OFAl«T.II WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, MONDAYS-AUGUST 17, 1953 PAGE 2, SECTION deceuod. J»tr or tnt City of snr In Dane County. Wiscon- sin, must be presented to said Coun- ty Court nt Madison, in said Coim- ,v. on or before tlic 2i)d dsv of No- Today's Radio ituta/L firnibor. 1953, or be barred: and that all such claim* and demand, will tw examined and adjusted at » tcHU Kadiib \Jlmetaole of s«ld Court to be held »t tht Uetevkion, Uoday. Entertainment Courthouse In the City of MadUon, Highlights nsald County, on Tuesday, tne 3r« MONDAY MONDAY, AUG. H lay or November. 1953, at 9:30 o'clocfc Badftr Outdoor: "Man Behind the n the forenoon of Mid day. Special Program Gun" at 7:25 and 10:30; "Magnetic Dated July 3ist, 1953. Ch. 2—WBBM-TV—Chicago Ch. 7—WBKB—Chicaio WIBA WISC WKOW WIBU MonJter" at 9:15. By Order of the Court. 8:45 p.m.—Shrine Convention Midlion: "RoadhouBe" at 1:10, 4:45. GEORGE KRQNCKE JR- J Ch. 4—WTMJ-TV—Milwwikee Ch. 9—WGN-TV—Chicago 1210 .M, and 830: "Klw of Death" at 3, «:30,Harold H. Puctz. Attorney. (WBBM): Gov. Dan Thornton .of 1310 KO, USD K6. •1070 kc. Ch. 5-WNBQ-Chlcijo Ch. 27-WKOW-TV—Mtdlson ind 10:05, ,„ PDB.: WSJ AUE. 3. 10. 17. 1953. Colorado! • Farm Hour Onon Rural '•'•'•• Capitol: "Ride, Taouero" at l!25. 8:00 Frolic: - Roundup v Cb. 33—WMTV—Midlion *•*•.•»• 1:15 Forum, XUP* i11n1 ipor»fc/Mtl-u» ?ar»-•***m* Dl«* 7»» 3:30. 5:40, 7:45. and 9:55. State or Wisconsin. County Court 6:30 Musical Newa; TOM In Chapel of Air ^Muilc^ : Newi Orpheum: "Return to Paradla»' »t for Uinc County Music 6:45 Clnck: New» Spnrti: Heatto' W«atl>«r M'lc't* Farm In the matter of the Estate of ACK GAVEE, of the Unit _i MARGARET ARMSTRONG, deceased. TODAY'S BEST BETS 4:30 p. m. — Curt Massey • Newi: Firm .noiO: "The »" Notice Is hereby given that at » 7:011 Alex Dr«lM • Top o' Mornlni .aoortr. Service . Q111U" at 2:50, 5:M>, »nd 8:SO. (WBBM): "Candy Lips," i'Purple 1:13 MUllcal Clock • Newi Newi' '. ed Press, sends along these Strand: "Th« Dewrt -Sonf" »t 1, term of snld Court to be held on 2:30 p. m. — Meeting of United Nations General Assembly— 1:30 Journal NBW» • Top o' Mornlni Weather! Tuesday, the 1st day of Scotcmber. Cow.jn," 4-39. and 8:16; "Let'« Do It Again WNBQ (5), WBBM-TDavd'J- Vv (2)v*/i, an«iid« \VTMJ-Tii **.*«•»V' i»w". ' . 1:49 ;iock: Soorti • 'John McVini Club: W notes about Broadway V. at 3:04. 8:38. and 10:18, 1953. at 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon 7 p.m.—Show Train (WIBA) Madlwn: "Tti« 5,000 Fldrera or Dr. of said day, or as soon thereafter ai, 7 p. m. — "China Smith,": new adventure series starring Martha _ Wright tonight the matter, can be heard, . nt tho IGoi'don MacRae, Dorothy War- «:0i) Mu.Mcal • Brcakfait n Li: Coffe* •Prayer lufu* T" at 1, 4, 7:05, and 10:10; "Th« 49th Dan Duryca—WKOW-TV (27). Club; N«w» ' Mualc . will p.la5' the role of- Nellie m Eastwood: "Desert Rate" at 6:30and Jourthousc, in the City of Madison, fc8oB.nA - __ -milTirL.e« -Sai i?il.d) That?"T : panel show with Walter Klcr- c hsk j ol <J in IMS Clock ' • Club Cloe* . n said County, there will bo heard t-39 Musical 'Olee* * Bre&kfan ltchen Club funcil clock for the 900th 9:45: "Blue Gardenia" at 8. nan. Bob Elliott, Bay Colliding, June Lockhart— WTMJ-TV (4) < "Roaring Camp,' Club Susic: N«wi ' •Muiin 'South Pacific Prairie: "Never wave at a Wac at one! considered: based on Bret and 10:"l5:~~ "Boast from 30,000 Tho Application of The First Na- «hu Go«r., 'New,: Ptojrt. _ time, Fiuliomt'ntnornr" att B:M8:55. tional Bank. Administrator dc Donl* p. m — "Club 27": "Al Schwartz Night," with Barbara Harlo story. 9:1X1 Welcom» A Majestic: "Saddle Pals" at 1:1.S. -I. ion of the Estate of Marcarct Arm- 9:15 Traveler! Tins in itself is noteworthy, 6:45, find 9:45; "Blondic in Society •arone deceased, late of the City of Isaac, dancer, as guest— WKOW-TV (27). 7:30 p. m. — n.Mo Bob Hope Stnetl Madison, In said County, for tho Concert. II o u r 9 MS Monday Melody • Betty N'IWI jbnf: it becomes a bit slavt.liiij! ni 2:40, 5:30. and 8:20. allowance and elimination of tn« HONDA* MORNING (WIBA): with when yon realize that she will final account of Elizabeth Armstrom:. III:(M> Strike tt • Calendar: D. Art.nur rtecenscd Administratrix of said 9:15 - Mildred Miller; •nM.i Rich Havmes: Nows Tlmo •US. NM> merely be equalling the rcuord Community Center rstnte: for the confirmation of proof t~ TodaT 5— Tho Bennett* S— Search for Tomorrow '.'S'W o n d erful," 10:31) Phrase Pa?» • Oueeo for Music SDeAk> Mid Mornlni! ' MONDAY. AUG. 17 of helrship on file: and lor the ns- «:00 9:30 10:45 ' "It's a , Grand "i.jr, Second Chance , a Day Mnrnlnc Muilo Matlnet of her predecessor, Mary Martin, Closed at 5 p.m. iRiimont. of tlic residue of said cstaio I— Arthur Oodfrfy 2— StrlKii It Rich 2— Guldlr.K LIKht It's a rare show that fiivcs two O'Siich persons as »rc by law entitled. •t— strlko It Rich ' 1— Brldo and Oroom Night J'or Sing- 4— Ding Dons Softool 8— Carl Nlchtlngali 11:00 Betty Cnu • Double or Newi: Band News; Mornin* actresses the chance to play the «— Dlni Dong School 5— 3 Stops to Heaven ing," "F lower Nothing Aunt Jenny. Matlne* On the Campus " The' Estates of .lennio Armstrone. 7— Lift Excrciat 11:00 11:1.1 Column same role 900 times.each. 0— Your Hxurv. tadlef 2— Lunch with Billy i ,Girls' Chorus" 11:30 farm • Bill RIDE Helen Trent Newa MONDAY, AUC. 11 William John Armstrong, Sarah Holt i:3o 1 Jarmila Novotna has siRncd to and Henry Holt may bo Interested S— Follow Your Heart 4— woat'a Now / and "Prin temps 11:49 RounduD • Mag. Maraue* Our OH Sunday Farm New* At the Union: FlorliM snort course 4— Glamour Girl 5— Noontime \JomlcB make her legitimate stage debut moruliiB session, 8 a.m.. luncheon. 1 herein. 5— Glamour Olrl 10:00 'q'lli Commence" Julhu Music; Market* p.m., Afternoon session, 2:15 P.m..Dated Aueust S. in53. 2— B.-lfU and Oroom 7-> Happr Pirate* 1 Dncl« playing opposite Basil Rathbone 1— Cartooni RABIN from "Samson • Farm Servlci Newi Newi • News and banquet, 7 p.m.: Intcrvanlty Chris- By the Court. I— Vacation Sorlsl 4— Time Out tian Fellowship talk, 7:45 p.m.,-Dr. D. C. ROBERTS. Rcssltcr-ProbiU, 8:45 5— creative CooXery 9- HI ^dl^^ 12:30 • 'Newi ' Mlit«r Mkti.: Weather Market; In 'Bill Doll's production • of 2— Garry Moore an„..d„ „Delilah ., "Angels of Mercy,' 12:45 • Polka PirtT Muslo Farm Paradi Farm & Horn* "Sherlock Holmes," due on J W. Cook. Star Deck dar.ciiiK 8:30 H. H. Puetz. Attorney. »—Beulab Karney t— oannr O'Noll 5— Animal Playtime "Faust" ballet music, "In the Still Pub. WSJ Doaw 3 wks Mon. i . 0— First curtain 1 1 Broadway .the .week.of Oct. 26 4— Garry Moore 10:15 7— Tlm» for Fun of the Night." i Min • Traolnn Poit Mister Chov Tlmt F»rm Servlci The Metropolitan Opera star §— Hawklni ralli 1 —Lov« of Lit* 11:45 g p.m Great Artists (WIBA): I'-U • P. Frederic): Mutlc Jockev's Choice . SI Hays and NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING »— cookery A to Z 1-30 • D. Garroway ' No Garni Nora Drake Daughter ' who was nominated for an Acad- Municipal Affairs Notice is hereby Riven thai ther» 9— Baseball with Girl* with Michael Rabin; Brahms' 1:45 ' Melody Piradi Today Jnckcy'i Cholcl • Aft. Variety emy award for '.her motion pic- MONDAY, AUG. 17 has been filed In the Office of the "Hungarian-Dance No, 4," "Sea- City-county civil defense commit- City Clerk of Madison, Wisconsin, an 1 ture appearance in "The Search, Mister Newa . • Afternoon tee, 7:30 p.m., Eagles bulldlnR. application for a license in the Junlc Shell/' "The Old Refrain," Scri- 2:nii • Life Beautiful ' Variety will have an opportunity to sins County personnel committee. 7:3(1 Dealer's business for Waterman A; 2:15 • Road of Life 1 Muilc House Son Company on the premises at 1301 . abin-Szigoti's "Etude in Thirds," l!:;io • Pepper Ynuns News; Mr. Part? • Guest Star two numbers in the play. She p.m., courthouse. DON'T BUY "Scherzo" from "A Midsummer Music Wizard or Oddt •Chanel In Sky County zonlne committee, 7:30 Gllson Street, Madison. Wisconsin, !:45 ' Rlslif to Hap'i will play the role of Irene Adlcr m.. courthouse, and that a public hearing will be Night's Dream," last pact OC who on several occasions—no County falrp.rounds commluce. s held in tlic Council Chambers in,th« Vieuxtemps' "Violin Concerto 3:1111 '"BncltBiace Wlft • Mister News; Luclia ,1.111., courthouse. City Hull o» Thursday, AUGUSI 27, .1:15 • Stella Dallas Music; Betty Mortcnson i the Sky lably in "A Scandal in Bohemia, 1953, ill V:30 P.M. No, 5" , .
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