To Offer Guarantees Sted Are Invited to Attend the Ing Day of School
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■ * • -’U PRIpAY, AUGUST 24, 186d ■ 4 PAGE SIXTEEN X- iianrlii^Bter- Aliening U m lb Average Daily Net Press Run For tho Week Bmled The Weather June 19., 19M Foreeaai of U. S. Weatbar aarHMi The Rev. 'iohn E. Post of the Gresa 6f Farm Dr., Lt. Cmdr. North Methpdist. Church will re Hear Dr. Roberts Registration Day Christoph Named Thomas R. McKeough of 85 Dur dear, cbol tonight, ground fog About Town turn to hl4 pulpit Sunday mom- ant St., Cmdr. Richard D. NisMn ' 12,065 of 52, S. Hawthorne St., and Lt. In low MMts bg morning. Low noar dng.-4Ie will continue the biograph- At Second Church Registration day in all public To Help Direct Member of the Audit M. Sunday, fatf. wanner. High Hi* negotiaUng cdmmlttM of Icaf messages which he conunenc- Cmdr. Jendall C. Valentine of schoois in Manchester will,.be Farm Dr. Bureau of (XrealathMi u near 88. the F^per Makera Union at Rogers ed before his vacation. This Sun Second Congregationallsta will Thursday, Aug. 30, from 9 a.m. Reserve School Manchester^A City of Village Charm Corporation’s new Willimantie di day, there will be a message on. rejoice to hear that the pulpit to 12 noon. I Cmdr. H. A. Peterson, director 1 WEEKLY BINGO itf vision was welcomed and . enter “Moses: God's Chosen Leader." Sunday at 9:36 a.m. will be oc Pupils who should register at The Naval Reserve Officers ^ of the school, has announced that I tained by the company Wednesday The service will be conducted at this time are: , vacancies for officers of the Re- FRIDAYS- 8 P. M. cupied by the Rev. George Roberts School in Hartford will have VOL. LXXV, NO. 278 (TWELVE PAGES) (ClaMUIad AdvartMag oa Pago 1 9 ) night at the Log C ^ in in Lebanon. 9:30 a.m. and all are invited. of West Hartford; and the Sun 1. Kindergarten children en ■ j serves in ail ranks are\open for MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1956 PRICE FIVE CENTS Activities for the members of days following until the pastor, tering school for the first time Manchester man serving as assist' the coming term. \ ASSUMPTION HALL Windham Local, No. 683, included Applications for the "Miss Wap- the Rev. Arnold Tozer, returns who did not ro ister in the ant director when it opens for a j _______ ' ^ a social hour and steak dinner. The ping Fair of 1956" must be mailed from England, where he has a spring. new term on Sept. 10. He Is Jo-1 THOMPSON and SOUTH ADAMS STREETS Wjillimantic division was the Cellu to the Fair secretary on or be number of speaking engagement.*!. 2. All other - pupils new in Navy Pushing lar Rubber Products Co. before be seph H. Christoph of 27 S. I^ ^ e -, JT COMPORTARLE SEATING— AMPLE PARKING fore Sept. 1. j^jpplicition blanks Dr. Roberts is not available for town not previously registered. coming part of Rogers last month. will be found' on the^ back of the a settled pastorale. However, he The Board of Education says wood Circle. > L E G A L B E V E R A Q E S J Fair Book, available free from has, on several occasions, appear it is the desire of all principals The school, which in its last IT a t low PRirr* A Hunt for Plane Parents of Troop 81 Boy Scouts local business establishments and that all registration formalities term had close to 100 student of-1P PRICES ^ ed at Second Church. He sup be completed before the open attending Camp Piopeer in Win- banks. plied the pulpit and performed du fleers of the Navy, Coast Guard I r H piim 4 to Offer Guarantees sted are Invited to attend the ing day of school. Sept. 5. so all Off Red China ties in the parish for 'five months classes may start promptly and Marine Corps reserAes, w ill'^ A lI h U r U lllf ; M O r M ^ Honor Campfire Saturday evening Dean F. Poeth of Bolton and prior to the .spring of 1953 when accept applicants for enrollment k HOURS 8'A.M. to II P.M. j beginning at 7:30. Bob McOomb, Maria R. Ssraga, 91 Main St., the Rev. Mr. Tozer a.ssumcd the when school begins. Rick Ainsle and Tom Brown have on the evenings of Aug. 27 and j ^ AAAAAAAJikAAJP . Iwakuni, Japan, Aug. 25.(/P) have applied for a marriage li pastorate. It is .hoped ai.large Sept. 4, as well as on its first ______________- ■ _____ ■ —U.S. Navy Air officials said been .named to the Buccaneers, the cense in Hartford. They will be number of both the old and new three nights of classes. Sept. 10, ^ rrr———— — — junior Honor Society at Camp married Sept. 8. members will turn oiit td wel tion of an operator's 'license tm ight the body of Tech Pioneer. ^ 17 and 24. Students, through at-1 O tu y U :* , come him. against Ralph G. Brown, 17, of'414 tendance at the school, m aintain, A NEW nician l.C. Albert P. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Mayer ,— ----- :---- 1— Parker St., was nolled. Brown was their coitfmiasions and earn credit of Delta, Ohio, a crewman of A family picnic will be held by A A ,.K B aiM a O I A M A M ^ **a 4 I m AMAA m 8 and young sons. 36 Margaret Rd., arrested Aug. 11 by Patrolman toward promotion and retirement' FUNERAL HOME ROASTING CHICKENS a U.S. patrol plane downed off Norman's Little League team in and Mr. Mayer's motjier, Mrs. Rose benefits. ^ ; Center Springs Park tomorrow at Samuel Maltempo, but Judge Karp UNDER EXPERIENCED the Red China coast, had Mayer, 247 Summit St., have le- The school, which meets _ Mon We have a good range of sizes this week from four to S p.m. It is given by Norman Spec- tumed from an extended trip es Court Cases entered a nolle “because of the ex day nights St the Naval Reserve j MANAGEMENT wounds inflicted by gunfire. tor, sponsor of the team, in appre tenuating circumstances." seven pounds. Rock Cornish roasters and fryers. Ten per ciation of the fine playing and far as Montana. They visited Vir Training Center on Reserve Rd.,' However, the gunfire did not ginia City in that slate, Yellow A $35 bond was forfeited by j will offer courses this year in Sea • . cent off for ten or more for your freezer this week, next cause Martin’s death. He died, sportsmanship of the boys during stone and other national parks and Irwin L. Hayes, 57. of 5 Ford! Arthur Westhelmer, 41. of Brook-1 manship, Operations, Strategy and Soviet Seen Top Cheney i \^ams West the past season. ‘ Niagara Falls. St‘„ who was arrested last night,! line. Mass,, who was arrested Aug. I Tactics, Navigation, Public Infer-1 THE JOHN F. week no discouht. Heavy Jersey cream 30c per Yx pt. of multiple injuries received fo r intoxication but declined pro-' 4 and charged with speeding.,' mation and Military Justice. I , ^ in the crash of the plane, the bation in court tpday because it is! State Policeman Lawrence Secor; Included among officers In this Navy said. Stalling on ExecutivesI/-V tt e at. XI "quite tedious,'' Was sentenced to ' made the sn est on Rt. 15. A nolle area who have attended the school TIERNEY Sharp Drop Noted jail for 15 days. \ was entered in the esse of Henry are Lt. Cmdr. William L. Conlon: FUNERAL HOME ROGER OLCOn H a y t ii was arrested by Patrol Taipei, Formosa, Aug. 25 Maturo, Glastonbury, charged with of 102 Lakewood Circle, Lt. Cmdr. | 219 WEST CENTER ST. 403 West Center Street Mitchell 3-785S Quit Posts O" Strength In Idle Claims man Gordon Kershaw when he was allowing the operation of a truck James F. Cooper of 115 Green TEL. MI 3-1222 <^)—U.S. Vice Adm. Stuart Egypt Paet "Pnicfuinsl found in an intoxicated condition without flaps. Manor Rd.,* Cmdr. Richard La-1 Ingersoll, commander’ of the w A ru L------ A u London, Aug. 25 ;(i'P)—Egypt was reported prepared today Claims for unemploymeht com near a Main St. building. He was held overnight and appeared be 7th Fleet, said today the By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER ward Lneney ana Horace, to offer maritime powers treaty guarantees of unimpeded pensatlon in the Manchester area C/roc'cri/ fore Judge Jules Karp this morn search had been terminated Washington, Aug. 25 (JP)— Learned, president and vice ^ shipping through the Suez canal. ^ / / / ( nosedived from 612 to 434 I a s t ing. Haye.s, referring t o ^ proba for survivors of a Navy pa president, respectively, of i Diplomatic sources in Cairo said President Game! Abdel tion period he served on an earlier Top United States officials, Cheney Bros., have resigned week, a drop of 29.1 per cent, the trol plane downed off the Red were reported concerned to Nasser 'would offer the guarantees—singly or collectively to Stat^ Labor Department reported convjctlon, told- the judge he pre China coast.-Bu^ in Washing from the firm. The Herald nations using the canal—as a counterproposal to the demand STORE HOURS: ferred jail to another probation day over signs that Russia learned today. tbday. term. ton Pentagon officials said may be deliberately trying to of 18 nations for internationalization of the Suez. Open Daily The percentage of the claims A total fine of $36 was levied on That famoua Ike amile waa very niuch in evidence in Monterey.