Health Science, Peak Performance & The Mystical Experience

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Here we offer you high-quality curated content to enrich your life and expand your . Think of it as the “best of the internet” for each category. Use these resources to educate yourself and discover the history and current applications of health science, peak performance and the mystical experience. Remember this information is no substitute for direct experience, and it’s designed to help you develop your and a greater understanding of life. Don’t hesitate to ask​ our community​ any questions that come up for you along the way.



1. , + Ayurveda 2. Sacred Geometry, + Music 3. Fitness + Body 4. Productivity 5. Food + Nutrition 6. Immune, Endocrine + Nervous System 7. Cannabis + Hemp 8. Psychedelics + Culture 9. Money + Jobs 10. Relationships 11. Sex + Intimacy 12. Sleep + Lucid Dreaming 13. Travel + Language Learning 14. Networks 15. Apps

1. Yoga, Meditation+Ayurveda

Find your center and make the most of each delicious moment. Learn about the basic history, philosophy and practice of Eastern mystical traditions and how to make the most of your efforts. The links in this section can help you improve all other areas of your life, so it comes first.

1. How to Engage In Living Meditation (Dharma) 2. Experiencing 3. Happiness and Meditation 4. The Eight Limbs of Yoga 5. 38 Health Benefits of Yoga 6. Awaken the Chakras 7. Khechari for Blissful Awakening 8. Shambhavi Mudra for Opening The Third Eye 9. Kriya Yoga Introduction 10. Autobiography of a Yogi - Full Text 11. Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda 12. On Meditation and Activism in the Modern World 13. The Social Value of Awe and Wonder 14. Visualization for Concentration 15. Mind-Body Wellness Reduces External Healthcare Needs 16. Free Vedic Chart Reading 17. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 18. How the Brain Changes with Meditation 19. Meditation Improves Memory & Attention 20. Awakening the Mind Guided Meditation 21. Sacred Blessing 22. 200 Key Sanskrit Yoga Terms 23. How Health Works According to Yoga 24. 6 Ways to Tell Which Spiritual Teachings are Real 25. Mediation and Time Management 26. Self-Realization Guided 27.Overcome Obstacles to Meditation 28. List of Cognitive Biases 29. Ayurvedic Morning Routine 30. How to Do a Detox Retreat (Panchakarma) at Home 31. Global Healing Technique 32. Personalized Health (Dosha) Test 33. The Biological Science of Chakras 34. : Om Namah Shivaya 35. 7 Ways to Practice Aparigraha Non-Possessiveness 36. Increase Focus and Energy with the Root Lock (Mula Bandha) 37.Ayurvedic Herbs (Medical Uses) 38. How to Eat like a Yogi (Sattwic) 39. Spiritual Nutrition and Raw Food (Prana) 40. 3-Day Fasting Triggers Stem Cells and Immune Restoration 41. Life Skills to Manage Your Energy (Ojas) 42. Sacred Geometry of Shapes (Sri Yantra Triangles) 43. Sacred Geometry of Sound (Sound Temples) 44. Sacred Geometry of DNA 45. Introduction to Vipassana Meditation 46. Introduction to Tai Chi 47. How to Develop Your Intuition 48. What It Means to Be an Old 49. The Science of Human Biophotons (Light Energy) 50. Measuring Human Biophotons (Light Energy) 51. The Point of Magnetic Fields in the Body 52. A Message from the Arcturians (Planetary Evolution) 53. Sacred Geometry and Fractal Science 54. The 55. Society for Psychic Research 56. 4 Exercises to Increase Intutition 57. Institute for Functional Medicine 58. Esalen Video Lending Library 59. Befriending the Body: Yoga and Autoimmunity 60. The Nature of Synchronicity - Terence McKenna 61. The Psychic Readings of 62. 9 Deep Relaxations & Visualizations 63. Use Your Imagination in Yoga Class 64. Learn to Lucid Dream 65. Mystical Herbs for Lucid Dreaming 66. Protecting Yourself from EMFs (Wifi/Phones) 67. Tech Wellness (SaferTech) 68. Meditation in the Modern World (Buddhist Geeks) 69. Surfing as a Meditation Way of 70. Om Namah Shivaya 71. Safe Ayurvedic Detox 72.Shatkarma 6 Ayurvedic Detox Techniques 73.Realizing the Human Potential - Aldous Huxley 74. Altered Traits Meditation Research - Daniel Goleman 75. Personal Transformation - Daniel Goleman 76. How to Cleanse Your Chakras According to Avatar Cartoon 77.Psychic Ability and A Course in Miracles - Russell Targ 78. Kundalini Yoga Home Practice 79.Kriya Yoga Research - Breathing for Health 80. Dr. Vasant Lad’s Ayurvedic Institute 81. Mt. Madonna College of Ayurveda 82. Federation of Vedic Astrologers Society 83. How to Organize a Yoga Retreat 84. Dandipani - The Energy Alchemist 85. Rambhau Swami -The Fire Yogi of Tanjore 86. Vedic Cosmos Documentary 87. Sri Anandamayi Ma Documentary 88. How to Meditate - Ananda 89. Guided Energization Exercises - Ananda 90. The New Path - Kriyananda 91. Energy Rising: A Beginner’s Guide to Sushumna Spinal Column 92. Spinal Column & the Kundalini - Manly Hall 93. Merkabah & Mystical Disciplines - Manly Hall 94. Esoteric Alchemy: Transformation of Self - Manly Hall 95. Alchemical Medical Astrology: Planetary Correspondence to Chakras & Organs 96. The Seven Alchemical Principles 97.Adyashanti - Always Be Chasing Something 98. Yoganandaji Devotee Forum 99. Yogananda Affirmations 100. Yogananda AUM Technique 101. Yogananda AUM The Cosmic Sound 102. Yogananda Meditation on AUM Technique 103. Practices to Activate the Pineal Gland & Open the 3rd Eye 104. The Purpose of Life - Yogananda 105. Siddha Yoga Path 106. Perspective on Blavatsky & The Ascended Masters 107. Yoga Sutras Lectures - Swami Rama 108. Tantra Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation - Swami Rama 109. Mandukya Upanishad - Swami Rama 110. Bhaktivedanta Ashram Yogi 111. Agni Sara Breathing Exercise - Hatha Yoga 112. Maitriya Bodhi Guru 113. What Is Brahman - Alan Watts 114. 5 Sanskrit Words Every Yogi Should Know 115. The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing 116. Ways to Freedom - Effective, Mindful Living 117.3 Steps to Form a Yoga Circle 118. Lucid Dreaming in Tibetan 119. Delta Waves, Meditation & Deep Dreamless Sleep 120. Unified Field Physics and a New Vision of Reality 121. India Divine Saints & Gurus 122. Science of Consciousness 123. Zen in America Documentary 124. Christ Consciousness Nervous System Alchemical Biology 125. Waves of Beauty Waves of Bliss Poem 126. Wisdom Healing Healing All Causes of Disease 127. Sadhana: The Realization of Life - Tagore Audiobook 128. The Upanishads Audiobook 129. The Dhammapada Audiobook 130. Wisdom Library (Free Ancient Sacred Texts) 131. Dalai Lama Breathing Exercises & Meditation 132. 12 Benefits of Meditation

2. Sacred Geometry, Energy + Music

Everything in the universe is vibration. You can define vibration in a few ways - through math, energy and sound. This section dives into some of the lesser known elements of reality and how to approach life from a the cosmic perspective.

1. Sirius Disclosure - Quantum Zero Point Energy Technologies 2. Crystalinks - Sacred Geometry 3. Crystalinks – Flower of Life 4. Crystalinks – Metatron's Cube 5. Peace Mantra Om Shanti 6. Mind-Expanding 7. CIA Archive Project Stargate 8. Schumman Cavity Earth Resonance 9. Harmonic Balancing Sound Therapy 10. How to Make Orgonite Energy Accumulators 11. Benefits of Orgonite 12. Dr. Greer ET Disclosure - National Press Club 13. Dr. Greer Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge Documentary 14. Instructables - DIY Acoustic Levitation Machine 15. Perfect Shapes in Higher Dimensions 16. Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart 17. The Aliens Among Us 18. Project Blue Book - Report on UFOs (US Government CIA Document) 19. Secret Teachings of All Ages – Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color 20. Acoustic Anti-Gravity Machine - Levitating Water with Sound 21. How to Build a Dream Machine 22. SF Tesla Society Dr. Patrick Flanagan 23. Sound Alchemy Documentary 24. The Sacred Geometry of Sound 25. Anima Mundi World Soul Documentary 26. Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency & Form 27.Arc of the Covenant History 28. Arc of the Covenant: Resonant Technology 29. Pythagorean Tuning 30. Platonic Solids 31. NASA Explore the Solar System 32. Global Alchemical Texts 33. Anima Mundi - World Soul 34. Morphogenetic Field Biology 35. Zero-Point Energy Demystified 36. How Orgonite Works 37.The Strange Case of (Orgonite) 38. Evidence of Orgonite 39. How to Build an Orgone Accumulator Blanket 40. Lite the Light Orgone Pyramids 41. Orgonite Making Supplies 42. Egypt’s Pyramids as Energy Transformers (Tesla Pyramids) 43. 9 Tips to Cut Down EMF Exposure 44. Protecting Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation 45. EMF Home Protection Tips 46. Wisdom Healing for the World 47. Raising the Chrism - Neurotheology 48. Stan Meyers Water-Powered Car 49. Spirit Science – Flower of Life Documentary 50. Cymatics Sound Vibration Visualized 51. A Message to Artists – Terence McKenna 52. 432hz Theta Binaural Beats 53. The New Sound of Music – BBC Documentary 54. Resonant Frequency of the Ark of the Covenant 55. Music of the Spheres (Our Solar System) 56. Shamanic Icaros Magical Healing Songs 57. Sound of Love - Sound Healing Guide 58. Monroe Institute – Hemi-Sync Sound Therapy 59. Gayatri Mantra of Enlightenment – Swami Vivekananda 60. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra – Shiva Mantra 61. Gyuto Monks Tantric Chanting for World Peace 62. Wavepaths – Soundscapes with Visual Art Experience

3. Fitness+Body

A fit body helps a fit mind. The saying goes, “you do not control the mind with the mind, you control the mind with the breath.” The practical purpose of fitness is to help you feel confident, happy and able to do your work with plenty of energy. Approaching fitness as a mindbody practice that goes beyond the yoga mat, you can bring flow into all your moves.

1. How to Use Scientific Evidence in Fitness 2. Breatheology Breath Training 3. The Pyramid of Athletic Development 4. The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness 5. Taking Long Walks like Da Vinci, Einstein and Steve Jobs 6. Strongman Maxick & The Lost Art of Conscious Muscle Control 7. How to Get Your Glutes to Fire 8. Correcting Forward Head Posture 9. Fitness and Nutrition for Mental Wellness 10. Cultural Squatting Instead of Sitting to Heal Your Spine 11. Knee Safety for Proper Squatting 12. Two Natural Ways to Burn Fat (Fasting + Cold Showers) 13. PEMF Magnetic Therapy for Bone & Tissue Regeneration 14. Naturally Biohacking Testosterone 15. Just Dance 16. Habits to Boost Your Mitochondria 17. Making Excellence Your Daily Routine 18. The Five Fitness Benchmarks for Human Survival 19. The Seven Basic Human Movements 20. The Nine Essential Free Weight Exercises + Plan 21. A Simple Guide to Gaining Muscle Mass 22. The Owner’s Manual to Strong Hamstrings (Runner’s World) 23. The 5x5 Method (For Building Strength, Not Mass) 24. Reduce Injury and Increase Strength Using the "Root Lock" 25. Detailed Specifics on Applying the "Root Lock" 26. The Art of Zen Shiatsu Massage 27.Reduce Injury when Running 28. What It Means When Your Joints Pop 29. Exercises to Correct Pronated (Flat) Feet 30. Release Blocks with Feldenkrais Method 31. Yoga Journal Yoga Teaching Resources 32. Universal Song Body Healing Tuning Forks 33. Playground Workouts 34. Benefits of Jumping, Bouncing and Trampolines 35. 4 Exercises to Strengthen the Feet & Ankles 36. US Master’s Swim Group 37.Kelly Slater’s Morning Routine 38. Ginastica Natural (Calisthenics) 39. Foundation Training for Back Pain 40. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Explained 41. 3D Detailed Human Anatomy Program 42. Reset Your Default to Force Adaptation 43. Developing Hip Flexibility for Full Lotus Pose 44. How to Increase Hip Stability to Lift Heavy (Activate TFL and IT Band) 45. How to Squat Better (Correcting the Back Arch) 46. How to Perform Hanging Leg Lifts for a Strong Core 47. How to Unlock Your Tight Hips 48. Horse Stance Kung Fu Top Pose 49. Brian Kest Power Yoga Video 50. Rework Your Training Program to Reduce Burnout 51. How to Heal with Light Ball: Wisdom Healing Chi Gong 52. Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda 53. Take the Tapping Test for CNS Health 54. Fasting for Recovery 55. What You Need to Know About Fascia (Yoga Journal) 56. Anatomy Trains Fascia Research 57. How to Talk to Your Clients About Hormones 58. Top 5 Ways Fascia Matters for Athletes 59. Tom Myers Fascia 101 60. Enter the Kettlebell - Pavel Tsatsouline 61. Human Biomechanics In-Depth (Breaking Muscle) 62. Ironman Training in 12 Hours a Week Interview (From Ironman Champion) 63. Ironman Training in 12 Hours a Week Sample Plan 64. Shaolin Workout for Longevity 65. Medical Benefits of Sauna 66. The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding 67. Innersection Surfing with Kelly Slater 68. Shaolin Kung Fu Qigong Exercises for Longevity 69. Why Fascia Matters for Athletes 70. All About Fascia from Anatomy Trains 71. How to Understand Hormones 72.The Tapping Test for CNS Health & Optimizing Training Intensity 73.Energy Light Ball Wisdom Healing Qigong 74. The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness 75. Exercises to Strengthen Feet and Ankles from Barefoot Runners 76. 12 Monthly Challenges to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet 77.Hatha Yoga Level 1 Video Class 78. 38 Health Benefits of Yoga 79.5Rhythms Dance Movement Arts 80. Flow Dojo - Flow Genome Project 81. Anatomy Trains Kinesthetic Spatial Medicine 82. Spine Health Medical Resource 83. Yoga Anatomy Education 84. Solar Yoga Surya Kriya Sadhguru 85. Agni Sara Yoga Breathing for Internal Fire & Digestion 86. Fitness Lessons from 10 Years of Training 87. 25 Spa Treatments You Can Do At Home 88. FDA Endorses Acupuncture as Medical Treatment 89. Benefits of Inversion & 7 Ways to Do It 90. Training to with Deeper Humanity 4. Productivity

It helps to dream big, but that’s not enough, you must take action. Whether you have a vision or just want to save time, this list can help you exponentially improve your work ethic and process for working with your time, energy, resources and other people with the greatest advice from all kinds of experts.

1. Get Smart and Go On a Nature Walk 2. TED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking 3. Learn to Stop Consuming and Start Producing 4. #1 Soft Skill: Time Management & How to Master It 5. Why Google Employees Are Happy 6. 4 Steps to Zero Waste Lifestyle 7. Flow Genome Project Powerhour 8. Mindful Social Media Practice 9. How to Use the Most Important Task (MIT) Technique 10. Naval Ravikant Mental Software Upgrades 11. James Clear Atomic Habits Summary 12. Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet Checklist 13. 109 Mental Models Explained 14. Lessons from Creating a Kindness Curriculum 15. Tim Ferriss Minimal Lifestyle: 6 Formulas for More Output & Less Overwhelm 16. 23 Facts of Workplace Wellness 17. Biggest Learning Breakthroughs 18. Setting Up a Flexible Strategy 19. Defeat Procrastination Once and For All 20. Vision Board to Manifest Desires 21. Habit Gardening Smart Strategy 22. Study Hacks 23. Your Life in Weeks - Wait But Why 24. 5 Elements of Effective Thinking 25. Time, Focus and the Creative Life 26. Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule) 27.One Life Hack from a Self-Made Billionaire for Exponential Success 28. How to Become Mentally Strong 29. How to Decompress after High Stress 30. The Dalai Lama's Daily Routine and Information Diet 31. Busyness Is a Kind of Debt 32. How to Hack Your Flow State 33. Taking Intelligent Risks with Broad Focus 34. How to Let Go When You Feel Like a Control Freak 35. A Game to Increase Your Short-Term Memory 36. Creating Resilient Teams 37.Learn to Visualize Your Thoughts with Mindmaps 38. How to Learn a Language in Three Months 39. The Ancient Art of Building Memory Palaces 40. Be More Productive with Task Automation 41. 10 Ways to Share Your Work and Get Discovered 42. Processing and Planning Your Vision 43. Reduce Screen Time to Protect Your Brain 44. Use Bright Natural Light For Focus 45. Safeguard Yourself from Procrastination 46. Eliminate Interruptions to Increase Performance Episodes 47. Resist Urgent Tasks and Focus on Importance 48. How to Get Up Early 49. Hacking Creativity with Multiple Perspectives 50. Give Your Memory a Tune-Up 51. How to Set Goals that Work 52. 100 Blocks a Day (Time Experiment) 53. Taking Initiative (The Key to Success) 54. How to Move Through 55. The Compound Effect of Consistent Effort 56. Making Habits Stick 57. 30 Points for Accelerated Learning 58. Creating Motivation for Long-Term Commitments 59. Engineering Habit Change 60. Productivity In-Depth (4 Hour Work Week) 61. Daily Updates in Science Research in Performance (Ergo-Log) 62. Practices for Mastering Discipline

5. Food+Nutrition

You are what you eat, or perhaps more accurately, you are what does not come out the other end. To make the most of your health, nutrition is vital. Since food is like religion for most of us, it helps to be open and tolerant to others beliefs and see what we can learn. In the words of Michael Pollan, “eat real food, mostly plants, not too much.” And remember to bless your food, it tastes better that way.

1. Eating Organic on a Budget 2. Reasons to Grow Your Own Food 3. Local Harvest (Organic Farmers Markets/CSAs) 4. Organic Seed Alliance 5. Secret Life of Plants Documentary 6. Dirt! Soul Soil Documentary 7. The Light Generation Breatharian Documentary 8. Resources for Starting a Permaculture Garden 9. Grow Ayurvedic Herb Seeds 10. Acid-Alkaline Food Chart 11. Make Alkaline Water at Home 12. Recipe Nutrition Calculator 13. Oh She Glows Vegan Recipes 14. Simple Guide to Anti-Inflammatory Foods 15. Chi & Food: How to Eat Energetic Healing Foods 16. Arnold Ehret Mucusless Diet Healing System & Rational Fasting 17. The Diet: Foods That Raise Your Vibration 18. 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat 19. How to Get the Most Nutrients From Your Foods (Food Prep and Combinations) 20. The Story of Dirt and How It Makes Our Food (Heart and Soil) 21. Probiotics for Children with Autism 22. Dr. Vandana Shiva - Navdanya Organic Advocacy 23. Basics of Organic Gardening 24. World's Healthiest Foods (With Detailed Nutrients) 25. Plant-Based Protein Chart 26. Benefits of Lemon Water 27.Food Allergy Pyramid (Based on Blood Type) 28. Open Your Third Eye and Detox Your Body 29. Sacred Plants Herbal Astrology 30. Evolutionary Herbalism: Medical Astrology 31. Plant-Based: Paleo According to Evolutionary Biology 32. The Science of Restoring Mitochondria to Reverse Disease (Whole Food/Alkaline/Ketogenic Diet+Oxygen Therapy) 33. Healing Arthritis with Boron 34. Gerson Therapy for Chronic Illness 35. The Specifics of Mastering Nutritional Ketosis 36. Troubleshooting: Cholesterol, Energy Levels and Nutritional Ketosis 37.How to Do a Cyclic Ketogenic Diet 38. The Cholesterol Myth Debugged 39. Getting Resistant Starch from Whole Foods (Green Bananas) 40. Remove High-Lectin Foods for Immune Health (For Leaky Gut) 41. Understanding Phytic Acid (For Leaky Gut) 42. The Science of Sprouting Nutrition 43. Up Your Antioxidants with Glutathione Foods 44. Food Combining for Iron Absorption (Add Vitamin C) 45. Nutrigenomics: The Gene-Food Interface (White Paper) 46. The Environmental Effect of What You Eat (White Paper) 47. The Science of "Breatharians" (People Who Don't Need Food) 48. Sun Gazing for Energy and Healing 49. Autophagy: The True Detox Exercise (Fasting) 50. Common Edible Wild Plants 51. Herbal Adaptogens List (For Stress Relief) 52. Research Shows Turmeric Is As Effective As 14 Prescription Drugs 53. Medical Uses of Herbs 54. Mountain Rose Herbs (Organic, Bulk Deals) 55. Human Biochemistry In-Depth (Found My Fitness) 56. Organic Food Delivery for $3 (Brandless) 57. 11 Herbs for Focus & Clarity 58. Dr. Michael Greger @ NutritionFacts 59. Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds 60. 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleansing 61. 3 Big Myths About Modern Agriculture 62. Science Behind Optimal Metabolism for Longevity 63. 7 Ways to Candida 64. 34 Lessons from 10,000 Body Transformations 65. The Difference Between Raw Cacao and Roasted Cocoa 66. 9 Benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil for Immunity 67. Meal Planning for Busy People 68. Mugwort for Dreams, Joints and Digestion 69. Grow a Garden with SeedSavers Organic Heirloom Seeds 70. Fiber-Rich Foods to Reduce Inflammation 71. Top 10 Foods High in Zinc 72.Army Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants 73.Benefits of Eating Dirt (in Trace Amounts) 74. The Art of Intuitive Eating: What Food Cravings Tell You 75. 16 Ways to Boost Your Testosterone 76. Body pH & 7 Most Alkaline Foods 77.Make a Difference on a Small Planet

6. Immune, Endocrine + Nervous System

There’s a lot that happens in our body without us having think about. We go about our day as our nerves tell DNA how to form the body. And yet, we can assist this process, especially when something goes haywire. This section approaches body systems from a holistic approach for healing.

1. Fasting to Heal Autoimmunity 2. Guide to Reversing Thyroid Symptoms 3. Mechanisms to Reduce Thyroid Antibodies 4. Treating Thyroid Naturally 5. SENS Longevity Research 6. Cruciferous Veggies and Thyroid (You Can Eat Them, Especially Broccoli Sprouts) 7. Immunomodulating (Autoimmune) Herbs 8. Fasting to Reverse Autoimmune Conditions 9. Glutathione Recycling for Healing Autoimmune 10. Stem Cell Therapy for Thyroid 11. Thyroid (Lymph Drainage) Self-Massage 12. Effects of Sugar on Hormones 13. Reverse Thyroid Autoimmune (Hashimoto's Case Study) 14. Immune Balancing for Autoimmune Thyroid 15. Brazil Nuts (Selenium) for Thyroid Hormone (T4/T3) Conversion 16. Heal Your Gut to Reverse Autoimmune Conditions 17. Nutritional Ketosis and Vitamin C Therapy for Thyroid 18. Thyroid According to Ayurveda 19. Yoga for Thyroid 20. Thyroid Balancing with Yoga in Detail (Yoga International) 21. Thyroid According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (White Paper) 22. Herbal Botanicals for Thyroid (White Paper) 23. Cannabis Therapy for Autoimmunity+Thyroid

7. Cannabis + Hemp

Cannabis, otherwise known as hemp or marijuana, has a history as old as recorded civilization. For roughly 3,000 years until the late 1800s, cannabis was the world’s most cultivated agricultural crop used for food, sails, clothes, building materials, fuel, paper, and medicine. We can enact a global paradigm shift through the proper use of this one plant.

1. Jack Herer The Emperor Wears No Clothes Book 2. History of Cannabis (Marijuana) in India 3. 478 Research Articles on Benefits and Applications of Cannabis 4. Finding Your Proper Cannabis Dosage (Personalized Medicine) 5. How to Grow Your Own Medical Cannabis 6. Cannabis in the Body (Endocannabinoid System) 7. Cannabis Therapy (CBD) for 53 Medical Conditions 8. Types of Cannabis Therapy 9. Nutritional Benefits of Raw Cannabis 10. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Explained & Recipe 11. For Rastas, Eating Pure Food from the Earth is a Sacred Duty 12. Cannabis Massage Lotion (Topicals) Does Not Enter the Blood Stream 13. Cannabis Misconceptions 14. It's Just A Plant: A Short Story 15. Reddit CBD Thread 16. Buy Pure CBD CBDistillery 17. CBD Benefits for Mood, Immunity and Relaxation 18. CBD User’s Manual 19. CBD Beginner’s Guide 20. Tips for Growing Industrial Hemp 21. Guide to Pruning Cannabis Plants for Optimum Yield 22. Jack Herer Legalization Biography Documentary 23. Jorge Cervantes - The Indoor/Outdoor Grow Guide 24. Ed Rosenthal - Marijuana Grower’s Guide 25. Hemp for Victory (US Government Film) 26. Confident Cannabis Analytics 27.NORML Cannabis Laws

8. Psychedelics+Culture

We are at the end of one era, poised at the precipice of the next. Our goal is to cross this gap between the ages and build a bridge into the unknown greatness that awaits us in the next phase of evolution. The world is on fire with an existential crisis seen in energy, public health, population, the environment, the monetary system, government and religion - as what were once cultural norms no longer hold up to the test of our collective awareness. Let’s explore psychedelics.

1. All About - Terence McKenna 2. Psychedelic Education As Tools for Wonder & Awe 3. Set & Setting for Psychedelics 4. How to Become a Psychedelic Therapist 5. The Undiscovered Self & Archetypes - Carl Jung 6. IONS - Noetic Sciences Explained 7. How to Produce DMT Naturally 8. Gives Maharaji the “Yogi Medicine” 9. Natural Science & The Mystical Worldview 10. Crystalinks - Holographic Universe Simulation Hypothesis 11. The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences 12. Fasting to Prepare for Your Vision Quest 13. Tough Lessons Learned from Ayahuasca 14. Benefits of Microdosing with LSD and Psilocybin 15. Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Research 16. New York Times Psilocybin as Medicine 17. DMT: The Spirit Molecule Documentary 18. The Essential Guide to Psilocybin Mushrooms 19. Erowid Dosage Chart 20. DMT Safety Guide: Reducing Harm Through Education 21. Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved (TIKHAL) Erowid 22. Psilocybin Mushrooms Erowid 23. Council on Spiritual Practices (CSP) Psilocybin Research 24. Reddit Microdosing Thread 25. Changa Shamanic Herb Blend 26. How Our Brains Produce DMT 27.Psychic & Mystic Experiences of Aborigines 28. Heart-Centered Consciousness Dreamtime Aborigines 29. Carl Jung Psychology & The Psychedelic Experience 30. The Essential Guide to Ibogaine - Third Wave 31. The Essential Guide to DMT - Third Wave 32. The Essential Guide to Mescaline - Third Wave 33. The Essential Guide to Microdosing LSD - Third Wave 34. The Essential Guide to Microdosing Mushrooms - Third Wave 35. Tim Ferriss & James Fadiman on Microdosing & Psychedelic Therapy 36. Dick Price, Esalen Founder, on Psychosis & Shamanism 37.Psychedelics: A Service Industry 38. Holotropic Breathwork with Dr. Stan Grof 39. Birth of LSD with Dr. Stan Grof 40. LSD Originally Made for Migraine Headaches 41. Michael Pollan Mushrooms LSD Can Help Solve Mental Health 42. A Review of Studies on Psychedelics for Mental Healthcare 43. Early Research on DMT from 1956 44. 5 Steps to Have the Best DMT Experience 45. A Book About Dimitri 46. Vilca: Ancient Amazonian 47. On Being Stoned: A Psychological Study Book 48. Salema Porgy: A Hallucinogenic Fish for Ancient Romans 49. Introduction to Psychedelic Healing 50. Stealing Fire 1 Jamie Wheal & Aubrey Marcus 51. Stealing Fire 2 Jamie Wheal & Ben Greenfield 52. The 100th Monkey: Psychic Phenomena in Monkeys 53. Psychedelic First Aid 54. BlueLight Psychedelic Forums 55. My Favorite Mysteries - Terence McKenna 56. Ayahuasca for Personal Transformation 57. Kaneh Bosm: Cannabis in the Old Testament 58. Embracing Chaos as the Mother of Form 59. Celebrating 75 Years of LSD Research 60. 5 Myths About Psychedelics 61. Safe Substance Test Kits 62. Ormus, The Philosopher’s Stone & Alchemical Gold 63. History, Effects and Uses of Psilocybin 64. Replacing Antidepressants with Psychedelics 65. Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines 66. Why Many Psychedelics Are Currently Illegal 67. Psychedelics & Your Fitness Routine 68. Psychedelics Reduce Fear of 69. A Skeptic's Guide to Psychedelics 70. Inside LSD Documentary 71. Transforming the Self Psychology & Alchemy - Carl Jung 72.Carl Jung & The Psychic Archetypes 73.The Elusynian Mysteries - Terence McKenna 74. The World Could Be Anything - Terence McKenna 75. Magic & The Hermetic Tradition - Terence McKenna 76. Global Initiative on Drug Policy Reform (Beckley/Oxford) 77.Erowid Library of Spiritual Psychedelics () 78. Infinite Zooming Art (Arkadia) 79.Sacred Rosicrucian Texts 80. Man & His Symbols - Carl Jung 81. Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Carl Jung 82. Compass Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy 83. CIIS Center for Psychedelic Therapy & Research 84. CIIS Cerification in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy 85. Stanford Cognitive & Systems Neuroscience Lab 86. BlueLight Psychedelic Forum 87. The Psychedelic Beginnings of Yoga 88. Thrive Movement Resources 89. Gaia Consciousness Videos 90. Alan Watts Audio Archive 91. Mindshift Top Free Online Course 92. 13 Month Mayan Lunar Calendar Tutorial (The Law of Time)

9. Money+Jobs

Money is utility, and it is one of the more useful fictions that humans have created. By approaching money as spiritual energy, we can develop a healthy relationship to it so that it enhances our lives, relationships and the health of the planet. By allowing money to serve us, rather than the other way around, we can build better systems and personal processes for trading value with money.

1. A Guide to Financial Literacy 2. Leap (AI-Powered Job Search) 3. Indeed Job Search 4. LinkedIn Resume Builder 5. How Blockchain Works (Guides) 6. Play Games to Find a Job Match 7. Working Nomads Remote Jobs 8. Accounting Basics (Balance Sheets) 9. How to Switch Careers with Minimal Experience 10. Cryptocurrency and the History of Money 11. Why Trust Is One of the Most Valuable Resources 12. Giftivism: Reclaiming the Priceless 13. Focus On Creating Abundance to Attract Wealth 14. Stay Calm About Your Money Situation 15. Upwork (Virtual Freelance Employment) 16. How to Find Clients as a Freelancer 17. Save Money Without Budgeting 18. Getting Rich with Mother Nature 19. How to Ask for What You Need 20. Economics for Everyone 21. Internet of Money Volume 1 22. Internet of Money Volume 2 23. 10 Priniciples of Burning Man 24. Vedic Business Excellence 25. Capitalism vs Socialism 26. Simple Living with Mr. Money Mustache 27.Lessons from the Intelligent Investor 28. Ray Dalio Principles Google Talk 29. Careers at NASA 30. Platform Business Model 31. Satoshi’s Original Bitcoin Whitepaper 32. Charles Eisenstein Sacred Economics 33. Enlightened Negotiation 34. Wirtland - World’s First Internet Country 35. LearnVest How to Budget 36. Kiva: Loans That Change Lives 10. Relationships

Healthy relationships means developing love in your heart. Use your emotional intelligence to get a better understanding of how to wrap your mind around the world we live in and the common problems we face. Learn how you can take definitive steps to get in touch with your intuition for accelerated learning so that you can set a great example and love the people around you.

1. Learning to Listen 2. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence 3. Be with the Pain: It's Here to Teach You 4. Art Therapy for Discovering Yourself 5. Harvard’s 80 Year Happiness Study Results 6. Emotional First Aid: Overcoming Loneliness 7. Create Happiness from Giving 8. Convincing Family and Friends to Lose Weight 9. The Science of Feeling with Your Heart 10. The Most Valuable Personality Trait 11. How to Disagree with Someone More Powerful Than You 12. 50 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Yourself 13. Overcome Fear to Keep Learning 14. Negotiating Challenges in Relationships 15. Ho’Oponopono: Forgiveness & Love 16. How to Have a Spiritual Relationship: Egyptian Alchemy 17. Be a Love Magnet by Being Better Everyday 18. Boyz 2 Men: Rites of Passage in Modern Culture 19. White Buffalo Calf Woman the Power of & Gratitude 20. How to Choose Happiness 21. The Secrets of Lasting Happiness 22. Reexamine Your Life 23. The Empath's Survival Guide (Psychology Today) 24. The Connection Between You and What Happens to You (Alan Watts) 25. School of Life Relationships 26. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Online Course 27.The Hero’s Path Joseph Campbell 28. The Empath Questionnaire 29. A Manifesto for Real Men 30. 9 Native American Quotes About Women 31. Let It Happen By Itself - Alan Watts 32. Love: A Dangerous Game We Must Play - Alan Watts 33. Tantra: The Male & Female Forms - Alan Watts 34. Thought Vibration & The Law of Attraction 35. Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds 36. The Most Peaceful Prosperous Time in History with a Catch 37.C.S. Lewis - To Love At All Cartoon Poem 38. If You Love Someone Set Them Free Cartoon Poem 39. 19 Truths from my 90 Year Old Grandmother 40. Most Celebrated Poem on Death in History

11. Sex+Intimacy

People have been doing it since the dawn of time. Every culture has a perspective on it. And yet, there is an entire world to explore when it comes to deepening your ability to feel your connection to one another. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and here to inspire you to feel safe and able to trust your partner to explore with you.

1. The Nature Inspired Ecosexual Awakening 2. The Applied Science of Flirting 3. How and When to Use Seduction 4. Come As Your Are Sex Worksheets 5. The Ancient Egyptian Sex Practice to Raise Consciousness (Ankh) 6. Massage and Sound Therapy to Release Sexual Blocks 7. Tantra and Kundalini Energy in a Nutshell 8. Ladies: How to Have Full Body Orgasms 9. Guys: How to Have Multiple Non-Ejaculatory Orgasms 10. Yoga Poses for Premature Ejaculation and ED 11. Acupressure for Healthy and Libido 12. Yoga Kegels to Strengthen PC Muscles (Mula Bandha) for Sexual Stamina 13. Massaging the PC Muscles 14. Using Self-Control (Brahmacharya) 15. Using Native Stem Cells for Infertile Couples & Engineering the Perfect Baby (yikes!) 16. Tantric Orgasmic Bliss Meditation 17. The Art of Cuddling

12. Sleep+Lucid Dreaming

Great sleep is a precursor to a great life. Dreams play an important role in culture and health. In order to remember your dreams, keep a dream journal by your bed and notice any patterns in your dreams. Lucid dreaming is a state where you become aware while dreaming and you can decide what you want to do in the dream world.

1. The Art and Science of Optimal Sleep 2. Dream Therapy for Health and Happiness 3. Guiding Your Mind to Creative Discovery Before and After Sleep 4. Melatonin Explained 5. How to Sleep like a Yogi 6. The Act of Dream Yoga 7. A Prayer for World Healing 8. 8 Steps to an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) 9. Positive Affirmations for Lucid Dreaming 10. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming: MILD Technique 11. Wake Back To Bed for Lucid Dreaming: WBTB Technique 12. Lucid Dreaming FAQ 13. National Geographic Science of Sleep 14. Dream Yoga with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 15. Spirit Science for 16. Find Your Off Button for Rest and Recovery 17. Ayurvedic Treatment for Insomnia 18. Lucid Dreaming for Self-Realization 19. Herbs for Dreaming 20. Ten Dreams that Changed the World 21. Chinese Medicine & the Body’s Internal Organ Clock 22. Llewelyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming 23. International Association on the Study of Dreams 24. Self-Hypnosis for Meeting Your Spirit Guide in a Lucid Dream 25. Cleansing Chakra Sleep Meditation

13. Travel+Language Learning

The world is your oyster, and so is your mind. It’s funny how the more you travel the more you change, and the more that changes, the more that stays the same. You realize what matters all along is not the goal, but the journey. Learning languages makes for a great companion to travel because of the process it inspires in you to take full advantage of your experiences.

1. The Art of Non-Conformity (Hacking Travel Miles) 2. Teach English Abroad (TEFL) 3. TEFL Guide + Bot 4. Short-Term Adventure Jobs 5. One Bag Travel (How to Pack) 6. CIBT Visas - Fast & Secure 7. Scott’s Cheap Flights 8. Smart Traveller Enrollment Program (STEP) 9. World's Best Festivals 10. Volunteer on Organic Farms (WWOOF) 11. Volunteer at Homes, Lodges and Farms (WorkAway) 12. Stay with Locals for Free (Couchsurfing) 13. Top Travel Jobs 14. Index of the World's Written Languages 15. 12 Rules for Learning a Foreign Language in Record Time 16. Marty Lobdell “Study Less, Study Smart” 17. Memory Major System 18. Free Language Learning Resources (Fluent Forever) 19. Huge Travel Resource Page (Vagabonding)

14. Networks

We're here to share in the evolution of humanity - you can take an active role by co-creating an all-star community locally and globally. We have streamlined the process of finding like-minded peers and mentors for you. Now you can connect with a network of friends and experts in your area and beyond.

1. NuMundo (Transformational Experiences) 2. Local Harvest (Organic Farmers Markets/CSAs) 3. Organic Seed Alliance 4. Worldwide 5. BookYogaRetreats 6. Ananda Centers 7. High Existence 8. First Medicine-Free Hospital in the World 9. Intentional Communities Directory (Sustainable Living Ecovillages) 10. Memory Championships League 11. Pachamama Alliance (Amazon Treks) 12. Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) 13. Beckley Foundation (Psychedelic Research) 14. The International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS) 15. CIIS College of Chinese Medicine 16. American Botanical Council (Herbal Medicine) 17. International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (ICHNFM) 18. MIT Open Courseware (Free MIT Science Courses) 19. US National Institutes for Health/PubMed (Free Research) 20. Food Revolution Network 21. National Young Farmers Coalition 22. North American Mycological Association (Wild Mushrooms) 23. Natural Healers Certification Network (Massage, Yoga Nutrition, Natural Medicine) 24. 25. Tassajara Zen Center 26. Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong 27.Keshe Foundation (Alternative Energy) 28. Omega Institute and Retreats 29. Sivananda Yoga Centers 30. Spirit Rock Meditation Center 31. Ashoka Network (Social Entrepreneurs) 32. Singularity University Network 33. Yoga Alliance (Accredited Yoga Schools+Studios) 34. Bioneers (Environmental Activists) 35. HeartMath (Stanford Research Training) 36. Ayahuasca Forum 37.MycoMeditations (Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy) 38. Open Mind Trips Mushroom Forum 39. Psychedelic Support Wellness Platform 40. BlueLight Consciousness Safety Forum 41. Dalai Lama Mind & Life Institute 42. Burning Man

15. Apps

Leverage the power of technology to solve collective problems, mirroring the ecological-interdependence mindset of our shared ancestors. Technology has one job, make our lives easier. Remember that love, thought and creative spirit are what fuel this revolution.

1. Google Drive (Cloud File Storage) 2. Station (The App for Your Apps) 3. PayPal (Online Payment and Invoices) 4. GoFundMe (Raise Money) 5. Google Earth 3D 6. Internet Speed Test 7. CREDO Mobile (Non-Profit Cell Phone Service) 8. FairPhone (Ethically-Sourced Modular Phones) 9. Flower Essence Services (Mind-Body Wellness) 10. Freedom (Block Internet Websites Temporarily) 11. Dock (Blockchain Account Security) 12. Dexcom CGM System 13. Whole Earth Catalog (Tools, Ideas, Environment) 14. (Get Sponsored To Create) 15. Leap (AI-Powered Job Search) 16. Canva (Free Graphic Design Tool) 17. Steps (Overcome Social Anxiety) 18. WolframAlpha (Free Math Engine) 19. FreeCodeCamp (Learn to Code) 20. Change (Make a Legal Petition) 21. Whole Earth Catalog (Access to Tools) 22. Cron-o-meter (Health+Nutrition Tracker) 23. Nutritional Ketosis Macronutrient Calculator (Weight-Loss) 24. Environmental Working Group (Clean Living Thru Knowledge) 25. Mint (Finance Tracker) 26. RSA Animate (Education Cartoons) 27.Thought Cafe (Social Justice Cartoons) 28. Google Creatability (Design Experiments) 29. Organic Food Delivery for $3 (Brandless) 30. Bandcamp (Sell Your Music) 31. Wealthfront (Finance Planner) 32. FancyHands (Virtual Assistant) 33. Upwork (Virtual Freelance Employment) 34. (Automatic Meeting Scheduling) 35. Calendly (Meeting Scheduling with Pre-Set Times) 36. Zapier (Automate Your Workflows) 37.Slack (Group Project Communication) 38. Overdrive (Free Audiobooks) 39. Instructables (Make Stuff) 40. Meetup (Make Friends) 41. (Make Visual Diagrams and Mindmaps) 42. Duolingo (Language Learning) 43. Anki (Smart Flashcards for Memory Training) 44. Dhamma Talks ( Talks by Monks) 45. Headspace (Meditation) 46. DNA Analysis Tool (FoundMyFitness) 47. Sirius Disclosure 48. Wavepaths (Soundscapes with Visual Art Experience) 49. LibriVox (Free Public Domain Audiobooks) 50. Anchor (Simple Podcast Setup) 51. Jovian Archive Human Design 52. Gene Keys Profile 53. WikiMedia Commons 54. Creative Commons Intellectual Property Licensing 55. Library of Congress Research Service Center

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