For Hsnse île Removals Phone 13» GOAL! COAL! BURTS HaU & Walker T85 PANDORA ST. . 1232 Government Street Padded Vane, Prompt Attention, . .... ■ .BuMriUjstJto- - ~ TIHFHOWr n * R widenee Phone R710.

VICTORIA, B. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. , NO. 49. vcz "L McBride’s solemn | BILL MINER IS - LI ii V PROMISE TO VICTORIA 0. 3. SENATE MINES -, - \ ' " „ ■ TieiiiiMïniini

CONFERENCE TO IMPLICATED IN TRAIN Terms of the Order-in-Council Which Was Passed CONSIDER COMPROMISE ROBBERY IN GEORGIA . Giving This City Forty-Three Acres of the ' Songhees Reserve. ^ Reciprocity Bill Not Mentioned Notorious Robber Reported to .?> Y in Negotiations Looking Have Been Identified by Detectives In view Ae attitude taken by the railroad companies seeking access to to Settlement ”” premier, repudiating the orders.ln coun­ the cky of ^Victoria. And to recommend, that with a cil paseed four years ago and some view to expediting the removal of the twenty months ago In regard to the Indians from the said reserve the gov-, YTtmee Leaned Wire.) (Times Leased Wire.) forty-three acres" of the Songhees re­ ernment of consent ...4 - Gainesville, Qa , Feb 28Authorities Washington. Feb. 28.—Regulars. serve which the city was to get. it will to the disposal of the remainder of the to-day are practically certain that one lands embraced In the said reserve by Frogresalves and Democrats In the of the three prisoners held here as one be of Interest to cltlsens to see the senate agreed this afternoon to meet the department of Indian affairs of of the five robbers who held», up Ap4 terms of the order In council passed Canada upon. the condition that the at 4:20 o'clock* and constd»* à Com­ robbed the Southern railway fast mall promise to check the rtllheeter against May, 1909. This confirmed a previous reversionary Interest of the province of February 18th near White SuIpIlOr order In council of January, 24, 1907. British Columbia In said reserve shall the vote on the Lorlmer case, started Springs, Is A. B. Miner, better known yesterday ir f»o


Tee tile to Classify SIFTON SPEAKS FOR THE MOST POPULAR FORM OF ADVERTISING IN ESQUIMAU TOWN THY THIS COLUMN PIAN0S---G00D ONES Campbell’s ■ COMPANION» 'Or THE-FOREST* I hold a social dance on Thursday. In this progressive diefriet I March, in the Broad Street Hall. Admission, ladles 25c., gents lOc. m3 can offer BOUGHT at to-day’* British army sale at $10 DOWN...... $2 WEEKLY Esquimalt, several almost new bell j Large Lots on Grafton St. CRITICIZES AGREEMENT tents, worth $60 each; your price for a I few days $15, bnt hurry. Also large TI8 SURELY PIANO BUYING TIME! Violets for 18x30 Marquis tent, with $ feet walla, al­ WITH UNITED STATES most new, original ooat $150; you can havé It for $48, but you have to hurfy. , When splendid, strictiy brand new, fully guaranteed Pianos Also 2 unique foghorn». Stadtbagen, I $750 Indian trader, 79 Johnson street.__ L» I are obtainable not only upon such remarkably easy terms, but Fer tile Handkerchief Per Lot. Thinks It Will Nullify British | STRAWBERRY VALE-lOacrc, In spWi-l the regular prices are themselves so greatly, reduced, isn't it did «lute of cultivation. »0 fruit tree. I surely, time to think about securing yuur piano without aiiy and small fruits, 7 room new house. I Preference and Be Gen­ unnecessary delay I A True Odor of the Violet Flower T. REDDING rUI 'nX^Tr.V’-ffa” “ro^l erally Injurious terms. Warwick, 1211 Broad street. Keep this well in mind, however : There is no time to lose Phone 2206. MT. TOLMIE AVB.. near Fourth street, if you have any intention of taking advantage of onr Closing 822 Catherine Street. fronting on car line, 60x150, price SfiXo, terms. Marriott A Fellows, *19 Trounce down Sale opportunity. Fragrant and Lasting Ave. Office opan this evening. fa* | (Special tJ» the Times.) JAMES BAY-Vacancy for gentleman and) We are not adding to our stock. It’s a sale to a finish. Ottawa, Feb. 28. — Since . the wife, superior room and board, n< First come therefore Best Choice. speeches of the leaders on the reci­ sea, M Mensles street. ___ ' _ R81 procity Issue no pronouncement on FOR RENT—4 room now house, 117 Doug- SOLD ROBBERY ON las street? opposite lake. Beacon Hill j Campbell’s Prescription Drug Store the great question now before the park. Apply 633 Toronto atrcet ». 9V» 1 «V.prompt. ». .r, rorotut Cgr ^ Oeeglit Streets country was awaited by the House of ALEXANDRA PARK—Only U lots left of I WAITT PIANO STORE end our prlcoe ere reasonable. Commons with greater interest than MM; buy now; $75» to PM for 70x150-foot PRINCESS BEATRICE that of Hon. Clifford Sift on. delivered grassy lots; terms over S years at < per j 1004 Government Street. In the House to-day. Crowded gal- cent. Pemberton A Son.______*»'“j .lertaJ.4UWl Attendance of mem­ M—83 LEAVES It LOTS in Parkdale. If I bers greeted Hon. ««ton’s rising to >ou want one. burry. i'eaibertuiL A Sun. 1 Yukon Oust and Registered continue the debate. In opening, he m21 said that he greatly regretted that he ONLY 1LLEFT In Alexandra Park. MM I ROBINSON V ANDREWS A Few of Our Everyday Letters Stolen From the could not follow Sir Wilfrid Lauder sold, 70x12* each, $750 to $M*. over 3| and the Liberal party on the reci­ years at ( per cCht,. Pemberton A 8» procity question. Hç had been long Prices Northern Mail SKA VIEW AVE.—Fins high lot. «OxL». m» and Intimately connected with the rock, price only $700. esay terms. Mar-1 -BATlTAli CITYBUTIER..3 lbs. for..«1.00 parti', and members at tiie govern­ Aett A Fellows. «ItTmmroe A-re: Httk-e - V PINE APPLE, 2 Urge tUFTor...... 25# ment w« rë stÏÏl hla closest friend*. But open this evening,______'_____**11 English Nottingham (Time* Leased Wire.) even In lit* he had doubts as to the DON'T FAIL TO BUY ht Oak Bay now. I SCOTCH HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE, 6 tins for... 50# Vancouver. Feb. «.-Packet» of Yukon wisdom of reciprocity with the United See our fi aura» for $750, only 11 left. I FRENCH PEAS, 2 tins for...... 25# gold duet and registered letters containing States In reference to an adherence Pemberton A Son. _____ » _____ Wj CREAM, 4 tins for ...... ■ 35# Canadian currency, value in »H about t» the policy of strict carrying out Of LANG'8~COVR— Lot on Aberdeen street.] the prtnctpter ùf national policy. - price 9725 for thhr àfteffhMMi eMy. - MILK-FED CHICKENS, per lb...... 35# $38,000, were stolen on board the Princess this el once. CeM Room 131, Pemberton] Lace Curtains - This conclusion he had reached after Beatrice some time during the past four Block. 12*1 BOILED HAM, PORK SAUSAGE AND JELLIED VEAL long and mature deliberation. He days In one of the most unusual mail rob­ '.V ’* I ~iy.T------»..l TO LET-By March 1st. a comfortable X FRESH DAILY. thought no man should leave hi* pa > I storyetory house, « lose to Dougla»Douglas car Une. | A large shipment of these dainty and durable Curtains, bought beries In the history of the Pacifie Coast. except for a difference of opinion on rent $16 per month. National Realty Co., leaving no clue behind them, the rob­ some vital Issue. This was the po­ 1233 Government street. n»2|l direct from Nottingham, now on display in onr Curtain bers have disappeared. The British COl- sition In which he found himself to­ Ke£______■■ ■ . . Showroom (aecond floor). They are in a boat of pleasing -umbta-provinetm! poHre, the- Dominion day. His judgment could not exchange for pianoforte lessons; Apply]- Windsor Grocery Company police at Ottawa and the local force are the policy adopted by the government Box No. 739, Tlnu *.______designs and comprise a range of pricings at, per pair, *5.50, working on the eaee, and the new» of the and consequently his self- LOST—Saturday, 4Ht Hillside avenue, be-| >3,50, *2,75, *2.00, *1.75, *1.50, *1.00, 75o am!...... 50# Opposite Port Office. . >•„. ™. Oftvenuwent Street. affair,, lu» l/turn «Ion*,! hr Vgluit TW'en Oakland» and Government wtr«-«-t*. to the American eflldals. would allow him WV othet* course Than to refuse to follow his old leader and black neck fur. Please return to Times Yon Can Save Money On Onr Cash Only Prices. Leaving Skagway last Thursday night political colleague. He objected. In Office.______the C. P. R. boat, the Princess Beatrice, LOST—On Douglas street car. Friday, | the first place, to so radical a change apparently had an uneventful voyage to lady'» black hand bag. name and Vancouver. She docked here this mtim­ of tariff policy being put through dress In purse. Return to Tiroes Office. ing at 2 o'clock and It was only when the without further consideration and , 'Reward. f- j post office clerks here took off the man study. There wms Httle «iirert ***,.,*'l lIrOK c5£8jSt-«il6t Sit. » rook», | Robinson & Andrews NOTICE TO Tor the mainland that It ww* discovered liable Information placed befere the“ no stumps, price $700, easy terms. Mar­ that all the registered matter hag been House as to the actual effect the re­ riott A Fellows, 619 Trounce Ave Office | THE CASH DRY GOODS STORE cleaned out. ^ ciprocity agreement would have on the open this evening. jm\ large industrial and (commercial In­ BURNSIDE ROAD, close to Douglas. S3 642-644 Yatea St. Phones 2190-657 ft. by 800. Including 6 roomed house, PASSENGERS THROWN DOWN terest* involved. • with basement, water laid on. vhh-ken I A majority cf members still in uae, fruit trees. $1.860. on terms. John- darkness as to the economic effect of Sn A Clark. 1410 Broad street, ____ On ami after Wcdnestlay, March 1, passengers will not be the details of the agreement. Mr. FRANCIS AVENUE-Large corner le*. 1 In a statement made In the House Fielding had not dealt with this aspect close to Burnside road, for $*rd. on easy terms. Johnson A Clark, 1410 Broad 3t allowed to ride on front platform of any of the Company's ttys afternoon. Pfemler McBride re­ of the question, nor had any member of the government. In the last three gén­ ears. This is in accordance with one of the Rules lately laid fused to grant the request of the Van­ érât election* there had been no reci­ TWO OF THE BEST LOTS tn FarkdAle j for $«00, on very easy terms; thla Is a WANTED! couver and South Yartcouver delega procity Issue before the electors. down by the Government of the Province of British Columbia. snap. Johnson A. Clark, 1410 Broad 9$. j tlon for amalgamation. Neither party made any reference to It in the campaigns. The government FOR~8ALE~On easy tefms. a « roomed therefore had no mandate from the MORE H» APARTMENT HOUSES CHICAGO CIVIC PRIMARY. house In James Bay, $1,250. Apply IX» ( people. The previous fiscal policy of 7H, Than*. . y I the Government had been endorsed by SECÔNDÜÂNÏ> PIANO AT $135-Will be B.C. Electric Railway Co., Chicago, Feb. 28.—After one of the the people in 1900, 1904 and 1908. and sold to first purchaser who calls after | Can you gues* how many of these very necessary buildings most bitter campaigns Chicago ] now without any reference to the peo­ reading this ad. Hkka A Lovick Ft a so , ever seen, voting Is on here to-day for ple there waa a revolutionary change Co., opposite Boat Office. W will be erected in Victoria during the next year or twot On# \ LIMITED the first direct nomination of munici­ this vital aspect of government. COOK 8TRKET-»*lie. Inside t he clG (■ of the firtt obstacles to apartment honse builders is a good sit* pal officers. It was a shock to the country to find limits, cheap. $3Û0 See Marriott A FM- at reasonable cost. There is only one site in tie city at present t)ug| four of five men., could so change lows, «J9 Trounce Ave. Office open tl»] The struggle so far has been char­ evening.______' ® I that ye know of that would make an ideal apartment bourn acterised by extensive bill board the whole trend of the country's na­ tional development. WANTED—To buy. 4» acre* agrlvullîmil site and which can be bought at low cost. It consists of six vertlslng and it is estimated that the land. Vancouver Island. Address W. A. ! lots close to Empress Hotel and grounds, has frontage on three various primary candidates have spent There was no doubt that the Liberal >l*ywood. General Delivery, Vancouver. I more than $25».*00. There are 391, Government had continued the policy B. C. ntil streets, and we can deliver at present for 000 registered voters in the city, and of protection In 1897. Time had amply A" FINE BUÎLDÏNO LOT. near Govern­ of these, It was believed, more than Justified the wisdom of this policy. ment Buildings and Government street, only Apply P. O. Bpx 77._____ m2 You Can Buy These 275,000 will vote. The British preference had resulted In $40,000, on Easy Terms Confident that Â. J Graham. Demo­ Increasing British Imports by 190 WANTED^Pony, very quiet, for little j cent, since-then. But there were limits girl of 7 to ride. "Y. ZV Box 13, Times crat, banker, candidate of the regulars Office. t«> the extent to which It would be wise and of the Interests^wHI be nominated, LAST MONDAY is Advertised 4 lots at I 0. Box . EVERYTHING PRICED AT Jhn O’Leary, the handbook king, has to go in that preference. It should not end of Douglas car line for S$£5 each; wagered Immense Burps. not only on be Increased to the detriment of Can­ these were sold before night. To-day we | 0. H. Bowman & Co.p 1048. his success but also that he will adian producers. Under the policy so have 4 lots In Rockland Park at far adopted Canada had prospered In ea--h, $75 caah, balance easy; these wtM 8 Mahon Building. elected mayor on April 4. ' sell to-morrow, so get a move on If you | Copas & Young’s John R. Thompson, the Republican advance of any other country on the want one. Dunford A Son, 233 Pember- SEE OUR LIST BEFORE INVESTING. candidate for the interests. Is favored face of the globe. Protection. ..had . built t ton Block. K* WELL KNOWN ANTI-COMBINE PRICES. for the homlnatlon by that party. up an Immense and 1 smsLBOURNK STREET—Two tot.,prtoe Foremost among the other candi market for the farmers. Statistics $775 for the two. easy terms. Marriott A QUALITY WE GUARANTEE. dates on the primary ticket are former showed the farmers were on an aver­ Fellows. 619 Trounce Ave. Office open age selling produce at an increase of this evening. f-® I Mayor Edward F. Dunne. Democrat, WANTED—A servant for general house NO REBELLION—The free text route has and Charles E. Merrlam, Republican, 25 per cent, over two years ago, while ONLY”13.900, WORTH $4,600-All ready to enabled the government to foist fix pen­ move Into, choice < room, modern house. work, small family. Apply 1*6 Harrison Both are running on reform platforms. what they consumed they paid only 14 sive books Into the public school* with­ per cent, more for. *T"nis the farmers Stanley avenue, near Pandora. If yee out raising a rebellion. J. N. Muir fJ! Other candidates are: Carter Har­ want a convenient, comfortable resi­ DOST—On Monday. a parcel of laundry-. COX’S GELATINE, per packet ...... 10# rison. Democrat; John Scully and were benefiting from protection even dence on easy terms, look U up. Moore Rhone VSU. m3 SEWING MACHINES made as~f(oôT~M» more than the urban population. Now. A Whittington, owners. Bridge and Hill­ new. Wilson's Repair Shop, Cornu rout ANTI-COMBINE or PURE GOLD JELLY POWDER, 4 pack- John Smulkl. . Republicans, and W. E FERN STREBT-Lot Ate» ft , to lane, a street. despite the gerat progress made, the side Ave.^jPhoneJfffT______t>*2| •nap for lt«M; 1-S caah. Northwest Real eta ...... ”...... 25# Rodrigues. Boela 1st. In the hurt elec Kb.$8. LOCKS. LOCK REPAIRS- Or*• J*», «» ...... $1.100 00 officials at present refuse to say. Huapwr* B*y <3*.. • »a«»» Of Tain. flrtw. Mt View. PlHme la Lumber, Sut. Doors ana *1t kina, of luIMln* Material Rosa-shire, Scotland, in hla 87th year. Mill, Office ana Tarda. North Government Street Victoria. B. 0. '' -■'rr- —e—-- r- ». - awe JÛNX8 tur flat bottom boats, long J. H. Lepage —Meeting called for this evening to The funeral will taluf place W Wednes­ P ladder,, vren-leddef, *tr. IteS Yette iflROGERSONlR day, March l, at 1» p. m., from the reM- terete ttteiUS ■ R. 0. Box 628. Telephone 564. discuss EequtmBlt sewerage will danes.. and 3 o'clock at St. Andrew*" Eye Sight Specialist | | M JOHNSON W I postponed until a date to be announced Presbyterian church. Wanted-: gnti ana : i*iy». appiv vkttele Steaaa Laimdry, Ht Yatea etreet. lmttr. m flower*, by request. Î VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. 18

IfYouAre Not Satiefied With BY DB. FRANK CRANE. Miss Green, formerly Mise Green, formerly ""with" W.' A. Hufray-’ Co,, of Toronto, has Homes Bushnell Co., of Toronto, has OF 13. EES pointed out this taken charge of our taken charge of our THE TEA difference between Con el Department. Corset Department. work and play; that, while both am I . e your grocer is supplying you, ask him for undertaken for MILLIONAIRE SUBMITS | pleasure, In work rthe pleasure le to PLAN TO CONGRESSMEN! come after the exer­ cise,. and . In play the pleasure la In VOONIA the exercise Itself. ;Suggests That the Government | One I* done for I ware*, the other for Take Over Roads and Issue Bonds to People I Wage* are poten­ R. P. RITHET y CO., Limited tial fun, money la A Message DISTRIBUTORS. I condensed pleasure, a dollar la fun-need. Akron, O., Feb. 28 —The railroads fori Some men spend so to YOU the people la the glat of a proposition I much time gathering the seed that they z advanced here by Ohio C Bar- never plant any of It, nor get any fruit, Read It in the full page article in ber, millionaire head of the Ma|tch Work Is never first class until It lie- the March first number of the trust, In one of the most remarkable comes a play. That Is, the finest qual- statementH in recent American politics. I lty of work is that which la done mere- Ladies’ Home Journal regarding Barber yesterday wrote all congressmen | *y for the Joy of doing It. For this ree- your figure and INGERSOLL proposing that the government take I son a “purpose" of any kind Is fatal to V over the railroads, laauing 3 per cent I a work of art. Hence all novels of pur- honds for'all railroad securities. His [pose, all painting Intended to teach a proposal, as advanced to the congress-1 lesson, and all didactic Instruction are men. Is as follows: I l ad art. They are work. This explains “A fair solution of the present rail-I Will ' literature WATCHES road mlxup would Im* U» consolidate all [ - In thfc' hlffliest.--forpis i?f .It* activity the railroads Into one system, cap!-1 the soul always Is at play. Tlv> vlr- taltze them at their present value and tuoao plays the piano, he does not wdrk $1.00 to $2.25 thus give the stockholders and the I It. The good actor plays his part, the bondholders Justice. Provision ought bdd actor works at Itr The The watch that made the dollar famous. to Iw made against any Increase In I whose only aim is the Joy of self-ex- capit&llxatlon with the g.rv eminent Uressioh catches the divine spark. The The Oossard Oo. paid $6,000 for the guaranteeing 3 per cent Interest. TJte I orator bores us while he labors, but bonds under the plan, would be per- l when he begins to be carried away he priTilage of sending this message to rpetbal, and the principal ând fttlerest jtitrrteemi away with him., "'you.'7 If it u worth so much to them REDFERN V SONS , being guaranteed by the government, I Goodness which Is an effort le die- it la worth something to you. It ia la­ they would speedily be valued at con- agreeable, though commendable; when den with vital corset facte. We are slderably above par.. They should be I U flows naturally It Is delightful. The Government Street, Victoria. B. C. Issued In popular denominations from | Bible 1» right. Work le a cursy By eiclnaiva agente'for Goeaard Corsets $26 up, creating for all classes a guar­ Inventions, by social organisation and In Victoria antee through the necessary legislation by the slow maturing of the human [the benefit bf large gold reserves to mind, we are gradually lifting the fortify the Issue. curse and getting all human exertion And we strongly recommend BANKERS' 'The government should have au­ out of the grade of wages Into the that you have one of these thority Jo call at par from any holder | realm of play, mnch-talked-of Corsets fit­ MONEY ORDERS any amount In excess of $1,000,000-and ted to you. The I to distribute It through postofllees, We issue both Canadian postal banka and national banks to and American Bankers’ small subscribers at par and accrued PRICES AS LOW Orders. [Interest. Thus an Ideal Investment FORMER PREMIER Merchants would l>e afforded to workingmen and AS $3.50 I those of limited- means. The Impds [would t»e the safest possible; the SAFETY DEPOSIT would be as remunerative as deposits2 OF HUNfiARV DEAD Bank BOXES TO BENT In the average savings hank, and I w ould be marketable at all times on A secure place for valu­ [the briefest notice. ables. “Such securities might be used also Baron Banaffy, Leader of New of Canada | by national banks to a limited extent, as a basis for their circulation. In Party, Had Stormy Politi­ Established 1864. time, under such a plan, the people SA VINO ; would come to own the railroads." cal Career Capital Paid V» DEPARTMENT Scheme Endorsed. $6,000,000 Deposits of One Dollar re­ Santa Barbara, Cal.. Feb. 28—Gov- ceived. No delay in with­ ernment o*iwn.hlp of *11 railroad, and I nndipnt. t t-TI» death Reserve Funds operation under a elngle ny«tem m-iairo..., e, Premier drawals. •i advocated by O. C. Barber, head of B D*"'dlrou" «anatfy. «-Premier $4,600,000 I the match truat. waa endoraed ye»ter-|of Hungary and leader of the new day by Prealdent E P Ripley, prrel- I***- *1» In no way altect the for SACRIFICES LIFE Victoria Branch. JOINT ACCOUNTS dent of the Atchlaon, Topeka * Kent, mnee of the party, according to men |Ke railroad eyatem. In a atatement to prominent In It to-day. *. r. TAYLOR Two or more persona may I the United Press, Ripley declared that I Baron Panaffy died Sunday and open a joint account and I government ownership and direct con-1 hlx passing marked the end of a TO SAVE HER BABY withdraw indiviually. jtrol would be far batter than the pm*- 1st or my political life. He was born lent by which the government Indirect-! October $8, IMS, at KliusCnburg and lty controls, "without responsibility" I until hi* death had. with more or less I the roads of the country. I regularity, been a member of the hun- Woman Injured in Fire, Crawls “It would not only be much fairer," garlan chamber of deputies. He be- Gorge View Park I said Ripley, "but all hands would pro- came premier in‘IMS and during his Ihrough Snow to Secure I fit by such a move. Barber has long I Incumbency of four years attempted Assistance WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF I advocated such a move. Apparently I to maintain good relations between Ker Addition I he ha* studied the matter carefully I Vienna and the Hungarian people. I from every angle and the conclusions After he had withdrawn from poll- I hé has reached appear to me to be »|t|<* for two years, he founded the [careful, conservative solution of the|new party. He was recently accused Salmon City. Idaho, Feb. 28 — Big sightly lots, clone to the tennimix of the Gorge biggest problem that now confronts the Icf br|nglng out a pamphlet against [Though she saved her baby from Water Ballast [country. the crown, but was freed of the death by freexing. Mrs Joseph Mood ear line, unequalled in Victoria for view, combined "However, government ownership of [charges after an Investigation." toy Is dead here, the victim of with perfect ehelter from prevailing winds. The [ railroads Is a gigantic undertaking and burns and exposure as a result of a fire Lawn Rollers [ should not lightly be dlscuseed or en­ - cheapest lots, advantages considered, and on the dorsed off handed. At present the gov­ MAY END IN DEADLOCK. which burned her cabin home near the ernment control* In a negative way [copper Queen mine. After the cloth .«asieat terms, offered in the city. CAN BE REGULATED TO ANY DESIRED WEIGHT. | the management of railroads. This con-j Helena, Mont.. Feb. 27.—There are Ing had been burned from her body, troi. while K partially regulates, is In- [ eirty four more days left In which to .she crawled two miles through the effective, because the government has l^Hot for United States senator and [deep snow to And her husband that he not the responsibility which would re- [ the situation to-day has much the api suit were railroads under government [ peariincc of a deadlock to the end» Ba*: might ^ ana 4ltf baby Irani dfftth- ==- $275 to $1,000 operation.” [ iu>wed efforts arc being made to break Moodier Is employed as a watchman President Ripley l* spending the win- It. When in the session this forenoon | at the mine. E. G. Prior & Co., Ld., Lty. ter at his home here and had not heard 51 Democrats, which arc enough to ron- When the cabin caught Are the Ono-quartct cash, balance three years at six per cent. of Barber's letter to congressmen re- [ troi the Joint assembly, had signed a woman placed the Infant In a tent VICTORIA, B. O. commending government ownership oft pledge- tp take five ballots to-day, Tuea- nearby, and then re-entered the shack ■rnllroads until told of tt by a United [ day and Wednesday and remain In to secure more clothing for It. The Press representative. [session from Thursday noon until a roof fell In and she was badly burned senator had been elected or the time before she escaped. expired by limitation. She died with her baby In her arms IN DELICATE HEALTH. |soon after her husband had taken her RAILWAY RATE CASE. tack to the tent. Quebec. Feb. 27.—The condition of 8lr[ | Alphonse Pelletier. Lieutenant-Govern - Counsel of Leading"Companies Confer at | JEWEL ROBBERY ON LINER. lor of Quebec, who ia now recuperating New York. | at Atlantic City, Is causing much ânxl-[ Gems Valued at |UMP Stolen From | ety to his friends. It Is feared that New York» heh 28—tSsunsel for the the paralysis by which he was attacked State Room on Hamb'urg-Amer- CANVAS leading railroad* ef the country yesterday ican Steamer. [ some weeks ago Is making further In- secretly conferred here ever the decision BROAD STREET We keep in stock Cotton Canvas in widths from 2 ft. to 6 ft, [ roads on his constitution. Press die- of the interstate commerce commission and in several weights. Also j patches. from Atlantic City to-day refusing permission te Increase freight New York, Feb. 27.—Not a single j stated that he was recovering and that rates. It Is learned authoritatively that clue has yet’been gathered by the po­ j he Is expected to be out In a few day*. there was a disposition to accepl the de­ lice as to the Identity of the thieves HEMP AND FLAX CANVAS | but members of the family here say | rision without n fight. The attorney*. i| who stole $140.000 In from the PLAIN AND WATERPROOFED TARPAULIN that these assertions are exaggerated Is reported, will later confer with, the htate room of Mrs.- Mnldwin Drum­ head* of the railroads. Most of the ses­ mond. formerly Mrp. Mhphall Field, Ward Three HEMP TWINE, MANILA ROPE, ETC. FIRE IN MONTREAL. sion Wiis devoted to a discussion of the Jr., on the Uner Amerlka. The detect­ ronetttuttonaltty o» the Mann-Elkin* law ives believe, however, that the robbery to determine whether to attack its Montreal. F*b. 27 —A Are which broke was committed by a band of expert [ out at half-past 1 o'clock in the iron validity. continental crooks with an American Liberal Association | bed stove foundry of Messrs H. R. Ives as leader This American Is guspeoted St Co., Queen street, gave the lire but so far there is no real reason to lielleve that he was on the vessel at all JOSHUA KINGHAM, t. j. w. mex, [ fighter» a Hard hour's work before, be President. Secretary. E. B. MARVIN & CO. | tng placed under control. Many thou­ V Constipation U die when tlie robbery occurred. sand brass and Iron bed frames, to­ The police point out that the robbery The Shipchandlers. 1202 Wharf Street. gether with valuable stove*, were ren root of many forms of was >a*y They *k^4t wa* well-known j dered wort hie** by the great heat. The1 that Mts. nrumriujnd has a HBffw of JOSH’S JOSHERS [ loss is estimated at $150,600. sickness and of an the sea and never lôcks her state rooms Will Give You UThe Time of Your Life" at Their when afloat, fearing that she might be endless amount of trapped and drowned In case of a col- LOST IN MOUNTAINS. ! Union. i DANDY SMOKER human misery. The Hambura-American nmvlal» to- Canyon City, Colo., Feb. 27.—Thomas [ ilay nay that not the alight»»! trace of Broad Street Hall Jenkins. 26. and Eugene Hawke ye. 17, [ the thieve» or their manner of execut Phone 272 »613 fit N DORA ÀV. art- lost In the mountains near the [ Dr. Morse*» Ing the crime hae yet been found. : Royal Gorge. A hundred men from [ Friday Evening, March 3 Canyon City searched all night and to- j Indian FKACK CONVKRBNl'K. LIMITED day but no trace of them has been [ At 8 o’ClOek. Root Pills, Riverside. Ce'.. Feb «.-With Dr David HHE Two companions became separated [ flterr Jordan, president of the Stanford from the other two and after terrible j University, presiding, the first conference THE BEST EVER We have received our first consignment to Victoria of sufferimisa.made their way home laetj called In furtherance ef Andrew var- Good Music! Good Song,! Good Smoke I J thoroughly tested by negle's universal peace plan wa* opetwAj AUSTRALIAN (UNANDERRA) COKE night. over fifty years of use, [ here yesterday. _ . Good Time! Hr. Jordan welcomed the delegates EVERYBODY COMB. and Argyle No. 1. Pennsylvania Blacksmith's Coal DOMINION RIFLE ASSOCIATION. have been proved a I Other speaker* were: John Burroughs, l llobt. J Burdette, <>. W. Wilder, editor of I Everybody *, and T WacdonaTd, editor of Ask lor oar Prices. Deliveries Promptly made te alt parts of the City Ottawa, Out.. Feb. 28 --At the ar-[ sate and certain cure nual meeting of the Dominion Rifle I for constipation and 1 the Toronto Qlobe. - Association yesterday. Col. 6am Hughes| The conference will be followed by m c enpTT re AUCTIONEER AND | others in different parts of tne United W«s* elected president and -Lieutenant-1 . all kindred troubles. ,0.01 ILElU UPHOLSTERER. The..watt knew HEARD TRUSS, the only • he object being to work up Inter- E reliable one for Children. Ladles and Gentle­ Colonel Prior of "Victoria, vice-presi­ j eat In all sections and to develop Ideas by men. Ask your Doctor or Druggist. dent for,British. Columbia. 8te Fred- Try diem. I which the scheme may be successfully RE-UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY, RUPTURE «***»,* Made and Fitted by • ertek Borden announced (hat seven | 25c. a box. [ carried to completion. Among those st­ Bing Up Phone 2149, or Call at SOS Port Stree T. Mac N. JONES, 1244 F«* ffcr i Thousand new Roes rifles Would be ia» | ir ending, were the China**,consul and Consultation Free. Phone 147$. sued this year. l consul at San Francisco. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, VEBUI AUV 28, 1911. I round argument to ndvnncc Ul eupport- WHOIlllIOLÏ The Daily Times of their' cwwemplataïjeeertloii °? TIKES BOWSER'S principles, they gmep the only escuee Published deny (excepting Day of the House Furnishing T“*"îî w BOARD OKS OUT UK) CO.. LIMITED. narrow minds. They ere seised with Offices...... Corner Brood end Port »'» ■ EELEEI fear and trembling leet closer business Burine,1 Office ...... Sale Wednesday Editor! el U-. ce ...... Phone e relations with the United States may New Election at Same Time as Wednesday heralds the close of the Hoiwefurnmhing Sale, but early shoppers will find SUBSCRIPTION r.ATBS. undermine the loyslty at Canadians to FIRMS DRIVEN OUT BY Dnlly-Clty delivery ...... SOr. per month Council—Householders these departments are replete with bargains as when the gale opened. Wednesday_ 'si list By rosll (excluelre »f dt 1 ...... their own land nnd their motherland THE COMPANIES’ ACT comprises (,'urtaine. Curtain Materials, Parlor Tables, Morris Chairs, 1 arlor Suites, Infants' ...... MW per So the wnbblera Join the ranks of the Must Register Seml-Weehly-By moll (eeelustre of__ Cribs and Carpet and Matting Squares. dtp) ...... B OO per ennam flag-wavers. Moat of these panlcstrlck THREE CURTAINING OPPORTUNITIES POUR FURNITURE REDUCTIONS. Porter» to Unite • Btetee. .1 ertre perjrenr H, C. Brewster Gives the At­ Legislative Press tiahery. Fob. W- Addreee changed no often no deelred. en gentlemen have themselves had The programme which was mapped out ______three TIIREE-PIECE PARLOR SUITES, in early close business connection With Ameri­ torney-General a few of NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS up to the hour the 'fîmes went to press yards long, stronglgy woven, with deep Colonial style. The frames of birch-ms can Institutions, but of course their the Names yesterday was for the royal assent to be hogany are highly polished. Spring seats principles ere so securely established given to the city bill during the afternoon. border pattern and finished with over­ This was altered later, however, as It was handsomely upholstered in beautiful bro­ Notice to Advertisers that nothing savoring of Mammon looked edges Wednesday ...... fl.25 Legislative Press Gallery. Feb. 28 found by the government that It must cade. Wednesday ...... R25.75 could affect their loyalty. make changes In the bill. Home of these Bee Windows. Owing to the rnpldly Increeelnc Accepting the challenge of Attorney- ■re rather Important. PRINTED ART SCRIM, 36 inches wide. cirouletloii of the Ttmee - end the Mr. Lemieux, the Canadian Post General Bowser to point to one single In the caee of the school board. Instead This is this season’s newest curtaining ma­ MORRIS CHAIRS of solid quarter cut oak, outside company which had tmsif to of the three mer.ioers who were re-elected . u rowing demande foe space. It hen master-General, believes that If there either in golden or Early English, Mission become absolutely neoeeenry to da or refused to do business In Britten having to seek election over again the terial, is reversible and comes in a variety Is any absorbing to be done Canada Columbia because of hie Companies whole board muet seek re-election, four I finish. Well filled, reversible velour cush­ piece n limit upon the time nt which for the short term and the other three fori of mission, cathedral and floral designs. changée for advertisements will be will do It. He thinks she might pos­ act of !•!•, IL C. Brewster this after­ ions. Wednesday ...... *6.01» accepted and guaranteed publica­ noon gave him the names of not one Householders and license-holders will! Wednesday ...... 25^ sibly absorb the United States. but of several firms. In doing so the See Windows. tion. Copy for changée muet be have to re-register before March 16, mak-j See Windows. ^ handed In to the bualnerr office not member for Albernl ga>e the House PARLOR TABLES, solid oak, golden finish As we are all so British, why hot some Idea of thé feeling created in the Ir the ugpal statutory declaration. TW later than « p. m the preylope day. ortetmU bill proposed that, the declarations TAH8ELLKD MADRAS MUSLINS, in the ed, IBrineh square toe pith turned legs ArmngemenU for the insertion of Imitate the British government In the old land by this leglslatton, a. dealing which Ifl so strong that tîie Associated made by these two cleewg of voter» last and under shelf. WedhAeday... new advert: «mente muet be made policy which has mads Britain great. October be handed ever to the Commis ! newest novelty patterns. This makes very Chambers of Cômfttérce have WPJ*** CHILDREN’S CRIBS in the best quality before M a. m. day of publication. No onc esn deny that Great Britain «loner who "WlîT cawpttF 'ttie llet; Sot >y| dainty bedroom curtains. Wednesday’s Claael • advertjeetnenu before 1 allied the Colonial Office -and hmt at this new arrangement they will have lees I white enamel, high head, foot and sides, Is every day Increasing her trade, her appeals to the Privy Council, p. m than two weeks—half the usual tlmb-toL prjee n...... with light fillers and heavy pouts. Springs The above rules are made for the Itth. and her prestige, and yet she Mr. Brewster pointed out that the file theft declarations. . attached. Wednesday ...... f4.90 benefit of readers of the Ttmee. who has free, trade. Cheap food for the attorney-general yesterday hadI *4 Additional power which it la declared]] See Windows. mitted that he was trying to build up that the temporary council shall have th-| Inelet upon the paper being deliver­ people Mould he as welcome here ae THREE FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS. ed ee e-rl In the evening ee poe- what was practically A provincial elude, voting of money for school “ elble. tariff wall, which gave protection to park purpeeee, continuation of work —. British Columbia industries* and busi­ the Hooke project, but not letting of con- , REMNANTS OF BRUSSELS CARPET, in TAPESTRY SQUARES, with, interwoven The House of Repreeentatlve» of the ness against the rest of sbe-IX-mlnlow «acte. compteUbT tT tfcè Awesement reft the very heat quality, blues and reds. border. The patterns are in excellent The arguments he had used were the for 1»U and the appointment of a court] When hemmed or finished with fringe state of Indiana has decided that here­ same eld Tory arguments which of revision, completion of the sale of de-J floral designs, on grounds of reds, fawns TORONTO PATRIOTS. after efll male applicants for marriage done duty since Cobden’s time. The benturee. completion of exportation pro­ they will make serviceable and effective - gad greens. Medium light, bright and licensee Shall present to county result ef hi* act, and of his protection, ceedings and widening of Port street.] mata. Half yard long. Wednesday, 75< Nineteen well-known ' Toronto Lib the completion'of any acts necessary under], cheerful coloring» appropriate for any clerk s certificate of health from a would be that the great body of con­ sumer* would be forced to pay higher the railway commission's order fggartilng] ersto, we are told, have placed them­ physician. The opponents of the the old Esquimau road And completion or I JAPANESE MATTING SQUARES, in car­ room. Having a closely wovên surface, prices for goods in order to benefit a selves on record ae oppoaed to reciproc­ measure declared that the passing of any matters affecting the High school| pet designs and colorings. Close weave. making them very durable. Size 3 x 3. few manufacturer*. site. ity with the United States. The names I the hill would rob marriage of Its ro­ The attorney-general had challenged Make a cool, easily-kept-clean floor cover­ Wednesday ..."...... $4.25 him by name to point to a single firm ing for bedrooms or summer, homes. Sise of those Fo-called well-known Liberal* mance. The romancera, however, were I defeated, and the advocates of scien­ which had withdrawn from business 6 ft. x 9 ft. Wednesday...... ■. .gl.OO —- See Windows. have been published In the Conserva here or refused to do business because tific progress won the day- Home ef RAISE TOBACCO ON t|ve pres*, and it must be Aald for them of the new act. In the short time he the Indiana men will now have to ml- that If they have been prominent In had to make Inquiries he had found a .they. oyt. merry. *Hf • flic rotmrthi -nr platfernai «f 4Sal There was. for instance, the Rylands, Liberal party they have succeeded in The report of the annual meeting of of Manchester, who did the largest dry Sale of Women’s goods business In the world, and had Spring Patterns For .keeping theft light* for the greater part the Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Com­ of tlielr lives under a moat accommo­ done business in British Columbia for pany. which will be found on another twenty years, but now refused to con­ Slippers, Wed. $1.65 dât'*g vunhel. U may even be that the page, speaks for Itself of the progress tinue here under this legislation. There One Acre to Be Planted This I Early Men Buyers paenlvencit* of the now active nineteen and stability of a company which has were Adolph Rosenthal, of Londdn; Wednesday morning we offer a very spe­ accounts to some extent for the torpid­ Richardson Lee Ctv of Manchester; the Year as Experimental Our stock of Men’s Spring Suits is now just come of age and is celebrating Its cial bargain in Women’s Slippers. ity of liberalism in the otherwise pro- Hayes Candy Co.. Marlett A Arm­ complete in quantity and quality. We have twenty-first birthday. Like cities, com­ strong. of Oakville ; Greenshaw, of Crop PATENT LEATHER OR GLAZED KIDS, )) greeelvc city of Toronto. It la a con­ panies grow with accellerated speed as Manchester; Herbert White worth, of just received a special shipment to be spe­ with or without etrajie over instep. Also siderable number of years since a Lib­ they advance. The Pacific Coast Pire In­ Manchester; . Thorpe A Edmundson, cially priced for Wednesday. This is a Pnmp styles, with ankle strap. High or eral wus elected to parliament from Ogden A Madley, A. A. Ayer A Co., of Oabrlola Island, near Nanaimo. Is I surance Company should very soon be a Montreal; Hodgson Brothers A Raw- splendid opportunity to the man who wants low heels. Wednesday ...... $1.05 that atronghotd of Toryism. Possibly to have a tobacco farm. A Nanaimo million dollar company, for It has al­ son. of Montreal ; Rose. Laflamme A the longest wear from a new suit. SOME OF THE NEW SPRING STYLES. the environment In which the nineteen ready reached the three-quarter million Co., of Montreal, and Coca-Cola, of At­ syndicate Intends to make some ex­ periments there this year and has seceder* have lived hn<1 moved and had mark and Is advancing very rapidly lanta, Georgia. These were but a few. MEN’S SUITS in the latest spring styles. BUTTON BOOTS, in suede, velvet or cra­ their political being has had something taken the advice ef J. Holman, a to­ ven ette, #6.00 and ...... $5.00 •wrjwf.* ...... 7 " bacco expert of Kelowna, who says the Finely tailored. New patterns, in mix­ to do with theft secession. But, be that ess. soil there la all right tor the purpose. tures of greens, browns and grey». Wed­ BUTTON BOOTS, with cloth top* and pat­ as it may. ther^ Is no dmfbt that the Ttu Col list speaks of the confusion SILVER SERVICE FOR The syndicate has agreed to plant nesday ...... ent leather, <6.00 and ...... • $4.00 one acre to Wisconsin tobacco, and Mr. nineteen are prominent business men. Into which the London Times and MEN’S STRONG TWEED WORKING TAN CALF BOOTS, in button or laee 0)^50 Some of them ere even said to be mtl- Donald Macmaster. M. P.. have fallen Holman will advise that one half of and —...... $4.00 -1 lona 1res. and if that Is the caae there the ground be planted on about May PANTS, heavy material and strongly In their discussion of the reciprocity POPULAR OFFICIAL •H, the balance on June 1, In order to | sewn. Wednesday ...... $1.25 PATENT LEATHER BOOTS, many styles is little difficulty ' In understanding agreement between Canada and the arrive at a conclusion as to the proper in button and lace, <5.50 and...... $4.00 their attitude. Having provided so well BOYS’ JOCKEY CAI’S, in tweeds and fancy United States. Is our contemporary time in the year to put the seed In the worsteds. All new shades and patterns. VELVET PUMI’S, entirely new patterns. for themselves under the system at quite sure that it is not also somewhat ground, and will also advise later re­ Price $5.00 R, W, Clarke Recipient of Gift garding curing the crop. etc. Regular 25c. Price ...... lift , present prevailing, it is only natural befogged In Its understanding of the At Kelowna there 1» now an area 1 PATENT LEATHER AND TAN CALF for them to look upon any proposed From His Confreres in BOYS’ BUSTER AND RUSSIAN SUITS, matter? If It were clear In Its fnlnd of about 110 acres to tobacco, and the in fancy tweeds and fancy trimmings. PUMPS, short stage toe ...... $4.00 change as a change which at least why does It speak of concessions grant­ King's Printer's Office results have been so satisfactory and BLACK SUEDE BUTTON OXFORD SHOE. stand* a chance of being for the worse, more capital being required, that a Price ...... $3.50 ed the United States by the abolition MEN’S TWEED SUITS, in single-breasted Price ...... -...... -.85.00 not for the better. If that is their view, | of the duties on Ifcgrtaln import*, and Vancouver syndicate has Interested it- ] self extensively In the Kelowna buel- SUEDE PUMPS, black or brown. $3.50 they can no longer feel at home In the A very pleasant little Incident broke long lapel effects. Three button sacks, the reduction of the duties on others, large assortment of patents and shades. PATENT LEATHER BUTTON OXFORD ranksI anno v»or In the" -front...... of a party which from the United States to Canada? A thé routine of dally work In the King’s SHOES -,...... $4.00 standsa for. ‘ VprogrWMH-whpg®______raknao nrlncloleSprinciples Printer’s department this morning. Price ...... $10.00 thorough understanding of the subject After an honofabte service of twenty- JEALOUS MAN'S SUICIDE. 50 OTHER STYLES, all good, all HOW. all do iv.t admit that as yet Ideal r<>n,T'- MEN’S SUITS of blue clay worsteds, single- must convince anyone that in abolish­ three years In the public service Rob .Shot Himeelf In Presence of His Bride I distinctive. tions have been attained. Therefore the ing or reducing imposts Canadians are ert W. Clarke, chief clerk In tb« de breasted, three-button- styles...... $15.00 of Four Days. I,, natural political habitat of the nine­ making concessions to themselves. That pgrtment, to-day leaves the depart teen Is amongst Canada’s stan4P®Uera- ment to engage In business on his own i is to say, they are reducing the taxes account, and the occasion wa* taken Eureka. Cal., Feb. M.—Insane Jeal­ It is quite a natural thing for indi­ they have hitherto 'been paying. - We advantage of by his colleague* to make ousy Of Ms bride of four day» prompted viduals who have laid up much store fail to say "in what other light the 1.1m a presentation In testimony of theft John Ellin to kill himeelf In her P ren­ once. Since he fell dying nt her feet the Three Specials From the Silk Department That of worldly goods to “view with alarm” question can be regarded. esteem. This took the form of a very handsome solid silver tea-service. young woman hae been hyeterlcal. anything In the nature of a fiscal Threatening her with death If she re­ change. Not that *uch standpatters are This is Shrove .Tuesday, the day pre The staff assembled this morning Should Not Be Overlooked around the veteran King's Printer. Lt.- fused Elite compelled hie wife’s aunt, selfish above all other men. They ceding the commencement of the Col. Wotfenden. C.M.O., and Hon. Dr. Mrs Roy. to bring his bride Into his 500 YARDS NEW LIBERTY SILK, in Paisley designs, for dr*pcs, waists and slim^T simplv display a natural human trait. Lenten season. It was formerly the Young, the minister under whom the preeence to eee him lire a «hot Into hie They are well fixed, and they fear that day on which shrift or confession was Minting office comes, when the colonel brain. The rujelde was the result of a read the following address on their be­ quarrel In which Elite accused hi. wife 1 .(kÏ'iTaKuVNATCRAL TOMBEE.'34* hmhes wule This m“"y '' if the system became unfixed, the made. The season of Lent, which will of ha vins received eome trivial atten­ change might be for the worse. They commence toi morrow and corfHmnf tor half: tion. from another man. Bills came “Robert Wilson Clarke. designs. argue that as far as they are concerned forty days until the commencement of Chief Clerk of the Government from San Francisco.______^.n, ^nfsi^nne and Broemlcs, in all shades and jarge variety of no alternative system could me better. Holy Week, the week preceding Eos- Printing Department: asked to form They are seised wUh ttmidity aA thu tW, And Which culminates In” Goo-1 "Dear Sir: Your fellow-workers 111 CABINET. thlJ deoartihent beg to express their re­ very idea of a change of clrcuihstances Friday, is among good Churchmen of I Parla Feb. IS—The president la which have worked so well from their gret that you are leaving the pleasant j finding great difficulty In securing a either the Romish. Greek, or Anglican association* so long and mutually personal point of view. Having no enjoyed, to undertake duties else­ cabinet to take up the rain, where (Premier Briand laid them down. a ~ V* - tu where. • We wish you with all our hearts the l.losen successor, to Brland are meo: DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED utmost success and prosperity In your tloned. chief among them being Comité» stnd Dsicsxsa...... ______vocation, and trust that you -may * At | ' i Clarke’s service on behalf of himself As the m^tormnn clrorlv we* having a fit. and the government, and while he. re­ Ov'n- nniiow*' fh" WMlows’ Th«* Wtl- gretted that the.public service was los­ FORESTERS’ HAL^f ° ing such an efficient o'ficla1 he wish d 1 now whv do von a't / t him ivory success in hie future bus! wHlerws* tif w.ttewq; the WM- VIEW ST. 1415 Broad Street i] V. I. COAL ness career. ..Te 4/ra. "irraops of Mofy.” I cried. Mr. Clarke responded sultablv. thank 40=Ft Frontage. Excavated ing hie confrere* n^t -mlv fer fhle tree .H» ta» <*f -ray «fffind'og for hours bv ent gift but for all their past kind­ VOMW -«do»" Tin Best on the Merket nesses towards him. He recalled brief WtweJ Smoker on Friday, March 3. did because he saw a mriv remunerv 618 . ttve future to the business he Was en­ •T^, „ n» *K- w»eaa»«»e« 0» «VPd at 8 p.m. l is now ot-wig ... „ Reports reaching here, to-day are tering. ŸÂTES large artfiÿ 6f rebels !» mobilis­ Some beautiful fUwera Wdrfc_ gent by ât aver the Artsona line from the provincial secretary and Mrs. ST. Young for Mrs. Clarke. • ,. » ik . «*.*♦ *>-'4 »»’”» j. McIntosh, m, and It is believed thaï c. train marks the beglnnlr Mr. Clarke is entering ft»t< partm-r- Fhlp with W. O. Wallace, as Wsltwe A v., • ji.erif. fv-- Thre Issmwsr Convener. ,... -rMlpn» in the vicinity, k, . «, —'. — - --- JBSCRIBE FOB THETIMES—DO IT NOW! T - rfl wrros TRnrttt ur t™—- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY,, KEDRÜARYjMgll * ****************** LOOK rat MAN TAKES LOCAL HEWS JE Home Made Maraiilide ♦♦♦ ********* ♦*■*'*♦ A RECORD SHOW HIS LIFE IN Now Is the time to make your Marmalade. —Do not forget that you can get express or truck at any hour you may BEST SEVILLE ORANGES, large size, 35c wish. Always keep your checks until per dozen, or 3 dozen for...'...... «1.00 you have seen us. as we will save you George Gangster Makes Early Glyn Elden Edwards, an Eng the 10c on each trunk you have to pay V baggage agents on bains and boats Attack Upon the Fair lishman Hangs Himself at We will check your baggage from your City Prison With Towel hotel or residence, also clore it Bee us Arrangements ACTON BROS. before you make your rrangementa. Telephone 1001 Wide-awake Grocers. « We guarantee to satisfy everyone on price and the way we handle your APlayer Piano George Rangster. the energetic sec­ While confined In the cLy prison after goods We consider it s favor if you having been brought In from the Hill­ will report any overcharges or Incivil retary of the Victoria Exhibition, has An inexhaustible source of side avenue jail and awaiting removal ity on the part of our help. Th* IM Bmmms taf* enjoyment to its owner. Un- • taken time by the forelock In getting lo the asylum at New Westminster. INDEPENDENT OP ALL COMBINES Pacific Transfer Company. into harness-for the work of making Gwyn Elden Edwards, a young Eng In the spring time, and as It cir­ •Phone 149. 90 Fort Bt limited in its scope of amuse­ culâtes through the body spreads ment. New pieces are con­ arrangements for the forthcoming iishman from Devon, yesterday at mischief everywhere. As a blood about 5.15 p. m., committed suicide by -You can deposit your money at 4 ■how. Yesterday he gathered about purifier and spring tonic stantly added to its reper­ hanging himself with a roller towel i per cent. Interest with The B. C. Per­ him a number of his henchmen for BOWES* CASCARA, toire. Even a child can play from one of the beams in the city pri­ THE WORLD’S BEST manent Loan Company and be able to it. We caii provide just the the year and. even thus early, succeed­ son. An inquest Is being held this BURDOCK AND CELERY withdraw the total amount or any por­ ed In enthusing them with the Work afternoon. tion thereof without notice, - Cheques Player Piano you’ll like in Is exactly what Is needed. It to be overtaken. The deceased had made previous at­ AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE qre supplied to each depositor. Paid up the “Gerhard Heintzman’’ clears the skin and tones up the The meeting was of the most opti­ tempts to take Mb Ufa And admitted nervous system. $1 per bottle at capital over 91,000.000. assets over 99,- or the Helming. w tteexa before hJu death to jJuperintend- TVls is what we always seek -to constantly offer eur ( customers. 000.000. T Branch office. 1210 e Govern- mistic character, and oplnioa .wew- this atore. freely expressed that the show this eut of Provincial Police F. S. Husaey. These appended below are things we know and can well reconwrend; j inent_ Street. Victoria. B. C. Easy Tonus, if You Wish. Just such godds that the hospitable housewife likes to keep pn hand. A year, would he a financial record-, He bore on lits throat the marks of a crm e. Bowes, ch*»i«t breaker." The business accomplished' raaoc eUi jm4 on- hU wrist ahealedln*. They an- geod and pure and — well prepa red. aa Lbougb m*** ™ > 1229 Government Street. I —A dance will be held at the Royal was that very necessary adjunct to a piston made bÿ sclsêors’. He had At­ own honw under personal supervision: Oak hall on Thursday, March 1, at 8 function of the kind, the appointing cf tempted tn both Instances to sever the o'clock. Orchestra, Bantly and Behl. arteries He told the superintendent, Dd Monte Itrand, fined And bent of Fletcher Bros. committees. The following committees were appointed: - when the latter questioned him as tc all Uabfv-nia Fruits Western Canada’s Largest the reason for wishing to die. that he —Members of the Metropolitan Bun Homes—E. Henderson, C. Moses and Sliced Ix'nuMi Cling IVai-hea } Per Tin 25c day School orchestra are notified that Music House. Leonard Tail. wo* miserable...... there will be no rehearsal held this 1231 Government Street. Hs was bçlng detained at the city Aprieotn. Peara, and Pure Hoary Cattle—F. Bishop, F. Quick and H. police station until last night when he Bonsall. wn» under the order Issued by Dr. Sheep and Swine—Dr. Watt and Dr Hetmcken to have been taken to the NOEL S AFTERNOON TEA GOODS —The Henry George Association will Tolmle. meet to-night In the K. of P. hall at 8 ssyhim at New-Westminster. Edwards No Higher Quality Preserves Are Poultry—W. Nachtrleh. had been In British Columbia only a fp. m. Alexander Riach will make an Agricultural and Horticultural—E. Obtainable. address on political economy. —In consequence of the Hoffman re­ few months, having come from Eng­ . Wallace. James A. Grant. ;T. Bry- land. and since his arrival here had Artemi *m Tea, Pea<‘h Marmalade... cital taking place on -Thursday neat don. F. Bere. W. Noble. Jotm Sher- been employed on a ranch at fowichan. Jelly Marmalade ...... P. —For allowing his horse to walk the usual weekly rehearsal of the hourne. across the sidewalk when delivering He shawed signs of unmtstAkable In­ Strawberry Jain ...... PROCURABLE Ladles’ Choral society has been ad­ anity and wax confined to the Jail at Par Jar 35c milk in James Bay district, C. King, I. O. O. T CONCERT. Raspberry Jam ...... milk vendor, was fined 85 by MAgls- vanced from that date to this evenln*. Duncan. Later he was removed to the Hillside avenue Jail, where the exam Aprlvot Jam ...... Itrate Jay In the police court yesterday. A concert under the auspices of Dlnsdale and Malcolm, coa tractors, inatlon took place and where Dr. Helm Greengage Jam...... —Bunding permits were Issued yes­ Triumph lodge No. T9 will be given in even made out the necessary papers Red Current Jam ...... were fined 116-for. leavlng bulldlng ma­ terday by the Witting Inspector to the Soldiers* nnd SaUfirs' Home. Esqui­ King William terial on the street at night without a for hi" commitment to the asylum. Yes­ ...... 60< Thomas Nell for a dwelling to he mau. to-night, commencing at 8 p. m. terday afternoon he was brought? t« the Young Stem tilnger, j>er globe .... I light. erected on Bumalde road to coat 11,000; Admission is free and a collection will city preparatory to being conveyed on Ma< edolne lie F>uile* per globe, 81.00 or ...... 60# ...... 60# to C. B. Metiger. dwelling on Walnut be taken to defray the necessary ex- the night boat to the mainland. He Iurge Red Clu*rrk*s, globe,'"$ 1.60 or .... ! iv -~OiUr Point 1# About to orgy!*»a; Ukote Ktrewbacrles, per globe ..... , ,er* .* 91.00 -pntSHi: A‘ghmee sf thp -progm-mme i branch of the Vancouver Island De­ street -ttrmw-M.IWr *» Byl-eeter HcciipTetl à c*n With TWO -other prison Company, stable and carriage house on will convince anyone of the treat In IMn. appU Chunks hi Jelly, Jar ...... 66< A blend of the rarest selected old velopment league. This district baa rs, but had access to the prison yard North Park street. to cost $1.000; to W. store for them If they attend. Dr ami corridor». Unnoticed by the oth­ Cherries In Marawhlno, bottle. 9.1.00, ...... 35^ Brocth Whiskies to be found In heretofore been amalgamated for G. Mitchell, dwelling on Victor street, iHtb An l yrup, bottle y . ..V; ...... 66< publicity purpose* with the Sooke Lewis Hall Is expected to takeeithe ers he obtained the towel, and fasten­ Scotland, pronounced by expftts $1,600; to J. Moggey. dwelling on Hey- chair, The programme Is as follows: ing one end to the roof beam, he placed [district, but those Interested n6w wood avenue, to cost. $2,760. to be singularly rich in those consider that a separate branch 1s ne- Pianoforte Solo...... Selected the other round his throat, kicked Noel’s Aristrocrat Sardines in Glass Dishes HUM Harcourt. away a chair on which he stood and compounded ethers—only devel­ , cessary In view of the development ex­ —Owing to the overcrowded condi­ Solo- ...... » . The Skipper of 81. Ives ended his life. Shortly before his des­ Sardines a la Tomato ...... oped In the finest spirits by great pected with the building of the Cana­ tion of the provincial jail at Net A. E. Cave. perate act Jailer Allen had been talking tj dian Northern Pacific Railway. M. Westminster the jail at Nanaimo which Hardtnes au Cirri ...... age—which Impart the delicacy Duet...... A Spring Song to the man and he seemed In fair Emerson is actively Identifying himself ha» been closed for a number of years, Sardine» au Citron ...... «.. of flavor and constitute the ele­ Misses Palmer. spirits. The two prisoners in "the Jail with the organisation work. has been re-opened and a batch of Sardines aux Truffe» ...... - Solo...... • My Kindred Soul heard no sound and kn»‘W nothing of Per Glass 60c gance of bouquet so much prised prisoner* to the number of thirty has Sardines aux A«-hards . *...... H Merry. the occurrence until the discovery was by connoisseurs. To the gour­ been transferred to 1L Another Sardim-s a I'llulle ...... *. Recitation ...... Selectedmade some minute* later by the Jailer, met it Is offered as a substitute twenty-five prisoner» will be trans Itev. T. W. Gladstone. who discovered the body hanging while KKVIl I.i: OIIXNGKM FOR HtHMAtillF for the old liqueur Brandies During the month of March ferred as soon as possible. The work making big round". of re-fltUng and Improving the Nan Solo ...... Fleeting Day» j„et arrived,—U«e genuine Seville Fruit. Klmlly plnec order» early shipped from Cognac prior to It will pay you to patronise almo jail la under the charge of Jailer Mr». J. W. Lksle WEATHER BULLETIN. for these. . the destruction of the vineyards the Independent Grocery, Hunter of-the staff Jft the Victoria Je#. Roto ...... Selected of phylloxera. Call for King T. Watson, of the Victoria Jail staff, Rev W. Baugh ATTen. ; Daily Report Furnished by the Victoria corner Cook and North Park Solo...... William IV..V.O.P. at any first has been appointed first Jailer. Jailer Meteorological Department. street,. We sell highest Hunter Is officiating as acting warden R. Morrison. class hotel, bar. cafe or club. H. 0. KIRKHAM & GO. Ld. Pianoforte Solo ...... Victoria* F. b 38.-9 »• m - The va*» Your dealer can supply you for quality Goods at lowest pos­ Solo...... * - .-Mona western field of high pressure has con­ home use. I sible Prices. Miss B. Palmer. centre over British Columbia while the Qiee...... HwJet and Low train body of the area I* central over the Grocery Store Butcher Shop Liquor Store Royal Household Flour,, per Members of Bt. Paul's Choir Middle Went and Mississippi valley states. A LOT FOR Rain has fallen In California and snow is Phone 178-179. Telephone 3678. Telephone 3677. sack...... «1.90 Recitation...... *„»•- • * ■ PITHER&LFISER Solo...... ■■■•■...... Selected falling In Colorado and Kansas. Ktne Snow Flake Flour, per sack Mr». W. K. Partleton. weather conditions are very general m Wholesale Agents for A LITTLE low temperature* continue throughout the 741, 743 and 746 Port Street. Can Stop at the Door ...... «1.80 Solo ...... British Columbia Prairie Pride Flour, per By which we mean that we H. Merry. prairie provinces. sack...... «1.75 execute all kindr of Solo...... Selected Forecasts. R. Morrison. For 38 hours ending 6 p. m. Wednesday Castle Brand Flour, per Victoria ami vicinity—Light to moderate sack ...... r. ..«1.05 PRINTING northerly and easterly winds, continued 20-lb. Sack Huger.. .«1.15 —The Ladles' Aid Society and the fine, with frost at night. of the highest quality at the Women's Missionary Society of First Ixower Mainland—Light to modern KEYS ^ Finest Creamery Butter, 3 lowest price possible. Presbyterian church will meet In the winds, continued fine with frost at nigit SUTTON’S SEEDS IÏML for ... .SI .00 school room at $ p^m. to-morrow. Reports at » s. m. looks and repairs Salt Spring Island Butte*, Victoria—Barometer, 80.3»; tempera tore per lb...... 50# —The final dress rehearsal for the 84; minimum. 30; wml. milles N.; wentn ROWEBOTTOM Temple of Fame will be held In the FLOWER, FARM AND VEGETABLE WAITES â KNAPTON Victoria Creamery Butter, Victoria theatre on Wednesday at 1 p. 'vnncouvgj'—Barometer. *0W: tempera ALL QUITE FRESH. «10 Pandora. Cor. Oov't TeL *48». per lb...... 50# & CAMPBELL m. AH those taking part are requested turc. 28; minimum. 28; wind, calm; W3*tn to attend on time. Capital City Creamery, 3 Careful Printers erk am loops -Barometer. »»: tempera­ In Messrs. Sutton’s own packets bearing their nam* lbs. for ...... «1.00 ture. 12; minimum. 12; wind. 4 miles *»•w 1014 Bread »t ' —Rev. Dr. Reid will deliver an ad­ and trade mark. Best Japan Rice, 5 lbs. 25# weather, dear. « PEMBERTON BLOCK dress in the Congregational school flan Franclsco— Harometer. tem­ Tapioca. 4 lbs. for...... 25# room this evening on "The Origin, perature. 42: minimum. 4»: wind. |8 miles A. J. WOODWARD Sago, 4 lbs. for...... 25# Thought and Action of Congregation­ g. e. ; rain. .14: weai-er. rain. 615 Fort Street. S >le A gen ta for British Columbia. al." The affair is under the auspice* of Edmonton—Barometer. *>.28; the Men's Own, and members will lure. 20; minimum. 2; wind. « miles B. W : gladly welcome all who care to hear weather, c*earN E. B. Jones the address. „ Wl.mlpe*-Bl : '«DEPENDENT OROGER. ,ure. 2; minimuA Kbclow: wln been the result of the Fifth Used in Place of Lath and Plaster writer. on hand for ml# or rent Our Washed Nut Coal, a nice Inside residential property lias Just Regiment Hand, under the conductor- Carbon Paper, a box up from pictures. ablp of Bandmaster Roger», playing at clean fuel for cook stoves and ...... *1.00 been put through the 'market, 65 acres CAR LOAD JUST ARRIVED. stoves generally. in Oakland» being sold by Watson the Aesembly rink, Fort street on Wed­ 8apk Lump Coal for gratea Typewriter Clarke for 1100,000 The property com­ nesday evening»,; Mr. PowrU. the ea- CALL FOR SAMPLE*. ~ *8.00 prises good level land, and It is under­ terprlslng and popular manager, has Large Lump Coal for open fire­ Baiter t Johnson Co. decided to engage It again for to-mor­ places'and furnaces. stood to be the Intention of the pur­ LIMITED. chasers to subdivide and again place on row evening. On the prevlou» Wed­ At Current Rates. » G. C. HOWELL the market. This sale 1» Indicative of nesday the rink was crowded to the ut­ 121, Langley Street. Phene 17*0. 721 Yates St. Phone 730. the growing interest In acreage at the most capacity and the splendid music played, add much'to the evening's en­ WALTER S. FRASER & CO., Ld Also Agents for north end of the city. joyment. Special music will be played telephone a P. a DRAWER 76»« B. C. Anthracite Coal. to-morrow evening and all those at­ tending can be assured of a treat.

—Bishop MacDonald, Bishop Perrin, J. Kingham & Co. Rev H. A. Carson and A. J. Brace have been appointed a committee by Phono 94T. =NEW= the Victoria branch of the Canadian Bargains in Second-Hand Cycles Office, 1803 Breed Street. industrial Peace Association to secure, 1 Ariel English Wheel, $26 1 Perfect Wheel...... $30 représentai Ives of organised labor on 1 RndgewSSwth Wheel $36 1 Recycle Wheel...... $25 OUR METHOD—20 sacks to the BICYCLES the board of directors These must be ton and 106 pounds of coal In married men. with an Interest In the 1 IverJohnson Wheel. $20 1 Recycle Wheel...... $20 city. Matters of finance are being con­ 1 Cornell Wheel...... $18 1 OenUar Wheel...... $36 - English and sidered by the directors, and another meeting will be held on Monday at I All in First Class Order. Canadian p m. The matter of sending a delegate New All Steel Raleighs, with 3 speed and oil bath...... $86.00 to the Pacific Coast Industrial Peace Call and inspeet them at PRICES FROM convention will be considered. Quality and —How far the Canadian Pacific HARRIS & SMITH Railway Company carries marine In­ 1330 Broad Street. ^ surance on good» freighted from Vic­ Variety $35 to $100 toria either to Vancouver points or to the Interior la shown In a communica­ REPAIRING, tion just received by the board ol WE HAVE BOTH. trade. It te pointed out that a number C*kea for Afternoon Recep­ ALL KINDS of freight tariffs now carry rates which Include ordinary marine risks, This tion!. — • — SEE OUR MASSEY-HARRIS CYCLES, with coester brakes, steel rims arid rand applies only ta the rar ferry barge tram. Parties supplied on short Ladysmith' to Vancouver or vice versa. notice. at ...... The company points out that shippers BEST ENGLISH WHEEL in the city at...... must show the total value of eaqjl con­ WE SELL OLIVER TYPEWRITERS to, per d*y ------*»•**-*•“—'*' signment on the face of the hill of lad­ «arngr TZT ing and further that this Information Johnson Hirer* must lie transferred to the way bill. ( Morrison&Co The freight may be reported for Insur­ THOMAS PLIMLEY ance purposes by the -agent- at the (Mini Bakery. *’*“* ***■ "ip YOU GET IT AT PLIMLEY’8, IT’S ALL RIGHT.” points of transfer to the barge THFTIMFS—DO IT Nil! ) MO VATKH ST. PHONE MM- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911. BlookIe IIINSANE iVfll VL MANif* fill TAKES1 flllhw LOCAL i Hfô LIFE Vi JAIL —Do not forget that you can get Now is the time to make your Marmalade. express or truck at any hour you may BEST SEVILLE ORANGES, large size, 35c wish. Always keep your checks until per dozen, or 3 dozen for...... 81-00 you have seen us, as we will save you George Gangster Makes Early Glyn Elden Edwards, an Eng­ the 10c on each trunk you have to pay tr baggage agents on tialns and boa ta Attack Upon the Fair lishman Hangs Himself at We will check your baggage from your City Prison With Towel hotel or residence, also ctore It Bee Arrangements ACTON BROS. before you make your rrangementa Telephone 1M1 Wide-awake Grocers. M0 Yale# Street We guarantee to satisfy everyone price and the way we handle your APlayer Piano gooda We consider It a favor If 1 Oeorge Fangster, the energetic sec­ While confined In the cKf prison after wUl report any overcharges or Incivil­ retary of the Victoria Exhibition, has 'taxing been brought in from the Hill An inexhaustible source of side avenue Jail and awaiting removal The Weed Beeeaes lexers ity on the part of our help. taken timwYTy the forelock in getting Pacific Transfer Company. enjoyment to its owner. Un­ to the asylum at New Westminster. In the spring time, and as it cir­ INDEPENDENT OF ALL COMBINES •Phone 341. 60 Fort Bt limited in its scope of amuse­ into harness tor the work of making Gwyn Elden Edwards, a young Eng­ culates through the body spreads arrangements for the forthcoming lishman from Devon, yesterday at mischief everywhere. As a blood ment. New pieces are con­ —You can deposit your money at show. Yesterday he gathered about ubout $.15 p. m., committed suicide, by purifier and spring tonic stantly added to its reper­ hanging himself with a roller towel per cent, interest with The C. Per­ him a number of hip henchmen for BOWES’ CASCARA, toire. Even à child can play from one of the beams In the city prl manent Loam Company and be .able to the year and, even thus early, succeed THE WORLDS BEST won. An inquest is being held this BURDOCK AND CELERY withdraw the total amount or any por it. We can provide just the ed in enthusing them with thé work afternoon. In exactly what is needed. It tlon thereof without notice. Cheques Player Piano you'll like in are supplied to eaoh depositor. Paid up t.. be overtaken. The deceased had made previous at­ AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE clears the skin and tories up the the “Gerhard Heintzman’’ tempts to take hie life and admitted nervous system. $1 per bottle at capital over $1,000.000. assets over $•,- or the “Behniug.’* Thé meeting was of the most opti­ 000.000. Branch office. 1216 GdVfltti- mistic character, and the opinion was these before his death to Superintend­ -; Tills Is what we always seek to constantly offer our customers. this store. ent of Provincial Pdllve F. ». Hussey. rnent Street, Victoria, B. Ç. „ ___ * Easy Terms, if You WUh- y freely expressed that the show this These appended below are thing* we know and can well recommend; l CTIOS H. I8WES, ttwehrt >ëàr would be AT financial record- He bor« on his throat the 'marks of a just such goods*4hat the hospRttW housewife- 4tke* keep -on- hand. .... breaker. The business accomplished razor cut and on hi* wrist a henle 122S Government Street. , —A dance will be held at the Roÿal rjHlon .rriadf by v scissors. He had at­ Oak hall on Thursday. March I, at 8 was that very .necessary adjunct to own hi.nw under personal.supervision: function of ths kind, the appointing cf tempted In both instances to sever the clock, orchestra, Bantly and Behl. Del Monte Brand, finest and best of * Fletcher Bros. committees. The following committees arteries. lie told the superintendent, were appointed; when the latter questioned him M to all California Fruits j .., —Members of the Metropolitan Sun­ Western Canada's Largest the reason f«r wishing to die, that he -R Henderson, C Moses and Sliced LohMMi Cling PrkffiH ...... ) Per Tin 25c day School orchestra are notified that Munit' Hone#. Leonard Tail. wos miserable. there will be no rehearsal held this 1331 Government Street. Cattle—F. Bishop, F. Quick and fc. He was being detained nt the city Apricots. Peers, and Pure Honey .. week. police station until last night when he Bonsai!. v O w.ns under the order issued • by Dr. ^ SrTfie Henry George Association will Sheep and Swine—JJr Watt and Dr. NOEL’S AFTERNOON TEA GOODS .Tolmle. - «"««R He I me ken to have been taken to the VERY---- OLDEST meet to-night In the K. of P. hall'at 8 àsÿTùm at Sow WeSffiilnster. Edwards No ~ Higher Quality Preserve* . Alexander Rlach will make an Poultry—W. Nachtrieh. had been 4n British Columbia only Obtainable. address on political economy. —In consequence of the. Hoffman re­ Agricultural and Hortlcultural-TrllL few months, having -come, from Eng­ Wallace, James A. Grant. T. Bry land. and since hie arrival here had Afternoon Tea, Peach Marmalade cital taking place on Thursday next don. F. Sere. W. No hi ?, john Sher P For allowing his horse to walk been employed^on a ranch at Cowlchan Jelly Marmalade ...... the usual weekly rehearsal of the bourne. H< shewed signs of unmistakable In across the sidewalk when delivering Straw berry Jam ...... PROCURABLE milk in James Bay district, C. King, a Ladies’ Choral society has been ad­ antty ami was confined to the Jail at I. O. O. T. CONCERT. Per Jar 35c milk vendor, was fined; $5 by Magis­ vanced from that date to this evening. Duncan. Later he was reproved to the Raspberry Jam...... trate Jay In the police court yesterday. Hillside avenue Jail, where the exam Apricot Jam of Dlnedale and Malcolm. . contractors, A concert under the auspices Ination look place arid where Dr. Helm Greengage Jam...... ;...... —-Rallding permits were Issued yes­ 'TMutnytir lodge Nh. It wilt be given in were fined $10 for leaving building ma­ cwen made emt the necessary papers Red Currant Jam ...... King WHUam terial on the street at night without a terday by the building Inspector to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Esqui­ for hi* commitment-to the asylum. Yes­ light. Thomaa Nell for a dwelling to be mau, to-night, commencing at 8 >p terday afternoon he was brought to the Young Stem Ginger, per globe .,...... , BOf erected on Burnside road to coat $1,000; Admission Is free and a collection will city piififiluff t>. being eofiveyed on Mac ctlolnc de Fruit», per globe. $V00 or...... GOf to C. E. Metzger, dwelling on Walnut be taken to defray the necessary ex the night boat to the mainland. He I «urge Red t hcrric-M. globe, $1.00 or...... BOf IV ; -rQWrJPslBll J#> a^out to organize a Street ebet -tè S*0veetei:. Jfeeâ branch of the" Vancouver Island De­ A - glance • afthc programme Whole Strawberries, per ltiob«w: : .. . .V...... yi.OO ▲ blend of the rarest selected old velopment league. ' This district 1 Company, stable and carriage house on will convince anyone of the treat tea,. but had at cesr to the prison yard riiivapplv Chunks In J«4ly, Jai* ...... »...... BOf North Park street, to cost $1.000; to. W. Scocth Whiskies to be found in heretofore been amalgamated for st'T'- for them If they attend T>r and tCilrldorw Vnnotlced by the oihr Cherries In Marasc-hlno, bottle. $1.00, 6B« or ...... O. Mitchell, dwelling on Victor street Lewts Hall la expected to take the # rs ho obtained tho towel, and fasten-l i'tiçe In Lyrup, bottle ...... i...... t. d...... 60< Scotland, pronounced by experts publicity purposes with the Sooke district, but those interested now 11,600; to J. Moggey, dwelling on Hey chair. The programme la as follows ,ng one end to the roof beam, he placed to be singularly rich In those consider that a separate branch is ne wood avenue, to c»st $2,760. Pianoforte Solo . ------Selected kh-kf -1 compounded ethers—only devel cessary in view of the development ex­ away a chair on which he stood and Noel’s Aristrocrat Sardines in Glass Dishes —Owing to tjie overcrowded condl Miss Harcourt. oped in the finest spirits by great pected with the building of the Cana­ Bdlo ■ The Skipper of St. Ives ended his life Shortly before Ms des- Sardine* a la Tomato ...... T$. . dian Northern Pacifie Railway. M. tlon of the provincial jail . at Now l*rate act Jailer Allen had been talking age—which impart the delicacy Westminster the jail at Nanaimo which A. E. Clave. Sardine* au Carry ...... Emerson Is actively identifying himself Duct ...... A Spring Song tv the' man and lie seeipcd In Wr of flavor and constitute the ele with the organization work. haM been closed for a number of years, spirit*. The two prisoners in the Jail Sardine* au Citron . .1...... has been re-opened and a batch of Misses Palmer. gance of bouquet so much prized Solo ...... *... . My Kindred Soul heard no sound and knew nothing of Sardine* auz Truffe* ...... Per Glass 60c prisoners to the number of thirty has the occurrence until the discovery Was Sardine* aux Ac-hard* ..,.... by connoisseurs. To the gour­ been transferred to It Another H. Merry. met It is offered as • substitute Recitation ...... Selected made some minutes later by the Jailer, Sardines a Vllulle ...... ê. twenty-live prisoners will be trans­ who discovesod-tife body- hanging while ferred as soon as possible. The work W. SEVILLE ORANGES IH>K MARMALADE for the old liqueur Brandies During the month of March making his round». of re-fitting and Improving the Nan­ Solo ...... Flcetipg Day* Just arrived,—-the genuine Seville Fruit. Kindly place orders early shipped from Cognac prior to it will pay you to patronize Mrs. J W. Lysle aimo jail I» Under the charge of Jailer . • WEATHER BULLETIN. for ttoeee. the destruction of the vineyards the Independent Grocery, Hunter of the staff of the Victoria Jail- Solo ...... Selected Rev. W Baugh Alien. of phylloxera. Call for King corner Cook and North Park f . Watson, of the Victoria >H staff, Dally Report Furnished by the Victoria William IV. V.O.P. at any ftrst- has been appointed first jailer. Jailer Meteorological Department. R. Morrison. clase hotel, bar, cafe or club. streets. We sell highest Hunter ie officiating as acting warden. Pianoforte Solo •••••••• Victoria, Feb *-» •. m.-Thc vast H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO. Ld. Tour dealer can supply you for quality Goods at lowest pos­ Solo ...... Mona western field of high pressure has oh- sible Prices. Miss B. Palmer. ccntre over British Columbia while the Glee ...... Sweet ahd Low main body of the area is central over the Grocery Store Butcher Shop Liquor Store Royal Household Flour, por A LOT FOR Members of 8t. Paul’s Choir. Middle West and Mlsslaslppl valley states PITHER&LFISER sack ...... 61.90 Recitation ...... Rain has fallen In California and -snow Is Phone 17S-179. Telephone 3678. Telephone 3677. Snow Flake Flour, per sack Solo ...... u ...... Selected falling In Colorado and Kansas. Fine A LITTLE Mrs. W. K. Partleton. weather condition* are very general Wholesale Agents for ...... 61-80 low temperature» continue throughout the 741, 743 and 746 Port Street Oars Stop at the Door. Solo ...... British Columbia Prairie Pride Flour, per By which we mean that we H. Merry. prairie provinces. sack...... 61-75 execute all kinds of Solo ...... Selected • Forecasts. R. Morrison. For hours ending 6 p. m. WedncHdsy Castle Brand Hour, per Victoria and vlcinlty-Llght to moderate seek ...... 81.65 PRINTING northerly and easterly winds, contlmod 20-lb. Seek Sugar. ..61.15 of the highest quality at the —The Ladles' Aid Society and the fine, with frost at night. Finest Creamery Butter, 3 Women'» MlMlon.ry Society <>[ First Lower Mainland-1 eight to njoders KEYS , lowest price possible. Presbyterian church will meet In the wil'd* <-ontinued fine with frost at nlgdt lbs. for ...... 81.0® school room at $ p.m. to-morrow. SUTTON’S SEEDS Reports at 6 a. m. LOOKS AND REPAIES Salt Spring Island Butter, Victoria—Barometer. JV.'JS; tempenittrre, per lb...... 50# —The final dress rehearsal for the 34; minimum. 30; wini. * miles N.; weatn ROWEBOTTOM Temple of Fame will be held in the FLOWER, FARM AND VEGETABLE - WAITES A KNAP’lON Victoria Creamery Butter, Victoria theatre on Wednesday at 1 p. Vancouver-Barometer. *0.40; tempera­ • 16 Pandora. Cor. Gov't TeL I486. per lb...... 5t)f & CAMPBELL All those taking part are requested ture. »: minimum, 28; wind, calm; waatn ALL QUITE FRESH. Capital City Creamery, 3 to attend on time. er. clear. Careful Piintera Kamloops -Barometer. 80 »; tempera­ In Messrs. Sutton’s own packets bearing their name . i lbs. for ...... 81-00 ture, M^mltVimum, 12; wind, 4 miles B.AV. 1014 Bread St —Rev. Dr Reid will deliver an ad and trade mark. Best Japan Rice, 5 lbs. 25# weather, clear. Tapioca, 4 lbs. for...... 25# PEMBERTON BLOCK dress In the Congregational school gu Francisco-Barometer, 2»J8: tem room this evening on "The Origin, A. J. WOODWARD Sago, 4 lbs. for...... 25# peraturè, 42; minimum. 40: wind, 18 Thought and Action of Congregation 8. 1C.; rain, .14;, rain. S de Agents for British Columbia. al.” The affair Is under tho auspices of Edmonton—Baroipeter. 80.28; tempera 616 Fort Street. the Men’s Own, and member* will turc. 20; minimum. 2; wlpd. 4 miles 8. W gladly welcome all who care to hear weather, c*ear. E. B. Jones the address. Winnipeg—Barometer. *.«2; tempera : >1 DEPENDENT GROCER. tur*. 2; minimum. 2 below; wind. W Corner Cook end N. Perk Ita —An Indian digging In the ruins of W.: weather, clear. Phone 712. the recently destroyed Spencer block Victoria Daily Weather. Coal yesterday found In a corner of the cel­ Observations taken I l> Hi BOON And BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS It’s Here lar, covered over with debris, a large 1- m . Monday: ------r——j The Best House Fuel on SHOULD TRY It’s here that you can ade­ quantity of chlnaware, glassware and Tem pent are. on the Market other similar stuff acathless and unin Highest ...... Royal Typewriter! quately supply your Jured by the fierce heat With a yell o£ delight the Slwashes pounced upon Average ...... We always carry a large stock their fi d and now a number of Indian Bright sunshine, 9 houra IS minutes. THE MOOT MODERN OF ALL Office Needs habitations boast of tableware finer Beaver Board of our celebrated New Walllng*- ....mroeiaL »tai«.jif .sSiSija______i_____ ...... ton Coal, mined by the Western VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS. We've got everything you than usual. Fuel Co., at Nanaimo. Always a large stock of type­ —After the continued 6uccewie« writers on hand for sale or rent want, except carpets and —One ol the largest recent sale, of which has been the result of the Fifth Used in Place of Lath and Plaster Our Washed Nut Coal, a nice Inside residential propefty has Just Regiment Band, under the conductor- clean fuel for cook stove# and Ce rbon Paper, a box up from pictures...... $1.00 been put through the market, 66 nvres ship of Bandmaster Rogers, playing at CAR LOAD JUST ARRIVED. stove# generally. In Oakland, being sold by Watson the Assembly rink. Fort street on Wed Seek Lump Coal for grates. Typewriter Ribbons, a nesday evenings, Mr. Powell, the ea Clarke for 1100.000 The property com­ CALL FOR SAMJÇLE8. Large Lump Ce a I for open fire­ 98.00 Baxter 1 Johnson Co. prises good level’ land,, and It 1. under­ terprlslng and popular manager, ha# places" and furnace». stood to be the Intention of the pur­ decided to engage It again for to-mor LIMITED. row evenings On the previous Wed At Current Rate#. chaser. to subdivide and again place on G. C. HOWELL the market. Thl. «I. Is Indicative of nesday the rink wae crowded to the ut 1210 Langley Street Phone 1710. Î21 Yatea St. Phone 730. the growing Interest In acreage at the nioat capacity and the splendid music Also Agents for north end of the city. played, add much to the evening’s en WALTER S. FRASER & CO, Ld B. C. Anthracite CoaL Joyment. Special music will be played TELEPHONE S P. O. DRAWER 1$8« to-morrow evening and all those at­ tending can be assured of a treat.

—Bishop MacDonald. Bishop Perrin, J. Kingham & Co. Rev. H. A. Carson and A. J. Brace Phone 647. :NEW= have been appointed a committee by Office, 1203 Bread Street. the Victoria branch of the Canadian Bargains in Second-Hand Cycles industrial Peace Association to secure 1 Ariel English Wheel, $36 1 Perfect Wheel...... $30 OUR METHOD—20 sacks to the BICYCLES representatives of organised labor on 1 Rudgewitworth Wheel $36 1 Recycle Wheel...... 125 ton and 100 pound» of coal !» the board of director». Theee must be married men, with an interest in the 1 Iver-Jotmion Wheel, $20 1 Recycle Wheel...... $20 city. Matters of finance -are being con­ 1 Cornell Wheel...... $18 1 Centaur Wheel...... $86 English and sidered by the directors, and another meeting will be held on Monday at 6 All in First Cleae Order. Canadian p.m. The matter of sending a delegate New All Steel Raleighs, with 3 speed and oil bath...... $86.00 to the Pacific Coast Industrial Peace Call rod inspect them at PRICES FROM convention will be considered. Quality and —How far the Canadian Pacific HARRIS & SMITH Railway Company CArylea marine Hi* . * 1220 Broad Street $35 to $100 surance on goods' freighted from Vic­ Variety toria either to Vancouver point» or fa the interior le shown in a communica­ WE HAVE BOTH. REPAIRING, tion Juat receive* By the board of trade. It la pointed out that a number Cakea for Afternoon Recep­ ALL KINDS of freight tariff* now carry rates which tions. Include ordinary m*>lne Hake. * SB» WR MA88EY-HARRIS ■GYCLBS, with- etraater brake», atert rims a»* mwl ^ applies rinly to the car ferry Parties' zupptied ” &h short "Ladysmith to Vancouver or nice versa. notice. at ...... The company points out that shippers BEST ENGLISH WHEEL inahe city at,. must ahow the total valve of each con­ WE SELL OLIVER TYPEWRITERS at, per day signment on the face of the bill of lad­ Garage 727 ing and further that this Information Office I2DR johnwni Street must l>e transferred to the way bill. R. Morrison & Co Langley Street THOMAS PLIMLEY Pbouc e»7. The freight may be reported for Insur­ 1 Central Bakery. Phone IW ance purpose* by 'the àgerit ât thé "IT YOU GET IT AT PLntLEY’B, IT’B ALL BIGHT." pointa .of transfer to the barge and HO YATES ST. PHONE 1SZ1 SUBSCRIBE FOB THETIMES- 00 ff NOW! VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911. WARDS HAVE FAITH SCHEDULE OF THE NORTHWESTERN LEAGIJE FOR 1911 IN THEIR DELEGATE AT SEATTLE AT SPOKANE AT VANCOUVER AT PORTLAND AT TACOMA AT VICTORIA TENT FACTORY May ...... 16 to SEATTLE. June ...... » to 11 Aug...... il tO 26 May Ed, Christopher Will Continue July ...... 17 to 23 Sept...... IS to 21July ] 1 to 3|8ept. ; “ ?vuhr ...... 570 JOHNSON STREET to Act—Captains Appoint­ ed—First Game Saturday June . . 19 to .1 May , . 22-23-24-24 to » July . . 31 ...... 28 to 30 SPOKANE May ...... 13 to 21 Aug...... 8 to is Aug. . . 1 tc July ...... 1-1 June ...... 12 to IS We have only tine addreee and that’, 570 JOHNSON STREET...... 7 to 13 H..IIIMM U tO 17 At the semi-annual meeting of the We own the building we occupy and everything that’s in it. North Ward Club, held In the Govern April , 13 to 24 We ate not moving and have not the alightert intention of do­ Wrent street rooms last evening, the Aug. . n» to 31 Nay . July . following communication from the May , ing 80. , , VANCOUVER 1 to 3 June ...... 1 to ».• t tO 14 July a Juno jf to 2» cal branch of the B. C. A. A. U. was Hept. , ...... « to 24 ...... 4-4 to 10 July^ , ... * to SO brought up for consideration. “The North Ward Club are requested to 17* Johnson «T. F. JEUNE A BRO. phone m. withdraw their representative, E April . . 24 to yj JjjJ1 ' . is to a Christopher, from thés executive. Inas­ K) tO M May , 1 to 7 May . July . June i much as he, by Ids own report, has PORTLAND Aug. . , *4 to 3U 6 to 10 May ... 22-23-24-24 to 27 7 to 13 OCt. J Aug. , 14 to uly ! forfeited the confidence of the union, ISept. . 17 to a Aug...... 21 to 2S 11 tO 17 ept. , 18 to 34 und to appoint a new delegate In whom confidence van be placed." May . ... 22 tO 2» At the meeting It was unanimously ... » te 1» May .» 1 to 24-24 tO 1 April .... * to » FISH STORIES agreed that the B C. A A. IT. be notl- Sept July. .. 24 to W July ...... 10 to] Aug. TACOMA . . kept. July . l-l flod that the North Ward Club have •V A% „. » tO 21 Ü9*. .... 11 lo 16 Sept. Aug. 1 to 12 Will soon be the otder of the day. We are getting ready for confidence In Mr < htletopker *»* i Oct. .. the aeaaon. Juat received, large consignments of continue to send him as their delegate May - Mo i April ... 04 to * June , 12 to to ^ the meetings of the local amateur May . . 2H-2U-W-J1 FISHING TAOKU; July . . 3-4-4 to » July , 17 to July ...... w...... 18 is HI June . 1 to 4 Aug. ... » to 31 Sept. , 24 40 MlAug. 1 to May ...... Further business brought up and VICTORIA July . ... 10 to ra ...... 16 to 21 Beet English end American makes. Glad to have you come in Sept. 1 to sort. l Kept 4-4 to KI ...... S to 11 completed was the election of a Cap- Aug. . MTO M .... is to a ,un*...... and see it. taln and vlce«ewptain for the team which will play In the amateur Island Vic. va. 8pok...... May it Van. va Tac, .. league. Frank Hweenev Was elected to Van va Seattle , ....May 21 April 30 OUNfiMITH Ven. vs. Spok...... May 14 the former position and A. MacGregor EXTRA Vic. vs. Port...... May 2* ■TC. Van. va Port...... June u Vic. vs. Tec...... July 2 J. R. Collister “P.t.î.TJ’ to the latter. Another member of the SUNDAY Van va Tec...... July 1« Successors to J. Barnsley A Co. c.lub, MavDdnald. was appointed to act Van vs. Spok...... July GAMES . Van: va Via ...... July Vic. vs. Tar...... Aug. 13 with these two in the selection of the Vic. vs. Van...... Aug. n team. Vto. vs. Seattle ...... July Van va Seattle . ....Aug. Van. vs. Tap. . »...... Srpt, 17 Tli© North Ward team play their first game of the league op Saturday after­ noon with Duncan on the letter's ground. UDYSMITH Will ABOUT BASEBALL RUGBY SEASON THF cm Philadelphia National League play SPORT NOTES Consult With C/s First NOT DE ADMITTED ers are headed for the spring training a ground# at Birmingham, Ala., to-day. NOT YET OVER Frank Gotch failed to make good in where they will put in three weeks of Pratt's Coal OU ...... j, ta hla handicap match last night at New hard work. On Its northward exhibi­ Before You Buy a faste- ;** - T«* when h. ,o .«r». Northern Town's Entry is Too tion trip the team will be divided Into three men In one hour. Gotch disposed Last Chance to Witness Favor­ two squads for exhibition games. Hams (B. C). per lb...... ~~ Jg of th«* first twodn the shotted time, but He struck a tartar In William Deme- Late—Schedule Not to ite Winter Sport—Mc­ Pesss . te-lb. ak. MACKIE a CO. DISTILLERS LTD., last period in which they tallied three Bays Play Good Game But Are Unable cessful In strains bases as the feet- Rolled Oat- (B. A K.). 4Mb. sk. LV» OLAEGOW. LONDON, and ISLAND OF ISLAY. times.and shut out their opponents. to Hold Speedy Opponents Down. first plunge. If Austin ever learns Rolled Oats (B. A K.). 80-lb. sk. ug The hockey was good at times. these two tricks, he ought to steal 1* Oatmeal. 10-lb. sack ...... In a fast and fairly Interesting game bases In a season, for he has the Oatmeal, i -,o. sack ...... j... »g Though there Is no possibility of the of basketball at the J. B. A. A. hall last speed." BLOOD BAD IN Rolled Wheat. M lbs...... » Stanley cup trustees allotting dates to night the T. M. I. defeated the Bays by cracked Wheat, 10 lba ...... m more than two of the challenging clubs, a score of 17 to 4. The losers played Wheat Flakes, per packet...... m# M Wm. Foran. one of the trustees re­ "Ty” Cobb gets more than any other Whole Wheat Flour. 18 lba .« together well and on one or two oc­ active ball player. Frank Navin pay* Tiff WINTER Graham Flour. 10 lba ...... « ceived a telegram from the Phoenix casions made things hot for their op­ “POSITIVELY BEST BUYS IN chib of the British Columbia league him *,000 a year for the service he Graham Flour. 80 lba ...... 1.78 ponents, but for the greater part of the renders the Detroit club. Christy asking that they be given a chance to time Y. M. I. had the game wall In Hay (baled), per ton ...... »00#am »* play for the celebrated Stanley silver­ Mathewson, star of all hurlers, Is hand. B. H. Beaney refereed very Im­ second to Cobb. The New York Straw, per bale ...... n RESPECTIVE LOCATIONS ware. This challenge, with the mes­ partially. Indoor Life, Too Little Exer­ Mtodlings. per ton ...... *.<» Victoria, Port Altérai, V.nccuv.r l.l.nd in ,in»ral. sages that bave already been received Giants pay Christy $8.080 a season for The teams were: J. B. A. A., for­ his pitching. But Christy has some­ Bran, per ton ...... a90 from Prince Albert, Ontario profes­ Proportion Harbor Frontage. wards, Scott and McCarter; centre. thing on Tyrus. Immediately after the cise, Breathing Impure Air, Ground Feed, per ton ...... *.80 sional league, and Port Arthur, with Shorts ...... *88 Beautiful Homes, Form. Htecocks; guards, Kennedy and L. baseball season ended Mathewson went the Moncton defi still in abeyance, Poultry— Sweeney. Y. M. L, forwards. Pike and on the vaudeville stage. He appeared Eating Artificial Foods Subdivision Acreage, Ousrontwd Timber. brings the number of clubs eligible to Dressed Fowl per IK j* Brown; centre, F. Sweeney; guards, in a sketch called “Curves.” “Chief" Wmy to Lean, Short Lean., Agra.rn.nt. of Sal. Bought. compete for the cup up to five, and Ducks, per lb...... *# .j» MacDonald and Millier Meyers, catcher, and Miss May Tally, Is It any wonder that the system jq according to Mr. Foran two or three of Geese (Island), per lb...... # .30 Mortgage. Cenv.y.ncw, Celtoetien.. The Y. M. I. five will meet the Vic­ becomes poisoned with Impure waste Garden Produos— these clubs will have to wait until next a clever vaudeville actress, were the Ert.te. Men.god, Hum for Rent toria West Intermediates to-morrow other members of the supporting cast. matter in tbs winter time, when you Cabbage, per lb...... 7...... * season to secure dates for the trophy. Houm. end Furniture Inaumd on Cradit night In the Institute ball. In this sketch Mathewson showed how think of the artificial life we lead? Potatoes (local) ...... 3.00# a.; he throws curves, his famous "fade­ With doors and windows tight shut Seed Potatoes, per sack ...... i.m Unions, per lb...... * away" and other deliveries Managers we breathe the same air over and "GET THEIR LOWEST FIGURES, THEN SEE’’ of vaudeville houses paid $1,588 a week over again until it Is Incapable of puri­ Carrots, per Ik ...... AM for this sketch. Mathewson drew $800 fying ths blood. „ =f WHOLESALE MARKET. of this sum. They had fifteen weeks In In vain effort to cast the poisons mit pi the system the liver and kidneys vaudeville and consequently Mathew­ Bacon ...... 17|# js son drew $12,000 as his share. In fifteen are worked over-time until they too Hams ...... y...... IS# .1# H. P. WINSBY weeks Mathewson drew $11,006 for tell­ are played out. Then comes the pains Lard ...... 14# i« FINANCIER. ing how he earns $8,888 In six and a in the bac k, the headaches, the attacks Cheese ...... 16$# .17 Telephone. 714, or R237S. 1122 Government SL (upeteirs.) half months. Including the training sea­ of constipation and indigestion. Creamery Butter ...... 80# .» son. The quickest and most certain way h-KII" ...... e# M to overcome this condition Is by the Apples ...... L28# 8.18 Bananas ...... *| TEAM WILL PRACTICE. use of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. They act definitely and directly on Beets, per sack ...... Lev 2E Cabbage, per lb...... « Japanese Baseball Team Starting the liver and kidneys, awaken them There is HEALTH and STRENGTH to renewed energy in filtering poisons Cranberries, per bbl, ...... , jL00 Celery, per uos...... so imjvsry cap of Work Already.—Warm-up Next from the bowels and remove the cause The Boys’ Stocking problem is always to the Sunday. Cauliflower, per dos...... loo of Indigestion, backache and other body Grapefruit, per bog ...... 4,00 Children thrive on * front. You can solve it to your complete satisfaction pains. .xmona ...... 1...... $ 88# 4.10 “EPPS’S." The Nippon baseball team of this You are not experimenting when you Rh tbarik per lb...... n| EPPS’S city will hold their first practice at the by resisting on getting the OUR BOYS BRAND. use Dr. Chase** Kidney-Liver Pills Lettuce, per crate ...... ;...... lti fc.fto.iovimtteaqn.litm.uMpM North Ward park on Sunday, March 4. They are unique in their combined ac­ Oranges, Navels, case ...... 160*3*1 el til eaee. Rick In coco, butler. • We have a complete stock of tills celebrated make The following Is the team’s roster: K. tion on the liver and kidneys and for Oranges. Jape...... 40 FREE FROM CHEMICALS. COCOA Ichikawa, president; T. Wantbe, man­ ♦his reason stand without a rival as Onions ...... *...... » ...... 04 ager and first baseman; Kajt, captain a means of purifying the blood and Potatoes, per ton ...... *0u» GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING In all sizes at and second baseman ; 8. Wyehara. cteknsln* the filtering and digestive Parsnip*, r*r sack ...... lw vice-captain and pitcher; Icumi, third system*. Tomatoes, per crate ...... L60 base; Mitsui, short stop; T. George, One pill a dose, 26 cents a box at all per sack ...... L3b catcher; T. Suzuki, left field; Shimizu, Hrddles, per lb...... * 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c dealers, or Edmanson, Bates A Co., Kippers, per lb. ... right field; Y. Ichikawa and Kasaltara, Toronto. Halibut. *wr lb...... ,jt HOUSES BUILT Bslmon, per lb, We Do Building There has also been another baseball RE-IND1CTBD FOR PERJURY. Breads, per lb...... j» For a cheaper line we have a great leader, in all team organized In tiita city known as Almonds, per lb...... On Instalment the Wakaba “Ball Tosser*,’’ and they Cincinnati. Ohio. Feb. 2*.-Ueor*e B. Vox. Cheetnuts, per lb...... p sizes ùp to 10 inches, double knees, fast color and are^ said to be a pretty strong aggre- "Boss of Clftelnnatl," was re-Indicted for Filberts, per lb...... »...... 14 And Repairing v every pair guaranteed. Try a pair and you will be perjury yesterday because an indictment Pegnuta roasted ...... jo Plan found against him a Jew days. ago was Walnuts, per lb...... 16# zi S permanent customer. Pair...... 25# d*< Jam* defective. Vex is accused of Hav­ Dates, per th- ing falsely sworn that he did hot share in Figx. per to. certain legislative graft. Cucumbers fliot-house). per doa D. H. BALE Shiloh's Cure Artichokes (Rose), per doa .... 1.» Parsley ...... » Contractor and Builder J. B A. A. MEETING. Trerise&WiDiams Watercress ...... *...... • .40 Cor. Pert and Stadaeoha McCANDLESS BROS. Brussels Sprouts ...... jo Successor, to J. P. BUBOESK —Ooln* gardening? Spade» 11, 11.11, A feet In* of the J. B. A. A. Baseball I HA and 92.SI; hoe». 46c to lie; rake». Me Cucumbers, per doa ...,r.■ Ate 557 Johnson Street Victoria J8. G. Club will be held in the club rooms at Artichokes^ Globe, per doa .... . l< Shop, 853 Cormorant St ( to 11 ; trowela, lie. R. A. Brown * Co., 8 o’clock to-night for the purpose of Bitter Oranges, 1362 Ikmglaa.tiL ------BUX THE Tints... iliVARi VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911. .7

sentatlve Board of Directors, t also betters each and every shareholder should Jardine In these transactions. On April PROCEEDINGS OF THE make a special effort to place as much Insurance as he possibly cap with this, 6t ftotf, Mr. Jardine wiui paid (09 for his own company, and also use his efforts In securing his biends and RALPH SMITH REPLIES work done at the quarantine stat on; acquaintances as policy holders of the company. If you are as loyal to your on October 20, 1906, he was paid tor TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING home InsUtuttoas In Weetern -eanada as we Easterners beUeva-you are-X-hase no doubt that by this time next year our premium income .can be increased to at was paid (8.163 82; on March 26, 1909, OF THE least double "What It was for 1(1»." W JOHN JÀRD1NEÊmonths after the general election, Mr. J. Spencer ^Rogers said: he was paid (3.422.80; and on the same "I want to say that I believe In the Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company. day he was paid (1,410, which makes a I believe in the management, I believe in the possibilities of It here In British grand total in one year of (8,706.75 for PACIFIC COAST FIRE Columbia and throughout the province of Canada. I believe that In the future. _. .a n n__ work that he agreed with the public th. shareholder, will have more reason to be pleaeed with the progre* of the To the Editor Time., Victoria, IX- makes the following correction, and works office to do fof ‘88,000. company, and that the Investment which they have made In It will prove very I read the speech of Mr. John Oliver, says that from 1896 to 1909 he did all These facts were called to my atten» satisfactory. There is no doubt In my mind that the Pacific Coast Fire has the leader of the Liberal party In Bri­ the work at the elation la-hie lin» of tlon after the transaction, and I make these corrections upon Mr, Jardlne’s INSURANCE CO. possibilities before It that very few can appreciate. The company’s connections tish Columbia, at Esquimau at a Lib­ business exept one Job. For this work statement» on the strength of the in­ enable It to secure a large percentage of the business that Is knowrn as the for that period he had received various cream of the fire Insurance business. I have every reason to believe that the eral meeting, where he made a reply to formation given to me by the super­ stock will rise In value and that the dividends will prove very satisfactory to Mr. John Jardiné’* speech In the local sums. Including one of (8,1(8 In 1908. He intendent himself In the public works The twenty-first Annual Meeting of the shareholders of The Pacific Coast the ..stockholders In years to come. The public have certainly shown their con­ legislature states that all the work was done with department at Victoria. Pire Insurance Company was held in the head office of the company, 830 Pender fidence In the company by the subscriptions to the stock and I look forward to Up to the* jpreeent I have not defused the full knowledge of the quarantine When Mr. Jardine appealed to me to street, on the.afternoon of February 16th, mi. a large percentage of the stock seeing the subscribed capital brought up to (1,000.006 duylng the present year.” It. necessary to pay any attention and public works officials; teas duly collect money to pay hi* election debts. being represented. In the absence of the President, Mr. Thomas T. Langlois, Mr. W. J. Ker, of the Brackman-JCer Milling Company, and Mr. Geo. J. Mr. Jardine. His attitude toward certified to and paid for: that no ques­ I was then aware of these facts, and the chair was occupied by Dr. D. H. Wilson, Vice-President of the company. Dyke also spoke tn complimentary terms In connection with the standing of the when I went home from the House last tion was ever raised about the work considered that he was In a good deal Mr. F. H. Godfrey, Secretary of the company, acted as Secretary of the meeting. company. In seeking to palm off upon being unnecessary or the chargea ex­ better position to pay Ms own liabili­ The Vice-President, 1ft moving the adoption of the report, spoke In part as The motion was then carried unanimously. me the responsibility of hi* election travagant. ties than It was possible for me to be. follows: ; The election of the Directors resulted In the election of the following mem­ debts, and hi* unreasonable attack up- I repeat, when I read these state I began by saying that. I was sur­ •While I regret that the absence of the President Imposes upon me the ©c- bers: Thos. T. Langlois. D. H. Wilson. Geo. J. Telfter. W. H. Malkin. David me on the boat from Vancouver to rents a* above., both In his original prised at reading In Jf^.. Jardin*’* let­ « cupatton of this position, I feel that the duty which I am called.upon to die-. r (Victoria), Geo. Martin, K. H. Crandetl (Calgary). D. R. Dingwall Victoria when Sir Wilfrid and his party totter and in hty corrected one, I was ter that he had not at any time re­ t~; charge Is not only a pleasant but a highly gratifying one. Especially Is this the (Winnipeg), Win. Henderson. T. B. Mathers. Hon. Richard McBride (Victoria), going over, drove-me-to make npj-petfectly thas ha we not ceived (8,000 from the Dominion gov­ case when 1 recall the fact that I have occupied a position on this Board for the P. McLennan, Henry Care tens ( Seattle ). James RAmwfy, M. P. Thomson. J. mv mind véry definitely that, It waa to tell the tnitj) about thei transac- ernment. and I felt the responsibility unbroken- term of twenty-one years and enjoyed the honorable position your W. Horne, R. H, Duke and T. W. Greer. - .T-~ importât? lo- «rark aatiifactdrily . .. . ;of stating hère terhat I knew absolutely . Vice-President during the whole of this period. XVa subsequent meeting of the Board, Thos. T. "TXWWIdtM was elected Presi­ him. Previous to the election of 1608 Mr to be correct, and what I can easily •The financial report Just now submitted to you shows 'that The substantial dent. D. D. H. Wilson. First Vice-President; R. H. Duke, Second Vice-Presi­ As he was the local Liberal member Jardine expressed great anxiety about prove from the records. If Mr. Jardine growth during the year just closed exceeded that of any similar period in our dent; T. W. Greer, Managing Director; Geo. J. Telfer, Treasurer, and F. H. for that district, and at that time the the work of painting being done at repeats hi* denial. He said no special "history and that with each year the Pacific Coast Fire Is advancing with In­ Godfrey was appointed Secretary of the Company. - president of the Liberal Association at William Head quarantine station. Mr. sum was Mentioned. I repeat what I creased momentum. With this rapid- growth your Directors have aimed to con­ Mr. W. T. Stein. CJL. nfas re-elected as Auditor, and Messrs. Harris A Bull FpqnimalLand at his own personal and Henderson said the work wa« nsoea Have sahF abover Mr. Henderson agreed duct a conservative business and In such a manner as to challenge the ap­ were re-appointed as the company'» sol lottos*. repeated request. Ï had sanctioned that fary. and In keeping with his report to for (2.000 on the first contract, and on proval of the soundest business element of every community in which we have STATEMENT as at DECEMBER 31, 1910. be receive the work In his line of the department I did my utmost to get the second for (1.000, and I may say operated. * business at the ouarantlne station, the money to provide for that neces­ that I have good reason for knowing 1 -This company, from Its inception, has met every legal and equitable claim . f ASSETS. sary work, as reported on. It was that the total sum paid to him—ov^r made upon It without cavil or subterfuge. In view of all this It must be which recommendation belongs jo me Stocks, Bond, and Debentures, with accrued Interest...... 1181,708.40 os the memebr for that district. I had found, however, by the superintendent (8.000—was hundred» of dollars leas —7 gratifying to you to note that during 191» our paid-up capital has Increased Mortgagee,' Loans and" other Recartttmva .163,884.78 Mr. Hendereop, that the hmount of from (167,000.00 to $370.300.00. our subscribed capital during the same period shown continuously the very best of than he was seeking to claim from th<* Balance under Agreement of Sale—H. O. Property. 76.00*00 Mh* toward Mr. Jsrdlne In this way. money which he considered necessary office at Victoria. from $810.000.00 to $5(1,800.00, our assets from (300.47I.OS to (7S6.1S6.61, our Real Estate ...... 3, surplus over all liabilities from (39,764.86 to (16(,1IS.0S„ and this after providing because of his relationship to the party, and which I tried to get was not provtd He said further that these accounts Furniture and Fixture# ...... 1,625 87 *ud st this own request. However, It «*d for, and It was Impossible to pro were prepared by the public works de­ for the substantial dividend paid In January to the stockholders. The surplus tu 2,400.64 Goad’s Maps and Supplies ...... seemed Impossible to do sufficient for vide more for the te'ork than (2.600. partment, and not by hlmesjf. I state policy holders has Increased from (424,999.60 tb (797,400.62. 12,116.29 Agents' Balances (net) ...... \fr Jardine, end as T have said. Hie When Mr. Henderson informed- Me on my authority received from the ' -Leaving myself out of the question I feel that I can congratulate the stock­ 61,886.47 Premium on Stock Sold, payable In Instalments ... •ndurt at the time wt^en Sir Wilfrid Jardine of this he got very angry, public works office that Mr. John Jar­ holders of this company on the personnel of their Directorate, every member of Payments.accruing on Capital Stock ...... 140,448.00 wss out to the coast and other matters he had placed an estimate Into the dine. prepared his own accounts and . which, you all know as well as I, Is a man of substance and absolute business 153,067.26 Balance on deposit and cash on hand ...... «-htt'h T will describe. Influenced me to office for the work to the amount of placed them before the office. Integrity who has brought to the discharge of the trust you have placed In him of (6.940, the sum which he supposed Then he repea ta that this ÿas all he a right business experience, sound Judgment and an eye single to the welfare of decide that It was Impossible to work (795,136.61 had been -provided foc thAt. particular had ever beeg_ paid for tMa work, and this company. Not only has this resulted to the benefit of the stockholders LIABILITIES. - elope-with Mm. an* mv intention- was •4msH «dve Instruction* to the pub- work—information which he got some­ that neither Mr. Oliver nor Mr. Tem- from a purely insurance standpoint but It has brought splendid results from the Reserve of unearned premium* for outstanding.. rU-kd where. but nobody knotvs how—and pieman ran substantiate hie - -state­ wise investment of the company's funds. To emphasize this I have only to refer ______.ÇpntlilÉ» •••»■ •fst-o work* den*rtment that no work of Government standardV ...... ( 79.412.63 when Mr. Henderson told him that ments. I herewith substantiate their to the fact that the earning power of this company has been higher than that of onv dewcrlnflou wa« to be handed out Premiums due Reinsuring Companies (net) ...... 6.286.64 there was only (2.000 he got very angry, statement* and if -be la prepared I» any other insurance company doing business In Canada. fo .Tsrdlne without mv authority, Fire Losses In course of adjustment ...... 11.480.17 instHTcttons 1 gava before I left and said If the whole amount of the raise the question he must settle it - 'T wish further to congratulate you on the personnel of the staff. Thé latê Dividends ...... 32.020.28 manager, Mr. Duke, and the secretary, Mr. Godfrey, have given their best efforts tor 'the «set. teork was not going to be dofte. tie wa* With the publtc work office at Victoria, Afftr-yrmr tenure**: Trf fftfs TmtnWtinTi I WTsh tti express my sincere regret that The narilular .-reference made bv Mr. fit <*° jiny of 11, and left M froth whom I hâve The information, and Total liabilities, excepting" capital Tobn OMver «« to work done and money office very abruptly. He went" back to h:ive It 111 writing. the former finds himself called upon to lay down the reins of management for a Surplus to Policy Holders ...... 666.936.09 field of greater responsibility and wider opportunity. While expressing this re­ rprelyed b1' Mr» Jardine wns not known the office ajfpw days later, and point- In conclusion, let me say my atti­ to me until February. 18*9 which In blank refused to give any detailed tude toward Mr. Jardine, as I have said gret I am bound to congratulate him and those who have secured his services (796.135.61 as well on hie attainment to his present position. While we are sorry tn lose his f«rmatlon 1 received from Mr. Mender- tender,, but simply reiterated that if above, after hi* conduct, at laurier’a services as manager, I am pleased to say that he will retain his position upon THOS. T. LANGLOIS. It H DUKE. the superintendent for the pubH(? he was hot to get the whole (6.940 worth visit, Ms extraordinary demand on me this Board and this company will be able to secure the t>enefit of his extended President. General Manager, Avurka deportment at Victoria, h knew of painting he w ould not do any of It, to get money to pay .hie election debts experience and wise counsel. While we regret to lose Mr. Duke as manager, Vancouver, B. C.; January 14, 1(11. Mr. .Mm Oliver waa renerptiy correct saying that the mem lier for the dis­ and hi* attack on Mr. Tern pieman and feel your Directors have secured in Mr. T. W. Greer a worthy successor. Our I hereby certify that I have audited the bootee of The Pacific Coast Fire ln- ► statements concerning this par­ trict had told him that the money was myself ft.» not being property Intro­ hew manager, Mr. Greer, is not a stranger to your Directors. For several years sumnrv Company from Dqpember Slat* 1909. to December 31st. 1910, and find ticular work and the amount of money all voted. The member for the district duced to Sir Wilfrid, as he called It. he has directed the Ontario business of this company and when your Directors them correctly stated and property vouched end Instructed. I have also received: tyit I more than sur­ could Just tell him what I have already Influenced me to definitely determine realized that a new manager had to be secured we felt from our knowledge of examined the securities and verified the Cash and Hank tw lances. I further prised* when T read Nft\ Jardlof’s ronly. stated, that on the strength of Mr. that It was Impossible to te’ork any Mr. Greer and the work he had done and was capable of doing that this com­ certify. that the above Ls a full ahd true statement of the, financial position of -Ktirhed ip thp Union!*» of February Henderson’s report I was . doing my further with Mr., Jardine. pany would make no mistake in securing, If possible, his services as our General The Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company as at December 31st. 1910, contain-, ï$il. wherein I find the following best to have the money provided, but This was what compelled me te make Manager. Ing the particulars as required by the Special Charier of the Company and the statement: after I did that It was the business of up my mind that It wa* Impossible to "I have much pleasure in moving the adoption of the report." Dominion Insurance Act. I have not at any time received from the departffienf and not my business, tq do anything with hlm. I was ready at The motion to adopt the report was seconded by Mr. R. P. McLennan, (Signed) WILLIAM T. STEIN, toe Dominion government 8* M0. ray just liow much they considered the organization meeting In Victoria, president of the Bank of Vancouver, and a Director of the company, who said Chartered Accountant, Ahdltnr. anvtfclnpr;lqjr jjpnronchlng that amount, for should be spent. This was the begin­ before I came east, to discuss this st >hc quarantine station ning of September. 190K. Ultimately, he matter, as I had got the facts from * “It certainly gives me very great pleasure in seconding the motion to adopt William Head ■ icr. • I with Mr Henderson to do the the Public Works office that afternoon the report which has been so ably presented before the shareholders. It strikes He goes on to show how he terns painting at William Head quarantine for that purpose, but Mr. Jardine was me that we should all be proud of the Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company, -rlvçn rharsre of certain work at that station to the amount of (2,000, the sum not pn-sent, being, as I have said, of­ .* which Is now twenty-one years old and has got from the small stâge up to the TOWN BESIEGED DID D. S. OFFICIALS niece In 1906. He further save that no which the superintendent considered fended at our attitude with regard to half million mark and Is now fairly well on to the goal of the million dollar sueclfic sum waa at that time mention was provided for the work, and he went the non-payment of his election debts company. There. 1». I believe, only two million dollar fire companies In Canada c* a# a maximum allowance for this to work, and was told only to spend and not be lag introduced to Sir Wil­ to-day. In a short time I feel quite confident, at the rate the stock Is being FOR FIFTEEN BAYS $2 000. but he presented his bill for frid lo the manner that he thought he subscribed for, that the Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company will be the third REVEAL SECRETS? In the third paragraph of his letter (3.193.32, and the account was passed should. million that we will have in Canada. It is something we should he repeals that the work was carried With some dissatisfaction from Mr. I consider it Is entirely due to the lie very proud of and something we should take a great Interest In. the estab­ cut under Dr. Watt’s direction, and Henderson, and was paid by the de­ public, since these matters have been lishment of such companies as the Pacific Coast in our midst. We know that that of Mr. J. Q. Brown and Mr. partment. Then he told the superin­ ventilated as they have been, and Mr. Toronto and Montreal have not only obtained but retain the prestige of having Twenty. Men Killed on .Both Senate Calls for Information Henderson, and waa inspected before tendent that there was a certain Jardine has thought fit to contradict many financial companies centred In those two cities. We hold a unique^ ^ the accounts were passed for pay­ amount of work unfinished that he the same so emphatically, that the real position out here on the Pacific Coast and I think that it should be the en­ Sides During Fighting Regarding Recent Contracts ments. He says these accounts were would like him to permit him to finish. facts of the case should be known to deavor of evçry British Columbian to make Vancouver, as 4f is a commercial two In number, prepared bv the public Mr. Henderson told him that he would everyone around that district, which centre, one of the financial centre» of the Dominion of Canada. We cannot In Mexico for Battleships works department at Victoria—not by look up and see what money there was I herewith take the responsibility of carry on our commerce or shipping without the assistance of a company such as myself. The one covered 9.778 yards, at left, and if he could he would do so. He adding my signature to. this. It deserves the support of all loyal citizens In Its efforts in bringing the agreed price of 86 cent», equal to found on enquiry that |i« could let him Yours sincerely, capital in to the province of British Columbia and to the cl|y of Vancouver. 83.422.30; the other for 228 days car­ have $1.000 more, evldentlly robbing RALPH SMITH. 'As one of the Directors I can vouch for the men who are operating this Huachuaoh, Aria., Feb. 28.—Couriers Washington. D. CL Feb. 28 —By the penters and 128 da vs laborers’ wages, other work to pay these bills, but he Ottawa. Feb. 21. 1911. company, and with such men and with the great developments taking place arriving here brought news of a 15 passing yesterday afternoon In the at (4.60 and *3 a day. or (1.410; or was not on account to exceed that throughout our Dominion, this company has undoubtedly a very bright outlook days' siege of Cumuripa, Sonora, hi senate of resolutions offered by Sena­ total of (4.832 30. This Is all I have ever amount, and he promised1 faithfully not CHARGE DISMISSED. for the future. which the 18th Mexican infantry, after been paid In connection with this to do so. After the first week of Jan­ , “I have much pleasure in seconding the motion for the adoption of the tor La Follette, the state and navy de­ San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 28.-The charge being driven from the town, secured uary, 1909. there months after the gen­ partments must report to that body He further states that there never eral election, he again presented his of murder against Edwin K. Rlpp In con­ Mr. R. If. Duke, retiring manager, gave some very interesting statistics reinforcements and returned to the at­ whether naval secrets were revealed to was a suggestion that he had done account for work that he had agreed nection with, the death on January 27 of the growth of the company In its different departments, year by year, during the tack. During the fighting It was estim­ the Argentine Republic as an Induce­ anything that he should not have don to do for (1.000. and presented his bill August Postier at the Saratoga gambling club, was dismissed yesterday by Police term of his official position with the company and further spoke In part as ated that twenty men had been killed ment to place with American concerns until he voted for the government's for over $5.000. which made a total In follows: contracts for the building of two bat­ Judge Weller, who held that the prosecu­ on both sides. Before taking Cumu­ railway policy In the nrovlnclal Houae this one transaction of considerably tion had not sufficient evidence to warrant “l«ate in the year 1909, when the subscribed capital of the company was tleships. The resolution affecting the last session, and tlie- work on the quar more than (8.060. The carpenters’ and prosecution. (275,000, your Directors, beingrlmpressed with the advisability of the company ripa the rebel force captured Labru- state department was amended, add Ijt anttne station was done In 1908; als -plasterers’ work amounted to a trifle securing a larger capital, autt&rtzed an Increase to (500,000. and In June, 191.0, ado. a small town ten miles from Cum­ will be asked tn make a report "unless that Mr, Oliver’s and Mr. Temnleman 1 over (2.000. leaving a bill for the paint this amount was further increased by the Board to (1,000,000. In the fourteen uripa. All traffic on the Yaqui railroad incompatible with the nubile interests." statements that he was paid (8.000 can alone of more than (6.000. Lever Brothers, Toronto, wm send yen months ending December list, 1910, there was placed among the leading was suspended to-day. There were no restrictions concerning not be substantiated. I desire to give an Itemized state­ tree a cake of their famous PI an toi financial and business men of the West, (286,800.00 of this stock, and 1 am j, Governor Will Retire. the navy department and the resolu­ In* the Colonist of February 7 ment of the amdunts received by Mr. Inilct soap, if vou mention this oaosr. pleased to inform you that at the present date the subscribed capital Mexico City, Feb. 27 —Changes in the tion* demanded specific. Information (600,600.00. In the paid-up capital there was an increase during the year of state government at Puebla are In pro­ whether bottleahln plans numbers 34 $203,260.00. and this item now stands at (389.296.00. The assets have Increased gress. according to specials from the and 36. secrets of fire control and book t>y (491,660.53, during thé year, while the reserves and surplus have, during the capital of that commonwealth. Gov­ rpeelfication*, all marked confidential same iwriod increased by fl20,6i0.02, and this after providing for the very ernor Martinez lias handed In* his resig wrr#» revealed to Argentina or the handsome dividend and bonus which the shareholders have recently received. nation and will be succeeded by the Bethlehem steel, rotnnanv. The senate "In the net premium Income the increase of 30 per cent, should be considered present sub-secretary of Justice, Edu also wants to know whether plans for satisfactory. submerged torpedo boats were given “The loss ratio of 48.32 per cent, on the net premiums written is slightly ardo Novoa, It was said. under that of the previous year yd must be gratifying to the shareholders. Navarro, It Is said, will set out from Juarez In a few days on the return to Senator Kean offered a protest to the Thi s*- satisfactory results have not been accomplished but by the moat resolution calling for a report from the united Hod untiring efforts of your Directors, the officers, the staff and our I'hPiqa-hiie a rumor which could not be confirmed was circulated, last night secretary of state. This, he said would splendid agency force. I desire at this time to express to the.staff and to the »«e an unusual proceeding. Senator La field representatives our most hearty appreciation of the loyal and efficient ser that Gen. Navarro has been seriously wounded. Follette declared that the situation was vices they have rendered the company. an unusual one and required unuusal “You have already been Informed by the Chairman that I have requested to All Pood Buys BURN CAUSED0PEN SORE he relieved of the management of this company In order that I might be a< "If a resolution Is at all necessary." liberty tp accept the position of Manager of the B. C. Permanent Loan Company raid La Follette. "It la because the de which position had helm offered to me. In taking this step I can assure you Zam-Buk Worked a Wonderful 4-nre. Nut ment official* improperly construed ftiaxHt was hot on account of any lack of confidence in the future of this com Sometimes a bad bum. a deep cut, or the public Interests and no discretion pany. This Is, I believe, assured. should be left to them In such a case. “In Jaylng down the reins of management I am particularly pleased to hav rxime similar Injury, sets up a more permanent injury. In the form of an If the officials of either department these taken up by such an experienced and capable gentleman as Mr. T. W. gave a foreign government confidential HOUSES Greer, whom your Directors have selected to succeed me and whom we open discharging sore. In such cases Zam-Buk wiU be found of unequalled Information concerning the plans for ...... *3,000 pleased to welcome here to-day. Mr. Greer's long training in the fire Insurance American batt’eshlps they manifestly DENMAN STREET. 6 room*, modt-m...... business in both field and office, his sane and up-to-date underwriting methods showed that thev have little regard for DAVIE STREET, 10 rooms, modem. Lot 90x124 ____...... ( 14,750 and the Success which he has attained, have earned for him the reputation of Mr J. Nixon, of 901 William Avenue. Winnipeg, a blacksmith at the C. P. R. the Interests of the public and nothing VF.MHF.RTON ROAD, 9 rooms, modern...... i 18,500 being one of the most successful fire Insurance men In the Dominion. The whatever should be left to their discre­ ...... $2,950 shareholders of this company are certainly to be congratulated on being able to shops, had his foot badly burned by DUCHESS STREET. 5 rooms, new...... some molten metal falling upon It. He tion." NORTH PARK STREET, 7 rooms, new...... '...... $3,800 secure the services of Mr. Greer as manager." Senator La Follette opposed the In Mr. Jas. Ramsay, President of the Dominion Biscuit Company, In support of says: "The bum was a very bad one. and after the first few days It left an rertlon In the state department résolu the motion said: tlon of the words “unless Incompatible “Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,--I think it Is a source of great pleasure to be open sore, which showed marked signs of blood-poisoning. It discharged with the public Interests." here this afternoon and to listen to the very interesting and glowing reports that Thé amendment was then adopted we have Just heard from the Manager and Vice-President of our company. freely and caused me terrible agony Although a director, I am not an expert in the Insurance business, but the For three weeks I suffered acutely and and the resolution was carried by vote of 44 to 28. position which this jcorçtpany now occupies In the business life of the West could get no ease. At last I obtained LOTS .a preparation from the doctor, which certainly a very' proud one. It has been built up by honest effort and Is now BRIDEGROOM RELEASED. BLANCHARD AND FI8GUARD STREETS, 90x124 ...... $25,000 drawing premiums not only from the whole of the Dominion, but also from seemed to stop the discharging end made me quite hopeful, but finally the Great Britain. We manufacturers and merchants are Inclined to look on fire Continues .»oneymoon After Being Ar­ VIEW STREET, West ot Vancouver, 30x120 ...... $4,500 Insurance as a necessary evil. It Is certainly very necessary. It is one of the would become as bad as ever. rested on Charge of Abduction. CHAPMAN STREET, 50x130 ...... T...... $1,150 most Important factors in commercial life and If It were not for fire Insurance **I was then advised to use Zam ....$2,000 companies our commercial business could not be carried on as It is to-day." Buk, and from the first application the Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 28.—Philip Zhtsba. LYALL STREET, ESQUIMALT, 90x120...... ;...... Mr. Geo. J. Telfer, Manager of Jhe National Finance Co., In support of the balm gave me relief. The Inflamma­ of Seattle, Is continuing his Interrupted LYALL STREET, ESQUIMALT, 50x120...... $900 ■notion said: tion was thoroughly* chocked, and the honeymoon, after having been arrested, "The worth of the Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company** stock as an In poisonous matter cleared away in and later released, on a warrant sworn to LYALD STREET, ESQUIMALT, 50x120...... vestment is shown by the action of those who are on the Inside, the directors very short time after beginning with by A J. Meyers, father of the youthful LYALL STREET, corner lot, 60x120...... X $LSOO and officers of the company. If you were to examine the stock books of the Zam-Buk Healing then began, and bride, charging abduction. company you would find that the officers and directors have largely Increased In less than two weeks the wound was The couple came to Tacoma and wfre their holdings during the past year and that the proportion of the capital stock thoroughly healed." married by Justice Dewitt M. Evans, *»ot The above cen be bought on easy terms, and are exelunive listings. owned by the officers and directors forms a very substantial part of the total One of the main lessons of this case on the trail of the elopers came the Irate If you want » quick turn on your bedding», see us. stock of the company." Mr* ytgtit >«ve-^try Zam-Buk first tar father, who is a Seattle merchkaL. HMM Mr. T. W. Greer, the newly appointed Manager of the Company, in address­ any injury, sore, stetn disease though witnesses had sworn that the girl wound. It Is equally good for piles, wasyears of age. Meyers declare* she ing the meeting, spoke In part as follows: Is but 16. and that Zaiaba la therefore <. -Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,—I thank you indeed for the kind reception blood - poisoning, festering wounds, guilty ftf* abduction Justice Graham hr j où have accorded me this afternoon. Having Just arrived frrim the East yes chaps, cold sores, children’s eruptions, leased the young man on (250 ball, and terdây, 1 have not been able to get In touch with any of the details, but from scalp sores, varicose ulcers, chilblains, Zaiaba will appear March 11 -on a prelim­ BEVAN, GORE & ELIOT, Ltd the ntimber of very representative men whom I see present at the meeting this etc. AM druggists and stores sett at inary hearing. Abduction is a penlten afternoon, J take it as a good indication of the interest which you are taking 60C. bog or post free from Zam-Bek tiary offence thr affairs of the Pacific Coast Y\n ThaiirânceCompany ....=f- (Bo.. Toronto. >ot*m receipt of price. An unusual feature of the case is the Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate. "1, a in very pleaded to note the company anticipates placing the balance You are warned against harmful sub­ action of Justice Evans, who performed their 41,000.000 stock this year, and as you are selling this at a premium of (60 stitutes and inferior ' preparations, the marriage ceremony, tn voluntarily Of­ 1122 Government Street. Phones 2470 and 2471. per share, by the time you all meet In this room next year, the company should which yield a bigger margin ot profit fering hi* service* as counsel, to defend hold the very enviable position of being the strongest Are Insurance torn pan y In and are sometimes pushed as being Zaiaba, Meyer* i* a • weuin • ( ma da. The shareholders are to be congratulated on selecting such a repre- "just ns good " Nothing Is Jest as good, and formerly resided at Vancouver, B. U VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911.

filibuster. Many of them slept ore the upholstered seats. •I OIK Bit BILL A sleepy quorum appeared at 11 'clock to-day when the session was “LADIES WEAR” STORE The best €offee costs but Oregon, said "the senators are acting little more than the poor like children," and a pealed to them to do their duty and proceed to busi­ grades. You get the best that ness. Immediately after re-convening at money t buy at moderate 11 o'clock on motion of Senator (lal- CITY MEMBERS OPPOSE linger, the senate adjourned to 11:50 price when you use ■ clock* When th* BO* session was THE SECOND READING In the Calendar of Fashion formally begun and th- vote liken on the direct election of senators resolu­ tion. Se*l Brand The filibuster wâ* resumed at noon, Amendment Regarding Undue when Senator Stone started a lengthy attack on Lorlmer. Circuity of Pipe Urne is Spring Has Arrived to Stay NEW YORK STOCKS. Coffee » Voted Down For sqme time our stock* have been blossoming out, anil may now be said to be in full bloom. (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) nly. 134 ______New Toe», re», at J ______TAILORED SUITS «17.50 TO «65.00 High. LOW. BIO. Legislative Press Gallery, February 27. Amal. Copper ...... «4 «à Ml The Tailored Suit is the keystone of every welt-gowned woman’« wardrobe. Fashion's The Oak Bay bill was put through Amu. Agr. Chemical ...... 5SP| 174 bK, ... Best Sugar ...... «74 461 *i most nitre decree is in favor of the severely tailored suit, and we are showing a great assemb­ committee this eve ning and to-morrow Ann. Can , pref...... Y...... ,. «4 » “ 111 receive its final reading. No Q. Car. A Foundry ...... -4 544 Mil lage of the mannish effects. However, the less radical feminine purchaser will find quite as change was made in it, although there Amn. Cotton 041 ...... 638 04 many of the dressier, more elaborately*')riinmed-effccts in the same tailorudi materials.- n. Locomotive ...... »* ** »4 was an effort made to alter tSe word­ Amn. Smelting ...... 778 774 ing of the condition as to the pipe line Amn. Saaar ...L...... W kl m*' SPRING COATS AT «15.00 TO «55.00 not being laid with undue circuity. Amn. Tel. A Tel...... 14Û* 1444 145 Atchison ...... vm 104* Exclusive models in polo cloths, the latest achievement, in Pongee and Rajah silks, lin.- The bill came before the House on $250 Cash-i B. A O...... m *04 ens. serge, worsted »nH .tunning new mohairs, O’eanioHally there is one. a perfect gem of second reading.______- B. R. Ti- -TâTv.'i r» i m ** H. F. W. Behnsofi said into trouble O. P. R ...... m *m n«i the tailor’s art. ÀU are being overwhelmed with admiration and are eagerly sought. Central Leather ...... had been before the private bills co.m- C. A O...... mi Only a few more days when we will be able to present our first showing of the latest and roltiee.siaiaiona, and.while, C, A-O- Mt------* - most ultra fashions in Millinery. Watch for announcement. the committee had heard all sides of •Do., pref...... 444 V. M , A Si. P...... 1234 IS the and done all U could to Con. das ...... ,1414 Mfl| settlir-the- mattler. As was well known, D. A R. O...... 33 xii LADIES* LADIES* the government was a strong support Do., pref: ...... 71* «H STORE er of vi»sted rights. Several years ago Distiller* See...... fit IN STORE FINCH & FINCH rights of Victoria over the water sup­ Erie ...... ",...... ’ANÉ 29 ply sources In a radius of twenty Do.. 2nd pref. »; 717-719 Yates Street Just Above Douglas Street miles were taken away and the legis­ «; N . pref...... -UH Homes G. N. Ore ctfw...... ft 60 6*4 lature "gave cStfaTn^rfc’fitiT’io this so- ... 1» 1H 79 called Esqulmalt Waterworks Co. ... Û3Ü (d M One block from car and close to High School site. All Slnçe that time the city had lost a con 1164 111» ft slderable lot of Important rights given 331 ... 34 33| May ...... 14.27 14.80 14.» 14.48-501 these homes are seven rooms, with modem conveni- It lrt'1873. Even within Its own limits .1744 17H 174 the city was prohibited from wupplylng M . St. P. A 6 ...1421 144 14U June...... 14 « 47 inm:—rtvrtrf them are AftaW jtwhi Ab» oUwr twg At» It# tvtCn rttlzrre* with water, jfu xme_ M K AT...... - ... S3 *1 .luty ...... I4.:tr, 14 4- IUf 14.42-46 $3,000 and $3,250 each. OOUMI have carried out an agreement ' àiTg T.Tf.T.Trrrr:nir w:^ THE KIND THAT PLEASES more faithfully than the city had done Nevada Cons. ... .19 1S5 1*5 (R«!...... 12.74 12.84 12.72 12.82-84 SURE THE PEOPLE ! with Oak Bay. the,people of which N. Y. C...... WW ws i«en Deo...... 12.64 12.70 12.60 12 63-/0 ... 42 44 were getting water at a less rate than N. Y.. O. A W. 417 N. A W...... nets 1US‘I WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. PURE the cltixens of Victoria. Victoria N. P. :...... 122 1234 Ternis on Any of the Sçven through Its history had done a great ...mi THEONLYWELL Pacific Mail rv.. ... ^4 241 241 (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) deal for different parts of the province ...LMi 128 i2«; and would always do what was right UK»} Winnipeg, Feb. 28. KNOWN MEDIUM for Oak Bay. Why they came every ...16«j K61 1564 Open High Low Cloae $250 Cash year and took up the valuable lime .of Hock Island ...... - :*H 297 Wheat— PRICED BAKING the private bills committee he did not H P 11N ll‘i ll6*t May ...... 81| 911 801 914 Balance $20 Per Month at 7 Per Cent. understand. There was great talk of Sou. Railway ...... W X, July ...... 921 828 824 «I POWDER MADE IN Oak Bay getting GoWstream water but Tenn. Copper ...... a* »1 Oat»— sMay ...... Ki 221 Ml $4 not a drop of Coldstream water had Texas Pacific ...... -R4 2X* 2*1 CANADA THAT DOES ...1764 17.7< I7f* July ...... 84 14 » 33 come to the city yet and the pipes IT. P...... >931 93 93 NOTgontainALUM were lying along the route yet and U. B. Rubber ...... 474 -46* 46« dear knows when they would be put Do., 1st pref...... 114 1134 1M4 down. He intended to vote against Do.. 2nd pref...... 7K4 78 the bill. U. 8. Steel ...... 7H| Vi .w On the motion for second reading i pref...... 11*4 UN 11X4 8 E.W.GILLETT CO. LTD. I Moore & Johnson being put It carried, those voting Utah Copper ...... 46i 45 MADE against It being H. B. Thomson. H. F. Va. Car. Chem...... 7*^ •a; r»i IN CANADA. ^ TORONTO. ONT. 632 Yah* Street. Phone 627. W. Behnsen. Fred Davey. J. H. Hi Witbsah, pref...... ** 371 m Money on call. 21 Amazing thornthwalt* apd Parker WlthamF. The House went Into committee bn the —Total aalea, 344,880 shares. bill under the chairmanship of J. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS’ Fraser (Cariboo). In the second section of the sc he (Times lesartl Wire.) dule, embodying the agreement A Novelty in tween the etty and Oak Bay, It Is eta Pan Francisco. Cal-. Feb. 2K-Wheat- Phone 748. Phone 748. Australian, tl.46«*Sl 624 . flonorà. S160Wl.K2t; ed that the route and stie of the pipe California Club. SI $*è«*81 374. Northern to be laid by Oak Bay shall. In so far Wheat-Blue stem. »1 W4A8J46: Club. 8142* Hornless Talking Dunford Bungalow as possible, "without undue circuity," A81.45; Russian Red. SI «Wtil.424. be adapted to the requirements of tWu. Barley-Feed, good to choice, 81.11V Leeming Brothers Limited clty.. For the words quoted W. 81 124: fancy. 8L13I;. poor to fair. 81 tr/|g< Machines Hayward proposed to substitute "with 81.10; shipping and brewing. 81.1714*01.25. 624 POET STREET. out undue deviation from the most Eggs-California fresh, extra, including economical route.* cases. 184c.; firsts, 184c. ; seconds; Me. $17.50 to $35 Ernest Miller (Grand Forks), who Rutter California fresh, extra», 26c.; firsts. 21c.; eeconds. 22|c. was in charge of the bill, was willing Cheese—New California flats, fancy, And Carrying Cases to suit. to accept this as better expressing the OLD ESqVIMALT ROAD, 2 acres, splendidly situated; view 144c. ; firsts. 124c.; seconds. He.; California So arranged to hold largo Intention of the committee that Oak Young America, fancy, 16c.) do., ttrats, of city. This is a snap at...... «6,000 Bay should not have to go any further WlgcenWisconsin Daisies. 18c. ; Oregon. selection of records. thom It. would have done If Victoria fancy, 184c ; storage, California, 16c.: do. had not entered Into th* case. firsts. 13c. ; do., seconds. Be,1, do.. Young * KSqVIMALT ROAD. 4 lots, 100x250. Near Head street. H. B. Thomson objected’ to any America. l«c.; Oregon. tiHffi 14c. : do., COMPLETE OUTFITS Good seven room house ; half cash ; balance easy.. «8,000 L- change In the wording. Young America. 17c.; New York singles. Fred Davey thought the committee 18*c ; do.. Daisies, 19c. PANDORA AVENUE, large corner, seven room modem house, Potatoes—River Whites. |1.56€««1.85; Kal­ Subject to a Discount. should not make any change In an inas. Burbanks. 82.154*82.25; Oregon. 81.76V basement, furnace, Easy terms...... «4,000 agreement which the two municipali­ 82: Sweets, 86. ties had made. This amendment was Onions—Per sack, Oregon. S2.25tiC.4i> CHATHAM STREET, between Douglas and Blanehard. Best HEM In favor of Oak Bay and the authori­ California. S3.164482.25. Better Enquire Into This! ties of Victoria were strenuously op­ Oranges—New navels, 11.504(82: choice, C buy on the street ; 2 houses ; revenue producing... «7,250 posed to it. 682.26. DOUGLAS STREET, dose to City Hall. 60x60. Cheap The attorney-general supported the reading of the section as It stood. NEW YORK COTTON LARKET. k ...... «3,900 H. C. Brewster said, as a member Waitt Pirn Hast pi the committee, that the attorney- (By Courtesy F. W, Steyepeon A Co,) HILLSIDE AND COOK, 2 fine tots, 50x128, Below value of. general had expressed hie views. The Mew York. Feb. ». 1004 Government Street. adjoining properties. At, each...... «1,300 city had a right to consider the pipe Open. High. Low. Close. line in view of Its future use. If the March ...... 14.16 14.» 14.12 14.2*-» EMPRESS AVENUE, fine lot; close to Cook street.. «1,000 amendment passed the pipe might not April »...... 14.38-48 be laid in such a position that It would GORGE VIEW PARK, fine lot ; waterfront privileges.. .«550 be convenient for Victoria. — This very pretty California bungalow- on lot 64x120. N. F. Mackky, chairman of the com­ OXFORD STREET, 55x157, will make two lots when proposed Large living room, with open fire-place, beam ceiling, hard­ mittee. explained that they had tried Vigorous Veteran street is cut through. Will be comer,...... «1,300 wood floors ; dining room with fire-place, buffet, beam ceiling, to deal fairly with both sides, and Oak Mr. Sbesfer, 74 ye-rs el age, FEBRUARY hardwood floora; three bedrooms, kitchen, bath, full baaement, Bay had to be protected from being bale aa« hearty old geeth DOUGLAS STREET, four-fifth, acre. Snap...... «10,500 compelled by the city to lay the pipes Hla flee condition la entirely due with cement floor and furnace. An ideal home on your own with too great deviation from the most terms from the owners. to Dnfly'e Pure MaK WhUkey economical route. He writes: ”1 have lived a life of COFFEES On a show of hands the amendment m tintions exposure. Ten years a«-J was foil. ■ ; * ^ ~ lease 17506 and B. C. D. Co.'e Lot 148 the many hardship, I bad endured be Phone your grocei R. DUNFORD & SON The other sections were passed gen to tell upon me end I became thence east 80 chains more or less to tho 233 PEMBERTON BLOCK. without discussion and the bill very weak and run down. A friend shore line of South Bentlnck Arm, thenc ported. recommended Duffy’s Pure Malt WÊkïïtm north 80 chains alone the shore line to CROWN 00FFEX . . .40c «he eeluwwledted leeJins remedy far sD P«Ble Whiskey. I began to nae it faith­ An point of commencement, containing la eompLinu. SeecwmewM by the Medical Feeehy. acres more or less. FILIBUSTER IN fully, and to-day, at seventy-four, The genuine bwr the *i«n»Mee ei W* Mabtw SAMUEL O. PARKER. PERSONAL am hale and hearty and my good MAPLE LEAF...... 36c rr<«tsie«ed without which none are «env x). Ne ledf CHARGED WITH EMBBM6LBMRNT. U. SENATE healtn and bedily, strength art due kid be wMhout them Sold tn- »11 VbeuüsU â Stem B. FILLIP JACOBSEN. Agent to the regular use of this great tonic." E*UL Bun Çkmt* sovseAMriea BJ September 10th. 1818. Moscow. Idaho, Feb. 28.—Arrested The ladies of the Musical Club gave A. M. Sheaf er, Liberty, Ihd, EXCELLENCE OF COFF :ES. on two warrants charging emlnxxle- most enjoyable luncheon at the Empress (Continued from page 1.) ment of approximately 112,000 from hotel yesterday In honor of Miss Kathleen Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey the Farmers' Bank and Truat Com­ Parlow. ate If you wish to pany. U. 8. Grant Evans, cashier of the floor until the receaa was taken keep young, strong the bank, to-day declared he was in­ Mrs. H, C» Brewster will not receive to- id vigorous and Pioneer Coffee & MR. BOOTH’S •r mk until May. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford spoke for two hours yester­ nocent of the charge and declared that day and for eight hours last night. enjoy perfect MONEYWANTED other officials of the bank had access Brewster leave to-morrow for California health, take Dut y’» for a few wests. Senators Cummins, Crawford, Brls LECTURE to the bank’s books and that "they see tow, Owen, Stone. La Follette and Pure Malt Whis­ ’ phy. who 4me many Beveridge have- been leading the A1V key regularly, ac* Spite Rllli SSt Y. M. C. A. «ica tings." friends here, aur4#e! In the city yesterday buster In the effort to prevent what cording to direc­ All subscriptions to new build­ TO BE REPEATED The authorities are nqt Inclined, to and will Iw the g.iesl of her sister. Mrs. they claim would be a "white wash’ tions When taken ing past due one month. Money give much «MB to Evans’s assertion Charles Tulk. for a few days, when she vote acquitting Lorlmer of corruption at meal time it TRY THE PIONEER LINES. urgently needed to open building Owing to the fact that a groat concerning the other bunk official».1 vUi ÜB% for bvr home. Senator Crawford discussed both th* stimulates the mucous surfaces and many people were turned away Lorlmer case and the reciprocity Issue little glands of the stomach to a Bubncrlptlon, recelveo and ol- last night from hearing Mr. for eight hours and live nilnufes. healthy -action, thus improving the ANCHOR COFFEE . . .30c flctal receipt, given by following Bootli'r fa moue lecture maintaining throughout the most en­ digestion and assimilation of the food Directors, nt their otuces: W N. and giving to the system its full pro­ Mitchell, A. B. -saer, A. R “THE F MIL Y CHRISTIANS." ergetic delivery. McNeill, P, a. HUIIs. C. A. Fields Headaches — nausea — Indigestion—muddy complexion—p During the night Vice-President portion of nourishment. It tone» HORSE SHOE...... 36c R. B. McMIcklng, A. i. Brace. W. it is decided by Mi Booth t Sherman was atiouieed of exercising too and strengthens the heart action and bad breath—these are some of the effect! of con­ Bcowcroft repeat th«r lecture to-night start­ much power. On h motion for a roll purifies the entire system. ing at* 1 o'clock. No advniii stipation. The mild, sensible, call Sherman declared he himself had Be sure when you purchase Duffy’s SBVEBEION ...... 20c Pure Malt Whiskey that you get the tickets Wilt be eold. payment bv- reliable remedy tt. counted a quorum and refused to ac­ cede to the demand. BwveriUgv pro genuine. Make certain that tne seal tng made at.the door. General over the cork is unbroken. The gen­ LAND ACT. admledon 26c. Dwts opoa^t 7 tested sharply, declaring that such Ac uine can be purchased at grocers They ceelate the tateet tlon threatened to establish a prog* and Mono* dealers everywhere, or •dent which would mean a closure of IMPORTERS OF FINE DIFTR1CT -<*F COAST, RANGE I1L rJ; dboowred and beet «veomsst known, wh direct. 11.69 » large bottle. Write for Taka notice that Samuel G. Parker* of the senate. There was plenty of ac­ doctor's advice and medical booklet, tion - jAUihL And. "lia- Bella COole. occupation bookkeeper,. In­ "^pllefwwwell wiewet the •aphte* dtoeewl—ien* «S*e;il.i both vent-free. * - tend* to «mrty tôt pertnhwfoti to purchase tc.nerH to-Lhv battle of words jammed The DeHy Malt Whiskey Ce., Recheeter, N. Y, COFFEES the following described lande: Commenc­ - until the morning ing at a post planted at the 8. E. corner During the night many wn, of B. C. D. Co *e Lot 237, on the weet aide t. ahowxRt.-H89 .eMlA of. the Um* Hmim Hewn. Phher â Uwr, Victoria i of South Bentlnck Arm» thence weet * chaîne, thence eouth 20 ehsme th timber BUY THE OAtLY TIMES to which they., were subjected by the Vancouver Distributors. ED ?□ 58 Lots Sold Yesterday 0 0


; FIFTY EIGHT lots sold in our Monterey Place (Oak Bay) subdivision yesterday-just an index to the way lots Practically All City are moving in this choice section of Oak Bay. , menwreeev Every Lot in Conveniences A good day's business, but only the commencement of the business that is going to be done in MONTEREY This Subdivis­ Without the ion is Free High Taxes of From Rock the City are the very best in------0 Water OAK BAY Soil is Rich This w. i«w cm, ef **t*B*»*- 0 Sewer tial section of greater Victoria. Certainly the time for you to secure YOUR lot is to day. and all Lots Cars Come in and let us give you plans and further particulars. are Under School Easy Terms From $550 Easy Terms Cultivation 0 0 Etc. Etc. Island Investment Company Ltd. 0 Bank of Montreal Chamber»______Phone 1494 Phone 1494

000 ni5irSilHl[S)151[SHg][cS]0[E00[gS]0P

notice had been given were moved by the up," continued Mr. Stewart. "The said, $30,000 last year, and a large pel- undergo treatment but unable to meet Attorney-General, and this led Mr. Brew­ grading: right up to the summit nt but that little being important he had capita payment out of the vote for h«»a- PROGRESS OF WORK ON the maintenance expense, the charge of ster to protest. Half the bill was njw Yellow head Pass Is virtually finished. to attend to it for them., pltal aid, made up. he said, of sections which the There may be a delay in bridging the The afternoon session was prolonged maintenance to the extent of one dollar per d-ty to l>e met by the municipality. H. C. Brewster declared that thla new members could not appreciate without Athgbusea river, but with ordinary MUNICIPAL LAW until eight o'clock and no evening- sit­ proposal placed on the municipalities ting was held. Mr Speaker Eberts hav­ A; Mich person Is to be admitted to having these before them in print. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC good luck the rails should be laid to lue f iltorium upon the request of the another onerous burden thgt should be The Attorney-General put the hiamç cn ing a dinner to Ahe members. SBCEM 6z the province. Every day the summit by the first of next Jjme. “P-” Ar m* reeve, « the patient Is able “On this section we have about S99 The Municipal Clauses Act amèner­ there wax a sale, or a tea. or a tax |he municipal committee, which had left aient» were taken up and considered to !.»y he Is to refund the amount to the munlvlpaltty In full or according day or a passing of the hat In some it to hie department to straighten the t>m men at work," continued Mr. Stewart, In committee of the whole. The defini­ form or another for this work. whl« h out thus late In the session. These Main Lyie Will Be Completed tion of “land" Is expanded to Include to ability. our headtfuarters being located at Mr. Hawthornthwalte strongly cham­ was thoroughly deserving, of courue, amendments had all been before the com­ Fltxhugh, a future divisional point, the Interest of a person In land held but he malntatm-d that the only pro­ mittee. hut had m>t been acted up amt to Tete Jaune Cache under timber lease or licence from the pioned the duty of the province to look twenty-five miles east of Yellowhtad v CITIES SADDLED WITH after tuberculosis patient* and assume per way to handle It was to take It up Incorporated in the bill, he expldned. Next Fall Pass. Our energies are being con­ crown In tlie right of the Dominion of as a work of the state and carry It Canada. Another section makes such the full responsibility of maintenance Mr. Brewster—I think It should be re­ centrated on the western or British of Tranquille sanatorium. Instead of through, no matter what it cost. Dr. MORE RESPONSIBILITIES land, taxable from the date of lease or printed before we are sakwl to adopt U Columbia, side of the slope where we that, he said, the government was plac Fagan took the view that this would on report. have over 2.000 laborers distribut'd ‘ Tha..mlnfihnuin number of aldermen or Ing additional burdens on the muni­ diminish public Interest and cut dotvn Mr. Bowser-That wilt be tyuv* Vancouver. Fob. 27.—“The main line through the fifty mile stretch to Tete cipalities, while with the other hand public subscriptions, but he did not Mr. Brewster remarked thatt hut iftf The Thant of the i Irani! Trunk Pacific railway will Jaune Vache. councillors may be less than fixed by coincide with this way of looking at vipal committee had been so slack th1 the act, upon good cause shown to the taking away from them sources of be completed to Tote Jaune Cache at -The beginning of next November It. It was argued that If made a pro­ commendations of the member foY the should see all the work completed Har minded by the President of the Coun­ sion of debentures into stock. When torlum had been considered very sert The particular case which made the “All the work from railhead west to debentures have beeij Issued and In­ ties and with which the government Tete Jaune Vache has been e $66,eW by J. R. «mart and associate*. cil that some members who do not talk had had nothing to do. While the gov­ otisly. The government hAd looked into change necessity Is One in'wmrh * com­ in the House are valuable men on the terest paid for one year or more the what the Dominion government and pany has a lease ior WO years from the by-law authorising their issue shall ernment did a good deal It was felt uomtnion government, but, of course, can­ standing committees. This is very true, that the public should do -something. other governments In Canada were rtut be quashed nor set aside on any doing, and when a comparison was not register. but the Attorney-General rather spoiled If the government wa* to do all the The latter part of the afternoon was the effect of his colleague’s reply a ground. general public would not take much. made he thought a great deal of credit A new section makes It the mandatory spent bn private bills, the order paper be­ little later when he,had to confess that If any. Interest In. the work. Grants was due. to the government Of British duty of municipalities to send to the ing virtually cleared of these. Five were by reason of the lack of attention to amounting In all to $100.000 had been Columbia. In Ontario, the richest prov­ given their third reading and four others business shown by one committee Tranquille sanatorium all persons suf­ ince in the Dominion, a grant of $4.000 fering from tubercukAis and willing to made to the sanatorium. Mr. Bowser only await their final formal stages. ?ha which never has very much to do— a year and $1.60 per patient per week proposed Western Canadian Truat Com­ “Tomorrow night, let’s have was all they made. The Dominion had pany is incorporated as the lnter-Britlsh turned down a proposition to aid this Trust and Land Co. Snow pudding made with work. The last grant the government Questions Answered. of British Columbia had made bound The following questions werej answered It to look after the advanced cases. the otuer -ay: In regard to outsiders coming in. Hr. Mr Brewster asked the Commissioner of Knox ÏSSÏÏ Gelatine ...... ■ Young said a condition of the grant Lands: "1. What claims has the govern­ i *Sr made by the government was that It ment knowledge of to lands, minerals, •NOW PUDDING must be applied only to the mainten­ timber or water and power rights on Mm. Eee. SparUtmOeUdw. ance of .residents of the province. For Buttle lake or within Strathcona park? 2. M N* caM vaut. X Ms* HUtee wew. eeS Nl«* * Wwlw*. the present proposed legislation there Has the Campbell River Power Company a. -, letter le *e ceM ms sMe. DUeolve te Mins wew was a precedent In the case of those a claim of any kind; and, If yes. what? 8.. ■ nice S tbe leroees end N|tt. Stit until dtwolved. sent to the old men's home, the gov­ Have any claims been recognised by the -----■.il Keeteo, end Seel tike 'elitM ee*U tt b H«bt and teeegr. *« ym* ,r f. ernment tearing the expense of those government ? 4. How many of the claims from unorganised territory. In that arose before, and how many after, the fcpfcgfcw,»"—“"W' case too. the legislation came from the date the reserve was put on Btrathcona park lands?" > Desserts made with Knox Gelatine are pure. Union of British Columbia Municlpall- Hon. Mr. Ross replied sa follows: “1. Knox Gelatine it neither colored nor sweet­ 11 Mr. Hawthornthwalte asserted that Utf The only alienations made by the lands department within tlie area of btrathcona ened—it lends itself to the melon* of hun­ officers of the Union of British Columbia park, so far as can be ascertained, con­ dreds of desserts. But desserts are only one Municipalities were largely Conservât ires sist of twenty-four special timber licenses, of its many uses. Nearly all the dishes in and that they made this proposition to which were Issued under staking* made relieve the government. He repeated his the mea' can be improved with gelatine. It « t prtorx to the reservation of timber In De­ remarks a» to members putting In a ses­ cember, 1907. i his department has no is not a cook in* " secret,” but it u the secret sion of silence In their seats, to which the knowledge of any mineral locations In the of much good cookin*. President of the Council retorted that ««id area Î. No. 8. The timber Meanses many members who did not inflict them­ above réfèrred to. 4. Answered by reply selves on the House very, aften dhl go-.U Our AscifM Book is Free to question one." work in the committees. Mr. Brewster-naked the Minister ot “ Dttc'T P„«grt, tor Daialy «t ne w There was' some cTOW-ftrtng hetw.* •» Public Works .the following questions: “l illeslreied book ol fee,pee tor Deaaerta, Seled», Mr. Hawthornthwalte and Mr Walwm as What Is Üte tots! coat to date of work Candie,. Poddinge, lone, lee Green,., eta., In- to the respective healthiness of Vancouver done on Reach road. CûWlchan Buy, Cow- „ e^kor with g HU Stmpk «• free tor yeor Iroee. s end Nanaimo, after which the section ichau JWbaL amouitls have been mm. Addfw ------— ...... ■ passed, , . V. expended on said road hi each of th* Among the further sections was years from M01 to date? 1. What t* the CHARLES B. KNOX CO. abolishing saloon licenses from Jan. estimated cost of the completion of *at

i,U» of mcrowd .hat waits for .hu se-ond 'fitter**** at A, vaudeville houae .very alght. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, T IDAYJFEBRÜARY 28, 1911. 10 TRANSPORTATION. STOKERS Will RAVE CIRCUS ARRIVES ON WIRELESS MESSAGE ti My Back is RETURNS FROM NORTfl The Coronation AFTER FINE PASSAGE TO FIND NEW JOBS STEAMSHIP UARDA FROM TAMBA MARU ...... -OF - Japanese Liner Expected to Petriana Encountered Little Boilers and Furmels to Be Dis­ French's Menagerie Returns to ‘FRUIT-A-TIVES’ WILL CURE Reach Quarantine To-mor­ KING GEORGE V. Bad Weather—More Men carded Through Invention Town, With Several Addi­ row—Bringing Manager; Backache means congestion of the Being Employed of Combustion Engine tions, After Long Tour Kidneys. Dull ache In the back—sharp, JUNE 22. 1911 shooting peins—headache and nervous­ ness—mean that the Kidneys are over­ NOW is the time to make yonr reservations for the above event. worked. The Bodrela an constipated According to a prominent British Wirelçss communication iind the skin Is inactive, so that the All ships are rapidly filling up. The following steamships Rail While In the north on her last trip to Before long Victorians will have the Nippon Yusen Kalsha liner T>mba the Naden whaling station, the Can­ shipbuilder, Mr. W. R. Feniuaon. of opportunity of witnessing a real circus, Maru and the Dominion Government Kidneys are compelled to do the work from Montreal and Quebec. of both bowels and akin In throwing off adian Northern Pacific Fisheries Com­ Messrs. Barclay, Curie A Company, something which has not been herp for station at Triangle was engaged In last pany’s steamer petriana (Capt. Shad who was Interviewed by a London cor night, and the Japanese steamship re- the waste of the body. The Kidneys ROYAL GEORGE - ...... May 3 considerable time, providing the plans thus become Irritated and Inflamed and forth), which returned to port last respondent recently. It la probable that ported that »he waa 571 miles CORSICAN...... May 3 night, experienced exceptionally fine now being formulated by James O. backache results. The only possible within the next two years large ocean Victoria and that she expected to reach LAKE CHAMPLAIN...... - May 11 weather, which was In marked con­ French, of the Haanlelr menagerie, are this port to-morrow afternoon. The way to relieve the congestion and c»r« liners will cross the Atlantic without the pain It to force the bowels end VIRGINIAN...... - May 12 trast with the other voyages made to carried out. After a successful tour veaeet waa epoken at 1.1» o'clock and the new Queen Charlotte Island sta­ funnels or boilers. Mr. Ferguson'» reported “all well." If U» *"U skin to do their share of the work. ROYAL ED WARE ------* MaylT ^ In California. Mr. French has brought tion. during the past two months. Last statement indicates the expectation of reaches the outer dock to-morrow ane "Frult-n-tlvea.-' the great fruit med- EMPRESS OP BRITAIN ...... May 19 ^ dlctne, le the best and meet scientific Sunday the vessel encountered the almost Immediate success of the eU- hla many wild animals together with will be one day ahead of her echedule, .7 TUNISIAN...... May 19 only stormy part of the passage when several new quadrupeds, back to Vic ehe not being due to arrive peril Thura; Kidney Remedy In the world. englned liner, and this confidence —Fruit-a-lives" will always cure Pain ’ LAVRENTIC...... i...... May 20 entering Queen Charlotte Sound south­ torts, arriving here last night on the day. LAKE MANITOBA" . . . Ï . . . -r- - May 28 bound. She was caught In a heavy ha.rd largely on an enterprise wh Aboard the Tamba Mara «* P*e*"L in the Rack and Kidney Trouble. 60c northwest gale and battered about con hie firm has In hand, the construction Koemos liner Varda from San Fran- gen la N. Kato. who la to take the box, « fpr 62.60. trial else. 26c. Dealen. - VICTORIAN- - - — - ... - - May 26 slderably. but although tossed about of an Oll-englnod ship of 6.06» tons, place of Mr. Musts, .financial agentof or from Frult-n-tlvea Limited. Ottawa. TEUTONICi ni l ii/ .-...... -...... May w»/27 badly and shipping large quantities of with twin screws, and a Included In the menagerie which the Osaka Shoeeh Kaleka ROYAL GEORGE...... ------May 31 ■ water no damage was done. speed of twelve knots. Such frankness wee unloaded from the steamship it coma, who has been ordered to Chicago June 2 On the last trip north the Pet liana to become the Oriental traffic manager EMPRESS OF IRELAND - - T— from a company engaged In • the wharf this morning were three carried a full-cargo of lumber and ma­■ warture Is taken as evidence that It Is of the Chicago. MUwai*$$ and Puget CORSICAN - -...... June 2 chinery for tho Naden Hgrbor station. not engaged in an experiment, but Ilona two lionesses, a tiger, a ttgereee, Bound Railroad company. TW«ra a| T.AKF CHAMPLAIN - - June *- She also took about ninety Japanese that It s*ea Its way to the finish of the _ leopard, two leopardesses, two bringing a good «lied cargo this trip VIRGINIAN -...... - June 9 and Chinese to be used In rushing the and hu several hundred tons of frolght UnTh«Unew,|lner. which wDl have ac­ Jaguars, a clouded Jaguar, five pumas, June 10 new budding to completion In tfmb for for Victoria. Hhe also ha. a large LONG OVERDUE MEGAN TIC ------. three hyenas, four bears, a wolf, a the opening of the -whaling season ln- commodation for a limited number of quantity'fit silk which will be shipped ROYAL EDWARD ------June 14 elde of two months. The station Is yet passengers, will be propelled by two r, two foxes»- a- .ooteamondl. to New York over the Great Northern EMPRESS OF BRITAIN June 16 far from finished and the gang of men sets of Internal combustion engines of peccary, a Chinese sheep, a deer, as soon as the vessel reaches Seattle.. employed Is being constantly Increased the Diesel type, and the engines have camel, two llamas, two macaws, Another Oriental liner expected In For accommodations on these ships write or fall on __ in order to have the building ready at £»„ «, designed as to overcome Ini­ glvet, a dog and canvas tents, va port this week Is the Empress of India, A Party .Leaves Dawson to the earliest possible date. tial difficulties connected with starting wire hurdles, banners, etc. Mr. which left Yokohaiaa on February 1». Search for the Men on Their L. D. CHETHAM, It Is not known definitely at present and reversing . They can be started In French will take them to hts farm at She Is scheduled to arrive hen on 1102 Government St. City Passenger Agent. when she will proceed to the north five minutes Another and smaller en­ Swan Lake, where they will be put Thursday and is bringing from Chinn Way From Fort McPherson ngnln. On the way south the Petriana gine of the same type will generate Into condition. and Japan e fair cargo of Oriental GENERAL AGENT FOR ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP loaded 500 tons of coal at Nanaimo. electricity for the working of winches Mr. French Intended to hold his- goods. Including a valuable shipment of LINES. Which will be taken to the new station and steering-gear, as well as for the circus at the Gorge but so far ha* been silk.. She is going around to Esquimau some lighting of the vessel. While the ves unsuccessful in completing nego­ (Times Leased Wire.) time to-day to take aboard several eel Is being built on the ■ Clyde, the tiations. The animals owned by the Dawson. Feb. 28.—A doxen mounted large tanks and other machinery to be announcement in made that- she la not local trainer ï.re all highly trained And m»n of the Royal Northwest Mounted Installed at the Naden Harbor building. for Brltleh owners. There have the tricks and turns of each are well TO MAKE SPECIAL rumors, however, that several British worth witnessing. In the south the Police left Dawson to-day for a long S. S. “PRINCE GEORGE” -. companies have been looking into the circus proved* to be a great attraction search into the upper ^circle feT matter of vessels of this ttPC ------afifl ir-wnr Tnmmrote|n rompo,,d entirely of express Ikedua—Clear; wind north ; 30.40 ; 36; day beacons have been established re­ extended she has made for some time^ cars, runs between New York and Chl- BILL MINER IS heavy swell. cently I» Johnston Straits, one on the The Ena will be utilised during the rMro, The cars are sealed at New San Francisco Prince Rupert—Clear; wind N. AGAIN IN TOILS south shore, south of Hock Bay Bluif; .mater part of “'^"^.i^T'^h.o the train arrive* here the and light: 30.26; 31; sea smooth. Kosmos Liner Reaches Port one in the middle south of Ripple Dead Tree Point—Clear; wind S. E-Î Point, and on near the western shore Bkagway run carrying freight r*ltgV|l „„ one of lhe cars had been Southern sea moderate. Nearly Two Days Behind of Thurlow Island They are all paint lng the passenger vessel* of B great I |,roken and several packages stolen, (Continued Mom page 1.) California Time—Brought Nitrate vd white. deal of work. Last year she WM I Officials said none of the packages Point Grey—Clear; calm: 30.30 ; 43: sea Leaving Victoria. 8 a. ra.. every Wee nlng on the same route and prorfid I contained money. newday, Str. UMATILLA or CITY Oi smooth; In. a grey steamer with grejr be a very valuable vessel. She Is onej ------—— On August 8th. 1*67. Miner escaped PUEBLA, and 10 a. m., every Frtda> funnel and black ring around top. of the finest of the «nail freighter class I FAILURE OF THE from the penitentiary wliere he was from Seattle. Sir. GOVERNOR* or PRK Cape Laxo—Clear; wind N. W.; 30.30; All the way up the coast from San SHIPPING GUIDE on this cotast. being equipped with a serving sentence received in Victoria. 8IDKNT. SI; sea smooth; spoke steamer Prince Francisco thé big Kosmos steamship large number of winches to permit the LAND POLICY With twenty prisorihr» Miner was put For Southeastern Alaska. Str. RAMONA Albert northbound at 8.10 a.m. will Uarda (Capt. Petersen), was assailed cargo being discharged, or loaded with to work In the brie*, yard and the leave* Seattle, 9 p. m.. Mar. X, 14. OCEAN STEAMSHIP* arrive at Prince Rupert 6.30 P-m. by a heavy northerly gale and waa de­ expedition. guard's attention being obscured from Ocean and rail tickets to New York an March 1. * layed from reaching port on time. She This____ mvspring,______the______Princes*Ena will! their movements four of them. Includ­ all other cities r San Francisco. Tatoosh—Cloüdy; wind S. B-, 18 was expected here on Sunday night, Tamba Maru ...... March 3 have all the work she can do In rushing (Continued fdom page L) ing Miner, excavated a hole under the TICKET AND FREIGHT OFFICE-IL miles; 30.32 ; 43; sea smooth. bavin* left the Ooldrn date on Thurs­ Empress of India ...... March 3 freight to the north, aa unprecedented wall and made their escape. A consid­ Wharf St. Phone 4 Paehena—Clear ; calm; 30.05 ; 41; day aftemooh, but did not dock at the March 1* activity is expected to be seen there | erable portion of his term 1* yet to run. IL P RITHET A CO., LTD.. Agent* * March 26 For further Information obtain folder. smooth. outer wharf until late last nleht. being Tacoma Maru ...... within a very short time. The passen­ able it would be made. The premier as­ and he may be brought : back to serve Estevan—Clear* wind 8. W.. light; over a day overdue. Shortly after pass- From Australia. ger boats, whilewnue ablehui« tow handlei *c«»n- — . «esserted —that — - the opposition• had never the remainder of the term. This morn­ 29.95; 55; sea smooth. ing out from ’Frisco she ran Into the ...... March » sMerxble freight would not be able to advanced any land policy, ing, however, Mr. Hussey said It was Triangle—Cloudy; wind N. W. bend winds and bucked them right up From Liverpool. meet the demands which are promised. Mr. --Brewster---- —"**—“The "” rpremier will probable the police at Gainesville member the policy announced by the CANADIAN MEXICAN miles; 30.70; 87; sea smooth; 2-masted to Cape Flattery. N ing Chow ...... March 16 would be unwilling to return Miner steamer with black hull and funnel off Cape Mendlclno the Uarda ex. From Mexico. leader of the Liberal party in the last here, it being desirable to Jail him for . passed here southbound at 11.30 a.m. ocifenced a terrible blow from the . March l campaign. the crime for which he Is now under PACIFIC S. S. CO.. LTD. ••We never took any stock in these Ikeda—Clear; wind north; 30.36 ; 41; northwest and ax she came up from For the Orient WESTERN RAILWAY arrest. The provincial authorities will policies." was the premier's reply. communicate with the federal author! - Monthly sailings to and from Brills sea moderate. •Frisco very light with little freight In Chicago Maru...... March 3 Prince Rupert—Cteer; calm; JO 51; 62; her holds, she was buffelted about se­ .. March 4 Section 12 gives power, “where crown tiee, as the offence for which Miner Is Columbia and Mexican port* and takti. grant# of land have been Issued cargo to Eastern Canada and Europe rti sea moderate. verely. Bhe shipped no water, rising -,rimBR w ...... March 1# now wanted in Canada, breaking Jail, Dead Tree Point—Clear; wind N W., and falling on the gigantic waves with­ . For Mexlee. OFFICIALS CONFER through fraud, or in error, or by Im­ comes under the Federal law. Tehuantepec Railway. providence. or have In other respect light:$ sea moderate. out burying her nose in them, but was . March 11 been Improperly Issued." to cancel Next sailing, b. 8 ST RONALD hurled about unmercifully end mgdr For Liverpool. Mar* 16, 1911- Passenger agents tor the practically no headway at all. At Bellerophen ...... *•' .. March 2» such grant upon hearing the parties In Canadian Northern Steamships, Ltd times her propeller would commence tcrested cyr upon default. Montreal to Bristol ; the Anchor Lint an racing and the wind, blowing with hur­ For Australia. Important Questions Will Be Mr. Hawthomthwalte was decidedly Shiloh's Cure Ham burg- American Line from New Tor SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . March 24 to Glasgow. Southampton, Hamburg an - ricane force, would blow her back. Last Considered at Meeting in opposed to this section, outside of other European points; also through book Sunday when off the Columbia river COASTWISE STEAMERS. fraud, and pointed out that It might lng» via Mexico to Eurooe. February 27. she met a terrific north, northeast gale, From San Franeisee.____ California operate to the great Injury of Innoceni Apply T. H. WOR8NOP. General Man Seattle-Arrived : Str Hornet from and In the nasty seas fared rather purchasers or of men who get a grant ager, 541 Hastings St.. Vancouver; H. A fan Francisco; str. Manxanita from City of Puebla ...... March TREEN. Agent. 634 View St.. Phone 23TC. badly. Umatilla ...... r------MaTch In which some error may occur. He N* ah Bay. Barly this morning the blgi steamship moved to strike out all the words after Buy The Best Tacoma—Arrived U. 8 s. Buford In command of Pilots Newby and Har- From Skagway. princes* Beatrtee ------March (Times Leased Wire.) •fraud"’ .. from San Francisco. rlsnn. moved from the outer dock and Mr. Brewster again referred to •fisagea ley We «User During the perte- From Northern B. C. Ports. Santa Barbara. Cal.. Feb. 28.- far font homo. Quiitty I .os Angeles—Arrived : Str. Roanoke was taken to the Victoria Chemical BftYlgutlmi la ClOF from Portland; atr. Wellesley from Ta- company's wharf, where she le dis­ which were In the department, which mi keenly art kef» Prière George ...... March 4 « sîm-so •1,1/rd kyckoatiog ed on the Yukn charging 60# tons of nitrate brought showed the tided for this section. The Veotur...... “arc; * rlman system, and almost the entire •Yhrer this Coin San Francisco—Arrived: Str. Trln- from Chilean ports. The Uarda Is one taking of lands, stripping them of their Mue book of western railroad men, ar­ culo from Taltal. of the largest vessels to enter the Inner timber and then abandoning them, or B47R0GERS BROS. pany’a stages or harbfir and she was successfully piloted From the West Coast. rived In Santa Barbara at noon to-day erato bet wee: — •...... March 6 the making of false certificates of Im- Made MIN NeHeftfrlglt I BANK LINERS POSITIONS. up to her moorings. tn hold a eonfetiMiee with President E. White Horae an- From Nanaimo. P Ripley of the Santa Fe eyatem at nrovemente, should be made punish - When the Uarda haa completed dis­ able with the utmost severity If th, Dawson, earn­ City of Nanaimo...... March 6 the letter's winter home here. Among The weekly shipping circular of charging her freight here she will leave section was going to prevent this sort ing “freight and passengers. For San Franeiooe. those present besides Judge Ieivrtt Tea Mta. #s*f akear Slatss. Waterhouse A Co., managing agents for Vancouver, for which port she has of thing and would not hurt those wh- For furthei Information apply for the Weir line, shows the last re­ 1,000 tons of structure wterI and Iron; Umatilla ...v...... J were Julius Krwttsehnltt, James Still­ City of Puebla ...... March * man. E. O. Mcforinlck. E. E. Calvin. purchased Innocently he would sun MERIDEN BRITS60. Traffic Department, W. P. A Y. R., ported position of the vessels Jn the L00O tons of pulp machinery for the port It. At the same time he had t MU BT UAMN aaus Mill Creek, and 300 tons of steel beam. For Skagway. Epes Randolph. L. J. Spence and Wm. Pacific fleet as follows: Princeaa Beatrice ...... March A protest most strongly against the prac Vancouver. B. C F. Herrin. Winch Building, Avmerlc—Arrived at Shanghai Feb­ For Northern ■. C. Porta. tlee of bringing aueh Important legis­ ruary 23. . SLACK WATER-ACTIVE PASS. In spite of an official announcement Prince Rupert ...... • ...... March 5 and the assertions of -all concerned that lation before lhe House at a time .when Boverlc—Arrived at Sydney, N. S. It could not be properly considered tv., February 23. December. 1916 nothin* of moment was scheduled to Venture...... »...... »*V A come before the conference, the belief The amendlrient was lost. 6,000 Share» Hallamshlre—Left Vancouver for |H.W. Slack!!L-W.Slack Amur ...... M"cn “ To bring the bill Into conformity with jh. m.|k. m.||h. «n.[h. a. was general that questions of moment­ Moji February 10. For the West Ceset ous Importance, both to California find the Timber Manufactures Act, the ex­ AMALGAMATED DEVEL­ Kumeric—At Yokohama. 17 .. Te#s ...... March 1 emption of timber west of the Cascades S. S. Venture the country at large were to be discuss­ Mineric—Left Sydney for San Fran- 18 23 0 37 | 13 47 For Nanaimo. for the requirement of manufacture OPMENT CO. 1 .:$= 19 31 1 If | 14 27 ed. It was believed that the policies of fob northern b c ports .-clsco-'gahruaty-jt—______Ho i -Clty-ulL Nanaimo ...... March 7 both systems for the coqaing year would within the pmvlnoe was struck mit. . . Oceano—Left Han Francisco for 2 38 | IS UK FERNY SERVICE depend largely upon the result of the This led V Brewster to remark on New Zealand and Australia on Feb- 3 26 | 17 1» lhe contradiction given to the blue CALLING AT BELLA C00LA Vleteria- Vaneeuywf. -4 conference. ; 10c per Share , ruary I. 4 34 | 18 U Persons well Informed on the rail- ruin picture drawn by the Conserva­ Princess Victoria leaves Victoria dally on Quito—Left Victoria for Shanghai; read situation considered It certain that tive speakers during the reciprocity Hongkong and Manila February 7. at 8.86 P- except Sunday, arriving at debate. It wea argued that the natural 12 43ii tee Vancouver at 8.16 p.m. : Princess Royal the policy of the Houhtem Pacific re­ flurerle—At Tacoma January 6. 13 62 li 10 04 garding Its recent 176.000.000 bond Issue Industries of the province would be R. D. MaclACHLAN Knight of 8t George—Left Tacoma 14 69 1! 10 66 leaves Victoria dally at 11.46 p. m., arrlv Thursday, March 2nd lng at Vancouver at 6 a. m. for improvement» was to be settled at ruined, but now the minister came for­ Beard of Trad# Building; for Sail Francisco February 24. 16 01 II 11 44 ward and showed that the power to r 04 li 12 36 Princess Adelaide leaves Vancouver the meeting and also tentative plans of Phans 210*. Hurley—At Vancouver. B. Ç-, to dally, except Tuesday, at 16 a. ro.. arriv­ the two roads for handling the Pana­ prevent such ruin was not under tho take March 31 steaming from San ing at Victoria at 2.45 p. m. ; Prlnceee ma-Pacific expedition teaIBc were to be Dominion; that the power to enforce John Barnsley Francisco for Aucland and Sydney. Royal leaves Vancouver at 1 a m dally agreed upon. manufacture of timber within tl^| pro­ arriving at Victoria at 6.W p. m Coming on the heels of the Interstate vince was In the hands of the pro­ Phone 1925. 634 Yeteg 8t returns from holbkro. Victoria-Seattle. commerce commission's decision refus­ vince; and that the question taken by Princess Adelaide leaves Victoria daily, ing proposed rate advances on all com­ the Liberal opposition wss right. After a very rough trip to Hrtberg except Monday, at 4.30 p. m., arriving at modities. It was considered Inevitable The bill, having been reported, was Excellence if Coffees British Columbia Shipping Co., Ltd and way ports the C. P. R steamer Seattle at Ip. ro.; Princeaa Victoria leaves that the attitude of the two roads to­ read a third time- 8. 8. TASMANIAN Tees (Capt. Otllaro). reached the Inner Seattle dolly, except Monday, at 10 a m., wards the decision would be settled at PIONEER COFFEE Weather permitting, leaves Vlctona-Fa. harbor docks this morning The ves­ 4 41 1 14 06 H 10 361 21 44 arriving at Victoria at 2J9 p. m. On the the meeting. coast Cons. Co.'s wherf (bottom rates- sel ran into a great deal of dirty wea 6 04 t KMH fj W 5« I 22 He-orer day the steamer L luoli. of the I, r»p. m. dally (Sue. and Wed. axeapi ther iuui was LuwJU battered off Uw r.v.v.v » S86MM6 Alaska-Puget .Sound .Navigating Cfl;^ LBAVH TO APFKAD (1RANTKD. »»dj AND SPICE MILLS for BOOKE, tearing tears on r»tun} west coast She brought to this city the schedule. trip »t 7» «. m. dnlly (Mon and Tfidf, many passengers iltf a little freight CHINESE AND JAPANM0S CLAMM^ ■------especial to the Timas.) - ESTABLISHED 1875 excepted. Sundays Ifi p. Ifi.T __ PrtncMS Victoria leavea V.nceurer from Hoi berg and ATbemt. London, Feb. 26—In Vancouver Olty Managan, JAM* * JARVIS, tux tier i St. Petersburg. Feb. tl.-—WhAelillon» |ry dally,rivl,,g eacapt*1 géant BundaF.e at e.w at w.1120 m- p.; nmceam„ ar- versus the Vaneouver I-Umber On find Try ttefiewer tines tng to ênTbrcc-énti-plagué iif»càulIohfl,t'hL' Adelaide leaves Beattie at 11» p. m. amrther, the applUatl^l before the, t several Japanese were killed -by 7^yexcept Monday; “sridvlhgUt VfitP Tnr *»««••• ADVERTISE IN THF. TIMES. cne to-day In a pitched l>attle couver .Ilia to appeal, was granted. i Mukden. 11 i VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911. select, hi. programme for the ama­ AMUSEMENTS teur music lew, the professional arid the student Each class will And I» Importera of High-Grade American Footwear playing, finish end coloring. Hie The Everting. programme here will Include .elections Beethoven, Chopin, Scriabins, Victoria Theatre Rachmaninoff, 12 ado w end Tschal- Madam ! 'kit-Chat L TEA_ •SE~r'..vSSt-jrswBBirvr w There’s Pleasure in BUYING pupil, of the city drawn from the . mrmirm ------■ school, of Mrs. Buttle, Ml»» Miles. Thursday, March 2 C. M.. Mine Fenwick. Mte. Collins. FOOTWEAR FIRM OS Mrs. Bren ton Boulton, A. R. C. There is a cer­ SERVICES There’» a distinct pleasure in purchas­ end the University school, will be In tain woman whom We draw your attention to attendance to hew Mr. Hoffman play, ing Boots, Shota and Slipper» at this I know who prides special arrangement, having been made Joseph Hofmann herself greatly on i wcU-apointcd HAMMOND’S SHOP— onr daily arrivals of for them the fact that she “The Shoe Shop exclusive.” We show • PIANIST Bleeps with her ♦ ♦-»♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ chamber window you Plum, organiser of the Inde­ ee* .rvT.i..'...... tea H. B. Hammond Shoe Co. Circus; Elfee Dutton, world', rreeteet ment of course. Is most praiseworthy. pendent Order of Foresters. Is at pres­ Atmmi*. bare-beck rider: Kober Femlly, pre­ Best English Piet. Hot Weter Hut—and here's the rub—what Kettles, up from .$2F ent In the city. Wtchwt * Oardtesr. K. T. mier aerl.1 artists; Ryan-Evanx Com- He... B Son. W. T. 1er Chlldran. GraiiM Rare dnn't understand is why she doesn't ei Small Tete-a-tete Tea Sete, up •«dy Acrobatk-Olowna. —e- Her interest 4a-teaah .air.tit W «Mm . ; :—, ____fig Mrs. William Atkin* Beach fut tag* Prirw 60c, tic, Sl.Oi, Pemberton Building, 621 Fort St. why she thinks she needs osygfp Salver, sad Welter.' llneet B. p. Dallas ' road,' WIR Hot m*tv'J know that the living rooms and dining r.nd hereafter on the last Tuesday of SULLIVAN A CONSIDINt room and kitchen where she and bar the month After the Play, Come Over the Way. family spend much of their fourteen to Week Frhraory 11th sixteen waking hours are not treated Chslloner A Mitchell Mrs. Charles Oetaer of tht» city, has to any such systematic dally airing as gone ever to vancouver to spend two Clearance of SEA BRASS CHAIRS The Three Ales the bedrooms, where they spend their Goa, Limited or three weeks there as the guest Mrs. (Dr.) Baker; who has been visit Sensational European Equilibrists. “The Tea-Kettle" eight or ten hours of steep. ing in this city. fohnnle Lefevre and Frankie St. John Afternoon Tea»—IJghl Refreshments. Isn't that a queer inconsistency ? We have just received ah enormous shipment of Sea Grans In a witty and tuneful oddity, Open After the Theatre. And Isn't It a common nne?._lJ A quiet but nevertheless pretty wed Chairs, the only correct chair for the lawn, verandah, den or 111» Douâtes •*, spp. Viotori. Theatre. In the average household 1 don't be­ ding was celebrated thlq afternoon be The Show Girl " lieve that the living rooms are given a sitting nom, but we have no room to store them. Consequent­ Eddie Girard and Jeaaie Gardnei MISS M. WOOLDRIDGE, Proprietress. tween Mr. Victor A. Wotfenden, son of systematic all-the-windows-wide-open Lieut-Colonel R. Wolfenden, C.M.O ly we intend to clear them out immediately. In a screamingly funny farce airing once a week In the winter,' except King's Printer, and Miss Pearl Gar “Dooley and the Diamond*" on sweeping day* vln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Billy Barron And I think thqy should he treated to Garvin, of 1122 School street, Victoria. Regular value, each, $7.00. (SO Musical Oddities. Assembly Roller one at least once a day—better twice. The wedding took place at 2-22 this 1 Sale Price ...... • V 2rt#HHS66 ST'too house, and none but Regular value, each, $8.00. W1» banishes dull ear* sa I do about this, always opens all the the family and Intimate friends were (SO AA windows downstairs as soon as she gets -pf the Ctrcue To-night, present Mr. Harry Sharpies. Vi Sale Price ...... up and leaves them open for a tew Rink, Fort St ever occur to you that the m'nutea, no matter how cold. The fresh was married In her travelling costume, Regular value, each, $10.00. GO ^7C air heats so much more quickly than moot successful comedy in the country Roll* R ha tins U the Mote Healthful. be the most prolific tear and Immediately after the ceres Sale Price ...... 4>Oo I U the stale air that she eaya by the time the happy couple left on their honey 8trr .(turning. ma* Invleorsttee «port Jte rest of the family are down the m the American stags? moon, which will be spent at Portland, Whether ft did or not doesn't These are in all sizes and styles. FIFTH MSIMINT BAND rooms are as warm as they would have 1 one or two ef the other holiday re- been 1# she had not dene this, end are Polly of the Circus," In whi Conducted by a. Roam* filled with fresh air Instead of the stale some little Miss Georgia Otp to break ing theatrical record* has one bun *—FKATURK MILA—< WCDNESDAY, MARCH 1 atr ef the night before. At » ». m. This same housekeeper has another dred and thirty-eight good, hearty Dr. Martel's Female Pilfe notion which I think le worth passing laughs in It—laughs that sweep through Friday. ATTENDANCE SELECT. on. She believes that It to wicked to the audience like a summer breese and Free Instruction. kwe the least bit of that beat germicide low every diaphragm between the top iw In the gallery and the front row that ever was, or rather ever wi pared remedy of tiw. J. PnM—■Illustrmtei i 221T. L. C. POWELL. Frog i the orchestra to vibrate with joy. manufactured—eur-htne. result flrom their 1 * Is quick i So every night before she goes to bed It also brings to every throat at least a down big gulps, and at eleven dtf 610 Cormorant St. Opp. E. A N. Depot. Fhona 1231. gpactal Chlldrsn’s Mit. Saturday. she goes about the living rooms puts all the shades that have been pull feront times forces tears to the eyes ed down for the evening up to the very every man, woman and child present top notch so that If the sun le up be who has eyesight and can hear, fore she Is none of the sunshine will be eleven points he the play the whole MAJESTIC THEATRE audience reaches for Its handkerchief, YATMB ST. lost from her home. Modern housewives are beginning to and during the succeeding moment ‘ Monday and Tuesday: realise the .value of manufactured two the house from the stage looks like vermicides as we a non h with which to a ’ pier, crowded with friends waving The Greater Leva farewell to an outgoing Pacific liner. IRON THE MODERN WAY'. flrht disease and dirt. HOMES A Masterpiece of Emotional Acting. That Is good, but they ought not to Not that the audience to waving hand Fates Turning fall to realise also the Incalculably kerchiefs but the appearance of Blograph Drama. greater value of those germicides which eral hundred people wiping their eye» simultaneously is not ünllfcç the sight A Westerner's Way the greatest wealth cannot buy nor the most absolute poverty deprive One of- of an equal number of people wigwag' STANLEY AVB., 7 room Sensational Western Picture. sunshine and fresh alp. glng “au revoir.’’ house, stone foundation, American Fleet in French Water y&zc/ —— The other day a newspaper statis­ tician figured that every performance fire-places. Price, on easy Running Away From Fortune of "Polly" each person in the audience terms ...... $4,600 Made for a Laugh. «beds ten leers, besides laughing 128 gj Illustrated Song—by Mias McEwen tm*e. That made 16,000 tears a night, OAK BAY, 8 room corner performances Dally 2 to 1.20, (.30 to 11. THE BFHT OOUOH KYRUP IS •r 144,000 team a week. KAMI.Y MADK AT HOME house, new, modem, piped Laughter and tears are primitive for furnace, 2 fire-places. With one of HINTON’S ELE('TRIO»IRONS Electric Iron* ____X things ‘and are very close to one an­ are more in demand than ever, and those that we carry are of Cost* Little and Acts Quickly. other. A real humorist always has a Mantle and grate in hall. New Empress Theatre and fsrsrtsk. Olvs kla a Bleed- Money Refunded If It Fails. the finest manufacture. i. well defined streak of pathos In him— Price...... $5,000 Monday and Tuesday: Sea's Fewdsr and kp will sees take Eugene Fields, for Instance. Just UaUrfSto." Jala (Drama.) This reeelpe makes 1( ounces of cough so a man In whom the pathetic note Is BUSINESS Mil’S ROME HINTON ELECTRIC COMPANY, LIMITED A Story ef Ancient Egypt. syrup, saving about 22 as compared strong is equipped with a fine sense A Robust Patient Stwtite'o Suaiq Porters with ordinary cough remedies. It stop* of humor. It Is always easy to Drake NINE ROOMS on large cor- •11 Government Street. Phone 2244 people cry after you have made them new, close in, congenial (’«needy (fellg.) | CONTAIN obstinate coughs — even whooping A Bad Man's Xmas Gift cough—In a hurry, and is splendid for laugh, and It Is equally easy to re­ surroundings. This is sev­ MO e lungs, asthma, hoarseness and store smiles to their tear-dimmed eyes. eral thousand dollars be­ Spreewald [foison other throat troubles. Every really good comedy has a few Mix two cups of granulated sugar tears in It. and these tears never de­ low market value. Price A Fatal Caprice with one cup of warm water, and stir tract from the .humor of the play ia______*9,600 Drama. for 2 minutes. Put 2*fc ounces of Pines the playing. A Dog’s Instinct (fifty cents* worth) in a 16-oz. bottle This play will be seen at the Victoria Victoria Creamery Drama. Here’tB Home Dy* and add the Sugar Syrup. Take a tea- theatre this evening. Homeacekers should watch New Empress Orchestra. Temple of Fame. OUR MILK Iff PURE. t THat* spoonful every one, two or three bout*. this space. Items are Admission, lie Children Matinee, Tantes good. At the Victoria theatre to-morrow I This takes right hold of a cough evening at 1.2ft the following cast of changed every day. OUR MILK IS RICH. / ANYONE and gives almost instant relief. It characters will present the "Temple of I0MAI0 PHOTOPLAY THEATRE t OuMa stimulates the appetite and to slightly Faroe": OUR IS TESTED DAILY. The Aristocrat ef Picture*»». Y'. laxative—both excellent features. Goddess—Mrs. Gideon Hicks. NOOK DYKING 1 OUR M1T.IC IS DELIVERED EVERYWHERE. Continuous Performances Deify From Plnex, as perhaps you know, ts the ’Cangda^-Misa Josephine fleck. MARRIOTT Noon to#11 p. m. ÏÛbLTL most valuable concentrated com­ Isabella. Queen of Spain—Miss Car pound of Norway white pine extract, ter. 1311 BROAD ST. PHONE 1344 TO-DAY rich In gulaicol and the ether natural Sappho—Miss Ethel Bailey. & FELLOWS 4— Bltfe, FEATURES-^* healing pine elements. Joslah Allen's Wife—Mrs; J. B. Mc­ • II TUBBII Avbhm Romano Orchestra. No other preparation will do the Collum. Frances Willard—Mr* Clyde. DYOLA work of Plnex In this recipe, although Office Open This Evening. MILLION FOB WKDDINO GIFT. under the papal ban. The Ôseervatoiw JOIg^^AlUINJS^jJ strained honey can be used Instead of Miriam—Mias Ada Ed* Romano, the Vatican organ, eaya that the sugar syrup. If desired. Elisabeth Fry—Miss Jasper. EDUCATIONAL Itea Francisco, CL, Feb. 2*. — One the pontiff "strongly illaapprovee of the JUST TMIUK or IT I Thousands of housewives In the Xantippe—Miss Jeeeie Mallett Mary. Queen of Scots—Miss Sara B. million dollar, for a weddlns *lft. harem aklrt becauae It I» caleulntrd to United States and Canada now use diminish the wearer» ahlf-reapect and Spencer. Shetterln* all record, for bridal mu­ this Plnex and Sugar Syrup recipe. to aboliah aex distinction»." University School The plan has often been Imitated, but A Deaconess-Miss White. nificence, Will Irwin, a millionaire of Joan of Arc—Mias May Noble. The paper eaya that wearer, of the the old successful formula has never HOLBROOKS Ban Francisco, yesterday handed I new skirt will be exc luded from all Victoria, B. O. Princess Pocohontas—Mias Florence been equalled. Its low cost and quick Catholic churches. FOR BOYS * results have made It Immensely popq Baker. above Boot sum-la a cheque—to his lar. Maggie Mucklebacket — Mbs May daiwhter, Mias Helene Irwin, who to­ A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, day will become the bride of Temple a in Promoted igr ahampeoe Florence Nightingale—Miss Renfrew SAUCE Next Term Begin* 'rv BLACK or money promptly refunded, ton Crocker at the Irwin residence A III of CUTICURA SOAP TUESDAY, JANUABŸ m with this recipe. Your druggist has Camille Arso—Misa Gladys Shrapnel. fflad* in tk• larytit here. Incidentally Mr. Crocker him­ Mill and light dreaehls» of Plnex or will prêt It for you. If not, send Grace Darting—Mis* Ada K. Spencer. self la fairly well to do. He baa about CUTICURA. Thle Fifteen Acres of Playing Field* Rose Bonheur—Miss Lena Morrison. Accommodation for Iftt Hoarders to the Plnex Co.. Toronto, Ont. îl/orcec/irsA/n *!«,MS.M«. r nnillTU treatment alley» Hen- Otts^naad Cadat Corps KNIGHT Mrs. Wlggn of the Cabbage Patch— Mrs. David Fowler...... HAREM SKIRT UNDER BAN. Musketry Instruction. stove polish Queen Elisabeth—Miss Staples. (Saner factor]/ GROW III Football and Crick*. Laura Record—Miss Bromley Jubb. heeulinee and tends to make the heir Gymnasium and Rifle Rang* in the World Rome, Feb. M — Pope Ptua Is conoid grow upon a Cleon, healthy acalp- Tabltha Primrose—Mr* Weston. •red aa having placed the "harem skirt' Recent Successes r* McGill and R.M.C ie the best polish is the Harriet Beecher Stowe—Miss Chris­ WARDEN: biggest box. It is a tine Long. Rev. V. W. Bolton. M.A. (Cambridge). paste, and far less trouble LINEN Maud Muller—Mis* Amy Conyers. PRINCIPALS: Ruth—Mte# Kate Eds. than any other prepar­ Helen. P*aroe

House 7 Rooms Double Murder ie Believed to Tunnel In Connection With Los i - . • . . . • - . . .. Have Been Vengeance Angeles Water Supply Will Cost $1,611,600 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Stable and Outbuildings for a Blow Lot on Yates Street near Blanchard 60x120 On two large lots, fronting Dundas Street and adjoining Viterbo, Italy. Feb. U-The volum­ Los Angeles, Cat. Feb. IS. —.With Son ghees Reserve. inous documents with which the gov­ world's records broken for rapid and ernment hopes to convict Bnroco A1 low cost of construction, the boring Exceptionally fano anti forty of hie associates of of the great five-mile Elisabeth tunneL murder and thus rid Italy of the lead' Ing spirit* in the dreaded Camorra the most important feature of the new $35,000 Easy Terms reveal that Oennaro Cudccolo and U6.000.000 municipal water project of Price $10,000 his wife, “the beautiful 8k>rrentlno,H Los Angeles, was completed yesterday or in two pieces of 30x120 each. the killing of both of whom led to the It is the second longest water tun round-up of the band, had a romantic net Iff the United States. It pierces the past and far from worthy career. A crest of the Sierra Mad re range at part of the story, which will be laid point 67 miles northwest of this city, Also Two Comer Lots in Victoria DAY & BOGGS bare when the trial opens on March and has been drilled through 26.760 feet 11, may now be told. of solid granite. Work began at both West 120x120. Easy Terms. Price $3,150 620 Fort Street SOU AGENTS Victoria, B.C. The victims were about of an age, ends of the big bore on October 5, IWhi ^ about 41. They lived In the Via Nar and went on day and night until 1 Open Saturday Evenings, t to u ESTABLISHED IIS rones, only a-few steps from the plotion. For years the gangs aVteaPh royal palace, in a pretty fourth flooi ; end have been In nerve straining ri­ apartment. Here .after the discovery valry to win the centre first. *Thv men Cuoccoltoe’ body at Torre Del Gr - a«Kh. Tt a team of foreign àfFoWa ~TBSS er. wonderful Strength, n-markaMe self- Vancouver. Feb. 27.—Thé Inquest in- able that'the dangerous and violent I equilibrists presenting a turn for grifee control. consummate technique and ij§/ > J Your money back 1 te itJie death of Edward T. Pollock, who 1 head of * the CBmorra. hayingz „ quar-]- ______and charm______unusual,______and always exclt____ profound depth, of sympathy In the I was killed on Wednesday evening at relied with* COoccelo fo, the pplnt on ing a6d thrilling. While the smaller of w-ay the willowy lady conjured har-j it it disappoints the North Vancouver ferry crowing. h»vlrl* hl* boxed ln-publk *houldthl. three hold, the suspended app.r- the North tancouvor rern^ crowing. iot hlve hld h|, revenge rooiter orL,u„ ,e hll te,,h be, ring the .eight of monies from her honey-voiced Guar-; merlus. The «lellcary, thé purity agd [resulted ,n a verdict of accidental death la|er ' < . I the heavy ones, the full strength of the the crystal clarity of her'playing made; result of being run over by a C.I Krrteone denied that, ffuoc<»Io h*d I act pomtn, on his teeth and neck, the It appeal even to the musically wi­ | P. R. train. I struck him gtid swore dh* had not *>'« ■ 1 audience Is beratitles# as the boy’s neck (rm&Æétk. More b,ead Tlie train crew, when examined, com-1 known the murdered man. Nesrl6 death from India and posse see hidden powers. by 1100 miles of navigable water­ Hastings street east. It was he that | was at the hands of his criminal as- One of these is to turn Dooley Into FLOUR saw the body beneath the wheels, yell-1 sociates. ways. monkev. and Mr. Girard give* a roost A GOOD I0FA IN HAIR ’ Splendid openings for business (Ù to the fireman to stop the train, and laughable yet lifelike Imitation of the TREATMENT (also notified the police NO MORE DISTRESS monkey, face, figure, voice and all and Investment. The first hrakeman called was Joseph I CDAftA TUC CTAUAPU Let us send you a free copy of "Dooley and the Diamond" is the top The trouble with most women's ha’r ance with the provisions of the Local 1I.MSI1HM 4'0.1lf:«.'fTEPrEr I Hudson. He said that the engine waaj riWm I lit olUWIMw" notrher In laugh stories for this year “British Columbia Bulletin of Infor­ shoving the train of eight cars west­ 1 that they won’t take the time to Improvement General By-law, and mation," containing up-to-date at the'1 Grand. give It proper treatment If you want ward. Two cars had passed the cross- Dyspepsia. Gas. Indigestion and Heart­ Tom Dempsey has an engaging man amendments thereto and the City Engi- news of the great Inland Empire of ing. and the third fouling it. He was I bum Vanish -and You Feel Fine your hair to have that look of lustre Canada. nor, a |ne, voice. fluentIv tells neer and City Assessor having reported walking ahead of the train, a duty not] ^ In F|V* Minutes. and vitality, your must take care of it. to the Council In accordance with the Choicest 15 Acres Write or call at once. song and story many things. Among Tou cannot expect to have splendid | necessary at gated crossings, but which provisions of Section 4 of said By-law | was Imperative at those unprotected. I Every family here ought t t. .fti | them Is the storv of the Golden Oat#-. hair If you simply run a comb through ° *■ , I Wa banishes dnll car#* completely .tnd upon each and every of said works of He Old not see any one at the crossing,] gome Dlapepeln in the ^house, as «my It In the morning—give It a dab on * *etA guoci honest applause.' Local Improvement, giving statements for Subdivision Natural Resources I butI . Wasa —. —■ certaina . —» — I —‘ thatAknS the11> « deceased saveswas] e 1 one Dsf y0u— may - ahave * - —an attack of In- the outer edge, with a brush—throw Rillv Barron, the German tnuslclan, It into a braid—switch It around the showing the amounts estimated to be not struck down by the first car. The d|gestion or Stomach trouble at any chargeable In each case against the Mount Tolmle district, beauti­ rates were down, and in this statement ] time, day or night. * has »n*nv instrumental oddities, that head—Jab in a few hair pine—and let Security Co., Ltd. various portions of real property to be he was corroborated by all the other] This harmless preparation will -41- ori the <>n*-siHng violin being among it go at that. benefited by the said work, and the re­ ful slope, cultivated land Paid-up Capital, $260,000 wdtnesses. The train was moving about ] ge,t anything you eat and overcome a the best of his music. He plays the Hair Is like any other growing thing French horn and the xylophone, and ports of the City Engineer and City Joint Owners and Sole Agents as fast as a man walks. | distressed, out-of-order stomach f|yo —It needs attention—It needs care—It La a master of both, Assessor as aforesaid, having been Port George Townslte John Doody; another brakeman. ven-1 minutes afterwards, needs thorough grooming regularly— Price $600 Per : lured the statemeht th»t the man had [ „ your meals don’t tempt you. u,, I^cfcvre and Rt. John In„ the,, onenlng not only the hair but the scalp. adopted by the Council : 60.1 Bower Building. Vam-ouver rîimbed over the drawbar, or crept wh.t little you do eat seem, to B» y««. “L “ r^t nîJnln. .rt If you have the time and patience NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that underneath between the second or third M Uy. nke . ------...a ------1 »"d a aood ooenlna act Loula the said reports are open for Inspec­ Acre ! k tump ‘rtburn Turper h** nreoaml a most delightful you won't need any hair tonic—but Victoria Office. 6*3 Fort 8L most women haven’t. The next beat tion at the office of the City Assesor, GOOD TERMS. to them that he took no notice of any-1 that (a a sign of Indigestion. deal l\Hth Ï4e w * Tea bind ' ’HCO|>e thing Is Nyal’s Hlrsutone. It le the City Hall. Douglas Street, and that un­ one Inside the gates, unless they were your pharmacist for a 60-cent|f,ral th New best thing offered to take the place less a petition against any proposed work of local Improvement above HOTEL In the wray. When he heard a brake- CAee of pape-B Dlapepeln. and take a] Jantlt.son’s Crystal Thratre. of hours of combing and brushing. mentioned, signed by a majority of the RUSSELL & GREGG man call out that somebody was holng ntt|e juet ga soon as you can. Then* A stirring sermon on the evils It tones up the roots, brightens the run over,- Augustus Henry, the fireman w„, ^ ^ sour risings, no belching of Ltrong drink is contained In the Than color, Improves the texture, and makes owners of the land or real property to 207 Pemberton Building. Washington Annex be assessed for such Improvement, and told the engineer, and he Immediately undtgested food mixed "with acid, no hauser feature film at the Tevstal It stay gracefully where it is put. r/t) SEATTLE stoppai the train. This evidence was Btomach gas or heartburn, fullness or] l# 'shown for the last time to-dav The Hlrsutone literally revitalisée the neg­ representing at least one-half of the corroborated by the engineer. L. E. | heavy feeling in the stomach. Nausea. s»orv tells of a young workman whose lected hair. •* value of the said land or real pro­ perty, Is presented to the Council Carllle/ Debilitating Heeulaches. Dizziness or b* me 1« broken up. hur stomach wasn’t there I them dead decMe** he has no Hrht to WELLINGTON J. DOWLER. Kuropeaa PUe $L$0 Par it), ep C. M. C. to protect the great number of people j ^ flVe minutes from all stom- j live and plans to drown himself. He Wanted Jr fe. BA VIS. fwemier who patronize the ferry. The coroner j ac^ misery at any drug storé, wait- j saved from this bv the newsboy, City Clerk’s Office, j remarked that there w-as some talk °‘|jnK jor yoU- | taken care .of bv the Palvstlon Army, February 22nd. 1611. a subway being bul’t to avoid the dan-j large 60-cent cases contain] \H flnaiv- reunited to his family. IN THE SUPREME COTJRT OF I vora that now exist at the crossing. ] more ^tian sufficient to cure almost any J other good pictures are "The Way of a BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE but It was sometimes difficult to arouse I chronlc case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion pedman," "T^st a Sleeve," and "Let NEW SPRING ocrooratlon* to toko elope to eafoxuenl M 8tomleh trouble Us Give Thanks." One far each everyday i Tenders for Valves MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I human llfo. 1 Kathleen Parlow. JOHN JOSEPH SULLIVAN (de­ Dr. Jeffs reminded the Jury that W1LL INCREASE FORCE. ceased). .. . | they had the privilege of adding a rider The wonderful art of Kathleen' Par SUITINGS to the effect that something on this low. the Canadian violinist. war TENDERS will be received by tbe New Westminster, Feb. 27.—Effort» demonstrated at the recital given by and Pig Lead undersigned until noon of the 3rd day line, meaning the building of a subway. will be made this year to make the po- ARRIVING DAILY I should he dbne her at the Victoria theatre last night, CITY OF Separate tenders wilt be received by of March, lfll, for the purchase of the undermentioned property, via.: The Ju~ bmuxht In . .tmpk TOrdtct 1 »"# them t. no ml.t.ktn, th. young the undersigned up to 4 ». m. on Fri­ invited. | of accidentalMental death by being run over =?eBt- of .ImTlar X tScmn- *enlu* ,or the violin. her A complete list of Local Improve- day. the 3rd day of March, 1111. for the Lots t»-»e-ll-»l, Blk. H. Part of Yottr inepection , „ „ —I- .a- v... 1 «hot *"y ,c';y right to b« ranked among the flret vlo- Sections 11 and 11. Map IM. Victoria, by a C. P. R. train at the North Vae- adn With thin object In view the po- [ |tn|Jt, af the wnr|d she drew what meat Works, authorised by By- following: LADIES’ ] couver ferry crossing. lie 4 In. Double Gate Valves situated on Orillia SL. between the lice commleelon. nt their regular meet­ rn veritable magic wand acroes Law, from time to time, will be Burnside and Gorge Roads, together from , ■ .. ., ing, decided to recommend to the city! 100 « In, Double Oats Valves $20 md posted on the Bnlle 10 11 In. Double Gate Valves with buddings and Improvements GENT’S council that a new Jail ahould be erect­ thereon. The highest or nny Under not ed and work provided for the prisoner* f Board at the main entrance to the 11 tons beet blue Pig Lead. from ., .. w $15 City Hill ______8 peel Scallops to be seen at the Pur­ necessarily aeeeptcd. They ales decided te add three new chasing Agent’s Office. The lowest of For particulars apply to men to the force, a plain clothes man. ly tender not necessarily accepted W. MONTEITH, mounted patrolman and n foot pe­ e LOCAL IMPROVEMBST WM. W. NORTHCOTT. Official Administrator. SEALED TENDER# addreaeed trotmnn, and to elevate one of the pree-1 WORKS Purchasing "Agent Charlie Hope & Co I undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for set alien, Cooetable Stanton, to the 1436 Government Street I Hot water Heating Apparatus, Vernon, B City HAIL Jan. IS. tt - | I C„" will be received until t-W ». rn . (tn position of Sergeant of the__ force. The] The Municipal Council of the Cor­ NOTICE Phone 2689. Wednesday. March it, t»lL for tbe work chief » salary wee Increased 110 per poration of the City of Victoria, hav­ mentioned. I month and a shorter sliding scale of | ing determined that it la dealrgâMW rAKE NOTICE that I Intend te ap­ Tenders will nol be ennalderad unless ww, taed for the coneUblee. 1. To light Brood Street between made upon, and 1n ScvOidance with condl- ” ■- . . Restores color to Gray or ply to the neat regular sittings ot the tlone contained In forms furnished by Do-j Fort Street and Cormorant Street with Ravine Tenders DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. partmcnL OFFER TO PAY 61,000.000. Feded heir-‘Removes Den* electric tight column* bearing culeter Board of Licencing Comm Melon an lor Plane and spwifleaUon to druff end invi«oretee the Scalp lights, and to construct the necessary Healed tenders, marked Pavement the City of Victoria, for a transfer of Notice is hereby given that the partner- application td Mr. Wm. Henderson. Rest- I Washington. D. C.. Feb. 26.—Attorney-! conduite for carrying wires, under- Tenders, will be received by the under­ ahloheret of ore subsisting between the un- dent Architect. Victoria. B. C.. Mr. F. M. !| General Wtckersham Is considering —Promote# a luxuriant, the liquor licence now held by ua for îureianed ss real estate and commission Gossett, Clerk of Works, Vernon. B. U., offer by the Duveen Art Importing Com-1 signed up t. j ft > reported that Utiv ■ It neeteeary. and that the mid Purchasing Agent. By their Attorney In Fact. Flairs msmet wtternry Wiew *r For salr and recommended by*». le J. QUAOLIOTTt A. UACKKNZia Departinenf of Public Works. works shall be Victor!», B. C„ February Hth. till. Tore, favors a i CaawWrS Cw* '**■ ' Vteteits. January 3rd. MU. OUuwb, February 20. 1S11. 13 EXPEDITION TO We Sold AfffARCTIt PLANED! Work of Australasian Party FOUR CHOICE LOTS ON A SPLENDID BUSINESS Will Not Clash With SITE \ Twenty-One Captain Scott CORNER „„ Professor David, of Sydney Univers SIZES, 40x109, 40x117, 40x125, 40x160 lty, pas provided some further details of the Australasian expedition to thé Antarctic. The expedition, which is being organised by Dr. Mawson (who For a Few Days , $6000 For the FOUR Lots in with Professor David and.l>r. Mackay were the discoverers of the South Mag­ netic Pole), was arranged In conversa­ tion with Sir Ernest Shsckleton, and DON’T MISS THIS will In no way clash with the work be­ ing done by Captain Scott Its main outlines are capable of considerable ex ■ tr-*. tension, and much interest attaches to OAK BAY the scheme. In view of the favorable ; character of the rocks In the neighbor ing Antarctic areas there île a great LAST possibility of discovering minerals of Swinerton & Musgrave There era also soologicnl, geological, 1206 Government Street Rpal Estate Agents and magnetic observations, andjp'krttc- uiarty meteorological data, which an There are still a few left at the original prices much needed from this quarter of the globe. There Is a possibility that In and on exceptionally feasy terms. the near future a meteorological station will be established by the Australian Herbert Cray government at a suitable position tmm 17.181 the Antarctic coastline, to be connected 1227* VMotta, 1. C. The Crossroads by wireless telegraphy with New Zea land and Australia. The object of the proposed expedition For Three Days Is to explore about 2.000 miles of as yet 11111 TTTT T au unknown coast between Cape ^Zorlh FOUR LOTS Alexandra Park on the east »and XZfcusslwrg. thé old Dublin Street, Near Tetmie Ave., is OW the lime to choose between prosperity aird re­ wintering place of the German Antarc­ & x 20ft. offers splendid inducement for investment, tic expedition, oh the west The only N gret—investments in Victori* to-day assures the for- jrart of this roast Hne*abowt which any­ •550 hesitancy thelaUer. _. ______;______thing definite is known Is Adehe Land. $190 Cash, Balance 1 and 2 Years Beautiful, sloping grassy lots, adjoining the sea, free htch was discovered by the French at 7 per cent. explorer Dumont d’Urville In 1838-3». Let us show you where your money will make money from rock, only one block from the carline, with The coast line In this region has an In­ fçr you. terest of Its own owing to the fact that Commander Wilkes, In the United We have a five room house within a half mile of the 70-foot frontage and 150 feet deep, are offered for States ship Vincennes, shortly after UST YII1 PMFERTY d'Urville’s discovery, reported sighting m siui centre of the city, on a large lot, and in a very desirable an extensive coaetttne which he claim­ neighborhood. The price is only $2,500, and the terms ed to hâve followed In his ship for with hundreds of miles. Subsequently Sir can be arranged to suit. Buying this as an investment Only $ 7 50 James Ross, In navigating the same re­ McKmim ft Resseil will net you 8 per cent. gion. found a deep sounding over a part of the area where Wilkes had sketched 417 Pemberton Block the coast line. Much later the Challen­ Phone 124» 1-4 Cash and Balance Over 3 Years at Only 6 Per Cent. ger also disproved' the existence of a part of Wilkes's coast line, and in 1»0S Captain Scott, In’ the Discovery, visit­ MYERS CALL II IS ing another portion of the supposed We have some good buys hi dif­ line as delineated by Wilke*, ferent parts of the City. F.J.Hart&Co.,Ld. found Comparatively deep soundings. At the same time a careful perusal of W’lkes’s narrative leaves ' the convic­ PEMBERTON BLOCK tion that In places in the area in ques­ VICTORIA. B. C. Pemberton & Son tion between Cape- Adair and Oause- Vancouver Chilliwack Comer Fort and Broad Street berg he must have been correct as to Wm. C. BOND his observations on the proximity of REAL, ESTATE. ETC. New Westminster Established 1891 Aldergrove land, no far as recent explorations by Pf-mbertou Block. W Broughton Ht. Scott. Shsckleton. and the Clause ex-1 Phono 2608. reditlon have, revealed its outline, it Is , clear that the Antarctic continent on I the side facing Australia and South The Canadian Northern Railway Company have signed a con­ Africa f* of the nature of a high pla­ BEST BUY Esquimalt teau, with m very steep coast rising al- | tract to build end maintain a most abruptly from the sea level to i -on- Esquimalt A Snap In Aberdeen Street. from 8.W* to 1S.660 feet to the west of Lens'» Cove. • lot», eaey terme. Cane North. The continuation of this A Good Comfortable Station Price each ...... 3700 coast Mne was seen by the British Aberdeen Street (Lang'» Cove), S Waterfrent Let» at Royal Bay, Antertic expedition of 1W7-». extending VIEW at Metchosln «0 x 12» ...... ty*>° beautifully wooded; also two for fulhfc 4# miles further west than Inside loU. Good term». the extrême point to which it had bœw This contract is made with Betterton & Jonea who are the own­ nrevlooelv traced. As far aw the mem­ STREET ers of the one hundred and seventy-five acre block on which 3 1-3 Acres, well situated. Price ber* of that expedition could Jndxe the Admirer» A Old (2 lot» near the ...... 310.760 the station will be situated. The Post Office for the district cove), the 2 ...**•••..,< .$2100 name niat*»au character of costll^e Is 1 3-4 Acre*. Price ...... IW00 maintained as this newlv discovered $850 per Foot and a good general store are on the same property. If you On the car line. land clearly consisted of broad, tsbie- want one, five or ten acres where the “Deer Park" town will Conetence Av,„ near 3 Acres. Price ...... $15,000 Adjoining properties now 2 Acres. Price ...... 6-200 tooned hlHs. isolated from one another be, see us. We’ll treat you right. Road and faring on Nelson Bt.; bv deentv eroded valleys occupied by held at $1,000 per foot. The district offers exceptional opportunities to a good sober the two...... $1,500 BUY IN ESQUIMALT. DONT Iaw r*acters. DELAY. The detail* of the personnel of the - ' blacksmith. New 6 Room new expedition. Its shins a"4 *> forth Lyall Street, near Lampoon. 44 x are not yet settled, but It Is expected 111...... 3700 that everything will be In readiness for the greatest number of dispute» re­ Victoria for T*t Mswson and hls colleagues to Betterton & Jones Cottage corded. The number of work people In­ Beal Estate and Investments. Viewfield Street, near Lyall, 50 x Mortgage ATrust leave during the present year. They volved In dispute» In 18H amounts to will he absent for at least 18 months. 43-M-n Premie Block 70S Government U ...... WO . All convenience». Company, Ltd about five per cent. of,.the totaj Indus­ Temporary Office. Room 8. I it WORK AND WAGES. trial population of the United King­ Lyall Street, comer Nelson (dou­ Government Street dom. excluding agricultural laborer, Men ble comer); the I...... 11,000 Oak Bay Specialists. Advance In Amnunta Paid to and seamen. Phone SIT P- O. Box 717 Offset Rv Increased Cost The average level of wholesale price* of Living. Easy Terme Can Be Arranged en $3,100 of food and drink (Including tobacco) than" half Bargain in Fairfield Estate ! All the Above Lets. Rince earlv Vn 1»l« there has been------showed an Increase of EASY TERMS. marked Improvement In trade, raid a per cent, compared with 180». A» com Went Issue of the British Board o' pared ,with Ht». howeveR the NICK GRASSY LOT ON McKENZfE STREET, just off Cook T ESQUIMALT Trsde Ichor Geiette. carrying In Its level of price» showed an advance Currie & Power Abont one and one-third train more work and more wages, but over I per cent street. Cement sidewalk, sewer, water, car cloae to hand. aerea on old Esquimalt Road, being accompanied with a general, Sugar for the year showed a rise of On terms. Price ...... #1,150 1214 Douglas Street. ts-.-vh alight advance In the cost of 14.1 per cent., but during the last three Heisterman being part of lot 7, block 1, food. months thare was a considerable fait Phone 1466. in F. Large frontage on the Returns relating to 766.000 members and at the end of the year the price street close to Head and Of trade unions show that the mean of WM le p,r cent, lower than at the end WM. MONTEITH & CO., LTD. the percentagec of me it! hers returned of 116*- Bacon rose 18.1 per cent., Brit­ Reel Estate Forman & Co. Lampson. t Good terme. as unemployed. at the end of each ish wheel declined 14 per cent., British 1212 Broad St Pri< e...... #3,500 month of 1*10 waa 4.7, ae compared barley lt.l per cent., foreign barley It -ewAirrssT OlAKBllR. Victoria West 1 with 7.7 In IS*. 7.» In 1168, 1.7 tn MOi per cent., and foreign wheat 8.8 per Phone 56. R. B. PUNNETT and 1.6 In 1808 Snaps Phone III». r.O Drawer 111 There was 381.144 neorde who received Retail prices of food showed, on the Waterfront residence, mod­ Reel, «•. Mahon Block Victoria a net Increase amounting to tlfc7*l per whole, an advance of about in per week and 132.44» sustained a net de­ ceift. compared with 1168 mad 1818. and ESQUIMALT em and beautifully situ­ rm,.- e' Cl «76 P*r week. Over the per­ about* per cent, compared with 1807. ated on sea shire, lot 56x Greatest Snap In iod 1888 l»l« the net Increase In wages As compared wtt» I860 they show an Two lota from Constance avenue through to Nelson street. „ 120. Terms very easy. amounts to 1141.788 per week. advance of nearly 16 per rent The prin­ Six rimmed house, three bedrooms, bath room, pantry, etc. Vleterle Trade disputes causing a ateppaae of cipal articles which advanced ae com­ Price ...... ,., #7.000 work which begun la 1118 numbered J88. Electric Jight and three fire places Two miuutee’ walk f"— Corner Humboldt and Penwell. ONE ACRE pered with 1188 were currants, 88.4 per LOT ON MeCASKILL ST. Involving 668.188 work people. In addl cent.; sugar. 14.1 per cent.; bacon. 16.1 car line. Easy, term#. FACItta EMPRESS HOTEL for ...... #700 tlon. 6 disputes which began In 1*0 pork. 5.2 per cent., and beef, and Site of New Grand Trunk , And 8-Roomed / extended Into the following fear. Al 3 of them for.-,. .#2,000 Paelfle Hotel. Price, for ten 6.2 per cent. Agents. thoagh the number of stoppages In lflo th# end of the year, how­ In exchange for lota, Vic­ days. two hundred and House not greatly Ip excess of the erer- Toward» toria West home, on lot twenty-live dollars per foot. ever. there wee a faM In the prises of Cerner Property, 3 minuter from aee of the ten previous years the nun sugar, bacon and beef, and In Decem­ Stewart Land Company a Ltd. 50x120, new and modern. Property within block held at her of work people Involved therein seven hundred dollars per Gorge car. Easy terms. Price ber sugar and bacon were lower than HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. BTOt.’K AND BOND BROKERS. la...... 6,56 wae the highest recorded since 1888. the Price ...... #6,500 foot. Good terms. Phone or in any previous month at the year. The 101.102 Pemberton Block. Phone lilt veer Of the rreat dispute In the coal­ principal articles showing a fall were see owiipr. mining Industry In the federated dla- bread. 4.1 per cent.; Hoar. i.l per cent., 141 Vancouver SL Meta. and cocoa, 8.8 per cent. THE SLOBE REALTY C). Phone RlftSft. W. J.COX The high flu urea for 1816 are dne to Phone ItiX Rood 1. Mahon BIOCB !.. Langley at. Phone. US. thf disputes In the Northern and Welsh led 1er one! mines. In the cotton trade, and In —Wm. Stewart, men-s and Doug­ the shipbuilding Induatrry. The coal­ tailor, over Terry-» Dry Store, mining Industry was responsible I» 1814 las St FORT STREET STRAWBERRY VALE 3 Aeme under high class cultiva­ SPECIAL NORTHWEST CORNER FORT AND VANCOUVER tion. with 5 roomed house In Size 60x112. good «hape, barn and chicken A. TOLLER 6f CO., »°4 YATES STRE^ FAIRFIELD ESTATE, gaud lot. çl' »e to Cook gtreet car .... house, 3 Splendid wetta, SW PRICE $21,000. TERMS fruit tree», bearing; 3.88» line. Price ...... #1,100 strawberries, large quantity of This is a splendid corner, and will jump in value upon « email fruit, big frontage, on houw 14 by 61. Incubator and brooder house; Tarda wlrad for uae or emexenw on dry land; good everlasting supply of water all tba ytax round. «» My * meneement of street improvement# next month. Aral class road, cloee to poat- tomaimostly Wyandotte atldWymmitb Roeto; 1 b»f*. » mm* bug» and uttec and school...... u - Priee 36471, an Term». - WAJ?TKDTff VxCHANOB-Mouee and latin Victoria T<» GILLESPIE & HART TOSELL House and lot. Davie Oak Bay Avenue,*!.##», there 1# aleo a ft. Fire, Life and Accident lhmiranct . 1115 Langley Street. V. Winch » Co. Ltd. JOHNSON & CLARK good hire and stable. ___ Temult 1-Mk Fon Sc. Victon*. Phone 145 1413 Bread Street. Victoria daily times, Tuesday, February 28,1911. BARGE SERVICE ED* PROPOSED INCREASE ■d These For Sale Advertisements Will AFTER OTTAWA. BERRY BROWERS OF LIQUOR LICENSES 8&ALF.D TENDERS (In duplicate) for About Some Real Estate Sales To-Day the supply of Coal and Fuel Wood re- 7 YEARS quIrMLto heat the Military Buildings at Victoria. Vancouver. B. L\, fo? the year ending March 31. 1812, will be received up F. E. MITCHELL & CO. THE B. C. LAND AND 1. STUART YATES C. P. R. Will Make Arrange­ to Saturday. March 18 next, Each tender Chilliwack Ulty Council Decides is to be marked 'Tender for Fuel." and Real F.stâte. Timber. Mlnsa, Northern | INVESTMENT AGENCY 22 Bastion Strwt. Victoria. ments to Assist Industry addressed to the Director, of Contracts, SUFFERING to Take Plebiscite on Militia Headquarters, Ottawa B. C. Lande. 822 GOVERNMENT ST. in the Kootenay Printed forms of tender containing full 121 « ferent thing» but decision of the cltv council to submit returned. 1232 Government St. Phene 1106 ••Hitherto," said Capt. Oore. "the ex­ did me no good. I this matter to the people was the out­ The Department does not bind Itself to 8 line Lots. One third cash. At $i 18 months at 7 per cent. Priced cuse of the ranchers for not going Into got so baa that I at ...... $7,500 come of a largely signed petition aut>- accept the lowest or any tender. berry growing on a larger scale has could not sleep day !,TUGENK F18ET. Colonel ALBANY STREET mitted to the council at a previous I Yates Street, corner of Cook, one lot been- the uncertainty of provision for or night While in meeting asking that the number of li­ Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Ottawa. February 9, 1811. Fine I>«ii for subdivision. 112 x 11 60x120. $7,000 câsK. bBance at 7 moving the crop. tUl guarantee of a thiscondition I read censes be Increased, and that certain Terms easy. Knap at...... $1,# $3.1.1*—A Tsrafldnow 8-mom cottage (H-W 8S-lL-ri__: _ per cent. Price $16,000 service for the nest two seasons-re­ of-Lydia EL Pink- restrictions 1h- placed .Upon the~' li­ Newspaper* will not be paid for this ad­ In Victoria "West. moves any such uncertainty. If. on ham re Vegetable censee*. The petition was laid over un­ the strength of the confluence gained Compound, and vertisement if they Insert It Without auth­ LOIS. til Rite hw meeting, when It was- -con­ ority from the Department - - . ID $ 4M—Uadboro " Hay Road, few from thq guarantee, the rancher* sét ■I'began Its use and I Burleith Subdivision, one tante water­ sidered and discussed in the presenc fine building lots. out an Increased area of strawberrt *s. wrote to Mrs. Pink ham for advice. In of a large audience, who appeared In front lot on one of the prettiest a short time I had gàined my average NOTl CL. parts of the Gorge. One-third cash, fhe service for the years following support of and If» protest against It. 1012 will require no guarantiee, (or bv - eight and am now strong and well." balance at 7 per cent. Price $1,000 $1,156— McClure «treat, between Cook L. U. CONYEHC & that time, with Hie Increased ctfe the -Mrs. Sallik Stbvknd. k. F. D. No. A motion by Aid Waddlngton, esc "WAVMAM* WATKItB PROTECTION and Llndçn. good building lot. 8, Box 81, Wonrtkm, Ok la. ended by^Akf. Gervan, that the mtm ACT |Ceeb Street, just outside city limits, 2 aerifies would presumably^ be on a pay NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN lhat the «•lilt. Ing basis." ber of liquor licenses be Increased was loto. SO x 120 each, each fenced with Awotfccr Grateful Worn»» lost. the /ether three members of the Victoria Machinery Depot Company, lim­ wire, fronting on wptertnaln Very Although the Service will be admin­ ited. having it* registered office In the $ 7.10—A good corner lot near Hill­ hoard being of the opinion that no In­ Haultain Street—Good corner lot, 60 x easy terms. Price for the two. $700 istered by the Dominion Express Com London, Ont—I feel as If I could City of Victoria. British Columbia. Is ap- side Avenue. Deny. It to generally tindorstood that not tell others enough about the good crease should lie made until -the clty’i lying to HI» Excellency the Governor 120. fine site. 1-8 cash, balance 6, . ■ . , . . „ Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com­ pop quation had been determined. eneral of Canada In Council for approval and 12 month...... *800 Reed, juat o ,tstd« city llm- the barge service 1* granted through 8of the area plans, site and description of Its. one lot, 100 x 140, with double $1,860—Harbinger Avenue, a fine the personal Interest taken In the mat­ pound has done for me. 1 was so C. J. Hatch, proprietor of the Com­ works proposed tp be constructed In that Basil Avenue—Nice grassy lot. 60 x 112. weak and tired that I could not rest frontage. Price, on terms ..,.$5,000 Ugh and dry lot. 60 x 168, ter by William Whyte. vlce-pre*lde_nt mercial hotel, then offered to pay the part of the waters of Victoria Inner Mar­ 1-3 rash, balance 6 and 12 .....$725 of tt* C. p. R.. to whom representa­ nights. A friend recommended your expenses of a plebiscite If the council ier between the Eaqulmalt A Nanaimo •It Comer Lets on Harbinger Ave. and tions were made, ami that the loss at Compound and I soon gained health would authorise one. Mr. Hatch s offer Railway bridge and the' Point Ellice Blackwood Street—Good level lot. 66 x Fairfield Road, of large sise and and strength and could not wish to bridge, being on the tonds situate, lying 108. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance 6. 12 which the service will admittedly he w*e at first accepted, but upon further and being In the City of Victoria. British commanding an excellent view. On sleep better. I know other women consideration It va» thought that and IS months ...... ;...... $775 terms to suit the purchaser. Interest operated for the two ensuing seasons Columbia, and known, numbered and de­ will he chiefly or wholly borne by the who have taken Itfor the same purpose better way would la* to have a petition scribed as Lots number C. 7, *, 8, Oxford Street—Splendid building lot. at 7 per cent. Price tor the two and they join me in praising it—Mas. BRITISH - AMERICAN TRUST railway company. asking for the plebiscite submitted to Bh . K. Harbor Estate, and has de- 48 x W, running tc lane. Terms, 1-3 Is...... Wm. A. Burrr, 906 Dame St, the council upon .receipt of which the poslfed the area and site plans of the cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 Months. While In* general the service will London, Ont. ' "* " and a description thereof Price...... $1850 |S$mcee Street, Cdledônla Tafk. one let.- C0„ LTD. ■upon-the-eam» Unes a»-the laat two Lÿdîâ E. Plnkhâm*» V^etaMe Com- council would authorise the plebiscite, >he Minister of Pu1 blic Weiforks ‘ at" Ot*Hi -wxm.- BxcrptlonaHy * * *** * ears,.4*. Is. necessary that, stupe qnc appoint an official returning officer and law*, end a duplicate thereof with the Oscar Street—Fine hjgh lot, close to] Broad and View Street* pound has surely cured*—y- »aaaa of pay thé expeifee Tt will tie necessary to RSge^rwMGbeeeal -M Titles- in the Land Ing lot. Terms, one half càsh. bal­ be taken to represent the growers ns n female ills, such as inflammation, ulcer­ Registry Office in the City of Victoria. Linden Avenue, 60 x 120. Terms. 1- ance at 7 per cent. Interest Price whole, for it Is not proposed to deal secure the signature* of one-fifth of cash, balance 6 and 12 months. $1500 | ation, displacements, fibroid tumors, British Columbia, and that the matter of to À...... 12*00 with Individual growers, except to ac irregularities, periodic pains, back-, those qualified to vote at the fast the said application will be proceeded with cept and handle their fruit In accord­ mayoralty election to the*petition, and at the expiration of one month from the Esquimalt—Good lot. close to water- FOR SALE ache, that bearmg'down feeling, and time of the first publication of this notice front (and proposed dry dock), 60 x Flsguard Street, just east of Cook, one ance with the regulations and schedule those entitled to vote then may also large lot with frontage of over 50 and nervous prostration. * In. the Canada tiaaelte. 135. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance 6. 12 KSQU1MALT to be made. Accordingly. It Is libder- vote on the plebiscite. There are now. 170 feet In depth. Has frontage on two licensed hotels in Uhllllwack, While Dated thi» tenth day of February, A-" D. and 18 months. This to the best buy Lot oh Constance Avenue ...... • 1,000 stood. In framing minor regulations and 1811. two streets. Termi can be arranged the provincial laws allow four to In Esquimau to-day. Price.... $2600 j House and Double Corner ..'.. *8.000 In making or changing the schedule, RICH STRIKE AT AINSWORTH. VICTORIA MACHINERY DEPOT COM- with Interest at 7 per cent. Pride the Kootenav Fruit Growers" Union. town of. Its population. fAjiTï LIMITED. The Abeve Are All Splendid Buys, and to ...... $2250 Bungalow on comer lot>r~...... 83.150 Limited, will be recognised as the body] Nelson. Feb. 27.-As the result of W, J. Laughlln. a local contractor, Price* Are Sure te Advance. YKTTORTA WEST entitled to speak for thé growers. was selected as building Inspecter The ACBEAGE. strike of high grad.' dry ore In a con­ NOTICE Double Corner ...... 83,000 It to understood that the <\ P. R.. tn appointment of road and street super­ tinuation of the old workings of the Quadra Street, just inside city limits, Double Corner on car line... .812.000 arranging for this service, has In view visor was held over for a few days. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF beautifully situated for sub-dlvldlng. S. A. BAIRD Double Corner on Pine Street. .$1.800 the purpose of assisting the Kootenay No. 1 mine at Ainsworth, preparations British columbia. Land to nearly all under cultivation. fruit Industry. are being made by the lessees of the FALLS TO HIS DEATH In the Matter of Dominic Pénonl, De­ Terms, with interest at 7 per cent. One Acre and 2-story house... 85,500 Real Estate. Financial and Insu property to ship the first car of ore for ceased. and in the Matter of tho Price per acre ...... $2.800 Agent. OAK BAY WAS CARIBOO PIONEER long period from this once famous Roesland. Feb. 27 —A steel nipper at Official Administrator’s Act *. NotlçC Is hereby given that, under an 1210 DOUGLAS STREET. ... HOWES Six Lots on Cowlcban Street . . 82.700 producing property. Messrs. Jones, the Centre Star mine, named Habatlno 100 x ISO fret just oft Monterey Ave­ Ashcroft Feb. 27.—Robert Carson, Velnowth and Hawes last October ob­ Fa loss!, fell down the shaft and was In­ order 'granted by the Honorable Mr. Vieteria West, cloee to Cralgflower who passed away recently. Fa» b nue ...... $1.600 tained a year's lease of the No. 1 from stantly kilted. He fell from the Justice Morrtoon. dated the 8th day of Road. 6 room house, modern In every tn Edinburgh. Scotland. In 1041. The H. Gelgerich of Kaslo. acting for him foot level to the OOO-foot. No one knows Febrüsry. A. Du. 1811. L the undersign­ respect, and lot 60 x 160. On very JAMES BAY following year hte parent* came to Am­ self and the other Owners. Mr Gel­ exactly how the accident happened, the ed. was appointed administrator of the Davie St., 1% story dwelling, lot 64 reasonable terms. This property has erica and settled In Dee Moines, Iowa. estate of the above deceased. All par­ 120. Price...... $2100 Large Comer with 8-roomed house on gerich having a seven-eighths Interest body, being found on the 600-foot sta double frontage and there’s a good When only 10 Mr. Camon left home and tie* having claim* agalnat the aald Montreal Street ...... ,..$6.400 The old workings consisted of an In­ lion by a pump man. named Charles Let near Bwmeide Bead, 00 x 120 garden with fruits of all description. crossing the plains with a pack train, Seraphine. It appears that deceased estate àré requested m send particulars Price...... $4,300 Terras on all of three. went Into Colorado. It was on this first cline shaft on the vein. Into -a great of same to me on or before the 16th Price .* 1*30 chimney of ore. which was sloped out gave the release signal from the 400- Oak Bay, juat outside city limita, 8 trip that he made that he miraculously foot level to William Trembath; the day of March. l$li, and all persons In­ dfccaped death; the party Immediately In a large chamber, which at one placs debted to the saM estate are required New four-reamed heuse and full atsed room house, with 4 large else lots, • 40 feet high and 100 fee* wide. hototman. who raised the cage to the lot, cloee to Douglas Street Car. good fruit trees, etc., on terms of In advance and behind him both being collar of the shaft, but. beyond (Ms the to pay such Indebtedness to me forth­ killed by Indians, but himself i From the lower end of this chamber with. Price...... $1200 : ooe-thhd cash, balance at 7 per a drift was carried laterally for nearly t |s conjecture. Dr. Chandler, - cent. party escaped. From Colorado Mr oner, held ‘an Inquest, when a verdict Dated at Victoria. Bl C.. this 15th Geed let en Edmenten $676 ('arson took a pack train by way of 200 feet. In the hopes that a fresh ore day of February, 1111. A. H. HARMAN body would be discovered. This was was returned to the effect that deceas­ Walls Walla and made his first entry ed cam* by hto death by falling down WM. MONTEITH, Panders Ave., lot 60 x 120. cloee Into British Columbia, following the where the old work ceaaed Official Administrator. One-third cash, balance 0. 12 and IS I LEE * FRASER the shaft of the Centre Star mine, and trail via Rock creek and Kamloops te The present lessees commenced work recommended that In future the »age months. Price .* ...... $10*001 in this lateral drift, above the water Estate and Insurance Agents. Barkervllle. This was In ’S3; there he should at all times be In charge of the Inc. and In twenty fee* reached a new 1222 Bread Street. sold out. and In the fall of *64 returned cage tender to Washington. At Walla Walla he ore body, the presence of which has all STREET along been suspected. At first a string­ purchased Mother pack train and for —Pride- Cigar Factory moved to 643 er. It has opened to an ore shoot four THE CITY BROKERAGE several years freighted and packed Johnson street, between Broad and Between the Oak Bay and Willows car from Llllooet to Barkervllle. In the feet wide, which contains about twenty Real Estate and Fire Insurance. Bithet Street—House containing 8ve summer of "67 Mr. Carson settled at Inches of high grade shipping ore. CLOSED lines, one acre, very choice. The running about 220 ounces of silver and ^ 1218 Douglgs Street. rooms, electric light, open grates, hot front part has a suit-soil of gravel Pavilion, where he took up about 4.000 —Lessons tn Volet Prcduction and and cold water, sewer connection, lot three or four per cent, lead Two raises Notice is hereby given that Fort Victoria, B. C. and the rear first-class black loam. es. and where since lie made hie Singing given by Paul Edmonds, of 40 x 180. Terms. $360 cash.’balance have also been made at points In the street between Yates street and tVG. Drawer 785. Phone 81$, 1131.] A bargain...... $2600 London and Paris, baritone with Tet $20 a month Price ...... $8j~ Mr Carson was married In the spring drift, disclosing* the sam» ore body, 8t. Charles street will be closed They thus have the née exposed at rasstnt on her tost British tour. of 1877 to Mis* Elisabeth C. Magee Studio at Waitt’s Plano Store*. to traffic until further notice. | Discovery Street—» room houee and lot daughter of Mr. Hugh Magee of three points. near Douglas Street, modern conven Ebume, who van the third settler on fences. Price...... «...... $7*00 the nqrth arm of the . Dur­ I Davie Street—6 room houee. for $2,100 ing an active life of over seventy years Mr Carson enjoyed good health until You Looking fer ■ Nice, I Gorge Beede—Near Fountain, 7 room PLUMMER & RIDEOUT the last few years of his life About Comfortable Hemet house, modem. In first class order, eighteen months ago he found It neces­ Price, with terms ...... $7*00 Real Estate Agents. sary to undergo an operation, since TBY THIS 110 Pemberton Black. Phene 2 which he ha* never regained hto health Gorge Read—Comer of Oarbelly Road. AN ENGRAVING A $ roomed heuee within the half mile ' 6 room modem cottage, with full ste­ FATALITY AVERTED. circle, cktoe to fhe car and about five ed lot; Interior well finished and In t Houses Easy Payment Plan. minutes froip city hall. Only tiuUt good repair. Price ...... $6, Lytton. Feb. 27.—A sleighing fatality three years and very well built Shed was narrowly averted by the presence —Desirable room 1 New 6-rem Heuee on Michigan St.. and chicken ihouse, 8 splendid fruit Msnoheeter Bead 6 of mind of the driver of a runaway trees, and ornamental shrubs. All bungalow, cement block foundation, James Bay. not quite completed. horse In Lytton last week. Dan Suth DEPARTMENT modern improvements, lot 64 x 13$. ' Rooms are large and airy. Cloee I» foF »•*»,»•• ,• , $3160 « rland. road superintendent, was tak Price, with terms ...... $6 car. On terms. $600 down, batonc* aèrent. Price ...... $3*01 Ing hto wife and children for a short I Rudlin Street—New 6 room cottage, rpln, when a dog on the Indian ranch ice ...... $2*60 6-reem Heuee and lot 06 x 110, excel startled hto horse, which bolted, throw Which Makes All Kinds lent location. On very easy terms. Ing out hie family and dragging hto Price...... *2*00 wife a Uttle way. Mr. Sutherland jumped to his wife's release and threw Ihe reins, letting the hors*' go. which of Cuts for All Purposes was eventually captured by Indians Esquimau and Nanaimo some distance out Little harm was done beyond shock and a few bruises , Rai way Company * sustained by Mrs. Sutherland and thé 6 children. 'yOLZ will find it a great J ET ue know your needs CLEARED LANDS F. W.STEVENSON CO Stock ind Bond Broken. time saver, a great and this organization The clem red loti ar QuUIvnn Beach. will deliver the finished JCewcaitle District, are now on the 104-106 Pemberton Buildinf. Cor. Port and Broad Street*. convenience, to consuh our Half Tones let In tracts of from thirty to torty UNCLE WALT Engraving Department product correctly, prompt­ scree. in Your Booklets ly and satisfactorily. v" For plans and prices apply to L H The Poet-Philosopher whenever you require cut» SOLLY. Land AgenL Victoria, or L. B. FUNDS INVESTED FOR CLIENTS. for printing or advertising Real estate agents, retail g.LIN. Local A rent Psrkrrllls. THE LECTURER. Order* Executed on all Exchanges on Commission. purposes. ’ 1 concerns, manufacturers, II.» had hie victim» eelety iiarlml WAVERLT HYDRAVLIT M1N1NU Besides exceptional Signatures railroads, publications— COMPANY. LIMITED. Privets Wires to Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal. where they could not ceeepr; hie throet was sore, hto voice was cracked, hi* mechanical facilities, our of Your "Name every line of enterprise, location of Work*. Grouse creek. Cari­ lung* wdrb out uf Shape. He started force of hand engravers near and far, is served by boo, 1 "ttoh Columbia. when the night was young, and wig­ this engraving plant. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting wagged with hto jaws; and when he is prepared to execute Sffi- of the trustees of said Company, held tn broke a rib or lung, hs didn’t even cult or unusual work. • Cover Designs New equipment recently the 28th day of January, 18U. an assess­ pause. The clock* boomed nine, in ac­ ment of two dollars ($2 60) per share was Horses For Sale! cents dread, and ellll he whanged If you wish, our Art on Your Folders added, together with more levied upon the capital stock of said Com­ away; and, people wished that % they pany, payable forthwith to said Com­ Great Northern Transfer do. « Department win furnish commodious quarters and pany's Secretary, at his office at Barker- were dead, and resting ’neatb thé clay. vfite. B. C. Any stock upon which said Office O. N. Railway Station, Vancouver. HS took a drink, and drank again, and the désigné and thus relieve increased floor space still assessment shall remain unpaid on the for two seconds stopped; the village further enables us to serve 28th day of March. Ull. shall be deemed rks were striking ten, and still he you of the entire detail and Illustrations dettoquent, and will b* duly advertised for sale at public auction, and. unless yawped and yawped. And people thought. your needs. pavmént shall be made before, will be sold swooned and others wept, yet. though in Your Advts. an tho 27th dsy of May, 1811, to pay the hto voice Was hoarse, the earnest, gift­ aa delinquent assessment, together with the ed* speaker kèpt Ms stern remorseless costa ef advertising and expenses of sals. Sk Jk JAMBS BIBHY, coarse. Deep In hi» subject did he Secretary,1 Waverly Hydraulic Mining delve, he emptied wisdoms cup; and Maps Company. Limited. steam le te machinery/' when the fciocks were striking twelve, MAIL ORDERS -« MAIL ORDERS Dated at Barkevvlllç, B- C., this 30th he just*tas warming up. Aurora threw In Your Real Estate Folders FILLED PROMPTLY day of January, .MU. Advertisements her Shining darts Into that stridden FILLED PROMPTLY —r— NOTICE. hall, where aon^e had died of broken AND CAREFULLY , AND CAREFULLY Written and Placed for hearts, and some of broken g*!L The sextan took away the dead, and. plti’d. I. fhe updwalgnod. beg tp glvs notlosl A11 Btwidrswt them up In ricks, while others fanned that I Intend"to apply at the next MEIBNM of Y he Board of License Commissioners ef | the.speaker's head with clubs and rocks NEWTON ADVENTISINa and bricks. There really ought to be a the City of Victoria for a transfer ef the law to make bum speakers quft ere B. C. ENGRAVING CO., LIMITED llaiior license to sell spirituous and fer- they have worked the tlreleas jaw til? Ssf .w tw &£. w hearers have a fit. Fourth Floor, Times Building, Cor. Fort and Broad, Victoria, sSffssiytrd&S" wmm VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911. 15 t These Want Advertisements Will Make It Easier to Find Work or Workers To-day

PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 under tbl, heed 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under thl* head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under thia bead 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this head l , cent per word per Insertion; $ Insertion* word per Insertion; S Insertions, cent, per word per.Insertion; 3 line», 31.60 cent per word per Insertion; 1 Insertions, cent per word per Insertion; 8 Insertion* 2 cent» per word: 4 cente per word per per word; « cents per word per per month; extra line». 26 cente per line t cents per word; 4 cents per word per Î cents pereword; 4 cents per word per week ; 66 cent* per line per month. He rweek; 66 cents per line per month. N# per month. week; 50 cents per line per month. No week; 56 cents per line per month. No advertisement for Dee than 10 cente. advertisement for lees than 16 cents. advertisement for less than 10 cents. advertisement for lees then 10 canto. ARCHITECTS ELECTRONS. FO* RENT—HOUSE» F°R SALE—LOTS rtIRT CHEAR^ AST GLASS ENOCH EVANS St SON, architects and TO LET—On Dellas road, furnished Ct-’tr RUFfT MWTAL works" lots Inoulre at Julius Barron. 36-Mllo Quadra street, a money maker at 31,35». them Mibb*. 3 Oriental Alley, opposite | Station. K. A N. Railway, Shawnlgan easy, terms. Jalland Bros., 622 Johnson LAND SURVEYORS Psntae-e» Lake. m1' st re A _____ - ______OREEN RROR., BURDEN VO.. Civil BUILDING SUPPLIES fnrnsees metal ceilings, etc. METCHOSIN DISTRICT—C. N. R depot SNAP >£>n f&rt smeML 40x100, close to <>•» FOR SALE-HOUSES TIDE TABLE. Engineers. Dominion and B. C. Land Phone m*. 150 yards away, 12 acre* of land, about Hay Junction, price 11.600. terms. wWal--‘- Surveyors, 114 Pemberton Bldg.. Victoria, WAItT SAND AND GRAVEL 6NT half cleared. 3 acres orchard, new house, lece & Clarke, tLD Yates etreet. Phonel FOR SALE—Nice, 7 roomed, furnished R <’. Branch offices In Nelson <13 years) teaming and contracting. Several OPTICIAN barn. outbuildings, close to school, ml Victoria. February, 1911. -.w and Fort George il year>: m2» teams and » Ingle horses for sale. church snd store, etc.. 12 miles from m. ______- - house, to good locality, at right price, Fvmone. 741 Johnson street Telephone | own a orurrrn nr a » FEET on Humboldt street, close and pnesrsilun can be gjvenwon short ITImcHt|T1meHt|Tlme.Ht|Tlmellt P. C. COATES, B. C. Land Surveyor and town, very cheap. A. Toller. 604 Yatro notice. This can be Increased to eight street. mIy Douglas, 312,006. terms. Wallace . jk.m. rt-lb. m. ft.|h. m. ft.|h m, ft. Dominion Land Surveyor, Room si. TTlarke. Phone 471." 1 rooms. Apply to P. O. Box U26.m2 BUILDERS AND CONTRACT-»*® No charge for examination, 6 48 8.0 10 26 7.6 a 07 3.1 I Board of Trade Bldg. ground on the nre»"i«»e A. P. FOR SALE—ARTICLES HU DUN STREET-2 story, • room cot­ 1 ...... 14 28 9.6 CORE A MaQHKttOR. WM» CHtgnkU A. C. MAYOR. Caroenter and Builder. I MR Fort street P* 'no US. tage, pantry, bath, etc., large Ipt. beau­ 2 ...... 6 27$0 11 30 6.9 15 32 7.9 23 42 2.» ■ 1600 cash. Northwest Real Estate, 3 ...... 6 55 8.1 12 38 6.2 17 12 7.1 ind Surveyors and Civil Engineers. J Estimate# on ahacks from 3106. cottages I Yatro street. tiful soil, chicken house, street improved, errlck McGregor, manager. Chancery . fro-v, $7oo. upwards. 918 Pandora Phone I PAINTING ncoetyle for sale, with lot of supplies. near Central school and car, 82,600. cash 4 ...... 0 10 18 717 8 3 13 «7 5.3 19 03 U.6 ^ A. M. Jones. 1266 Government. ml 6 48 4 9 7 40 8.6 14 54 4.3 Chambers. B Langley street. P. O. Box 164T. 'Hog Ontreelor, SUB-DIVISION LOTS--Fort street car 3600, balance 815 per month, present oc­ s 21 10 6.2 ML Phono L60L. £ort 93IS’ F RANK MFTA.GK P-< line, high, dry, grasey lots, about 40 lert. cupant will rent lor 6 months at 822 _per • ...... 1 14 5.9 8 04 9.0 15 58 S.1 .. .* .. W VTPfW. ThifWr end nenerR Jobbing *4 «K If FOH «AtA4—Typewriter, In .gpod cond’a $860 amf "up ; 160 cash. Mftnw em»« 8 a 9.1 a vend*, f: P Templeton, mifr ting. Box AWM. TTmea -™3 month. Warwick, 1116 Broad strert. ml MIL PLUMBING AND MB ATt^Q quaiterly peymente. Dunford A 4to#s, **L< on a nettes t Ion. Prompt I YTF ATTNO AND FT r'MB TNG J Werrer THE .WEAR EVER ALUMINUM UTEN­ 233 PemberL>« Block. - ml WE HAVE A LIST of new houses In all 9 9 80 9.8 LEGAL SIL 1 art* now on view at 610 Pandora. DOIT BLE tÿORN BR, on Cowan avenue! parta of city for sale on very easy pay­ 10 ...... 10 22 9.8 in :o V.6 to rerxCm or alterations. 922 Mason st. 1 * Co.. Ltd . 891 Fleoruard street, above 11 ...... 1125 9 6 30 » 0.6 fc. Vtr. BRADSHAW. Harriet*. r*c. L-- Rhone W4M ______| Ri,nehard etreet Phone L2T0 residence. ml and Mitchell atrert. 191 ft..x 126. for SMto. ments. Dunford A Sons, builders, easy terms. Jalland Bros.. 622 Johnson Pemberton Block. ______ml 12 ....„ B 46 K.5 8 OR 8.8 12 30 9 * 30 58 0.8 | Ch*mhora R«*tto» si rest, Victoria. t/my «M »>., All kind^ MOTOR RinYCLKS FOR SALR-A1 con­ 13 ...... B 52 8 3 8 56 7.7 13 36 g fl 21 37 1.3 1 ÉVRPHyV FISHER A SHERWOOD. of repairs F.gtlmates free. J. Parlor, I street.______*______inl kBAÜ'xilfrUL 8 roomed new bungalow, POTTERY WARE. ETC. dition. price only IK*) Thos. Pllmlcv. 14 ...... 6 SO 8.0 1)52 7 .1 14 41 8.4 22 16 2,1 Barristers. Solicitors, etc.. Supreme nnd 71 M afreet Phone 1864. ÎA6 Langley street. V1CTOR1Â URGENTLY REQUIRES close to town. In Fairfield Estate; vm 15 ...... 5 38 LO 10 49 6.4 15 44 7.8 22 51 3.0 I Exchequer Court Agents, practice 1» IF WEB PTPR. Field TÎK Ground F^re more hotels. This provide* a safe and cash, balance easy. Jalland Broa, «d 16 ...... 5 44 8.1 11 <7 6.8 16 49 7.1 23 24 4.0 patent Office and before Railway Com­ WHY" Wee OV e*WMn t nay, Flower Pota. etc B Ç PflttfF FOR SALE—Gent's Wcvcie. English make, profitable investment to capitalists. For Johnaon Street. . ■ . IT ...... 6 04 8.2 12 46 6.2 13 06 6.6 3 53 5.0 Buy your home on the installment plap. CO.., comet B**>ad add Pandora mission. Hon. Charles Murphy. M. P WILLIAM D HOLT. 3-speed. In go«»d condition, prive 125. Ap­ rule, mansion house and four acres of j 3 ROOMED, NEW HOUSE, hot and cold 18 ...... « 30 8.4 13 47 i» 19 » S3 Harold Fisher. L P. Sherwood, Ottawa, Builder nnd Coptroctor. streets. Victoria. B. C. ply 268 Ontario street. _____ beautiful ground», on car line, and With-1 water, level,*■■■■■ gra —* tot.* -henhouse and 19 ...... 0 30 5 9 7 00 8 5 14» 4.2 Ont ^ Garbelly Road.’ Phone L14R Pawnshop1 FOR SALE-Paxton strawberry, strong, In H miles of City Hall, 'oration ideal woodshed ( near car), IL3M. Provie/ 20 ____ 7 24 8 5 16 49 8.7 for a first-ctass hot *1 and boarding ml 21 ...... 7 25 8.6 î 16 44 3 3 MECHANICAL ENGINEER Plans end Estimate* furnished free. w-lt-routed plants. 34 per I.Oty. Apniv Wilson street. MONEY LOANED on diamonds, jewel- WbiAeor Grocery Co., Government stre; » house. * For full description, price *h,t| FOR «ALK- Six roomed houee, with a full a ...... 71911.7 17 33 2.9 ...... W. WEBSTER, Mechanical Expert w m^rrrmn * «nr. «ren-n , lery and personal effects A. A. Aaron- terms, apply Box 776, Times. Il H and Bulldeü. Houses built on l>e ln- son. cor. Johnson snd Broad. Victoria. ______m** slxed basement and cement floor, batn For typewriter troublas call up the soe- st a liment plan. Plans, specifications and fWo FINE.| LEVEL LOTS. 60x146, tm*. electric lights; cash payment ***'. 24 ...... 7 63 8.8 18 56 XI clnllet. Phone m>. All kinds of fine F0r"*SA7- NICE LOTS on Hulton street, close' to tlona and all modern improvemeate; *pi;av? 6. O. Halgh. Royal Oak. R -C Fort street, for 1660: I cash, oalance easy, price 32,606 each; one-quarter cash, bal­ low water In each month of the year. This treatment. Combings made up. Phone ance monthly. William C. Holt, builder level )w hall a foot lower than the datum «M.- m H SILK GOODS, ETC. • d2* tf Jalland Broa. «22 Johneon etreet. r* I A WEALTH OF ORIENTAL iMPORtA- and contractor, «W Oarbally road. Phone- to which the soundings on the Admira, t y Wr. d BJOBNFÈLT. Swedish Masseur. E. RA Wl.TNOS, ORWWKHotTFES. flat bottom hoâI*, long FINE CORNER-LOT to Rockland k*rk L140.______ra chart of Victoria harbor are reduced. .en Fort street Phone MB#. . Carpenterirpenter ;and— -Builder.------T70N8 at lowest cost. Mlk embro'tiered ladder», et en», meat safes, dog hmteee ■ fan 8288; I6u qgsh. balance $16 per month 907 Richmond Ave . Victoria. B.C. klmonaa, fSld braided dressing gowns, In stock and made to order Jeaew Jalland 623 Johneon street. H* LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with MBS BA RAM AN. Estimât** Given Prices Reasonable. the prettieet of all waist fronts, fit lor Tiehlj Carnenter and Tobhin* Factory, Marriott A FAlowa. Phone 645. er call medical massage. List YOUR PROPERTY with us. Jal­ POSTPONED ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIAGE BUILDERS a Queen; embroidered crepe de chene in 1WI T«»M St., cer Of Vancouver St. 419 Trounce Ave. R1M6. lengths, corded alike In many e tin «es. FOR- AT TTCRATIOKS repairs and iob- land Bros . 622 Johneon street.______D» CHAFE A JONES have Ybr sale two new! Quong Man Fung, 1715 Government WANTED—A full stood let In the Work1 WE HAVE several modern boueee or MUSIC btng. call on J W Bolden, carpenter Pandora street. See us for prises. Hink The meeting of Stockholders of the express wagons. Corner Fort and p O. Box * end jobber, -ornse Fort and Quadra Estate; must be a good bargain and at eon Slddall A Son. Grand Theatre Bldg.. MRS TULLY. pianoforte teacher, has re­ In chard street». t»» f mt —mÉmmm easy terms. Apply P. Cf. Box 960, cltJN Government St. Off Klaeklno Gold Mines. Ltd., advertised moved to Read street (cars stop). Mod­ STOVE AND RANGE FITTERC. S A LE—A lam» clocks. 16c.; Vti^ra. CHIMNEY SWEEPING 6 HOOlfËD HOUSE RWÏt SALK, all to be held February 24th, has been erate terms.______.______*"* ______HOT WATER FITTED, steam engineer. strong legtber ginvea Me.; good FOR SALE- Ixit. Queen's avenue, close to O'RRTFN * DUNNE. Cblmnev and Fur- [ Q. Mar dell. 536 Ellice street, city, efn conveniences, $lc . __!£°5; postponed until Friday, March 3rd, at Bark flute. viouw-m»- d«" shaving brushes. 26c. : etilt hanger*, »c. North Ward park. 31.460. easy terme. | terms, full sised lot. Apply to owner. Green (late sergeant. soloist, teacher race meaner*. A good, clean Job wlth- | Tour* » un nnav bleyrlf- playing carde, lie.; pocket scis­ Wallace * Clarke, 636 Yales etrf 1004 McClaskln street, Victoria West, at Royal ArtllMry hand. London concerts) o--» any mess guarsnteAS8 PRIVATE NURSING CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK WEST'S BROWN LJBOnORNH and Burdette avenue. 315,066. terms. Apply! leaving city Apply 16 Slmcoe streeL mlO HOME for maternity cases. Miss E. WATCH REPAIRING White Plymouth Rocks are prise win­ Wallace A Clarke, 630 Yates etreet WILL EXCHANGE 1, 1 or 3 houses on IT Jones. 731 Vancouver street. Phone JOHN P.. MORPIS—Foundations, base- | ners and layer* Eggs. 81 50 per setting. Phone 471-______G#l Douglas etreet for farms, ranches or WHEREAS the Lieutenant Governor 1202 ment floors, walks, etc.; work guaran- A. PETCH. 1416 Douglas etreet. Specialty J West, Third street, off Rlcnmond read. 74 FEET x N*—A corner, on Burdette ave­ land for cultivation. Apply Victoria P. In Council has pursuant to the provis­ d. 300 Langford street. 1‘bone RM of English watch repairing. AH kta " Sub P. O. No. 1. mît) nue, clone to Douglas street, revenue O Box 66. or telephone M246 fl tf ion* of Subsection one of Section 3 of SHORTHAND of olocke and watches repaired. BOOH FOR HATCHINO-S. C. Rhn*. producing. $12.666. terms easy. Wallace ■ . .. FRED. STEVENS. Cement Worker A Clarke. 626 Yates street. Phone 471. «8 WHY PAY RRNT7-1. Î or i hou*acm the Sewerage Act 1810, constituted AH Miss M A. MELLON. Stenographer sn3 Y. W. C. A. Island Reds, great winter layer», 11.» -J-—-t------r— ------—r------I Douglas street, for sale, on easy terms typist. A., bln'l" <*1cr1cal work cave- Floor# and walks a specialty. Good | r setting. Apply R. Wendeborn, Uak- FOR THE BENEFITINKFIT of youag worn# FOR nd ten LIST YOUR PROPERTIUS for *1« with Particulars, apply owner. 16» Gladstone North by the southerly boundary of the lfwcmltlan. principal. ed l?4 Fort street, Telephone 746. SAANICH MUNICIPALITY POUND morning or seven and eight evening Marriott A Fellow». Phone 645. or call] HALE—I will sell by pubjtc auction on 619 Trounce Ave. WANTED—Owners to llet houses for sale Esquimau and Nanaimo Railway Com­ t URKI8H dATHS AT.FRED M. HOWELL. Customs Broker. Forward’nv and CommlH-a Agent. Real Monday next. March A at, 12 o'clock BSQUIMALT—If you want Esquimau pro- ; or rent with ua. Shaw Real Eat ate, M pany's right of way and the easterly neon, at Blanchard aVenue. one eorrel HELP WANTED—MALE party, see our list before you buy. Shaw Pemberton Block. Phone MN. ndl tf B1 FORT ST. Pr >f. A. E. Ptmiuwll. Estât# Promts Block. i*W Oovernme— 1 horse, with white star on forehead, boundary of Section 1. Esquimau Dis­ Hours: Neon till midnight; ladles' day Teleobnne 15* : Bee.. WWl TWO GOOD CARPENTERS wanted, Ap- Real Estate Co, 862 Pemberton Block. WANTED—ÉHISCELLANEOU» every Monday. 16 a m. till 7 9 •*. pot redeemed before. H. Little, poo trict, and on the West and South by DECORATORS keeper. m4 ply J. Parker, contravtor. 71 Moss street Phone Nil. SHOAL BAY—Beautiful tract of land. WANTED-Properties in Oak Bay, Escul Esquimau Harbor, thp Straits of Fuca UNDERTAKER TtD.—Wall I MISS KING, faeklonable dressmaker, first malt and Victoria West. Marriott A Fel MBLIXm BROS,. ------WANTED—A man to Ukè charge of an magnificent view, clone to water, not far lows. 619 Trounce Avo., or Phops 64A fa and Victoria Harbor, a Sewerage Dis­ W. J HANNA, Funeral Director and paints, elle, nlate glas* « -mere prom Get, 643 Fort street. ml unimproved ranch about fourteen mites from car line, graaa elope, no rock, well Embalmer. Courteous attendar fy filled. Phone 61Î 70» Fort grmet from Victoria. Write Box TO, Times, m- sheltered position, à acre; price Sl.WU, WANTMD—Properties la Oak Bay. Eegul trict under said Act under the name of Chapel. 746 Yat*e street. WOULD GIVE in exchange title deet easy terme. This Is the best buy in malt and Victoria West. Marriott A the "Esquimau Sewerage District ' ' DETECTIVE» one Albernl lot for useful bores REAL ESTATB-Pertner wanted who can Fellows, Phone 646, or call IB Trounce LOMÉ» Shoal Bay to-day. Other choice pieces PACIFN? DE*recri TIVE AOKNUT.3k w** S» A. Cosh, 1817 Cook street Phone •til real estate. Advertiser has good In this district fronting on water. Five AND WHEREAS at a public meeting COI.TTWB1A LODI*. Me. L I. O. O. Government f. a store, centrally totaled, and coulfl attend lots, a beat 1-4 asm each. Heauttfei ti Jehktag Win of the fttnMs In said District, bald at to Inside Work Apply Box 788, Times. pebble beach, rich black loam. This pro­ WANTED-AII hi meets every Wednesday evening at • DYEING AND CLEANING PHONE 1864 for all kinds of repairs and 08 fencing, sidewalk» etc. reasonable prl the Lampoon Street School house on o'clock In Odd «Fellow,F Hall. Douglas Jobbing. Specialty In residences. F" perty ha# never been on the market be­ Apply Hill, care of ~toneer Realty, street. R. V Fawieett. Rea Sec., 237 B C. STEAM DYE WORKS-The largeet WANTED-VÀ* advertising eollcitor, at fore and Is superior to Oak Bay or January SSfh, 1911. at the hour of eight else* work guaranteed. Plane elsewhere. CL C Pemberton. 7671 Tate» Government street , - dyeing' and cleaning----- works wor I» Ike pro- specifications at short notlcq. J. Parker, Victoria Printing A Publishing Co WANTED - PhXai .làiliffi llatited o'clock, p. m.. a resolution was passed corn» CARIBOO. No. 1U T o. T, vtnee Country. ... orderemw solicited. TeL builder and contractor. Office and 04 tf etreet.______-' Renfrew, proprietor. amount. State whether preferred or unanimously that a public meeting of meets on second and fourtfc Mpmlay of dence, 71 Moee street. WantedKD Buy to lean* to be manufac h v,R BALE—4 choice Idte. on the highest each month In*"IT. of P. common, number of Share*. Address vr*; EMPLOYMENT AGENCY W. H. Wilkereon. 121 tf part of Reservoir Hill, adjoining the C. A. Co., 82j 3rd St, Portland. Ore. the owner» In said district be held pur­ Fmdnra and Douglas etr----- THE DOROTHY TEA ROOM. Pemberton eastern boundary of tne reservoir, mag­ Foresters welcomed Fin. Secy., L W. VICTORIA EMPLOYMENT AQENCt- Block, 1006 Broad street, Victoria, B. " L0«l AND POUND nificent outlook all round. Apply Rueeeii WANTED—To tent, 8 roomed unfurnished suant to Subsection Two of Section 3 Eve«4. P O ox 916; J W H King. Itelp of all kinds furnished. A. Wright, Breakfast#, light lunches end deli A Gregg, Pemberton Block, house, does In. Box 769, Time» of the said Aot at the Lampoon Street R. Sec.. 16C1 Chamhertsln street.______proprietor. 6* Johneon etreet Victoria, afternoon tees. Open • a m. tlU A* p m LOST—Thursday last, between Vlctorta Wee and James Bay. gold chain bangle, LIST TOUR t’ROPKRTY with Jalland ! WÂNTED-Anythlng .photographed. ■ Schoolhouee, on Tuesday, the 18th day K OF P.—Sn. 1. Fair "West Lodge. FMdav. B. f Phone 1264.______nee. photograph K èf P Hell, cor Douglas i word Xmas on It Reward on returning Bros.. 623 Johneon street Phone 2236. n*| years’ experience. Jtonee. photographer, of February, 141L at the hour of S p. __ntl______J L Smith. K. of R Ajwa S. MP i P K. WjttNKR—SHuedone found LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with f 8|1 CHEAPEST IA)T on Vancouver street.! Esquimau. Phone for domeatlca. etc., at 7* Fort street, Marriott A Fellows, Phone ML or call m., for the purpose of selecting three or Victoria. No rr. K. of P.f!, meets close to North Ward'park. 81.350. terme. | WANTED—Household furniture. Apply the Exchknge. Phone 1662. Hours. 10 619 Trounce Ave. ROOMS AND SOAWD __ 539 Johnson etreet. upstairs Commissioners to execute the K. of P. Hall, every Thursday. B. a. m. to 1 p. m., t to 6 p. a.______m6| Apply Phone 471. fl4 tf works In connection With sewerage In Ksdfman Tf of R * 6. Box 164. PIAN6f6KTE: H'MLS'giwlrSf by laoy TO LET—Uafurnlehed rooms, bright, ase L N WING ON. 1106 Government etreet | $3 per month ; special ton for ehlld- LIST YOUR PROPERTY NEW AND SECOND-HAND OOODti said District, and that notice of shM 6 Aif, COURT NORTHERN LIGHT Phone ». of bath; also fdur furnished bedroosns, Leighton. 7S Fort etreet. 1 WANTED—Highest cash price paid for No in6. meets at Foresters* Hull. Broad Box 369. Tidies. mis rente moderate to respectable tenants ______n tt j cast-off clothing, boots and shoe*, cie- meeting be published In the Dally Col­ street. 2nd end 4th Wednesdays. W F ENGRAVERS FOR RENT- The two epa< loua upper three miaules >oni vars. 1272 Cainopm iron HALF * lot. good house, view | penters* tools, pistols, shotguns, trunk*. onist, Dally Times and B. C. Gazette al Fullerton. Secy. floors of the Less A Leiser building street.- , ml Street, between Blanchard and Quadra. Valises, etc. Phone or eend a card and least three weeks before the said date. GENERAL ENGRAVER. Stencil Cutter Yates streetj flret-clsee elevator * we will call st any address Jacob sr.d Seal Engraver. Geo Crnwther. 06 FURN18HED Blfi'ROOMS, $1.80 "an - particulars apply to owner. 64* View Therefore Take Notice, that a public rental. Fe* particulars apply on per wwk. Apply Ml Yates street, ml Aamnaaa*t new aai eioMid-bend et ore. meeting of the owner# In said Dtatrtof IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Wharf street, behind Part Office 17$ Johneon etreet. 6 doors below Govern­ COLUMBIA. LAUNDRY FOR SALE-On Stou will be held at the time and place' FISH NfftiC* TO ALL PROPERTY I1.1.O- TO RENT—Furnished rooms, all modern ment. Victoria. B. C. Phone 1747. conveniences, 16 minutes from City Hall, street, blockhi ». lot M. triangle shape; L aforeeald for the purpowe of selecting wx. j*ORTit-xn win*,, I Bft»—If you w1»h to *11 your property price 84.6 Ahniv‘— ;I------V Government ÜitÜt. In the Matter of the Winding-up Art, list with Fopan * Co . Mahon Bide, aa breakfast -If degjred; terms moderate three or more q-ommlssloner# for the fresh, ealted and emoked Gab In season. 2646 Quadra street.______ml Chapter 144. of the Revleei Biatvtts of Free delivery ♦«> all rmrts of city. B| they have the buyers walling. fl9 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM». purposes aforesaid, under the provis­ Canada, and Amending Asia, and in FOR SALE ion# of eub-aectlon 2 of aectlon 3 of the Johnson St. Phone 66!. •• I OCCIDENTAL CAFE—Meal# IV. end up^ LARUE PLEASANT ROOM and boetd. TO LET—A nice suite of the Matter of the Fort Ueoro Lumber Corner Johnson An.* all modem conveniences, first-class, Tender# are Invited for the purchase said Act FURRIER h Open 0» 16th. ------* ^------room» funfurnished), central position, A Navigation Co., Ltd. Wharf streets. central. 861' Superior rtraet, ml ground floor, private front and aide on- let the property situate on the N. B. Dated at Victoria. B. C« the 21th day FRED. FOSTER. Taxidermist and Fur-1 TO LET—Nieehr furbished rooms' all cen- The creditors of the above-named Com­ TO LET-Office and worehouro room. trance, large yard, sheds, etc.; moderate I corner of Douglas and Yates street#. of January. 1$11. rler. 1216 Government street. 1 stand In city for a fruit commission busi­ venlences. »4 Oswego street. ml rent to respectable tenant Apply 964,. , _ _ . . , ^ By order of the General Meeting. pany are required, on or before the 3rd day Mason streeè, ______06 tf | Vlctorta. B. C„ measuring about M feet of April. 1911, to send their name» and ad JUNK ness. Apply to Rsdlger A Jsnlon, Ltd.. respectable A. R. WOLFENDEN, ir Douglas TWÔ unfurnished housekeeping rooms, j by W feet with the Four Story Brick dresses and the particulars of tiielr debts 631 Yatep street, city. » ' 04 tt Apply 1* Pandora, near Secretary. WANTED-Serao braes. I if^lTO RENT—TO RiBNT—Typewriters, Apply 714 Pembroke street.______H* j Building thereon, know» as the Steliy or claims and the names of*their Solicitors, r*Tkin After the above bueinese has been lead. Cast iron, sacka and >H«es I writers, typewriters, 1* C. Smith. Under­ TO RENT—Comfortably furnished rooms. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE | Block, contamine th. If any. to Herbert Lockwood, of Room bottles end rubber; highest dealt with. It will be in order to dis­ paid Vlctorta Junk Agency, wood. Smith Premier, long carriage with use of titling room. 621‘ Parry No 210, Dominion Trust Building, Van­ etreet. Phone 1288. Remington. P. R. Blaikie, Room H.. street, James Bay. * WAHT,.L>—Pntitlea aa daily gowrn*a cus# the municipal question. v couver, B. C. the official liquidator oi 7971 Tat* etreet. Teacher. «M Menale, x nti Clarence Hotel the said Company, snd. If so — LADIES' OUTFITTING PARLOR COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS. qui red by aotlce In writing from CHBAPKST LUNCH IN TOWN, Wo. WO Yates street. ml? REMOVAL NOTICE and Four Store» ALI. KINDS or 8TLK8 attd Fonree tra- Everything freeh. Coffee, finest In town, The highest or any tender not veces- NOTICE. said Official Liquidator, are by their perted «pent fro* China. I.pd «#• tall- le, CrtFde, aandwlrhee. fresh dally. CÔMFORTABIgY FURNISHED ROOMS. THOMAS CATTKRALLk builder and gen- Solicitors to come In and prove theljr said ortna dope to order. Bo lUe, lit» Vool Lunch Hoorn, C, p. R, Wharf.______mt M42 Yates street______■ ■ “ eral contractor, ha# removed to 8f Fort sartly accepted. debts or claims at the Court House. Van­ ■t reel. TO RENT—Fumtehed rooms, all mt street, above Quadra. TeL M Tender# muet be accompanied by ar Take aotlce that I Intend to apply at the couver. at such time as shall be specified CHILDREN. *ed mother to Eequllhalt conveniences, 1» minutes from City *■ next regular sittings of the Beard of In such notice; or in default thereof they LANDSCAPE GARDENER to he photagraphed; finished In Va------Accepted Cheque for Five per cent, ot will be excluded from the benefit of any brown are juel lovely. Jon*. t breakfast if detired, terms moderate. NOTICE. i amount of the Tender, be enclosed Licensing Commissioners for the Cky sf distribution made before «neb debts are W. HIT,TUNS, gardening In all brai grapher Phone 1M 3H6 Quadra street Victoria for à trsinster of the liquor Lawn* made, garden» laid out. pruning an Envelope endorsed ' "Tender > for license new held by me tor the premise* at and spraying. Flrat-etaaa work guaraa- THS D ROAD WAT. BSmalpg ! _ my Block," and must be received o» the corner of Store and Cormorant stressa,. a B. POTMtNQKR. Crndlea, gtatlogarp • or before Six o'clock p. m. of Thursday, Vlctorta, B. C., known as the Lighthouse teed. B*ttmgt*1ty«. an Oaa Bay double and •'■Ingle reome, Aa»., elty- Victoria t ÎSrd February. 1I1L (formerly the Caledonia) to William Alex- table; terme n license n< ‘ - 't. and that I win at the mine E J Douglas street at the < FuB information may be obtained on to have the name of the said HEW HOTEL Be 8» Fred Devey. IMi ___ imlses changed from the Cafe- lien, no bar, etii . ! first-class, nmtAal mat Victoria, to whom 4a to the Llghthpus^ urn. tied this Bm day of 1 a Oree sssl'Knü: phiîï «t \ES f* U 1 i E THE Eï TES Fort etreeta 16 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1911.

Order Ladies, Sylvesters Henfood for Poultry Your Use the GOODFLOURS Being a mixture of all grains and yet so proportionately mixed that Goods your fgg basket is always filled. It makes hens lay—try It on your —--.,.-6^.9*? -â.#6 ....mflk. J -» 4A4-4.MAII MA M 4.Vf4- ^*- ....By Mall Room. ROBIN HOOD; a splendid Bread Flour, sack 7!.ft.90 LAKE O’ THE WOODS, favorite of many, sack ...... #1.90 SYLVESTER FEED CO. - 709 Yates Sl ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, makes fine bread, sack ...... #1.90 . ROYAL- STANDARD deserves Its popularity, sack ...... #1.90 SEAL OF ALBERTA, a home product it pays to buy. sack... .#1.00 MOFFET'S BEST, considered the best Bread Flour bÿ many. Famed For Fine Furniture saak ...... -...... #1.88 SNOWFLAKE, a grand pastry flour, sack ...... #1.75 Arrow Bra-d Gilsonite Compos tion WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, sack ...... #1.85 CALGARY, cannot fall to please, sack ....'...... #1.75 Is for Concrete and Brick Walle, Iron and Wooden Structures of all "DIXI" positively unequalled for nice, flaky pastry, sack...... #1.75 kinds. For Ships’ Hulls and Decks, for all kinds of Roofs, for Tin or GRAHAM FLOUR, sack ...... #1.75 Iron Buildings and Bridges. It Is especially adapted for Insulating Uawo CU purposes. It will stand a high degree of heat, and wMl not carbonize. It Is proof against Acids, Alkalies, Fumes and Gases, and Is particu­ larly adapted for use on gas. oil and cynlde tanks, pipes, boilers, srvLcZr DIXI H. ROSS & CO. smelter* etc. ’’ Ask" for color card. Independent Grocers. HIT Government St Jl&AJloXr ^ ISIS Broad St. Tela 66. 61. 61. Liquor Dept. Tel. 1616 PETER McQUADE fif SON Ship*-handlers. Sole Agetua. ct/n/uAour The London Second- Exchange Real Estate Co. Hand Exchange Co. state medical board, waa tqe attending fll Fort Street. physician on the cases, and he has main­ W# pay the highest cash pries for cast­ HERBERT BOOTH'S tained all along that the^cases were simply serious complications of grippe and pneu­ $276—Snap, two 60-foot lots. Kara, off clothing, such as ladies’ and gent»’ monia. dale tub -division, between Bern- boots and shoes, hats, all kinds of tools, Dr. Heg. of Seattle, state medical officer, .side and Carey, Just outside city, - guns and pistols. All kinds of books VALEDICTORY is understood to be oq his way here now end of Douglas car; only $60 cash bought. to Investigate further. A nom mission ot and $10 a month. Rhone LI WO. STERN t FLASH, three local doctors.have officially reported 1660-Large lot. Hultoa street, near «ore Street. Telephone iw that no eauae for alarm exista ... hospital and close to car; $7$ down and $1» month. owner. Bioscopic Address „on Early. Phone L1800. Christiaas to Be-Repeated Corner Ryan and Victor streets, SUNDAY SCHOOL 50*110. $450; ISO cash and $16 a To-night by Request month. Phone 17ST. Price $eno. Beautiful comer, Holly­ wood Park, close car. surrounded CONVENTION OPEN by good class'houses, cash only Rev. Herbert Booth brought his cam­ ______tînZàfr $150 and 116 month. paign to a close last night l.t the St. Dear Amy:— Andrew’s Presbyterian church, where a Work of Year Reviewed by the great audience gathered together to The other day I went over to call on our old schoolmate, Laura. She didn't seem very hear his valedictory lecture. The ad­ President and Address to comfortable even when old friend, came in, because 1 could plainly see that she was ashamed of her shabby parlor. She confided to me that although her husband would give dress was Illustrated,* not merely In the Teachers Delivered Davies & Sons sense of dramatic expression that ac­ her plenty to buy clothes with, so she could make a good appearance in public, he would not AUCTIONEERS companies all the lecture work of the let her have money even to fix up the parlor. Isn't it dreadful for a nice girl like Laura to have to stand a thing Hite this? Will sell by Auction at their salei evangelist, but In the sense of being rooms, 666 Yates Street, a large quan­ accompanied by living pictures. "The This afternoon the tenth annual con Ta, Ta, as Always, tity of Household Early Christians" was the title of the vontlon of the Victoria district of the Lou. address, and as may be gathered British Columbia Sunday School Asso­ therefrom It consisted of a long series P.B.—Bring any friend with you when you come. I’m not ashamed for anybody to Furniture and Effects of films depicting the terrible travail ciation opened in the First Baptist see my parlor. I've just fixed it up with furniture I bought from through which the Christian faith had church. The initial meeting of the as­ Weiler Bros. THURSDAY, 23rd, first to pass before it became Invested sociation brougrt together a large \Beaufy In with the great world Influence which It number of those who are actively en S P. M. possesses to-day. Biblical scenes that have implanted themselves Irrevocably gaged in Sunday school work, and i Included In this sale \Your Kitchen In the mind were thrown upon the profitable as well as pleasurable con­ screen and seemed to confirm their vention was assured. W. A. Gleason, 10 LADIES’ AND GENTS’ CYCLES, first conception. From the birth of the Victoria, the president of the aeao COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Saviour In the rude environment of a tlon, occupied the chair. The conven­ Ne w Parlor Furniture Have tout kitchen appoint­ stable to the sacrifice at Calvary were tion was opened with devotional exer­ NOTE.—All goods bought at this sale traced with unerring biblical transla­ Many excellent new parlor furniture pieces have Been put into atock during the past delivered free to any part of the city. ments beautiful as well as cise by Rev. J. B Warnicker, Victoria. tion the scenes and lndlcents that led Thereafter the president delivered his few days fresh from the factories. A number of these are in denim, just ready for you to Inevitably to the last and most tragic annual address. He reviewed the work choose something dainty in a covering, something that will match your other furnishings useful. It makes the hoeee- scene In human history. of the past year, commented f*$pirably and please your eye. One advantage of choosing furniture here is the fact that we show u H. W. DAVIES Auction#) The lecturer then traversed the his tory of the Christians In Rome, depict­ upon the progress that had been made splendid range of coverings, another is the faét that we do the upholstering in our own fac­ ing them In the catacombs and subter­ and appealed for a continuance of the tory, another is the superior assortment of frames we show, another is the fairness of our ranean passages that have become lm enthusiasm among tHfc workers so that Thts Chancellor Range prices; combine all these and you will find the reason for our splendid business in parlor fur­ mortal lied through their presence. the cause might go on and prosper, aeries of abort addressee were then de­ niture, and the reason you should get yours here. Come in and see the showing. MAYNARD & SON would be an ornament to the The pictures represent what Is per­ haps the most unique as well * as the livered. Rev. J. R. Robertson, mission AUCTIONEERS. most richly furnished home most expensive series of living pictures ary superintendent at Nanaimo, dealt Instructed by Mrs. Fleming we will extant. In all therti are about 600 with the subject of missions in Sunday Handsome Parlor Tables, $1.50 up gell at her residence in the country. people figuring at one time or another schools, and Principal J. M. Campbell, of Victoria, gave an instructive address An inspection of our showing •15 GORDON STREET on the films. Everything Is arranged with infinite care and the result Is a upon teacher training. Other speakers of parlor tables will probably prove "Old Badminton Club • Building" on And there is Jnst as much most happy and convincing series. took part In the several debates that Such tremendous favor did the bio- ae from the addresses, and qjjo- a big surprise to you. Many have satisfaction as there is beauty ecoplc lecture evoke that pressure wak gether an enlightened aeealon waa held. been surprised at the large and exjj Thursday, 2 p. m. The convention meet» again in the in U. brought to bear upon the evangelist to All her desirable and well kept have It repeated again to-night. The evening. eellent variety shown and the fair­ request was granted. ness of the prices. We have a big display of the much-desired table on Furniture and TheGhaneettor SHROVE TUESDAY. SALVATION ARMY our third floor, and the assortment Services Will Be Held In Churches To­ shows some genuinely handsome ta­ is g ptrfêd baksr. The di­ day and To-morrow—Lent Begins. ble creations. There is a plentiful Effects vided flue spreads the heat LEADER IN CITY supply of designs, and we have them Table, Piano, Bedding, Etc. evenly over the whole oven. To-day is Shrove Tuesday, and presents an historical day In the re­ in several woods and several fin­ There are In this house 19 rooms all It has broiler top, ash-ddor ligious life of the English-speaking ishes; in fact there is a table style furnished. Full particulars later. guard, oven thermometer— peoples of the world—for wherever to suit you and your home. If you do not possess a parlor table, and you have a nice parlor, if wanted,—patent grates and they go they generally take their eus MAYNARD A SON Auctioneers. Commissioner David Rees you will bo greatly pleased at the wonderful benefit one of these tables will be in your home. best of all tome with them. Vulgarly known as pancake day. Shrove Tuesday tmmedl Visits Victoria to Inspect They are not only ornamental, but very useful. Don’t be without one when you can get The Oxford ately precedes Lent, which commences them at these prices. Anyhow, come in and see what we show from *1.50 each. with what la historically termed Ash Work of the Army Davies 6* Sons Economizer Wednesday. AUCTIONEERS Services will be held to-morrow to un> you 30% of your eouL Offices: 666 i a tes St. Phone 476 Inaugurate. Lent, the period devoted to Commissioner David Rees, the newly yl%mrw't no other rung, deign the exercise of self-denial. The services Latest Shipment of Havlland, Limoges, Stock ^ In the country which com­ In St. James' church will commence appointed head of the Salvation Army PRIVATE SALE for Canada, will arrive In Victoria to­ bines so much good taste with the celebration of holy commun Dlnnerware In Our Window Ion at 9 a m., and will be followed by night His tour la primarily one of In­ LargeQuantityof Goods with so much good sense and Friday we received this shipment of din'nerware which matins, the litany and the cdmmln- vestigation and inspection in order that stive service at 10 a.m. Evensong with he may decide wisely as to the future we know some people are very anxious to have. We are Stoves, Linoleums, Etc lection will be held at 7.4Ljp.m. Service» Let us show you this Chan­ pleased to ray we have a full stock of this diimerware, and At Salesrooms, 566 Yates 8t. will also be held tn St. John’s, St. plan for the development of the Salva­ cellor, for your own satis­ tion Array In this city. The newly- a look at the display in our Government street windows Saviour’s. Victoria West, and St. speak for themselves as regards to quality. The design of If you want to sell your Real Estate, faction. We have a complete Paul’s, Esquimau, the Cathedral. St. appointed leader la one of six of the Furniture, Farm Stock or Business by line of Gurney-Oxford Stoves Barnabas' and the church of Our Lord. oldest officers of the Salvation Army. white and gold is excellent. For the benefit of those who private treaty or auction. for all purposes end all kinds He had charge ot the work ot this already Use this stock pattern and have been unfortunate AFFAIRS OF OAK BAY. FRED LEAVER, Auctioneer, of fuel on display all the time. country twfenty years ago but remained enough to break a few pieces, we herewith give a list of the only a short time through being called Valuer and Estate Agent. It will give us pleasure to Council Bëcïtlea to Have Option Upon articles : to Africa, He will conduct a private 5Vi-inch Plates Bouillion Cups and Saucers Sauce Boat Î36 Fort Street. Phone No. 126 show them to you. Granting Blasting Permits. council for soldiers and ex-sold 1er» at 26 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. the Army citadel at 6 p. m. to-night. flVi-inch Plates Creams \ Individual Butters Oak Bay council had a comparative­ Goods Bought Outright If Preferred. To-morrow night will be a citizens' Sugars A, D. Coffees and Saucers Pickles ly quiet session last night, there being welcome' meeting. Mayor Morley win Chocolate Cups and Saucers Chocolate Pots little business transacted other than of occupy the chair and other prominent 7Vi-inch Plates routine order. Covered Dishes, oval Covered Buttera DRAKE HARDWARE citizens will take part In the proceed 8Vi-inch Plates Davies & Sons Perhapa the moat Important feature Inge. The commissioner will be ac­ Covered Dishes, round Cake Plate* COMPANY of the meeting was the amendment to companied by Colonel and Mrs. Mapp, 8-inch Soup Plates Bamikini and Saucers Mayonaise the. pasting bylaw, which Invests the Colonel Pugmlre, the singing evange­ 8 council with the power to confirm or 4Vi-inch Fruit Saucers Vi-iach Bakers Trayi Will sell at the sale room, 666 Yates St. 1411 D.ugle. Strwt list; Major Findlay. Major Morris, and Soup Tureen Bowls refute the granting of a blasting per­ Major Phillips, and several other prom 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18-inch mit by the engineer, who has hitherto Inent Salvation Army officers of Van Flat Plates Sauce Tureen Moustache Cups and Saucers been the able authority in that connec Tea Oupa and Saucers Salad Bowl Breakfast Cups and Saucers. Furniture tion. Under the amendment to the by­ Cooking and Heating Stoves, law it will be optional for thq council If you possess this pattern, or only part of it, come in and let us complete it. Unclaimed cycles and other goods. to reconsider any such permits. HELP FOR OLD Another matter of Interest waa made BACKS THAT ACHE FRIDAY', MARCH I, known by the chairman. Reeve Hen Partie liars later. Delivery free dersen, when he mentioned that It had See the Ladles’ Writing Desks In Our been -spotted In the district that sev­ GIN PILLS Cure Them. ^ 11. W. DAVIES, Auctioneer. eral of the hotels were being run as Age la no barrier to the wonderful, Broughton Street Window disorderly houses. He promised the soothing, healing properties of GIN council that the matter would be In­ PILLS, the great Canadian Kldnry LADIES’ WRITING DESK, mahogany fin­ drawer with 8 pigeon holes and closed top. vestigated. The liquor bylaw waa re­ Cure. We have oh record many letters ish, with open top, 1 large drawer and 3 Price ...... $14.00 ferred to a committee. from men and women of 60, 66, 70. 76. small ones, with pigeon holes... $25.00 LADIES’ WRITING DESKS, in solid quar­ Other business disposed of wag the 8tf and over, testifying to the great re­ LADIES' WRITING DESKS, solid mahog­ ter cut oak, Early English finish, top lTx SUGGESTIONS FOR MARCH ORDERS new Crescent Road subdivision plan, t lief they received from taking OIN which will be accepted by the council PILLS. any, in many different designs. .$<>5.00 36, 1 large and 2 small drawers, exceptional­ KINO APPLES, box ...... #1.50 providing that the street running to the Mr. Samuel Martin, of Strathrqy, LADIES’ WRITING DESKS, in solid quar­ ly styliah design ...... $22.00 GOOD COOKING APPLES, box...... #1.25 property will be extended to the water Ont.'suffered for twenty year» with LADIES’ WRITING DESKS, in solid quar­ AUSTRALIAN BUTTER, exceedingly nice. 6 lbs...... #1.00 ter cut oak, golden finish, at *20, *18, *15 front; The new subdivision plan tor misery In his back. Some months ago and ...... $12.00 ter cut oak, golden finish, with x* email GOVERNMENT BUTTER, grand value, l«-lb. box ...... #4.60 Lawrence street was remitted to the he tried GIN PILLS and after taking LARGE NAVEL ORANGES, dozen, 36c and ...... 25# board of works committee. only three boxes waa entirely cured LADIES’ WRITING DESKS, in mahogany and 1 large drawer, with dull brake trim­ UPTON'S NICE JAMS. 6-lb. palf...... 50# Mr. Martin la now 66 years of age add finish, top 16x27, a lafge and a small mings ...... POTATOES, very good, per sack ...... #2.25 REPORT OF PLAGUE DENIED. enjoys the robust health of a vigorous NICE STREAKY BACON. |b ...... V.,...... 25# man of sixty, thanks to OIN PILLS. STRICTLY FRESH EGOS, dosen ...a...... Vw,...... *.v. . .35# Spokane, Wash., Feb. at.—The report ot All elderly people are troubled, more GOOD COOKING BUTTER, lb...... SO# bubonic plague In Spokane te unfounded. or lew, with Kidney and Bladder FRESH RHUBARB, bundle ...... 16# The exact nature of the dies see causing Trouble, and pain and weakpaap in the FINNAN HADDIE8. 3 lbs. for ...... 26# several deaths recently In one family pus- back. OIN PILLS are a guaranteed *ted local doctors. Surgeon of Marines cure for all these misfortune*. Money Lloyd, of from Sssttit» and______promptly refunded If they fall to give brought hers to Investigate the matter all complets satisfaction. THE WEST END GROCERY CO., LTD. unite In declaring It la net bubonic plague. Fifty cents a box—6 for 13.60. Sample IMS Government St. TeU. SS and 1761 It la believed to be , a combination- ef box free If you write us. mentioning this paper. XPttonal Drug 9t Ch Or. K. JU KI* ■local member ü tae Co., Dept. V. T., Toronto.