"il096 CONGRESSIONAIJ RECORD-HOUSE crANU.A.RY2 1 WASIDNGTON Garber Lehlbach Peavey Sproul, Kans. in Garret~, Tenn. Lindsay Peery Stalker Blanche E. Lambert to be postmaster at lone, Wash., place Geran Linthicum Perlman Steagall of Elmer Thackston. lncUirtbent's commission expired Febru Gitl'ord Logan Phillips Sullivan ary 11, 1924. Glatfelter Lowrey Porter Sweet Goldsborough Lyon Pou Swoope Esther C. Bosma to be postmaster at Peshastin, Wash., in Graham McLeod Quayle Tabet· place of J. A. ·smith, resigned. Green :McNulty Ransley Tague Greenwood McSwain Reece Taylor, Colo. WEST VIRGil'.l:A Griffin McSweeney Reed, Ark. Thomp on August E. Mar chner to be postmaster at Wheeling, W! Va., Hall MacLafferty Reed, N.Y. Tinkham Hammer Uanlove Reed, W.Va. Tucker in place of ·w. H . .Marshall, deceased. Hastings Mansfield Richards Tydings Hawes Martin Roach Vp haw Haugen Mead Robsion, Ky. Vaile CONFIR~IA.TIONS Holaday Merritt Rogers, Mass. Yare Howard, Nebr. Michaelson Rogers, N.H. Ward, N.C. E xecutive nombwtions confirmed by the ·smwte January S, 1925 James Miller, Ill. Rouse Ward, :X. Y. COLLECTOR OF l1'.'"TER~AL R.EVEN"GE Johnson, Wash. 1\Iills Sabath Weayer Johnson, S. Dak, Minahan Salmon ·weller Edward E. Gnichtel to be collector of internal ~evenue for J ost Mooney Sanclers, Ind. Welsh the fifth district of New Jersey. Kearns Moore, Ill. Schafer Wet·tz Kendall Morin Schall Wilson, Ind. POSTMASTERS Kent Nelson, Wis. Scott Win low Kiess O'Brien Seger Wolff NEW YORK Kindred O'Connell, N.Y. Shallenberger Woodrum Robert E. Brown, Almond. Kunz O'Connell, R. I. Sherwood Wright LaGuardia O'Connor, La.
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