Egypt Daily Update- June 2: Interior Ministry Increases Monitoring; Trial Adjourned for Tenth Time Top Stories Monday, June 02, 2014 • Interior Ministry Increases Social Media Monitoring • Al Jazeera Trial Adjourned for Tenth Time • PEC Rejects Sabahi Appeals • Morsi Trial Adjourned

Interior Ministry Increases Social Media Monitoring During a press conference Monday, Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim announced a new surveillance program designed to Also of Interest: “tackle security issues related to terrorism.” He said, “It does not reduce freedoms or intervene privacy,” adding, “[The Interior Ministry] is in charge of protecting rights and preserving freedoms.” The Information Systems Security Association stock market also noted the new strategy will observe public opinion and analysis, but is intended for content-blocking. General Hany plunges after election Abdellatif also noted that and accounts are being monitored as a part of the new effort. He said, “We are looking at those people who are insulting religion, taking part in terrorism, and insulting public figures.” Opponents believe Egypt rural tribes the plan violates the constitution. Meanwhile, Alexandrian arrested well-known activist and Constitution Party expect payback for member Safwan Mohamed on Monday for possessing a tag on his bag saying, ”No to Military Trials.” Mohamed was backing Sisi arrested on accusations of insulting the Armed Forces. In related news, interim President issued a new law Monday penalizing those found insulting the Egyptian Sabbahi, Spoiled flag, salute, and the national anthem. According to the law, insulting “state symbols” will implicate the accused Ballots, and the for up to one year in prison and a maximum fine of LE30,000 ($4, 202 USD). Egyptian Election “Interior Ministry: Monitoring Facebook has nothing to do with freedoms, privacy” Egypt Independent (English) 06/02/2014 “Activists in Egypt say online monitoring is scare tactic” Aswat Masriya (English) 06/02/2014 Egypt’s Salafist Nour “Egypt To Step Up Arrests Based On Evidence From Facebook, Twitter” Buzzfeed (English) 06/02/2014 party in tenuous “Activist Safwan Mohamed arrested for owning sticker against military trials” Ahram Online (English) 06/01/2014 political alliance with “Activist arrested for possession of No to Military Trials pin” Daily News Egypt (English) 06/02/2014 president-elect Sissi “President issues law imposing jail term and a fine for insulting Egypt flag” Ahram Online (English) 06/01/2014 The EU was ‘a puppet in the hands of the Al Jazeera Trial Adjourned for Tenth Time ’ says The Criminal Court adjourned the trial of 20 Al Jazeera-affiliated to June 5 on Sunday. The court listened to member state the testimonies of members of a technical committee commissioned to assess whether video clips brought forth by the prosecution were tampered with. The defense team questioned the authenticity of the committee’s testimonies noting that Egypt And The Return all three reports were identical and accusing them of perjury. Of The Old Time In related news, the Prosecutor-General allowed the National Council for to visit hunger-striking Al Jazeera Religion Abdullah al-Shamy and American citizen Mohamed Sultan on Sunday. The announcement followed a protest outside of the Journalists’ Syndicate demanding the release of al-Shamy and Sultan, who have been on hunger strike for Brotherly Love over 125 days. Meanwhile, eleven international human rights organizations including , Human Rights Why Sisi’s Win is Good Watch, and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network issued a letter to the member and observer-states of the for Al Qaeda Human Rights Council urging for a resolution addressing the human rights situation in Egypt. The letter calls for their participation in urging the Egyptian government to “immediately drop charges against and release all those detained solely for the exercise of their rights to free expression, association, and assembly,” among other demands. “Al-Jazeera trial adjourned to 5 June” Ahram Online (English) 06/01/2014 “Al Jazeera trial postponed a tenth time, bail denied” Daily News Egypt (English) 06/01/2014 “Prosecutor allows rights council to visit hunger striking prisoners” Aswat Masriya (English) 06/01/2014 “Activists call for journalists’ release” Daily News Egypt (English)06/02/2014 “Joint Letter Addressing the Situation of at the 26th Session of the UN Human Rights Council” International Federation for Human Rights (English) 06/02/2014

PEC Rejects Sabahi Appeals The Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) rejected the complaints issued by presidential contender for lacking proof of the violations, which included campaigning inside polling stations, the arrest of campaign electoral observers and their referral to military prosecution. Domestic elections observation group Shayfeencom condemned the elections in a report released Saturday, citing numerous violations observed including ballot-stuffing in some instances. Meanwhile, the PEC announced it will release the official results of the presidential elections on Tuesday. In other news, the legislative committee drafting the House of Representatives law announced revisions to the draft law that expand the inclusion of women in parliament. The revised draft law includes clauses requiring a minimum of three women, three Christians, and two workers’ representatives for each poll list. Committee spokesperson Mahmoud Fawzy announced the revision would increase women’s representation by 6 percent, or 40 seats. “PEC refuses presidential candidate appeals” Daily News Egypt (English)06/02/2014 “Egypt rejects appeal of defeated presidential candidate – sources” Aswat Masriya (English) 06/01/2014 “Shayfeencom reports violations during presidential elections vote-counting” Daily News Egypt (English) 05/31/2014 “Mahlab’s government to officially step down next week” Ahram Online (English) 06/01/2014 “Final results of Egypt’s presidential election to be declared Tuesday: PEC ” Ahram Online (English) 06/02/2014 “New draft House of Representatives Law: Seats for women, and Egyptian expats” Ahram Online (English) 06/01/2014 “Mandated women’s parliamentary seats increased to 40” The Cairo Post (English) 06/02/2014

Morsi Trial Adjourned The Cairo Criminal Court adjourned the trial of ousted President and 35 other leaders accused of espionage charges to June 16 on Monday. The continuation of the trial was held in a closed session prohibiting the accession of the press. State-run media reports the court granted medical treatment to defendant Mohamed al-Erian for a herniated disc. al-Erian requested medical treatment in previous court sessions. Meanwhile, the same court also adjourned Morsi’s jailbreak trial to the June 16 after hearing prosecution witnesses on Monday. Thirty-four other suspects are implicated in the trial. In related news, the trial of MB Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie and 13 others for complicity in violent clashes around the al-Istiqama in was adjourned to June 14 on Saturday. Badie was tossed out of the courtroom for protesting an argument issued by the prosecution. The prosecution likened the defendants to those who defied the leadership of the Islamic prophet Muhammad after his death. The defense team rejected the argument considering it “libel and defamation.” “Morsi espionage trial postponed to 16 June” Daily News Egypt (English)06/02/2014 “Morsy’s jailbreak trial postponed to 16 June” Egypt Independent (English)06/02/2014 “Court approves surgery for Brotherhood leader El-Erian” Ahram Online (English) 06/02/2014 “Badie protests prosecution’s court argument: Lawyer” Daily News Egypt (English) 05/31/2014

– Hainer Sibrian (Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to [email protected])