1 Government of Arunachal Pradesh Planning

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1 Government of Arunachal Pradesh Planning 1 GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITANAGAR. No.PD(MLALADS)-01/2008-09 Dated Itanagar, the 29thJuly’2008. To, 1) The Deputy Commissioner, Khonsa/Changlang/Tezu/Hawai/Roing/Anini/Yingkiong/Daporijio/Aalo/ Pasighat/Ziro/Yupia/koloriang/Seppa/Bomdila/Tawang. Arunachal Pradesh. 2) The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Longding/ Rumgong/Miao/Namsai/Jairampur/Basar/Mechuka/Hayuliang. Arunachal Pradesh. Subject :- Allocation of funds under MLALADS for the year 2008-09( First and Second Quarter) Sir, I am directed to convey the Govt. approval for placement of Rs. 2100.00 lakhs being the first and second quarter release under MLALADS fund for 2008-09 at the rate of Rs.35.00 lakh per Assembly Constituency at the disposal of respective Deputy Commissioners/ Additional Deputy Commissioners. 2. The expenditure should be booked under Major Head “3451”-S.E.S.-Sub Major Head 00Minor Head-102-District Planning Machinery-Sub-Head-01-MLA’s Local Area Development Fund-Detailed Head-(01-DC, Aalo),(02-DC, Tezu), (03-DC, Ziro),(04-DC,Bomdila), (05- DC,Khonsa), (06-DC, Pasighat), (07-DC,Anini), (08-DC,Daporijo),(09-DC,Seppa),(10- DC,Tawang), (11-DC, Changlang), (12-DC,Papumpare), (13-DC, Yingkiong),(14-DC,Kurung Kumey),(15-DC,Roing), (16-ADC, Namsai), (17-DC, Anjaw),(18-ADC,Longding), (19- ADC,Miao), (20-ADC,Jairampur), (21-ADC-Basar), (22-ADC,Rumgong), (23-ADC, Mechukha), (24-ADC,Hayuliang)-Object Head-50-Code No.02 (PLAN) Demand No.6. The district-wise allocation under MLALADS for the year 2008-09 against 1st and 2nd quarter is as under. (Also given at Annexure-I enclosed). (Rs. in lakh) Sl. District(DC/ADC) No. of Fund released in Remarks No Assembly 1st and 2nd quarter Constituency during 2008-2009 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 Tawang 3 35 x 3 =105.00 2 West Kameng 4 35 x 4 =140.00 3 East Kameng 5 35 x 5 =175.00 4 Upper Subansiri 5 (35 x 4.30)=150.50 -0.50=150.00 * (I) 5 Lower Subansiri 2 (35 x 2.70)=94.00 -3.00 * (II) = 91.00. 6 Kurung-Kumey 4 35 x 4 = 140.00 7 Papum-Pare 3 35 x 3=105.00-0.50 * (III) = 104.50 8 West Siang 3 35 x 3 = 105.00+3.00 * (IV) = 108.00 - 0.50 = 107.50 9 East Siang 5 35 x 5 = 175.00 10 Upper Siang 2 35 x 2 = 70.00 11 Lower Dibang Valley 2 35 x 2 = 70.00 12 Dibang Valley 1 35 x 1 = 35.00 13 Lohit 1 35x1 = 35.00+3.50 = 38.50 # 14 ADC,Namsai 3 35 x 3 = 105.-0.50 = 104.50 (V) for Namsai, Chokham and Lekang A/Constituency 2 15 DC, Anjaw 1 35 x 1 = 35.00 16 DC, Changlang 2 35 x 2 = 70.00-0.50 = 69.50 (VI) 17 DC, Tirap 5 35 x 5= 175.-0.50 = 174.50 (VII) 18 ADC, Longding 2 35x2=70.00 For Longding- Pumao & Pongchau- Wakka A/Constituency. 19 ADC, Miao 2 35x2=70.00 For Bordumsa & Miao A/Constituency. 20 ADC, Jairampur 1 35x1=35.00 For Nampong A/Constituency. 21 ADC, Basar 2 35x2=70.00 For Basar and Likabali A/Constituency. 22 ADC, Rumgong 1 35x1=35.00 For Rumgong A/Constituency. 23 ADC, Mechuka 1 35x1=35.00 For Mechuka A/Constituency. Total 60 2100.00 * The Raga Assembly is spread over Lower and Upper Subansiri Districts. As such, the allocation of Raga Constituency is distributed @ 70% in Lower Subansiri District and 30% in Upper Subansiri District as desired by MLA, Raga Assembly Constituency. #(VI-VII) Fund allotted to Deputy Commissioner, Lohit District includes Rs.3.50. lakhs diverted from the MLALAD fund @ Rs.50,000/- of (a) 47-Namsai Assembly Constituency,Lohit district, ADC Namsai, (b) 53- Changlang North Assembly Constituency,Changlang district, (c) 55-Khonsa East Assembly Constituency, Tirap district,(d) 25-Raga Assembly Constituency,Lower Subansiri district, (e) 13-Itanagar Assembly Constituency,Papum-pare district,(f) 16-Yachuli Assembly Constituency,Lower Subansiri district, (g) 28-Likabali Assembly Constituency, West Siang District, for ‘Development of Tamla-Du ground at Tezu’ as recommended by the HMLAs of above Assembly Constituencies and approved by the Govt. (II)a Fund allotted to DC, West Siang District included. Rs. 3.00 lakhs diverted from the MLALADS fund of 25- Raga Assembly Constituency, Lower Subansiri district for “ Construction of Football ground & Land Development at Rengi village under BDO, Gensi, West Siang District as recommended by Shri Nido Pabitra, HMLA and approved by the Govt. 3. Total allocation under MLALADS during 2008-09 to the concerned DCs/ADCs is given at Annexure-I (enclosed). 4. Schemes should be finalized with approval of concerned MLAs keeping in view guidelines issued vide letter No.PD(P)-35/95 dated 21.10.2000 and amendments issued from time to time. Further, schemes including work schemes may preferably be so selected that their administrative approval and expenditure sanction could be accorded by Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner within their delegation of financial powers. 5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. Enclosed: As stated above. Yours faithfully, ( Millo Bida ) Director ( Planning) …P.3/-… 3 No.PD(MLALADS)-01/2008-2009 Dated Itanagar, the 29th ’ July’2008. Copy to :- 1. The PPS to HCM, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 2. The PS to Parliamentary Secretary ( Planning), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 3. The PS to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 4. The Commissioner ( Finance),Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 5. The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 6. The Under Secretary ( Budget), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 7. All Additional Deputy Commissioners of independent Sub-Division, Arunachal Pradesh. A copy of MLALADS guidelines is enclosed herewith for guidance in implementation of schemes. The concerned ADCs may avail the services of District Planning Officer of their respective districts wherever applicable. 8. All Treasury/Sub-Treasury Officers, Arunachal Pradesh. 9. All District Planning Officers, Arunachal Pradesh. 10. All concerned files. ( Millo Bida ) Director ( Planning) 4 ANNEXURE – I STATEMENT SHOWING DISTRICT-WISE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS UNDER MLALADS FOR THE YEAR 2008-09 ( 1st and 2nd Quater). (Rs. in lakh) Sl.No District ( DC/ADC) Fund released in 1st and 2nd quarter during 2008-09 1 2 1 Tawang 105.00 2 West Kameng 140.00 3 East Kameng 175.00 4 Upper Subansiri 150.00 5 Lower Subansiri 91.00 6 Kurung-kumey 140.00 7 Papum-pare 104.50 8 West Siang 107.50 9 East Siang 175.00 10 Upper Siang 70.00 11 Lower Dibang Valley 70.00 12 Dibang Valley 35.00 13 Lohit 38.50 14 Anjaw 35.00 15 Changlang 69.50 16 Tirap 174.50 17 ADC, Namsai 104.50 18 ADC, Longding 70.00 19 ADC, Miao 70.00 20 ADC, Jairampur 35.00 21 ADC, Basar 70.00 22 ADC, Rumgong 35.00 23 ADC, Mechuka 35.00 Total 2100.00 ( Millo Bida ) Director ( Planning) .
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