From: Takhoman [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:05 PM To: Sorum, Doris Subject: Re: Ethics Complaint

Please add the below to my ethics complaint if it has already been done so.

Also please open a new complaint based on the Tribune story linked below.!politics!20 11!03!OS!did-tacoma-mayors-china-trip-violate-ethics-rules!

Please confirm.

Thank you,

John Hathaway Seovl sister: Strickland to return to her birth city during lO-day Asian tour I Political Buzz Page 1 of 5


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Seoul sister: Strickland to return to her birth city during 10-day Asian tour

Posted By Lewis Kamb on February 23. 2011 a13:36 pm D Share this

Tacoma Mayor Mllrityn Strickland Is returnIng to her rools - some 5,200 miles away.

For Ihe first time sInce her family mOiled \0 Amertca nearly filla dacades ago. Strickland wi!! travel 10 the city of her birlh, Seoul. Soulh

-It's my IIrst trIp to Seoul, basically since I was bom,"the mayor told me recently.

Stricklend's visit to her blrlhplace Is the first lag oltha mayor's three-clty Asian tour to promote Tacoma abroad. From Seoul, the meyor's l().day trip, whith begIns tomorrow, wlU include slops In Shanghai and Fuzhou, ChIna. The mayor w1lJ meet various dignitaries 10 all three citIes along the way.!politics/20 11102123/seoul-sister-strickland-to-return-to-her-... 4127/2011 Seoul sister: Strickland to return to her birth city during lO-day Asian tour I Political Buzz Page"4 of 5

0.­ __~~ -., '::' -"",."'~ ~:,r~_ -"'- ~ "-­ aotmI~OlUo - , ...... ~~ -- "\""'i'/' -, .- J '" r;/ '1 '<~~~Jo-~ , ~-'-"<-'-"'" " , ,'~ ';~, ~ •..rI>.'1 I,' "".-""-,,,,·C··C·~i _'''''''''--'-'-''-''''-_In,,a_~.:..:~ purposa of my trip Is 10 make business conleels, cuftlvale telal10nships and promote Tacoma as a good place 10 IrWHS'." Strickland said.

During her IrllveJs, Strickland also pranslo share hIghlights from her IBtlllnt slate of the city address, and to "discuss Tacoma's favorable bUSin9ss cllmala (acell$s 10 rail, Iha por1, avaIlability 01 land, low utlrrty rales, a workforce with experience In manufacturIng, a 51rong higher educaUon system):

Although the mayorwllJ be traveling on officIal city business. she and other city atllcla!s saId she won't Incur any expenses on the taxpayer's dime.

Strickland, who Is traveling elone 10 Seoul, will be Ilylng for free, than\(s 10 Ihe frequent-flyer mUes of Lakewood businessman Ron Chow.

Chow, e co-founder and president of Saaltle Pacillc Trading who's now Involved with Tacoma's World Trade Cenler, [5 a frequent business traveler 10 ChIna who has organized various Irade delegations lor Washlnglon pOliticians. Ha has laken an Inlarest In Tacoma's international tradIng polentJaland plans to meel up with Strickland during her stop In Shenghal, she saId.

, am paying for lodging and Incidentals," Strickland added.

From ShanghaI, the mayor will trallal to Tacoma's sister city - Fuzhou - before relumlng heme on March 6.

Whlla tn Fuzhou, which recently gilled 10 Tacoma a pllllllon lor the city's new ChInese reconcillaUon parK, Strickland will rendezvous w~h Dabble Blngham,lhe city's representative to the SiSler Citllls International program.

(Llkll with Strickland, none of Ihlllralle!lIxpenses lor Singham's trip, which 15 a separate trip organized by [he Sister Cil/es program. are being paid for by the city, city spokesman Rob McNair-Huff told me today.)

While Servlng 11.5 8 cIty council member two Yllars ago, Strir:k1and traveted to durIng a goodwillirlp 10 anothero! Tacoma's sister cities, Gunsan. BUltha mayor has never set foot In her birth city since leaving It when she was aboul one and half years old, she said.

Bom to a Korean mother and an African-American father stationed In Korea while slllVlng In llIe Army, Strickland and her family moved from $eoulto the United Statas, eventually settling i In South Tacoma when her father was transferred to Fort Lewis whan she was four. \

'Islill hava a cousin who Ilvas In Seoul,~ Strlcktand added ••••• [am delinilely goIng 10 spend lima wilh her while I'm Ihare:

Calegorles: Tacoma Tags: Marilyn Strickland


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5 Responses to "Seoul sister: Strickland to return to her birth city during 10-day Asian tour"

1. PumaTnTacoma says: February 23, 2011 a13:41 pm

Stop llIe Insanity with Ihese paid "find my birth" trips to AsIL Wa are brokaW And yet the city cen go to Asia and pay for a blosted Pagoda at taxpayer's expense?

Unb&lIevable waste of money. II China wants tha mayorlhey can pay, not the taxpayers.

Where Is our Gov_ Chris Christie (NJ) when we nead someone to rein In expenses. We lust have political cowards.


1. Flag commen!

2. s/8JSsen says: February 23, 2011 a13'55 pm

I think Ihal reading Is a beaultfullhlng prior to making comments such a& the one above. I caught this lillie gem whlle reading Iha entire article:

"Although the mayor will be traveling on oHlclal city business, she and olher city officIals said she won't incur any expanses on llIe tBllpayer's dime.'

Let's try and read the whole thing and follow that up with accurate and Informed commentary. Thanks.

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httn:1IbIO!!. thenewstribune.comlnolitics/20 11I02/23/seoul-sister-strickiand-to-return -to-her-... 4/27/2011 Seolli sister: Strickland to return to her birth city during lO-day Asian tour I Political Buzz Page 5 of 5

3. nakao/aide says: February 24, 2011 al 5:52 am

The city Is paying her salary. and thera Is business herB thaI is more important than lhasa 10 day trips that are rsally nothing more than a vacat!oll. Flying on mI. Chaw's Irequanl flyer miles Is a °gKt°lhat pubnc offlcals are not supposed to accept. ConllJct 01 Interest written an over it.

'., Rag comment 4. JAvison says: Feblusi)' 24, 2011 at 7-56 am

50, If she can bring In more buslnass for the Port 01 Tacoma and the slale by goIng on thIs trip (at no additional cost to you), would il slill be 8 '"waste?" J also don~ see the quole from Ron about how he Is using frequenllJier miles to pay for Mayor StrIckland's fJlghl(s); can you explaIn where thai came from?

'. Flag comment

5. o/ympfcmln says: February 2.1. 2011 a19,49 am

Strickland. who Is traveling alone 10 Seoul, will be flying for free, thanks to the frequent.nyer mUes 01 Lekewood businessman Ron Chow.

REALLY - quId pro quo goIng on hera Is the Mayor going to note this on herPubl1e DIsclosure Form?

Chow, a co-Iounder and president of SeaUle PacifIc Treding who's now Involved with Tacoma's World Trade Cenler, Is a frequent business traveler 10 ChIna who hes organIzed various trede delegal10ns for Weshlngton pollUclans. He has laken an Intereslln Tacoma's Intemallonal trading potenllel and plans 10 meel up with Strickland during her slep In ShanghaI, she saId.

"] am payIng lor lodgIng and Incldenlals," Strickland added.


From Shanghai, the mayor will travel 10 Tacoma's sisler city - Fuzhou - before relumlng home on March 6.

While In Fuzhou, which recently gifted to Tacoma a pavilion for the city's new Chinese reconciliation park, Strickland will rendezvous with Debbie BIngham, the city's rapresentalivelo the SIsler ClUes Inlema!lonal program.

GIFTED? Then why are the t8XpByers looting the bill for the Pagoda overruns?

There Is sllll male pressing work al home. Sounds like a boondoggle.

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