Proud to Serve Proud to Serve is a semi-regular compilation of heroic stories about letter carriers in their communities. If you know about a hero in your branch, contact us as soon as possible at 202-662-2851 or at
[email protected]. We’ll follow up with you to obtain news clippings, photos or other information. Honoring heroic carriers eroism, like the mail, comes in many packages—think of police Hofficers or firefighters. But for some citizens in need of assistance, their heroes come in the form of con- cerned letter carriers. Letter carriers are members of nearly every community in this nation and know when something is wrong. Spotting fires and injuries, they often are the first to respond. The following stories document their heroism. For them, delivering for America is all in a day’s work. Marine carrier not Long Island City, NY Branch 357 member scared of a little blood Joseh Urbina was presented with a Postal Kinston, NC Branch 1044 member Hero Award on National Superhero Day Kenny Goss was delivering mail on in April. April 22 when he was approached by the customer went out on the porch his customer, Bobby Baker, who asked and saw Goss a few doors down. “One of my Marines was for help. “Hey mailman, do you have a Baker’s arm eventually grew tired, shot in Beirut. I knew bandage?” Goss said Baker asked him. so Goss helped him keep it elevated. what to do because I had Goss asked to see Baker’s arm and “It was bleeding really good,” Goss saw that it was bleeding profusely.