,. ssociation C omen in Fiat matics Office Address: Box 178, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181 Telephone: 617-235-0320 Ext. 2643 Volume****************************************************************** 19, Number 2 NEWSLETIER Ma~h-April 1989 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Before I begin with the official business of my "f'h-st" president's report, I would like to thank Rhonda Hughes for the delightful tradition she started of inaugurating the new AWM president by passing on the AMS Centennial Bowl. This was done with much ceremony at the Phoenix meeting before the start of the business meeting. I am looking forward to the next two years, and hope that those of you whom I don't yet know will introduce yourselves at meetings or contact me by mail or email (
[email protected]) and let mc know your ideas for AWM in the 90's. Phoenix was an exciting and interesting meeting. The AWM panel on "Gender Differences in Mathematical Ability -- Performance vs. Perceptions" was both well attended and well received. I would like to thank our panelists, Gila Hanna and Pat Rogers, again for their informative talks and for agreeing to contribute a summary of theirremarks and a listof references to the Newsletter [to appear soon]. Mary Wheeler was the Noether lecturer, and her talk, "Large scale modeling of problems arising in flow in porous media," was excellent. The meeting of the Executive Committee in Phoenix was a busy one. We voted to endorse the new NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. A long-range planning committee was established. Tricia Cross, our new Executive Director, was directed to investigate possible alternatives to our current October to October membership year.