
This bibliography includes all, and only, works referred to in the present volume. It includes the publications that Pieri cited in the papers whose translations are found in chapter 3 and section 4.2. Its entries for Pieri’s own works duplicate those in chapter 6. The present book mentions more than one author named Pieri; citations that include this surname only are references to Mario Pieri. Alphabetization of the entries ignored diacritical marks, punctuation, and spaces within names.

Some cited works have appeared in several editions. Information about the first often has his- torical interest, even when reference to a later one is more appropriate. In such cases, both dates are given, as in Amaldi, Ugo. [1938] 1954. The remaining data in such citations refer to the later edition unless otherwise specified.

Some journals cited here identify their volumes with year ranges rather than single years. An article in such a journal is identified by its year of publication; the range is given in parentheses following the volume number.

Book citations often include an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and a Library of Congress (LC) catalog number. Caution! A book may have similar editions with different ISBNs. Moreover, the LC number is not standard, unless the book was cataloged upon publication and its number included on the copyright page. From one library to the next, the LC number may vary slightly—particularly its last digits. Many cited publications are now available on the Inter- net,1 but no standard means of locating them has yet evolved. Notations such as Internet: Cornell are provided to help readers locate publications in academic Internet repositories. The word after the colon (:) identifies an Internet http:// address in the following list:

Cornell...... EBSCO ...... Göttingen ...... Gutenberg ...... JSTOR ...... Michigan . . . . . NUMDAM ...... Paris ...... Poland ...... ScienceDirect ....

Many citations contain brief annotations that explain their origin, import, or relationship to other items. An annotation may include a code in the format JFM: 12.0123.01 Surname

1 Most Internet sources are free, but some—for example JSTOR —are free only through libraries with paid subscriptions. 402 Bibliography to indicate, for example, that the work cited was reviewed in the Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik, volume 12, page 0123, item 01, by the named reviewer. This journal may have LC: QA1.J3, and is available on the Internet at Similarly, a code in the format BSM2: 12(date)0123 indicates that the work cited was reviewed in Bulletin des sciences mathématiques, seconde partie, volume 12(date), page 0123. This journal may have LC: QA1.B8. A code in the format JSL: 1234 indicates that the work cited was listed as author 123, work 4, in volume 1 or 3 of the Journal of Symbolic Logic (Church 1936). That bibliography is available on the Internet via JSTOR; the journal may have LC: BC1.J6. A code in the format MR: 1234567(date:12345) indicates that the work cited was reviewed in Mathematical Reviews, available on the Internet at

Each citation concludes with a list [in brackets] of the sections of this book and other items in this bibliography that contain references to it.

As much as possible, journal and book titles appear in the present bibliography as they did on the published title pages. This practice, advocated by current documentation authorities,3 is consistent with major catalogs now accessible and searchable electronically. But readers may encounter difficulty matching titles, particularly of journals, with nomenclature in past literature, or in catalogs based on it, which often differs considerably from that of title pages. For example, the Giornale di matematiche was often referred to as the Giornale di Battaglini, after the original editor; and the journal published by the organization known as the Dorpater Naturforscher- gesellschaft may have been listed by an institutional name—Universität Tartu—or in the language—Estonian—more politically correct at the time the catalog was constructed.4

Agazzi, Evandro. 1985. Prefazione. In Borga, Freguglia, and Palladino 1985, 7–10. [Cited in 5.3.] Amaldi, Ugo. [1938] 1954. Della vita e delle opere di Salvatore Pincherle. In Pincherle 1954, 2–16. Commemoration originally presented to the Reale in 1938. [Cited in 1.3 and item Pincherle 1954.] Amato, Vincenzo. 1946. Sebastiano Catania. Annuario dell’Università di Catania per l’anno accademico 1945–1946: 244–245. [Cited in 1.3.] Anellis, Irving H. 1991. The first Russell paradox. In Drucker 1991, 33–46. [Cited in 4.1 and item Drucker 1991.] Aprile, Giorgio. 1946. Giuseppe Marletta. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana (series 3) 8: 55–56. LC: QA1.U6. [Cited in 1.3.]

2 JFM reviewers are identified because many played other roles in the life and legacy of Mario Pieri. Some indicated JFM and MR reviews refer to earlier editions of the work cited. Some early MR reviews were numbered in a different format. 3 Chicago 1993, 15.208–209; Mann 1998. 4 The serials list in May 1973, Appendix 2, may help with this problem. Bibliography 403

Archimedes. [1897] 2002a. On the Sphere and Cylinder, book I. In Archimedes [1897] 2002b, 1–55. Pieri cited this work, but no specific edition, in 1908a. [Cited in 3.4 and items Archi- medes [1897] 2002b and Pieri 1908a.] ———. [1897] 2002b. The Works of Archimedes, edited by Thomas L. Heath. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. LC: QA31.A692. ISBN: 0-486-42084-1. MR: 2000800. Originally pub- lished in Cambridge, England, in 1897 by Cambridge University Press, with a supplement in 1912. [Cited in item Archimedes [1897] 2002a.] Arrighi, Gino. 1981. L’archivio di Mario Pieri. Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Studi e testi, 15. Lucca: Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore. LC: Z6616.P546.A77. This describes Pieri [no date]. [Cited in 6.6, 6.7, and items Pieri 1898a, 1905a, [no date].] ———, editor. 1997. Lettere a Mario Pieri (1884–1913). Quaderni P.RI.ST.EM 6 per l’archivio della corrispondenza dei matematici italiani. Milan: ELEUSI, Sezione P.RI.ST.EM. The series title is “Booklets of the Project on Historical and Methodological Research (Progetto Ricerche Storiche e Metodologiche) for archiving the correspondence of Italian mathematicians.” In the present book, these letters are cited under this publication, not under their authors’ names. [Cited in 1.3, 2.5, 4.1, 5.3, 6.6, 6.7, permissions, and item Pieri [1901] 1997.] Aspray, William. 1991. Oswald Veblen and the origins of mathematical logic at Princeton. In Drucker 1991, 54–70. MR: 1234045 (94g:03004). [Cited in 1.3 and item Drucker 1991.] Associazione per l’Insegnamento della Fisica, Sezione di Catania. 2005. Internet website http:// [Cited in 1.3.] Avellone, Maurizio, and Marco Borga. 1997. Mario Pieri e i fondamenti della geometria. Lettera matematica P.RI.ST.EM. 26: 26–51. The acronym stands for Progetto Ricerche Storiche e Metodologiche. [Cited in 2.2.] Avellone, Maurizio, Aldo Brigaglia, and Carmela Zappulla. 2002. The foundations of projective in from De Paolis to Pieri. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 56: 363–425. LC: Q125.A1.A75. Internet: EBSCO. MR: 1918541 (2003g: 01028). [Cited in 2.3.] Bachmann, Friedrich. 1973. Aufbau der Geometrie aus dem Spiegelungsbegriff. Second edition. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 96. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. LC: QA473. B3. ISBN: 3-540-06136-3. MR: 0107835 (21 #6557), 0346643 (49 #11368). [Cited in 3.10.] Baldwin, James M., editor. 1901–1905. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology; Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education; and Giving a Terminology in English, French, German and Italian. Three volumes in four. London: Macmillan and company. LC: B41.B3. [Cited in the chapter 2 introduction.] Baltzer, Richard. 1885. August Ferdinand Möbius. In Möbius 1885–1887, volume 2, v–xx. [Cited in 1.3 and item Möbius 1885–1887.] Barbagli, Marzio. [1974] 1982. Educating for Unemployment: Politics, Labor Markets, and the School System—Italy, 1859–1973. Translated by Robert H. Ross. New York: Columbia University Press. LC: LA791.B3213. ISBN: 0-231-05284-7. First published in Italian as Disoccupazione intellectuale e sistema scolastico in Italia, Bologna: Società Editrice Il Mulino, 1974. [Cited in 1.1.] Barbarin, Paul. 1902. La géométrie non-Euclidienne. Scientia, série physico-mathématique, 15. Paris: C. Naud. LC: QA685.B3. Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.3.] Barberis, Bruno. 1999. Francesco Siacci, Carlo Somigliana. In Roero 1999b, 487–489, 511–514. [Cited in 1.3 and item Roero 1999b.] Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, editor. 1965. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1964 International Conference. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. LC: BC135.I52. [Cited in item Schwabhäuser 1965.] 404 Bibliography

Barker, William A. et al. 1976. Alfred North Whitehead. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 14, 302–310. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Historische Kommission. 1954–. Neue deutsche Biographie. Twenty-two volumes to date. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. LC: DD85.N48. [Cited in item Fritsch 2001.] Beaufront, Louis de. 1914. Doktoro Louis Couturat, 1868–1914. Frankfurt am Main: Universi- tätsdruckerei Werner und Winter. Available on the Internet at http://www.literaturo.ido. li/louiscouturat.pdf . Written in Ido. [Cited in 1.3.] Bekemeier, Bernd. 1987. Martin Ohm (1792–1872): Universitäts- und Schulmathematik in der neuhumanistischen Bildungsreform. Foreword by Michael Otte. Studien zur Wissenschafts-, Sozial-, und Bildungsgeschichte der Mathematik, 4. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. LC: QA29.O35.B4. ISBN: 3-525-40311-9. MR: 0919944 (89e:01026). [Cited in 4.1.] Bellavitis, Giusta. 1836. Teoria delle figure inverse, e loro uso nella geometria elementare. Annali delle scienze del Regno Lombardo-Veneto 6: 126–142. LC: Q4.A48. [Cited in 2.4.] Bertini, Eugenio. 1907. Introduzione alla geometria proiettiva degli iperspazi, con appendice sulle curve algebriche e loro singolarità. Pisa: Enrico Spoerri. LC: QA691.B4. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 38.0582.02 Steinitz. [Cited in 1.3.] Bertini, Eugenio, et al. [1896] 1897. Relazione della Commissione esaminatrice del concorso alla Cattedra di professore straordinario di geometria projettiva e descrittiva vacante presso la R. Università di Bologna. Bollettino ufficiale del Ministero della Pubblica Instruzione 24(1,11): 529–535. The report is dated 19 October 1896. [Cited in 1.1.] Berzolari, Luigi, Giulio Vivanti, and Duilio Gigli, editors. 1930–1953. Enciclopedia delle matema- tiche elementari. Three volumes, in two, two, and three parts. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. LC: QA37. E57. JFM: 56.0061.03, 63.1151.01 Feigl; 64.1255.01 Zacharias. MR: 0034291 (11,570c). [Cited in 1.3, 4.4, and items Burali-Forti 1938, Cassina 1934, Fano 1938, Gigli 1930, and Padoa 1930.] Beth, Evert W. 1959. The Foundations of : A Study in the Philosophy of Science. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. LC: QA9.B47. MR: 0118674 (22 #9445). [Cited in 4.1.] Bettazzi, Rodolfo. 1890. Teoria delle grandezze. Opera premiata dalla Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Pisa: Enrico Spoerri. JFM: 22.0071.01 Vivanti. [Cited in 1.3.] Betti, Enrico. 1860. Sopra la teorica generale delle superficie curve. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata 3: 336–339. LC: QA1.A62. Reprinted in Betti 1903–1913, volume 2, 11–15. [Cited in 6.1 and items Betti 1903–1913 and Pieri 1886a.] ———. 1871. Sopra gli spazi di un numero qualunque di dimensioni. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata 11: 140–158. LC: QA1.A62. JFM: 03.0301.01. Reprinted in Betti 1903–1913, volume 2, 273–290. [Cited in 1.3, 6.1, and item Betti 1903–1913.] ———. 1903–1913. Opere matematiche. Two volumes. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. LC: QA3.B56. Internet: Michigan. [Cited in items Betti 1860, 1871.] Bézout, Etienne. 1779. Théorie générale des équations algébriques. Paris: Imprimerie de Ph.-D. Pierres. LC: QA211.B49.T5. Internet: Paris. [Cited in 1.2.] Biermann, Kurt-Reinhold. 1971. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 4, 1–5. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Black, Max, editor. 1965. Philosophy in America. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. LC: B934.B56. [Cited in item Parsons 1965.] Blair, David E. 2000. Inversion Theory and Conformal Mapping. Student mathematical library, 9. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA473.B57. ISBN: 0-821-82636-0. MR: 1779832 (2001m:30025). Contains a reprint of Carathéodory 1937. [Cited in 2.4 and item Carathéodory 1937.] Bibliography 405

Blumberg, Albert Emanuel, and Herbert Feigl. 1931. Logical positivism. Journal of Philosophy 28: 281–296. LC: B1.J6. Internet: JSTOR. This paper introduced the name logical positivism. [Cited in 2.2.] Blumenthal, Otto. [1935] 1970. Lebensgeschichte. In Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970, volume 3, 388–429. [Cited in 1.2 and item Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970.] Bodewig, Ewald. 1930. Eduard Study in memoriam. Giornale di matematiche 68: 233–235. LC: QA1.G5. [Cited in 1.3.] Boi, Luciano. 1990. The influence of the Erlangen program on Italian geometry 1880–1890: N-dimensional geometry in the works of D’Ovidio, Veronese, Segre and Fano. Archives inter- nationales d’histoire des sciences 40: 30–75. LC: Q1.A1.A7. MR: 1137297 (93d:01029). [Cited in 2.3.] Bologna. Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Crescenzi Pacinotti. 1876–1890. Student records for academic years 1876–1877 through 1879–1880. When Mario Pieri attended this school it was called the Reale Istituto Tecnico di Bologna. [Cited in 1.1 and permissions.] Bologna, Provincia di. Istituto Tecnico “Pier Crescenzi.” 1995. Una scuola nel tempo: Documenti e collezioni dell’Istituto Tecnico “Pier Crescenzi.” Bologna: Edizioni Grafis. ISBN: 8-880-81037- 5. When Mario Pieri attended this school it was called the Reale Istituto Tecnico di Bologna. [Cited in items Bresadola 1995 and Breveglieri 1995.] Bologna, University of. [no date]. Student records for Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1, permissions, and items Pieri 1880, 1881.] Bolondi, Giorgio. 1998. I matematici italiani e i problemi della scuola: Alcuni spunti storici. Notiziario del Laboratorio LRM3D2: Supplemento 1 al notiziario dell’Università degli Studi di Trento 5(3, 20 January): 2–3. Available on the Internet at LRM3D2. The acronym stands for the Laboratorio di Ricerca sui Materiali e i Metodi per la Didactica e la Divulgazione della Matematica at the University of Trent. [Cited in 1.1.] Bolyai Farkas. [1851] 1913. Kurzer Grundriss eines Versuches. In Bolyai and Bolyai 1913, volume 2, 118–179. The second part of this work, “Von den Gründen der Geometrie,” starts on page 149. [Cited in 3.4 and item Bolyai and Bolyai 1913.] Bolyai Farkas and Bolyai János. 1913. Geometrische Untersuchungen. Edited by Paul Stäckel. Two volumes. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA685.S78. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 44.0015.03 Salkowski. The title page lists the authors as Wolfgang and Johann Bolyai. [Cited in item Bolyai [1851] 1913.] Bolzano, Bernard. [1817] 1996. Purely analytic proof of the theorem that between any two values which give results of opposite sign there lies at least one real root of the equation. Translated by Steven Russ. In Ewald 1996, volume 1, section 6.C, 225–248. The original German edition was published in Prague by Gottlieb Haase. [Cited in 4.1 and item Ewald 1996.] ———. [1851] 1950. Paradoxes of the Infinite. Edited by Frantisek PĢihonsky. Translated, with a historical introduction, by Donald A. Steele. New Haven: Yale University Press. LC: QA9. B662. Partially reprinted in Ewald 1996, volume 1, 249–292. The original book, published in Leipzig by Reclam, was reprinted in Berlin by Mayer & Müller in 1889. [Cited in 4.1 and item Ewald 1996.] Bompiani, Enrico. 1950. Commemorazione del Socio Luigi Berzolari. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali: Rendiconti (series 8) 9(2): 396–410. LC: AS222.A24. [Cited in 1.3.] Bonfante, Giuliano. 1969. Silvio Pieri. In S. Pieri 1969, v–x. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Boolos, George. 1995. Frege’s theorem and the Peano postulates. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1: 317–326. LC: QA9.A1.B89. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 1349682 (97g:03007). [Cited in 4.1 and 4.3.] Borga, Marco. 1992. Sulla consistenza delle teorie matematiche: Hilbert e la scuola di Peano a confronto. Epistemologia 15: 41–54. LC: Q174.E64. [Cited in 1.2.] 406 Bibliography

Borga, Marco, Paolo Freguglia, and Dario Palladino. 1985. I contributi fondazionali della scuola di Peano. Prefazione di Evandro Agazzi. Milan: Franco Angeli Libri. LC: QA29.P42.C66. [Cited in 2.5 and item Agazzi 1985.] Borga, Marco, and Dario Palladino. 1992. Logic and foundations of mathematics in Peano’s school. Modern Logic 3: 18–44. LC: BC1.M63. MR: 1187731 (94b:03012). [Cited in 1.2, 2.5, and 4.1.] Borodin, A. I., and N. I. Lavrenko. 1993. Winners of N. I. Lobachevskii International Prize for Mathematics. Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ) 37(7): 68–76. LC: QA1.S658. MR: 1287780 (95d:01026). [Cited in 1.1.] Borsuk, Karol, and Wanda Szmielew. 1960. . Revised English transla- tion. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. LC: QA681.B632. MR: 0071791 (17, 184f), 0143072 (26 #638). The original 1955 edition was published in Warsaw by Paęstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. [Cited in 5.2.] Bottazzini, Umberto. 1982. e la formazione della scuola matematica Pisana. In Montaldo and Grugnetti 1982, 229–276. [Cited in 1.1 and item Montaldo and Grugnetti 1982.] ———. 1990. Il flauto di Hilbert. Turin: UTET Libreria. LC: QA26.B66. ISBN: 88-775-0090-5. [Cited in 1.1 and 2.3.] ———. 2002. Chapter 3: Italy. In Dauben and Scriba 2002, 61–95. [Cited in 1.3 and item Dauben and Scriba 2002.] Bottazzini, Umberto, Alberto Conte, and Paola Gario, editors. 1996. Riposte Armonie: Lettere di Federigo Enriques a . Turin: Bollati Boringhieri Editore. LC: QA29.E57. A4. ISBN: 8-833-90989-1. MR: 1419802 (97m:01104). [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Bourbaki, Nicolas. 1984. Elements of the History of Mathematics. Translated by John Meldrum. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. LC: QA21.B7613. ISBN: 3-540-19376-6. MR: 0113788 (22 #4620), 0782480 (86h:01003). The original edition was published in Paris, the same year, by Masson Éditeur; it consisted of reprints of historical notes in the author’s encyclopedic series Éléments de mathématique. “Nicolas Bourbaki” is a pseudonym for a varying group of mathematicians, mostly French, who have collaborated since the 1930s. [Cited in 4.1.] Boutroux, Émile. 1900. Congrès International de Philosophie. Revue de métaphysique et de morale 8: 503–698. LC: B2.R37. See International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903. Contains on 593–594 a review of Pieri [1900] 1901. [Cited in 6.5 and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903 and Pieri [1900] 1901.] Bresadola, Marco. 1995. Gli strumenti antichi del Gabinetto di Fisica. In Bologna 1995, 43–49. [Cited in 1.3 and item Bologna 1995.] Breveglieri, Bruno. 1995. I luoghi del Pier Crescenzi. In Bologna 1995, 37–41. [Cited in 1.1 and item Bologna 1995.] Brigaglia, Aldo. 1996. The influence of H. Grassmann on Italian projective n-dimensional geometry. In Schubring 1996, 155–163. MR: 1420647 (97m:01037). [Cited in 1.2 and item Schubring 1996.] Brigaglia, Aldo, and Ciro Ciliberto. 1995. Italian algebraic geometry between the two World Wars. Queen’s papers in pure and applied mathematics, 100. Translated by Jeanne Duflot. Kingston, Ontario: Queen’s University. LC: QA564.B7. ISBN: 0-889-11699-7. MR: 1374101 (97a:01070). [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and permissions.] Brigaglia, Aldo, Ciro Ciliberto, and Edoardo Sernesi. 2005. Bibliografia dei geometrici algebrici italiani. Available on the Internet at GRAFIA/INDEX.HTM . [Cited in 1.3.] Brigaglia, Aldo, and Guido Masotto. 1982. Il Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Bari: Edizioni Dedalo. LC: QA26.B75. MR: 0658129 (84d:01077). [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction and 1.1.] Broadbent, Thomas Arthur Alan. 1975. Bertrand Arthur William Russell. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 12, 9–17. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Bibliography 407

Brodén, Torsten. 1890. Om geometriens principer. Pedagogisk tidskrift 26: 217–236. JFM: 22.0540.02 Brodén. In Swedish. Reviewed in detail in Contro 1985 and Pejlare 2004. [Cited in 1.3, 2.5 and items Brodén 1893, Contro 1985, and Pejlare 2004.] ———. 1893. Review of Brodén 1890. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik 22: 540–541. LC: QA1.J3. Review JFM: 22.0540.02 Brodén. [Cited in 2.5 and item Brodén 1890.] ———. 1912. Ett axiomsystem för den euklidiska geometrien. In Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians 1912, 123–135. JFM: 43.0560.02 Heegard. Although the JFM review says this is in Danish, it is in Swedish. [Cited in 2.5 and item Scandinavian Congress of Mathe- maticians 1912.] Browder, Felix E. 1976. Mathematical Developments Arising from Hilbert Problems. Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, 28. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA1. S897. ISBN: 0-821-81428-1. MR: 0419125 (54 #7158). [Cited in item Kleiman 1976.] Brown, Harold Chapman. 1906. Review of Pieri 1906g. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods 3: 530–531. LC: B1.J6. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in the chapter 4 intro- duction, 6.5, and item Pieri 1906g.] Buhl, Adolphe. 1932. Paul Barbarin. Bulletin des sciences mathématiques (series 2) 56: 72–78. [Cited in 1.3.] Burali-Forti, Cesare. 1889. Applicazione della geometria proiettiva: Gnomonica grafica. Turin: Ermanno Loescher. JFM: 21.0591.02 Loria. [Cited in 1.2.] ———. 1894. Logica matematica. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli. LC: BC135.B8. JSL: 866. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, and 4.3.] ———. [1897] 1970. A question on transfinite numbers. Translated by Jean van Heijenoort. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 104–112. Originally published as “Una questione sui numeri transfiniti,” Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 11: 154–164, LC: QA1.C52, JFM: 28.0062.03 Vivanti, JSL: 8612. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, and item Heijenoort [1967] 1970.] ———. [1900] 1901. Sur les différents méthodes logiques pour la définition du nombre réel. In International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, volume 3 (1901), 290–307. [Cited in 5.1 and item International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903.] ———. 1903–1904. Sulla teoria generale delle grandezze e dei numeri. Atti della Reale Acca- demia delle Scienze di Torino 39: 256–272. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 35.0088.01 Vivanti. JSL: 86 17. [Cited in 4.4.] ———. 1919. Logica mathematica. Second, revised edition. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. LC: BC135.B8. JFM: 47.0038.01 Vivanti. The first edition was published in 1894. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and 2.5.] ———. 1924. A proposito dell’articolo di E. Maccaferri. Bollettino di matematica 20: 128–129. LC: QA1.B6. JSL: 86 25. Criticism of Maccaferri 1924, which elicited the response Maccaferri 1925. [Cited in 6.6 and items Maccaferri 1924, 1925.] ———. 1925. A proposito di «Una lettera di Mario Pieri». Bollettino di matematica 21: 136– 137. LC: QA1.B6. JFM: 51.0049.02 Freudenthal. JSL: 8626. Response to Maccaferri 1925. [Cited in 6.6 and item Maccaferri 1925.] ———. 1938. Elementi di calcolo vettoriale. In Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953, volume 2, part 2, 105–139. JFM: 64.1255.01 Zacharias. [Cited in 1.3 and item Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953.] Burali-Forti, Cesare, and Roberto Marcolongo. 1909a. Elementi di calcolo vettoriale con numerose applicazioni alla geometria, alla meccanica e alla fisica-matematica. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. This presents “minimal” vector-analytic methods introduced in Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1909b and other works of the authors. [Cited in 6.6 and item Burali-Forti 1909b.] ————. 1909b. Omografie vettoriali con applicazioni alle derivate rispetto ad un punto e alla fisica-matematica. Turin: G. B. Petrini. JFM: 40.0139.01 Vivanti. This contains material, beyond that in Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1909a, required for various applications. [Cited in items Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1909a and 1912.] 408 Bibliography

————. 1912. Analyse vectorielle générale. Volume 1, Transformations linéaires. Translated by Paolo Baridon. Pavia: Mattei. LC: QA261.B95. JFM: 43.0163.02 Vivanti. This is a transla- tion of part of Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1909b, with appendices “Notes géométriques” by Mario Pieri, and “Bibliographie. Notations nouvelles et homographies, 1906–1912.” [Cited in the preface and item Pieri 1912b.] Burau, Werner. 1966. Der Hamburger Mathematiker Hermann Schubert. Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in 9(3): 10–20. LC: QA1.M69. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1976. Karl Georg Christian von Staudt, Eduard Study. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 13, 4–6, 124–126. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Burau, Werner, and Bodo Renschuch. 1993. Ergänzungen zur Biographie von Hermann Schubert. Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 13: 63–65. LC: QA1. M69. [Cited in 1.3.] Burau, Werner, and Bruno Schoeneberg. 1973. Christian . In Gillispie 1970–, volume 7, 396–400. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Burau, Werner, and Cristoph J. Scriba. 1972. Hermann Günter Grassmann. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 6, 192–199. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Burstall, Rod M. 1969. Proving properties of programs by structural induction. Computer Journal 12: 41–48. LC: QA76.A1.C54. [Cited in 4.3.] Bützberger, Friedrich. 1913. Über bizentrische Polygone, Steinersche Kreis- und Kugelreihen und die Erfindung der Inversion. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA473.B86u. JFM: 44.0581.05 Lampe. Reviewed in Emch 1914. [Cited in 2.4 and item Emch 1914.] Cajori, Florian. 1918. Origin of the name “mathematical induction.” American Mathematical Monthly 25: 197–201. LC: QA1.A51. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in 4.3.] Calapso, Renato. 1949. Giuseppe Marletta. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 6) 6(1943–1949): 1–24. LC: QH7.A3. [Cited in 1.3.] Caldarera, Grazia Macrina. 1904. Le trasformazioni razionali dello spazio inerenti ad una cubica sghemba. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 18: 205–217. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 35.0676.02 Loria. Published version of the author’s 1903 University of Catania dissertation, probably completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Campedelli, Luigi. 1943. Edgardo Ciani. Bollettino di matematica 39: vi–viii. LC: QA1.B6. This volume is also called (series 4) 4. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1959. Scipione Rindi (1859–1952). Atti dell’Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (series 2) 10: 4–12. LC: AS222.A538.A7. [Cited in 1.1.] Campetti, Francesco. 2005. Personal communications. Campetti is the great-grandson of Mario Pieri’s sister Gemma Pieri Campetti. [Cited in 1.1.] Candido, Giacomo. 1899. Sur la fusion de la planimétrie et de la stéréométrie dans l’enseigne- ment de la géométrie élémentaire en Italie. L’enseignement mathématique 1: 204–215. LC: QA1.E6. JFM: 30.0089.02 Loria. [Cited in 2.5.] Cantor, Georg. 1872. Über die Ausdehnung eines Satzes der Theorie der trigonometrischen Reihen. Mathematische Annalen 5: 123–132. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 04. 0101.02 Hamburger. Reprinted in G. Cantor [1932] 1962, 92–102. [Cited in 4.1 and item G. Cantor [1932] 1962.] ———. 1878. Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 84: 242–258. LC: QA1.J6. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 09.0379.01 Schlegel. Reprinted in G. Cantor [1932] 1962, 119–133. [Cited in 4.1 and item G. Cantor [1932] 1962.] ———. 1879–1884. Über unendliche lineare Punktmannigfaltigkeiten. Mathematische Annalen 15(1879): 1–7; 17(1880): 355–358; 20(1882): 113–121; 21(1883): 51–58,545– 586; 23(1884): 453–488. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 11.0351.01, 12. 0404.01, 14.0433.01 Schlegel; 16.0459.01 Stolz. Reprinted in G. Cantor [1932] 1962, 139–246. G. Cantor [1883] Bibliography 409

1996 is a translation of its fifth part. [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, and items G. Cantor [1932] 1962, [1883] 1996.] ———. [1883] 1996. Foundations of a general theory of manifolds: A mathematico-philosophical investigation into the theory of the infinite. Translated by William Ewald. In Ewald 1996, volume 2, section 19.C, 878–920. The original book, published by B. G. Teubner, is a reprint, with additional preface and footnotes, of the fifth part of G. Cantor 1879–1884. [Cited in 4.1 and item G. Cantor 1879–1884.] ———. 1887–1888. Mitteilungen zur Lehre vom Transfiniten. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik 91: 81–125, 92: 240–265. LC: B3.Z44. JFM: 19.0044.02 Schlegel. Reprinted in G. Cantor [1932] 1962, 378–439. [Cited in 4.1 and item G. Cantor [1932] 1962.] ———. [1895–1897] 1952. Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers. Translated and with a preface, introduction, and notes by Philip E. B. Jourdain, New York: Dover Publications. LC: QA248.C2. JFM: 28.0081.01, 28.0061.08 Vivanti. The original papers were published in Mathematische Annalen 46: 481–512, 49: 207–246, LC: QA1.M29, Internet: Göttingen, and reprinted in G. Cantor [1932] 1962, 282–356. The translation was originally published in 1915 by the Open Court Publishing Company. [Cited in 3.8 and items G. Cantor [1932] 1962 and Jourdain [1915] 1952.] ———. [1932] 1962. Gesammelte Abhandlungen mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts, mit erläuternden Anmerkungen sowie mit Ergänzungen aus dem Briefwechsel Cantor– Dedekind. Edited by Ernst Zermelo. With a biography of Cantor by Adolf Fraenkel. Hildes- heim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung. LC: QA3.C27. JFM: 58. 0043.01 Pannwitz. [Cited in items G. Cantor 1872, 1878, 1879–1884, 1887–1888, [1895–1897] 1952.] Cantor, Moritz. 1880–1898. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik. Three volumes. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA21.C232. JFM: 12.0016.03 Ohrtmann; 24. 0001.01, 29.0001.01 Treutlein. [Cited in 3.10.] Carathéodory, Constantin. 1937. The most general transformations of plane regions which trans- form circles into circles. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 43: 573–579. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 63.0294.03 Grunsky. Reprinted in Blair 2000, section 2.6. [Cited in 2.4 and item Blair 2000.] Cardani, Pietro. 1921. In memoria di Augusto Righi. Nuovo cimento (series 6) 21: 53–186. LC: QC1.N8. Available on the Internet at asp. [Cited in 1.3.] Carruccio, Ettore. 1970–1973. Enrico Betti, Luigi Bianchi, Gino Loria. In Gillispie 1970–: volume 2, 104–106, 120; and volume 8, 504–505. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Cassina, Ugo. 1928. Sull’assetto logico deduttivo della matematica. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano 2: 47–62. LC: QA1.M97. JFM: 55.0034.04 Pannwitz. Reprinted in Cassina 1961a, chapter 1, 1–18. [Cited in 4.3 and item Cassina 1961a.] ———. 1932. Vita et opera de . Schola et Vita 7: 117–148. LC: PM8401.A262. Written in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 5.1.] ———. 1934. Trasformazioni geometriche elementari. In Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953, volume 2, part 1, chapter 28, 375–481. [Cited in 1.3, 2.4, 3.10, and item Berzolari, Vivanti and Gigli 1930–1953.] ———. 1949. Le dimostrazioni in matematica. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata (series 4) 29: 131–146. LC: QA1.A62. MR: 0035253 (11,709c). Reprinted in Cassina 1961a, 261–282. [Cited in 4.1 and item Cassina 1961a.] ———. 1953. Sulla critica di Grandjot all’aritmetica di Peano. Bollettino della Unione Mate- matica Italiana (series 3) 8: 442–447. LC: QA1.U6. MR: 0059222 (15,494d). Reprinted in Cassina 1961a, chapter 14, 291–298. [Cited in 4.3 and item Cassina 1961a.] ———. 1955. Storia ed analisi del “Formulario completo” di Peano. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana (series 3) 10: 244–265, 544–574. LC: QA1.U6. [Cited in 5.1.] 410 Bibliography

———. 1961a. Critica dei principî della matematica e questioni di logica. Rome: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA9.C27. MR: 0118676 (22 #9447). This is a collection of reprints. [Cited in items Cassina 1928, 1949, 1953.] ———. 1961b. Nel centenario della nascita del matematico Lucchese Mario Pieri. Atti dell’Acca- demia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (series 2) 11: 189–208. LC: AS222.A538.A7. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.1, 1.3, and 6.7.] Castellano, Filiberto. 1894. Lezioni di meccanica razionale. Turin: Fratelli Bocca Editore. [Cited in 1.3 and 5.1.] Castelnuovo, Guido. 1889. Numero degli spazi che segano più rette in uno spazio ad n dimen- sioni. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Rendiconti (series 4) 5(2): 71–79. LC: AS222.A26. JFM: 21.0667.02 Loria. [Cited in 1.2.] ———. [1900] 1926. Sulla risolubilità dei problemi geometrici cogli strumenti elementari; contri- buto della geometria analitica. In Enriques [1900] 1926, volume 2, 97–128. [Cited in 3.8.] ———. 1913. Mario Pieri. Bollettino della “Mathesis” Società Italiana di Matematica, 5: 40–41. LC: QA1.M35. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and 6.7.] ———. 1943. . Memorie della Società Italiana delle Scienze dette dei XL (series 3)25: 87–95. LC: Q54.A375. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1947. Federigo Enriques. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali: Rendiconti (series 8) 2: ix–xix. LC: AS222.A24. [Cited in 1.3.] Castelnuovo, Guido, and Federigo Enriques. 1908. Grundeigenschaften der algebraischen Flächen. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, part 2, half 1, 635–673. Article III C, 6a. JFM: 45.0882.18 Ostrowski. [Cited in 1.3 and item Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934.] ———. 1914. Die algebraischen Flächen vom Gesichtspunkte der birationalen Transformationen aus. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, part 2, half 1, 674–767. Article III C, 6b. JFM: 45.0833.01 Ostrowski. [Cited in 1.3 and item Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934.] Castelnuovo, Guido, et al. 1924. Commemorazione del Socio nazionale Corrado Segre. Atti della Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (series 5)33(1): 459–461, (2): 353–359. LC: AS222.A24. [Cited in 1.3.] Catania, Sebastiano. 1904. Aritmetica rationale per le scuole secondarie superiori. Catania: N. Giannelli Editore. Reviewed in Pieri 1905d. [Cited in 1.3, 6.7, and item Pieri 1905d.] Catania, University of. 1901–1903. Annuario della Reale Università di Catania. One volume for each academic year. [Cited in 1.1.] Catania, University of. Archivio Storico. [no date]. Fascicules Giorgio Aprile, Grazia Macrina Caldarera, Sebastiano Catania, Francesco D’Amico, Niccolò Giampaglia, Giuseppe Marletta, Mario Pieri, Andrea Saluta, Rosario Scaccianoce. [Cited in 1.3 and items Catania 1900, 1902, 1903b; Grimaldi 1907; Italy 1901; Pieri 1899a, 1900b, 1901a, 1902a, 1903b, 1904b, 1905e, 1906b, 1906c, 1906h, 1907b, 1908b; and Pieri, Lauricella, and Catania 1903.] Catania, University of. Faculty of physical, mathematical, and natural sciences. 1900. Minutes of meetings on 12 and 15 January. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1902. Minutes of meeting on 20 June. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1903a. Minutes of meeting of professors ordinari on 16 June. In Italy [no date]. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] ———. 1903b. Minutes of meeting on 3 November. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Reproduced on page 37 of the present book. [Cited in 1.1, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] Cauchy, Augustin Louis. [1833] 1974. Sept leçons de physique générale. With appendices by Abbé François N. M. Moigno. Paris: Bureau du Journal Les Mondes, 1868. Reprinted in Œuvres complètes d’Augustin Cauchy, second series, volume 15, 412–447. Paris: Gauthier–Villars, Bibliography 411

1974. LC: QA36.C3. Internet: Paris. Cauchy presented these lectures to a general audience in Turin in 1833. Pieri referred to the “Cinquième leçon: Espace et étendue” in 1908a, §1. [Cited in 3.1 and item Pieri 1908a.] Caviness, Bob F., and Jeremy R. Johnson, editors. 1998. Quantifier Elimination and Cylindrical Decomposition. Vienna: Springer-Verlag. LC: QA155.7.E4.Q36. ISBN: 3-211-82794-3. MR: 1634186 (99b:03007). [Cited in 5.2 and item Fischer and Rabin 1974.] Chasles, Michel. [1837] 1875. Aperçu historique sur l’origine et le développement des méthodes en géométrie, particulièrement de celles qui se rapportent à la géometrie moderne, suivi d’un mémoire de géométrie sur deux principes généreaux de la science, la dualité et l’homographie. Second edition, conforming with the first. Paris: Gauthier–Villars Imprimeur-Librairie. LC: QA21.C5. The first edition was published in Brussels by Hayez. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and 2.3.] ———. [1851] 1880. Traité de géométrie supérieure. Second edition. Paris: Gauthier–Villars Imprimeur-Librairie. LC: QA471.C38t. Internet: Michigan. The first edition was published in Paris by Bachelier. [Cited in 2.3.] ———. 1855. Principe de correspondence entre deux objets variables, qui peut être d’un grand usage en Géométrie. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences 41: 1097–1107. LC: Q46.P22. Internet: Paris. [Cited in 1.3.] Chicago Manual of Style, The. 1993. Fourteenth edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. LC: Z53.U69. ISBN: 0-226-10389-7. [Cited in this bibliography’s introduction.] Chini, Mineo. 1890. Sopra alcune deformazioni delle superficie rigate. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 26: 20–34. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 22.0778.01. [Cited in 1.3.] Church, Alonzo. 1936, 1938. A bibliography of symbolic logic. Journal of Symbolic Logic 1: 123–219, 3: 178–192. LC: BC1.J6. Internet: JSTOR. The most comprehensive bibliography of works on logic before 1936. [Cited in this bibliography’s introduction.] ———. 1956. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Princeton: Princeton University Press. LC: BC135.C47. MR: 0082931 (18,631a). Although the title page says volume one, there has never been a volume two. [Cited in 5.2.] Ciampini, Maria Grazia. 2004. Personal communication to Elena A. Marchisotto. Signóra Ciam- pini is the wife of Mario Pieri’s sister Gemma’s grandson Vittorio Campetti. [Cited in 1.1.] Ciesielski, Krzystof, and Zdzisãaw Pogoda. 1996. The beginnings of Polish topology. Mathe- matical Intelligencer 18: 32–39. LC: QA1.M23. MR: 1412990 (97j:01047). [Cited in 5.2.] Cipolla, Michele. 1912. Vincenzo Mollame. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 5)5: 1–4. LC: QH7.A3. [Cited in 1.3.] Coen, Salvatore. 1991a. Geometry and complex variables in the work of Beppo Levi. In Coen 1991b, 111–140. [Cited in 1.1 and item Coen 1991b.] ———, editor. 1991b. Geometry and Complex Variables: Proceedings of an International Meeting on the Occasion of the IX Centennial of the University of Bologna. Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics, 132. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. LC: QA641.G444. ISBN: 0-824- 78445-6. MR: 1151627 (93d:01088). [Cited in 1.1 and items Coen 1991a and Francesconi 1991.] ———. 1999. Beppo Levi: Una biografia. In B. Levi 1999, volume 1, xiii–liv. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item B. Levi 1999.] Commissione per la promozione ad ordinario del Prof. Pieri della Università di Catania. 1902. In Italy [no date]. Dated 21 December, this contains joint and individual reports by members Alfonso Del Re, Federigo Enriques (secretary), Antonio Fàvaro, Vittorio Martinetti, and Giulio Pittarelli (president). [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] Conte, Alberto, and Livia Giacardi. 1999. Guido Castelnuovo, Gino Fano. In Roero 1999b, 539–545, 549–554. [Cited in 1.3 and item Roero 1999b.] Contro, Walter S. 1976. Von Pasch zu Hilbert. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 15: 283–294. LC: Q125.A1.A75. Internet: EBSCO. MR: 0446834 (56 #5158). [Cited in 2.3.] 412 Bibliography

———. 1985. Eine Schwedische Axiomatik der Geometrie vor Hilbert: Torsten Brodéns Om geometriens principer von 1890. In Folkerts and Lindgren 1985, 625–636. [Cited in 1.3, 2.5, and items Brodén 1890 and Folkerts and Lindgren 1985.] Coolidge, Julian Lowell. 1909. The Elements of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LC: QA685.C62. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 40.0522.03 Salkowski. [Cited in 2.3.] ———. 1916. A Treatise on the Circle and the Sphere. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LC: QA484.C65. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 46.0921.02 Bieberbach. [Cited in 2.4.] ———. [1940] 1963. A History of Geometrical Methods. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QA21.C65. MR: 0002769 (2,113c). Originally published in Oxford by the Clarendon Press. [Cited in 2.4.] Corcoran, John. 1991. Review of Tarski 1986. Mathematical Reviews 91: MR1015501 (91h: 01101). Available on the Internet at [Cited in 5.2 and item Tarski 1986.] Corry, Leo. 1996. Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures. LC: QA151.C67. ISBN: 0-817-65311-2. MR: 1391720 (97i:01023). [Cited in 5.2.] Couturat, Louis. 1899. La logique mathématique de M. Peano. Revue de métaphysique et de morale 7: 616–646. LC: B2.R37. JSL: 1001. [Cited in 4.3.] ———. [1900] 1899. Les mathématiques au Congrès de Philosophie. L’enseignement mathé- matique 1: 397–410. LC: QA1.E6. JFM: 31.0064.03 Michaelis. JSL: 1003.1. The journal is dated 1899 but the congress took place in 1900. See International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903. Contains on 404–405 a review of Pieri [1900] 1901. [Cited in 5.1, 5.5, and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903 and Pieri [1900] 1901.] ———. [1901] 1985. La logique de Leibniz, d’après des documents inédits. Olms paperbacks, 38. Unaltered reprint of the original Paris 1901 edition. : Georg Olms Verlag. LC: B2599.L8C4. JSL: 1007. Originally published by Félix Alcan, Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie. [Cited in 1.3, 3.10, and 5.1.] ———. 1905. Les principes des mathématiques, avec un appendice sur la philosophie des mathé- matiques de Kant. Paris: Félix Alcan Éditeur, Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie. LC: QA9.C7. Reprinted in 1965, 1979 by Olms; in 1980 by Blanchard. Internet: Michigan. Also published as a series of articles in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 12(1904): 19–50,211– 240, 644–698, 810–844; 13(1905): 244–256; LC: B2.R37. JFM: 35.0082.04, 36.0081.02 Fehr. JSL: 10015. [Cited in 1.2, 2.5, 3.4, and 4.4.] ———. 1906. Letter to Mario Pieri, 5 February. In possession of Francesco Campetti. [Cited in 4.1.] Coxeter, H. S. M. 1949. Projective geometry. Mathematics Magazine 23: 79–97. LC: QA1.N35. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0033057 (11,384n). Reprinted in James 1957, 173 –194. [Cited in 2.2 and item James 1957.] ———. 1965. Non-Euclidean Geometry. Fifth edition. Mathematical expositions, 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. LC: QA685.C78. MR: 0006835 (4,50a), 0087965 (19,445e), 1628013 (99c:51002). The first edition was published in 1942. [Cited in 5.2.] ———. 1966. The inversive plane and hyperbolic space. Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität 29: 217–242. LC: QA1.H3. MR: 0199777 (33 #7920). [Cited in 2.4.] ———. 1971. Inversive geometry. Educational Studies in Mathematics 3: 310–321. LC: QA1.E48. [Cited in 2.4.] ———. 1978. Parallel lines. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 21: 385–397. LC: QA1.C317. MR: 0523578 (80c:51001). [Cited in 2.4.] Cremona, Luigi. 1862. Introduzione ad una teoria geometrica delle curve piane. Bologna: Gamberini e Parmeggiani. Internet: Paris. A German translation by Maximilian Curtze, Bibliography 413

revised by Cremona, was published in 1865 by C. A. Kochs Verlagsbuchhandlung and Th. Kunike in Greifswald; it is available via Internet: Cornell. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1870. Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der Oberflächen in synthetischer Behand- lung. Translated by Maximilian Curtze with the author’s cooperation. Berlin: S. Calvary & Comp. Internet: Michigan. Translated from papers published earlier in Italian and French. The author’s name on the title page is Ludwig Cremona! [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Crowe, Michael J. [1967] 1994. A History of Vector Analysis: The Evolution of the Idea of a Vectorial System. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QA433.C76. ISBN: 0-486-67910-1. MR: 0229496 (37 #5070). The original edition was published by the University of Notre Dame Press. [Cited in 1.2.] D’Amico, Francesco. 1905. Sulla varietà quartica con tre piani semplici dello spazio a quattro dimensioni. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 4) 18(11): 1–17. LC: QH7.A3. JFM: 37.0672.04 Anonymous. Published version of the author’s 1904 Uni- versity of Catania dissertation, completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. Page 1 contains the review Pieri and Lauricella 1905. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item Pieri and Lauricella 1905.] Daniele, Pietro E. 1917. Giovanni Pennacchietti. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Natu- rali in Catania (series 5)10: 1–6. LC: QH7.A3. [Cited in 1.3.] Darboux, Gaston. 1880. Sur le théorème fondamental de la géometrie projective. Mathematische Annalen 17: 55–61. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. Response to Klein 1873, §5, 1874; introduced by Klein 1880. [Cited in 2.3 and items Klein 1873, 1874, 1880.] Dauben, Joseph W. 1977. C. S. Peirce’s philosophy of infinite sets: A study of Peirce’s interest in the infinite related to the birth of American mathematics and the contemporary work of Cantor and Dedekind. Mathematics Magazine 50: 123–135. LC: QA1.N35. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0446872 (56 #5191). [Cited in 4.1.] ———. 1979. : His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton: Princeton University Press. LC: QA248.D27. ISBN: 0-691-08583-8. MR: 0525577 (80g:01021). [Cited in 4.1.] Dauben, Joseph W., and Christoph J. Scriba, editors. 2002. Writing the History of Mathematics: Its Historical Development. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag. LC: QA21.W75. ISBN: 3-764-36166-2. MR: 1947490 (2003m:01063). [Cited in item Bottazzini 2002.] Dedekind, Richard. [1854] 1996. On the introduction of new functions in mathematics. Trans- lated by William Ewald. In Ewald 1996, volume 2, 754–762. The original edition, Dedekind’s Göttingen Habilitationsschrift, was originally published in Dedekind 1930–1932, volume 3, 428–438. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, and items Dedekind 1930–1932 and Ewald 1996.] ———. [1872] 1963. Continuity and irrational numbers. In Dedekind [1901] 1963, 1–27. Reprinted, extensively revised, in Ewald 1996, volume 2, 765–779. Originally published as Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen, Braunschweig: F. Vieweg, reprinted in Dedekind 1930–1932, volume 3, 315–334. [Cited in 1.3, 3.8, the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, and items Dedekind [1901] 1963, 1930–1932, and Ewald 1996.] ———. [1872–1878] 1976. Gedanken über die Zahlen. In Dugac 1976, Appendice LVI, 293–309. Unpublished draft of material for Dedekind [1888] 1963. The original is in the Nieder- sächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen, Dedekind manuscript III-1. [Cited in 4.1 and item Dugac 1976.] ———. [1888] 1963. The nature and meaning of numbers. In Dedekind [1901] 1963, 29–115. Reprinted, extensively revised, in Ewald 1996, volume 2, 787–833. Originally published as Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen, Braunschweig: F. Vieweg, 1888, reprinted in Dedekind 1930–1932, volume 3, 335–391. JFM: 20.0049.05 Meyer. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and items Dedekind [1901] 1963, 1930–1932, and Ewald 1996.] ———. [1901] 1963. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Translated by W. W. Beman. New York: Dover Publications. LC: QA248.D3. Originally published by Open Court (La Salle, Illinois) 414 Bibliography

in 1901. Reprinted, extensively revised, in Ewald 1996, 765–779, 787–833. [Cited in items Dedekind [1872] 1963, [1888] 1963, and Ewald 1996.] ———. 1930–1932. Gesammelte mathematische Werke. Three volumes. Edited by Robert Fricke, Emmy Noether, and Øystein Ore. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn. LC: QA36.D4. JFM: 56.0024.05, 57.0036.01 Feigl, 58.0042.09 Wielandt. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in 1.3 and items Dedekind [1854] 1996, [1872] 1963, [1888] 1963.] Dehn, Max. 1905. Review 34.0523.01, of the second edition of Hilbert [1899] 1971. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik 34(1903): 523–524. LC: QA1.J3. [Cited in 2.5 and item Hilbert [1899] 1971.] Delogu, Pietro. 1902. Letter to the minister of public instruction, 11 July. In Italy [no date], protocol 1670, number 8155. The writer was rector of the University of Catania. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] ———. 1903. Three letters to the minister of public instruction: 2 June, 6 June (telegram), 23 June. In Italy [no date]. Codes on the letters indicate position 96: number 6703, and protocol 1332 number 7941. The writer was rector of the University of Catania. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] De Paolis, Riccardo. 1880–1881. Sui fondamenti della geometria projettiva. Atti della Reale Acca- demia dei Lincei: Memorie della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (series 3) 9(1880–1881): 489–503. LC: AS222.A26. [Cited in 1.3 and 2.3.] ———. 1884. Elementi di geometria. Turin: Ermanno Loescher. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 16.0472.02 Segre. [Cited in 2.5 and 6.7.] ———. 1892. Le corrispondenze projettive nelle forme geometriche fondamentali di 1a specie. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (series 2) 42: 495–584. LC: AS222.A3. JFM: 24.0566.04 Lampe. Edited by Mario Pieri and Corrado Segre for posthumous publication. [Cited in 1.3 and the chapter 2 introduction.] De Santis, Maria G. 1988. La riforma scolastica nell’Italia dell’ottocento: La legge Casati. Cassino: Editrice Garigliano. LC: LA791.7.D4. ISBN: 8-871-03080-X. [Cited in 1.1.] De Stefani, Carlo. 1924. Commemorazione del Socio sen. prof. G. Capellini. Atti della Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (series 5)33(1): 424–427. LC: AS222.A24. [Cited in 1.3.] Dieudonné, Jean. 1978. Abrégé d’histoire des mathématiques, 1700–1900. Two volumes. Paris: Hermann. LC: QA26.D53. ISBN: 2-705-65859-9. MR: 0504182 (80k:01002a). [Cited in 4.3.] Di Leonardo, Maria V., and Teresa Marino. 2001. Il principio del minimo intero è equivalente al principio di induzione complete? Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica del G.R.I.M. Palermo 10: 103–114. Available on the Internet at The acronym stands for Gruppo di Ricerca sull’Insegnamento delle Matematiche. MR: 1876244 (2002k: 03003). [Cited in 4.3.] Di Sieno, Simonetta, Angelo Guerraggio, and Nastasi, Pietro, editors. 1998. La matematica Ital- iana dopo l’unità: Gli anni tra le due guerre mondiali. Milan: Marcus y Marcus, 1998. LC: QA27.I8.H37. ISBN: 8-871-68153-3. MR: 1682026 (99i:01001). [Cited in item Nastasi 1998.] D’Ovidio, Enrico. 1889. Uno sguardo alle origini e allo sviluppo della matematica pura. Discorso letto il 4 Novembre 1889 in occasione della solenne apertura degli studi nella Reale Università di Torino. Annuario della Reale Università di Torino 1889–1890: 32–89. [Cited in 1.1.] D’Ovidio, Enrico, and Corrado Segre. 1899. Relazione sulla memoria del Prof. M. Pieri, intitolata: Della Geometria Elementare come sistema ipotetico-deduttivo. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 34(1898–1899): 562, 760–762. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 30.0426.03 Loria. Segre is identified as reporter (relatore). Review of Pieri 1900a. [Cited in 1.2, 2.5, 6.4, and item Pieri 1900a.] D’Ovidio, Enrico, Corrado Segre, and Giuseppe Peano. 1898. Relazione sulla memoria “I principii della Geometria di Posizione composti in sistema logico-deduttivo” del Prof. M. Pieri. Atti della Bibliography 415

Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 33(1897–1898): 148–150. LC: AS222.A29. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1897d.pdf. Peano is identified as reporter (relatore). Review of Pieri 1898c. [Cited in 2.3 and items Peano 2002 and Pieri 1898c.] Drucker, Thomas, editor. 1991. Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic. Boston: Birkhäuser. LC: QA9.P43. ISBN: 0-817-63444-4. MR: 1234039 (94b:03007). [Cited in items Anellis 1991 and Aspray 1991.] Dugac, Pierre. 1976. Richard Dedekind et les fondements des mathématiques (avec de nombreuses textes inédits). Preface by Jean Dieudonné. Collection des travaux de l’Académie Internation- ale d’Histoire des Sciences, 24. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. LC: QA9.D8481. MR: 0485079 (58 #4935). [Cited in 1.3, 4.3, and item Dedekind [1872 –1878] 1976.] Duren, Peter, editor. 1988–1989. A Century of Mathematics in America. Three volumes. With the assistance of Richard A. Askey, Harold M. Edwards, and Uta C. Merzbach. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA27.U5.C46. ISBN: 0-821-80124-4, 0-8218-0130-9, 0-8218-0136-8. MR: 1003156 (90a:01064), 1003117 (90a:01065), 1025339 (90f: 01044). [Cited in item Montgomery 1988.] Eisele, Carolyn. 1971. Louis Couturat, Federigo Enriques. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 3, 455–457, and 4, 373–375. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Emch, Arnold. 1914. The discovery of inversion. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 20: 412–415. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 45.0079.02 Lampe. Review of Bützberger 1913. [Cited in item Bützberger 1913.] Engel, Friedrich. 1931. Eduard Study. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 40: 133–157. LC: QA1.D4. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 57.0044.03 Feigl. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1935. Friedrich Schur. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 45: 1–30. LC: QA1.D4. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 61.0024.04 Feigl. [Cited in 1.3.] Engel, Friedrich, and Max Dehn. [1931] 1934. . Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 44: 120–142. LC: QA1.D4. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 57.0038.03 Feigl. Originally published as Moritz Pasch: Zwei Gedenkreden gehalten am 24. Januar 1931, Schriften der Hessischen Hochschulen: Universität Giessen, 1931, Heft 2, Giessen: Verlag von Alfred Töpelmann. [Cited in 1.3.] Enriques, Federigo. 1894. Sui fondamenti della geometria projettiva. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 27: 550–567. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 25.0965.01 Kötter. [Cited in 2.2.] ———, editor. [1900] 1926. Questioni riguardanti le matematiche elementari. Three volumes, the third in two parts. Third edition. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. LC: QA3.E6. JFM: 50.0033. 04 Anonymous, 51.0056.01 Freudenthal, 52.0059.02 Grunsky, 53. 0055.09 Feigl. Enriques’s 1900 first edition was titled Questioni riguardanti la geometria elementare. [Cited in item Castelnuovo [1900] 1926.] ———. [1906] 1984. Problemi della scienza. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. ISBN: 8-808-01958-6. LC: Q175.E6. Reprint. The 1910 second edition was reprinted with a new preface in 1929, and again in 1985, by the same publisher. [Cited in the chapter 3 introduction.] ———. 1907. Prinzipien der Geometrie. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, part 1, half 1, 1–129. Article III A, B 1. JFM: 38.0496.01 Lampe. [Cited in 3.10 and item Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934.] ———. Pre-1924. Zagadnienia dotyczĈce geometrji elementarnej. Volume 1. Translated by St. Kwietniewski and Wã. Wojtowicz. What this is a translation of is not clear. [Cited in 3.10.] Enriques, Federigo, and Ugo Amaldi. 1902. Elementi di geometria ad uso delle scuole secondarie superiori. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli, 1902. There are many later editions. [Cited in item Enriques and Amaldi Pre-1924.] 416 Bibliography

———. Pre-1924. Zasady geometrji elementarnej. Translated by Wã. Wojtowicz. Warsaw. Probably a translation of Enriques and Amaldi 1902 or a later edition. [Cited in 5.3 and item Enriques and Amaldi 1902.] Euclid. [1908] 1956. The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements. Translated from the text of Heiberg, with introduction and commentary by Sir Thomas L. Heath. Second edition. Three volumes. New York: Dover Publications. ISBN: 0-486-60088-2. LC: QA31.E83. Available on the Internet at A citation of the form EUCLID I:2,3 in chapter 3 refers to book I, propositions 2 and 3. In 1908a Pieri referred to an Italian translation, edited by Enrico Betti and Francesco Brioschi, fifteenth printing, Florence: Le Monnier, 1885. [Cited in 2.5, 3.1–3.6, and item Pieri 1908a.] Euler, Leonhard. 1775. Formulae generales pro translatione quacunque corporum rigidorum. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, 20: 26–28, 189–207. Reprinted in Euler 1968, 84–98. [Cited in 3.7 and item Euler 1968.] ———. 1968. Opera Omnia. Series 2: Opera Mechanica et Astronomica. Volume 9: Commenta- tiones Mechanicae: Ad Theoriam Corporum Rigidorum Pertinence, Volume Posterist. Edited by Charles Blanc. Basel: Birkhäuser. LC: Q113.E8. ISBN: 3-764-31438-9. [Cited in item Euler 1775.] Ewald, William B., editor. 1996. From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics. Two volumes. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LC: QA8.6.F77. ISBN: 0-198-50537-X. [Cited in 4.1 and items Bolzano [1817] 1996,[1851] 1950; Dedekind [1854] 1996, [1872] 1963, [1888] 1963, [1901] 1963; Hilbert [1922] 1996; Peirce 1881, 1885; and Poincaré [1905–1906] 1996.] Fabbi, Angelo. 2005–2006. Personal communications to Elena A. Marchisotto. [Cited in 1.3.] Fano, Gino. 1892. Sui postulati fondamentali della geometria proiettiva in uno spazio lineare a un numero qualunque di dimensioni. Giornale di matematiche 30: 106–132. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 24.0618.01 Loria. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and 2.3.] ———. 1907a. Gegensatz von synthetischer und analytischer Geometrie in seiner historischen Entwicklung im XIX. Jahrhundert. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, part 1, 221–288. Article III AB, 4a. JFM: 38.0498.01 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3 and item Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934.] ———. 1907b. Kontinuierliche geometrische Gruppen. Die Gruppentheorie als geometrisches Einteilungsprinzip. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, part 1, 289–388. Article III AB, 4b. JFM: 38.0499.01 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3 and item Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934.] ———. 1938. Geometria non Euclidee e non Archimedee. In Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953, volume 2, part 2, 435–511. JFM: 64.1255.01 Zacharias. [Cited in 1.3 and item Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953.] Fava, Narciso. 1922. Elogio funebre del Prof. Mario Pieri letto nella Chiesa di S. Andrea di Compito, il giorno 20 Aprile 1922. Sant’Andrea di Compito, Tuscany, Italy: Privately pub- lished. [Cited in 1.1.] Feferman, Anita B., and Solomon Feferman. 2004. Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. LC: QA29.T32.F44. ISBN: 0-521-80240-7. MR: 2095748 (2005h: 01010). [Cited in 1.3 and 5.2.] Feinberg, Barry, et al. 1967. A Detailed Catalogue of the Archives of . London: Goodwin Press. LC: B1649.R94.A2. [Cited in 6.6 and item Pieri 1903a.] Ferraris, Galileo. 1895. Giuseppe Basso. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 31 (1895–1896): 3–17. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 26.0028.03 Müller. [Cited in 1.3.] Ferreirós Domínguez, José. 1999. Labyrinth of Thought: A History of Set Theory and Its Role in Modern Mathematics. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag. LC: QA248.F467. ISBN: 3-764-35749-5. MR: 1726552 (2000m:03005). [Cited in 4.1 and 4.3.] Bibliography 417

Fichera, Gaetano. 1980. Francesco Giacomo Tricomi. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 114: 37–48. LC: AS222.A292. [Cited in 1.3.] Finzi, Bruno. 1956. Carlo Somigliana. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti, parte generale e atti ufficiali 89: 142–163. LC: AS222.I42. [Cited in 1.3.] Fischer, Michael J., and Michael O. Rabin. 1974. Super-exponential complexity of Presburger arithmetic. SIAM-AMS Proceedings 7: 27–41. LC: QA267.C581. MR: 0366646 (51 #2893). Reprinted in Caviness and Johnson 1998, 122–135. [Cited in 5.2.] Foà, Emanuele. 1932. Luigi Donati. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana 11(1932–1941): 127–128. LC: QA1.U6. JFM: 58.0044.01 Grunsky. [Cited in 1.3.] Folkerts, Menso, and Uta Lindgren, editors. 1985. Mathemata: Festschrift für Helmuth Gericke. Boethius, 12. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. LC: QA21.M371. ISBN: 3-515-04324-1. MR: 799770 (87f:01015). [Cited in items Contro 1985 and Toepell 1985.] Forder, Henry George. [1927] 1958. The foundations of Euclidean geometry. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QA681.F6. JFM: 53.0539.01 Feigl. Reprint of the original Cambridge University Press edition. [Cited in 3.10.] Fouret, Georges. 1878. Sur le nombre des normales communes à deux courbes, à deux surfaces, à une courbe et à une surface. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 6: 43–49. LC: QA1.S63. Internet: NUMDAM. JFM: 10.0423.01 Schubert. [Cited in 1.3.] Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf, et al. 1973. Foundations of Set Theory. Second, revised edition. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. LC: QA248.F753. MR: 0345816 (49 #10546). [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction and 4.1.] Francesconi, Stefano. 1991. L’insegnamento della matematica nell’Università di Bologna dal 1860 al 1940. In Coen 1991b, 415– 432,465– 474. MR: 0101841 (21 #648), 1151659 (93d: 01091). [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item Coen 1991b.] Frege, Gottlob. 1873. Ueber eine geometrische Darstellung der imaginären Gebilde in der Ebene. LC: QA552.F85. Doctoral dissertation, University of Göttingen. [Cited in 4.1.] ———. [1879] 1970. Begriffsschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought. Translated by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 1–82. The original edition was published in Halle by Nebert and reprinted in Frege 1964, v–88. JSL: 49 1. [Cited in 4.1 and items Heijenoort [1967] 1970 and Frege 1964.] ———. [1884] 1953. The Foundations of Arithmetic. Second revised edition. Translated by John L. Austin. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. LC: QA9.F7514. JSL: 49 5. The original edition, published in Breslau by Wilhelm Koebner, is reprinted here with the translation on facing pages. The translation alone was reprinted in 1960 by Harper & Brothers in New York. [Cited in 4.1.] ———. 1893–1903. Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet. Two volumes. Jena: H. Pohle. LC: QA331.F7. JSL: 49 10, 49 16. Volume 1 is reviewed in Peano 1895. Frege [1893–1903] 1964 is a partial translation of volume 1 and the appendix to volume 2. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, and items Frege [1893–1903] 1964 and Peano 1895.] ———. [1893–1903] 1964. The Basic Laws of Arithmetic: Exposition of the System. Translated and edited, with an introduction, by Montgomery Furth. Berkeley: University of California Press. LC: BC135.F6813. ISBN: 0-520-04761-3. MR: 0176905 (31 #1173). Partial translation of Frege 1893–1903, volume 1, and the appendix to volume 2. [Cited in 4.1 and item Frege 1893–1903.] ———. [1902] 1970. Letter to Russell. Translated by Beverly Woodward. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 126–128. Response to Russell [1902] 1970. [Cited in 4.1 and items Russell [1902] 1970 and Heijenoort [1967] 1970.] ———. 1964. Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze. Edited by Ignacio Angelelli. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung. LC: QA9.F674. MR: 0164864 (29 #2155). [Cited in item Frege [1879] 1970.] 418 Bibliography

Freudenthal, Hans. 1953. Zur Geschichte der vollständigen Induktion. Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences 6: 17–37. LC: QA1.A1.A7. [Cited in 4.3.] ———. 1962. The main trends in the foundations of geometry in the 19th century. In Nagel, Suppes, and Tarski 1962, 613–621. [Cited in 2.2.] ———. 1972. . In Gillispie 1970–, volume 6, 388–395. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Fritsch, Rudolf. 2001. Moritz Pasch. In Bayerische Akademie 1954–, volume 20, 81–82. Available on the Internet at PDF . [Cited in 1.3 and item Bayerische Akademie 1954–.] Fulton, William, and Richard Weiss. 1969. Algebraic Curves: An Introduction to Algebraic Geom- etry. New York: W. A. Benjamin, Inc. LC: QA565.F97. MR: 0313252 (47 #1807). [Cited in 1.2.] ———. 1998. Intersection Theory. Second edition. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenz- gebiete, (3) 2. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. LC: QA564.F84. ISBN: 3-540-62046-X. MR: 1644323 (99d:14003). [Cited in 1.2.] Gabelli, Aristide. 1888. L’istruzione classica in Italia. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti (series 3) 101 (also numbered 17, 1 October): 385–409. LC: AP37.N8. [Cited in 1.1.] Gauss, Carl Friedrich. 1799. Demonstratio Nova Theorematis Omnem Functionem Algebraicam Rationalem Integram Unius Variabilis in Factores Reales Primi vel Secundi Gradus Resolvi Posse. Doctoral thesis, University of Helmstedt. Helmstedt: C. D. Fleckeisen. Results achieved in 1797. LC: Q125.L3. Reprinted in Gauss 1866–1929, volume 3, 1–30. [Cited in 2.1 and item Gauss 1866–1929.] ———. 1866–1929. Werke. Twelve volumes. Göttingen: [Königliche] Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. LC: QA36.G3. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in item Gauss 1799.] Geiser, Carl. 1921. Zur Erinnerung an Theodor Reye. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 66: 158–180. LC: Q67.Z92. [Cited in 1.3.] Genocchi, Angelo. 1884. Calcolo differenziale e principii di calcolo integrale, edited by Giuseppe Peano. Turin: Fratelli Bocca Editore. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1884c.pdf. German translation by Georg Bohlmann and Adolf Schepp with foreword by Adolph Mayer, Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1899, LC: QA303.G4, Internet: Cornell, JFM: 29.0227.01 Lampe. Partially translated in Peano 1973, 44–50. [Cited in 1.3, 5.1, and items Peano 1973, 2002.] Gérard, Louis. 1895. Sur le postulat relatif à l’équivalence des polygones, considéré comme corollaire du théorème de Varignon. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 23: 268– 269. LC: QA1.S63. Internet: NUMDAM. JFM: 26.0811.03 Lampe. [Cited in 3.8.] Gergonne, Joseph Diaz. 1818. Essai sur la théorie des définitions. Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées 9: 1–35. LC: QA1.A58. [Cited in 2.2.] Gerla, Giangiacomo. 1982. La geometria senza punti. Archimede 34: 139–146. LC: QA1.A69. MR: 693956 (84m:51015). [Cited in 5.2.] Giacardi, Livia. 1999. Enrico D’Ovidio, Angelo Genocchi, Gino Loria. In Roero 1999b, 461– 467, 491–495, 520–525. [Cited in 1.3 and item Roero 1999b.] ———. 2001. Corrado Segre maestro a Torino: La nascita della scuola Italiana di geometria algebrica. Annali di storia delle università Italiane 5: 139–163. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and 2.3.] Giacardi, Livia, and Clara Silvia Roero. 1996a. La nascita della Mathesis 1895–1907. In Giacardi and Roero 1996b, 7–49. Available on the Internet at storia.pdf . [Cited in 1.1 and item Giacardi and Roero 1996b.] ———, editors. 1996b. Dal compasso al computer: Celebrazioni del centenario della società. Turin: Associazione Mathesis. [Cited in item Giacardi and Roero 1996a.] Giambelli, Giovanni. 1913. Mario Pieri. Bollettino di matematica 12: 291–293. LC: QA1.B6. [Cited in 1.1, 3.10, and 6.2.] Bibliography 419

Giampaglia, Niccolò. 1904. Sull’incidenza di punti, rette e piani nello spazio da n dimensioni. Dissertation, University of Catania. 38 pages, completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. Reviewed in Pieri, Lauricella, and Catania 1903. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item Pieri, Lauricella, and Catania 1903.] Giannattasio, Antonio. 1968. Due inediti di Alessandro Padoa. Physis 10: 309–336. LC: Q4.P5. MR: 0266735 (42 #1638). [Cited in 1.3.] Gigli, Duilio. 1930. Aritmetica generale. In Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953, volume 1, part 1, chapter 2, 81–212. [Cited in 4.4 and item Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953.] Gillies, Douglas A. 1982. Frege, Dedekind, and Peano on the Foundations of Arithmetic. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum. LC: QA248.G48. MR: 0700230 (84i:01060). [Cited in 4.1.] Gillispie, Charles C., editor. 1970–. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Eighteen volumes. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. LC: Q141.D5. Later volumes have a different editor. [Cited in items Barker et al. 1976, Biermann 1971, Broadbent 1975, Burau 1976, Burau and Schoene- berg 1973, Burau and Scriba 1972, Carruccio 1970–1973, Eisele 1971, Freudenthal 1972, Greitzer 1971, Kennedy 1970–1974, Koppelman 1971, McConnell 1975, Seidenberg 1974, Speziali 1971–1975, Tabarroni 1975, E. Volterra 1976.] Givant, Steven R. 1991. A portrait of Alfred Tarski. Mathematical Intelligencer 13(3): 16–32. LC: QA1.M23. MR: 1117874 (93a:01046). [Cited in 1.3, 5.2, and permissions.] ———. 1999. Unifying threads in Alfred Tarski’s work. Mathematical Intelligencer 21: 47–58. LC: QA1.M23. MR: 1665158 (99m:01059). [Cited in 2.5.] Goblot, Edmond. 1898. Essai sur la classification des sciences. Paris: Félix Alcan, Éditeur. LC: Q177.G53e. [Cited in 2.5.] Gödel, Kurt. [1931] 1967. On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I. Translated by Jean van Heijenoort. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 592–617. There is no part II. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and item Heijenoort [1967] 1970.] Goldfarb, Warren. 1979. Logic in the twenties: The nature of the quantifier. Journal of Symbolic Logic 44: 351–368. LC: BC1.J6. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0540666 (80j: 03003). [Cited in 5.2.] Gow, Roderick. 1997. George Salmon 1819–1904: His mathematical work and influence. Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society 39: 26–76. Available on the Internet at http://www.maths. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 2005. Life and work of Provost George Salmon FRS 1819–1904. Available on the Internet at [Cited in 1.3.] Grassmann, Hermann Günter. [1844] 1994. A new branch of mathematics: The Ausdehnungs- lehre of 1844. Included in Grassmann 1994, 1–314. [Cited in 1.3, 5.1, and items Grassmann 1994 and Peano [1888] 2000.] ———. [1861] 1904. Lehrbuch der Arithmetik für höhere Lehranstalten. Berlin: Verlag von Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin. Excerpts are reprinted in Grassmann 1894–1911, volume 2 (1904), part 1, 295–349. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, 4.3, and item Grassmann 1894–1911.] ———. 1894–1911. Gesammelte mathematische und physikalische Werke. Edited by Friedrich Engel. Three volumes, each in two parts. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner. LC: QA36.G7. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 33.0026.01, 35.0015.01, 42. 0015.01 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3 and items Grassmann [1861] 1904, 1994.] ———. 1994. A New Branch of Mathematics: The Ausdehnungslehre of 1844 and Other Works. Translated by Lloyd C. Kannenberg. Peru, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company. LC: QA205.G74213. ISBN: 0-812-69276-4. MR: 1637704 (99e:01015). Translation of part of Grassmann 1894–1911. [Cited in items Grassmann [1844] 1994, 1894–1911.] Grattan-Guinness, Ivor. 1985. From Weierstrass to Russell: A Peano medley. Rivista di storia della scienza 2: 1–16. LC: Q4.R53. [Cited in 4.1.] ———. 1991. Introduction. In Jourdain 1991, ix–xli. [Cited in 5.3 and item Jourdain 1991.] 420 Bibliography

———. 1997. The Norton History of the Mathematical Sciences: The Rainbow of Mathematics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. LC: QA21.G695. ISBN: 0-393-04650-8. MR: 1682977 (2000d:01001). [Cited in 1.2.] ———. 2000. The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870–1940: Logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor through Russell to Gödel. Princeton: Princeton University Press. LC: QA248.G684. ISBN: 0-691-05857-1. MR: 1807717 (2001k: 03003). [Cited in 4.1.] Gray, Jeremy. 1997. Reply to “Is mathematical logic part of mathematics?” Historia Mathe- matica 24: 454–456. LC: QA1.H58. Internet: ScienceDirect. Gray’s response to Moore 1997, which had attacked his opinion. Gray changed his mind. [Cited in 1.2 and item Moore 1997.] Greitzer, Samuel L. 1971. Antonio Luigi Gaudenzio Giuseppe Cremona. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 3, 467–469. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Griffin, Frank Loxley. 1969a. Audiotaped oral history. Frank Loxley Griffin Archive. Reed College, Portland, Oregon. Summarized by Gay Walker, Reed College archivist, in a private communication. [Cited in 5.3.] ———. 1969b. Some teaching reminiscences. American Mathematical Monthly 76: 460–468. LC: QA1.A51. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in 5.3.] Grimaldi, Giovan Pietro. 1907. Letter to the minister of public instruction, 29 April. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Grimaldi was rector of the University of Catania. [Cited in 1.1 and item Catania [no date].] Guerraggio, Angelo, and Pietro Nastasi. 2005. Matematica in camicia nera: Il regime e gli scienziati. Milan: Bruno Mondadori. LC: QA27.I8.G84. ISBN: 8-842-49863-7. [Cited in 1.3 and permissions.] Gundel, Hans Georg, Peter Moraw, and Volker Press, editors. 1982. Giessener Gelehrte in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, zweiter Teil. Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommis- sion für Hessen, 35. Marburg: Historische Kommission für Hessen. LC: DD801.H51.H5 v. 35. ISBN: 3-770-80723-5. [Cited in item Pickert 1982.] Gupta, Haragauri N. 1965a. Contributions to the Axiomatic Foundations of Geometry. PhD dissertation. Berkeley: University of California. [Cited in 5.2 and items Gupta 1965b and Gupta and Piesyk 1965.] ———. 1965b. An axiomatization of finite-dimensional Cartesian spaces over arbitrary ordered fields. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, et physiques 13: 551–552. LC: Q60.P557. MR: 0203549 (34 #3399). Summary of part of Gupta 1965a. [Cited in 5.2 and item Gupta 1965a.] ———. 1979. Jan âukasiewicz and mathematical induction. Reports on Philosophy 3: 41–46. LC: B1.R38. [Cited in 4.3.] Gupta, Haragauri N., and Zbigniew Piesyk. 1965. An axiomatization of two-dimensional Cartesian spaces over arbitrary ordered fields. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, et physiques 13: 549–550. LC: Q60.P557. MR: 0203548 (34 #3398). Summary of part of Gupta 1965a. [Cited in 5.2 and item Gupta 1965a.] Halsted, George B. 1904a. The message of non-Euclidean geometry. Science (new series) 19: 401– 413. LC: AQ.S3. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in the chapter 3 introduction.] ———. 1904b. Rational Geometry: A Text-Book for the Science of Space, Based on Hilbert’s Foundations. Second edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. LC: QA453.H28. Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.3, 3.3, and 3.8.] Hamel, Georg. 1905. Eine Basis aller Zahlen und die unstetigen Lösungen der Funktional- gleichung f (x + y) = f (x) + f ( y). Mathematische Annalen 60: 459–462. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 36.0446.04. [Cited in 5.2.] Bibliography 421

Hawkins, Thomas. 1984. The Erlanger Programm of Felix Klein: Reflections on its place in the history of mathematics. Historia Mathematica 11: 442–470. LC: QA1.H58. Internet: Science- Direct. MR: 0773797 (86c:01026). [Cited in 2.3.] Heath, A. E. 1917. Hermann Grassmann. Monist 27: 1–56. LC: B1.M6. [Cited in 1.3.] Hedrick, Earle R., and Louis Ingold. 1914. A set of for line geometry. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 15: 205–214. LC: QA1.A53. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 45. 0725.08. [Cited in 2.3.] Heiberg, Johan, and H. G. Zeuthen. 1906. Eine neue Schrift des Archimedes. Bibliotheca Mathe- matica (series 3) 7: 321–363. LC: QA1.B4. [Cited in 1.3.] Heijenoort, Jean van. [1967] 1970. From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879–1931. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. LC: QA9.V3. ISBN: 0-674- 32449-8. MR: 1890980 (2003a:03008). [Cited in 4.1 and items Burali-Forti [1897] 1970, Frege [1879] 1970, Frege [1902] 1970, Gödel [1931] 1967, Hilbert [1904] 1970, Russell [1902] 1970, and Zermelo [1908] 1970.] Henkin, Leon. On mathematical induction. American Mathematical Monthly 67: 323–338. LC: QA1.A51. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0120156 (22 #10913). [Cited in 4.3.] Henkin, Leon, Patrick Suppes, and Alfred Tarski, editors. [1957] 1959. The Axiomatic Method with Special Reference to Geometry and Physics: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957– January 4, 1958. LC: QA1.I9. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1959. [Cited in items Robinson [1957] 1959, Royden [1957] 1959, and Tarski [1957] 1959.] Henkin, Leon, et al., editors. 1974. Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium: An International Symposium Held to Honor Alfred Tarski on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Proceed- ings of symposia in pure mathematics, 25. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA7.T34. ISBN: 0-821-81425-7. MR: 0349335 (50 #1829). [Cited in Item Szmielew 1974.] Hilbert, David. [1897] 1998. The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields. Translated by Iain T. Adamson, with an introduction by Franz Lemmermeyer and Norbert Schappacher. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. LC: QA247.H5313. ISBN: 3-540-62779-0. MR: 1646901 (99j: 01027). Origin- ally published as “Die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper,” Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 4: 175–546, LC: QA1.D4, Internet: Göttingen, JFM: 28.0157.05 Fricke, which was reprinted in Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970, volume 1, 63–363. [Cited in 1.3 and item Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970.] ———. [1899] 1971. Foundations of Geometry (Grundlagen der Geometrie). Second edition. Translated by Leo Unger from the tenth German edition. Revised and enlarged by Paul Bernays. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court. ISBN: 0-875-48163-9. LC: QA681.H5813. JFM: 30.0424. 01 Engel. The original work was announced in June 1899 at the celebration of the Gauss– Weber monument in Göttingen, and published by B. G. Teubner. Its title page is reproduced on page 275 of the present book. The 1900 French translation by Leonce Laugel is available via Internet: Paris, JFM: 31.0468.01 Engel. A second, enlarged, German edition was published by B. G. Teubner in 1903, JFM: 34.0523.01 Dehn, and reviewed in Poincaré [1902] 1903–1904. Appendix IV of Hilbert [1899] 1971 is a translation of Hilbert 1902, a paper on a subject different from that of the rest of this book. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.3, 2.5, 3.3, 3.8, 3.10, and items Dehn 1905, Hilbert 1902, and Poincaré [1902] 1903–1904.] ———. [1900] 2000. Mathematical problems. Translated by Mary Winston Newson. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (new series) 37: 407– 436. LC: QA1.A52. Internet: EBSCO. Reprinted from Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 8 (1902): 437– 479. Originally published as “Mathematische Probleme,” Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse 1900: 253–297, LC: AS182.G348, Internet: Göttingen, JFM: 31.0068.03 Wallenberg; reprinted in Hilbert [1932–1935], volume 3, 290–329. A shorter French version is included in International 422 Bibliography

Congress of Mathematicians [1900] 1902, 58–114. [Cited in the chapter 3 introduction and items Hilbert [1932–1935] and International Congress of Mathematicians [1900] 1902.] ———. 1902. Über die Grundlagen der Geometrie. Mathematische Annalen 56: 381–422. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 33.0486.03 Engel. A translation by Leo Unger is included as Appendix IV in Hilbert [1899] 1971, but this paper is about a subject essentially different from the rest of that book. Reviewed in Wilson 1903. [Cited in items Hilbert [1899] 1971 and Wilson 1903.] ———. [1904] 1970. On the foundations of logic and arithmetic. Translated by Beverly Wood- ward. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 129–138. Also, translated by George B. Halsted, Monist 15: 338–352, LC: B1.M6. Originally published as “Über die Grundlagen der Logik und der Arith- metik,” in International Congress of Mathematicians [1904] 1905, 174–185. [Cited in 1.2, 4.1, and items Heijenoort [1967] 1970 and International Congress of Mathematicians [1904] 1905.] ———. [1922] 1996. The new grounding of mathematics, first report. Translated by William B. Ewald. In Ewald 1996, volume 2, 1115–1134. Originally published as “Neubegründung der Mathematik. Erste Mitteilung,” Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität 1: 157–177, JFM: 48.1188.01 Bernays, which was reprinted in Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970, volume 3, 157–177. There was no second report. [Cited in 4.1 and items Ewald 1996 and Hilbert [1932–1935] 1970.] ———. [1932–1935] 1970. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Three volumes. Second edition. Berlin: J. Springer. LC: QA3.H5. [Cited in items Blumenthal [1935] 1970 and Hilbert [1897] 1998, [1900] 2000, [1922] 1996.] Hoffman, Alan J. 1951. On the foundations of inversion geometry. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 71: 213–242. LC: QA1.A53. [Cited in 2.4.] Huber, Birkett, Frank Sottile, and Berndt Sturmfels. 1998. Numerical Schubert calculus. Journal of Symbolic Computation 26: 767–788. LC: QA150.J687. MR: 1662035 (2000i: 14079). [Cited in 1.2.] Huber, Birkett, and Jan Verschelde. 2000. Pieri homotopies for problems in enumerative geometry applied to pole placement in linear systems control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 38: 1265–1287. LC: QA402.3.A1.S13. MR: 1760069 (2001g:93039). [Cited in 1.2.] Hudson, Hilda. 1927. Cremona Transformations in Plane and Space. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. LC: QA602.H8. JFM: 53.0595.01 Feigl. [Cited in 2.4.] Huntington, Edward V. 1913. A set of postulates for abstract geometry, expressed in terms of the simple relation of inclusion. Mathematische Annalen 73: 522 –559. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 44.0544.03 Lampe. [Cited in 4.4 and 5.1.] Ingrami, Giuseppe. 1899. Elementi di Geometria per le scuole secondarie superiori. Bologna: Tipografia Cenerelli. Reviewed in Pieri 1899b. [Cited in 6.7 and item Pieri 1899b.] International Congress for the Unity of Science. [1935] 1936. Actes du Congrès International de Philosophie Scientifique, Sorbonne, Paris, 1935. Volume 7: Logique. Actualités scienti- fiques et industrielles, 394. Paris: Hermann & Cie., Éditeurs. LC: Q175.I6. [Cited in item Padoa [1935] 1936.] International Congress of Mathematicians. [1900] 1902. Compte rendu du Deuxième Congrès International des Mathématiciens tenu à Paris du 6 au 12 Aout 1900. Procès-verbaux et commu- nications. Edited by Ernest Duporcq. Paris: Gauthier–Villars. LC: QA1.I8. Reviewed in Scott 1900–1901. [Cited in entries Hilbert [1900] 2000, Padoa [1900] 1902, Scott 1900–1901.] ———. [1904] 1905. Verhandlungen des dritten Internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses in Heidelberg vom 8. bis 13. August 1904. Edited by Adolf Kratzer. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA1.I5. [Cited in item Hilbert [1904] 1970.] ———. [1908] 1967. Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale dei Matematici (Roma, 6–11 Aprile 1908). Three volumes. Edited by Guido Castelnuovo. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint Bibliography 423

Limited. Originally published in Rome by the Reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1909. LC: QA1.I8. [Cited in 4.4.] ———. [1912] 1967. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Mathematicians (Cam- bridge, 22–28 August 1912). Two volumes. Edited by Ernest W. Hobson and Augustus E. Love. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint Limited. Originally published by Cambridge University Press, 1913. LC: QA1.I5. [Cited in items Jourdain [1912] 1967 and Padoa [1912] 1867.] International Congress of Philosophy. 1900–1903. Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie. Four volumes. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. LC: B20.I6. Reviewed in Boutroux 1900, Couturat [1900] 1899, and Lovett 1900–1901. [Cited in 6.5 and entries Boutroux 1900, Burali-Forti [1900] 1901, Couturat [1900] 1899, Lovett 1900–1901, Padoa [1900] 1901, Peano [1900] 1901, Pieri [1900] 1901, and Vailati [1900] 1901.] Israel, Giorgio 1981. “Rigor” and “axiomatics” in modern mathematics. Fundamenta Scientiae 2: 205–219. LC: Q1.F8. MR: 0673298 (84f:01025). [Cited in 4.1.] Italy. Archivio Centrale dello Stato. [no date] Documents concerning Mario Pieri. Those regard- ing the University of Catania often indicate position 96; for Parma, position 73. [Cited in items Catania 1903a; Commissione 1902; Delogu 1902, 1903; Italy 1900, 1903a, 1912; Riccò 1900; and Tartufari 1912.] Italy. Ministero della Guerra. 1900. Letter to the Minister of Public Instruction, 21 May 1900. In Italy [no date]. [Cited in 1.1 and Italy [no date].] Italy. Ministero dell’Istruzione Pubblica. 1901. Stato di servizio del signor Pieri Mario. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. The last entry on this service record is dated 31 October 1901. [Cited in 1.1 and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1903a. Document dated 9 April with heading Vittorio Emanuele III(, decreeing Pieri’s promotion to professor ordinario. In Italy [no date]. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] ———. 1903b. Two telegrams and a letter to the rector of the University of Catania: 2, 7 July and 30 December. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1912. Letter to the rector of the University of Parma, 20 May. In Italy [no date], position 73, protocol 10351. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] Izumi, Shin-ichi. 1940. Lattice theoretical foundation of circle geometry. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy (of Japan) 16: 515–517. LC: Q77.T6. JFM: 66.0709.01 Köthe. MR: 0003714 (2,259f). Presented to the Academy by Matsusaburo Fujiwara. [Cited in 2.4.] Jadanza, Nicodemo. 1901. Matteo Fiorini. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 36 (1900–1901): 416–418. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 32.0022.01 Müller. [Cited in 1.3.] James, Glenn, editor. 1957. The tree of mathematics. Pacoima, California: Digest Press. LC: QA37.T7. MR: 0095114 (20 #1620). [Cited in item Coxeter 1949.] Jordan, Zbigniew. 1967. The development of mathematical logic in Poland between the two wars. In McCall 1967, chapter 18, 346–406. [Cited in 5.2 and item McCall 1967.] Jourdain, Philip E. B. 1910–1913. The development of the theories of mathematical logic and the principles of mathematics. Three parts. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics 41(1910): 324–352, 43(1912): 219–314, 44(1913): 113–128. LC: QA1.Q3. JFM: 41. 0050.03 Lampe; 43.0097.03, 44.0075.03 Löwenheim. Reprinted in Jourdain 1991, 101–244. [Cited in 4.1 and 4.3.] ———. 1911. Review of Natorp 1910. Mind (new series) 20: 552–560. LC: B1.M5. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in 4.4 and item Natorp 1910.] ———. 1913. On isoid relations and theories of irrational number. In International Congress of Mathematicians [1912] 1967, volume 2, 492–496. JFM: 44.0078.03 Lampe. JSL: 12119. Isoid relations are now known as equivalence relations. [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction and item International Congress of Mathematicians [1912] 1967.] 424 Bibliography

———. [1915] 1952. Preface, introduction and notes. In G. Cantor [1895–1897] 1952, v–vii, 1–82, 202–208. [Cited in 4.1 and item G. Cantor [1895–1897] 1952.] ———. 1991. Selected Essays on the History of Set Theory and Logics (1906–1918). Instrumenta rationis: Sources for the history of logic in the modern age, 6. Edited by Ivor Grattan- Guinness. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna. LC: QA248.J68. MR: 1260245 (94h:01044). [Cited in item Grattan-Guinness 1991.] Karzel, Helmut, Günter Kist, and Hans-Joachim Kroll. 1979. Burau-Geometrien. Resultate der Mathematik 2: 88–104. LC: QA1.R313. MR: 559446 (82a:51006). [Cited in 2.4.] Karzel, Helmut, and Hans-Joachim Kroll. 1981. Perspectivities in circle . In Plaumann and Strambach 1981, 51–99. MR: 0621311 (85d:51004). [Cited in 2.4 and item Plaumann and Strambach 1981.] ———. 1988. Geschichte der Geometrie seit Hilbert. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesell- schaft. LC: QA443.5.K37. ISBN: 3-534-08524-8. MR: 1015291 (90m:01036). [Cited in 2.4.] Kasner, Edward. 1904–1905. The present problems of geometry: Address delivered before the Section of Geometry of the International Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, September 24, 1904. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 11: 283–314. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 36.0062.03 Lampe. [Cited in 2.4.] Kennedy, Hubert C. 1968. Giuseppe Peano at the . Mathematics Teacher 61: 703–706. LC: QA1.M27. [Cited in 4.3 and 5.1.] ———. 1970–1974. Cesare Burali-Forti, Alessandro Padoa, Mario Pieri. In Gillispie 1970–: volume 2, 593–594; volume 10, 274, 605–606. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] ———. 1972. The origins of modern axiomatics: Pasch to Peano. American Mathematical Monthly 79: 133–136. LC: QA1.A51. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0300843(46 #7). [Cited in 4.3.] ———. 1974. Peano’s concept of number. Historia Mathematica 1: 387–408. LC: QA1.H58. Internet: ScienceDirect. MR: 0532077(58 #27016). [Cited in 4.1.] ———. 1980. Peano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano. Studies in the history of modern science, 4. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company. LC: QA29.P42.K47. ISBN: 9-027-71067- 8. MR: 580947 (82b:01051). The author has made available on the Internet a corrected edition, with footnotes that were omitted from the original. Kennedy 1983 is an Italian translation. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and 5.1.] ———. 1983. Peano: Storia di un Matematico. Translated by Paolo Pagli. Turin: Paolo Borin- ghieri. Translation of Kennedy 1980. [Cited in 1.3, permissions, and item Kennedy 1980.] Keyser, Cassius J. 1909. The thesis of modern logistic. Science (new series) 30: 949–963. LC: Q1.S33. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in 2.2.] ———. 1912. The humanization of the teaching of mathematics. Science (new series) 35: 637– 647. LC: Q1.S33. Internet: JSTOR. [Cited in 2.2.] Killing, Wilhelm. 1893–1898. Einführung in die Grundlagen der Geometrie. Two volumes. Paderborn: Druck und Verlag von Ferdinand Schöningh. LC: QA681.K5. JFM: 25.0853.01 Meyer, 29.0405.01 Lampe. Internet: Cornell. [Cited in 2.5.] Kleiman, Steven L. 1976. Problem 15: Rigorous foundation of Schubert’s enumerative calculus. In Browder 1976, 445–497. MR: 0429938 (55 #2946). [Cited in 1.3 and item Browder 1976.] ———. 1979. An introduction to the reprint edition. In Schubert [1879] 1979, 5–17. LC: QA607. S4. [Cited in 1.2 and item Schubert [1879] 1979.] ———. 1991. (1839–1920). In Kleiman and Thorup 1991, 1–13. MR: 1143544 (92m:01065). [Cited in 1.3 and item Kleiman and Thorup 1991.] Kleiman, Steven L., and Anders Thorup, editors. 1991. Enumerative Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the 1989 Zeuthen Symposium. Contemporary mathematics, 123. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA564.Z48. ISBN: 0-8218-5131-4. MR: 1143543 (92g:14002). [Cited in item Kleiman 1991.] Bibliography 425

Klein, Felix. 1871. Über die sogenannte Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie. Mathematische Annalen 4: 573–625. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 03.0231.02 Hoppe. Reprinted in Klein 1921–1923, volume 1, 254–305. [Cited in 1.3 and item Klein 1921–1923.] ———. 1872. Vergleichende Betrachtungen über neuere geometrische Forschungen. Erlangen: Andreas Deichert. LC: QA601.K66. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 04.0229.01 Stolz. Reprinted with improvements in Mathematische Annalen 43(1893): 63–100, LC: QA1.M29, Internet: Göttingen, and again in Klein 1921–1923, volume 1, 460–497. Klein’s Erlanger program. Klein [1872] 1889–1890 and [1872] 1892–1893 are translations. [Cited in 1.3 and items Klein [1872] 1889–1890, [1872] 1892–1893, and 1921–1923.] ———. [1872] 1889–1890. Considerazioni comparative su ricerche geometriche recenti. Trans- lated by Gino Fano, with additions by the author. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata (series 2) 17: 307–343. LC: QA1.A62. Translation of Klein 1872: the Erlanger program. The author’s name is listed as Felice Klein! [Cited in 1.3, 2.3, and item Klein 1872.] ———. [1872] 1892–1893. A comparative review of recent researches in geometry. Translated by Mellea W. Haskell, with additional footnotes by the author. Bulletin of the New York Mathe- matical Society 2: 215–249. LC: QA1.A518. Translation of Klein 1872: the Erlanger program. [Cited in 1.2, 2.4, 2.5, and item Klein 1872.] ———. 1873. Über die sogenannte Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie (zweiter Aufsätze). Mathe- matische Annalen 6: 112–145. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 05. 0271.01 Stolz. Reprinted in Klein 1921–1923, volume 1, 311–343. [Cited in 1.3, 2.3, and items Darboux 1880 and Klein 1874, 1921–1923.] ———. 1874. Nachtrag zu dem “zweiten Aufsatze über Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie.” Mathe- matische Annalen 7: 531–537. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 06. 0300.02 Stolz. Reprinted in Klein 1921–1923, volume 1, 344–350. This paper contains the Lüroth–Zeuthen theorem, a response to Klein 1873, §5. [Cited in 2.3 and items Darboux 1880, Klein 1873, 1921–1923.] ———. 1880. Über die geometrische Definition der Projectivität auf den Grundgebilden erster Stufe. Mathematische Annalen 17: 52–54. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. Reprinted in Klein 1921–1923, volume 1, 351–352. Introduction to Darboux 1880. [Cited in 2.3 and items Darboux 1880 and Klein 1921–1923.] ———. [1884] 1956. Lectures on the Icosahedron and the Solution of Equations of the Fifth Degree. Translated by George G. Morrice. Second, revised edition. New York: Dover Publica- tions, Inc. LC: QA171.K612. The original edition, JFM: 16.0061.01, was published by B. G. Teubner Verlag. The translation was first published in 1914 by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1909] 1939. Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint. Two volumes. Translated from the third German edition by Earle R. Hedrick and Charles A. Noble. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QA461.K67. The original handwritten edition, edited by Ernst Hellinger, JFM: 39.0107.02 Treutlein and 40.0538.04 Lampe, was published by B. G. Teubner. [Cited in 1.3 and 2.3.] ———. 1921–1923. Gesammelte mathematische Abhandlungen. Edited by Robert Fricke et al. Berlin: J. Springer. LC: QA37.K58. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in items Klein 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1880.] ———. 1926. Vorlesungen über höhere Geometrie. Third edition. Edited by . Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen, 22. Berlin: J. Springer. LC: QA601.K63. JFM: 52.0624.09 Rinow. Reprinted in 1949 by Chelsea Pub- lishing Company and in 1968 by Springer. Parts 1–2 were privately published in 1893 in Göttingen as Einleitung in die höhere Geometrie, two volumes (handwritten), edited by Friedrich Schilling, Internet: Michigan, JFM: 25.1041.01 Schilling. [Cited in 1.2.] 426 Bibliography

———. [1926–1927] 1979. Development of Mathematics in the 19th Century. With an appendix, “Kleinian mathematics from an advanced standpoint,” by Robert Hermann. Translated by Michael Ackerman. Brookline, Massachusetts: Math Sci Press. LC: QA26.K6213. ISBN: 0- 915-69228-7. MR: 0549187 (81c:01023). The original edition, edited by Richard Courant, Otto Neugebauer, and Stefan Cohn-Vosson, JFM: 52. 0022.05 Grunsky and 53.0024.02 Feigl, was published by J. Springer and reprinted by Chelsea Publishing Company. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and 2.3.] Kline, Morris. 1972. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times. New York: Oxford University Press. LC: QA21.K614. MR: 1039322 (91i:01003a), 1058202 (91i: 01003b), 1058203 (91i:01003c). [Cited in 4.1.] Kohn, Gustav. 1895. Ueber die Erweiterung eines Grundbegriffs der Geometrie der Lage. Mathe- matische Annalen 46: 285–309. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 26.0603.02 Kötter. [Cited in 2.5.] Kneebone, G. T. 1963. Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics: An Introduc- tory Survey. London: D. Van Nostrand Company Limited. LC: QA9.K673. MR: 0150021 (27 #26). [Cited in 4.1.] Kollár, János, Robert Lazarsfeld, and David R. Morrison, editors. 1997. Algebraic Geometry Santa Cruz 1995: Summer Research Institute on Algebraic Geometry, July 9 –29, 1995, Uni- versity of California, Santa Cruz. Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, 62, part 1. Providence: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA564.S86. ISBN: 0-8218-0894-X. MR: 1492516 (98h:14002). [Cited in item Sottile 1997.] Koppelman, Elaine. 1971. Michel Chasles. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 3, 212–215. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Krynicki, Michaã, and L. W. Szczerba. 1990. On simplicity of formulas. Studia Logica 49: 401– 419. LC: B18.P6.S88. MR: 1095044 (92d:03006). [Cited in 3.10.] Kuratowski, Kazimierz. 1980. A Half Century of Polish Mathematics: Remembrances and Reflections. Translated by Andrzej Kirkor. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers. LC: QA27. P67. ISBN: 0-080-23046-6. MR: 0565253 (83f:01027). The original Polish edition was published in 1973. [Cited in 5.2.] Kuzawa, Mary Grace. 1968. Modern Mathematics: The Genesis of a School in Poland. LC: QA27.P67.K8. [Cited in 5.3.] Laisant, Charles-Ange. 1912. Émile Lemoine. L’enseignement mathématique 14: 177– 183. LC: QA1.E6. [Cited in 1.3.] Landau, Edmund. [1930] 1951. Foundations of Analysis: The Arithmetic of Whole, Rational, Irrational, and Complex Numbers; a Supplement to Text-Books on the Differential and Integral Calculus. Translated by Fritz Steinhardt. New York: Chelsea Publishing Company. The original German edition was published in 1930 by Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. LC: QA241. L253. JFM: 56.0191.01 Feigl. [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction.] Lauricella, Giuseppe. 1912. Commemorazione di Cesare Arzelà. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Rendiconti (series 5) 21: 879–884. LC: AS222.A23. [Cited in 1.3.] Lazzeri, Guido. 1900. Teoria geometrica dell’inversione. Periodico di matematica per l’insegna- mento secondario (series 2) 2: 137–144. LC: QA1.P45. Includes a note, pages 143–144, by P. Aussant-Carà. JFM: 31.0529.05 Lampe. In 1908a Pieri cited this paper’s geometric theory of inversion, which does not appeal to proportions. [Cited in 3.6 and item Pieri 1908a.] ———. 1915. Geminiano Pirondini. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 3) 12: 93 –96. LC: QA1.P45. JFM: 45.0046.02 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3.] Legendre, Adrien-Marie. [1794] 1849. Éléments de géométrie. Second edition. With additions and modifications by Alphonse Blanchet. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, 1849. Internet: Paris. This adaptation followed the fifteenth edition of Legendre’s text, originally Bibliography 427

published in 1794. In 1908a Pieri mentioned an Italian translation of this book, but gave no specific citation. [Cited in 3.2 and item Pieri 1908a.] Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von. [1679] 1971. Characteristica geometrica. In Leibniz [1849–1863] 1971, part 2, volume 1, 141–211. [Cited in 2.5 and 3.1.] ———. [1849–1863] 1971. Leibnizens mathematische Schriften. Two parts, with seven volumes in all. Olms paperbacks, 41–47. Edited by K. I. Gerhardt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1971. LC: QA35.L39. MR: 0141579 (25 #4979e). Originally published during 1849–1863 in Berlin by A. Asher. [Cited in item Leibniz [1679] 1971.] ———. 1903. Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz, extraits des manuscrits de la Biblio- thèque royale de Hanovre. Edited by Louis Couturat. Paris: Félix Alcan, Éditeur. B2555.C6. Internet: Paris. Reprinted in 1966 in Hildesheim by Georg Olms Verlag as Olms paperback, 27. [Cited in 5.1.] Leja, Franciszek, editor. 1930. Comptes rendus du Premier Congrès des Mathématiciens des Pays Slaves, Warszawa 1929. Warsaw: KsiĈİica Atlas. LC: QA3.K83s. [Cited in item Presburger 1930.] Levi, Beppo. 1904a. Fondamenti della metrica projettiva. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (series 2) 54: 281–354. LC: AS222.A3. [Cited in the chapter 3 introduction.] ———. 1904b. Sull’eguaglianza diretta e inversa delle figure. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 3) 1: 207–214. LC: QA1.P45. JFM: 35.0529.03 Lampe. [Cited in 3.8.] ———. 1913–1914. Mario Pieri. Bollettino di bibliografia e storia delle scienze matematiche 15: 65–74, 16: 32. LC: QA1.B595. JFM: 44.0032.05 Lampe. Reprinted in Parma 1908–1914, volume 1913–1914, 157–168, and in Pieri 1980, 1–4. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, 6.7, and items Parma 1908–1914 and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1999. Opere 1897–1926. Two volumes. Edited by Alberto Conte. Florence: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA3.L445. [Cited in 1.3, permissions, and item Coen 1999.] Levi, Laura. 1997. Beppo Levi en Italia: Datos biográficos y recuerdos. Saber y tiempo: Revista de historia de la ciencia 3: 293–308, 4: 407–422. LC: Q124.6.S23. Reprinted in L. Levi 2000. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item L. Levi 2000.] ———. 1998. Beppo Levi en Argentina y el instituto de matemática de Rosario (1939–1961). Saber y tiempo: Revista de historia de la ciencia 5: 49–69. LC: Q124.6.S23. Reprinted in L. Levi 2000. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item L. Levi 2000.] ———. 2000. Beppo Levi: Italia y Argentina en la vida de un matemático. Correo Central, Argentina: Libros del Zorzal. LC: QA29.L49.L49. ISBN: 9-879-80681-6. Originally published as L. Levi 1997, 1998. [Cited in items L. Levi 1997, 1998.] Lie, Sophus. 1888–1893. Theorie der Transformationsgruppen. Three volumes. Edited with the assistance of Friedrich Engel. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA385.L53. JFM: 21.0356.02 Engel, 23.0364.01 Meyer. [Cited in 1.2.] Lindenbaum, Adolf, and Alfred Tarski. [1935] 1983. On the limitations of the means of expres- sion of deductive theories. In Tarski [1956] 1983, 384–392. JFM: 62.0039.02 Bachmann. The original paper is reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 2, 203–212. [Cited in 5.2 and items Tarski [1956] 1983, 1986.] Loria, Gino. 1899. Reviews 30.0426.02,03 of Pieri 1900a. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik 30: 426–428. LC: QA1.J3. [Cited in 2.5 and item Pieri 1900a.] Lovett, Edgar O. 1900–1901. Mathematics at the International Congress of Philosophy, Paris, 1900. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 7: 157–183. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 32. 0066.01 Lampe. See International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903. Contains on 171–172 a review of Pieri [1900] 1901. [Cited in 5.1, 6.5, and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903 and Pieri [1900] 1901.] 428 Bibliography

Lowe, Victor. 1985–1990. Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work. Two volumes. Volume 2 edited by J. B. Schneewind. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. LC: B1674. W354.L7. ISBN: 0-801-82488-5. [Cited in 1.3.] Lucca, Comune di. Servizi Demografici. L’Ufficiale di Anagrafe. 2004. Foglio Famiglia N. 3305, Blocco N. 13 città. Certificato storico di stato di famiglia. Report of the family of Mario Pieri, 1866–1909. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Luciano, Erika, and Clara Silvia Roero, editors. 2005. Giuseppe Peano – Louis Couturat: Carteg- gio (1896–1914). Archivio della corrispondenza degli scienziati Italiani, 16. Florence: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki. ISBN: 8-822-25398-1. [Cited in 1.3 and 5.1.] âukasiewicz, Jan. [1953] 1970. Formalization of mathematical theories. Translated by Olgierd A. Wojtasiewicz. In âukasiewicz 1970, 341–351. MR: 0055957 (15,1f). The original paper, in French, was in the proceedings of a congress in Paris. [Cited in 4.1, 4.3, and item âukasie- wicz 1970.] ———. 1970. Selected Works. Edited by Ludwik Borkowski. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. LC: BC135.L825. ISBN: 0-720-42252-3. MR: 0294080 (45 #3155). [Cited in item âukasiewicz [1953] 1970.] Maccaferri, Eugenio. 1913. Le definizioni per astrazione e la classe di Russell. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 35: 165–171. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 44.0075.02 Löwenheim. JSL: 2271. This paper was the subject of the correspondence reported in Maccaferri 1925. [Cited in 6.6 and item Maccaferri 1925.] ———. 1924. Saggio di una nuova teoria analitica dei numeri razionali. Bollettino di matematica 20:18–26. LC: QA1.B6. This article elicited criticism: Burali-Forti 1924. [Cited in 6.6 and item Burali-Forti 1924.] ———. 1925. Una lettera inedita di Mario Pieri. Bollettino di matematica 21: 49–50. LC: QA1. B6. JSL: 929. This paper responds to Burali-Forti 1924 and contains the [1912] 1925 letter that Pieri wrote about Maccaferri 1913. Burali-Forti 1925 is a counterresponse. [Cited in 6.6 and items Burali-Forti 1924, 1925; Maccaferri 1913; and Pieri [1912] 1925.] Machover, Moshé. 1996. Set Theory, Logic, and Their Limitations. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1996. LC: QA248.M274. ISBN: 0-521-47998-3. MR: 1410754 (97i: 03001). [Cited in 4.3.] Mack Smith, Denis. 1959. Italy: A Modern History. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. LC: DG.467.M3. [Cited in 1.1.] Mac Lane, Saunders. 1963. Oswald Veblen. National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs 37: 325–341. LC: Q141.N2. [Cited in 1.3.] Makowiecka, Helena. 1975. On primitive notions in n-dimensional elementary geometries. Bul- letin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, et physiques 23: 675–682. LC: Q60.P557. MR: 0384537 (52 #5411). [Cited in 5.2.] ———. 1976. A general property of ternary relations in elementary geometry. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, et physiques 24: 163–169. LC: Q60.P557. MR: 0414345 (54 #2448). [Cited in 5.2.] Manara, Carlo F., and Maria Spoglianti. 1977. La idea di iperspazio: Una dimenticata polemica tra G. Peano, C. Segre, e G. Veronese. Memorie della Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, di Modena (series 6) 19: 109–129. LC: AS222.A536. [Cited in 2.3.] Manfredi, Bianca. 1997. La matematica nello studium Parmense. Parma: University of Parma. [Cited in 1.3.] Mann, Thomas. 1998. The Oxford Guide to Library Research. New York: Oxford University Press. LC: Z710.M23. ISBN: 0-195-12313-1. [Cited in this bibliography’s introduction.] Maracchia, Silvio. 1975. La matematica come sistema ipotetico-deduttivo: Profilo storico. La matematica nella cultura e nella scuola, 7. Florence: Felice Le Monnier. LC: QA21.M29. [Cited in 5.3.] Bibliography 429

Marchisotto, Elena A. 1990. The Contributions of Mario Pieri to Mathematics and Mathematics Education. PhD dissertation. New York: New York University. [Cited in the preface.] ———. 1992. Lines without order. American Mathematical Monthly 99: 738–745. LC: QA1.A51. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 1186458 (93j:51010). [Cited in 2.5.] ———. 1995. In the shadow of giants: The work of Mario Pieri in the foundations of mathe- matics. History and Philosophy of Logic 16: 107–119. LC: BC1.H58. MR: 1468603 (98e: 03001). [Cited in the foreword and 4.4.] ———. 2006. The projective geometry of Mario Pieri: A legacy of Georg Karl Christian von Staudt. Historia Mathematica 33: 277–314. LC: QA1.H58. Internet: ScienceDirect. [Cited in 2.3 and 5.1.] Marchisotto, Elena A., and Francisco A. Rodríguez-Consuegra. 1993. The work of Mario Pieri in the foundations and philosophy of mathematics. History and Philosophy of Logic 14: 215–220. LC: BC1.H58. [Cited in the preface and 4.4.] Marcolongo, Roberto. 1931. Cesare Burali-Forti. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana 10: 182–185. LC: QA1.U6. JFM: 57.0043.08 Feigl. [Cited in 1.3.] Marletta, Giuseppe. 1902–1903. Sulle varietà del quarto ordine con piano doppio dello spazio a quattro dimensioni. Giornale di matematiche 40(1902): 265–274; 41(1903): 47–61,113–128. LC: QA1.G5. JFM 33.0677.01, 34.0698.02 Loria. Published version of the author’s 1901 University of Catania dissertation, completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Martin, George E. 1975. The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. LC: QA681.M34. ISBN: 0-387-90694-0. [Cited in 2.5.] May, Kenneth O. 1973. Bibliography and Research Manual of the History of Mathematics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. LC: QA37.M39. ISBN: 0-802-01764-9. MR: 0530717 (58 #26679). [Cited in this bibliography’s introduction.] McCall, Storrs. 1967. Polish Logic 1920–1939. Introduction by Tadeusz Kotarbięski. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LC: BC135.M2. MR: 0218199 (36 #1287). [Cited in item Jordan 1967.] McConnell, Albert Joseph. 1975. George Salmon. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 12, 86–87. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Menger, Karl. 1938. A new foundation of non-Euclidean, affine, real projective, and Euclidean geometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24: 486–490. LC: Q11.N26. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 64.1259.01 GoãĈb. [Cited in 5.2.] ———. 1940a. On algebra of geometry and recent progress in non-Euclidean geometry. Rice Institute Pamphlets 27: 41–79. LC: LD4711.R35. MR: 0005637 (3,181b). [Cited in 5.2 and 5.3.] ———. 1940b. Topology without points. Rice Institute Pamphlets 27: 80–107. LC: LD4711.R35. MR: 0005316 (3,135i). [Cited in 5.2.] Méray, H. C. R. [1874] 1903. Nouveaux éléments de géométrie. Second edition. Dijon: P. Jobard. The 1874 edition is available via Internet: Paris, but does not seem to contain the passage that Pieri mentioned in 1908a. [Cited in 3.4 and item Pieri 1908a.] Meyer, Franz, editor. 1898–1904. Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Ein- schluss ihrer Anwendungen. Volume 1: Arithmetik und Algebra. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag B. G. Teubner. Two parts. LC: QA37.E6. Internet: Göttingen. Other volumes and editions have different editors. Partially translated in Molk and Meyer [1904–1909] 1992. [Cited in items Molk and Meyer [1904–1909] 1992, Schubert 1898, and Study 1898. Meyer, Franz, and Hans Mohrmann, editors. 1907–1934. Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen. Volume 3: Geometrie. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA37.E6. Internet: Göttingen. Three parts; parts 1,2 have two halves; part 2, half 2, has subdivisions A and B. Other volumes and editions have different editors. Partially translated in Molk and Meyer [1911–1915] 1991. [Cited in items Castelnuovo and 430 Bibliography

Enriques 1908, 1914; Enriques 1907; Fano 1907a, 1907b; Molk and Meyer [1914] 1991; C. Segre 1912; and Zeuthen 1905.] Mittelstrass, Jürgen, et al., editors. 1980–1996. Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschafts- theorie. Four volumes. Mannheim, Stuttgart: Bibliographisches Institut, Verlag J. B. Metzler. LC: B43.E59. [Cited in item Thiel 1995.] Möbius, August F. 1827. Der barycentrische Calcul: Ein neues Hülfsmittel zur analytischen Behandlung der Geometrie dargestellt und insbesondere auf die Bildung neuer Classen von Aufgaben und die Entwicklung mehrerer Eigenschaften der Kegelschnitte angewendet. Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth. LC: QA554.M7. Reprinted in Möbius 1885–1887, volume 1, 1–388, Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.3 and item Möbius 1885–1887.] ———. 1855. Die Theorie der Kreisverwandtschaft in rein geometrischer Darstellung. Abhand- lungen der Mathematisch-Physischen Klasse der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 2: 529–595. LC: AS182.S31. Reprinted in Möbius 1885– 1887, volume 2, 243–314, Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.2 and item Möbius 1885–1887.] ———. 1885–1887. Gesammelte Werke. Four volumes. Edited by Richard Baltzer, Felix Klein, and Wilhelm Scheibner. Leipzig: Verlag von S. Hirzel. LC: QA36.M6. JFM: 17.0016.02 Rein- hardt; 18.0018.01, 19.0018.01 Lampe. Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.3 and items Baltzer 1885 and Möbius 1827, 1855.] Molk, Jules, Heinrich Burkhardt, and Wilhelm Wirtinger, editors. [1912–1914] 1993. Encyclo- pédie des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées. Tome 2: Analysis. Volume 5: Développements en series. Paris: Éditions Jacques Gabay. LC:QA36.E57. ISBN: 2-876- 47108-6. Originally published by Gauthier–Villars. [Cited in item Pincherle [1912] 1993.] Molk, Jules, and Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz, editors. [1904–1909] 1992. Encyclopédie des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées. Tome 1: Arithmétique et algèbre. Volume 1: Arithmétique. Paris: Éditions Jacques Gabay. LC: QA36.E57. ISBN: 2-876-47100-0. Origi- nally published by Gauthier–Villars. The second editor’s name on the title page is François Meyer! Translation and elaboration of part of Meyer 1898–1904. [Cited in 4.3 and items Meyer 1898–1904 and Schubert, Tannery, and Molk 1904.] ———. [1911–1915] 1991. Encyclopédie des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées. Tome 3: Géométrie. Volume 1: Fondements de la géométrie; Géométrie générale. Paris: Éditions Jacques Gabay. LC: QA36.E57. ISBN: 2-876-47110-8. Originally published by Gauthier– Villars. The second editor’s name on the title page is François Meyer! Translation and elaboration of part of Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934. [Cited in 6.7 and items Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934 and Pieri [1915] 1991.] Mollame, Vincenzo. 1890. Sul casus irreductibilis dell’equazione cubica. Rendiconto dell’Acca- demia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Sezione della Società Reale di Napoli) (series 2) 4: 167–171. LC: Q54.A3. JFM 22.0112.01 Vivanti. [Cited in 1.3.] Montaldo, Oscar, and Lucia Grugnetti, editors. 1982. La storia delle matematiche in Italia. Cagliari: University of Cagliari. [Cited in item Bottazzini 1982.] Montesano, Domenico. 1922. Alfonso Del Re. Rendiconto della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Classe della Società Reale di Napoli) (series 3) 28: 187–189. LC: Q54.A3. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Montgomery, Deane. 1988. Oswald Veblen. In Duren 1988–1989, volume 1, 119–129. [Cited in 1.3 and item Duren 1988–1989.] Moore, Gregory H. 1987. A house divided against itself: The emergence of first-order logic as the basis for mathematics. In Phillips 1987, 98–136. [Cited in 5.2 and item Phillips 1987.] ———. 1997. Is mathematical logic part of mathematics? Historia Mathematica 24: 210–212. LC: QA1.H58. Internet: ScienceDirect. This letter attacks an earlier review by Jeremy Gray, which claimed the answer was no. In 1997 Gray responded that Moore and others had convinced him to change his mind. [Cited in 1.2 and item Gray 1997.] Bibliography 431

Moore, R. L. [1905] 1908. Sets of metrical hypotheses for geometry. Transactions of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society 9(1908): 487–512. LC: QA1.A53. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 39.0538.06 Steinitz. This paper was presented in a meeting in 1905. [Cited in 5.2.] Nagel, Ernest. 1939. The formation of modern conceptions of formal logic in the development of geometry. Osiris 7: 142–224. LC: Q1.O7. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0000213 (1,34f). [Cited in 2.2.] Nagel, Ernest, Patrick Suppes, and Alfred Tarski, editors. 1962. Logic, Methodology and Philo- sophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress. Stanford: Stanford Univer- sity Press. LC: BC135.I55. ISBN: 0-804-70096-6. [Cited in item Freudenthal 1962.] Nastasi, Pietro. 1998. Il contesto istituzionale. In Di Sieno, Guerraggio, and Nastasi 1998, 817– 943. MR: 1682039 (2000f:01021). [Cited in 1.1 and item Di Sieno, Guerraggio, and Nastasi 1998.] Natorp, Paul. 1910. Die logischen Grundlagen der exakten Wissenschaften. Leipzig: B. G. Teub- ner. LC: Q175.N3. JFM: 41.0081.01 Michaelis. Reviewed in Jourdain 1911. [Cited in 4.4 and item Jourdain 1911.] Nazione, La. 1922. La salma del prof. Mario Pieri nel famedio di Lucca. (22 April, Cronaca Lucchese, 1). Article in newspaper published in Lucca. [Cited in 1.1.] Nidditch, Peter H. 1963. Peano and the recognition of Frege. Mind (new series) 72: 103–110. LC: B1.M5. Internet: JSTOR. Contains a partial translation of Peano 1895. [Cited in 4.1 and item Peano 1895.] Noether, Max. [1901] 1923. Zur Erinnerung an Karl Georg Christian von Staudt. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 32: 97–119. LC: QA1.D4. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 32.0009.01 Lampe. Originally published in Universitätsbund Erlangen, Festschrift Seiner Königlichen Hoheit dem Prinzregenten Luitpold von Bayern zum achtzigsten Geburtstage darge- bracht von der Universität Erlangen, four volumes, Erlangen: A. Deichert Nachf. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1920. Hieronymus Georg Zeuthen. Mathematische Annalen 83: 1–23. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 48.0019.05 Salkowski. [Cited in 1.3.] North, John D. [1965] 1990. The Measure of the Universe: A History of Modern Cosmology. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QB981.N77. ISBN: 0-486-66517-S. The original edition was published in Oxford by the Clarendon Press. [Cited in 2.5.] O’Connor, John J., and Edmund F. Robertson. 2003. Christian Felix Klein. Available on the Internet at [Cited in 1.3.] Ohm, Martin. 1822. Versuch eines vollkommen consequenten Systems der Mathematik. Two volumes. Berlin: T. H. Riemann. LC: QA37.O38. [Cited in 4.1.] Padoa, Alessandro. 1899. Note di logica matematica. Revue de mathématiques (Rivista di mate- matica) 6: 105–121. LC: QA1.R5. JSL: 983. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.3 and item Roero 2003.] ———. [1900] 1901. Essai d’une théorie algébrique des nombres entiers, précédé d’une intro- duction logique à une théorie déductive quelconque. In International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, volume 3 (1901), 309–365. The introduction, “Logical introduction to any deduc- tive theory,” translated by Jean van Heijenoort, is in Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 118–123. [Cited in 4.3 and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903 and Lovett 1900–1901.] ———. [1900] 1902. Un nouveau système de définitions pour la géométrie euclidienne. In International Congress of Mathematicians [1900] 1902, 353– 363. JFM: 32.0485.07 Wallenberg. [Cited in 2.5, the chapter 3 introduction, 3.10, and item International Congress of Mathe- maticians [1900] 1902.] ———. 1901. Numeri interi relativi. Revue de mathématiques (Rivista di matematica) 7: 73–84. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 32.0174.03. JSL: 986. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.3 and item Roero 2003.] 432 Bibliography

———. 1902. Théorie des nombres entiers absolus (remarques et modifications au Formulaire). Revue de mathématiques (Rivista di matematica) 8: 45–54. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 33.0075.01 Vivanti. JSL: 987. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.2, 4.3, and item Roero 2003.] ———. [1912] 1967. La valeur et les rôles du principe d’induction mathématique. In Inter- national Congress of Mathematicians [1912] 1967, 471–479. JFM: 44.0074.04 Lampe. JSL: 98 18. [Cited in 4.3 and item International Congress of Mathematicians [1912] 1967.] ———. 1930. Logica. In Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953, volume 1, part 1 (1930), chapter 1, 1–79. [Cited in 4.4 and item Berzolari, Vivanti, and Gigli 1930–1953.] ———. [1935] 1936. Les extensions successives de l’ensemble des nombres au point de vue déductif. In International Congress for the Unity of Science [1935] 1936, 53–59. [Cited in 1.3 and item International Congress for the Unity of Science [1935] 1936.] Palladino, Franco. 2000a. La corrispondenza epistolare di Federico Amodeo: Catalogo ragionato con regesti degli scritti. Publicazioni dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, Sezione di Studi di Scienze Naturali, Fisiche, Matematiche e Tecnologiche, 5. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. LC: Z6616.A575.P35. ISBN: 8-849-30203-6. [Cited in 1.3 and item Pieri 1890c.] ———, editor. 2000b. Le corrispondenze epistolari tra Peano e Cesàro e Peano e Amodeo. Quaderni P.RI.ST.EM, 13. Salerno: Università Bocconi. The acronym stands for Progetto Ricerche Storiche e Metodologiche. [Cited in 1.1.] Pambuccian, Victor. 1988. Simplicity. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29: 396–411. LC: BC1. N6. Available on the Internet at MR: 0953707 (89f:03007). [Cited in 3.10.] ———. 1990–1991. Unit distance as single binary predicate for plane Euclidean geometry. Zeszyty Naukowe—Geometria 18: 5–8, 19: 87. LC: QA440.Z4. MR: 1067923 (91j: 51025). [Cited in 5.2.] Panetti, Modesto. 1920. Nicodemo Jadanza. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 55(1919–1920): 633–649. LC: AS222.A29. [Cited in 1.3.] Parducci, Amos. 1936. Silvio Pieri. Bollettino storico Lucchese 8: 43–47. LC: DG975.L9.A12. Reprinted in 1936 by the Scuola Tipographica Artigianelli in Lucca. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Parma, Archivio Storico e Generale dell’Università degli Studi di. [no date]. Registro del personale universitario. [Cited in 1.3 and items Parma 1908 and Pieri 1911a.] Parma, University of. 1908. Professore Mario Pieri. In Parma [no date] 4, 146 (16 October). [Cited in 1.1 and item Parma [no date].] ———. 1908–1914. Annuario della Reale Università di Parma. One volume for each academic year. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and items B. Levi 1913–1914 and Tartufari 1913.] Parsons, Charles D. 1965. Frege’s theory of number. In Black 1965, chapter 9, 180–203. Reprint- ed in Parsons 1983, chapter 6, 150–175. [Cited in 4.1 and items Black 1965 and Parsons 1983.] ———. 1983. Mathematics in Philosophy: Selected Essays. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. LC: QA8.6.P37. ISBN: 0-801-41471-7. MR: 0728948 (86a:01050). [Cited in item Parsons 1965.] ———. 1987. Developing arithmetic in set theory without infinity: Some historical remarks. History and Philosophy of Logic 8: 201–213. LC: BC1.H58. MR: 923650 (89a: 03088). [Cited in 4.1.] Pasch, Moritz. 1882a. Einleitung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung. Leipzig: Verlag von B. G. Teubner. LC: QA303.P35. JFM: 14.0197.02 Hoppe. [Cited in 1.3, the chapter 4 introduction, and 4.1.] ———. 1882b. Vorlesungen über neuere Geometrie. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. LC: QA471.P3. JFM: 14.0498.01 Stahl, 43.1113.03 and 43.0612.05 Salkowski. The 1912 printing is available via Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 2.5, and 3.3.] ———. 1894. Ueber den Bildungswerth der Mathematik: Akademische Festrede zur Feier des Jahresfestes der Grossherzoglich Hessischen Ludewigs-Universität am 2. Juli 1894. Giessen: Bibliography 433

Grosshandlung Hof- und Universitäts-Druckerei Curt von Münchow. LC: QA7.P3. Pasch was rector of the university then. [Cited in 2.5.] Peano, Giuseppe. [1886] 1973. On the integrability of first-order differential equations. In Peano 1973, 51–57. Translation of “Sull’integrabilità delle equazioni differenziali di primo ordine,” Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 21(1885–1886): 677–685, LC: AS222.A29, JFM: 18.0284.02 Hamburger, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 1, 74–81, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1885a.pdf. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, and 2002.] ———. 1887. Applicazioni geometriche del calcolo infinitesimale. Torino: Fratelli Bocca Editore. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 19.0248.01 Vivanti. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1887b.pdf. Excerpts from chapter 5 are translated in Peano 1973, 67–74. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1973, 2002.] ———. [1887] 1973. Integration by series of linear differential equations. In Peano 1973, 58–66. Translation of “Integrazione per serie delle equazioni differenziali lineari,” Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 22(1886–1887): 437–446, LC: AS222.A29, JFM: 19.0308.02 Hamburger, which is included in Peano 2002 as file 1887a.pdf. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1973, 2002.] ———. [1888] 2000. Geometric Calculus According to the Ausdehnungslehre of H. Grassmann. Translated by Lloyd C. Kannenberg. Boston: Birkhäuser. LC: QA205.P4313. ISBN: 0-817- 64126-2. Translation of Calcolo geometrico secondo l’Ausdehnungslehre di H. Grassmann, preceduto dalle operazioni della logica deduttiva, Torino: Fratelli Bocca Editori, LC: QA259.P38, JFM: 20.0689.04 Loria, which is included in Peano 2002 as file 1888a.pdf. The title refers to Grassmann [1844] 1994. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 5.1, and items Grassmann [1844] 1994 and Peano 2002.] ———. 1889. I principii di geometria logicamente esposti. Torino: Fratelli Bocca Editore. LC: QA681.P4. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 21.0524.01 Loria. JSL: 713. Reprinted in Peano 1957– 1959, volume 2, 56–91. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1889d.pdf. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 5.1, and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002.] ———. [1889] 1973. The Principles of Arithmetic, Presented by a New Method. Translated by Hubert C. Kennedy. In Peano 1973, 101–134. Translation of Arithmetices Principia, Nova Methodo Exposita, Turin: Fratres Bocca, JFM: 21.0051.02 Loria, JSL: 712, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 2, 20–55, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1889a.pdf. The original title page is reproduced on page 303 of the present book. [Cited in 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002.] ———. 1890. Démonstration de l’intégrabilité des équations differentielles ordinaires. Mathe- matische Annalen 37: 182–228. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 22.0302.01 Hamburger. JSL: 714. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 1, 119–170. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1890f.pdf. [Cited in 4.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002.] ———. [1890] 1973a. A space-filling curve. In Peano 1973, 143–148. Translation of “Sur une courbe, qui remplit toute une aire plane,” Mathematische Annalen 36: 157–160, LC: QA1.M29, Internet: Göttingen, JFM: 22.0405.01 Hilbert, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 1, 110–114, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1890b.pdf. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002.] ———. [1890] 1973b. On some singular curves. In Peano 1973, 150–152. Translation of “Sopra alcune curve singolari,” Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 26(1890–1891): 299–302, LC: AS222.A29, JFM: 22.0701.01 Hilbert, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 1, 201–203, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1891a.pdf. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002.] ———. 1891a. Formole di logica matematica. Rivista di matematica 1: 24–31. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 23.0051.04 Schlegel. JSL: 716. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 2, 102–113. 434 Bibliography

Included in Peano 2002 as file 1891g.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.3 and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1891b. Osservazioni del Direttore sull’articolo precedente. Rivista di matematica 1: 66–69. LC: QA1.R5. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1891h.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. Comments on C. Segre [1891] 1903–1904; C. Segre 1891 is a response. [Cited in 1.3, 5.1, and items Peano 2002, Roero 2003, and C. Segre 1891, [1891] 1903–1904.] ———. 1891c. Risposta. Rivista di matematica 1: 156–159. LC: QA1.R5. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1891k.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. Response to C. Segre 1891. [Cited in 1.3, 5.1 and items Peano 2002, Roero 2003, and C. Segre 1891.] ———. 1891d. Sul concetto di numero. Rivista di matematica 1: 87–102,256–267. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 23.0052.01 Schlegel. JSL: 717. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 3, 80–109. Included in Peano 2002 as files 1891i.pdf and 1891o.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. The parts are subtitled “Nota 1” and “Nota 2.” [Cited in 1.2, 4.2, 4.3, and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. [1891] 1973. The principles of mathematical logic. In Peano 1973, 153–161. Translation of “Principii di logica matematica,” Rivista di matematica 1: 1–10. LC: QA1.R5. JSL: 715. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 2, 92–101. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1891c. PDF. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002, and Roero 2003.] ———. 1892. Review of Veronese 1891. Rivista di matematica 2: 143–144. LC: QA1.R5. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1892n.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 2.3 and items Peano 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1894. Sui fondamenti della Geometria. Rivista di matematica 4: 51–90. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 25.0854.01 Kötter. JSL: 7112. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 3, 115–157. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1894c.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 1.2, 2.5, 5.1, 6.7, and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002, and Roero 2003.] ———. 1895. Review of Frege 1893–1903, volume 1. Rivista di matematica 5: 122–128. LC: QA1.R5. JSL: 7119. Reprinted in Peano 1957– 1959, volume 3, 189–195. Partially translated in Niddich 1963. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1895 5.PDF. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.1 and items Frege 1893–1903, Nidditch 1963, Peano 1957–1959, 2002, and Roero 2003.] ———. 1898. Sul §2 del Formulario, t. II: Aritmetica. Rivista di matematica 6: 75–89. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 29.0047.04 Michaelis. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 3, 232–248. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1898e.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 4.3 and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002, and Roero 2003.] ———. [1900] 1901. Les définitions mathématiques. In International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, volume 3 (1901), 279–288. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 2, 362–368. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1901a.pdf. [Cited in 5.1 and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903 and Peano 1957–1959, 2002.] ———. 1902. Aritmetica generale e algebra elementare. Turin: G. G. Paravia e C. LC: QA248.P35. JSL: 7139. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1902b.pdf. Reviewed in Pieri 1903c. [Cited in 6.7 and items Peano 2002 and Pieri 1903c.] ———. 1903. La geometria basata sulle idee di punto e distanza. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 38(1902–1903): 6–10. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 34.0530.02 Dehn. JSL: 7141. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 3, 268–272. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1903a. pdf. [Cited in 2.5, the chapter 3 introduction, 3.10, 5.1, and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002.] ———. [1903] 1902–1906. De latino sine flexione: Lingua auxiliare internationale. Revista de mathematica 8: 74–83. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 34.0078.03 Vivanti. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1903d.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. This specification starts in Scholastic Latin; as it proposes syntax simplifications, it implements them, so that it ends in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 5.1 and items Peano 2002 and Roero 2003.] Bibliography 435

———. 1905. Sur les principes de la géométrie selon M. Pieri. Bulletin de la Société Physico- Mathématique de Kasan: ’(*\D ."-**4( " "8(* $& $&- *"&(":  ("’: , &(**’ (series 2)14: 1–4. LC: QA1.K38. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1904b.pdf. [Cited in 1.1 and item Peano 2002.] ———. 1906. Super theorema de Cantor-Bernstein. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 8: 360–366. LC: QA1.C52. Also in Revista de mathematica 8(1906): 136 –143, LC: QA1.R5. JSL: 7143. Reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 1, 337–344. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1906b. Reissued in Roero 2003. Written in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 1.2 and items Peano 1957–1959, 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1912. Contra gli esame. Torino nuova (17 August): 2. Newspaper article. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1912o.pdf. [Cited in 5.3 and item Peano 2002.] ———. 1913. Mario Pieri. Academia pro Interlingua: Discussiones 4: 31–34. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1913f.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. Not signed. Written in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 1.1, 5.1, 6.7, and items Peano 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1915. Vocabulario commune ad Latino-Italiano-Français-English-Deutsch pro usu de interlinguistas. Second edition. Cavoretto: Academia pro Interlingua. LC: PM8401.P3. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1915b.pdf. Written in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 5.1 and item Peano 2002.] ———. [1915] 1973. The importance of symbols in mathematics. Translated by Hubert C. Kennedy. In Peano 1973, 227–234. Translation of “Importanza dei simboli in matematica,” Scientia (Rivista di scienza) 18: 165–173, LC: Q4.S4, JSL: 7151, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 3, 389–396, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1915j.pdf. [Cited in the chapter 2 introduction and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002.] ———. [1916] 2002. Pubblicazioni di Giuseppe Peano. Unpublished memorandum. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1916e.pdf. [Cited in 4.3 and item Peano 2002.] ———. [1921] 1973. Definitions in mathematics. Translated by Hubert C. Kennedy. In Peano 1973, 235–246. Translation of “Le definizioni in matematica,” Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 4)1: 175–189, LC: QA1.P5, JSL: 7152.1, which was reprinted in Peano 1957–1959, volume 2, 423–438, and included in Peano 2002 as file 1921d.pdf. [Cited in 4.1 and items Peano 1957–1959, 1973, 2002.] ———. 1926. Sinense. Academia pro Interlingua 6: 129–130. Included in Peano 2002 as file 1926i.pdf. Reissued in Roero 2003. Written in Uninflected Latin. [Cited in 5.3 and items Peano 2002 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1957–1959. Opere scelte. Volume 1, Analisi matematica—calcolo numerico. Volume 2, Logica matematica—Interlingua ed algebra della grammatica. Volume 3, Geometria e fonda- menti meccanica razionale—varie. Rome: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA3.P43. MR: 0090539 (19,827a), 0099903 (20 #6339), 0104549 (21 #3302). [Cited in 1.3 and items Peano [1886] 1973, 1889, [1889] 1973, 1890, [1890] 1973a, [1890] 1973b, 1891a, 1891d, [1891] 1973, 1894, 1895, 1898, [1900] 1901, 1903, 1906, [1915] 1973, [1921] 1973.] ———. 1973. Selected works of Giuseppe Peano. Translated and edited, with a biographical sketch and bibliography, by Hubert C. Kennedy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. LC: QA3.43131. ISBN: 0-802-05267-3. MR: 0465764 (57 #5653). [Cited in items Genocchi 1884 and Peano [1886] 1973, 1887, [1887] 1973, [1889] 1973, [1890] 1973a, [1890] 1973b, [1891] 1973, [1915] 1973, [1921] 1973.] ———. 2002. L’opera omnia di Giuseppe Peano. Edited by Clara S. Roero. Turin: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino. CD-ROM. ISBN: 8-890-08762-5. [Cited in items D’Ovi- dio, Segre, and Peano 1898; Genocchi 1884; Peano [1886] 1973, 1887, [1887] 1973, [1888] 2000, 1889, [1889] 1973, 1890, [1890] 1973a, [1890] 1973b, 1891a, 1891b, 1891c, 1891d, [1891] 1973, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1898, [1900] 1901, 1902, 1903, [1903] 1902–1906, 1905, 1906, 1912, 1913, 1915, [1915] 1973, [1916] 2002, [1921] 1973, 1926; and Peano et al. 1895–1908.] 436 Bibliography

Peano, Giuseppe, and Corrado Segre. 1905. Relazione sulla memoria del prof. Mario Pieri: “Nuovi principî di Geometria projettiva complessa.” Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 40(1904–1905): 378–379. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 36.0613.01 Loria. Review of Pieri 1905c. [Cited in 1.2, 6.4, and item Pieri 1905c.] Peano, Giuseppe, et al. 1895–1908. Formulaire mathématique. Five volumes, the second in three parts and the fifth in two. Turin: Bocca Frères, Ch. Clausen; Paris: Carré et Naud (volume 3). LC: QA41.F6. JFM: 28.0063.03, 30.0073.02, 32.0069.02, 33.0073.04, 36.0087.03, 39.0084.01 Vivanti. JSL: 7117, 21,25,30,35,40, 45. Volume five is titled Formulario mathematico. The material by Peano in volume one is included in Peano 2002 as files 1895d.pdf to 1895h.pdf. The entire volume two is in files 1897b.pdf, 1898f.pdf, and 1899b.pdf. Volumes three and four are in files 1901b.pdf and 1903f.pdf. The 1906 and 1908 editions of volume five are in 1906g.pdf and 1908a.pdf. The last was reprinted, with introduction and notes by Ugo Cassina, and with the support of the city of Cuneo, Rome: Edizioni Cremonese, 1960, LC: QA41.P42, MR: 0114745 (22 #5564). [Cited in 3.9, 4.1, and item Peano 2002.] Pearson, Patricia Cowan. 1949. Hilbert’s Geometric Postulates as Theorems. Senior thesis. Portland, Oregon: Reed College. Mrs. Pearson’s maiden name, Patricia M. Cowan, is on the title page. [Cited in 2.5.] ———. 2005. Private communication to James T. Smith about Pearson 1949. [Cited in 5.3.] Pedrazzi, Maino. 1978. Le isometrie: da Eduard Study a Mario Pieri. Cultura e scuola 17: 204–215. LC: AS221.C8. [Cited in 2.5.] Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1881. On the logic of number. American Journal of Mathematics 4: 85–95. LC: QA1.A5. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 13.0055.02 Michaelis. Reprinted in Ewald 1996, volume 1, 596–608. [Cited in 4.1 and item Ewald 1996.] ———. 1885. On the algebra of logic: A contribution to the philosophy of notation. American Journal of Mathematics 7: 180–202. LC: QA1.A5. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 17.0044.02 Michaelis. Reprinted in Ewald 1996, volume 1, 608–632. [Cited in 4.1 and item Ewald 1996.] Pejlare, Johanna. 2004. Torsten Brodén and the Principles of Geometry. Licentiate Dissertation. Göteborg: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University. Review of Brodén 1890. [Cited in 1.3, 2.5, and item Brodén 1890.] Pensa, Angelo. 1912. Elementi di geometria. Turin: G. B. Petrini. [Cited in 3.10.] Petkantschin, Boyan Lazarov. 1940. )# +5!#  ' ! ! - “' + # +'E ! Möbius (Axiomatischer Aufbau der zweidimensionalen Möbiusschen Geometrie). " 6 :  (".(D , &(**:, II. ."-**4( .,**:,    1 (**  .): Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia, II. Faculté Physico-Mathématique, Livre 1 (mathématique et physique) 36(1939–1940): 219–325. Bulgarian, with German abstract. JFM: 66.0708.03 Petkantschin. [Cited in 2.4.] Phillips, Esther R., editor. 1987. Studies in the History of Mathematics. Studies in mathematics, 26. Washington: Mathematical Association of America. LC: QA21.S8851. MR: 0913096 (89b: 01002). [Cited in item G. H. Moore 1987.] Pickert, Günter. 1982. Moritz Pasch. In Gundel, Moraw, and Press 1982, 704–713. [Cited in 1.3, permissions, and item Gundel, Moraw, and Press 1982.] Pieri, Ferruccio. 1901. Nozze Briganti–Luporini. Lucca: Tipografia Giusti. Poetry by Mario Pieri’s bother. [Cited in 1.1.] ———. 1931. Versioncelle da Fedro. Lucca: Scuola Tipografia Artigianelli. Poetry by Mario Pieri’s bother. Fedro refers to Plato’s dialogue Phaedrus. [Cited in 1.1.] Pieri, Mario. 1876–1880. Six astronomical drawings. In possession of Marco Campetti. Anno- tated in section 6.7. One of these—views of Mars—is also reproduced on page 9 of the present book. [Cited in 1.1 and 6.7.] ———. 1880. Letter to the rector of the University of Bologna, 30 October. In Bologna [no date]. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and item Bologna [no date].] Bibliography 437

———. 1881. Letter to the rector of the University of Bologna, In Bologna [no date]. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and item Bologna [no date].] ———. 1881–1882. Integrali delle funzioni di due variabili reali. Undated handwritten lecture notes, probably from the calculus course taught by Ulisse Dini at Pisa that academic year. In possession of Marco Campetti. [Cited in 1.1 and 6.7.] ———. 1884a. Questions for oral defense of the laureate. One signed handwritten sheet preserved in Pieri 1884c. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Pieri 1884c.] ———. 1884b. Studi di geometria differenziale. Dissertation 6144A, library of the . Thesis completed in September 1884, evidently under the supervision of Luigi Bianchi for the Scuola Reale Normale Superiore. [Cited in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 6.1.] ———. 1884c. Sulle singolarità della Jacobiana di quattro, di tre, di due superficie. Dissertation 6144, library of the University of Pisa. Thesis for the laureate, completed in June 1884, evidently under the supervision of Luigi Bianchi for the University of Pisa. Contains Pieri 1884a. The title page and first paragraph are reproduced on page 14 of the present book. [Cited in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 6.2, 6.6, permissions, and item Pieri 1884a.] ———. 1886a. Intorno ad un teorema dei sigg. Betti e Weingarten. Giornale di matematiche 24: 290–308. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 18.0723.01 August. Completed in 1885. This refers to Betti 1860 and Weingarten 1863. [Cited in 1.2, 6.1, and items Betti 1860 and Weingarten 1863.] ———. 1886b. Sopra alcuni problemi riguardanti i fasci di curve e di superficie algebriche. Giornale di matematiche 24: 13–22. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 18.0636.01 Loria. Completed in 1884. [Cited in 1.1 and 6.2.] ———. 1886c. Sulle normali doppie di una curva gobba algebrica. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Rendiconti (series 4) 2: 327–329. LC: AS222.A23. JFM: 18.0638.01 Loria. BSM2: 12(1888)91–92. Presented to the Academy by Riccardo De Paolis. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1886d. Sulle normali doppie di una superficie algebrica. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Rendiconti (series 4) 2: 40–42. LC: AS222.A23. JFM: 18.0639.01 Loria. BSM2: 12 (1888)94. Presented to the Academy by Riccardo De Paolis. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1887a. Intorno alle superficie elicoidali. Giornale della Società di Letture e Conversazioni Scientifiche di Genova 1–15. JFM: 19.0820.01 Loria. Completed in 1884. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.1.] ———. 1887b. Sul principio di corrispondenza in uno spazio lineare qualunque ad n dimensioni. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Rendiconti (series 4) 3: 196–199. LC: AS222.A23. JFM: 19.0668.02 Loria. BSM2: 13(1889)168. Presented to the Academy by Riccardo De Paolis. [Cited in 6.2.] ———. 1888. Sopra un teorema di geometria ad n dimensioni. Giornale di matematiche 26: 251–254. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 20.0675.01 Loria. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———, editor and translator. 1889a. Geometria di posizione, by G. K. C. von Staudt. Preceded by a study of the life and works of Staudt by Corrado Segre. Biblioteca matematica, 4. Turin: Fratelli Bocca Editori. JFM: 21.0592.03 Loria. Edited translation of Staudt 1847. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, the chapter 2 introduction, 2.3, 5.1, 6.4, 6.7, and item Staudt 1847.] ———. 1889b. Sulle tangenti triple di alcune superficie del sest’ordine. Atti della Reale Acca- demia delle Scienze di Torino 24(1888–1889): 514–526. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 21.0663.01 Kötter. BSM2: 21(1897)196. Presented to the Academy by Enrico D’Ovidio. The opening is reproduced on page 21 of the present book. [Cited in 1.1, 1.2, and 6.2.] ———. 1890a. Sulla corrispondenza algebrica fra due spazi rigati. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 25(1889–1890): 365–371. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 22.0687. 01 Loria. Presented to the Academy by Corrado Segre. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1890b. Sulla geometria projettiva delle forme di 4a specie. Giornale di matematiche 28: 209–218. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 22.0682.02 Kötter. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] 438 Bibliography

———. 1890c. Two letters to Federico Amodeo, 11 and 13 November. Amodeo papers B70. University of Salerno. Summarized in Palladino 2000a, 199; under the number B70. The present authors’ copies of these letters bear the number B69. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and item Palladino 2000a.] ———. 1891a. A proposito della nota del sig. Rindi «Sulle normali comuni a due superficie». Ren- diconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 5: 323. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 23.0828.03 Braunmühl. BSM2: 37(1913)85. The cited note is Rindi 1891. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 6.2, and item Rindi 1891.] ———. 1891b. Formule di coincidenza per le serie algebriche ∞n di coppie di punti dello spazio a n dimensioni. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 5: 252–268. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 23.0700.02 Kötter. BSM2: 37(1913)82. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1891c. Geometria proiettiva: Lezioni per gli allievi nella Reale Accademia Militare di Torino. Turin: Tipografia Candelotti. JFM: 23.0618.01 Loria. [Cited in 6.4 and 6.7.] ———. 1892a. Osservazioni geometriche intorno alle linee diurne di un orologio solare. Bollet- tino della Società di Letture e Conversazioni Scientifiche di Genova 15: 83–95. JFM: 24.0560.01 Loria. Completed in 1891. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1892b. Sopra le linee uniformemente illuminate di una superficie qualunque. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 27(1891–1892): 347–353. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 24.0779.03 Vivanti. BSM2: 22(1898)190. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Bruno. [Cited in 1.2, 6.1, and 6.2.] ———. 1892c. Sopra un problema di geometria enumerativa. Giornale di matematiche 30: 133–140. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 24.0629.02 Loria. Completed in 1891. [Cited in 6.2.] ———. 1892d. Sulle trasformazioni birazionali dello spazio inerenti a un complesso lineare speciale. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 6: 234–244. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 24. 0786.03 Loria. BSM2: 37(1913)89–90. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1892e. Sulle trasformazioni involutorie dello spazio determinate da un complesso Hirst- iano di rette. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 25: 1037–1060. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 24.0788.01 Haussner. BSM2: 28(1904)18. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1893a. Sopra alcune congruenze di coniche. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 28(1892–1893): 289–303. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 25.1119.01 Waelsch. BSM2: 22(1898) 192. Presented to the Academy by Enrico D’Ovidio. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1893b. Sui sistemi lineari di coni. Rivista di matematica 3: 44–47. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 25.1236.01 Färber. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 1.2, 5.1, 6.2, and item Roero 2003.] ———. 1893c. Sui sistemi lineari di monoidi. Giornale di matematiche 31: 151–155. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 25.1236.03 Wallenberg. [Cited in 6.2.] ———. 1893d. Sul problema degli spazi secanti. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 26: 534–546. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 25.1038.02 Schönflies. BSM2: 28 (1904)245–246. This is the first note of a series with Pieri 1894c, 1895b. [Cited in 1.2, 6.2, and items Pieri 1894c, 1895b.] ———. 1893e. Teoremi da dimostrare. Giornale di matematiche 31: 368–369. LC: QA1.G5. [Cited in 6.2.] ———. 1893f. Le trasformazioni razionali dello spazio inerenti ad una conica. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 7: 296–306. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 25.1027.01 Loria. BSM2: 37 (1913)107. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. [1893] 1914. Di due proprietà caratteristiche per superficie elicoidali. Periodico di mate- matica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 3) 11: 229–233. LC: QA1.P5. JFM: 45.0875.05 Loria. First published in 1893 as a pamphlet, Lucca: Tipografia Giusta, JFM: 25.1277.02 Ostrowski. Republished in 1914 posthumously. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.1.] ———. 1894a. Per trovare graficamente i raggi di massima curvatura nelle superficie quadriche. El progresso matemático 4: 257–260. LC: QA1.P7. JFM: 25.1958.01 Teixeira. This journal was published in Zaragoza, Spain. [Cited in 1.2, 6.1, and 6.2.] Bibliography 439

———. 1894b. Review of Thomae 1894. Rivista di matematica 4: 36–39. LC: QA1.R5. Reissued in Roero 2003. Annotated in section 6.7. [Cited in 5.1, 6.7, and items Thomae 1894 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1894c. Sul problema degli spazi secanti: Nota 2a. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 27: 258–273. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 25.1038.02 Schönflies. BSM2: 28(1904)247. This note is in a series with Pieri 1893d and 1895b. [Cited in 1.2, 6.2, and items Pieri 1893d, 1895b.] ———. 1894d. Trasformazione di ogni curva algebrica in altra priva di punti multipli. Rivista di matematica 4: 40–42. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 25.1096.04 Hilbert. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 1.2, 5.1, 6.2, and item Roero 2003.] ———. 1895a. Sui principî che reggono la geometria di posizione. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 30(1894–1895): 607–641. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 27.0420.03 Kötter. BSM2: 22(1898)199. JSL: 921. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 13–48. This is the first note of a series with Pieri 1896a and 1896b. [Cited in 1.2, the chapter 2 introduction, 2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.4, and items Pieri 1896a, 1896b, 1980.] ———. 1895b. Sul problema degli spazi secanti: Nota 3a. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 28: 441–454. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 27.0453.02 Kötter. BSM2: 29(1905)6. This is the last note of a series with Pieri 1893d, 1894c. [Cited in 1.2, 6.2, and items Pieri 1893d, 1894c.] ———. 1895c. Sulle trasformazioni razionali dello spazio che individuano complessi di tangenti. Giornale di matematiche 33: 167–178. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 26.0767.01 Waelsch. Completed in 1894. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1896a. Sui principî che reggono la geometria di posizione: Nota 2a. Atti della Reale Acca- demia delle Scienze di Torino 31(1895–1896): 381–399. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 27.0420.03 Kötter. BSM2: 22(1898)203. JSL: 922. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 49–68. This is the second note of a series with Pieri 1895a and 1896b. [Cited in 1.2, the chapter 2 introduction, 2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.4, and items Pieri 1895a, 1896b, 1980.] ———. 1896b. Sui principî che reggono la geometria di posizione: Nota 3a. Atti della Reale Acca- demia delle Scienze di Torino 31(1895–1896): 457–470. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 27.0420.03 Kötter. BSM2: 22(1898)203. JSL: 923. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 69–82. This is the last note of a series with Pieri 1895a and 1896a. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 5.1, 6.4, and items Pieri 1895a, 1896a, 1980.] ———. 1896c. Un sistema di postulati per la geometria projettiva astratta degli iperspazî. Rivista di matematica 6: 9–16. LC: QA1.R5. JFM: 27.0431.01 Kötter. JSL: 924. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 83–90. Reissued in Roero 2003. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.4, and items Pieri 1980 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1897a. Di alcune questioni metriche circa le superficie algebriche. Giornale di mate- matiche 35: 75–80. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 28.0562.02 Toeplitz. Completed in 1896. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1897b. Intermezzo. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 3) 12: 151–153. LC: QA1.P45. JFM: 28.0470.02 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3, 6.4, and 6.7.] ———. 1897c. Sugli enti primitivi della geometria projettiva astratta. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 32(1896–1897): 343–351. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 28.0469.03. BSM2: 25(1901)228. JSL: 925. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 91–100. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 5.1, 6.4, and item 1980.] ———. 1897d. Sull’ordine della varietà generata di più sistemi lineari omografici. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 11: 58–63. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 28.0585. 02 Loria. BSM2: 39(1915)123–124. Completed in 1896. [Cited in 6.2.] 440 Bibliography

———. 1897e. Two letters to Felix Klein, 18 March and 19 April. Klein papers 22F, 96– 99. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and permissions.] ———. 1898a. Draft of a letter to Corrado Segre. In Pieri [no date]. Listed in Arrighi 1981, 11. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and items Arrighi 1981 and Pieri [no date].] ———. 1898b. Nuovo modo di svolgere deduttivamente la geometria projettiva. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendiconti (series 2) 31: 780–798. LC: AS222.I42. JFM: 29.0454.02 Loria. BSM2: 29(1905)18. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 163–182. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1898c. I principii della geometria di posizione composti in sistema logico deduttivo. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (series 2) 48: 1– 62. LC: AS222.A3. JFM: 29.0407.01 Schlegel. BSM2: 31(1907)190. JSL: 926. Also reviewed in D’Ovidio, Segre, and Peano 1898. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 101–162. Completed in 1897. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, the chapter 3 introduction, 4.1, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and items D’Ovidio, Segre, and Peano 1898 and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1899a. Letter to the president of the faculty of the University of Catania, 9 November. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1899b. Review of Ingrami 1899. Revue de mathématiques (Rivista di matematica) 6: 178–182. LC: QA1.R5. Reissued in Roero 2003. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 5.1, 6.7, and items Ingrami 1899 and Roero 2003.] ———. 1900a. Della geometria elementare come sistema ipotetico deduttivo: Monografia del punto e del moto. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (series 2) 49: 173– 222. LC: AS222.A3. JFM: 30.0426.02 Loria. BSM2: 31(1907)192. Presented to the Academy by Enrico D’Ovidio. Also reviewed in D’Ovidio and Segre 1899. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 183–234. Completed in 1899. [Cited in 1.1–1.3, the chapter 2 introduction, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, the chapter 3 introduction, 3.3, 3.10, 4.4, 5.1–5.3, 6.4, 6.6, and items D’Ovidio and Segre 1899, Loria 1899, and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1900b. Letter to the rector of the University of Catania, 31 January. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1900c. Sopra i sistemi di congruenze lineari, che generano semplicemente lo spazio rigato. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 4) 14: 1–7. LC: QH7.A3. JFM: 33.0700.03. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. [1900] 1901. Sur la géométrie envisagée comme un système purement logique. In Inter- national Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, volume 3 (1901), 367– 404. Delivered by Louis Couturat. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 235–272. Reviewed in Boutroux 1900, 593–594; Couturat [1900] 1899, 404–405; and Lovett 1900–1901, 171–172. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.1–1.3, 2.2, 2.5, the chapter 3 introduction, 3.10, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.4, 6.5, and items Boutroux 1900, Couturat [1900] 1899, International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, Lovett 1900–1901, and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1901a. Letter to the rector of the University of Catania, 30 September. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1901b. Sui principî che reggono la geometria delle rette. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 36(1900–1901): 335–350. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 32.0661. 01 Sommer. BSM2: 33(1909)92. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 273–288. Completed in 1900. [Cited in 1.2, the chapter 2 introduction, 2.3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and item Pieri 1980.] Bibliography 441

———. [1901] 1997. Draft of a letter to Benjamin Kagan, 20 September 1901. In Arrighi 1997, 69. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and item Arrighi 1997.] ———. 1902a. Letter to the rector of the University of Catania, 28 May. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1902b. Sul complesso cubico di rette che contiene una stella di raggi e un piano rigato. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 4) 15: 1– 30. LC: QH7.A3. JFM: 34.0706.01 Lampe. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.2.] ———. 1903a. Letter to Bertrand Russell, 22 May. In the Bertrand Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Listed in Feinberg et al. 1967, section VI.1, 178. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 4.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Feinberg et al. 1967.] ———. 1903b. Letter to the rector of the University of Catania, 17 July. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. The rector was Pietro Delogu. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1903c. Review of Peano 1902. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 2) 5: 293–295. LC: QA1.P45. JSL: 926.1. Translated in section 6.7. [Cited in 6.7 and item Peano 1902.] ———. 1904a. Circa il teorema fondamentale di Staudt e i principî della geometria projettiva. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 39(1903–1904): 313–331. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 35.0557.01 Loria. BSM2: 33(1909)184. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 289–308. Completed in 1903. [Cited in 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.1, 5.1, 6.4, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1904b. Letter to the rector of the University of Catania, 19 October. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. [1904] 1984. Letter to Giuseppe Vitali, 5 January. In Vitali 1984, letter 23, 438– 439. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and item Vitali 1984.] ———. 1905a. Draft of a letter to Louis Couturat. In Pieri [no date]. Listed in Arrighi 1981, 16. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and items Arrighi 1981 and Pieri [no date].] ———. 1905b. Letter to Oswald Veblen, 2 July. In the Veblen papers, section P: miscellany, box 10. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and permissions.] ———. 1905c. Nuovi principii di geometria projettiva complessa. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (series 2) 55: 189–235. LC: AS222.A3. JFM: 36. 0613.02 Dehn. BSM2: 46(1922)12. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Also reviewed in Peano and Segre 1905. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 309–356. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and items Peano and Segre 1905 and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1905d. Review of S. Catania 1904. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secon- dario (series 3) 2: 47–48. LC: QA1.P45. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, 6.4, 6.7, and item Catania 1904.] ———. 1905e. Two letters to the rector of the University of Catania, 7 May and 26 October. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1906a. Breve aggiunta alla memoria: Nuovi principî di Geometria projettiva complessa. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 41(1905–1906): 339–342. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 37.0488.02 Dehn. BSM2: 34(1910)102. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 357–360. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 6.4 and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1906b. Letter to Giuseppe Grassi Cristaldi, 30 July. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1906c. Letter to the director, 24 January. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and Catania [no date].] 442 Bibliography

———. 1906d. Uno sguardo al nuovo indirizzo logico-matematico delle scienze deduttive: Dis- corso per l’inaugurazione dell’anno accademico 1906–1907 nella Reale Università di Catania. Annuario della Reale Università di Catania 1906–1907: 21–82. JSL: 928. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 389–448. [Cited in 1.1, the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, 5.1, 6.5, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1906e. Sopra una definizione aritmetica degli irrazionali. Bollettino delle sedute della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania 87: 14–22. LC: QH7.A33. JFM: 37.0198.05 Vivanti. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 367–376. Completed in 1905. [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, 4.4, 5.1, 6.5, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1906f. Sulla definizione Staudtiana dell’omografia tra forme semplici reali. Periodico di matematica per l’insegnamento secondario (series 3) 3: 1–5. LC: QA1.P45. JFM: 36.0581.03 Lampe. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 361–366. Completed in 1905. [Cited in 2.3, 6.4, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1906g. Sur la compatibilité des axiomes de l’arithmétique. Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 13: 196–207. LC: B2.R37. JFM: 37.0062.03 Fehr. JSL: 927. Also reviewed in Brown 1906. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 377–388. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, 4.4, 5.1, 6.5, and items Brown 1905 and Pieri 1980.] ———. 1906h. Three letters to the rector of the University of Catania: 17 February, 6 July, and 6 November. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and Catania [no date].] ———. 1907a. Sopra gli assiomi aritmetici. Bollettino delle sedute della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 2) 1–2(1907–1908): 26–30. LC: QH7.A33. JSL: 928.1. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 449–454. Section 4.2 of the present book is an English translation of this paper; its original first page is reproduced on page 309. [Cited in the preface, chapter 1 introduction, 1.2, the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1–4.4, 5.1, 5.3, 6.5, and item Pieri 1980.] ———. 1907b. Two letters to the rector of the University of Catania, 30 April and 25 May. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Annotated and translated, respectively, in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 4.4, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. 1908a. La Geometria Elementare istituita sulle nozioni di “punto” e “sfera.” Memorie di matematica e di fisica della Società Italiana delle Scienze (series 3) 15: 345–450. LC: Q54.R65. JFM: 39.0545.08. Presented to the Society by Guido Castelnuovo and approved by Corrado Segre. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 455–560. Chapter 3 of the present book contains an English translation of this memoir; its original first page is reproduced on page 159. Pieri 1914 is a Polish translation. [Cited in the preface, chapter 1 introduction, 1.2, 1.3, 2.5, chapter 3 introduction, 3.10, 4.1, 5.1–5.3, 6.4, and items Archimedes [1897] 2002a, Cauchy [1833] 1974, Euclid [1908] 1956, Lazzeri 1900, Legendre [1794] 1849, Méray [1874] 1903, and Pieri 1914, 1980.] ———. 1908b. Two letters to the rector of the University of Catania, 15 April and 4 July. In Catania [no date], fascicule Mario Pieri. Translated and annotated, respectively, in section 6.6. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Catania [no date].] ———. [1909] 1984. Letter to Giuseppe Vitali, 25 November. In Vitali 1984, letter 52, 471. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in 6.6 and item Vitali 1984.] ———. 1910. Lezioni di geometria proiettiva. Edited by Mario Camivi. Parma: Litògrafo Anghinetti & Giaroli. Approximately 900 pages. Lithographed handwritten course notes from the academic year 1909–1910. [Cited in 6.4 and 6.7.] ———. 1911a. Letter to the rector of the University of Parma, 22 March. In Parma [no date]. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, permissions, and item Parma [no date].] ———. 1911b. Letter to Gaetano Campetti, 2 May. In possession of Marco Campetti. Translated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and permissions.] Bibliography 443

———. 1911c. Lezioni di geometria proiettiva. Edited by L. Ponzi and A. Soncini. Parma: University of Parma. Lithographed course notes from the academic year 1910–1911. [Cited in 6.4 and 6.7.] ———. 1911d. Nuovi principii di geometria delle inversioni: Memoria I. Giornale di mate- matiche 49: 49–98. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 42.0702.04 Beck. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 561–608. This is the first note of a series with Pieri 1912c. Completed in 1910. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and items Pieri 1912c, Pieri 1980.] ———. 1912a. Letter to Ottorino Campetti, 5 April. In possession of Marco Campetti. Trans- lated in section 6.6. [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and permissions.] ———. 1912b. Notes géométriques. In Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1912, 156–168. [Cited in the preface, 1.2, 6.3, and item Burali-Forti and Marcolongo 1912.] ———. 1912c. Nuovi principii di geometria delle inversioni: Memoria II. Giornale di mate- matiche 50: 106–140. LC: QA1.G5. JFM: 43.0754.02 Beck. Reprinted in Pieri 1980, 609–643. This is the last note of a series with Pieri 1911d. Completed in 1910. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 5.1, 5.3, 6.4, and items Pieri 1911d, 1980.] ———. 1912d. Sui sistemi ∞1 di superficie. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 48(1912–1913): 132–149. LC: AS222.A29. JFM: 44.0695.01 Loria. BSM2: 38(1914)167–168. Presented to the Academy by Giuseppe Peano. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.3.] ———. 1912e. Sulla rappresentazione vettoriale delle congruenze di raggi. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 33: 217–246. LC: QA1.C52. JFM: 43.0744.01 Rothe. Completed in 1911. [Cited in 1.2 and 6.3.] ———. [1912] 1925. Letter to Maccaferri, 30 August 1912. In Maccaferri 1925. JSL: 929. Annotated in section 6.6. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 6.6, and item Maccaferri 1925.] ———. 1914. Geometrja elementarna oparta na pojeciach “punktu” i “kuli.” Translated by Stefan Kwietniewski. Warsaw: Józef Mianowski Foundation. Translation of Pieri 1908a. [Cited in the chapter 3 introduction, 5.2, 5.3, 6.4, 6.7, and item Pieri 1908a.] ———, editor and translator. [1915] 1991. Méthodes énumeratives, by H. G. Zeuthen. In Molk and Meyer [1911–1915] 1991 (fascicule 2), 260–331. Translation and revision of Zeuthen 1912. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.1, 1.3, 6.2, 6.7, and items Molk and Meyer [1911– 1915] 1991 and Zeuthen 1905.] ———. 1980. Opere sui fondamenti della matematica. Edited by the Unione Matematica Italiana, with contributions by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Bologna: Edizioni Cremonese. Annotated in section 6.7. [Cited in 1.2, the chapter 3 introduction, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, and items Levi 1913–1914, Pieri 1895a, 1896a, 1896b, 1896c, 1897c, 1898b, 1898c, 1900a, [1900] 1901, 1901b, 1904a, 1905c, 1906a, 1906d, 1906e, 1906f, 1906g, 1907a, 1908a, 1911d, 1912c.] ———. [no date]. Archivio di Mario Pieri. Described in Arrighi 1981 as though it were in the Biblioteca Statale in Lucca, but that is doubtful. Annotated in section 6.7. [Cited in 6.6, 6.7, and items Arrighi 1981 and Pieri 1898a, 1905a.] Pieri, Mario, and Giuseppe Lauricella. 1905. Review of D’Amico 1905. Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (series 4) 18: 1. LC: QH7.A33. Lauricella was Pieri’s Catania colleague. The paper reviewed was the published version of D’Amico’s Catania dissertation, completed under Pieri’s supervision. Annotated in section 6.7. [Cited in 6.7 and item D’Amico 1905.] Pieri, Mario, Giuseppe Lauricella, and Sebastiano Catania. 1903. Review of Giampaglia 1904. In Catania [no date], fascicule Niccolò Giampaglia. Translated in section 6.7. The paper reviewed was Giampaglia’s Catania dissertation, completed under Pieri’s supervision. [Cited in 1.3, 6.7, permissions, and items Catania [no date] and Giampaglia 1904.] Pieri, Pellegrino. 1872. Della vita e delle opere dell’abate Domenico Barsocchini. Atti della Reale Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 19: 371–448. LC: AS222.A538.A7. The author was Mario Pieri’s father. [Cited in 1.1.] 444 Bibliography

———. 1881. Letter to his brother, 13 February. The author was Mario Pieri’s father. In possession of Francesco Campetti. [Cited in 1.1.] Pieri, Silvio. [1880–1882] 1983. Un migliaio di stornelli Toscani. Bologna: Arnaldo Forni Editore. Reprinted from Il propugnatore 13(1880)(1): 236–268; 13(1880)(2): 152–186; 14(1881) (1): 121–137; 14(1881)(2): 168–195; 15(1882)(2): 234–264. LC: PQ4001.P7. The author was Mario Pieri’s brother. This is a collection of 748 folk lyrics. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1933. Rime. Lucca: Stabiliménto Tipo-Lito Lippi. Poetry by Mario Pieri’s brother. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] ———. 1969. Toponomastica della Toscana Meridionale (valli della Fiora, dell’Ombrone, della Cècina e fiumi minori) e dell’Arcipelago Toscana. Edited by Gino Garosi. Revised by Giuliano Bonfante. Siena: Accademia Senese degli Intronati. LC: DG732.P48. The author was Mario Pieri’s brother. Toponymy is the study of place names. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Pierpont, James. 1904–1905. The history of mathematics in the nineteenth century: Address delivered before the Department of Mathematics of the International Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, September 20, 1904. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 11 (1904–1905): 136–159. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 35.0005.01 Treutlein. [Cited in 5.1.] Pincherle, Salvatore. 1908. Commemorazione in onore del compianto e illustre Prof. Commenda- tore Ferdinando Paolo Ruffini. Rendiconto delle sessioni della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Classe di scienze fisiche (new series) 12(1907–1908): 152–168. LC: AS222.A287. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1912] 1993. Équations et opérations fonctionnelles. In Molk, Burkhardt, and Wirtinger [1912–1914] 1993 (fascicule 1), 1–81. Translation and elaboration of a 1905 article in the German version of this encyclopedia. [Cited in 1.3 and item Molk, Burkhardt, and Wirtinger [1912–1914] 1993.] ———. 1954. Opere scelte. Two volumes. Edited by the Unione Matematica Italiana. Rome: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA3.P5. MR: 0062072 (15,924b), 0066283 (16,552e). [Cited in item Amaldi [1938] 1954.] Pisa. Scuola Normale Superiore. 1884. Official record of Mario Pieri, student 196. One page. [Cited in 1.1 and permissions.] ———. 1999. Elenco degli allievi dal 1813 al 1998. Quaderna della Direzione, 5. Provisional edition. Pisa: University of Pisa. [Cited in 1.1.] Pisa, University of. 1881–1884. Annuario scolastico della Reale Università degli Studie di Pisa. One volume for each academic year. Pisa: Tipografia T. Nistri e C., Fratello Nistri. [Cited in 1.1.] Plaumann, Peter, and Karl Strambach, editors. 1981. Geometry—Von Staudt’s Point of View: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Bad Windsheim, West , July 21–August 1, 1980. NATO Advanced Study Institutes series, Series C—mathematical and physical sciences, 70. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company. LC: QA471.N37. ISBN: 9-027-71283-2. MR: 0621309 (82e:51005) . [Cited in item Karzel and Kroll 1981.] Plücker, Julius. 1834. Analytisch-geometrische Aphorismen. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 10: 217–227,293–299; 11: 26–32,117–129,219–225,356–360. LC: QA1.J6. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in 2.4.] ———. 1868–1869. Neue Geometrie des Raumes gegründet auf die Betrachtung der geraden Linie als Raumelement. Two volumes. With a foreword by Alfred Clebsch. Volume 2 edited by Felix Klein. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner. LC: QA608.P6. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in 1.2 and 1.3.] Poggendorffs Biographisch-literarisches Handwörterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissen- schaften, J. C. 1904–1926. Pieri, Mario. Volume 4, edited by Arthur von Oettingen, 1164– 1165, Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1904; Volume 5, edited by Paul Weinmeister, 975–976, Leipzig: Verlag Chemie, 1926. LC: Q8.P6. [Cited in 6.7.] Bibliography 445

Poincaré, Henri. [1902] 1903–1904. Poincaré’s review of Hilbert’s “Foundations of Geometry.” Translated by Edward V. Huntington. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 10 (1903–1904): 1–23. LC: QA1.A52. JFM: 34.0068.01 Lampe. The original appeared in the Bulletin des sciences mathématiques (series 2) 26 (1902): 249 –272, and was reprinted in Poincaré 1916–1956, volume 11, 92–113. This review of Hilbert [1899] 1971 won the 1903 Lobachevsky prize for Hilbert and Poincaré. [Cited in 1.1 and items Hilbert [1899] 1971 and Poincaré 1916–1956.] ———. [1905–1906] 1996. Mathematics and logic. Three parts. Translated by George B. Halsted and William B. Ewald. In Ewald 1996, volume 2, 1021–1071. The original appeared in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 13: 815–835, 14: 17–34, 14: 294–317, LC: B2.R37. JFM: 36.0081. 05, 37.0060.01 Fehr. JSL: 1371. [Cited in the chapter 4 introduction, 4.4, 5.1, and item Ewald 1996.] ———. 1906. À propos de la logistique. Revue de métaphysique et de morale 14: 866–868. LC: B2.R37. JFM: 37.0060.01 Fehr. JSL: 1373. [Cited in 4.4.] ———. 1916–1956. Œuvres de Henri Poincaré. Eleven volumes, with various editors. Paris: Gauthier–Villars, Éditeur-Imprimeur-Libraire, 1956. LC: QA37.P6. [Cited in item Poincaré [1902] 1903–1904.] Presburger, Mojİesz. 1930. Über die Vollständigkeit eines gewissen Systems der Arithmetik ganzer Zahlen, in welchem die Addition als einzige Operation hervortritt. In Leja 1930, 92– 101, 395. JFM: 56.0825.04 Fraenkel. JSL: 4171. [Cited in 5.2 and item Leja 1930.] PRISTEM. 2005–. Biografie di matematici Italiani. Available on the Internet at http://mate- Currently under development, this website augments Tricomi 1962. PRISTEM is an acronym for the Project on Historical and Methodological Research (Progetto Ricerche Storiche e Metodologiche) of the center ELEUSI of the Bocconi University in Milan. [Cited in 1.3 and item Tricomi 1962.] Rausenberger, Otto. 1893. Das Grundproblem der Flächen- und Rauminhaltslehre. Mathe- matische Annalen 43: 601–604. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 25. 0861.06 Kötter. [Cited in 3.8.] Reid, Constance. 1970. Hilbert. With an appreciation of Hilbert’s mathematical work by Hermann Weyl. New York: Springer-Verlag New York. LC: QA29.H5.R4. MR: 0270884 (42 #5767). [Cited in 1.3 and permissions.] Reye, Theodor. 1879. Synthetische Geometrie der Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme, mit einer Einleitung in die analytische Geometrie der Kugelsysteme. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner. LC: QA491.R4. JFM: 11.0439.02 Sturm. Internet: Cornell. [Cited in 1.2, 1.3, and 2.4.] ———. 1886–1892. Die Geometrie der Lage. Third edition. Three volumes. Leipzig: Baum- gärtner’s Buchhandlung. LC: QA471.R33g. Internet: Michigan. [Cited in 1.3 and item Reye [1886] 1898. ———. [1886] 1898. Lectures on the Geometry of Position. Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. New York: Macmillan Company. LC: QA471.R42. Internet: Michigan. Translation of volume 1 of Reye 1886–1892. [Cited in 2.3.] Riccò, Annibale. 1900. Letter to the minister of public instruction, 6 March. In Italy [no date], position 96, protocol 509, number 3839. Riccò was rector of the University of Catania then. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] Righi, Augusto. 1873. Sulla composizione dei moti vibratori. Nuovo cimento (series 2) 9: 160–200; 10: 19–37, 125–137. LC: QC1.N9. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1875. Sulla visione stereoscopica. Nuovo cimento (series 2) 14: 55–104. LC: QC1.N9. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1877. Nouveaux théorèmes de géométrie projective. Nouvelles annales (series 2) 16: 241–249. LC: QA1.N7. JFM: 09.0436.01 Maynz. [Cited in 1.3.] 446 Bibliography

Rindi, Scipione. 1891. Sulle normali comuni a due superficie algebriche. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 5: 106–108. LC: QA1.C52. JFM 23.0828.02 Braunmühl. [Cited in 1.3 and item Pieri 1891a.] ———. [1913] 1919. Notizie intorno al defunto socio corrispondente Prof. Mario Pieri. Atti della Reale Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 35: 435–459. LC: AS222.A538.A7. Obituary presented to the Academy on 24 April 1913. [Cited in the chapter 1 introduction, 1.1, 1.3, and 6.7.] Rizzi, Fortunato. 1953. I professori dall’Università di Parma. Parma: Fratelli Godi. [Cited in 1.3.] Robinson, Raphael Mitchel. [1957] 1959. Binary relations as primitive notions in elementary geometry. In Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959, 68–85. MR: 0107197 (21 #5922). [Cited in 5.2 and item Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959.] Rodriguez-Consuegra, Francisco A. 1988. El méthodo en la filosofia de Bertrand Russell: Un estudio sobre los origenes de la filosofia analitica través de la obra de Russell, sus manuscritos inéditos y los autores que más le influenciaron. PhD dissertation. Barcelona: Publicacions Universitat de Barcelona. [Cited in the preface.] ————. 1991. The Mathematical Philosophy of Bertrand Russell: Origins and Development. Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag. LC: QA9.R727. ISBN: 0-817-62656-5. MR: 1134133 (94b:01028). [Cited in the preface and 4.1.] Roero, Clara S. 1999a. Giuseppe Bruno. In Roero 1999b, 484–486. [Cited in 1.3 and item Roero 1999b.] ———, editor. 1999b. La facoltà di scienze matematiche fisiche naturali di Torino 1848–1998. Volume 1: Ricerca, insegnamento, collezioni scientifiche. Volume 2: I docenti. Miscellanea di storia Italiana, series 5. Studi e fonti per la storia della Università di Torino, 9–10. Turin: Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria. LC: Q180.I8.F33. [Cited in 1.1 and items Barberis 1999, Conte and Giacardi 1999, Giacardi 1999, Roero 1999a, and Skof 1999.] ———, editor. 2001. Giuseppe Peano: Matematica, cultura e società. Cuneo: Comune di Cuneo, L’Artistica Savigliano. [Cited in the foreword.] ———, editor. 2003. Le riviste di Giuseppe Peano. Turin: Dipartimento di Matematica, Uni- versità di Torino. CD-ROM. ISBN: 8-890-08767-6. [Cited in the foreword, 5.1, and items Padoa 1899, 1901, 1902; Peano 1891a, 1891b, 1891c, 1891d, [1891] 1973, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1898, [1903] 1902–1906, 1906, 1913, 1926; Pieri 1893b, 1894b, 1894d, 1896c, 1899b; Segre [1891] 1903–1904, 1891.] ———. 2004. Personal communication, 12 July. At that time, Roero was President of the Società Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche. [Cited in 1.1.] ———. 2005. Alessandro Padoa. Available on the Internet at accademia/personaggi/. [Cited in 1.3.] Roero, Clara S., Natalia Nervo, and Tiziana Armano, editors. 2002. L’Archivio Giuseppe Peano. Turin: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino. CD-ROM. ISBN: 8-890-08761-7. [Cited in the foreword.] Rolland, Romain. [1908] 1915. Musicians of today. Translated by Mary Blaiklock. With intro- duction by Claude Landi. Second edition. New York: Henry Holt and Company. LC: ML390. R63. Internet: Gutenberg. The original edition was published by Hachette. [Cited in 1.3.] Rota, Gian-Carlo. 1997. Ten lessons I wish I had been taught. Notices of the American Mathe- matical Society 44: 22–25. LC: QA1.A525. Available on the Internet at notices/. [Cited in 2.5.] Rowe, David E. 1989. The early geometrical works of Sophus Lie and Felix Klein. In Rowe, McCleary, and Knobloch 1989–1994, volume 1, 209–273. MR: 1037800 (91b: 01053). [Cited in 1.2 and item Rowe, McCleary, and Knobloch 1989–1994.] Rowe, David E., John McCleary, and Eberhard Knobloch, editors. 1989–1994. The History of Modern Mathematics: Proceedings of the Symposium on the History of Modern Mathematics, Bibliography 447

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 20–24, 1988. Three volumes. Boston: Academic Press, LC: QA21.S98. ISBN: 0-125-99661-6, 0-125-99662-4, 0-125-99663-2. MR: 1037792 (90j: 01001), 1037806 (90j:01002), 1282498 (95a:01001). [Cited in item Rowe 1989.] Royden, H. L. [1957] 1959. Remarks on primitive notions for elementary Euclidean and non- Euclidean plane geometry. In Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959, 68–85. MR: 0107196 (21 #5921). [Cited in 5.2 and item Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959.] Russell, Bertrand. [1897] 1956. An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. LC: QA681.R96. JFM: 28.0413.01 Gibson. Reprint of the original edition published by Cambridge University Press. Reviewed in Wilson 1904–1905. [Cited in 1.3, 2.1, and item Wilson 1904–1905.] ———. [1902] 1970. Letter to Frege. Translated by Beverly Woodward. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 124–125. Russell wrote in German. Frege’s response is Frege [1902] 1970. [Cited in 4.1 and items Frege [1902] 1970 and Heijenoort [1967] 1970.] ———. 1903. The Principles of Mathematics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. LC: QA9.R82. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 34.0062.14 Engel. There are several newer editions and reprints. Reviewed in Wilson 1904–1905. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, 2.3, 3.8, the chapter 4 introduction, 4.1, 5.3, 6.6, and item Wilson 1904–1905.] ———. [1919] 1985. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. New York: Simon and Schuster. LC: QA9.R8. JFM: 47.0036.12 Gumbel. [Cited in 1.3 and 4.1.] ———. 1945. A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. New York: Simon and Schuster. LC: B72.R8. There are many more recent editions. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1951] 1967. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1872–1914. Boston: Little, Brown & Company. LC: B1649.R94.A32. ISBN: 0-049-21003-3. [Cited in 1.3 and 4.1.] Salmon, George. [1848] 1954. A Treatise on Conic Sections. New York: Chelsea Publishing Com- pany. LC: QA552.S17. Reprint of the sixth edition, published in London in 1879 by Longmans, Green, and Co. The first edition was published in Dublin by Hodges and Smith. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1852] 1960. A Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves, Intended as a Sequel to a Treatise on Conic Sections. New York: Chelsea Publishing Company. LC: QA565.S17. Reprint of the third edition, published in Dublin in 1879 by Hodges, Foster, and Figgis. The first edition was published in Dublin by Hodges and Smith. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1859] 1964. Lessons Introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra. Fifth edition. New York: Chelsea Publishing Company. LC: QA201.S17. Reprint of the fourth edition, published in Dublin in 1885 by Hodges, Figgis, and Co. The first edition was published in Dublin by Hodges, Smith, and Co. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. [1862] 1958. A Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions. Two volumes. Revised and edited by Reginald A. P. Rogers and Charles H. Rowe. New York: Chelsea Pub- lishing Company. LC: QA553.S22. Reprints of the seventh and fifth editions of these volumes, respectively, published in London in 1928 and 1912 by Longmans, Green, and Co. The first editions were published in Dublin by Hodges, Smith, and Co. [Cited in 1.3.] Saluta, Andrea. 1905. Sopra il complesso cubico di raggi determinato da una superficie del Veronese. Dissertation, University of Catania, 62 pages. Completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1.] Scaccianoce, Rosario. 1907. Sopra una superficie del 7. ordine generabile con quattro piani projettivi. Accademia Dafnica di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Acireale: Atti e rendiconti (series 2)2(1905–1910): 1–28. LC: AS222.A14. JFM: 38.0580.01 Loria. Published version of the author’s 1905 University of Catania dissertation, completed under the supervision of Mario Pieri. [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] ———. 1907. Rappresentazione analitica delle superficie generale da due piani V e VU, e da una stella di classe p con un (p – 1)-plo, in corrispondenza birazionale fra loro. Periodico di 448 Bibliography

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———. [1935] 1983a. Some methodological investigations on the definability of concepts. In Tarski [1956] 1983, 296–319. JFM: 61.0050.03 Hempel. JSL: 28515,19. The original paper is reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 1, 637–659. [Cited in 3.10, 5.2 and items Tarski [1956] 1983, 1986.] ———. [1935] 1983b. On the foundations of Boolean algebra. In Tarski [1956] 1983, 320–341. JFM: 61.0054.02 Skolem. The original paper is reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 2, 1–24. [Cited in 5.2 and items Tarski [1956] 1983, 1986.] ———. [1940] 1967. The Completeness of Elementary Algebra and Geometry. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institute Blaise Pascal. LC: QA9.T25. Reprint from page proofs of a booklet scheduled for 1940 publication in Paris by Hermann & Cie but destroyed by war. Reprinted, in turn, in Tarski 1986, volume 4, 289–346. [Cited in 1.2, 2.5, 5.2, and item Tarski 1986.] ———. [1948] 1957. A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry. Report R-109. Prepared for publication by J. C. C. McKinsey. Second edition. Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation. LC: QA266.T32. MR: 0028796 (10, 499f). Reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 3, 297–368. [Cited in 5.2 and item Tarski 1986.] ———. 1956. A general theorem concerning primitive notions of Euclidean geometry. Proceed- ings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 59, also issued as Indagationes Matematicae 18: 68–474. LC: Q57.N4. MR: 0080923 (18,328e). Reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 3, 611–620. [Cited in 5.2 and item Tarski 1986.] ———. [1956] 1983. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics: Papers from 1923 to 1938. Translated by J. H. Woodger. Second edition, edited with introduction and analytical index by John Corcoran. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. LC: BC135.T35. ISBN: 0-915-14475-1. MR: 0736686 (85e:01065). [Cited in items Lindenbaum and Tarski [1935] 1983, Tarski [1923] 1983, [1927] 1983, [1935] 1983a, [1935] 1983b.] ———. [1957] 1959. What is elementary geometry? In Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959, 16–29. Reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 4, 17–32. MR: 0106185 (21 #4919). [Cited in the preface and 2.5, 3.10, and items Henkin, Suppes, and Tarski [1957] 1959 and Tarski 1986.] ———. 1986. Collected Papers. Edited by Steven R. Givant and Ralph McKenzie. Four volumes. Basel: Birkhäuser. LC: QA9.T24. ISBN: 0-817-63284-0. MR: 1015501 (91h: 01101) to 1015504 (91h:01104). [Cited in items Corcoran 1991; Lindenbaum and Tarski [1935] 1983; Tarski 1921, [1923] 1983, 1924, [1927] 1983, [1931] 1952, 1931– 1932, [1931–1932] 1952, [1935] 1983a, [1935] 1983b, [1940] 1967, [1948] 1957, 1956, [1957] 1959; and Tarski and Lindenbaum 1927.] Tarski, Alfred, Zygmunt Chwiaãkowski, and W. Schayer. [1935] 1946. Geometrja dla trzeciej klasy gimnazjalnej. Second edition, reprinted. : Polski ZwiĈzek WychodĮctwa Przymuso- wego w Hanowerze. The title means “Geometry for the third gymnasium class.” The 1935 edition was published in Lwów by Paęstwowe Wydawnictwo KsiĈİek i Pomocy Szkolnych. [Cited in 5.2.] Tarski, Alfred, and Steven R. Givant. 1999. Tarski’s system of geometry. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5: 175–214. LC: QA9.A1.B89. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 1791303 (2001k: 03019). [Cited in 5.2.] Tarski, Alfred, and Adolf Lindenbaum. 1927. Sur l’indépendence des notions primitives dans les systèmes mathématiques. Annales de la Société Polonaise des Mathématiques 5: 111–113. LC: QA1.P59. JSL: 3432. This paper was presented in 1926. Reprinted in Tarski 1986, volume 4, 538–540. [Cited in 5.2 and item Tarski 1986.] Tarski, Alfred, and Henryk Moese. 1952. Concerning the Degree of Equivalence of Polygons. Translated by Izaak Wirszup. Chicago: The College, University of Chicago. This contains translations of Tarski [1931] 1952, [1931–1932] 1952. [Cited in items Tarski [1931] 1952, [1931–1932] 1952.] Bibliography 453

Tartufari, Luigi. 1912. Letter to the minister of public instruction, 8 May. In Italy [no date], protocol 626, number 10351. The writer was the rector of the University of Parma. [Cited in 1.1 and item Italy [no date].] ———. 1913. Parole del Rettore nella solenne inaugurazione dell’anno accademico 1913–1914 (24 Novembre 1913). In Parma 1908–1914, volume 1913–1914, vi–xvi. [Cited in 1.1 and item Parma 1908–1914.] Tazzioli, Rossana. 1999. La matematica all’Università di Catania dall’Unità alla riforma Gentile. Annali di storia delle università italiane 3: 207–224. LC: LA797.A62. [Cited in 1.3.] Terracini, Alessandro. 1955. In memoria di Giuseppe Peano. Cuneo: Presso il Liceo Scientifico Statale. LC: QA29.P4.T4. The liceo has since been renamed Liceo Peano. [Cited in 5.1.] ———. 1968. Ricordi di un matematico: Un sessantennio di vita universitaria. Rome: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA29.T4.A3. MR: 0245417 (39 #6725). [Cited in 1.1 and 1.3.] Thiel, Christian. 1995. Mario Pieri. In Mittelstrass et al. 1980–1996, Volume 3, 249. [Cited in 6.7 and item Mittelstrass et al. 1980–1996.] Thomae, Johannes. 1894. Die Kegelschnitte in rein projektiver Behandlung. Halle: Verlag von Louis Nebert. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 25.0986.04 Schubert. Also reviewed in Pieri 1894b. [Cited in 6.7 and item Pieri 1894b.] Thomson, William. 1845. Extrait d’une lettre de M. William Thomson à M. Liouville. Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 10: 364–367. LC: QA1.J58. Internet: Paris. [Cited in 2.4.] Timerding, Heinrich. 1922. Theodor Reye. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker- Vereinigung 31: 185–203. LC: QA1.D4. Internet: Göttingen. [Cited in 1.3.] Toepell, Michael-Markus. 1985. Zur Schlüsselrolle Friedrich Schurs bei der Entstehung von David Hilberts Grundlagen der Geometrie. In Folkerts and Lindgren 1985, 637– 649. MR: 0799771 (87f:01023) [Cited in 2.5 and item Folkerts and Lindgren 1985.] ———. 1986. Über die Entstehung von David Hilberts “Grundlagen der Geometrie.” Studien zur Wissenschafts-, Sozial-, und Bildungsgeschichte der Mathematik, 2. Göttingen: Vanden- hoeck & Ruprecht. LC: QA681.H582. ISBN: 3-525-40309-7. [Cited in 2.5.] Tonelli, Leonida. 1937. Salvatore Pincherle. Annali della Reale Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa: Scienze fisiche e matematiche (series 2) 6: 1–10. LC: QC1.P56. [Cited in 1.3.] Tricomi, Francesco. 1962. Matematici Italiani del primo secolo dello stato unitario. Memorie dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (series 4) 1: 1–120. LC: AS222.A3. Available on the Internet at matematicaitaliana/. Augmented by PRISTEM 2005–. [Cited in 1.1, 1.3, and item PRISTEM 2005–.] ———. 1967. La mia vita di matematico, attraverso la cronistoria dei miei lavori (Bibliografia commentata 1916–1967). Padua: Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani. LC: Z6651.T75. MR: 0274255 (43#20). [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1968. Matematici Torinesi dell’ultimo secolo. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 102(1967–1968): 253–278. LC: AS222.A292. MR: 0247991 (40 #1250). [Cited in 1.1.] ———. 1968–1969. Uno sguardo allo sviluppo della matematica in Italia nel primo secolo dello stato unitario. Università e Politecnico di Torino: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 22: 63–76. LC: QA1.T84.R4. MR: 0256828 (41 #1484). [Cited in 5.1.] ———. 1971–1973. Ricordi di mezzo secolo di vita matematica Torinese. Università e Politecnico di Torino: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 31: 31–43. LC: QA1.T84.R4. MR: 0357022 (50 #9490). [Cited in 5.1.] Turin, University of. Department of Mathematics. 1986. Celebrazioni in memoria di Giuseppe Peano nel cinquantenario della morte: Atti del Convegno (Torino 27–28 Ottobre 1982). Torino: Valetto. This seems rare. [Cited in 5.1.] 454 Bibliography

Ustica, Stato civile di. 1894. Marriage publication number 3, supplemental for 11 August. Record of 18 August 1894 marriage of Paolo Anastasio (native of Castroreale) and Virginia Pieri (of Turin). Available on the Internet at The bride was Mario Pieri’s sister. [Cited in 1.1.] Vacca, Giovanni. 1899. Sui manoscritti inediti di Leibniz. Bollettino di bibliografia e storia delle scienze matematiche 2: 113–116. LC: QA1.B595. JFM: 30.0009.01 Vivanti. [Cited in 5.1.] ———. 1928. Sul principio della discesa di Fermat e sulle dimostrazioni dell’esistenza degli irra- zionali quadratici. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 63: 241–252. LC: AS222.A292. JFM: 54.0102. 03 Scholz. [Cited in 4.3.] Vai, Gian Battista. 2002. Giovanni Capellini and the origin of the International Geological Congresses. Episodes 25: 248–254. LC: QE1.G426. Available on the Internet at http://www. [Cited in 1.3.] Vailati, Giovanni. 1900. Postcard to Mario Pieri, 21 April. In possession of Francesco Campetti. [Cited in 1.1.] ———. [1900] 1901. Des difficultés qui s’opposent à une classification rationelle des sciences. In International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1903, volume 3 (1901), 324–335. Reprinted in Vailati 1911, 324–335. [Cited in 5.1 and items International Congress of Philosophy 1900–1901 and Vailati 1911.] ———. 1911. Scritti. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlagsbuchhandlung. LC: QA7.V25. JFM: 42.0025.01 Lampe. [Cited in item Vailati [1900] 1901.] Varoli, Giuseppe. 1957a. Filippo Sibirani. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana (series 3) 12: 125–130. LC: QA1.U6. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1957b. Filippo Sibirani (1880–1957). Statistica 17: 281–291. [Cited in 1.3.] Veblen, Oswald. 1904. A system of axioms for geometry. Transactions of the American Mathema- tical Society 5: 343–384. LC: QA1.A53. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 35.0495.02 Dehn. The first page is reproduced on page 279 of the present book. [Cited in 1.3, the chapter 3 introduction, and 3.10.] ———. 1905. Theory on plane curves in non-metrical analysis situs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6: 83–98. LC: QA1.A53. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 36.0530.02 Dehn. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1911. The foundations of geometry. In J. W. A. Young 1911, 3–54. [Cited in 5.2 and item J. W. A. Young 1911.] ———. 1922. The Cambridge Colloquium 1916, Part II: Analysis Situs. Colloquium lectures, 5. New York: American Mathematical Society. LC: QA427.A431. JFM: 48.0647. 10 Tietze. [Cited in 1.3.] Veblen, Oswald, and N. J. Lennes. 1907. Introduction to Real Analysis: Functions of One Real Variable. New York: John Wiley & Sons. LC: QA303.V4. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 38.0326.01 Kowalewski. [Cited in 1.3.] Veblen, Oswald, and J. H. C. Whitehead. 1931. A set of axioms for differential geometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 17: 551–561, 660. LC: Q11.N26. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 57.0861.01 Pinl. [Cited in 1.3.] Veblen, Oswald, and John Wesley Young. 1908. A set of assumptions for projective geometry. American Journal of Mathematics 30: 347–380. LC: QA1.A5. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 39.0606. 01 Steinitz. [Cited in 2.3.] ———. 1910–1918. Projective Geometry. Two volumes. New York: Ginn and Company. LC: QA471.V4. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 41.0606.06 Beck. [Cited in 1.3.] Veronese, Giuseppe. 1882. Behandlung der projectivischen Verhältnisse der Räume von ver- schiedenen Dimensionen durch das Princip des Projicirens und Schneidens. Mathematische Bibliography 455

Annalen 19: 161–234. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM 13.0485.01 Stahl. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1891. Fondamenti di geometria a più dimensioni e più specie di unità rettilinee, esposti in forma elementare. Lezioni per la scuola di magistero in matematica. Padua: Tipografia del Seminario. LC: QA691.V4. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 24.0483.05 Kötter. A German translation was published by B. G. Teubner in 1894. [Cited in 1.3 and the chapter 3 introduction.] ———. 1894–1895. Dimostrazione della proposizione fondamentale dell’equivalenza delle figure. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (series 7) 6: 421–437. LC: AS222.I495. JFM: 26.0536.02 Kötter. [Cited in 3.8.] ———. 1897. Elementi di geometria, ad uso dei licei e degli istituti tecnici (primo biennio). With the collaboration of Paolo Gazzaniga. Verona: Fratelli Drucker. LC: QA453.V53. JFM: 26. 0546.02 Loria. [Cited in 1.3, the chapter 3 introduction, and 3.10.] Vitali, Giuseppe. 1903. Sulla condizione di integrabilità delle funzioni. Bollettino delle sedute della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania 79: 27–30. LC: QH7.A33. JFM: 34. 0417.03 Vivanti. Reprinted in Vitali 1984, 125–128. [Cited in 6.6 and item Vitali 1984.] ———. 1984. Opere sull’analisi reale e complessa, carteggio. Edited by the Unione Matematica Italiana, with contributions by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Bologna: Edizioni Cremonese. LC: QA300.V57. MR: 0777329 (86e:01077). [Cited in 1.1, 6.6, and items Pieri [1904] 1984, [1909] 1984 and Vitali 1903.] Volterra, Edoardo. 1976. Vito Volterra. In Gillispie 1970–, volume 14, 85–88. [Cited in 1.3 and item Gillispie 1970–.] Waerden, B. L. van der, and Lucas J. Smid. 1935. Eine Axiomatik der Kreisgeometrie und der Laguerregeometrie. Mathematische Annalen 110: 753–776. LC: QA1.M29. Internet: Göttingen. JFM: 61.0600.01 Caemmerer (Neumann). [Cited in 2.4.] Wang, Hao. 1957. The axiomatization of arithmetic. Journal of Symbolic Logic 22: 145–158. LC: BC1.J6. Internet: JSTOR. MR: 0100530 (20 #6963). [Cited in 4.1.] ———. 1958. Eighty years of foundational studies. Dialectica 12: 466–497. LC: B1.A15. MR: 0101196 (21 #9). [Cited in 4.1.] Weber, Heinrich. 1898. Lehrbuch der Algebra. Second edition. Three volumes. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn. LC: QA153.W35. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 26. 0102.01, 29.0064.01 Lampe; 27.0056.01, 30.0093.01 Färber; 39.0508.06 Stäckel. The third edition was reprinted in New York by Chelsea Publishing Company. [Cited in 3.8.] Weierstrass, Karl. [1878] 1988. Einleitung in die Theorie der analytischen Funktionen: Vor- lesung Berlin 1878. Notes by . Edited by Peter Ullrich. Dokumente zur Geschichte der Mathematik, 4. Braunschweig: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn. LC: QA29.W44.A39. ISBN: 3-528-06334-3. MR: 0974299 (90a:01110). Notes in Italian of the same lecture series, by Salvatore Pincherle, were published in Giornale di matematiche 18(1880): 178–254, LC: QA1.G5, JFM: 12.0307.01 Müller. [Cited in 1.3 and 4.1.] Weingarten, Julius. 1863. Ueber die Oberflächen, für welche einer der beiden Hauptkrümmungs- halbmesser eine Function des anderen ist. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 62: 160–173. Internet: Göttingen. QA1.J6. [Cited in 6.1 and item Pieri 1886a.] Whitehead, Alfred N. 1898. A Treatise on Universal Algebra, with Applications. Cambridge, England: The University Press. LC: QA251.W6. Internet: Cornell. JFM: 29. 0066.03 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1902. On cardinal numbers. American Journal of Mathematics 24: 367–394. LC: QA1.A5. Internet: JSTOR. JFM: 33.0074.02 Vivanti. [Cited in 4.3.] ———. [1906] 1971. The Axioms of Projective Geometry. New York: Hafner Publishing Com- pany. LC: QA471.W5. JFM: 37.0559.01 Meyer. Reprint of the original edition, published in Cambridge, England, by Cambridge University Press. [Cited in 1.3, 2.3, and 4.4.] 456 Bibliography

———. [1907] 1971. The Axioms of Descriptive Geometry. New York: Hafner Publishing Com- pany. LC: QA501.W46. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 38.0502.03 Salkowski. Reprint of the orig- inal edition, published in Cambridge, England, by Cambridge University Press. [Cited in 1.3.] Whitehead, Alfred N., and Bertrand Russell. 1910–1913. Principia Mathematica. Three volumes. Cambridge, England: The University Press. LC: QA9.W45.P7. JFM: 41. 0083.02, 43.0093.03, 44.0068.01 Jourdain. JSL: 1941–3. [Cited in 1.3 and 4.1.] Whonamedit. 2005. Guido Baccelli. On the Internet at [Cited in 1.3.] Wiener, Hermann. 1893. Sechs Abhandlungen über das Rechnen mit Spiegelungen, nebst Anwen- dungen auf die Geometrie der Bewegungen und auf die projektive Geometrie. Leipzig: Druck von Breitkopf & Härtel. Internet: Michigan. Originally published under varying titles in Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Mathematisch-physische Klasse 52: 13–23, 71– 87, 245–267; 53: 424–447,644–673; 55: 555–598; LC: AS182.S32. JFM: 22.0860.03 Schumann; 23.0885.01, 23.0883.03, 25.1304.01 Jolles. The table of contents in the last part shows how all this is organized. [Cited in 3.10.] Wilson, Edwin B. 1903. The so-called foundations of geometry. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik 6: 104–122. LC: QA1.A7. JFM: 34.0525.04 Dehn. Review of Hilbert 1902. [Cited in 2.5 and item Hilbert 1902.] ———. 1904–1905. The foundations of mathematics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 9: 74–93. LC: QA1.A52. Review of Russell [1897] 1956, 1903. [Cited in 5.1 and items Russell [1897] 1956, 1903.] Young, J. W. A., editor. 1911. Monographs on Topics of Modern Mathematics Relevant to the Elementary Field. London: Longmans, Green and Co. LC: QA3.Y7. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 42. 0046.01 Jourdain. Reprinted in 1955 by Dover Publications Inc. with an introduction by Morris Kline. [Cited in item Veblen 1911.] Young, John Wesley. 1909. The geometry of chains on a complex line. Annals of Mathematics (series 2) 11: 33–48. LC: QA1.A66. Internet: JSTOR. JFM:40.0527.03 Dehn. [Cited in 2.3 and 2.4.] ———. 1911. Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry. Edited by William Wells Denton. With a note, “The growth of algebraic symbolism,” by Ulysses G. Mitchell. New York: The Macmillan Company. LC: QA7.Y75. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 42.0082.03 Salkowski. [Cited in 2.5.] Zermelo, Ernst. [1908] 1970. Investigations in the foundations of set theory, I. Translated by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg. In Heijenoort [1967] 1970, 199–215. The original paper was published in Mathematische Annalen 59: 261–281, LC: QA1.M29, Internet: Göttingen, JFM: 39.0097.03 Vivanti, JSL: 1253. [Cited in 4.1 and item Heijenoort [1967] 1970.] ———. 1930. Über Grenzzahlen und Mengenbereiche: Neue Untersuchungen über die Grund- lagen der Mengenlehre. Fundamenta Mathematicae 16: 29–47. LC: QA1.F8. Internet: Poland. JFM: 56.0082.02 Scholz. [Cited in 4.3.] Zeuthen, H. G. 1865. Nouvelle méthode pour déterminer les caractéristiques des systèmes de coniques. Nouvelles annales (series 2) 5: 241–266,289–297,385–398,433–443,481–492, 529–552. LC: QA1.N7. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1886. Die Lehre von den Kegelschnitten in Altertum. Translated by Rudolph von Fischer- Benzon. Copenhagen: Verlag von Andr. Fred. Höst & Sohn. LC: QA485.Z4. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 17.0029.04 Lampe. [Cited in 1.3.] ———. 1897. Nouvelle démonstration du théorème fondamental de la géométrie projective; sur le théorème fondamental de la géométrie projective. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences 125: 638–640, 858–859. LC: Q46.P22. JFM 28.0470.05 Schubert. [Cited in 1.3.] Bibliography 457

———. 1905. Abzählende Methoden. In Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934, volume 3, part 2, half 1, 257–312. Article III C, 3. JFM: 37.0580.05 Lampe. Pieri [1915] 1991 is an Italian translation and revision. [Cited in 1.3, 6.7, and items Meyer and Mohrmann 1907–1934 and Pieri [1915] 1991.] ———. 1914. Lehrbuch der abzählenden Methoden der Geometrie. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner. LC: QA607.Z4. Internet: Michigan. JFM: 45.0799.01 Ostrowski. [Cited in 1.3.] Permissions

The authors, confident that they speak for the mathematical community, are greatly indebted to Francesco Campetti and Maria Grazia Ciampini, in Sant’Andrea di Compito, Tuscany, Italy, for providing access to family photographs and archival documents, and to Marco and Vittorio Campetti for permission to publish them. These include translations of Pieri’s letters 1911b and 1912a in section 6.6, and the following photographs in the indicated sections: Mario Pieri ...... Frontispiece Telescopic projections Pieri & Campetti families ...... 1.1 Silvio Pieri Virginia & Paolo Anastasio Military academy personnel Angiolina Pieri Mario Pieri Pieri’s tomb Gemma Campetti & sons Pieri’s portrait of Klein ...... 1.2 Mario Pieri ...... 2.3 The authors acknowledge gratefully the cooperation of several archival institutions that provided personal access to their resources and permission to publish images or translations of various items in the indicated sections of the present book: Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Pieri’s student records: .... 1.1 Crescenzi Pacinotti, in Bologna, Italy Bologna 1876–1890 Archivio Storico dell’Università degli Pieri’s student records: .... 1.1 Studi di Bologna, in Bologna, Italy Bologna [no date] Photo: Salvatore Pincherle .... 1.1 Biblioteca dell’Università di Pisa, Doctoral thesis: Pieri 1884c .... 1.1 in Pisa, Italy Questions for oral defense of the .... 6.6 laureate: Pieri 1884a Archivio Storico della Scuola Pieri’s student records: .... 1.1 Normale Superiore, in Pisa, Italy Pisa 1884

Archivio Storico dell’Università degli Announcement of Pieri’s promo- .... 1.1 Studi di Catania, in Catania, Italy tion: from Catania 1903b Letters: Pieri 1899a, 1900b, .... 6.6 1901a, 1902a, 1903b, 1904b, 1907b, 1908b Review: Pieri, Lauricella, and .... 6.7 Catania 1903 Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Documents concerning Pieri .... 1.1 in Rome, Italy Bertrand Russell Archives, Photo: Bertrand Russell .... 5.1 at McMaster University, Letter: Pieri 1903a .... 6.6 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 460 Permissions

Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Letters: Pieri 1897e .... 6.6 in Göttingen, Germany Manuscript Division, Library Letter: Pieri 1905b .... 6.6 of Congress, in Washington DC, United States Archivio Storico dell’Università degli Letter: Pieri 1911a .... 6.6 Studi di Parma, in Parma, Italy Several individuals, publishers, and other organizations graciously extended permission for translating or reprinting images or text from their Internet websites or earlier publications: Mother House of the Salesians of Photo: exterior of the former .... 1.1 Don Bosco, in Turin, Italy military academy in Turin Archivio Storico dell’Accademia delle Photos: Enrico D’Ovidio, Pieri, .... 1.1 Scienze di Torino, in Turin, Italy and Photos: Corrado Segre and .... 1.2 Cesare Burali-Forti Photo: Gino Fano .... 2.3 Photo: Gino Loria .... 2.5 Photo: Giuseppe Peano .... 5.1 Queen’s University, in Kingston, Photo: Federigo Enriques, from .... 1.1 Ontario, Canada Brigaglia and Ciliberto 1995 Pietro Nastasi, in Palermo, Italy Photo: Vito Volterra from .... 1.1 Guerraggio and Nastasi 2005 Section P.RI.ST.EM (Progetto Translation: Francesco .... 1.1 Ricerche Storiche e Metodologiche) of Chizzoni’s 1900 letter to Pieri, the center ELEUSI (L’Elaborazione from Arrighi 1997 Logica e l’Utilizzazione Sistematica dell’Informazione) at the Bocconi University, in Milan, Italy Emilia Levi Resta, in Argentina Photo: Beppo Levi, from .... 1.1 Levi 1999 Historische Kommission für Hessen, Photo: Moritz Pasch, from .... 2.3 in Marburg, Germany Pickert 1982 Archivio dell’Istituto Veneto Photo: Giuseppe Veronese .... 2.3 di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, in Venice, Italy Image Archive ETH-Bibliothek, Photo: B. L. van der Waerden .... 2.4 in Zürich, Switzerland Springer-Verlag, in Heidelberg, Photo: David Hilbert, . . . 3.10 Germany from Reid 1970 Photos: Alfred Tarski and .... 5.2 Adolf Lindenbaum, from Givant 1991 Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Photo: Giuseppe Peano, .... 4.1 in Turin, Italy from Kennedy 1983 Permissions 461

The authors also included images from the Internet websites of three other organizations: Comitato Guglielmo Marconi Photo: Augusto Righi .... 1.1 International, in Bologna, Italy Archivio Fotografico dell’Ateneo Photos: Luigi Bianchi, Ulisse .... 1.1 dell’Università di Pisa, in Pisa, Italy Dini, and Eugenio Bertini Princeton University, in Princeton, Photo: Oswald Veblen ... 3.10 New Jersey, United States Index

This index lists both persons and subjects. For persons, dates are supplied if possible. Section 1.3 includes biographical sketches of many of them; those names and the page numbers of the sketches are italicized. Page numbers of illustrations are boldfaced. Most entries under “symbol” include examples of usage. For persons surnamed Pieri, the relationship to Mario Pieri is indicated. Italian names with particles—for example De Paolis—are listed with the particle first. Alphabetization ignores spaces, punctuation, and diacritical marks within names. Section 1.3, chapter 6, and the bibliography contain many further cross-references.

1848 revolutions, 66, 75, 82–83, 85, 101 ANASTASIO, Angiolina. See Angiolina PIERI ANASTASIO, Paolo (18??–19??), 37 (see also abscissa, 257, 285 Virginia ANASTASIO; Angiolina PIERI) absolute geometry. See under geometry ANASTASIO, Virginia Pieri (1867–1929?), abstraction 5, 17, 20, 36, 37, 459 definition by (see under definition) marriage, 5, 27, 454 See also under symbol ANDREINI, Angelo (18??–19??), 10, 62 Academia pro Interlingua. See under ANELLIS, Irving H. (19??– ), 302, 402 journals; Giuseppe PEANO ANGELELLI, Ignacio (19??–), 417 ACKERMAN, Michael (19??–), 426 angle, 146, 149, 272 acknowledgments, x, 459 bisector, 220 ADAMSON, Iain T. (19??–), 421 concave, convex, or right, 204 addition. See sum of triangle, 205 affinity, circular. See under transformation See also under symbol Afghanistan, 5 Annuario scientifico ed industriale. AGAZZI, Evandro (1934–), 365, 402, 406 See under journals air power, 6, 119 ANTICHI, Petronilla (18??–????), 4 algebraic curve. See under curve anticongruence. See under transformation algebraic geometry. See under geometry anticongruent figures, 150 algebraic , 76, 84 antihomography. See under transformation algebraic surface. See under surface anti-inversion. See under transformation ALIGHIERI, Dante (1265–1321), 395 antinomies ALMAGIÀ, Virginia. See Virginia VOLTERRA Burali-Forti’s, 69 AMALDI, Ugo (1875–1957), 65, 98, 402 responses to, 302, 304 work with Enriques, 368, 415–16 See also Russell’s antinomy AMATO, Vincenzo (1881–1963), 72, 402 antipolar plane, 238 AMATURO, Enrico (1863–19??), 42 antirotation. See reflection: rotary American Mathematical Society, 43, 388 antitranslation. See reflection: glide AMODEO, Federico (1859–1946), 20, 62, 107 applied mathematics, 87, 365 correspondence, 383, 432, 438 APPOLONIUS of Perga (225–190 B.C.), 121,139 rivalry with Pieri, 22–23, 29, 32, 36 APRILE, Giorgio Antonio (1884–1943), analysis 40, 42, 63, 92, 398, 402, 410 arithmetization, 291–92 arc, 252 functional (see functional analysis) ARCHIMEDES (287–212 B.C.), 41, 121, 403, 421 Peano’s work, 301, 334, 337, 365 principle (see under postulate) use of set theory, 296, 298 archival institutions, ix, 40, 459 464 Index archive. See Mario PIERI: Nachlass BACCARINI, Pasquale (1858–1919), 32 area, 263 BACCELLI, Guido (1832–1916), ARISTOTLE (384–322 B.C.), 266, 305, 347 26–27, 29, 63–64, 456 arithmetic BACHI, Albina. See Albina LEVI. cardinal, 296–97 BACHMANN, Friedrich (1909–1982), complex, 125, 299 284, 403, 427 integer, modulo n, 320 BALBO, Italo (1896–1940), 6 ordinal, 297–98, 387 BALDWIN, James Mark (1861–1934), rational, 77, 289, 292, 294, 299, 334, 392 124, 343, 403 signed-integer, 77, 299, 334 BALTZER, Richard (1818–1887), 93, 403, 430 See also natural-number arithmetic; BALZAC, Honoré de (1799–1850), 97 real-number arithmetic BARBAGLI, Marzio (1938–), 7, 15–17, 403 ARMANO, Tiziana (19??–), vi, 446 BARBARIN, Paul (1855–1931), 41, 64, 403, 407 ARRIGHI, Gino (1906–2001), vi, ix, 6–7, 36, BARBERIS, Bruno (1953?–), 109, 110, 403 42–44, 63, 382, 388, 398–9, 403, 443, 460. BAR-HILLEL, Yehoshua (1915–1975), 403 Citations of individual letters in Arrighi BARIDON, Paolo (18??–19??), 408 1997 are indexed by their authors. BARKER, William A. (????–????), 120, 404 ARZELÀ, Cesare (1847–1912), BARSOCCHINI, Domenico (1777–1862), 10, 63, 98, 109, 398, 426 4, 96, 443 Bologna affair, 25–29 BARTORELLI, Antonio (18??–19??), 46, 64 ASBURGO. See HABSBURG barycentric calculus. See under calculus ascending. See progression BASSO, Giuseppe (1842–1895), ASCHIERI, Ferdinando (1844–1907), 20, 64, 332, 416 22–23, 25, 29 BASTIAN, Beppina. See Beppina PIERI. ÀSCOLI, Graziadio Isaia (1829–1907), 97 BATTAGLINI, Giuseppe (1826–1894), ASKEY, Richard Allen (1933–), 415 78–79, 398 ASPRAY, William (1952–), 116, 403 Giornale di (see journals: Giornale di associativity, 270, 294, 395 matematiche) AUGUST, Friedrich Wilhelm Oscar BAUER-MENGELBERG, Stefan (1927–1996), (18??–????), 374 417, 456 Ausdehnungslehre, 83–4, 334 BEAUFRONT, Louis de (1855–1935), 74, 404 AUSSANT-CARÀ, P. (18??–19??), 426 BECK, Hans (1876–1942), 381, 443, 454 AUSTIN, John Langshaw (1911–1960), 417 Begriffsschrift. See under FREGE , xvii–xix BEKEMEIER, Bernd (19??– ), 292, 404 automorphism, 358, 360 BELLAVITIS, Giusta (1803–1880), AVELLONE, Maurizio (19??–), 127, 129, 403 117, 139, 404 axiom, 54 (see also postulate) BELTRAMI, Eugenio (1835–1900), 65, 97 of choice, 315, 360 BEMAN, Wooster Woodruff (1850–1922), 413 of determinacy, 360 BENZ, Walter (1931–), 143 of foundation, 323 Berkeley. See University of California of infinity, 300, 307 Berlin, Imperial Library, 2 axiomatic method BERNAYS, Paul Isaac (1888–1977), 421–22 in general, v, vii, 87, 95, 291, 350, 370 BERNSTEIN, Felix (1878–1956) in Hilbert, 84, 277 See under theorem in Peano, 300–301, 334–35 BERTINI, Eugenio (1846–1933), in Pieri, 54, 124–27 30, 65, 78, 398, 404 See also hypothetical-deductive system as referee, 22–23, 26, 28–29, 31, 42, 404 axis BERTRAND, Joseph Louis François of rotation, 183 (1822–1900), 78 of symmetry, 176 Index 465

BERZOLARI, Luigi (1863–1949), BOGGIO, Tomasso (1877–1963), 31, 34, 398 22, 65–66, 107, 398, 405 BOGGIO-LERA, Enrico (1862–1956), 10, 67–68 Encyclopedia, 69, 71, 81, 95, 327, 404 BOHLMANN, Georg (1869–1928), 418 at Pavia, 31–32, 36, 94 BOI, Luciano (1957–), 129, 133–34, 405 at Turin, 20, 23, 26, 89, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 460 BETH, Evert Willem (1909–1964), Bollettino di bibliografia e storia della 300, 304–305, 314–15, 319, 404 scienza. See under journals BETTAZZI, Rodolfo (1861–1941), Bologna, xvii, xviii, 7–8, 11 10, 12, 18, 20, 66, 337, 404 affair, 25–28 BETTI, Enrico (1823–1892), Royal Technical Institute, 7–8, 459 12, 13, 66, 406, 409, 437 See also Bologna, university of works by, 167, 374, 398–99, 404, 416 Bologna, university of, 10–11, 16, 459 betweenness, 146, 334–35, 354, 358, 360–62 faculty renaissance, 8, 63, 70, 75, 98 on arc, 252 Pieri’s chair quest, 25–28 Pieri’s definition, 152, 195, 272, 357 BOLONDI, Giorgio (19??–), 17, 405 undefined, 149, 274, 277, 288, 351, 353 BOLYAI, Farkas Wolfgang (1775–1856), See also under order 209, 405 BÉZOUT, Étienne (1739–1783), 53, 404 See also under parallel postulate See also under theorem BOLYAI, János (1802–1860), 125, 155, 405 BIAGINI, Roderigo (18??–19??), 398 BOLZANO, Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk BIANCHI, Francesco Saverio (1827–1908), 67 (1781–1848), 291–92, 300, 405, 450 BIANCHI, Luigi (1856–1928), BOMPIANI, Enrico (1889–1975), 66, 405 13, 34, 67, 398, 409, 461 BONACCORSO, G. (18??–19??), 33 Pieri’s teacher, v, 12, 50, 374–75, 437 BONAPARTE, Napoléon (1769–1821), bibliographic citations, ix, 4, 373, 401–03 xvii, 11, 18, 41 in chapter 3, 62, 157, 167, 416 BONFANTE, Giuliano (1904–1983), BIEBERBACH, Ludwig Georg Elias Moses 4, 5, 8, 20, 49, 97, 405, 444 (1886–1982), 412 BONOLA, Roberto (1874–1911), 327 BIERMANN, Kurt-Reinhold (1919–2002), BOOLE, George (1815–1864), 316, 334 77, 404 BOOLOS, George Stephen (1940–1996), bijection. See under function 299, 318, 405 binary relations. See under primitive notions BORBÓN, BORBONE. See BOURBON biographical sketches, x, 3, 4, 62 BORDIGA, Giovanni (1854–1933), 42 birational BORDONI, Antonio (1789–1860), 75 equivalence (see under surface) BOREL, Félix Edouard Justin Émile Borel See also under geometry; transformation (1871–1956). See under theorem bisector. See under angle BORGA, Marco (????– ), x, 60, 147, 156, 403, BLACK, Max (1909–1988), 404, 432 405–06 BLAIKLOCK, Mary (18??–19??), 446 Borga & Palladino 1992, 54, 58, BLAIR, David E. (1940–), 138–41, 404 153, 301, 316, 326, 335, 406 BLANC, Charles (19??–), 416 BORKOWSKI, Ludwik Stefan (1914–1993), 428 BLANCHET, Marie Parfait Alphonse BORODIN, Alexandr Ivanovich ("&"  , (1813–????), 426 )! '  !# 5, 19??–), 41, 406 BLASCHKE, Wilhelm Johann Eugen BORSUK, Karol (1905–1982), 361, 406 (1885–1962), 425 BOSCHI, Pietro (1833–1918), 8, 10, 68 BLUMBERG, Albert Emanuel (????–19??), BOSIO (cav. uff., 18??–19??), 48 127, 405 BOTTAZZINI, Umberto (1947–), 92, 131, 406 BLUMENTHAL, Otto (1876–1944), 60, 405 Enriques & Castelnuovo, 70, 72–73, 80 BOCCHERINI, Luigi (1743–1805), 4 Enriques & Castelnuovo, Bologna affair, BODEWIG, Ewald (1902–????), 112, 405 23, 25–28, 31–32 466 Index

BOTTAZZINI (continued) BURALI-FORTI (continued) Enriques & Castelnuovo, otherwise life, 12, 20, 69, 398, 429 involving Pieri, 8, 22, 36, 38, 42 logic, 301, 306–307, 316, 321, 326–28 boundary of triangle, 205 Peano school, 22, 337, 341–42 BOURBAKI, Nicolas (pseudonym), vector analysis, 46–47, 53, 378, 392, 428 115, 294, 406 See also under antinomies BOURBON, Carlo Lodovico of (1799–1883), BURAU, Werner (1906–1994), 84, 87, xvii, 41 105, 111, 112, 408, 448 Bourbon dynasty, xvii, 41 BURKHARDT, Heinrich (1861–1914), 430 BOURBON, Ferdinando II of (1810–1859), 41 BURSTALL, Rod M. (1934–), 313, 408 BOURBON, Maria Luisa of (1782–1824), BUSSEY, William Henry (1879–19??), 116 xvii, 41 BÜTZBERGER, Friedrich (18??–19??), 139, 408 BOUTROUX, Émile (1845–1921), 381, 406, 423, 440 CAEMMERER, Hanna von BRANCOLI, Giuseppe (18??–????), 5 See Hanna NEUMANN BRANCOLI, Teresa Pieri (1853–1942?), CAIO, 268 5–6, 390–391 CAJORI, Florian (1859–1930), 313, 315, 408 BRAUNMÜHL, Anton, Edler von (1853–1908), calculus 375, 438, 446 barycentric, 93 Brazil, 6, 17, 36, 44 geometric (see under Giuseppe PEANO) BREDOW, Ilse (????–????), 448 mathematics as uninterpreted, 59 BRESADOLA, Marco (1969–), 100, 406 of variations, 123 BREVEGLIERI, Bruno (1942–), 406 See also differential and integral calculus BRIGAGLIA, Aldo (1945–), and under SCHUBERT 53, 129, 403, 406, 460 CALAPSO, Renato (1901–1976), 92, 408 Brigaglia & Masotto 1982, 1, 42, 131, 406 CALDARERA, Gaetano (1865–19??), Brigaglia & Ciliberto 1995, 52, 80, 406 34, 40, 69–70 Brigaglia, Ciliberto, & Sernesi 2005, CALDARERA, Grazia Macrina (1880–19??), 74, 92, 106, 406 40, 70, 408, 410 BRILL, Alexander Wilhelm von California State University, x (1842–1935), 65 California, University of. See University BRIOSCHI, Francesco (1824–1897), of California 66, 75, 167, 416 CAMBRIA, Maria (1923–), 114 BROADBENT, Thomas Arthur Alan CAMIVI, Mario (18??–19??), 397, 442 (1903–1973), 103, 406 CAMPEDELLI, Luigi (1903–1978), BRODÉN, Torsten (1857–1931), 12, 74, 101, 408 68, 124, 153–154, 407, 436 CAMPETTI, Annarosa (1920–2004), 6 BROWDER, Felix Earl (1928–), 407, 424 CAMPETTI, Beatrice Giusfredi (1894–1995), 6 BROWN, Harold Chapman (1879–1943), Campetti family, 6, 36, 39, 44, 459 290, 382, 407, 442 CAMPETTI, Francesco (1969–), x, 5, 6, 17, 36, BRUNO, Giuseppe (1828–1893), 20, 22–23, 43, 97, 408, 412, 444, 454 68–69, 107, 332, 375, 398, 438, 446 CAMPETTI, Gaetano Enrico (1890–1980), BUCCA, Lorenzo (18??–19??), 32, 37 6, 39, 42, 44, 48, 390, 442 BUEK, Otto (1873–1966), 47, 398 CAMPETTI, Gemma Pieri (1863–1955?), BUHL, Adolphe (1878–1949), 64, 407 5–6, 36, 39, 44, 47, 390, 408, 411, 459 Bulletin des sciences mathématiques CAMPETTI, Ghigo. See Ottorino CAMPETTI See under journals CAMPETTI, Marco (1924–), x, 6, 47, 390–91, BURALI-FORTI, Cesare (1861–1931), 397, 436–37, 442–43, 459 vi, 55, 460 CAMPETTI, Ottorino (1888–1947), 6, 36, 39, geometry, 52, 58, 156 42–44, 46, 48, 63, 390–91, 443 Index 467

CAMPETTI, Pellegrino (1892–1974), CATANIA, Sebastiano (1853–1946), 40, 72, 82, 6, 36, 39, 43 395–96, 402, 410, 419, 441, 443, 459 CAMPETTI, Umberto (1863–1929), Catania, xviii, 1, 32–33, 41 5–6, 17, 36, 44 university, 16, 32–33, 35, 41, 88, 410, 459 CAMPETTI, Vittorio (1930–), x, 4, 6, 411, 459 categorical. See under theory cancer. See throat cancer CAUCHY, Augustin Louis (1789–1857), CANDIDO, Giacomo (1871–1941), 147, 408 167, 410 CANTOR, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp convergence criterion, 292 (1845–1918), 408–9, 413, 420 CAVINESS, Bob F. (19??–), 352 infinite sets, 69, 117, 296–98, 300, 305–6 CAYLEY, Arthur (1821–1895), 52, 125 logic, 299, 302, 306, 313 center real numbers, 254, 263, 289, 290, 292–94 of anti-inversion, 238 See also under natural-number arithmetic; of arc, 252 real-number arithmetic; theorem of circle, 173 CANTOR, Moritz Benedikt (1829–1920), of circular ordering, 253 281, 409 of homothety, 233 CAPELLINI, Giovanni (1833–1922), of semicircle, 252 8, 29, 70, 414, 454 of symmetry, 175 CARATHÉODORY, Constantin (1873–1950), centered figure, 160 140, 404, 409 central point. See midpoint CARDANI, Pietro (1858–1925), 100, 391, 409 CEPPI, Carlo Giulio (1829–1921), 332 cardinal number, 296, 315 CESÀRO, Ernesto (1859–1906), 20, 73, 432 See also under arithmetic chain CARDUCCI, Giosuè (1835–1907), 96–97 in complex projective line, 56, 134–35, 145 CARLO EMANUELE II. See Carlo in foundations of arithmetic, 314 Emanuele II of SAVOY CHASLES, Michel (1793–1880), CARLO LODOVICO. See Carlo 56, 72–73, 133, 411, 426 Lodovico of BOURBON on enumerative geometry, 52, 104, 121 CARRUCCIO, Ettore (1908–1980), 67, 92, 409 Chicago, University of, 87, 115 Cartesian geometry. See under geometry CHINI, Mineo (1866–1933), 20, 73, 337, 411 CASATI, Gabrio (1798–1873). See under laws CHIÒ, Felice (1813–1871), 82 CASORATI, Felice (1835–1890), 65–66, 91, 97 chirality, 150 CASSINA, Ugo (1897–1964), 71, 139, CHIZZONI, Francesco (1848–1904), 22, 32–34, 319, 409, 436, 450 40, 73, 384, 398, 459–60 on Peano, 337, 345–46, 365 choice. See under axiom on Pieri, 2–3, 22, 31, 34, 42, CHURCH, Alonzo (1903–1995), 116, 348, 284–85, 307, 326, 399 402, 411 CASTELLANO, Filiberto (1860–1919), CHWIAâKOWSKI, Zygmunt (????–????), 20, 71, 79, 334, 337, 410 348, 452 CASTELNUOVO, Enrico (1839–1915), 71 CHWISTEK, Leon (1884–1944), 451 CASTELNUOVO, Guido (1865–1952), CIACCIO, Francesco Paolo (1821–1901), 28 71–72, 119, 263, 410–11, 422 CIAMPINI, Maria Grazia (1942–), algebraic geometry, 52, 107–08, x, 4, 6, 411, 459 concerning Enriques, 25–29, 406, CIANI, Edgardo (1864–1942), concerning Pieri, 44, 49, 157, 12, 42, 74, 114, 408 160, 381, 398, 399, 442 rivalry with Pieri, 22–23, 29, 32, 36 concerning Turin, 20, 22–23, 36, 42, CIESIELSKI, Krzystof (1957– ), 350, 411 See also under BOTTAZZINI;ENRIQUES CIGNA, Gianfrancesco (1734–1790), 18 CATALANI, Alfredo (1854–1893), 4 CILIBERTO, Ciro (1950–). See BRIGAGLIA CIPOLLA, Michele (1880–1947), 40, 42, 94, 411 468 Index circle congruence (continued) in inversive geometry, 57, 138, 141 of figures, 146, 148, 150, 161, in Point and Sphere, 160, 173 249, 272, 278, 338, 348 See also under postulate of point pairs, 155, 216 circular. See under transformation SAS (see under postulate) class, 163–64, 249, 269 of segments, 149, 206, 274, 278, enumerable, 254 280–81, 338, 351, 353, 357, 394 CLAUSIUS, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel of triangles, 220 (1822–1888), 99 See also under equidistance; postulate; CLEBSCH, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred symbol; transformation (1833–1872), 86, 444 conic section, 52, 121, 376, 378, 393 COEN, Salvatore (19??–), x, 8, conjugation. See harmonic conjugation 10, 42, 90, 91, 411 conjunction. See under symbol coherent. See under fundamental sequence consequence, 267 COHN-VOSSON, Stefan (1902–1936), 426 conservation of number, 104, 112 coincidence formulas, 376, 396 consistency. See under natural-number COLAJANNI, Napoleone (1847–1921), 43, 398 arithmetic; projective geometry; theory collegium, 11, 16 contact point, 167, 200 collimation, 169 CONTE, Alberto (1942–), 81, 411, 427 collinearity, definition See also BOTTAZZINI using betweenness, 277, 361 continuity, 278, 289 using equidistance, 152, 154, 169, 280, 357 Dedekind, 137, 141, 146, 149, using motion, 146, 152, 272 155, 273, 276, 336, 355 collineation. See under transformation elementary, 355–56 colonialism. See under Italy Weierstrass, 285 commissione giudicatrice, 16 See also under postulate; transformation communication among mathematicians, continuous magnitude, 291–92 1, 87, 98, 107, 121, 154 CONTRO, Walter Salvator (1937–), commutativity, 143, 226, 270, 294, 298 68, 128, 153–54, 407, 411 compass, geometry of, 263 control-systems theory, vii, 52 complete quadrilateral, 131 convergence criterion. See under CAUCHY completeness convex of real numbers, 151, 293 angle (see under angle) See also under postulate; theory figure, 206 complex COOLIDGE, Julian Lowell (1873–1954), analysis, 125, 140, 142 133, 139–140, 142, 412 Hirstian, 378 coordinates number (see under arithmetic) Cartesian, 57, 276, 278, 282, 288, 354 of lines, 377–78 homogeneous, 60, 93, 128, 277 complexity of axiom systems, 156, 273–74, pentaspherical, 57 276–77, 283, 285, 287–88, 350, 353 tetracyclic, 57, 140 concave. See under angle coplanarity, 146, 154, 173, 277, 280 concorso, 16 CORCORAN, John (1937– ), 305, 347, 412, 452 cones, system of, 377 CORIE, Helen Cullura (1911–2005), x confocal varieties, 51 CORRY, Leo (1956– ), 351, 412 conformal. See under transformation correspondence, 269 congruence algebraic, 52 in algebraic geometry, 53, 376–78 principle, 73, 104, 121, 376 of angles, 149, 274, 278, 280–81, 338 COURANT, Richard (1888–1972), 426 Index 469

COUTURAT, Louis (1868–1914) DANIELE, Pietro Ermenegildo (1875–1949), 1900 Paris congress, 1, 36, 281, 96, 413 321, 341, 381, 423, 440 DANTE. See ALIGHIERI arithmetic, 307 DARBOUX, Gaston (1842–1917), correspondence, 388, 398, 428, 448 121, 137, 139–40, 413, 425 geometry, 58, 145, 327 DARMSTAEDTER, Ludwig (1846–1927), 2, 398 Leibniz, 281, 343, 427 D’ASBURGO. See HABSBURG life, ix, 74, 218, 404, 412, 415 DAUBEN, Joseph Warren (1944– ), logic, 304, 316 296, 406, 413 covariant, 200, 250 DAVINI, Marianna. See Marianna LUPORINI COWAN, Patricia M. See PEARSON DAVIS, Philip J. (1923–), x COXETER, Harold Scott MacDonald (1907– decidability 2003), x, 129, 131, 142–43, 145, 361, 412 of elementary geometry, 351–52 CRELLE, August Leopold (1780–1855) See also under theory See journals: Journal für die reine DEDEKIND, Caroline Marie Henriette und angewandte Mathematik Emperius (1799–1882), 76, 84 CREMONA, Antonio Luigi Gaudenzio Giuseppe DEDEKIND, Julie Marie Sophie (1830–1903), 30, 33, 75, 412–13, 420, 460 (1825–1914), 76 algebraic geometry, 12, 14–15 DEDEKIND, Julius Levin Ulrich Pieri’s chair quest, 27–29 (1795–1872), 76 See also under transformation DEDEKIND, Julius Wilhelm Richard CREMONA, Tranquillo (1837–1878), 75 (1831–1916), 76–77, 295, 306, Crescenzi–Pacinotti, Istituto, 8, 100 404, 409, 413, 415, 419 CRISPI, Francesco (1818–1901), 26 continuity and real numbers, 76, 263, CROCE, Benedetto (1866–1952), 90, 119, 366 273, 289, 293–94, 305 CROWE, Michael J. (19??–), 53, 413 finiteness definition, 290, 296, 300, 314 CULMANN, Karl (1821–1881), 99 logic, 299, 301, 305, 307, 315–16, 319 CURTO, Girolamo (1852–1917), 12 natural numbers, 76, 296, 300–302, 304, CURTZE, Maximilian (1837–1903), 412–13 308, 313–15, 317–20, 322, 324, 326 curvature, 51, 375 See also under continuity; cut; curve real-number arithmetic algebraic, vii, 51, 65, 75, 375–76, 378, 383 DEDEKIND, Karl Adolf (1829–1909), 76 of constant illumination, 51, 375 DEDEKIND, Richard space-filling, 334 See Julius Wilhelm Richard DEDEKIND cut, Dedekind, 76, 293 deduction. See consequence CUTRONE (Procuratore Generale definability, 331, 358, 360 comm., 18??–19??), 48 definiendum, definiens, 265 cyclic order definition, 265, 302, 341, 358 in Euclidean geometry, 252, 278, 285 by abstraction, 392 in inversive geometry, 141 equality by (see under equality) in projective geometry, 128, 130–131 explicit, 265 See also under order hypothesis of, 265 implicit, 127, 265, 267–68, 307–8 DA COLLINA, Mareno (1960–), x nominal, 265, 268, 306–7, 392 DA COLLINA, Mario (1921–), x real, 265 DAGNINO (colonello cav., 18??–19??), 48 recursive, 298–300, 314–15, 319, 324 DAL POGGETTO, Maria. See Maria PIERI DE FRANCHIS, Michele (1875–1946), D’AMICO, Francesco (1880–19??), 40, 75, 36, 42, 44, 77, 89–90, 450 396–97, 410, 413 DEHN, Max (1878–1952), 96, 151, 380, D’ANGIÒ, Giuseppe Gioeni. See GIOENI 414–15, 421, 434, 441, 454, 456 470 Index

DELOGU, Pietro (1857–1932), doctorate, Italian, 7, 11 38, 387, 414, 441 See also under Mario PIERI DEL RE, Alfonso (1859–1921), 36, 42, 77, 430 DONATI, Luigi (1846–1932), 10, 98, 417 rivalry with Pieri, 22, 23, 25, 27–29, 31 D’OVIDIO, Enrico (1843–1933) 20, 21, 49, 78– Denmark, mathematics in, 121–22 79, 97, 332–33, 405, 414, 418, 450, 460 DENTON, William Wells (1882–1961), 456 referee for chair competitions, 22–23, 26 DE PAOLIS, Riccardo (1854–1892), reviewer, 57–58, 131, 145–46, 148, 151, 12, 20, 65, 78, 129, 147, 375–76, 375, 377, 380–81, 437–38, 440 395, 398, 403, 414, 437, 449 D’OVIDIO, Francesco (1849–1926), 79, 97 1892 correspondences paper DRUCKER, Thomas (19??–), 415 See under Mario PIERI DUFLOT, Jeanne (19??–), 406 depression. See economic depression DUGAC, Pierre (1926–2000), 77, 314, 415 DE SANTIS, Maria Gabriela (19??–), 11, 16, 414 DUPORCQ, Ernest (1873–1903), 422 DESARGUES, Girard (1591–1661) DUREN, Peter (1935–), 415 See under theorem descending. See progression École Normale Supérieure, 11 descriptions, theory of, 341 economic depression, ix, 366, 368–70 descriptive geometry. See under geometry economic unrest, 17, 44 design courses, 11, 34, 46, 332 edge of angle or triangle, 163, 204–5 DE STEFANI, Carlo (1851–1924), 70, 414 EDWARDS, Harold Mortimer, Junior determinacy. See under axiom (1936–), 415 diagrams. See under geometry EHRENFEUCHT, Andrzej (1932–), 113 diametrically opposite points, 194 EHRENFEUCHT, Krystina Tarski (1938–), DI BORBONE. See BOURBON 113, 352 DICKSTEIN, Samuel (1851–1939), 124, 398 EISELE, Carolyn (1902–2000), 74, 80, 415 DIEUDONNÉ, Jean Alexandre Eugène elementary function. See under function (1906–1992), 316, 414–415 elementary geometry DI FARNESE. See FARNESE Brodén, 68, 153–154, 407, 412, 436 differential and integral calculus, 333, 346 Hilbert, 58–59, 148–51, foundation for, 76, 291–93, 300, 335 274–77, 288, 350, 421 multidimensional, 53, 397 Pieri, vii, 54, 58, 153–54, 156–270, See also under Giuseppe PEANO 278–87, 349, 355–58, 381, 442 differential equations, 301, 334 Tarski, viii, 58, 288, 350–56, 368, 394, 452 differential geometry. See under geometry elicomozione. See transformation: screw DI LEONARDO, Maria Vittoria (????– ), elliptic geometry. See under geometry 323, 325, 328, 414 elliptic polar system. See polar system dimension, 186, 277, 283, 287–88, EMCH, Arnold (1871–1959), 408, 415 334, 358, 360, 362, 394 Emilia–Romagna, xvii, xix, 7, 11, 16, 44 DINI, Ulisse (1845–1918), 12, 13, empty set, 316 67, 397–98, 450, 461 Encyclopedia of Elementary Mathematics direct. See under isometry; motion (Italian), 65, 327–29, 404 DIRICHLET, Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune See also under BERZOLARI (1805–1859), 76 Encyclopédie des mathématiques pures et DI SAVOIA , DI SAVO JA. See SAVOY appliquées, 46, 87, 430 DI SIENO, Simonetta (19??–), 414, 431 Encyklopädie der mathematischen disjunction. See under symbol Wissenschaften, 2, 46, 87, 325, 429 dissection, 348, 394 end distance, 155, 160, 258, 263, 284–85 of arc or semicircle, 252 distributivity, 294 of segment, 195 Index 471

ENGEL, Friedrich (1861–1941), 96, 105–6, external point 112, 415, 419, 421–22, 427, 447 to circle, 195 ENRIQUES, Federigo (1871–1946), 24, 42, to sphere, 194 72–73, 79–80, 107, 398–99, 410, 460 to triangle, 205 correspondence with Castelnuovo, 23, 72, 80, 406 FAÀ DI BRUNO, Francesco (1825–1888), on elementary geometry, 123, 128–29, 133, 107, 332 153, 160, 278, 285, 287, 368, 415–16 FABBI, Angelo (19??–), 44, 46, 110, 117, 416 rivalry with Pieri, 23, 25–29, 31–32, faculty ranks, Italian, 11 36, 75, 94, 98, 119, 411 FAIFOFER, Aureliano (1843–1909), 71–72 See also under BOTTAZZINI FANO, Gino (1871–1952), 36, 72, 80–81, enumerable. See under class 87, 89, 94, 132, 337, 411, 416, 460 enumerative geometry. See under geometry rivalry with Pieri, 29, 31–32, equality on foundations of geometry, 53, 65, 107–8, by definition, 163, 265 129, 131, 133, 405, 416, 425 in logic, 316–17, 336, 350–52 FÄRBER, Karl (1863–1912), 377, 438, 448, 455 of transformations, 270 FARNESE, Ranuccio I of (1569–1622), 41 See also under symbol Fascism, Italian. See under Italy equidistance, 153 FAVA, Narciso (18??–19??), 48–49, 399, 416 quaternary, 153, 281, 351, 353–54, 357–58, FÀVARO, Antonio (1847–1922), 36, 398, 411 360–62 (see also under congruence: of FAZZI, Carlo (18??–????), 398 point pairs; congruence: of segments) FEFERMAN, Anita Burdman (19??– ), ternary, vii, 152–54, 157, 160–61, 165, 272, 113, 347–48, 416 278, 280, 282, 286, 341–42, 349–50, FEFERMAN, Solomon (1928– ), 357–58, 360–62, 366, 368 113, 347, 348, 416 equilaterality, 362 FEHR, Henri (1870–1954), equinumerous sets, 296 290, 382, 412, 442, 445 equivalence, logical, 163, 348 FEIGL, Georg (1890–1945), See also under symbol 404, 415, 417, 422, 426 ERBA, Giuseppe Bartolomeo (1819–1895), 332 FEIGL, Herbert (1902–1988), 127, 405 Erlanger program. See under KLEIN FEINBERG, Barry (1938–), 386, 416, 441 ERDÉLYI, Arthur (1908–1977), 114 female mathematicians, 40, 365 EUCLID (325?–265? B.C.), 95, 102, 125–26, FERDINANDO II. See Ferdinando II 147, 149–51, 288, 291, 338, 369, 416 of BOURBON in Point and Sphere, 167, 175, 180–83, FERGOLA, Emanuele (1830–1915), 79 185, 187, 192, 199, 206, 209–210, FERMAT, Pierre de (1601–1665), 454 222, 224–28, 230–233, 262, 263 FERMI, Enrico (1901–1954), 114 postulate (see parallel postulate: Bolyai’s) FERRARIS, Galileo (1847–1897), 64, 416 Euclidean. See under field; geometry FERREIRÓS DOMÍNGUEZ, José (19??– ), EULER, Leonhard (1707–1783), 292, 296, 299, 314–15, 323, 416 18, 76, 248, 284, 416 FICHERA, Filadelfo (1850–1909), 33–34 EWALD, Günter (1929–), 143 FICHERA, Gaetano (1922–1996), 115, 417 EWALD, William Bragg (1954–), 291, 409, FIEDLER, Otto Wilhelm (1832–1912), 117 413, 416, 422, 445 field excess-intersection theory, vii, 52 Euclidean, 263, 351, 355 exponentiation, 314, 318–19 formally real, 354 existential. See under sentence ordered, 351, 354, 356 extension Pythagorean, 354 of predicate, 298–99, 302, 304 real-closed, 351–52 of segment, 200 theory, 351 472 Index figure, 164, 249 FRICKE, Robert (1861–1930), 414, 421, 425 finitary methods, 60–61 FRIEDMANN, Sigismondo (1852–1917), 12 finiteness. See under Julius DEDEKIND FRITSCH, Rudolf (1939–), 96, 418 FINZI, Bruno (1899–1974), 110 FUBINI, Guido (1879–1943), 34, 67, FINZI, Cesare (1836–1908), 12, 417 78, 81, 108, 114, 398, 450 FIORINI, Matteo (1827–1901), FUJIWARA, Matsusaburô (1881–1946), 423 8, 10, 28, 81, 398, 423 FULTON, William (1939–), 52–53, 418 FISCHER, Michael J. (1942–), 352, 417 function, 269, 314–15 FISCHER-BENZON, Rudolph Jacob application, 269, 273 Diedrich von (1839–1911), 456 bijection, 269 fixed point, 52, 175–76, 270 composition, 273 FOÀ, Emanuele (1892–1949), 417 elementary, 292, 299 FOLKERTS, Menso (1943–), 412, 417, 453 holomorphism, 140 following, 163, 249, 252 injection, 269, 314 See also under symbol reciprocal (see function: bijection) foot, 187 See also under transformation footnotes, ix, 4, 62, 158 functional analysis, 123 FORDER, Henry George (1889–1981), 286, 417 fundamental sequence or series, 254, 292 formal sum, 292, 294 coherent, 293 formalism, 307 fundamental theorem of projective geometry, formally real. See under field 121, 137, 207, 214, 336, 338, 380, 388 Formolario, Formulaire, formulary FURCH, Robert Otto (1894–1967), 143 See under Giuseppe PEANO FURTH, Montgomery (1933–), 417 foundation. See under axiom fusionism, 147–48, 150, 154–55, 157, 160 foundations of geometry. See under geometry foundations of mathematics, GABELLI, Aristide (1830–1891), 17, 418 85, 116, 128, 298, 327, 343 GALOIS, Evariste (1811–1832) See also under Mario PIERI; RUSSELL; theory, 66, 76 and school: Peano GANDINO, Giovanni Battista (1827–1905), 96 FOURET, Georges François (1845–1921), GARIBALDI, Giuseppe (1807–1882), 41, 65, 80 101, 398, 417 GARIO, Paola (19??–). See BOTTAZZINI France, xvii–xix, 18 GAROSI, Gino (????–????), 444 FRAENKEL, Abraham Adolf (1891–1965), GAUSS, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855), 290, 304, 409, 417, 445 76, 93, 111, 125, 293–94, 418, 421 FRANCESCONI, Stefano (19??–), 10, 63, GAZZANIGA, Paolo (1853–1930), 118, 455 68, 70, 81, 101, 118, 417 GEISER, Carl Friedrich (1843–1934), 100, 418 FRANZ I. See Franz I of HABSBURG GEMINIANI, Francesco (1687–1782), 4 FRÉCHET, Maurice (1878–1973), 124, 398 general topology. See under topology FREGE, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (1848– GENOCCHI, Angelo (1817–1889), 1925), 298–307, 316, 347, 405, 417, 20, 82, 91, 107, 332–36, 418 419, 421, 431–32, 434, 447 GENTILE, Giovanni (1875–1944), 366, 453 [1879] 1970 Begriffsschrift, 298–99, 304 See also under laws [1884] 1953 Foundations, 298, 300, 304–5 geometrography, 89 1893–1903 Basic Laws, 301–2 geometry logic, view of, 298–99, 301, 305, 340 absolute, 145, 151, 273, 287, 340 See also under Russell’s antinomy; algebraic, vii, ix, 51–53, 75, successor 84, 103, 107, 123, 406 FREGUGLIA, Paolo (19??–), 156, 402, 406 birational, vii, 52 FREUDENTHAL, Hans (1905–1990), 85, 127, Cartesian, 351, 354 313, 341, 407, 415, 418 Index 473 geometry (continued) Gioenia, Accademia, 1, 34, 41 complex projective (see under See also under journals projective geometry) GIOENI D’ANGIÒ, Giuseppe (1747–1822), 41 descriptive, 11, 29, 31, 120 GIOLITTI, Giovanni (1842–1928), 26, 43 diagrams in, 58 GIORGIO, Gino (avv. 18??–19??), 48 differential, 53, 116, 120, 383 Giornale di matematiche. See under journals elementary (see elementary geometry) GIUDICE, Francesco (1855–1936), 18, 337 elliptic, 356, 358, 360–61 GIUSFREDI, Beatrice. See Beatrice CAMPETTI enumerative, vii, 2, 46–47, 51–52, 73, GIVANT, Steven Roger (1945?– ), x, 113, 156, 104–05, 112, 121, 337, 374, 376, 396 347, 350–55, 357, 360, 369, 419, 452, 460 Euclidean, 145, 149, 151, 157, 161, 274, glide reflection. See under reflection 349, 356–57, 361, 368, 370 (see also GOBLOT, Edmond (1858–1935), 147, 419 elementary geometry) GÖDEL, Kurt (1906–1978), 61, 85, foundations, 53–54, 58, 84, 95, 106, 113, 120, 305, 319, 347, 419–21 117, 123–26, 142, 147, 156, 161, 284, 337, GOHEEN, Harry (19??–????), 149 342, 350, 352, 354, 366, 368, 371, 379, 394 GOLDFARB, Warren (1949– ), 351, 419 fundamentals (complementi), 22 GORDAN, Paul Albert (1837–1912), 112 hyperbolic, 145, 356, 360–61 Göttingen, 84, 87, 107 inversive, 57, 93, 99, 137–43 Library, 460 line, 134 GOW, Roderick Ian (1948–), 103, 419 multidimensional, 53, 108, 117, 129, 133, GRANDJOT REINS, Karl (1900–1979), 319, 409 140, 287, 351, 356, 358, 361, 395 graphical statics, 75, 99, 106 non-Archimedean, 81, 117–18 GRASSI-CRISTALDI, Giuseppe (18??–19??), non-Euclidean, 41, 81, 84, 86, 32, 37, 388, 441 112, 284, 287, 358, 394 GRASSMANN, Hermann Ernst (1857–1922), 83 projective (see projective geometry) GRASSMANN, Hermann Günter (1809–1877), real enumerative, vii 82–84, 295, 300, 408, 419, 421, 448 transformational, 284 on arithmetic, 294, 298, 305, 318, See also compass on multidimensional methods, GÉRARD, Louis (18??–19??), 263, 418 53, 334, 406, 433 GERGONNE, Joseph Diaz (1771–1859), See also under natural-number arithmetic 127, 418 GRASSMANN, Justus Günther (1779–1852), 82 GERHARDT, Karl Immanuel (1816–1899), 427 GRASSMANN, Robert (1815–1901), 83 GERICKE, Helmut (1910–), 417 GRATTAN-GUINNESS, Ivor (1941–), v, x, 291, GERLA, Giangiacomo (????– ), 350, 418 294, 301–2, 341, 364, 424 GIACARDI, Livia (1952–), x, 18, 22, 69, 72, 79, GRAY, Jeremy (1947–), x, 59, 420, 430 81–82, 92, 108, 123, 129, 333, 411, 418 greatest-lower-bound principle, 291–93 GIAMBELLI, Giovanni Zeno (1879–1953), GREITZER, Samuel L. (1905–1988), 75, 420 42, 49, 286, 399, 418 GRIFFIN, Frank Loxley (1881–1969), GIAMPAGLIA, Niccolò (18??–19??), 34, 40, 369–70, 420 82, 393, 395–96, 410, 419, 443 GRIM, 414 GIANNATTASIO, Antonio (19??–), 95, 419 GRIMALDI, Giovan Pietro (1860–1918), GIBSON, George Alexander (1858–1930), 447 32, 37, 387, 389, 420 GIBBS, Josiah Willard (1839–1903), 53, 84 group. See transformation: group GIGLI, Duilio (1878–1933), 65, 419 GRUGNETTI, Lucia (19??–), 406, 430 See also BERZOLARI: Encyclopedia GRUNSKY, Helmut (1904–1986), GILLIES, Douglas Angus (????– ), 409, 415, 417, 426 294, 302, 304, 315, 419 GUCCIA, Giovan Battista (1854–1936), 398 GILLISPIE, Charles Coulston (1918–), 419 GUERRAGGIO, Angelo (1948–), ginnasio, 7 119, 414, 420, 460 474 Index

GUMBEL, Emil Julius (1891–1966), 447 HERMANN, Robert (1931–), 426 GUNDEL, Hans Georg (1912–), 420, 436 HERRE, Paul (1876–1962), 47, 398 GÜNTHER, Siegmund (1848–1923), 398 HERSH, Reuben (1927–), x GUPTA, Haragauri Narayan (19–), Hessen, Historische Kommission, 460 x, 313, 354–57, 420 HEYTING, Arend (1898–1980), 362 Gymnasium. See ginnasio hierarchy, Kleene–Mostowski, 271 HILBERT, David (1862–1943), v, 2, 38, 41, Habsburg dynasty, xvii, 41 59–61, 84–85, 87, 104–5, 118, 127, 271, HABSBURG, Franz I of (1768–1835), 41 275, 300, 369, 378, 405–6, 416, 418, HABSBURG, Leopoldo I of (1747–1792), xvii, 41 420–22, 424, 433, 439, 460 HABSBURG, Leopoldo II of (1797–1870), [1899] 1971 Foundations of Geometry, xvii, 41 58–59, 84, 106, 127, 143, 148–51, 155– 56, HABSBURG, Maria Luigia of (1791–1847), 162, 198, 263, 274, 275, 276–78, 280, xvii, 41 282–83, 285, 288, 342, 348, 350, 354, 357, half-line, 146, 192, 200, 272 360, 366–67, 369, 414, 436, 445, 453 See also under symbol See also under school; style half-plane, 192, 202, 272 HIRST, Thomas Archer Hirst (1830–1892), 378 half-space, 204 history of mathematics, v, vi, viii, 3, 63, half-turn. See reflection: across a line 80–81, 91, 121 HALSTED, George Bruce (1853–1922), Italian, 80, 91, 114, 364, 406, 445 64, 162, 198, 263, 420, 422, 445 HOBSON, Ernest William (1856–1933), 423 HAMBURGER, Meyer (1838–1903), 408, 433 HOFFMAN, Alan Jerome (19??–), 143, 422 HAMEL, Georg (1877–1954), 360, 420 HOLGATE, Thomas Franklin (1859–1945), 445 HAMILTON, William Rowan (1805–1865), 53 Holocaust. See World War II: effects on Jews harmonic conjugation, 134 holomorphic function. See under function harmonic points, 131, 142, 143 homogeneous coordinates HASKELL, Mellen Woodman (1863–1948), 425 See under coordinates HAUSSNER, Robert Karl Hermann homography. See under transformation (1863–1948), 378, 438 homothety. See under transformation HAWKINS, Thomas (1938–), 3, 133, 134, 421 HOPPE, Reinhold Eduard (1816–1900), HEATH, Archie Edward (1887–1961), 84, 421 425, 432 HEATH, Sir Thomas Little (1861–1940), HUBER, Birkett (19??–), 52, 422 403, 416 HUDSON, Hilda Phoebe (1881–1965), 139, 422 HEAVISIDE, Oliver (1850–1925), 53, 84 HUNTINGTON, Edward Vermilye (1874–1952), HEDRICK, Earle Raymond (1876–1943), 327, 340, 350, 422, 445 134, 421, 425 HURWITZ, Adolf (1859–1919), HEEGAARD, Poul (1871–1948), 407 84, 86, 105, 292, 455 HEIBERG, Johan Ludvig (1854–1928), hyperbolic geometry. See under geometry 121, 416, 421 hypermedial point, 212 HEIJENOORT, Jean van (1912–1986), hyperplane reflection. See under reflection 307, 316, 407, 419, 421, 431 hypersurface, 374, 396 HEINE, Heinrich Eduard (1821–1881), 104 classification, 52 See also under theorem quadric, 57 helicoid. See under surface hypersymmetric points, 212 HELLINGER, Ernst David (1883–1950), 425 hypothesis of definition. See under definition HELMHOLTZ, Hermann Ludwig hypothetical-deductive system, v, vii, 54, 56, Ferdinand von (1821–1894), 125 58, 59, 126–28, 141, 147, 151, 154, 157, HEMPEL, Carl Gustav (1905–1997), 452 161–62, 286, 290, 320, 322, 363, 369, 381 HENKIN, Leon Albert(1921–2006), 318–19, See also axiomatic method 324, 421 Index 475 identity. See under transformation Interlingua. See Giuseppe PEANO: Academia ideography. See Giuseppe PEANO: Intermédiaire des mathématiciens symbolic notation See under journals Ido, 74 intermediate value. See under theorem illumination, constant. See under curve internal point imaginary point, 56, 135, 393 to angle, 204 implication. See under symbol to arc or semicircle, 252 incaricato. See professore to circle, 195 incidence, 149, 274, 334 to segment, 195 relation between lines (see under to solid, 349 intersection) to sphere, 194 See also under postulate to triangle, 205 inclusion, 165, 314, 349 International Congress of Mathematicians See also under symbol 1897 Zürich, 89 inconsistent collection, 304 1900 Paris, 60, 85, 104, 148, independence 281, 341–43, 422, 449 of arithmetic axioms, 312, 318, 325–26, 328 1904 Heidelberg, 60, 422 of axioms in general, 54, 59, 61, 131, 148, 1908 Rome, 53, 328, 422 277, 287–88, 320, 342 1912 Cambridge, 2, 47, 328, 423 of primitive notions, 95, 321 1928 Bologna, 98 of Tarski’s geometric axioms, 356 International Congress of Philosophy See also under parallel postulate 1900 Paris, 1, 36, 74, 95, 102, 148, 153, indirect. See under isometry; motion 281, 302, 320, 341–43, 381, 406, 412, induction (mathematical), 60, 294, 423 (see also under RUSSELL) 298–99, 313, 322, 343 1904 Rome, 124 in Dedekind, 314–15 1911 Bologna, 80 Peano’s postulate, 58, 308, 311, Internet repositories, academic, 401 315, 317, 323, 325–26 intersection, 165, 314 Pieri’s postulate, 310, 322–23, 325–26 multiplicity, 51, 53, 378 definition by. See definition: recursive relation between lines, 56, 134 See also minimum principle See also excess-intersection theory inequality. See under symbol and under symbol inference rule, 316 interval. See segment infinite descent, 313 intuition, geometric, 54, 95, 108, 126–27, 131, infinite set. See Julius DEDEKIND: finiteness 135, 161, 266–67, 283, 286–87, 354 infinity inverse. See under transformation point at, 138–40, 277, 393 inversion. See under transformation See also under axiom inversive injection. See under function group, 139, 140 INGOLD, Louis (1872–19??), 134, 421 property, 57 INGRAMI, Giuseppe (18??–19??), See under geometry 394–95, 422, 440 involution. See under transformation Institute for Advanced Study irrational number, 289, 293, 382 See under Princeton isomer, 218 institute. See technical institute isometric figures, 218 instruction, minister of See also under congruence See minister of instruction isometry, 154–55, 218, 271 integer modulo n. See under arithmetic classification, 241, 247–48 integral calculus. See differential See also motion and integral calculus 476 Index isomorphic journals simply infinite systems, 300 Academia pro Interlingua, 345 well-ordered sets, 297 Annuario scientifico ed industriale, 90 ISRAEL, Giorgio (1945– ), 291, 423 Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Italian Mathematical Union, 98 Naturali in Catania, 34, 35 Italian universities, 11 Battaglini (see journals: Giornale di hiring policies, 16, 25 matematiche) private, 16 Bollettino di bibliografia e storia della public, xviii, 16 scienza, 92 Italy Bulletin des sciences mathématiques, 402 cities, xviii Crelle’s (see journals: Journal für die reine Chamber of Deputies, 18 und angewandte Mathematik) colonialism, 43 Geisteswissenschaften, 47 corruption, 26, 43 Giornale di matematiche, 402 economy, 15, 23 Intermédiaire des mathématiciens, 89 Fascism, 72, 80–81, 90–92, 119, 366 Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der government, 75, 366 Mathematik, 299, 329, 333, 368, 402 history, xvii Journal für die reine und angewandte regions, xvii, xix Mathematik, 93 school system, 7, 15, 366 Journal of Symbolic Logic, 402 Senate, 18, 27 Mathematicae Notae, 91 Unification, xvii, 4, 11, 18, 41, Mathematical Reviews, 402 63, 65–66, 70, 78, 85, 109 Mathematische Annalen, 86 See also Italian universities; literacy Revista de mathematica, 336, 343 IZUMI, Shin-ichi (1904–1990), 143, 423 Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 341 Revue des mathématiques, 336 Jacobian. See under variety Rivista di matematica, 71, 301, 336–37, JADANZA, Nicodemo (1847–1920), 342–43 20, 81, 85, 423, 432 Rivista populare di politica, lettere Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der e scienze sociali, 43 Mathematik. See under journals Transactions of the American JAMES, Glenn (1882–1961), 412, 423 Mathematical Society, 388 JANELLI, Angiolina. See Angiolina PIERI JESPERSEN, Julie. See Julie ZEUTHEN KAGAN, Benjamin Fedorovich (1869–1953), JESPERSEN, Louise. See Louise ZEUTHEN 124, 385, 398, 441 JEVONS, William Stanley (1835–1882), 316 KALMÁR, László (1905–1976), 319 JOHNSON, Jeremy R. (196?–), 352, 411, 417 KANNENBERG, Lloyd Chambers (1939–), join 419, 433 2 points, 54, 56, 167 (see also symbol: line) KANT, Immanuel (1724–1804), 266, 305, 3 points, 167, 170 (see also symbol: plane) 412, 416 JOLLES, Stanislaus (1857–19??), 456 philosophy of arithmetic, 84 JORDAN, Marie Ennemond Camille philosophy of geometry, 102 (1838–1922), 74, 86 KANTOR, Seligmann (1857–19??), 398 JORDAN, Zbigniew (1911–1977), 351, 423 KARZEL, Helmut (1928–), 143, 145, 424 JOURDAIN, Philip Edward Bertrand KASNER, Edward (1878–1955), 142–43, 424 (1879–1919), 289–90, 292–94, 304–5, KELVIN, Lord. See William THOMSON 316, 327–28, 409, 423–24, 431, 456 KENNEDY, Hubert Collings (1931–), Journal für die reine und angewandte 27, 41, 69, 73, 82, 95–96, 301–2, 316, Mathematik. See under journals 320, 332–338, 341–42, 345–47, Journal of Symbolic Logic. See under journals 364–65, 399, 424, 433, 435, 460 Index 477

KEYSER, Cassius Jackson (1862–1947), LAMPE, Emil (1840–1918), 377, 379–80, 408, 127–28, 424 414–16, 418–19, 422–27, 430–32, 439, KILLING, Wilhelm (1847–1923), 441–42, 445, 448–50, 454–57 41, 133, 147, 424 LANDAU, Edmund Georg Hermann KIRKOR, Andrzej (19??–), 426 (1877–1938), 290, 294, 319, 426 KIST, Günter (1943–), 145, 424 LANDI, Claude P. (18??–19??), 446 KLEENE, Stephen Cole (1909–1994) LANTELME, Giuseppe (????–????), 332 See hierarchy larger-than relation KLEIMAN, Steven Lawrence (1942–), for angles, 223 x, 51–52, 105, 122, 424, 448 for cardinals, 296 KLEIN, Christian Felix (1849–1925), 55, 56, for natural numbers, 311, 313–14, 319 67, 80, 84, 85–87, 105, 107, 117, 121, for ordinals, 297 125, 133, 135, 137, 143, 146, 340, 365, for real numbers, 293 383, 398, 408, 425–26, 430–31, for segments, 220, 272 440, 444, 446, 449, 459 Latin, 316, 343 1872 Erlanger program, 56–58, 80, 86–87, Uninflected, 42, 49, 74, 301, 107–8, 116, 133–34, 139–42, 145, 336–37, 343, 345, 365 154, 421, 425 lattice theory, 143, 350 KLINE, Morris (1908–1992), 291, 426, 456 LAUGEL, Leonce (18??–19??), 421 KNEEBONE, Geoffrey Thomas (1918–2003), laureate. See doctorate 294, 301, 305, 426 LAURICELLA, Giuseppe (1867–1913), KNOBLOCH, Eberhard (1943–), 446 34, 37, 40, 63, 88, 393, 395–96, KOHN, Gustav (1859–1921), 148, 426 413, 419, 426, 443, 450, 459 KOLLÁR, János (19??–), 426, 450 LAVAGGI, Luigi (18??–19??), 46, 88 KOPPELMAN, Elaine (1937–), 73, 426 LAVRENKO, N. I. (& ", . ., 19??–), KOSTANT, Ann (1937–), x 41, 406 KOTARBIN´SKI, Tadeusz Marian LAWAETZ, Sophie. See Sophie ZEUTHEN (1886–1981), 429 laws KÖTTER, Fritz Wilhelm Ferdinand Casati and Mamiani, 16, 25 (1857–1912), 375–77, 379, 415, Gentile, 90 426, 434, 437–39, 445, 455 LAX, Anneli (1922–1999), x KOWALEWSKI, Gerhard Waldemar LAX, Peter David (1926–), x Hermann (1876–1950), 454 LAZARSFELD, Robert (19??–), 426, 450 KRATZER, Adolf (1858–), 422 LAZZERI, Giulio (1861–1935), 99, 239, 426 Kreisverwandtschaft LEBESGUE, Henri Léon (1875–1941), 89 See transformation: circular LEGENDRE, Adrien-Marie (1752–1833), KROLL, Hans-Joachim (1942–), 185, 227, 426 143, 145, 424 LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716), KRONECKER, Leopold (1823–1891), 95 74, 83, 154, 167, 280–81, 284, 307, KRYNICKI, Michaã (19??–), 271, 426 340–43, 361, 427, 454 KUMMER, Ernst Eduard (1810–1893), 104–5 LEJA, Franciszek (1885–1979), 427, 445 KURATOWSKI, Kazimierz (1896–1980), LEMMERMEYER, Franz (1962–), 421 350, 426 LEMOINE, Émile Michel Hyacinthe KUZAWA, Mary Grace (1918–), 367, 426 (1840–1912), 41, 88–89, 426, 450 KWIETNIEWSKI, Stefan (1874–1940), length of segment, 259 381, 415, 443 LENNES, Nels Johann (1874–1951), 116, 454 LEOPOLDO I. See Leopoldo I of HABSBURG LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis (1736–1813), 18 LEOPOLDO II. See Leopoldo II of HABSBURG LAISANT, Charles-Ange (1841–1920), 89, 426 LES´NIEWSKI, Stanisãaw (1886–1939), 347, 349 less-numerous set, 296 478 Index

LESSONA, Michele (1823–1894), 332 logic (continued) letters. See under Mario PIERI elementary or first-order, viii, 156, 288, 316, LEVI, Albina Bachi (1886–1951), 90 350–51, 353, 355–356, 368, 370–71 LEVI, Beppo (1875–1961), 2, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22, See also under Georg CANTOR; Julius 34, 36, 41–42, 45, 46–49, 61, 65, 79, DEDEKIND; FREGE; Giuseppe PEANO; 89–91, 98, 107, 119, 124, 161, 254, Mario PIERI; RUSSELL 373, 398–99, 411, 427, 460 logical constants and terms, 265, 386 LEVI, Decio (1885–1917), 90 See also under symbol LEVI, Donato (1834–1885), 332 logical positivism, 127 LEVI, Emilia. See Emilia RESTA logicism, 102, 120, 298, 307 LEVI, Eugenio Elia (1883–1917), 90 logistic, 348 LEVI, Giulio (19??–????), 90–91 LORIA, Achille (1857–1943), 92 LEVI, Laura (1915–2003), 42, 90–91, 427 LORIA, Gino (1862–1954), 31, 91–92, 105, LEVI-CIVITA, Tullio (1873–1941), 114, 342 107–108, 152, 333, 398, 409, 418, 447, 460 libera docenza, 11 as reviewer, 92, 123, 150–51, 335, 374–78, liberal-arts education, 369 380, 393, 397, 407–8, 410, 414, 416, 427, Library of Congress, 460 433, 436–41, 443, 447, 449–50, 455 licenza, 12 LOVE, Augustus Edward Hough liceo, 7 (1863–1940), 423 LIE, Sophus (1842–1899), 41, 56, LOVETT, Edgar Odell (1871–1957), 86, 105, 121, 146, 427, 446 341, 381, 423, 427, 440 limit, inferior or superior, 255, 273, 285 LOWE, Victor (1907–1988), 120, 428 Lincei, Reale Accademia dei, 5, 11, 342 LÖWENHEIM, Leopold (1878–1957), 423, 428 LINDEMANN, Carl Louis Ferdinand von LRM3D2, 405 (1852–1939), 84 Lucca, xvii, xviii, 1, 4, 6, 44, 49 LINDENBAUM, Adolf (1904–1941?), Royal Academy of Science, Letters, 358, 359, 360, 362, 427, 452, 460 and Arts, 1, 3, 4, 11, 49 LINDGREN, Uta (19??–), 417, 453 LUCCHESI, Camillo (18??–????), 398 line LUCIANO, Erika (19??–), vi, 74, 341, 428 defined, 133–34, 138, 146, 154, LUGLI, Aurelio (1853–1896), 18 170, 272, 281, 340–41 LUITPOLD, Prinzregent von Bayern. geometry (see under geometry) See Luitpold of WITTELSBACH) at infinity, 277 âUKASIEWICZ, Jan (1878–1956), reflection (see under reflection) 294, 313, 420, 428 undefined, 128–29, 149, 274, 338 LUPORINI, Erminia. See Erminia PIERI See also under symbol LUPORINI, Gaetano (18??–????), 7 linguistics, 83, 97, 123 LUPORINI, Luigi (????–18??), 4 See also under Giuseppe PEANO LUPORINI, Marianna Davini (????–18??), 4 LIOUVILLE, Joseph (1809–1882), 140 LÜROTH, Jakob (1844–1910), 425 LIPSCHITZ, Rudolf Otto Sigismund (1832–1903), 86 MACCAFERRI, Eugenio (1870–1953), literacy, 7, 15 2, 392, 398, 407, 428, 443 LOBACHEVSKY, Nikolai Ivanovich MACCOLL, Hugh (1836–1909), 316 ("4(, #  !# 5, MACHOVER, Moshé (1936–), 313, 428 1792–1856), 41, 125 MACK SMITH, Denis (1920–), 26, 44, 428 Prize, v, 2, 38, 41, 64, 84, 89, MAC LANE, Saunders (1909–2005), 116, 428 106, 112, 342, 406, 445 Magnitude, continuous geometric, 291–92 logic, 22, 59, 95, 123, 126, 267, 269, 271, MAGNUS, Heinrich Gustav (1802–1870), 104 316, 320, 325, 335–37, 341–42, 348, MAKOWIECKA, Helena (19??–), 362, 428 352, 368, 381–82, 387, 402, 411 Index 479

MAMIANI, Terenzio, Conte della Rovere MCKENZIE, Ralph Nelson Whitfield (1799–1885). See under laws (1941–), 452 MANARA, Carlo Felice (1916–), 129, 428 MCKINSEY, John Charles Chenoweth MANFREDI, Bianca (1920?–1999), (1908–1953), 352, 357, 452 47, 71, 88, 106, 428 mean point. See midpoint MANN, Thomas (1948–), 402, 428 mechanics, 12, 15, 383 MANSION, Paul (1844–1919), 167 median of triangle, 233 MARACCHIA, Silvio (19??–), 366, 428 medio-symmetric point, 212, 285 MARCHISOTTO, Elena Anne Corie (1945–), MELDRUM, John (19??–), 406 iv–v, x, 146, 328–29, 336, membership. See under symbol 357, 411, 416, 429 MENEGHINI, Giuseppe (1811–1889), 70 MARCHISOTTO, Joseph Anthony, Jr. (1942–), x MENGER, Karl (1902–1985), MARCOLONGO, Roberto (1862–1943), 350, 361, 366–67, 429 46, 53, 69, 378, 392, 407, 429, 443 MÉRAY, Hugues Charles Robert (1835–1911), MARCONI, Guglielmo (1874–1937), 100 218, 429 Comitato International, 461 mereology, 349, 350 MARIA LUIGIA. See Maria Luigia of HABSBURG MERIANO (18??–1935?), 5 MARIA LUISA. See Maria Luisa of BOURBON MERIANO, Gemma Pieri (????–1961?) 5, 9, 97 MARIE-LOUISE. See Maria Luigia of MERZBACH, Uta Caecilia (1933–), 415 HABSBURG MEYER, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz MARINO, Teresa (????– ), 323, 325, 328, 414 (1856–1934), 87, 105, MARLETTA, Giuseppe (1878–1944), 34, 40, Encyklopädie, 2, 87, 429, 92, 388, 398, 402, 408, 410, 429 Encyclopédie, 87, 325, 393, 430 Mars. See under Mario PIERI reviewer, 413, 424, 427, 455 MARSILI, Luigi (????–18??), 70 MIANOWSKI, Józef (1804–1879), 367, 381, 443 MARTIN, George Edward (1932–), Foundation, 367–68 145, 147, 151, 429 MICHAELIS, G. J. (18??–19??), MARTINETTI, Vittorio (1859–1936), 22, 36, 411 412, 431, 434, 436 MARTINI, Eligio (1828–1896), 332 middle school, 7, 20 MARTINI, Ferdinando (1841–1928), 26 midpoint, 146, 155, 164, 174, MARTOLINI, Guglielmo (18??–????), 12 272, 283, 357, 362 MASOTTO, Guido (19??–). See under See also under symbol BRIGAGLIA Milan, Istituto Tecnico Superiore, 66 Mathematicae Notae. See under journals minimum principle, 313, 323, 327–28 mathematical induction. See induction weak form, 58, 310, 313, 322–23, Mathematical Reviews. See under journals 325–26, 328 mathematics See also induction education (see pedagogy) minister of instruction, 16, 26–27, 36, 38, 43, history (see history of mathematics) 63, 66, 118 See also under RUSSELL MINKOWSKI, Hermann (1864–1909), 84 Mathematische Annalen. See under journals MIQUEL, Auguste (????–18??) Mathesis, 18, 20, 49, 66, 71, 326–27 See under theorem MAXWELL, James Clerk (1831–1879), 75 MITCHELL, Ulysses Grant (1872–19??), 456 MAY, Kenneth Ownsworth (1915–1977), 429 MITTELSTRASS, Jürgen (1936–), 430, 453 MAYER, Christian Gustav Adolph MÖBIUS, August Ferdinand (1790–1868) (1839–1907), 418, 445 57, 93, 139, 140, 144, 403, 430, 436 MCCALL, Ronald Storrs (1930–), 423, 429 See also under transformation MCCLEARY, John (1952–), 446 modus ponens, 316 MCCONNELL, Albert Joseph (1903–1993), MOESE, Henryk (????–19??), 451–52 103, 429 480 Index

MOHRMANN, Hans (1881–1941), 2, 410, NAPOLITANI, Pier Daniele (1951–), x 415–16, 429–30, 449, 457 NARDI DEI, Angiolo (1833–1913), 12, 74, 94 MOIGNO, Abbé François Napoléon Marie NARDINI, Rodolfo (18??–19??), 385 (1804–1884), 410 NASTASI, Pietro (1941–), 63, 65, 73, MOLK, Jules (1857–1914), 87, 393, 429–30 88, 101, 119, 414, 420, 431, 460 MOLLAME, Vincenzo (1848–1911) NATORP, Paul Gerhard (1854–1924), 32, 34, 75, 93–94, 411, 430 328, 423, 431 MOLLWEIDE, Karl Brandan (1774–1825), 93 natural-number arithmetic, 291, 294 MONGE, Gaspard (1746–1818), 33 Cantor’s theories, 297 monoid, 377 consistency, 60, 85, 290, 306 (see also monotonic sequence, 254 under Mario PIERI) MONTALDO, Oscar (19??–), 406, 430 Dedekind’s theory (see under MONTANARI, Enrica. See Enrica PIERI Julius DEDEKIND) MONTESANO, Domenico (1863–1930), foundation, 290, 302, 313 36, 40, 42, 94, 430, 448 Frege’s theory, 298, 305 and Pieri’s chair quest, 22, 25–27, 29, 398 Grassmann’s work, 84, 294 MONTGOMERY, Deane (1909–1992), 116, 430 Padoa’s reduction, 321, 322, 325 MOORE, Eliakim Hastings (1862–1932), Peano’s system, 84, 301, 307, 116, 342 316–22, 370, 405, 409, 449 MOORE, Gregory H. (1944–), Pieri’s axioms (see under Mario PIERI) 59, 351, 420, 430 natural-number definition 290, 298, 306–7 MOORE, Robert Lee (1882–1974), negation. See under symbol 116, 342, 351, 431 NERVO, Natalia (19??–), vi, 446 MORAW, Peter (1935–), 420, 436 NEUGEBAUER, Otto (1899–1990), 426 MORRICE, George Gavin (1859–1936), 425 NEUMANN, Hanna von Caemmerer MORRISON, David Robert (1955–), 426, 450 (1914–1971), 455 MOSSOTTI, Ottaviano Fabrizio (1791–1863), NEWSON, Mary Francis Winston 66, 78 (1869–1959), 421 MOSTOWSKI, Andrzej (1913–1975) NEWTON, Sir Isaac (1643–1727), 316 See hierarchy NIDDITCH, Peter Harold (1928–1983), motion, 139, 161, 248, 271, 394 299, 302, 431, 434 direct, 57, 145–47, 150, 152, NIELSEN, Niels (1865–1931), 448 271, 278, 280–81, 338, 340 NIERI, Idelfonso (1853–1920), 101 indirect, 145–46, 271 NOBLE, Charles Albert (1867–1962), 425 MÜLLER, Felix (1843–1928), 416, 423, 455 NOETHER, Emmy (1882–1935), 414 multidimensional. See under differential NOETHER, Max (1844–1921), 65, 111, 122, 431 and integral calculus; geometry; non-Archimedean. See under geometry projective geometry non-Euclidean. See under geometry multiplication. See product normal multiplicity. See under intersection to a variety, 374–75 music, 4, 7, 70, 76, 83, 88, 92–93, 101, 103 See also orthogonality MUSSOLINI, Benito (1883–1945), 119, 366 normal school, 7 NORTH, John David (1934–), 146, 431 Nachlass. See under Mario PIERI notation NAGEL, Ernest (1901–1985), 128, 418, 431 in Point and Sphere, 158, 162–64, 270 NANNEI, Enrico (1864–1961), 398 Pieri’s usage in general, ix, 59, 87, Naples, xvii, xviii, 41 126, 306, 323, 340, 366–67, 383 university, 5, 16, 22, 25 See also under Giuseppe PEANO; symbol NAPOLEON. See BONAPARTE number theory, 313 Napoleonic wars, xvii, 4, 11, 18, 41 Index 481 obituaries. See under Mario PIERI PALLADINO, Franco (1945– ), x, 20, 22, 27, O’CONNOR, John J. (1945–), 87, 431 34, 62, 73, 147, 156, 383, 432, 438 OETTINGEN, Arthur Joachim von See also under BORGA (1836–1920), 444 PAMBUCCIAN, Victor (1959– ), 362, 432 OHM, Martin (1792–1872), 291–92, 300, PANETTI, Modesto (1875–1957), 85, 432 404, 431 PANNELLI, Marino (1855–1934), 36 OHRTMANN, Carl (18??–????), 409, 450 PANNWITZ, Erika (1904–1975), 409 one, 258 Papal States, xvii, 11 operation on points. See transformation PAPPUS (290–350). See under theorem opposite. See diametrically opposite parallel postulate and under order Bolyai’s form, 155, 206, 209, 278, 285 order independence, 125, 287 on a circle, 252 Playfair’s form, 149, 155, 274, 277 in elliptic geometry, 356, 360–61 parallelism, 229 on a line, 251 of line and plane, 232 opposite, 252, 254 of lines, 155, 229 See also betweenness; cyclic order; larger- of planes, 231 than; and under field; postulate PARDUCCI, Amos (1877–1949), 5, 79, 97, 432 ordinal number, 297, 313, 323 Parma, xvii, xviii, 11, 41, 44 See also under arithmetic university, 16, 41, 44, 90, 460 ordinario (see professore) PARSONS, Charles Dacre (1933– ), ORE, Øystein (1899–1968), 414 300, 305, 432 orientation, 145, 247, 271 PASCAL, Blaise (1623–1662), 117 origin, 257 See also under theorem of half-plane, 202 PASCAL, Ernesto (1865–1940), 110, 398 of ray, 200 PASCH, Moritz (1843–1930), 54, 95–96, orthogonality, 154–55, 280 132, 161, 197, 398, 415, 418, of line and plane, 147, 183, 188, 272 424, 432–33, 436, 449, 460 of lines, 147, 155, 179, 272, 280, 362 1882b Lectures on Geometry, 58, 126–28, of planes, 192 146–48, 338, 351, 394 See also under symbol on real numbers, 289–90, 293–94, 305 OSTROWSKI, Alexander Markowich See also under postulate; real- (1873–1986), 374, 410, 438, 457 number arithmetic) OTTE, Michael (1938–), 404 PÀSCOLI, Giovanni (1855–1912), 96 PEANO, Bartolomeo (????–1888), 332, 333 pacifism, 74, 102 PEANO, Bartolomeo (????–????), 332, 333 PADOA, Alessandro (1868–1937) vi, 94–95, PEANO, Carola Crosio (????–1940), 333 167, 281, 316, 318, 320–27, 337, 341–42, PEANO, Francesco (????–????), 332, 333 392, 398, 419, 424, 431, 446 PEANO, Giuseppe (1858–1932), v–ix, 20, [1900] 1901 Essay on an Algebraic 53–54, 59–60, 69, 71, 73–74, 82, 84, 87, Theory of Integers, 320–22, 360 95, 96, 102, 107–8, 114–15, 127, 129, [1900] 1902 New System of Definitions for 156, 167, 294, 299–305, 303, 315–22, Geometry, 148, 161, 278, 281, 341–42 327–28, 331–47, 339, 363–68, 380, 392, 1902 Theory of Natural Numbers, 395–96, 398, 409, 412, 417, 419, 424, 308, 310, 314, 321–23 428, 431–36, 446, 450, 453, 460 method, 321, 360–62 [1888] 2000 Geometric Calculus, Padua, xviii viii, 53, 84, 334, 433 university, 16 1889 Principles of Geometry Presented PAGLI, Paolo (19??–), 424 Logically, 128, 334–35, 338, 340, 433 PAGLIERO, Giuliano (18??–19??), 398 482 Index

PEANO, Giuseppe (continued) pedagogy, mathematical, 40, 98, 108, [1889] 1973 Principles of Arithmetic, 327, 336, 346, 351, 365, 367 58, 294, 301, 303, 308, 313–14, 316, for arithmetic, 322–23, 326, 395–96 318–20, 324, 334–35, 343, 433 for geometry, 29, 117, 127, 147–48, 1891d Concept of Number, 150, 153–54, 157, 160, 162, 317–18, 320–21, 336–37, 434 266, 286–88, 348, 393–94 1894 Fundamentals of Geometry, See also Mathesis 127, 147, 338, 340, 351, 434 PEDRAZZI, Maino (19??–), 156, 436 1895–1908 Mathematical Formulary, 66, PEIRCE, Charles Sanders (1839–1914), 69, 71, 269, 301, 306, 317–18, 321, 336– 296, 316, 334, 413, 436 37, 342–43, 344, 345, 364, 409, 436 PEJLARE, Johanna (19??–), 1903 Geometry Based on Ideas of Point and 68, 153–54, 407, 436 Distance, 161, 280, 341, 351, 394, 434 PELLEGRINI, Aldo (????–1940), 6 Academia pro Interlingua, 42, 49, 345 PELLEGRINI, Geminiano (18??–????), 5–6 birth, 332 PELLEGRINI, Paolina Livia Pieri calculus text, 82, 333, 336, 418 (1865–1959?), 5–6 death, 346 PENNACCHIETTI, Giovanni (1850–1916), differential equations research, 334 32, 34, 37, 96, 413 early career, 333 PENSA, Angelo (18??–19??), 286, 436 family, 332–33 pentaspherical. See under coordinates Lingua (see Latin: Uninflected) periphery. See boundary linguistics research, 345, 364–65 permutable transformations, 270 logic, view of, 59, 301, 305–6, 308, perpendicularity. See orthogonality 315, 318–19, 327, 340, 342, 386 PETERSEN, Julius Peter Christian Pieri, relationship with (1839–1910), 120–22 (see under Mario PIERI) PETKANTSCHIN, Boyan Lazarov ($* 4 :, politics, 333, 346, 365 #E! '# , 1907–1987), 143, 436 postulates (see under natural- PETRI, Cesare (18??–????), 398 number arithmetic) PFAFF, Johann Friedrich (1765–1825), 93 praising or supporting Pieri, viii, 27, 38, PFANNER, Pietro (1864–1935), 48–49 43, 56, 124, 131, 135, 153, 325, 329, PHILLIPS, Esther Rodlitz (1933–), 430, 436 378, 399, 414–15, 439–41, 443 philosophy of mathematics and science, professorship at Turin, 335, 346 80, 125–28, 147, 160, 162, 266–67, Segre polemic, 108, 337, 449 286, 341, 343, 381–82, 394 schooling, 332 physics, mathematical, 123, 394 students, 71, 80, 89, 94, 365, 396 PICARD, Charles Émile (1856–1941), 64, 74 symbolic notation, ix, 59, 87, 126, 301, PICKERT, Günter (1917–), 96, 436, 460 306, 316, 319, 325, 334, 336, 338, 340, Piedmont, xvii, xix, 11, 16, 18 342–45, 364–367, 383, 395–96 PIERI, Alfonso (nephew, 1890–1890), 5 space-filling curve (see under curve) PIERI, Angiolina Anastasio Janelli (wife, teaching, 108, 333, 345–46, 364, 395 18??–19??), 5–6, 36, 45, 385, 391, 459 university studies, 332 PIERI, Beppina Bastian (sister-in-law, Veronese polemic, 117 ????–????), 5 See also school: Peano and under PIERI, Enrica Montanari (sister-in-law, real-number arithmetic 18??–????), 5, 27, 97 PEANO, Michele (????–????), 332–33 PIERI, Erminia Luporini (mother, 1826–1914), PEANO, Rosa (????–????), 332 4–5, 39 PEANO, Rosa Cavallo (????–1910), 332 PIERI, Felice Ettore Pacifico Giovanni PEARSON, Patricia M. Cowan (1928?–), (brother, 1866–1920?), 5–6 x, 145, 151, 369–70, 436 Index 483

PIERI, Ferruccio Fabio (brother, PIERI, Mario (continued) 1864–1933?), 5–6, 39, 390, 436 1908a Point and Sphere, viii, 3, 58, 84, 90, PIERI, Gemma (niece). See Gemma MERIANO 145, 153–271, 278, 280–87, 340, 349–51, PIERI, Gemma (sister). See Gemma CAMPETTI 355–58, 361, 366–68, 371, 381 PIERI, Maria Dal Poggetto (sister-in-law, 1911d, 1912c Geometry of Inversions, 18??–19??), 5–6, 39 137, 141, 145, 381 PIERI, Mario (1860–1913), i, 19, 24, 130 on algebraic geometry, viii, 1, 12, 38, 50– 53, 1884b,c dissertations, 73, 75, 99, 103, 343, 363–64, 370, 374–78 12, 14, 15, 50, 374–75, 459 archive (see Mario PIERI: Nachlass) 1889a translation of Staudt 1847, 20, 107, on arithmetic and logic, vii–viii, 1, 3, 38, 111, 123, 137, 335–336, 338, 393 61, 77, 290, 305–13, 320, 322–29, 1889b Triple Tangents, 20, 21, 375 342, 363, 370, 381–382 1895a, 1896a,b Principles Governing birth, 4 Geometry of Position, 124, 128, burial, 48–50, 90, 459 137, 305–6, 338, 379 chair quest, 22– 32, 384 1896c Postulates for Projective Geometry character, 2, 23, 42–43, 47, 50, of hyperspaces, 128, 379 124, 131, 363, 383, 390–92 1897c Primitive Entities of Projective death, 2, 6, 47 Geometry, 128–29, 380 on differential geometry, 1898b New Method for Developing viii, 1, 15, 50–51, 53, 374 Projective Geometry, 133, 380 early career, 5, 17, 20, 22, 27, 31, 383 1898c Principles of Geometry of Position, editing De Paolis 1892, 78, 123–24, 393, 414 38, 57, 59, 102, 120, 129, 131, 134, 137, election to academies, 34 306–307, 327, 338, 340, 343, 367, family, 3–8, 9, 17, 27, 36, 37, 39, 42–44, 45, 371, 380 46–49, 96, 382–83, 385, 388, 390–91, 459 1900a Point and Motion, 57–58, 84, 124, finances, 8, 34, 43–44, 382, 388, 390 126, 134, 145, 148–57, 271–74, formulas, ix, 1, 52 276–78, 280–82, 285–87, 327, on foundations of geometry, vii, ix–x, 1, 32, 340–343, 367, 369–71, 381 38, 54–58, 61, 86, 118, 123–25, 145–56, [1900] 1901 Geometry as a Purely Logical 305–6, 327–28, 331, 340–42, 347–51, 363, System, 1, 36, 74, 126–27, 148, 153, 278, 366–70, 374, 381, 385, 394–95 306, 320–22, 327, 341–43, 379, 381 on foundations of projective geometry, 1901b Principles of Line Geometry, vii, 99, 111, 121, 128–37, 287, 124, 134, 380 328, 336, 367, 370, 379–80 1904a Staudt’s Fundamental Theorem, health, 8, 43, 46–47, 117, 388–89, 391–92 137, 306, 336, 343, 380 interest in pedagogy, 20, 49, 147, 154, 1905c, 1906a Complex Projective 160, 162, 265–67, 286–87, 322, Geometry, 134–35, 380 326–27, 368, 392–96 1906d New Logico-Mathematical Direction, on inversive geometry, vii, 46, 137, 139, 289, 304, 307, 343, 382 141–42, 145, 363, 370, 381, 443 1906e Definition of the Irrationals, knighthood, 2, 42, 389 289, 328, 343, 382 lecture notes, published, 1906f Staudtian Homography ix, 20, 22, 46, 397–98 Definition, 137, 380 lecture notes taken by, 12, 392, 397–99 1906g Consistency of Arithmetic, legacy, 2, 61, 115, 363–71 60, 74, 289–90, 306–308, 326–27, letters from, ix, 382–92, 399 340, 343, 363, 382 letters to, vi, ix, 382, 398, 403 1907a Axioms of Arithmetic, viii, 3, 58, 289, libera docenza, 20, 22 300–301, 308–13, 321–28, 343, 370, 382 licenza, 12 484 Index

PIERI, Mario (continued) PIERI, Teresa Ricci (grandmother, logic, view of, 59, 102, 272–73, 289–90, ????–18??), 4 306–8, 327, 340, 342–43, 363, 386 PIERI, Teresa (sister). See Teresa BRANCOLI marriage, 5–6, 36, 385 PIERI, Virginia (sister) Mars drawing, 8, 9, 397, 459 See Virginia ANASTASIO music, 7, 42 PIERPONT, James (1866–1932), 342, 444 Nachlass, ix, 6, 398–99 PIESYK, Zbigniew (????– ), 355, 420 obituaries of, 49, 61, 90, 399 PINCHERLE, Salvatore (1853–1936),10, 25–29, Peano, relationship with, ix, 22, 27, 42, 49, 30, 46, 91, 97–98, 101, 108, 292, 398, 59, 338, 340, 342–43, 345, 363, 386 402, 444, 449, 453, 455, 459 philosophy of mathematics, viii, x, PINL, Maximilian (1897–1981), 454 102, 147, 160–62, 266–67, 289, PIRONDINI, Geminiano (1857–1914), 306–8, 343, 363, 370, 386 10, 98–99, 426 physical stature, 8, 43 Pisa, xvii, xviii, 11 Poincaré dispute, 58, 74, 290, 326, 343 Scuola Reale Normale Superiore, 4, 8, professorship at Catania, 4, 32, 10–12, 13, 17, 23, 50, 66–67, 78, 459 34, 38, 384–85, 387, 390 university, 10–12, 15–16, 50, 459, 461 professorship at Parma, 4, 44, 46–47, 390 PITTARELLI, Giulio (1852–1934), 36, 411 promotion, 36, 37, 38, 386, 459 PLANA, Giovanni (1781–1864), 82 as referee, 34, 42, 388–89 plane relation (see equidistance: ternary) antipolar, 238 reviews by, ix, 38, 393–97 defined, 129, 146, 154, 167, schooling, 5, 7–8, 100, 382, 397 170, 272, 281, 341 student records, 8, 10, 12, 382–83, 459 at infinity, 277 students, 34, 38, 40, 70, 75, 82, 92, of symmetry, 187 104, 388–89, 393, 395–97 undefined, 149, 274 university studies, 5, 8, 10, reflection (see under reflection) 12–15, 382–83, 397 See also under polar plane; symbol on vector analysis, viii, 1, PLATO (427?–347? B.C.), 436 46, 53, 343, 364, 378 PLAUMANN, Peter Klaus (19??–), 424, 444 workload, 33–34, 44, 384, 387–90 PLAYFAIR, John (1748–1819). See under works (collected or listed), vi, ix, 3, 50, parallel postulate 329, 373–74, 379, 392, 398, 401 PLÜCKER, Julius (1801–1868), See also under notation; style; successor 53, 86, 134, 139, 444 PIERI, Nisedi (mother of sister-in-law, poetry, 5, 6, 8, 97, 101, 337 18??–????), 6 POGGENDORFF, Johann Christian PIERI, Paolina (sister). See Paolina (1796–1877), 399, 444 PELLEGRINI POGODA, Zdzisãaw (????– ), 350, 411 PIERI, Pellegrino (father, 1826–1882), POINCARÉ, Jules Henri (1854–1912), 4, 5, 17, 96, 443 38, 84, 86, 116, 133, 421, 445 PIERI, Pellegrino [Rinuccio] (nephew, See also under Mario PIERI 18??–19??), 5, 8, 97, 398 Point and Motion. See under Mario PIERI PIERI, Piero (nephew, 1893–1979), 5, 97 Point and Sphere. See under Mario PIERI PIERI, Rinuccio point (defined), 349 See Pellegrino [Rinuccio] PIERI point reflection. See under reflection PIERI, Romano (grandfather, ????–18??), 4 Poland under Russia, 347, 367 PIERI, Silvio Dante (brother, 1856–1936), polar plane 5, 7–8, 9, 17, 34, 39, 49, 79, 96–97, for sphere, 238 398, 405, 432, 444, 459 for two points, 188 polar system, elliptic, 278 Index 485 pole-placement problem, 52 projective geometry, vii, 8, 11, 20, 22, 51, poles of a sphere, 194 56, 71–73, 99, 116, 121, 125, 143, polyhedra, 17 277–78, 283, 379, 393, 397 PONCELET, Jean-Victor (1788–1867), 104 analytic, 60, 93, 140 PONZI, L. (18??–19??), 397, 443 complex, vii, 52, 56, 111, positivism. See logical positivism 134–35, 145, 370, 380 postulate, 54, 95, 162, 266–68 consistency, 59–60 American theorists, 116 finite, 116 Archimedes, 117, 137, 141, 213, 273, foundations, vii, 1, 53–54, 62, 78, 80, 276, 278, 284–85, 287, 336, 355 95, 106, 111, 116, 120, 128–33, circle, 355, 358, 361–62 284, 338, 371, 379–80 completeness, 149, 151, 276, 350 multidimensional, vii, 51–54, 57, 65, congruence, 146, 149, 274 80, 107, 117, 128–29, 135, 145, continuity, 141, 146–47, 149, 151, 155, 263– 338, 374, 376, 379, 396 64, 273, 277–78, 285, 287, 353, 355, 362 protothetic, 348, 350 Euclid (see parallel postulate: Bolyai) provinces, xvii incidence, 11, 95, 146, 149, 274 See also Emilia–Romagna; Piedmont; order, 95, 149, 274 Tuscany; Sicily Pasch, 95, 196, 198, 274, 283, 353, 356, 451 36 sentence. See under sentence parallel (see parallel postulate) PUCCINI, Giacomo (1858–1924), 4 SAS congruence, 149, 150, 274 PYTHAGORAS (569? B.C.–475? B.C.), 41, 263 See also axiom Pythagorean. See under field postulates, choice of, 126, 267, 282, 286, 394 postulates, Peano. See under quadric. See under surface. natural-number arithmetic quadrilateral. See complete quadrilateral POTTS, Donald (1921–2001), x quantifier, 271, 348 preceding, 251–52 elimination, 351, 361 predicate, 298–99 prefix, 271 prefix. See under quantifier over sets, 315 PRESBURGER, Mojz˙esz (1904–1943?), 445, 351 quasi-interpretable. See under theory PRESS, Volker (1939–1993), 420, 436 Queen’s University, 460 PRIHONSKY, Frantisek (1788–1859), 405 primitive notions, v, vii, 54, 126–27, 147, 149, RABIN, Michael Oser (1931–), 352, 417 266–68, 320–21, 350, 358, 360–63, 394 RANUCCIO I. See Ranuccio I of FARNESE binary relations as, 360–363 RASCHI, Leonida (1831–1917), 46, 99 Princeton rational number, 392 Institute for Advanced Study, 116 See also under arithmetic university, 116, 461 RAUSENBERGER, Otto (1852–19??), 263, 445 PRISTEM, 403, 445, 460 ray. See half-line Privatdozent, 11 RAZZABONI, Amilcare (1855–1920), 26 product real-closed. See under field of cardinals, 297 real enumerative. See under geometry of natural numbers, real-number arithmetic, 257–58, 263–64, 299–300, 314, 318–19, 344 276, 278, 285, 288, 289–92 of ordinals, 297 Cantor, 293 of scalars, 354 Dedekind, 76, 293–94, 299 of transformations, 270, 273 Pasch, 293 (see also under symbol) Peano, 293, 334 professore (all ranks), 11, 16 Russell, 293 progression, ascending or descending, 254–55 Weierstrass, 292, 305 486 Index

Realschule, 7 RIEMANN, Georg Friedrich Bernhard reciprocal (1826–1866), 66, 76, 86, 98–99, 125 radii (see transformation: inversion) sphere, 140 See also function: bijection See also under theorem recursive definition. See under definition RIGHI, Augusto (1850–1920), 8, 9, 25, recursive function theory, 315 100, 397, 409, 445, 451, 461 recursive proof. See induction Right angle (see under angle) Reed College, 369–70 RINDI, Scipione (1859–1952), 3, 4, 6–8, 20, reflection, 154 22, 34, 36, 47, 49, 61, 101, 123–24, hyperplane, 140 375, 398–99, 408, 438, 446 line, 139, 147, 155, 164, 176 (see also RINOW, Willi (1907–1979), 425 transformation: ribaltamento) Rivista di matematica. See under journals plane, 140, 145, 147, 155, 178, 186–87, 248 Rivista populare di politica, lettere e scienze point, 145, 155, 164, 174–75, 280 sociali. See under journals glide, 245, 248 RIZZI, Fortunato (1880–1965), 99, 446 rotary, 243, 248 ROBERTSON, Edmund Frederick (1943–), See also under symbol 87, 431 reflexive. See under relation ROBINSON, Raphael Mitchel (1911–1995), region. See under Italy 361–62, 446 regular open set, 349 RODRIGUEZ-CONSUEGRA, Francisco A. (1951–), REID, Constance (1917–), 85, 100, 445, 460 x, 294, 307, 328, 341, 386, 429, 446 REINHARDT, Curt (1855–1938?), 430 ROERO, Clara Silvia (1952–), vi, 11, 18, relation, 249, 269 32, 69, 74, 95, 341, 418, 428, 446 Pieri’s (see equidistance: ternary) Peano CDs, vi, 336, 345, 347, reflexive, 165 377–79, 393–94, 446 symmetric, 165 ROGERS, Reginald Arthur Percy transitive, 165 (1874–19??), 447 univocal, 268 (see also function) ROHN, Karl (1855–1921), 451 See also betweenness; cyclic order; ROLLAND, Romain (1866–1944), 88–89, 446 equality; equidistance; equilaterality; ROMAGNOLI, Raffaello (19??–), x larger-than; order Roman Catholic Church, xvii, 4 RENSCHUCH, Bodo (19??–), 105, 408 Rome, xvii, xviii, 11 representation, 266 archives, 459 See also transformation university, 16, 22–23, 75 RESTA, Emilia Levi (1921–), 90–91, 460 Rosario, university, 91 Revista de mathematica. See under journals ROSENTHAL, Arthur (1887–1959), 451 reviews, sources of, 402 ROSS, Robert Hemphill (1949–), 403 revolutions. See 1848. ROSSI, Luigi (18??–????), 398 Revue de métaphysique et de morale. ROTA, Gian-Carlo (1932–1999), 148, 446 See under journals rotary reflection. See under reflection Revue des mathématiques. rotation. See under transformation See under journals ROTHE, Rudolf Ernst (1873–1942), 378, 443 REYE, Carl Theodor Reye (1838–1919), ROWE, Charles Henry (1893–1943), 447 57, 71, 72, 99–100, 106, 136, ROWE, David E. (1950–), x, 56, 446 137, 139, 418, 445, 448, 453 ROYDEN, Halsey Lawrence (1928–1993), REYES Y PRÓSPER, Ventura (1863–1922), 398 361, 447 ribaltamento. See under transformation RUFFINI, Ferdinando Paolo (1823–1908), RICCÒ, Annibale (1844–1919), 8, 28, 101, 444 17, 32, 37, 398, 445 RUFFINI, Paolo (1765–1822), 101 RICHARD, Jules (1862–1956), 326 ruled. See under surface Index 487

RUSS, Steven (19??–), 405 SCACCIANOCE, Rosario (1880–19??), RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William (1872– 40, 43, 104, 389, 410, 447 1970), viii, x, 47, 74, 102–3, 120, 125, scale determined by two points, 155, 212, 354 300, 304–5, 327, 339, 341–42, 392, 402, Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians, 406, 417, 419–20, 428, 446–48, 456 1911, 153, 448 1900 Paris epiphany, 74, 102, 302, 341 SCANLAN, Michael (1957?–), 116, 278, 360, 448 1903 Principles of Mathematics, SCHAPPACHER, Norbert (19??–), 421 38, 102, 129, 249, 290, 294, 302, SCHAYER, W. (????–????), 348, 452 304, 328, 338, 386, 392 SCHEIBNER, Wilhelm (1826–1908), 430 Archives, 416, 459 SCHEPP, Adolf (1837–????), 418 letter from Pieri, 307–8, 386, 398, 441, 459 SCHIFF, Hugo Josef (1834–1915), 332 on real numbers, 289–90, 293–94, SCHILLING, Friedrich Georg (1868–1950), 425 regard for Pieri, v, 2, 38, 129, 328, 338, 343 SCHLEGEL, Viktor (1843–1905), view of logic, 386, 307, 327, 386 380, 408–9, 433–34, 440, 448 view of mathematics, 307 SCHLESINGER, Ludwig (1864–1933), 41 See also under real-number arithmetic; SCHMID, Anne-Françoise (1949– ), 305, 448 Russell’s antinomy; A. N. WHITEHEAD SCHNEEWIND, Jerome Borges (1930–), 428 Russell’s antinomy, 102, 302, 304–5, 447 SCHOENEBERG, Bruno (1906–1995), 87, 408 Frege’s response, 302, 304, 417 SCHOLZ, Heinrich (1884–1956), 454, 456 RUSSO, Achille (1866–1955), 37 SCHÖNFLIES, Arthur Moritz (1853–1928), RUZIEWICZ, Stanisãaw (1888–1941), 450 377, 398, 438–39 school SAINT-SAËNS, Camille (1835–1921), 88 Hilbert, vii, ix, 84–85, 143, 284 Salesians of Don Bosco, 460 Peano, vii, 1, 2, 22, 27, 32, 40, 54, 58– SALKOWSKI, Erich (1881–1943), 59, 66, 69, 71–74, 80, 84, 95, 102, 405, 412, 431–32, 448, 456 108, 110, 114, 80, 123, 126–27, 131, Salmon, George (1819–1904), 153, 300–301, 305, 308, 320, 326, 331, 52, 103, 117–18, 419, 429, 447 335–38, 341–42, 346, 363–66, 369, 405 SALUTA, Andrea (18??–19??), Segre, vii, ix, 1, 22, 32, 51, 72, 107, 40, 104, 410, 447 123, 131, 333, 337–38, 346 SALUZZO, Giuseppe Angelo, Count of system (see under Italy) Monesiglio (1734–1810), 18 Tarski, viii, 58, 113, 352–53, SANNIA, Achille (1823–1892), 79, 85, 93 356, 361, 367–68, 370 SANTAGATA, Domenico (1812–1901), 8, 10 Volterra, 123 Sant’Andrea di Compito, 6, 44, 47, 49, 459 See also logical positivism; middle school; Sardinia normal school; postulate: American kingdom, xvii, 18 theorists; technical school; Vienna Circle region, xvii, xix, 16 Schraubenbewegung SAS. See under postulate See transformation: screw SAVI, Paolo (1798–1871), 70 SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ernst SAVOIA, SAVOJA. See SAVOY (1841–1902), 104, 316, 334, 341 SAVOY, Carlo Emanuele II of (1634–1675), 18 SCHRÖTER, Heinrich Eduard (1829–1892), Savoy dynasty, xvii, 18 95, 105 SAVOY, Umberto I of (1844–1900), 70 SCHUBERT, Hermann Cäsar Hannibal SAVOY, Vittorio Amedeo III of (1725–1796), 18 (1848–1911), vii, 52, 104–5, 112, 325, SAVOY, Vittorio Emmanuele II of 396, 398, 408, 417, 424, 448, 453, 456 (1820–1878), xvii, 18 calculus, 52, 104, 112 SAVOY, Vittorio Emmanuele III of SCHUBRING, Gert (19??–), 406, 448 (1869–1947), 423 SCHUMANN, Richard (1864–1945), 456 488 Index

SCHUR, Friedrich (1856–1932), sequence, fundamental 41, 86, 99–100, 105–6, 124, See fundamental sequence 148, 263, 398, 448, 453 sequent of natural number, 311, 324 SCHUR, Issai (1875–1941), 148 series, fundamental SCHWABHÄUSER, Wolfram (1931–1985), See fundamental sequence 350, 354–57, 360–62, 448 SERNESI, Edoardo (19??–) SCHWARTZE, Heinz (1924–2006), 84, 448 See under BRIGAGLIA SCORZA, Bernardino Gaetano (1876–1939), SERRET, Joseph Alfred (1819–1885), 78 46–47, 94, 106, 448 set theory, SCOTT, Charlotte Angas (1858–1931), antinomies, 69, 304 343, 422, 449 axiomatic, 290, 300, 304 screw. See under transformation Cantor’s development, 296–97, 299, 305 SCRIBA, Cristoph J. (1929–), 84, 406, 408, 413 in Dedekind, 77, 293, 299, 305, 314–15 Scuola Reale Normale Superiore. general usage, 313, 316, 324, 360 See under Pisa in Point and Sphere, 157, 294, secant space, 377, 395–96 305, 350, 352, 360 segment, 128, 146, 195, 272, 335, 394 Pieri’s natural-number model, 61, 290 open, 277 Tarski’s work, 113, 348 projective, 54, 128, 130, 131, 134–5, 338 See also class See also length and under symbol SETON-WATSON, Christopher (1918–), SEGRE, Beniamino (1903–1977), 98, 449 43–44, 449 SEGRE, Corrado (1863–1924), 20, 36, 42, SEVERI, Francesco (1879–1961), 55, 69, 107–8, 118, 383, 393, 398–99, 42, 77, 104, 114, 290, 398, 450 410, 428, 440, 449–50, 460 SEVERINI, Carlo (1872–1951), 34, 98, 108, 450 algebraic geometry, v, vii, ix, 51, 53, SFORZA, Giuseppe (18??–1927), 306, 398 72, 78–79, 87, 89, 91, 105, 123–24, shadow 133, 333, 405, 414, 418, 449 of line, 202 and Pieri’s chair quest, 23, 26, 28–29 of plane, 204 projective geometry, 53, 80, 123, 335, 393 of point, 200 rift with Peano, 108, 114, 337–38, SIACCI, Francesco (1839–1907), 346, 428, 434, 449 20, 27, 91, 109, 332, 403 supporting Pieri, 56–58, 131, 135, 145–46, SIBIRANI, Filippo (1880–1957), 157, 160, 376, 380–81, 436–37, 441–42 46, 63, 98, 109, 454 See also under school Sicilies, Kingdom of Two, xvii, 41 SEGRE, Michael (1950–), 291–92, 301, Sicily, xvii, xix, 16, 41 320, 332, 335–337, 342, 346, 449 side SEIDENBERG, Abraham (1916–1988), 96, 449 of line in plane, 203 semicircle, 252 of plane, 204 SEMPRONIO, 268 of point on line, 202 Senate. See under Italy signed integer. See under arithmetic sense, 247, 251–52 SIGNORINI, Antonio (1888–1963), 110, 450 See also cyclic order; order SILLA, Lucio (1872–1959), 88, 450 sentence similar figures, 207, 160 classification by quantifier prefix, similarity, 57, 139, 154, 161, 206–7, 281 271, 276–77, 282–83 classification, 278, 284 existential, 271 in hyperbolic geometry, 361 36, 271, 373 simply infinite system, 300, 314 universal, 271 existence, 300, 307, 314 separation. See cyclic order SINACEUR, Hourya (1940–), 351, 450 singleton. See under symbol Index 489 singular point, vii, 12, 50–51, 375 STEINER, Jakob (1796–1863), SINIGALLIA, Luigi (1864–1944), 46, 110 83, 101, 105, 139, 450 SINSHEIMER, Thomas (1943–), x STEINHARDT, Fritz (1922–1993), 426 skew lines, 246 STEINITZ, Ernst (1871–1928), SKOF, Fulvia (1932–), 71, 399, 450 404, 431, 448, 454 SKOLEM, Thoralf Albert (1887–1963), 452 STÉPHANOS, Cyparissos (1857–1918), 398 smaller-than. See larger-than stereographic projection, 138 SMID, Lucas Johannes (????–????), 143, 455 STOLZ, Otto (1842–1905), 291, 408, 425, 450 SMITH, David Eugene (1860–1944), 89, 450 STRAMBACH, Karl (1939–), 424, 444 SMITH, Helen Marie Patteson (1940–), x STRANEO, Paulo (1874–1968), 108, 450 SMITH, James Thomas (1939– ), iv, x, 357, 450 straordinario. See under professore solid, 349 STÜCKRAD, Jürgen (1948–), 52, 450 SOMIGLIANA, Carlo (1860–1955), STUDY, Eduard (1862–1930), 41, 105, 10, 79, 110, 403, 417, 450 111–12, 133, 405, 408, 415, 436, 451 SOMMER, Julius (1871–1943), 380, 440, 451 STURM, Rudolf (1841–1919), 445 SONCINI, A. (18??–19??), 397, 443 sequence, 351 SOTTILE, Frank (1963–), x, 52, 422, 450 STURMFELS, Berndt (1962–), 52, 422 SPERANZA, Francesco (1932–1998), x style, SPEZIA, Giorgio (1842–1911), 332 Hilbert, 148–51, 276, 283, 354 SPEZIALI, Pierre (1913–1995), 78, 81, 108, 450 Pieri, 58, 126, 141, 147, 150–51, 156, sphere, 160, 349 158, 162, 171, 272–73, 278, 283–86, concentric, 349 323, 340, 350, 356, 368, 370 fundamental, of anti-inversion, 238 Tarski, 350, 354, 356 in inversive geometry, 137, 140–42 successor, 58, 299, 308, 315–6, 321–22 in Point and Sphere, 58, 157, 165, 281 Frege’s definition, 298 in Point and Motion, 146, 272 Pieri’s definition, 290, 307 polar, 194, 272 Zermelo’s construction, 300 as tool, 154, 157, 283 See also under symbol tangent, 167 sum See also under Riemann; symbol of angles, 220, 228, 395 SPOGLIANTI, Maria (19??–), 129, 428 of cardinals, 297 Springer-Verlag, 460 in mereology, 349 SSS triangle-congruence. See under theorem of natural numbers, 299–300, STÄCKEL, Paul (1862–1919), 451, 455 311, 314–15, 318–19, 324 STAHL, Wilhelm (1846–1894), 432, 449, 455 of ordinals, 297 STAMM, Edward (????–1940), 345, 450 of scalars, 354 statics. See graphical statics of segments, 210, 220, 226, 272, 392 STAUDT, Georg Karl Christian von sundial, 52, 376 (1798–1867), 54, 110–11, superposition, 218 136, 408, 429, 431, 444 argument, 150, 338 1847 Geometrie der Lage, vii, 57, SUPPES, Patrick (1922– ), 297, 421, 431, 451 95, 99, 129, 160–61, 269, 450 surface collineation or homography, 207, 380 algebraic, vii, 12, 15, 20–21, complex projective geometry, 56, 134–36 51, 72, 75, 375–76, 383 Pieri’s 1889a translation of Staudt 1847, birationally equivalent, 79 20, 107–8, 123, 335, 338, 379, 393, 437 helicoidal, 51, 374 See also fundamental theorem quadric, 51, 57, 140, 375 of projective geometry ruled, vii, 51–52 STEELE, Donald A. (19??–????), 405 system, 378 STEFANINI, Annibale (18??–????), 398 Sweden, mathematics in, 68, 153–54 490 Index symbol symbol (continued) abstraction, 316 sum, 226, 228, 318 ...... D+E ­½A′ ˇ ®¾ angle notation, 163, 204 ..... Â.BC, A.BC translation, 237 ...... ¯¿A arc, 252 ...... O(AB) triangle, 163, 205 ...... A.BC , ABC between, 272, 351 ...... q-p-r, Bqpr union, 162, 164–65 ...... M F \ collinear, 357 ...... Cabc universal quantifier, 271 ...... ~x) congruent, 162–63, 216, universal quantifier string, 271 ...... 3 218, 274 ...... F =~ FU See also notation; conjunction, 162–63 ...... ) & < Giuseppe PEANO: symbolic notation difference of sets, 162 ...... A – B symmetric. See under relation disjunction, 162, 164 ...... ) Z < symmetry, 160 empty set, 316 over a line, 176 equality, 162–63, 165, 316 ...... A = B over a plane, 187 equality by definition, 163, 265 .....r ≡ AB over a point, 174–75 equidistance, quaternary, 357 ...... Dpqrs system. See simply infinite system equidistance, ternary, SZCZERBA, Lesãaw Wãodzimierz (1938–), 280, 357 ...... Ipqr, Ppqr 271, 347–48, 350–51, 354, equivalence, logical, 162–63 ...... ) ⇔ < 356, 369, 426, 451 existential quantifier, 271 ...... } x) SZEGĝ, Gábor (1895–1985), 451 existential quantifier string, 271 ...... 6 SZMIELEW, Wanda Montlak (1918–1976),

following, 163, 249, 253 .... VA,B C, VO, A,B C 350, 354–57, 360–62, 368, 406, 448 half-line, 163, 200 ...... AB half-plane, 202 ...... rP TABARRONI, Giorgio (1921–2001), 100, 451 ­½A′ homothety, 233 ...... ®¾O tactile-physical space, 160 ¯¿A image by transformation, 269 ...... R A TAJTELBAUM, Ignacy (1869–1942), 347 implication, 162–63, 316 ...... ) _ < TAJTELBAUM, Alfred. See Alfred TARSKI inclusion, 162–63, 165 ...... M I \ TAJTELBAUM, Rosa Prussak (1879–1942), 347 inequality, 162–63 ...... A =/ B TAJTELBAUM, Waclaw. See Wacãaw TARSKI intersection, 162–63, 165 ...... M  \ tangent line joining 2 points, 162, 167 ...... AB line and sphere, 181, 200 line reflection, 176 ...... /r spheres, 167 membership, 162–63, 316 ...... Y  r to a variety, 374–75, 383 midpoint, 162, 174, 357 ...... A B, Mabc triple (see Mario PIERI: 1889b) negation, 162–63 ...... ¬) TANNERY, Jules (1848–1910), 74, 325, 448 nonmembership, 162–63 ...... Y Õ r TARSKI, Alfred (1901–1983), v, viii, x, 113, orthogonality, 163, 179, 357 ...... r ] s 116, 156, 278, 288, 305, 331, 347, right angle, 357 ...... Rabc 359, 412, 416, 419, 421, 427, plane joining 3 points, 162, 170 ...... ABC 431, 448, 451–52, 460 plane reflection, 186 ...... /S [1927] 1983 Foundations of geometry point reflection, 162, 174–75 ...... /A of solids, 349–50, 368, 451 product of transformations, 270 .. Q P, Q $P [1957] 1959 What is elementary geometry, quantification (Peano’s), 316 ix, 288, 352–57, 368, 452 ray (see symbol: half-line) birth, 347 segment, 163, 195 ...... AB career at Berkeley, 113 semicircle, 252 ...... O(AB change of surname, 348 singleton, 162 ...... {X} death, 113

sphere, 160, 162, 165, 194 ....BA, Sph(A,B) definability research, 357–58, 360–61 substitution of variables, doctorate, 348 §·DC,, A 163, 316 ...... ¨¸P7§2 early employment, 348, 351–52 ©¹ABC,, successor, 311, 316, 319, 321 ....suc x, x+1 emigration to the United States, 113, 352 Index 491

TARSKI, Alfred (continued) THOMAE, Johannes Karl (1840–1921), family, 113, 347, 352 393, 439, 453 marriage, 351–352 THOMSON, William, Lord Kelvin (1824–1907), and Pieri, 349–50, 353–54, 356–57, 367–70 139, 453 politics, 347 THORUP, Anders (1943–), 424 schooling, 347 throat cancer, 2, 5–6, 46–47, 97, 391 See also under elementary geometry; TIMERDING, Heinrich Carl Franz Emil school; style (1873–1945), 100, 453 TARSKI, Janusz (1934– ), x, 113, 352 TIZIO, 268 TARSKI, Krystina. See Krystina Tarski TOEPELL, Michael-Markus (19??–), x, 148, 453 EHRENFEUCHT TOEPLITZ, Otto (1881–1940), 376, 439 TARSKI, Maria Witkowska TONELLI, Leonida (1885–1956), 98, 453 (????–1990), 113, 351 topology, general, 349–50, 352 TARSKI, Wacãaw (1903–1944), 347–48 toponymy, 444 TARTUFARI, Luigi (1864–1931), 47, 453 totalitarianism, ix, 366 Taurinorum, Augusta, 18 Transactions of the American Mathematical tautologous point. See fixed point Society. See under journals TAZZIOLI, Rossana (1962–), 34, 40, transformation, 71, 154, 161, 249, 269, 394 73, 81, 88, 92, 94, 108, 453 affinity, circular technical institute and school, 7 (see transformation: Möbius) TEITELBAUM. See TAJTELBAUM) anticongruence, 247–48 TEIXEIRA, Francisco Gomes (see also motion: indirect) (1851–1933), 375, 438 antihomography, 247 TERRACINI, Alessandro (1889–1968), anti-inversion, 238 79, 347, 453 antiprojectivity, 135 tetracyclic. See under coordinates antirotation (see reflection: rotary) theorem, 126, 267 antitranslation (see reflection: glide) Bézout, 52–53 birational, 51, 65, 72, 75, 80, 374, 377–78 Cantor-Bernstein, 435 circular, 57, 139–42 Desargues, 232, 276 collineation, 207, 394 (see also Heine–Borel, 277 transformation: homography) intermediate value, 291 conformal, 139–41, 236 Miquel, 143 congruence, 247–48 (see also motion: direct) Pappus–Pascal, 143, 276, 388 continuous, 139 Pythagoras, 263 Cremona (see transformation: birational) Riemann mapping, 141 group, 56, 57, 81, 86, 133, 146 SSS triangle-congruence, 281 holomorphism (see under function) Staudt (see fundamental theorem homography of projective geometry) homography, 56, 133, 247, 340, 377–78, 380 three perpendiculars, 185 (see also transformation: collineation) theory homothety, 233 axiomatic (see hypothetical- identity, 183, 237, 269 deductive system) inverse, 269, 273 categorical, 151, 317 inversion, 57, 137–40, 142, 238 complete, 351 involution, 137, 176, 270 consistent, 54, 59–61, 290, 306, 382 Kreisverwandtschaft decidable, 351 (see transformation: circular) quasi-interpretable, 278, 360 Möbius (see transformation: circular) THIEL, Christian (1936–), 399, 453 projectivity, 137 492 Index transformation (continued) unit point, 257 by reciprocal radii universal sentence. See under sentence (see transformation: inversion) universities, Italian. See Italian universities ribaltamento, 176 University of California at Berkeley, x, 113 rotation, 145, 183 USIGLIO (18??–19??), 33 screw, 246–47 Ustica, xviii, 5, 6, 27, 454 as a tool, 157, 278, 283–84 See also function; isometry; motion; VACCA, Giovanni (1872–1953), permutable; similarity; translation 313, 337, 341, 343, 454 (geometric); and under equality; product VAI, Gian Battista (19??–), 70, 454 transformational geometry VAILATI, Giovanni (1863–1909), See under geometry 34, 153, 333, 337, 341, 398, 454 transitive. See under relation variations. See calculus: of variations translation (geometric), 145, 237, 247 variety normal, parallel, or oblique, 242 algebraic, 51, 377 translation strategy, ix, 157–58, 162–164 Jacobian, 12, 50, 375 TREUTLEIN, Peter (1845–1912), VARIGNON, Pierre (1654–1722), 418 409, 425, 444, 449 VAROLI, Giuseppe (????–????), 109, 454 triangle, 205 VASSILIEF, Alexander (1853–1929), 398 See also under symbol VEBLEN, Andrew Anderson (1818–1906), 115 TRICOMI, Francesco Giacomo (1897–1978), VEBLEN, Oswald (1880–1960), 43, 115–116, 81, 113-115, 453 120, 279, 351, 357, 369, 388, 403, citations, 12, 18, 20, 26, 34, 428, 430, 441, 454, 461 40, 62, 67, 110, 346 1904 System of Axioms for Geometry, effect on Peano’s and Pieri’s 161, 271, 277–278, 279, 283, reputations, 346, 363–65, 453 285, 340, 360, 366–67, 448 unreliability, 42, 115, 364 complex projective geometry, 135, 137 trigonometric series, 292, 294 on Pieri 131, 133, 370 Turin, xvii–xviii, 5, 17–18, 27 VEBLEN, Thorstein (1857–1929), 115 Royal Academy of Sciences, vector analysis, viii, 1, 46–47, 53, 18, 20–21, 27, 148, 335, 346, 460 69, 71, 83–84, 334, 378 Royal Military Academy, vector space, 334 18, 19, 333, 459, 460 Vellano, 4 See also Turin, university of Venice, Istituto di Scienze, Turin, university of, 16, 18, Lettere, ed Arti, 460 20, 23, 31, 123, 332 VERGERIO, Attilio (1877–1937), 44, 46–47, 117 rift between Peano, Segre schools VERONESE, Giuseppe (1852–1917), 32, 108, 110, 114, 337, 346 117–18, 132, 447, 449, 490 Tuscany, xvii, xix, 4, 11, 16, 44 difference with Peano 129, 338, 428, 434 type theory, 102, 304 on foundations of geometry, 131, 133, 146, 148, 161, 263, 280, 342, 394, 405, 454–55 ULLRICH, Peter (19??–), 455 as referee, 22–23, 29, 36, 42 ultrasymmetric point, 212 Verschelde, Jan (19??–), 52, 422 UMBERTO I. See Umberto I of SAVOY vertex undefined concepts. See primitive notions angle, 204 UNGER, Leo (????–????), 421–22 triangle, 205 Unification. See under Italy Vienna Circle, 361, 366 union, 165, 314 VILLARI, Emilio (1836–1904), 10, 100, 118 See also under symbol VILLARI, Pasquale (1827–1917), 118 unit of measure, 258 Index 493

VITALI, Giuseppe (1875–1932), WHITEHEAD, Alfred North (1861–1947), 34, 44, 387, 390, 398, 441–42, 455 2, 102, 119–20, 131, 133, 304–5, VITTORIO AMEDEO III. See Vittorio 316, 327, 404, 428, 455–56 Amedeo III of SAVOY 1910–1913 Principia Mathematica VITTORIO EMMANUELE II. See Vittorio (with Russell), 102, 120, 304–5, 456 Emmanuele II of SAVOY WHITEHEAD, Henry (1853–1947), 120 VITTORIO EMMANUELE III. See Vittorio WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine Emmanuele III of SAVOY (1904–1960), 116, 120, 454 VIVANTI, Giulio (1859–1949), 337 WIELANDT, Helmut (1910–2001), 414 as reviewer, 375, 382, 407–8, WIELEITNER, Heinrich (1874–1931), 398 432–34, 438, 442, 454–56 WIENER, Hermann Ludwig Gustav See also BERZOLARI: Encyclopedia (1857–1939), 112, 148, 284–85, 456 VIVORIO (vice Prefetto, cav. uff., WIENER, Ludwig Christian (1826–1896), 148 18??–19??), 48 WIENER, Norbert (1894–1964), 148 VOGEL, Wolfgang (1940–), 52, 450 Williams College, 369 VOLTERRA, Edoardo (1904–1987), 119, 455 WILSON, Edwin Bidwell (1879–1964), VOLTERRA, Virginia Almagià (18??–19??), 119 148, 342–43, 422, 447 VOLTERRA, Vito (1860–1940), 10, 12, 30, WIRSZUP, Izaak (1915– ), 452 114, 118, 119, 123, 398, 410, 455, 460 WIRTINGER, Wilhelm (1865–1945), 430, 444 Pieri’s chair quest, 23, 25–27 WITTELSBACH, Luitpold Karl Joseph Wilhelm See also under school Ludwig of, Prinzregent von Bayern volume, 263 (1821–1912), 431 WOJTASIEWICZ, Olgierd Adrian (1916–), 428 WAELSCH, Emil (1863–1927), 377–78, 438–39 WOJTOWICZ, Wã. (????–19??), 415–16 WAERDEN, Bartel Leendert van der women (see female mathematicians) (1903–1996), 105, 143, 144, 455, 460 WOODGER, Joseph Henry (1894–1981), 452 WALKER, Gay (19??–), 420 WOODWARD, Beverly Anne WALLENBERG, Georg (1864–1924), (1934–), 417, 422, 447 421, 431, 438 World War I WANG Hao (1921–1995), 294, 304, 455 effects, ix, 74, 87, 90, 98, 100, Warsaw, city and university, 347 106, 120, 143, 347, 366, 369 WEBER, Heinrich Martin service in, 71, 90, 114–16, 119, 347, 351 (1842–1913), 263, 455 World War II WEBER, Wilhelm Eduard(1804–1891), 421 effects, viii, ix, 92, 109–10, 114, WEDBERG, Anders (1913–1978), 113 143, 352, 360, 366, 368–70 WEDDERBURN, Joseph Henry MacLaghan effects on Jews, 72, 80–81, 91–92, (1882–1948), 116 110, 113–14, 116, 352 WEIERSTRASS, Karl Theodor Wilhelm service in, 116 (1815–1897), 86, 95, 98, 105, 292–94, 300, 305, 419, 455 YOUNG, Grace Chisholm (1868–1944), 398 See also under real-number arithmetic YOUNG, Jacob William Albert WEINGARTEN, Leonhard Gottfried Johannes (1865–1948), 454, 456 Julius (1836–1910), 374, 437, 455 YOUNG, John Wesley (1879–1932), 116, 135, WEINMEISTER, Paul Franz Wilhelm 137, 142–43, 145, 449, 454, 456 (1856–1927), 444

WEISS, Richard (1948–), 418 n. See integer modulo n Well-ordering, 297–98, 313, 348 ZACHARIAS, Max (1873–19??), 404, 407, 416 WEYL, Hermann Klaus Hugo ZAPPULLA, Carmela (19??–), 129, 403 (1885–1955), 445 ZERMELO, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand (1871– 1953), 300, 304, 307, 323, 409, 456 494 Index zero, 258–59, 310 ZEUTHEN, Frederik Ludvig Bang (1888–1959), 121 ZEUTHEN, Hieronymous Georg (1839–1920), 120–22, 398, 421, 424, 431, enumerative geometry article, 46, 87, 374, 393, 443 on Staudt’s theorem, 425, 456 ZEUTHEN, Julie Henriette Jespersen (1846–1876), 121 ZEUTHEN, Louise Marie Christine Jespersen (1842–1886), 121 ZEUTHEN, Sophie Christine Fredericke Lawaetz (1860–1936), 121 Zurich, ETH, 460