Weekly Newsletter of Private Circulation Only MARANATHA BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN

CHURCH 29 November 2015 “Present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Colossians 1:28) Address: 63 Cranwell Road, Singapore 509851 Tel: (65) 6545 8627 Fax: (65) 6546 7422 Email: [email protected] Website: Sunday School: 9.45 am Sunday English / Chinese Worship Service: 10.45 am Sunday Chinese Worship Service: 7 pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 8.00 pm Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jack Sin (HP: 9116 0948)

Geographical and Historical Travelogue to the Land of the Protestant Magisterial Reformers

Introduction What is now of great renown, Once was hardly a town, Was once so poor, and lowly The psalmist recites the whole story, How Jerusalem rose to Glory, Wittenberg is almost the same Grew from nothing to great fame. But now its glory is so bright, That it draws soul to the light Like Jerusalem of old, It shines with purest gold, God give it grace to shine again, On earth and in the heavens, amen.

(Heinz Stade, Thomas A Seidel, In the Footsteps of Martin , 2010, 208. Luther wrote this in 1545 about Wittenberg a year before he died.)

In the early winter of November in the western hemisphere, 37 of us by the providential hand of God from 13 churches went on a historical study tour from 8 to 20 November travelling to three countries over 1845 km on land in 12 days, namely France, Germany and Switzerland in the footsteps of the 16th century Reformers. Thank God for safety (despite the Paris bombing incident where 129 died) and protection and good health, strength and a memorable and educational journey for all.


Walking with the Reformers This is the town hall of Wittenberg. Note the Luther’s memorial and he is We visited the very historic places where the holding the Bible, the basis of his magisterial Reformers once lived and the reforming works. events that surrounded their lives and ministry that transformed their hearts. It was God’s sovereign good timing to bring the 16th century Reformation to past after the Renaissance where the moveable type printing machine was invented by Johanne Gutenberg from 14525 which the team saw with their own eyes at the Gutenberg museum.

We started with , a regenerate monk who firmly opposed the sale of indulgences with the posting of the 95 theses on the door of the castle church of Wittenberg, which exposed the doctrinal errors that struck against the law of God. We were in Wittenberg where he was professor at the University. While Luther was preparing to teach the book of Romans he discovered from Romans 1:17 that a man is not justified by works but by faith and he led the Reformation. From there, we went to Torgau. This is the church in Constance where The palace chapel was consecrated by the great the council which condemned John Reformer himself in 1544. However, it is not just Hus to death in 1415 was held. Luther himself who was remembered in At castle where Torgau. In 1552, to escape the plague, his widowed Martin Luther translated the New wife, , fled with her children to Testament into German in 1522. Torgau, where she died a short time later. We then proceeded to Erfurt, an important place in the life of the German reformer. From 1505 to 1511, Luther lived at the Augustinian monastery in Erfurt, an architecture dating back to the 13th century. He studied for the monkhood and was ordained as a priest. In the Augustinian monastery Luther was taught dialectics, rhetoric original languages, the church fathers and the Bible to some extent and earned his BA and MA. Although he did not get the truth, he acquired the skills and the tools to study the Bible on his own later which led to his eyes being enlightened by the very word of God unto everlasting life. At Erfurt with our local guides and Angie Sin our overall coordin ator. 2

Doctrines they stood for

Here we witnessed the hand of God in guiding this monk to be God’s faithful herald in momentous times as he stood for justification by faith alone, the authority and sufficiency of the scriptures and the of believers. We were also at Eisenach where he grew up as a young boy and was a choir boy with gifted abilities, a precocious kid who was religious and followed his parents to the church. The house where Luther was born and the house where he died in are still there both in Eisleben.

We travelled also to Worms 16th Century and it is here that monastic meal in Luther was a cellar near the summoned to the Erfu rt monastery. Diet by Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire in 1521 to answer charges Luther’s house. on his writings that were at variance with the church. He arrived with safe conduct promised by Frederick the wise and he gave the historic reply to the king without the fear and favour of men and stood firm on his biblical convictions and said “ I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen. ” In April 1521, Luther appeared before the Imperial Diet in Worms, where Emperor Charles V demanded that he This is Hartenfels Castle where recant his teachings. When Luther refused, Charles V Frederick the Wise, the Elector of issued an edict banning Luther and his teachings. Saxony lived in Torgau. Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony, protected Martin Luther (disguised as 'Squire George') at the Wartburg castle. We need to be brave and uncompromising men today on the word. God preserved his life in the midst of grave danger. Given 21 days of safe conduct, he was kidnapped by some knights and kept in Wartburg castle where he stayed for 10 months and providentially he translated the New Testament into German. It is a UNESCO This is Hartenfels Castle where World Heritage site, today on a hilltop and Luther’s Frederick the Wise, the Elector of the castle has a late Romanesque inner handwriting on Saxony lived in Torgau. his exposition ward. Luther found refuge there in 1522 as of Psalms. 3

God had a higher plan for him. This was a significant turning point in the Reformation as the people could now read the Bible in their own languages for the first time. The team was challenged and we had time of reflection, prayer and devotion on the bus in the morning by different leaders. A German

Luther standing before journalist, Ulrike Schaffer followed us and interviewed the . the pastor and she is a reporter for a local newspaper. She was curious why a group of Singaporeans came all the way here for a Reformation tour and an article on our trip was to be published in the local German papers a few days later in Worms. We had wonderful guides and every local guide that we had, we not only gave them a tip but also a gospel tract and Singapore keychain or chopstick souvenir from here.

From Germany, in the midst of the recent Paris bombing where 129 were killed and many others injured, there was the heightened security and with much prayers and dependence on the Lord , we travelled to France and entered via Strasbourg and attended the Sunday morning service at the international Trinity Church. We had the opportunity to send our greetings and shared the word from Philippians 1:27 and met up with Pastor Karl and our guide, Phil and his wife, Violeta. In July 1536, Calvin went museum in Geneva. to Geneva which became the centre of his work. He had been trying to go to Strasbourg and was there for 3 years but the spread of the HabsburgValois Wars made him detour to Geneva where a fiery Protestant called Guillaume Farel persuaded him to stay. The Reformer, John Calvin who was called of God for such a time, was used of the Lord to transform Geneva. John Calvin met his dear wife Idelette and pastored a French speaking church in Strasbourg and he also met up with the local reformers, Martin Bucer and Zell and Ocolampadius as well. From there, Calvin returned to Geneva later in 1541 and be there for 25 years where he led the spiritual reforms of the city. The team members visited the John Calvin museum in Geneva and at each point we had a local guide who gave us a relevant commentary. Thank God for both the meals and the hotel arrangements that were carefully planned to give the members a pleasant experience as much as it is possible with a delectable gastronomic experience as well.


Meeting the Reformers in Switzerland

We then travelled 3 hours to also visit the historic city of Lausanne where Pierre Viret, the brave and knowledgeable Reformer pastored a church here for a numbers of years and then to Zurich the city where Huldreich In Geneva with four Protestant Reformers. Zwingli, the foremost leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland was inspired of the Lord to write the 67 theses. Zwingli was the key pastor who preached and from the Bible and exposed the church errors together later with Bullinger and others. Zwingli who was a military chaplain died early when he went out to the battlefield with the Protestant troops at the second war of Kappel in 1531. He faced challenge from the Anabaptist in men like Conad Grebel, Thomas Munster and later Menno Simons and Hutter who opposed infant baptism and also stood for the separation of the church and state. Our final stop was in Geneva and we ate at the Chinese restaurant in Geneva and we gave tracts to the 3

Sharing a gospel tract with a Chinese waitresses who came from China and one started waitress in a restaurant in Geneva. reading it. Do pray for their salvation.

Geneva was a Frenchspeaking Swiss city. At the time of Calvin’s arrival the city was struggling to achieve independence from the political and ecclesiastical authorities who were trying to exercise control over Geneva. In May 1536 under John Calvin‘s teachings and influence the city adopted religious reformed and the monasteries were dissolved, the Mass was abolished and Papal authority renounced and the presbyterian system of church polity and strict church discipline were introduced.

It took Calvin 14 years before he could fully impose the biblical version of Presbyterian liturgy, doctrine, organisation of the church and moral behaviour with support of the city council after the libertines were forced to leave the city. It was an amazing spiritual transformation of the city and Geneva later by John Calvin, William Farel, Thoedore Beza (who became the Rector of the Genevan college where the famous John Knox, Reformer of Scotland studied) and historians like Dr Carl Truman would say that Geneva became the most influential city in the Protestant movement. It represented the city where religion had been most truly reformed and changed for the better. John Knox, the Scottish Protestant leader, called Geneva “the most perfect school of Christ.” Geneva’s spiritual and moral impact on Europe was huge and it was the cradle of Reformation then. Spiritual Lessons learnt 5

The Sovereignty and providence of God are of paramount significance. God is in control of all things and He is the sole architect of the reformation and we are to humbly and patiently submit to His will while doing our part as well. Calvin concentrated on the glory of God as the center of his ministry and life. His motto, The Genevan College where sincerely and promptly in the service of God is Theodore Beza and Calvin taught. an example for us to emulate.

The Women of the Reformation were also noteworthy. All the Reformers were married and almost all with children and except for one namely John Calvin. There are also the godly women who played vital roles as well in supporting the Reformers in the family as being confidants helpmeets and godly companions in the race of life, including Idelette De Bure, Katherine Van Bora and Anna Reinhard. There is no success without a successor. Thank God for the good planning of succession for the Reformers. There are other co-labourers too who played a part in the Reformation with men like Henrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza and Philip Melancthon who carried on the work effectively after the magisterial Reformers were taken home by the Lord. Good and faithful comrades are important as Paul had his Timothy and Titus and others (2 Timothy 2:2). We can make use of modern technology as well to advance the gospel within the parameters of the word of God as the Reformers used the invention of the moveable type printing press to their advantage in the dissemination of information.


Historians generally considered the 1555 Peace of , which permitted for the coexistence of Catholicism and in Germany, to the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years’ War as the conclusion of the Reformation. However, this is not to be for we are to persevere and continue the vigilant spirit of the Reformers into the 21st century in the defence and propagation of the faith in these last perilous days (Jude 3, 4). It was a most pleasant and edifying trip for all as we walked the way of the Reformers and learnt profound and unforgettable lessons on site. Various people took turns to share the morning devotions with Elder Loke, Dn Peter Ong, brothers Chen Ching Hong and Kelvin Chin as well.

There was much hearty sharing and thanks giving by the members on the last two nights and this encouraged our hearts to hear the lessons learnt. It is instructive to note that the heart of the Reformation is the Reformation of the heart. This is not just a normal political or social movement but one that hits at the very heart of man and it transformed lives and their destiny forever. Many today are deformed by sin and the world and we need to be reformed and continue to build up lives in the days to come that they turn to Christ with faith and repentance and not rely on man’s works or ecclesiastical or church ceremonies. Let His inspired and eternal words do to us as it did to the Protestant Reformers who, half a millennium ago, risked their lives and 6

defended the most holy faith. Let us continue to stand for the cause of Christ unwaveringly and for His sufficient word in an increasingly compromising and accommodating world.

Christ is the chief architect of the Protestant Reformation, the greatest revival of all times since the day of Pentecost. For the ladies, remember that Katherina Van Bora, Idelette De Bure and Anna Reinhard played a vital part as well, behind the scene, supporting their husbands. For the men, note that there is no success without a successor. Beza, Bullinger, Melanchthon and others carried on the reforms after the homegoing of the magisterial reformers. We need to perpetuate this living legacy today to the next generation and pass on the rich reformed heritage that we know to our children and remember, what you do not have, you cannot give.

Jack and Angie Sin


Sharing on Reformation Study Tour

I would like to thank you and Angie for your tireless efforts in organizing this marvellous Study Tour for all of us. Indeed we really enjoyed the bonding of fellowship through this trip staying, praying and sharing together. All glory and honour to His Blessed and Holy Name!

As requested, I enclose herewith my article on sharing of God's blessings through learning on this trip, for your perusal.

Thank you Angie once again. May God bless and keep you both in good health and strength that more days be granted to you in serving Him and His people.

Blessings from God’s mercies and grace for the Trip :

In recent months, there was news on the ‘Migrant Crises’ where lots of migrants had crossed over the borders of European countries from the war zones of Syria, and citing that some ISIS Militants had infiltrated into Europe under the pretext of migrants. My aunt tried to dissuade me from going to this study tour and mentioned that there would be dangers of terrorisms in these countries at anytime. I told her that I was not be worried about this, as I would trust God and go by faith. Indeed this terrorists’ attack really happened in Paris one over week ago on Friday, 13 November.

Before going for this trip, we prepared ourselves both in mind and spirit. We prayed earnestly for the Lord’s guidance and leading before us and asked Him to grant us journey mercies and protections throughout this journey.

Thank God for keeping us safe throughout this trip though there was terrorists’ attack in Paris on Friday, 13 November. However, we could still carry on our study Tour as scheduled early next morning and entered France – Strasbourg smoothly without much hassle from the French police at the border.

Blessed Lessons learned from the trip :

A. The sacrificial lives and deeds of our Reformers

From this study tour, I learned that these reformers had gone through much sufferings even to sacrifice their lives to break away from Roman Catholism and preached the true Gospel of Christ. Reformers are to be separated from RCs. Our belief in Christ is through faith and grace of His salvation and not through works. We owe it to the Reformation for the right understanding of the way of salvation. For without which, we would still be living in darkness and never find the true way of salvation. Thus, we can do our part as Reformers to explain to friends or relatives who are RCs, this separation from them. However, sad to know that presently, there are still many reformed churches who are trying to reunify with the RC Church. They have totally forgotten the history of Reformation and the precious truths that we must defend with missionary zeal. 8

B. The Translations and Printing of Holy Bibles

We thank God that because of these reformers who risked their lives to get the Holy Bibles translated in different languages and be printed to reach the world, we all can benefit from reading and studying them. Thus, not only should we cherish these bibles but also God’s Words in our hearts! The Gutenberg printing press that helped to spread the Conclusion Reformation cause.

Having known and understood the history of reformation, I will all the more cherish the Holy Bible and God’s Words in my heart by diligently studying them; and be vigilant in not to compromising with those who teach and deviate from the Gospel truths.

Judy Loon Life BP Church

Visiting at Italian Village near Geneva.


This trip is indeed enlightening – there is so much to see and learn about the past Reformers :

In Germany Martin Luther and his wife Katherina von Bora and John Hus In France John Calvin and Idelette De Bure In Switzerland John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli

The cathedrals are all magnificent and beautifully built, this indeed showed the wealth and power of the Roman Catholic Church then. It truly must have been very tough and difficult for the Reformers and yet they remained steadfast in their convictions and faith in the Lord.

Their cause gave us the following :


Bibles in as many languages as one can find. The 5 solas :

(Scripture alone is our final authority) — Solus Christos (through Christ alone) ● (by faith alone) ● Sola Gratia (justification is by God’s grace alone) ● Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone)

The 5 points of Calvinism :

T Total depravity of man U Unconditional election L Limited atonement I Irresistible grace P Perseverance of the Saints

Lastly, I would like to thank the Lord for the safe, wonderful and meaningful trip, Pastor Jack for his thought provoking teachings, all the men for their morning devotions, Angie for her ever bright, cheery smile and patience and all the Route of the wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that I have met. Reformation Trip

All Glory to God.

Katherine Lee Life BP Church



Local German Newspaper article of our visit


Singapore Group on Reformation Visit (translated from German)

Tour guide Heike SchreiberWolsiffer had been looking forward to this special group of Protestants from Singapore for a long time. This group came to Worms to visit the sites of Luther's diet.

Why she had been looking forward to this special group so much? She later revealed this to them after she had gathered 37 of them around her in the Magnuskirche (St. Magnus Church).

While being a student in school her English teacher had made it possible for her to get a pen pal gal from Singapore. "We exchanged letters about our culture and people", she let the group know in fluent English. Up till today this pen pal relationship has lasted and if somehow possible she would love to travel Singapore one of these days.

About the Protestant Church

This group of travelers is part of a Protestant Church of the city state of Singapore in which you can find almost 5.5 million people, of which about 18 per cent of Christians live. Not everybody who was traveling, with pastor Dr. Jack Sin and his wife Angelina, to Germany, France and Switzerland were members of his congregation. Established in the 1990s, the Presbyterian Bible Church was named Maranatha.

Also friends from Malaysia and Australia were with the traveling group. As well as Zheng Wei Yap, who originally came from Singapore but is currently studying mathematics in the Lausane University. .

Pastor Jack Sin's knowledge about the Protestant Reformation was amazing. He is also lecturing church history at the Emmanuel Reformed Bible College of Singapore. He told his fellow travelers about what had happened in 1521 at the diet in Worms. Outside an ice cold wind was blowing which made the freezing Asian people close up their jackets even more.

They had landed in Berlin on the 8th of November and had already visited Wittenberg, Torgau, Erfurt and Eisenach. The group had also driven along the Rhine river and visited the Gutenberg Museum in Mayence. Now they stood in the park of the Heylshof and reverentially stared at the paving stove which was put into the ground exactly where Luther once had stood saying his famous words; "I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen."

Everybody took pictures there or with the "NonnenmacherRelief". After that the satisfied group fanned out to collect leaves of the maple trees, as well as, of the ginkgo trees and of course to take more pictures.

Terrible religious wars

The big group photo was taken on the stairs of the . Beforehand she had 12

in detail explained the meaning behind the monument. She also talked about the fate of the city of which had been totally destroyed on the 20th of May 1631 by Tilly and his troupes. "Religious wars are horrible", she said and mentioned that after the group had lunch, they all prayed for the victims of Paris that had suffered under the ISIS terror.

On the way to the "Johanniterhof" (court of the Hospitallers), in the Hardtgasse where Luther used to stay overnight back in his days, Dr. Jack Sin mentioned that he had been in Germany before but never to Worms, although this had been one of the most important cities in the Protestant Reformation. He was clearly touched and impressed by everything he saw. Especially the powerful view of the "Dreifaltigkeitskirche" (Holy Trinity Church). Hope they got to listen to the rehearsal of the Bach Choir for the show of the German Requiem from Johannes Brahms on the next day. This had been a perfect ending to the tour following Luther's Track. (Auf Luthers Spuren). Ulrike Schaffer

(NB. This was published in a local German newspaper few days after our visit at Worms, Germany, as reported by a journalist, Ulrike Schaffer.)




Theme for the Quarter :

Secrets of the Abundant Christian Life

English Worship Service : Rev Philip Heng speaks on Secret of Witnessing for Christ (Romans 1:1417)

[End of MM]