For Hsnse île Removals Phone 13» GOAL! COAL! BURTS HaU & Walker T85 PANDORA ST. 1232 Government Street Padded Vane, Prompt Attention, . .... ■ .BuMriUjstJto- - ~ TIHFHOWr n * R widenee Phone R710. VICTORIA, B. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. , NO. 49. vcz "L McBride’s solemn | BILL MINER IS - LI ii V PROMISE TO VICTORIA 0. 3. SENATE MINES -, - \ ' " „ ■ TieiiiiMïniini CONFERENCE TO IMPLICATED IN TRAIN Terms of the Order-in-Council Which Was Passed CONSIDER COMPROMISE ROBBERY IN GEORGIA . Giving This City Forty-Three Acres of the ' Songhees Reserve. ^ Reciprocity Bill Not Mentioned Notorious Robber Reported to .?> Y in Negotiations Looking Have Been Identified by Detectives In view Ae attitude taken by the railroad companies seeking access to to Settlement ”” premier, repudiating the orders.ln coun­ the cky of ^Victoria. And to recommend, that with a cil paseed four years ago and some view to expediting the removal of the twenty months ago In regard to the Indians from the said reserve the gov-, YTtmee Leaned Wire.) (Times Leased Wire.) forty-three acres" of the Songhees re­ ernment of British Columbia consent ...4 - Gainesville, Qa , Feb 28Authorities Washington. Feb. 28.—Regulars. serve which the city was to get. it will to the disposal of the remainder of the to-day are practically certain that one lands embraced In the said reserve by Frogresalves and Democrats In the of the three prisoners held here as one be of Interest to cltlsens to see the senate agreed this afternoon to meet the department of Indian affairs of of the five robbers who held», up Ap4 terms of the order In council passed Canada upon. the condition that the at 4:20 o'clock* and constd»* à Com­ robbed the Southern railway fast mall promise to check the rtllheeter against May, 1909. This confirmed a previous reversionary Interest of the province of February 18th near White SuIpIlOr order In council of January, 24, 1907. British Columbia In said reserve shall the vote on the Lorlmer case, started Springs, Is A. B. Miner, better known yesterday ir f»o<m. The Conference It reads as follower attach to the.funds realised from the as "Old- Bill," a notorious ktage coach sale or lease of said lands by the de­ ' will consider, the disposal °* t,le k°r*‘ and train robber of the Pacific north­ The undersigned has tKe honor to re­ mer case and the tariff board bill No partment of Indian -affaire of Canada, west and Canada. The man has been port for the consideration of council: after deducting therefrom the amounts mention of reciprocity came up In the Identified as Miner by detectives. negotiations and It whs expected that Thpt.a communication has been n necessary to secure the surrender from Miner broke Jail at New Westraln elved from the department of Indian President Taft's pet measure will be the Indians of their tlt'e in the said ster, B. C.. In 1007, while serving a life affairs of Canada requesting the prov­ lands, the purchase of thg lands neces­ left to shift for Itself. It le believed sentence for robbing a train on the int -■ nf British Columbia to conclude an sary for the new reserve to be estab­ that If It I» not settled an extra ses­ Canadian Pacific Railway. arrangement providing for the disposi­ sion Is certain, as the president still lished. and the removal and rehabili­ k Miner's Escape. tion of the Songhees Indian reserve at tation of the Indians on such new re­ maintain» his apparent determination New Westminster, B. C., Feb. 28 Victoria, by the department of Indian serve; and upon the further conditions to force a vote oh freer trade with The report that the notorious Bill ,<Ur3 affaire, upon the terms and cor tlons that the reversionary interest of the Canada. Miner was arrested at Gainesville. Oa. outlined during the discussion of the .province of Briti«h Columbia tn such As a basis for the peace conference, has caused Intense Interest In this city. matter with the department of Indian funds shall be dealt with and settled In the Regulars offered to make the Miner was sentenced to life Imprison­ affairs in September, 1906. respect thereto In the same manner and tariff board bill the unfinished busi­ ment several years ago at Kamloops, for the same period of time as If the ness if the progressives would permit Ttyat by an orderjn council approved for robbery on the Dominion express, January 24. 1907, an agreement between lands In said Songhees reserve bad re­ the I.orimer vote. Most of the pro­ when he held up a train on the C. P. R., the corporation of the city of Victoria mained unsold; and upon the further gressives are Inclined to accept the of­ and was brought to-the Dominion peni­ and the government of British Colum condition that the reversionary Inter­ fer. but Senator Cujnmlns Insisted that tentiary here. bln was approved whereby In consld est of the province of British Colum­ the Regulars agree to an actual tariff In 1807, With three others, he escaped c rat Ion of certain covenants the gov bia shall be recognised with respect to board vote. from the penitentiary by digging under ernment of British Columbia- agreed to ■uch lands as i may be purchased for Senator Lorlmer this afternoon sun the walls. The others were recaptured, grant and surrender to the corporation the Songhees Indians out of the pro­ mltted telegrams supporting hts charge but Miner was never seen since. Miner of the city of Victoria all and every ceeds of the sale of lands embraced In that Governor Deenon of Illinois had has already spent half of hts 81 years the reversionary Interest and all other the existing Songhees reserve; and that threatened to withhold patronage from behind prison bpra and was the first right, title. Interest, claim and demand a certified copy of this minute, if ap­ tbow members of the legislature of man to ever lurid up a train in Canada. of the government of the province of proved. be forwarded to the Hon. that state who supported Shurtleff for British Columbia In. to and out of two Frank Oliver, minister of Interior. Superintendent of Provincial Police Dated this 28th day of May. A. D.« ,PAt s'o7 o'clock this morning, when parcels of land embraced In said Song F. 8. Hussey has received telegraphed 1909. ■$ hees reserve, namely, the twenty-five the senate had been In continuous ses­ lnforma|)eiWfrom the Pinkerton detec- acres, more or less, lying to the north (Sgd) FRED J. FULTON. sion tor 10 hours; It took a wees «"«» QstnewvlHe, Ga., of tba ar­ of Ibsqulmalt road, for park and school Chief Commissioner of Lands. 11 o'clock, after an appeal by Senator rest of George Anderson, supposed purposes only, and eighteen scree, more Approved this 28th day of May, A, IX, Bailey. , .. from description to be the notorious or less, lying to the south of the Esqul Senator Crawford spoke nearly all BUI Miner, guilty of many crimes and malt A Nanaimo railway for terminal (Sgd.) F CARTER-COTTON. night. Senator Bristow relieved him leader of the gang which held up the railroad and wharfage purposes, to be Presiding Member of the Executive at «:6» o'clock this morning and held Southern railway fast maU at White used In aid of existing as weH as other Council. Sulphur Springs February 18. and held ALL IN DUX COURSE. (Concluded on page *•> up the C. P- B- express near Kamloops in the summer of 1908. CATESBY (Mr. Churchill)—My liege, the dukes, etcetera, have been taken. criticising the administration pf Bri­ This morning Mr. Hussey said there RICHARD TUE THIRD (Mr. Asquith)—Off with their heads! So much for dukes, eteetem. tish Columbia's lands, we would expect Is every reason to believe that the cap­ CATESBY—Myay liege,__ _e______’en now________ theyw_____ prateL, of__... ,self-reform._____ ------- . ------------------ the new minister of lands to make a mmm flee tured man is the notorious highway RICHARD THE THIRD—Off with theirr heads!heads ! We will reformr< 'em later. name for himself by Inaugurating a B1SLEY TEAM man. because the Pinkerton men have ■Rlrhsrd the Thlrt" (Colter CtOber—“Cuncl" version.. Aot IV., I progressive and up-to-date land policy. tn their possession photographs and J.’ H. Hawthorn thwalte associated 947766 identification descriptions of Miner. himself with the jnember for Albernl . In Mr. Hussey has telegraphed for the po­ 6.000; Aid. Enright, of Vancouver; what had been said. In the old country TO SAIL IN JUNE ti lice at Gainesville to send him a photo­ Jesse Armist *, representing . 12.000 there was much inquiry for British graph of the man and full particulars people of Hillcrest and South H1Î1 dis­ Columbia lands, the agent-general was of his appearance. Anderson Is now FAILURE OF THE busying himself to the matter, but VANCOUVER GETS trict; J. A. Kerr, South Vancouver; J. held by the Gainesville authorities un when people got here they found no C. McArthur, Cedar Cottage; Reeve RIFLEMEN WILL MA0ER0 REPORTED TO der 110,000 ball, and Mr. Hussey be­ Found. South Vancouver municipality; land. He was continually running lieves he will now be still In custody, and Mayor L. D. Taylor, Vancouver. across such disappointed people. While for there is small likelihood of the ball The deputation expect an answer this pet the section governing cancellation had WITNESS CORONATION HAVE CHANGED PLANS being forthcoming. m a good feature he thought it gave the afternoon. If U is not satisfactory His arrest la reported In Mr.
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