STOP the British Crown Plot to Crush Australia's Unions
Letter of Transmittal Dear Fellow Citizen, Excepting the special case of World War II, when our entire nation was in mortal peril, the Australian labour movement today faces the worst threat to its existence since the fi erce onslaughts of the early 1890s, when troops were deployed to crush the shearers and dockers. Then, British fi nance caused a depression by pulling its funds out of Australia, which produced untold misery. Today, the same City of London circles have created a speculative bubble without precedent since the Lombard banks in Italy collapsed in the 1340s, and are at- tempting to keep that bubble afl oat for a few more weeks or months by savagely looting the labour force. However, that will not stop the collapse, one uniquely predicted by American statesman and physical economist Lyndon H. LaRouche, in his famous “Ninth Forecast” of June, 1994. Many scoffed at LaRouche when he forecast: “The presently existing global fi nancial and monetary system will disintegrate during the near term...That collapse into disintegration is inevitable, because it could not be stopped now by anything but the politically improbable decision by leading governments to put the relevant fi nancial and monetary institutions into bankruptcy reorganization.” After the “Asian meltdown” beginning July, 1997, very few are scoffi ng today, though many—including the Australian government—are hysterically trying to deny the much more devastating fi nancial storms still to come. On Christmas Day, December 25, 1997, LaRouche added the following to his earlier forecast: “Since late October, cascading explosions of a global systemic fi nancial crisis continue to grip this planet.
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