Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees—Winter 2009
OldSmokeys Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees—Winter 2009 President’s Message—John Nesbitt As you know from all the recent political talk and the Wall Street news, this is a time of change, and this is also true for the OldSmokeys. In this issue of the OldSmokeys Newsletter you will find: — An opportunity to vote for our next President-elect. — An opportunity to vote a new Constitution. This document that guides us has been in the revision process for many years. Please read it carefully and then please vote. — A description of the projects we have worked on in the recent past. — Other interesting happenings in the outfit. It is important that, when we adopt a budget, we know what our income will be. If you have not already done so, please send in your dues payment soonest, and consider becoming a paid-up life member. The 2009 dues were due on January 1. As a total volunteer organization, we need depth in all our officers and board positions. Therefore, please con- sider being a back-up for secretary, treasurer, database manager, newsletter editor, web page manager, e-mail manager, archivist, or one of many other important functions of our organization. Thank you for belonging, John Nesbitt VOTE IN THE CONSTITUTION & PRESIDENT-ELECT ELECTION—PAGE 4! In This Issue… Forum: District Rangers and Ranger Districts...Policy and Procedure Overhaul...Mt Hood Wilderness Threat…………………2 OldSmokeys News: Election 2009: Bill Shenk and Constitution ...Linda Goodman ...Mike Kerrick ...Jerry Williams ………. 4 Forest Service
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