nr.tHilll' jyour UH»r »*»»»»».-.propcrtit .. (1' l ') will 6e ao'.d at auction in the lump THIS IS THE ONE ABOVE ALL! NATURAL AlR-l 1I in-n indliin Motorcycle. Motor 1.0. sum as per thc terms 01 the wild CONDITIONING C DO. 8638B, attached to satlsts•the storiiKD contract at our wnrehouBO J/j-mand of Goodwin M. Johnson. on thc 3rd day of September, 1D53, Shi^n-Uf ammiiUlnK to S300.00: now lonclnc at 10 A. M. If for any "NEW MEXICO" •Action! untwi von appear before DOUBlas thc sale shall not be com- ji?l80n. 'Juduc of Small Claims Court •on sivlfl, date. lt..wlll.,hc ey\-_ TMC'I Vmm:y." at hU Court Boom| Tf-;,--„ -„•;, -f-^ -sucj:eedlni?, Thursday Oftn 6:30—Show it Duik tho Court House at Madison, "Is- „.„ the sumi- time and piiicc: and ronsln on thn 8th day o«lf Sept.MPt.. i™,»'™,.|shoul. should any CIc.fleHMiey.remaldeficiency remain oJtDG At 0-00 in the A.M.. Judcment wll,;Mt.NT w[Ll, uu KNTERED. RANDOLPH SCOTT hi. rrmlerrd "Balnst. you and your" W1[Al,K.N TKANSI'ER AAN^ D rroprrty apiillrd n> paymrnl of the STORAGCE CO.CO.,, INC. Pl'H.: WSJ .t CT "The Man Behind The Gun" pub. WSTJ AUK. 17. nsational i.v jrECHJviroMHi University Ave. best seller OFK1C1A1. SDTICK "BRIGHTON ROCK" AllKlUt 12. 1933 at W. Corham St. TERRORIZES THE EARTH! T>uc notices havltic twen slycn AT GOODYEAR • nd »tuteniPtits renderetl. and the THERE IS NOTHING IMAGINED IN THIS FILM! 'Magnetic Monster' TifTdl'ru- now passed, the following *>•*•••• • • j,»_» *»*•*'*»••».•••• « ...... «..«•«.. Sirtiei who have dcllnnucnt stonier; REAL AIR- recount in our warehouse at 605 CONDITIONING Unl«r»l» Avenue, will please taXu One "°M~ :Bo«io Anderson, lot No. 3KI47: You can see it Night Only VIT ArthU" H AUby. lot NO. 5473; 1 P Bllsl' lot NO. 20321: Mrs. David Tini^'crt lot No. 8026: Mr. Kenneth 2 TECHNICOLOR HITS B?l5entrial lot No. 5628: Mrs. Rosc- TUGS., Aug. 18 on a an CtirTslo. lot^No'.'3221: Alien R.'Chom- c me. lot No, W.I8; .MM. Coffey, lot TURNER HALL No 58n7: Phillip Corona, lot No Midiion 57?5- Mr.'. Kenneth Cmwford. lot No. TP^l1 NIr. K. J. Croak, lot No 551i: "A GREAT PICTURE"-N. y. na Dincini 1:30-12:30 Kr'oriic CronkwrlKht. lot No. 32781: «: nerniircl Cu.Tlf, lot NO, 4901-, Kltol- brth Currlr, lot No. (iOM: D. C, Cur-, "A TRIUMPH! A pietvr* mod* tiV lot No. 2000: William Edwtifds. „.,,.„„. outild* th« rultt"-HHAU> TMI. lot' No. 32127: Patrick H Parnhcr. ?HW^».~.. TV Int No SMI: Arthur rMchci. lot No. tj*.•-;...-;;.:... V63I! Mr Darren Dcnn Olbbs, lot *5^1 "~ 'RAW and REAUSTIC'^ TIM- Redd the Want Ads No ' 3422B: W. E. Olfford, lot -No. t~. !- . 5826; Mrs. Maymc Haytcr, lot No. Not Recommended for Children 1431- Mrs H. Heath, lot No. 5478: YOU CAN OWN A NfW BIG-SCREEN CROSLEY FOR AS LOW AS $2.85 A WEEK . for Profit Mii» Trrry Honda, lot No. 3008; Mrs. R jMpcr, lot No, 34361: Olft Jor- <-« lot No. 33014; Ed