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MERIT H Erald 24 - THE HERALD, Tues., March 17, 1981 Tmpnrtant news fiarultra low tar yidaers. H e r a l d j Serving the Greater Manchester Area for 100 Years Manch— tw , Conn. Wednesday March 18, 1981________________ 25^^arit8"~ Evidence ruling Merit kills statements By MARTIN KEARNS Manchester and State Police acted lawyer. Herald Reporter properly when they arrested The court will also allow federal Metheney shortly after taking him prosecutors to introduce at the trial HARTFORD — A federal judge from a Greyhound. Bus which was evidence of prior crimes which are today ruled that government scheduled to carry him out of state. considered relevant to their case. prosecutors may not introduce as ev­ Judge Cabranes also upheld the The court however, will dismiss any idence statements made by an ac­ validity of the arrest warrant which irrelevant reports submitted by the cused fire bomber immediately had been challenged by Metheney's federal attorneys. after his arrest for the October, 1980, attack on a black family’s home in Manchester. Announces With the tiral of a white West Virginian youth scheduled to begin Minority double March 24, U.S. District Court Judge Jose Cabranes decided that while the youth was properly informed of his rights, he did not knowingly waive them. but below area As a result. Judge Cabranes denied the government from introducing in By MARY KITZMANN its prosecution of Charles Norman hispanics, out of an overall popula­ tion of 49,761. Metheney what his defense attorney Herald Rrporlrf had called incriminating statements. MANCHESTER — Manchester’s Including 38 American Indians, and Eskimos, 222 islanders, and 392 At the same time Judge Cabranes minority population has doubled the unclassified minorities the 3 percent will allow federal attorneys to in­ past decade, according to U.S. Cen­ minority figure rises to 4.4 percent. troduce those statements in cross- sus figures, but it is still far below examination, but only to question the the area average. The "others" category, however, Figures released yesterday show is usually counted in the "white " credibility of Metheney. figures. New Merit Metheney was arrested Oct. 8, the town’s black and Hispanic pop­ 1980, less than a week after the home ulation rose from the commonly- In Glastonbury the difference between the decades in minority of a black family Manchester was used 1970 figure of 1.5 percent to 3 population was slightly more than heavily damaged by a fire bomb. percent in 1980. one percent. In 1970 the town was He is awaiting trial here on federal The average of Hartford County is counted as being more than 99 per­ charges of alleged civil rights and 13.3 percent black and Hispanic and cent white. In 1970 the town of 24,327 weapons violations in connection 17.3 percent minority overali. had a 1.4 percent minority popula­ with the incident. Dominic Squatrito, the town's special counsel in fighting the dis­ tion In today’s ruling, the court struck Including ail minorities the total from the record of pre-trial hearings crimination claims lodged against Manchester by three low-income was 2.9 percent. Karlan Szwad, 2, tries to put on her brakes took advantage of the good weather and the those sections which challenge the In East Hartford the minority pop­ credibility of the accused. residents, had said late last year the as she descends a curved slide at Charter ulation was counted at 61 percent park for a little early spring fun. (Herald In announcing hirilndings prior to figures would be an important part Oak ParkvTuesday afternoon. She was photo by Pinto) of the case. Squatrito hoped the and South Windsor showed a 3.4 per­ the selection of Jurors for next cent population. visiting frid^ds on Hackamatack Street and week’s trial. Judge Cabranes said growth figures would belie claims that Manchester deliberately The national average is about 16.8 excluded minorities. percent minority in 1980. In 1970 the A Utra Lights! In idmcoal fields national average for minorities was Today he would not comment on the significance of the figures, 12.5 percent. because they are not part of any public court document. For the pre­ ildcat strikes spreading trial filings of both the plaintiff and Corporate defendant the 1970 figures were Now the MERITideh has been introduced at only 4 mg tar- By United Preeg International Church urged miners to stay on the Roving pickets shut down six Con­ plants in the United States have an used. Wildcat strikes in the soft coal job until the walkout officially solidation Coal Co. mines in northern 111-day stockpile of coal. Squatrito did comment that “ob­ profits up fields spread to Ohio today and the begins. West Virginia, idling an undeter­ “The coal operators don’t really viously” the more relevant figures United Mine Workers said a The UMW leader sent his mined number of miners. lose in a strike,” said Levi Daniel, in the case would be the 1980 figures, 3.1 _perc^nt MERIT Ultra Lights. A milder MERITfor those who prefer nationwide strike is inevitable next bargaining team back to the coal A wildcat strike at a Southern Ohio 62, a father of 12 who worked the and he expected their inclusion. week with a breakdown in talks on a fields when officials of the soft coal Coal Co. mine in Vinton County, mines in Beckley, W.Va., for 37 Raymond Norko, of the Hartford WASHINGTON (UPI) - Helped new contract. industry did not respond to the un­ Ohio, idled about 450 miners early years before black lung disabled Legal Aid Society that represents along by the auto industry’s im­ n ultra low tar cigarette. Ten mines were idled by roving ion’s latest proposal. ’The major today. him. the residents, could not be reached proved performance, corporate bands of pickets ’Tuesday in Penn­ stumbling block is the current pen­ The Southern Ohio Coal Co. for comm ent. He was quoted profits grew 3.1 percent in the fourth sylvania and West Virginia. Four sion system, which allows workers walkout occurred on the midnight “If they don’t mine a ton of coal however, as saying the figures were quarter last year — a bigger than New MERIT Ultra Lights. Its going to set a whole new taste more were struck in Pennsylvania to move from mine to mine without shift and miners met in bathouses today, it will still be in the ground for “lower than I expected. ” expected rise over the previous today, along with one in Ohio. losing benefits. and decided to continue the wildcat them to take out tomorrow.” Squatrito in earlier statements quarter, the government reported A U.S. Steel Corp. spokesman said ’’Even though we don’t want a strike. Daniel and fellow miners are expected the figures to show the today. roving pickets, wearing masks, kept strike, it is inevitable,” Church said A spokesman for UMW District 22 against the mine owners’ insistence minority population had doubled. On a year-to-year basis, profits standard for ultra low tar smoking. employees from entering five of its shortly before midnight. “I don’t in Price, Utah, said all its members on ending longtime multi-employer The defendants will 'probably argue after tax were down 2.4 percent from facilities in southwestern Penn­ want my people to suffer.” in Utah, Wyoming and Arizona were pension plans. ’The pension system is in the court case, which is scheduled the fourth quarter of 1979, the sylvania. U.S. Steel said 1,400 The current, three-year contract working as usual and would not go the result of a major union victory to begin April 14, that the growth Commerce Department reported. \ employees at its mines were idled. expires at midnight March 27. out on strike until the contract ends. won by the late UMW leader John L. shows no deliberate attempt was In a separate economic report UMW President Sam Church Jr. Between 3,0(i0 and 4,000 miners A strike was not expected to have Lewis in 1946. It allowed miners to • made to exclude minorities. issued Tuesday, the government said said in Washington ’Tuesday a strike walked off the job in Greene County, an immediate effect on the nation’s build pension credits while moving However, when compared with the the housing industry, hard hit by by the 160,000 miners is certain. Pa., south of Pittsburgh, Tuesday. economy, since coal-burning power from one employer to another. area average Manchester's growth high interest rates, finally took its is low. expected nose dive. The greater Hartford area has un­ The fourth quarter corporation dergone intense scrutiny by the profits after taxes were $164.1 billion Navy may scuttle Trident subs U.S. Justice Department, as it en­ — up from $159.1 billion in the third compasses a core city Hartford with quarter, at a seasonally adjusted an­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Navy nouncing the Navy had awarded a $1 a large minority population and sub­ nual rate. the first 18,700-ton Trident will not 16 missiles carried on smaller The profit figure for the year was says it may have to scuttle its costly billion contract to the Newport News urbs that have been accused of main­ be ready until the end of the year. Polaris and Poseiden subs. "higher than implied by earlier and long overdue Trident nuclear Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. of taining an "all-white” character. Lehman said the Trident program Lehman said he will decide by the gross national product figures," said submarine program, now handled by Newport News, Va., for construction Besides the suit filed in may have to be canceled after the end of the year whether to scrap the Commerce Department analyst Ken a civilian contractor, and instead of three nuclear attack subs.
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