Fetlar Primary School Information Handbook 2019-20
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Shetland Islands Council Fetlar Primary School Information Handbook 2019-20 Introduction Fetlar Primary School serves the island of Fetlar, providing education for children in Nursery (Early Learning & Childcare Centre) through to P7. At present there isn’t an active ELCC due to there not being children of the appropriate age living in Fetlar. If a pupil eligible for the ELCC was to enrol then provision would be made. Fetlar Primary is one of the smallest schools in the UK to be awarded Rights Respecting School Level 1, which was achieved in May 2015, after a lot of work between all staff, the pupils, parents and the wider community. This addressed an issue raised in the 2013 Education Scotland Inspection Report, which asked the school to raise awareness of Global Citizenship. The pupils took full ownership of the award making films, discussing world events and by fund raising for a number of charities. The school management team (Head Teacher and Principal Teacher) are supported by a Quality Improvement Officer who is based in Hayfield House in Lerwick. Fetlar Primary School continues to be part of a Shared Headship arrangement with Baltasound Junior High School (BJHS), which is on the island of Unst to the North. Unst is the most northerly populated island in Britain. It is a 2 hour journey and two ferries from Lerwick. Pupils from Fetlar Primary currently travel to Unst for a day each week to receive specialist input in Music and PE. This also gives an opportunity for pupils to socialise with a wider peer group and be taught in a larger group. BJHS currently has (in 2019-20) a P1-4 & a P5-7 class. Parents are always welcome to come in and visit school, or for a chat with the Principal Teacher and staff about any concerns they may have. The Head Teacher can also be contacted when not on site by phoning 01595 807020. We believe parents play a vitally important role in their child’s learning and hope we can work together during their child’s education. Research proves that parental support in their child’s learning, whatever the age, makes a valuable contribution to their achievement, positive relationships and behaviour. We are fortunate to live in a community where education and learning is valued. We aim to promote Home-School partnerships to the benefit of our pupils. Parent and adult helpers perform a valuable role at school. Real success lies in parents and teachers working together, developing mutual trust and respect in supporting young people. Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 This is the link to our most recent Inspection Report - http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/FetlarPSFinal_tcm4-818126.pdf About Fetlar Fetlar boasts rich wildlife, a varied landscape of ancient sites, exquisite flowers and a strong sense of community. We are approximately 3 hours drive from Lerwick. Please check http://www.shetland.gov.uk/ferries/ for up to date information. Fetlar is home to one of Britain's rarest breeding birds, the red-necked phalarope, which can sometimes be seen at the Loch of Funzie. Fetlar was also once home to Britain's only pair of breeding snowy owls. Recorded in 1967, they bred successfully each year until 1975. Fetlar’s historical sites include the large stone wall known as the Finnigert Dyke which is Fetlar's oldest surviving man made structure. It runs north to south and divides the island in two, although much of it is now ruined. Large sections are still visible. The majority of Fetlar’s population live in Houbie in, or around, the Stakkafletts which is a Shetland Islands Council housing scheme. Fetlar Primary School is situated at Beala at the end of the public road, just next to the water pumping station. It has a large car park, which forms the end of the public road. It is surrounded by a tarmac playground area, which has a stone wall and a wooden fence to mark its boundary. There is also playground equipment at the school. This handbook provides information for parents for the school year 2019-20. Although the information is believed to be correct (Aug 2019), it is possible that changes have occurred, or will occur during the course of the year, that will affect the contents for this year or for the following school years. It is not exhaustive and is certainly not intended to replace direct contact between parents and school, which all staff are keen to foster in developing a positive learning environment. Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 We take this opportunity of wishing all pupils a very enjoyable and worthwhile stay at the school. Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns about your child. For further information or clarification, please contact the school and/or look at our school website. Throughout this handbook, links to websites are provided for further information. Free access to these pages can be gained at the Shetland Library Learning Centre and at Islesburgh Community Centre. Hard copies and different formats of the handbook (for example in Braille or large print) will be made available by request to the school. Handbooks for all Shetland Islands Council’s schools can be found on the council’s website. The direct link is: http://www.shetland.gov.uk/education/SchoolHandbooks.asp Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 Contact Details Name: Fetlar Primary School Address: Beala, Fetlar, Shetland. ZE2 9DJ Telephone: 01595 807072 Website: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sh/fetlarprimary/ Email: [email protected] Stages of education: Nursery (Early Learning & Childcare)/ Primary Roll: Nursery (ELCC) 0 ; Primary 1 Denominational status: non-denominational Headteacher: Mr Paul Thomson Parent Council email: [email protected] Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 Concerns Fetlar Primary staff really wish to work closely with parents to make sure that every pupil has an educational and social experience of the highest quality. However, issues do happen from time to time and parents are encouraged to contact the school for an appointment to discuss any concerns as soon as they arise. For learning matters regarding pupils in the nursery or primary classes, it is probably best to speak to the Principal Teacher in the first instance but the Head Teacher (HT) is available as required. Absence/Sickness If your child is ill or if you think it is necessary for your child to be absent from school for any other reason, please contact the school with the details, as soon as possible. The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 requires parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly and clearly it is in the children's interest to do so. If your child is absent please phone the school before 9.30 am every day your child is off to inform the school of the reason for absence. If the absence is due to sickness or diarrhoea your child must remain away from school for a minimum of 48 hours after the last episode. This is to prevent the spread of infection to other children. Advice on the recommended time off school for specific illness can be found on the following website: http://www.documents.hps.scot.nhs.uk/hai/infection- control/guidelines/exclusion-criteria-childcare-A3-2011-12.pdf In cases of unsatisfactory attendance, the Head teacher or Principal Teacher will discuss the problem with parents/carers in the first instance. Where unsatisfactory attendance persists, the matter is referred to the Schools Service, in line with SIC policy. Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 Latecomers/Leaving School during the Pupil Day Pupils must make every effort to arrive punctually at school, to be in the building by 08.50 am at the latest. If a pupil is going to be late please phone the school. If a pupil has to leave the school, during the pupil day, this should be arranged in advance through the usual means of communication: email, phone message or note. If the pupil is to return again on the same day, please inform staff in the same way. For further information on school attendance, a guide for parents can be found on the Scottish Government’s website. The direct link is: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2009/12/04134640/0 Complaints Please direct a complaint to the Head teacher in the first instance. The School Complaints Procedure can be found on Shetland Islands Council’s website. The direct link is: http://www.shetland.gov.uk/education/hpc_complaints_procedure.asp Visiting the school You may wish to visit the school if your child has been offered a place or if you are seeking a place for your child. Please contact the school to make arrangements. Communication Communication between school and home is a crucial aspect of a child’s education and we aim to ensure that this is effective. Parents are kept well informed about various events, initiatives or developments via regular newsletters and additional informational letters, as and when Fetlar Primary School Handbook 2019-20 required. These newsletters / additional letters are sent home with pupils, e‐mailed directly to parents and are published on our website in the “Parents” section. Urgent communication (e.g. school closure) is made via telephone / text message or other media (as pre-arranged) at the earliest possible time. Homework diaries, reading records, and personal learning plans are all utilised as appropriate to aid communication between home and school. Parents/carers are able to contact the school daily via telephone or e‐mail or a letter from home. We endeavour to respond within 24 hours. The Principal Teacher or Head Teacher is usually available to respond to a telephone call on the same day.