London School of Jewish Studies presents…

The LSJS Summer of Love pass will enable you to come to as many lectures as you like during this exciting and brand-new programme.

When booking a love pass for you and someone you love, please make sure you send us the email address of the person you have purchased it for.

Lots of events and courses to choose from…

Three special evening events:

Wednesday 5 August, 8-9pm: Tu B’Av Panel discussing great Jewish teachers we love: Wiesel, Zornberg Spinoza & more… Panel: Dr Aviva Dautch, Hagai Segal, Dr Lindsay Simmonds, R. Dr Raphael Zarum

Which teachers most impress and inspire you? Our LSJS Summer of Love presenters will each share who is their favourite teacher and why. Come and hear memorable stories, ideas and quotes from teachers our teachers love. - Click here to book:

Wednesday 12 August, 8-9pm: 21st century shidduchim: Finding love under lockdown & beyond… Panel: Suzy Goldberg, Julia Nielsen, Dr Hadassah Fromson, Daniela Pears, Joanne Greenaway

What makes two people a good match and how you know? How does 21st century matchmaking work today even in lockdown? Have algorithms replaced the matchmaker? These are just some of the questions we will be putting to our expert panel of experienced matchmakers and psychologists... - Click here to book:

Wednesday 19 August, 8-9pm: Loving Animals: A tour of ’s Biblical Museum of Natural History With Dr Natan Slifkin, Director of the Museum

Rabbi Dr Natan Slifkin is the founder and director of The Biblical Museum of Natural History. He received his rabbinic ordination from Ohr Somayach Institutions, graduated from the Lander Institute in with an MA in Jewish Thought and Law, and received a PhD in Jewish history at Bar-Ilan University, with a dissertation on rabbinic encounters with zoology. This tour will focus on three of the halls in the museum: • The Wonders of Creation: Exploring the marvels of nature, with a particular focus on those creatures which are highlighted in Scripture for their wondrous characteristics. • The Animal World of the Bible: What is Biblical Natural History? Which animals are Biblical, and which are not?

• Beasts & Behemoths: A presentation on the identities and symbolism of various predators and other wild animals in Scripture, including lions, hippos, and more! - Click here to book: naturalhistory-1179.php Four fascinating morning courses:

Mondays, 10.30am-12pm Heart on Heart: Love in Modern Jewish Literature with Dr Aviva Dautch

3 August Part 1: The History of Love 10 August Part 2: Like Our Bodies’ Imprint 17 August Part 3: Love and Other Catastrophes

“Like a butcher sharpening knife on knife I sharpen heart on heart inside me.” Yehuda Amichai Love is as romantic as it is painful, as mind-expanding as it is world-contracting, can sanctify the holy or be utterly profane. Over these three weeks we’ll sharpen our hearts on prose and poetry by some of the great modern Jewish writers – from the love poems of Yehuda Amichai to extracts from Nicole Krauss’s heartbreaking novels, from Agi Mishol’s illicit yearning to Elaine Feinstein’s response to infidelity, from Rachel’s ‘late coming love’, and Bialik for whom ‘love is a burden’, to Howard Jacobson’s satirical take on relationships. (Each class will stand-alone as well as build towards the series and all Hebrew texts will be accompanied by English translations.)

- Click here to book: 1169.php

Tuesdays, 10-11am The Three Laws of Love with Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum

4 August Part 1: Love your God: How do you love what you can’t see? 11 August Part 2: Love your Neighbour: How much? 18 August Part 3: Love the Stranger: Why and how?

Week 1 - Love your God How can you love what you cannot see, hear or feel? And what does it mean to command love? In this class we will re-acquaint ourselves with the Almighty and try to fall in love all over again.

Week 2 - Love your neighbour

Exactly how much do I need to do for my neighbour? And who is ‘my neighbour’ anyway – my community, world Jewry or all humanity? In this class we will address the practicalities and limitations of this central law.

Week 3 - Love the stranger Who is a ‘stranger’ and what makes them ‘strange’? How has the interpretation of this command changed over the centuries? In this class we will reflect on the particular and universal issues related to this law as well as our own feelings of compassion and empathy.

- Click here to book:

and there’s more… Wednesdays, 10-11am Love, Israel and the Diaspora: Politics & Futures with Hagai Segal

5 August Part 1: COVID cooperation? Israeli-Palestinian efforts to stop coronavirus 12 August Part 2: Pandemic Party Politics: Three elections and the new government… 19 August Part 3: ‘Jewish AND Democratic’ or just ‘Jewish’? Future of Israel’s identity

There’s never a dull moment in Israel and yet the last few months have been unprecedented. Here is a wonderful opportunity to get to grips with Israel in 2020. You will be taught by a leading expert who is a riveting teacher. Learn about the challenges and the hope of Israel today… Week 1 - COVID cooperation? Israeli-Palestinian efforts to stop coronovirus. Week 2 - Pandemic Party Politics - Why Israel had THREE elections, and how the virus led to the formation of a new government. Week 3 - ‘Jewish AND Democratic’ or just ‘Jewish’?! The fight for Israel's future identity that lies at the heart of the annexation debate."There’s never a dull moment in Israel and yet the last few months have been unprecedented. Here is a wonderful opportunity to get to grips with Israel in 2020. You will be taught by a leading expert who is a riveting teacher. Learn about the challenges and the hope of Israel today…

- Click here to book:

Thursdays, 10-11am Lovers in the Bible with Dr Lindsay Simmonds

6 August Part 1: Sleeping with the Enemy: Esther and Achashverosh 13 August Part 2: Tamar’s Illicit Deceit 20 August Part 3: One Drunken Night: Lot’s Daughters

Over these few weeks we will explore three stories of illicit relationships — between Esther and Achashverosh, Lot’s daughters and their father, and between Tamar and Yehudah. Each of these stories includes the notion of ‘the forbidden’, and yet the women who initiate them are considered honourable and correct, and all three have significant impact on the survival of the Jewish People.

- Click here to book:

Book now to reserve your place: • £12 per lecture (£10 before 30 July); Cost of tour: £18 (£15 before 17 August) • £25 for a three-part course • OR: £45 Special LSJS Love Pass – come to as many events as you like for this programme • £70 Two LSJS Love Passes – Buy one for you and one for a friend you love!

Click here to book your love pass:

020 8203 6427 [email protected]