The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee

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The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee through April 2014 Harry Nehls, Secretary Oregon Bird Records Committee 2736 S.E. 20th. Ave., Portland, Oregon 97202 The Oregon Bird Records Committee (OBRC) was organized in 1978 to collect, review, and maintain records on rare birds found in Oregon. The OBRC became a Committee of Oregon Field Ornithologists (OFO) when OFO was organized in 1980. The OBRC consists of 9 members and 6 alternates from throughout Oregon. Members and alternates are elected by their peers. Members serve staggered 3-year terms and alternates serve 1-year terms. The OBRC votes on most records by email or at an annual meeting. The OBRC uses the taxonomy and nomenclature of the American Ornithologists’ Union 1998 Check-List (as supplemented). Each Record considered by the OBRC is assigned a unique Record Number. The first 3 digits is the AOU number for the species; the second 2 digits is the year in which the Record was obtained; and the third 2 digits is the number of the Record for that species in the order in which it was received by the OBRC Secretary. A missing number in the sequence means that the OBRC has not yet completed its review of that record; some records have been deferred until more information has been obtained. Information for each Record also includes where the Record was obtained, the date(s), the plumage or age of the bird when appropriate, and abbreviations for persons submitting the Record. Other remarks have been added as appropriate. A list of contributors is presented at the end. The Oregon Bird Records Committee thanks the following organizations for having made financial contributions to help with the its expenses: Audubon Society of Corvallis, Cape Arago Audubon Society, Central Oregon Audubon Society, Florence Audubon Society, Grande Ronde Bird Club, Grant County Bird Club, Kalmiopses Audubon Society, Klamath Basin Audubon Society, Lane County Audubon Society, Portland Audubon Society, Rogue Valley Audubon Society, Salem Audubon Society, Southern Willamette Ornithological Club, Umpqua Valley Audubon Society, and Yaquina Birders and Naturalists. The following is a listing of all the records reviewed by the OBRC to April 2013 ACCEPTED RECORDS Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis 177-88-01 Near Grants Pass, Josephine Co, 1 bird in 1988 (photo by JvH). Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 178-70-01 Coos Bay, Coos Co., a flock of 11 from 14-24 February 1970 (HR; photos by ES). First verified Oregon record. Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus 179-94-02 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 bird 10-21 November 1994 (JJo; photos by HN, CM, SR; videotape by OS). 2 179-97-03 Airlie, Polk Co., 1 bird 27 November-1 December 1997 (JL; photos by WT, RL, RHo). 179-98-04 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 24 January 1998 (KS). Falcated Duck Anas falcata 137.1-04-01 Kirk Pond, Lane Co., 1 adult male 14 February-6 March 2004 (DHe, VA, PSu; photos by MN, SMa; video by OS). 137.1-05-02 Coburg, Lane Co., 1 adult male 16 January into April 2005 (photos by PeP, SvM, KBr videos by OS, RM). 137.1-06-03 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 adult male on 14 March 2006. (video by JW). 137.1-06-04 Coburg/Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male 13 November 2006-18 January 2007 (photos by PeP, JeH, RRo; video by JW, BoW). American Black Duck Anas rubripes 133-50-02 Summer Lake, Lake Co.; photos of a specimen collected by a hunter on 12 November 1950. Specimen in Oregon State University collection. In: Murrelet 35: 47, 1954. First verified state record. 133-98-04 Hood River, Hood River Co., 1 pure adult male 4 January 1998-mi.d- December 2000 (HN; photos by SR, OS, TJ). Garganey Anas querquedula 139.2-88-01 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage 17-19 September 1988 (NL, SH; photos by JJo, TC, JG). First verified state record. 139.2-92-02 Bay City sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 9-13 May 1992 (MAS, MP; slide by BW;video by RBa). 139.2-00-04 Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co., 1 eclipse plumaged male on 22 October 2000 (HN, FSh). 139.2-05-05 Tangent S. Ponds, Linn Co., 1 adult male 14-17 May 2005. (details by JFl; photo by RaC). Baikal Teal Anas formosa 139.1-74-01 Irish Bend, Benton Co., male collected by hunter on 12 January 1974. Specimen-Oregon State University Collection. In American Birds 28(3): 679. First verified state record. 139.1-07-03 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 shot male on 31 December 2007 (details By RKe; photos by DvH). Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula No longer on the Review List 149.1-60-01 Laurelhurst Park, Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 male during winter of 1960 (photos by DM). First verified Oregon record. 149.1-78-02 Forest Grove, Washington Co., 1 female on 15+ October 1978 (JG). 2 3 149.1-82-03 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 male on 14 February 1982 (JK; photos by RK, FR). 149.1-83-04 Wapato Lake bed, Washington/Yamhill Co. line, 1 female on 22 December 1983 (JE). 149.1-84-05 Coquille, Coos Co., 1 male in adult plumage on 11 March 1984 (GK). 149.1-88-07 Lake Meares, Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male from 6 February-19+ March 1988 (JE, JJo). 149.1-88-08 Warrenton Sewage Ponds, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 6 February 1988 (MP). 149.1-89-09 Twilight Marsh, Cathlamet Bay, Clatsop Co., 1 male on 28 January 1989 (MP). 149.1-89-11 Kerby, Josephine Co., 1 adult male on 12 March 1989 (MS; photos by JJo). 149.1-91-13 Sheridan Sewage Ponds, Yamhill Co., 1 adult male on 26 January 1991 (RBa, KCu). 149.1-91-14 Fiddle Creek, Douglas Co., female bird 11-12 March 1991 (PMo). 149.1-92-15 Sheridan Sewage Ponds, Yamhill Co., 1 male on 20 January 1992 (BSh). 149.1-92-16 Bay City Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male March 23-April 2, 1992 (photo by HN, SR). 149.1-94-17 Hammond, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 8 May 1994 (photos by MP). 149.1-95-18 Near Buena Vista, Polk Co., 1 adult female 28 January-9 February 1995 (RHo). 149.1-95-19 Cascade Locks, Hood River Co., 1 adult male on 17 April 1995 (DA). 149.1-95-20 Bay City S. Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male 16-30 April 1995 (photos by HN, SR). 149.1-96-21 Meares Lake, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 25 March 1996 (photos by CR). 149.1-99-23 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 female 3-4 February 1999 (NW, CD). 149.1-97-24 Rufus, Sherman Co., 1 adult female 5-7 April 1997 (photos by CM). 149.1-99-25 Warrenton, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 3 April 1999 (photos by TT). 149.1-00-26 Warrenton S. Ponds, Clatsop Co., adult male on 15 January 2000 (TT). 149.1-01-27 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male 3 February-late April 2001 (TT; photo by JW). Steller’s Eider Polysticta stelleri 157-92-01 North Jetty Coos Bay, Coos Co., 10-18 February 1992 (photos by JGr, TC, HN, LF). 3 4 157-04-02 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 18 November 2004 (PP). 157-07-03 Brays Point, Lane Co., 1 bird on 3 February 2007 (AC, CoW). King Eider Somateria spectabilis 162-76-01 Garibaldi Flats, Tillamook Co., 1 female on 10-11 March 1976 (HN). 162-80-02 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 dead female on 18 November 1980 (MG; photo by LT); specimen at Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. First verified Oregon record. 162-81-03 Tillamook Head, Seaside, Clatsop Co., 2 subadult males from 16 February-March 1981 (photos by OS, TC). 162-91-05 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 female 17 October 1991-21 January 1992 (JoK, CD, AC, RHo, JE; photos by RM, CM, DVB). 162-93-06 S. Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 female on 22 October 1993 (photo by BS). 162-96-07 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 female 8 December 1996-15 February 1997 (KM, AF, MP; photos by SR; video by RBa). 162-99-09 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female on 29 April 1999 (prints by BoP). 162-99-11 Seal Rock State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 female on 17 October 1999 (LuB). 162-05-13 Alsea Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 female on 16 December 2005 (RB; photo by JeW). 162-14-14 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 female 5 January into March 2014 (DI; photos by DI, DiB, OS); Common Eider Somateria mollissima 159-13-04 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 subadult male 15-17 March 2013 (photos by OS, NSt, BaT); Common/King Eider Somateria sp. 160/162-00-01 Sea Lion Caves, Lane Co., 1 bird on 20 December 2000 (PP). Smew Mergellus albellus 131.1-91-01 Columbia River Gorge, Hood River Co., adult male 27-28 January 1991 (JBi, JE; photos by NL). 131.1-92-03 Government Cove, Hood River Co., 1-16 February 1992 (photo by HN; video by RBa). 131.1-01-04 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 26-28 February 2001 (AnS; photo by RiV) Arctic Loon Gavia arctica 4 5 009-98-04 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage 16 May-5 June 1998 (RRo, SR, GG; photos by HN, EH, MD, MLD).
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