ON WAY 'n Anftuar Field Day Exercises GIRL ILL TO DALLAS TO WIN OFFICE OF FRANK 1914JMENTIQN DESERTED BETWEEN; 135 Knights and Nobles of 12:05 Yaarab Temple Start on Long Pilgrimage Over the Testimony Considered Impor- Hot Sands of the Desert. tant by Officers Because Frank at the Inquest Stated CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS. on Stand That He Did Not DECLARE DELEGATES Leave Between Noon on Saturday and 12:25. When Great Throng at the Terminal Quinn Came to See Him. Station to See Atlantans Start—Fund of $76,000 Is SHE WENT TO FACTORY Ready for Entertainment. TO GET PAY ENVELOlgj^ POSITIVE OF THE TIME "Atlanta 1914'" With that slogan and $75.000 pledged by the business men of Atlanta to- as- Photo by Prancto H, Price, Staff Photographer New Evidence, Just S sure the success of the 1814 council, Boys and'gids as. tKey-willJappear "'itv^TThe Butterfly Roundel" at Ponce de Leon today. On the Left—Boys of the fourth grade Highland Avenue school. Read- more than 135 kniiffhts and nobles of ing frotn 4eft to r%h£:> Waker* Franklin, JEverett Bawsel, Edgar Walthail, Marion Dreger. On the Right—Girls from the fourth grade Highland Avenue school. Read- to Detective Department, Yaara-b Temple, A A O M S, started v on the long pilgrimage over the hot ing from left to rfghf: Isabella" Ketp'p, >Iario n Johnson, Emma Jeanne Wynne, Charlotte Smith. Leads Chief Lanford to Be- aands of the desert at 10 o'clock last The annual Field I>ay exercises of morning and everything is In readiness contest These will be the main feat- drill, in which 600 children will take •costumes of red, white and "blue night, to reach the oasis at Dallas, The procession to the grounds will lieve That Mary Phagan the grammar schools of the city take for the big event.
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