The Irish Guardian, Or, Errors of Eccentricity
Author: Anna Maria Mackenzie Title: The Irish Guardian, or, Errors of Eccentricity Place of publication: London Publisher: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme Date of publication: 1809 Edition: 1st ed. Number of volumes: 3 THE IRISH GUARDIAN, OR, ERRORS OF ECCENTRICITY. VOLUME THE FIRST. THE IRISH GUARDIAN, OR, ERRORS OF ECCENTRICITY. IN THREE VOLUMES. BY MRS. MACKENZIE. The dearest friend to me—the kindest man, The best conditioned; and unwearied spirit In doing courtesies—and one in whom The ancient Roman honour more appears Than any that draws breath in Italy. MERCHANT OF VENICE. VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 39, Paternoster-row. 1809. PREFACE. AS it is by no means probable that the Author of the following sheets should again resume an occupation, which has formed the amusement (and in some degree the employment) of more than twenty years, she feels herself induced to offer her sincere thanks to a generous public, for their liberal reception of her humble attempts in the literary line; as well as for its forbearance of censure in various points, where candour itself obliges her to confess her many difficiencies. She also owns herself highly indebted to those Reviewers, for whose mild strictures, liberal decisions, and gentle reproofs, she retains a high sense of obligation;—an indulgence the more valuable, from its being awarded to a female, whose confined education, and want of patronage, has often raised difficulties, which an ardent love of writing only could have enabled her, in some measure to conquer: added to which, is the superiority of those contemporaries, whose genius, language, and invention, have left her moderate endeavours quite in the shade; yet, the consideration that if they were not brilliant, they were at least harmless, (and at the worst, they were only what a lambent moon-beam is to the brilliant sun) encouraged her to pursue a path in which she had found some pleasure, and her innocent readers no danger.
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