November 27Th 1979

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November 27Th 1979 California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Paw Print (1966-1983) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 11-27-1979 November 27th 1979 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation CSUSB, "November 27th 1979" (1979). Paw Print (1966-1983). 290. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Paw Print (1966-1983) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Profile ^'Married Couple'* Attending Classes Together by Marilyn Heavtlin our moral attitudes and our feelings for each On this campus we hear of the "younger Dave and Paula not only have the same them. They have a great concern for each other," Paula noted. student." the "older student," the "single stu­ major, they try to attend the same classes other. Paula worries about how Dave is go­ Dave works 30.hours per week at B & M dent," the; "married student." and the reen­ whenever possible. Dave said. "We like to be ing to do on a test, and Dave is really proud Auto Parts in Riverside, and Paula plans to try student," but now I have a new name to together. It helps when we can discuss the when Paula excells. "1 expect Paula to do do substitute teaching in January. Dave add to the list — the "married couple." 1 class together. It also saves us money on better than 1 do. She has better study habits plays the rhythm guitar and is the lead don't know how many married couples there books." Paula added, "We enjoy watching than 1 have." Paula commented, "1 feel that vocalist in a band called "Haven." the band are on this campus that are attending classes the teachers' reactions. They're usually a lit­ my ability to learn is a gift from God. and I usually plays two or three times a month dt together, but 1 know that there is at least one. tle surprised, but then they seem to get usee have a responsibility to use that ability well." weddings and other social events. The Dave and Paula Allbeck are in two classes to the idea quickly." The Allbecks feel that They both noticed that at the beginning of Allbecks also enjoy entertaining their friends with me. and 1 have enjoyed observing this going to school is easier now that they are the year they tended to respond in class in a and playing racquet ball. new "group" firsthand. married. Paula commented. "We don't have way that they thought the other one would In the future, Paula plans to be an elemen­ Dave and Paula have been sweethearts to take time for dates, and we don't have to agree with. Paula noted "We've had to tary school teacher, and Dave plans to work since they met at Ramona High School in entertain each other." Dave feels that his realize that we are individuals, and we won't Riverside when Paula was a sophomore and study habits are improving and his grades are always think alike." as a school counselor. Dave stated, "With Dave was a senior. They both transferred to going up since their marriage. The Allbecks are Christians, and their faith my training, I suppose 1 could work in various businesses, but Paula and I want to CSCSB last year from Riverside City Col­ Although one might expect that a couple and their church are very important to them. have our summers and holidays free so that lege. After dating for six years the Allbecks would feel like they were competing with "Church attendance helps us grow in faith. we can travel and do things together as a were married this past July and are now both each other if they were in the same classes, Our whole life is based on Jesus. He is the seniors majoring in Liberal Studies. the Allbecks say just the opposite is true with center of our lives. Church helps us define family." Published by: The Associated Students Issue No. 9 California State College November 27, 1979 San Bernardino serving the CSCSB community Actions Taken On Contract Controversy by Tim Hamre mination of PFM's contract, was presented p.m. on Thursday. November 29, in C-219. The Rules Committee, which met last Investigation into the Foundation/Profes­ to the AS Board of Directors at their meeting is limited to those invited. Wednesday to discuss the postponed resolu­ sional Food Management (PFM) contract by last Tuesday, November 20. The petition Those invited to attend the meeting are; tion. will recommend to the AS Board that The PawPrint, and petitions signed by large urged the members of the AS Board to College Business Manager Leonard Farwelt. the original resolution be replaced with numbers of dormitory residents have adopt a resolution calling for the termination Dean of Students Kenton Monroe. PFM .another resolution. resulted In AS President Kathy Fortner draf­ of PFM's contract. Manager Bill Fennell, PFM District Manager The new resolution urges the Foundation ting a letter to the Foundation Board The AS Board postponed consideration of John Pierce. Assistant Housing Director and PFM to change the wording of their con­ members about the contract, and an AS the resolution until the meeting scheduled Wayne Hutchins. and students Mark tract to comply with any recommendations Committee investigation to.jdeflne the for Tuesday, November 27. at 5 p.m. ja the Kemenovich. Tim Hamr^ Steve Bauer. of JhM.rsday^ meeting, and promises AS ag^ issues in order to make a recommendation Student Union Senate Chambers. The AS Sandy Case anB Fred Cofe. tion if the Foundation and TalfTo^wor on AS action. Board's Rules Committee is currently in­ Items to be discussed include: the number out a solution which is acceptable to the 245 dormitory residents, out of approx. vestigating the issue. of entrees and other items to be required. the dorm students. 265 contacted (a 92 percent ratio), have Rules Committee Chair Sandy Case availability of items throughout the dinner The resolution refers to widespread signed a petition expressing their dissatisfac­ (School of Administration Representative) meal period, and the one drink limitation at dissatisfaction among the dorm students, the tion with the food service being provided by has called a meeting to discuss possible breakfast and lunch. Also to be discussed will petition with 245 signatures, and the need PFM. changes in PFM's contract. Attendance at be the rewording of several contract provi­ for clarification of some of the contract provi­ The petition, which also calls for the ter­ the meeting, tentatively scheduled for 3 to 5 sions to conform with present practices. sions continued on page 3 Intruder Flees From Closet by Mark A. Kemenovich and entered it. Another resident observed About 2:15 a.m. Monday morning, this but did not recognize the girl. Another November 19. two dorm roommates were in resident went to the girl's docH- and knocked. their room preparing for bed. One of the girls When no one answered the door, authorities opened a closet and found a male crouching were notified. The girl had simply been within. Screams alerted the dorm and the in­ afraid to answer her door. truder escaped. Three other dormitories are No connection has been officially reported to have received similar visitations. recognized or established between, the latest Girts in two different dorms of another dor­ series of incidents and a previous series in­ mitory reported waking to find their door volving thefts in the dormitory parking lot. open. One girl reported seeing a male On October 18. a battery was stolen from a outlines in the doorway. Numerous incidents car and other incidents of a similar nature are of "tested" door knobs were reported. believed to have occurred. On Sunday, Entry to the dorms was thought to be via a November 4 at about midnight three male planter moved to allow the intruder to pull residents of the dormitories observed himself onto the balcony and enter the dorm suspicious activity in the parking lot and con­ through the normally unlocked sliding glass fronted at least two other individuals. A fight door in the kitchen. is reported to have taken place in which two One witness helped prepare a police com­ of the dorm residents may have been injured posite sketch of the intruder. The witness by a knife or screwdriver. believed the intruder had been seen on cam­ pus. As of November 24, the picture had still INDEX not been distributed to the dorms. A descrip-. Art 8 tion is also unavailable to the residents. Calendar 12 Unconfirmed reports indicated the possibi­ Christmas pages 6.7 lity of the one of the dorm residents being Classified ^ 12 harassed by a person the resident is a witness Etrama - 9 against in a matter unrelated to the school. Editorial 2 Fiction 5 One theory proposed for the unusual in­ Humor -. .4 cidents was an attempt on the part of the in­ Intramurais 10,11 truder to locate the witness against him or In The Union 12 stage theatrical break-ins as a method of Memo of the Week 4 Student Union Graduate Assistant Dennis Mendonca places bag of canned foods and harassment. Another theory, is that the in­ Music • • • • • ! > - '• 9 medicines into collection box for the Cambodian Relief Drive. The International Club's cidents were merely pranks. News 1,3 drive to collect food and medicine for Cambodian refugees will continue until the end of Tension runs high in the dormitories.
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