FORT GEORGE HERALD the Nukihum LUIMDCH Tt Muivnmiiui Vvmimu, Untlllu PUBLISHED by the W
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\^ <^ w s^ %>:aff I, ''-I VOL. 3, NO. 5. SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912. $3 PER ANNUM Change of Venue In the DANCE HALL AT MILE 52 Railroad News and Daniell Case Refused A dance hall is flourishing at Mile Movements of Engineers 52, B. C, fiver miles west ot Tete 8i r A motion to change the venue of a Jaune Cache, wliere eighteen motley Low water is having its effect on case of criminal libel by the crown" 'nue, with the dining room to the railway construction above the Can- trip in Europe, Mr. J. W. Stewart, 1 girls night'.y swing to the inharmo a-ainst J. B. Daniell, In the Fort right, the offices in the centre, and nious bows of two violins. Permis ion and many supplies will have to president of the Pacific Great East George Herald, about George J. the sitting rooms to the left of the sion to locate at the Cache was de be handled by sleigh this winter.' ern Railway, reached Vancouver on Hammond, president of the Natural [entrance. The barrcom is at the nied by the railway contractors, Three hundred tons of cement are at the 19th instant, and was in a very Resoirces company, was refused by rear of the sitting room, on Fourth which, order compelled the promoters Goat River Rapids, awaiting ship optimistic mood about the future of Mr. Justice Morrison, at Vancouver, street. The lumber used throughout to locate live milcs away from ac ment to Dome creek, the first ci ss- the road. Bept. 19, and a motion for a com tbe structure has been the best ob tive railway work. The tinselled ing ot the Fraser, where a bridge is "We intend to rush construction," mission to take evidence in Chicago tainable, all well seasoned. The ceil dames" and promoters are reported to to be built. A good deal of this will he continued, "and will put a large was Bimilarly refused. The case will ings are hard dressed and all the in be doing a thriving trade ln provid be moved between tbe two points, a force of men at work. I cannot tell come up as ususj. at the next assises terior wood work has been hand-pol ing light entertainment for the my distance ot fifty-one miles) by scow, at what point work will be started, , at Clinton, October second. ished,- which makes a pleasing con riads who congregate their nightly. but a large quantity will be handled as I am not yet conversant with all 8. S. Taylor, K. 0., appeared for trast to the beaver-boarded walls ot One man recently had his skull frac by sleighs. the plans and details. Weywill the crown and Stuart Henderson for tbe hotel. With the exception ct ihe tured during one of these entertain award the contract for the first sec j. B. Daniell. dining room, which will be in green, ments and is reported to have died South Fort George is the great ob tion right away. The caae concerns the publication the remainder of ths bouse will be from the consequences. There is no jective of G. T. P. engineers and "The road will open up a fine sec of an alleged libellous article in the oak-stained. The seating capacity of liquor sold openly, but the bootleg contractors at the present time. tion of the province and serve an the dining roo is forty people, ad Herald about Mr. Hammond and ger is in evidence at every corner Chief Engineer B. B. Kelliher, ac Immense area now without railway the offices and sitting rooms will be ., V commenting upon the attack upon willing to rehabilitate weak hearts companied by his secretary, Mr. transportation." resplendently fitted with thirty-five him by the Winnipeg Saturday Post. at a dollar a dose. The charge tor a Speers, 0. F. Fetter, superintendent 'settees. The latest Moore lighting As Mr. Hammond is said to have is twenty-five cents, which in for Foley, Welch & Stewart, witb FLOUR MILLS FOR PEACE RIVER 'system will be instilled throughout been at one time in Chicago, the de cludes a bottle of pop, a bag ot pea headquarters at 33, B. C, arrived in The Peace River Trading & Land ' the entire first floor — which will be fense have asked tor a commission to nuts or a dried out sandwich. "It town from up-river in the launch Co. are preparing to establsh two three 400 canhle power lights — oqe take evidence there. ThiB commis appears somewhat out of touch with Tete Jaune Sunday afternoon. The flour nfllls in the Peace River coun ! ln the dining room, one in the office sion had been granted, but owing to natura," ventured the narrator of chief is on a tour of inspection ot try. A Blxty barrel mill will be es- and sitting room. A number of .'50 delays it was found impossible to this Item, "to see a dance hall girl, the line, and it is related that im tablshed at cr near the Crossing, candle power lights will also be in take the evidence in time for the after a dance, go up to a counter perative orders were* issued to con and a thiry five barrel mill at use in the upper stories. The new trial of the case. An extension ot and call for a sandwich; but this is tractor to push the work and have Grand Prairie. The machinery has structure is well provided with' fire time was asked but refused. The re what most of them do." the line finished on schedule time. been purchased at Stratford, Ont., escapes. The cost of construction ot quest for a change of venue from It is also related in circle's know and will go forward from the rail the Empress, inclusive of the fur- Clinton to Vancouver was also re ing whereof they speak that steel way terminus at Athabasca Landing n'shin^s, runs to the figure ot twen fused. will be within forty miles of here by sleighs during the winter. ' ty-five thousand idollars, and WRIGHT IS CAPTURED next August. This would be at the As to the wheat growing possibili Nicholls ft Warcup, the proprietors, A wire to Constable Grundy from mouth of the Bear river. ~ ties of the Peace River region, B.J. have shown commendable enterprise the 150—Mile House, Cariboo road, Mr. Kelliher proceeds to Fraser Manzer, wto was in charge of .the THE RICH OMINECA in the work they have undertaken. received yesterday, states that Fred Lake from here and thence on to Ha H. B. Co.'s mill at Vermilion on the By mining men who have recently W. B. Dean, the contractor, leaves Wright was taken Into custody at zelton. He was accompanied by Divi lower Peace River for six years, returned from a, trip into tbe Omine fcr Calgary in a couple of wee>s' that point Thursday night, and sional Engineer Van Arsdell, who ar says that during that time there ca country, it is described as the time. *S» would be sent back. rived from the south by stage Fri were three good crops and three richest mining district in the world. day; A. G. Beaudette, M. B., and light crops of wheat. This fact is of great interest to this Topographical Engineer P. T. Gill, section, as the avenue to the Omine ca is from this point and Giscombe, FROM THE CLEARWATER Mr. Gill will proceed as far as CHANGE IN GAME RESERVE. Fraser lake and thence return here. and the headquarters tor the develop J. Fountain came down from the A new order in council changes tbe '„;\ Mr. Beaudette, one of the party, ment work in the Omineca muat, by Clearwater in canoe last Sunday and boundary' reserves of the Game Re arrived from the south last Satur natural sequence of events, be at the left the day following tor the coast serve, established in- Carihpo two day and the day following proceeded confluence of the Fraser and the Ne by stage. He has been located at years ago, to a point commencing at to Bear river, where large deposits chaco. Clearwater for the past tout months a point at the junction of the Clear of coal are known to exist. He re Percey H. Fraser, general manager superintending the surveying of his water and the South Fork of the turned from the latter point yester ot the Royal Standard Investment timber limits in that neighborhood Fraser Rivers; thence following the day. Co., who, in company witb Mr. R. and likewise acting in the capacity summit of the range cn the west Mr. Barrow, another G. T. P. en Cornwall, Mr. W. Murray and Mr. of a private tire ranger. He says he side of the Clearwater river in a gineer, who was in charge of a lo Bowen, three ot the principal stock was fortunate in not having met northeily direction to the headwat- cating party in this section last sea holders of that concern, who hat with greater lots by tire the past erb of the Clearwater river; thence in son, is in town on his way to Eng been on a visit to their extensive summer. As it was he.lost between an easterly direction following the land. mining property in the Omineca dil forty and titty acre oft one limit summit of the range to the headwat CF. Fetter left tor Quesnel and trict on Germanson creek, arrived re closest the river bank.