MHS hoopsters School budget: Hard work paid off bow in playoffs Wait and see in Coventry arrest ... page 9 ... page 3 ... page 13

Manchester, Conn. Chance of snow Wed.. March 3. 1982 late Thursday 25 Cents — See page 2 OPEC meeting due

.JV' to halt 'unraveling'

Britain's price cut MAY DROP may break cartel 3^ A IQALLON By Roz Liston United Press International

m The president of the Organization of Petroleurn Exporting Countries said today he would call a special meeting before the end of the month to halt what one petroleum analyst called the “ unraveling” of the 13- nation oil cartel. , . j . u Mana Said al Otaiba, who also is the United Arab Emirates’ petroleum minister, made the statement in G a s o lin e Abu Dhabi a day after Britain slashed the price of North Sea oil by »4 a barrel. Otaiba said any such meeting would be a con­ sultative” session, but OPEC observers said it could be declared an extraordinary meeting if ministers “ want , Britain ohmn to to discuss prices.” 1 ® "* 8 * 0 Herald photo by Tarquinlo OPEC rules say a consultative meeting cannot make binding decisions and oil experts said that indicated the Two mattresses in a debris-strewn room in a a place to sleep. Another picture Is on page special session would discuss production, rather than 1 A4 • barroi i Main Street building destined for demolition 8. I prices. . f P o s ^ Broafclnp may have been used by someone lobking for The Emirates news agency said Otaiba s remark in­ dicated the world’s largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, ' 0**eC*.pr,cm9 has agreed to such a meeting. *tnieturo) ’The falling prices, although bad news for producers, provided good news for American consumers; the world oil glut could mean as much as a further 10 cent per Condemned building gallon drop in the price of gasoline. Britain, America’s second largest oil supplier, William Randol, a senior oii anaiyst at First Boston became the latest exporter to buckle under to the global Corp. in New York. “ Unless OPEC can agree on some oil glut when it cut crude prices ’Tuesdy $4 a barrel. It production curtailment, OPEC has a real problem con­ already had trimmed prices $1.50 to $35 a barrel Feb. 9. home to squatters? That lowered North Sea crude $3 below OPEC’s base trolling the world oil market.’’ Analysts estimated the latest British price could save price of $34 a barrel, but the 13 nations of OPEC also U.S. motorists about 3 cents a gallon. But a Cornell have been been cutting prices and some analysts believe University economist said the current glut will cut gas­ destined for demolition as part of basements, and the debris surroun­ its base price should sink to $26. _ By Nancy Thompson * ding this area makes it difficult to “ We are witnessing the unraveling of OPEC, said oline prices 10 cents a gailon by summer. Herald Reporter the realignment of the intersection of Main and Center streets, a locate any clues.” It Isn’t the most inviting habitat, representative of the state Depart­ Deputy Fire Chief James McKay but someone apparently considers a ment of Transportation, which owns said he sees lights in the building condemned building on Main Street the building, said it is impossible to "almost every night.” ROIC director ties student home, sweet home. keep squatters out. "The place has been broken into Lights have been seen in .the sup­ Clint Warner of DOT’S Depart­ so badly I wouldn’t be the least sur- posedly vacant building at night and ment of Acquisitions said police ' prised if some of our town derelicts evidence of occupants, including have found two or three people were running a flophouse there,” ; cigarette butts, shoes and wrappers living in one of the buildings. in sheets; mother is angry McKay said. " I t ’s just impossible to stop it,” from pears, is strewn throughout Although the electricity is still on Warner said. No date has been set the apartments. in the building, the heat is turned for the' demolition. Indeed, there is Although all the windows in the off. And the fire department turned uncertainty about whether the funds By Adele Angle strbet level door at 513 Main St. off the water last weekend when a will be available. Focus Editor have been broken and glass crunches pipe froze and burst, McKay said. . underfoot, all the windows but one The only legal resident of the “ It’s a life safety hazard because The mother of a 16-year-old girl are intact in a set of french doors at block of buildings, Joseph Bastis, who was charged with breach of the top of the stairs. The door to the who lives at 507 Main St., reported we don’t know who’s there,” McKay said. “ It’s only as good as the people peace yesterday at the Regional Oc­ apartment is locked from the inside to police that someone tried to kick cupational Training Center says her and can be opened by reaching in his door at 6 p.m. Monday of last who get involved there and most of the people who flop are derelicts or daughter should not have been through the broken window to pull week. restrained beforehand with sheets. The police report notes, “ Entry alcoholics without a real home. back a bolt. But ROTC Director John Peak says and exit into the block cojild be via “ It’s definitely an attractive Although no one is supposed to be he had no choice and that the many holes, doors, windows and nuisance.” living in the building, which is measure was used “ as a last resort.” Tina Therriault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Therriault of El Salvador troops wind down Willimantic. was arrested by police yesterday at 2;46 p.m. after she was m expelled for disruptive behavior at the center for developmentally dis­ nine-day push against rebels abled students. ACCORDING T O police. Peak Palacios said 22 or 23 troops were decided to expel Miss Therriault By John E. Newhagen ' killed and 45 wounded in the from school after she had disrupted United PRess International , Related Stories Guazapa driven begun last Monday classes Tuesday.. But when he called and led by toe U,S.trained and her home, he discovered nobody SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - p g g Q 4 armed Atlacatl commandos. would be able to come collect her. Thousands of government trbops But Defense Minster Jose Guiller­ So then, police said, Peak, 37, a began winding down a nine-day push . mo Garcia, In an interview with Wm Bolton resident, unsuccessfully Salvadoran newspapers before tried to keep Miss Therriault in his Palacios released his figures, said office. One student told the 3 only two soldiers were killed in toe f I . Manchester Herald she had been hit­ ^ T ie conmiander of the drive seid frrrfuUble" evideoM ® drive, adding, some 122 guerrillas ting and kicking teachers and Peak. Tuesday at least 22 soldiers were rebels are controlled from ® were killed. ■ At one point, the police report killed during nine days of fighting, the country but would no^elease Garcia attacked UPI in a front­ says. Miss Therriault climbed out But Defense Minister Jose Guiller- detmls to support toe clai . page interview In El Diario de Hoy. the window of Peak’s office and re­ for reporting 20 soldiers were killed ■ entered through the door. mo Garcia disputed toe figure and Our ,*’®ESmunX and 65 wounded In combat on called U P r'U ars” for earlier repor- pleted, ‘' “ J- ^ “ '1,,° According to the report,” Peak HnaM had died Palacios told reporters at his Guazapa. tried to restrain Tina. She tried to ting 20 had died. Suchitoto headquarters, toe base for “ Unfortunately, they (U P I) have get away, causing a rope burn to the ...... the drive against guerrillas fighting some correspondents who side of her face.” »Mv:v.v.*av.v.v.%.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v... U.S.-supported junta. exaggerate the facts ... and those Once she had gone outside the ’The commander of toe operation liars have to be investigated,” Gar­ building, police said. Peak-locked I n d S X on toe Guazapa volcano 19 miles cia said. “ Those who did not go to the door to keep her out. Then she north of toe capital said about half Guazapa are those who lie the most, h j^ c e ...... 20 of his 2,000 troops pulled out of toe who stay in their houses and put out Please turn to page 8 ^ e a towns' 1 ^...... 13 scrubby brush on Guazapa after nine toe lies in order to impress their n„-inppc ...... 16 days of fighting. editors and earn money.” ...... 1 « 5 Palacios said no civilians were UPI’s Mexico and Central ...... 22 klUed or wounded and no prisoners Am erica news editor Juan 0. f M ^teSiiiment ' .21 taken. “ They don’t come out Tamayo said In San Salvador, UPI Samples today w t e r v ...... 2 their hands np,” he said of ' [tonds by its figure of 20 dead at The Manchester Herald today ^itoaries' " ...... • rebels. ‘“They don’t give up. izapa. p^Xtalk f ...... 2 Witnesses and field commanders J e said the figure, reported continues It^ sampling program to bring copies of the ...... 9-12 late last week reported heavy troop before Palacios reported 22 or 23 Herald photo by Tarquinlo TrfPrision...... *1 casualUes in toe most widespread had died, were gathered from of­ newspaper to lion-subscribers wiatoar ' " ...... * and Intense fighting in over a year at ficers in the field as well as a JOHN PEAK in Mtuichester.' weainer . . . . Guazapa and other sites around the Defense Mlnlstnjr spokesman and “a last resort” country of 4.8 million people. army officials tn San Salvador. . a MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 3. 1982 — 3

2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 3, 1982 30.00 30.34

UOTOM news Briefing WTCKK^ J- Directors on school budget: wait and see By Nancy Thompson record saying the proposed 9.6 per­ cent increase in the general budget 4-lerald Reporter is too high. “ Where you slide down Lingard not sure she'll vote Most members of the Board of Explosioli wounds is hard to say,” she said. I DlrMtors are taking a wait-and-see DIRECTOR JAMES R. Probe urged Director Joan R. Democratic Town Chairman attitude toward the public education McCavanaugh, the directors’ 20 in Tripoli ' , Lingard said Tuesday she has not Theodore R. Cummings charged in IBM case budget, but some say there may be budgetary liaison to the Board of yet decided whether she will vote that it would be a conflict of in­ BEIRUT, Lebanon (U P I) — A car cuts. ■ ' Education, said he has gone over the terest for Mrs, Lingard, a WASHINGTON (U P I) — Assistant At­ on the Board of Education packed with TNT exploded hear a , ’The Board of Directors and Board budget with James Harvey, presi­ torney General William Baxter says he • budget. Her being in a position to Republican, to vote on the educa-' “ checkpoint manned by Syrian troops in un WCATHCM rOTOC^tl t» of Elducation are scheduled to meet dent of the Parent-Teacher Associa­ was not involved in a conflict of interest, cast such a vote was called a con­ tion budget since she is employed Tripoli, wounding 20 people and causing tonight at 7:30 in the education ad- tion Council. but a federal judge says there was an i?' flict of interest during the fall by the board. extensive damage in Uie fifth such attack - ministration building at 45 N. School ‘‘It looks to me like they’re trying "appearance of impropriety” and that election campaign. in 10 days, police said. St. to go ov e r the $20-million very hard to keep in line with a good Mrs. Lingard said she will there should be a congressional inquiry. Mrs. Lingard is employed by Two other blasts rocked Beirut proposed budget. budget,” he said. “ The biggest in­ “ play it by ear" and see if a con­ Responding to the flap, Sen. Howard the Board of Education as a Tuesday but no extremist group claimed Directors surveyed by ftie crease is in salaries. The teachers flict of interest appears to exist. Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, former chairman \ social worker at Bowers School. responsibility for the explosions, ap-“ Manchester Herald said the were given a raise. That’s a fixed So far, she said, she does not of the Senate antitrust subcommittee, During the campaign for Board parently aimed at Syrian troops proposed 8.2 percent increase over situation. There’s not much they can beiieve any confiict exists. said Baxter should be removed from his '•f Director"! lo"!t fall. Stationed in Lebanon. WeAther last year’s budget seems do about it. job as the Justice Department’s top an­ The most powerful blast wounded 20 reasonable, but added that the “ It looks like they’ve tried their titrust enforcer. people in Tripoli, 50 miles north of the budget has to be looked at in the con­ best to come in with a sensible New York U S. District Judge David could not comment on the education capital, police said. Eight victims were text of a tight fiscal year. budget.” Diana said the budget will be looked Edelstein said Tuesday he recently . Syrian soldiers manning a roadblock " I f it can be cut, it’s got to be McCavanaugh warned, however, at closely “ in an effort to keep'our budget without seeing all of the town learned that Baxter, who recommended near the central telephone exchange. cut,” Director Arnold M. “ Dee” that it’s going to be a tight budget mill rate down — of course, without budgets together, since the educa­ dismissal of the government’s antitrust tion budget is only one part of the Three were seriously hurt. Today’s forecast Kleinschmidt said. . year all around. cutting services too far.” suit against IBM, was a consultant for a ARNOLD M. KLEINSCHMIDT JOAN R. LINGARD Made up of about 110 pounds of TNT “ Things can’t keep going up and Mrs. Lingard said an overview of Mayor Stephen T. Penny said the entire budget. law firm that represented IBM. Sunny today. Highs in the mid and upper ...cuts pjpssible ...conservative budget and canisters of oxygen, the device was up— not when you’re closing schools the budget seemed to show that the education budget appears to be Dii ectors Stephen T. Cassano and "The people of the United States have tonight Lows in the teens. Increasing clouf packed into a Renault automobile parked and laying off teachers,’’ “ reasonable and sensible." James Fogarty could not be reached Thursday with a 40 percent chance of snow or Board of Education was conser­ a vital interest in this case," said Edels­ increase the education budget, said “ People seem to be making a “ What the Board of Directors has for comment. on Central' St., one of Tripoli’s main evening. Highs 30 to 35. Winds northwest 10 to M mph Kleinschmidt continued. "This is vative in its request. “ It seems to tein, who was trial judge in the IBM cuts may have to be made, even if strong statement about what it is avenues, the police said. ‘ ' today, Ught and variable tonight, southeast 10 to 20 mph going to be a rough year. It could me that they’re keeping a very tight to do now is juxtapose revenues and case. The explosion destroyed 13 cars and mean layoffs in various they are unpopular. they want,” Mrs. Lingard said. budget,” she said. “ I don’t think it’s expenditures and what the com­ "They have a right to know all the Thursday. . ^ damaged a dozen shops, they said. departments. Including the educa­ “ We may be the culprits, but Director Barbara Weinberg noted, out of line in relation to what most munity is willing to pay,” he said. facts and how these facts were evaluated Air quality good Syrian troops, sent to Lebanon to restore tion department.” that’s what we’re elected to do,” he however, that parents lobby for the departments are finding they have Penny said the directors will by their lawyer in mdking the decision HARTFORD lU P l) - The state order after the 1975-76 civil war, im­ The proposed budget includes the said. education budget every year. "None to request. decide whether to cut the budget for them, ” he said. “ The apparent Department of Environmental mediately sealed off the area. closing of Bentley School and the -cr "'DIRECTOR JOAN R. of the other departmepts — water, “ As I looked at the budget, it when more is known about revenue failure of Mr. Baxter to'disclose this Protection forecast good air quality Two other bombs exploded in Beirut, Extended outlook elimination of 7.5 teaching positions. Lingard said she was impressed by ■sewer — have built-in lobbying seemed very conservative. All the from state and federal sources. Cuts relationship itself creates the one in the devastated downtown area and^ Kleinschmidt, who was one of the letters, some of which were groups,” she said. departments seemed to be holding from both sources are expected, but across Connecticut for today. The appearance of impropriety.” Extended outlook for New England Friday through UPI photo another in the city’s western district — * several directors to mention that he mimeographed form letters but Mrs. Weinberg said the 8.2 per­ the levels are not kno\(In. DEP reported good air quality Baxter said his consulting work in­ the line.” both near Syrian army checkpoints. Both had received many letters from some of which were hand-written cent budget increase “ doesn’t seem Director Peter P. DiRosa' said he statewide on Tuesday also. volving IMB was “ irrelevant and ^“MMsachuselU, Rhode Island Conneclleul: DIRECTOR WII.LIAM blasts were small and neither caused any parents asking him to maintain or and signed by entire, families. out of line,” adding that she is on trivial" to his role in dismissing the casualties or serious damage. Oiance of rain Friday. Fair Saturday. government’s case against the computer Thanks, pardner snow Saturday night ending early Sunday. Over^ght Tripoli has been the scene of recent giant and ^ a t there is no reason for him lows in the 20s and low 30s. Daytime highs upper ^ to fighting between Syrian troops and President Reagan adjusts his new cowboy hat after speaking to a mid 40s Friday and Saturday, cooling to the upper 20s to to resign.® Palestinian and leftist Lebanese "Essentially 1 see no conflict of in­ Cheyenne rally for Wyoming Sen. M^colm Wallop Tuesday. Reagan militias. mid 30s Sunday. . terest whatsoever,” he told a news con­ was given the hat by a school girl from a local girls' choir. Vermont; Showers Friday. Colder with scatter^ ference. flurries over the weekend. Highs near 40 Friday and in . . Mother finds clues but not her missing son “The relationship, as I say, was with a Housing industry the upper 20s and 30s Saturday and Sunday. Lows in th e ;. Los Angeles law firm, not with IBM, and panion as a man with dark hair and anything.” 30s Friday, the teens and 20s thereafter. . had and she said she talked with from residents of that state to her it happened five or six years ago,” he Boat seizure Standard nickel The mother of missing began a cross-country hitchhiking Both Mrs. Bottomley and Conway takes new beating * Maine, New Hampshire: Chance of snoW norto and Brian, probably in late October, letters of appeal. dark beard. said. “ It was very very limited in its Manchester youth Brian Chandler trip with a backpack, $25 in his While the psychic maintains that praised the professionalism of the deposit sought rain or snow south Friday. Clearing Saturday. Fair Sim- which would fit in,” Mrs. Bottomley “ 1 suppose there’s a chance,” she scope and it simply would not have oc­ sets precedent By United Press International day. Lows 10 to 20 north and 20 to 30 south. Highs in the says she has found a woman in pocket and plans to pick up odd jobs, Brian is alive but possibly injured, Arizona authorities, some of whom said. said. “ The reason 1 don’t really feel curred to me that anyone could possibly Flagstaff, Ariz., who recalls seeing along the way. sheriff police officials have been devoted their free time on Sunday to BOSTON (U PI) — The government’s BOSTON (U P I) — Lawmakers and Severe winter weather, high interest 20s north and 30s south. The woman told Mrs. Bottomley that way is from the letters I ’ve suppose that it was a matter that should , Brian in iate October, Mrs. Bottomley has blanketed preparing Mrs. Bottomiey for the help review the case. seizure of a vessel for allegedly fishing in representatives of the Massachusetts rates and the recession were all blamed that Brian was with another man written to California, I didn’t get a be listed in a recusal letter.” But despite that breakthrough in newspapers and television stations possibility that her son met an un­ Mrs. Bottomley said the next step a closed fisheries conservation zone off ■ bottling industry Tuesday asked a for giving the struggling' housing in­ with dark hair and a dark beard, and whole lot of people even thinking the 4-month-old case, investigators in the Southwest with appeals for in her search for Brian may lie Cape Cod sets a precedent for the legislative committee to endorse a plan, dustry another pounding in January — a that they were both hitchhiking. they had seen him.” timely death. are preparing Karen Bottomley for help in finding her son. The sparsely populated desert betweep Arizona and California. Northeast, a federal attorney says. to place a nickel deposit on all beverage 22.8-percent drop in new homes sales. Brian had told his mother in their A NEW Y O R K psychic Warrant issued the “ strong possibility that HER LATEST effort has areas of the Southwest make a “ I think that maybe something Government attorneys filed papers containers sold in the state. The Commerce Department reported Long Island Sound last conversation that he had met a named Yolana had told Mrs. Bot­ something may have happened to teamed her with private in­ thorough search nearly impossible, happened to him between here and for Mrs. Kissinger Tuesday in U.S. District Court for Bill sponsor Rep. Thomas P. White, D- - Tuesday only 25,000 new homes were young man and that they were tomley that she believes Brian is Long Island Sound from Watch Hill, R.I., to Mon- him,” according to the 38-year-old vestigator Jim Conway," who worked a sheriff told Mrs. Bottomley. “ He California." she said, “ and that forfeiture of the 110-foot Lady Jay and Worcester, said the measure would sold during the first month of this year - headed*for California. still within Arizona, possibly at an NEWARK, N.J. (U P I) - A warrant, tauk Point, N.Y.: Northerly winds 15 to 20 knots today. Esquire Drive woman. on the celebrated P eter R iley said with remote areas here you might be the new direction that the said the U.S. Marshal’s office would take make Massachusetts bottlers more com­ the second lowest housing sales rate on ' The woman said she had chatted Indian reservation called Moenkopi. 'was issued Tuesday for the arrest of Northeast winds about 10 knots tonight. East to Mrs. Bottomley flew to Flagstaff murder case, and the two traveled could go miles and you don’t see investigation will have to take.” custody of the boat today. petitive in the regional market. record. with Brian while the other man was She also had described Brian’s com­ Nancy Kissinger, wife of former southeast winds Thursday, Increasing to 15 to 25 knots last weekend in search of clues that together last week to Arizona. The Coast Guard and National Marine The provision would modify existing On a re la te d fro n t, six trad e on the phone, Mrs. Bottomley said. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, for by late afternoon. Visibility 5 miles or better today and might help her find Brian, the 18- In a telephone interview from Fisheries Service personnel boarded the legislation — scheduled to take effect in associations involved in banking and real The two had just left the Grand Ca­ failing to appear in court to answer tonight, dropping to below 2 miles at times. Mostly sun­ year-old Manchester High School Arizona with W INF’s Sean Eden- vessle Monday night when it was January 1983 — requiring nickel deposits estate urged President Reagan to reduce nyon and were headed on to Califor­ charges she tried to “ choke” a woman ny today. Fair weather, followed by increasing graduate who has not been heard bum, Mrs. Bottomley said she had observed alleg^ly ground fishing in a on small containers for beer and soft federal deficits they said are devastating nia, according to the woman. THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS who was pestering her, it was reported cloudiness tonight. Snow likely Thursday, changing to from since a telephone call on Oct. met a woman while going through closed area of the fisheries conservation drinks and 10 cent deposits on bottles and their industries. Mrs. Bottomley doubts that her rain in the afternoon. Wave heights 3 to 4 feet today and hotel records who recognized a . 260 NO. MAIN ST. today. zone about 144 nautical miles east of cans holding more than 32 ounces: In a letter to Reagan Tuesday, they 20. son went on to California, based on Under the terms of the bench warrant 1 to 2 feet tonight. Brian’s last call came from Grand snapshot of Brian. MANCHESTER, CT DOUBLE Provincetown, Mass. asked for cuts in the budget, possibly the small response she received issued Tuesday, Mrs. Kissinger is sub­ Canyon, Ariz., six days after he “ She looked at the snapshot that I defense, or that scheduled tax cuts be IV V T " ) NORTHWAY ject to arrest at any time, the Newark M anufacturer’s rolled back, or new taxes imposed. Star Ledger reported. Actor Alan Alda "M ore than anything else, it is the The Kissingers — Henry Kissinger is Berenson wants specter of an overwhelming volume of recovering from recent coronary bypass stumps for ERA N.H. jai alai park deficit financing which haunts housing Third Republican seat Coupons surgery — were not immediately MIDDLETOWN (U P I) — Actor Alan and financial markets and poses the / ^ A n d y s available for comment. SALEM, N.H. (UPI) - Even though threat of economic and financial con­ Lottery MONDAY-SUNDAY Ne^(^ark Municipal Court Judge Robert Alda says many people think the Federalism program. her third term in the state Senate the Legislature has overwhelmingly ditions not seen since the 1930s,” they NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - Sen. Brennan issued the warrant based on proposed Equal Rights Amendement is a Mrs. Johnson, 47, said she would from a heavily Democratic district. •P* * HOMt Of THf voted against it on several occasions, a TiJancy Johnson of New Britain has DETAILS IN STORE papers filed by Ellen L. Kaplan, who “ Valentine” for women and don’t wrote. “ bring a common sense approach to PfOPlt PlfflSfRS Connecticut man says he’s ready to bring Groups signing the letter were: the become the third Republican to an­ Mrs. Johnson, whose con­ alleged Mrs. Kissinger assaulted her at recognize its potential legal impact. government and a commitment to jai alai to burned-out Rockingham Park. American Bankers Association; nounce a campaign for the 6th gressional aspirations have been no SPECIALS EFFECTIVE: Newark International Airport on Feb. 7. Alda, speaking to a crowd of about 300 Numbers drawn in New 0212. the president’s economic recovery L. Stanley Berenson met with park’s Mortgage Bankers Association; National District congressional seat being secret for some time, joined two STORE HOURS; MON.-SAT. 8 AM-9 PM In court papers, Mrs. Kaplan, of NeW at Wesleyan University Tuesday night, England Tuesday: Rhode Island daily: 7169. owners Tuesday to talk about his plan to Association of Home Builders; U.S. vacated by Rep. Toby Moffett, act.” other Republicans and five SUN 9 AM-5 PM MARCH 4,5,6 ONLY York City, alleged the wife of the Nobel said the ERA was not a “ cure all” for Connecticut daily: 124. Vermont daily: 716. She supported efforts to “ turn our build a jai alai facility on 30 acres of the League of Savings Associations; ,I>Conn. Democrats seeking the seat being Prize-winner “ caused bodily injury to women, but would protect existing Maine daily: 084. Massachusetts daily: economy from stagnation to 300-acre track. National Association of Mutual Savings • Mrs. Johnson told about 450 given up as Moffett runs for the U.S. Ellen L. Kaplan, specifically by grabbing rights. New Hampshire daily: 0831. growth” and rebuild the nation’s PF. RRI PRIMO Rockingham Park has been idle since Banks; and National Association of onlookers at a news conference Senate. (Kaplan) by the throat and trying to , He said the major difference the defense. July 29, 1980 when a general alarm fire Realtors. Tuesday she generally supported PFRRI ELM BRAND choke her.” amendment would make is t£^ extend “ We must be strong enough to The other Republican candidates destroyed the grandstand. The number of houses sold in January, President Reagan’s policies but Italian BREAKFAST Mrs. Kissinger’s attack allegedly was basic rights uniformly across the county. protect our interests and serve as an include Nicholas Schaus of Far­ Berenson, who operates a jai alai fron­ if repeated for the next twelve months, favored “ a more compassionate” triggered by a comment on the personal “ There’s a clear and obvious effective pegotiator^for peace,” said mington and David Barnes of East ton in Hartford, said if the state is ready would amount to an annual rate of 353,- Implementation of the ad­ life of her husband by Mrs. Kaplan. difference in various states between how Granby. Sausage Sausage Links -fer jai alai, “ I ’m ready to come here.” ministration’s proposed New Mrs., Johnson, who' is now serving A subpoena was sent to her New York men and women are treated under the 000 sales, the department said. recent years the New Hampshire That is the lowest rate since City home when she failed to appear in law,” he said. “ I ’ll tell you as the father House has overwhelmingly killed bills to September, a month during which the court Tuesday, and court officials t r i^ of three daughters, I don’t want them Almanac legalize the sport. Gov. Hugh Gallen has fewest new homes ytere sold since DISCOVER JEANS PLUS LOW. LOW PRICES! $ shopping around for states that will give *1 29 unsucessfully to contact her in said he would veto aqy gambling bills Washington, D.C., an^ New York City, them the same rights I as a man have records in the cat,dgory were first that come to his desk.' collected in 1963, the department said. the newspaper said. automatically.” JL By United Press International Today is Wednesday, March 3, the 62nd day of 1982 WITH COUPON AFTER *10 PURCHASE with 303 to follow. Ground Beef EXCLUDING BEER & TOBACCO _ Peopletalk The moon is moving from its first quarter toward its full stage. OUR OWN The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter FRESHLY MADE $ - | 1 9 ■ ANY SIZE PKQ A LB and Saturn. I Spaghetti | Psyche snubbed There is no evening star. SWEET LIFE Thifse horn on this date are under the sign of Pisces. M 6 0 Z B O X Sorry, Alexander H. Stoddart of Savannah, Ga., Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, Rib Eye Steak but your painting of a gauzily dressed young woman was bom March 3, 1847. USDA CHOICE B VALID MARCH 4.5.5 ONLY U kneeling on a rock and peering at her reflection in a On this date in history: BONELESS LIMIT ONE AT ANDY’S N.MANC. pool is not the original Psyche of the White Rock FORMERLY In 1849, the U.S. Department of Interior was created DELMONICO LB soda ads. That’s the expert opinion. hy Congress. White Rock offered $25,000 for the original In 1879, a woman lawyer Mrs. Belva Ann Lockwood . “ Psyche at Nature’s Mirror” painting by Paul — practiced before a U.S. Supreme Ctourt for the first Sirloin Tip Roast r vSS^O^wf i^^?*^^RcHASE Thumman, one of Queen Victoria’s favorite artists. time. EXCLUDING BEER A TOBACCO M “ Psyche” has been the company’s logo since 1893. In 1931, the Star Spangled Banner was designated by USDA CHOICE PHILADELPHIA ■ Stoddart thought he had the original, but New $ - 1 8 9 an Act of Congress as the national anthem of the United BONELESS A LB York art expert Joseph Keiffer inspected the oil States. Cream Cheese and said, “ I don’t'believe it is the White Rock In 1974, 345 people were killed when a Turkish plane prototype because the girl is facing the wrong crashed near Paris., PREWUNED DENIM Shank Ham 3 0ZP K G direction, lacks wings and has legs positioned SHANK PORTION ^ ■I differently.” Keiffer believes, howeyer, that Stod- A thought for the flay: American writer William FULLY COOKED ■ ■ V dart’s oil is an original Thumman. SUGAR CURED VALID MARCH 4,5,6. ONLY Henry Hudson said, “ You cannot fly like an eagle with GOLDEN BROWN LB MH LIMIT ONE AT ANDY’S N- MANC. the wings of a wren.” Jackie wins A 90 Personal advice from^ Abby IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE PURCHASE Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis has won the latest JACQUELINE ONASSlS FRANK SINATRA ANGELA LANSBURY Abigail Van Buren offers personal advice daily in one YOUR VALUE PACKED CIR­ round in her court fight to keep photographer Ron of America’s best-read columns, ‘.‘Dear Aljby,” in The EXCLUDING BEER A TOBACCO ■ ... wins in court ... appearing with daughter ... to be honored CULAR IN THE 8ILKTOWN Galella at'arm ’s length — but whether he lands Manchester Herald’s Focus section. FLYER-COME IN AND behind bars has not yet been decided. Sizes 28 to 38 I Federal Judge Irving Ben Cooper, who in 1975 Lee Strasberg, composer Stephen Sondheim, ac­ what it’s like for a woman to be living alone, and PICK ONE UP ■Tomato Soupa issued an order that Galella must stay 25 feet away tress Angela Lansbury and playwright George Kel­ handling all her affairs by herself ....” from Mrs. Onassis — and 30 feet from her children ly, who wrote “ Craig’s Wife:” iianriirBtfr lirrald — Tuesday ruled he was getting too close. PEG’S PANTRY DELI R c a m p b e l l s B? Mrs. Kennedy complained about Galella’s Princess Grace will accept the award for her late Official Manchester Newspaper Dark Denim & 10.7 OZCAN uncle at ceremonies on March 29, while Carol Chan- H “ relentless stalking and constant surveillance” of Glimpses USPS 327-500 Straight Leg > her and her children in New York and at her ning will accept for the late Gower Champion and VOL. Cl, No. 129 STORE SLICED VIRGINIA $ 2 4 9 VALID MARCH 4,5,6 ONLY " Susan Strasherg for her late father. 90 1l ^ j l H LIMIT ONE AT ANDY’S N.MANC. summer home on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn/ became Publisbed dally except Sunday SuggMtKl carriar rata* ara Student Sizes 25 to 30 M 3 Baked Ham LB Caroline Kennedy also testified against Galella. To be eligible for the Hall of Fame, a theatrical Dr. Kuhn Tuesday when he received an honorary and certain holidays by the $1.20 waakly, $5.12 (or ona . The judge said he will hear arguments on whether personality must have a career spanning 25 years doctorate of public service from Greenville College Manchester Publishing Co., 16 month, $15.35 lor thraa montha, $30.70 lor six months and $81.40 STORE SLICED in Illinois ... Brainard Place, Manchester. $ 9 2 9 Galella should be jailed and fined to stop his "un­ on Broadway with more than five major credits. Conn. 06040. Second class lor ona yaar. Mall ratas ara bridled behavior which we find ffampant and Johnny Carson will be prosecuted on two counts postage paid at Manchester. avallabla on ra qu a st' ProvolonecHEESEdai lb WITH COUPON AFTER *10 ^R C H A S E irresponsible.” of drunken driving after his arrest during the Conn. POSTMASTER: Send ad­ EXCLUDING BEER A TORACCO weekend ... dress changes to the Manchester To placa a dasslllad or display mNCNESTERfCT MTUSTeEimiST. Quote of the day Congress has voted to strike a gold medal to pre­ Herald, P.O. Box 591, advartlsamant. or to rsport a ANDY’S SWEET Manchester. Conn. 06040. OPEN THURS. 8 i FR I. 'til 9 P.M. Bathroom Tissue sent to Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands when she naws Itari, story or ploturs Idas, GREEN THUMB PRODUCE LIFE Hall of Fame Joan Kennedy is doing just fine since the breakup call 643-2711. OllIca hours ara visits the U.S. in April ... To subscribe, or to report a 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday FRESH TASTY YOUNQ ^ 3 9 SINGLE of her marriage to Sen. Eldward M. Kennedy. delivery problem, call 647-0946. SPRINGFIELD. M SnilMMLEMALL Seven big Broadway names will be added to the Frank ISinptra shahes the bill at Caesars Palace in. through Friday. Asparagus lb A ROLL Freel Theater Hall of Fame this year — including the She told David Hartman on ABC’s “ Good Mor­ Office hours ere 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 OPEN EVERY N IT E 'til 9:30 P.M. ) MARCH 4.5.6 ONLY Las Vegas with daughter Nancy Sinatra, and Shields Tha Manchastar Harald Is s CALIFORNIA ICEBERG JM ^ VALID MA ning America” she and Ted "are terrific friends” p.m. Monday through Friday and EAT ANDY’S N. MANC. playwright uncle of Princess Grace of Monaco. & Tam ell, starting March 4 ... 7 to 10 a.rh. Saturday. Oallvfry subscribar to Unitsd Praas Intar- MH LIMIT ONE A The nation’s drama critics and editors have' who get together with the children at ski vacations Btoria Burton is in" New York after attending should be made by 5 p.m. Mon­ natlo'nsl naws aarvicab and Is a Lettuce h“o" at Aspen and weekends at Cape Cod. day through Friday and by 7:30 mambar ol tha AudH Buraau ol elected actor Burgess Meredith, producer Hal mama EUizabeth Taylor’s 50th birthday bash in WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS a.m. Saturday. Circulations. L Prince, choreographer Gower Champion, director About herself at age 45 she said: " I ’m learning London ....

. . . ^ MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 3, 1982 - 5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 3, 1982 ~ GOP near completion Haig; Evidence Directors reject ordinance Is body in harbor of alternative budget on El Salvador to shift sidewalk falls liability jet crash victim? saving the economy.” „ BOSTON (U P I) — Autoorities will try to determine WASHINGTON (U P I) - The Senate Two objections expressed about ficient motivation. “ I don’t think he’s referring to me, Penny and fellow Democrat. today if the body ol a man pulled from Boston Harbor is GOP leadership hopes to complete this By Paul Hendrie the snow ordinance were that: Domenici told reporters. ‘T m trying to Herald Reporter Stephen T. Cassano were jo in ^ by that of Leo Metcalf, one of two passengers presumed week a draft of a comprehensive, deficit- • Homeowner insurance rates reducing alternative to President get his program through.” is 'irrefutable' Republican Joan V. Lmgard in drowned in toe Jan. 23 crash of a World Airways DC-10. The tox-writing Senate_^ Finance Com­ Now that spring is just around the might increase if the homeowner is Reagan’s embattled budget proposal for voting for the ordinance. A spokesman for the Suffolk County Medical mittee voted, 14-3, to send the Budget comer, the Board of Directors final­ held liable for falls and Rubin Fisher, a member of the fiscal 1983, a spokesman says. '' • Claims against 'a homeowner Examiner’s office said Tuesday night it had been Committee a letter endorsing the By Juan J. Waite ly has gotten around to acting on an Human Relations Commission The package could include any of might be more than the amount he is definitly determined toe body is not that of Walter Met­ deficit-reduction figures in Reagan’s United Press International ordinance to shift liability for falls asked the board not to act on the af­ calf, Leo’s father. several options to reduce Reagan's insured for. budget as a minimum goal, rather than on snowy or icjr sidewalk to firmative action implementation Autoorities said they have not ruled out the possibility projected $91.5 billion deficit, including J WASHINGTON — The United States says it now has “ I ’m afraid it’s going to hit the making specific recommendations on homeowners. plan until the commission can offer. the body of a 55-to 70-year-old white male recovered (ax hikes, more spending cuts for entitle­ “ overwhelming and irrefutable” evidence El Salvador s family that’s underinsured and each item in the budget under its Th'e ordinance — which was listed from Boston Harbor’s Fort Point Channel section, was ment programs and reduced defense leftist guerrillas are under foreign control and a key they’re going to lose their house or jurisdiction. through the winter months on the "’peU"y "agreed and the board spending, said Senate Republican Leader senator says the CIA pointed the finger at Nicaragua. business,” said Democratic Deputy that of Leo Metcalf. The Finance Committee is required by “ inactive” category of the board tabled until March 16 action on .toe Howard Baker’s press secretory, Tom "The operations of the guerrilla forces in El Salvador Mayor ^ rb a ra B. Weinberg. The Medical Examiner’s spokesman said the cause of law to send to the Budget Committee by are controlled from external command and control,’ agenda — was ‘ rejected Tuesday affirmative action plan and toe death of the unknown man was “ asphyxiation due to Griscom. ‘ But Mayor Stephen T. Penny said ' “ Nothing is final yet.” he said March 8 its view of programs under its Secretary of State Alexander Haig told the House night 6-3. nroposal to combine the perMiinel drowning.” he did not believe it was fair for the Tuesday, although adding none of the op­ jurisdiction from the president s That was one of the few decisions supervisor’s job with toe assistant The Metcalf family’s attorney would only say, “ We’ll Foreign Affairs Committee Tuesday. town to shoulder the liability for tions frequently mentioned have been proposed budget. “ The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.” the directors made Tuesday. general manager’s position. ^ know more in the morning,” and added that toe family Most of the other agenda items — homeowners who fail to clear their ruled out either. The procedural vote by which the com­ Haig did not say what country was manipulating the The Pension Board request, for had doubts about toe body being Leo’s based on informa­ including the affirmative action im­ walkways. As an indication of what might be mittee signaled its approval of Reagan s guerrillas, but Senate Intelligence Committee Chair­ legal advice on the advisability of in­ tion they’ve received from the medical examiner and plementation plan, a Pension Board He said claims against the town expected in toe draft, however, he noted deficit-reduction figure indicated the pan­ man Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., reported a secret CIA vesting town pension funds in toe the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office. request for money to hire legal rise into the hudreds of thousands of Baker has indicated he believes $5 billion el will work to reduce the 1983 deficit by briefing 4n Central America last Thursday, showed conversion of a Bennet School The family has not viewed toe body. counsel and plans to redraw the dollars, so the current $25 dollar fine to $10 billion could be removed from at least as much as Reagan proposed and Nicaragua plays a direct role in the insurgency in El building to housing, also was tabled Police said the body was of a man with receding grey town’s voting district lines — were against homeowners who fail to Reagan’s'proposed $263 billion defense maybe more, a staff member said. Salvador. until March 16. hair, who stood 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-lO. He was wearing a tabled. clear their walkways is an insuf­ Reagan has proposed savings of $12.8 “ The briefing left no doubt there is active involve­ brown plaid shirt and brown corduroy pants, a watch on budget. Griscom also noted Reagan is ada­ billion in 1983 through tax revisions, im­ ment by Sandinista government officials in support of his left wrist and a silver medal around his neck. mant about keeping intact the 10 percent proved tax collection and enforcement the Salvadoran guerrilla movement,” Goldwater said in The Metcalf family didn’t know what either man was personal income tax cuts scheduled for and new or higher user fees at such a statement issued shortly after Haig’s testimony. wearing the night of toe accident because he was retur­ bill that would cut this July and for July 1983. ‘ places as airports and national parks. Both Haig and Goldwater declined to provide specific OK of ning from a Florida vacation, attorney Camille Sarrouf T he draft of toe budget compromise, details. Haig warned disclosure would “ jeopardize” in­ said. * Talk of the deficit also dominated a U P I photo which toe Senate Republican leadership telligence sources while Goldwater said the details of Walter Metcalf’s eldest daughter said she never Senate Budget Committee hearing at “ might have (by) toe end of toe week,” remembered her father wearing any kind of a medal which Federal Reserve Board Chairman the CIA briefing “ must remain secret.” rate hike seen likely will be comprehensive and “ not a Goldwater said the CIA provided evidence w ater around his necK, although he did wear a wristwatch, Stranded Laker Airways passengers Susan Smith (center) and her two Paul Volcker said Congress could cause piecemeal approach,” Griscom said. Nicaragua's support “ includes arrangements for the interest rates to drop by passing a spen­ said their lawyer. children. Grant (left) and Claudia (right), wait for their free flight home The compromise is being put together use of Nicaraguan territory for the movement of arms ficult fiscal times.” 82-83 budgets,” he said. “ Since most Walter Metcalf, 70, and his son Leo, 40, of Dedham, ding freeze cutting up to $300 billion from UPl photo By Paul Hendrie at Miafiii International Airport Tuesday. The trio has been stranded by Chairmen Mark R-Ore., of and munitions to guerrillas in El Salvador.” He said without toe iegislatidn, of these documents, like the state deficits projected over the next three Herald Reporter were reported missing three days after the plane with since their vacation ended Feb. 26. the Senate Appropriations Committee; He said it also includes “ the continuing passage of Manchester citizens would be forced budget, must be completed and years. 210 aboard hurtled off an icy Logan International Air­ Bob Dole, R-Kan., of toe Senate Finance guerrillas in and out of Nicaragua for advanced training Secretary of State Alexander Haig said HARTFORD - A bill that town to shoulder an additional $800,(X)0 to adopted by May, a definitive action port runway and bellied into Boston Harbor. Committee; and Peter Domenici, R- Alice Rivlin, director of the in sabotage arid other terrorist tactics and the presence officials have touted as toe key to $1 million a year in water, system in March would be a real benefit.” An extensive search for the bodies was called off Tuesday the United States has N.M., of toe Senate Budget Committee. Congressional Budget Office, agreed. of high-level guerrilla headquarters elements in keeping Manchester’s water rates improvement costs. dbout 3 WGclc Istcr. “overwhelming and Irrefutable" Intelligence TO W N GENERAL M anager Domenici, who has proposed a spen­ She told the committee if Congress Nicaragua.” from doubling is almost certain to “ That additional cost is nearly 25 The Metcalf family has said it will file suit seeking that El Salvador’s leftist guerrillas are con­ Robert B. Weiss originally said a 100 Airlines, hotel rescue ding freeze, was asked about Reagan’s adopts a budget plan that “ clearly” ' Goidwater said his statement was in response to one be approved by the General percent of the fiscal year 1982-83 "millions of dollars in damages” in connection with the trolled from outside the country. Haig comments in Wyoming that budget alter­ Shows a declining deficit over the next by Nicaraguan Ambassador Francisco Fiallos, who said Assem bly within the month. water department budget,” added percent water rate increase might appeared before the House Foreign Affairs be necessary this year. However, crash. natives put forward so far are “ political few years and if the Federal Beserve on U.S. television this weekend his country "does not Finance, Revenue and Bonding Penny. The family said they called authorities for three days Committee in Washington. town officiais said Friday the in­ documents designed for saving certain follows its announced money policy, in­ send weapons and is not going to send weapons to El Committee Co-Chairman Rep. Ir­ Said Zinsser: “ If we are forced to after toe crash before going to toe State Police to report crease could be limited to 60 per­ 31 stranded tourists ip,ricin4ors’ political hides) rather than terest rates should fall. Salvador.” ving J. Stolberg, D-New Haven, has go to long-term bonding now, we are the father and son never got off toe plane or returned cent. Goldwater, like Haig, said “ there is strong evidence told Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, R- probably looking at an additional home after the crash. Mismatched ticket vouchers were With the legislation. Penny said of a great surge in the delivery of arms, ammunition Manchester. $200,0(X) per (interest rate) percen­ blamed for the men being unaccounted for until Jan. 26. gave us some apples here, some oranges Photograph cited last week the next water rate hike ATLANTA (UPI) — More than 30 dis­ and related materials from Nicaragua to El Salvador.” Zinsser and Manchester’s tage point.” The plane slid off Logan’s longest runway into Boston there. We all wanted to lose weight but Reagan says big deficit would be 30 percent two years frbm heveled foreign tourists who slept on Haig told the House committee, “ the clandestine in­ Democratic Mayor Stephen T. Pen­ Penny said the bill enjoys the sup­ Harbor. Fort Point Channel runs off the inner harbor, floors and begged for food while what a way to do it.” filtration of arms and munitions from Nicaragua into El ny — a likely challenger for port of all the member towns of the now. But if the legislation fails, he almost diagonally across the body of water from the end “ We have come across so many nasty warned, an additional 15 percent stranded in Miami with useless tickets Salvador is again approaching the high levels recorded by Haig was fake Zinsser’s seat — put aside partisan Connecticut Conference of of toe airport. people, rude people with the airline com­ rate increase would be needed next on the defunct Laker Airways were just before last year's so-called ‘final offensive.’” ' differences Tuesday long enough to Municipalities. He said it is crucial Debris from the jumbo jet turned up on beaches in booked on a flight to London tonight, panies,” Miss Monroe said. may be price of peace Without elaborating, Haig said Washington has “ tried testify in favor of the hill at a public that the General Assembly move year. “It was like they looked at you as a PAR IS (UPI) - The coast.” Cape Cod, some 48 miles to toe south, after toe crash.- rescued by two airlines and a hotel.' to communicate with Cuba and Nicaragua” to find a hearing. quickly to adopt the bill. Zinsser said afterwards that toe cheapskate for taking a Laker ticket. I newspaper Le Figaro ad­ The French satirical Eastern Airlines, which learned of red ink. way out of the confrontation building, in the region. But, The bill would allow towns to float “ Early action by the" Legislature administration had not solicited his LOS ANGELES (U P I) — President mitted the photo used by weekly Le Canard their plight earlier in the day, flew the 31 have been told verbally that it wasn’t “ Listening to the born-again budget he said, “ Our efforts have thus far been rebuffed.” temporary notes, which now carry will allow many communities to support for the bili earlier and had Reagan said the nation will risk a war if Secretary of State Enchaine revealed the tourists to Atlanta at no charge. The their responsibility and they didn’t care balancers moan about deficits is kind of On other issues, Haig: lower interest rates than long-term build toe advantages provided by not filled him in aheadbf time on the Search continues his request for an 18 percent increase in Alexander Haig to show photo published in Le group arrived Tuesday night and were what happened to us. They told us, ‘It’s lil^e hearing a m uper in Central Park • Acknowledged any future U.S. arms sales to Jordan bonds, two years longer than toe Senate Bill 513 into their fiscal year need for the bill. military spending is reduced by the Nicaragurin govern­ Figaro’s weekend taken to the Marriott Hotel, which your government’s fault Laker went un­ complain about crime in the streets,” could “ poison the atmosphere” between the United four now allowed. Ckingress as a way to cut the deficit. ment is massacring its In­ magazine in early provided rooms for each. Many said it der. Let your government take care of Reagan scoffed. States and Israel. Without the legislation, In his sternest warning so far to foes of dians was a 4-year-old pic­ February actually was was toe first time they had slept in a bed you.’” “ We don't have a budget deficit But, he said, any such request “ will be considered for harp seal herd proposed military buildup, Reagan said taken four years ago. Manchester would be forced to, for almost a week. “ We didn’t know if we were ever going because we don’t tax enough,” Reagan very carefully ... because it is not in our and Israel’s in­ ture of Red Cross workers Visit has two reasons Turaday, “ as n^uch as I detest the idea of burning casualties of the begin selling long-term bonds this British Caledonia Airlines promised to to get out,” said Yonatan Amlt, an Israeli said in a defiant reference to others who terests to have moderate Arab nations equipped by The Gamma photo agen­ spring to finance construction of the deficits ... I must accept a large deficit if civil war. HALIFAX, N.S. (U P I) -The search for harp seal herds shi)ttle the beleagured tourists to London student studying in England. called for a tax increase. “ We have a military from the Soviet Union.” cy, whose photographer water treatment plant. The cost of Amit and his two traveling companions that is what it takes to buy peace for the In Washington, State HARTFORD (UPI) - Former say the money detracts from the in toe Gulf of St. Lawrence continues today, while two tonight. deficit because we spend too much.” • Agreed with Israeli warnings Palestine Liberation took the picture, said it these Idhg-term bonds would be said among them they had only about $6 rest of'the century and beyond.” Department spokesman President Gerald Ford will be value of Ford’s favors. sealing vessels battle heavy ice and 45 knot gales in • Most of the tourists had spent six days But Reagan told his audience in Organization forces,in southern Lebanon received new bore the label, passed along to water customers in when they were told Laker Airways had Reagan, on the second day of a week- Alan Romberg said, “ it is making a trip to Connecticut this - “ If he gets money for his library, and five nights in the Miami airport, Cheyenne defense ” is one subject on arms, including tanks and rockets, during the current “ Nicaragua, September the form of higher bilis, town of- their attempt to enter the area. folded. They survived on that $6 for over long western stay, painted a grim pic­ unfortunate the photo was week to, endorse Sen. Lowell he’ll go almost anywhere,” 'said ■ The Greenpeace Foundation’s protest vessel, the sleeping on lounge couches and floors, which the man holding the job I hold is cease-fire. But he said that both sides “ tend to improve 1978,” but Figaro ficiais have said. a week, eating mainly produce “ and ture of U.S. military might as he sought misidentified. , Weicker, R-Conn., but he’ll also be David Blee, press secretary for Rainbow Warrior, was still held up in Halifax by bad hoping their names would reach the top practically the only one who has all the their respective situations” during ceasefires. magazine had not asked for ■ The Finance, Revenue and Bon­ some candy bars a nice lady gave us.” to build a case for his proposed Pentagon Nonetheless,, our views on picking up some donations for the GOP chailenger Prescott Bush Jr. weather Tuesday, although its skipper, Peter Wilcox, of long waiting lists on airlines that facts with regard to our naticmal Haig said he hoped the Israeli response “ will be a caption. ding Committee could not act on the Not all of the vacationeers were dis­ spendirig program. the Nicaraguan treatment new Ford memorial library and “ He will not come unless the hoped to leave soon. originally had agreed to honor the Laker CYitics charge the projected deficit of security.” characterized by a great degree | of restraint and bill Tuesday, because it had not been gruntled. An elderly woman with three of the Miskito Indians Henri-Christian Giraud, museum. money’s given.” The hunt in the Gulf was to have started on Monday, tickets. “And I tell you, we dare not reduce our moderation.” published in time. children in tow was asked what she was $91.5 billion could be eased if the Pen­ remains as it was, as editor of Figaro magazine, Ford, who is scheduled to attend a but federal fisheries officer Adeodat Ross, on toe “ But nobody would take them,” said a defense budget.” “ We both agree on the same thing, going to tell her English friends, about tagon was made to feel the budget­ stated by the secretary of said the photograph “ was a $l,000-a-head luncheon in Geenwich Magdalen Islands, said Tuesday he doubted it would disgusted Diana Coulter of Belfast after In Albuquerque, to a fund-raising rally for a change,” said Zinsser, as he in­ The campaign manager tor Rep. her Florida vacation. She said, “ I ’ll tell cutting ax like most other areas of state.” mistake.” The Paris Friday, will receive at least $5,000 in Toby Moffett, D-Conn., said “ it begin before the end of the week because of the lack of arriving in Atlanta. ” We were told they government. for Sen. Harrison Schmitt, Reagan said The photograph in the troduced 'Penny to the committee. would, but not one airline did.” them it was wonderful, ft really was.” what his critics charge “ is absolutely newspaper generally sup­ “ The town of Manchester is in dire private donations for the library doesn’t really show a strong com­ But Reagan, in fund-raising Bullet ban sought rightwing publication An Eastern spokesman in Miami true. ports President Reagan’s need of this legisiation.” fund. mitment to the candidate.” **Ross said department spotter planes had searched appearances in CTieyenne, Wyo. and carried a caption that said, foreign policy, which ac­ Weicker aides say the donations John Miller, Weicker’s campaign “ nearly all of toe Gulf” without seeing any large herds. described some of the tourists as “ real Albuquerque, N.M-, derided what he said “ There is an alternative to a larger HARTFORD (U P I) — The president of the Connec­ “ the massacre of fiercely cuses the leftist govern­ PENNY CALLED the bill, “ an are routine and ngt connected to manager, adamently denied Ford • Steven Best, an official of toe International Fund for scruffy looking, like refugees, after was a sudden concern for government defense budget,” he said sarcastically. ticut State Police Union wants lawmakers to ban teflon- anti-Castro Miskito Indians ment of Nicaragua of ar­ excellent no-cost opportunity for toe Ford’s endorsement. But cam­ was backing the two-term senator Animal Welfare, said Tuesday there was at least one living at the airport for so long. Sugarmakers coated bullets from the state, saying their only purpose by Nicaragua’s Socialist- ming Salvadoran rebels. state to aid towns during these dif­ paigners for Weicker’s opponents for financial purposes. herd of seals in the GuU. The I.F.A.W. is one of toe “ This thing popped up this morning is “ to kill policemen.” Marxist barbudos (Cuban oldest anti-seal hunt groups. and we didn’t know anything about it,” Union President Jerry Herskowitz spoke Tuesday in advisers) last December. From Charlottetown, P.E.I., Best said a surveillance he said Tuesday. “ It’s amazing that getting ready Two Hundred Indians were some of these people have been here this favor of a bill pending before the Legislature’s Public flight by I.F.A.W. members had discovered a herd com­ cut to pieces by grenades long. Some of them look pretty bad. We Safety Committee that would ban the sale, purchase, prising “ thousands of seals” but he would not give any A vast amount of information is and automatic arms.” just couldn’t leave them here. We had to use or possession of the bullets. ■other details, even though he felt ’’the federal fisheries M ONTPELIER, Vt. (U P I) - Ver­ bombarding the youth of our state On Feb. 19, after help them out.” ^people will probably find them too.’ mont’s 2,000 sugarmakers are gearing up through the media, through un­ “ Teflon bullets have only one purpose — to kill meeting with.AFL-CIO of­ llie tourists were all caught in the for what they hope will be another * The Rainbow Warrior was expected to leave H a lim derground publications, through every policemen,” Herskowitz, who is a state trooper, told the ficials about Nicaragua, ‘today and “ should take two to three days” tp^amye in same bind — unable to find a carrier to banner season. committee at a public hearing. Haig said he “ drew their the Gulf, Greenpeace spokesman Robert Cummings honor their Laker tickets for a flight Sap is expected to begin running with day conversations. The bullets originally were invented for use by police attention, for example, to back to London. Three air carriers the first gewd thaw of toe year, and toe Our young people have to deal to pierce cars, but they also go through bullet-proof the photograph in Figaro The ice-strengtoened trawler carried three hovercraft honored tickets until Feb. 28, but there Development and Community Affairs vests, he said. this week in Paris which which would operate from the trawler, used as a base, pimply weren’t enough seats. Agency says weather is toe biggest with unbelievable pressures from showed the most atrocious “ to disrupt the hunt,” Cummings said. The group included 21 British subjects variable facing sugarmakers. their peers, from their families, from Herskowitz urged the committee to pass the bill, genocidal actions that are gnie$ Canadian regulations governing toe hunt prohibit and others from Sweden, Germany, Cold nights must be followed by warm their schools and other sources. saying it would improve the chance other states would being taken by the anyone without a federal permit - issued only to Venezuela, Israel and Jamaica. days to produce good sap runs. follow to take the bullets oht of circulation nationwide. Nicaraguan government Ise ie rs and some journalists - from getting closer than One woman, London resident Judith Last year was especially productive, They are caught up in a world of' He said a bill was pending ir Congress for a against their Indian pop­ ;a half mile away from the herds, or otherwise disrup- Monroe, had b ^ n in Miami since Feb. 26 with toe state producing about 545,000 changing values. nationwide ban on the bullets. ulations along the east hoping to get a standby seat on one of gallons of maple syrup. * ^Greenpeace has indicated, however, that it three airlines honoring Laker tickets. About 90 percent of toe syrup was fan­ Although they may be the most use of toe hovercraft - not specifically mentioned in the Unable to do so, she said she was forced cy grade, compared wito an annual sophisticated generation in the history to "go begging for oranges just to get regulations - would not contravene the law. average of 30 to 50 percent. of the world, they are for the most At fiielliMt'ii Window Quilt' Cummings felt the delay in the Warrior s departure something to eat. The combination of quality and quanti­ 443.449 m iirm o m 1 /1 /MiaciKiTn. Irom Apprc^fiate Technology ntoisli. part bewildered and in need of un­ “It’s bwn miserable. We’ve come Innovators in Energy Savings from Halifax would not be a serious hindrance to the ty made it the best sugaring season in 20 TAKE 1-84 EXIT TO across a few compassionate people who derstanding. group’s protest plans. years. KEENEY ST. advances of $500 all the way up to $20,0(X). We cover the advances with a small charge...just 1%...while the In attempting to answer this need the Auxiliary to the 647-9997 Athopoughly remainder of your investment continues to earn your Connecticut State Medical Society is sponsoring a one CHECKOUT guaranteed Interest. Get Instant Cash, high day seminar March 31, 1982, from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 money market interest that’s guaranteed and P.M. at the Hotel Sonesta, Hartford. FSUC insurance up to ^100,000 with a 6 month Squill nveshneiik Certificate from First Federal Savings. Guest speaker w ill be Joseph Horton, Ph.D., Clinical When you invest In a'6 month certificate Psychologist with Psychological Associates. His topic from First Federal Savings your >VhirlpO ol CUSTOM DRY CONTROL will be “NORMAL ADOLESCENCE-VARIATIONS CUT HEAT LOSS THROUGH money isn’t tied up for 6 14.368« f3.698« ON A THEME.” months as it is at a lot of annual equivalent yield annual rale AUTOMATIC DRYER WINDOWS/1ND DOORS • 3 Dryliia CyciM • 3 Dfytng T«nip. 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So if you really want to see rem.arkable savings on your MCA VKtSO Regular Pnce $16.65 home heating bHls. see us today. • HOUR Special Sale Price V M O $14.25 Th« rtJ t quoted, on en innuel beste. is lor six month certtf icelet only This re t* cannot be guereniaed beyond the etx month term ot the cartificalt Current rele te effective th'3/8 At your CAtSETTE Alcohol and Drugs” conducted by Peter Zimmer, Director of New Direc­ LM9 $2.S0 Check (rom 3M $ 2 50 requeat. we will trenefer Intereat earned on this alx month certllicate monthly to a SV^H regular aavings or a 5V«% NOW account; intereal on either of these accounts witl than be com­ • 12” ^ ’ 4 9 9 tions - an alcohol and drug counseling center for adolescents and their pounded Increasing your overall yield. Or. it you wian. miereat earned may t>e withdrawn monthly matead of deposited. 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Robbins, Inc. • Fivst Federal Savings DEPARTMENT| PHONE and mail to; phone Reservations SolwSEnMsy ■ East Hartford, Glastonbury, South Glastonbury, Manchester, Vernon, Rockville and South Windsor 11 - 5 PM 243-080S Mrs. Thomas Lambe Beakey 5’29-4979 P—IgnfB S Conlrietow ______j 10 Quarty Road Bolton, CT 06040* 4 Scenic Drive _____ 64Sb36fiQ____ J I lf ’ 3 2 9 Phoiie 643-9561 Portland, Conn. 06480 Mrs. Gerald Sandler 423*3513 ^ — ------I— .,. . — III.'— MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 3. 1982 - 7 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 3, 1982 ‘

Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Women to enter pleas Dan Fitts. Editor O'Neill to announce DBP opposes OPINION I': ^ Alex Qlrelll, City Editor in Purolator slayings campaign Thursday boafingijDill dictments, however, the By Bruno V. Ranniello WATERBURY (UPI) - hearts and minds of this Last Saturday, O’Neill all but an­ state.” women’s bonds were cut United Press International nounced his candidacy after disclosing With their male com­ HARTFORD (UPI) — A proposed law requiring panions behind bars, two “If ever a case cried out from $750,000 to $50,000 that a final stress test convinced his doc­ boat owners to prove their seamanship to toe state J a c k HARTFORD — Gov. William O’Neill, women must now answer for justice based on each. 'They were released tors he could continue in public office is being opposed by toe state agency that would shocking circumstances, when their families put up A iid e r s o n urged by supporters to declare his cam­ with no adverse effects. have to enforce toe statute. to multiple murder paign intentions soon, was expected to charges in the bloody this so-called Purolator real estate to guarantee The old appoint-a-committee ■nie proposed laW would be a costly, bureaucratic the bonds. (j’NeiU’s press secretary, Larrye case does,” Hull had said. Washington formally announce his candidacy for a idea that wouldn’t prevent serious accidento, deaths of three Purolator deBear, was asked if O’Neill intended to Security guards who were The two women had Prosecutors said during J full term ’Thursday, informed sources speakers told toe Legislature’s Public Safety Com­ Merry-Qo-Round say. make his formal announcement on gunned down during a 1979 agreed to testify against toe men’s trial that two of Nov. 2 wit^ ^ ^ n o m y that is budget, tijose staggering deficii mittee on 'Tuesday. the men in, return for the guards were shot in the WASHINGTON - It is an old Sources at the Capitol said Wednesday ’Thursday, but declined to answer. robbery. severely d e p ^ ie d and a White figures and the widespread suspi-^. "I don’t think you’re going to stop anything like leniency, but prosecutors back, while the third was rule in politics; If you get into that O’Neill has been urged to formally However, legislative leaders loyal to Donna Couture, 26, of House fiscal policy they are not cion on Capitol Hill that Reagan' toe Karen E ,” said Randolph W. Dill, an inspector Wallingford, and Evelyn declined to call the women slain while raising his trouble, appoint a committee. It declare his candidacy in order to line up O’Neill have been urging the governor in toe law enforcement division of the Department Jack Germond persuaded they can defend. has gone overboard on bothL- legislative and rank-and-file party sup­ Vega, 26, of Blast Haven to toe stand when it was arms “in toe universally provides a diversion, and it im­ the past week to formally declare his of Elnvironmental Protection. accepted sign of sur­ Telling an unemployed auto defense spending and the tax port against his challenger,, House were scheduled to enter learned during the trial plies that better days lie ahead and candidacy “as soon as possible.” Dill was referring to an accident last Aug. 9 that that they had made render.” worker that you are cutting the theory of supply-size economics. Speaker Ernest Abate. pleas in Superior Court once the committee does its duty. “Now that he has been given a clean killed five West Hartford residents when toe cabin today, although there was statements to defense The state also claimed fat out of the food stamp The president clearly is aware Watt, the Abate, 38, of Stamford, attacked cruiser “Karen E” was cut in half by a cable Not to worry. Jules Witcover O’Neill in announcing his candidacy for bill of health, he’s got to go to work to a possibility one of the lawyers. during the trial that Vega program doesn’t qualify as an of his vulnerability on both of line up his support,” said one legislator, towing a cement-laden barge on Long Island Sound. defense attorneys would Because of their earlier had also purchased other That, of course, is just the Syndicated columnists these questions. That is why he '..the Democratic gubernatorial nomina­ (k)ncem about boating safety rose following the acceptable answer. tion and has been trying to drum up sup­ who asked not to be named. seek a delay in the cases. cooperation with the grand items intended for use; in a message President Reagan is For those Republicans, and for keeps reminding us that the accident. jury toat returned the in­ robbery. trying to send with his plan to es­ Indian- port among the legislators for his run “We can rely on a certain number of The women were the watching Democrats, what voters want a strong national The proposed law would require owners of boats arrested along with the two tablish a "private-sector survey' against O’Neill. (House) members but there are others powered by 5 horsepower engines or larger to ob­ was most intriguing in the defense, which no one disputes The sources said there was no need for men the day after the April of cost control and efficiency, or who are waiting for the governor’s an- tain a boating safety certificate from the DEP. president’s press conference was but which isn’t the same as O’Neill, 51, to delay his formal announce­ nouncemein and they won’t move until 16, 1979, robbery in which the lack thereof, in the federal fighter Without one, toe Department of Motor Vehicles nearly $1.9 million was g6ttdsWimAiiie not his dandy new committee but saying they want to write a blank ment now that doctors say he is. fully they hear it,” the legislator said. would not register the craft. government. And although He in­ instead what seeptied to be slip­ check for the Pentagon. And it is recovered from the open-heart surgery reported stolen from RESTAURANT. sists it will “just another THIS TIME, however, this what it is — a tactic to divert O’Neill was lieutenant governor when Current law sets down the same requirements but page in his forecasts for the why he keeps insisting that the he underwent in December. Purolator’s Waterbury blue-ribbon, ornamental panel," approach isn't likely to work, or attention from the central WASHINGTON — Interior Gov. Ella Grasso, stricken with cancer, only for boat owners under age 16. depot in a commando-style economy over the rest of the tax reduction plan is, as he said O'Neill, who suffered a heart atack in Boat owners could satisfy the new law by passing Dine & Dance that is inevitably just what it will at least not where it matters, questions of whether we need to Secretary James Watt hardly fits November, said upon leaving St. Francis announced on D ^. 4, 1980, she would . raid. overlooking the Conn. River year. again, “the very foundation” of resign midway through her second term. a U.S. Coast Guard auxiliary safety course or by Elmo Zaceardetli be. with Congress. When you are increase defense spending more the classic, image of an Indian Hospital and Medical Center 'in All four were charged with talking about federal deficits of than $30 billion in a single' year Reagan and his advisers have his program for economic He was sworn in on Dec. 31, 1980, in a demonstrating to the DEP “sufficient experience with' multiple counts of Dom Apostolloo, at the The political benefit of such a fighter. Yet the bald, bespectacled December he would probably seek a first $100 billion or more, no one the and whether we need to cut in­ been promising all along that recovery. subdued Capitol ceremony. Mrs. Grasso and knowledge of safe boat Handling.” felony murder stemming piano & organ FrI. & Sat. Night survey is obvious. The man in the bu^aucrat was such a notorious full term if his doctors gave him the go- Dill said besides a financial strain on both the least bit knowledgeable about the come tax rates another 10 per­ things would start to turn around But the severity of the reces­ ahead. died on Feb. 5, 1981. from the deaths of toe street often imagines there is far enemy of Native American causes DEP and the MVD the law would create ad­ federal government imagines cent when deficits are out of con­ in the late spring or early sion has undermined the faith of three guards who were more fraud and waste in the that more than 200 tribal leaders ministrative headaches and place “undue MON, WED, THURS NIGHT that the solution lies in ferreting trol. summer — in time, by the even some of the ad- slain in a ' hail of federal government than is really protested his nomination last year. pressure” on the Coast Guard auxiliary to increase semi-automatic gunfire. vve’re featuring This doesn't mean there is political calendar, for the nfinistration’s most devoted sup­ there, enough to solve all those out waste. Now the Indians’ worst fears are the number of safety courses it offered. Mrs. Couture’s husband, something wrong with doing such Republicans to escape disaster in porters in Congress. They may Drunken driving bill The bill would have the effect of licensing This doesn't suggest there isn’t coming true. chronic problems of rising taxes the mid-term elections. The accept the proposition that, as Donald, 29, also of Roled Sliced Beef B ra c io le *^ '^ ^ plenty of waste and fraud in the a survey. Outside experts often Watt privately supports a bill in­ Connecticut’s 75,000 boat owners, making the state Wallingford and Ms. with our own special stuffing and deficits that have been with message from the White House Reagan has said so often, there is the first in the nation to pass such a requirement, administration of federal find ways for government at all troduced by Rep. Gary Lee, R-N.Y., Vega’s common-law hus­ us so long. to Republican candidates has no "quick fix” to the economic topped with freshly sauteed peppers & programs, because there ob­ levels to save money. And it that would wipe out Indian claims to he said. band, Lawrence “Buddy” Ronald Reagan, moreover, has been don’t panic, help is on the dilemma, but they are faced with has Canadian model Dill said the bill “discrimates” againsj motor­ onions, served on a bed of rice. viously is. But even the harshest doesn’t mean there haven’t been thousands of acres of valuable land Pelletier, 39, of Waterbury always encouraged that kind of ridiculous abuses in some federal way. the reality of a political judg­ boat owners while exempting owners of sailboats, were convicted in the case critics of the bureaucracy don't in New York and South Carolina, canoes, rowboats and other boats without engines. thinking with all his horror programs. ment that is only a little more in January. Includn Rmllth Tray and Salad w/ stories about the outrages com­ imagine it runs to the amounts by NOW, HOWEVER, the presi­ than eight months away. even though the Interior Depart­ both, but the penalties are subject to plea William Swartzbaugh, executive director of toe By Suzanne Trimel Superior Court Judge T. choica o f Draaaing and a mitted by the bureaucracy. Let’s which the Reagan budget is Birr THE FOCliS on waste dent seems to be waffling on So the plan for a “private- ment has made no official announce­ bargaining. Connecticut Marine Trades Association, which Clark Hull last month United Press International represents 200 marine-related businesses, agreed cut the fat out of the federal projected to be out of balance and fraud doesn't meet the that. “I’m just not going to be sector survey” may be grand, ment of its position on the con­ The proposed bill also would require a sentenced each of the men Compllmantary QIaaa o f WIna mandatory 30-day sentence for second •Most introductory boating safety courses were budget. Let's do away with all over the next few years. political reality of the moment— pinned down on a date,” Reagan troversial legislation. HARTFORD — A legislative com- to the maximum allowable 125 RIVERSIDE DR., EAST HARTFORD 569-3003 but it is not an answer. Com­ offenders, although they could serve the “fairly superficial” and couldn’t hope to avert the red tape and oppressive On the contrary, what the that prospect of all those said. Furthermore, newly drafted ■ mittee chairman says an immediate 12- term of 75 years to life in • Min trofn Hartlerd Takt M. 2 to EiH $ mittees don’t have to run for re- sentence by working in hospitals, day serious accidents at sea, he said. ■oor RI9M Milo CLOICD SUNDAYS politicians in Congress will see Republican senators and con­ department regulations would make hour license suspension for motorists prison for the crimes toat regulations. It makes great That might be acceptable if it election in November. Neither arrested for drunken driving may be the* care centers or schools over 15 listening at a Republican rally. in the Reagan “survey” is just gressmen running for re-election weren’t for that fiscal 1983 does Ronald Reagan. government-paid legal assistance Hull said “shocked the for Indian tribes much harder to get. best way for Connecticut to clear its weekends. highways of intoxicated drivers. Second offenders now are subject to up Without such funds for private Rep. Richard Tullsano, D-Rocky Hiil, to a year in jail, but plea bargaining is lawyers, the tribes would have to de­ said Tuesday a law in Ontario, , allowed under the state’s current drunk In Manchester pend on the tender mercies of that required immediate license suspen­ driving law, which took effect last Oct. 1. Watt’s underlings to plead their sions seemed to have “a strong correla­ The current law also provides for a cases. tion with reducing drunk driving.” one-year voluntary alcohol education Cometo Perhaps the most disturbing Tulisano, co-chairman of the program for accus^ offenders. Multi-Circuits' evidence of Watt’s anti-Indian Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, said People who complete the program can proclivities — an apparent hangover his staff was researching the Ontario apply to have the charge dismissed, but a from his days as head of the conser­ law, and he hoped to introduce a similar record of their participation in the program is kept for seven years so the vative Mountain States Legal Foun­ measure by next year’s ■ session of debt to town Legislature. courts know if someone is a repeat dation — is a backroom deal he Tulisano said he thought the best way offender. made with Sen. Charles Grassley, to proceed in Connecticut was by trying Michael Ross, chief of adjudication for R-Iowa, at the expense of the the Department of Motor Vehicles, told As companies go, Multi- It isn’t that the company immediate suspensions for six months or Omaha Indian tribe. so, perhaps in a sparcely populated sec­ the committee “it was too early to tell” Circuits Inc. is still in its should divulge trade secrets that tion of the state, to see if drunken driving if the law was cutting down on drunk adolescence. Until this week, would give competitors an edge, Grassley is another unlikely In­ dian fighter. Though he has was reduced. driving. when it laid off up to 100 workers or make statements that would But Robert Clinch, assistant director _ nhanaged to keep the loyaity of Iowa Aside from that avenue, Tulisano said curbing drunken driving was a matter of of driving iicensing for the MVD, and showed signs of preparing to jeopardize its financial health. voters for most of his adult life —16 lay off even more, it had grown changing society’s attitudes toward expressed doubt any law or education But it owes enough to years in the state legislature and program for adults would curb the from being a small but alcohol,, starting in childhood. Manchester — especially after three terms in the House before his The committee heard only two problem. “It’s got to start in promising company into the the concessions the town’s elevation to the Senate in 1980 — he witnesses at a hearing Tuesday on a bill kindergarten,” he said. town’s largest commercial Board of Directors gave it last is not highly regarded by his ' calling for stiffer drunk driving The hearing was held hours before an employer. year to allow its expansion — to colleagues on Capitol Hill. penalties. organization meeting in Stamford of a Maybe it’s because of its com­ say what is going on: how many Grassley seems to suffer from Under the bill, first offenders found to citizens group to fight the drunken driving problem. parative youth, but along the people were laid off, whether chronic foot-in-mouth disease. He -have high contents of alcohol in their blood while driving or those who were in­ Stanley M. Wecksler of Stamford, of way the company has failed to others will fgllow, what the embarrassed President Reagan by the Connecticut chapter of Remove In­ asking him, in front of several volved in an accident would be given acquire the keen sense of public reasons for the layoffs are and . mandatory two day jail terms. toxicated Drivers, said toe group sup­ relations possessed by firms what the long-term prognosis is, Democratic senators, if he had Currently, first offenders faces from ported, mandatory suspension licenses secured an anti-abortion commit­ that have been longer es­ and whether this changes the $3M to $1,000, up to six months in jail, or and mandatory jail term's for offenders. ment from Sandra Day O’Connor tablished in central Connecticut. company’s predictions last year before appointing her to the One would think that Multi- about its future growth. Supreme (3ourt. Circuits would want to be as Pratt & Whitney Aircraft is an BUT PARTY disloyalty is not Voting reforms urged explicit as it could be about the . old hand at layoffs, and is hardly one of Grassley’s faults. The at-, layoffs, if for no other reason the most open organization in than to deny the rumors that are tomey fighting the Omaha tribe’s require a candidate to dis- the world. But, within limits, the claims to the Iowa farmland is none HARTFORD (UPI) - A believe the public has a now rampant of impending right to know who have close the names of people company has always been other than Wiley Mayne, a (30P package of proposals doom. Instead, executives of the matter of definition designed to strengthen requested absentee who loaned money to his or forthright about the numbers of A stalwart and former congressman ballots,” she said. her campaign. printed-circuit-board maker people laid off and has provided voting regulations against who was one of Richard Nixon’s fraud, intimidation or un­ That measure also was appear to have gone into virtual fairly detailed explanations of. bitter-end supporters on the “We muat reserve toe supported by Rep. Here’s a new buzzword for you: due influence has received right of the public to seclusion. the reasons. Reciprocity. Judiciary Committee during the im­ the backing of Connec­ Christopher Shays, R- "Town officials, who last year challenge an absentee Stamford, who told the People -will always be It describes the guise that protec­ peachment hearings in 1974. ‘■i ticut’s Common Cause ballot during this period,” held many difficult hours of Grassley began pressuring the group. committee current laws suspicious of P&WA,^ anyway, tionist sentiment is assuming these she said. only, required individual negotiations with the company days as the United States continues Interior Department on the Omaha ' Spokeswoman Betty but how much more suspicious \ Donald Graff . Gallo urged the Another bill supported by contributors to a campaign over its expansion plans, learned to run heavy trade deficits, with You case even before he was elected to Common Cause would to be identified. Manchester residents must be the Senate. Grassley “haS made our Legislature’s Government of the layoff only after hearing these days of Multi-Circuits. Know Who the chief beneficiary.* 1 Syndicated Columnist Administration and Elec­ about it from the Manchester Essentially, it is an eye-for-an-eye life extremely rocky on this issue,” said a senior Interior official. “He’s tions Ck)mmittee Tuesday Herald. And Multi-Circuits of­ It’s unfortunate that the com­ approach to international to approve at least 10 bills had conversations with Watt and the Cut and Loop ficials — the same people who pany’s sense of social respon­ economics. The idea is that where touching on the ethics, fun­ Create a Cozy Comer Heavy Duty Carpet Palace Popcorn ^ | countries make it difficult for White House.” have complained of unfair press sibility hasn’t kept pace with its ding, reporting and cam­ Economy price 100% continuous * 100% nylon hl-lo pile. Great f o r ^ New earthtones in 100% nylon growth. One can only hope that American products to enter their . In their secret deal. Watt and paigning aspects of elec­ filament nylon with super saniury rentals, bedrooms, halls, apart­ pile. Scotchgard for stain and coverage in the past — refused to Grassley cut off Interior Depart­ We have all you will need — non>allergenic high density foam ments, {even walls). Soil hiding soil resistance. Now at a popu­ Multi-Circuits officials will home markets, the United States tions. pad back. Contractor overrun. O.K. colors for easy care. Builders lar price. First quality. speak to reporters from the ment funding for the Omahas’ One bill was prompted by Furniture. Carpeting, Wallpaper, love it for it's long lasting wear. adopt a more open pol^y in their should reciprocate by making it they have agreed to a 67-point of $20.5 billion. Japan accounted for for basements and offices. INSTALLED INSTALLED Herald thti$ week about the private attorney. The reason was alleged Irregularities in- INSTALLED *13.00 va/ua •17.00 value public dealings in fjdfure. equally difficult for their products liberalization program. about half of this — $31.8 billion in Accessories •11.00 value layoff. to compete in the American market. But it is doubtful that it will make that the Indians had won back 3,000 . volving absentee ballots sales to the United States, $20.8 , toat resulted in toe over­ What can be said for reciprocity is much of a difference or, in fact, if a billion in purchases of American acres of the $5,000-an-acre land they claimed, and seemed likely to get turning of Hartford’s that it would not mean raising trade completely open Japanese market goods. Democratic .mayoral back another 8,000 acres. The In­ barriers across the board. Applica­ would. It is difficuit to envisage cars But the figures are much different primary last year. Berry's World tion would be selective and from even a reformed Detroit in respect to Western Europe, dians had lost the land when the ' Ms. Gallo said Common theoretically would not affect flooding Japan. And as recently which, as the survey observes, “is Missouri River changed course in ' Cause supiwrted revisions exchanges with partners where the observed by Mike Mansfield, U.S. much more important to the United 1923. to absents voting laws to United SUtes comes out ahead. ambassador in Tokyo who is States as a customer than ' the Last year Grassley tried to push end fraud but was opposed What can be said against is a) it probably more informed on the through an appropriations amend­ to a provision of toe bill G R O U P A GROUPB G R O U P C United States it to (it).” Runnera.hallt. Larger rooms, KIngaUarooma, Sculptured Plush ^ , bHj2fOom$ica. Elegance Plush woudn’t work that way and b) it problem than anyone else in either ment that would have cut off the that would make toe list of b e d ro o m s ofticea. baaem enU □ C D people who have issued Extra thick, nrrulti-tones in t|>i$ could boomerang disastrously. government, the Japanese would The Europeans took $66.8 billion in Omaluis’ govermnent legal funds. Very dense Anso IV nylon pile. Anso IV nylon pile. New sax­ absentee ballots closed to * 9 9 9 Care free, stain free, and value American goods — more than twice * 5 9 » * ony cut and lo ^ . Continuous What reciprocity realty comes still probably nm a sizable surplus Blocked at Uie legislative pass, the public until election * 1 1 9 “ priced. Continuous heat set heat set yarns. ^11 protection, ■ down to is a new way of trying — "because there is a demand (in the what Americans took from the yarns. Static shock protection. stain and shock protection. Watt and Gra^ley took a simpler day. INSTALLED INSTALLED Japanese — and made sales to $ 4 9 9 9 $ 9 9 9 9 *24.00 value repeat, trying — to get at the United States) for Japanese goods. “We understand toe con­ * 1 9 9 •23.00 value Americans totaling $46.6 billion, for route — cutting off the Omaha Japanese when the old ways have They produce what people want; valuas to -$400 tribe’s legal funds by Interior cern that toe recipiento of values to $100 valuas to $200 failed. an American surplus of more than they’re quality, they’re competitive­ Department fiat. absentee ballots will be un­ JustBringIn Your Approximate Sizes. We'IIDo TheRest! ly priced, they have a reputation $20 billion. Compensating twofold duly influenced. But we THE CHRONIC trade im­ that stands up.” for our shortfall with the Japanese. >rieM hR«d on aOaq.yci. minimum balance can’t be corrected, the • *AII pvtew bMKi on proporod floor ru d y to The place to go is C.F.O. The most notable consequences of One more set of relevant figures aeeopt mttorlAl. current argument goes, because reciprocity in U.S.-Japanese trade — those for trade with the OPEC At 5 foot 7, Sen. Howard Baker, American products do Hot have fair would probably be more bad feeling nations: $52.1 billion in purchases R-Tenn., is diminutive enough -to access to the Japanese market ikarpet Factory OuUe^ and a search by protectionist- from, $17.8 biUlon in sales to for the make jokes about his height. One NOTICE thanks to a maze of non-tariff Probate Ckrart is open Monday thru Friday 10-9; Saturday 10-6; Sunday 12-6 minded Ainericans for some other worst bilateral deal of all. At $34.3 reason he and House Speaker ’Tip regulations blocking entry. for conferences with toe magic formula. billion, half again the entire U.S. O’Neill “don’t always seeeye-to-eye Therefore, the United States would trade deficit for the year. is because he’s 6 feet tall,” Baker judge from 6:30 P.M. to be justified in reciprocally blocking ELSEWHERE, THEY could be 8 P.M. on Thursday MANCHESTER: 395 Broad Street EAST HARTFORD: 824 Silver Lane Plaza ENFIELD: 483 Enfield S tr ^ , Rt. 5 .OPEC trade is not subject to told the goverhors’ conference. And nights. Appointments Japanese access to its market. worse. reciprocity. \ m a possible reference to Gov. Jay (naarMorlarlty’a) (next to Burllnoton Mills Outlet) suggested. Night 849-9199 569-4495 741-2591 There is a point in this. The impor­ In 1980, as spelled out in a State I Rockefeller of West Virginia teleimne number: 647- INTERIORS tant complications raised by the Department survey of Worldwide Whoi it comes rlA t down to it, said of a budget issue, “Fifteen per­ 3227. C)iM3byNEA.Inc ' Japanese are notorious. Under in­ trade, the U nit^ States impo^ reciprocity as a tram policy could, cent might not, mean much to William E. FiUGerald UNLIMITED INC • West Hartford • Avon • Southington • Waterto.rd • Berlin • Holyoke, Mass. (Hoiyok. cioiad Sunday*) tense pressure from all their in­ $241.2 billion in goods and expon be merely another way of saying someone who’s y o o t 7. ’mat’s irtiy .Tiidge of Probate H«bron Av«nu« dustrial trading partners to open up. $220.7 billion for a net| trade deficit ' self-defeating. the country needs shorter leaders.” Gkntonbury. Connecticut 06033 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., M a r^ 3 , 1982 - 9

8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 3, 1982 Celtics win Funds woes moke m inus Bird Obituaries SPORTS P ag e 10 Harold F. Pitney street plan doubtful VERNON — Harold F, Pitney, 73, Kandra said the state estiiMtes of 41 Hammond St., died Monday at By Paul Hendrie , the project will cost $1.7 million. Rockville General Hospital. He was Herald Reporter the husband of the late Anna Storm sewers and virater lines would (Orlowski) Pitney and the father of Plans to reconstruct a worn sec­ be included in that price tag. singing star Gene Pitney of Somers. tion of Adams Street are in doubt, Of that $1.7 million, the federal He also leaves two other sons, two because it is unclear whether government would pay 80 percent daughters, a brother, three sisters, federal funding under the Interstate and the town would pick up the Hall controls Indians, 58-52 15 grandchildren, and one great- trade-in program wilt be available remaining 20 percent. grandson. With the exception of $5,000 to $7,- when the project is ready to go. half. Private funeral services were But Public Works Director 000 worth of engineering work that into the final eight minutes. defense without chasing them but ’The Indians will compete in Class was 7-for-8 for 14 first-half markers not stand around, which we did. Johnson popped home 18 markers conducted today. The White-Gibson- George A. Kandra told the Board of still needs to be done, the project is By Len Auster Ron Pedemonte hit one oil two free LL Region I. to pace Hall with NicholMn, a part- “ They had 38 points at the half and and Maher 15 to pace the Indians. Small Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., Directors Tuesday night that at completely designed and has been Herald Sportswriter throws, Joe Maher a 15-foot jumper There was one early deadlock and time performer ' after losing 15 we held them to 20 in the second Manchester was 21-for-41 from the had charge of arrangem ents. least part of the work can be done submitted to the state, Kandra said. and Manny Johnson a layup on a the lead see-sawed five times with half. We created turnovers and mis­ field. Pedemonte grabbed a tearrt Memorial contributions may be with money from another federal The stretch of Adams Street in Two minutes is not a long time but long feed from Maher to slice the to Manchester High it was an eterni­ Hall in front, 15-14, with 1:23 to go in sed shots. The second half offensive­ high 7 caroms. Manchester com­ made to the Rockviile Public Health program. question is infamous for its pot holes deficit to 50-44 with 5:15 left. But 5- ty Tuesday night. For in that span— the opening stan^. The Warriors, ly we came alive. We missed some mitted 15 turnovers, 9 in the first Nursing Association, 26 Park St., A 500-foot stretch, including the and buitips. Kandra noted that the foot-10 senior guard Kevin. McGann closing the first quarter — Hall High 20-1 overall, then went on an 8-point shots which went in and out but I felt half, while Hall also had 15 tur­ Rockville. Adams Street bridge over the street has seen an increase in traf­ dropped home a 10-foot pressurized took control to secure a 58-52 duke in spurt, six in Succession from 6-foot-3 we executed well the second half., novers. Mary L. M asta Hockanum R iver and the ap­ fic, owing to'> development in the ‘Lost the game jumper for Hall to slow center Dave Nicholson, for a 23-14 “ We held our poise which is a good EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Mary proaches to it, is eligible for funding Btickland area. CCIL Playoff action at Manchester’s momentum. bulge. sign. In the past when we were Hull (58) - - Walsh 10,2-2 22, ■Mae'' (Lesniak) Massa. 90, of 163 under the Federal Bridge Rehab The directors gave him approval the Warrior gym in West Hartford. in two minutes’ “ McGann put that hoop in and that Penney High upended Fermi in “ We lost the game in those two behind we lost it,” continued Pear­ McGann 5 2-2 12, Nicholson 5 0-0 10, School St., died Monday at her Program, he sad. to proceed with the work. started to tum things around,” cited minutes,” Manchester Coach Faulkner 0 0-0 0, Roth 4 3-3 11, home. She was the wife of the late the opener, -57-53, and the Knights Doug Pearson Hall Coach Chuck Claffey, “ He’s son. will oppose Hall Friday night at 7:30 Doug Pearson assessed, “ The game been Mr. Gutch for us all season Walsh, lO-for-12 from the field,, Sondheim 0 0-0 0, Shoaf 0 0-1 0, James Massa. Hatten 1 1-3 3, Jackson 0 0-0 0, Funeral services will be Thursday in West Hartford for the CCIL was decided there. Except for the 2- ,, and did it again.” had a game-high 22 points to pace Satchell 0 0-2 0. Totals 25 8-13 58. at 10:15 a.m. from Callahan Funeral Playoff crown. 3 minute span we played them well. Manchester, 12-9, did not score its the Warriors. McGann added 12_, Adjutant: Armory But that’s a sign of a good team. It MonclieHlcr (52) - - Maher 5 5-6 Home, 1602 Main St,, East Hartford, Hall, regardless, is the .’81-82 CCIL 45th point until 36 seconds re m a lw . Kevin Roth 11 and Nicholson 10. 15, Mistretta 2 0-0 4, Brophy 2 0-1 4, with a mass of Christian burial at 11 champion. took advantage of the situation.” "E>efensively we played better as Roth with 8 caroms led Hall to a 28- N-<,. pounds to a virus, adding 10. Johnson 8 2-4 18, Pedemonte 3 3-5 9, a m. in St. Rose Church. .Calling Manchester, meanwhile, will sit Hall’s edge was 26-20 when it went' we went along,” Pearson stated, 17 edge in the rebounding depart­ :V: The Warrior lead was as many as Silver 0 0-0 0, McCurry 1 0-0 2, Hyde hobrs are today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 ' back and await CIAC state tourna­ on another 8-point tear, winding up “ Early on maybe the kids were too ment. The Warriors were 25-for46 Herald pholo by Tarquinlo 16 points and as few as 9 in the third 0 0-0 0. Totals 21 10-16 52. p.m. logical cut choice ment rankings and pairings to be an­ with a 38-26 h'alftime advantage. tentative. We wanted to play from the field, 17-for-28 in the first canto and they took a 50-39 reading Stella M. Dion nounced Saturday at Cheshire High. Five-foot-9 senior guard Tim Walsh Stella M. (Swiatek) Dion, 69, of Vacant apartment? Connecticut National Guard Adju­ “ This rationalization leaves only Rivervievs, Fla., died Monday in tant General John F. Freund said he nine armories which can realistical­ Florida. She was the wife of Lucien opposes closing the Manchester Ar­ ly be considered for closure,” wrote Dion and the mother of Mrs. and is supposed to be vacant, there are in­ Crowd big factor, A kitchen In one of the supposedly empty mory, but if the Legislature insists Freund. “ By the time we consider Constance Faber of Manchester. apartments at 513 Main St. is covered with dications that som eone is living in the that five armories be closed, sucn factors as minimum adverse She also leaves two sons and two apartments. Story on page 1. impact on our Guard missions, Hockey referees special breed rubbish apparently left by former tenants. Manchester’s will be among them. other daughters, a brother, a sister, preservation of unit integrity and Although the building is siated for demolition The question of closing the ar­ and 12 grandchildren. space availability for offices, B.U. downs Cross mory is scheduled for a public Funeral services wiil be Friday hearing Thursday morning before storage, parking of special purpose League baseball program will cost $8 this ;i:: from Sczeiusniak Funeral Home, 69 “You’ve got to be crazy to be a hockey the General Assembly’s subcom­ vehicles, the choices are even season, a jump from $5 a year ago. Parsons St., East Hampton, Mass,, referee,” & m ie Giovino said in a recent straight game in double figures, mittee on regulations. further limited.” Youngsters may sign up at the Legion Home • By United Press International with a liturgy of Christian burial at 9 ROTC director ties student while Brett Brown had 12 and meeting. In a letter to state Sen. Carl A’. Freund said he opposes closing March 14 and March 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. each a.m. in Immaculate Conception “ Since I ’ve become interested in hockey Herald Rick Pitirio has had his moments Simms 11, Holy Cross fell to 16-11, Zinsser, R-Manchester, who any of the armories. He was in­ Sunday...UConn’s Corny Thompson was the ig Church. Calling hours are Thursday and after watching home games of the this year when it seemed like it was its worst season since 1974, and was_ objected to the proposed armory structed by the Appropriations Com­ Angle pre-season All-East pick as the top player but jg from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Whalers in Hartford I ’m convinced that you him and his Boston University paced by Kevin Greaney's 18, closing, Freund said his “ flexibility mittee, though, to target five ar­ he may not be a member of the all-star team g; in sheets: mother is angry have to be crazy to referee or even be a basketball team against the world. New Hampshire was no match for in responding to the Legislature’s mories for closing. Earl Yost, whjch will be released today. Thompson’s But Pitino was more than grateful Niagara, although the Wildcats Deficit rises request to provide a plan for the The Appropriations Committee linesman,” he added. Sports Editor play fell off this season and It will be a sur­ said the sheets were removed a Giovino may be correct. Hockey referees Tuesday night for the support of the trailed only 51-43 at halftime and Continued from page one angry. She said her daughter came closing of five armories is very Co-Chairwoman is Sen. Marcella C. prise if he’s a high pro draft pick. Chuck |g HARTFORD (U P l) - Connec­ number of times, so that she was are a special breed. It could be the hardest small but vocal Terrier hoop fans. lu crept to within a point in the second home with a black eye. limited.” Fahey, D-East Hartford, whose dis­ Aleksinas’ chances of being drafted are 'g; ticut's budget deficit for the current began throwing rocks and snowballs “ They have no right tying this kid never in the sheets for more than trict includes the Manchester Ar­ game of all to officiate. fact, the BU coach gave the fans half before fading. The Purple He said of the state’s 26 active ar­ minimal. . ig fiscal year rose slightly last month up in school," Mrs. Therriault said. five minutes at a time. The onr .,ine professional baseball umpire credit for the Terriers heart­ Eagles blew the game open in the at the windows, police said. mories, eight are under federal mory. ■ ■ to a projected $34.27 million, says Officials at the Hartford Associa­ and long-time manager of the Parkade Lanes stopping 50-49 ECAC North playoff second half, also helped by a 12- It was then that Peak restrained "1 don’t thiftk she should have been lease and therefore cannot be Zinsser said Thursday he does not tion for Retarded Citizens expressed knows more than the average fan about of­ victory over Holy Cross. poinl, eight-assist effort from Mike state C om ptroller J. Edward her with sheets and summoned tied." closed, and five are located in out­ believe any of the armories will be All-Star cboices surprise that the situation was “ The crowd is definitely the Curran. Cflldwell. police, the report says. She said the school called her lying areas, so if the^ were closed. closed in the end. He said the ficials having worked basketball as well as Jim Florence of Manchester Community ;iji The deficit increase raised the handled as a police matter, and that Eastern League in 1965. reason we won, no other reason,” “ We shot very well, especially in about 1 p.m. to go and pick up her Guard membership would, in effect, amount that would be saved by shut­ baseball games. College has been named to the Connecticut jg original budget for fiscal 1981-82 MRS. TH E R R IA I LT, reached at sheets were; used to restrain the stu­ Sosniak and Giovino were partners in the said Pitino, who had been critical of the second h alf," said Niagara daughter because she’d been be denied to residents in those ting them down is insignificant. “ Basketball officials take too much abuse Community College Athletic Assn, all-star i;:; from $2.96 billion to $2,994 billion. her home by phone Tuesday, was expeiled. She told them she had car dent. Pioneer League. The former, from support by BU fans earlier this year. coach Pete Lonergan. "W e played regions. but it is tame compared to what is directed at basketball first team. LuAnn Bendell of the trouble and couldn’t go. School “ I honestly don’t know if I would Pittsburgh, was a cartoonist during the off­ "Holy Cross was the better team but well in spurts. The key tonight was hockey referees,” he added. (Tougars won a berth on the CCCAA women’s g: authorities in Windham were called, have done it that way,” said Joyce Giovino had a taste of unruly fans in his season and while passing the time of day the crowd helped us win the game. rebounding. We held^them to one hoop alf-star squad.v.Cheney Tech clinched a g: but when a van was sent to the Peters, director of rehabilitation at minor league travels as a man in blue. There between umpiring assignments displayed his We owe it all to them” ’ shot. We're capable of beating T w o f a c e pot charges berth in the CIAC Tournament last Friday school, according to police records. HARC. “ I think T would have Baby 'perfectly healthy' were many nights he wished that he was back art work on baseballs. Boston University also owes a Canisius if we play smarter” night with a win over a good Stafford High Miss Therriault refused to get in.the handled it as a medidal situation.” home In Manchester. One of the balls was given to Giovino who in debt to Tony Simms, who banked in New Hampshire, a surprise par­ Police arrested two women the car. team, a feather in the cap of Coach Craig van and that’s when police were She said the procedure at her facili­ ROSEBURG, Ore. (U P I) - Jen­ Nancy Gonse of Portland. Today, officials In all sporU, are maligned turn passed it along to this writer. It has been a 5-foot twister from the lane with ticipant in the playoffs in that it had Tuesday after responding to a com­ Phillips...Best part of the three-man Police also reportedly confiscated called.Miss Therriault said she ty is “ to call the police and an am­ nifer Ann Evans, 6 days old, was by coaches and fans more than ever before. a conversation piece in my den ever since. six seconds to play to give BU the the worst conference record (2-9), plaint that the two were smoking ’ refereeing system in college ball is that it j a white plastic bottle filled with. agreed to go in the van. bulance simultaneously.” .She said released, from the hospital in ap­ Peditrician Larry Hall checked • It’s the trend, and not a good one. win. The victory advances the 19-8 ended its season at 9-18. Al McClain marijuana in a car parked on Fair- prolongs the careers of older and out-of-shape :i “ roaches," a blue and gold pipe with putting restraints on the student parent good health, leaving behind the 7-pound, 13-ounce baby before Speaking of Giovino, the current issue of Terriers to a meeting Thursday had 26 points for UNH on 12-of-13 field Street. Peak said Miss Therriault had Fourth best men.. .Two of the biggest faults with the hoop •: resin, a package of cigarette papers would have been done “ by the am­ her mother who has been comatose her discharge and said she seems Sports Illustrated features part two of a book night with No. 1 seed Northeastern. from the floor while Robin Dixon Cynthia A. Joseph, 24, of South “ had a very bad day and was putting ' whistle-tooters is that they are paired up poor- j: and a pair of tweezers. bulance driver.” in intensive care since last October. “ perfectly healthy.” But Hall said review on the trials and tribulations of Bill Sacherek wound up In fourth place in BU is the only ECAC North team to had 24 and Tony Stanfield 19. Windsor, and Beverly M. Avery, 24, herself and others in danger.” He the 70 Plus Club ski competition at Brodie ly and as a result are not consistent in their Peak, who has been director of the The tiny, red-haired baby born by doctors planned to keep a close retired American League umpire Ron ' beat Northeastern this year. of Coventry were charged with Both women were processed and said using the sheets to restrain her Mountain which was the highlight of a five- interpretations. Men from different do not school for two years, said this is the Caesarean section last Thursday watch on Jennifer’s early develop­ ■tl Luciano. ’The book is titled “ The Umpire The other semi-final features an possession of less than four ounces released on $100 non-surety bond. was “ a professional judgment on ’ day ski trip last week to Jiminy Peak, Brodie, call the same violations although all are sup­ first time such restraints have been was released Tuesday to live for the ment because her birth was such a Strikes Back” and will be available next upstate New York war between T V spot of marijuana after police allegedly They are scheduled to appear in my part to prevent injury to herself Butternut Basin, Snow Valley and Hogback. posed to be governed by the same rule time being with her mother’s sister. medical rarity. month. Niagara, a comfortable 105-87 found a plastic bag filled with pot in court on March 15. and other people around her." He used in school. book.. .All remaining Whaler road games will NEW YORK (UPl) - The 45th One item that caught my eye was reference The local man plans to take in the Subaru winner over New Hampshire, and be telecast starting with tonight’s tilt in Buf-. Santa Anita Derby, which takes ; to George Sosniak, Luciano’s partner while World Cup races March 3-4 at Waterville No. 2 sped Canisius. Niagara was falo. place April ,4, Will be televised live i working as a two-man team of umpires in the Valley...Registration for Manchester’s Little paced by Mike Phillips with a career-high 28 points and James by ABC, the network announced Factory-Authorized Speaks with 25 in winning its Tuesday. Fire calls seventh straight. ' The Santa Anita Derby is the West AL SIEFFERT SAYS, Boston University had beaten Coast showcase for Thoroughbred Holy Cross 96-82 earlier this year, racing's Triple Crown hopefuls. NO LOWER PRICES ANYWHERE but the Terriers knew the rematch Leading contenders tor this year’s M an ch ester would not be a high scoring affair. $250,000added Derby include MAYTAG Stalwart, Cassaleria, Unpredic­ Tuesday, 11:19 a.m. —Medical call, 12 Trotter St. No team held a lead of more than six ON SONY COLOR T.V.’S Cheney excels in Ot, points at any time. And in the final table, Prince Spellbound and Water (Town) ’’ eight minutes, when Holy Cross’ Bank. Tuesday, 12:42 p.m. —False alarm. Box 571, only points were from the foul line, Manchester High School. (Town) $25 INSTANT there were six lead changes. Tuesday. 10:32 p.m. —Odor of smoke, 100 E. Center AL SIEFFERT'S offers one of the “ Our defense kept us in the Coach to return St. (Town) game,” said Pitino, whose team Wednesday, 2:24 a m. —Roll-over, Exit 92, Interstate areas largest selections of shot only 39 percent but forced 23 HUNTINGTON, W. Va. (U P I) — 86. (Town) Q REBATE ^ tops Rocky Hill, 57-53 Holy Cross turnovers. “ We have The rumor will came to an abrupt shot in the 30s a lot this year. We halt Monday night, with word from SONY.TELEVISIONS at LOW also got a super effort from our Marshall University that head C oventry season. ’They were in a zone and we basketball coach Bob Zuffelato is Today more than ever. It pays to Invest In Finding overtime a profitable and 9-11 overall. They, too, are post­ in the first overtime and went into a bench.” Tuesday, 12:05 —Ambulance call, 1158 Main St. (S. second three-minute block at 47-all. just kept working the ball around un­ Boston University was paced by coming back to direct his fourth Maytag quality. The energy-efficient AS10 , experience Cheney Tech played the season bound. Coventry) DISCOUNT PMCES! WATCH IT ON A Rocky Hill opened the scoring in til we found Cal open inside. When Arturo Brown’s 19 points, his 17th Thundering Herd team. Maytag Washer Is a Ml-tooUirod beauty — not ‘one more time’ theme again last Cheney winds up its regular we missed Isaac or Cal most often a stripped-down model. It’s loaded with great night in Rocky Hill. The Beaver season Thursday night against the second extra session but Cal Gothberg answered for Cheney with came up with it.” , Experts on playing bridge features ... large tub ... cycles for permanent- cagers, winners last Friday in a RHAM High in Hebron at 7:45. a short jumpef. The 'Terriers went Cheney had a 14-10 lead at the •Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag write about bridge — press and all of today’s fabrics... 4 water levels single overtime over Stafford, had This was the second overtime bout ahead again but Mike Mitchell quarter with the Terriers taking a Overtime thriller every day on the comics page of ’The Manchester ... 3 temperature settings ... and much more. to go two extra sessions against the between Cheney and Rocky Hill with canned a twisting layup for a 51-all 2f-23 halftime bulge. It was 35-34 in Herald. , No wonder It’s Maytag’s best-sellerl Buy now host Terriers before coming away the Terriers claiming the earlier : reading. After a Terrier miss, Isaac Cheney’s favor after three stanzas. ' and save $25. with a 57-53 verdict in Charter Oak meeting, 64-56. The’ quintets were deadlocked at Williamson was fouled at the other “ Tom Eaton, Mike Mitchell and Conference play. Lou Governale must be credited The win lifts the tournament- 43-all after regulation with the end and he converted both for a 53-51 Vinal nips Bolton THEONEANDOT4Y with praise for their poise and bound Techmen to 7-10 in the con­ Techmen missing three chances and Tech lead. attention all hookers! Mitchell hit one of two from the hustle,” Phillips lauded. is ference and 9-10 overall while the the Terriers one before the final Connie Winalski had 21 points to rugs that Is — setback winds up the Terriers’ buzzer. foul line with 22 seconds showing for a 54-51 edge with two Williamson lead Rocky Hill. we have a TRINITRON regular season at 8-10 in the COC The conference foes traded hoops by 68-64 margin The Terriers took the jayyee tilt, wonderful .. free throws making it 56-53. Paul Nowak converted one free throw 55-43. Bob Elliot had 12 points and aaaortment of with two seconds left for the final Anthony Milton 10 for the 10-9 young before the Bulldogs drew even at kite for ruga - plllowa With Keith Perry being a key College basketball roundup outcome. Beavers. figure in overtime, Vinal Tech out­ regulation. wall hangings - latch Cheney Tech (57) - ■ Gothberg Maytag gets your dishes cleaner Williamson had 19 points and 21 lasted Bolton High, 68-64, in Charter Eric Winzer and Brian McCarthy looks - pro cut yarn In than Kitchen Aid In the cycles rebounds while (Jothberg netted 21 10-1-21, Williamson 7-5-19, Gover­ added 11 markers apiece for Vinal. Missouri Valley tournament. Tulsa, Oak Conference basketball action 40 colors - wa also have recommended for tough dally, By Richard Rosenblatt markers and hauled in 19 caroms in nale 2-0-4, Eaton 3-0-6, Mitchell 2-2- Jeff Peterson had a team-high 16 22-5, dropped a 3-point overtime last night in Middletown. plastic and cloth canvas loads. Uses less energy, too. UPl Sports Writer an impressive sho'wing by Cheney’s 6, Nowak 0-1-1. Totals 24-9-57. points for Bolton with Dave decision to Bradley last Saturday. The loss in the season finale for ltd make your own designs. big two. Rocky H ill (53) - - Winalski 10-1- Carpenter and Ted Brown chipping Losing the final game of the In semifinal matchups, Missouri,. the Bulldogs leaves them 2-18 “ It sounds like a two-man show 21, Bachteler 0-()-0, Wright 1-4-6, in 14 apiece. 24-3, meets Nebraska Friday at overall and 2-16 in the conference. regular season may have been the but it was far from that,” cited Tech McKenna 6-4-16, Lucente 1-0-2, Carpenter, Harpin and reserve Kansas City, West Virginia takes on The win lifts the Hawks to 2-16 in the every proper tonic for No. 5 Missouri, No. Coach Craig Phillips, “ We played ■ Stevens 3-2-8, Dzikiewicz 0-0-0, Tom Mulcahy are graduating 13 West Virginia and No. 14 Tulsa. St. Bonaventure Friday at COC and 3-16 overall. little the most controlled game of the Trancano 0-0-0. Totals 21-11-58 seniors. Pittsburgh and Tulsa will host New Perry had a game-high 20 points thing All three schools opened con­ "The year was not as good as 1 Mexico State Thursday. for Vinal/including four crucial ference post-season play Tuesday expected but the kids improved a night with resounding triumphs to In other games No. 16 Kansas hoops in the three-minute extra ses­ LOOK at THESE SAMPLE BUYS! ■great deal,” remarked Leete, advance to the semifinals of their sion. He had two buckets from the State beat Kansas 74-62, Oklahoma “ Hopefully that will carry over for BU Y NOW respective tournaments. defeated Iowa State 7167 and Four school track corner and another pair inside as next year. But v/e’re in a very tough 12" Reg. At Columbia,\ Mo., the Tigers Nebraska topped Oklahoma State Vinal beat some Bolton pressure. $07700 The quintets went into overtime league and it is tough to get anything rebounded from a one-point loss to 60-46 in the Big Eight tournament. V isit... Al Slefferts PUSHBUnOH and SAVE! deadlocked at 5858 but after a Norm going (program-wise) when you’re NOW Kansas State last Saturday as Ricky In the Eastern Eight, St. Bonaven­ playing Portland, Cromwell and Frazier scored 24 points — 15 in the Harpin bucket gave Bolton a 6859 Proven In self-service laundries.- ture beat George Washington 69-66, marks set by Tribe Bacon Academy, the big guys,” he USED APPLIANCE DEPT. 19” Reg. second half — to carry Missouri to a Rutgers handl^ Rhode Island 67-63 lead. Perry took over. $46700 Gentle, energy-efficient drying for Vinal built a 68-62 bulge in. the continued. " I ’m glad this one (year) ‘527*» 72-60 victory over Colorado in the and Pittsburgh edged Duquesne 66- (DOWNSTAIRS) permanent-press and all of today’s Bob Dussault secured second ^ c e is over and hopefully next year will PUSHBUnON first round of the Big Eight tourna­ 64.1n the Missouri Valley, Bradley Four school records were set by extra session with the Bulldogs NOW fabrics. in the 1,500-meter ran with a record­ b6 better.’* Manchester High indoor track forced to foul. The Hawks, 14-for-30 PRE OWNED ment. stopped Indiana SUte 86-61; Illinois , Bolton took the jayvee tilt, 61-50, At Morgantown, W.Va., Greg athletes at last night’s state Class clocking of 4:14.33. from the line, missed their share but 26” Reg. State beat Drake 5843 and New behind Keith Owen’s 3f-point effort. $79700 Jones tossid in 23 points to spark Mexico State defeated Southern LL Eastern Qualifying Meet at kept onto the basketball by grabbing »950»* Fred Lea took second place in the the caroms. RECONDITIONED CONSOLE West Virginia to a 91-70 rout of Illinois 6843. Southern Connecticut State College shot put with a toss of 14.24 mbters “ We just couWn’t get the NOW Massachusetts in the opening round At ManhatUn, Kan., Randy Rbed, in New Haven. Vinal Tech (6 8 ) - - Sienna 4-1-9, while the 4 X 400-meter relay of of the Eastern Eight tournament. ’Tj^one Adams and Ed Nealy, get­ Peter Murphy tamed in a 2:01.80 back,” voiced Bolton Coach Dave APPLIANCES AT Darryl Frascarelli, Louis Melendez, Leete, “ It was a close game, a W in zer 4-3-11, Slack 3-4-10, The Mountaineers, 25-2, saw their ting their final career shot at arch­ clocking in the 800-meter run to set McCarthy 81-11, Perry 82-20, Bibisi one mark. He took^ second place with Murphy and Parrott turned in a rough game with a lot of fouls. They TONITE TIL 5 m NAITFOIB IB. l# l# MANCBESYEI 23game wining streak snapped last rival Kansas, combined for 51 points 2-3-7, Pope 0-0-0. Totals 27-14-68. , MON,THURS Saturday by Rutgers, 74-64. to lead Kansas State, 21-6. Thd Wild­ teammate Dave Parrott third in record-clocking of 3:40.79 in shot 30 foul shots, we had 24. They LOW. LOW PRICESI securing fourth place and advancing Ballon (64) - - Harpin 82-8, At fi'teUwt'J TIL 9 647-9997 I-8A Exit 947-9997 At Tulsa, Okla., freshman Steve cats meet Oklahoma Friday night in 2:06.34. jt|st seemed to have it at the end and Brown 3-8-14, Mulcahy 1-2-4, Peter­ 44S HAITFOID ID 1 /U mARCHEST[| jU E S W ED . SAT 647.999g to further state competition. To Koonoy 8t. 047-9998 Harris scored 15 points in the second a semifinal gaine. Junior Mike Roy set a second we didn’t,” the second-year mentor / B4 EXIT V ST Frascarelli took seventh in the son 6-4-16, F letch er 0-0-0, D. fTPIH f SALESI'EOPLf ^ FRI TIL 8 half to trigger a 66-point outburst by At Lincoln, Neb., Ray Collins school mark In the 3,000-meter run voiced. Toinito t Ii 5, Tu m . Wod. Bat. Til 5 500-meter run with a time of 1.11.27. Carpenter 82-14, Ferguson 3-2-8. The Hurricane in Tulsa’s 106-81 rout scored 17 points to equal his career- with a clocking of 9:08.2. That was a Vinal had the lead through three Mon. Thura. P r l . He did not advance in the event. Totals 22-2864. of Creighton in the first round of the high and pace Nebraska. winning clocking for Roy. Senior periods at .1812, 2825 and 43-40 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 3. 1982 - 11 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed- March 3. 1982

it Nets get Weaver has mind set to retire Lindstrom MIAMI (U P l) — You think the Baltimore every day if I want.” Orioles are going to let Earl Weaver walk But how much golf could he possibly play? away just like that? “ Plenty,” laughed the Orioles’ raspy­ ’niey know what they’ve got in Earl-Weaver Sports voiced little manager, starting his 35th year in basehall. “ People tell me I ’ll get bored. I on spree — the most consistent winner in the majors in playoff move now. A manager who has won six division Parade won’t have time to get bored. I ’ll have more titles, four pennants and one world cham- , time for my vegetables. Or if things go bad, I plonship for them, never has had a single Milt RIchman can go. sell cars again. I sold ’em once up in By United Press International Islanders 6, Calgary 3; and Boston 2, a 125-121 lead. Bucks 101, Pistons 91 Elmira, N.Y., I didn’t do too bad. ” By Jeff Hasen At Milwaukee, Brian Winters losing season and insists he’s going to quit St. Louis 2. Two foul shots by Len EHmore after this season. In ail likelihood. Weaver’s successor as Willy Lindstrom can hardly match UPl Sports Writer scored 21 points to lead the Bucks. Oih'TH 3, Cunuilirnn 3 with 14 seconds left, put New Jersey Baltimore manager will be someone who has the offensive skills of Wayne Quinn Buckner had 18 points and Orioles’ Owner Eldward Bennett Williams, At , Wayne Gretzky set The New Jersey Nets got cooking on top 127-121 and sealed the victory. recuperating from surgery in a New York been, or is now, with the Orioles and is Gretzky or the overall brilliance of up two goals, including the tying Ray Williams scored 19 points for had 16 for Tuesday night with a chance to go hospital, and General Manager Hank Peters, familiar with their system. Jimmy Frey, Bryan Trottier but the Swedish right goal early in the second period to New Jersey and Mike O'Koren Milwaukee, the Central Divsion over the .500 mark and improve its are convinced the 51-year-old Weaver will Orioles) to offer me a service contract so if Frank Robinson, Billy Hunter and winger has something in common help Edmonton extend jts unbeaten added 17. Ballard paced Washington leader with a 41-16 record. Bill chances for a playoff spot. retire as manager at the end of this year. someone else wanted to offer me a job, they’d Bamberger all fit that description. Cal with the game’s greatest players. streak to 11 games. The two assists with 25 points, followed by Jeff Laimbeer led Detroit with 19 points “ We should have had a man He has left the door open enough for them, have to talk to Baltimore first,” he said, sit­ Ripken, Ray Miller dnd Elrod Hendricks, Lindstrom scored five goals and increased Gretzky's total to 183 Ruland's 24 and Haywood’s 21. and Isiah Thomas had 18 points. covering their best shooters, it was however, and that makes it a good bet he’ll be ting in the dugout watching the activity on the coaches with the club now, would receive added an assist Tuesday night to points — including 82 goals — and just a mental lapse,” W ashin^n “ They made some great shots Bulls 112, 76ers 109 some cohsideration also. lead the Winnipeg Jets to a 7-6 vic­ At Chicago, hit with them again next year, in some capacity. field. moved him closer to the season Coach Gene Shue said Tuesday night when it really counted,” said Shue. “ I have no idea who it would be,” Weaver tory over the Philadelphia Flyers. assist record of 109 he established two key baskets in the final minutes “ I honestly believe he has his mind made ’The way Weaver talks about his eventual after the Nets' Darwin Cook sent the “ King made some tough shots down decided. Lindstrom, with 28 goals this last year. Keith Acton scored twice and the Bulls overcame a 16-polnt- up about leaving,” Peters conceded Monday, departure from the Orioles, he doesn’t try game at handover, Md. into a se­ the stretch and Cook hit that tough watching batting practice. Oddly, he has a pair of veteran pitchers, season, scored the game's first goal for the Canadiens, who have lost second-half deficit. The victory was creating any impression they’ll miss him that cond overtime with a 26-foot jumper shot at the end. This was a very hard “ I think what Earl really wants is a sab­ trying to make the club as non-roster players at 2:58 of the opening period, added only once in the last 21 games. Chicago’s fourth in a row while the much. with 10 seconds left. New Jersey game. We had all the chances to win batical rather than retirement. But you can’t “ The Baltimore organization was here — who were with the Orioles before — and two more within six minutes of the lHlund<■r^ 6, Flanics 3 it but it just didn’t happen.” Sixers lost their third straight. went on to win 130-124. hire someone just for the interim. He’d like . before I got here,” he said. “ They’ll be here Could serve as object lessons to him on how it second period and wrapped up the At Uniondale, N.Y., Bryan Trot­ “ If he was around me, I would In other games. New York beat Spurs 119, Rockets 117 is to be out. night with goals at 4:57 and 13:46 of At Houston, George Gervin scored to remain identified with the Orioles and aftet- I ’m gone. Everybody keeps asking me if have jumped out and covered him.” San Diego 108-101, Milwaukee we’d certainly like that, too. We haven’t sat The two are lefthander Ross Grimsley and the final period. He is the third 38 points and Mike Mitchell had 22 to I think I ’ll be able to stay out. I don’t know. scored 20 points, in­ down yet and decided on the exact job or how All I know is I ’m gonna try. I know I ’m not righthander Don Stanhouse, who rec e iv ^ big player to score five goals against cluding four during the second over­ lead Sun Antonio. Moses Malone led money from other clubs then were let go. the Flyers this season, Gretzky and the Rockets with 41 points and 14 much time he’ll give to it, but we’ll work coming back next year. I ’m gonna out in time, to help New Jersey raise its something out. Above all, I donT think Earl They could’ve stayed out without doing Trottier being the others. rebounds. '83. I just wanna see what it’s like.” record to 30-20 and open up 1 lA game wants the guy who replaces him to think he’s anything and collected their paychecks, but , “ It feels pretty good,” said Pacers 132, Nuggets 124 Weaver began talking about what he would lead over the Bullets for the fourth breathing down his neck. Yet, his knowledge do after he retired. chose to put the uniform on again. Lindstrom. “ Really, everything playoff spot in the ' Eastern At Denver, Johnny Davis scored “ By them just being here, doesn’t that went my way tonight. Sometimes 25 points and put Indiana ahead for would be invaluable,” he said. “ For one thing.” he said, “ I ’ll be able to Conference. As determined as Weaver is about retiring, have dinner with my wife between 6 and 6:30 make you think?” a newsman asked Weaver. when you shoot, you hit a stick or a good with five straight points in Spencer Haywood hit a jumper he is not so adamant that he forecloses the every night. I’ll get to cook three times every “ It’s not making me think,” he laugh^. skate or a goalpost and nothing goes overtime Tuesday, giving the with 58 seconds left in the first over­ possibility he will still be employed in some week. I love that. I ’ll know what horses have “ But I ’m sure the front office is thinking right. Tonight, it just went my way. Pacers their fifth straight triumph. time to put Washington ahead 114- way by the Orioles next year. a chance every day. I ’ll be able to see my what a bonus it would be for the club if they “ I just wanted to keep shooting on Kings 125, Jazz 117 tier scored two of his three goals 112, and added two foul shots 12 “ ’The ideal situation, would be for (the children, too. And I ’ll be able to play golf make it.” the net. On the last goal, (goalie seconds later to lift, the Bullet lead At Salt Lake City, reserves Ernie Pete) Peeters came out and 1 had no early in the third period and John to 116-112. Two fouls shots by King Grunfeld and Elddie Johnson com­ angle at all to shoot at. 1 had about Tonelli added a goal and two assists to pace New York. The hat trick and one by Haywood put Washington topped Detroit 101-91, Boston got by bined for 25 points in the fourth this much (holding his fingers an enabled Trottier to establish three ahead 117-114. But Cook raced down Dallas 101-97, Chicago defeated quarter in leading the Kings. Reggie inch apart) on the far corner and 1 personal scoring records. The the court and nailed his 3-pointer to Philadelphia 112-109, San Antonio King, and Grunfeld hit it.” Islander center has 48 goals. 16 knot the game. stopped Houston 119-117, Indiana led the Kings with 19 points each. Lindstrom's fourth goal, on a power-play goals and four hat tricks “ We didn't want to call timeout beat Denver 132-124 in overtime, Warriors 117, Cavaliers 108 Names in the News Kaceys to honor breakaway, gave the Jets a 6-3 lead and let them set up,” explained New Kansas City outscored Utah 125-117, At Oakland, Calif., Bernard King but the Flyers cut the deficit to 6-5 — all career-high marks. He has Jersey Coach Larry Brown. “ We Golden State downed Cleveland 117- scored 28 points to lead Golden on goals by likka Sinisalo and Ray scored at least one point in 21 con­ had our long range shooters in there, 108 and Portland topped Phoenix State. After an even first quarter. Moses Malone Allison, the latter at 12:31. But secutive games. Darwin, Mike O' Koren and Albert. 119-108 in overtime. King got the Warrior fast-break UConn's hooters Lindstrom connected on a 20-foot ItriiinH 2, 111 iicH 2 Darwin really came through for Knirks 108, Clippers 101 game going, sparking his team to a NEW YORK (U P l) — Moses Malone, the 6-10 Houston Rockets’ wrist shot 1:15 .later for an in­ At St. Louis, Terry O'Reilly us.” At New York, Randy Smith scored 16-0 spurt late in the second period. center who currently leads the NBA in rebounds and is third in surance goal. scored off a rebound 5:01 into the third period to give Boston a tie. The With the score tied 119-119 in the 24 points and Sly Williams added 20 Blazers 119, Suns 108 scoring, was named Player of the Month Tuesday for the second time front and center as a tribute to his Allison scored his third goal of the By Earl Yost ^ Blues had taken a 2-1 lead just 57 second overtime. King scored a to lift the Knicks. and hand San At Portland, Ore., Kelvin Ransey this season. outstanding record as a soccer game with 2:26 remaining but the Sports Editor seconds earlier when Brian Sutter layup and a 22-foot jumper with 2:12 'Diego its 11th loss in their last 12 scored eight of his team-high 30 Malone, who first earned the award in November, averaged 38.1 coach for more than three decades. Flyers, who fired 54 shots at Win­ points in overtime in lifting the Trail points and 17.3 rebounds a game during February. His 21 offensive scored. Boston took a 1-0 lead 2:47 UPl photo remaining to put the Nets on top 123- games. Smith missed his first shot New England’s most successful Burke, long-time financial nipeg goalie Doug Soetaert, could Blazers, who had tied the game 100-. into the second period on Barry 119. Washington's Greg Ballard hit a but hit his next eight to help the rebounds in a 117-100 victory over Seattle was a National Basketball college soccer coach and his 1981 secretary of the Kaceys, has been not get the tying goal. » 100 in the final seconds of regulation Pederson's fourth short-handed goal 15-foot jumpshot, but a 3-foot hook Knicks grab a 60-57 halftime lead en A s ^ ia tio n record. The Player of the Month award is sponsored by national championship national tabbed to receive the “ Irishman-of- In other games, i( was Edmonton Dallas. Celtics went on to record 101-97 win on 3-point plays by guards Jim of the year. Boston's Cedric Maxwell shoots over Dallas' shot by Buck Williams with 39 route to their fourth straight home Pepsi. NCAA championship squad will join the-Year Award.” 3, Montreal 3; the New York over Mavericks. Paxson and Billy Ray Bates. • Rolando Blackman during action last night In seconds remaining gave New Jersey victory. Dick Danielson and Bill Burke as Jim Holmes will serve as master Tony Conigliaro honored' guests at the annual of ceremonies. Knights of Columbus Irish-Sports Manager of the UConq soccer BOSTON (U P l) — Former Boston Red Sox slugger Tody Conigliaro Night. team is a Manchester student, Midget Football Clinic has been moved from Massachsetts General Hospital to a rehabilita­ Joe Morrone, who led the Univer­ Karen Shaw. Basketball tion clinic in Salem. sity of Connecticut to the national ti­ No tickets will be available at the Conigliaro, 37, suffered a massive heart attack seven weeks ago and tle, and his squad, will be honored at door but may be obtained from set at East Catholic Celtics miss Bird has been in a coma ever since. Doctors say his heart is recovering, but ^ the Kacey Home March 15. Frank Ruff, ticket chairman, Training hold little hope for a complete neurological recovery. He was moved ' Joe McCarthy, general chairman, McCarthy or at the Kacey Home. Scheduled later this month is the Hartford Midget League. to the Dr. J. Robert Shaughnessy Chronic Disease Rehabilitation said Danielson, retired Manchester A corned beef dinner will be third annual East Catholic Midget Finally, a wild card workshop will Hospital Monday. High teacher-coach, wiil be called served at 6:30. Camp Football Coaches Clinic at the be offered with topics including ad­ ministrators on the midget level, BUSINESSMEN school on New State Road. The clinic is an ali-day affair offensive backfield technique and Ken Shoppman led five players in . Wayne Gretzky but down Dallas Notes Saturday, March 20, from 9 a.m. to 3 drills, line technique and drills, and twin figures with 16 points to lead MONTREAL (U P l) — Edmonton center Wayne Gretzky, adding Showdown nears kicking specialists. Filloramo Constfuction to a 74-62 o’clock. another honor to a seemingly endless list, Tuesday was named the The clinic is aimed at the health, College, high school and midget win over B.A.Club last night at who threw in 27 points, collected 14 rebounds and made National Hockey League’s Player-of-the-Month for February, the care and well being of youth football football personnel will staff the DALLAS (U P l) — During almost two years of basket­ Bennet. Tom Sapienza added 15 the shot with 28 seconds that ended a Mavericks’ rally. fifth straight month he has won that award. players (ages 8-14). It is an all-day clinic. ball the have posted a 114-44 record with markers followed by Ken Goodwin “ We played good defense throughout the game, but Gretzky, 21, who scored 15 goals artd 20 assists in 11 Oiler games in Jaeger and Hanika concentrated clinic geared to the Pre-registration is up til March 17 in the lineup. 13,' Jack Hull 12 and Scott Hen­ didn’t score enough to pull away,” said Parish. We February, only Monday had been named the NHL Player-of-the-Week midget level program. The clinic and registration at the door is also They are now 1-0 without him. drickson 10 for Filloramo’s. Kevin Sosa wants out weren’t looking to the basket like we usually do. for the eighth time this season. Gretzky’s hot February increased his will be broken up into five small available. For registration forms or But that one victory was not all that artistically Kravontka and Chuck Lankford each “ We all had to work to make up for Larry and Tiny total through Tuesday night to 82 goals in 66 games. further information contact Jude successful and the Celtics have to be quite tickled that netted 16 tallies, Al Wiley 12 and early net winners group workshops. being out. Usually I play more defense than offense, but By United Press International the Phillies,” said pitcher Dan Lar­ I The groups are 1) officials—who Kelley at East Catholic, 649*5336. Bird’s current absence will be short lived. Ralph Pemberton 10 for B.A. tonight I looked to score.” son, who, like Elia and new general will discuss rules and the .1982 rule Bird missed his first game as a professional Tuesday Frank Breen had 20 points, Bili When most players are busy That was what Ainge was doing as well. manager Dallas Green, came over Dan Callandrillo and No. 9 Mary Lou Piatek ad­ changes; 2) equipment fitting — A night, having stayed home in Boston with a fractured Hickey and Warren Goess 11 apiece saying their hellos in spring INGLEWOOD, Calif. (U P l) — bone in his left cheek. And his teammates missed him. ‘‘The coach told me to go in there and pick things up,” to Chicago from Philadelphia since vanced. Riddell Co. representative will and Jim Intavic and Merrill Myers training, Elias Sosa is ready to say PROVIDENCE, R.I. (U P l) — Daii Callandrillo set a new Big Elast With Tracy Austin forced to sit out The Celtics managed to whip the , said Ainge. “ We needed more scoring.” last season. Potter of Woodbury, Conn., duscuss the proper fitting of the 10 each as Fogarty Oilers downed goodbye. conference scoring record this season, averaging 27.4 points to sur­ the tournament because of a freak J i a c f i a l 101-97, but the expansion club refused to wilt and in the Boston owned a nine-point lead with less than two At Sarasota, Fla., Manny Sesuro struggled to defeat Pam Casale of helmet while Frank Marchese of Moriarty Fuel, 79-58. Joe Guardino After receiving permission to pass Boston College junior John'Bagley’s 198081 mark of 21.8 points accident, second-seeded Andrea final moments were within one big play of pulling off an minutes to play, but the Mavericks ran off seven scattered nine hits and Eckerd Fairfield, N.J., 7-6, 7-6 and Piatek Trinity College will be available for had 15 points and Sean Thompson report five days late, the reliever per game. Jaeger and third-seeded Sylvia .TV upset. straight to get within two with 44 seconds left. But College defeated the Chicago White defeated Kathy Jordan, 6-1, 7-6. questions regarding proper fitting of and Mike O’Reilly 13 each for Fuel. ’Tuesday asked the Montreal Expos Bagley finished second in this year’s scoring with a 22.9 average. Hanika appear headed for a show­ Boston has been playing lately without guard Tiny Parish then made his key jump shot from short range Sox 9-5 in an exhibition game. Britt In other first-round action, the equipment and Leo Hamel, to trade him. Callandrillo also led the basketball conference in free throw percen­ down in the finals of a $150,000 Archibald as well and without that combination in, and it was all l^ut over. Bums retired the first six batters, - Yvonne Vermaak of South Africa trainer at. Trinity, will discuss care MIDGETS Citing personal reasons, the 31- tage with 82.6 percent. Connecticut senior forward Corny Thompson women’s tennis tournament. Jay Vincent scored 31 for Dallas, followed by Rolando but gave up three runs in the third ^ defeated Claudia Montiero of Brazil, and prevention of athletic injuries. VtKDNKSDAY coach Bill Fitch was delighted to start the Celtics’ Jay Mistretta had 9 points and. year-old Sosa said, “ You can say I led rebounding with a 9.1 per game average. Jaeger overpowered Italy’s' Blackman with 16. Cedric Maxwell contributed 16 to the inning on three hits and two «rrors 6-1, 7-5; Jo Durie of Britain upset Also 3) defensive football at the 7:30 NIII^: hitlers VH. Flames, Texas road trip off with a win. Steve Gay 7 as the 76ers tripped the want to be closer to my family (in 4 Sabina Simmonds and scored an “ 1 was just glad to get a victory,” he said. “ When you Boston cause, but fouled out with 3:15 to play. by third baseman Pete Mackinin.. No. 7 seed Anne Smith of Dalias 6-3, midget level —will be discussed by t'SA (Juhle Nets, 21-16, last night at the Com­ Phoenix). Somebody gave me wrong easy 6-4, 6-3 victory Tuesday in the depend on your inside game like we do, you must have “ I ’m sorry Larry Bird wasn’t here,” said Dallas Butch Eldge was the loser, yielding 3-6, 7-6, and No. 5 seed Mima Denis Wirtalla of the Manchester 7:4-5 NHL: \^’liulers vs. Sabres, munity Y. J eff Holland had .7 information about the income tax in Chuck Tanner tournament’s opening round while support from your outside shooters. Tonight, we got just coach Dick Motta. “ I would have paid good money to three rans in the fifth inning. Jausovec of Yugoslavia defeated Midget League; 4) offensive football WTIC; — 8,Cli. 30 markers and Rickey Savidakis 5 for Quebec. BRADENTON, Fla. (U P l) — Pittsburgh Pirates’ Manager Chuck Hanika, a 21-yearold from West enough to keep Dallas honest.” see him play. There were a lot of no shows because he At Sun City, Ariz., Milwaukee’s Sharon Waish of Novato, Calif., 7-5, at the midget level —will be dis­ 7:30 Nlll. Bruins vs. Penguins, the Nets? Jon Roe poured home 34 “ Anyway, I have been in Canada Tanner says the good weather along Florida’s Gulf Coast since Germany, had no trouble in a 6-3,6-2 That shooting came from Danny Ainge, playing his wasn’t here.^’ „ , . versatile Paul Molitor said he hopes 6- 2. cussed by Bill Currie of the East Ch. 38 points and Sai Vemali 9 more as the three years now. It is time for a training camp began is allowing him to accdniplish more than in victory over Petra Delhees of best game as a Celtic. He scored 17 points (seven higher The ■ game was the first advance sellout in the his injuries are a thing of the past. Lakers outlasted the Knicks, 45-39. change. It will be good for me and previous years. Switzerland. than his previous best), after he had not produced a Mavericks’ history - 17,134 — but it appeared at least “ I hope now that I have my . Jeff Mann and Dan Callahan hooped better for the Expos.” “ Because of the fine weather that has hit Florida, this has been the Austin, the tournament’s No. 1 point through almost all of the third quarter. 2,000 people failed to use their tickets after it was an­ ‘career of injuries’ behind me,” said - ; 14 apiece foi- the Ifnicks. Expos president and general best camp we’ve ever had for getting work done,” Tanner said.'After seed, was forced to withdraw Mon­ Valuenzuela But the man Dallas could not stop was Robert Parish, nounced that Bird would not be on the floor. - Molitor, who will switch to third ' Over at Mahoney Center, the manager John McHale was not im­ day. She suffered skin burns Sunday base this season after previously several days in the 80s, the temperature dropped into the mid 60s Rockets trimmed th^ Lakers, 27-18, press^ with Sosa’s request, which when a busboy accidentally spilled J, playing shortstop and second base. ’Tuesday. on sideline and Bulls nipped the Knicks, 25-'23. was made through the press. scalding water over her back and At Casa Grande, Ariz., Reggie / John Eccher had 7 points and Willie McHale said he would consider arms while the tennis star was Jackson said he is pleased' with ' Burg 4 for the Rockets while Billy trading Sosa if “ it’s a trade which having dinner in a Torrance, Calif., LOS ANGELES (U P D - Manager Gene Mauch’s approach. Paul Westphal As the Los .Angeles Cole netted 11 and Mike Robinson a will help the Expos.” restaurant with her brother and Evans made believers, “ This is the first time in my NEW YORK (U P l) — The Seattle SuperSonics, claiming they fail to Dodgers went through hoop for the Lakers. Jim Kitsock .Sosa won eight and nine games some friends. career that I feel I ’ve been getting understand an offer sheet tendered to guard Paul Westphal by the their second day of spring had 8 points and Bruce Rosenberg with the Expos in his first two years Jaeger broke Simmonds’ service enough hitting,” said Jackson. , will take the matter to arbitration Friday, the training workouts in and Jason Stansfield 6 apiece for the after signing a five-year, $1.2 in the first game and built a 5-2 lead rALUE At Miami, Baltimore pitcher Tim Knicks announced ’Tuesday. Florida, pitching sensation Bulls while Matt' Vaughn netted 14 million contract in January 1979. He with two more breaks before ser­ .Stoddard came up with a sore Going before arbiter Arthur Stark, the Sonics claim the offer sheet Fernando Valenzuela was and Shawn Adams 4 for the Knicks. was much less effective last year ving out the set. Simmonds jumped .shoulder. was not clear and had certain provisions they felt could not be met. 3,(X)0 miles away. with a 1-2 record, three saves and an to a 2-1 lead in the second set before including self in 1981 “ It’s very tight right now, but I Stark will have 24 hours to make a decision. If he rules for the Sonics, And Valenzuela’s agent, ERA of 3.96. Jaeger responded with service don’t think it’s serious,” said Stod­ the 15-day waiting period will be halted. If he rules for the Knicks, the breaks in the fifth and ninth games Tony DeMarco, vowed NEW 1982 Elsewhere around the camps: dard, who threw for only five many more days would Joins Dartmouth At Tempe, Ariz., Seattle sent left­ count continues. en route to the victory. minutes. pass before the Mexican LYNNFIELD, Mass. (U P l) - It years he carried with him the tag of “ I think 1981 helped me because I HANOVER, N.H. (UPl) hander Bud Black to Kansas City In another night match, Leslie had long been a case of promise unlimited potential. But he never always had been an average Allen defeated Pam Teeguarden, 6- phenomenon- would meet FORD Richard Maloney has been named Royals to complete an earlier deal under the Florida sun with exceeding performance but Dwight could pull the mental trigger to un­ ballplayer among great athlbtes,” offensive line coach at Dartmouth in which the Mariners acquired Mike Backmah 4, 6-2. his Dodger teammates un­ Evans finally made a few believers leash the enormous physical talents. he says. “ I don’t think the Boston College, head football coach Joe third baseman Manny Castillo. NEW YORK (U P l) — The New York Rangers ’Tuesday called up In first-round afternoon matches, Ump clinic less the team ‘.’gives him in 1981 — including himself. “ I worked my butt off all those fans are able to accept average Yukica announced Tuesday. At Fort Lauderdale, Fla. — ’The Mike Backman from the Springfield Indians of the American Hockey Hanika, No. 6 seed Barbara Potter F-lOO ’ something that’s fair, The Boston Red Sox outfielder years but there was always athletes. Look at all the great oiies Maloney, 31, has been an assistant “ Go-Go” Yankees dispensed with The Manchester Board of the League and assigned right wing Peter Wallin to Springfield. something he deserves.” joins his teammates this week at something missing from the mentai they’ve had in all the sports; Ted under Rick Taylor at Boston Univer­ full-scale workouts and instead held Connecticut State Board of Ap­ In 61 games with Springfield, Backman scored 19 goals and 24 Valenzuela turned his spring training coming off the best side,” he admits. “ For 7V4 years I Williams, Yaz, Bobby Orr. They’ve sity the past five years, where he wind sprint drills led by visiting run­ proved Baseball Umpires will hold a PICKUP assists for 43 points. Wallin, in 40 games with New York, had two poor Mexican upbringing season of his 10-year career. Evans, came to the plate not really knowing been spoiled. also handled the offensive line. He ning instructor Harrison Dillard. In clinic for new umpires March 8, 9 Bobby Ojeda goals and nine assists. and slithering screwball whose stardom was oft predicted how to hit. I was wondering how “ I had a lot of problems in my also was a graduate assistant under the 45-yard sprints, Bobby Brown and 11 at the West Side Mahoney into national prominence but seldom manifested, silenced much longer I had.” career and I deserved to be booed,” Yukica at Boston College in 1976. was the fastest in a time of 5.18 Recreation Center. The clinic will most of his critics by hitting .296, It wasn’t until mid-1980 that, when^l to get shot . last year when he pitched u he continues. “ I became hard to the Maloney, a 1972 graduate of seconds. Also, Ron Guidry will start begin at 7:30 p.m. For further infor­ Lee Mazzilli the Dodg'-rs to a World tying for the American League in. hitting less than .200, he Rnally fans, wouldn’t show my emotions. Boston State, also has held coaching the Yankees spring training opener mation contact Don BeerWorth 875- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPl) — New York Mets’ outfielder Lee Series c mpionship. He home runs with 22 and knocking in 71 turned in desperation to batting But iast year restored my faith and positions at Albany (N .Y .) State and Saturday against Baltimore. 4291, Mike Buttafuso 649-2928, or Bill ) Styleslde, 6 cyl. en­ Mazzilli was promised Tuesday by Manager George Bamberger he and DeMarco entered runs in 1981. coach Walt Hriniak. He hit .315 the loosened that hardness up. It made at Natick (Mass.) High School. At Clearwater, Fla., a shoulder in­ Fortin 871-2211. » in rotation gine, radial tires, would be given “ a fair shot” at the centerfield job, but the five-year negotiations with a high He was only the fifth player in second half of the year and has been me feel better because I was doing jury that plagued hterty Bystrom power steering, 3 price tag — reportedly $1 American League history to lead the on a tear ever since. better.” for most of last season flared up native New Yorker has his doubts. speed transmission. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (UPl) - million a year or more. league in walks (85) and total bases Evans was always a good hitter — Two former New York Yankees again as he pitched batting practice Mazzilli said Bamberger called him into his office ’Tuesday morning Bobby Ojeda Is finally going to get a The Dodgers countered (215). He was no worse than fourth when he was hitting. His problem played roles in Evans’ rebirth. Last during Philadelphia’s workout. to assure him he would get a chance. He said, “ The only guy I ’m com­ Coach resigns chance to show everyb^y just what with about $300,000. in seven batting categories. ’Tweive was that he was a streak-hitter. But ' year in spring training, broadcaster At St. Petersburg, Fla., the Mets’ peting against is Mookie Wilson and I keep hearing that the job is PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPf) - SportsSiate his.” Bamberger said he would alternate Mazzilli and Wilson in he can do. And while the rookie’s Monday, the Dodgers of his homers tied the game or put his fielding was sure and it kept him Tony Kubek told a national televi­ Lee Mazzilli was promised by Paul Schilling, head hockey coach at center all spring before determining who wins the job. arrival at the Sox’s spring training renewed Valenzuela’s con­ the Red Sox ahead. a regular job on what many felt was sion audience that Evans would be Manager George Bamberger he Brown University for the past four camp did not raise a lot of tract at $300'',000, about SPRING SPECIAL *6850 “ Last year made me a believer,” the best starting unit In baseball in the American League’s MVP in would be given “ a fair shot” at the Wednesday years, has resigned effective the end eyebrows, that’s only because he $255,000 m ore than he says the agile ri^tfielder, whose the late 1970s. 1981. center field job. ' BASKETBALL of the Bruins’ current season. Richard Maloney has not b ^ n around as long as the earned last year. And graceful defensive skills earned him Still, the demanding Boston fans “ That really floored me because “ I ’m only 26 years old. I ’m not Class LL-Easi 'Schilling played a major role in others. ‘ Valenzuela rejected it. a fourth Gold Glove last year. “ Now wanted more — even though the he was dead serious. It gave me a 33,” said Mazzilli. “ I had one bad Lee of New Haven at Manchester HANOVER, N.H. (U P l) — Richard Maloney was named ’Tuesday guiding Brown to the ECAC playoffs as offensive line coach at Dartmouth College,

( MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 3, 1$62 - 13 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 3. 1982 Defense tries to show Clous Region Scoreboard was loving, coring husband Highlights By H.D. Quigg Bulow, now 50 and in a coma from tends eggnogs put her into that tem­ Redistricting delayed UPl'Senlor Editor which her doctors say she will not porary coma. I recover, brought on her two During his 10 years of butler ser­ EAST HARTFORD — School administrators are NEWPORT, R.l. — The Claus von collapses with alcohol and bar­ vice, Biastre said, he had observed delaying action on redistricting plans for the Bulow defense is picturing the biturates combined with gluttony KANSAS CITY (US) the von Bulow^ playing backgam­ system until more direction,is given from the Edmonton 211—3 IN D IA N A (132) _ Dennard 2 22 6, King 8 3-4 19, R. panish aristocrat as a loving and for sweets. Williams 5 6^ 16. Orr 7 8^ B . Owens 3 mon, watching television, reading Board of Education on the closing of elementary Montreal WHO AM I? Johinon 4 W) 8. Ford 5 M If 8 caring husband who was concerned The butler, Robert L. Biastre, First period-1, Edmonton. Hughes 23 1-3 7. Buse 1 2-2 5. Davis 11 3-3 25. M 1», Whitney 0 M 0, Loder 2 M 4. and being “ a great deal together.” schools. .. Carter 5 5-fi L5, Knight 9 8-9 26. Johnson Bowling about a wife for whom he (Fogolin), 2.09. 2. Montreal. Acton 30 Gmnfeld 7 SS 1*. Drew 7 M 14, Dougin who presided at the fabulous von He said the husband had always Sam J. Leone, superintendent of schools, had J (Napier. Engblom). 7.01. 3. Edmonton. 2 2-4 6. Sichting 3 (M) 6, McGinnis 2 (M) 4.. 4 0-1 8, E . Johnson 6 14. Totals 13 19- sometimes had to “ cover up.’’ Bulow mansion on Newport’s Coffey 28 (Lumley. GreUky). 10:33. 4. T o u ts 48 35>4Z 132. appeared concerned about Sunny’s proposed closing the Slye, Stevens and Norris Hockey 23 IS. But Mrs. Martha “ Sunny” von Montreal. Robinson 10 (Lafleur), 14:24. D E N V E R (121) U TA H (117) millionaires’ row, described how health and welfare and never gave schools. The school board voted to close Center Penalties—Fogolin, Edm, 4:56; Acton, English 14 5-5 33. Vandeweghc 16 Dantley 13 8-10 34, Hardy 6 14 13, Bulow’s butler of 10 years, called as Sunny ate no dinner except for ice MU 4:55; Engblom. MU. 8:51; Unger. 35.. Issel 11 7-8 29, H iggs 0 2-2 2. Dunn 4 any indication be would do anyUiing School instead of Norris and then later reversed its Wilkins 5 1-2 11, GrilfiUi t M 19. Green a defense witness, totified Tuesday cream topped with “ marshmallow Edm . 10.36. M essier. Edm. 12:55; 0-1 8. McKinney 3 1-2 7. Hordgc$ 2 04) 4. K U 34, Nicks 2 OO 4, Duren 1 OO 2. to harm her. decision. Reportedly the school board is still con­ Tremblay. MU. 12:55; Fogolin. Edm. REC- 'Dan Jeski 142-135-394, Ken that as far as he knew she had no Gondrezick 1 00 2. Thompson 1 2-2 4. Totais; so 1742 117. fluff’’ the night before she went into sidering closing one more school but hasn’t In­ 19:22. T o U ls 52 2026 124. Osborne 138-390, Jim Jackson 364, Biastre said he served Sunny Second pcriod-5. Montreal. Acton 31 Kansas City 252 problem with alcohol. Her her lasting coma of Dec. 21, 1960. n a t i o n a l h o c k k y l e a g u e Indiana Utah 37 ffl 24 28— 117 Dick Lessarci 363, Bill Pagani Jr. dicated which one. (Gingras, Lafleur). 0:36. 6, Edmonton. I^ n v e r 30 3225 29 8—124 chauffeur, who said von Bulow “ did drinks on an average of 10 or 12 By United Press International Fouled out—None. Total fouls-Kansas He also said that at 5 or 6 o’clock Anderson 33 (Kurri. Gretzky). 5:41. Three-point goals—Buse. Fouled ou l^ 139-356, Stan Jakiel 147-354, Norm Wales Conference City 24. Utah B. A-7S6 try to cover up for madam,’’ also times a year. After her 1979 coma, Penalties—Messier, Edm , 2:54; Hughes, None. ToUl fouls—Indiana 26. Denver 30. that night he got a prescription filled Patrick Division Vittner 141. Edm, 8:16; Acton. MU. 8:16. Jarvis. MU. A-10.147. testified he had never seen her take for her at a drugstore and gave her be said, von Bulow gave the staff L T Pis. G F GA i w 12:58; Lumley. ^ m , 16:5ft; Lafleur, MU. 030 a drink. orders to “ water down” his wife’s NY Islanders ^ 14 7 9f> 314 2cr. the medicine. She had bera com­ 19 12. Philadelphia 32 26 6 70 261 2fd BOSTON (101) „ CUNLIFFE AUTO- Tom O’Connor Superior Court Justice Thomas H. alcoholic drinks and to substitute Third period-None. Penalties-Unge:. Maxwel) 7 2-4 16, McHale 6 M 12, plaining of a headache that day, he N Y Rangers 30 23 10 70 236 242 P H IL A D E L P H IA (109) Edm. 3:11; Houle. MU. 5:03; Fogiilin. Parish II SO 27, Calx 3 24 8. Henderaon 154- 186-485, Dave CasUna 171-172- Needham scheduled a late start for fruit or fruit juice for her desserts. Charged in fire Pillsburgn 24 31 10 238 27T; Erving 5 5^< 15. B. Jones 3 2-2 8. C. testified. Edm. 19:03; Acton. MU. 19:00, Jones 2 OO 4. Cheeks 3 12 7. Hollins 5 0- S S-12 S , Ainge 5 70 17. Robey 2 0-2 4. 478, Dave Dynes 179-455, John Washington 20 3f : 9 49 261263 Shots on goal-Edmonton 8-14-16-38 the jury today in the second day of Blastre testified that sometimes Her doctor had ordered that because Adams Division 0 10. Bantom 6 2-6 14. Toney 10 7-8 28. Ford 1 OO 2. Totals 40 21-35 101. EAST HARTFORD - Raymond Kocor Jr., 28, of Montreal 14-10^7—31. Kensel 152-161-446, Pat Irish 153-167- defense presentation of its case. of her blood sugar condition. 36 12 17 89 299187 Curcton 3 12 7. Mix 6 2-4 14. Richardson DALLAS (9H ...... Re Sunny would be served two drinks Montreal Cfoalies—Eklmonton, Fuhr, Montreal, 430, Chris Nicholson 153-428. Phil Alps Drive and John R. Hass, 18, of Leverich Drive, Bullalo 33 19 12 78 24f.203 1 OO 2. T o U is 44 2029 109. You’ve got (o J>e Bristow 2 14 5. Vincent 13 5-7 31, told the jurors they would be absent Wamsley. A—18.101. Cooper 2 14 5, Davis 4 24 10, Turner 2 but would leave one untouched. He both of E:ast Hartford, have been charged with set­ Boston 34 21 9 •77 2T>3 221 CHICAGO (112) tough and consistent. Foreman 163-420, Emil Palmier! The chauffeur, Charles Roberts, OO 4. Blackman 6 40 16. Aguirre 4 24 while he heard legal arguments, said he sometimes had seen her (^ e b e r 29 23 14 72 290 27fi Greenwood 6 3-6 L5, Kenon 8 2-4 14. ting a fire that caused $30,000-worth of damage to I’m the M y who con­ 10, Spanarkel 6 24 12, Nimphius 0 OO 0, 424, Ed Doucette 418, Ray Johnson testified that in New York he Hartford 17 32 14 48 2(B279 Gilmore 7 5-7 19. Lester 4 80 16, Theus 6 expected to last at least an hour. “ feeling good” from drinks., but on Calgary 0 21—3 tributed the most stabil­ Lloyd 1 24 4. Totals 30 1947 97. Langford School last year. Campbell Conference 9-10 22. Sobers 4 2-4 10. D. Jones 4 l-.I 9. 155- 414, John Ortolani 151-413, Art regularly took Sunny from the of­ NY Islanders 21 3—6 B<»ton B 23 31 22—101 Von Bulow, 55, is charged with cross-examination he said that Norris Division W oolridge 1 12 3. T o U ls 40 31-43 112. ity to the “Fearsome UPI photo The two were charged with third-degree arson First period—1, NY Islanders. Trottier Dallas 18 B 31 25-97 Cunliffe 151-411, Kevin Kelley 406, attempting in 1979 and 1980 to fices of two doctors to drugstores to W L T Pts. G F GA Philadelphia 26 34 2722109 “ feeling good and being drunk are and are scheduled to appear in court in Manchester 46 (Bossy. Tonelll). 4:51. 2, N Y Islanders. Foursome.” How? Well, Fouled out-McHale. Davis. ToUI fouls Minnesota 27 19 19 73 283 241 Chicago 24 25 35.28112 Larry Aceto 4%, Scott Smith 161- murder his socialite wife by injec­ get prescriptions filled. Tonelli 32 (Bossv, Lane). 17:52. Penalties Three-point goals — Theus. Toney. I earned a starting job -Boston 37, DalUs 34. Technical-Boston .Robert Blastre, the von Bulow butler, two different things.” / on March 15. Police said a recent tip that involved S f Louis 27 32 6 60 2fp4 279 -^Bourne. N Y 1 .’ 2:(C; Hislop. Cal. 7.20; 404, Joe Tolisano 150-402, Dan ting insulin. The state contends he Winnipeg 23 27 13 W 246 278 Fouled out—G ilm ore. T oU I fouls R iila - as a training-camp coach Fitch. A-17.1M. testifies In Newport Superior Court Tuesday He said that while he was present, Roberts characterized von Bulow “ bragging about the fire at a party” led to their * Konroyd. Cal. 13:56. dclphia. 32. CTiicago 25. A—15.878. Vignone 398, John DeAngelis 390, acted out of love for another woman Chieago 23 32 10 66 274 297 Second period—3, NY Islanders, Gillies rookie in 1962 — and I that Mrs. Martha von Bulow did not drink a from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m,, on the day as "a very proud man, proud of his arrest. ToronU) 17 33 16 SO 2T6299 31 (unassisted),’ 4:23. 4. Calgary. kept it for the next 15 Mike Nicholson 152. and greed for the $14 million in­ Detroit 18 X 12 48 229 284 Tuesday's C o llie Basketball Results before her 1979 coma, he saw her wife and family, and proud of his Police said the fire was started with a flammable (Thouinard 19 (Houston. M cAdam ). 7:53. By United m s s International lot but did like sweets. Claus von Bulow Is on Smvlhc Division C L E V E L A N D (108) season. heritance he would get on Sunny’s . drink three or four eggnogs but he help, as far as that went. He was 5. Calgary, Reinhart 11 (Rautakatlio. Ck>rrecting Nebradia-Okla. St. score in liquid and smoldered near a plexiglass window and Kdrnonlon 42 13 12 96 3f«2f.l Robinson 6 2*5 14. Wedman 4 60 14. H APPY HOLIDAYS- Patty Mar- trial for twice attempting to kill his wife with death. Nilsson). 18:35., Penalties—Russell. Cal. aond |o IWH im w o) ojd Big E igh t) had no idea what she drank at other very particular about how we looked then‘spread through the one-story brick building. Vancouver 24 27 14 62 228 232 4:48; Lane. NYI. 12:33; Smith. NYI Edwards 11 2-2 24. Brew er 9 3-4 21. Silas butas 152-365, Sarah Lupacchino 130. Injections of Insulin. Calgary 23 28 If) 61 269 2ff> aqi 0) papap aa« Xn.iaaaj an The defense contends Mrs. von times that evening. The defense con­ and how we acted.” (served by D. Suiter). 14:44; Goring. 2 Houston 5. M 11. Hubbard 5. 12 Tournaments Los Angeles 17 32 14 48 249 297 11. Kestani 1 OO 2. Wilkerson 1 0-0 2. '( l U I - t M I ) « n t H N Y I. 19:22 U K «n JOJ a»I*»ja9 Big Eight Colorado 14 40 11 39 201 291 T o U ls 44 20-25 106. Third period—6. NY Islanders, Trottier First Round AARP- Blanche MacDonald 186, (Top four In each division qualify for GOLDEN ST (117) «n •oaaio anJaw :naMSNV 47 (Tonelli. Langevin), 2:12. 7. NY Kansas St. 74. Kansas 62 Stanley ('up playoffs.) King 11 6-10 28. Smith 4 12 9. Carroll 4 Edna Christensen lOT-501, Howard Islanders. Trottier 48 (unassisted). 7:5i5. Missouri 72. Ckiiorado 60 Tuesday s Results 2-3 10. Free 4 50 13. Gale 3 12 7. Brown Miller 214-506, Paul Desjeunes 531, 8. Calgary. Clement 3 (McDonald. (c)l«nNEA,Iiic. Nebraska 60, Oklahoma St. 49 Winnipeg 7. Philadelphia 6 3 3-3 9. Rom ar 1 4-4 6. Short 11 40 26. Deadline extended Konroyd), 14:18, 9. NY Islanders. Polvin Oklahoma 71, Iowa St. 67 A1 Pariseau 553,Charles Edmonton 3. Montreal 3 McDowell 0 2-2 2. Hassett 3 0-0 7. ToUls 16 (Smith). 18:43. Penalties-Konroyd, ECAC N.Y. Islanders 6. Calgary 3 44 28-36 117 Kaselauskas 510. Cal. 6:18; Lane. N Y I. 9 46. First Round SOUTH WINDSOR - The town has extended the Boston 2. St. Louis 2 Shots on goal—Calgary 14-ll-16-35t. N Y Cleveland 242625.33-108 Wednesday’s Games (Joldcn St 25 27 35 30-117 M etro Area to.wns deadline for residents to sign up for a privately run Islanders lQ-7-15»—32, SAN D IEG O (101) Long Island 56, St. Francis (N .Y .) 53 I All Times ESTi ToUI fouls- Cleveland 25. Golden St. ELKS- Ron Devaux 366, Mickey Goalies—Calgai7 . Lemclin.'NY Island­ Brooks 10 1^ 21. Chambers 8 3^ 19. and operated gypsy moth control program until Boston at Pittsburgh. 7 ? p.m 24. Technical—Parker. Three-point goals Siena' 85, Fairleigh Dickinson 81 ers. Smith. A— Whitehead 11 5-6 27. Bryant 5 7-7 17; North Finn 135, Tom O’Connor 159, John March 10. Pldmonton at Quebec. 7 3T p.m. -Hassett A-8236 A n d o v e r (Talgary at New York Rangers. 7 Criss 2 30 7; Brogan 3 2-2 8; Wood 0 OO Boston U. 50. Holy (^ross 49 Mosesian 381, Terry Devaux 354, The biological pesticide, Dipel, will be sprayed by p.m. . 0; W iley 1 0^ 2. Douglas 0 OO 0. J. Niagara 105, New Hampshire 87 Don Benoit 147-360, Dave C o v e n t r y St lx)Uis at Washington. 7:3r pm . Smith 0 OO 0. T o U ls 40 21-26 101. South Bolton / a private helicopter at a cost to the residents of $M Hartford at Buffalo. 8;0r p m. DETROIT (91) N EW Y O R K (108) Baltimore 64. Towson St. 60 VanTassell 138-373, Ernie Pepin 140- per acre. Ixjs Angeles at Toronto. 8 Of pm. Carr 3 5-8 11. Tripucka 2 2-4 6. Lucas .6 1-2 13, Russell 6 3-4 L5. Robert Morris 78. Loyola 69 Cartwright 6 0-1 12. Newlin 2 OO 4, 360, Hal Waldron 352, Bill Winnip Residents wishing to have their property sprayed I)etroit at Minnesota. 8:3T p m Laim becr 8 3-4 19. Long 8 (M) 16, Thomas Eastern Eight Richardson 8 2-4 18. R. Smith 11 2-3 24, W'innipcg at ('hicago. 8 3T p.m B a s k e tb a ll 7 4-5 18. T yler 4 M 9. L ee 2 (M) 6. Hayes First Round 354, Bill Hanson 380, Bruce Fish 14^ or those wishing to volunteer to help in organizing Williams 9 2-2 20. Webster 1 OO 2, Carter Vancouver at Colorado. 9 3T p m. 1 (M) 2. Johnson 1 2-2 4, Hardy 0 0-2 0, Pittsburgh 66, Duquesne 64 0 (H) 0 Totals 49 10-16 108. 365, Dave Richards 142-383, Jack the program, should call Town Hall, 644-2511 any Thursday’s (James Judkins 0 00 0. T oU ls 36 17-26 91. Rutgers 67. Rhode Island 63 San Diego 302723 21-101 Talley 376, Paul Ford 140-156-404, Toronto at New York Islanders M IL W A U K E E (101) St. uonaventure S , (George Wash. 66 time from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by March 10. N ew York 32 28 26 22-108 New York Hangers at Philadelphia Mi. Johnson 3 4-5 10. May 3 3-3 9, W. Virginia 91. Mass. 70 Tony Salvatore 354, Hank Hebert The spraying company must have all paperwork Lanier 7 3-4 17. Buckner 8 2-2 18. Fouled out—None. T o U I fouls—San Mid-American (^ference Woman killed two years ago Moncrief 7 2-2 16, Cummings 3 OO 6, Diego 18. New York 22. Technical— F irst Round 146-398, A1 Atkins 369, Chuck for the program completed by March 15 to give the Winters 10 1-2 21, Bridgeman 2 OO 4. (Urtwright. San Diego (illegal defense). Bowling Green 81. Miami (Ohio) 78 Barrera 139-366, Bill MacMullen 366, state Department of Environmental Protection NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. Catchings 0 OO 0. Lister 0 OO 0. ToUls 43 A-7.074. Northern HI. 70. Ohio U. 68 (OT) Boston 0 1 1-2 Max Welch 147-381, Ray Parr 164- By United Press International 15-18 101. W. Michigan 44, E. Michigan 42 enough time to approve the program and to issue St I..OUIS o n —2 Eastern (Conference Three-point goal.v-Lee 2. Fouled out— Midwestern City Conference 411, Mik'e Vengruskas 136, Al First penod-None Penalty—Kea. StL. permits for the spraying. Atlantic Division None. Total fouls-Detroit Z , Milwaukee First Round Grabinsky 375, Tuffy Montineri 141- 10 27 W L Pci. GB 28 A-11.0r2. Loyola (111.) 88. Butler 71 DEP regulations state that a minimum of 10 Second period--!. B? HOUSTON (117) Ballard 9 7-6 25. Haywood 9 3-4 21, NAlA Playoffs Massachusetts. 6:rs. park. Bos. 13:r.l. McKinney 158-150-439, Carl Bolin night. ficers, and the force was being guided by Detroit 25 33 .431 16>z Hayes 5. 4-7 14. Reid 8-3-4 19. Malone Mahorn 3 1-2 7. Grevey 6 2-2 L5, Lucas 2 IMstrict 1 Shots on goal Boston 13-9-9—31. St. VERNON — Edward F. Boyle, then Town Manager Frank Connolly, Police won’t comment on the specifics Chicago 23 34 .404 18 13 17-22 43. Dunleavy 4 OO 10, Leavell 3 0-0 4. Johnson 6 6-7 19. Collins 4 1-2 9. Championship 181-435, Larry Bates 144-156-419, Ed That was apparetly the last time Louis n-ll-9 -31 Cleveland 12 44 .214 28>z OO 6. Willoughby I OO 2. Henderson 3 1-1 Ruland 9 64 24. Davis 0 04 0. ToUls 48 Central Wash. 77, Whitworth 67 charged with murdering a 20-year-old anybody — except the murderer — saw who also was tied up in town govern­ of the investigation, but they apparently Goa lies-Boston, Vachon St Ixiuis. Bujaucius 140-150-413, Mark Abar- Western (inference 7 . Jones 3 3-3 9. Murphv 3 1-1 7.ToUls 26-31 124. District 2 Columbia woman in Coventry nearly two ment. had reason to believe Boyle’s commis­ Town warned on offer Liut A -I2.23l> 43 29-38 117. New Jersey 24 28 24 28 13 13-130 W. Oregon 78, Chaminade 67 banel 147-403, George Mar-nelli 146- her alive. Midwest Division years ago, was arraigned in Tolland Finally, in June of that year, Gary L. W L Pet GB San Antonio 32 41 2fi 21—119 Washington 27 25 28 24 13 7-124 District 4 139-398, Craig Coleman 139-136-397, An autopsy concluded that the death sion of another 1980 crime was linked to VERNON — Linda Welles Kidney, whose proper­ Houston ' » 2 9 24 34-117 Fouled out—R. W illiam s, Haywood. Cliampionship • County Superior Court Tuesday. His. San Antonio 37 20 .649 — Fred McCurry 151-396, Andy was a homicide, an extremely rare oc­ Sousa, an officer from the Willimantic the one in Coventry. Houston 32 26 J<.52 5‘i Three-point goals-Bralz 3., Dunleavy 2. Ruland. T o U I fouls—N ew Jersey 28, St. M ary's 72, Sam Houston St. 70 ty borders that of AMF Cuno on Elm Hill Road, has D E T R O IT 1911 Fouled out—Corzine, Gervin. ToUI fouls— Washington 24. Three point goals— Cook, ’ bond was set at $100,000. currence in the rural town of Coventry. Police Department, was appointed chief. Carr 3 f.-8 11. Denver 29 29 .500 8'-* District 7 Lamoureaux 135-391, Jim Itell 13^ He had been handed a sentence of six warned the town concerning accepting an offer Tripucka 2 2-4 San Antonio 30. Houston 22. Technical— G revey. Johnson. Technical—Nets coach A Somers Prison inmate, Boyle’s Laimbecr 6 3-4 19. Long 8 0-0' 16. Thomas U U h 19 38 .339 18 First Round Ih e report also said there were no signs Along with other changes, he yanked to 12 years for raping a middle-aged Houston coach Harris. Hayes. Corzine. A Brown, Bullets coach Shue. Ray 138-389, Pete Aceto 387, Joe Dworak from that firm to donate the land. 7 4-f; 18. T yler 4 1-1 9. Lee 2 0^ 6. Haye: Hayes E)aUas 19 38 .333 18 ’ SanU Fe 67, Denver 61 demeanor at the short proceeding — he Kansas City 19 40 .322 19 -15,676. Williams. A—10.3C. Western N ew M exico 80. So. U U h St. 387, Harold Fracchia 146-381, Nonny she had been raped. As for what the some of the officers who were on the woman in Manchester the summer of She contends the land is saturated and plagued by 1 0-0 2. Johnson 1 2-2 4. Hardy 0 0-2 0. stood motionless in resignation, his Judkins 0 0-0 0. Totals 36 17-26 91. Pacific Division >7 Zazzaro 143-381, John Rieder 137- motive may have been, police have no murder investigation off, and assigned 1980. After the arrest, he had attempted drainage problems. She said if the town accepts the M IL W A U K E E (1011 Los Angeles 41 17 .707 - District 17 hands folded in front of him and he spoke others to it. Cliampiopship 380, Eld Burbank 373, Bob Benadies comment. to commit suicide, which led to a psy­ Mi. Johnson 3 ‘’4-r 10. May 3 3-3 9. Seattle 37 20 649 3Mz offer, she will do everything in her power to prevent Henderson St. 63. So. Arkansas 53 only once — was in sharp contrast with The cause of death was listed as But though hoping for fresh ideas from Lanier 7 3-4 17. Buckner 8 2-2 18. Golden State 32 25< .561 8>.^ 373, Joe ’Twaronite 369, Frank Calvo chiatric investigation. any type of construction on that site. District 31 M oncrief 7 2-2 16. Cummings 3 0-0 6, Phoenix 31 25. .5fd 9 ' the brutal crime he was charged with strangulation, and initial investigations the change, he said later, the likelihood 30 (Championship ' ' 357, Bob Frost 353, Bob Wilson 146. On Tuesday, many people were Mrs. Kidney told the town she and her husband Winters 10 ,1-2 21. Bridgeman 2 0-0 4. Portland 27 .526 10>% Tuesday. ZB St. Thomas Aquinas 92, Houghton 73 centered on local and old boy friends, but of finding the person responsible for the Catchings 0 O-O 0 Lister 0 0-0 0. -Totals 43 San Diego 15 43 26 Vince Ferragamo Louisa M. Scott, a 1978 graduate of stunned when police charged the former had tried to buy the land. 15-18 101 Tue.sday's Results none could be linked to the crime. Other crime seemed more and more remote as ECast U.S.MIXED- Sue Hale 204-536, Manchester resident with the Coventry When the offer was first made to the Town Coun­ Detroit 29 16 30 16- 91 New York 108, ^ n Diego 101 ' Windham High School, was found May attempts at locating the killer proved each day passed. New Jersey IJ). Washington 124 (20T) LOS ANGELES (U P I) — The Montreal Alouettes’ failure to comply with Cleveland St. 66. Penn St. 61 Jenny Fenn 183, Shelia Price 216- muitler. cil, some members expressed interest in building a Milwaukee 24 24 31 22-101 31, 1980, in the Skungamaug River in ' Officials offered up to $20,000 for infor­ Three-point goals—Lee 2 Fouled out— Milwaukee 101, Detroit 91 Vince Ferragamo request for a $100,000 advance of his 1982 salary, reported­ (Curry 61. (Coast Guard 42 208-591, Sperry Kipp 175-180-479, fruitless. municipal tennis court on the site. The offer must (Tiicago 112. Philad^hia 109 Franklin Pierce 90, H u ^n 76 . Coventry, dead from strangulation. A Police have no comment on how the None, Total fouls—Detroit 2fi. Milwaukee ly withheld for taxes, is being viewed as a breach of contract, the quarter­ Rose Longtin 453, Linda Burton 175- mation leading to the arrest, but this 28 A-ll.(f2 Boston 101. Dallbs SO (^rdon 8^ Eastern 72 AT THE TIME, Coventry’s police connection was made, though sources first be reviewed by the Planning Commission back's agent said. , passerby had found her in three feet of secured nothing but a few mis-ieads, and San Antonio 119. Houston 117 Harvard 77, Dartmouth 72 458, Diantha Lecours 194-489, Sharon say there was a confession. before the council can vote on it. Kansas City 125.. Utah 117 But David Fishof said in New York Monday he is not ready to declare his Smith water, fully clothed. department was undergoing one of its the case went into dormancy. Indiana 132‘. Denver 124 (OT) So. Florida 87. (Georgia St. 61 Madore 200-175-190-565, Linda Eiat- rougher periods. The chief of about five Mrs. Kidney said her land is dn the downhill side client a free agent. She had left the Friday night before at Whatever happened, state police Portland 119. Phoenix 108 (OT) ■ Wright St. 90, Kentucky 81 toe 459, Dale Pecker 456, Mary years resigned amidst controversy MEANWHILE, THE Major Crime emphasized that work ^ the Coventry of the parcel and any drainage from tennis courts Winnipeg 22 3—7 Golden Stale 117. Cleveland 108 Under terms of his contract, Ferragamo was to received a $100,000 ad­ M idwest 11:30 p.m. the bowling alley in Mansfield Wednesday s Games Notre Dame 86, No. Iowa 56 Whipple 456, Terry Priskwaldo 470, Squad of the State Police was working on police was essential to investigation. or any other developments would run onto her land. Philadelphia 12^ vance on his 1982 salary by Monday, his “ personal deadline” for deciding where she worked. She was spotted ' before the murder, and the search for a the First ^riod—1. Winnipeg. Lindslrom 24 (All Times EST) St. O U f 62. (Carleton 46 Rick Pecker 204, Fred Kozicki 204, (Lukowichi. 2:58. 2. Philadelphia. Bathe Los Angeles at New Jersey. 7:X p.m. whether he would return to the National Football League, where the Los . West Ernie Whipple 213-202-607, Dave 1 (Leach. Hoffm eyer).’7:ri4. 3. Winnipeg. San Diego at Philadelphia. 7:^ P ni. Angeles Rams own his rights. Nevada-Las Vegas 86, Nevada-Reno 72 Steen 10 (Lukowich. Lindstrom ). I5:0f. Milwaukee at Atlanta. 7;35. p.m. Neff 202-554. Pcnaltiesr-Win. bench (served by Mann). Indiana at Kansas City. 8:35. p.m. 0:17. Lukowich. Win. 5:38; AVilson, Phi. Utah at Phoenix. 9;X p.m. Residents favor moratorium 11:24; Propp. Phi. 16 44; Clarke. Phi, Cleveland at Seattle,. l():30 p.m. Fund will help 18:24 Thursday's Games UConn soccer- * Second period—4. Winnipeg. Lindstrom Los Angeles at New York STILL BUYING 25 (Babveh, Lundholi. 5:f7. 5. Philadel­ Chicago at Detroit phia. Allison 11 (Linseman. Proppi. 6:00. Boston at San Antonio NCAA soccer champion Penn State. 6. Winnipeg. Lindstrom 26 (Lukowich. Houston at Utah on condominiums in Bolton The slate opens Sept. 1 at victim of blaze Spring), 11 If.. 7, Philadelphia. Barber 37 Dallas at Golden State Connecticut will play a 21- STAMP (Linsem; Arthur). 18:46. Penalties— game schedule this fall home with the University EAT Levie. Win. 2:39. Clarke. Phi. 4:5f.; which includes Sunday of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 'Christian. Win. 7:43, Clarke, Phi, 7:43; BOLTON — A fund has been set up for the woman By Richard Cody for condominium development, and changes designed for such COLLECTIONS Steen. Win. 8 41; Hoffmeyer, Phi. 15:35; P H O E N IX (1(B) home matches against four coached by Dan Harris who l(At all her possessions Monday in a fire to help that the moratorium will come in developments. Hawerchuk. Win, 16:38; Linseman, Phi. Adams 7 3-3 17. Robinson 14 10*11 38. teams which were rated who played soccer with the Herald Reporter 16:38: Lukowich. Win. major, 16:38, K elley 2 1-2 6. Johnson 2 3-4 7. Macy 9 1- her recover some of' the loss. Fire Chief James N. the form of an ordinance. We are always seeking quality collec­ 1 20, Scott 0 1-2 1. Davis 6 04 12. Nance among the nation’s top 11 Huskies as an un­ MRS. SAW YER SAID since the Marsh. Phi. major, 16:38. Preuss Jr. said Tuesday. BOLTON — A new citizen action Philip G. Dooley, chairman of the tions of world-wide stamps, for export Third period—8. Winipeg. (Tiristian 20 3 04 6. Bradley 1 04 2. ToUls-44 19-23 at the close of last season. dergraduate at UConn. focus of her group has been on the (DeBlois. Mann). 0:2:<. 9. Winnipeg. lOB. YOUR Joan Ober and her 4-year qld son, Daryl, were left group formed to oppose the South Zoning Commission, said today, “ 1 to ciollectors in England and Europe They are NCAA ninnerup Also , representing the zone change, the association will Lindstrom 27 (unassisted). 4:57. 10. PORTLAND (119) homeless after their o n e -l^ o o m Brandy Street Road condominium plan has pledged can’t question what they have a Philadelphia. Sinisalo 10 (Sittler, Cb- Gross 0 (H) 0. Natt 7 94 23. l^ m p s o n Alabama A&M, fourth Midwest will be Ohio State, still hold its meeting Friday night chrane). 6:39. 11. Philadelphia. Allison 12 apartment was gu tt^ by flames. Firefighters kept its support for the selectmen’s deci­ right to do,” but added, “ Zoning' Estates and large holdings are 6 7-10 19. Paxson 13 2-4 29. Ransey 12 6-7 place Philadelphia an emerging power to rival and come out strong for the public (Linseman. Marsh), 12:31. 12. Winnipeg. 30, Harper 2 0-4 4. Bates 3 0-1 7, the fire from going into the surrounding five sion to impose a moratorium on all wise, we can’t distinguish con­ handled by us with ease. We travel to Lindstrom 28 (Christian). 13:46. U. Valentine 1 1-2 3, Gudmundsson 1 2-2 4. Textiles, seventh place San Indiana for Big Ten honors, hearing March 30. “ Our basic apartments, but coUld do little for Mrs. Ober’s. condominium developments. dominium development from any F’hiladelphia. Allison 13 (Linseman. Totals 46-27-39 119. Francisco and 11th place on Sept. 5 at Storrs. premise is the zone change,” she you for purchasing. Cochrane). 17:34 Penalties—Hoffmeyer. Phoenix 22 27 26 26 8-106 HEART Preuss termed it a “ total loss.” ' Pamela Z. Sawyer, chairwoman other multiple dwellings.” He said Portland » 27 27 1619-119 said. "It's the spot zoning that’s our Phi. 6:46 He said anybody wishing to donate to the fund . of the new Bolton Environmental the selectman should have put a Shots on goal—Winnipeg 11-11-10—32. Threejoinl goals — Macy. Paxson. big issue.” Philadelphia 15-19-20-54. Bates. Fouled out—K elley. Harper. Total may do so by sending donations to the Joan Ober Association, said Tuesday the moratorium' on ail multiple Goalies—Winnipeg. .Soetaert. Philadel­ fouls-Phoenix 32 Portland 27. Technical Fund at the Savings Bank of Manchester at Bolton selectmen’s move was “ the proper dwellings, in light of this. Fiano'needs a change from R-1 to John Carlson - K e lle y A-12,666. phia. Peeters A—16,912. step to take,” adding that her group and R-2 zone before he can build Notch. The Bolton Voljinteer Fire Department is He said the 'moratorium will not P h o n e : OUT the trustee. Preuss said”any donations of furniture will show up in full strength at the condominiums. He has proposed 96 affect the zone change that Larry F. or articles may be dropped off the the firehouse any hearing on the moratorium. Fiano applied for to be able to put in units on about 40 acres. He owns 52 MODERN AUTO SUPER SUNDAY BRUNCH time. Ryba said the moratorium will the development on South Road and acres on South Road. (401)737-7528 RUSSELL’S BARBER SHOP RADIATOR SERVED M(X»N TO 3 PM Firefighters said the apartment building, last until the Zoning Commission Route ,44A. Ryba said that process Ryba said the establirtunent of the 195 Spruce St., Manchester AUTO REPAIRS P. O. B ox 7819, W arwick, R.l. 02687 INTRODUCES believed to once be a chicken coop but, formerly an can draw up specific regulations shoul(i still unfold, since the moratorium does no) reflect any ftapmantlns J.M. Stamp* Ltd. ot AiMord, England announces that the 90-mlnute . Chicken European, Country Sausage, Fresh old residence, was “ lucky” in the blaze. dealing with this kind of housing. He moratorium applies only to chn- views of the Board ofSelectmen. He e Omelettes made to order (plain, cheese or bacon) said the regulations lack guidelines struction of condominiums, not zone sqid the selectmen were considering Montbon A.S.DJI., A.P.S., fU.P.t. drive-ln and WE SERVICE ALL taking a stance on the issue, but they Joe Taylor "Homm ot Mr Ooodwrgnch' -I drive-away solutloni GENERAL MOTOR Fresh Fruit Cup, Smoked Stuffed Whitefish, will now “ wait and listen and see . is now associated with us FOR: CARS AND TRUCKS Home-fries, Country Style bacon, Scrambled eqqs. what happens. I think this has ig­ Open Tues.-Fri. 8KK)-S:30. Sat 8dM)-5H)0 Mo radbtor leaks, nited too. fast.” besa leaks, ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS Sauteed Chicken livers, Message symbolic but clear New and old euetomen alwaye welcome ovoftieiting. C0MP

14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 3, 1982. 4DVERTISIIIG Classified MIES LOOK FOR THE STARS M inim um — Condominiums 6 4 3 ' 2 7 1 1 Charge I 22 46— Sportir>g Goods 56— Misc for Rent 15 Words I 12:00 noon the 23— Homes for Sale 35— Heating*Plumbing NOTICE EMPLOYMENT 24— Lots-Land for Sale * 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products 59«-Hofnes/Apts. to 8h# ’6 l^lnvestmeni Property 37— Moving>Trucl

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ••••a ••••ai« ••••a a •••#••• •••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••^^•aaaaa«aaaaa«aa*a* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hom0$ For Solo 23 Services Ottered 31 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 01 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 eaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HooHng-Plumblng 35 Dogo-BIrtlo-Poto 43 Apaitm m ts for Ront S3 A u n t For Solo 61 '••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaa eaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •••#••••••••••#••••••••* ••aaBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaa* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LICENSED DAY CARE INTERIOR PAINTING - SCHALLER PLUMBING­ MANCHESTER FIVE HOME - Will watch ymxt Free estimates. I’M BIGFOOT - I’m a dou­ HEATING- Water pump ble pawed adorable yellow RDDMS on first floor of child or infant days. Call Reasonable specialists. Also, Commercial, resldenual. tiger kitten, six months newer two family. 6464)262. remodeling service or HIanrI|fHtpr Bfralh ■ Insured. Telephone 647- old, looking for a loving Separate driveways, no repairs. FREE home. Telephone 633-6581, sts. Lease and security. 1313, Marty. ESTIMATES. 649-4266. 342-0571. 400 plus utilities. ^When ★ Building Contracting 33 Telephoner 646-1379. "Your Community NewspAper' if MASONRY WORK Boats-Accassorlas 45 PLEASANT Four rooms in Chimney and foundation FARRAND repairs - blue stone ' REMODELING - Cabinets, quiet family atmosphere - M & M Plumbing and elderly persons preferred. T h e new rou'te REALTORS brick patios and walM - Roofing, Gutters, Room Heating, Manchester. 649- Non-smokers, no pets. foundations painted. Call Additions, Decks, All types 13 2871. Small repairs, MFC 14 ft. Bass Boat, Ful­ References. S^urity plus Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted O n o u n 1 A ipfrcl Hiiocifition of R E A l TORS irrvinq thr qfr.4t» f Art - 643-5?26. nf Remodeling ana remodeling, heating, PLEASE READ M,4nchciter with more .odvrrliiing r«prrtiir ly equipped. 40 HP Mer­ utilities. Telephone 649- Repairs. Free estimates. baths, kitchens and water im p,4Cl .ind efticirnry for both buyers .ond leMen cury electric start, L^okin YOUR AD WHOLESALE MAIL order 5897. 9 APPLICATIONS ARE Fully insured. Phone 643- heaters. Free estimates! Teleflex-stick steering. Ciasslfisd ads ara taken business started from NOW BEING accepted for 6017. Hummingbird depth THREE RGDM Furnished over Ilia phone as a con­ home expanding. Need peo­ part time tellers. Will Ysifdstick* I IMI8C. FOR SALE sounder, Shakespeare apartment, second floor, ple full or part time. train. Contact Mrs. Fritz, RIVERBEND venience. The Herald Is ROBERT E. JARVIS - remote electric motor, CB, near busline. Adults only. Married preferred. Manchester State Bank, responsible for only one COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL PARK Remodeling Specialist. Aerated livewell, bilge No pets. Teliephone 646- new interior and plenty of thoughtful Telephone 56^3261. 1041 Main Street. “ No F or room additions, Our 1982 Honda Accord Incorrect Insertion and "EXPANDABLE CONDOMINIUMS” Household Goods 40 pump and much more! 7647. finishing touches. Phone Calls.” Equal Op­ kitchens, bathrooms, • ••••••••aaaaaa'aaaaaaaaa Asking $2500. Telephone HalchbacV could be the new yard­ then only to the size of TAILOR - Experienced in stick for commonsense luxury and Like a maintenance reminder/ portunity Employer. 1420 North Main Street, Manchester. 1 80’X80’ building nearing completion. Oc-1 roofing and siding, or anv USED 649-7862 before 2:30 or 3% RDDM APARTMENT - the original Insertion. menswear. Full or part electronic warning system, tachom­ cupancy March 1st; has 10 ft. overhead garage door plus loading dock in rear.I home improvement need. REFRIGERATDRS, after 10 p.m. Private home. Heat, engineering. Inside and out. Errors which do not time. Apply in person to SECRETARY - part time, eter, quartz electric clock and a head- Glassed front entry way, all utilities, sprinkler system, and 20 car parking. Will sub-1 'Telephone 643-6712: WASHERS, RANGES - •••••••••••••••••••••••• appliances. Working single A new aerodynamic look com­ lessen the value of the Mr. Snyder, Regal Mens for local insurance agency. Service lighls-on warning chime. divide. Completed, land, building, etc. $225,000. f Clean, Guaranteed. Parts Antiques 48 adult only. No pets. bines function with slyIc.To deliver advertisement will not Shop, 903 Main Street, Approximately three days LEON CIESZYNSKI & Service. Low prices! smoother, quietdr. more fuel-efTicient' Once again, our Accord Hatchback Manchester. INCOME TAX Children. 643-2880. is the mca.sure for the rest. be corrected by an ad­ per week. Temporary with Call Warren L Howland 643‘ 1108| BUILDER. New homes, B.D. Pearl &,Son, 649 Main WANTED; ANTIQUE performance. possibility of permanent PREPARATION - Exj ditional Insertion. additions, remodeling, rec Street. 643-2171. FURNITURE, Glass, CENTRAL FDUR RODM, (Complete with front-wheel drive, DISH AND POT position. Insurance perienced - at your home rooms, garages, kitchens Pewter, Gil Paintings, or very clean first floor apart­ nc-w ventilated front disc brakes. WASHERS - nights and experience preferred. Call 5 A S TWO FAMILY - Call Dan Mosler, 649- remodeled, ceilings, bath WHIRLPOOL WASHING Antique items. R. ment. Hot water furnished. 4- wheel independent suspension and weekends. One full, one X ./ iHaurhpslrr 643-8387, 6-8 p.m. 3329. tile, dormers, rooting. Machine - six months old. Harrison, telephone 643- Vlemakellalmple. part time. Must be Have the tenant assist in yoiir Gas stove with heater, 5- speed transmission. Plus a stylish Residential or commer­ Still under warranty. $225 8709. refrigerator. Renter pays reliable, mature and a BOOKKEEPER - Part mortgage payments on this 2 bedroom, cial. 649-4291. firm. Telephone 647-0242. own utilities. Prefer mid­ H^ral^ good worker. Call 643-2751, time, flexible hours. Must PERSONAL i n c o m e living room, dining area, kitchen unit. dle aged mature, quiet, ask fdr George. be fully experienced. TAX SERVICE - Retifrni ...... Wanted to B uy49 Newly painted and roofed, deep lot. DESIGN KITCHENS, 30 INCH ALMDND HDT ...... working, married couple. Display Craft - 643-9557. prepared, tax advice Possible owner financing available. cabinets, vanities, counter PDINT gas range - glass q ^SH FDR YDUR Proper- No pets. Security and given. Learn how to best $63,900. tops, kitchen cabinet fronts door on oven. Ap- ty. We buy quickly and con- references. Telephone 643- □ NOTICES manage your personal custom woodworking, proximately six years old. ffdentially. TTie Hayes Cor- 7094. colonial reproductions. wheels MATURE PERSON finances. Reasonable $150. Telephone 646-1830. poration. 646^)131. T o work as WANTED: PERSON TO rates. Call 646-7306. J.P. Lewis 649-9658. MANCHESTER Lost and Found 1 KeHh Real Estate 64641261 housekeeper aide in open and clean lauhdrymat Articles lor Sale 01 DUTBDARD wanted, 10 Conveniently located three ELECTRICAL SERVICES small rest home. on Hartford Road, ••• HP. Will pay up to $100. room apartment. Re­ LOST - Long haired black WALT ZINGLER’ s In^ Manchester. Seven days a - We do all t ^ s of Elec­ Telephone 643-7331. decorated. $335 monthly; and white tiger cat. Double Call between 10 a.r tome Tax Service. Filing week. Open at 6 in the mor­ VERN0N-2F0R1 trical Work! Licensed. Call heat included. Immediate paws. Vicinity Campfield and 2 p.m. only. lax returns in your home ★ ning, Salary. Apply Hart­ 5 Room -t- 3 room home on same lot. after 5:00 p.m., 6^1516. occupancy. 643-2629, 649- Road. Telephone 643-5391. 649-4519 Since 197L Call 646-5346., ALUMINUM SHEETS RENTALS ford Road Dairy Queen, Good income plus charming fireplaced used as printing plates. .007 5600. Manchester, mornings 10- TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY LOST BLACK and gray expandable home. F*rice $79,900. Residential & Commercial thick, 23x28Vi’^. 50c each, 12 . Rooms tor Rent 52 Homes for Rent 54 tiger striped male cat. 1 TAXES PREPARED IN donstruction. Remodeling, or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- CLERICAL OPENING - .2711. They MUST be picked Vicinity of Carmen Road. INFORMATION ON YOUR HOME — home improvements, ad­ 456‘A MAIN STREET - six Answers to Joe. requires good organizer to up before 11:00 a.m. only. GENTLEMEN DNLY - Alaskan and oversea s ^ Zinsser Agency 6 4 6 -lS ll Reasonable rates ditions, bathroom & rooms, $400. plus utilities. REWARD. Telephone 644- make out weekly calling free parking, kitchen schedules. Uniique 1( employment. Excellentin- accurate. kitchen remodeling, No appliances. Tenant in­ 2784 after 4:00 p.m. roofing, siding, repairs, SWIM PDDLS privileges. Security and easy to learn. Telephone come potential. Call (312) Norm Marshall, • DISTRIBUTDR - must dis­ references required. surance. Security. 646-2426 522-9006. 741-9780 Extension 822. ASSUMARLE V.A. RiA% MORTGAREI 643-9044. door & window replace­ weekdays. IMPOUNDED: Male. 5 ment and alterations. 646- pose of brand new on Telephone 643-2693 after years old. Lab cross, black. SURSTANTIAL CASH REQUIRED ground 31’ long pools with 4:30 p.m. DRIVERSV 3SALES - No 1379. ANDOVER - One bedroom Male, 3 years old, Terrier DENTAL SECRETARY huge sundecks, safety fen­ experience necessary. Call GALL FOR DETAILS Painting-Papering 32 house with appliances. $380 cross, grey. Male, 5 years Assistant - good typing. cing, h i-ra te filters, FURNISHED and unfur­ Mr. Warner, 289-1581. DENNIS AND RUSSELL per month plus utilities. old, black and tan, Knowledge of business SIX ROOM OLDER COLONIAL ladders, etc. Asking $978 nished rooms $40 weekly. INTERIOR PAINTING, MILLER - Remodeling, Security deposit. Keeshound. All picked up skills. Experienced GARAQE — V h RATHS complete. Financing Heat and electricity in­ Connecticut’s I preferred but will train. BABYSITTER TO care for over ten years experience, additions, roofing, rec Telephone 742-6419. on Birch Street. Telephone low rates and senior citizen rooms, paneling, gutters, 'available. Telephone NEIL cluded. Security and Largest Honda Dealer Reply Box J, c/o The tw o young children, MODERN KITCHEN references. Telephone 649- 646-4555. discounts. 643-9980. aluminum and vinly siding .collect (203 ) 7«-3319. Ottlces-Slores 24 Adams St., Manchester Herald. preferably in our home. 4432 or 646-1316. ^ ' Telephone 649-6156 after 5 PRICED A T S61,900.-l u is ta lle d year round. for Rent 55 (Exit 93 off 1-86) 646-3515 LOST MOTOROLA INTERIOR A N D Telephone 649-2954 or 649- SEWERS - Established p.m. 6 4 M 4 13 LAKESIDE HOME - PAGER - REWARD. Main St BELFIO^ REALTORS EXTERIOR painting, 1421. nationwide pillow ★ kitchen and laundry WORKSPACE OR Telephone 643-1020. hanging, C a jen tp r 1971 CHEVROLET Con- manufacturer has im­ CLERICAL POSITION for .SEASDNED CDRDWODD- privileges. Utilities in­ STORAGE SPACE FOR lANC Work. Fullylily insunini CARPENTRY AND epurs wagon. Good winter, mediate full time openings. sales correspondent. 4 foot lengths, $65 per cord. cluded. $190 monthly. Non- RENT in Manchester. No Diifcfi Colonial U w is & Son, 649-9658 M ASO N RY. Call Tony snow, skiing, hill-driviiig Experience preferred. Phone orders, typing, ' Green-4 foot lenrths $60. smoker. Telephone 742- lease or security deposit. □ EMPLOYMENT filing, billing and good Spacious 8 Rooms. 4 bedrooms, formsl dlnlno Squillacote, 6494)811. Reasonable rates. Suitable vehicle. Positraction, Five day week. Full benefit You , lick up. 'Teh 'Telephone 8740. program including sewing command of language room. Ipise.kilchen .with pantry .Gralnod wk :646-771 for small business. Retail trailering axles, roof rack, . skills. Nice benefit {iajiA. Plastered walls. to busline. Rooting 34 and commercially zoned. SELECT 350 V-8 automatic, power Help Wanted 13 incentive Apply at ROOM FOR RENT - stu­ Pillowtex Corporation, 49 package. Hartford location SSmer linancing. P rje^ at,.S4#,9® ' USED PHDTD Call 872-1801, 10 to 5, steering, radio, rear INTERIOR AND Exterior R.J. ALUMINUM vinyl dent or middle aged defogger, more. 643-2880. ' PART TIME - Work at Regent Street, near Mt. Sinai Hospital. ‘ EQUIPMENT for sale: female. References Telephone 522-9006 for in­ Philbrick Agency painting and paperhanging. wood siding and roofs in­ NEWLY RENOVATED home on the phone ser­ Manchester. E.O.E. M-F. Grafmatic cut film holder required. 643-2359, if no terview. Ceilings repaired or stalled. Telephone 6434522. 310 square feet office 1975 FORD PINTO - needs vicing our customers in replaced. Free estimates. fo r 4x5 camera. $20. answer, 649-8823 until 9 USED CARS 646-4200 Foster"light "box, 14x18 in­ available. Main Street body work. Registered and your area. Telephone 456- Fully insured. References. p.m. JEWISH NURSERY ches, $20. Call Doug Bevins location with ample running. Asking $635 or 0876 or 528-6631. ATTENTION Martin Mattsson after 3:00 1981 Pontiac Phoenix 5-dr. H/B . . . * 7 9 9 5 SCHOOL seeking teacher at the Manchester Herald, parking. Call 649-2891. best offer. Telephone 742- COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL p.m., 649-4431. MOTHERS AND for 1982-1983 three mor­ Sleeved Stole 643-2711, only between 1 Apartments lor Rent 53 1981 Toyota Diesel Pickup ...... *6 9 9 5 9474 after 6 p.m. PART TIME aa*6««aa»a*a***aa«a»*aaa SALESPERSON to sell nings a week. Send resume and 3 p.m. weekdays. PRIME LOCATION - OTHERS BOLTON 4 acres of business zoned, land plus 7 bay garage and single 1980 Toyota Tercel H / B ...... *5 5 9 5 MALIBU CHEVY - 1970, subscriptions door-to-door to Temple Beth Shalom, I MANCHESTER- One and Downtown, Ground level, air-conditioning, radio. with newscarrier two Ideal part time work Nursery School, 488 East family home. Some owner financing. $265,000. ELECTRDNIC FLASH two bedroom apartments four rooms, heat, air- 1980 Horizon TC 3, H/B ...... *5 5 9 5 $500 or best offer. evenings a week or Satur­ available. High hourly Center Street, Manchester. COLUMBIA 9.8 acres plus 4 buildings — commercial and industrial | For Funtime equipment used by available. Centrally conditioning, utilities and. .located on busline near parking. Available im ­ 1980 Toyota 4X4 Pickup...... * 7 6 9 5 Telephone 649-5334. days. Salary plus com­ rate, plus high bonus to area. Some owner financing. $240,000. newspaper photographers. missions. Call Circulation start. The job Involves ALARM TECHNICIAN for Two Graflex Stroboflash shopping center and mediately. Telephone 649- 1980 Si^ird Sport Coupe...... *4 8 9 5 GRAND TORINO - 1975. Manager, Manchester telephone soliciting to second shift. Will accept units, without 'batteries. schools. For further details 2865. person with electrical F. 1. Spilecki Realtor 643-2121 Four door, automatic, Herald. 643-2711. set up appointments $W each. C^ll Doug Bevins call 649-7157. 1980 VW Pickup, 13,000 miles .... *5 6 9 5 background. Apply in per­ Wanted to Rent ST transmission, air- for our sales people. at the Manchester Herald, 1980 Pontiac LeMans Coupe...... * 5 7 9 5 SUPERINTENDENT son only, 9-12, Monday 643-2711, only between 1 118 MAIN STREET - 3 and conditioning, power W ork In our c o n ­ MXNCHESTER steering, power brakes. NEEDED - live-in posi­ through Friday, 555 New. and 3 p.m. weekdays. 4 room heated apartments, CLEAN, CONSIDERATE 1979 Toyota Corolla 1200 ...... *4 5 9 5 Excellent condition, $2495. tion. Must be willing and veniently located' East Park Avenue, West Hart­ Immaculate full dormered aluminum hot water, no appliances. Working mother with two Telephone 649-6122. able to repair gas stoves, Hartford office. Hours 9 ford^______sid^ 6 room Cape, 2 full baths, 2 NIKDN CAMERA equip­ Security - tenant in­ older children wishes to 1979 Chevy MalHm 4 dr., V-6 . . . .* 4 5 9 5 gas boilers, appliances, a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 fireplaces, newer roof and burner over­ ment for sale, as is. Nikon surance. 646-2426, 9-5 rent five rooms, have Sec­ 1966 PONTIAC LEMANS - light electrical, clean and p.m. to 9 p.m. Call SANDBLASTING size 1 car garage, desirable Hollister St. FT body, $35. Nikon FTN weekdays. tion 8. Please write P.O. 1979 Chevy hnpala 4-dr...... *4 5 9 5 maintain grounds; For in­ today for Interview. Someone to do Walk to grammar, junior high and high body, $M. Nikkor 35 mm Box 691, Manchester, CT 1979 Dodge Omni 0 2 4 ...... *4895 excellent running condi­ terview call between 9 and 569-4993 Sandblasting at least 40 school. A must see home. $64,900. f/2.0 lens, $25. Nikkor 35 MANCHESTER MAIN 06040. tion. Best offer. Telephone 12 noon, Monday through hours per week. No mm f/2.8 lens, $50. Nikor STREET - Two room 1978 Camaro, 6 cyl...... *3 9 9 5 643-5846. Friday, 528-1300. experience necessary. Lombardo & Associates ,105 mm f/2.5 lens, $50. apartment. Heated, hot Americin Frozen Food, he. Apply at Barry Blast, 2 ^ -Nikkor 200 mm f/$4.0 lens, water, appliances. No pets. □ AUTOMOTIVE 1978 Mustang G hia ...... *3 9 9 5 GOVERNMENT EXPERIENCED Hartford Road, 649-4003 $M. Call Doug Bevins at Security. Parking. SURPLUS cars and trucks, Manchester. Telephone 523-7047. 1978 Toyota Cel'ica G.T., L / B ...... *5 5 9 5 many sold through local WORKING paving BAR MAID - full time ;the Manchester Herald, Autos For Sale 61 foreman with five or more TH AT EXTRA ROOM YOU NEEOED 6’^2711, only between- 1 1978 Ford Courier Pickup, 5 spd. . . *4 3 9 5 sales, under $300. Call 1- nights. Experience helpful. TRAVEL AGENT - one to MANCHESTER Newly 714-569-(C41 for your direc­ years in that position. Must can be found In this comfortable four I and 3 p.m. weekdays. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe Apply in person to three years experience. decorated one bedroom 1978 Toyota CoroHa W agon...... *3 6 9 5 tory on how to purchase. be able to do all aspects of bedroom, 2’A bath home just out of DeVille - 72,000 miles. Manager: Parkade Call University Travel, apartment. Access to shop­ Open 24 hours. paving. Upton Construc- :USED CAMERAS: Good condition. $2700 or 1978 Toyota SR5 Pickup...... *4 3 9 5 Bowling Lanes, 429-9313 or 649-0605. Bolton Center. Spacious first floor family ping centers, buslines and tion, 742-6190. ' Yashicam at 124-G twin Best offer. Telephone 742- Manchester. room, two fireplaces, three zone heat. | ■Khools. For further details 1978Patsim B210-GX, S spd...... * 4 1 9 5 .lens frelex and'Rolleflex 6800 - Keep tiding. Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Situation Wanted Is Priced right. Call us. please call 528-4196 BOOKKEEPER typist T E A C H E R - Learning ■ JS5F twin lens reflex. $75 1977 Mercury Manpiis Wagon ------*2 9 9 5 combination. Includingludin: '-each. Call Doug Bevins at between 9 and 5 pm or Disabilities, Coventry Mid­ NIGHT o f f i c e ! 1971 VW VAN - 4 cyl., new SUZUKI RM 125, 1981, like general office duties. Wohrerton Agency after 5 pm and weekends, 1977 Vdare Wagon...... * 3 1 9 5 dle School, level 5-8. Must CLEANING wanted - ' ^the Manchester Herald, rebuilt motor, radial tires, new. $1,000 firm. 1979 RM Major medical benefits in­ 649-7157. be certified in Special Manchester area. 649-2813 r643-2711, only between 1 AM-FM cassette stereo, 1977 MCB Convertible...... * 3 7 9 5 125, $500. Telephone 289- cluded. Telephone 522-9006 Education. Experienced ; and 3 p.m. weekdays. sunroof, great transporta­ 4374, 9-5; after 6 p.m., 871- Experienced. Reliable. t -- MANSFIELD CENTER - for information. ------tion. $2,000. Telephone 647- 1977IUtre, H/B...... *2 9 9 5 7794. desired. Position to begin Telephone 649-5007. ••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Woodsedge Apartments. late March. Call Director Services Ottered 31 iJ IR E W C D D , 4’ G reen 8805. IBTOCelica or Liftback ...... *3 5 9 5 'Services Ottered 31 “ Hardwood, $M per cord Newly renovated; country of Pupil Personnel Ser­ MOTHER WITH □ BUSINESS •••••••aaaaaaaaaaa****** •••••••a**************** K nit Campers-Trailers-Mobile EARN GOOD MONEY - delivered, town. Two cord setting. Two bedrooms, 1976 Dof^e V a n ...... *2 9 9 5 vices Office at 742-8913 or TODDLER seeks babysit­ MANCHESTER U SE M Y HELPFUL CHEVROLET MONTE Homes 65 FULL TIME OR and SERVICES '.Ininimum. 643-1009 or 646- from $285 to $325. Includes CARLO -1974 - Automatic, PART TIME send letter and resume to ting job from 3:00 p.m. til Bowers/Bentley School SERVICE - shopping, light appliances and parking. 1976 Toyota Long Bed Pktop — *2 8 9 5 5939 ■7621. power brakes, power BECOME AN AVON Dr. Donald Nicoletti, midnight. One child only. area Mother of 2 will ick-up/delivery, waiting ’Delepbone 429-1270, 233- Coventry Public Schools, steering, air-conditioning, 1976Volare Wood Grain Wagon . . .* 3 2 9 5 REPRESENTATIVE Manchester area. Services Otiered 31 babysit your children while Fo r repair ana 9660 or 232-0761. 78 Ripley Hill Road, Coven­ Telephone 646-9870. •••qaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaa working. Nutritious meals deliverymen, daycare for 60,000 miles. Regular gas. 1976 Mercury Monteip 4 -d r...... *2 3 9 5 TBS h e l d T C«n S23-9401 or try, CT 06238. aaaaoaoaoooaaaaaaooaaaaa REWEAVING BURN and snacks. Loving at­ the elderly. Calf "Lee” - New: radials, brak es, 046-3005 lor dotallo 1M Badi. exhaust. Venr good condi­ ADULT HOME Homes For Solo 23 HOLES. Zippers, um­ mosphere. Age 0-school. 643-9650. Easy to knit from knit­ TWO FAMILY HOUSE - 1970 Monza Town C w p e ...... * 2 7 9 5 o8aaaaaaaaaaoaaaaoaaa'aoa brellas repaired. Window Call 643-8567. ting worsted, you’ll find MUST be pMnd up b tton two bedrooms, stove, tion. $1995. 'Telephone 643- VILLAGE MANCHESTER - Six room PH0I 04UIK ,1iao Sjm. si the MSBchtoMf refrigerator, basement, 6173. 1975Celica CT Coupe...... * 2 8 9 5 On Rt. 44A near 195. Fine pre- shades, Venetian blinds. JACK & JILL D ^ Care* EXCUISIVE this sleeved cape-stole an owned homes available for immaculate colonial. Four ADD AN ELEGANT touch attractive chilf-chaser. H m M OMe*. private driveway,’ nice Keys. TV FOR RENT. Home - near the Ftarkade 1975 Toyota Corolla ...... *2 2 9 5 sale. Prices range from $14,250 PART TIM E bedrooms, formal dining Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. to your wedding, an- and the new Bradlees. Comfy playsuits for the No. 6939 has knit di- neighborhood, gas heat and 1979 BRONCO - fully customized inside and out. to $21,900. Elach bemie set on room, city water and 649-5221. nivesaiy, or sp^ial oc­ Nutritious meals - active younMter— e a w to r^ions for Small, Me­ cooking, busline, washer 1975 Plymouth Gold D u s te r...... *2 8 9 5 Nowspapor Circulation Solicitor EXQUISITE VICTORIAN New trailblazer tires. large, beautifully landscaped sewers. Asking only $59,- casion! Invitations ad­ educational learning sew. 'Two Separate Pat- dium and Large inclusive. and dryer hook-ups. No 1975 Plymouth ValianU^lr...... *2 5 9 5 900. LOWNDS AND tenis. Hto JM-» fw ee* .Bridal gown - Imported. dogs. Great for singles. Asking $8600. Telephone lot. Clqssified BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - dressed in beautiful program. Telephone 647- gm^Mas 8S8 (w s « i^ mt ■Alenconlace, ruffles, ivow MANNING REALTY - 745- Concrete. Chimney calligraphy. 643-9982. No. 8313 (ratlan- $4W monthly. Dan 8-5; 649- 19 74 VW Super BeeM...... * 2 5 9 5 JENSEN’S, INC. Thr«« EvBnlngs P«r W.iMk 2466 or 623-8253. aleeve jumpanit) with AMKUst^ organza, beautiful. Mze 8. 2947, after 5 p.m., 646-9892 Repairs. “ No Job Too Never worn. From Bndal 19 71 BM W ...... *2 2 9 5 Mra. F M w r 429-4579 Small.” Call 644-8356 for Photo-Guide ie in Sizes 1k> ■saiaikr hnH or 649-8773. ApproxImatBly 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. 4 to 12 yeare. Size 6, 1% Party Penthouse. estimates. 1971 Mustang Grande 4 speed___ *2 9 9 5 Mr. CiMM 625-0917 Pages TAX yards 46-inch. Telephone 646-1121. to work with Carrier nxMinss: HEBRON - Four rooms 247-9209 No. 8343 (rlek-raclc and bath. Heat and hot C & M Tree Service, Free RETURNS Doga-BIrda-Pata 43 M this amblain Isn’t on your ear, Baloa Forca. estimates. Discount senior Slayanlt) with Photo- 1982 ALBUM with Id-Dsee water included. $320 per you probably paid too much. CNFA nide is in Sizes 1 to 6 #####••#•••••••••••••••• month. Security renuired, citizens. Company Licensed CPA'S, stay up-to-date, by extensive GIFT SECTION with f S ■ I Only $53,000 Buys this years. Size 2, % yard. 'PATCHES WANTS TO no pets. Space to plant a About collecting Sa/aiy p/ua Comm/aafon young two. bedroom Manchester owned and continuing education and also adhere to a > direetiaaa. Pries. . . $£26. BELONG to a loving fami- operated. Call 646-1327. Pattsms avtnUdbU onlp ■ Mnsrsusuea garden, ride a bicycle, or I ranch on a nice lot. strict Professional Code of Ethics. See a C P A fn tfsss sAoton. .» y once again. Sne’s a enjoy a walk in the coun­ Russ MacKendrick for quality tax returns and accounting work. ** ***• St* ts fSSamt. ,_ng spayed calico cat. try. Telephone 646-8776. writes about stamps, coins UGHT TRUCKING - Fen- asr&.'Sft'MuYi ler owner died. Telephone Apply In ptaon at tha cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ Siais'sSSSdS^** and almost anything FIANOREALTY , US4581, 342-0671. Manehaatar HaraU OMea ages cleaned. All types ASHFORD • Duplex, three coflectible — in “ Collec­ 84U200 trash, brush removed. Norman C. Holcomb rooms, clean, tile bath, tors’ Corner,” every or call Jaanna at 647-8946 M. .F R E E - Six week old LYNCH Picket, Split Rail, Cartitlad PuMIe Accountant BwnS;i!/18r yard. No animals. Lease, Tuesday in The Herald's tor appolntmant pies. Mother part vV C f N II W S T M A N C H i S ’ I i-' • : ' i , Stockade Fences installed. V PHONE e49-649a i W81 BajiJSsySsSS " S;iM-4aAnt-4t MM ti sM - Stetlana. Plea’lease call Telephone 423-4190 Focus/Leisurqr section. 528-0670. ' evenings.
