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CCH01.inddH01.indd xxxiixii 22/26/09/26/09 99:43:31:43:31 AAMM 1 Introduction Klaus Wittmann, Willi Hallmann and Nicolaus Hanowski 1 2 The launch of Sputnik 1 in October 1957 marks the Following the initial period of non-military space beginning of the space age. Since 1957 more than flight, important commercial space activities evol- 3 5000 satellites and human spacecraft have entered ved. These include rocket systems, spacecraft and space and about 850 of them are still operational. payloads in the areas of communication, navigation, The utilization of a spacecraft ends when important remote sensing and meteorology. subsystems fail or with its controlled or uncontrolled Space missions are performed not only by single reentry through the Earth’s atmosphere. Every year nations, but also by international companies and 4 more new spacecraft are launched than old satellites multinational institutions such as the European Space return to Earth. Thus, the number of satellites in Agency (ESA). space has been continuously growing in the past and Cooperation between public entities and com- is expected to continue to grow in the future. Space mercial companies is gaining importance in space flight was initiated by the USA and the former Soviet flight projects. These cooperative projects are termed Union. Since then space projects have been conducted public–private partnerships or PPPs. An example of a 5 by all major industrialized countries. In addition, a PPP space project is the German mission TerraSAR-X number of developing countries have implemented (Figure 1.2) [1.2] with a high-resolution X-band radar space programs. On a global scale the USA are still the as the main payload. dominant spacefaring nation according to the number of active spacecraft (see Figure 1.1). 6 500 450 400 350 7 300 250 200 150 100 50 8 0 USA Russia Asia Europe Others Figure 1.2: The satellite TerraSAR-X, an example of a PPP mission, Figure 1.1: National distribution of operating spacecraft is operated by the German Space Operations Centre (GSOC) (Source: (2007). ASTRIUM). 9 Handbook of Space Technology W. Ley, K. Wittmann, W. Hallmann © 2008, Carl Hanser Verlag. This edition published 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd CCH01.inddH01.indd SSec1:1ec1:1 22/26/09/26/09 99:43:35:43:35 AAMM 0 2 1 Introduction reduce threats and hardship by supporting regional environmental protection and through disaster ma- nagement. Analysis of effects and identification of the 1 rescue options after natural disasters as well as their prediction increasingly relies on the use of satellites. The potential of space missions for these purposes has not yet been fully exploited. In economic, commercial and transportation areas as well as for individuals, the 2 use of satellites is also gaining importance. The uti- lization of satellite communication and navigation has already become an integral part of our society, growing even more important as the capacity and quality of satellite services continuously improve. 3 The fascination with space flight also stems from the high visibility of the technical performance needed to develop a space system. Thus, in addition to the direct utilization of space missions, innovation and spin-off products are linked to space flight. 4 Figure 1.3: The European planetary probe Mars Express which was The objective of this book is to provide insight into launched in June 2003 (Source: ESA). space systems and the related methods and processes for their development, operation and utilization. During the past few decades characteristic uti- Based on practical experience, the state of space flight lization areas have evolved in space flight. They technology should become apparent. The book also include the exploration of our planetary system (see provides an overview of the subsystems typically 5 Figure 1.3) as well as astronomy and basic research constituting a space system. In addition the book tho- in physics. Observation of the Earth by satellites is roughly describes the integration of those subsystems carried out for scientific, commercial and military into the complete space system. By describing the state purposes. Communication and navigation missions of the art, this book also indicates the basis for the have gained high commercial value. In technology development of new concepts and ideas. 6 missions, new systems and components are tested. Stimulated by the implementation of large space Human space flight provides a unique environment projects such as Galileo, an increase in space activities for research programs including, for instance, experi- in Europe can be observed. With new applications and ments in reduced gravity. In addition, exploration of increasing integration of the technical fields involved, the planetary system by astronauts is in preparation. a vast development potential for companies has been 7 The importance of satellite missions for military or generated. Academic institutions such as universities civil security purposes is recognized by a growing are increasingly able to conduct their own satellite number of nations including the member states of missions in order to train their students and to ex- the European Union. ploit the potential of new technologies. Together with The potential of space missions has been demons- commercial and public space flight activities, this is trated over the decade. For the scientific community providing an inspiring and attractive environment 8 new fundamental knowledge was gained and new for young engineers. fields of research have been opened [1.3]. Space Despite the fascination with space flight, well- telescopes have improved our knowledge of the Uni- trained space technology-oriented engineers are verse because observation became possible in those lacking in many European countries. Thus, the ed- areas of the electromagnetic spectrum which are not ucation programs in space technology need to be 9 visible from the ground due to atmospheric blocking. optimized and broadened in order to attract more By observing the Earth, satellites have also helped to young people. 10 CCH01.inddH01.indd SSec1:2ec1:2 22/26/09/26/09 99:43:43:43:43 AAMM 0 1 Introduction 3 A considerable number of European universities – Mobile Rocket Base (MoRaBa) in Oberpfaf- and high schools are offering curricula in space flight fenhofen technology. A detailed list would exceed the intended – Astronaut Center in Cologne size of this chapter. An excellent entry point for – Microgravity User Support Centre (MUSC) in 1 more information is provided by national organiza- Cologne tions representing the professional community in the • Institute of Space Propulsion Systems in Lampolds- aerospace domain. These are, for example: hausen AAAF Association Aéronautique et Astronautique CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (center 2 de France (3AF) (center in Paris, France) in Paris, France) AIAE Asociación de Ingenieros Aeonáuticos de ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (center in Rome, España (center in Madrid, Spain) Italy) AIDAA Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e BNSC British National Space Centre (center in Astronautica (center in Rome, Italy) London, United Kingdom) 3 DGLR Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raum- CDTI Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico fahrt (German Society for Aeronautics and Industrial (center in Madrid, Spain) Astronautics; center in Bonn, Germany) FTF Flygtekniska Föreningen (Swedish Society Most of these space agencies combine an agency for Aeronautics and Astronautics; center in function with research and development functions 4 Solana, Sweden) in order to make new technologies available for their HAES Hellenic Aeronautical Engineers Society space programs. (center in Athens, Greece) ESA, with its head office in Paris, maintains the NVvL Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaart- following research, management and operation fa- techniek (center in Amsterdam, the Ne- cilities: therlands) 5 RAeS The Royal Aeronautical Society (center in European Space Research & Technology Centre London, United Kingdom) (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands SVFW Schweizerische Vereinigung für Flugwissen- European Space Research Institute (ESRIN) in schaften (Swiss Association of Aeronautical Frascati, Italy Sciences; center in Emmen, Switzerland) European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darm- 6 stadt, Germany These organizations have founded a European associ- European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, ation, CEAS (Confederation of European Aerospace Germany Sciences), which offers conventions, literature and European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in expert consultancy in the field of space flight and Villafranca, Spain 7 aeronautics. Further organizations or companies like EUMETSAT Public space programs in Europe are initiated and (European Organization for the Exploitation of Me- implemented by national space agencies or by ESA. teorological Satellites) in Darmstadt, Germany, and Examples of national space agencies are: EUTELSAT, SES ASTRA, INMARSAT, HISPASAT (Communications), are conducting public and/or 8 DLR German Aerospace Centre (center in Cologne, commercial space programs. A broad range of com- Germany): 29 research institutes and units panies in the space industry is supplying the necessary in 13 locations in Germany including space development potential on system and subsystem scales. operations and test sites, for example: Some examples of such European companies are: • Space Operations and Astronaut Training: – German Space Operations Centre (GSOC) in EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and 9 Oberpfaffenhofen