Health Science, Peak Performance & The Mystical Experience View the original article HERE Here we offer you high-quality curated content to enrich your life and expand your mind. Think of it as the “best of the internet” for each category. Use these resources to educate yourself and discover the history and current applications of health science, peak performance and the mystical experience. Remember this information is no substitute for direct experience, and it’s designed to help you develop your intuition and a greater understanding of life. Don’t hesitate to ask our community any questions that come up for you along the way. TABLE OF CONTENTS USE (COMMAND+F) ON YOUR KEYBOARD TO SEARCH 1. Yoga, Meditation + Ayurveda 2. Sacred Geometry, Energy + Music 3. Fitness + Body 4. Productivity 5. Food + Nutrition 6. Immune, Endocrine + Nervous System 7. Cannabis + Hemp 8. Psychedelics + Culture 9. Money + Jobs 10. Relationships 11. Sex + Intimacy 12. Sleep + Lucid Dreaming 13. Travel + Language Learning 14. Networks 15. Apps 1. Yoga, Meditation+Ayurveda Find your center and make the most of each delicious moment. Learn about the basic history, philosophy and practice of Eastern mystical traditions and how to make the most of your efforts. The links in this section can help you improve all other areas of your life, so it comes first. 1. How to Engage In Living Meditation (Dharma) 2. Experiencing Higher Consciousness 3. Happiness and Meditation 4. The Eight Limbs of Yoga 5. 38 Health Benefits of Yoga 6. Awaken the Chakras Guided Meditation 7. Khechari Mudra for Blissful Awakening 8. Shambhavi Mudra for Opening The Third Eye 9. Kriya Yoga Introduction 10. Autobiography of a Yogi - Full Text 11. Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda 12. On Meditation and Activism in the Modern World 13. The Social Value of Awe and Wonder 14. Visualization for Concentration 15. Mind-Body Wellness Reduces External Healthcare Needs 16. Free Vedic Astrology Chart Reading 17. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 18. How the Brain Changes with Meditation 19. Meditation Improves Memory & Attention 20. Alan Watts Awakening the Mind Guided Meditation 21. Sacred Blessing 22. 200 Key Sanskrit Yoga Terms 23. How Health Works According to Yoga 24. 6 Ways to Tell Which Spiritual Teachings are Real 25. Mediation and Time Management 26. Self-Realization Guided Meditations 27.Overcome Obstacles to Meditation 28. List of Cognitive Biases 29. Ayurvedic Morning Routine 30. How to Do a Detox Retreat (Panchakarma) at Home 31. Global Healing Technique 32. Personalized Health (Dosha) Test 33. The Biological Science of Chakras 34. Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya 35. 7 Ways to Practice Aparigraha Non-Possessiveness 36. Increase Focus and Energy with the Root Lock (Mula Bandha) 37.Ayurvedic Herbs (Medical Uses) 38. How to Eat like a Yogi (Sattwic) 39. Spiritual Nutrition and Raw Food (Prana) 40. 3-Day Fasting Triggers Stem Cells and Immune Restoration 41. Life Skills to Manage Your Energy (Ojas) 42. Sacred Geometry of Shapes (Sri Yantra Triangles) 43. Sacred Geometry of Sound (Sound Temples) 44. Sacred Geometry of DNA 45. Introduction to Vipassana Meditation 46. Introduction to Tai Chi 47. How to Develop Your Intuition 48. What It Means to Be an Old Soul 49. The Science of Human Biophotons (Light Energy) 50. Measuring Human Biophotons (Light Energy) 51. The Point of Magnetic Fields in the Body 52. A Message from the Arcturians (Planetary Evolution) 53. Sacred Geometry and Fractal Science 54. The Akashic Records 55. Society for Psychic Research 56. 4 Exercises to Increase Intutition 57. Institute for Functional Medicine 58. Esalen Video Lending Library 59. Befriending the Body: Yoga and Autoimmunity 60. The Nature of Synchronicity - Terence McKenna 61. The Psychic Readings of Edgar Cayce 62. 9 Deep Relaxations & Visualizations 63. Use Your Imagination in Yoga Class 64. Learn to Lucid Dream 65. Mystical Herbs for Lucid Dreaming 66. Protecting Yourself from EMFs (Wifi/Phones) 67. Tech Wellness (SaferTech) 68. Meditation in the Modern World (Buddhist Geeks) 69. Surfing as a Meditation Way of Zen 70. Om Namah Shivaya Chant 71. Safe Ayurvedic Detox 72.Shatkarma 6 Ayurvedic Detox Techniques 73.Realizing the Human Potential - Aldous Huxley 74. Altered Traits Meditation Research - Daniel Goleman 75. Personal Transformation - Daniel Goleman 76. How to Cleanse Your Chakras According to Avatar Cartoon 77.Psychic Ability and A Course in Miracles - Russell Targ 78. Kundalini Tantra Yoga Home Practice 79.Kriya Yoga Research - Breathing for Health 80. Dr. Vasant Lad’s Ayurvedic Institute 81. Mt. Madonna College of Ayurveda 82. Federation of Vedic Astrologers Society 83. How to Organize a Yoga Retreat 84. Dandipani - The Energy Alchemist 85. Rambhau Swami -The Fire Yogi of Tanjore 86. Vedic Cosmos Documentary 87. Sri Anandamayi Ma Documentary 88. How to Meditate - Ananda 89. Guided Energization Exercises - Ananda 90. The New Path - Kriyananda 91. Energy Rising: A Beginner’s Guide to Sushumna Spinal Column 92. Spinal Column & the Kundalini - Manly Hall 93. Merkabah & Mystical Disciplines - Manly Hall 94. Esoteric Alchemy: Transformation of Self - Manly Hall 95. Alchemical Medical Astrology: Planetary Correspondence to Chakras & Organs 96. The Seven Alchemical Principles 97.Adyashanti - Always Be Chasing Something 98. Yoganandaji Devotee Forum 99. Yogananda Affirmations 100. Yogananda AUM Technique 101. Yogananda AUM The Cosmic Sound 102. Yogananda Meditation on AUM Technique 103. Practices to Activate the Pineal Gland & Open the 3rd Eye 104. The Purpose of Life - Yogananda 105. Siddha Yoga Path 106. Perspective on Blavatsky & The Ascended Masters 107. Yoga Sutras Lectures - Swami Rama 108. Tantra Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation - Swami Rama 109. Mandukya Upanishad - Swami Rama 110. Bhaktivedanta Ashram Yogi Samadhi 111. Agni Sara Breathing Exercise - Hatha Yoga 112. Maitriya Bodhi Guru 113. What Is Brahman - Alan Watts 114. 5 Sanskrit Words Every Yogi Should Know 115. The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing 116. Ways to Freedom - Effective, Mindful Living 117.3 Steps to Form a Yoga Circle 118. Lucid Dreaming in Tibetan Buddhism 119. Delta Waves, Meditation & Deep Dreamless Sleep 120. Unified Field Physics and a New Vision of Reality 121. India Divine Saints & Gurus 122. Science of Consciousness 123. Zen in America Documentary 124. Christ Consciousness Nervous System Alchemical Biology 125. Waves of Beauty Waves of Bliss Poem 126. Wisdom Healing Healing All Causes of Disease 127. Sadhana: The Realization of Life - Tagore Audiobook 128. The Upanishads Audiobook 129. The Dhammapada Audiobook 130. Wisdom Library (Free Ancient Sacred Texts) 131. Dalai Lama Breathing Exercises & Meditation 132. 12 Benefits of Meditation 2. Sacred Geometry, Energy + Music Everything in the universe is vibration. You can define vibration in a few ways - through math, energy and sound. This section dives into some of the lesser known elements of reality and how to approach life from a the cosmic perspective. 1. Sirius Disclosure - Quantum Zero Point Energy Technologies 2. Crystalinks - Sacred Geometry 3. Crystalinks – Flower of Life 4. Crystalinks – Metatron's Cube 5. Peace Mantra Om Shanti 6. Mind-Expanding Mantras 7. CIA Archive Project Stargate 8. Schumman Cavity Earth Resonance 9. Harmonic Balancing Sound Therapy 10. How to Make Orgonite Energy Accumulators 11. Benefits of Orgonite 12. Dr. Greer ET Disclosure - National Press Club 13. Dr. Greer Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge Documentary 14. Instructables - DIY Acoustic Levitation Machine 15. Perfect Shapes in Higher Dimensions 16. Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart 17. The Aliens Among Us 18. Project Blue Book - Report on UFOs (US Government CIA Document) 19. Secret Teachings of All Ages – Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color 20. Acoustic Anti-Gravity Machine - Levitating Water with Sound 21. How to Build a Dream Machine 22. SF Tesla Society Dr. Patrick Flanagan 23. Sound Alchemy Documentary 24. The Sacred Geometry of Sound 25. Anima Mundi World Soul Documentary 26. Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency & Form 27.Arc of the Covenant History 28. Arc of the Covenant: Resonant Technology 29. Pythagorean Tuning 30. Platonic Solids 31. NASA Explore the Solar System 32. Global Alchemical Texts 33. Anima Mundi - World Soul 34. Morphogenetic Field Biology 35. Zero-Point Energy Demystified 36. How Orgonite Works 37.The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich (Orgonite) 38. Evidence of Orgonite 39. How to Build an Orgone Accumulator Blanket 40. Lite the Light Orgone Pyramids 41. Orgonite Making Supplies 42. Egypt’s Pyramids as Energy Transformers (Tesla Pyramids) 43. 9 Tips to Cut Down EMF Exposure 44. Protecting Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation 45. EMF Home Protection Tips 46. Wisdom Healing for the World 47. Raising the Chrism - Neurotheology 48. Stan Meyers Water-Powered Car 49. Spirit Science – Flower of Life Documentary 50. Cymatics Sound Vibration Visualized 51. A Message to Artists – Terence McKenna 52. 432hz Theta Binaural Beats 53. The New Sound of Music – BBC Documentary 54. Resonant Frequency of the Ark of the Covenant 55. Music of the Spheres (Our Solar System) 56. Shamanic Icaros Magical Healing Songs 57. Sound of Love - Sound Healing Guide 58. Monroe Institute – Hemi-Sync Sound Therapy 59. Gayatri Mantra of Enlightenment – Swami Vivekananda 60. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra – Shiva Mantra 61. Gyuto Monks Tantric Chanting for World Peace 62. Wavepaths – Soundscapes with Visual Art Experience 3. Fitness+Body A fit body helps a fit mind. The saying goes, “you do not control the mind with the mind, you control the mind with the breath.” The practical purpose of fitness is to help you feel confident, happy and able to do your work with plenty of energy. Approaching fitness as a mindbody practice that goes beyond the yoga mat, you can bring flow into all your moves. 1. How to Use Scientific Evidence in Fitness 2. Breatheology Breath Training 3. The Pyramid of Athletic Development 4. The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness 5. Taking Long Walks like Da Vinci, Einstein and Steve Jobs 6. Strongman Maxick & The Lost Art of Conscious Muscle Control 7.
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