Sandspur, Vol 101 No 24, April 20, 1995
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-20-1995 Sandspur, Vol 101 No 24, April 20, 1995 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 101 No 24, April 20, 1995" (1995). The Rollins Sandspur. 44. Earth Day, A Destiny, The Learned Farewell, and Evil Ladies, and Fringezi!!. THE PUR Volume 101; Issue #24 Rollins College - Winter Park, Florida April 20, 1995 First-Ever SGA Tax Cut Comes to Senate Special to the Sandspur On Wednesday, April 19, clubs and organizations. If this budget, which was taken from want to take it one step further give back what we don't use. Senator Pete Behringer spon money is not spent by the end of the student activities fees, and by actually returning the money And as far as ineffectiveness sored the first-ever SGA "tax- the fiscal year, the money rolls divide it among the student body. to students," said Behringer. goes, people in SGA ~ people cut." Every year, students are over to the next fiscal year. The "Right now we may be looking This plan has also been criti like Mike Porco, Creighton charged a student activities fee current fiscal year ends on May at about $100,000. If we di cized as being fiscally irrespon Knight, and Greg Mullins have along with their tuition. The 5. vided that amount among 1400 sible, out of accordance with worked to make the budget pro SGA then directs the money to This bill plans to take the students, that would give each the constraints ofthe SGA bud cess more effective. I see this as be spent among other student money left in this year's SGA student roughly $70," stated get, and as institutionalizing one more step in that process." Behringer. SGA ineffectiveness. When It is not yet known how much This proposal is not without asked if this was true, Behringer money would be left to divide problems, however. These replied, "Absolutely not. This among the student body. The When is the funds currently is in the hands is one of the highest acts of figure may not be available for a of over 70 groups. However, responsibility. We are spend few weeks. However, this mea after May 5, all of that money ing money that belongs to stu sure wouldn't take effect for American Flag will be returned to SGA. "I dents. It would only be right to some time. Offensive? Shanoff Elected in CHRISTOPHER SMITH Sandspur Editor day. In recent SGA postings to The Dean's office informed make advertise positions that the secretary of Student Gov were available, it seems that the ernment about the complaints Close VP Race symbols used may have inad last week. "I know that she was CHRISTOPHER SMITH committee and beginning the vertently offended some stu not aware of the fact that people porters and I will continue to Sandspur Editor budgeting process. dents. The flyers in question may find" this offensive, and I work towards the goals of stu Knight and Shanoff were of used the American flag as its was just informing her of the After a heated contest, Mark dent empowerment and SGA ficially inaugurated on Monday, primary background symbol, complaint," said Penny Shanoff has been declared the responsibility." But despite the and the ceremonial gavel was and as a full-color graphic. Schaffer. 'The Dean's office victor in the race for the Vice closeness of the race and the passed. Also, awards were given Complaints directed to the Of hasn't passed any mandates on President of the Student Gov- controversy that it spawned, Pete •v. out for student involvement in fice of Student Activities remains very supportive of the matter." ernment Association. The final SGA from the Office of Student brought forth a difference of SGA. "Right now the important The question has ruffled some vote tally put mark Shanoff a Activities at the event. opinion among students and di thing to do is to support the new feathers of faculty and students nose ahead with 51 % ofthe vote In his letter to students last verse interpretation of common SGA administration." who feel that the questioning of and Pete Behringer with 49%. week, Shanoff stated, "I want to symbols. The complaint cen This vice presidential race was the flag in this context is offen "I feel honored that the stu let everybody know that there one of the most unusual in re tered on the fact that interna sive in itself. "Would you get dent body has chosen me for are no hard feelings and I hold cent SGA memory, starting out tional students seemed symboli offended as an American in this position," said Shanoff on no grudges. My opponent, Pe with six candidates and involv cally excluded. Thailand and they used their Tuesday. 'Twill work very hard ter Behringer, ran a strong cam ing such diverse players as the 'It made it seem like these flag on their SGA fliers?" asked and I'm looking forward to a paign, and I expect he will con student hearing board to work weren't jobs for international one faculty member. "Of course successful and productive 1995- tinue to be active in SGA next out kinks in the process. The students," said ISO President not. But hopefully this will fos 6." year." Behringer has not made newly elected President and Jen Thompson. "It's totally say ter a healthy campus debate." "We took a stand and did our a statement on what position he Vice-President got on with the ing - 'we do things the American 'It's just political correctness best," replied Pete Behringer may seek next year. way and no other way.1" gone amuck," said Sandspur when asked about the race.' We business of SGA this week, ap "I don't think that this nega style editor Matt Schmitt. didn't win this time, but my sup pointing next year's executive tive message was what they were trying to convey," stated Dean Neilson. "But it becomes aprob- lem when people begin perceiv Rollins Receives $1.25 Million ing it as a problem." "To me the American flag represents diversity," said Mike Challenge for New Center Porco on Tuesday. "That's the greatest part about it - it repre Special to the Sandspur The center, a three-story addi Bornstein. "Over the years, the renovation of existing facilities, sents the blending of ideals and foundation's leadership has rec and the purchase of much- The Edyth Bush Charitable tion to the present Crummer the unity of diverse people. ognized the college's needs and needed computers and equip That's what should get across." Foundation has given Rollins School on Rollins' Winter Park campus, will contain state-of- appropriately provided support. ment. "SGA must be very conscious College a $1.25 million match We are indebted to their vision "This gift will transform ex of the symbols it employs," ing gift toward construction ofa the- art classrooms, a leadership assessment center, and confer and commitment." ecutive education in the Central stated Assistant Dean Penny new executive education center During the past quarter cen Florida community and will also Schaffer. 'It must realize that at the College's Crummer ence rooms. "Much of Rollins' reputation tury, the Edyth Bush Founda enable the Crummer School to people see symbols in such dif Graduate School of Business. tion has donated nearly $5 mil offer a comprehensive execu ferent ways." The center, which will cost an as an innovative center of learn ing is attributable to the gener lion to Rollins, supporting con tive education program nation "They have to think about estimated $2.9 million to com osity ofthe Edyth Bush Founda struction of the Archibald wide," said Crummer Dean Ed these things more," said Jen plete, will be used for executive tion," said President Rita Granville Bush Science Center, ward Moses. Thompson in Beans on Tues education and EMB A programs. page 2 JjJg^gndsrxjr^olL^ It's One Of The Most Useful Credit Cards On Th< Planet. UnleSS You've Stolen It. Your MasterCard® is stolen. You panic, get MasterCard angry, panic some more. Then you call and cancel it. 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