Megillat Eicha: Chanting and Lamenting Tisha B’Av Preparation Workshop

Hazzan Rob Menes

Packet Contents: • Workshop Outline • Overview notes on text • Megillat Eicha with translation • Megillat Eicha with accurate taamei hamikra • Trop symbols and their names in combinations • Musical notation of the trope for Lamentations



Hazzan Rob Menes July 5/12 2007

Megillat Eicha: Chanting and Lamenting

1) Background a) History Not explicitly historical, but general references to destruction of Temple Probably written between 586 and 538 BCE Read liturgically at least from 6th century and possibly from after destruction of 2nd Temple b) Author No explicit author identified II Chronicles 35:25 identifies Jeremiah as author, but not typical of Jeremiah 2) Text a) Style i) Kinot (meaning “lamentations”) (3:2 meter) (particularly chap 5) ii) Acrostics (alphabetic verses in chaps 1-4) iii) Poetic (assonance, hendiadys, paronomasia, chiasmus, repetition, parallelism, metaphor, non-recurring doublets b) Grammar and pronunciation c) Meaning i) Lament for destruction of Jerusalem (586 BCE) ii) Sins of the people brought about destruction iii) God author of destruction (anger at God) 3) Eicha Trope a) Taamim i) Many possible tropes (1) Biblical Chant. A.W. Binder. Sacred Music Press. 1959 (2) Chanting the . J. Jacobson. JPS. 2002 (3) The Jewish Songbook. A.Z. Idelsohn. Publications for Judaism. 1961. ii) No “pazer” b) Practice c) Application to text i) Must understand which phrases express anger, horror, pleading, sorrow… ii) Recognize parallelism 4) Special considerations a) Chapter 3 i) Unique melody (ahavah rabbah mode for Eastern European) ii) Does not follow trope except in 3 ways:

1 (1) Melodic phrase changes at the first 2nd order disjunctive trope (tipcha or zakef- katon) (2) Trope gives word accent (3) Verse ending iii) Triple acrostic, so melody is in 3 phrases b) Chapter 5 i) Not an acrostic, but has 22 verses ii) Simplest application of trope iii) True kinah iv) V.21 repeated to end on a positive note c) Other uses of the Eicha trope i) for Devarim (Shabbat Chazon) ii) Haftarah for Tisha B’Av morning iii) One verse in portion on Shabbat prior to Tisha B’Av (Devarim this year) iv) Numerous verses in Megillat Esther v) When destruction of Temple is mentioned in liturgy

5) Laws and customs of reading Eicha From the Mishnah Berurah…

• On Shevu’os the megillah of Rus is read and on Tishah B’Av the megillah of Eychah is read. The former contains the word Shichvi (Rus 3:13) and the latter the word Kumi (Eychah 2:19).

• (5) Eychah /should be read/ and kinos should be recited. /One should/ even /do this/ if he is on his own. [Ch.A.]

• (14) One should not light, etc. This is because it is written, 6 “He made me dwell in dark places, etc.”

• (2) One should act similarly when reading Eychah. (…) For /the reading of/ each Eychah/chapter the chazzan/ should raise his voice higher. (…) When the chazzan reaches the verse Hashiveynu, 1* the community should say it aloud and subsequently the chazzan should conclude /the reading/. /Then/ the community should say again /the verse/ Hashiveynu aloud (3) and the chazzan /should do/ likewise. (…)

• (3) And the chazzan likewise. After that, the chazzan should go back and begin 2 æëåø ã, îä äéä ìðå, àåé äáéèä åøàä àú çøôúðå, àåé îä äéä ìðå. In this /manner/ he should divide all the verses, by /saying/ àåé (Woe) in the middle and àåé îä äéä ìðå (Woe, what befell us!) at the end. [D.M.] 2 I.e., he should say the last chapter of Eychah in this manner.

• (2) One should act similarly, etc. One should pause a little between each verse and a little more between each Eychah /chapter/. He should say the last verse of each Eychah /chapter/ in a loud voice. Regarding /the making of/ a blessing before /the reading of Eychah/, see above in Sec. 490, at the end of Par. 9, in the gloss and in the Mishnah Berurah there. It is desirable for an individual to read Eychah during the day as well.


• 2 On the night of Tishah Be-Av (4) (the Ma’ariv /service/ should be prayed, (5) Eychah /should be read/ and kinos (lamentation prayers) should be recited) (…).After the kinos and /the reading of/ Eychah one should say the Kedushah service, beginning (6) from /the words/ åàúä ÷ãåù.

• 3 On the night of Tishah Be-Av and on the day of /Tishah Be-Av/ (10) one should sit in the Synagogue (11) on the ground, until the Minchah prayer. (Nowadays it has become the custom /for the people/ to sit on their benches (12) immediately after they have left the Synagogue /following the/ Shacharis /service/. (13) One should prolong the /reciting of/ kinos (lamentation prayers) until a little before midday.) (14) One should not light lamps on /Tishah Be-Av/ night, (15) except for a single lamp, for the reciting of kinos and /the reading of/ Eychah by its light.

• 4 (16) One should not say Tachanun (or selichos [forgiveness prayers]) (…) on Tishah Be-Av and should not fall on his face /in supplication/, (17) because /Tishah Be-Av/ is regarded as a festival. 3* Gloss: One should read from the Torah /to the congregation/. /The passage/ Ki Solid Banim 4* should be read. A Haftarah should be read from Yirmeyah, /the passage/ (18) Asof Asifeym. 5* /In the case/ of all the Kaddishim that are said from after /the reading of /Eychah/ at night/ until one departs from the Synagogue on the next day, /the verse/Tiskabal shouldnot be said. One should /also/ not say /the prayer/Keyl Erech Apayim (…) (19) or /the psalm/ La-Menatzeyach 6* (…) (20) or /the account of the preparation of the incense/ Pitum Ha-Ketores (…). (21) One is not required to change his place /in the Synagogue/ on Tishah Be-Av. 3* This is because it is described as a mo’ed , which is a term that is also used to denote a festival. 4* I.e., Devarim 4:25-40. 5* I.e., Yirmeyah 8:13-9:23. 6* I.e., Tehillim 20.

• 5 During the time when the kinos (lamentation prayers) /are being said/ (22) it is forbidden /for one/ to relate anything or to go out /of the Synagogue/, so that he will not interrupt the mourning of his heart. (23) One should certainly not converse with a non- Jew. (It is the custom to say some /words of/ comfort after the kinos/in order/ to discontinue /the kinos/ with comfort.) (…)

• 3 /The Sages/ decreed, similarly, (11) that one should not play musical instruments, any melody/-making device/ or any sound-producing musical aid /in order/ to rejoice. Gloss: There are /authorities/ who say that this /applies/ only /to/ someone who would /otherwise/ be wont to /use / them, such as kings, who rise and retire to /the accompaniment of/ musical instruments, (12) or at a drinking party. (…) One is forbidden to listen to these /instruments/ because of the destruction. (13) Even vocal singing over wine is forbidden, as it is stated, 4* “They will not drink wine with song.” /On the other hand,/ it has become the custom among all Jews to say (14) words of praise or /to sing/ songs of thanksgiving (15) and of remembrance of the kindnesses of the Holy One, Blessed be He, over wine. Gloss: Likewise, for a mitzvah need, such as in the home of a bridegroom and a bride, (16) it is all allowed. (…) 4* Yeshayah 24:9.



Eicha Complete

Chapter 1 ` wxt 1. How lonely sits the city, that was full of i¦z´¨A©x Æxir¨ ¦ d cc¨ À¨a d´¨a§W¨i | d´¨ki¥Cw` people! she has become like a widow! She m À¦iFB©a i¦z´¨A©x d®¨p¨n§l©`§M d†¨z§i¨d m½r¨ that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, has become a :q«©n¨l z§ d†¨i¨d zF½pi¦c§O©A Æi¦z¸¨x¨U vassal! l´©r ÆD¨z¨r§n¦c§e d¨l§iÀ©N©A d¹M§¤a¦z F¸k¨$wa 2. She weeps bitterly in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks; among all her lovers di®¤¨ a£d«Ÿ`Îl¨M¦n m†¥g©p§n D¬¨lÎoi«¥` D½¨i ¡g« ¤l she has none to comfort her; all her friends D†¨l d Ei¬¨ a D½¨ Ec§b´¨A d ƨ ir¥ ¸¤ xÎl¨M have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies. Æi¦pŸ¸r¥n d³¨cEd§i dz§ ¸¨l«¨%wb :mi«¦a§iŸ`§l 3. Judah has gone into exile because of `¬Ÿl m½¦iFB©a d´¨a§W¨i `id ¦µ dcŸa£r ½¨ aŸ´x¥nE affliction, and because of great servitude; she dwells among the nations, she finds no dE†¨ bi¦V¦d di¬¤¨t§cŸxÎl¨M gF®p¨© n d†¨`§v¨n rest; all her pursuers overtook her in the oF¹I¦v k§ ix© ¸¥ &wc :mi«¦x¨v§O©d oi¬¥A midst of her distress. 4. The roads to Zion mourn, because none c½rFn¥ `¨A i´¥ l§A¦ Æi¦n l¥ zFÀa£` come to the appointed feasts; all her gates mi®¦g¨p¡`¤p di†¤¨ p£d«ŸM o in¥ ½¦ nF«Wƨ di¸¤x¨r§WÎl¨M are desolate; her priests sigh, her virgins are :D«¨lÎx©n `i¬¦d§e zF†bEP di¬¤¨zŸlEz§A afflicted, and she is in bitterness. 5. Her adversaries have become the chief, E½l¨W di´¤¨a§iŸ` ÆW`Ÿx§l di³¤¨x¨v E¸i¨Gwd her enemies prosper; for the Lord has di®¤¨ r¨W§RÎaŸx r l´© bFd D†¨ eŸd§ d¬¨iÎiM «¦ afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions; her infants have gone to :x«¨vÎi¥p§t¦l a§W i†¦ k§l¨ E¬d di²¤l¨lFr¨ captivity before the enemy. oF†I¦vÎ [zA¦n] © Îz©A Îo¦n v¥I© `¬¥Hwe 6. (K) And from the daughter of Zion all her splendor is departed; her princes are become Æmi¦l¨I©`§M di¨x¨ À¤U d E´i¨ x¨ D®¨c£dÎl¨M like harts that find no pasture, and they are gŸ†©kÎ`Ÿl§a k§ E¬l¥I©e d½r§¤x¦n E´`§v¨nÎ`Ÿl gone without strength before the pursuer. 7. Jerusalem remembered in the days of her i³¥n§i mÀ©l¨WE«x§i d´¨x§k«¨Iwf :s«¥cFx i¬¥p§t¦l affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant x¬¤W£` di¨cª ½¤n£g«©n lŸµM di¨cEx§ ½¤ nE ÆD¨i§p¨r things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, xÀvÎc©¨ i§A D´¨O©r lŸ¯t§p¦A m¤cw ®¤ i¥ni´¦n E†i¨d and none did help her; the adversaries saw E†w£gU «¨ mix¨ ½¦v dE´¨`¨x D½¨l Æx¥fFr oi³¥`§e her, and mocked at her destruction. Æd¨`§hg «¨ `§h³¥Jwg :¨d«¤Y©A§W¦n l¬©r 8. Jerusalem grievously sinned; therefore she has become loathsome; all those who d¨z®¨i¨d ci¦ d´¨p§l MÎl© o†¥r ©l¨ m½WE´x§i honored her despise her, for they have seen E´`¨xÎi¦M dE¸ ƨli¦G¦d di³¤¨c§A©k§nÎl«¨M her nakedness; even she sighs, and turns back. a¨W¬¨Y©e g§ d†¨p¤`¤p `i¬¦dÎm©B D½z¨¨ e§x¤r :xF«g¨`

1 Eicha Complete

9. Her filthiness was in her skirts; she took no thought not her last end; therefore she Æd¨x§k«¨f Ÿl `³ diÀ¨¤lEW§A z¨ D´¨`§nªKwh came down astonishingly; she has no m†¥g©p§n oi¬¥` m`¨l§ i ½¦ R c¤x´¥Y©e D½zi¦¨ x£g«©` comforter. O Lord, behold my affliction; for the enemy has magnified himself. li†¦C§b¦d i¬¦M i§ ip¨ ½¦ rÎz¤` Æd¨eŸd§i d³¥`§x D® ¨l 10. The adversary has spread out his hand l†©r x½v¨ U©x´¨R ÆFc¨iwi :a«¥iF` upon all her precious things; for she has seen that the nations entered into her E`´¨A Æm¦iFb d³¨z£`xÎi «¨ M «¦ di®¤¨C©n£g«©nÎl¨M sanctuary, whom you did forbid to enter into E`Ÿ¬a¨iÎ`Ÿl d¨ziE¦ ½¦v W£ x´¤` D½W¨¨ C§w¦n your congregation. 11. (K) All her people sigh, they seek bread; D³¨O©rÎl¨0w`i :K«¨l l†¨d¨T©a they have given their precious things for E¯p§z¨p g½ m¤¤l mi´¦W§T©a§n Æmi¦g¨p¡`¤p food to revive their soul. Look, O Lord, and l¤kŸ†`§A [m²¤di¥C©n£g«©n] di¥ m²¤Ce©n£g«©n consider, how abject have I become. 12. Is it nothing to you, all you that pass by? i¬¦M d¨h iA© ½¦ d«§eÆd¨ eŸd§i d³¥`§x W¤t®¨p ai´¦W¨d§l Behold, and see if there is any pain like my m¤»ki¥l£` `F´lwai :d«¨l¥lFf i¦zi†¦i¨d pain, which was brought upon me, with which the Lord has afflicted me in the day W³¥iÎm¦` EÀ`§xE Ehi´¦A©d K¤¼x¤c i¥x§aŸ´rÎl¨M of his fierce anger. i®¦l l†©lFr x¬¤W£` aŸ`§ i ½¦ k©n§M ÆaF`k© §n 13. From above has he sent fire into my bones, and it prevails against them; he has :F«R©` oF¬x£g mF†i§A deŸd§ ½¨ i d´¨bFd Æx¤W£` spread a net for my feet, he has turned me i†©zŸn§v©r§A `Îg©l«¨ W¬¥ W mF²x¨O¦Qwbi back; he has made me desolate and faint all day long. i¦p´©ai¦W¡d Æi©l§b©x§l z¤W³¤x U¸©x¨R d¨P®¤C§x¦I©e 14. The yoke of my transgressions is bound :d«¨e¨C mF†I©dÎl¨M d½n¥¨nŸ«WÆi¦ p¸©p¨z§p xF½g¨` by his hand; they are knit together and are set upon my neck; he has caused my E²b§x¬¨Y§U¦i FÀc¨i§A r¨ i ¸©W§R lŸ¸r Ác©w§U¦Swci strength to fall, the Lord has delivered me i¦p´©p¨z§p i®¦gŸM li´¦W§k¦d x`¨ i †¦ E©vÎl©r E¬l¨r into the hands of those against whom I am :mE«w kE`Î`Ÿl l¬© ci¦A i†¥ ¨pŸc£ i½` not able to rise up. 15. The Lord has spurned all my mighty iA§ ½¦ x¦w§A Æi¨pŸc£` | xi¦ i³©A©`Îl¨k d¸¨N¦Tweh men in the midst of me; he has called an z©µB i®¨xEg©A xŸ´A§W¦l c†¥rFn i²©l¨r `¬¨x¨w assembly against me to crush my young men; the Lord has trodden, as in a wine :dcEd§ «¨ iÎz©A z†©lEz§a¦l ¨pŸc£ i½` x¨ K´©C press, the virgin daughter of Judah. Æi¦pi¥r | i³¦pi¥r dÀ¨I¦kFa i´¦p£` | d¤N´¥`Îl©Uwfh 16. For these things I weep; my eye, my eye runs down with water, because the m†¥g©p§n i¦P²¤O¦n w¬©g¨xÎiM «¦ m¦i½O© d¨c§xŸ´i comforter that should relieve my soul is far i¬¦M mn¥ inF« ½¦ W Æi©p¨a E³i¨d W§ i®¦t©p ai´¦W¥n from me; my children are desolate, for the enemy has prevailed. :a«¥iF` x†©a¨b

2 Eicha Complete

17. Zion spreads out her hands, and none is there to comfort her; the Lord has D½¨lÆm¥ g©p§n oi³¥` d¨ ic¨i§ À¤ A oF¹I¦v dU§ ¸¨ x«¥5wfi commanded against Jacob adversaries ei®¨x¨v ei´¨ai¦a§q aŸ†w£r«©i§l d²¨eŸd§i d¯¨E¦v around him; Jerusalem is like a menstruating woman among them. :m«¤di¥pi¥A C¦ d†¨p§l m²©l¨WE«x§i z§ d¯¨i¨d 18. (K) The Lord is righteous; for I have i¦zi®¦x¨n Edi´¦t i´¦M d†¨eŸd§i `E²d wi¬¦C©Ywgi rebelled against his word; hear, I beg you, all the peoples, and behold my sorrow; my ÆE`§x E [ m iO© À¦ rd «¨ ] m iO« À¦ rÎl¨©¨ k `´¨pÎEr§n¦W virgins and my young men are gone into E¬k§l¨d xEg© i†©aE zŸlEz§ i¬© A aŸ`§ i ½¦k©n captivity. 19. I called to my lovers, but they deceived Æi©a£d«©`§n«©l i¦z`³¨x¨Zwhi :i¦aX© «¤ a me; my priests and my elders perished in the Er®¨e¨B xi´¦r¨A i†©p¥w§fE i¬©p£d«ŸM i¦pE½O¦x d¨O´¥d city, while they sought food to revive their Eai†¦W¨i§e ¨l Fn ½ Æl¤kŸ¸` W§ E¬w¦aÎiM «¦ souls. 20. Behold, O Lord; for I am in distress; my d³¨eŸd§i `§ d[w ¸¥ k :m«¨W§t©pÎz` ¤ bowels are troubled; my heart is turned Æi¦A¦l K³©R§d¤p Ex½n§¨x©n¢g i´©r¥n Æi¦lÎx©vÎi«¦M inside me; for I have grievously rebelled; outside the sword bereaves, at home it is like uE¬g¦n zi®¦ i¦x¨n x¨F†n M i¬¦ A§x¦ i ½¦w§A death. :z¤eO© «¨ M A©A z¦i¬© x†¤gÎd¨l§ a¤ M¦W 21. They have heard that I sigh; there is none to comfort me; all my enemies have Æm¥g©p§n oi³¥` i¦pÀ`¨ d´¨g¨p¡`¤p i¯¦M Eºr§n¨:w`k heard of my trouble; they are glad that you i¬¦M EU½U¨ Æi¦z¨rx «¨ E³r§n¨W i¹a§©iŸ¸`Îl¨M i½l¦ have done it; you will bring the day that you have announced, and they shall be like me. z`†¨¨ x¨wÎmFi z`¬¥ ¨a¥d zi®¦¨U¨r Y© d†¨` 22. Let all their wickedness come before `Ÿ¸a¨

1. How has the Lord covered the daughter of a wxt Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast Æi¨pŸc£` | R©`§ F³A r¨i ai¸¦ Ád¨ki¥Cw` down from heaven to the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in u¤x½`¤ Æm¦in¨ ¸© X¦n Ki³¦l§W¦d oF½I¦vÎz©AÎz¤` the day of his anger! x¬©k¨fÎ`Ÿl§e `¨x§U¦ l®¥i x†¤`§ z¤t¦Y 2. (K) The Lord has swallowed all the habitations of Jacob without pity; he has r¸©N¦$wa :FR© «` mF¬i§A ei†¨l§b©xÎmŸc£d thrown down in his wrath the strongholds of zF´`§pÎl¨M z` ¥µ lÀn¨©g [`´Ÿl§e] `´§Ÿlwi¹¨pŸc£` the daughter of Judah; he has brought them down to the ground; he has profaned the i¬¥x§v§a¦n z¨ F²x§a¤r§A x¨ q¯©d w£r«© aŸ½i kingdom and its princes. l¬¥N¦g x®¨ u¤`¨l ri´¦©B¦d cEd§ d†¨iÎz©a :¨dix¨ «¤U§e d†¨k¨l§n©n

3 Eicha Complete

3. He has cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel; he has drawn back his right l½`¨¥x§U¦i o¤xw ´¤ lŸµM sÀ`Îi¦© x¢g«¨A r´©c¨%wb hand from before the enemy, and he has a®¥iF` R¦ i´¥p§n pi¦ F†n§i xF²g¨` ai¬¦W¥d burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devours its surrounding. d†¨l§k¨` d½a¨¨d«¤l W´¥`§M ÆaŸw£r«©i§A x³©r§a¦I©e 4. He has bent his bow like an enemy; he aÀ¥iF`§M F¹Y§W©w K¸©x¨&wc :ai«¦a¨q stood with his right hand as an adversary, and he has slain all that were pleasant to the lŸ†M x£d«© bŸ½I«©e v§¨ x½M ÆFpi¦n§i S¦p a³¨ eye in the tent of the daughter of Zion; he K¬©t¨W oF½I¦vÎz©A Æl¤dŸ¸`§A o¦i®¨rÎi¥C©n£g«©n has poured out his fury like fire. 5. The Lord was like an enemy; he has | i³¨pŸc£` d¸¨i¨Gwd :F«z¨n£g W†¥`¨M swallowed up Israel, he has swallowed up Ær©N¦A `¨¥ l½x§U¦i A r´©N¦ Æa¥iF`§M all her palaces; he has destroyed his Æa¤x¸¤I©e ei®¨x¨v§a¦n z†¥g¦W di½¨zFp§¤ n§x©`Îl¨M strongholds, and has increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and :d«¨I¦p£`«©e p£`«© d†¨I¦Y cEd§ diÎz© ½¨ a§A lamentation. F®c£rF«n z†¥g¦W Mª F½U Æo©B©M qŸ³n§g©I©Hwe 6. And he has broken down his booth, as if it were a garden; he has destroyed his place of z½A©¨W§e c´¥rFn ÆoFIv§ ¦A | d³¨eŸd§i gM¦W ¸© the assembly; the Lord has caused the :odŸk§ «¥ e K¤l¬¤n R© F†`Îm©r«©f§A `§ u¬©p¦i©e appointed feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, and has spurned in his F½W¨C§w¦n x´¥`¦p ÆFg§A§f¦n | i³¨pŸc£` g¸©p¨Iwf angry indignation king and priest. di®¤¨ zFp§n§x©` zŸ†nFg a½¥iF`Îc©i§AÆxi¦ B§q¦d 7. The Lord has cast off his altar, he has loathed his sanctuary, he has given to the :c«¥rFn mF¬i§M d†¨eŸd§iÎzi¥a§A E¬p§z¨p lF²w hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; z´©nFg Æzi¦g§W©d§l | d³¨eŸd§i W¨ aJw ¸© g they have made a noise in the house of the Lord, as in the day of an appointed feast. F†c¨i ai¬¦W¥dÎ`Ÿl e½w¨ d¨h´¨p oF½I¦vÎz©A 8. The Lord has determined to destroy the e¬¨C§g©i nFg§ d†¨ e gÎl¤ l¬¥ a£`«©I©e r®¥N©©A¦n wall of the daughter of Zion; he has di¨ x¨ ½¤r§WÆu¤ x`¨ ¸¨ a E³r§a¨Kwh :El«¨l§nª` stretched out a line, he has not restrained his hand from destroying; he has caused the di³¤¨ x¨U§e DM§ ¸¨l©n di®¤¨gi¦x§A x†©A¦W§e c¬©A¦` rampart and the wall to lament; they d¨ i`i¦ ¾¤ a§pÎm©B xFY d ½¨ ` oi´¥ Æm¦iFB©a languish together. 9. Her gates are sunk into the ground; he has E¸a§W¥iwi :d«¨eŸd§i¥n oF†f¨g E¬`§v¨nÎ`Ÿl destroyed and broken her bars; her king and E³l¡r«¤d oF½I¦vÎz©a i´¥p§w¦f ÆEn§C¦i u¤x³¨` ¨l her princes are among the nations; the Torah is no more; her prophets also did not find a miT© ®¦U x§ E†b¨g m½W`ŸxÎl©¨ r Æx¨t¨r vision from the Lord. z†ŸlEz§A W`Ÿx¨ o½ Æu¤x`¨l ¸¨ Eci³¦xFd 10. The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground, and keep silence; they :m«¨l¨WE«x§i have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem bow down their heads to the ground.

4 Eicha Complete

11. My eyes are spent with tears, my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the i½r¥©n E´x§n§x©n¢gÆi© pi¥r zF³r¨n§C©a E¸l¨0w`i earth, because of the destruction of the x¤a†¤WÎl©r c¥a§ iM ½¦ Æu¤x`¨l ¸¨ R§ K³©W¦p daughter of my people; because the children and the babies faint in the streets of the city. w½¥pFi§e Æl¥lFr h¨r«¥A s³¥ O©rÎz© i®¦ A 12. They say to their mothers, Where is Æm¨zŸO¦`§Owai :d«¨i§x¦w zF†aŸg§x¦A grain and wine? when they faint like wounded men in the streets of the city, when m³¨t§H©r§zd§ «¦ A ®¨i¨ o¦ie b¨ o´¨C d†¥I©` E½x§n`Ÿ«i their soul was poured out on their mothers’ K´¥R©Y§W¦d§A r x i ½¦ zF´aŸg§x¦A Æl¨l¨g«¤M bosom. 13. (K) What shall I take to witness for you? :m«¨zŸO¦` gÎl¤ wi†¥` W§¨ t©p m½ What shall I compare to you, O daughter of Æz©A©d KÀ¨NÎd¤O©c£` d´¨n Kci¦ º¥ r£`ÎdQw «¨ bi Jerusalem? What shall I equal to you, that I K½n£¥g«©p£`«©e ÆK¨NÎd¤e§W©` d³¨n m½©l¨WE´x§i may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? for your ruin is great like the sea. m²¨I©M lF¬c¨bÎiM «¦ oF®I¦vÎz©A z†©lEz§A Who can heal you? K¦iÀ`i¦© a§Swci :K«¨lÎ`¨R§x¦i i¬¦n K†¥x§a¦W 14. (K) Your prophets have seen vain and foolish visions for you; and they have not E¬N¦bÎ`«Ÿl§e t¨ l½¥z§e e´¨ `§W ÆK¨l g Ef³¨ exposed your iniquity, to restore your [K®¥zEa§W] K®¥zIa§W ai´¦W¨d§l K†¥pŸe£rÎl©r captivity; but have prophesied for you burdens of falsehood and deceit. :migEC© «¦ nE `§e†¨W zF¬`§U©n K½¨l Ef¡g´¤I©e 15. All who pass by clap their hands at you; i¥x§aŸ´rÎl¨M Æm¦iR© ¸© M ³©l¨ K¦ir w§ E¸tTw «¨ eh they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem, saying, Is this the city that z†©AÎl©r m½W`Ÿx¨ Er´¦p¨I©e ÆEwxW § «¨ K¤xc ½¤ men call the perfection of beauty, the joy of ÆEx§n`Ÿ«I¤W r¨ xd i À¦ z`Ÿ´f£d m®¨l¨WE«x§i the whole earth? 16. All your enemies have opened their :u¤x«¨`¨dÎl¨k§l UF†U¨n tŸ½ i¦i z©li´¦l§M mouth against you; they hiss and gnash the K¦i½a§©iF´`Îl¨M Æm¤di¦R ³©l¨ K¦ir v¨ E¸5wfh teeth; they say, We have swallowed her up; K´©` Ep§r®¨N¦A E†x§n¨` o½WÎEw§¥ x©g«©I©e ÆEwx §W «¨ certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found it, we have seen it. :Epi`¨ «¦ x Ep`¬¨v¨n Ed†ªpi¦E¦T¤W mF²I©d d¬¤f 17. The Lord has done that which he had r³©S¦A mÀn¨¨f W£ x´¤` eŸd§ d ¹¨i U¨ dUw ¸¨ fi determined; he has fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old; he has q†©x¨d m¤c½wÎi¤ ni ¥ n «¦ d´¨E¦v x´¤W£`ÆFz¨ x§n¤` thrown down without pity; and he has mix¥ †¦d a½¥iF`ÆK¦ i¸©l¨r g³©O©U§i©e l®¨n¨g `´Ÿl§e caused your enemy to rejoice over you, he has raised up the horn of your adversaries. m†¨A¦l w¬©r¨Ywgi :K¦ix¨ «¨v o¤xw ¬¤ 18. Their heart cried to the Lord, O wall of i¦ci¸¦xFd oFIvÎz© ¦Â A z´©nFg i®¨pŸc£`Îl¤` the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night; give yourself no rest; i³¦p§Y¦YÎl«©` d¨l§i½©l¨e m´¨nFiÆd¨ r§n¦C l©g³©P©k let not the apple of your eye cease. :K«¥pi¥rÎz©A mŸ†C¦YÎl©` K½¨lÆz© bEt

5 Eicha Complete

19. Arise, cry out in the night; in the beginning of the watches pour out your heart ÆW`Ÿx§l [d¨l§iÀ©N©a] ¨l§iÀ©N©a i¦PŸ´x |i¦ nE´Zwhi like water before the face of the Lord; lift up g©kŸ†p K½A¦¥l Æm¦iO© ¸© k k§ i³¦t¦W zF½xªn§W©` your hands toward him for the life of your young children, who faint for hunger at the ÆW¤t ¸¤pÎl©r K¦iÀR©©M ei´¨l¥` i¯¦`§U i®¨pŸc£` i´¥p§R head of every street. W`Ÿ¬x§A r¨ a†¨x§A mi¬¦tEh£r«¨d K¦i½©l¨lF«r 20. Behold, O Lord, and consider to whom you have done this. Shall the women eat Æd¨eŸd§i d³¥`§[wk :zF«vEgÎl¨M their fruit, their cherished babies? shall the dŸ®M Y§¨l´©lFr n§l i†¦ h d¨ iA© ½¦ d«§e priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord? i´¥l£l«Ÿr Æm¨i§x¦R mi³¦W ¨p dl ¨pk`ŸYÎm¦¸© § ` 21. The young and the old lie on the ground i†¨pŸc£` W¬©C§w¦n§A x¨ bd¥iÎm¦ ²¥ ` migªR¦ ½¦ h in the streets; my virgins and my young men u¤x³¨`¨l E¸a§k¨:w`k :`i«¦a¨p§e o¬¥dŸM are fallen by the sword; you have slain them in the day of your anger; you have i†©xEg©aE i¬©zŸlEz§A o½w¨¥f§e x©r´©p ÆzFvEg slaughtered without mercy. L½R©¤` mF´i§A Y§ ƨb¸©x¨d a¤x®¨g¤a E´l§t ¨p 22. You have called as in the day of an appointed feast my terrors in every side, so Á`¨x§w¦

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10. (K) He is to me like a bear lying in wait, and like a lion in secret places. [ix£ †¦«`] dix£«` †¦ i½l¦ Æ`Ed xŸ` a¬¥ aŸ´&wi 11. He has turned aside my ways, and pulled xxFq ²¥ k¨x§&w i¬©`i x¨Y§ :miq¦n§ «¦ A me in pieces; he has made me desolate. 12. He has bent his bow, and set me as a K³©x¨&wai nŸW :m«¥ p¬©n¨ i¦U p†¥g§ i¦X©t§i«©e mark for the arrow. :u«¥g©l x¨ `†¨H©O©M p½ai¦¥ i¦S©I©e ÆFzW©w § 13. He has caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my insides. :F«z¨R§W©` i†¥p§A zFi§¨ i½ l¦k§A Æ`i¦a¥Gwbi 14. I have become a derision to all my m†¨z¨pi¦b§p O© irÎl¨ ½¦ k§l ÆwŸg§V i¦zi³¦i¨Gwci people; and their song all day long. 15. He has filled me with bitterness, he has mixFx§ †¦ O©a p¬© i¦ri¦A§U¦Gweh :mF«I©dÎl¨M sated me with wormwood. Æu¨v¨g«¤A q³¥x§b©I©Hwfh :d«¨p£r«©l i¦p¬©e§x¦d 16. He has also broken my teeth with gravel g¯©p§f¦Y©Hwfi t«¥ :x¤`¨A p†©Wi¦ i¦ R§k¦d ¨P¦W i½ stones, he has covered me with ashes. 17. And you have removed my soul far :d«¨aFh zi¬¦ i¦W¨p W§t© i†¦p mF²l¨X¦n away from peace; I have forgotten i†¦Y§l©gFz§e g§ iv¦ ½¦p a¨ c´©` Æx©nŸ`¨Hwgi prosperity. 18. And I said, My strength and my hope are i†¦cEx§nE i¬¦i§p¨rÎx¨k§Iwhi :d«¨eŸd§i¥n perished from the Lord; giŸ¬© W¨z§e xF½M§f¦Y xF´k¨Iwk :W`Ÿ«x¨e d¬ ¨p £r« ©l 19. Remembering my affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. ai¬¦W¨` z`Ÿ²Iw`k :iW§ «¦ t©p †©l¨i r [©gF¬W¨z§e] 20. (K) My soul remembers them, and is :ligF` «¦ MÎl©r o¬¥ A¦lÎl¤` i†¦ bowed down inside me. 21. This I recall to my mind, therefore have i¬¦M Ep§n½zÎ`Ÿl¨ M i´¦ Æd¨eŸd§i c§ i³¥q«©Jwak I hope. Æmi¦W¨c£Jwbk n£g :ei«¨x «© l¨kÎ`Ÿl E† 22. The grace of the Lord has not ceased, iw§ ³¦l¤Jwck :L«¤z¨pEn¡` d†¨A©x mix¨ ½¦w§A ©l and his compassion does not fail. 23. They are new every morning; great is li¬¦gF` o†¥MÎl©r W§ it© ½¦ p d´¨x§n¨` Æd¨eŸd§i your faithfulness. W¤t†¤p§l eFw§ ½¨ lÆd¨ eŸd§i aF³Kwdk :F«l 24. The Lord is my portion, says my soul; therefore will I hope in him. m½nEc§¨ e Æli¦g¨i§e aF³Kwek :EP«¤W§x§c¦Y 25. The Lord is good to those who wait for x¤a½B©l¤ aF´Kwfk eŸd§ :d«¨i rEW§ z†©z¦l him, to the soul that seeks him. 26. It is good that a man should quietly hope a³¥W¥iwgk :ei«¨xEr§p¦A lŸ†r `¬¨V¦iÎiM «¦ for the salvation of the Lord. o³¥Y¦Lwhk :ei«¨l¨r l†©h¨p M i¬¦ mŸ½C¦i§e Æc¨c¨A 27. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. o¯¥Y¦Lwl :d«¨e§w¦Y W¬¥i †©lE`i EdiR¦ ½ Æx¨t¨r«¤A 28. Let him sit alone and in silence, because :d«¨R§x¤g§A r¬©A§U¦i i¦g†¤l Ed²¥M©n§l he has taken it upon him. 29. Let him puts his mouth in the dust; there may yet be hope. 30. Let him offer his cheek to him who strikes him; let him take his fill of insults.

7 Eicha Complete

31. For the Lord will not cast off for ever; 32. But though he cause grief, yet will he i´¦0wal :i«¨pŸc£` m†¨lFr§l g²©p§f¦i `¬Ÿl i´¦0w`l have compassion according to the ec¨ «¨q£«g x§ aŸ¬M g¦ m†©x§e bFdÎm¦¨ d½ ` abundance of his grace. 33. For he does not afflict willingly nor d†¤B©I©e F½A¦N¦nÆd¨P¦ r `³Ÿl i´¦0wbl :[ei«¨c¨q£«g] grieve the children of men. z©g´©Y Æ`¥M©c§Owcl :Wi«¦`Îi¥p§A 34. To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth, ÆzFH©d§Owdl :ux«¨ ¤` i¥xi¬¦q£` lŸ†M ei½¨l§b©x 35. To turn aside the right of a man before :oF«i§l¤r R i¬¥p§ p c¤b†¤ a½ x¤BÎh©¨ R§W¦n the face of the most High, 36. To subvert a man in his cause, the Lord `¬Ÿl i†¨pŸc£` ai¦ F½x§A Æm¨c¨` z³¥E©r§Owel approves not. i¦d½Y©¤ e Æx©n¨` d³¤f i´¦Qwfl :d«¨`¨x 37. Who is he who says, and it comes to `´Ÿl ÆoFi§l¤r i³¦R¦Qwgl :d«¨E¦v `¬Ÿl i†¨pŸc£` pass, when the Lord commands it not? 38. Do not both evil and good come out of :aFH© « d§e r¨x¨d zF† v¥¥z `½ the mouth of the most High? x¤a†¤B g¨ i½ c¨ m´¨` Æo¥pF`§z¦IÎd©Qwhl 39. Why then does a living man complain, a man, about the punishment of his sins? d³¨U§R§g©Swn :[ei«¨`¨h£«g] e`¨ «¨h£«gÎl©r 40. Let us search and try our ways, and turn :d«¨eŸd§iÎc©r d¨aE†W¨p§e d¨xŸ½w§g©p«§e ÆEpi¸¥k¨x§c back to the Lord. 41. Let us lift up our heart with our hands to l†¥`Îl¤` m¦i½R©¨MÎl¤` ÆE pa¨ ¸¥a§l `³¨V¦Sw`n God in the heavens. Epix¨ ½¦nE ÆEpr §W¨ ¸© t Ep§g³©Swan :m¦in¨ «¨ X©A 42. We have transgressed and have rebelled; you have not pardoned. d¨zŸ³M©Twbn :¨Y§g«¨l¨q `¬Ÿl d†¨Y©` 43. You have covered with anger, and :¨Y§ln¨ «¨ g `¬Ÿl ¨Y§b†©x¨d Ep½t§¥C§x¦Y«©e Æs©`¨a pursued us; you have slain, you have not xF†a£r«¥n ¨l K½ Æo¨p¨r«¤a zF³ d¨M©Twcn pitied. 44. You have covered yourself with a cloud, Ep†¥ni¦U§Y qF²`¨nE g§ i¯¦Twdn :d«¨N¦t§Y so that our prayer should not pass through. Epi²¥l¨r E¬v¨5wen :mi«¦O©r¨d a¤xw§ ¬¤A 45. You have made us offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people. z©g²©t¨e c©g¯©5wfn :Epi«¥a§iŸ`Îl¨M m†¤di¦R 46. All our enemies have opened their :x¤aX© «¨ d§e X© z`¬¥d †¨l Ep d d¨i¬¨ mouths against us. 47. Fear and the pit have come upon us, x¤a†¤WÎl©r pi¥ i ½¦r c´©x¥Y Æm¦inÎi¥ ¸© b§l©5wgn desolation and destruction. `¬Ÿl§e dx§ ²¨B¦p i¯¦pi¥Uwhn :i«¦O©rÎz©A 48. My eye runs down with rivers of water for the destruction of the daughter of my siw§ ´¦W©iÎc©Uwp :zF«bªt£d oi¬¥`¥n d†¤n§c¦z people. d´¨l§lF«rÆi¦ pi¥Uw`p :m¦in¨ «¨ X¦n d†¨eŸd§i `¤x½¥i§e 49. My eye trickles down, and ceases not, :ixi¦ «¦ r zF¬p§A lŸ†M¦n iW§ ½¦ t©p§l without any intermission, 50. Till the Lord looks down, and beholds from heaven. 51. My eye affects my heart because of all the daughters of my city.

8 Eicha Complete

52. They hunt me like a bird, those who hate me without cause. :m«¨P¦g a§ i¬©iŸ` xF†R¦S©M pE² i¦c¨v cF¬Ywap 53. They have cut off my life in the pit, and :iA «¦ o¤a†¤`ÎEC©I©e ¨I© i½g ÆxFA©a E³z§n«¨Ywbp have cast stones upon me. 54. Waters flowed over my head; then I i¦Y§x¬©n¨` W`ŸxÎl© i†¦ r i¬© m¦nÎEt«¨Ywcp said, I am cut off. deŸd§ ½¨ iÆL§ n¦W i¦z`³¨x¨Zwdp :i¦Y§x«¨f§b¦p 55. I called upon your name, O Lord, from the lowest pit. Y§¨ r®¨n¨W lFw i†¦ wep :zF«I¦Y§g©Y xF†A¦n 56. You have heard my voice; hide not your :iz¨ «¦ r§e©W§l i†¦z¨g§e©x§l L§²p§f¨` m¯¥l§r©YÎl©` ear at my sighing, at my cry. 57. You drew near in the day that I called Y§¨ x†©n¨` J½¨`¨¤x§w¤` mF´i§A Y§ ƨa¸©x¨Zwfp upon you; you said, Fear not. i¬¥ai¦x i²¨pŸc£` Y§¨a¯©[wgp :`«¨xi¦YÎl©` 58. O Lord, you have pleaded the causes of Æd¨eŸd§i d¨zi³¦`¨[whp :i«¨I©g Y§¨l¬©`¨B i†¦W§t©p my soul; you have redeemed my life. 59. O Lord, you have seen my wrong; judge Æd¨z i`¨ ¸¦ [wq :ih¨ «¦R§W¦n d†¨h§t¨W z¨ i ½¦z´¨E©r you my cause. :i«¦l zŸa§ m†¨W§g©nÎl¨M z¨¨ m½n§w¦pÎl¨M 60. You have seen all their vengeance and all their schemes against me. deŸd§ ½¨ i z¨ Æm¨R§x¤g Y§¨r³©n¨:w`q 61. You have heard their insult, O Lord, and Æi©n¨w i³¥z§t¦8waq :i«¨l¨r m†¨zŸa§W§g©nÎl¨M all their schemes against me. 62. The lips of those who rose up against m³¨Y§a¦:wbq :mF«I©dÎl¨M †©l¨i r m½¨pFi§b¤d§e me, and their muttering against me all day :m«¨z¨pi¦B§p©n p£ i†¦` d¨h iA© ½¦ d Æm¨z¨niw§ «¦ e long. 63. Behold their sitting down, and their d†¨eŸd§i lE²n§B d¨l m¬¤ W¨ a

Chapter 4 c wxt 1. How has the gold become dim! how has m¤z´¤M©d `†¤p§W¦i a½d¨¨f m´©rEi Æd¨ki¥Cw` the finest gold changed! the stones of the W¤cŸ½wÎi¥p§a©` Æd¨p§kR© ¸¥ Y§W¦Y H© aF®d sanctuary lie scattered at the head of every street. ÆoFI¦v i³¥p§$wa :zF«vEgÎl¨M W`Ÿ†x§A 2. The precious sons of Zion, comparable to d³¨ki¥` R© f®¨A mi†¦`¨Nªq§n©d mix¨w§ ½¦i©d fine gold, how are they considered as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of i¬¥c§i U£r«© d†¥n U¤x½gÎi¥l§¤ a¦p§l ÆEa§W§g¤p the potter! :x«¥vFi

9 Eicha Complete

3. (K) Even the jackals give the breast, they suckle their young ones; but the daughter of Ewi†¦pi¥d c½W© Ev§l´¨g [Æmi¦P©Y]Æoi¦ P©YÎm©%wb my people has become cruel, like the mi†¦p¥r i©§M x½f§¨k©`§l O© i´¦rÎz©A di¥ o®¤xEB ostriches in the wilderness. 4. The tongue of the sucking child cleaves to oF¬W§l wa¨ ¸©&wc :x«¨A§c¦O©A [mi†¦p¥r§i©M] the roof of his mouth for thirst; the young El£`«´¨WÆmi¦ l¨lF«r `®¨n¨S©A F†M¦gÎl¤` w²¥pFi children ask for bread, and no man gives it to them. :m«¤d¨l ` oi¬¥ xŸR U†¥ g½¤l m¤ 5. Those who fed delicately are desolate in EO†©W ¨p P©c£r« m i´©n§ ½¦ l l§ Æmi¦kŸ«`¨Gwd the streets; those who were brought up in purple embrace dunghills. E†w§A¦g r½¨lFz i´¥l£r Æmi¦pªn¡`¨d zF®vEg©A 6. For the punishment of the iniquity of the iO© ½¦ rÎz©A oŸ´e£rÆl© C§b¦I©Hwe :zFY© «R§W©` daughter of my people is greater than the sin r©bxÎFn ½¨ k § d´¨kEt£d«©d mŸ®c§q z`†©H©gn «¥ of Sodom, that was overthrown in a moment, and no hands were laid upon her. E³M©Iwf :m¦ic¨i «¨ D†¨a El¬¨gÎ`Ÿl§e 7. Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they En§c³¨` a®¨l¨g¥n E†g©v b¤l½X¦¤ n ƨdi¸¤xi¦f§p were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing :m«¨z¨x§f¦B R© xi†¦q mi½¦pi¦p§R¦n Æm¤vr ¸¤ was of sapphire; E†x§M¦p `¬Ÿl m½¨x¢`Y «¨ ÆxFg§X¦n K³©W¨Jwg 8. Now their visage is blacker than coal; they are not recognized in the streets; their W†¥a¨i m½n§¨v©rÎl©rÆm¨ xFr c³©t¨v zF®vEg©A skin is shrivelled upon their bones; it is ÆEi¨d mi³¦aFhwh :u«¥r¨k d¬¨i¨d withered, it has become like a stick. 9. Those who were slain with the sword are ÆEaE¸f¨i m³¥d´¤W a®¨r¨x †¥l§i l©gn «¥ a¤x½gÎi¥l§¤ l©g better than those who are slain with hunger; ic§ À¥Lwi :i«¨c¨U zŸ†aEp§Y¦n mix¨ ½¦Tªc§n for these pine away, stricken by want of the fruits of the field. E³i¨d o®¤di¥c§l©i E†l§X¦A zF½I¦p´¨n£gx «© ÆmiW ¦ ¨p 10. The hands of compassionate women :iO© «¦ rÎz©A a†¤ x¤W§A Fn½¨l ÆzFx¨a§l have boiled their own children; they were K†©t¨W z¨ F½n£gÎz¤` Æd¨eŸd§i d³¨N¦0w`i their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people. l©k`Ÿ†Y©e oF½I¦v§A W´¥`Îz¤S©I©e F®R©` oF´x£g 11. The Lord has accomplished his fury; he ÆE p in¡ ¸¦ `¤d `³Ÿlwai :¨di«¤zŸcFq§i has poured out his fierce anger, and has kindled a fire in Zion, which has devoured i³¦M l®¥a¥z i´¥a§W«Ÿi [lŸ†M] lŸ†Me u¤x½`Îi¥¤ k§l©n its foundations. :m«¨l¨WE«x§i x£r«© i†¥W§A a½¥iF`§e x´©v Æ ` Ÿa ¨i 12. (K) The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have di®¤¨ p£d«ŸM zF†pŸe£r di½¨`i¦¤ a§p z`Ÿ´H©gQw «¥ bi believed that the adversary and the enemy :miwi¦ «¦ C©v m¬©C D†¨A§x¦w§A mi¬¦k§tŸX©d would enter the gates of Jerusalem. 13. It was for the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, who have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her,

10 Eicha Complete

14. They wandered blindly in the streets, polluted with blood, so that none could m®¨C©A E†l£`Ÿ«b§p zF½vEg«©AÆmi¦ x§e¦r E³r¨pwci touch their garments. :m«¤di¥Wªa§l¦A r§ E†B¦i l§kE« E½i Ÿl§ `´A 15. Away! Unclean! men cried to them; Away!, Away!, Do not touch! So they fled ExE³q FnÀ¨l E`§xw ´¨ n¨ `h º¥ ExE´Tweh away and wandered. Among the nations it Er®¨pÎm©B v¨p E† M i¬¦ Er½B¦¨YÎl©` ÆExE¸q was said, They shall no more sojourn there. 16. (K) The anger of the Lord has divided :xE«b¨l Eti†¦qFi `¬Ÿl m½¦iFB©A ÆEx§n` «¨ them; he will no more regard them; they si†¦qFi `¬Ÿl m½w§¨N¦g Æd¨eŸd§i i³¥p§5wfh respected not the persons of the priests, they were not gracious to the elders. E`½U¨p¨ Ÿl `´ Æmi¦p£d«Ÿk i³¥p§R m®¨hi¦A©d§l 17. (K) As for us, our eyes fail watching for wfi :Ep«¨p¨g `¬Ÿl [mi†¦p¥w§fE] mi†¦p¥w§f vain help; in our watching we have watched Epi½¥pi¥r d¨pi´¤l§k¦Y [ÆEpicFr] ¸¥ ÆdªpicFr ¸¥ for a nation which could not save. 18. They hunt our steps, that we cannot go Epi½R¦¦ v Ep´¥z¨I¦R¦v§A l¤a®¨d Ep†¥z¨x§f¤rÎl¤` in our streets; our end is near, our days are E´c¨Ywgi :©rWFi «¦ `¬Ÿl iF†BÎl¤` fulfilled; for our end is come. 19. Our pursuers are swifter than the a¬©x¨w Epi®¥zŸaŸg§x¦A z¤k†¤N¦n Epic¨r§ ½¥v vultures of the sky; they pursued us upon the :Epi«¥S¦w `¬¨aÎi¦M Epi†¥n¨i E¬`§l¨n Epi²¥S¦w mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilderness. m¦i®¨n¨W i†¥x§W¦P¦n Epi½t§¥cŸxÆEi¨ d mi³¦N©Zwhi 20. The breath of our nostrils, the anointed Ea§x¬¨` x†¨A§c¦O©A Ep½w¨l§ª C mix¨d¤ ´¦ dÎl©r of the Lord, was taken in their pits, of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live deŸd§ ½¨ i gi´¦©W§n Æ E p iR© ¸¥ ` gE³©[wk :Ep«¨l among the nations. Ep§x½n¨©` W£ x´¤` m®¨zFzi¦g§W¦A M§ c†©l¦p 21. (K) Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, living in the land of Uz; the cup shall i¦Ui³¦8w`k :m«¦iFB©a d¬¤i§g«¦p F†N¦v§A also pass over to you; you shall become [z¤a†¤WFi] iz¤a†¤WFi mF½c¡`Îz©AÆi¦ g§n¦U§e drunk and strip yourself bare. qF½MÎx¨a£r«©Y ÆK¦i¸©l¨rÎm©B uE®r u¤x´¤`§A 22. The punishment of your iniquity is accomplished, O daughter of Zion; he will ÆK¥pŸe£rÎm©

11 Eicha Complete

3. (K) We have become orphans and fatherless, our mothers are like widows. a½`¨ [oi´¥`§e] oi´¥§CwÆEpi¸¦i¨d mi³¦nFz§Lwb 4. We have drunk our water for money; our s¤q´¤k§A Æ E p ini¥ ¸¥ Qwc :zF«p¨n§l©`§M Epi†¥zŸO¦` wood is sold to us. 5. We are pursued to our necks; we labor, l³©Uwd :E`Ÿ«a¨i xi¬¦g§n¦A Epi†¥v¥r E pz¨ iW ½¦ and have no rest. [`¬Ÿl§e] Ÿl `¬§wEp§r†©b¨i Ep§tC§ ½¨ x¦p ÆEp¸¥x`¨E©v 6. We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with xE†X©` c½¨i EP´©z¨p Æm¦i¸©x§v¦Qwe :Ep«¨lÎg«©pE«d bread. m½¨pi¥§CwÆE`§hg «¨ Epi³¥zŸa£Cwf :m¤g«¨l rŸ¬ «©A§U¦l 7. (K) Our fathers have sinned, and are no more; but we bear their iniquities. m¬¤di¥zŸpŸe£r [Ep§g†©p£`«©e] Ep§g†©p£©Cw [m½¨pi¥`§e] 8. Slaves rule over us; there is none to w†¥xŸR Ep½a¨ El§W´¨n Æmi¦c¨a£rwg :Ep§l«¨a¨q deliver us from their hand. Ep½n§¥g©l `i´¦a ¨p Æ E pW§ ¸¥ t©p§$wh :mc¨I¦ «¨ n oi¬¥` 9. We get our bread with the peril of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness. xE´P©z§M ÆEp¸¥xFrwi :x«¨A§c¦O©d a¤x¬¤g i†¥p§R¦n 10. Our skin is hot like an oven because of Æmi¦W¨pw`i :a«¨r¨x zF¬t£r«§l©f i†¥p§R¦n Ex½n§¨k¦p the burning famine. 11. Women are ravished in Zion, and virgins :dcEd§ «¨ i x¨ i¬¥r§A z†Ÿlªz§A P¦ E½r oF´I¦v§A in the cities of Judah. `¬Ÿl mi†¦p¥w§f i¬¥p§R E½l§z¦p m´¨c¨i§AÆmi¦ x¨8wai 12. Princes are hanged up by their hand; the faces of elders are not honored. E`½U¨p¨ oF´g§h Æmi¦xEg©$wbi :Ex«¨C§d¤p 13. They took the young men to grind, and Æmi¦p¥w§Iwci :ElW¨M «¨ r¨ u¬¥A mix¨r§ †¦pE boys stumble under the wood. 14. The elders have ceased from the gate, :m«¨z¨pi¦b§P¦n mixEg© †¦ A Ez½a¨¨W x©r´©X¦n the young men from their music. l¤a†¥`§l K¬©R§d¤p Ep½A¦¥l UF´U§nÆz© a¨:weh 15. The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance Ep½W`Ÿx¥ z¤x´¤h£r Æd¨l§t«¨pwfh :Ep«¥lŸg§n is turned into mourning. 16. The crown is fallen from our head; woe dfÎl© À¤ Uwfi :Ep`«¨h¨g M i¬¦ †¨l Ep `¬ ¨p Î` i F « to us, that we have sinned! E¬k§W¨g d¤N†¥`Îl©r Ep½A¦¥l Æd¤e¨c d³¨i¨d 17. For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim. m½n¨¥X¤W ÆoFI¦vÎxd © Uw l³©gi :Epi«¥pi¥r 18. Upon the mountain of Zion, which is d³¨Y©Cwhi :F«aÎEk§N¦d mi†¦l¨rEW desolate, foxes walk. 19. You, O Lord, are enthroned for ever; xŸ¬c§l L£†`q¦ «§ M a½W¥¥ Y m´¨lFr§l Æd¨eŸd§i your throne is from generation to generation. Ep½g¨¥M§W¦Y Æg©v¸¤p¨l O³¨l d¨wk :xF«c¨e 20. Why do you forget us for ever, and forsake us for so long? E p ¸¥ai¦W£Gw`k :min¨i «¦ K¤xŸ¬`§l Ep†¥a§f©r«©Y 21. Turn us to you, O Lord, and we shall be W¬¥C©g [d¨aE½W¨p«§e] aE½¨ W¨p«§eÆLi¸ ¤l¥` | d³¨eŸd§i turned; renew our days as of old. qŸ´`¨nÎm¦` 0w iak ¦µ :mcw§ «¤ ¤M Epi†¥n ¨i 22. But you have utterly rejected us; you are very angry against :cŸ«`§nÎc©r Epi†¥l¨r Y§¨t¬©v¨w Ep½Y§¨ q©`§n us.


HazzanRobert Menes

Trop Symbols and Their Names in Combinations






Note: with

1 usually with munach usually with munach (no pazer in Eicha)

less common

less common

less common