14th March 2006 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Johnston (Chair); Councillors Bullock, Campbell, R. J. Davis, Garrett, Hinkley, Pederson, Titmuss and Worlding.


An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Harris.

16 MINUTES (REF: 2.1)

Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9th January 2006 be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The Committee were informed of the main issues raised at the mini Ward Forums:-


• Outstanding Issues from previous Forums • Nothing for youths to do in the area • Barnfield Site, students taking short cuts, need to break up route • No. 24 Bus services withdrawn – why? • Quantock Rise – Motorbikes speeding down road, police presence required • Departments thanked for there service – Street Cleansing Refuse Collection • Council commended for the introduction of the Senior Bus Pass Service


Dangerous parking by contractors on Wycombe Way Outstanding issues, some need to be removed from the list Riddy Lane – Rubbish from Chicken Take-away Parking around schools – High School – high profile parking attendants needed Turnpike Drive crossing dangerous Glenfield Road Street Lighting needed Pupils from not using crossing on A6 Street Signs not replaced/cleaned – Laburnum Grove Marriot Road Gooseberry Hill


• Lorries parking in Willow way • Speeding traffic and parking in Ambleside/Hurst Way causing obstruction • Nuisance Motorbikes • Cars keyed in Hurst Way • Community Centre – computer installed for Council officers but no officers based at centre • Closure of Mobile library – lack of consultation • Road Maintenance not carried out properly - Westmoreland Avenue Hurst Way Coniston Road • Overgrown shrubbery on Snipes Lane


• Outstanding Items from previous Forums • Lack of provision for young people • Lack of street lighting • Zero tolerance on rubbish around schools • Disabled parking outside of the Town Hall – 1 hour not long enough • Parking at the Jubilee Community Centre – currently being addressed • Parking outside of schools • Nuisance motorbikes • Marsh Road – traffic calming scheme required • Steps to Luxemburg Close are not accessible to disabled

Sundon Park

• CCTV required outside of Shops • Parking on pavement in Hill Rise • Rubbish in Mendip Way • Damage to rear of properties in Mendip Way • Nuisance Motorbikes • Concern around the new Eligibility Criteria for Social Care • New House builds – residents need to be informed

The Area Committee Support Officer reported that all the issues, which had been raised, would be followed up and reported back to the Mini Ward Forums held at next meeting of the Area Committee.

Resolved: That the Feedback From Mini Ward Forums be noted.


The North Area Community Safety coordinator reported that the proposed new scheme to play classical music outside the shops in Sundon Park in order to deter youths loitering would be implemented for a trial period of 3 months, after the consultation stage. She also welcomed any suggestions of motorcycle hotspot areas where it might be possible to display new motorcycle warning signs.

Resolved: That the report be noted.


Chief Inspector John Wake introduced the following Police Officers and Police Community Safety Officers to the meeting Sergeant Frank Griffin, Donna Flemming, Dermott Dunne, Sarah Blundell, Ash Balkham and Mike Leconte.

He advised that a new process of responding to incidents had been introduced, that was dedicated to neighbourhood problems called ‘Signal Reporting’. Incidents would be broken down into 4 key stages of response:

• C.I.D • Response Section • Investigation Unit • Safer Neighbourhood Team

He went on to say that the Police would be purchasing 5 vehicles in May 2006, one of which would be a 4 wheel drive off road vehicle to help combat nuisance motorbikes.

A member of the public informed the Police that Youths were smoking drugs in gardens/garages at the rear of his property.

Chief Inspector John Wake replied that the incident would be dealt with under the new Signal System.

A member of the public enquired what had happened to the Police Forums.

Sergeant Frank Griffin replied that the Police were currently seeking volunteers to enable the re-establishment of Police Forums.

A member of the public informed the Police that cars were speeding and travelling up Wycombe Way the wrong way.

Chief Inspector John Wake replied that operation Jack Door would deal with incidents of speeding and driving down one-way systems in the wrong direction.

Members of the public enquired about the opening times of Police Station and raised concern that smaller stations were being closed.

Chief Inspector John Wake replied that the opening times of Luton North (Leagrave) Police Station were 10.00 am to 4.00 pm due to staff resources. He added that the stations such as North Luton and would not be closed down.

Resolved: That the above questions and responses be noted.


A member of the public raised concern that the Mobile Library Service would be withdrawn, and that no consultation had been carried out.

The Principal Librarian informed the Committee that unfortunately due to necessary savings, the Mobile Library Service would be withdrawn on 6th May, 2006.

Members of the public raised concern that disabled library users would not be able to access books.

The Principal Librarian replied that branch libraries could remain open for longer hours, also the House Bound Services could deliver books to those who could not go to the libraries themselves.

The Chair suggested that a report in regards to the withdrawal of the Mobile Library Service by the Principal Librarian to the next meeting of the Committee.

A member of the public raised concern that the elderly in sheltered housing would be charged for emergency call outs if they pulled the emergency cord.

Councillor R. J. Davis replied that a charge of £40 for weekdays and £60 at weekends would be made to the elderly in sheltered housing for emergency call outs if they pulled the emergency cord.

A Member of the Public commented on the political wrangling at the meeting and asked the Labour Councillors if they would reinstate the Mobile Library Service and construct a new swimming pool if the Labour Group were re-elected at the next Borough Elections.

Councillor R. J. Davis replied unequivocally that if re-elected the Labour Group would reinstate the Mobile Library Service and construct a new swimming pool.

Resolved: (i) That the above questions and responses be noted.

(ii) That the Principal Librarian be requested to submit a report in regard to the Withdrawal of the Mobile Library Service to the next meeting of the North Luton Area Committee.


The Strategic Arts Manager gave a presentation entitled ‘The Hat Factory, Growing the Arts’. The Committee were informed that the Hat Factory was a creative base and a leader and facilitator of arts development in the town and region. It was also a centre for professional arts and media groups to establish their projects. He added that it was also a resource for professional and voluntary groups, a venue for public entertainment and a centre for young and old people to develop skills and enjoy a pastime.

The Hat Factory provided:- • Public entertainment • Workshops and classes • Creative Industries Incubator • Centre for artistic and creative development and exhibition • Home to 20+ local businesses

The Head Start project was also based at the Hat Factory whose vision statement was to be recognised as a beacon of best practice. It also provided business incubation and growth for professional development in the media and creative industries sector.

There was a significant shortfall in entrepreneurial support in Luton, in that only 2% of employment in CCI related jobs, compared to Cambridge, which had 9.5 %. To increase this, the Hat Factory helped start up groups in the arts and creative industries, individuals, self-employed and SME’s. It also provided a focus on engaging women and BME’s and Luton’s 13 Objective 2 wards.

The Hat Factory Incubation Project provided a facility and encouraged start-up businesses to get a good start by offering a positive environment and support to grow and develop.

The Project also provided the following:-

• Created new workspaces. • Sector specific business and technical advice. • Resources – project desks, meeting rooms, computers and broadband access. • An advanced ICT Strategy. • Developed and infrastructure to sustain growth. • Developed technical capabilities through ESF/Arts Council funding and industry training.

The Access All Arts project supported organisations to increase their work with disabled people and other excluded communities and wished to introduce its ‘Launch Pad Project’ in April 2006 to develop relationships between the Hat Factory and disabled groups by providing activities and training for the 2 local day centres. Up to 50 disabled people would visit the Hat Factory participating in drama, dance, music and film, every week for 12 weeks.

The strategic Arts Manager concluded that the Hat Factory provided a variety of different performances including:-

• Theatre: new work, contemporary issues, plays from the Edinburgh Festival and children’s theatre; • Music: Jazz, R’n’B, Folk, Club nights e.g. Hugh Cornwall, Zoot Money, Chris Difford and Dave O’Higgins • Comedy: up and coming comedians e.g. Richjard Herring, Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver • Film: independent art-house films • Support Artists: Small Change Theatre, Pro-Active Productions and David Benson.

Members of the public commented that they felt that the Hat Factory was a worthwhile project and provided a much needed facility to Luton.

Resolved: That the presentation be noted.


Councillor Rutstein submitted a report in regard the swimming pool. He informed the Committee that the original plan made by the previous administration for a new pool did not have a financial base, therefore it was necessary to start the project from scratch. Proceeds from the sale of the existing Bath Road site and High Town Recreation Centre would be used to finance the project. He added that the Council had been required by the Government to undertake a Housing Stock Options Appraisal asking residents if they wanted housing to remain with the Council or be transferred to a Housing Association. Residents elected to stay with the Council, but this required that the standard of housing be increased at an estimated cost of £10 million delaying the construction of a new pool in Addington Way.

A member of the public enquired how long it would take for a new pool to be constructed.

Councillor Rutstein replied that it had been agreed to construct a 50- metre pool with a separate diving pool, but this would be delayed until funds were available.

A member of the public commented that residents did not want a pool in Addington Way.

Councillor Rutstein replied that the Council were aware of peoples concerns but through public consultation, it was agreed that Addington Way was the preferred site of. He added that during the feasibility stage, access and egress to the site had been considered and would require a new design of existing road layouts.

A member of the public enquired if the Bath Road swimming pool would remain open until the new pool was built.

Councillor Rutstein informed the Committee that it was the intention to maintain the existing swimming pool in Bath Road until the new pool was built.

Councillor R. J. Davis commented that the current situation was unacceptable. He added that the swimming pool at Bath Road would be closed in 5 years time.

Councillor Rutstein notified the Committee that although construction had been delayed, the Council were still committed to a new pool.

Resolved: That the report be noted.


The Area Community Development Manager updated the Committee on the current activities and developments in the , Icknield, Limbury, Northwell and Sundon Park Wards.

Resolved: That the report be noted.


The Youth Programmes Development Manager updated the Committee on the current activities and developments in the Bramingham, Icknield, Limbury, Northwell and Sundon Park Wards.

Resolved: That the report be noted.


The Area Committee Support Officer updated the Committee on issues that were raised following the last meeting and informed the Committee of the latest position in regard to the area projects budget.

Resolved: That the report be noted.


Resolved: That the following item be placed on the agenda and a report submitted to the next meeting:-

Withdrawal of the Mobile Library Service Hickman Court Overgrown Shrubs on Snipes Lane

(Note: (i) That Mrs Jill Cox won a Television as part of the Area Committee Promotion.

(ii) The meeting ended at 9.24 pm)