Workers' Liberty After
So& Wloirkdersa’ Lirbeirtty y Volume 3 No 199 30 March 2011 30p/80p For a workers’ government Middle East Open letter to a direct Marx on the Paris round up page 3 action activist page 6 Commune page 10 After “March for the Alternative” See page 5 Now make our movement fit to fight! • POLITICALLY: REMAKE THE LABOUR PARTY • INDUSTRIALLY: STRIKE NOW! • IN IDEAS: FIGHT FOR EVERY JOB AND SERVICE; MAKE THE RICH PAY! EDUCATION What is the Alliance Victories for anti-cuts student candidates for Workers’ Liberty? By Sacha Ismail student revolt in London, in London), where Coun - One election not yet con - Today one class, the working class, lives by selling anti-cuts activists are now terfire/Coalition of Resist - cluded when we went to In recent student union its labour power to another, the capitalist class, firmly in control. ance activist Clare press is Westminster Uni - sabbatical elections we which owns the means of production. Society In other places where Solomon lost re-election to versity, where left-wingers, have seen many more the left did not win any an unpleasant right- including AWL member is shaped by the capitalists’ relentless drive to left candidates — the re - increase their wealth. Capitalism causes sabbatical positions, left winger by a very narrow and incumbent Vice Presi - sult of an upsurge in stu - candidates received good margin. dent Education Jade Baker, poverty, unemployment, the blighting of lives by dent anti-cuts activism. votes, and many part-time The ULU figures were, are battling Islamists Hizb overwork, imperialism, the destruction of the While there have not officers were elected.
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