KSD Dunton 2015
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Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton March 2015 A brief landscape and visual appraisal of the potential effects of development proposals at KSDs Dunton site on the site and surrounding area Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 i Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 1 Baseline ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Landscape Character ............................................................................................................. 6 National Character Area .................................................................................................... 6 Local Character Area ......................................................................................................... 7 Site Description and Features .............................................................................................. 10 Site visit ................................................................................................................................ 10 Site description ................................................................................................................... 11 Topography ........................................................................................................................ 11 Vegetation .......................................................................................................................... 11 Transport routes and public rights of way ...................................................................... 12 Watercourses ...................................................................................................................... 13 Landscape designations .................................................................................................. 13 Development Proposals ........................................................................................................ 13 Visual Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 14 Views from the west ........................................................................................................... 15 Views from the north ......................................................................................................... 16 Views from the east ........................................................................................................... 17 Views from the south ......................................................................................................... 18 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 19 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 19 Appendix 1 – Plans ................................................................................................................ 23 l:\landesign\projects\landscape projects\projects\ksd dunton\landscape appraisal 04-02-2015.docx ii Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 iii Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 Introduction 1. This report appraises the landscape and visual aspects of the proposed concrete batching plant at KSD’s recycling operation at Dunton. The report describes the methodology used to undertake the appraisal and includes an assessment of the baseline conditions, identification of the receptors likely to be affected by the proposed development to the north, south, east and west viewpoints and guidance on any mitigating steps which could be taken to reduce any identified impacts on the site and surrounding area. The report is not a full Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment as defined in the Landscape Institute’s guidelines as the limited visual impacts arising from this proposal do not warrant such an extensive approach to adequately demonstrate the likely effects. Methodology 2. Methodology used in the preparation of this report has been developed from the guidance given in ;- Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Third Edition (The Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, 2013). Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland (Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage 2002). Analysis of up to date OS Explorer Series maps, aerial photography from www.google.co.uk and OS data. 3. In summary, the appraisal process comprises: Establishment of existing or ‘baseline’ conditions, including planning policy for the area, landform, vegetation, settlement, designations relating to the area including listed buildings and conservation areas, brief landscape character assessment, identification of visual receptors and establishment of their sensitivity and recording of landscape features in the vicinity of the proposed development. Site visit to verify the ‘baseline’ conditions. 1 Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 Brief description of the proposed development. Assessment of the landscape and viewpoints. Recommendations. Baseline Planning Policy 4. Planning Policy and existing environment - the following elements of planning policy relate to landscape and restoration impacts. National Planning Policy 5. NPPF National Planning Policy Framework - section 11 highlights the need to protect the natural environment and in relation to landscape says, 'The planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: protecting and enhancing valued landscapes' 6. Other relevant sections advise; 'Put in place policies to ensure worked land is reclaimed at the earliest opportunity, taking account of aviation safety, and that high quality restoration and aftercare of mineral sites takes place, including for agriculture (safeguarding the long term potential of best and most versatile agricultural land and conserving soil resources), geodiversity, biodiversity, native woodland, the historic environment and recreation.' ; And 'provide for restoration and aftercare at the earliest opportunity to be carried out to high environmental standards, through the application of appropriate conditions, where necessary. Bonds or other financial guarantees to underpin planning conditions should only be sought in exceptional circumstances.' https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data /file/6077/2116950.pdf Warwickshire Minerals Local Plan 7. The Minerals Local Plan for Warwickshire (Feb 1995) contains a number of saved policies in relation to development at minerals sites. The Dunton site is subject to a mineral consent and in this regard the Minerals Local Plan is 2 Landesign Planning and Landscape, Beacon House, 10 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 3NP. Tel: 0771 889 5138 Landscape Appraisal – KSD Dunton 2015 relevant. From a visual impact point of view policy M7 d) provides for ancillary development and advises that such development should be sited adjacent to primary plant, which the proposed development is. Policy M6 sets out the environmental issues against which planning applications will be assessed and this includes (amongst others) sites and landscapes of historic and archaeological importance (M6. 2. d); Agricultural land quality and the feasibility of achieving a high quality restoration to an appropriate use; living conditions for people (M6. 3. e); Green Belt (M6 4. a ); Areas of restraint(M6 4. C); and Special Landscape Areas M6 4. D). 8. The visual assessment concludes that the existing screened nature of the site will prevent any significant views of the proposed development and for the majority of receptors the development will not be visible at all. The nearest historic features relate to Dunton Hall where three grade 2 listed structures (comprising the hall, a barn and a pigeon loft) occur. These sit to the north of the KSD site in their own grounds and are separated from the development by an existing 10m high screening mound. The views from Dunton hall will not alter as a result of the proposed development. 9. There is no landscape designation in the area and therefore no impacts on such features arise. The site does however sit in the West Midlands Green Belt. 10. Green Belt in its self is an area wide policy of separation (rather than one of landscape protection) with the key aim being to maintain openness, particularly between urban areas that might otherwise coalesce. Inappropriate development is not supported in the green belt unless very special circumstances exist to justify the development. However, NPPF advises that minerals