"il096 CONGRESSIONAIJ RECORD-HOUSE crANU.A.RY2 1 WASIDNGTON Garber Lehlbach Peavey Sproul, Kans. in Garret~, Tenn. Lindsay Peery Stalker Blanche E. Lambert to be postmaster at lone, Wash., place Geran Linthicum Perlman Steagall of Elmer Thackston. lncUirtbent's commission expired Febru­ Gitl'ord Logan Phillips Sullivan ary 11, 1924. Glatfelter Lowrey Porter Sweet Goldsborough Lyon Pou Swoope Esther C. Bosma to be postmaster at Peshastin, Wash., in Graham McLeod Quayle Tabet· place of J. A. ·smith, resigned. Green :McNulty Ransley Tague Greenwood McSwain Reece Taylor, Colo. WEST VIRGil'.l:A Griffin McSweeney Reed, Ark. Thomp on August E. Mar chner to be postmaster at Wheeling, W! Va., Hall MacLafferty Reed, N.Y. Tinkham Hammer Uanlove Reed, W.Va. Tucker in place of ·w. H . .Marshall, deceased. Hastings Mansfield Richards Tydings Hawes Martin Roach Vp haw Haugen Mead Robsion, Ky. Vaile CONFIR~IA.TIONS Holaday Merritt Rogers, Mass. Yare Howard, Nebr. Michaelson Rogers, N.H. Ward, N.C. E xecutive nombwtions confirmed by the ·smwte January S, 1925 James Miller, Ill. Rouse Ward, :X. Y. COLLECTOR OF l1'.'"TER~AL R.EVEN"GE Johnson, Wash. 1\Iills Sabath Weayer Johnson, S. Dak, Minahan Salmon ·weller Edward E. Gnichtel to be collector of internal ~evenue for J ost Mooney Sanclers, Ind. Welsh the fifth district of New Jersey. Kearns Moore, Ill. Schafer Wet·tz Kendall Morin Schall Wilson, Ind. POSTMASTERS Kent Nelson, Wis. Scott Win low Kiess O'Brien Seger Wolff NEW YORK Kindred O'Connell, N.Y. Shallenberger Woodrum Robert E. Brown, Almond. Kunz O'Connell, R. I. Sherwood Wright LaGuardia O'Connor, La. Shreve Yate Anna l\1. Ball, Berkshire. Langley O'Connor, N.Y. Sites Ziblman John Sparks, Eldred. Lar en, Ga. O'Sullivan Smithwick Larson, Minn. Oliver, ' . Y. Snyder Lee G. Ayers, Richford. Lee, Ga. Patterson Spearing PEn ~ SYLVANIA The SPE.dKER. Two hundred and forty-one ~I embers have L'rsula Shelley, Richfield. answered to their munes, a quorum. Yiola l\1. Truax, Robertsdale. 1\lr. LONGWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I move to dispense with SOlJTH DAKOTA further proceedings under the call. Earl F. ' andenburg-, Conde. 'l'he motion was agreed to. Norman Lockwood, Doland. 'Ihe doors were opened. Levi J. Thomas, Ipswich. THE JOURNAL WEST VIRGINIA. The Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, December 31, John ,V, Lamon, Bunker Hill. 1924, was read and approved. Lewis E. Winston, Ethel. .A.R:liY APPROPRIATION BILL Martin B. Taylor, Ganley Bridge. Mr. A.:.~THOI\"'Y, by direction of the Committee on Approprin­ John Brash, Glen Jean. tions, reported the bill (H. R. 11248, Rept. No. 1071) making W1lliam B. Murray, Minden. appropriations for the military and nonmilitary activitie · of the Ed"·ard 1\I. Tucker, Moorefield. War Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, antl Conrad H. Forst, Mount Hope. for other purposes, which was read a first and econd time, Arthur N. McKeever, Romney. and, together with the accompanying report, referred to the Committee of tlie Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES l\lr. HARRISON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve all points of order on tlle bi11. FRIDAY, January 13, 19B5 'l'he SPEAKER. Tile gentleman from Virginia resenes all The Hou ·e met at 12 o'clock noon. points of order. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera .Montgomery, D. D., offered BA.RKLEY-HOWELL BILL the following prayer : l\1r. BARKLEY. 1\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimou~ con ent to Almighty God, unto Thee we lift our hearts in confession, addre s the Hou ·e for five minutes. praise, and gratitude. 'rhou who art a.nd ey-ermore shall be, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Kentucky a k uuani­ continue to feed our minds with wisdom and understanding. mou, consent to addre ·s the House for five minutes. I there 1\fay- we never count ourselves independent of the infinite source objection? of truth and all knowledge. By entreaty we would ask that There was no objection. our minds may be steadfastly fixed for the best purposes and Mr. BARKLEY. .1\lr. Speaker, for the benefit of Members of for the noblest ends. May we so value life that we may con­ the House and others who are interested in the railroad labor stantly realize it to be an everlasting echo of that life without bill, known as the Howell-Barkley bill, I desire to make a short end. Be near us and we shall have no fear ; let Thy light be statement. about us n.nd we shall see no darkness; rule in us and sin shall ".e are all familiar with the proceedings which took place lo ·e its power. Amen. in the last es ion of Congre ~ s with reference to thi bill-the discharge of the committee, the rulin.~; that the bill could be CALL OF THE HOUSE con ·idered only on the fir t and third 1\fondays in each month, 1\Ir. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order and the filibuster which prevented its consideration even on that there is no quorum present. thosP. days. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Texas makes the point There were two days of the present se sion· when it would of order that there is no quorum present. It is clear that there have been in order to consider the bill in the House, December is no quorum present. 1, the opening day of the se sion, and December 15, the day Mr. 'NELL. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. set apart for memorial services in honor of Woodrow Wilson. The motion was agreed to. It "·a obYiously impracticable to take up the measure on either The Clerk called the roll, and the following Members failed of tho e day . to answer to their names : Next Monday, January 5, is the next day on which con· [Roll No. 17] sideration of the bill might be sought in the Hou e. ..lcla•rman Browne, Wis • Connolly, Pa. Drewry The companion bill to thi measure, introduced in the Senate Anderson Brumm Corning Driver Arnold Buckley Crosser Eagan by Senator HowELL, of Nebraska, was favorably reported at Bacharach Butler Crowther Edmonds the last session, with some small amendments, by the Senate Beck Carew Cullen Fairchild Committee on Interstate Commerce, and is now on the Senate Bee1·s Carter Curry Fairfield Het·ger Casey Dallinger Fenn Calendar with a favorable report. Bixler Celler Davey Fish I am advised that the chances for early consideration of the Bla c k , ~. Y. Christopherson Deal Fitzgerald Bland Clancy Dempsey Fredericks bill in the Senate are good. I am also advi eel that members Bloom Clark, Fla. Denison Free of the Senate committee, and other friends of the bill there, Bowling Clarke. N.Y. Dick tein Freeman are seeking, with fair chance of succe..,s, to compo e any exist­ Boylan Cole. Ohio Dominick Fulbright Brand, Ga. Collins Dough ton Fulmer ing difference of opinion regarding amendments propo ed by Britten Connally, Tex. Doyle Gallivan the Senate committee, in the hope of securing harmonious action llrowne, N.J. Connery Drane GambL'ill and satisfactory consideration of the bill in the Senate. 1925 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1097. In view of this situation, the friends of the measure, botb H. R. 9518. An act granting the consent of Congress to the in and out of Congress, feel that it is not desirable for the State of Alabama, through its highway department, to con­ present to press for consideration in the House. Therefore, struct and maintain a bridge across the Coosa River at or the bill will not be called up on next Monday. near Leesburg, Ala. ; EXROLLED BILLS BIG NED H. R. 3748. An act for the relief of the Lebanon National Bank; Mr. ROSENBLOO~I, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that they had examined and found truly enrolled H. R. 6383. An act for the relief of the Maryland Casualty bills of the following titles, when the Speaker signed the same : Co., the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co., of Baltimore, H. R. 8343. An act for the relief of Jim Ilennessee ; 1\Id., and the National Surety Co.; H. R. 7453. An act to amend an act approved March 3, 1909, H. R. 6541. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to pro­ entitled "An act for the removal of the restrictions on aliena­ vide for the disposal of the unallotted lands on the Omaha tion of lands of allottees of the Quapaw Agency, Okla., and the Indian Reservation, in the State of Nebraska " ; sale of all tribal lands, school, agency, or other buildings on H. R. 1082. An act for the relief of Henry A. Kes~el Co. any of the reservations within the jurisdiction of such agency, (Inc.) ; and for other purposes; H. R. 2869. An act for the establishment of a United States II. R. 7420. An act for the relief of Albert E. Laxton ; industrial reformatory; and H. R. 6506. An act for the relief of John Banmen; H. R. 7077. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to H. R. 7522. An act to authorize and direct is uance of patents amend an act entitled 'An act making appropriations for the to purchasers of lots in the town site of Bowdoin, Mont. ; current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Af­ H. R. 62-il. An act for the relief of llieut. E. J. McAllister; fairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian H. R. 5661. An act granting permission to Col. Harry F. tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June Rether , Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, to aceept 30, 1914,' apprm·ed June 30, 1913," approved 1\Iay 26, 1020.
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